#because my account is so dry and dead
cocksucker6000 · 2 years
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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there was a creature.
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lackadaisycats · 1 month
I’m getting really curious on the whole seemingly complex situation that is Mitzi’s romantic relationships.
Cause like, we got Zib, we got Atlas, AND we got Wick!
As far as I’m understanding Zib and Mitzi was like a situationship?? Or maybe just an unofficial relationship from teens to early twenties?? Like they have history together!
But then Atlas comes in and Mitzi kinda leaves Zib for him? Like did she just lose feelings for Zib all together and now only sees him as a friend in the current timeline?
Was there a messy breakup type ordeal??
Then theres Wick! Who I’m unsure if Mitzi does or doesn’t have genuine feelings for!
Cause like, her husbands been dead for a year? And now she’s smooching around with Wick? I can’t tell if this is simply a tactic Mitzi’s using to keep Wick wrapped around her finger or not.
Not that she’s doing it out of malicious intent! It’s clear she feels guilty when she had to use Wick. All things will go into deeper shit if she doesn’t have Wick around! So maybe she’s playing his heart to keep him around because she is extremely dependent on him money wise?? Or does she have actual feelings too??
Girlie has three (or more) men smitten by her! But does she feel the same way in return? I’m pretty confident she did at least have real genuine feelings for Zib in the past! But did she actually love Atlas or was it a marriage of convenience? Or Wick! Is it only a tactic to keep him around as long as possible or has she also had some feelings for him that she’s now partially showing cause her husbands been dead for a year!
Her love life looks so complex! I feel like she needs a drink with how many men seem to be into her at the same time!
sorry for the slight rant and multiple questions 😭
It is indeed messy and complicated, but I can't think of many romantic relationships that don't have some chaos woven in. Even taking account of meaningful, non-romantic relationships in my own lifetime with friends or family, "It's complicated" is an apt descriptor. She and Zib had a past, yes. There were definitely feelings involved, but the structure of the relationship was uncommitted and wishy-washy. Then some things happened that caught Zib by surprise. For indicators as to how Mitzi felt about Atlas, well, take into consideration that she still speaks to his portrait. You can maybe find some clues about the nature of their relationship in things that Zib and Mordecai say in Volume 2 of the comic. As for Wick, I hope it's clear there's at least some mutual attraction there. Mitzi's got her priorities, though, and Wick is actively trying to sort out exactly what his feelings are and where he draws a line in the course of the comic. Really, details are meant to unfold gradually in the story to paint a fuller picture of the past. Things you surmise about it and conclusions you draw (even if they don't ultimately line up with canon) are likely to be far more interesting than whatever dry explanations I could provide here, though.
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synchodai · 2 months
When I say Tyland Lannister is my favorite character...
I am being 100% dead serious. Here is why I prefer this seemingly average nobleman over the many many many fan favorites in Fire and Blood.
Tyland Lannister is a second son in a story about second sons. Whether his feelings on this are as strong as Aemond's or Daemon's, we never know for sure in the books, but it's obvious that he's subservient to a mirror image of himself who only has more authority because of a few seconds separation between twins. It's a great display of both the arbitrariness and rigidity of succession.
His initial role in the Dance is as the master of coin for the greens. He's depicted as a typical Lannister: charming, comely, and cunning. He did what any savvy accountant would do and divided the crown's treasury amongst different allied regions for safe-keeping, ensuring that if King's Landing were sacked, their enemies wouldn't loot their coffers dry and they'd still have plenty of gold for their war efforts.
And of course, King's Landing gets sacked. Tyland is put in the black cells and ordered to be tortured by Rhaenyra to extract the gold's whereabouts. Winter is coming, people are starving and rioting, her army is dwindling, so she desperately needs that gold. Tyland is gelded, maimed, disfigured, and blinded but the torturers get nothing out of him.
Mind you, this man has been a rich, pampered bureaucrat all his life and he endured all that without breaking. When Aegon II releases Tyland from those cells, he has no fingernails, his eyes have been gouged out and/or sewn shut, this man who was once known for his good looks doesn't look human anymore — but he still manages to maintain his wits so much so that he plays an important role after the Dance.
Even with Rhaenyra dead, there are still armies raising their banners for her eldest surviving son, Aegon Trois. Tyland tells Adult Aegon to kill Child Aegon because obviously, the latter threatens the former's claim and Tyland's understandably angry over what his mom did. Aegon Dos is like, nah, I'll keep the boy hostage instead — that'll keep the armies at bay more than outright killing him.
So Tyland volunteers to go to Myr to hire sellswords for Aegon 2 since their armies are pretty much kaput after six years of this civil war. Tyland is blind at this point I remind you — there is a huge chance this man will never get to go home again. But he does it anyway, because even after years of fighting, he keeps his unwavering loyalty to the monarch he declared for.
Aegon II dies while Tyland is in Myr, and Tyland goes back to Westeros just in time to see Cregan Stark use his powers as the new Hand to marry Aegon III and Princess Jaehaera to unite the green and black sides. Cregan dusts off his hands, says my work here is done, warns the boy king not to trust anyone, then leaves for the North for everyone else to sort this mess out.
Now comes the part where Tyland shines as a character. He becomes the Hand of Aegon III and when you see his policies detailed in the book, it's clear that his goal is focused on repairs and renumerations. After what happened to him, he has every right to be spiteful and bitter against the blacks, but instead he "claimed a curious failure of memory, insisting that he could not recall who had been black and who had been green." He abolished the heavy taxes imposed on the smallfolk, sent out gold to lords whose holdings had been devastated during war, and set out to rebuild the Realm's granaries and fleet. Cleaning up is a tedious, unglamorous job — and because of his monstrous appearance and former allegiances, Tyland was looked upon with distrust.
And yet, while other regents grasped for power and tried taking advantage of the 13-year-old King Aegon III, Tyland seemed to be different. If he wanted power he could have married his twin brother's widow and convinced the boy-king to route more resources towards Casterly Rock and the Westerlands. But he didn't.
Instead, he genuinely seemed to be a father figure to Aegon III.
Tyland Lannister, blind and crippled, had always treated the king with deference, speaking to him gently, seeking to guide rather than command.
And for that, many lords saw him as a weak Hand. But Aegon, who cared for very little and never laughed and was always sullen, seemed to care for Tyland.
When the plague ravaged King's Landing, Tyland dutifully prioritized it over quashing the Ironborn raids at Lannisport. He was the last person to become afflicted with the Winter Fever, and the king sat by his Hand's side during his final hours. When the council starts discussing who should be the new Hand, Aegon (the boy who rarely ever speaks) says:
I would have Lord Rowan as my Hand. Ser Tyland thought well enough of him to offer him my sister’s hand in marriage, so I know he can be trusted.
This boy trusted Tyland, the man who only years ago wanted him dead.
So it's easy to imagine that this man saw Aegon III as the boy he was responsible for, as the son he could never have because of what the war had done to him. Tyland Lannister was a broken man who despite losing everything, his king and his brother and himself, kept a broken Realm and broken boy together when everyone else swarmed like vultures just trying to pick at carcasses.
What motivated this man's loyalty for a boy whose mother mutilated him? Did he regret pushing for the death of an innocent child and this was his penance? Did this man who gave everything for his cause think that this boy was something that could still give all that sacrifice and tragedy meaning? Was the mercy and kindness he afforded an apology for the horrifying trauma that scarred this boy — did he feel responsible for his mother's downfall and the failure to save his uncle? Did his disfigurement and blindness allow him to let go of the man he once was and become someone capable of seeing the folly of pride and power?
Here is his obituary in Fire and Blood:
Ser Tyland Lannister had never been beloved. After the death of Queen Rhaenyra, he had urged Aegon II to put her son Aegon to death as well, and certain blacks hated him for that. Yet after the death of Aegon II, he had remained to serve Aegon III, and certain greens hated him for that. Coming second from his mother’s womb, a few heartbeats after his twin brother, Jason, had denied him the glory of lordship and the gold of Casterly Rock, leaving him to make his own place in the world. Ser Tyland never married nor fathered children, so there were few to mourn him when he was carried off. The veil he wore to conceal his disfigured face gave rise to the tale that the visage underneath was monstrous and evil. Some called him craven for keeping Westeros out of the Daughters’ War and doing so little to curb the Greyjoys in the west. By moving three-quarters of the Crown’s gold from King’s Landing whilst Aegon II’s master of coin, Tyland Lannister had sown the seeds of Queen Rhaenyra’s downfall, a stroke of cunning that would in the end cost him his eyes, ears, and health, and cost the queen her throne and her very life. Yet it must be said that he served Rhaenyra’s son well and faithfully as Hand.
Tyland wasn't extraordinarily badass, noble, or even skilled. He was an excellent politician but no way the best. But I think that's what makes him compelling to me — that he's this down-to-earth depiction of a POW, a war veteran by all accounts, trying to pick up the pieces and slowly glue what remains of the Realm and himself back into something vaguely human.
We tell so many stories about the glory, the tragedy, and the losses of war. But I think it's important and beautiful to tell stories of those bravely and optimistically choosing to keep living in the aftermath as well.
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xomakara · 2 months
Wanted Dead Or Alive
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | A handsome cowboy is injured while tending to a wild horse he's rescued miles from town. You're on the run, and can't afford to stop on your way to your destination – but you can't ignore the wounded man when you see him, and decide to help him despite the personal risk.
PAIRING | Mingi x Reader
GENRE/CONTENT/WARNINGS | Cowboy!Mingi, Heiress!Reader, Western au, non-idol au, smut (with some plot), consensual sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up y'all), slight fingering, dirty talk, pet names (darlin', sweetheart, etc), praise kink, bathtub sex, bed sex, gunfights, mentioned abuse
RATING | Mature, Explicit, 18+, NSFW, MDNI
LENGTH | 7,929 words
NETWORKS |  @cromernet (reuploaded so only tagging nets that haven't reblogged it yet)
AUTHOR’S NOTE | Excuse me, while I go bathe myself in holy water.
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You can't help but spur the horse forward, your heart thudding in your chest. It had been hours, but the adrenaline was still running rampant in your system, your stomach clenching with dread.
You could hear the sound of hooves, and your body was tense and tight as you pulled the reins, hoping the sound wasn't heading toward you.
It had all started when you woke up with your ex-husband's hands around your throat, a wild look in his eyes. He'd seemed desperate and he had looked at you with an unfamiliar expression as he tightened his grip.
The memory of his hands squeezing the air out of your throat, the burning in your lungs as he tried to squeeze the life out of you. The memory had tears springing into your eyes, and you swallowed them back, forcing the panic away.
He had almost succeeded, if not for the fact that you were more desperate to live than he was for you to die.
You'd fought him with everything you had, and with the steak knife that you hid under your pillow, you stabbed him in the hand so that you could breathe.
And then you ran.
You had a small fortune that you'd stashed away, and you had a bag packed for days like this.
It wasn't enough to keep you safe for very long, but it was enough to get you where you needed to go, and it was enough to keep you warm, and fed and hidden from prying eyes.
You had planned to slip out of town under the cover of darkness and disappear. You'd heard that it was possible to disappear entirely, to leave the country, and you were prepared to do it.
You had no ties, no one waiting for you, nothing to keep you in town except for the fear of being found.
The sun is rising over the horizon, and you know you should probably stop for a rest, but you don't think you can.
You want to keep moving until you can't anymore.
You know there are men on your trail. They're not smart enough to keep up with you, but you know they're going to follow you for as long as it takes.
They'd followed you to this little town, and you knew it was only a matter of time before they found you again.
And they wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted.
You know it was the money they were after.
After all, your family had a lot of it, and your husband had known about it and had wanted to get his hands on it for some time.
That's why he married you.
Sure he was rich and everyone knew it. But with the way that he spent it, he was drying out his funds, and he knew that if he didn't find some source of income, he'd be destitute within the year.
He wouldn't tell anyone, oh no, that would damage his reputation.
Instead, he'd taken a loan and used that loan to buy the nicest ring that he could afford.
And then he'd gone and found himself a rich wife.
He'd been careful in his planning. He'd been charming and he'd made you feel things you'd never felt before. He charmed his way to get your parents' favor, and they'd approved of him almost immediately.
The wedding had been the biggest social event that had happened in town in a long time.
But it didn't matter how well the two of you were liked, because your ex-husband didn't know how to stop spending, and now people were beginning to talk.
And they were beginning to ask questions.
You had been his perfect cover, his perfect alibi, and now that he was losing his power and prestige, he wanted to keep the one thing that was left to him.
And that was the money.
You didn't mind giving him the money, he'd been good to you, and he'd loved you, and had cared for you. But when the love turned to abuse, and the care turned to control, you decided you were better off without him.
So, you left him. Divorced him.
And now he was coming after you, and after the money.
He would not stop until he got what he wanted.
And neither would the men that were chasing you.
Your horse had been galloping for hours, and you were starting to slow down. Your body was sore, and your legs were cramping, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop.
You could hear them getting closer, and it made your blood run cold.
Your eyes scanned the horizon, looking for a place where you could stop. Somewhere you could hide, maybe.
There was a corpse of trees not too far from the road, and you veered towards them, hoping that they were thick enough to hide you from the men who were pursuing you.
And then you see him.
Tall and handsome, leaning against the side of a tree, holding his side. His head is tipped back, his face twisted with pain, and you feel your heart drop at the sight.
You pull your horse to a stop, your hands trembling. You're afraid. You're so scared. But you can't just leave him there, bleeding.
He's a big guy, with broad shoulders and muscular arms, but right now, he looks so small.
He opens his eyes, and his gaze finds yours. His eyes are dark, and you can see the pain in them.
He lifts his hand, and he waves at you.
"Hey there, little lady." Voice hoarse and gravelly. "Looks like I could use a bit of help."
You couldn't help but dismount your horse and carefully walk up to him. "What happened to you?"
His face twists and his shoulders rise as he inhales deeply. "Long story short, I got shot trying to round up some horses for Ol' Man Kim. A bullet got lodged in my side. I ain't sure if it went clean through, but I need a doctor. I can't make it to town."
You hesitate, chewing on your bottom lip. "I can't take you into town, Mister. I can't afford to draw attention to myself."
He gives you a strange look. "Why would that draw attention to yourself? Do you have a criminal record or somethin'?"
You shake your head. "No. It's a lot more complicated than that. It's a long story."
"You can make it short like I did mine."
You laugh softly, your heart skipping a beat. He has a nice smile, and he's even more handsome when he laughs. "Okay. Well, long story short, I'm on the run. My ex-husband is trying to kill me for my money. And some other guys are after me. I can't stop here or else I'm putting myself at risk. I have to keep moving."
He studies you for a moment, his dark eyes boring into yours. "If you're willing, I could be of some assistance. I'm good with a gun, and I can keep you safe."
"But you're injured, mister."
"It's just a flesh wound. I can still use a gun. If you're worried, I can ride along with you, and when we get to the next town, I'll find a doctor. Until then, I'll watch your back. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you."
You hesitate, chewing on your bottom lip. "Why would you do that? You look like the type that would rob me instead."
"Nah, I may be a cowboy but I don't harm women and children." He reaches out his hand, palm up, a kind smile on his face. "I'll protect you, Miss. And when I'm healed up, I'll help you get to wherever it is that you're going."
You swallow, unsure if you should trust him or not. But he seems like a decent guy, and you could use all the help you could get.
"I don't know..." You bit your bottom lip. "I can't afford to pay you right now..."
"That's alright." He smiles again, and it's a reassuring smile. "I don't need any money. Just some help."
You hesitate, your heart racing. "Okay."
He grins. "Well, alright then. What's your name, miss?"
"Mingi. A pleasure to meet ya."
"Likewise." You nod and walk towards your horse, taking hold of his reins. "You think you can get up on your own, Mingi?"
"Sure thing." Mingi grunts and pushes himself away from the tree, his hand clutching at his side. He takes a few steps, his face twisted in pain. He staggers and nearly falls, but you're quick enough to catch him before he hits the ground.
You grunt and strain to keep him upright. "Easy there."
