#because my colleague who was actually the one who took me there with her didn't look thrilled at all
quentinfiletmignon · 21 days
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tardis--dreams · 2 months
Some of those doctors make hating oat milk their entire personality. I hate them. Cannot pretend to find them funny or like i give a shit. Fucking pretentious assholes
#also my colleague (the girl i had my shift with) is the exact opposite of me in all aspects. asked me if I'd ever worked in customer service#because i couldn't care less about being fake friendly to assholes and don't care if they like the service or not#like bitch those people don't have any other choice but drink our fucking coffee it's not like I'm competing with anyone#or like they pay us in any way. i get paid for doing the dumb work i have to do not for stroking some dumb ass doctors' egos#they come out of their rooms once an hour to get coffee and we have the cups on the table and i wouldn't even Think of#HANDING them the cups and smiling sweetly at them and asking 'coffee? tea?? :))'#I'll just assume these grown adults will get their stupid coffee or tea when they want some. it's not like they don't know where it is#(and i AM friendly and smile when someone is coming in our direction but why the fuck do you need to get so disgustingly friendly with them#if someone held up a cup asking if i.want some coffee I'd leave immediately even if i came just for coffee. it's creepy)#anyway. she's nice. I'm not.#there's normal people who will get their coffee and maybe ask if the milk in the little jug is cow milk to which I'll happily reply 'yes#:)'. then there's the other people who see the oat milk and make it clear they are the most insufferable people on the planet#(and i pity their patients so much. not much to choose from i guess but if i had that as a doctor I'd happily just die)#like everyone who took oatmilk could do it without making a fuss about the cow milk on the table. the cow milk lovers could never#'the oat milk is in front of the actual milk. this is unacceptable. i hate such healthy bullshit' lol okay#'OAT milk?? I'll leave this to the horses! THANK GOD you have actual milk!'#my favorite was the one who really took personal offense with its sheer presence. as if it had killed half of his patients lmao#'we had 50 patients with xyz problem. ALL of them drink oat milk. they cannot see the connection. it's really unhealthy'#at this point i just said i didn't care and stopped paying attention and he started complaining to his doctor colleague about how#oat milk is advertised to be healthy and how it's actually the opposite and i just find that very funny compared to the first comment#from that one guy who doesn't like such healthy bullshit. you guys need to find a consensus on the oatmilk issue i think. no one takes you#seriously if you contradict yourself like this. also i couldn't care less about the healthiness of the milk alternative of my choice. bitch.#next week I'll end up killing someone. i hope they all die from their cow milk. (but not the ones who took cow milk and didn't say anything#about the oat milk. they can continue living as they didn't annoy me)#void screams#some of these doctors were actually quite nice (most of them even). one even brought an applicant to us telling her to get some coffee#(which we are not allowed to give to applicants. but i don't care. I'd rather they get something than some of the asshole jury members#who hate oat milk (which is not the issue. the issue is them making it everybody else's issue that they don't like oat milk))
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saistappen · 4 months
Mariquita | CS55
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In which Carlos' appendectomy triggers a huge emotional chaos in you and makes you realise just how big your feelings for the Spaniard actually are
In which your concern for Carlos clearly shows the Spaniard that you probably feel the same way about him as he does about you
The last few days have been pure confusion. You could clearly feel this at Ferrari.
After Carlos' appendicitis was announced, on which he had to undergo surgery, the young Briton Olli Bearman was brought in to replace Carlos and chaos began to reign in the team.
Some things had to be changed, such as the adjustment of the seat, as well as various other things up to the well-known gift in the social media.
The hustle and bustle could be clearly felt throughout the team. But the excitement was not just for the young 18-year-old Brit, but also for the Spaniard. Because most of the time, the team's thoughts were on Carlos, who should soon have the operation behind him.
" Have you finished the Instagram post yet? " Lucy asked me as she sat down at the table opposite me.
" Uhm, what? " confused, I lifted my eyes from my mobile phone, which I kept glancing at hopefully to be the first to hear the news about Carlos' condition.
But so far there was still no news, which slowly started to make me more and more nervous.
"I wonder if you've already posted on Instagram that Carlos has come through the operation okay," Lucy continued in a gentle voice and put her hand on my arm.
It took a few seconds for her words to sink in and for me to really understand what she meant.
" W-really? " I stammered, while at the same time a huge stone fell from my heart and I began to feel the tightness in my chest, which had been there since yesterday, loosen.
" But I didn't read anything in the group. How do you know that? " I was sure I hadn't read anything, because for the last ten minutes I'd been checking the Ferrari chat on my mobile phone, hoping I hadn't missed anything.
" Fred just came up to me. He was talking to Carlos Senior. Everything went well and he's now recovering in hospital. " Lucy gave me a soft smile as her thumb gently stroked my arm.
Not only was she my best friend on the team, she was also the one who knew how close Carlos and I actually were.
When I joined the team about a year ago, Carlos was the first to welcome me with open arms and show me around.
During my first day at work, the Spaniard kept coming round to ask me how things were going.
When he invited me for a meal at the end of my first shift and listened attentively to what I had to say about my first successful day at work, a friendship developed within a few weeks.
"Thank God," I whispered quietly as a relieved smile crept onto my lips.
All your fears and worries that something could have gone wrong during the operation vanished within a few seconds.
"I'll post it straight away! " I almost shouted as I reached for my mobile phone and then opened the Ferrari Instagram account that I was partly responsible for.
One of my tasks in the team was to keep the fans up to date via Instagram and Twitter. I also had a say in the C2 Challenges on YouTube, where I always created fun content for the fans.
It wasn't long before I had chosen a photo of Carlos and typed up a short text about his condition and then posted it.
"Now I can get back to work feeling better," I mumbled as I reached for your fruit salad, which had been sitting untouched on the table in front of me, and started eating.
" I believe you. It's about time my favourite colleague was finally back at work with a smile on her face. "
Yesterday almost flew by, which was probably due to the good news that had lifted my spirits so much that I was completely back in the swing of things.
Olli had done well in the third free practice session and in qualifying, as had Charles, who would start today's race from second place.
This lifted my spirits even further, so I entered Ferrari Hospitality with a smile on my face and greeted a few of my colleagues who were already having breakfast.
"Morning sunshine," Charles greeted me with an amused smile as I stood next to him at the buffet and reached for a plate.
"Morning my favourite Monegasque," I replied brightly and then reached for a croissant.
" Do I want to know why you're shining like the non-existent sun today? " Charles asked as he reached for a bowl of muesli and then continued. " Well, actually, I know what it is..."
Charles winked and then began to waggle his eyebrow dramatically, which looked rather strange.
"Are you all right? " I asked him, while I also secured a bowl of muesli and placed it on my tray.
" I'm doing great. I'm ready for the race, but that's not the issue right now. Try not to get distracted," he almost admonished me and raised his index finger in the air in warning before continuing. "Could it be that your good mood is back thanks to Carlo's successful operation? Because since this was announced, you seem to have changed. "
" It's race day..." I tried to talk my way out of it, but I couldn't, as Charles hovered his index finger over my lips to indicate that I should be quiet.
"I'm neither stupid nor daft. I know for a fact that there's something going on between you and Carlos. It's certainly none of my business, but I can see that you're good for each other and I think that's great. Don't stop doing good for each other, okay? Okay, great! See you then! "
Before I could open my mouth to give Charles an answer, the Ferrari driver had already fled, almost running, with his tray.
Shaking my head, I looked after the Monegasques for a few seconds before I ran over to one of the free tables with my tray and began to eat my breakfast in peace.
And as I sat there eating my breakfast in comfort, my thoughts kept wandering back to Charles' words.
Were Carlos and I really on good terms? And if so, was Carlos and my behaviour really so obvious that others had probably noticed?
Once again, a tightness began to spread through my chest, so I pushed the breakfast on my tray to one side in disgust and began to sigh softly.
But before I could even begin to think about Carlos and me, Lucy appeared in front of me.
Her blonde hair lay dishevelled on her face, her cheeks shimmered red and she put her hands on her hips, out of breath.
" Lucy are you okay? " I asked cautiously and all I got in reply was a squeezed " Water. "
After I handed Lucy my water, which she drank within a few seconds and then just stood there for a few more seconds, I got nervous.
I could sense that something wasn't right and the fact that Lucy just wouldn't come out with it made me even more nervous.
" Lucy... " I almost urged as you began to shift restlessly on the chair.
" Carlos is here! " she almost shouted so loudly that one or two Ferrari employees turned to us both and looked at me in confusion.
"Sorry, I meant Carlos is here," she repeated more quietly as she dropped into the chair opposite me and rested her elbows on the table.
" What? Why is he here? He just had an operation yesterday! " I looked at the person opposite me with wide eyes as I almost jumped up.
" I have no idea! I saw a story on Instagram where he's walking through the paddock. Or should I say crawling? He can barely walk, he looks absolutely pale and like he's in pain! " she continued, making strange hand movements that I couldn't interpret at all.
" What?! " I repeated again, almost stunned, while my heart began to beat faster.
Why was he here and not resting? He couldn't be serious.
I immediately began to worry so much that I jumped up and ran off without waiting for an answer from Lucy.
" Thanks for breakfast! " she called after me, but I hardly noticed because I only had one thing on my mind. Carlos.
I kept dodging various members of other teams as I ran, keeping my eyes peeled for Carlos.
It wasn't long before I found him and a few other Ferrari employees in the pits, where he was greeted warmly with hugs and a few words.
I stayed in the background and watched Carlos from a distance. And indeed, he looked anything but well.
His posture was more hunched than upright and his face was rather pale, which occasionally even showed that he must clearly be in pain.
Why the hell wasn't he lying in bed and resting?
It took a few minutes for the Spaniard to catch sight of me. Within a few seconds, his face brightened and he literally crept over to me.
"Mariquita," he greeted me with a smile on his lips and pulled me into a warm hug shortly afterwards.
I carefully wrapped my arms around him, hoping not to cause him any more pain.
" Carlos, what are you doing here? " was the first thing I said to him.
" How about a "Oh, hello Carlos. I'm glad you're doing well and that you've come through everything okay?" " he asked as he let go of me and then leant against the wall next to me.
He seemed to find it difficult to even stand up straight. He was even still wearing his hospital bracelet. It was as if he'd literally fled from the hospital and gone straight to the track.
" Are you crazy? You had appendicitis, had to have an operation and haven't even rested for a day? You can barely walk, you look incredibly shitty and you still seem to be in pain! " I spoke in an angry voice and didn't care if anyone was listening. Because apparently I was the first person to say these words to him.
And probably the only one who was thinking straight.
"I'm fine," he tried to reassure me, but he seemed to realise himself that this wasn't the case.
" No, you're not! " I looked at him seriously for a few seconds before turning on my heel and leaving.
Carlos' warm hand grabbed my arm and caused a slight electric shock to run through my body.
"I'm sorry, Mariquita. Let's talk in peace," his voice sounded soft and calm.
He carefully led me into a kind of storeroom that I had never been in before.
A few things were stored here, such as drinks and spare items for the mechanics, like a sofa that stood in the middle of the room.
Carlos slowly lowered himself onto the sofa, grimacing slightly, and then carefully pulled me next to him.
The sofa was so narrow that we sat there more or less pressed against each other and the touch of our knees and arms made my heart start beating faster again and I became slightly restless.
" You have every right to be angry with me and to worry. That's really sweet of you, but it was entirely my decision to come here. In hospital, the ceiling would have literally fallen on my head and I wanted everyone to know that I was okay."
"But you should take it easy, Carlos..." I almost mumbled and looked at the Spaniard, whose eyes were on me.
"I will, I promise," he assured me as he came a little closer to me and I felt his breath on my cheek.
Shortly afterwards, I felt his warm lips lightly on my cheek, which made the area start to tingle warmly and the heat shot up my cheek.
" I've heard from some people how worried you were about me. That was really incredibly sweet of you, Mariquita," Carlos began and gently stroked a strand of my hair behind my ear before continuing.
"We both know that there's more between us. And that's why I want to ask you if you'd like to go on a date with me? " His brown eyes rested calmly on me while a soft smile formed on his lips.
His words caused chaos to awaken in my stomach, as all the butterflies that had just been lying there quietly for a long time began to awaken and turn my feelings completely upside down.
" Yes, but only if you take it easy. Otherwise you can forget the date," I replied with a partly serious and partly worried look.
It was important to me that Carlos recovered fully from the operation and regained his strength so that he would soon be fit again and able to get back into the car.
"I promise, Mariquita."
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
Okay but given that crows are ready to Throw Down with eagles at the slightest opportunity, I have to know- 1) are there crows in the Seireitei and 2) how much of their Daily Enrichment is causing problems for the 11th Division on purpose?
There absolutely are crows and jays and even ravens in the Seireitei and very nearly all of their daily enrichment is causing some level of mayhem at every division of the Gotei-13,
...except the 11th.
See, Zaraki has the distinct advantage over most eagles in that he is also a human, with a canny eye for social dynamics, and he's worked out a deal with the local corvids. He noticed the pair of ravens on the roof of the 11th the first afternoon he was there, made a note of them, carefully folded it up, and put it in his mental back pocket for later.
The ravens didn't actually notice him that much on the first day because there was an entire bisected corpse of the former Kenpachi and the medics were delayed in retrieving it for some reason so that meant lungs and liver and a spleen and gallbladder and a special course of freshly exposed brains before an eyeball each for dessert while some poor wretch from the 4th completely failed to chase them off with a broom. They did very much notice him in the middle of the afternoon on the second day, when he returned from the early morning captain's meeting they had slept through, on account of yesterday's food coma. -But even still sluggish with guts full of guts, they still sat up and took notice of a man wearing, loud, shiny and extremely steal-able BELLS.
A-ho, A-ho! Called the first raven from the middle boughs of the pine in the courtyard as the new Kenpachi sat down on the porch that surrounded the small and rather pathetic little garden, sighing deeply. What's this that jingle-jangles in like a jester and sighs and settles like a corpse at the bottom of a lake?
A great way for your mate to lose her beak if she gets any closer. He growled back, and the raven on the roof behind him startled, flapping away out of his blade's reach.
A-joke! A-joke! Don't hiss and rattle so! She huffed, joining her wife on the pine and ruffling her feathers.
It might be amusing sport on another day, but I have no humor to speak of. He clattered, turning his patch-covered eye to them in apology. I have suffered a bereavement.
A-no! A-no! Who is it who has died? Asked the first raven.
One who granted me the knowledge of letters, and further so, the wisdom of tales- in telling, and moreso in listening. Thrice blessed by her I was, and only now do I learn of her demise, fifty years too late. He explained, rubbing his temples and shaking his head, trying to soothe himself.
A-woe! A-woe! cooed the second raven in agreement. Any who teaches is a living saint, and their passing the most terrible loss.
A-woe, A-woe! the first raven cooed in sympathy. She didn't leave clutch or wife for you to look after?
She had a husband, but I do not know his name, and he is apparently deceased as well. The Kenpachi frowned. Her brother yet lives- he is my colleague even, and how I learned of this. A wretched way to meet someone she spoke so highly of- but you are right, he needs looking after. He is... unwell, and was never thriving to begin with, but the same sort of saint of words as she, and much braver than his body should allow. Of course, I will look after him for her, as is right.
A-woe, A-woe- A wretched meeting but the right and honorable thing to do. Nodded the second raven.
A-woe, A-woe, but this is not the source of your miserable sighing? asked the first. No, his care does not worry me- The Kenpachi shook his head, folding a leg up and resting his elbow on it and his cheek on his hand in turn. It's that I am left to wonder- If I had known sooner, or even before this catastrophe, if there was something I might have done. But you are interesting company so I will divert myself from useless morose- what do you call yourselves, carrion queens that live beneath my roof?
I am Mun-Yin! Declared the second raven, that spoke only in statements.
If she is Mun-Yin, might I then be Hau-Yin? Asked the first, who spoke only in questions.
You might. The Kenpachi nodded.
A-so? A-so? Who might you be that wears the shredded rags of a dead man like a pauper, but speaks with the grace of a prince? Hau-Yin asked, hopping from the pine to a closer boulder, cocking her head at him.
A-ho! A-ho! It may be your house that supports our nest, but we live above your roof, not under it! Mun-Yin laughed, hopping closer as well.
I am Zaraki Kenpachi, Captain of the 11th division! He smirked at the birds who rolled their eyes at him.
A-no! A-no! Pouted Mun-Yin We didn't ask for your NAME!
A-no! A-no! Sulked Hau-Yin Who ARE you?
The Kenpachi regarded them for a moment, then lifted his head from his hand and leaned forward, a conspiratorial grin on his face. Would you like to know a secret?
A-yo! A-yo! We love a secret! Said Mun-Yin, bouncing in excitement.
A-yo! A-yo! Do we not spend all day learning all the secrets of the city? Giggled Hau-Yin.
Then I will offer you a trade- The Kenpachi grinned, beckoning then closer. -I'll tell you who I am if you promise to leave my hair-bells alone.
Hmmm... the ravens considered, then shook their heads.
A-low, A-low, those are some very shiny jingle-jangle bells, and that's but one measly little secret. frowned Mun-Yin
A-low, A-low- Agreed Hau-Yin. That's not much of a trade is it?
On the contrary, it's a very good secret! Maybe the best secret in all of the Seireitei! The Kenpachi wagged his finger at them. Nobody knows it but me and my daughter, so it's very exclusive! And the risk is all on my end- some secrets are dangerous to know, but in this case, it would grant you great advantage- it would be DEEPLY embarrassing for me if any of the humans -and whatever Komamura is- were to find out.
Hmmm... the birds considered again, and nodded this time.
A-Quo! A-Quo! Very Exclusive and Deeply Embarrassing Secrets are The Best! We will take very good trade! Agreed Mun-Yin
A-Show! A-Show! Who are you, that we will leave your bells alone? asked Hau-Yin, hopping closer and bowing her head, looking up at him with a mischievously glittering eye.
I am Zaraki Kenpachi, Captain of The Eleventh Division, Father of Yachiru, Great Sword Bastard of the North 80th District, and most relevant to you- Youngest and Most Beloved Son of She Who Rules The Sky.
The ravens stared blankly at him for a moment.
What that fuck? Asked Hau-Yin.
Didn't realize we were speaking to ROYALTY. Muttered Mun-Yin
See? It's a VERY good secret! The Prince Kenpachi grinned, leaning back and lounging a bit- someone like him could make even a bare wooden porch look like a throne. -Also, you see how you DO SO live under my roof! He added, pointing up at the clouds.
The ravens shuffled a bit nervously, reconsidering him.
A-so? A-so? Hau-Yin asked, cautiously, shuffling a sideways to him.-How does Your Highness come to be a Shinigami then?
A-so! A-so! nodded Mun-Yin. Your Highness and We alike are strange enough birds for taking Names, but to take a JOB is unheard of!
It has it's benefits... The Prince Kenpachi shrugged. Alas, I may be Her Majesty's Son, but I did not inherit my mother's wings and guts, so I cannot live on the wind and whatever I might find by the roadside alone. Still- like a Name, a Job both restricts and offers opportunity- I am bound by duty, but I also am gifted a dry and sturdy nest and all the meat I may eat in exchange. And better still- My daughter now has her choice of tutors and scholars to learn greater Wisdom than I ever will.
A-sow! A-sow! Mun-Yin considered. You do reap well in that exchange!
A-though, A-though- considered Hau-Yin. Would you have the chance to reap in such fashion had you the wings of your mother? Are you perhaps Blessed in strange Human fashion?
The Prince Kenpachi laughed. Perhaps I am! Perhaps you may be even more blessed than I- you have wings and carrion-guts, but you are not bereft! I can offer you similar employment, if you should find it agreeable.
A-ho! A-ho! You are in a fine humor now, My Prince! Chirped Mun-Yin.
A-ho! A-ho! What is this Job you have in mind for the like of us? Asked Hau-Yin, intrigued.
I am in much better humor now, thanks to you both. The Prince agreed, offering Hau-Yin an outstretched hand and patting his knee to indicate Mun-Yin should join him too. There is naught you may do against death, but you may yet ease my bereavement- I am am saddened by the loss of my friend, but it's the lateness of the news that worries me. You say you spend all day learning the secrets of the Seireitei, and that you greatly desire Shiny Jingle-jangle bells?
A-so! A-so! Mun-Yin bobbed excitedly, hopping onto The Prince's hand. All over, all over from the high pillars of the execution grounds to the lowest grates where the sewers open up, we fly all over all over My Wife and I! And we see and we hear and we remember all the secrets of the city!
A-stow? A-Stow? You poses yet more shiny shiny bells? Hau-Yin clicked with interest, hopping onto his knee.
I happen to have two such golden bells, even bigger and louder than these, and will happily give them to you- with a Doll's shiny ribbon so you may wear them if you so desire- and other shiny and noisy things as I find them, if you tell to me all the secrets of the Seireitei.
Hmmm... the ravens considered.
A-yo, A-yo- It is a good deal. Nodded Mun-Yin. -But sometimes the winter is cold or the pickings are lean, and there is only so much comfort a shiny jingle-jangle brings when it is so.
A-yo, A-yo- Agreed Hau-Yin. Maybe sometimes a secret is worth a night out of the storm or a scrap of meat instead?
You are both very wise. The Prince Kenpachi nodded and the ravens preened with the praise. I am amenable- The ribbon-bells for all the secrets you know right now, and we can work out what payment is best in the future, when you discover more secrets for me?
A-Yo! A-Yo! crowed Mun-Yin, flapping with excitement. Your Highness is as generous as he is wise!
More, I hope! Laughed The Prince Kenpachi. I promise, I am a colossal fool!
A-Yo! A-Yo! crowed Hau-Yin What secrets would you like to know first? And may I have a Pink Ribbon?
I would like to know all you know about- hm, that's a tricky question actually.- There are so many things I wish to know! He considered, rubbing his chin, then jumped to his feet, making them hop, an Ancient Bird Game. Let me go get your ribbon-bells first, and make up my mind!
