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ssa-dado · 2 days ago
Cat Equals Sign Of Integration
Aaron Hotchner x bau!fem!reader Genre: fluff, smut (implied) Summary: Aaron, ever the strategist, decides that a little wine might help soften the blow of figuring out with you how to tell the team you’re dating. A solid plan - except for one tiny flaw: wine makes him a whore. Warnings: +18, MINORS DNI Hotch is a touch starved whore, a few cuss words here and there, wine gets a bit into both of your heads. Word Count: 5k Dado's Corner: Did I hallucinate this while working on one of the many requests still on my to-do list, only to realize halfway through that it was completely derailing from the main plot - but too cute to abandon? Yes. Is this fun? You tell me (pretty please).
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One of the many rules you and Aaron had in your relationship was that if you cooked for date night, he was the one doing the dishes.
His idea.
You had been opposed to it at first - not because you minded, of course. You were actually a huge fan of grown men handling household chores without whining like toddlers about how it might somehow demasculate their poor, fragile egos.
No, you were opposed because you didn’t want him doing it out of some sense of obligation.
It took you a while to accept that Aaron wasn’t doing this because he owed you - he was doing it because he wanted to.
Because that was just… Aaron.
Ever the caregiver, always looking for ways to make life easier for the people he loved. He could give you the world and still come to you like a wounded dog, begging for forgiveness because he thought he wasn’t enough.
It was infuriating - for all the deep psychological reasons you could analyze for hours, but also for a much pettier one: when it was his turn to cook, instead of letting you do the dishes like the so-called rule dictated, he just… did them anyway.
And thus, the noble Mr. Clean - brave warrior of dish duty, his arms submerged in treacherous, frothy depths - found himself utterly helpless against the sudden, most dreadful buzzing of his phone.
A cruel twist of fate, indeed!
Stranded, defenseless, bound by duty to his porcelain captors, he could do nothing but stand there, a tragic figure of great importance, cruelly denied his right to immediately bestow his undivided attention upon whatever poor soul dared summon him.
Oh, the agony! The injustice! How swiftly the mighty are humbled… by a sink full of bubbles.
That was because, logically, if even a single drop of water touched his phone, he would instantly lose all of the very important, highly classified FBI secrets stored inside. Of course, phones couldn't possibly be waterproof.
Ha, imagine?! What a concept.
“Who is it?” Aaron asked, still scrubbing at your wine glass like he was trying to erase its entire existence.
Which – by the way - was completely pointless, considering that in less than five minutes, he planned on refilling it with some more. A different wine, yes. But for God’s sake, you weren’t going to die if the last few drops of white mixed with the red.
…What a fussy man.
“Penelope,” you replied, admiring the view.
What a view, really. That man was all legs and no ass, and you were finally learning to appreciate it. 
“Ignore it,” he said, not even turning around.
Unfortunately for him - and for the HR department still blissfully unaware that their most serious, by-the-book boss was fraternizing with a subordinate - you were a profiler.
The U.S. government literally paid your bills every single month because you were exceptionally good at reading people.
And the way he answered? Yeah, that wasn’t the tone of a man casually dismissing an unimportant text. No, that was the tone of a man caught red-handed, scrambling for plausible deniability.
Embarrassed. Secretive. Suspicious. Frankly, if you didn’t already know what he was hiding, you’d be halfway to slapping cuffs on him. Wouldn’t even be the first time.
And so you read it – out loud.
Penelope Garcia, 7:56 PM:
hotch sir hotch bossman sir, i am DYING please tell me if you found out who her mystery boyfriend is i am suffering!!!!!!!! i know you know. i know it in my heart. if you can’t say it just give me a hint. a tiny one. a cryptic riddle. a blink. i will take anything.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
By her, of course, she meant you - because despite a few months of keeping your relationship under wraps, you still hadn’t gotten around to telling the team. Your colleagues. Your friends. Your unwanted, overly nosy adopted children.
That their elusive "mystery boyfriend" was, in fact, your mutual boss.
You were going to tell them. Eventually.
Didn’t know when. But you would.
Then again, it wasn’t like you were surrounded by some of the best profilers in the country, trained to pick up on the slightest behavioral shift.
It’s not like the second two incredibly touch-starved people like you and Aaron started walking around with even a fraction of happiness, that wouldn’t immediately raise suspicions.
…Except, apparently, it hadn’t.
Because somehow, the team had only managed to land on half the conclusion: you were seeing someone.
But Aaron? Not even a blip on their radar.