He looks down at you, and you can see the embarrassment and pain in his eyes.
"It's alright. Just lean on me, and we'll get you up on the horse. We're not going very far, and I think I saw a doctor a few miles back."
Mingi nods and takes a deep breath. You can't help but notice that his hair is messy and windswept, and his clothes are rumpled. Despite that, he was still very handsome.
You put your arms around his waist and help him climb onto the horse.
"Thank you." He says, his voice soft.
"You're welcome." You reply a small smile on your face.
You can't help but notice the way his broad shoulders taper into a narrow waist. He has the build of a man who does hard work for a living, and his dark brown eyes are bright and clear. He's the first man who's been honest and kind to you in a long time.
As you climb onto the horse, Mingi wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest.
You feel safe and secure, and you can't help but notice how his arms feel around you.
His scent is warm and masculine, and you feel yourself relaxing into him.
"We should get going." You say, your voice barely a whisper.
"Right," Mingi says and nudges the horse forward.
As you ride away, you can't help but notice the way he tightens his arms around you, and how his lips brush against your ear.
You shiver, and close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you, and the safety you feel in his embrace.
For the first time in a long time, you feel hopeful.
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You arrived in the small town that you passed a few miles back and the first thing that caught your eye was a doctor's office.
Mingi had been quiet the whole ride. The pain must have been intense. You pulled your horse to a stop and quickly dismounted. You helped Mingi off the horse and slowly made your way into the building, his tall frame leaning on you.
"I need a doctor! Now!" You shouted and looked around the waiting room.
"Please wait your turn." A woman, who looked like a nurse, muttered as she sat at a desk looking over some papers.
"Ma'am, please get the doctor or help me." Mingi softly said, the woman looking up at him. Mingi smiled down at you, his face pale. "My little wife here is worried and I'd hate to see her cry."
The woman blushed, and got up from her desk, quickly hurrying down the hall.
"Wife?" You questioned.
"She'll give us priority. Trust me." He softly grinned at you. "It's easier to get what we want this way."
"How's that fair to the other patients?"
"Life's not fair, sweetheart."
"You're lucky that I find you charming." You huffed.
"You find me charming? Well, aren't you sweet?"
"Shut up." You softly chuckled and rolled your eyes.
"Sir, ma'am, follow me." The nurse came back into the waiting room and ushered you down the hall and into an examination room.
After some time, Mingi was patched up, and per the doctor's orders, you had to stay a few nights in town. You were worried about the men that were following you but Mingi assured you that you would be safe.
"So, where are we staying?"
"With a friend of mine."
"Yep. He'll take good care of us. He owes me a favor and it's his fault that I got shot in the first place."
"Is it Ol' Man Kim, you mentioned before?"
Mingi nodded. "Just don't call him old. He's only a year older than me but I like to mess with him. We grew up together and we've always had each other's backs."
"He sounds like a good friend."
"He's one of the best." Mingi grinned, the pain meds kicking in.
"Alright, well, we better get going then." You sighed and helped Mingi get out of bed. "The doctor said that the medicine will probably make you drowsy."
"I'll be fine. Let's go."
You helped Mingi back to your horse and got him situated on the saddle.
"Where to?"
"Kim's place. It's not far from here."
"Alright." You mounted your horse and started heading out of town.
You rode for a few hours, the sun beginning to set. You were about to suggest that you should camp somewhere for the night, but Mingi told you to continue straight ahead.
"This is a long stretch of nothing, are you sure we're heading the right way?"
"Yes. Keep going, the house should come into view soon."
"Okay." You said, keeping the horse moving.
It was growing darker, and the air was getting colder.
"Mingi, we really should stop and rest. We can continue tomorrow."
"Not yet. We're almost there. Keep going."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
You continued to ride, the sky turning darker.
"I'm getting worried, Mingi. It's getting too dark to ride safely."
"Don't worry. The house should be coming up soon."
The moon was high in the sky and the stars were shining brightly.
You were about to give up and insist on making camp when a large house appeared in the distance.
"See? Told you."
"Well, I'll be damned." You sighed.
"It's not much, but it's home."
You followed Mingi's directions and guided the horse to the front door.
"Who's there?" A man opened the door, pointing his rifle at the both of you.
"Calm down, you old fart. It's just me." Mingi waved his hand at the man.
"Mingi?" The man lowered his rifle and squinted his eyes at him. "What the hell happened to you, man?"
"Got shot trying to wrangle up your horses, that's what." Mingi joked before looking at you. "This little lady here helped me."
"I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name, Miss." The man smiled at you.
"Nice to meet ya. Name's Hongjoong. You can call me Joong."
"Joong, this little lady needs our help. She's running from some bad people." Mingi leaned his head against your back, his voice sounding groggy.
"Bad people?" Hongjoong questioned, eyeing you suspiciously.
"Yes. My ex-husband is trying to kill me." You explained. "He's hired people to come after me. I've been on the run for months now."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Y/N."
"Thank you."
"Mingi, why don't you take Miss Y/N and get settled in while I bring your horse to the stable."
Mingi helped you down from the horse, his arms wrapping around your waist as he slowly lowered you to the ground.
"Careful." You softly spoke, helping him down from the horse.
"Thank you, darling." Mingi smiled.
"You two, get inside and get warmed up. I'll take care of the horse." Hongjoong took the reins and led the horse to the stable.
You helped Mingi inside, the two of you entering the large ranch house. You placed Mingi on the couch before taking a look around the house. It was simple but cozy, and it smelled like vanilla and pine.
"Make yourself at home. Joong won't be long." Mingi leaned back against the cushions.
"Thank you." You smiled and went back over to him, sitting on the couch next to him.
You studied his features, his eyes closed and his face relaxed. He looked so peaceful, and you couldn't help but admire his beauty.
"What are you thinking about?" Mingi suddenly asked, opening his eyes and looking at you.
"Nothing. Just how handsome you are." You admitted.
"Well, thank you, darlin'." He smiled. "You're pretty yourself. Real pretty."
"Thank you."
"I'm glad you decided to stop and help me. I owe you my life."
"You're welcome." You smiled and leaned back against the cushions.
"So tell me your story," Mingi muttered. "Why is your husband out to get ya? Is it just for the money or is there something else?"
"It's a long story, Mingi." You sighed, a frown forming on your face.
"I got all night, sweetheart." He smiled, rubbing a hand up and down your arm. "C'mon. Indulge me, please."
You rolled your eyes. "You're lucky you're hurt. You're being very cheeky."
Mingi laughed, his dimpled cheek pressed against the cushions as he closed his eyes. "I am indeed. Tell me about ya. About yer marriage."
"What's to tell?" You shrugged, leaning back against the sofa and closing your eyes. "I met a man I thought would take care of me. He charmed me and my family but in reality, all he ever wanted was my money. Because he was on the verge of being broke." You began, re-living the memories. "At first, he treated me nice and it was wonderful, until it wasn't. It was his love language, lavish gifts, and trips. And then all of a sudden, what I thought was love turned into abuse and control. He wanted to spend my money on everything. When I said no, things went badly and his abuse became physical."
Mingi reached out a hand to you and put it atop yours, giving a little squeeze. "That bastard. I know his type. Those were the men I robbed and stole from. The greedy ones that hurt women." He let out a sigh and laid his head back. "I was an outlaw, for a long time. Joong and I were always looking out for each other. He was the brains and I was the brawn. But, a couple of years back we fell on some rough times and realized we weren't as invincible as we thought. When Joong's mama passed, she left him this property. We went legit and bought some cattle. Things are good now but we were still doing odd jobs. Helping friends and such." He smiled.
You studied him. "You two seem close. Friends can be good to have."
Mingi smiled at you, his dark brown eyes piercing into yours. "Joong and I are good at taking care of ourselves. Never needed anyone else until now."
"Until now?" Your eyebrows raised.
He shrugged a shoulder, an eyebrow lifting. "You never know what the future holds. Better to be prepared."
Mingi chuckled and stretched his limbs.
"I like the way you think." Your lips turned upward as you spoke to him.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence. Mingi's presence brought a feeling of ease to you. A moment later, Hongjoong came through the front door and removed his boots at the entrance.
"Hey, Joongie." Mingi greeted with a sleepy smile.
"How are ya holding up?"
"Better now." Mingi looked at you with a smile on his lips.
"Hey now, don't be all flirty up in this place-"
"Don't get jealous, Joong." Mingi cut him off.
"Me, jealous of you? Hell no." Hongjoong made his way over to you and sat down on a loveseat opposite the sofa. "So Miss Y/N, you got some crazies after you? What for? You some kind of heiress to a fortune? I can't see you doing any sort of wrong."
Your face reddened a bit as the men watched you. "I uh...well you could say that. My parents are wealthy, yes, and I was married to what I thought was a wealthy man...but he was on the verge of being broke. He only wanted my money so he could fund his extravagant life. Over time, he changed and became abusive. Finally, I couldn't handle it anymore so I divorced him. Stabbed him in the hand with a steak knife and ran away. Now he's sent thugs and goons after me. As long as he can get his hands on my money, he doesn't care if I'm dead or alive."
"Unbelievable." Mingi sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Well, I have to hand it to you, Y/N. Most women wouldn't have the strength or gall to stand up to an abuser or their spouse." Hongjoong admired you.
"I have to get out of the country. That was my plan all along." You sighed. "Get out of the country and try to live quietly, like normal. Not to offend, but men like you aren't exactly low-key."
Mingi chuckled. "Good point."
"And now you're saddled with the poor cowboy you've rescued and stuck at a ranch house on the outskirts of nowhere."
'What if they come here?" You bit your bottom lip.
Hongjoong shook his head. "You don't have to worry. Mingi and I are more than capable of handling a few thugs."
"Right." Mingi smiled at you. "Now, how about some food and bed? I'm starved, wounded, and exhausted."
"As am I."
"Okay, you two." Hongjoong stood. "I'll get dinner started, so rest up."
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"She's in there!" You heard yelling. "We'll kill her if we have to! Bring her here, now!"
You were thrown on your back, a male body covering yours as you blinked your eyes awake. The tall cowboy covered your body as best he could with his own, a rifle aimed and firing out the window into the night.
"Stay low," Mingi growled in your ear, a primal protective tone. He aimed the rifle once more as shouts and screams pierced the air. More gunshots and the air turned electric. He spoke to you in a hushed tone. "Do you know how to handle a gun?"
"Yeah." You had been forced to learn back with your husband and his controlling nature. You would never use a weapon to harm, though.
Mingi looked to see that you nodded, reaching over he dug in a side drawer of the dresser next to his bed and handed you a pistol.
"Just in case. Try to stay low until it's clear. But if it's an all-out war, don't be afraid. Protect yourself. I don't mind dying for something worth it and you're something worth a lot in my eyes. I promise you, you'll come out alive and whole."
You turned and locked eyes with Mingi. Mingi held eye contact for a second before hopping out of bed.
"You ready?" Mingi moved to the window and looked out over the land surrounding the home, the firelight casting an orange glow.
You swallowed your anxiety and nodded to the cowboy.
"Okay." Mingi readied his weapon and hopped up onto the window, gun first, and fired. He took cover in the window frame, a thump sounded like a body landing, but you weren't sure. You held the gun ready, gripping tight to it tight as sweat lined your palms.
There was no more yelling. Only the crackling of the fire was audible. Mingi sighed heavily. His head dropped and then you watched his chest inflate and fall quickly as his nerves calmed down.
"You good, Darlin'?" He turned his eyes to meet yours.
"Good." He nodded. "Remember to stay low. I'll draw their attention away, then you run like hell. Head to the stables and get on one of the horses. Head to town and find Yunho, the sheriff. Hongjoong and I will be right behind you. Okay?"
You nodded. "Okay."
"Good girl." He gave your knee a light squeeze. "Stay low and quiet."
Mingi disappeared. You took a few breaths, listening to the silence. You then dropped the window and began to make your way through the house and to the stables. You heard the sounds of horses stamping the ground and snorting. You looked over and saw Hongjoong climbing through the window.
"He okay?" Hongjoong whispered, moving his head out the window and seeing Mingi wasn't following you.
"Yes." You looked at him, sadness lining your eyes and fear welling in your voice.
"Hey, he's tough. The guy has been in much worse jams and walked out unscathed. This time isn't going to be any different. Trust me." Hongjoong had his revolver out, keeping his eyes focused on any movement outside. He hoped his words were true and the Mingi was alright.
A second later you heard Mingi's boots hit the floor. You were relieved. He moved quickly to the window.
"Four men dead."
"Is that all of them?" Hongjoong asked.
"Yes. They rode in fast. Just the four men. Heard one of them saying that there's more on the way."
"Damn, you're ex-husband wasn't playing around," Hongjoong grumbled.
Mingi approached you. "Darlin', let's go."
Hongjoong looked at you. "Go with Mingi. I'll hold down the fort. This is my goddamn house after all."
He clasped Mingi on the shoulder. "Just go and get her safe."
"Yeah." Mingi nodded.
Hongjoong loaded the pistol and cocked the hammer. "This ain't goodbye forever, Miss Y/N. I promise." He saluted the pair of you with two fingers, a genuine smile on his lips. "Be safe, you two."
"Take care, Hongjoong. See you on the other side, my friend." Mingi then took your hand and led you to a horse already packed with bags. He then picked you up by your waist, lifting you as though you were nothing more than a pillow. His strength never failed to impress you and excite you at the same time. You tried to situate your skirts appropriately but decided to tear a good portion of fabric from the hem for easier mobility.
You felt Mingi swing up behind you on the horse and place an arm around you. "Hang on. We're heading on to town to get Sheriff Yunho and let him know what's going on. Then we'll head on to the next town over." Mingi clicked his tongue and kicked the horse's flanks gently with his boots and the pair of you raced off the property. You were overwhelmed and felt as though things were starting to go wrong, again. Would the nightmare ever stop? Was there no safety in the world for you? And now, you were putting a new man and his best friend into the situation. Men who weren't bound to you in any way. 
Men who owed you nothing. Who have both saved you already, when they barely even knew you. How could you thank someone for something like that?
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After stopping in town and telling the sheriff what had happened and disguising yourself in men’s clothing, you and Mingi were on the road to the next town over. With Mingi behind you and one hand on the reins, you gripped the saddle and tried to focus on breathing. Your heart wouldn't slow down, and Mingi could sense how anxious you were.
"Talk to me, darlin'." Mingi patted your arm and leaned forward a little to listen.
"Oh..." You hadn't noticed until now just how tense your shoulders were.
"It's gonna be fine." Mingi's voice was warm and comforting, the complete opposite of the situation at hand.
"How can you say that?" You looked over your shoulder and locked eyes with him, tears already lining your waterline.
Mingi's breath hitched a moment when he met your gaze. It was an intense moment the two of you sharing, his large eyes drawing you in, pupils dilating ever so slightly. You were breathless when his face lowered to yours, his mouth suddenly pressing to yours in a firm yet gentle kiss. You relaxed as the shock melted away and leaned into him, Mingi's arm sliding over your waist and pulling you against him.
Your hand lifted and rested upon his broad chest. You could feel his heart thrumming away against his ribcage. A soft growl vibrated his throat when his lips parted against yours, allowing the hot sweep of his tongue to dance with yours. You were enjoying the moment, but the stress still lingered and ate away at you.
You were caught completely off-guard by Mingi's actions. Especially considering how you had only met him just a day earlier.
"Mingi..." You gasped a little, a redness spreading over your cheeks as the cowboy pulled back and smiled.
"I promise everything will be just fine, Y/N," Mingi muttered. "We'll be in town soon and on the next train out of there. Then we'll be off far west. Free from that bastard and his goons."
"You're going through all this trouble, and danger, to protect someone you don't even really know." You wrapped your arms around yourself, feeling bad for endangering such a kind and wonderful man like the man behind you.
"Hey." Mingi reached over and brushed a stray tendril of hair from your face. "You're the real deal. I can tell, just by meeting you and hearing your story. Besides, this is me getting away from the life that Hongjoong and I led until just recently. This is redemption in a way, to help a pretty woman and save a good soul." Mingi moved one hand up your neck, fingers sliding along your skin making gooseflesh ripple along the trail.