A-ho! A-ho! the Ravens laughed, hopping down the hall after him.
"Hey Boss, I found the payroll forms but fuck me if I can make heads or tails of- what's wrong?" Ikkaku called out as he came into the courtyard half an hour later, only to find Yumichika standing in the doorway, frowning pensively with his hand over his mouth.
"I'm not sure anything is wrong, per se-" Sighed Yumichika, waving at the scene before him.
Zaraki was seated on one of the boulders in the courtyard, delicately fastening one of Yachiru's shiny pink hair ribbons around the neck of an exceptionally smug-looking raven in an elaborate bow with a large golden bell in the middle. A similarly adorned Raven perched upon his shoulder, chattering excitedly between fondly preening where his eyepatch parted his hair.
"-but I can't help but think I've seen this scene before..." Yumichika muttered.
"They look like they're all having fun?" Ikkaku shrugged as Zaraki finished the bow and the raven ruffled her feathers into place, making it jangle and Yachiru giggle and applaud from where she sat on her father's knee. The Newly-belled raven hopped around to croak and click at him as well, flapping excitedly, and he put a hand up to stop her, asking her something in the shrill hiss and click of his native Aquiline tongue.
"You ever get the impression The Boss is way more articulate in Eagle than he is in Japanese?" Ikkaku frowned.
"Darling, he learned his Japanese from Bandits and Buskers and in Brothels, his Eagle has GOT to be better than that." Yumichika rolled his eyes.
"-ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Zaraki suddenly bellowed, shaking his finger at the raven in his lap.
Both ravens cawed in objection.
The Raven on his shoulder tipped her head, speculating.
"-He is TOO using them, they're there to keep his eye sockets and brain from getting infected with gods-know-what flesh-eating bacteria or whatever. NO. PECKING."
Both Ravens hunched up their wings and turned away, pouting.
"What's-His-Ass in the Fifth? The faintly greasy one that looks like a sad mop? His glasses are fair game, if it will amuse you." Zaraki relented, and both birds perked up. "-Might be worth a bag of potato chips if you can bring me a pair intact." he offered.
"Oh Gods, he's not gonna make me try to add a pair of BIRDS to the payroll, is he?" Whimpered Ikkaku.
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allthelovenina · 1 month
Nothing lasts forever
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NSFW warning, MDNI.
Pair: levi ackerman x reader
Shout out to @leviismybby for giving me the idea.
English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for writing errors and mistakes.
Also, it's my first time writing smut. Please be nice T-T
It's been a long week. Training, paperwork, and negotiations for the upcoming mission funding.
So, there you were attending another ball alongside other scout higherups, Hange, Erwin and Levi. The ball was thrown by a "rich brat" as Levi calls him, who was enthusiastic about spending his money in places no one else would. In truth, Erwin saw this as an opportunity to convince him that the Scouts could take back Wall Maria with the assistance of Eren Jeager, the titan kid. In that case, he was able to expand his construction business further and gain a huge profit, considering the amount of destruction the buildings had gone through.
The "rich brat" who was only the same as yours, named "Benjamin Scott". A handsome and smart man who threw this party and invited everyone involved in the three regiments to find more connection and link with people who would one day be useful to him.
Anyways, there you were. Makeup on your face like a piece of art, hair done, in your heels, turning heads to yourself. No one could not notice you. Which of course, was a pain in Levi's butt, except that he didn't know why. He had no idea why was he so pissed off the moment he stepped into this stupid party, surrounded by idiots. Of course, he didn't acknowledge the fact that he was jealous, even to himself.
Whatever was going on between you and Levi was...complicated. you weren't in a relationship but you were definitely something more than "friends" or "colleagues" which was just a headache to you. You were sick of this situation, you were in no place to roll your eyes at the new recruits who constantly tried to hit on him, or to get close enough to him to bring him out of his agony and you were certainly in no position to touch him, kiss him or give him a pat on his head when he is tired and overworked. You were really done with him not acknowledging you nor your feelings, when you finally realized he wasn't going to ever be anything more to you, you gave up. This party had the perfect timing because now you had an excuse to be drunk without anyone suspecting you that you're drinking because of Levi.
Afterall, being flirty with those rich bastards has always been your job to secure the funding for missions, handed to you by Erwin. Add some alcohol to that equation, and there you are. Flirting shamelessly with the one and only Benjamin Scott. To be honest, you took his attention the moment you stepped into the hall, he could always appreciate a beautiful woman with the right amount of strength.
On the other side of the hall, there stood Levi, no real expression on his face but his eyes said something else. He was staring at you and Benjamin from afar and as unusual as it was for him, he was drinking. He wasn't listening nor was he paying any attention to anything and anyone but you and the man you seemed so fond of while chatting. He sighed with anger once he saw the blush on Benjamin's face.
No one really noticed Levi's anger, he had always been grumpy anyway so it didn't seem anything unordinary. Except for Hange of course. They could easily read his mind and expression, with a tease in their voice, they said "Seems like y/n is having fun. I guess the guy will fully cover our financial matters."
Levi remained silent and he took another shut. "Someone's having it tough, huh?"
"Shut up four eyes."
"Jeez it's not my fault she chose him over you!"
"I said shut up! I don't care."
"You know Levi, if it's messing your head to this extent I think you actually do. You're not being honest with yourself."
"It's not that I like her like that it's just that Erwin shouldn't take advantages of her like that! Sending her to flirt with these bastards so they would give us the fundings we need. That's all!"
"Oh yeah? Well it's not the first time he asked her to do so and you never seemed this worked up. Could it be that not only she seems to be having a good time with him, she's been ignoring you?"
He frowned, they had a point though. A few nights ago you went to him, expressing concern about the amount of work he'd been doing and of course, all he said to her was "I'm busy doing your job as well, peace out." You didn't talk to him ever since that incident, only a few words like "hey" and "sign this".
He waited. He was probably the most patient man you knew. Anyways, on your way back to the HQ, you kept ignoring him. Hange called you to hold a conversation with you about the lovely, handsome man who was determined to fund the next operation. Meanwhile, Levi was gone. Perhaps he was too tired. Perhaps...
Damn it. He didn't mean it that. He just wanted you to know that the main reason he was okay with overworking was you, so you would have less work on your plate since you two had the same rankings. He could see now how offensive he came off as. So after a handful amount of blaming and cursing himself and overthinking everything, he decided to wait. Like a patient hunter who waits for his prey, he waits. He kept watching you chatting with the handsome man, he almost felt like a creep. Imagining things he would do to you the moment you get back to the HQ. Although he was inexperienced he felt like he knew exactly what to do and how to do it.
You got to your room only to find Levi, sitting on your bed with his eyes on the floor. You were surprised by the sight. "What the hell are you doing here?"
You raised an eyebrow, little did you know it was going to be about tonight or the other day in his office. "What about?"
There was no emotion in his expression nor his tone as he lifted his head and looked at you "We need to talk."
He sounds annoyed as he lets out a sigh and says "You're right. Why would I talk? I've never been good with my words..." Unlike Erwin or your lover boy of a spoild rich brat.
He got up, stepping towards you. As your confusion grew, the distance between you two shrank by him. He basically invaded your personal space, whispering, "You don't get it, do you?"
Before you could answer him, or even ask him what was he talking about, his lips were on yours. His tongue getting in your mouth, swirling around. You were in one word, shocked.
It finally happened.
You knew damn well no joy in this world lasted long so now that you had such a delightful moment, you claimed it. You closed your eyes, kissing him back as he put one of his hands on your waist and the other on the back of your shoulders as he pulled you even closer. You rested one of your hands on the back of his neck, and the other ran through his undercut, yanking his raven hair a little.
You broke the kiss to catch your breath and hallelujah, you were blessed by a scene no one had ever seen. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes that were filled with desire. The blush was spread all over his cheeks and his lips were swallowed, puffy and wet.
He was like a painting by some lavish artist in Wall Sina. You could just look at him all day long but as you were too busy admiring his beauty, his lips invaded your neck, sucking it oh so desperately. He kissed your skin and ran his tongue on it like a thirsty man who finally found water. He felt helpless in your presence. All of the questions in his head were answered now. Why does he get pissed whenever someone gets too close to you? Why does he find himself looking for you in every crowded room during the meetings or meals? Why is it that he hates it when you overwork yourself and when you ask him for something and he gives whatever it is to you like a mindless puppet?
He...adored you. Simply loved you. As much as anyone like him was ever capable of loving someone.
So there he was, cursing your soft skin and scent for making him this animalistic. This brainless as he bit your earlobe. He just wanted you, at this moment, in was only you and him in this whole world.
And oh man, when he finally heard your moans...it was as if something got into him, driving him to the verge of sanity. He felt a disgustingly sweet warmth in his heart as he heard those angelic moans. He wanted more, no he needed more.
When he finally could let go of that smooth neck, his mouth got close to your ear as he whispered "If you want me to stop this is your last chance because if I take one step further I won't be able to stop. Make up your mind and make sure you won't regret it."
Is he fucking serious? Hasn't he noticed it already? Hasn't he seen the desperation in your smallest actions? Didn't he realize you needed him?
Probably not, otherwise, he wouldn't say such a dumb thing. As a response, you unbuttoned his shirt as your eyes never left his. Running your hands on his chest, drawing circles around his nipples with ghostly movements. He grabbed your wrist and made you lie on your back on your bed. He got rid of his shirt, throwing it god knows where. Now came the hard part.
Should I tear her stupid dress up or fuck her with it on?
He slid two fingers in your mouth while your head rested on the pillow beneath your head. The other hand unbuckled his belt. You sucked his fingers as if your life depended on it, taking them into your thraot, muffled moans came out of your mouth. Then he pulled the wet fingers out of your mouth, slid them into the collar of your dress and ran them all over your breasts. He pulled out your breasts, perhaps if you weren't a mess and your mind actually did have any room for anything except for Levi and pleasure, you would've seen the spark in his eyes once he saw your exposed body. Oh he wasn't going to take that dress off. You would be fucked with that tease on.
He sucked your nipple as if it was his meal after long days of starvation while the already wet fingers of his played with the other, pinching and twisting it. He hasn't really done much at this point but you could still feel the heat between your legs. You were on cloud nine, so you didn't mind the marks he had left on your breasts once he was done with them. Exposed, wet and sore. The air hitting the wet flesh makes you feel the chill down your spine. He went down, holding one of your legs by the ankle as he put it on his shoulder. You still had your heels on. He kissed your ankle, leaving hot, wet traces on your leg as he was kissing it and running his tongue on it. He marked your legs too as he was sucking and nibbing them, worshipping them basically. He goes up little by little until he reaches the gates of heaven. He specifically only runs the tip of his tongue on where your hips are connected to your body. He wanted to tease you, he kissed your skin so hard and sucked it while bitting it. Small bites all over the skin that are close to that era. All of a sudden he slipped his tongue into your panties, leaving kitten licks on your folds as the fabric was still on and that's when you saw the stars. "You were having fun, weren't you? Ignoring me and chatting with a spoiled brat. Huh? Did you like it when he was eyefucking you? Tsk...he had no idea I'd be devouring you like this, had he?"
"Answer me!"
"Nghh no I didn't enjoy it!"
"Oh? And why is that? You seemed very pleased by the attention he gave you."
He couldn't help but leave a slap on your pussy, you gasped in surprise and pain as he started stroking it while the underwear was still on. He pulled the underwear so up the fabric was now rather exposing everything and leaving a delicious pain.
"Doesn't matter anymore cause you're mine!"
He pulled the underwear down, put both of your legs on his shoulders and he got closer, stroking his cock on your entrance, feeling your wetness. Then with no warning, he slid two fingers in. You moaned loudly then she smacked your buttock with the other hand.
"Keep it down unless you want everyone to know what a mess you turned into under me. Not that I have any problem with that though."
He increased the speed of his fingers, and then, they found the sweet spot in you. Once he saw how you reacted-practically jumped- he knew he pushed the right button. He aimed the spot again and again and again until you had to shut your moans by covering your mouth with your hand.
"You like it, don't you? Fuck you're so wet. What a filthy girl you are! My filthy girl."
"Levi...not enough...please..."
"Please, what y/n?"
You didn't see any smirk on his lips but you heard it in his tone .
"Slow down? Stop? Leave you like this? What?"
"No! No no no no, please! F...fuck me already. Levi!"
"You're lucky I'm not going to punish you for ignoring me this whole week!"
He then pulled out the fingers, digging them into the flesh of her thighs now as he repositioned himself between them, holding his cock, entering her hole slowly. Her eyes rolled back and a loud moan skipped from her mouth, she bit her lips to shut the moans. Levi, on the other hand, kept it quiet with ease, not that his cock didn't twist by the scene in front of him but he kept it down only to listen to her. He slowly pushed further and now was fully in her. He put a hand next to her head, on the bed as the other held one of her legs on his shoulder. He was looking at her closer as he whispered "Look at you..."
He wasn't sure if you heard him, you didn't really. Too preoccupied by the pain and the pleasure.
"Tell me when you're ready, okay?"
He tucked a stray of her hair behind her ear as he was waiting for her to adjust, secretly admiring her in every possible way. Not only her beauty but also her grace.
"G...go on."
And that was all he needed to hear. All those years of training and his stamina were paying off in another way now... not to fight or destroy but to pleasure and satisfy. Initially, his hips moved in a slow yet hard and steady way. He didn't moan, but he was panting while you were a hot mess, trying so hard and desperately to get a hold of yourself and keep it down, shutting your moans, but you failed. All you could do was not scream.
That was until he found that sweet spot again. (Bold of you to assume he forgot where it was in the first place). Your neck arched back as you let out another loud moan. He increased his speed, aiming for that poor spot. Hitting it over and over. You could swear at this point your walls got his shape, feeling every vein and curve of his cock.
One of his hands grabbed your breast tightly and the other was now working on your clit. Started with ghostly slow touches, getting more and more aggressive as his speed increased. You were seeing stars. It didn't take you long before your pussy was tightened around his cock, and that's when he knew you were closed.
"Cum for me. Make a mess on my cock."
And as if that was all you needed to hear, you followed his command. Reaching your climax in no second, still moaning. Good thing everyone's already asleep. You hoped so.
The marks on your neck and breasts, the mess you became because of him, your smudged lisptick, and ruined mascara made him proud. No, that's an underestimation. It struck his ego. That alone could make him cum and boy, he did cum. He pulled out and cummed on that stupid dress on yours that had been on his nerves all night long.
Still both of you were panting when he fell right next to you on the bed.
"You...ruined my dress...jerk!"
"I'll buy you another brat."
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sugawhaaa · 1 month
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Under your spell
{Brithday special Chapter 1/2}
‼️WARNINGS:: suggestive, talk of sexual abuse/assault
💄Pairing::Idol!Yeosang x stripper!fem!reader
👠Genre:: lap dance, flirting, stripping (duh) I think that's it but please notify me if I missed anything :)
💋A/N:: This chapter is one of two. The second chapter will be erm yk actually doing it but this chapter is the layout of the story and where u are etc etc so if you just want to read the smut you can go to chapter 2. Chapter 2 will be posted on Yeosangs birthday because this is a birthday special!!!
There was no doubt that Yeosang's friends were somewhat more sexually active, we'll put it. Yeosang isn't oblivious to sex and he isn't a virgin but when it comes to super kinky things he is still testing the waters. His friends on the other hand were already swallowed by the waters. They've been to many clubs including strip clubs, they've been to sex hotels, sex stores, etc. When Yeosang's birthday rolled around they decided to give him a big surprise, perhaps the biggest you can give a man.
They booked out a personal room in a strip club, picking a specific girl that perfectly matched Yeosang's type of woman. They picked Yeosang up at his house and drove him to the location of his "birthday party" where more of his friends were waiting. Eventually, everyone gathered outside the strip club and Yeosang's face burned red.
"This…this is where my party is at?" He asked in disbelief. San nodded with a smile before hugging him, squeezing him hard.
"You're officially the big 25!" He said as he squeezed the life out of his hyung. He let go of him and smiled.
"Y-Yeah," Yeosang couldn't shake the fact they were at a strip club. His heart was racing. His hyungs led him inside and took him to the front desk. Yeosang pulled at the collar of his shirt, trying to get some air. Seonghwa gave the receptionist the information for their reservation and some staff led them to the private room.
On the way there Yeosang couldn't help but notice the main area of the club. Big groups of guys gathered around a girl on a stage. She barely wore anything except massive heels and he felt the need to look away from the way her body moved.
Finally they were all led to the private room. Soft music played with drinks were placed in a bowl of ice on the side tables. Yeosang didn't know where to go first or what to expect. He just stared at the small stage in the center of the room with a long metal pole, a circular couch around the stage. He bit his lip and one of his hyungs put an arm around his shoulders.
"I know it's a lot at first," hongjoong smiled before taking a sip of his wine. "But trust me you'll love it," he nodded before patting Yeosangs back for reassurance.
"So how does this work exactly?" Yeosang looked up at Hongjoong who definitely had experience at these places.
"There's not much to it. We basically just sit around the woman and watch her dance," Hongjoong shrugs. "It's a little stiff at first but once we start getting into the vibe it's amazing," he smiles at the birthday boy. Yeosang chuckles nervously and runs his hand through his hair.
"Right…" he looks back at the stage.
"C'mon let's go sit, she'll be here soon," Hongjoong takes his hand and leads him to the couch. The two of them sit together and have just a few drinks when you finally make your entrance. You come through the main door and shut it behind yourself. Deep down you're a little nervous, you've never had so many people in a private room with you. Most of your colleagues say the more the merrier, it's more fun when there's multiple people all having a good time but now that you're seeing all these people you're questioning them.
Hongjoong turns back to look at you and he waves kindly. You smile and walk over to him, bending down to his level from behind the couch. Yeosang stiffly turns to look at you as well but as soon as you bend over he can see basically all of your breasts. He instantly flushes and looks back at your face.
"You're the one who was booking this room right?" You ask, trying to be louder than the music without yelling. Hongjoong nods.
"That's me," he smiles before putting a hand on Yeosang's shoulder. "This here is the birthday boy though," Hongjoong chuckles as he pats his shoulder. Your attention is drawn to him and he instantly freezes up. His heart caught in his throat enabling him to speak.
"Oh~ I'll keep that in mind," you smirk and Yeosang chuckles nervously. "What's your name cutie?" You smile as you rest your forearms on the head of the couch.
"Yeosang," he blushes as he looks you up and down again.
"Yeosang," you smile. "Well I hope you enjoy tonight~" you extend your hand out to him and his body shuts down, freezing in place. You stroke some stray hairs out of his face and tuck them behind his ear. The feeling of your fingers on the back of his ear is enough to make his blood rush. You then notice the birthmark under his eye. Your eyes linger on it for a moment. "Is that a scar?" You ask, genuinely curious. Yeosang is still stuck in your trance but once his hyung hits his shoulder he comes to, realizing you asked him a question.
"I-Its a birthmark," he nods with a shy smile. You rub your thumb over the red mark.
"It's so pretty," you smile before coming back down to earth. "Well I suppose you're not here for idle chit chat are ya?" You chuckle and stand up again. You walk over to the stage and instantly all the attention is drawn to you.
You begin your little performance, starting with a little warm up to loosen up your muscles. There were a lot of people at the party so naturally not everyone's eyes were on you which was kind of a nice feeling. But as your dance got more intense and more erotic people started sitting around the stage, cheering and even throwing a bit of cash. You kept an eye on Yeosang. knowing that this was his party, You wanted him to have a good time. He seemed to loosen up a bit throughout the show which was a good start. You decided to turn things up a notch and step away from the poke for a while. You went around to the edge of the stage and interacted with some of the guests. Nothing major but little seductive movements and gently touching them on their shoulders or cheek.
It got the guests quite excited and you could see how much fun they were having now. Finally you got around to Yeosang's side of the stage and you laid down on the stage, making eye contact with him. You swing your legs around and hop off the stage. You stand in front of him before leaning down, rubbing your hands up his thighs.
At first he was star struck from the attention but as you continued to feel him up he started getting into it. You then turned to sit on his lap, grinding your hips against him to the rhythm of the song. You could feel his erection straining against his pants press into your ass. Yeosang tossed his head back and finally put his hands on you. He hesitantly lifted one of his hands up to caress your waist. You turned your head to look at him, he looked purely under your spell as you gazed into each other's eyes. You caress his jawline, guiding his face closer to yours before standing back up again.
You went to the stage and continued your dance. As the end of the party drew near some of the guests began losing interest in your dancing which was honestly okay with you. You can't expect everyone to be constantly drawn to only you, but there was one person who couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Yeosang stayed on the couch the entire time, subtly moving the fabric of his pants to rub on his boner.
Then the lights changed color in the room. The entire time they'd been here the lights were purple and red and now they're green, meaning their time is up. Everyone started packing up and getting ready to leave. Yeosang bit his lip hard before standing up, turning his back to you. You stopped dancing and watch as his band mates come over to talk to him.
"How was that Yeosang!" Mingi wrapped an arm around Yeosang with a bottle of wine in his other hand.
"It was fun," Yeosang smiled softly at Mingi. Mingi's ears were bright red and he looked like he was about to pass out from the amount of alcohol he just drank in the past 2 hours.
"She was so hot," Jongho sighed as he gathered up some of the alcohol they brought. "You're one lucky guy Yeosang," he smiles. Jongho's eyes were also glowing red but he acted far more sober than Mingi. By far the most wasted though was San. His eyes were hazy, his face was pure red, and he kept swaying as he was standing next to Seonghwa and Wooyoung.
"Seriously San you need to be careful," Seonghwa said as he cleaned up his face with a napkin. You notice the state of San and walk over to the three men.