It was almost impressive, really. The answer was so obvious that they had discarded it entirely, still wandering around in the dark, trying to piece together a puzzle that was sitting right in front of their faces.
Just like Penelope was doing now, so desperate for some reason that she was straight-up asking him outright - when not that long ago, she still thought twice before even making a dirty joke in his presence.
And so, you got up, walked over to Aaron, and held the phone directly under his nose. “What does this mean?”
He squinted at the screen, then at you. “Oh, honey, I don’t know. She always sends me that - I don’t understand what exactly equals the sign of integration”.
You were suddenly just as confused as he was.
He blinked at you, eyes wide, eyebrows raised in that utterly sincere, slightly bewildered way of his. “That sign before it,” he said, completely lost. “It looks Chinese. Thought you knew Chinese, sweetheart.”
Oh, for the love of God.
If this man hadn’t already seen the absolute worst horrors the world had to offer, you would fight for his innocence with your nails, your teeth, and - if absolutely necessary - one of the worst shooting records ever logged in the Bureau.
You looked at the screen again.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
Oh, that’s what had confused him.
“Aaron,” you said gently, doing your absolute best not to kiss him right then and there, “that is a cat.”
You sighed, then pointed at the message again. “By the way, the ‘sign’ in the middle is in Korean, not Chinese.”
He looked at the screen again - then back at you. “…Cat equals sign of integration?”
“No, honey,” you said, barely suppressing your smile, tapping the little text emoji. “It’s just a cat.”
He studied it for another second. “Oh.”
There. That did it. You gave in. Leaned in and pressed a loud smooch to his cheek.
At least your dignity was still intact - he had no idea why you’d done it, just assumed it was one of those spontaneous bursts of affection that came with being hopelessly in love.
Honeymoon phase truly did work wonders.
“Do you think I can have the cat too?” he asked, grabbing the bottle of red and a corkscrew.
That was a trap.
Because Aaron Hotchner still signed every single text he sent.
And while it wasn’t an issue when he was sending something standard -
Lawyer, 6:17 PM:
They found a new body, we’re gathering at the precinct in 30.
- it became a lot more unsettling when he sent the filthiest, most depraved things you’d ever read, only to end them with that stiff little A.H. like he was dictating official Bureau correspondence.
Lawyer, 11:51 PM:
Sweetheart, if only these stupid walls weren’t so thin, I’d have you right here with me, bent over, face pressed against this mattress, making you come so many times you’d forget your own name. At least three. Maybe four, if I’m feeling generous.
So now, standing in his kitchen, watching him pour wine like he hadn’t just permanently scarred you with his painfully bureaucratic approach to sexting, you knew that if you admitted he could simply copy-paste that ‘cat equals integration sign,’ it would only be a matter of time before you were subjected to something truly traumatizing, like -
Lawyer, very-late-office-hour PM:
It’s your fault I’m getting distracted with the paperwork, because I’m still thinking about how good you tasted last night while sitting on my face. God, I can still feel your thighs shaking, you were so sweet for me, honey, so fucking perfect.
P.S. How many reports do you still have left? Because I’ve been thinking about having you on my tongue again before the night is over. I think I’ve got about an hour or so left but then I’m all yours.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
Yeah. No. Absolutely not.
That man could not be trusted with the cat.
“Oh, honey,” you cooed, pressing a soft kiss between his shoulder blades as your fingers brushed over his back. “I don’t think you can get it. She must have programmed it herself into her phone.”
You truly hoped you were as convincing as he was clueless about text etiquette.
“It’s a pity,” he sighed, both of your wine glasses in hand as he made his way to the couch. “I would have loved to send you the cat.”
…Of course he would. Smug ass.
But as the words left his mouth, something shifted in him - just barely. A pause that didn’t usually belong there... weird.
Still, you followed, watching as he settled in, patting the cushion beside him with a half-smile. “Come here, sweetheart.”
A misleading gesture, considering his legs were very much spread - a much clearer invitation. At least, that’s how you chose to interpret it.
Because you could swear - those legs spoke to you. Called to you. So you slid right into your rightful seat - his lap.
…Would have been rude not to answer.
“Back to Garcia,” he said, resting a hand on your thigh as he handed you your painstakingly polished wine glass - so clean, so immaculately spotless, that the red wine inside looked redder than red. A real masterpiece, Mr. Clean. “She doesn’t seem to be letting up about finding out who you’re dating… This is the fourth message this week.”