"But the cost-"
"I think I know the price better than anyone. I was an outlaw, Y/N. Threw in my hand with the wrong people when I was a young idiot. Was lucky to be alive, and eventually met up with Hongoong. So I've seen all there was to see and can read people well. And, it's never too late to change and to choose the right people to surround yourself with. I've realized that I have to help others – the right way. And, besides, if I have to be in a sticky situation, I'm glad it's with someone like you."
You looked up to see Mingi staring down at you, his hands touching your waist.
Mingi grinned a bit as you seemed surprised. You were lost in his gaze for a moment, before coming back to your senses.
Mingi stroked your cheek softly, admiring the details of your face for a moment, taking note of a certain spot he wouldn't mind having a chance to mark later on. Your face had a healthy dusting of sun-kissed skin that shined. Mingi stared in awe. He's known many a beautiful woman, but you were special. "Come on, darlin', we should keep moving. Should be in town soon enough."
You rode together the remainder of the way in silence. Your mind races over how the last day has unfolded, the danger the beautiful stranger was putting himself in, and the feelings stirring up in you for him. A few hours ago you didn't know him. Now you wanted to protect him and save him from danger. Was there something else driving you? Something hidden deep inside that only this kind-hearted stranger was capable of revealing?
Your mind drifted off and before you realized it, you had arrived in town. It was early morning and the streets were quiet, save a few people starting their day. After tying the horse to a post outside of the inn, Mingi gathered his rifle and your pack then helped you to the inn. After booking a room for both of you, Mingi gently grabbed you by your arm.
"Let's take it easy today, stock up on supplies, and then board the train tomorrow. Better get some rest while we can."
You nodded. Mingi rubbed your arms as your eyes fell. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything to you." His expression softened as your eyes opened and focused back on him. "Not unless you want me to."
You smiled lightly and followed Mingi upstairs to the room you both had booked. Mingi kept the rifle close to him while entering the room, scanning the area, double-checking the closet and any potential hiding places, and making sure the window was locked, before relaxing his shoulders.
"I could use a bath right now." You said as you stood next to the bed.
"My thoughts exactly." Mingi smiled lightly.
"You'd like to bathe too, I presume?" You asked him, turning to the cowboy who was removing his gloves.
"Only if it's alright with you. No worries, I'm fine to wait for another day." He rested his gun and belongings at the foot of his bed. "Wouldn't be very polite of me to invite myself. And I don't want you thinking less of me." Mingi sat on the edge of his bed and started taking his boots off.
You wanted a bath but also a partner to be with. Even after all those kisses on the road, he was still respecting you, and wanting to make sure you were comfortable with him. What a rare and wonderful man you had stumbled upon.
"Well...I'd rather like someone to...bathe with me..." The sentence slipped out as a shy request, barely above a whisper, but Mingi heard and immediately looked over his shoulder with a sweet grin.
"Is that so?"
You nodded timidly and brought your bottom lip in between your teeth as his gaze made your nerves fire up. Mingi smiled, biting his lips as well in thought and lust.
"Well alright, Darlin."
You watched Mingi cross the room and follow you to the door leading to the tub in the corner of the room. "Shall we?" Mingi gestured, his palm opening outward and he held his other palm and wrist to you.
Your hands grabbed onto his and he gave a soft reassuring squeeze before releasing a hand, opening the bathroom door, and letting you inside. The tub was large and sturdy-looking and would easily fit two people. Your back faced Mingi while you started to get undressed, as he slowly shut the bathroom door.
You kept your eyes forward, hearing Mingi undo his belt buckle, and let his gun holster drop to the floor. His shirt followed the rustle and whooshing of cloth hinted at what was happening. He stood behind you, pausing and waiting.
"You still want my help, darlin'? I'm not going to push you into doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you'd rather me keep the rest of my clothes on, just say the word."
You turned with wide eyes, biting your lips at his naked chest and broad, sturdy shoulders. Mingi held a knowing, charming grin on his lips as he teased a single button open on his trousers.
"Yes." You breathed, hypnotized by the delicious sight of a gorgeous and almost nude Mingi. "Mingi...I..."
"Shh..." Mingi closed the distance between you and met your mouth, claiming your lips once again, his hand gripping your side firmly. You placed a hand over the larger, muscular one that rested upon your side. It felt incredibly soft and so strong. Your free hand started to play along the band of the loosening trousers. Mingi grunted lowly, moving your hand to slip inside the waistband of his trousers.
Your fingers gripped gently, a needy moan escaping him as you got a taste of his size.
"Fuck..." He muttered, pulling back and kissing along your neck. He groaned, then tugged your shirt up over your head and you pulled your hand back from his waist. He tossed the shirt to the side, a hand rubbing along the delicate curve of your hip and tugging down the waistband of the trousers you were wearing.
"You sure about this, Darlin?" Mingi whispered against the shell of your ear.
"Very sure." You muttered back as you kissed his neck.
Mingi hissed as your mouth sucked softly, his skin vibrating beneath the skin of his throat. He continued to lower your trouser hem, the palm of his hand skating over the naked skin of your thigh, leaving behind a trail of tingles in its wake. 
"Fuck, Darlin..." he breathed, eyes latching onto the sight of your naked hips. Your hands skated down his toned belly and played over his trousers once again.
"Lower.." he asked, his lips pecking your shoulder before nuzzling your cheek.
You complied, fingers brushing and kneading over the growing heat. Your hand pulled his length out, fingers brushing the smooth and hardened skin. Mingi released an exhale, as your thumb grazed the swollen tip of his cock, massaging the fluid that leaked from his throbbing tip.
"Christ..." He buried his nose in your hair, grunting. "We're not even in the bath yet. Fuck.. Y/N.."
"Mmm?" You teased lightly, still stroking the solid flesh gently and slowly.
He chuckled, the hand at your hip brushing gently over the juncture of your thighs, then dipping down to stroke your intimate entrance. You cried out, pressing your body tight to Mingi's while his lips attacked your throat, sucking at your collarbone.
He turned your body around, your back pressing against his front, and slowly steered you towards the waiting tub. Mingi took a seat in the steaming hot water, stretched his legs out, and carefully lifted you into his lap. You moaned at the feeling of Mingi's cock prodding your backside as he brought your hips closer to his own. Mingi growled lowly and purred as your behind settled into his lap, grinding down a little and humming at the hard, thick rod nudging your tailbone.
Mingi laughed through a moan and placed a chaste kiss on the back of your head before you felt his tongue playing with your skin. "Ready?"
"Yes." You muttered back in a gasp. "Mmmmmm..."
"No worries, Darling. You'll enjoy what I do to you." Mingi purred.
"Promise?" Your back arched in pleasure, his thumb dipping low and swiping against the delicate bundle of nerves nestled amongst the folds of your sensitive clit.
"Mmhm..." his finger slid around your inner folds, coating the digit, and he plunged inside, his lips sucking softly on your neck.
"Oooh god..." Your back arched, mouth agape, and hips bucking into the sweet feeling of Mingi's skilled hands pleasuring you.
Mingi hooked his chin on your shoulder and grinned, loving to see the effects his ministrations were causing you.
"Look at you, Darlin'." He gave a harder rub of his finger against that little nub hidden at the peak of your heat. He bit back a moan feeling you clench against his thick finger that was currently prodding your sweet wet center. He shuddered and your hips squirmed. Mingi lifted and lowered his fingers until both sank inside the hot core and massaged. Your back was arched, and a whimpered sob of utter bliss was loud and clear.
"Mingi..." The name came out breathlessly and your hands reached back to grip his forearms, the pads of your fingers gripping tightly as you turned and your eyes locked with Mingi's. Mingi pressed closer to you, lips trailing back up to the side of your neck, and claimed another hungry kiss. Your moans vibrated, Mingi growled in pleasure as he removed his fingers and snaked around you, turning you so that your legs ended up straddling his waist. Mingi sat back, the ends of his hair soaked, strands curling against the nape of his neck and temples as he watched you lower yourself on his cock.
"Just like that, beautiful. God, you feel fantastic." He muttered, reaching up to brush his lips back over yours. "How do you feel, darlin'? My size okay? Any pain? Need me to go softer or harder?"
You bit your lip, marveling at the sweetness the cowboy was treating you. Your insides squeezed, your muscles contracting and pulsating around him. A cuss of pleasure came from him as he slid up a little more, hands taking your waist, guiding you to lean back against his wet chest. The suds and bubbles moved away, exposing more of the heated contact to the cooler air.
Your nails scraped gently up Mingi's thighs and you sank further, feeling a slight resistance, but still feeling wonderful.
"Oh god, Mingi."
"I know, darlin'..." One hand rested on your hips under the water, the other cupping your breast and kneading, enjoying the warm mound beneath his palm. "Tell me, darlin'. How does this compare to your ex-husband? Be honest..." He breathed, burying his face into the back of your neck, kissing the hot skin.
"He never filled me like this...so good...so full...God..."
He ground his teeth a little, groaning through his teeth as he nipped your earlobe, keeping his eyes trained on your back and sides. You moaned, not caring how much noise you were making. Mingi leaned into you and stole another hungry kiss before whispering, "No worries, you can scream as loud as you like with me, darlin’. I'll take you harder and fill you even more."
"Yes, please. Fuck, Mingi...." Your breathless and heady voice caused Mingi's self-control to break. He thrust a little harder and gripped you tightly.
Mingi snaked an arm around the front of you, grabbing your wrist and pushing his weight to the back of you. With each thrust the water began to slosh, threatening to spill from the edges of the tub and onto the wooden floor. "Mingi-" 
The thrusts turned rough, yet there wasn't any pain. You reached out, searching and grabbing, anything, needing something to hold onto. Seeing what you needed, he repositioned you so that your breasts were now pressed against his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, rocking against him. You didn't care if the water had gotten everywhere by now. Your pussy throbbed and clutched. He felt so big and you were impossibly full with him, the way his thickness was lodged inside and caressed every inch of your walls.
"Is this all you need, darlin'?" He asked. His words came out short and clipped as he panted.
Your response was only a loud mewl.
His hands pressed tight against your back, keeping you close, and the arm hooked beneath your bottom increased its grip.
You bounced upon his lap, your movements jagged, unable to do anything more. All you could do was cling to Mingi.
"There, Darlin...such a good girl for me..." He mumbled through a moan. His voice was gruff and it made your skin prickle.
"More..." you moaned back.
"Yeah? I'mma need to move this elsewhere to give you more, Darlin'." Mingi spoke against your shoulder, peppering a kiss to soothe you. His cock felt so good inside you. "Don't worry, Darlin'. I'm not done with you, yet. We still have the bedroom, and I need to have you ride me." Mingi purred while his mouth searched your body.
A throaty chuckle erupted from Mingi as he heard your cries for him.
You yelped and whined, surprised as his arms maneuvered you, and lifted you right out of the tub. The world blurred around you, Mingi's wet flesh clinging to your own. A second later, you felt yourself land upon the cool sheets of the mattress. The fluffy bedding was a welcome feeling as Mingi's wet frame pressed to you, your lips reconnecting once more.
"We didn't wash up..." You let out a small moan of contentment against the warmth of Mingi's neck, the skin dewy and soft.
"Guess not, but I certainly enjoyed a bath with you nonetheless, Darlin’." Mingi purred against your shoulder, flipping to lay on his back and bring you on top of him. He spread your legs further and gripped your hips in both his palms as you slid down on him. "Damn...Y/N..."
"You said you wanted me to ride you, didn't you?" You smirked, settling back on him.
"Oh...that was one of the best ideas I've ever had...aight, show me what ya got..." He placed one hand on your waist while the other was laid above his head, his grin impossibly wide and goofy as his eyes met yours. "By all means, show me, darlin'."
Fuck, bathtub sex was good but being atop such a fine specimen like Mingi...this was even better...and a whole other level of sensual.
"Mingi...my god..." Your breath caught, eyes slamming shut and rolling into your skull as you sunk deeper and began riding him with more passion.
He cursed under his breath. "Fuck, your pussy is fucking perfect." He smiled, watching the view from under. Mingi was lying there, watching you move above him and he groaned.
"So hot...the way you are riding me...damn." He was straining with how good you were feeling. Your pussy squeezed around Mingi's thick cock, and your hand slid along his broad chest and down his sculpted torso. You trailed along his muscles, and Mingi watched you explore his body while you bounced atop his erection. He loved this.
"Look at you, Y/N.." Mingi smiled.
"So big.." you were stretched in a way you had never been before. "So full..." You whined, completely lost in him.
His hands wrapped tighter around your hips as he helped bounce you up and down his cock.
You continued riding the cowboy for a few more minutes. Mingi brought a hand up, running his thumb along the wet folds of your pussy and you whimpered, gasping when he started circling your clit. "Mingi.." his name came out louder, turning to a wail as you were right on the verge.
"Do it, cum all over me, let me feel it, I'm getting close. So close, darlin’." Mingi barked back, a growl emerging and his hands gripped hard as he pounded up and into you.
"Ooooh, yes!"
He sat up quickly, kissing you again as he thrust deeply until he could go no more, releasing. He jerked, pumping every last bit into you before easing down onto his back with an exhausted and spent laugh.
You collapsed over him and snuggled in closely.
"Yeah, wow." Mingi agreed and he looked down at you and your naked form, which was intertwined with his. You snuggled in closer and were amazed at his energy. "Better than with your ex-husband?"
You let out a laugh and you pulled his hands and wrapped them around your waist. Your hands ran across his skin and his face had an easy smile, those chocolate eyes softening. You pushed yourself closer to him, which he welcomed. "Most definitely."
"How would you feel if I stayed with you to protect you and ensure you arrived wherever you wanted to go? I promise to make sure you aren't in any trouble. That's if you would like the company."
A smile spread over your lips, and you nodded your approval. You'd love nothing more than the company of a handsome man with a good heart such as Mingi. He smiled in return placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose and held you tighter, drawing the covers of your bed over the both of you. You smiled a little as you looked at him. The night air filled with a beautiful silence. It was comfortable. Neither of you spoke, but eventually, Mingi whispered into the dark:
"Y'know what Darlin'? I reckon we can manage life together just fine."
You giggled and nodded. "I have a feeling you're right about that."
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emhm · 4 months
Coffee? Please?
Let me preface this by saying; I am not disabled and this is not about 'urgent' vet bills.
[I have an outstanding debt to pay in that regard, but the monthly payment is small and the service was already done. It was the amputation for our kitten Lucky's dead front leg.]
I do have a job and the pay is too good to quit. I work 40 hours a week and I spend almost 13 more hours just driving to and from work because our boss 'can't find a work assignment closer to where I live.' Up until about two weeks ago my partner was also working 40 hours a week on an opposing shift. We were just starting to get on top of our crushing pile of monthly bills. Then she lost her work assignment [not her fault] and he couldn't find anything else for her to do. So she lost a whole weeks pay. He found her a place, but now she's only getting 24 hours a week instead of 40. And we were already struggling to pay for the bare essentials. I was hoping so hard to just have something left when the bills were paid. But my entire tax return was used to pay for overdue bills and it still wasn't all of them.
-We have not had a working washing machine since September. Almost all of my ancient towels have rotted and ripped apart from trying to hang dry them to avoid killing the dryer too.
-Our house does not have central heat or air so we've been freezing for months with no money to buy wood for the stove. [It's warmer now but still in the low 40s at night where I am.]
-We have been flushing the toilet with buckets of water for almost a year because hiring a plumber is not happening.
-For over a year we have been fighting the flea infestation caused by the deadbeat trash-pit roommate we had to force to move out. They're biting me as well as the cats and I'm allergic to them. So I constantly have a rash on my feet and ankles. We never have money for flea drops consistently enough to get rid of them and I do not have a working vacuum to get rid of the flea eggs in the carpet.
-I just had to take on $1200 worth of debt because my tires were bald from my ungodly commute and they told me the brakes need replacing very soon.