"Is he okay? Do you want a glass of water?" You ask as you place a hand on his shoulder. San let's out a groan as he nods his head. You go back to the stage quickly and retrieve a plastic water bottle from underneath it. You also grab a robe while you're at it. You hurry back over and open the water bottle for San. Wooyoung takes it before helping San take a drink out of it.
You throw your robe on while Seonghwa thanks you.
"Thank you so much," Seonghwa says with a bow.
"Don't worry about it," you chuckle and swish your hand as if to brush off the gratitude from him.
"I think I'm gonna hurl," San mutters out when Wooyoung takes the bottle from his mouth. Wooyoung panics and looks around for a bucket or something. You overhear his words and get a garbage bin from the corner of the room before handing it to him. You turn to look away from San as he vomits into the bin. Seonghwa and Wooyoung join San in the corner comforting him.
"So sorry about that," Hongjoong apologizes with a worried expression.
"Don't worry about it. This happens all the time," you explain as you try to tune out the sound of San puking in the background. Hongjoong keeps apologizing but you keep telling him it's alright. While your talking with Hongjoong Yeosang can't help but stare at you. He keeps looking you up and down, admiring every inch of your body as you talk. "Does he have a safe ride home?" You ask genuinely concerned for all of their health due to the amount of alcohol they all chugged in the past 2 hours.
"Yeah, were waiting for our manager to arrive," hongjoong chuckles embarrassed. "Apparently there's some traffic so we might be here a while," Hongjoong says with an apologetic expression.
"Don't worry about it. Make yourselves comfortable," you smile before heading back over to the couch. "This was my last shift so I'm packing up myself," you explain and the members follow you like ducklings. They're all eager to hang out with a hot stripper after hours. They sit on the couch and go on their phones and talk amongst themselves, except for one member. Yeosang. He's just stuck in a daze and you decide to go up to him. "Is everything alright Yeosang?" You ask warmly and sit next to him on the far side of the couch.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good," he blushes and avoids making eye contact.
"Did my dance earlier bother you? Ever since I did that I've noticed you've been acting differently. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," you apologize sincerely with a bow. Yeosang instantly shakes his head and waves his hands around.
"No, no! It was amazing! It's just…" he pauses and looks down. You look at him eager to hear his response. You hold his shaking hand to comfort him.
"What's up?" You ask softly.
The two of you then get interrupted by Hongjoong.
"Alright guys, the vans parked out front,"
Yeosang looks upset as he turns to Hongjoong. You can both sense the chemistry in the air. Yeosang doesn't want to leave and you don't want him to leave either.
"I'll stay back," Yeosang blurts out without thinking. Hongjoong raises an eyebrow at him before seeing him sitting right next to you, your hands interlocked. Hongjoong nods with a wink before rounding up the members. You look into Yeosangs eyes as you hear the members all leave the room, the door slamming shut leaving the two of you alone.
"You were going to say something?" You look at him with alluring eyes. His lips part to speak but nothing comes out. He looks down at his knees. You rub his thigh gently to comfort him. His eyes follow your hands movements, looking at your long slender fingers filled with strength due to your dancing talent.
"I just wanted to say, tonight was an eye opening experience," he starts. His words are cautiously spoken as he takes deep breaths. "I've never been to a place like this. I was honestly a little afraid but," he looks up into your eyes with determination. "I've never felt so connected with a woman before. I-I just want to hang out with you," he admits with red cheeks. "I know it sounds crazy, but I…I feel like I'll regret it if I leave you," he holds your hand tightly. You tilt your head before lifting your hand from his leg, stroking back his hair.
"Honestly, I was going to say the same thing," you smile and he looks at you surprised. "Most men that come in here are rich middle aged men who think they're entitled to everything," you explain as you hold his hand. You can feel Yeosang relax as his breaths slow down. "When someone like you walked in I was so intrigued. You were shy, and respectful. You seemed to truly love me, not just my body," you smiled and his heart skipped about a thousand beats. His face flushes, the compliments circling in his head. "I just needed to learn more about you,"
Yeosangs eyes brighten as he looks at you. He wants to make a move. Pull you close, kiss you, touch you, feel you, anything. He didn't know what to do. He started to speak but he only stuttered over his words. He didn't know what to say.
He felt like he was under your spell.
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animehideout · 6 months
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Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
Check Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4
a/n: sorry for taking too long to post part 3, it's because I post on Wattpad as well {for anyone's who's interested in Straykids x Reader ff check my Wattpad @narae_99 }
Warnings: Mature language.
♪Song suggestions♪ The weeknd - Trust Issues.
Words count: 1.4K
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• Time skip •
You sat on the couch in the school's common room, watching everyone chatting together. Yuji didn't leave your side, he was talking nonstop, it made you really happy cuz someone is actually interested in having a conversation with you, since you spent you whole life outcasted and rejected, feeling like an outsider even within your own family. No one found interest in you, since you wasn't a sorcerer.
Gojo watched as you were having fun talking with now; your students. And of course he didn't like that, he was still pissed by the idea that from now on you'd be his colleague. Even though you didn't do anything wrong, and you equally hated the idea of your arranged marriage, he saw you as a burden thay he is forced to carry. All what was on his mind, from the moment you took your vows, is how to make your life a living hell.
Breaking your curse wouldn't come out of charges. He's been thinking of ways to humiliate you and make you feel small in front of everyone. It's like a punishment of you being his wife.
He slowly approached Mei Mei, making sure to inactivate his infinity, giving her the green light to grasp the chance she's always dreamt of and allow her to touch him even though he never let her or Utahime to physically get near him.
“So Mei Mei–why don't you move here and start teaching in Jujutsu High, it would be ravishing to see you everyday!” he said loud enough to get your attention and he did.
“Oh Gojo, I know I've always been pleasing to your eyes!”
“Yes indeed..”
She chuckled as she extended her hand, her long fingers running on his chest,
“I would definitely give it a thought..Satoru” she called him by his first time for the first time, in a flirtatious way.
Mei Mei is a smart woman, Gojo never bothered to look at her before, let alone flirt with her, so she figured out his real intentions right away, so she played along, to offend you, she never liked you anyway.
Mei Mei always craved Gojo's attention, and she's enjoying it now even if it's fake. Her hands couldn't leave his body as she flirted back... touching his broad shoulders, tracing his jawline with her fingers with as sly smirk.
She leaned closer to him, her lips touching his ear, as she whispered, “Want me to offend the shit out of her..Gojo?”
“Do your thing, and I'll deposit that money in your account” he simply answered.
They made sure you were watching. You swallowed hard, observing them as they continued their playful banter, it wasn't jealousy but you felt a mix or irritation and discomfort. Whether he liked it or not, he's your husband legally and in front of everyone, so the least he could do is respect you, at least while others are watching as well, and he can hate you as much as he wanted in private.
“Y/n-sensei!! are you okay?” asked Yuji in repeat,
but you didn't hear him untill he shook your shoulder gently. You were too focused on Gojo and Mei Mei.
“Hm? sorry?” you said waking up from your trance.
“Everything is fine sensei??”
“y-yeah I'm good–just um... I'll be right back”
You excused yourself from Yuji, Megumi and Maki to pour yourself a cup of water.
Both Gojo and Mei Mei started laughing loudly as you walked past them. The atmosphere was too insulting and unpleasant to stay still, especially that your students and even the principal Yaga noticed how your husband ignored you and shamelessly flirted with another woman, you felt embarrassed.
You walked to the school's kitchen to get a cup of water that might cool you down, away from them. You enjoyed the silence, but soon it was interrupted by Mei Mei,
“Oh you're here y/n”
You maintained your composure in front of her, taking a sip from your water.
“Yeah,..was kinda thirsty”
“Come on all of the boys left, we're left alone, all girlies!! come join us, this party was for you after all” she exclaimed, as she started dragging you with her.
“Nah I'm good, it's kinda late so I might just go home”
“Hah? go home to who? to an empty house? Gojo told me that both of you don't live in the same house!”
It's like getting slapped hard across the face! such thing should have been kept private, It's none of anyone's business to know if you're sleeping under the same roof as Gojo.
“He proved himself to be a jerk” you thought to yourself. You didn't know what to say, Gojo has already spilt everything out.
“LETS GO” she yelled, pulling you back to the common room with her. All the girls were there, Utahime , Nobara and Maki.
“our bride arrived, where have been hiding?” said Utahime.
You sat on the couch trying to find a comfortable position, your heart pounding with anxiety.
Out of nowhere Utahime spoke, “So y/n! tell us, is Gojo a good fuck??”
Your eyes widened in shock, first of all you don't have an answer for that since you obviously didn't have sex, second of all, it was too inappropriate to ask such thing.
You stuttered, as you were about to answer, “I- Um..”
But Mei Mei cut you off, swirling a strand of her hair between her fingers as she spoke, “Oh I'm sure he was, me and Gojo used to hook up a lot, and let me tell me, he's so damn good” she lied.
Air got caught up in your throat, clenching your fists, struggling to keep on a normal face not letting their provocations take the best of you.
“come on y/n don't be shy tell us!!” said Utahime insisting,
you forced a smile as you spoke politely , “excuse me but I don't think my personal life is up for discussion”
“but wh-”
“Dont push too hard Mei Mei, she's not comfortable to answer this, move on already geez” said Maki clearly pissed.
“Chill Maki, we just wanted to get to know each other on a personal level” said Utahime chuckling.
Maki rolled her eyes in annoyance, you wanted to say a lot of things or just punch them across the face, but it was useless, no matter how hard you try to defend yourself, thanks to Gojo everyone already discovered that your marriage is just on paper.
“Excuse me ladies, as you know tomorrow is my first day teaching so it's better if I rest at home” you said walking out,
“tch how boring” sighed Mei Mei.
Maki followed you “Sensei!! Y/n sensei!!”
“hm Maki?”
“Please ignore them, they feed on provoking others, so please don't focus too much on what they say” she reassured.
You smiled, softly patting her shoulder, “Thank you Maki, but don't worry I'm fine..really!”
•Time skip•
There he was standing in the school's garden, breathing the fresh air, enjoying the cold night breeze.
You were already frustrated and seeing him made it ten times worse. You rushed his way,
“The hell was that Satoru?” you yelled,
He turned around looking at you raising his eyebrow, he wasn't wearing his blindfold, “Ugh! you again, what do you want?”
“Don't you have any manners? casually speaking of private stuff, telling everyone that we don't live together and that our marriage is fake? Don't you know that some things should remain unspoken of, especially in front of strangers?”
He bursted into laugher, mockingly, “Oh the only stranger here is you y/n! now don't tell me you're jealous? Oh is it because I didn't fuck the shit out of that pussy of yours?”
“Hah, jealous?? you don't mean anything to me Satoru, and I'm not dying to have sex with you” you yelled back.
“Then why are you mad about it?”
“Stop spilling private shit out, especially if it includes me or my dignity” you threatened pointing your index finger at him.
He took a step closer to you, his giant frame sending shivers down your spine, eyes conveying threat and anger,
“A talentless, weak human like you can't tell me what to do, besides I didn't know you had any dignity. You're not-”
You slapped him with all might and power in you. “FUCK YOU SATORU”.
He took it too far, humiliating you both with words and actions is something you would never accept. Even if you don't have any cursed techniques, you're still a human, who deserves to be treated with love and respect. He looked at you in disbelief, eyes widening, the sting of the slap reverberating through his senses. A moment of stunned silence followed, you glared at him one last time, then you left him standing there.
“I'll make you pay for this, y/n..” he promised.
Taglist 🫶🏻:
@hermitkerm @smolbeanzzz @eolivy @sanriosatoru @kiki17483 @khaleesihavilliard @ryumurin @bookswillfindyouaway @numblytemporary
344 notes · View notes
luza-wayne · 1 month
an important question.
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miya osamu x reader
1.8k words
osamu bby! hope you enjoy this!
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the sliding door opened and you quickly turned around and smiled at the person who just went in.
“welcome!” you and your workmates said, everybody's reflex making everyone speak in chorus.
when the customer settled for a seat, you quickly walked to them and pulled out your notebook and pen.
“good afternoon, what would you like to have today?” 
“yes. i’ll have today’s special.” they answered, smiling.
“roger.” you said as you wrote it down. you turned around and looked at the kitchen’s door where the cook patiently waited for orders.
“today’s special for one!” you shouted and he gave you a thumbs up to say he's got it.
as you were about to clean out one of the tables, you heard the door open again.
i think we're going to have a busy day today. 
“phew…” you exhaled.
“(y/n),” the owner who also manages the counter calls. “please do the honor.” he joked.
you chuckled as you made your way to the entrance.
you turned the signage around and showed the ‘closed’ side. 
finally, you sighed.
you walked back in after you picked up the board outside. 
“one customer said that there was a graduation ceremony nearby.” your colleague informed everyone.
“so that's why…” you replied.
“let's clean up fast so we can go home already.” the owner ordered and you all headed to your designated cleaning areas and started the work. 
as you were arranging the plates, your workmates called you.
“(y/n), hey.” she said,
you turned around to look at her, but suddenly you're being pushed to the back door.
“eh? why? i'm not done with the plates yet.” you said.
“i’ll do it. i’ll do it. he’s waiting for you. i still owe you a favor for covering for me last time.” she said, giggling while she went back inside.
you knew who she was talking about, so you just thanked her and went to your locker and changed.
you tried your best to be as fast as possible, your feet probably moving faster than shinkansen.
you looked at the clock and noted that he's already waiting for fifteen minutes. fortunately, you're already done packing your things and retouching your makeup. 
you went to say goodbye to your workmates and to the owner.
you opened the backdoor and saw him sitting on the railing wearing earphones and scrolling through his phone, most likely, he's on tiktok.
since he didn't notice you were out already, you walked behind him and covered his eyes with your hands.
“guess who?” you uttered with a slightly different voice.
“damn. hmm… i wonder who… i can't think of anyone… oh my god… who is this?” he replied with the most monotonous voice you've ever heard in your life.
“haha, you're so funny.” you said as you removed your hand off of his eyes.
“why? i played along though?” he asked as he opened to you the plastic bag he was holding. 
“whatever.” you said as you scan for a certain flavor of onigiri in the bag.
he noticed you searching for your usual pick of onigiri.
“ah, shit. sorry, it was sold out today. i told one of my workers to leave some, but he was a newcomer, so he forgot it. pick a different flavor for now. i'll be sure to bring some next time.” he explained as he scuffled through the bunch of onigiri, looking for a certain one.
“here, try this. it's a new flavor. i'm still working on it. if you think it's good enough, then i'll add it to the menu.” he muttered and handed you the food.
“come on, don't say that. you’re pressuring me.” you whined, but still accepted it.
“well, your favorite flavor was also made because you kept inventing and mixing up ingredients, ingredients that are kinda suspicious actually, but who would've thought it'll become a massive hit to the customer.” he muttered as he stood up.
“first of all, i didn't know you put it on the menu and second, that just means that my taste buds are for the masses.” you said and took a bite off of the onigiri. “it's delicious, but it's kinda bland.” you commented.
“of course, i'll put it in. you said you liked it and that i should put it for sale. also, noted. thanks for the review.” he replied. he held you on your waist to silently tell you two to start walking. 
“i was obviously just kidding about putting it for sale! why would you take it seriously?” you told him, looking up at him. all while still continuing to eat. 
he just chuckled at your complaints and then went to grab one onigiri for himself too.
“at least, many people liked it.” he countered. 
“well… of course, i'm glad about that.” you replied.
you squeezed closer to him and rested your head on his side of his chest. he held your body a bit tighter, so that he could guide your body on the way home. 
“anyways, how was your work?” you asked, starting a new topic.
“well, it was quite hectic today.” he started and you hummed as a reply for him to continue his story.
“the newbie i was talking about earlier made a lot of mistakes, but he's getting the hang of it.” he added.
when there is a crossroad, the traffic light is still red. he stopped and looked at the remaining time. there's still a lot left.
you automatically stopped walking too when he did, but didn't bother to look at the lights. you know he'll tell you when it's green already.
while waiting he rested his chin on your head, before planting kisses on your hair. he likes smelling your hair. even after work hours, he said it still smells good and would smell it regardless.
“let's go.” he softly informs you when the lights say go.
responding to his voice, your body just moved on its own and followed the guidance of his hold on your waist.
“how about yours? did your work go well?” he queried next.
“it was so busy today.” you immediately replied, your voice unintentionally made a whining sound, not that you mind him hearing it. “there was a graduation ceremony near our work and a lot of families were celebrating there.” you complained as you wrapped your hands around his body and buried your face on his shirt.
the smell of his perfume is still present. the fragrance that you like the most.
he straight away comforted you by rubbing your back up and down.
“good work.” he chuckled.
you looked up at him, glaring.
“what? why did you laugh?” you asked.
“you're so cute.” he said, without missing a beat.
you immediately hide your face by burying your face once again on his shirt as soon as you feel your face heating up. 
“stop it, idiot.” you said.
“yeah, yeah.” he replied while ruffling your hair.
as you turned a corner, osamu remembered one thing they were talking about earlier. 
“that's right. are you free this weekend?” he asked.
you glanced up at him and tilted your head.
“why?” you told him.
“we're having a vacation with the whole family. wanna come with me?” he nonchalantly asked.
you let go of him and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“are you serious?” you questioned him.
“that was a genuine question.” he answered.
with his family?!
“i-i'll give it a thought.” you replied.
“you don't have to come if you don't want to.” he reminded you as he pulled you closer again and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“i'll understand, don't worry. 'tsumu's also there so i definitely understand.” he snickered.
“it's not about atsumu! i actually get along with him pretty well. ah— that's right, i saw him the other day. he treated me to a drink, haha.” you said, thinking back about that day.
“what?” he halted and of course, because he was holding you close, you stopped too.
“why didn't you tell me about that?” he asked with a serious voice.
you were not an idiot. of course, you know why he's acting like that.
you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“don't worry. he didn't do anything funny. he was quite respectful to be honest. he knows his boundaries.” you smiled at him to calm him down.
he was unsure at first, but he did calm down from his obvious intent to land a punch on his very lovely twin. all thanks to you, though.
it’s not that he doesn’t trust atsumu, it’s just with the current situation, he might blurt out something unnecessary.
“here's my house. thanks for walking me home.” you said as you stood in front of him and tip toed.
“you're welcome, madame.” he replied to you.
noticing that you were tip toeing, he smiled and leaned down.
“thank you.” you said as you kissed his cheek. you smiled at him and he didn't even try to hide his blushing face.
“hey,” he hesitated for a moment.
“hm?” you hummed.
“i just wanna ask… are we—” he looked at you.
he sighed and shook his head sideways.
“nothing. good night.” he uttered, smiling. 
“be careful on your way home, okay? bye-bye.” you said as you turned around and walked inside.
“i will.” he smiled watching you go inside your house.
as soon as he made sure you got inside safely, he started walking towards his house. since he's alone now, he can now walk faster.
when he arrived home, he saw atsumu arriving too.
“why are ya' here?” he asked.
“what? can't i visit my twin's place?” he answered, already sounding offended by his twin's question.
osamu just rolled his eyes and opened the front door.
“did ya' just arrive home too? ya’ sure are late.” atsumu said, looking at his wristwatch. “ah. ya' walk (y/n) home, didn't ya'?” he guessed— right.
“hm… being so clingy with each other and even kissing, on the cheeks, picking her up from her work and even walking her home. are ya' sure ya' two ain't in a relationship?” atsumu smirked.
osamu looked back at him and glared.
“shutting yer' mouth will get ya' dinner, just so ya' know.” he threatened.
atsumu knows it better than anyone else. he really won't give him his home-cooked dinner if he won't shut up. 
osamu walked to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. 
“stupid 'tsumu. i also wanted to ask her that.” 
meanwhile, you turned the lever of the shower and closed your eyes.
i thought he was gonna ask me about our current relationship earlier. you thought as the water hit your skin.
i chickened out earlier. osamu thought as he turned on the stove.
both sighed in defeat.
next time, i’m really going to ask it! they both said for a million times, only to not bring it up tomorrow.
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hope you enjoyed that one, because i did. reblogs would be much appreciated!
if you'd like to support me and my broke ass, you can tip me at my ko-fi acc! thank you very much!
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thesamoanqueen · 13 days
Anatomy of an affair
Warnings: age-gap (but we keep it legal), cheating.
A/N: I was talking to @alyyaanna and the anatomy professor's idea took control, I couldn't resist, so this one for her. It will have a sequel, this is just part 1.
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They say the secret of a good relationship is friendship, I had scientifically proven that this wasn't the case being a test subject all my life. Tobert and I had grown up in the same neighborhood in Pendleton South Carolina, two nearby houses, our families loved each other, we went to school together, hung out with the same group of friends, we even broke our arms together – it was his fault –. For everyone we were two soul mates linked, it was inevitable in some way. We had done everything together our whole lives, the most mundane things and the first shameful experiences. Our relationship on paper was destined for success, absolute, overwhelming, our faces under the heading "goal couple", at least until I decided to study medicine in Boston and he stayed in our hometown. Our paths had separated for just three months before he had a bad accident at his uncle's construction company, he had begged me, it had been a tough decision, but I had agreed to come back to support him. But now that I had finally taken control of my life, in my second actual year of studies, Tobert was boycotting everything again.
For the entire previous year I had thought he was trying to distract himself from the void I had left in his life, filling it with trips and nights with co-workers and friends, but looking back I had been kidding myself. Our parents called every day to find out when we were getting married and if I would be home soon, but from him? Oh, well, a few calls, always short, couple of messages, often stupid ones, and a facetime on weekend for some creepy phone sex. He didn't come to visit me, he didn't organize anything when I returned home, for my last birthday he sent me a package with a sweater I suspected he hadn't chosen. And now, after months of tolerating it, I saw him in an IG story with a chick’s ass in his face.
- "Good Lord man!"
- "Sav have you seen? Sav?"
What I could see was that he was even enjoying it! He had the same stupid face of an old man who can't read the newspaper, the one has been in my face since we were fifteen, ending our moments like commercials on TV in his father's garage.