You raised a brow, taking a sip of your wine. “Well, she’s second only to you when it comes to being nosy about gossip.”
Aaron exhaled, shaking his head, that same small half-smile back on his lips.
That particular smile.
The one he used when he was trying to convince someone he was fine when, in reality, he was not - when he was trying to reassure everyone else while simultaneously refusing to admit, even to himself, that something was eating him alive.
Oh, now you knew what this was about.
He had definitely practiced this conversation in his head - refined it down to the perfect phrasing. Measured. Logical. Reassuring.
A version so well-rehearsed, so carefully constructed, that he’d convinced himself first before trying to convince you - that this didn’t scare him.
That this was just another rational step forward.
That it was fine.
Because if he could make it sound easy, maybe it would be.
Maybe it would give you something solid to lean on, because the last thing he wanted was for you to feel like you were standing on shaky ground with someone just as fractured as he was.
But in the end, even the best-laid words couldn’t withstand the weight of his emotions - whether he liked it or not, even rocks are meant to erode.
“I think it’s time we come clean to the team,” he admitted, completely veering off-script - though, of course, he still made sure to soften the blow with a kiss to your temple.
Not that it made much difference. You both knew this moment was inevitable, but somehow, you’d managed to delude yourselves into thinking that if you just kept putting it off, the perfect time would miraculously appear.
At first, you’d delayed it until things were official.
Then, because you needed to be sure this could work in the long run.
Then, because you wanted time to just enjoy each other.
Truthfully? If it were entirely up to the two of you, you’d probably keep postponing it indefinitely - at least until the day you were both retired, far away from any fraternization rules or painfully awkward team dynamics.
Unless, of course, your eyes had been deceiving you all along, or life decided to be cruel and rip this happiness away from you before you ever even got the chance. All you could do was hope not.
Aaron sighed, watching you carefully. “So, how do you want to do this?”
At least he could take comfort in the fact that his very specific plan of having wine while discussing this was still intact - especially since the very large sip you took the second he asked hadn’t gone unnoticed.
He huffed a laugh.
This was going to be fun.
“Are we sure we have to?” You groaned, tilting your head back against his shoulder.
“I’m afraid so, sweetheart. It’s the only way to keep them from getting the satisfaction of figuring it out first and do this our way…”
It was his turn to take a long sip now… he surely wasn’t thrilled about the lack of an actual game plan.
“…Still need to figure out what exactly we mean by ‘our way,’” he admitted. “But, you know… that’s what these are for.”
He tapped a finger against his temple, then against yours, clearly implying that your very skilled, highly trained profiler brains would surely work this out.
You, however, were placing your bets on your problem-solving skills drastically improving after a few more glasses of wine, because right now?
“We are so fucked,” you commented.
Aaron clinked his glass against yours, deadpan. “Completely.”
You both took long, slow sips of wine like it might somehow provide divine intervention.
It didn’t. You were indeed left pretty much alone in this.
You sighed, setting your glass down on the coffee table. “Well, you definitely have the face of someone who already has a plan...” You reached up, brushing your fingers along his jaw. “...a very handsome face.”
Cheesy. But deserved.
Aaron chuckled. “I believe…” He kissed you on the cheek – twice - before setting his own glass down too. “…We should tell them directly. Get ahead of it. Lay it out as matter-of-factly as possible.”
He nodded, all serious, like he hadn’t just suggested the worst possible approach.
“Sweetheart…” You pinched his cheek, making him scrunch his nose, hoping – more like praying - that it would snap him out of whatever fantasy land of logic, reason, and good intentions he was apparently living in.
“If we tell them directly, Penelope will throw an actual partypersonally design matching t-shirts, and have the entire team wear them.” You paused, leveling him with a look. “And you know it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“I know.”
“Emily and Derek will immediately start making jokes like two middle schoolers who just learned what sex is and will not let us breathe.”
“I know.”
“JJ will be quiet but then ask all of a sudden, ‘So when’s the wedding?’ which will restart the chaos all over again.”
“I know.”
You turned to face him, deadly serious. “Spencer-”
“-Will hit us with a full statistical analysis of workplace relationships,” Aaron finished, exhaling sharply, already bracing himself.
Because there was only one team member left to account for - the worst of them all.
“And… oh God… Dave…”
And with that horrifying realization, he did the only logical thing a man in his position could do - he face-planted directly into your chest with a dramatic, muffled groan of pure defeat.
You blinked down at him, amused. “Honey…”
Why was he even so touch starved like that?