-Our youngest cat Lucky will need to be fixed soon because she's almost old enough to go into heat. [She's indoors only but I don't want to deal with the screaming.]
Our predatory mortgage payment is almost $2000 a month with all their shitty add-on fees. My car payment is $334. The internet is $87. The power is usually $125. Car insurance is about $115. Garbage is $65. Our car is shared and I go through 1 tank +1/4 tank of gas EVERY WEEK. I owe both Sunbit AND Carecredit. We're both estranged from abusive parents and have no other family to turn to in an emergency.
I can't ask for money for fanfic. I know that's unethical and illegal.
But I can tell you that I write better/faster/more when I'm not distracted by gut-wrenching despair, crippling anxiety attacks and the bone-deep fear of quickly losing my home because I'm always two missed paychecks away from disaster. I know pretty much everyone is in the same boat, and my problems aren't unique or special.
But anything helps.
I have several hundred dollars in overdue bills from last month and it's already time for the next month's to start arriving. I feel so hopeless and I don't know what else to do besides resorting to begging.
I just set up a Ko-fi account - https://ko-fi.com/followmeontumblr
My Paypal is attached to this old email address - [email protected]
I have an Etsy shop with some things for sale - https://www.etsy.com/shop/PatchworkLaboratory
I also have a Spoonflower shop with fabric featuring my designs. [I only make $1.50 per yard that people buy though.] - https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/infamousdoctorf
And for anyone who was kind enough to read this whole thing- I do have some NSFW sketches I've drawn for "Eclipse Meets His Match" that I have nowhere safe to post. If you're bold enough to direct-message me with the line-
"I swear on all I hold holy that I am not a minor. Show me the art."
I'll let you see them. Thank you either way.
183 notes · View notes
gloxk · 11 months
(Eren Yeager)
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A/N: I need eren so bad it’s not even funny. 😾. Anyway im almost at 100 followers (which omg ik it’s not a ‘lot’ but i literally didn’t expect this account to go anywhere so..TYSM! 🙀🫶🏽! ) This is a lil sum short to show my appreciation! and yes im sorry it was rushed.
Summary: It’s not nice to tease your boyfriend durning a heated match. You had to learn that the hard way.
smut, unprotected s*x, creampie, pet names (ma) , dry humping, etc+ w/c: 0.8k
smut under the cut!!!
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You watched as your boyfriend’s fingers spam control buttons. He was on the game playing with his friends. Playing with anything other than your clit was ridiculous. Especially since you were sitting there so pretty for him. He was raging because Armin was already on his 17th kill. You walked up behind your boyfriend trailing kisses down his neck. He turned his face looking you up and down. His Jade eyes admired your body. “Hmm?” his lips turned into a sly smile. His eyes never leaving yours. He gave you a quick kiss. His soft lips pressed against yours. lip gloss coated his mouth. “I’ve been waiting all night Eren. C'mon.” it was obvious he didn’t want to get off the game. Not until he beat Armin. “Chill, one more round and I’m done. for real.”
How many times was he going to say that? It’s been one more round for the past twenty minutes. He was dead set on beating Armin. You just accepted that he wasn’t going to leave without a fight. He patted his thigh signaling you to sit down. To be fair you would much rather sit on his face but this was fine. He nuzzled into your neck giving you gentle kisses. You couldn’t help but notice his growing bulge that you perched yourself upon. it was like your clit had a mind of its own. you rubbed against his bulge, slightly—rocking your hips side to side. His game continued but his breath hitched in every other sentence. Your slight movement got more noticeable as you moved a little bit faster. He must have noticed because he started to grind against you. His pace slowly increased going faster and faster. It was no longer a subtle whine against your ass but instead more of a deliberate hip thrust, making you slightly bounce. You continued to grind against his sweatpants. You could tell he was getting needy—his hands a little bit more sweaty, his breath getting a little erratic. He was getting desperate grinding a little harder against you. “I’m going to sleep.” yawing, you tried to move off of him, but to no avail. His grip around your waist made it impossible. “Nah, go ahead and rethink that ma,” he growled in your ear sending a small tingle down your spine. He threw his headset on the floor turning his full attention to you. “What you thought you were gonna tease me and walk away? That’s funny.”
You were bent over the desk with ease, he rubbed your clit through your yoga pants. “Did ya wear this f’me?” the answer was yes—yes you did wear those just for his eyes. To analyze how good your ass looked in the pretty pink yoga pants he bought you. “Mhm.” you moaned, his fingers speeding up at your answer. His hands grabbed your waist pulling you against his abdomen. “Fuck—you make me go crazy.” You arched your back at his words. They repeated over and over in your head. His voice was low and deep, the right combination to have you soaking. He yanked down your pants leaving you in your underwear. His fingers traced your pretty pink thong, he rubbed the bottom feeling how wet you were. You heard his low chuckle, “Damn ma how long have you been wanting me to fuck ya? Well too bad we ain’t got a condom.” you barely had time to comprehend what he said before he rammed into you. His thrusts were slow at first, deep and sensual. You held on to the edge of the desk digging your nails into it. Some pictures and other decor fell off as his pace increased. The melodic sound of your moans filled the room, accompanied by the sound of skin colliding. His thrust became more aggressive as his palm wrapped around your throat. The sensation of your airways being restricted made your mind fog. All you could focus on was his movements, every single stroke. His fingertips danced over your clit, making you clench around him. His chest pressed against your back, he hovered over your ear. His breathing infiltrated your ears, inhale, exhale. “All mine.” his palm left your throat and clawed your hips driving himself in faster.
You yelped as his nails scratched off skin. it was overwhelming, his fingers, his thrusts, his words, everything about him. You couldn’t hold on anymore. You felt your eyes roll back—moaning his name as you came. He didn’t stop plowing into your throbbing pussy. Watching you twitch at the overstimulation. “Eren—fuck—I can’t!” You tried to push him away with your hand, in an instant it was pinned behind your back. “Nah, ma you can take it. I know you can.” He was bringing you to another orgasm whether you wanted it or not. You decided to tease him, this was all your fault. It was your fault you were getting fucked like a stupid slut. Actions have consequences, if you don’t want the consequences don’t do the actions to cause them. “Fuck m’ almost there.” his thrust slowed giving you deep strokes, the kind of strokes that you tell your friends about. He threw his head back biting his lip. A sudden wave of warmth filled you, coating your walls. Liquid dripped down your leg, your face was plastered with a look of terror. You turned around slowly to meet Eren's gaze. “What’s wrong ma? You don’t want me to make you a mommy?” He gave you long strokes, fucking his cum into you. A single thought couldn’t be evaluated in your scrambled mind, you incoherently mumbled out “Mhm…make me a mommy.” He gave you a few kisses before picking you up and laying you down on the bed. He went back to playing his game as if nothing happened, you listened to him spill profanities as you fell unconscious.
You would absolutely regret your decision in the morning but it didn’t matter now <3.
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koilaniazul · 4 months
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why not me? (pt 2)
pairing- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: matt confronts y/n and it turns into a confession. but of course, these things don’t always have a happy ending.
warnings: swearing, angst, matt is a meanie once again
go check out part one!
after seeing matt’s date, you felt empty. the boy you had loved for years had just slipped from your fingers.
he didn’t even text. or call. hell, he could’ve sent a damn pigeon and you would’ve jumped for joy.
but no, he just ghosted you. that wasn’t like him.
the entire time you were in your house you stalked eiliana. her instagram, her tiktok, her threads account, her moms facebook account. you found out she has an onlyfans. (that she barely even posted on.)
*she’s not good for matt.* you thought to yourself
you hadn’t got up from your bed in DAYS. and the dishes + smell in your room was a dead giveaway.
on the 5th day you unltimately decided it was time for self care.
you got up from your bed and felt disgusting. gathering all the takeout boxes and bowls with living organisms inside them, you stuffed them in the dishwasher as well as taking out the trash.
pulling off your dirty and crumb filled sheets and putting them in the washer, disinfectant over EVERY surface in your house.
hopping into the hot shower and letting out a soft moan feeling the anxiety and overwhelming stress wash away.
standing in your towel you looked at your phone, an instagram notif popped up.
a message. from matt.
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he wanted..to talk? he wanted to talk. matt wanted to talk. and he was coming over in 10 minutes.
reality suddenly hit ur brain as you hopped out of the bathroom and quickly got dressed into the most decent fit you could find.
ur hair was still wet and you barely had time to put makeup on.
matt was coming over and you looked like a wet abandoned dog.
putting on perfume you heard your doorbell ring.
oh shit.
halfway sprinting to the door you opened it as your heart stopped.
there stood matt who you hadn’t seen in weeks.
and he looked so good. even his outfit looked so fine.
you checked him out without shame and he noticed.
clearing his throat, the boy looked her in the eyes. “can..i come in?” he asked a bit unsure.
stepping out of your trance, you looked up at matt with doe eyes. “yeah..yeah sure”
matt carefully stepped inside and took his shoes off as you walked into your living room.
sitting on the couch you patted the spot next to you for him to sit down.
he sat down and avoided eye contact.
deciding to break the quietness, you spoke.
“so, why are you here? missed me that much?” you asked slightly laughing.
he didn’t return the laughter. matt side eyed you as he spoke, “i think you know why im here y/n”.
your smile faded. “i don’t know..”’. as much as you hated lying, you didn’t want to talk about what happened.
matt’s jaw clenched in anger. “ what do you mean?! you showed up at my date with my girlfriend!”.
girlfriend? there’s no way he was dating her already.
you stood up. “are you serious matt? you’ve only known her for like a week!”.
matt’s eyes widened as he stood up as well. “you can’t be talking right now. why are you so interested about how long i’ve known eiliana?! if you need to know we’d been talking for like months before!”
you scoffed. but as you tried to speak again he cut you off. “matt- no y/n shut the fuck up! you’re crazy. eiliana literally complained to me that she was scared of you because you kept stalking her profiles every.single.day.”
your mouth went dry. you forgot to hide your own profile.
“you’re supposed to be my best friend! not some psycho who’s literally joe goldburg.” matt says obviously stressing
“well i cant just be your friend matt!” you yelled. you didn’t think before you spoke. *shut up y/n* you thought to yourself
matt looked even more confused than he was before. “why not?”
“because i fucking love you!” you cried out.
dead silence.
you panted. suddenly out of breath.
you looked up at matt. his eyes darkened.
“matt-“ you said trying to touch his arm
“don’t-don’t touch me!” he said taking two steps back from you
you jerked your hand back scared from his reaction.
“matt please listen to me!” you yelled, tears started to pool your eyes.
he looked up and scoffed. “no you don’t get to cry y/n. you don’t get to fucking cry after you stalked my girlfriend and showed up at our date.”
“i- i didnt even mean to!” you stuttered. “i only left my house because you stood me up!”
matt rolled his eyes. “so what? i went on a date with a girl. you’re being a sensitive bitch.”
“why are you being such a dick right now?! this isn’t the matt i know!”
“oh yeah because you know me so well. matt said with a hint of sarcasm. “you don’t know me at all!”
you started to sob now. “matt-matt please!”
he walked to your front door. “i can’t be here.”
you panicked and sprinted to the front door, blocking him from leaving.
“let’s talk! please.” you begged desperately.
he finished putting his shoes on. “out of my way.”
your breath hitched. “matt.”
he sighed. “we can’t do this y/n. this isn’t healthy.”
confusion reached your face. “what are you talking about..?”
“we can’t be friends anymore.”
your heart dropped. “h-huh?”
he rubbed his temples “that’s why i came over here anyway. eilana and i had talked about it before i drove over. she suggested it and i think it’s a good idea.”
tears rolled down your face. “you’re one of my best friends i cant lose you!”
“ my girlfriend is terrified of you, and you clearly need help, please move out of the way y/n”
you gave up.
moving out of the doorway, matt opened the door and stood in the door frame.
“you know, i wanted to introduce her to you. i thought you two would be good friends. guess not. see you around”
he shut the door as you heard his footsteps walk away.
you tried to cry but you couldn’t.
you were so tired.
only one thought circled your head.
why not me?
𝗄𝗈𝗂'𝗌 𝗒𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 ↷
anyway.. i did not mean to make matt this mean. welp!
please tell me if you find any mistakes!
ok bai love ya ꨄ
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jozor-johai · 4 months
Days, Moons, Snow, and Letters: Proposing an new timeline for the ADWD North
The timeline you think you know around Jon's death is wrong, and this post is to show you why. Every discussion about who really wrote the Pink Letter is missing a crucial detail: Jon dies a month before Tycho Nestoris even reaches the Crofter's Village.
Yes, I am aware this sounds like an unbelievable claim. I would love for someone to convincingly prove me wrong, and if you believe you can, please let me know. However, I am reaching this conclusion using only the facts, which I will break down for you here.
Based on Asha's careful count of the days in The King's Prize and The Sacrifice, Jon's account of the moons from Jon VII onward, and Asha's, Theon's, and Jon's account of the snowstorm around Winterfell, I believe I can convincingly argue that by the time Tycho Nestoris arrives at Stannis' camp at the end of The Sacrifice—before any battle has taken place at all—Jon has already been dead for a month.
Very long (and dry) explanation below the cut. Please enjoy.
At the end, there's a Timeline breakdown illustrating the rough outline by the day, so don't worry if my tally of the weeks starts to get confusing, there is a clarifying list at the end.
The intuitive version—where George is giving us helpful hints
Jon VII, The Prince of Winterfell, and The King’s Prize. 
In The King’s Prize, Stannis’ host sets out from Deepwood Motte. Because this is important for timing everything else, let's call this Day 0.
In Jon VII, during a new moon, Jon receives a letter informing him of this plan ("we march against him")—I believe we can sync these events as occurring roughly contemporary to one another, with Jon VII happening a few days later. For ease later on, let's say Jon VII happens ~0.5 weeks after Asha departs Deepwood; this is ~Day 3.
Very shortly after that is Prince of Winterfell and Jeyne’s marriage: during this chapter, Roose receives word that Stannis has left Deepwood Motte. Allowing for just a bit more wiggle room (for Arnolf Karstark to have received a similar update as Jon did, and then to forward that information to ahead to Roose) we can place Prince of Winterfell fairly soon after Jon VII, itself after The King’s Prize begins. Let's call this ~Day 6.
Theon in Winterfell
Thanks to Asha keeping track of the days to the number, we know that Stannis' host spends at least 34 days on the march (Asha notes that "On the thirty-second day" grain ran out, at least two more days pass—the day "Lord Peasebury turned against the northmen" and "The next day the king's scouts chanced upon an abandoned crofters' village") and then Stannis' camp spends an additional 19 days at the Crofter's Village before Tycho and Theon arrive ("they had been three days from winterfell for nineteen days"). Therefore, we can almost exactly place Theon's arrival at the Crofter's Village no sooner than 53 days from the time they left Deepwood Motte. (It's possible, but not necessary, to insert more days between 32 and the Peasebury day, and we're trying to keep this march as short as possible.)
Therefore, the entirety of Theon’s Winterfell arc occurs during this time, since Prince of Winterfell starts right after the announcement that Stannis has begun to march, and because accounting for a ~3 days' ride between WF and the Village, Theon I occurs ~3 days before The Sacrifice. We can actually reasonably sync these chapters, but for the most part we don’t really have to—Ghost of Winterfell begins four days prior to Theon I, so that only needs to align with Tycho's arrival, and the Turncloak can just happen somewhere in between. But:
The one interesting thing to note is the snow in The Turncloak, when snow begins to fall heavily ("by nightfall snow was coming down so heavily"), and the snowstorm begins. However, it is also in this chapter that two scouts return to inform Roose that Stannis’ host has begun to break apart in the snow and had "slowed to a crawl". Comparing that to Asha's updates, this is at the earliest ~1 week into the march by Asha’s count, or anytime afterward ("fourth day of the march... snow began to fall" + "third day of snow, the king's host had begun to come apart"). So, by the time it starts snowing at Winterfell, or Asha, it's already been snowing a few days, at minimum. Accounting for additional travel time back to Winterfell from wherever Stannis is, and considering that this report comes just as Winterfell is getting snow, that means Stannis’ host got the snow roughly over a week before the snow reached Winterfell.