- "What’s with that face? Sav is it everything okay?"
- "Savannah…"
I had felt guilty for wanting to start again and leaving him behind, I was working hard to finish and return home, I had always pushed away the instinct that told me I deserved more and instead he was living his best life without worrying about hiding it. His behaviour was not somekind of abandonment syndrome, it was just one of his bullshit and evidences were everywhere. I was a freking clown, our relationship was a joke I had wanted to believe alone because after so many years it seemed impossible to think of anyone else to me, when he was simply used to having me there at his disposal and now he thought was free. I had wasted my life and almost burned my future…
Realization hit me in the cafeteria, my colleagues staring at me like at some psycopath and rightly so, because when the next story popped up on the screen, I snapped.
- "That asshole!" – my scream echoed throughout the entire hall, overcoming the chatter that always filled it.
The sudden silence that followed and the hand one of my friends smashed against my arm brought me back suddenly, but by then it was late. I had just made the scene I would probably always be remembered for. Standing with my latte dripping onto the couch and music now playing in the background like a bad theme for my drama, I saw dozens of eyes staring at me.
- "... Sav what’s you problem?! We got company... get your ass over here!" – my roommate whispered in a panic, nodding towards the two men who had been about to leave.
In slow motion I saw them both looking at me and to humiliation was added absolute terror when without thinking I raised my hand to wave an embarrassed greeting, restarting Tobert's story. Oh, they would definitely remember me for that scene.
There wasn't a person on the entire campus who didn't know about my performance and the worst thing certainly wasn't the rumors but rather pity looks, plus the extra tasks I had agreed to do to clean up my reputation and keep myself busy. I hadn't received any formal warning, not even a comment, but I didn't want to risk ruining my career after having already dropped out in the past. The idea of losing the opportunity of a lifetime to someone who had already gotten more than he deserved from me drove me crazy.
Tobert hadn't commented, probably his two brain cells hadn't yet met to discuss what to do or they didn't think it was serious, but I had clear ideas and I had chosen to run the circus, patiently planning the day I would have kicked him with my degree.
So armed with good will and courage I marched across campus with my head held high, ready to face my demons and regain total control. It was almost time for the anatomy course to start and I planned to pass with top marks, but to do so I also had to make sure that the new professor didn't just remember me for screaming that day in front of him and his predecessor. My friends talked about him constantly, but I didn't have time for gossip, I had to seem like the right person to invest in for the future of medicine. When I arrived in front of his studio, however, my intention seemed less simple than expected. The entire aisle had been assaulted by a crowd of students, mostly girls. If I had suffered from amnesia, I would have thought I was at a concert or among a nymphomaniacs cult. We weren't in California, those outfits were definitely out of season as well as indecent, what’s was wrong with all of them?
- "Do you think he will receive today?"
- "Ah, I hope so! I want to see him so bad!"
Forced to wait like everyone else, I caught up with the gossip I had refused to hear from my friends, discovering the new professor was not only charming, but also young and free, which explained the cult. I also sadly discovered firsthand he hated receiving students and from what I saw he didn't even respect the time when he should have been forced to do so. Sitting in my chair, I waited twice as long before seeing the other students go away resignedly with their tiny blouses and too short skirts, deciding to spending my time finishing the chemistry project I had to hand in the following week. With my head down and fixed not to give up, I continued typing on my keyboard until two voices distracted me.
- "You can't take care of it alone, it's not necessary and you shouldn't at all" – I knew Mr. Heyman, he was an authority everywhere thanks to his investments and was often in the area because of his daughter, as well as a good friend of the rector.
The other man with him, I had only seen him on the day of my drama and I must not have seen him well due to the shock, because if I had I would not have given dirty looks to all the girls who had waited for him with me. Was he really a professor? Since when were professors like that?! You couldn't be like that, it was disorienting, didn’t help to the teaching process.
- "I should find someone but I don't have time to waste, Paul" – he complained and his voice sent a shiver through my body as I watched them reach the door in front of me.
- "I could ask, I have some friends, I'm sure there will be many smart guys who would be honored to do it, extra credits or not."
- "I will do it."
I said without thinking, lost in thoughts I shouldn't have been having, and they both turned to look at me, just as confused and surprised by the interruption as I was.
I had planned to introduce myself, ask a few questions, apologize for the bad first impression and now I had just made another one, listening to conversations that didn't concern me, without even saying hello, volunteering for who knows what next. Perfect.
Once the confusion was over, Mr. Heyman looked at me with interest, almost analyzing me, and I quickly tried to put myself together, putting everything away to get up.
- "And you are?" – He asked, his hands hidden in the pockets of his elegant suit.
- "Savannah Naïs Simon. Among the best in my class" – I introduced myself without hesitation and once again mentally scolded myself.
Now I even praised myself?! I usually handled the pressure well, for that kind of career it was indispensable, after all, but all of a sudden I was making one misstep after another and I couldn't afford it, not now. Tobert wasn't there to screw things, I had no excuses, it was my time, it was up to me. Head held high, nerves strong, that's what I needed.
- "Among the best doesn't mean the best" – Mr. Heyman cut me off, shaking his head – "and we have to check it too. I'll make a call."
Struck dumb, I quickly tried to think of something, anything, to make my case. The other professors would have confirmed, but what would I look like standing there waiting for their help?
- "It's no use" – however, Professor Reigns, who had watched until that moment, stopped us both.
His voice really played tricks on my body, but when my eyes met his it was even worse. His expression conveyed nothing, I couldn't imagine what he was thinking, but he exuded authority and there was something magnetic about him, the kind of man capable of changing the atmosphere with just his presence.
- "Are you sure?" – he heard Mr. Heyman ask him, finally stopping looking at me.
- "I’ll take her" – he established, checking me for a brief moment and I held my breath without even realizing it.
He will… take me? for doing what? And was it positive or…
- "We start tomorrow morning" – he said, addressing me directly.
- "I will be on time" – I promised, even if he had already turned his back to me to open the door, Mr. Heyman following him without paying any more attention to me.
- "No phone Miss Simon" – he advised from afar, just before I was left completely alone in the aisle and I distinctly felt the weight of the entire campus falling on me.
I had risked making another scene, I had volunteered for something I didn't even know what it was, I would have had to move lessons to keep my word and I would have thrown away even the amount of time I had left to sleep. And once again that wasn't the worst, but the fact he remembered and had already targeted me before I could even apologize.
What awaited me was a role as an assistant for the entire duration of the course, but I only found out the following day, after spending the whole night awake. I wouldn't have much time to do anything else, it was clear from the first moment, but I had no intention of backing out after having volunteered. It wasn't just a way to make up for my bad impression, it was an opportunity for which anyone else would have gladly given an organ, I myself would have done so - who needed two kidneys? One was enough - and that would certainly help my career, I was lucky. Professor Reigns was a successful doctor, he had changed the landscape of pathological anatomy with his works and his presence was an honor for the university. Admissions to his course were closed after just one day and the program specified that a selection would still be made by him personally. Assisting him and observing how he worked could have given me a great advantage in the selection phase and that was what I was aiming for. Memorizing had always been my thing, but anatomy was much more than listing body parts.
However, reality once again did not correspond to my expectations and in the following three days, I felt more like a secretary than an assistant, with alla those emails and calls. He always arrived early and most of the time I found him sitting at his desk, looking at personal documents and boxes full of medical records. He worked with his head down for hours, often without speaking or taking a break, which wasn't good for my ambition, but at least it helped me not to get distracted because the rare times I saw him looking at me were a test of mental resistance.
His presence demanded attention, his imposing body promised what it shouldn't with the most banal gestures like a pen between his fingers. Calling him a good-looking man would have been an insult, the world was full of handsome and insignificant men, but he had something vaguely frightening, something I had never tasted before and it awakened an almost primordial impulse in me.
The sound of someone knocking on the door brought me out of my thoughts and I quickly straightened up, hoping nothing in me would give me away. I couldn't think about certain things, I wasn't there to daydream about affairs, not when my future was in play and my lifelong boyfriend had cheated on me. A student I had seen a couple of times appeared in the doorway, wearing a lab coat, a deep neckline underneath. Her blue eyes scanned the room where I was in search of what interested her and which was instead sitting in the near room.
- "I know it's not reception hour, but is the professor over there? I would like to talk to him in private about some things" – she said without even trying too hard to simulate and I batted my eyelashes at her, fascinated and annoyed at her courage before stopping her.
- "Unfortunately he is busy. If it’s important you can ask via email or otherwise wait for the course to start. Lessons start tomorrow morning, the time and place are already confirmed" – I anticipated, getting a reproachful look.
- "I need to see him now."
Oh, I could imagine it and I would have complimented the clever attempt to show up when no one was waiting if she hadn't been trying to call me dumb.
- "Can I help you now?" – I proposed without getting too upset and she seemed on the verge of losing her patience.
- "Can I have an appointment?"
- "Sure, I'll put you on the list."
I didn't see her expression, she was probably furious, but she didn't give me time, huffing her disappointment out of the studio, leaving me with the agenda in my hand. I closed it with a heavy breath, putting it back in my bag, where I had been advised to keep it so that it was always with me and never unattended. When I raised my head I almost had a heart attack, discovering Professor Reigns intent on staring at me from his desk, hands crossed, his expression curious.
- "I'm busy?" – he inquired and his low, rough voice made my neck tingle.
I hadn't told a lie, he was busy. He worked on those medical records all day, there was always some document on which he kept his eyes glued. Why was he staring at me like that? Maybe I shouldn't have spoken before asking yes, but my intentions weren't bad, I was trying to be helpful.
- "With the material for the research project and the visit to the rector this afternoon, plus I don't think she really had any questions" – I explained, clenching my fists praying that I could use them against myself because it would have been much better.
I spoke without being involved, I made decisions independently, now I also commented and implied. The unkind thoughts I'd had about Tobert were backfiring on me, bad karma.
- "Is that so?" – Professor Reigns asked curiously, leaning back in his chair and knowing for a fact it was better keep my mouth closed, I nodded, returning to look at my laptop in silence hoping to not have to explain anything else.
I couldn't talk about those things with a professor, someone who could have mentored me, it didn't matter if there wasn't that much of an age gap between us and we ended up on the topic. It was an off limits talk and I tried to focus on the topics outline he would analyze the following day during the first lesson, it had to be detailed and precise, but I couldn't even read what I had summarized until five minutes before.
- "Savannah right?" – I heard my name being called and even more shocked, I watched him finally get up from his desk to join me – "you want to be a cardiologist"
- "How... who"- I spluttered in surprise and putting hands in his pockets, he smiled at me amused.
A smile that would have knocked anyone out, perfect and soft, so incredibly unexpected on an authority figure like him. For three days he had paid almost no attention to me, only addressing me as necessary as Miss. Simon and I had never hoped for more than that, because of our first meeting and his role. Plus not many people knew my goal, after giving up and coming back was something I had learned to keep to myself.
- "Paul is a friend of mine and the rector's. He has his people. He was doubtful at first, but he thought better of it after a few calls and was right as always. You're doing a good job" – he replied, clarifying the doubts I wasn't even able to express and I felt my stomach tighten with emotion.
I knew I shouldn't expect recognition, not in such a competitive environment and when I was a nobody, but it was nice to know my effort was being noticed. Noticed moreover by people of that level. It was a rush of positive energy I really needed to give value to my sacrifices and know investing in myself was the right thing. Tobert and this sort of incestuous relationship we'd had had tried to screw everything, but I was still in the running.
- "I do my best, it's an honor" – I said enthusiastically, matching the smile he had given me, but he raised a hand to stop me, swinging his head.
- "Let's leave this out, I need support and an objective opinion at every lesson. I'm not a real professor, I'm a doctor, but it's an opportunity and everyone has something to pass on. Do you think you can do it, without distractions?" – He asked, throwing another dig at me, but this time I quickly got over it, nodding immediately.
At that point I would have done anything he asked me, I couldn't refuse him anything. It had been three days as a secretary, ignored and perpetually under pressure, but I had passed the test, I had earned his trust. He really wanted me to become his assistant now, he asked for my opinion even though we weren't equals in that field. Screw karma, I had already won in life at that point!
- "I can give my word Sir" – I promised and once again that smile appeared on his perfect face.
- "Good girl" – he approved, before leaving me again.
Those two words rang in my ears right inside my head, as dangerous as a spell and I had the impression of feeling my blood warm, while my body suddenly came alive and melted at the idea of having deserved that pet name. Subconsciously, I scratched my notebook, legs clenched under the desk as I watched the profile of his massive back. We had had an important moment and there I was holding my breath for something that Tobert had never in a lifetime been able to give me, after two words said without any intention.
I saw Mr. Reigns sit back down, rolling his shoulders with ease as he resumed whatever had occupied him before our chat. His eyes searched me one last time and a part of me that shouldn't have throbbed around nothing, making me lower my head to the lesson plan.
I was imagining it, it was in my head and it had to disappear as soon as possible.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @expert-texpert @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318 @headoftheetable @sortudademais
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joydoesathing · 15 days
hello!! so i followed you on twitter because i LOVE your nu:car genderbend designs AND your art is just so beautiful and creative. i love how expressive and fun it is!! and now, you recently got me into tnmn 😭 i started playing it and now i’m having brainrot over it, but specifically more on your genderbend au!! (i’ve been gushing about your designs and au to my friend who is also getting into tnmn with me, lmaoo)
and i want to say that i LOVE your design for steph and mckendra. i’ve been simping so hardcore for steph, i was lowkey disappointed when i saw what steven actually looked like in game 😭
so on that note, do you have any headcanons for the rudboys?
i'm glad that you like both my nukani ladies art and my current art in tnmn too, anon❤️❤️
anyway, without further a do, here my hcs for the rudboys girlies
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The Rudboys
The cool, tomboyish ladies™️
Definitely speak with a Southern accent (though Steph has been used to speaking with the standard American accent as well, especially when talking with others in her workplace. The Southern accent becomes prominent when she's around her mom or when she's emotional)
Mr. Rudboys (Steph's dad and Kendra's husband) got killed by a doppel around the late 40s, being one of the earliest cases of doppel attack casualties. Almost immediately after that incident, the two were relocated into the apartment.
She's quite serious, especially in her workplace where she does not tolerate nonsense from her colleagues, but does have a sense of humor (though it's mostly of the snarky variant)
Not really used to letting loose in front of others, so when she actually does try, she can be quite awkward (in an adorable way)
Secretly fond of cute animals
She cut her hair short only recently within a decade. After her dad untimely passing and seeing that her mother was clearly shaken up from that incident, she took it upon her self to act as man of the house and toughen up. She then cut her hair the way she did as some kind of mark of her commitment to her decision.
At first, her mom was horrified and thought Steph got mugged but eventually got used to it. She didn't tell her reason for cutting her hair to her mom, until much later on in the 50s, and her mom reacted this way:
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She does gets relentlessly teased and doted on by her mom, but she mostly let it slide, even if it does cause her really bad embarrassment.
A lively and outgoing person with a strong sense of humor
Old lady with a young person's soul
In her younger days, she was barnstormer but later on worked as a flight instructor for a little while, then settled down and retiring in the early 40s.
The hat that she wears belonged to her late husband and she gets quite fussy if people try to touch it or take it off from her head
One night in the late 40s, while at home with her husband, a doppel broke into the house planning to kill and eat them both. The two did put up a fight with the doppel , but it ended up with Mr. Rudboys brutally dying in the end.
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Months after the incident, she developed serious separation anxiety and would obsessively coddle Steph. Although, most of it has died down now and she's fine with Steph going out, she still does dote a lot on Steph and is quite protective of her.
She also prefers not to openly talk about her husband with others. She often tends to dissociate when the talk is about spouses.
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happy74827 · 7 months
Lucas Lee x reader fluff✨️ I'm sad there isn't a lot of fanfics of this himbo..
Tough Guy
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[Lucas Lee x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: When Lucas Lee confronts you and a friend on set, things take a turn for the worst.
WC: 1894
Category: Fluff, Protective!Lucas
Honestly, I’m sad there’s not a lot of fanfics with any of the exes. Gideon seems to be the most popular out of the bunch, but even then he’s still low and the other 6 deserve a lot more hype.
But, anyway, this anon was so real for requesting Lucas because I absolutely adore him (the series did him SO RIGHT). So, hopefully, I did him right here too :)
“Hey, Bucko!”
You turned around at the sound of that voice. It was loud and obnoxious, as usual, but you could never help but grin when you heard it.
That was, after all, the voice of Lucas Lee.
Lucas Lee was your current colleague on set. He was in the big leagues, an A-lister, a celebrity. The two of you had only just met a few weeks ago, and since then, you had both taken quite a shine to one another.
It wasn't surprising to you. You have always had a way with people, especially famous ones. Maybe it was your personality. Or maybe you were just so used to them by now that nothing fazed you anymore. You were currently on set for a new movie, and you had already worked on two other movies and one TV series with big names before this.
But Lucas Lee? Oh, he was different.
Maybe it was because you were the same age. Maybe it was the fact that he had such an easygoing personality.
Maybe it was how hot he was.
Yeah, he was totally hot. You didn't like to admit that. It was embarrassing and cliché and unprofessional and-
No, who were you kidding? You totally thought Lucas Lee was hot.
It was hard not to, really. The way he smiled, the way he talked, the way his eyes seemed to be laughing even when his mouth was. Not to mention, the boy was tall and buff as hell. You had no idea what kind of workouts he did, but they were definitely paying off.
You were so engrossed in your thoughts you didn’t realize how he stormed over to you and your friend until he was standing right in front of you, hands on his hips.
"Um, hi," you said, smiling shyly at him.
He didn’t bat an eye towards you. Instead, he looked down at your friend. "Is there… a problem here?" he asked.
It was then you noticed his posture, how he was practically towering over your friend, who was now shrinking back, trying to look small.
You frowned.
What was going on?
"Well, I-" your friend started, but he was immediately cut off.
"Listen, dude, I'm a professional, you know," Lucas said, a dangerous tone to his voice. "I've been doing this for years, and I don't appreciate a little no-name rookie trying to hammer down on my girl like that."
"Wait, what?" you said.
"Your... girl?" your friend said.
You and your friend glanced at each other before looking back up at Lucas, confused.
Lucas, though, didn't seem to notice the looks on your faces or how you had spoken.
“You don't think I know your type? Harassment. That's what it is. Harassment pure and simple. And it's not gonna fly, you hear me? You've been warned."
You looked at him, your eyes wide, and your mouth open, too, but nothing came out. You had no idea what the hell was going on.
And then, you watched as your friend took a step forward. "Wait a second, dude. I wasn't harassing her," he said. "She's my friend, I was just helping rehearse some of her lines—”
Lucas interrupted him. "You were touching her arm."
"I was just—"
"And she was looking down."
"Yeah, but—"
"She was obviously uncomfortable!"
“Actually, I wasn’t…” You tried to say something, but no one heard you.
"Dude, she wasn't looking down. She was looking at the script!"
"So, what? Are you calling her a liar?"
Lucas was glaring at your friend. His expression was fierce, and his muscles were tense, his fists balled up tightly. He looked like he was ready to punch someone. It was a scary sight, to say the least.
You could feel the tension in the air, and your stomach twisted in knots. This wasn’t good.
Your friend, though, didn't back down. He stood up straighter, looking Lucas in the eyes.
"I'm not calling anyone a liar," he said calmly. "I'm just saying that maybe you should check your facts before you accuse someone."
Lucas growled.
"Listen, punk," he said, jabbing a finger into the other man's chest. "I have a reputation to uphold, you know. People rely on me. I've got fans. I can't afford to let people like you ruin things for me. So, why don't you just take a hike, alright?"
"What are you gonna do if I don't?" your friend challenged, and your stomach sank.
"Guys, come on. Let's just—"
"What did you just say to me?"
You knew Lucas had a temper; you’ve seen it once before on set—valid reasons, of course. You understood where it came from, and you understood his passion for what he did. But still, his temper was scary, and it didn’t help to notice he was even angrier than usual now.
"Lucas, listen," you started, placing a hand on his shoulder. "He didn't mean it like—"
You gasped as Lucas shoved your friend hard.
The shove made your friend fall back, landing on his butt. It was quite ironic, really, considering his height. He wasn’t small by any means, and yet Lucas had just made him look like a small child.
Still, it was a sight you were not happy to see.
"What are you doing?!” You practically screamed at him. “Are you insane?!"
"Stay out of this," he said, not taking his eyes off of your friend. "This is about honor. Respect.”
“Respect… I— What?!” You sputtered, completely baffled.
Your friend had gotten to his feet, looking absolutely pissed. He took a step forward, glaring daggers at Lucas.
"You're gonna pay for that, you bastard!" he spat, and Lucas smirked.
"Yeah, I'd like to see you try."
“Alright, enough! That's it!"
You stepped in between the two men, blocking them from each other's view. Your arms were spread wide, and your eyes were darting between the two.
"Both of you are being idiots!" you yelled. "Lucas, why are you acting like a caveman? And you, I can't believe you're stooping to his level!"
"I'm the idiot? What about him?" your friend pointed an accusatory finger at Lucas. "He's the one who started this whole thing."
"Oh, sure, blame me, why don't ya," Lucas sneered.
"Both of you, shut up!"
They both turned their attention to you.
"Look," you said, sighing. "I'm sorry, but this is completely ridiculous. Lucas, why did you even go after him? What was that about?"
"Yeah, why'd you do that?" your friend echoed, a smug look on his face.
Lucas huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
"It's none of your business."
"Yes, it is," you argued. "You attacked my friend, Lucas."
"I wasn't attacking anyone. I was just defending your honor."
Your friend scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Right. That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard."
Lucas glowered at him. "Watch it, buddy. I'll deck you again."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me."
Both men stopped, turning to look at you.
You glared at the both of them.