“All I ask,” came his muffled voice, still very much nestled between your breasts, “is five minutes of peace.”
You snorted. “You do realize this isn’t exactly discouraging me from making fun of you, right?”
He sighed again. “You do realize that if you keep laughing, you’re just shoving them further into my face?”
…Damn him and his irritating ability to state the obvious.
You sighed, fingers absentmindedly combing through his short spikes of hair. “…So we’re back to square one.”
Aaron exhaled, still very much face-first in his chosen safe haven. “Unfortunately.”
You hummed, “Okay, hypothetically, if we just… never tell them, how long do you think we could get away with it?”
That was so absurd that it actually made him lift his head. He blinked at you, utterly offended by the suggestion.
“I am not spending the next decade pretending I don’t stare at your ass every time you walk away.”
…Alright. That was definitely the wine talking.
In vino veritas, as the Romans said. Wine makes people say dumb shit: the truth.
“Wow. Didn’t know you were a poet, Hotchner.”
His lips twitched. “Don’t pretend you’re above it, because I catch you every time you drift off during briefings just to stare right at-”
“Alright, alright,” you cut him off, slapping a hand over his mouth before he could fully call you out... he was not happy about it. “We’re both shameless…"
You needed an exit strategy. Fast.
You reached for his wine glass over the coffee table. “Well, at least the bright side of telling them is that we won’t have to schedule our coffee breaks in advance anymore and pretend to look surprised when we see each other.”
And all of that was just for one single moment.
The fleeting brush of fingertips as you handed him the cup you always poured for him.
The way his hand was always warmer than yours, despite the fact that you were the one holding the scalding mug, as if basic thermodynamics simply did not apply to Aaron Hotchner.
And if it was one of those days, sometimes, there’d be a little extra something.
A longer touch.
Eye contact that lingered just a second too long.
A slow sip from his cup while still holding your gaze, and suddenly, it felt indecent - like something you definitely shouldn’t be doing in broad daylight, let alone in a federal building.
And now - here, in the comfort of his apartment, with nothing and no one to stop you - he reached for the wine glass you were offering, except… he wasn’t actually reaching for the glass.
He was just holding your hand.
Aaron chuckled, his thumb tracing lazy circles over your knuckles. “I think we’re holding onto this touch just a little too long,” he murmured, nuzzling into you, his breath warm against your ear. “Might start looking suspicious.”
Didn’t he knew exactly what he was doing.
“Oh, also some-” you started, or at least tried to, because as if everything else wasn’t enough, now he was kissing just behind your ear, his lips just brushing the sensitive skin there, warm, and slow, and wet and… God…
Okay. Okay.
Maybe it was the wine.
Maybe it was the fact that you were always kind of a little bit obsessed with him.
Either way, the result was the same: you really, really wanted him right now.
You sighed, tilting your head to grant him a little more access - but not too much, or you might actually end up using the full length of his three-seater couch instead of stubbornly remaining curled up in the same cramped two-foot space you’d unofficially claimed as your own. Ergo - going horizontal with him instead of just being seated on his lap.
“I thought we were having a serious discussion,” you murmured, though the breathy edge to your voice wasn’t exactly helping your case.
Aaron hummed in response, slowly dragging his lips from behind your ear down along the curve of your jaw, pressing a kiss at the hinge. “We are.” Another kiss. “What were you starting to say, sweetheart?”
And another one.
You tried to think. Really, you did.
But it was getting increasingly difficult with his mouth still very much on your skin, moving towards places that were making it exponentially harder to form coherent thoughts.
You would’ve made a mental note to never wear anything that resembled a tank top around him again, if only you had the actual brain capacity to form any notes right now.
Aaron smirked against your skin. “You were saying?”
…Blank. Absolutely blank.
Your brain stalled for a solid three seconds before mercifully rebooting.
“I-” You licked your lips, cleared your throat. “Penelope.”
That, thankfully, was enough of a keyword to get him to back off - though, the second he did, you already desperately missed the warmth of his mouth on your skin.
He tilted his head, “Penelope?”
You swallowed. “She’s… gonna be beaming.”
Aaron blinked at you. “Beaming.”
“Yeah.” You smiled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, because God, he was too cute when he was confused like this. “Her and Kevin have been desperate for another couple to go out with. Ever since JJ and Will stopped leaving the house because they’re too busy baby-proofing every square inch of their lives.”
Aaron’s brows furrowed slightly. “And by ‘go out with,’ you mean double dates.”