Almost like the snowstorm is following Stannis there. ;)  
Asha's Days
As for Asha and Jon’s storyline—where it actually matters here—it appears remarkably easy to compare time:
I believe Asha counting the days must be an exercise with narrative importance, and it's incredibly useful. As I said above, we can pin nearly to the day how much time elapsed from the beginning of Stannis’ march from Deepwood Motte until their arrival at the Crofter’s Village (no less than 34 days, cited above) and then add another 19 days at the Crofter’s Village in advance of Tycho’s arrival.
Together, the time from the beginning of The King’s Prize to the end of The Sacrifice is, at minimum, 53 days. Let's say Theon and Asha reunite on Day 53.
TWOW Theon appears to occur just before dawn the next day, and since The Battle at the Crofter’s Village appears to begin immediately after TWOW Theon ends, we’ll say that the Battle, therefore, is Day 54, or 7 weeks and 5 days following Stannis' departure from Deepwood Motte.
Jon's Moons
Meanwhile, every subsequent Jon chapter gives us either a moon phase or an account of days past:
Jon VII occurs during a new moon ("They had no moon to guide them home, and only now and then a patch of stars.") The weather is notably clear, clear enough that it's a plot element: this is the reason for heading to the weirwood grove now. When Jon returns he get the news of Stannis’ departure from Deepwood. We've allowed for some raven time, so we're calling this ~Day 3.
(As an aside, it’s been storming the last seven days, so the latest Mance could have left is a week prior, though obviously since we’re syncing this with Prince of Winterfell, Mance likely left earlier than that.)
Jon VIII occurs just before the half moon, about a week later. A moon "but half-full," to quote the text exactly. This is when Val departs to find Tormund. I interpret "but" to mean just before half-full, so we'll say this is 6 days later: ~Day 9.
Val says she will return on the "first night of the full moon." No one ever says she’s late, and Jon never worries about her being gone too long, so we can assume this is true—Val returns on the first night of the full moon, with Tormund, in Jon X. We can even be generous and say this is ~9 days later, and say Jon X occurs ~Day 18.
Since Val leaves in Jon VIII and returns a week later in Jon X, then Jon IX has just over a week’s period to occur. If we’re being generous, we can say this occurred only a few days after Jon VIII, around the actual half moon. Let's say Jon IX happens ~Day 11.
In Jon IX, Selyse arrives and declares she intends to stay “no more than a few days,” and while this prediction is not a trustworthy source, it might give us some kind of ballpark. Jon also notes the weather is clear in the morning for once, calling it a “respite.” He thinks the snows have "moved off to the south" (to Stannis?) but by the evening, the snow is "coming down more heavily". The next day, Tycho appears to be gone, and Alys arrives. 
So: Tycho appears to leave just over 1 week after Jon VII, when Jon received word that Stannis planned to march on Winterfell. This way, it makes intuitive sense that Jon sent Tycho to Deepwood Motte—barely any time has passed. It seems entirely possible that Stannis had yet to leave, or at least that Tycho could catch up with him on the march. So far, this feels entirely believable and logical.
In Jon X, Alys weds. Flint and Norrey have "hied" (hurried) to Castle Black for the Wedding, which is possible if we've said that Jon IX was ~1 week ago. The snow is still falling "heavily". Jon receives a letter confirming that eleven ships have left Eastwatch for Hardhome (likely a few days prior). Val arrives that night—our full moon, we presume. Again, this is Day ~18.
Jon XI begins the next morning. ("that day" until "finally, as the shadows of the afternoon grew long"). There is no place to fit any time in between here and Jon IX, because this chapter includes Jon showing Val her new quarters ("I've had the top floor made ready for you"). This is ~Day 19.
Also in Jon XI, Jon notes that the snow has finally stopped after two weeks ("a fortnight"). The last time we know the weather was clear for more than a few hours (so clear it was a plot point!) was Jon VII, when Jon went to the weirwood grove. By our count of the moon, Jon VII was two weeks ago, so this lines up exactly.
So: we've said Tycho leaves in Jon IX, which is just over a week since Jon VII. If, at an estimate, we're saying Jon VII probably occurred about a half a week after Stannis actually left, Tycho departed Castle Black 1.5 weeks into Stannis' march. Again—he could catch up here, so makes sense that Jon sends Tycho to Deepwood Motte first.
Meanwhile, thanks to Asha, we know Tycho makes it to Stannis’ camp 7.5 weeks after their departure, on Day 53. If we are roughly syncing the start of The King’s Prize half a week before Jon VII, and seeing Tycho set out from Castle Black only a week later, then Tycho takes ~6 weeks to reach Stannis, and he’s not a teleporting banker at all. ~42 days is plenty of time to reach Deepwood Motte, negotiate the exchange of hostages, travel to Winterfell in the storm, grab Theon, and then make it back to Stannis’ camp. Again, this makes sense.
Jon X—Jon XIII
However, we now run into the problem of how much time has passed since Tycho left.
We said before that Jon X and Jon XI (the next day) occur ~1 week after Tycho departs. Jon XI is ~Day 19.
After that, Jon XII occurs exactly three days following Jon XI—there’s no space to add any extra time here. In Jon XI, Tormund and Jon agree to let the Wildlings through in three days' time, and Jon XII follows that event proceeding as scheduled. We can safely place Jon XII ~1.5 weeks following Tycho’s departure. Jon XII is ~Day 22.
Jon XIII is the only remaining Jon chapter without a moon phase or a clear date. However, there are a number of events that demand it be soon after Jon XII.
First, there's Tormund's return. Back in Jon XII, Jon says Tormund will take men to Oakenshield in “within a day or two.” In Jon XIII, Toregg returns in the morning to announce that Tormund has settled his people at Oakenshield and is returning in the afternoon. Tormund arrives that afternoon.
Then, there's the matter of Hardhome. In Jon XII, he recieves news of the disaster at Hardhome ("Very bad here. Wildlings eating their own dead"). Jon XIII begins with Jon and Selyse discussing Hardhome, seemingly for the first time; Jon later discusses a Hardhome ranging with Marsh and Yarwyck, also for the first time; Melisandre also tries to stop Jon from leaving for Hardhome, also for the first time. Jon XIII occurs as soon as Jon makes the plan to leave for Hardhome. He sounds hurried; he says "they are starving at Hardhome by the thousands," and he makes a plan with Leathers to arrange the meeting in the Shieldhall in time for Tormund's return from Oakenshield—the only thing holding them up from leaving is Tormund's return.
Up to you how long you think Jon would have waited to discuss this—I don't think very long. In order to argue that more time passes between Jon XII and Jon XIII, we need to argue that Jon hears of the starving Wildlings eating their own dead and waits for weeks before acting.
Additionally, Cregan Karstark is taken out of the Ice Cells in Jon XIII after having been imprisoned there sometime before Jon X. Considering Jon X and Jon XII have to be four days apart, that's fine, and we might imagine that Cregan has been there for maybe over a week, or more. However, Jon spent four days in an ice cell in ASOS Jon X and in this time Alliser Thorne threatened that Jon would "die in there." With that comparison, we're limited in the timeline by imagining how much longer than ~1 week we can keep Cregan Karstark alive in the ice cells prior to his release in Jon XIII without him freezing to death first.
Soon after, the Bastard Letter arrives, and Jon is killed.
Personally, I think it’s most likely that Jon XIII occurs only a few days following Jon XII. If I’m feeling generous, I’d say we can put Jon XIII ~1 week following Jon XII, and being generous we’ll say that Jon dies ~2.5 weeks after Tycho departs Castle Black. That is, therefore, 3.5 weeks after Jon first heard word that Stannis was leaving Deepwood Motte, and (we're guessing) ~4 weeks after Stannis actually left.
So Jon dies on ~Day 30. By this count, Jon's dead, and Tycho Nestoris still won’t arrive at the Crofter’s Village for another ~3.5 weeks—he can't come any faster, Asha's been counting.
Next, I'm going to propose (and acknowledge) the ways that other versions of this timeline will fix this problem, though I don't like them exactly. Then, afterwards, I'm going to give a last piece of evidence why I believe in the version of events I've just described.
If you're unintersted in "what-ifs," scroll down to "The Snowstorm"
The Less Intuitive Version—where George sneaks in "The Mystery Month"
Because I'm arguing that Jon appears to die on ~Day 30, and Tycho doesn't even reach Asha until Day 53, in order for us to believe Jon XIII happened after TWOW Theon, we’d need to invent a month to add in to Jon’s storyline. Jon XIII has to occur after Day 60, at minimum.
I call this the “Mystery Month”—is there a missing month in Jon’s storyline, or isn’t there?
There a couple ways to make this happen, and I'll explain why I don't believe them.
The trouble with slow ravens
Number one, across the board, it feels very tempting to add buffer time by imagining that Stannis left Deepwood Motte even earlier than we estimate—maybe a whole week, or even longer, before Jon hears about it in Jon VII. The main issue with this strategy is that Stannis has to send the letter, so the raven leaves at latest when Stannis does, and so now we're arguing that a raven takes over a week to fly to reach Jon .... which means that now we're also adding additional estimated time for how long it took a raven to deliver the Pink Letter, and everything has to be pushed even earlier.
That is to say: if we said it takes two weeks for word to reach Jon before Jon VII, I would say now the "battle" in the Pink Letter has to happen weeks earlier to account for this extended raven time.
The long wait before Jon XIII
The first, simplest way to add a month, is that we say this: Jon XIII happens a month after Jon XII. It took Jon a month to plan for and to bring up Hardhome to Selyse, Selyse has waited over month to plan her weddings with Gerrick Kingsbloods’ daughters, and Tormund has been at Oakenshield for over a month. The Letter arrives a month after the Wildlings come through, and so long as the King’s Prize also began over a week before Jon gets the Letter about it in Jon VII, we can make this work. Tycho arrives on time, we skip ahead a month before Jon XIII, and then Jon dies after the battle.
Yes, this could be how it happens, No I do not think that it's convincingly possible that Jon XIII happens a month after Jon XII.
If we don't want to try to force in a lot of time between Jon XII and Jon XIII, there are a few other ways to attempt to solve this (though these are still three timelines of entirely my own invention):
Skipping a moon before Jon VIII
We could add a month in between Jon VII and Jon VIII, where Jon VIII is not the waxing half moon following Jon VII’s new moon, but the one after that. We're locked in at the moon cycle, so instead of one week, this has to be a ~5 week gap. The major issue with this is: we’ve lined up Jon VII roughly with the beginning of Stannis’ march, and Tycho still hasn’t arrived at Castle Black yet. If we place Jon IX right after Jon VIII again, we'll add a month to our previous estimate of Jon IX can say that Tycho leaves ~Day 39.
With this timeline, Tycho has ~2 weeks to catch up with Stannis’ host, reaching both Deepwood Motte and Winterfell along the way. This seems unbelievably fast (considering that Deepwood to Winterfell alone was over two weeks in good weather).
The thing is, that doesn’t even matter: since this doesn’t change our earlier estimate of how long Jon has left to live after Tycho’s departure (~2.5 weeks), that still means Jon dies roughly around the same time Tycho arrives.
There's an even bigger logical issue here: in this scenario, that means Jon, who heard five weeks ago that Stannis is marching on Winterfell—which is apparently a two-week march ("fifteen days")—still sent Tycho to Deepwood Motte to catch Stannis. Why would Tycho go to Deepwood first, and not Winterfell, if Jon learned Stannis marched five weeks before Tycho left? It's true that it happened to work out, but Jon wouldn't have known, at this point, how snowed in Stannis is.
The Val takes three weeks version
Alternatively, here everything is spread out more, which is closer in spirit to what the Unofficial Timeline suggests.
We can try to give both Val and Tycho a little more time before Val's return, but we’re always trapped in a moon cycle between Jon VIII and Jon X because otherwise Val’s promise to return at the full moon doesn’t make any sense. The best way to do this is to imagine that Val leaves on a waning half moon, rather than waxing half moon. This means that Val has three weeks to travel, and it also means we have move Jon VIII to three weeks after Jon VII (and therefore ~3 weeks into King’s Prize). Here, Jon VIII is ~Day 24.
(However, this is counterintuitive—it’s more natural to imagine that being shown a half moon following a new moon would mean the waxing half moon. Also, I believe it goes contrary to the actual description: Jon notes the moon was “but half full,” and the “but” makes it seem like it will be half-full soon, not that it just was. Again, we can allow it. This also means that when Val looks at the half-moon and says: look for me at the first week of the full moon, she doesn’t mean next week, she means in ~3 weeks from now—after the moon has gone to new and then back to full again. Once again, this feels very counterintuitive to say, but it will give us more time.)
In this version of events, Tycho and Alys can still arrive as early as right after Jon VIII, and therefore that Tycho left Castle Black ~3 weeks after Jon VII, roughly around ~Day 26. (Once again, this doesn’t make too much intuitive sense to me: why would Jon send Tycho to Deepwood Motte three weeks into a two-week march?) 
This doesn’t change our count of time from Jon X—Jon XIII (a generous ~1.5 weeks) but now we’re saying say that Tycho left Castle Black three weeks prior to Jon X, so this gives us 4.5 weeks between Tycho’s departure and Jon’s death.
This solves the issue of the teleporting banker: Tycho leaves ~3 weeks into Stannis’ march and has ~4.5 weeks to make the trip, so he’s faster than Stannis but not impossibly fast. However, because the moon phases are still locking our ability to only month here for the moon to align, we still have Tycho arriving roughly the same time Jon dies.
Mystery Month+
Since we're trapped into a vague schedule by Jon's noted moon cycles, the only remaining option is to assume that one of the above is true, and that Jon XIII happens at least two weeks after Jon XII. That would also make the timeline work.
However, to me, this all seems highly counterintuitive and unlikely…
And that’s before we factor in the accounts of the weather. 
Yes, I have one more piece of evidence to propose, and although this is a bit more debatable, I believe it corroborates my initial timeline.
The Snowstorm
Asha sets out from Deepwood Motte, and four days later, the snows begin. By a week into the march ("third day of snow"), the host has begun to separate, and slow to a crawl.
Around this time, or a little later, we imagine the Bolton scouts see the Stannis host struggling, and turn home to report back. Several days later, accounting for vague travel time (because Stannis is less than halfway to Winterfell by this point), they report this to Roose, and it begins to snow in Winterfell, too. Let's say, roughly, it begins snowing at Winterfell around ~2 weeks after Stannis departs, maybe adding a couple days. This is when The Turncloak happens—let's say ~Day 16.
Remember what I said about the snow in The Turncloak being interesting?
In Jon VII (at my estimate, ~Day 3) the weather is clear—clear enough that Jon heads north of the Wall. If we're aligning these moments, this seems to be true for Stannis, too.
The first we hear of snows to the south in Jon IX ("moved off to the south"), and in Jon X, we hear that south of Castle Black the "kingsroad was said to be impassable" from snowstorms. In Jon XIII, Yarwyck points out that the Wall is getting snow blown against it because the "wind's from the south". This is three different accounts of harsh weather to the south, and all of this points to this being the storm at Winterfell. 
If we go back to my original timeline, Stannis leaves Deepwood Motte a little before Jon VII, and Jon X occurs two weeks later around ~Day 18. In that timeline, then those reports of impassable snows to the south line up exactly with when the snows appear to have hit Winterfell, from our estimation of the sync between King’s Prize and Turncloak. Snows hit Winterfell roughly ~Day 16, Jon gets reports that the Kingsroad is impassable ~Day 18. That lines up.
According to my proposed timeline, this is still four or five weeks before Tycho Nestoris arrives. A week later, in Jon XIII, when the winds from the south are only getting worse… that fits, because Asha and Theon have another three or four weeks of snow to go. And Jon is dead.
The End
TL;DR: Comparing Jon’s tracking of the moon, Asha’s tracking of the days, and accounts of the snowstorm around Winterfell all lead me to believe that Jon dies four weeks before Tycho Nestoris reaches the Crofter’s Village.