"You," you pointed at Lucas. "Need to learn how to keep your cool. This was totally uncalled for. And you," you pointed at your friend. "You need to learn how to walk away from an argument. You're not a little kid. Don't let him bait you like that. Okay?"
You waited for them to answer, but neither of them spoke. They just kept looking at you.
Finally, Lucas was the first to speak.
"Okay," he mumbled, his voice low.
"Yeah, whatever," your friend replied.
You let out a sigh and placed a hand on your hip.
"Good," you said. "Now, Lucas, can you explain to us why you went after my friend?"
You saw his hesitation. He was shifting his weight from foot to foot, and his hands were balled up in tight fists.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Well?"
He looked at the ground, kicking his foot against the floor. The skateboarder in him was showing, you noted.
“I was over there, drinking my coffee, and I heard what you were talking about, and I thought you looked uncomfortable, and I... I guess I just lost my cool, alright?"
Your friend looked at him, confused.
"Wait, you were eavesdropping on us?"
"I wasn't eavesdropping!"
"That sounds like eavesdropping to me."
"You little-"
"Lucas, stop," you snapped, and the blond stopped, glaring daggers at your friend.
Your friend just rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, dude," he said, shaking his head.
"Lucas, look," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder and rubbing it soothingly. He seemed to relax under your touch, and you felt a surge of pride.
"I appreciate you standing up for me," you continued. "But you can't do stuff like this. Okay? It's not right. You could get in trouble or, worse, fired."
He scoffed at that but nodded. "Yeah, right," he said.
"I'm serious," you said. "If something like this happened, you could be kicked off the project. And then what would we do? Who'd play the lead role with me?”
He didn’t say anything. He just looked at you, his blue eyes boring into yours. There was something unreadable in them, and it made you nervous.
He sighed and looked away. "I know, I know," he said. "I'm sorry."
"Promise me you won't do anything like this again."
"I promise."
You smiled and patted his shoulder.
"What about me?" your friend piped up. "Am I free to go now?"
"Yeah, whatever," Lucas waved him off.
Your friend glared at him.
"Whatever," he mocked and turned on his heel, leaving the two of you alone.
Lucas watched him go before turning his attention back to you. His blue eyes were bright, and his lips were curled in a small smile.
"I'm totally hotter than him anyway. No competition," he said, his voice low and husky. It made you chuckle.
“Well, that's debatable," you replied, giving him a sly wink.
"Maybe a black eye would fix that," his tone gave it away that it was a joke, but his body language said otherwise. He was tense, and his knuckles were white.
"Lucas," you warned.
He held up his hands in defense.
"I'm joking, I'm joking," he said. "Don't worry. I'll leave the guy alone."
"In my defense, it really did look like he was bothering you. I wasn't totally crazy."
You laughed. "No, you were. Totally crazy. You know, they say you're the cool, collected, bad boy of the big screen, but I don't know. You're more like the hotheaded, passionate, and protective bad boy of the big screen. Or even the small screen. Whatever the case, you're not exactly what the media paints you to be."
Lucas shrugged.
"It's the same old, same old," he said. "People always seem to be so fascinated with me. I can't blame em', really. I'm a pretty interesting guy."
"Oh, yes, definitely. The most interesting man in the world."
"See? You know it."
The two of you laughed, and the tension that had been hanging in the air was now gone.
You were glad. It had been an awkward moment, for sure, and you would have to make sure your friend didn’t sue Lucas since that could get the production on halt or even canceled. But it was over now, and all was well.
For now, at least.
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whorediaries-09 · 2 months
so you pack your life away
pairing- sirius black x auror!reader warning(s)- hurt/comfort. a/n- for the story's worth, reader was in gryffindor.
little train. series masterlist.
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you crossed your leg over the other, stretching out your limbs. sirius handed you an ice cream before he sat down beside you on the park bench. the night had fallen, but somewhere within the quiet revering silence amongst the chilly breeze and sirius' presence made you lose your presence of mind, which further resulted in losing the track of time.
yet, it was nice to actually have company apart from your colleagues. also somebody who you remembered being a part of your youth.
'if you don't mind sirius, why are you wandering about here? i mean don't you want to rewind in the wizarding world?' sirius took a bite of his ice cream sandwich before answering you.
'i mean, the press is after me. i don't exactly want rita skeeter rushing about in the daily prophets. we all know how she is. i also read the recent articles she wrote about you, and save you, you've been absolutely crushed by her.'
'we all know how rita skeeter is,' you chuckled. sirius shook his head, agreeing with you, letting out a bark like laughter into the wind. it ruffled with his hair, tousling them. suddenly, he felt a pang tug at his throat.
'i wouldn't be here without you, i'm so grateful for you.' he said, taking your hand into his. your hand melted into his warm, rough and calloused touch. you nodded, staring into his deep gray eyes. the sparkle of life had been enlightened into the true sirius black gaze. and from within, you felt it slowly burning your heart. slow, calm and tepid. but you let it.
you let him escape his quiet treason.
'i told you, sirius, i stand for true justice. i believed in you. dumbledore betrayed you, i know.'
sirius felt his eyes pool with unshed tears as you talked to him softly, treating him like a person, not a deranged criminal. the voices in his head screamed horribly shrill and loud, as he escaped his quiet treason, and into your arms.
'how did you know it was not me? there have been countless prisoners with no trial. why me and not them?' the moment sirius spilled those words from his lips, you knew you'd been doomed. while you had been expecting the question at some point of time, you didn't know the time would come so soon.
'sirius, i was with you at hogwarts.'
'what! i don't remember you being there! and for what it's worth...you look younger than me...'
'you don't remember me because i am three years younger than you. so naturally, we never shared any classes. but what we did have in common was the quidditch team. i was on the quidditch team. i'm not sure if you remember, however i still owe my beater's skills to your teaching. you taught me a few significant steps and tricks.' sirius awkwardly glanced at your face, bubbling with curiousty.
'i remember your group- the marauders. the pranks, the mischief each and every one of you caught up. significantly, i remember remus. he used to tutor me, since i'd gotten too distracted with quidditch. he was quiet and seemingly timid, but i sensed their was some sort of mischief behind his facade. james who was the better one between the two them, at transfiguration sometimes joined. i think mcgonagall never asked james to tutor me because she knew he had a very low attention span. he was always fidgeting with the snitch. although i do think for the most part, james went to the library to solely woo lily.' sirius silently laughed, letting the words consume him. he noticed you'd carefully dodged their other friend, peter.
'and what about me? do you only remember me being your mentor at being a beater?'
'of course not, sirius. i remember a lot of things about you. especially about you, actually because i could never go a day without hearing your name. my friend had a huge crush on you and she wouldn't go a day without talking about you.' sirius grinned, sparing his sparkly white teeth.
'is that so? did that annoy you?'
'it did annoy me sometimes yes, but who didn't have a huge crush on sirius black at hogwarts? everybody had the hots for you back then. my friend initially became jealous when she learnt that you had been teaching me, so i decided to keep myself away from you and not be more than a sort of teacher and student. and a few days later, she asked you out and you declined because she was too young. and the feelings disappeared like poof.'
he laughed heartily at your articulate description. 'i also remember in my second year, something became very grave within your group. after a few years, the news broke that you had escaped and walburga black had disowned you. we never knew where you went, but by grace, i had guessed that you were staying at james'. the point is, you two were like two peas in a pod, almost like brothers. which told me everything i needed to know. you didn't kill him, no you couldn't. so, while studying the trial less cases for my examinations, yours was the most recent and the most deranged- and the most unjustified. i had my mind made up the moment went through it, that you deserved the freedom.'
he bit his lower lip, carefully sliding his front row of teeth upon his lower lip.
'you don't know me yet you did so much for me, i can never thank you enough.'
'you packed your life to move into a shit hole even when you didn't deserve it. if you think you owe me something, no you don't. the ministry owes you, sirius. the years of youth and mourning they snatched away from you, keeping you bound to a prison. you'd escaped one when as a child, but they tied you down again. the prejudiced fuckers will never understand the things you went through.' sirius felt the tears escape as you strengthened your grasp around his hand. you were spewing anger, hot and boiling which brimmed at the edge of your patience. you clenched your jaw as the silent breeze struck into his hair.
sirius wanted to calm you down. while he wasn't sure how to, he awkwardly moved closer to you, so his knee was brushing with yours. he freed his hand and cradled your face into his clasp.
'thank you,' he whispered, 'can i hug you?' he said, desperate to comfort you. more than you, perhaps he wanted to feel your touch - the same touch that had calmed him down during the trial. the same touch that had made him feel safe after being touch starved for so long. you nodded. his arms wrapped around your body, engulfing you into his warm, comforting embrace. your crumbled body within his arms felt like the serene touches of maa on his scalp as she rubbed coconut oil.
he had packed up his life, and for a fortnight, he thought he'd acquired the freedom he had ruined his life for. he had allowed the joys to relish him in warmth.
but when your arms wrapped around his body, pulling him closer, he felt a sliver of hope to unpack his life.
original idea posted by - @lilwnet
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
taglist (for series) - @urbansaint
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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skzhua · 1 year
fool ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "I might be a fool too, then."
pairing: han jisung x reader.
genre: fluff, a bit of angst.
word count: 11,377
warnings: swearing, drinking, failed dates, suggestive. (not proofread yet!)
summary: being your closest friend on campus, jisung has been through thick and thin with you, and so the opposite. thus, he has seen your multiple attempts at dating, your numerous failed dates and the guys who had never called you back. what can be any better than a night in with him to cheer you up?
a/n: another one of my favourites of this series. we only have two more to go!
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Jisung was done with school for the day, finally. Not that he didn't like his major, in contrary. He was one of the few to know what he wanted to do with his life and to actually like it. However, the comfort of his room seemed much more appealing for him, especially after a whole day of socializing with his friend, Chan. Again, it's not that he didn't like the man, but he was definitely an extrovert. To add it to the lot, he was being especially friendly with the new girl who had just transferred to the school. He endured tagging along for a while, until he couldn't anymore. So he left.
It was in times like this that he was glad to have gotten a dorm near the music department. It only took him under ten minutes to walk home and drop dead on his bed. Turning on his phone, he saw a notification coming from his favourite person, you.
He met you during your freshman year. For being an introvert, you were shockingly talkative when the teacher had paired you up with him for an assignment. For once, he was thankful for being forced to work in teams since it led to having one of the greatest people he met as a friend. It was undeniable that he took a liking for you quickly. He simply could not avoid falling for you. You were smart, pretty, funny, lazy (just like him), bubbly and very touchy. He thought of himself as someone who liked skin ship, but you were on another level. After being friends for less than a month, you had already started to cling onto him like a child and to give him hugs each time you met up.
Clicking on the message app, he read your texts with a grin on his face. Once again, you were complaining about work as per usual. You were colleagues with a girl named Chunhwa with whom you had grew a nice friendship as you had ended up sharing a dorm with her. One thing about her was how unproductive she would be at work. Sure, you were a lazy potato too, but you actually wanted to keep your job unlike her.
Jisung: I don't get how she didn't get fired yet.
Y/N: Me neither, honestly...
Y/N: Are you done with school? Can I come over?
Jisung: You don't have to ask! Get your ass here!
Jisung was messy. The first time you saw his room, you had to restrain yourself from picking up all his trash to throw it away. With time, you got used to it and gave up on trying to make him clean his mess. Needless to say you were taken aback when you saw he had cleaned up the place when you barged into his room.
"Damn, I'm impressed." you yelled out.
"Jeongin forced me."
"Not surprised." you shrugged and sat next to him on his bed. "So, I have kimchi and friend chicken." you pulled out each item from the plastic bag.
"You stopped to get food before coming here?"
"Obviously." you laughed. "And I did not forget your jjajamyeon this time." you took it out for him to snatch it from you immediately.
"You're the best." he hummed, hugging his food.
"I know." you snickered. "Now, get your laptop. It's my turn to choose the movie."
Jisung stared at you fondly as you wrapped yourself in his blanket and cutely scrolled through his Netflix account. It was moments like these that compensated with his aching heart of seeing you go out with so many undeserving people. Yes, for him, none of them deserved you because you were that precious. He even thought himself wasn't good enough for you, which is one of the reasons why he had not told you about his feelings.
You ended up choosing a random anime as you had already been searching for a good 30 minutes. Eyes focused on the screen, you opened your box full of chicken and munched on it, not caring of how unclean it looked. It was Jisung, anyway, not like you were trying to impress him. Plus, he had seen you in worse states. Three episodes in, you heard the front door open, and you knew immediately that Jisung's roomie, Jeongin, had just come back home. It was a few seconds later when you heard an agressive knocking. You got up to answer and there was Jeongin, fuming in fury.
"You're here again?" he huffed rudely.
Uneasy, you managed a shy smile as you answered. "Yeah, I brought kimchi with some jjajamyeon and fried chicken."
"Smells like shit." he muttered and searched for Jisung behind you. "Dude, we talked about this. We cleaned this morning!"
Intimidated, Jisung hurried to talk. "I swear I'll clean up the trash after."
With that, he went to close the door in his face, and dragged you with him back into the soft blankets. You let out a laugh you didn't know you were holding back, and he copied your expressions.
"You are making him go through so much, poor thing." you said after the laughter toned down.
"We're fine, I know he loves me." he snickered.
You shook your head in disapproval. "Keep telling yourself that, Ji."
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Jisung was at Chan and Changbin's place as he stared impatiently at his phone. The others had gathered for their usual chillings, them being Sora, Minho and Chunhwa. As for you, you were on a date. The guy was from your English class, and had asked you out after you did a schoolwork together. Although your best friend never met him, he already knew he was going to be bad news.
And, somehow, he was right. Junsoo was, indeed, a total jerk. He asked some inappropriate questions about your relationship with Jisung as if he wanted to make sure you were available. Then, he didn't pay for the bill since he had just paid for his next semester, which you knew was a lie because all students have their school bill coming at the same time. He ended the night by touching every inch on your body after you had specifically told him to back off after the first time.
"Do you want to come back to my place?" he asked you when you got into his car, licking his bottom lips.
You stared at him in disgust. "Actually, I have plans after this. Just bring me back on campus."
He did insist, but stopped when you told him you were heading to Chan's dorm. Chan was a bit of a legend. He had contacts with everyone, and he was also buff as hell. Him being friends with Changbin also came handy in situations like these.
"I'd like to take you out again." Junsoo told you once you reached Chan's building.
You forced a smile, and nodded. "Sure. I'll see when I'm free."
You tried extra hard to not cringe when he kissed the back of your hand. As soon as his lips detached from your skin, you ran out of his car, and directly inside.
Jisung, who was still staring at his phone, finally got the call he had been waiting for all night. He did not hesitate one bit to answer, and asked how your date went, worried.
"Y/N?" he asked again when he didn't get a response.
"Ji..." you trailed off when a sob took over.
He got up from his seat in panic, and started to gather his things. "Y/N, baby, where are you? What did he do?"
"I'm downstairs. I was about to join you all, if you don't mind."
With that, Jisung calmed down and let go of his belongings. "Of course, we don't mind. Come right up and I'll make you some tea. Does it sound okay for you?"
"Yeah. Thank you, Ji."
"Come up quickly."
Changbin raised an eyebrow at the younger man. That's when Jisung realized everyone had stopped what they were doing to observe the scene. Unfortunately, this was not the first time something like this happened. In fact, it occured about a week prior from that moment.
"You can go in my room, if you want." Chan offered. "I'll sleep at Minho's instead."
"When did I agree with this?" Minho huffed, but apologized when Chan sent a glare his way.
"Thank you. Can I use your boiler to make her some tea?"
The man gestured to the whole kitchen, as if to tell him to make himself at home. He prepared everything in a hurry, and jumped when he heard a knock at the door. He quickly let you in and engulfed you into a hug. Your quiet sobs were breaking his heart, and he really wondered what the man had done to you for putting you in such a state.
"Your tea's ready." he said softly. "Do you want to stay with us, or do you want to talk in Chan's room?"
You shrugged your shoulders before wiping your tears. Your puffy eyes were enough for Jisung to know you'd rather not be seen crying your life out by everyone. He got your cup of tea and carefully walked with you to Chan's room. He leaned on the desk as he put down your beverage and let you inside. When you sat down on the bed, he hesitated whether he should speak or not. Your small sniffles were still the only thing that could be heard, and they were becoming louder and louder.
After a while, you finally talked when your crying reduced. "Am I some kind of magnet to assholes?"
Jisung knew he shouldn't be laughing, but he couldn't help but let out a muffled chuckle. Thankfully, you didn't take it personally and smiled with him.
"You're far from being a jerk magnet. Your best example would that you have me and the boys around." he said more seriously.
"It's not the same..." you mumbled.
Jisung sighed, knowing well you meant he was only going to remain your friend. "Are you going to tell me what he did to you, now?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It does to me."
You knew he was going to insist until you spill it out. You loved how you could count on him anytime, but it also made you worry that you put too many of your problems onto him. Anyway, you were not going to get away easily from his interrogation.
"He..." you started, but a knot formed in your stomach. "Let's say he stepped over some boundaries."
You could see him fume already. He straightened his posture and walked closer to you, encouraging you to develop furthermore.
"What boundaries?" he asked when you were not answering, and you were still not. "Did he touch you?"
Slowly, you nodded your head. You couldn't prevent him from exploding in anger, and it was not an enjoyable sight. As much as he can be the softest cinnamon roll, Jisung was impulsive when something that wasn't right would happen.
"Ji, it's okay-"
"For fuck's sake, Y/N." he yelled out, interrupting you. "Do you really think it's okay for someone to touch you without your consent?"
"We touch each other all the time-"
He cut you off once again. "It's not the same. You initiate skinship, and I never touched you in an inappropriate way. Plus, we talked about it, and you told me you were fine with it."
"I said I was fine with it with him, too."
He scoffed. "Were you thinking it, or were you being nice because you felt bad if you said no?" You didn't answer to this one because he knew you too well, and he had hit at the right spot. "Fuck, you're so dense. When are you going to realize you can set your limits?"
"Are you saying this is my fault?"
You didn't really think when saying that. Part of it was your fault, and you knew that very well since it wasn't the first time you let a guy touch you when you didn't want to. But a bigger part of it was the guy's fault. You knew Jisung meant well by saying you shouldn't let them do something you don't want to, because that was the truth. Anyhow, your mouth spoke before your brain could process your thoughts. And now Jisung had stepped away from you, and dropped himself on Chan's desk chair.
"You know damn fucking well I will never say this is your fault. I'm just trying to tell you to not let yourself be so... accommodating."
You rolled your eyes. "I don't need you to act like my dad, or something."
"I'm saying this as a friend." he looked at you with a serious face. "I don't want you to end up in a bad situation where I can't do anything about it."
"Well, maybe don't do something? You don't decide for me, Jisung."
He chuckled in disbelief. "You came here so I could help you, right?"
"And you're doing a great job at it."
"Do you expect me to not get mad when I learn an asshole was trying to fuck my best friend without her consent?"
"I would expect you to be more gentle with the situation, yes."
This seemed to do the trick for Jisung to switch back to his usual state. He took a big sigh as he looked down, and joined you on the bed. You could already see he was much calmer, so you brought him into a hug.
"I just want you to comfort me, that's all."
He sighed even louder as he hugged you back. "I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you suffer like this."
"Just hold me, and I'll feel better."
He complied as he hugged you even tighter. "How about we do like last time when that jerk called you an annoying piece of shit?"
You grunted and pushed him away from you. "Don't remind me."
"Hey, I'm only suggesting to do something to get your mind off of him."
You shook your head. "I'm already tired as it is, let's just go to sleep?"
He nodded. "I'll be your pillow again."
"Thank you, Ji."
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"You two fucked?" Chunhwa said in disgust. "I'm glad I left earlier."
You groaned in frustration, as you were attempting to explain what happened a few days ago. "No, we slept together. We always do."
"Putting the emphasis on the 'sleep together' part does not help." You deadpanned at her, but she only shrugged her shoulders. "Girl, you're not being clear."
"Is it that hard to get? I cried, he held me, and we fell asleep in the same bed."
"There you go, that's much better." she snickered at you, but your expression remained the same. "You'll have to thank Chan for letting you take over his room. Again. And, please, do not argue like this again? We literally heard everything."
"Yeah, yeah." you rolled your eyes at her. "Sorry about that, I guess. It's just that... Jisung can be so reactive sometimes."
"He cares about you." the girl put her hand on your shoulder. "And just so you know, he hates seeing you cry about a man every two weeks."
You slapped her hand away in a playful manner as you stood up from your bed. "He'll hate it if he wants to. I have join him now, anyways. Catch up with you later?"
You ran outside to go at the local café. Ordering an iced coffee, you sat at a table to wait patiently for Jisung to show up. Knowing him, he was most likely going to be late. You didn't mind, though. You had some personal schoolwork to do in the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to get some of it done.
"Hey." A voice startled you.
You looked up and saw a guy. You swore you had seen him before, but you weren't sure from where. Noticing your confusion, the man chuckled shyly before extending his hand out for you to shake.
"I'm Minyoung, a friend of Junsoo."
You shook his hand in a reluctant manner. "Y/N."
"I know." he laughed out. "I saw you and I just wanted to apologize for my friend's behaviour towards you. He has a bad habit of not being able to keep it in his pants."
Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you started to get why he started talking to you. "It's all good, no worries."
"Okay, good." he chuckled.
He stood there, uneasy, and seemed to hesitate to speak. The moment he was about to say something, you spotted Jisung behind him. He was a mess. Hair disheveled, glasses on meaning he didn't have the time to put his contact lenses on, bag dragging behind him... You laughed at the sight of him, causing the man in front of you to turn around, laying eyes on your best friend of a mess.
"I'm so sorry, I know I'm late. I slept in and I should have texted you, but then forgot, and my bus was about to leave so I ran and-" he breathed out heavily, chest puffing.