You hummed, fingers grazing his cheek. “Mmm. Yeah. Double dates.”
Aaron didn’t even hesitate. “Oh, absolutely not.”
You blinked, pulling back slightly. “Wait, what?”
His face was resolute. “I’m not doing double dates.”
You squinted at him. “Okay, but why?”
And that’s how you learned that if there was one thing your boyfriend hated - more than messy paperwork, more than delayed flights, more than the Bureau’s budgeting meetings - it was double dates.
Not specifically with Penelope and Kevin. God, no. He was practically the puppet master of their relationship in the first place. Just… double dates in general.
“They’re impractical,” he said.
You snorted. “What do you mean?”
Aaron sighed. “They are a waste of time. You sit there, and for the first fifteen minutes, it’s fine. The usual small talk, polite conversation…”
You nodded, barely biting back a grin. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”
Honestly, this just sounded like some classic Aaron Hotchner being the most adorable introvert to ever exist.
He shot you a look, deadly serious. “It’s a trap.” You nearly cooed. Adorable. “Because at some point, you end up talking one-on-one with someone from the other couple. And right when the conversation is actually getting interesting-”
He suddenly paused.
His hand started at your shoulder, innocent enough - until it wasn’t, until it drifted lower, fingertips skimming down until they found your thigh, before sliding inward, squeezing your soft flesh there.
“See?” Aaron murmured, voice deceptively casual. “It starts off innocently. A hand on the shoulder…”He angled his fingers just a notch further up your upper thigh. “…Then the thigh. Then-”
He leaned in, kissing you just at the corner of your mouth.
"A little kiss here," he murmured, lips barely brushing your skin.
Then another - softer, lingering just at the very edge of your lips.
"A little peck there."
For a man who hated double dates, he was making a very strong case for them.
This was clearly foreplay.
Had to be foreplay.
You chose to interpret it as foreplay.
So, naturally, just as you were about to pull him in properly - to finally taste the wine on his lips – he pulled back.
Mixed signals whore.
“And then,” he continued, and you swore his voice had gotten even lower - sluttier, if you were being honest - "it escalates.”
...Wine-induced yapper. "Because one couple decides a little peck isn’t enough, so they turn and start devouring each other’s faces… in public.”
The wine that was in your system, instead, suggested you should have him biblically, right here, right now, on his couch.
“Care to demonstrate this part too?” You licked your lips, tilting your head.
Aaron sighed “Honey.” You knew you were in trouble the moment he smirked. “You’re demonstrating my point…”
Your stomach dropped.
“…You want more.” Aaron tutted, shaking his head, feigning disappointment. “Of course you want more. A chaste kiss isn’t enough. How could it be, sweetheart?”
Hell yes you wanted more.
You might have even nodded without meaning to.
“But imagine if this was happening in public. In front of two other people. What about them?” he murmured, tilting his head, voice dropping into something dark, silky, dangerous. “In front of two other people.”
You swallowed, very much not thinking about them right now.
“Because at that point, they only have two choices: they either sit there - third-wheeling, watching - or…” His hand slid beneath your shirt, fingers splaying wide over your bare waist, gripping, pulling you that much closer. "… they start doing it too."
Your breath hitched. “Aaron-”
"With just a kiss, it creates an environment," he murmured, lips grazing the shell of your ear, "where both couples get competitive. Where they start copying each other - but making it more…"
He dragged his nose along the curve of your jaw, the ghost of his lips tracing just behind it. "Passionate."
A teeth-grazing kiss against your pulse.
A slow drag of his lips down the column of your throat, before he made his way back up, tilting your chin up with his fingers just so, forcing you to look at him.
And God, that look.
"More tongue," he continued, letting you see it first - his own darting out, wetting his lips just before he brushed them over yours.
Not kissing.
Not yet.
“More biting.” Aaron caught your lower lip between his teeth, pulling just enough to confirm what you already knew -
He tasted like red wine.
Rich. Dark. Addictive.
And so did you.
“More touching.” His hand drifted, fingertips just skimming over your ribs, teasing along the underside of your breast - so close, so close, before he let it trail lower again, just as his lips ghosted over your ear.
"More sounds."
You barely bit back the breathy, desperate little moan clawing its way up your throat because -
Aaron shoved you off his lap.
In one fluid motion, he shifted, pressing you back into the couch, caging you in beneath him, his arms bracketing either side of your head.
His knee slotted between your thighs, pressing up just slightly - just enough to make you gasp, make your hips twitch without thinking.