In my proposed timeline: Tycho leaves ~1 week after Stannis does, he takes ~6 weeks to make it to the Crofter’s Village, and Jon’s already been dead for a month. So, there's been a month since. This way, Jon sending Tycho to Deepwood makes sense, and Tycho taking 6 weeks to make the journey makes sense. The accounts of the snowstorms line up.
What doesn't make sense is: the Pink Letter arrives over a month too early to be real.
But what could I possibly be saying? I don't even really know. This is such an unusual conclusion that there is very little theorizing in the fandom about what this would mean.
.... Although, I do have a pet theory for this: it does feed into my desire for the Wildlings to make a surprise appearance in TWOW.
Take this with a grain of salt. BUT. We know from AGOT that it usually takes ~3 weeks to travel from Castle Black to Winterfell. That means that a Wildling host would have a month, or even five weeks, depending on timing, to have marched from Castle Black to Winterfell afterward, and could arrive at Winterfell right on time for Stannis to advance. If that were the case, it could explain why Stannis seems so unhurried at the Crofter's Village. Maybe he's waiting for them to arrive. It could work that way. I'm not getting into any other logistics here, because this is a tall tale to defend.
On the other hand, as much work as this was, I’d love to be proven wrong here! It's all in the name of science, if by science I mean obsessive analysis of fiction. If someone has a detail I’ve missed, please let me know.
Day 0: King's Prize: Stannis Marches. The King's Prize begins.
Day ~3: Jon VII: New moon, word from Stannis.
Day 4: King's Prize: Snow begins for Asha.
Day ~6: Prince of Winterfell. Word from Arnolf that Stannis marches on Winterfell.
Day 7: King's Prize: Stannis' host begins to break apart in the snow.
Day ~9: Jon VIII: ~Half moon, Val departs and will return in ~a week.
Day ~11. Tycho Nestoris arrives and Jon sends him to Deepwood Motte. Jon notes it seems there are snows off to the south.
Day 15: King's Prize: Stannis has moved less than half the distance.
Day ~16. The Turncloak. It begins to snow heavily in Winterfell.
Day ~18. Jon X. Val returns, new moon. It's snowing heavily in Castle Black. Word comes that the Kingsroad south of Castle Black is impassable from heavy snow.
Day ~19. Jon XI. Jon meets with Tormund, shows Val her new quarters. Wildlings cross in three days.
Day 20. King's Prize: Asha loses her ankle chains because her horse dies.
Day ~22. Jon XII. The wildlings cross. Clear in the morning but Tormund notes snow will start again overnight. Tormund plans to go to Oakenshield in a day or two. Word of the Hardhome disaster.
Day 26. King's Prize: Stannis' host runs out of vegetables.
*Day ~30. Jon XIII, by my estimate. Jon plans to leave for Hardhome. Strong winds blowing snow from the south. Tormund returns from Oakenshield. Bastard Letter, Jon dies.
Day 32. King's Prize: Stannis' host runs out of grain.
Day 34. King's Prize: Stannis' host reaches the Crofter's Village.
Day 45. The Karstarks arrive at the Crofter's Village. (The Sacrifice)
Day 47. The Ghost in Winterfell: Ryswell man-at-arms found dead. Snow makes visibility outside Winterfell near-zero.
Day 48. Ghost in Winterfell: Aenys Frey's squire found dead in the morning. Flint crossbowman found dead in the afternoon. Stable collapses at night.
Day 49: Ghost in Winterfell: Yellow Dick found dead in the morning. Visibility so low Theon cannot see "three feet in front of him." Confrontation about whether Theon is the killer.
Day 50: Ghost in Winterfell: Theon stays up all night; just before the dawn the sounds of horns and drums outside wakes everyone Winterfell. Theon is found in the godswood by three of the spearwives and taken to meet Mance in the Burned Tower. Theon I: A raven arrives (from the Karstarks) informing Roose of Stannis' location. Theon and Jeyne escape and are found my Mors.
Day 53: The Sacrifice: Tycho Nestoris arrives with Theon, Jeyne, and the Ironborn from Deepwood Motte.
*Day 60: At minumum, earliest time Jon XIII can occur for the Pink Letter to be accurate.
67 notes · View notes
writingsbyzuzu · 3 months
lose your soul
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boxer! ethan nestor x shy! afab! reader
when ethan, a semi professional boxer, switches gyms, he doesn't expect much from it...until he sees you, and loses his soul in the progress
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giving ryan gosling his just desserts as a talented artist because i have fucking loved this song since middle school and people should appreciate his band more
I have a similar concept fic where you're his assistant to high enough by k flay, lmk if you want it
notes: it's the return of feral ethan. all hail feral ethan, your parents are spanish speaking immigrants (this is left so vague so interpret it as the country of your choice) sorry the ending is shit i had no idea how to
warnings: domestic violence mentioned, stalking (ethan is NOT your stalker), mentions of blood, ethan beats up yet another ex boyfriend, vague corruption kink (but not really), dirty talk, lots of it, ethan shoves his fingers in your mouth, SMUT
based on lose your soul by dead man's bones
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Oh You're gonna lose your soul, tonight You're gonna lose your soul
By all accounts, it had been a normal night. In the weeks prior, Ethan had switched gyms to practice in, the old one getting too crowded, too many people approaching him and wanting things of him. So he had found a new gym across town. The commute was further, but it was smaller, more private. A lot of his fellow boxers practiced here anyways, so Ethan felt more at home.
That's where he found himself tonight, practicing sparring with his buddies. Something was a little off tonight, though. As far as Ethan was concerned, the owner of the gym and his wife were nice people.
A bit rough around the edges, and didn't speak much, but he went out of his way to make people comfortable, and was a stand up guy. Which was why tonight suddenly became... odd. The owner was shuffling back and forth, from the front desk to check his phone, where it was charging, to the windows, peering around into the street.
Ethan watches the owner for a second, before lifting his hand up to tell Daniel, who was in the ring with him, to stop moving. He and Daniel give the owner their full attention, watching the owner walk back and forth.
"You alright, boss man?" Daniel calls out, also trying to look out onto the street. The owner waves him off, grinning as a vintage car rolls down the street and parks in front of the gym.
Ethan and his friends eye the car curiously, as the owner gets excited, opening the door of the gym.
The car door opens, and out steps what Ethan has to assume is a fucking angel.
When you ask Ethan later on about this moment, he always tells you one thing. The minute you stepped out of the driver's seat, he knew his soul was gone. It had gone to you.
But as of this moment, he was just stuck staring at you, trying to decide if he was hallucinating.
"Dad!" You grin, enveloping the owner into a hug. "Dad?" Daniel and Ethan exclaim at the same time, looking at each other and then back at the scene unfolding.
Your dad beams at you. "Mija! How was the drive, any issues?" He holds your face, absolute pride showing in his. "No, I just needed to pack up some of my bags, unplug my fridge, and then I was off! Sorry, I'm so late."
"I'm just glad you're here. Come on in, it's blazing out here." Your dad ushers you in. You step inside, and Ethan notes how the older boxers and the old comers greet you, as if they had known you long before this day. You greet everyone quietly, giving a small wave.
Ethan continues to stare you down, watching as your dad and you approach. You almost borderline hide behind your dad, looking down at your shoes. Your dad approaches Ethan's group, grinning from ear to ear. "Gentlemen, this is my daughter. She's now a senior at Yale, in astro...astro...ay, mija, help me out here." Your dad gently nudges you.
You look up, your eyelashes batting in a way that makes Ethan's mouth go dry. "Astrophysics," you smile nervously. He grins. "That must be a lot of work." You nod, eyeing him slightly before looking back at your shoes. "We're proud of her. Anyways, she's home for break, so she's going to be helping out around here, making sure things stay up and running when the missus and I go out of town to see family, so make sure to make her feel welcome." Your dad wraps an arm around you, nodding.
Ethan continues to watch you, as you nervously fidget. Cute, he thinks, how shy you are. Daniel winks at you, leaning against the ropes. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you," he says with a smirk. You blush at the interaction.
Ethan suddenly without provocation wanted to rip Daniel into shreds.
"Hey!" your dad exclaims, "my daughter is off limits to you lot, I see how you live, absolutely not. I refuse to let her be tainted by your ways." His tone comes out as playful, but there was a warning laying just underneath.
"C'mon hun, Lefty's going to be excited to see you." Your dad ushers you away to go say hi to an older boxer in the corner. "It's nice to meet you," Ethan calls out, watching you walk away. You turn back to look at him, a small smile on your lips.
He doesn't miss how your gaze lingers on him, too.
You're gonna lose your soul Tonight, tonight
Ethan found himself at that gym nearly every day now. He convinced himself that it would be good for him, practice would help him perfect his art and win more matches. And of course, overworking his muscles had its benefits.
He got to see you.
You weren't at the gym every day, but when you were, he would usually see you sitting at that front desk, scribbling away or doing paperwork, or you would be somewhere in the gym, folding towels, offering water, etc.
It was the highlight of his day, even though you were still incredibly quiet.
Wanting to take a break after sparring for an hour, he takes off his gloves, and looks around. There you were, at the desk, books open, writing. He looks for your father, who's helping someone else train. Perfect.
He saunters over to the desk, putting his hands on it, and gently calls your name to get your attention.
"Oh! Hi, Ethan," you look up at him almost nervously, smiling slightly. It was rare for anyone who weren't your parents to make eye contact with you, so Ethan felt incredibly lucky with how you always looked up at him anytime he greeted you, even if it was for a fleeting moment.
Your cheeks were slightly tinged with pink as you look back down at your books and notes. Ethan always enjoyed that aspect, too.
"What are you working on?"
"Paper. Particle physics." He looks at you with a state of confusion, and you continue. "It's the study of particles and forces that make up matter and radiation. Huge component of studying space and how planets and black holes and other stuff are made."
"And you're writing a paper right now?" You nod at him, holding up your journal. "It's summer! And you're working at your pop's place and doing homework, you should be out partying, making friends."
You giggle softly, and Ethan for a moment is on cloud 9. "I have friends at Yale...What about you? You're close to my age, why didn't you go to school?"
Ethan pauses for a moment, hands leaving the desk. "Boxing is my passion. I didn't really care much for school, but being in the ring is a good feeling. I imagine it's the same for you when you...solve really hard math equations?" He takes a stab at guessing, unsure what it really was you did. The first time he asked, all you had said was rocket science, so he assumed math was in there.
"Yeah, I do math."
He nods, then continues. "Boxing is my number one priority in life."
"Do you think it'll always be your number one priority?"
He leans onto the desk, getting within your eyesight again.
"I think it could change, if certain things happen," he whispers. The two of you maintain eye contact for a moment, his face holding a gentle smile. You look almost star struck by him, and he thinks to himself that he might really have a shot. Your dad, oblivious to the situation, comes up to the desk, killing the moment, entirely. Ethan stands up straight, and the cute expression he loved was wiped off your face entirely. "Should get back to quarks," you mumble.
Ethan nods, and your dad pats his back. "Nestor! Did you need anything?"
"Just wanted to say hi," he smiles politely.
"Hi," you whisper, continuing to stare at the papers and books below you. He heads back to the ring, shaking his head. He'll try again tomorrow, he thinks. So he does.
Oh You're gonna lose control, tonight You're gonna lose control
Your father and your mother had gone to visit family from their home country, leaving you in charge of the gym for two months.
Ethan had spent every day going up to the desk, and you were gradually warming up to him, little by little.
But then Henry Alexander showed up.
It was a particularly sweltering June day, and Ethan was standing in front of a fan, sipping water, when a tall blonde man carrying a bouquet entered the gym.
Ethan's blood ran cold.
Who the fuck was this guy?
You hadn't noticed yet, typing away. He was too far away to hear, but he could see the man saying your name. You look up, but instead of seeming happy, or a usual shy reaction that Ethan would get from you after a bout of flirting, your face turned pale.
Ethan scrunched his face up. Why were you so afraid? He wouldn't wait long to find out.
Lefty had been exiting the restroom at that exact moment, and standing next to Ethan, looked up to the scene unfolding at the desk.
"Oh fuck no," Lefty grumbled, and within seconds, had bounded up to the desk and began to yell. "Oh Henry Alexander, I know you did not just walk into the gym to harass this young lady. Where do you get off on this? Do you not remember what happened last time?"
"Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what I can do with my girl?" the blonde man spats out, trying to sadly square up with Lefty.
"Your girl? You mean the one you used to push around? She hasn't been your girl since we kicked your ass, and she should have never been your girl, get out." With that, Lefty grabs the man by his shirt, and throws him out the door. "Don't come back unless you want your ass to be beat," Lefty spits out, shutting the door.
Ethan looks back at you, tears streaming down your face, everyone looking at the scene that unfurled. He comes over to the desk. "Hey are you alright?" He goes to touch your shoulder, but you move away from his touch, an action that wounds him just a little. "Yeah, I'm fine," you cry out, trying to wipe your eyes.
"Are you sure, could I do anything for you-"
"Ethan, I'm fucking fine, give me space, please," you plead, hiding your head in your arms. Lefty pulls at Ethan's elbow. "C'mon man, let's take a walk." Ethan shakes his head, trying to stand his ground. He needs you to know he's here for you, he can help you when you need him. "Son, you aren't going to do much for her right now, let her breathe. Let's take a walk." Ethan is finally convinced to move, and he and Lefty stroll to the back of the gym, with Ethan continuing to watch you over his shoulder.
Lefty looks at Ethan and then back at you, before speaking. "Look man, I'm going to tell you this story once, because the little miss is like family to me, and because I know you're sweet on her-"
Ethan opens his mouth to protest, but a withering stare shoots him down. "Everyone has noticed, son. And I'm telling you this as both context and a warning. A few years ago, that boy, Henry, he started taking little miss out. Only after a while, he started... being cruel."
Ethan fills with rage. Someone treated you horribly, and he couldn't stand for that. "Cruel how?" he spits out, trying to breathe. "First came the yelling, the insults. Then came bruising. She came home one night with a black eye, and that was enough for her father to send us after him. He stopped touching her, but he followed her for months after that, till she went back to school."
"How can he, I mean how can he get away with that? How can he get away with hurting her?" Ethan wanted to chase after the blonde and put him in the grave. He looks back at you, so small and sweet and scared. He'd protect you with his life if he had to. How could anyone think of hurting you?
"His dad's a lawyer. But I'm telling you now, boy, I know your kind, and if you ever think of it, I will put you in the grave. I can only scare the runt, but I'd kill you."
The idea of it was inconceivable to Ethan.
You're gonna lose control Tonight, tonight, tonight
Henry Alexander kept coming around.
At first, it was just walking around the block around the gym, almost as if he was taunting you. But some of the other boxers had seen, and after a few threats and some stares, Henry had stopped.
Not for long, however. Then it ramped up constantly. You couldn't do anything by yourself. He followed you from place to place.
But as long as the gym had people in it, you were safe, for now.
You weren't sure how it started, but Ethan would walk you back and forth in the mornings and evenings, if he didn't have a match. It was safer for you, and besides, you felt the most comfortable with his presence out of all the boxers. You still kept up the walls.
Ethan was a sweet guy, sure, and you thought he was actually pretty cute. But there was a time when you thought your ex was sweet too, and now you had to have a semi professional boxer walk you around every day. So maybe it would be for the best if Ethan didn't get too close.
I get up in the morning to the beat of the drum, I get up to this feeling, keeps me on the run
Ethan had settled into a routine these past few weeks.
It was all about making sure someone was always there, because Henry would also always be there. And Ethan couldn't let anything happen to you. Lefty had trusted him to protect you. Your father, after a few phone calls, trusted the boxers to protect you.
So he was always on the lookout.
I get up in the morning, put my dreams away I get up, I get up, I get up again
He had shelved the thought after a while of taking you out. Ethan had understood, really. How could you want to? With an ex terrifying you, dating would be the last thing on your mind.
But he still dreamt about it.