"It's okay, Ji." you laughed. "It actually allowed me to get some stuff done in the meantime."
He nodded his head, reassured. But then, his eyes stopped on the man next to him. Eyeing up and down, he frowned.
"Am I interrupting something, or..?" he trailed off.
"Oh gosh, of course not-" you spoke.
"Actually, kind of-"
You and Minyoung exchanged gazes, laughing awkwardly in the process. "Can you give us a second, Ji?"
Your friend sighed and left to go to the counter to order himself something. He knew where this was going and he did not like one bit of it. While he didn't know Minyoung that much, he knew enough to be certain he was bad news. Captain of their basketball team, handsome as hell, and grades that only a genuis could get, he was a jackpot for any girl on campus. Jisung watched the two of you from afar, unsure if he should be coming back to avoid yet, another failed date.
"Hey, Jisung!" Seungmin said from the other side of the counter, breaking him off his thoughts.
"Seungmin." he gave him a nod before his gaze went back on you.
He tried to hear a bit of your conversation and magically caught on what you were saying.
"Did you want to tell me somehing?" you asked the guy.
"Actually, I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I'd like to take you on a date? I know you don't know me much, but I can assure you I'm nothing like Junsoo."
Did you believe him? No, of course not. However, one thing about you is that you always gave someone a chance even if they came off as bad people. Another thing was that you always tried to see the positive aspects of anyone, because you truly believed everyone was good.
"Alright, sure." you smiled.
"Oh, wow, great." he grinned. "Are you free tonight? No, wait, next Tuesday evening?"
You did have plans with Jisung, but he would understand if you cancelled, right? Plus, you saw him pretty much everyday. What could one day without seeing him do?
"Yeah, I'm available."
"Great. How about we meet here at 5pm?" You nodded happily, which caused him to smile even more. "I'll see you next week, then."
"See you."
By then, Jisung had come back and watched the man leave the café, daggers in his eyes. "I got you a latte." he said in an unpleasant tone.
You took it from him as a frown formed on you face. "Thanks... Are you okay?"
"You agreed to go out with him?" he scoffed while sitting down in front of you.
"Y/N, we talked about this recently. Was he being insistant? Do I need to file a restraining order for you?"
You rolled your eyes at him as you let out a snort. "It's fine, trust me. He seems more decent than Junsoo."
"We'll see about that." he huffed. "Now, where are we with the project?"
You opened the Word file on your laptop and turned the screen to show it to him. "I did most of the layout and I took some of the ideas from your document, if you don't mind."
"It's a team project, of course I don't mind." he deadpanned at you. "You marked me to write the conclusion? You know I suck at that!"
"You would have complained if I put you the introduction too, so it doesn't matter."
You truly loved Jisung with all of your heart, but as a school partner? He was the absolute worst.
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Things with Minyoung were simple. At school, he started to walk you to your class and buy you a snack once in a while. He would ask if you ate breakfast and just come to entertain you when he would spot you reading alone. Most of the time, it was only him and you but it did happen that Jisung had to third-wheel.
"Hey, pretty." Minyoung said as he incrusted himself between you and your best friend.
Jisung huffed as he watched you bat your eyelashes at the man who has just interrupted your conversation. Not only that, but he had the guts of sitting as to separate him from you.
"Hey." you smiled admirably. "How was your class?"
"Good, but I had something else in mind." he nudged at you. "I've got everything covered for tonight."
"That's nice. I can't wait."
"I'm sure you'll love it. I'll see you tonight." he said while sending a wink your way.
He got up, still staring at you, while you waved at him. Jisung sat right back closer to you even if the bench had plenty of space.
"What is happening tonight?" he asked which broke you off from your trance.
"Oh." you blinked a couple of times. "I forgot to tell you, but my date with him is tonight."
He frowned. "I thought you already went out, hence the weird flirting since last week."
You shook your head. "It's tonight."
"But, Y/N." he whined. "The next episode is out tonight and then we go to the guys' dorm and play games, remember?"
"I know that and I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise." you rubbed his shoulder.
"We had planned this already, did you just say yes because he came up to you all cute and shit?" he asked but your face was enough to answer his question. "You're unbelievable." he shook his head and got up.
"Ji." you called him out.
"You know where I am if he breaks your heart." he sighed and walked away.
You did feel bad, but like you had thought previously, you saw Jisung ever single day. It was with a weird feeling that you left the school grounds to go back to your dorm. As you stepped inside, you almost rushed into Chunhwa who was about to leave.
"Watch out." you yelled out and she stepped aside just in time.
"You're in a hurry." she laughed. "Is tonight your date?"
You nodded happily as you found balance on you feet again. "Minyoung told me to meet at the coffee shop but I don't know what he planned out for us tonight."
"Have a good night then, but don't be stupid and use protection!" she waved as she walked out.
"This applies to you with Changbin." you shouted to her as the door was closing leaving just enough time for her to send you the middle finger.
You laughed at yourself and then proceeded to go to your closet. You didn't have much that you could work with since most of your decent outfits were in the laundry. Your eyes scanned through your selection of pants and you opted to go for a cozy look. Picking a pair of large ripped jeans and a shirt with a low-cut, you changed quickly before changing your hairstyle into something more fancy. Adding some jewelry to the whole look, you looked at yourself through the mirror with a satisfied smile.
Your phone ringing interrupted your moment and you answered without looking at who was contacting you. "Hello?"
"You're sure you're not coming tonight?"
Of course he was going to try and convince you. "Ji, I'm not going to change my mind."
"The episode is out now! You expect me to wait an entire day for you to be available to watch it?"
You huffed. "Watch it by yourself then."
"It's our show." he insisted. "Plus, Chan cleared his schedule to hang out for us. The least you can do is actually show up, no?"
He did have a point. In fact, you missed hanging out with the gang. And since he brought up Chan who you had barely seen in the past months, you were on the verge of calling off your date and go with your friends. But your phone buzzed which indicated another call was coming in.
"Can I hold you for a second? I have someone calling me." You heard an annoyed "yes" from his end before accepting the other call. "Yes?"
"Hi, Y/N! I'm letting you know I'm here already so I'll be waiting."
You checked the time and cursed at yourself. You had taken too long to prepare yourself that you didn't notice the time passing by so fast.
"Right, I had a few things to do at home so I'll be late by a few minutes."
"It's all good." Minyoung reassured. "Do you want me to order something?"
"Not yet. I'm coming as soon as I can."
"See you, pretty."
You blushed and hung up. Hearing the familiar music of Mario Bros, you remembered Jisung was also waiting after you.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"Listen..." you started, the guilt building up.
Of course, Jisung knew that tone. The number of times he listened to you apologizing for cancelling plans with him to go out on dates made him familiar with this sad voice of yours. He knew what you were about to say.
"It's alright. Like I said, you know where to find me if anything."
"I'm sorry."
Without adding another word, he hung up. While the weird knot in your stomach was still present, you shrugged it off quickly and left your place to head to the café.
Arriving to your destination, it didn't take you too long to spot your date sitting at a table as he scrolled through his phone. He looked very good as he had changed into a clean white shirt with a jean jacket to go over it. His hair was styled differently than usual. Instead of the messy state it was usually in, he parted it on the side and put some gel for it to stay in place.
"I hope I didn't make you wait for too long." you said as you came into his view.
"Y/N! Of course not, it was barely ten minutes." he chuckled before eyeing you up and down. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. You look great too."
He rubbed the side of his neck in shyness. "I tried to dress up, yeah. So, I hope you like bowling because that's our plan for tonight."
"Sounds good. Lead the way, Mister."
He smiled widely before putting his hand on your lower back to guide you towards the exit. Felix, who had taken the evening shift at the coffee shop, watched in silence from afar.
Of course, it was not in Jisung's plans to keep track on what you were doing. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if you were okay. Not feeling in the mood of socializing if you weren't going to be there, he had texted Changbin in advance to tell him he won't make it to their game night. And that's how he found himself in front of his laptop with a soda on the side, watching your favourite show alone.
Until Felix texted him. He wasn't close friends with the guy. They had only met the year before at one of Chan's parties and bonded over the fact their birthdays were only a day apart from each other. They still kept contact afterwards, texting each other every once in a while.
Felix: She's out with another guy? I thought I saw her with Junsoo last week.
Jisung: You're talking about Y/N? Yeah, she blindly agreed to go out with him.
Felix: When are you going to stop doing this to yourself?
Jisung: Doing what?
Felix: Don't act like you don't know.
Jisung sighed. What was he going to do anyway? You made it very clear that you could not see him in a romantic way and he had buried the idea of asking you out the moment he got the message. Plus, he was nothing like the guys you went out with. Jisung was weak and barely did any kind of exercice. He wasn't that popular or anything and his life consisted mainly of staying at home to watch anime.
Jisung: I want her to be happy. If dating a popular basketball player is what it takes, then so be it.
Felix: But in the meantime you're hurting.
Jisung: Because you're dating the prettiest girl on campus doesn't mean you need to meddle in my love life.
Felix: I'm not dating Hyunjoo.
Jisung: Right, and I don't like Y/N.
Felix: Aha! Admitted.
Jisung: I like her, yes, but it won't change a thing.
Felix: Alright man. Just saying, the guy seems to be into her a lot. Don't miss your chance.
Jisung: It's fine. I'm happy for her.
Lying to himself was a better option than facing his own pain. Whether he wanted to or not, seeing you with someone else hurt like hell. But for your sake and his, he never said anything, and he was determined for it to stay this way.
As for you, the date was going smoothly. This might had been the only guy who was treating you with respect. He bought you snacks while you were playing and encouraged you with sweet words when you'd miss a shot.
By the end of the game, he invited you to go to a park to walk and get to know one another. On the side of the trail, he picked up a flower and placed it on your hair. Gestures like these were the absolute perfection in normal situations. But for you? It did nothing. You did get shy and fluttered a little bit, but it wasn't like genuine feelings blooming. You decided to not mind it for now. Since you were still feeling bad for ditching your best friend, you assumed it might be the cause of your mixed feelings.
"I always wondered what's the thing you have Han." Minyoung blurted out of the blue.
"What about him?"
"You know what people say around campus."
In confusion, you shook your head. "Other students talk about us?"
"Yeah, I thought you knew." Your face still having the same expression, he sighed before speaking. "You're always together and because you two are pretty good looking, people assume you are together. I have some girls from the cheerleading team that are actually quite jealous of you."
You scoffed. "Jealous of me?"
He nodded. "Jisung is quite a catch, you know?"
"He's the most antisocial person on Earth." you argued in disbelief.
"It doesn't change the fact girls think he's hot. I'm only telling you what my friends said about it."
You sat on a bench near by as this conversation was getting a little bit overwhelming for you. You did know Jisung was handsome. Heck, you saw that face every day, you weren't blind. The surprising point was how much he was a heartthrob unlike what you thought. With how he had always put it out, he was the biggest loser ever.
"And people say we're... a thing?"
"Almost everyone, yeah. But you've gone out with a couple of my friends, so I suppose those rumors are false." he affirmed and sat next to you.
You chuckled. "Very far from the truth, yes. Jisung and I are nothing more than friends."
"So I can do this without worrying of getting my ass kicked?"
"Do what?"
Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. They tasted a little bit like strawberry, probably due to the beverage he drank beforehand. Strangely, it reminded of of the time you had attempted to make a strawberry cake with Jisung, which ended in a failure obviously.
"I think we should go back, I'm starting to get tired." you said as soon as the kiss ended.
"Oh, okay. Do you want me to walk you home?"
"It'd be nice, yes."
He walked you to your dorm safely and kissed you once more as a farewell. Luckily for you, it looked like Chunhwa was still out at Changbin's place. You took the opportunity to use your shared television to put on your show. Jisung had probably watched it on his own, so you didn't feel bad doing it alone. It still felt wrong, though. You never missed an episode together.
Little did you know that at the same moment, your best friend was already at the end of the episode, having the worst time of his life as he felt guilty for not having waited for you.
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You couldn't believe that finals were already coming up. Although you hated the amount of stress it added to your already high level, you were glad to see the end of the tunnel. It was even better because Minyoung had finally asked you to be his girlfriend after the multiple dates you went on.
"You said no?" Jisung almost screamed which caused you to shush him.
You gave an apologetic smile to the librarian before glaring at your friend. "I said I'll think about it."
He groaned. "I thought you liked him and if you want my opinion, he's the first decent contestant we've had so far."
"You act as if dating me is a competition or something."
He deadpanned at you. "With the amount of people who asked you out throughout the time we've known each other, yes it is."
This made you remember your conversation you had with Minyoung on your first date. You had been dying to ask Jisung if what you heard was true, if he really was as popular among the female students as Minyoung claimed him to be. You just never had the opportunity to bring up the topic, but this was your chance.
"I could say the same about you."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Have you seen me go out with someone?"
"No, but apparently your good looks are attracting people."
He smirked. "Finally admitting that I'm the most handsome student at school?" he joked.
"I'm only repeating what Minyoung told me about you."
His smile fell. "What did he say about me? Y/N, you swore you'd only date someone who is okay with us being so close."
"He's fine with it, don't worry. No, he said girls from the cheerleading team are crushing on you."
You didn't expect for him to react much other than tell you it was all false but as he focused back to writing down in his notebook, you started to doubt. He might not have told you everything about him after all.
"Han Jisung." you said in a warning tone but the only response you got was a hum. "It's true?"
He finally dared to look up at you. "No? Maybe? Fine, yes. They're pretty insistent, you know? One of them told me that the fact I get shy when they ask me out only makes me more attractive. Have you seen me, Y/N? I'm a low-life dude who eats ramen 24/7 and whose best friend is one of the prettiest girls in college who is, by the way, very out of my league. But really, when you think of-"
"Woah, stop here." you said as you raised your hand up. "What do you mean I'm one of the prettiest girls here? So everything Minyoung told me was true?"
He rolled his eyes as he was, by then, annoyed by how clueless you were. "Why do you think you get dates only by snapping your fingers? Why do you think I always want to avoid the sport center?"
"Because you hate sports?"
"Fair point, but it's really only because I'm avoiding the cheerleaders."
You were in shock. All of this time, you thought he was just bad with asking girls out which would have explained his lack of activity in this department, but in fact, he was the one turning them down.
"None of them interest you?"
He scoffed. "I don't have time for that. Besides, I'm most likely going to embarrass myself if I actually go on a date. Now that we have covered this very useless part of my life, can we focus on the project? The due date is in two days might I remind you."
"Right, sorry."
Some time passed until the two of you got tired of it. You packed your books in your bags and headed out of the library. Jisung left first and told you he'd wait for you at his dorm with food to watch your show.
"I'll go find Minyoung if you don't mind."
He sent you a knowing look. "Should I get a bottle of champagne to celebrate?"
"Go." you pushed him towards the exit as he laughed loudly.
After having gathered everything from your locker, you went to make your way to the sport center. You remembered Minyoung told you he had a practice if you wanted to tell him your answer then. When you entered the gym, you found it empty. Logically, practice was done so you went to go next to the changing rooms to wait for him to get out.
"I thought she liked you enough to say yes."
You recognized Junsoo's voice speaking. You didn't feel anything but disgust by hearing his voice so you were about to leave. But another voice caught your attention.
"I didn't lose the bet yet, she might say yes." Your heart sank as you heard Minyoung talk. "But this Han guy is really getting in the way."
"I told you so!" Junsoo replied. "She's impossible to get because Han keeps us away. Have you had the talk?"
"What talk?"
"He came to me after our date and he might be small but he's scary and strong as hell."
"What did he say?"
"It was mostly insults and shit like I don't deserve her anyway or something. If anything, it's kind of sad how he's being such a simp for her."
When you thought you've heard enough, the door suddenly opened wide with Minyoung coming out first. The instant his eyes laid on you, you could see the regret in them.
You were glad you didn't let tears flood out because you surely felt them coming. You could not face him in such a vulnerable state, not after what he had said about you.
"Are you in high school or something to be betting on someone as if they're objects to collect?"
He shook his head. "This is not what it looks like."
He tried to approach you but you backed away. "I'm glad I came here to tell you I don't want to be with you. I guess you just added more reason for me to tell you to fuck off."
You turned on your heels and started to walk away. Your eyes were starting to get filled with tears, but you wanted to say one more thing before letting them out.
"By the way," you said as you stopped on your tracks. "Jisung was right to go after you all because you are fucking desperate to be betting on a girl."
Jisung, on the other hand, was happily preparing the room for your night in. He had asked for Jeongin to go out but he already had a night shift at the convenience store which allowed him to have to dorm to himself. When he heard a knock on his door, he opened it with a wide smile. However, it was soon wiped off his face when he recognized the familiar tears coming down on your cheeks.
"Y/N, baby, what happened?" he asked and brought you into his embrace. "What did that son of a bitch do?"
It was only then that you let yourself sob out without holding back. "I hate men." you simply said.
Jisung seemed to have gotten the messages that you didn't want to talk about it and he led you to his room. You were in awe as you caught sight of the setup for watching movies with a tray set on the desk filled with your favourite treats.
"You're the best, oh gosh." you exclaimed, melting at how affectionate the gesture was.
"It was originally to congratulate you for your new relationship, but it can totally be to cheer you up."
"I love it." you smiled and hugged him.
"We can move to the living room if you want. Jeongin's working."
You nodded in approval of his suggestion and you helped him carry the blankets and pillows to his couch while he transported the tray of food. Quickly, you settled with playing Mario Kart as you would always do. He would never tell you but he did let you win a few times only to see a happy grin on your face. He was competitive but never with you.
"Stop looking at me and focus." he whined with his mouth full of popcorn. "You've been falling at the same spot three times already."
"Watch your screen, not mine." you nagged and only received mocking from him.
Your kart was approaching the end but Jisung sent a red shell your way which knocked your vehicle down for a second. Victoriously, he surpassed you and was now leading the course. As a way to distract him, you came closer to his face.
"Jisung~" you cooed. "You suck at this game."
He groaned as he tried to push you away. "Y/N, stop this."
Luckily, it did distract him enough as he went off road for an instant which allowed you to take the lead and reach the end. You jumped up in victory and danced a little as to show off your skills.
"I'm so good, shame on you for not being able to beat me."
He rolled his eyes. "Enough gaming for you tonight." he concluded and took the controller from your grip.
"But Jisung!" you whined.
"You won all of the five games we played, time for a movie now." He changed the cables to connect it to his Netflix account. "Stop pouting, I'm letting you choose."
You immediately glowed up at the mention of you choosing. "For real?"
"It's your get-better-night, so yeah." he shrugged. "But please consider that I hate your children movies."
"The Minions is peak cinematography and I will stand by it until I die."
Only to piss him off, you pick that exact movie. He grumbled some curses at you before he let you snuggle into him, not forgetting to bring the bowl of popcorn with him for the two of you. He hoped to heavens that you would be too immersed into the movie to not hear his heart beat so hard. It was during moments like these that Jisung wished he was yours so he could kiss you as if it was a normal occurrence between you two.
"Jisung." you huffed as you received a couple of popcorns on your face that dropped from the handful that he took.
"What?" he said and noticed what you were referring to. "Sorry." he laughed.
You didn't hesitate to take a handful yourself and throw it his way.
"Oh, it's on." he declared.
So for the next thirty minutes or so, the only things that could be heard in the living room were your laughs, insults you threw at each other, and the movie that was still playing in the background. It ended when realization hit Jisung upon seeing the floor in a messy state.
"Fuck, Jeongin is going to kill me."
You laughed at him. "He'll understand."
"Do you know Jeongin?"
You could only laugh more and then dropped on the couch, Jisung copying you soon after. "Thank you for tonight. It helped a lot."
"It's nothing. I told you I'm always here for you." he smiled. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"I was a bet." you kept it short. "I overheard him talking about me with his teammates."
He winced. "I'm so sorry. It's unfortunate, I had good vibes about him."
"Yeah, well, some people are not like what they seem... like you."
He frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I'm still thinking about how popular you are." you said, not wanting to talk about him defending you yet.
"Let's not talk about that." he groaned. "We can do something else, the movie's over." he pointed to the credits rolling on the screen.
"How about games?"
You went over almost every silly games you knew such as charades, truth or dare, mimes and more. Approaching the end of the night, you went on with playing rock paper scissors as you ran out of ideas.
"Ouch." Jisung exclaimed after you flunked his forehead.
"It wasn't that bad!" you rolled your eyes. "Again."
You showed your fist, but Jisung had his palm opened. He beat your rock with his paper.
"No." you complained.
"Come here, baby." he snickered.
You leaned closer to him and got the hair on your forehead out of the way. He then flicked his finger, strongly enough for you to hear a toc. You gasped in pain and your eyes squinted while you put your hand over where his finger had just hit.
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry." he hurried to apologize. "Are you okay?"
He held your face with the palm of his hands. Suddenly, it felt like time stopped. Staring back at his almond eyes, you could not move. He was the cutest as worry was sprawled all over his face.
"I'm sorry." he said and then did something you certainly did not expect.
Bringing your head lower, he placed a kiss on the red spot on your forehead and then pat on it. You could only stare at him still, not finding the words to react.
"There, all healed." he smiled.
When he met your gaze again, it dawned on him that he just kissed your head without asking. His mind went blank as he didn't know what to say to justify himself. But the smile on your own face was all it took for him to relax. His eyes flickered down on your lips before he came closer. He was still approaching dangerously until he kissed you. You didn't even question it and melted into it, almost as if it was natural. Well, it felt like it. Your mouths were moving perfectly in sync with each other and you couldn't get enough of him.
But he abruptly separated himself from you. "I-I shouldn't- I didn't mean-" he stammered, clearly unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry."
"Ji..." you said, reaching out your hand to him.
He pushed it away and got up. "I think we should call it a night."
"I think we should talk."
"Y/N, please."
His pleading face hurt you. With a small nod, you took your stuff that was scattered around the living room and went to his front door in silence. You didn't turn the knob just yet.
"Thank you for tonight, I'm being honest."
He looked away, unable to keep his eyes on you any longer. "It's nothing. Good night."
"Good night."
As his door closed shut, he let himself fall on the couch. Why did he have to be so careless and kiss you just like that?
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You were patient and understanding, so of course it made sense that Jisung didn't reach out to you yet to talk about what had happened. Nonetheless, you had your limits and more than a week without talking to your best friend, your other half, it was too much. You were grateful for the finals to have distracted you a little but now that you were done, he was the only thing in your mind. Maybe the party Chan was organizing for the end of the semester was going to help.
After your last exam, Chunhwa invited you to hang out with her and Changbin. You wanted to refuse at first to avoid watching them eye-fucking each other. However, it had been a while since you spent time with them so you ended up coming to the coffee shop with them. You took the opportunity to give her a little update as to what happened with Minyoung and Jisung. She didn't seem much surprised but still listened nonetheless.
"And hear this: he didn't even text me afterwards. Can you believe it?" you finished explaining the situation.
You followed her gaze and noticed she was staring at Changbin. Without her seeing, you rolled your eyes at how smitten she was.
"He'll do it eventually, don't worry."
Her response did not help. You only huffed when Changbin came back from the counter with the muffin you asked him to order. In one go, you got it in your mouth and munched aggressively.
"I would have never guess that Jisung was the one who put you in this state." Chunhwa said, taken aback from the quantity of food you managed to put in your mouth.
Still munching your muffin, you shrugged. "Not my fault he ghosted me after he kissed me. You should talk with someone when something like this happens instead of ignoring the issue. For real, it's like you fucked a close friend and then never establish what happens next. And sex is a big deal as much as kissing is."
Not really thinking while talking, you then realized you might have referred to what was going on between your two friends unintentionally. Chunhwa ignored it though as she rubbed your back to reassure you.
"He's such a fool, I swear to God I'll smack him next time I see him." you mumbled under your breath.
"He might come to the party tonight. Take it as your chance to talk to him."
You shook your head. "Forget about him. I'll just have fun tonight."
And Jisung wasn't doing any better than you. In fact, he was enraged with himself for not talking to you. He thought it was too late by then and didn't dare to make the first move. Plus, the only time he got to get a glimpse of you, you had glared intensely at him from the other side of the cafeteria. Needless to say that he didn't feel so good. He tried to hide it since he had one final exam to take.
He came across Eunhee, Chan's potential lover, and he greeted her with a weak smile as they went to do the exam together. It went by quickly and before he knew it, he was done. The two of them walked out together and chatted about the questions to see if their answers were similar.
"I was certain it was d..." he said, confused on his answer.
"By the way," Eunhee spoke, grabbing his attention. "I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. You don't look so good to me, no offense."
He looked down on the ground and hesitated to talk for an instant. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just... Y/N and I fought and there is Chan's party tonight. I know she's going but I'm not sure if I want to face her." he admitted as he remembered the death glare you gave him.
"You should go."
"You think so?"
She smiled. "Yeah, I do. You two are practically inseparable from what I see. I think it'll be a shame to not try to fix things."
"You have a point..." he breathed out. "Alright, I'll go. Are you coming too?"
She thought for a moment before nodding. "I guess I can stop by."
For some reason, her words really motivated him. As soon as he got home, he took the time to choose something appropriate to wear. He took all of his clothes out of his drawer and started to discard certain pieces of clothing. From an outer perspective, it looked very disorganized but for Jisung, it was clear.
"What the hell?" Jeongin exclaimed in horror as he stopped in front of Jisung's room. "What is happening here? It looks like a crime scene."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm simply trying to find something to wear for tonight."
"Oh, you're coming in the end? That's good, we'll leave together then?"
"Sure." Jisung shrugged. "Do you know who else is going?"
"Pretty much everyone except for Eunhee. I tried to convince her but she didn't want to."
"Bizarre, she told me she'll come."
Jeongin frowned. "Bizarre, indeed. Anyway, I'll be waiting for you so hurry up."
As requested, Jisung got ready in no time. He had picked a normal t-shirt and put a plaid vest over it with a pair of black jeans. He finalized the look with chains and rings and made sure to arrange his hair in a decent way, unlike the mop he had for the past days.
Before joining Jeongin, Jisung thought it'd be a good idea to send you a quick message to at least let you know he was willing to talk. He didn't expect you to answer, but he was still hopeful.
The two roommates left their flat and arrived about ten minutes before the given time. Chan invited them in by offering them a drink and they went over to the couch where Sora and Youngmi were already sitting. They started to chat about the end of school and other plans they had for the summer. Looking down at his phone every once in a while to see if you answered, he was happy to see Eunhee finally arriving.
"Am I late?" she asked him after they exchanging a quick side hug.
"We pretty much all came in advance. Minho, Hyunjin, Byeol, Hyunjoo and Felix are missing." he informed before drinking what Chan gave him.
"And Chunhwa and Y/N." Changbin added discreetly, nudging his friend's arm. "She told us about what happened."
Jisung's face grew red. "I prefer to not talk about it for now."
"I'll just let you know that she is mad, but like, mad."
This was no good news. And he was right to think so. As more people kept coming, his anxiety only had risen. Mixing a huge party with you being mad at him, he was not doing well.
But on your side, you didn't see that. When you arrived with Chunhwa, the first thing you did was chugging shots after shots before joining other students on the dance floor. Swaying your body to the rhythm, you were more than happy to not be thinking about anything else but that. You eventually lost Chunhwa when you realized she left with Changbin. Instead of trying to look for someone you knew, a guy started to grind on you. Usually, you would be disgusted and would push him away. However, because of the level of alcohol in your body, you couldn't care less. Moving your body with him, you felt his pelvic area become harder. Maybe you were starting to feel uneasy. Nonetheless, you kept on going and he ended up kissing you ferociously.
And Jisung was watching all of it from the corner of the room, his jaw clenching at the simple sight of someone other than him kissing you. By then, he was at his fourth drink of the night. Having grabbed a random beer that tasted like piss, his only goal was to drink his feelings away although he knew it was a bad way to cope.
"Are you alright?"
The voice took him by surprise but once he realized it was Chunhwa, he calmed down a little bit.
"I literally came here to tell her about, well, I assume you know?" he started to rant and she nodded in understanding. "I don't get her."
Taking another sip of the nasty beer, he made a weird face because of the taste.
"Hwayoung truly loves you. Honestly, I think she's scared of things changing between you two. And tonight means nothing to her, I can tell you that." Chunhwa attempted to defend you, but Jisung was having none of it and scoffed.
"I guess I understand, but I can't always be that guy. The one who's around whenever she needs it."
"I get that."
He realized it was the first time he admitted out loud how much he hated being your emotional support every time you got ditched. Just then, Changbin arrived after he had calmed the party down a little due to Chan's argument with Sora. He joined Chunhwa to her side and kissed her on the lips quickly, making Jisung scoff even louder.
"Alright, lovebirds. Rub it in my face." he rolled his eyes.
Changbin chuckled. "We've only just confessed."
"Yeah, well, at least your girl isn't being a total idiot..."
He took it as his cue to leave the couple alone. Spotting Sora leaving Chan, he thought that maybe he should be a good friend and go to him to see if he was doing alright after the fight. However, he didn't make it as someone tripped on his foot and fell into his arms. He clumsily tried to get a good grip to prevent the girl from falling.
"Hi, Ji~"
He cursed under his breath. Of all the students present, it had to be you. By looking at your flushed face, it was a sign that you might have consumed too much. He helped you up on your feet and went to Chan. As the older man saw the state you were in, he immediately helped Jisung to bring you to his room.
"Do you want me to stay with you two?"
Jisung shook his head. "I've got her from here, thanks."
As Chan left the room, you tried to get to the bed alone, but it was no success. Jisung sighed and held your sides to guide you. As you slumped on the bed, you started to hit his chest. He wasn't necessarily taken aback from your behaviour as he did ignore your messages for a while so he simply accepted his fate and let himself get beaten up by you. Well, not beaten up. More like attacked poorly because your hits were so weak.
"You're so pretty." you smiled sheepishly after you were done with hitting him. "Why do you have to be so pretty? I can't stay pissed at you if you look this good."
He chuckled. "Then don't be mad at me?"
"I can't, I hate you."
"Hmm, is that so?"
You looked at him attentively. Grabbing his head, he let out a whimper from how strong your grip was. You brought him closer and pursed your lips. He panicked for a moment as he didn't want to kiss you while you were this drunk.
"I don't hate you." you whined. "I love you."
Okay, now, he was definitely not doing okay. He pushed your hands away and took a step back.
"I'll go get you a glass of water."
"Jisungie~" you called him out. "Stay with me, please."
He couldn't resist you plea, so he stayed. He took the spot next to you and allowed you to cuddle with him. You happily put your head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent fully.
"I'm sorry for being such a fool."
He shook his head. "You're not a fool, don't say that."
"I am." you sniffed and that's when he realized you had started crying. "I'm so stupid for going out with so many jackasses. I wanted to forget you."
"Forget me?"
"I love you so much that it hurts." you declared, but Jisung only froze, so you continued. "I'm scared of losing you if I tell you I love you. I guess it's too late now, but yeah. I'm sorry for being a fool by not telling you sooner."
He wasn't sure if you were aware of what was happening but he didn't care. If there was one thing he knew about you when drunk is that you were always honest.
"I might be a fool too, then."
"You're not. You're kind-hearted, attentive, pretty and you give good advices. You're always doing things according to me so you know I feel comfortable and I never thank you for it."
He kept on stroking your hair in silence as you continued on giving him compliments. Maybe you weren't going to remember it, but he wanted to make sure he did by listening to every single word you let out attentively.
"I love you, Ji." you said to finish your monologue, your voice getting weaker as you grew tired.
He smiled to himself for how adorable you were. "I love you too."
"Remind me tomorrow." you whispered but loud enough for him to hear.
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You woke up with the worst headache. Opening your eyes slowly, you took in on your surroundings. You were in Chan's room which was a good sign as it meant you didn't leave with a random person. But there was a random person next to you. You then noticed the ball of hair that was too familiar to your liking. Had you slept with Jisung? Checking your outfit real quick, you concluded you did not as you still had your clothes on. So how did you end up in Chan's bed with your best friend? It wasn't the first time you slept in the same bed but with the circumstances, you felt awkward.
It was only a few minutes later that Jisung stretched out his arms as he woke up. He seemed to be doing better than you as he was smiling contently. However, when his eyes opened to meet yours, he jumped out of the bed.
"I wanted to wake up first to not freak you out, I'm sorry. I swear nothing happened." he was quick to explain.
"It's fine." you responded as you sat up, bringing the blanket close to your chest. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Yeah, what about you?" You shook your head and Jisung's eyes widened. "Right, you drank a lot yesterday. Do you want me to get you something? A Tylenol, some water, more blankets?"
As much as you were still angry with him, his caring personality made its way to your heart. So you let him take care of you. He left to go to the kitchen and you heard some arguing with Chan. It was something along the lines of stealing his bed again or whatever. He was quick to come back with a pill and a glass of water. You swallowed it in one-go and then invited Jisung to sit with you. Like a puppy, he did as told and waited patiently for you to talk.
"Why did we sleep together?"
"You were really drunk and I just wanted to tuck you in, I promise. But you kind of forced me to stay and then one thing led to another..."
"Don't tell me we kissed again." you cut him off.
"No! I would never let you do so while intoxicated."
It reassured you on so many levels. "Alright, then what happened?"
"You confessed."
It was as if the words triggered your brain into remembering the moment you were attempting to tell him you loved him, and a slight memory of him saying it back appeared in your mind. You weren't sure whether you were imagining things.
"And I asked you to remind me today about it, right?"
He smiled. "So you remember."
A silence settled in the room. You had clearly told him everything on your mind and he did the same. The only thing left to do was to decide what to do now. Neither of you wanted to speak first. For you, it was because you were scared of things becoming weird, but for him, it was because he was scared to death that you'd take back everything you said the night before.
"Kids, breakfast!" Chan yelled from the kitchen.
"In a minute." the both of you yelled back at the same time.
This caused for you to break into laughter, diffusing the tension. Jisung joined you and calmed down a little.
"Listen," he started once you stopped laughing. "I was being serious. I love you and I've been in love with you since... I don't even remember when but it's been a while."
Your cheeks turned pink at his words. "Me too."
"I'm sick of seeing you getting hurt by all of these guys because I know I'd treat you a thousand times better. I know I'm not a jock or anything, but I promise my feelings are genuine."
You rushed you wrapped your arms around his body making you fall on your sides into the mattress. Jisung hmphed at the sudden contact, though he was quick to return the hug.
"I know, you idiot. You already treat me like a damn goddess, I can't imagine how you'll treat me now."
"Does it mean that you love me too?"
You laughed at how clueless he was. "Yes, Ji. I love you too and I'd love it if we go out someday."
"As a date?"
"As a date."
He couldn't contain the joy he felt anymore and grabbed the back of your neck you pull you into a long and loving kiss. It felt even better than the last time and you held him tighter to pull him even closer. You pulled away to get some air.
"I'm sorry but I couldn't stop myself." he said, embarrassed.
"Kiss me again?"
He smirked at you and kissed you again at your demand. You started to pull his jacket away from his shoulders and he took the hint that you wanted it off. As he kept on kissing you, he grew more confident and moved his hand down to your thigh. He grabbed it tightly which caused you to let out a gasp. He smiled into your lips, satisfied with your reaction. You decided to play as well and you started to graze your fingers across his abdomen. You had seen him shirtless many times but feeling his abdominal muscles was much different than admiring them from afar. You moved your fingers to the hem of his pants, trying to find the button to undo it.
"You want to do this here?" he broke the kiss and grabbed your wrist to prevent you from moving any further.
"I've been wanting to fuck you ever since the first time you changed clothes in my room." you admitted and it only made him smirk again.
"You liked what you saw?"
"Yes. Now, can we get to business?"
"Yes, ma'am."
You never knew being called like this would do something to you, but you felt like you were melting. He continued to touch you all over your body, always making sure you were comfortable, and he finally got your shirt off. He flipped you to be on top and started to place a few pecks down your neck to your bellybutton.
"Guys, I said breakfast is-"
Jisung was quick to bring the blanket over you, covering your body that was half-dressed.
"For fuck's sake. Guys, this is the last time I'm letting you both stay in my bed. Get dressed now!"
You stayed in silence when Chan closed the door abruptly.
"Is he mad?" you asked and Jisung could only chuckle.
"He's fine." He leaned down to give you, yet, one more kiss. "You have no idea how happy I am right now."
"I think I know, because I couldn't be happier myself."
His smile grew and you were the one to kiss him this time.
"Guys!" Chan yelled from the kitchen again.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
243 notes · View notes
demonslayedher · 7 months
Karaoke Headcanons: Pillars, Kamaboko, Demons, and more
This all started when Kagaya felt the need to go out and do something with his family. (Actually, it all started with doing Tumblr polls about which Pillars would be the best and worst singers.)This was odd, as the Ubuyashiki family is not in the habit of family outings. The children were all cautiously excited to go to an arcade or something, but Kagaya is old-fashioned so he took them all out to karaoke. (Taisho Secret: Karaoke did not exist in the Taisho period. let me have my fun. These are entirely my own silly headcanons.) The children were shy at first because they aren't good at letting loose, but once their father smilingly encouraged them to have fun, they got really into singing TV theme songs, which quickly devolved into them acting out scenes from Power Rangers. Amane can only sing very classic, droning enka. Really deep enka. Kagaya tells them they all did a wonderful job, and then he sings some simple 1970s love ballads and the energy all falls away because the rest of the family is so relaxed hearing his voice. It was a refreshing outing, so Kagaya decides to cut the next Pillar meeting short to send all the Pillars out for karaoke together.
A few of the Pillars are grumpy about this but will not say no to a request from Kagaya. Himejima would really rather go home and sleep. When Sanemi starts to complain that he's too busy for this, Shinobu guilts him into staying but saying how he can't imagine him being so busy with only training if he's not also making poison and running a hospital. Iguro stays in the corner happy to watch Mitsuri when she's in the spotlight, but since he's in the corner and she's staying at the other side of the room to have easy access to the door to go back for more soft drinks at the free drink far, he's frustrated by seeing her more easily talk to Giyuu, who is sitting by the door because he was the last one in. Uzui has a set way of doing karaoke. Certain songs he must always sing or it didn't count as a karaoke session. He insists his warm-up songs don't count as turns. There are songs he hates other people singing with him even though they are ones people usually belt out together, but he gets angry when people don't provide the chorus voices like the "DA-DA-DAT-DA" parts of "Zankyosanka." He makes a bunch of weird adjustments to the volume and pitch settings and just leaves it like that so anyone going after him always has to readjust everything. He and his wives go out to karaoke together a lot and they have a wide repertoire of songs they do together and in different pairings and trios, but in any other group, he does not care about anyone else having fun. He's kind of a pain in the ass to have around in a big group. That said, Giyuu really likes watching and listening to Uzui perform.
Shinobu gives the impression of being a very skilled singer, but that's because she doesn't overdo it and she only sings songs that are within her range and suit her voice well, like "From The Edge." She has sometimes done karaoke by herself to try out new songs she likes, but she is quick to determine when they are out of her skill set. She doesn't push and shove for her turns, and she does take some satisfaction in colleagues complimenting her singing voice. Mitsuri and Rengoku are very enthusiastic in their praise, Muichiro comments in full sincerity that it was nice (but also, he doesn't remember what the point of all this was), and Uzui, who can spot all her restrained methods just by listening, begrudgingly admits she has nice pitch.
Mitsuri knows a lot of popular songs. She's a nice person to have in a karaoke group because she makes an effort to include people by picking songs everyone will enjoy or that a lot of people can sing together. She does not have a wide range of pitch, but she's very good at singing a lot of different kinds of songs in her own pitch. "Koi Kogare" is her favorite lately. Because she is in a position to move around the front of the room easily, she is usually quick to zoom in when Uzui is done singing to change the settings back to volumes and pitches that are more normal for anyone else. Shinobu and Mitsuri have a bit of a bet going on Giyuu. Shinobu suspects he is either a surprisingly good singer, or a really bad one. It's just a matter of picking the right song for him to test him out, as he is not reaching for the controls to put in anything for himself. Shinobu finally pokes him into trying "Gurenge" because "everyone knows Gurenge," so he relents, because he has heard it and sung along here and there. He's always liked that song because it played a lot in a diner where he likes to eat simmered salmon and daikon. Thing is, Gurenge is not an easy song. Everyone is shocked by how terrible he is on the first few lines, and Mitsuri is very disappointed because she had really high hopes for him to be a good singer. Giyuu can't hear quite how bad his pitch was at first, but after a few lines, he finds the right pitch. He's downright not bad after that, though he was flat here and there and had trouble hitting the high notes. Because Muichiro doesn't know what to sing, Mitsuri has been trying to help him find something he knows, and just when she thinks it might be hopeless, he says "Kizuna no Kiseki" seems familiar. Yes, he's heard that song somewhere. He knows it. Maybe. Mitsuri is thrilled, and because she knows it too, she says she'll back him up on it. Everyone cheers, and Muichiro does know the first few lines! He knows them really well, actually, and his pitch is pretty okay, and still childlike! But... but then he doesn't sing some of his lines, or he'll just sing a few words here and there... at... random... as they come back to him... Shinobu tries to help by pointing out that the lyrics are on the screen, so he doesn't have to have it memorized, but little by little he just zones out and Mitsuri is stuck singing it all herself, increasingly disappointed and embarrassed, because it feels like she's hogging the mic now. No one minds (except Uzui, who feels they should had just ended the song early if Muichiro didn't know it after all). Himejima is not unwilling to sing, but the problem is that his tastes are not popular enough to be in the sound bank. He hogged the controls for a long time, searching (with Sanemi's help) for anything he likes or at least knows enough to sing. He starts getting more and more frustrated, because there are songs he really does know very well as he does have a deep appreciation for music. Mitsuri suggests they just turn the system volume down as low as they can and let him sing something a cappella. He smiles and then drones on with something akin to Gregorian chant. Uzui is as patient as he can be but then he insists that they're running out of karaoke time by letting Himejima do something that is not karaoke (also, he can tell Himejima has a very long song in mind). Himejima is somewhat miffed. His singing isn't bad, but he knows he'd show them a much better performance if he had his shakuhachi.
Iguro, in the corner, has been hoping no one has noticed him not singing. But he's also kind of indignant that no one has noticed.
Sanemi has brushed off attempts to get him to sing, which makes Shinobu suspect that he is either a very good or a very bad singer. Rather than get him to sing, she instead engages him in conversation to try to fish out of him what songs he likes. She suspects he likes a lot of songs that have gotten popular for being tearjerkers, and she suspects he sings them with full sincerity, if he ever happens to sing along. But maybe he just listens. He also seems to like rap, and he starts to perk up like maybe he'd be willing to perform some, but Shinobu would prefer not to listen to rap so she finds some reason to disengage from the conversation.
Rengoku has been very enthusiastically cheering everyone on, including banging tambourines with no sense of rhythm (Uzui has forbidden him to touch them during his songs). He admits he's not much of a singer and doesn't have much of an ear for pitch, but there are a few songs he knows well enough to try. Everyone of course encourages him to go for it, as it will probably be a good laugh for everyone, including Rengoku, but then he starts looking up "Homura."
It's one that he has heard a lot because his mother liked it, he explains. Sanemi is nodding along, saying it's a good song, and Shinobu suspects it might be one of Sanemi's favorites. Rengoku apologizes, saying he'll probably butcher it, and he can never find the right pitch at first, and Sanemi nods, saying how it's hard to find the pitch until the song gets going. Shinobu is so sure now.