On your walks together, he'd imagine a version of yourselves, holding hands, laughing. He'd kiss you goodnight and hold you.
But then he would wake up and do none of those things. But as long as you were safe, he'd continue the routine.
Oh, you're gonna lose your soul, tonight You're gonna lose your soul, you're gonna lose your soul tonight, tonight
The gym was abnormally empty for the fourth of July. Normally, you would close it, but you had a soft spot for people who didn't have anywhere to go for the holidays, so you opted to keep it open.Other than a few people trickling in and out, it was empty.
What a mistake you had made.
Ethan had only gone to the bathroom for a moment. That's it. He had his eyes off of you a minute. He had just needed to go to the bathroom.
He had been washing his hands when he heard you scream his name.
Ice in his veins, within seconds he was back in the main room. Henry was dragging you across the gym floor, your arms outstretched for Ethan.
"Let go of her." Henry stops. "No, I don't think I will," he shakes his head. "You see, this belongs to me. And I think I'll keep her."
"Let her go now." Ethan's teeth are gritted, and his hands balled up into fists. "What are you going to fucking do about it?"
Oh, you're gonna lose control, tonight You're gonna lose control
Ethan lunges, and Henry drops you, your head hitting the floor. You hear a sickening crack, and Henry drops next to you, wailing. He doesn't wail for long though, as you turn your head to see Ethan scrambling on top of Henry, punching him repetitively. Blood splatters on the gym mats. "Ethan, stop. Ethan, you're going to kill him," you murmur.
Ethan pauses, eyeing you. You're bleeding from your temple, your forehead split from where you were dropped.
His stomach drops for the second time tonight.
"No no no, baby," he cries, clamoring over Henry to get to you. "You're hurt, shit, baby, hold on, okay? I'm going to call you help."
Your vision gets spotty, and your eyes fight to shut, the concussion becoming more and more apparent.
You reach for Ethan weakly. "You saved me."
"I'll always save you. Wait, just, stay awake for me, please."
You're gonna lose control Tonight, tonight, tonight
Looking at you in the hospital bed made him want to rip Henry Alexander's jaw off. To Ethan's credit, he had shattered it pretty badly.
He had been worried he was going to be hauled off to jail, but quite frankly, attacking a Dean's List astrophysics student from Yale did not bode well for Henry, and after threats between his lawyer and Henry's any attempt of charges were thrown out the window.
So there Ethan sat, watching you like a hawk.
"You don't have to keep sitting there you know. You can go home," you smile. "No way. I left you out of my sight, and look what happened," he gestures to your head. "You protected me to the point where I don't think I'm in any danger anymore. You almost killed him."
"I'd do it again." It slips out of his mouth without hesitation. "Which part?" "All of it. I'd always protect you if you needed me. It's why I walked you home. It's why I beat the hell out of that guy."
"But why me?"
I get up in the morning To the beat of the drum
He opens his mouth to speak, but your parents come in. They're fussing over you and checking on you immediately. As your mother combs the hair out of your face, Ethan gets up out of the chair next to you, shifting to head out the door.
Your dad stops him however. "You saved our daughter. The most precious thing in the world, you saved her. Thank you," he whispers, shoving Ethan into a bone crushing hug. "For that, I owe you anything."
He only lets Ethan go with the promise that he would come around for dinner the following week.
I get up to this feeling Keeps me on the run
Ethan had never really been a man to have dinner with a girl's parents. But then again, Ethan had never really shattered a man's jaw for a girl. You had always been different to him. Since the day he saw you, he would have done anything for you.
So there he stood, a bouquet of flowers in hand, in front of the front door. Your mother opens the door, hugging Ethan. "Come in, come, come." He's ushered into the house, where it smelt nice, and felt...homey. His apartment, cold and clinical, had nothing on this.
Your medals and trophies hung the shelves the home, emphasizing how accomplished you were, and how proud you were. It made him feel...a little dirty. He was so rough around the edges, and you were soft, sweet, smart, talented. All he was good at, he figures, is violence.
And hadn't you experienced that enough?
Maybe the best thing for you was for him to back off.
The dinner was quiet. You kept trying to look at Ethan, but for once, he avoided eye contact with you. You were...upset to say the least. All those walks to and from the gym to the front door, you had developed a crush on Ethan.
And maybe a small part of you feels like you owe him for saving you, sure, but you had already liked him. He called you baby, and that had to have meant something, right?
You guess not. Maybe he just did it out of obligation. When the dinner is over, you pick up the plates, put them in the sink, and then head into your room.
As the door to your room shuts, Ethan stares it down. Your dad shifts in his chair, pushing it. "Son. I have to say, I've noticed something."
Ethan turns to look at your dad, nervous. "I know you've liked my daughter. And I know what I said when you met her, about lifestyles and tainting my daughter. But she's a smart girl. She makes a mistake once or twice, but she picked you. And I think she picked right. I don't think one of your buddies would have carried her into the ambulance. I don't think they would have stayed by her hospital bed. You're a good man, Nestor. Don't be afraid of that. She picked you for a reason."
And with that, Ethan finds himself out on your porch once more.
I get up in the morning, put my dreams away I get up, I get up, I get up again
He fucked up, is all he thinks, eyeing your window. He stands there, deciding what to do.
And he decides to be absolutely insane.
If you could have guessed how the night would end, you wouldn't guess the boxer you had a crush on would crawl into your room from the window.
"Are you insane?" you whisper hiss. "Sorry, sorry." He gets in finally, crash landing onto the carpet. "I fucked up," he mumbles, before clamoring to his feet. You cross your arms. "About what?"
"I like you. A lot."
"You fucked up by liking me?" you look flabbergasted, and Ethan figures he was about 20 seconds before you push him back out the window.
"No!" he borderline shouts, and you shoot him a look. "No," he whisper shouts, repeating himself.
"I thought for a second...I mean look at me. I'm covered in tattoos."
"Lots of people have tattoos. I have a tattoo."
"That's not the po-where do you have a tattoo?" He shakes his head to stop his train of thoughts, then continues speaking. "I fight, quite literally, for a living. I could have nearly killed that man. His jaw had to be wired shut and he'll be eating soup from a straw for months. I don't have anything further than a high school education...and I mean, look at you. Star student. There is a literal wall of achievements in your living room. You go to the Ivy League. I can't envision a world where I am possibly good for you. You heard your dad. I am scared I'll destroy you."
You look away for a moment, processing his words. "He's sipping soup through a straw because he was going to hurt me. You protected me. And there's more to you than boxing. I like you. And I don't think you're going to taint my life, or whatever. You're sweet. You care. You make me laugh. I am not scared of you. I was scared of Henry, but I trust you. And that's my choice to make."
"And if I did ruin you?"
"That's my choice."
Oh, you're gonna lose your soul, tonight
His mouth was on yours in seconds. He grips at your hips like a man starved, pushing you onto the bed. As you flop onto your bed, he looks down at you, panting.
"You know, I've had my eye on you since the first time I saw you," he murmurs. He crawls on top of you onto the bed, kissing you again. When you part again, he sits up, taking his shirt off. You gawk at him, almost in shock. You had always looked out of the corner of your eye when he was doing his training, but man, you never got used to the sight of how good he looked.
"You like what you see?" He cocks an eyebrow, smirking. You nod. "I always thought you were too sweet hearted to think about that, I guess I thought wrong," he murmurs. His hands grip at the edges of your dress. "Can I take your dress off?" he asks.
You nod. "I need you to give me an actual yes, baby," he whispers. "Yes, you can take it off," you respond.
He didn't need to be told twice.
You're gonna lose your soul
His kisses go from your lips to your neck, kissing down until he reaches the nape, sucking just gently enough to not leave a mark.
"I liked you too," you tell him.
"And here I was, worried I'd wreck you, but I already did, didn't I?" he humorlessly chuckles, before continuing. "Watching me as much as I did you, looking at me half naked all the time."
His mouth attaches to the skin above your breasts, leaving purple marks, you cry out at the feeling. Ethan almost immediately shushes you.
"Can't get caught, angel," he rasps, his hand coming to cover your mouth.
You can't exactly pinpoint at what time later on when he took off your bra and panties.
He makes his way down, kissing and sucking on your skin at various points. He takes one leg and hoists it on his shoulder, before quickly moving to move the other leg.
"Try and keep quiet for me, yeah?"
You nod again, and he reaches to gently touch your clit with your thumb for moment, before putting his mouth on it.
To say he was good was the understatement of the century. You had to bite down on your fist to keep from moaning out, with one of his hands fingering you, the other hand holding your hips down.
"You're doing so well for me, so pretty," he whispers against your clit, going to kiss and suck on it once more.
You cum surprisingly quickly after that, nearly bruising your hand with how hard you bite down it. Ethan sits up, your legs still on his shoulder. "Good girl," he states, a wolfish grin appearing. "But I'm not done yet, if that's okay."
"Yeah, I ruined you already," he chuckles.
He pulls down his pants and boxers just enough to where his cock springs free, thick and already leaking.
"Got a condom?" he whispers.
You shake your head. "'M on the pill," you respond. His eyes widen at the statement, and he shakes his head. "Dirty girl."
He rubs himself at your entrance, before softly pushing in a little.
You cry out, but he moves a hand to your mouth, sticking the fingers that had fingered you into his mouth. "Baby, I told you, you had to be quiet. Your dad just became convinced I'm good for you, and I'd hate to prove him wrong already."
He pushes himself further in, and you suck down on his fingers.
"Good girl, you got it, just a little more."
After a moment, he pushes further, bottoming out, letting out a grunt.
You're gonna lose your soul, tonight, tonight
It doesn't take him much longer to move, thrusting in and out with a quick pace. "You feel so fucking good," he whispers, watching how your eyes flutter, continuing to suck on his fingers.
"So good for me, yeah?"
He thrusts harder, watching you groan against his fingers. He reaches down to rub your clit, and your hips start lifting up off the bed, which makes him go all the more faster.
"Gimme one more, c'mon baby, I know you can," he taunts.
And so you do.
Ethan finishes pretty quickly after you, with a couple of soft moans, before falling next to you.
Oh (I get up in the morning, To the beat of the drum)
"You okay?" he asks, brushing your hair out of your face. "Yeah, I'm okay. It was good."
"I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No," you shake your head. He outstretches his arms to you, and you scoot closer, letting him hold you.
"It was actually the best time I ever had," you whisper.
He kisses the top of your head. "Best time I ever had," he repeats. "You're so goddamn perfect."
You're gonna lose control, tonight (I get up to this feeling, keeps me on the run)
"You're perfect."
Ethan lets out a chuckle at that.
You're gonna lose control (I get up in the morning, put my dreams away)
An hour later, after the kiss goodnight Ethan had dreamt of on all of those walks with you, he crawls out the window and silently heads home, a grin plastered on his face.
"See you tomorrow," he had whispered. "See you, babe."
He really did lose his soul when he met you. But at least he knew it was safe with you, like you were with him.
You're gonna lose control (I get up, I get up, I get up again) Tonight, tonight, tonight,tonight
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runabout-river · 9 months
It has happened now, a JJK artist on Twitter is in critical condition after being shelled by the Israeli Army in Gaza while sheltering inside a school. Reportedly, she lost an eye.
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The screenshot is from a friend who barely manages to keep in contact with Noury with a family member's phone. This of course is Israel's tactic to cut communication from Gaza. The world isn't supposed to see the genocide and at least the amount of reports and eye witness accounts have dropped since because most people simply can't communicate their suffering to the world anymore.
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This is the picture Noury drew before Israel decided to finally cleanse the Gaza Strip like it always wanted thanks to an exaggerated death count of a provoked military response, undisclosed shelling by the IOF of their own citizens and lies of 40 beheaded babies.
The caption of this piece of art reads "Please don't take my sunshine away," a response to chapter 236 and Gojo Satoru's apparent death.
Think back to that time. A favorite character of yours dies in a manga and you either draw or look at drawings of him to deal with that. Then a war starts that had been brewing for 75 years because Jewish Extremists and Supremacist with the backing from the war hungry US want you dead.
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You know what I thought this entire time? That it's statistically unlikely that the one JJK artist from Gaza that I follow will be a victim in this war. There are 2.2 million people in Gaza but there's only one Noury, so what's the chance that something is going to happen to her?
What an absurd thought that turned out to be. I've been writing and raging on Tumblr about the genocide again and again and I know the severity of it, I know the numbers. I've seen the pictures and videos of dead children with their faces, not their heads, turned over like the pages of a book.
But most of that, the sheer enormity and the scale of it, was still abstract in my mind. Now, outside of the dry and clinical fact of it, the human element made me realize in my heart and mind that this is a genocide.
1 person among 2.2 million getting harmed isn't a statistical probability of 0.00001 percent. It's 100% because everyone is the target. Every Palestinian in Gaza is targeted with deprivation, hunger, thirst, illnesses and bombs. That is ethnic cleansing. That is the threat of genocide.
And the US, the UK and the EU, they're all complicit in this genocide and because I'm from Germany I'm also explicitly saying that Olaf Scholz, Marco Buschmann and Nancy Faeser are also complicit in this new holocaust.
Hopefully Noury will recover and hopefully she and her family and everyone else in Gaza will be able to go back to their homes. Homes btw, that per international law, Israel is supposed to replace or compensate for after destroying them.
Of course you don't need to compensate for anything if no one is there anymore, either because they're dead or they moved to another country involuntaryily.
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7nessasaryevils · 3 months
We are back, my beloveds!!! Ep 8 what fresh hell awaits me??
- WE COMING OUT SWINGING SON OF A BITCH: yak's little smile and the immediate way he goes to take off the necklace cause he knows... his heart is someone else's now 😭😭
- bolster light effect my beloved... how I have missed you 🥺🥺🥹
- "if you take it back again, you're a dead man": tell me you're married without telling me you're married
- Dee taking accountability for how his words hurt Yak... ohhh emotional growth how wondrous you are
- man said "you broke up with me" SIR YOU WEREN'T EVEN DATING
- Dee leading Yak back home (count one of I'm so fucking fine)
- the Phadetsuk family is under my protection and if someone breathes on them wrong I'll sit on them NO ONE TOUCHES MY BABIES
- Yak's stomach growled and my dumbass thought it was my stomach growling....
- awwww family dinner time!
- Cher being fucking awesome as always
- Taem... darling... the sad glow in your eyes is hurting me 🥺 you had your chance with Yak...
- of course Yak didn't answer; he was too busy cuddling his Mho Dee ♥️
- Yak, sir... I see you... whatchu thinking in that pervy head of yours hmmmm? 🤨🤨🤨
- never mind... I know exactly what is going on in that PERVY head of yours 🤣🤣🤣
- gentlemen!!! Avert your gazes!!! 🤣
- awww Dee trying to understand more about Yak's world
- the most fashionable Grim Reaper is back.... and continues to scare the shit out of me
- Dee knows something's wrong!!! Yeah baby, get ready to call out your man!
- the fact that Dee knows about the hallucinations Yak saw... that means Yak told him!
- Ter... you lowlife dried up dog shit human turd crap being... may your scrubs always have a rip in them! May your phone never charge! MAY YOU ALWAYS HAVE AN IN GROWN TOE NAIL!!!
- hehehehehegegege jealousy my beloved how wonderful you look upon Yoryak Phadetsuk 🥰🥰
- I don't know whether to be endeared about how excited Yak is to eat Dee's cooking... or fucking terrified because Yak is about to eat Dee's cooking
- the food is edible???
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- COSTUME FASHION SHOW (although Yak being unsure about the whole thing but still trying for Dee's sake 🥺🥺🥺 count two of I'm fucking fine)
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- the irony of Yak being able to coordinate fights but unable to dance in rhythm 🤣🤣🤣
- disappear comp- ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?
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- I'm about to commit violence... pretty sure Kao and Granmama would help me
- product placement... my goodness I forgot what you looked like 😅🤣
- nooooooooo cute product placement!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm suddenly violently thrown back to the Miscellar water scene from BBS
- "let's register for marriage" NO ONE FUCKING TOUCH ME (this show better end with Yei and Cher having rings on their fingers, that's all I'm saying)
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- you've never pro- oh gods oh gods is this happening is it it?!?!?