Rengoku takes the mic, and everyone is ready for some terrible noise they can laugh about for ages to come, but then Rengoku sings. "Sayonara... arigato... koe no kagiri..." It's so low that he's hard to hear unless everyone is quiet. It's a rich timbre, but quiet like a prayer whispered into the mic.
"Kanashimi yori motto... daiji na koto..." The next couple lines go on in the same fashion. With his eyes closed, Rengoku is fully focused on the song, with no idea about the wonder with which everyone else is captivated.
As the song picks up, though, Rengoku has found his pitch.
"No!! No, damn it, Rengoku, you almost had it!" Uzui shouts with his hands over his ears. Sanemi is nearly as upset. "Belting it isn't singing it, man!! Tone it down!!"
"YOBIAAA-TEI---What do you mean, Shinazugawa?"
"Yes, show him what you mean," Shinobu insists and sticks the other mic in Sanemi's hands. With people cheering (it started with Iguro, who was taking some pleasure in seeing Sanemi put on the spot, and then others joined in), Sanemi, beet red, has no choice but to take over just in time to find his pitch for the chorus.
And he's really not bad. Everyone cheers more, especially Mitsuri. Rengoku has totally forgotten about singing and stands there next to Sanemi, stating into the mic how good Sanemi is at this.
Little by little, though, Sanemi gets too into it. He starts pushing the emotional side of it, going past the better reaches of his pitch, and then by the "o-whoa-o-o" part he has lost himself to singing by emotion rather than better judgement. Everyone's kind of over it, and Rengoku, who is still holding the mic, finally joins him in butchering the last part. They don't have much time left when Mitsuri finally notices that Iguro never had a turn. He says that's fine, he prefers just watching, but now that Sanemi had his turn to be put on the spot, he's not letting Iguro get off easy. Mitsuri squeezes her way over to that side of the room to sit close to Iguro and go through the song bank with him. This is both wonderful and awful; he does not want to sing (especially because he won't sing well with bandages on his face, and even if he takes them off... well, still not likely to sing well), but if Mitsuri offers to sing with him----oh, if she sings with him, then maybe it's ok if his voice just fades out and she takes over! He tells her he can only sing something soft. She thinks that is so-o-o-o-o cute and sweet, so when he tells her to pick something out, she picks the sweetest song she can think of: "Kamado Tanjiro no Uta."
She pushes him to the front and is so flushed and excited to watch him that the thought doesn't even occur to her to stand up and join him. She just stares with a big expectant smile and glimmering eyes. And then Iguro suffers, through a long, repetitive song about someone he hates.
Everyone else suffers too, because his voice is muffled, low, clearly unpracticed, and unsuited for the high notes. Everyone just kind of sits around politely and awkwardly. During the flute solos, Himejima really, really wishes he had his shakuhachi. Muichiro audibly asks why Iguro doesn't just stop, but that brings out Iguro's stubborn side and he sings all the way to end, just glaring around the room for the instrumental parts. Mitsuri apologizes later for bullying him into singing it because it clearly made him very uncomfortable to sing in front of people, and he insists that there is nothing to apologize for, for she was just making sure he had fun too. She asks if he means that, and he insists, yes, he loves that song. He insists and will deck anybody who suggests otherwise.
With that, the Pillars have run out of time. Uzui used most of it.
So then there comes another day when Tanjiro and friends have finished a mission up easily, and since they are all doing fine with no injuries, there is no need to rush back to the Butterfly Mansion. Why rush just to make Nezuko have to stay in the shadows? No, suggests Zenitsu, they should go somewhere that is already save from sunlight in the daytime so she can have fun with everyone. They should go to karaoke!
Actually, Zenitsu has been practicing romantic ballads for her, but the only way he can get her there is to pretend it's a group thing. Zenitsu tries to make it seem like that at first, giving other a chance to sing. He puts on Gurenge, because everyone knows Gurenge, right? He looks to Tanjiro, who happily assures him that he knows Gurenge, and he really likes that song. Good, good, so Tanjiro can take a turn first, and he gives him one mic, and then they might as well keep Inosuke busy right away so he doesn't get impatient, so he gives the other mic to Inosuke. He turns around to make some volume and pitch adjustments on the sound system, but then he hears the most HORRID NOISE. After the initial shock he looks back around to see Tanjiro "singing" and Inosuke trying to eat the mic.
No! No, no, no, bad, Zenitsu scolds him and takes the mic. He quickly exchanges it for a new one. Since they just got there he tells the staff it was broken in the first place, but he Thunderclap and Flashes his way back to the room before the staff can ask why it's all wet.
When Zenitsu returns he finds Tanjiro still "singing." He gives the new mic to Kanao, and she does nothing with it. Zenitsu awkwardly tells her she can jump in whenever she wants to and he'll just tell Tanjiro to shut up. She's probably got a good singing voice, after all.
Kanao pulls out her coin. She flips it. She looks at the result, puts the coin, and then continues holding the mic and otherwise doing nothing.
Zenitsu isn't sure how else he's supposed to engage with Kanao, so he leaves her be and snags the mic out of Tanjiro's hands to insist he gives someone else a turn (and give everyone's ears a break). Zenitsu, being a good host (or at least look like one), he offers the mic to Genya and smiles and says it's his turn.
Genya, arms folded, scowls at him and says he's not singing and this is stupid.
Zenitsu isn't sure how else he's supposed to engage with Genya either, so backs away. Gurenge winds down to a close with no one singing it anymore. But oh, would you look at that! It's a super romantic song coming up next, and it happens to be Zenitsu's turn! He picked this song out especially for Nezuko--a duet will have to wait for someday when she doesn't need to wear the bamboo, of course, but in the meantime, he shall serenade her--
Tanjiro apologizes, because Nezuko is fast asleep. But Tanjiro is happy to sing with Zenitsu.
Inosuke, meanwhile, has discovered the free drink bar. The gang is promptly kicked out and banned from that karaoke chain.
The Lower Moons aren't invited to the karaoke party, but Mukago works at a karaoke place (not all demons can find work as oiran, after all). Kyogai tries to come sometimes but she always lies to him that all the rooms are full. Enmu works there too, and he spends all his time with his ear pressed to the door and wishing he could be invited in to sing too.
Muzan is in the biggest, snazziest party room with the Upper Moons. He sings a few very classy oldies here and there, but of course only ones that make him sound really good. Douma insists that he should sing Michael Jackson, but Muzan only glares at him for trying to tell him what to do. (Plus, he's touchy about anyone accusing him of stealing the look.)
Kokushibo sings whatever old folk songs are in the song bank, but he is overly serious about songs which now feel dated or just for children. His performance is really dry and monotone, but no one can complain. Muzan can, but he chooses not to because Kokushibo is a good subordinate.
Since Muzan isn't going to, Douma sings Michael Jackson songs on every turn he gets. Hantengu is really nervous about how Muzan looks more and more annoyed about it, but Gyokko is swept up enough that he duets with Douma on some of them. Douma recreates a Vine by banging on Gyokko's vase while singing the "Annie are you ok" line.
They have ordered tons of food for their party. Since they have a Lower Moon working there, the food is of course all freshly chopped up humans. Akaza sneers at it and doesn't want to be there. Douma is bugging him to sing, and he barks at him to back off, but when Kokushibo gets on his case about not disappointing their master, Akaza relents. He puts on Linkin Park. If he was alone, he'd sing "Homura" instead.
Hantengu has a nervous breakdown when it's his turn to entertain Muzan, so he falls apart into four pieces. They all start arguing about what to sing, but Sekido sees Muzan is getting impatient and he gets them all in line to start singing Backstreet Boys. Karaku complains that N*Sync is better.
Gyokko doesn't get a turn to pick a song. No one gives him one. He's stuck just singing backup for Douma, or being used as percussion.
Daki is a very frequent karaoke goer. She's got a very wide repertoire. As soon as she's in the room, she logs into the system with an avatar decked out in fancy accessories, and she competes in all the national singing contests. She gets very frustrated by the singers out there who consistently outscore her, and sometimes, Gyutaro has tracked those people down and killed them. Gyutaro likes the lyrics of "Asa ga Kuru" and wishes he could sing that for Daki someday, but clearly that will never happen so he keeps that wish to himself. He does not sing, and no one ever pushes him to sing because they don't want to hear it anyway. He's happiest seeing Daki rock it instead.
Nakime is there too because she's cooler than Enmu, who is still waiting outside the door and lip-syncing to everything. Nakime, however, is not singing. She's just there to judge everyone.
At some point, Douma did something right by putting on Bohemian Rhapsody. Everybody's into it; partway through they even make Zouhakuten take on the role of the poor boy, though he sings it in a pretty hateful tone.
Muzan eventually gets sick of it before the song is done, and he trashes the place, and he leaves. Mukago is stuck cleaning everything up by herself because Enmu is no help. The end.
Meanwhile, Murata does a lot of hitori-karaoke (karaoke by himself). The Kakushi sometimes have pretty normal karaoke outings. Yushiro would be more than willing to go if Tamayo ever showed any drop of interest, but she does not. There are one or two Wisteria houses with karaoke rooms. Taisho Secret: Karaoke did not exist in the Taisho period.
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pinkthick · 6 months
Can you write a fanfiction with Surgeon Strange and Y/N who are in a relationship and Y/N finds out she's pregnant because a colleague of hers from the hospital needed help with some students since it was their first day they will use the ultrasounds and Y/N and other nurses/doctors were the ones the students practied on.
Prompt nr 18 angst "Hey, hey it's okay. Breathe,"
Thanks! (Sorry if I have grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language.)
I AM WRITING THE REQUESTS 🙏🙏 (finally, I know) Thank you for your request!
Hey, it’s okay
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Pairing: Surgeon!Stephen Strange/ Fem!Reader
Summary: As the room buzzed with a mix of laughter and surprised murmurs, Stephen, still engaged in a conversation with Maria, glanced at the ultrasound screen wanting to see what was all the fuss about.
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Stephen and Y/N sat in the bustling hospital cafeteria, their scrubs slightly wrinkled from the day's hectic surgeries as they enjoyed a rare lunch break together. The clatter of trays and the hum of conversations filled the air around them.
Y/N sighed, exhaustion evident in her voice, "I'm already tired." Her eyes spoke volumes of the long hours and demanding nature of their medical profession — which they loved of course, but sometimes it was too much.
Stephen, his piercing gaze softened, chuckled in response, "But you actually slept last night. Like 8 hours of full sleep." He affectionately reached across the table, gently squeezing Y/N's hand.
Despite his attempt at reassurance, Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips as she was poking at her salad, "Still feels like I didn't sleep." She took a bite of his sandwich, the hospital's ever-present fluorescent lights casting a glow on her fatigued features.
As they shared the worn cafeteria table, conversations around them blurred into the background. Stephen studied Y/N with concern, his thumb tracing comforting circles on her hand, "You've been pushing yourself, love. Maybe take a day off soon?"
Y/N nodded "I know, but we're short-staffed, and Stacy will complain if I leave her alone, even for a day.” She sighed, leaning back in her chair, her tired eyes meeting Stephen's caring gaze. His attempt to respond was cut short as Tiffany, a lively colleague known for her cheerful spirit, slid into the seat next to Y/N, disrupting the tranquility of their lunch. "Mind if I sit here?" she asked with a playful grin.
Y/N chuckled while Stephen was giving Tiffany a side-eye, "You already are." Stephen rolled his eyes slightly irritated by the interruption. "Aren't you supposed to teach the ducklings today?" he asked, his tone tinged with annoyance.
Tiffany shrugged, her grin widening, "Well, I am, but I need a person since Nicole got sick. It's ultrasound training day, and we really need another woman." She flashed a pleading look at Y/N, who exchanged a glance with Stephen, silently seeking his opinion. Y/N hummed, "It depends. What exactly do you need help with?"
Tiffany leaned in with a grin "They're practicing on the ultrasound, and we need someone to guide them. Make sure they're comfortable, you know?" He gave a subtle nod to Y/N before she turned back to Tiffany "Alright, I can help. Just give me a few minutes to finish lunch." Her face lit up with gratitude, "You're a lifesaver, Y/N! I owe you one." She quickly excused herself, heading back to the bustling hospital corridors.
Stephen sighed, his playful annoyance evident, "Well, there goes our lunch break." Y/N laughed, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, "We'll catch up later.”
Stephen sighed, a hint of melodrama in his tone, "My last surgery is at 11 PM, that is if the others go right. It will be a lifetime before I'll see you again." Y/N, amused by his theatrics, quirked an eyebrow, "A bit dramatic, don't you think?"
He grinned, stealing a forkful of her salad, "I thought it was the normal amount." Y/N chuckled, swatting his hand playfully, "You're such a dork." she shook her head, making a smile appear on his face as he continued “But seriously, we need to find some time for ourselves. Maybe a weekend getaway or a quiet dinner?" Y/N smiled, appreciating his effort to bring a touch of balance to their lives, "Sounds like a plan.”
As they prepared to part ways for the remainder of the day, Stephen leaned in kissing her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him. Breaking away, Stephen smiled at Y/N, his eyes reflecting both love and understanding. "Take care, okay?" he whispered, his hand gently caressing her cheek.
Y/N nodded, reciprocating the warmth in his gaze. "You too," she replied, stealing one more kiss before they both left the cafeteria.
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Y/N made her way to the room where the medical students were gathered for the ultrasound training. Upon entering, she found Tiffany already there, coordinating the session. The room buzzed with the anticipation of learning, and Y/N could see around 15 medical students eager to enhance their skills.
Other colleagues from the hospital, including Maria and Sarah, were seated on chairs beside the ultrasound machines, ready to guide and support the students. The hum of conversation and the soft whirr of the ultrasound machines filled the room as Y/N joined the circle of mentors. Tiffany greeted Y/N with a grateful smile, "Thanks for helping out, Y/N. We're about to start. If you could take this group here," she gestured to a cluster of students, "that would be great." Y/N nodded, rolling up her sleeves and joining the students.
As Y/N took her place among the instructors, the room buzzed with anticipation. The medical students, filled with a mix of nervousness and enthusiasm, looked up to their mentors. Y/N exchanged encouraging glances with her colleagues, silently conveying the importance of this teaching moment.
The ultrasound training session unfolded, with Y/N and the other experienced doctors guiding the students through the intricacies of the procedure. In the midst of explanations, demonstrations, and hands-on practice, the room became a dynamic space of shared knowledge and collaboration.
As the ultrasound training continued, two hours had already passed. Stephen appeared in the doorway, accompanied by Billy, his assistant, holding a cup of coffee. Stephen, engrossed in a conversation with Maria, one of the ER nurses, spotted Y/N and gave her a little wave. Y/N, seated in the chair where the ultrasounds were stationed, smiled back at him.
Meanwhile, Patricia, one of the students Y/N was mentoring, was making impressive progress. She confidently manipulated the transducer, moving it around Y/N’s skin. "So, that's the liver, and... that was your gallbladder, stomach?" Patricia asked, seeking confirmation. Y/N nodded with approval, "Yeah, good job." Patricia beamed, a sense of accomplishment evident on her face.
Patricia continued to explore with the transducer, gaining confidence in her newfound skill. "I really thought it was going to be harder, but it's pretty easy," she remarked, glancing at Y/N with a proud smile. Y/N chuckled, "I told you so." The atmosphere in the room was light and filled with the excitement of learning. Patricia, still moving the transducer, continued her observations, "And that's your uterus..."
However, Y/N's initial amusement faded as she caught sight of the ultrasound screen. A wave of surprise and disbelief washed over her face. That was a pretty clear image of a fetus, around 4-5 weeks. She stared at the screen for a moment, processing the unexpected discovery. Tiffany, noticing Y/N's reaction, laughed, "No way." The realization spread across the room, and soon, the entire group of medical professionals and students turned their attention to the ultrasound screen, curiosity and disbelief etched on their faces.
As the room buzzed with a mix of laughter and surprised murmurs, Stephen, still engaged in a conversation with Maria, glanced at the ultrasound screen wanting to see what was all the fuss about. His coffee slipped from his grasp involuntarily, crashing to the floor with a clatter. The unexpected scene had caught him off guard. Y/N, stood up abruptly, excusing herself from the group. The room fell into a brief silence, the atmosphere shifting from amusement to a more solemn acknowledgment of the emotions at play.
Stephen, realizing Y/N's distress, swiftly followed her out of the room. Catching up with her, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, hey, it's okay. Breathe." Y/N, her emotions welling up, turned into his comforting embrace, tears streaming down her face.
Y/N, her emotions pouring out, cried softly, burying her face into Stephen's chest as he held her close. Her words trembled, "I thought that we were—safe, Stephen... I—" Stephen tightened his embrace, soothingly running his hand over her back. "Shh, hey, it's okay," he whispered, understanding the weight of the unexpected revelation. He gently pulled away, cupping her face to look into her eyes. "Let's go to the rooftop to get some air, okay?"
Nodding, Y/N allowed him to guide her towards the elevator. The hospital corridors blurred as they ascended, finding a temporary refuge from the whirlwind of emotions on the quiet rooftop. Once there, the cool breeze and the distant hum of the city provided a backdrop to their conversation.
Stephen held Y/N close as she continued to cry, gently kissing her forehead. "Accidents happen, Y/N," he murmured softly. "We were safe, but maybe a condom broke or... I don't know."
Y/N, her voice wavering, confessed, "I didn't even notice I missed my period. I—what do we even do?" The weight of the situation hung in the air, uncertainty clouding their thoughts. Stephen sighed, his fingers tenderly brushing through her hair, "First, we take a deep breath. Then, we talk about it. We have options, and whatever decision you make, we face it together. You're not alone in this."
Y/N's tears flowed more freely, her emotions intensifying. Stephen held her even closer, offering comfort in the face of uncertainty. "Oh darling, it's going to be okay," he whispered, his words a soothing melody amid the turmoil.
Y/N shook her head, overwhelmed by the weight of the situation. Stephen gently wiped away her tears, encouraging her to take a moment. "Just try to breathe," he urged. Y/N, taking a shaky breath, admitted, "I'm scared." Stephen, still holding her close, chuckled softly, "Me too." Stephen pressed his forehead against Y/N's, their breaths intermingling in the quiet space of the rooftop. "But it's going to be okay," he whispered, his words filled with unwavering certainty.
Y/N, still gripped by fear and uncertainty, voiced her doubts, "You don't know that." Stephen tenderly brushed his thumb over her cheek, "But I do. As long as we're together, everything will be fine. You'll see."
Y/N, overcome with emotion, tightened her embrace, burying her face in the crook of Stephen's neck. "Okay," she whispered, the vulnerability in her voice revealing a silent acceptance of the reassurance he offered.
They would be okay.
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Notes: I’m going to be honest, I’m not really proud how this turned out😭
Tag list: @strangesgirls @paola-carter @hamandchickensandwhich @captainannamerica @ivyheliotrope @lilithskywalker @yumeillu @winter-cant-decide @andlizeth @mintssanctuary @strangesslut @rotindselain @herseraphwings @kujosux @alahmorah @sa-filonzana @kety25jhosson @alchemxx @lucimorningst4r @dragonqueen89 @rinacreateart @clockblobber @quillweavianstuff @k1mikoz @mynamehasbeentakenbysomeperson @crazyhearttragedy @bobateadaydreams @darlingxgirl @crushingonfreddie @cloudedfairydust @robertdowneyhiddlesbatch @cemak @d0ct0rstrangewife @annabelloki @allie131313 @paola-carter @annemarielovesbeenjuice @hamandchickensandwhich @rachelessfreedom-world @strangelockd @indoraptorgirlwind
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imariejoyce · 6 months
The time I gained my confidence...
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When I was a kid, I am not the type of student who always raise her hand during recitations in school because I am too shy to be the center of attention. Although I am sure with the answer, it take some time for me to have the confidence to speak out.
Since I like studying especially back then, my parents are always proud to attend the recognition day at school, walking to the stage with me to receive my awards. I may not be actively participating to the activities related to public speaking but my fruit of labor is still being seen with the results of my grades.
I could say that I am not the super nerdy and intelligent type of person, but what I can be proud of is that if I set some goals in my mind, I usually allocate ample times to study or prepare for it. It was the consistency and effort that I usually do whenever I want to achieve the goals I set in mind. I believe that being consistent can help you in anything that you seek to achieve. I also believe that being intelligent is another story. I still remember how those intelligent classmates I had during primary and secondary schools can simply analyze and answer the questions fast and correct after just looking at it for a few minutes, and with that...that is how I define smart people.
Before, I usually categorized myself as an introvert one. I better do everything on my own than being helped by someone, or than be an extra baggage to my group, or be a center of attention and be tagged as fatuous. I used to plan almost everything on my own... I better figure it out myself than asking someone to help me, even if it might cost most of my time to fulfil it... that I am self-reliant.
It all changed when I moved to another country.
Working in IT is not a typical field for women. Unlike in the Philippines, I still had few women colleagues in the team. In Europe, it is not the case, when I got the chance to enter corporate world again, I am always the only woman in my team. It was really difficult. There were even times when I need to push myself to get up from bed and go to work. My team during that time were dominated by men, I feel insecure…I was timorous. I even sometimes cried while walking going to the office, asking why am I actually doing this to myself...ugh! tough times.
But then, after some months, I observed that if I stay this way, I will be left behind...that I should be a team player...I started to forge my mind to trust myself. I tried to be optimistic...I keep telling myself that I won't be here if the company didn't see my potential to be amalgamated to my team.
Slowly, I refined my confidence. I learn how to lower my guard and start to trust the process.
Now, I am already six years here, still working in IT. It is also my second company and only woman in my team, again. Looking back from where I started, I could say that I improved a lot. I am now participating in projects, voice out and ask questions if I want to know more. Collaborating with my team mates and try to socialize if I have a chance to do it. I am thankful that moving to another country made me discover that I can be more than I thought I was, that I can also do what others can...that confidence is actually already within me and I just need to snap it out...
just like in the saying..."It took some fast rhythms to make the dancers come alive."
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