- speaking very honestly and seriously though: something in me breaks in the very best way watching Oyei ask Cher to marry him because they can. This is a thing that is very real for them. And it's beautiful.
- I love you Taem but girl.... you doing me a heckin annoyance- what is with that face???
- we're faking dat- sir when you start blow drying a dude's hair with that look in your eye YOU'RE FUCKING MARRIED!
- THAT'S A WEDDING GROOM OUTFIT YOU DUMB FUCKS WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY STUPID GAYS (all except Cher and Kao... they have all the brain cells)
- oh no... oh no no no no (remembers the scene from the trailer last week with Taem and Ohm) I do not like this nope nope no
- oh gods... the need in me to tell Yak to help Taem but also Dee's heartbroken face!!!
- fuck no fuck no fuck no go away Ter curses upon you you flip floppy cock
- just one word- here's TWO words: fuck you
- also, Ter is an absolute asshole because Kwan is the one he's here's with and yet he goes to Dee to essentially say "oh I'll drop her for you in a heartbeat"... tell me you're an asshole without telling me you're an asshole
- Ter and Ohm sitting in a tree, both being A S S H O L E!
- fuck yeah report his fucking ass!!!!
- WHY ARE THESE ASSHOLES TOUCHING PEOPLE- where's my machete I need to chop appendages
- push him away push him away push him away for fucks sake Dee push him away
- oh thank fuck (could have shoved him harder is all I'm saying)
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- Dee says it wasn't out of sarcasm... I don't care, I'm going to my grave with that broken look on Ter's face (honestly Dee, sweetheart, I'm so proud of you though; you know your worth)
- calling Ter pichai is perfect because Dee is finally distancing himself from this man; breaking the ties of familiarity and putting him where he belongs: in the trash as a fellow doctor
- if I had a quarter for every time I wanted to chuck my phone at a wall because a dickhead is touching one of my babies... I'd have a whole ass dollar... WHICH IS FAR TOO MANY QUARTERS!!!!
- Vivi.... remind me to erect temples for you too, my sweet desi wearing queen ♥️
- Kwan, you deserve better. The entire fucking hospital deserves better than that piece of shit quack doctor.
- wait is he.. he is... please let that be...
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- look at my princes dancing!!! My kings!!!
- do I take extra joy in watching Ter shoved off to the side? YOU FUCKING BET I DO
- ohhhhhh sir... sir are you gonna ask him to da- oh
- say it back Dee SAY IT BACK!!!!
- HPV info my beloved 🥰🥰♥️
- you're going all out to win him over: WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING BEFORE?!
- oh no oh no no no no that makes me scared...
Well, this episode had me wanting to bang my head into a wall thanks to two assholes but on the whole, a lovely episode!!! I cannot wait to see how next week fucks me up!
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themushroomgoesyeet · 8 months
For the first installment of this series, let's start with something easy!
Arcana characters as Disney princesses/princes
Julian - Flynn Rider/Eugene
These two are so similar istg
Dashing, dramatic, swashbuckling rogues with dry humor and a secret, insecure soft side?
The only difference between them is one is ginger with an eye patch and the other isn't
Honestly Eugene would probably be a good pick for a voice hc tbh
Oh hey they're both orphans with big brother vibes too look at that
Asra - Elsa
White hair? Check. Water-related magic? Check. orphans? Check. Unconditional fashion style that doesn't really match everyone else but still looks drop-dead gorgeous regardless? Check
Both of them also have familial abandonment issues and feel the need to isolate themselves from the people they love instead of confronting the problem smh
I will admit their romantic interests are a bit different, with Asra being bisexual and Elsa either being a lesbian or aro/ace at best
Both of them have also been described to have seductive singing voices 👀
Nadia - Princess Jasmine
We👏stan👏 headstrong 👏 independent 👏 middle eastern- inspired👏queens👏here👏
Ngl Jasmine is one of my favorite Disney princesses & she & Nadia would definitely hit it off
Both feel stuck in their respective lives while also wanting to rule, and try to take action for themselves whenever they can
Also both of them would look absolutely stunning in an outfit swap
Muriel - Hercules
Honey you mean HUNK-ules
I know Hercules isn't technically a Disney prince but he fits Muriel too well
Big and strong but shy and genuine at heart? Hell yeah
Their reactions to fame are a little bit different but they are the same when it comes to falling in love; both are so gentle and genuinely caring, and can't stop gushing about their partner
Also amazing idols for how men are supposed to treat women - a.k.a with respect
Both have a heathy amount of respect for their partners modesty (even when said partner is trying to seduce them on purpose), as well as their partners autonomy to make their own decisions
Not to mention they both have estranged families that they didn't know about, and a supportive animal companion
Portia - Rapunzel
I know some of you might be thinking "why not Merida? They look so alike with their frizzy mop of ginger hair!" Well, dear chat, let me explain
While they may look similar, Portia and Merida do not act similar. Merida is rebellious, headstrong, and airheaded, fighting her loved ones on everything and doing what she wants regardless of the consequences until said consequences come back to bite her in the butt. Portia on the other hand, while also headstrong, is spunky, kind, and takes others feelings and opinions into account instead of doing the first daring thing that comes into her head
Which brings me to Rapunzel. Admittedly, Rapunzel is a lot more sheltered and inexperienced about the world than Portia was but they are still kindred spirits. Curious, spunky, headstrong, kind, compassionate, and unafraid to fight for themselves.
They're ready to take on the world even if they don't know enough about it
Both also have evil and manipulative family members (ik Mother Gothel isn't Rapunzel's family; she was still the one who raised Rapunzel & Rapunzel considered her family long enough for it to count in this situation)
Both also meet love interests who guide them through the part of the world that's unknown to them, be it magic for Portia or the world as a whole for Rapunzel
Lucio - Merida
remember all those traits I listed for Merida? Yeah Lucio fits those
Merida and Lucio may be hella good warriors, but boy are they stupid sometimes
Both also have mommy issues™
Both are also wildly inexperienced with magic and should really be more cautious about it
Both just go "oopsies" and expect everything to be fine because of their status when it's never fine
Can you tell yet that these two bother me lol
Both were brought up in a Scottish-sounding culture and you can't change my mind
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terresdebrume · 2 months
It is 00:43 as I start this, I'm post DND session and full of emotions (they don't necessarily appear here, though I'm starting to sense a general direction for this)
Fwiw, finished the next day because my eyes can't handle a proper computer screen rn which means no working on the more formal writing projects -_-
"Two things," Mr. Payne says, holding up an index finger to mark the first item. One, I acquired us a new mission. A child has gone missing. A simple job to get us back on track."
Charles nods, walking towards the wall and the assortment of colored stones hidden by one of the bookshelves. Crystal, not quite dry but getting used to the way the rooms change, holds very still as Mr. Payne raises a second finger and continues:
"Two, I believe I have a solid lead as to Mr. Donovan's whereabouts—or his destination, at least. It took some time and a fair bit of bribery, but I did discover he was spotted going south with most of his stores the day after Mr. Rowland and I left to find you, young Crystal."
"You know you don't have to call me young every time," Crystal says, but Charles ignores her remark to ask:
"Why would a successful potion brewer and work broker up and leave right after arranging a deal with the best Adventuring duo in the city?"
He presses one of the stones as he says it, and Crystal feels vaguely proud of herself for not flinching when the fencing room lurches away from her like a rug being tugged out from under her feet, the darker floorboard and plush carpet of the Agency pushing at her feet so strongly she almost stumbles. Some of the trinkets on the shelf a clicking and ringing, and when she looks at the wide window she sees several animals shaking their heads and getting to their feet like one does after a tumble. Charles and Mr. Payne, for their parts, look annoying stable on their feet and unperturbed, as if the movement went through them entirely.
"An eminently pertinent question, Mr. Rowland. We shall need to ask him when we finish catch up with him."
"Oh," Crystal says, stomach lurching at the idea that they might be running after someone who wanted her dead, "so wha—are we—do we leave now?"
"Don't have the funds," Charles says, moving to one of the shelves nearer to the desk and pulling a small and well worn book, where Crystal has seen him take down the Agency's accounts before. "We'll need some provisions, equipment and protection for you since we can't really leave you here, a horse—"
"Uh, I'm don't think I know to ride a horse," Crystal says, which makes Mr. Payne roll his eyes.
"Of course you know how to ride a horse. Look at you."
Crystal looks down at herself. She's wearing the clothes they found her in today: sturdy pants, solid leather boots. A purple and green tunic over a brown shirt embroidered with flowers. On her hands, several rings of varying sizes, a thin gold chain at her wrist. She frowns.
"How does that translate to me knowing how to ride a horse?"
"With that amount of detail in the leather?" Charles asks. "Your shirt alone would cost most people a month's wages, and that's a fair bit of silver on your hands, but the boots are still scuffed, the back of the pants reinforced. Whoever dressed you was rich, but also thought about practicality."
"Furthermore," Mr. Payne adds, "you may speak Hilaron fluently but your accent hints at more western countries, probably Noldon or one of its smaller neighbors, and the rich families over there tend to prie themselves on their women's horsemanship."
Alright then, what the Hell. Maybe Crystal does know how to ride a horse. What does she know anymore, anyway.
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
Come With Me
Summary: You're an information broker, one of the better ones in the Outer Rim. Your boyfriend, Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Fox, has finally returned to you with an offer.
Pairing: Bounty Hunter!Fox x Reader
Word Count: 845
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: Do I have requests that I could be working on? Yes. But I'm in a Fox mood, so I wrote this instead. Also, Fox is the love of my life. And, the weather is stupid and I need to move away from the computer to ice my knee, or heat my knee. Real World Tip, from your vod'ika! Don't ignore joint injuries, because you could end up with arthritis! Like me!
Divider by Saradika
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You open the door to your apartment, and stop dead in your tracks when you see the beskar armor sitting neatly on the shelf next to your coat rack. And you sigh deeply.
“You know,” You call into the house, “You could call before breaking into my home.”
“It’s not breaking in when I have a door code, mesh’la.” A deep male voice calls from somewhere deeper in your apartment.
You roll your eyes and toss your waterlogged jacket over the drying rack. You kick off your boots, and head into your apartment proper, “Did you at least make me food?” You ask as you walk into your kitchen.
Leaning against the counter, with his hair pulled in a short tail and with his graying bangs falling into his eyes, is Fox. Fox with a shit eating grin on his face, and wearing a pair of sweatpants and nothing else.
“I did one better and ordered food. It’ll be here in thirty.” Fox folds his arms across his chest, “I did, however, bring your favorite spice mix from Mandalore.”
“Then I forgive you for breaking in.” You say loftily as you walk over to him and try to reach around him to get to the mugs.
“I half pay for this apartment.” Fox counters, amused, as he settles himself, inconveniently, in front of the cabinets you’re trying to get to. “Which means I can come and go as I please.”
“There are literally two dozen people who can make the same claim. On account of the fact that they pay me, just like you do.” You lean your weight back on your heels, “Can you move so I can get to my mugs?”
His grin becomes sly, “Reach around me.”
“You’re so annoying sometimes.” You reply as you step back into his personal space to try and reach around him.
He hums and settles his hands on your hips, “That’s funny, cyare. You didn’t say that the last time I was here.”
“The last time you were here, you weren’t being annoying.” You say in return, but you also don’t fight him when he pulls you closer so that you’re pressed flush against him.
“Yeah I was, but I distinctly remember you begging me for more.” Fox replies smugly.
“I ought to kick you out.”
“But you won’t because no one loves you like I do,” He even sounds smug.
“Stop being smug.” 
“Mm…nah. I have you and I get to touch you and no one else does.” Fox says, his voice low.
You tilt your head back and look up at him, “Possessive.” You grouse at him, though there’s a fond smile on your lips.
“Damn right I am,” Fox leans in slightly and kisses you very, very gently, “So. I have a proposition for you.”
“Move to Mandalore.” He continues as if you hadn’t spoken.
You sigh, “Fox-”
“Or even just work off my ship.” He adds, “You don’t need to live on this shit-stain of a world to be an information broker. You do everything through droids and messages anyway.”
“Fox,” You repeat his name a third time.
“And I would be able to keep you safe. Safer than staying in one place-”
“I’m not Mandalorian, Fox.”
“You could be.” He replies quickly, “Cyare, please.”
“You’ll get tired of me.” You add.
“I’ll be all up in your space all of the time.”
“I’ll make space for you.” Fox says.
“I love you. I’ve been in love with you for ages, and I didn’t want to press you into coming with me, because you have a life here, but now I am.” Fox says, “And I know it’s not fair, but cyare, please. Come with me.”
You stare at him and then you sigh and reach up with one hand to lightly cup his cheek, “You’ve never pushed before.”
“Not because I didn’t want to. I never wanted to pressure you into picking me.” Fox replies as he turns his head and kisses the palm of your hand, “But I’m asking you now. Pick me. Please.”
You stare up at him for a moment, and then you smile, “Alright.”
“Really.” You confirm, “After all, I love you too.”
He doesn’t move for a moment, and then he crashes his lips against yours and you stumble backwards in surprise. Luckily his grip around you is tight enough that you’re not actually in danger of falling over. 
His hand settles on the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss, while his other hand burns a path down your side and over your hips, his grip almost bruising. 
The only reason he stops is because your doorbell chimes. And he groans.
“Food,” You remind him gently, and then you press a chaste kiss against his cheek, and slip out of his grip to answer the door. You had a lot that needed to be done to make his ship friendly for your career, but that is a problem for tomorrow.
Tonight you’re just going to spend time with Fox.
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btr-rewatch · 4 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 15: “Big Time Sparks”
I'm not doing a full write-up of this episode on account of it's actually one of my least favorite ones. But I did still watch it, so here's a collection of some scattered thoughts I had.
• Lavender looks so nice on Logan! I feel like as the show goes on, he wears so much blue, gray, and black. Early series Logan is a little more laid back clothing-wise.
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• Listen. I know the constant misunderstandings between Jo and Kendall are necessary to the plot. I get that. But from an in-universe standpoint, it's completely ridiculous that neither he nor Jordin attempt to explain what's actually going on. Kendall stands there holding Jordin in his arms for over 20 seconds, and all he can say is, "Jo, this isn't what it looks like." Meanwhile, Jordin just looks back and forth between Kendall and Jo. Um. Hello?? Just explain what happened! Show Jo the banana peel!
Same with the "girly, romantic picnic" mishap. Neither of them even TRY to explain. There are MULTIPLE WITNESSES who can vouch for Kendall's story of saving Jordin from a cat attack, but he just sits there like an absolute doofus and goes, "It's not what it looks like!"
Kendall doesn't have the brain cell in this episode, that's for sure. So, who does? It ain't Carlos or Logan. It 100% is not James. There is a braincell just floating around somewhere while four boys with empty heads run around.
• The guys tend to speak in unison a good deal in general, but it is through the roof in this episode! I feel like they speak half their dialogue together. Maybe I'll watch the episode again and count because it really is very noticeable.
• The sped-up music that plays when James is hurriedly searching for a four-leaf clover cracks me up. Someone get James some help; the boy is unraveling.
• Speaking of James, I can't stand his hair in season 1!!! Doesn't he have sort of naturally wavy hair? I remember seeing pictures of him from pre-btr, and there's a definite wave to it when it's longer.
okay, yeah, I just did some googling and
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He does NOT have naturally straight hair. Why did they straighten it?? It just looks dry.
• Kelly and Gustavo are also braincell-less in this episode, which is interesting, since Kelly usually possesses it. Their skunk plotline is pretty funny, though. Gustavo using the fake puppet in the remote control car and delivering his line about the real skunk thinking "they're going to a dance club or to Makeout Point" always kills me.
• Also, "We catch stuff all the time in Minnesota." ???? Why, Kendall? What are you catching? Is it for fun, or are you frequently having to trap animals causing mischief?
• Every single one of them would be dead from falling into that well. RIP to all of Big Time Rush plus Jordin Sparks.
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