You were pretty sure now that this was, in fact, foreplay.
“At that point,” he murmured, lowering himself, pressing his body against yours, pinning you down with nothing but his weight, “if you’re already getting ideas…”
Aaron rolled his hips against you, his knee shifting just enough to have you sucking in a sharp breath. “…it’s better off just staying home. Because at least then,” he whispered, “we can do this.”
And then he kissed you. Properly.
Deep and hungry, pressing you down into the cushions until you moaned into his mouth, pulling him closer as one of his hands slipped under your shirt.
“You-” you swallowed, trying to find words, but he stole them from you, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to your jaw. “You expect me to believe this is why you hate double dates?”
“I expect you to understand,” he murmured against the sensitive skin of your neck, “that if I ever go on one…” he nipped at your pulse, making you gasp. “…I’ll be thinking about this the entire time.”
Then - click.
The sound of the button of your pants being undone, followed shortly by the hiss of your zipper. You felt the warmth of his fingertips slipping beneath the waistband of your pants, resting over your hip bone.
Well, fuck.
“You’ll be sitting across from me,” he continued, voice so unfairly composed, so infuriatingly smooth, “pretending to listen to whatever they’re taking about.”
He tilted his head, kissing along your collarbone, then much lower. You made a mental note to always wear anything resembling a tank top in his presence from now on.
“And the entire time…” his fingers dipped just slightly beneath the elastic of your underwear.
You shuddered. “Aaron.”
He hummed, pleased - so deeply pleased - before finally sliding lower, his fingers finally brushing right where you needed him most.
You whimpered.
“I’ll be remembering,” he murmured, “exactly how you sound right now.”
Your back arched into his touch, fingers digging into his shoulders, nails biting into muscle as his fingers moved.
“And how you look,” he added, his lips brushing the curve of your breast, “when you fall apart for me.”
Your breath hitched-
And then.
He stopped.
Just - stopped.
His hands left you completely as he leaned back, settling onto his knees above you, looking far too pleased with himself.
You gaped at him, betrayed. “Are you kidding me?”
Aaron just smirked, gaze flicking over you, taking in your flushed cheeks, your uneven breathing, the way your body was still desperately aching for him.
“See?” he shrugged, voice so damn smug. “This is why I hate double dates.”
How funny would it be if these ended up being his last words?
You huffed, adjusting yourself on the couch, crossing your arms like you weren’t still ridiculously turned on and very annoyed about it. “Alright, you know what? Fine. No need to suffer through a double date if we just… conveniently wait to tell the team about us until after JJ and Will start going back out with Penelope and Kevin.”
Aaron smirked.
At least you’d both come to an agreement - the exact same procrastination tactic you’d been using, just with a new and improved excuse attached.
“…Smart girl.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Don’t patronize me.”
“I wouldn’t dare, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes, still breathing heavily, still so deeply unsatisfied, as Aaron pressed a kiss to your temple, then stood, stretching his arms.
“I’ll clean the wine glasses,” he mused, already heading toward the kitchen. “And then I’ll be back to you.”
You stared at him.
He paused, glancing at you over his shoulder, smirking.
You huffed, sarcastic, “glad we could work this out.”
You were not glad. Not at all. Especially because not even a full minute later, your phone buzzed with a text.
From him.
From Mr. Clean himself, who was currently just a couple rooms away from you.
Lawyer, 8:43 PM:
Sweetheart, I hope you're ready, because I’m going to spread you out on that couch and fuck you so deep, you’ll still feel me when you sit at your desk tomorrow.
^.ᆽ.^= ∫
"Garcia just told me how to get the cat," came his voice from the kitchen - so damn smug you could hear the smirk in it, followed the sound of his footsteps getting closer.
Before you could turn, before you could say anything, he was there - leaning in from behind the couch, arms sliding around you, caging you in, whispering into your ear -
"It was just a simple copy-paste."
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taglist: @beata1108 ; @c-losur3 ; @fangirlunknown ; @hayleym1234 ; @justyourusualash ; @khxna ; @kyrathekiller ; @lostinwonderland314 ; @mxblobby ; @oxforce ; @percysley ; @person-005 ; @prettybaby-reid ; @reidfile ; @royalestrellas ; @ssa-callahan ; @softestqueeen ; @theseerbetweenus ; @todorokishoe2
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keferon · 3 days ago
I know baby orca that got snatched in the ocean would get transported with a helicopter to locations and stuff, so maybe something like that ?
Also Jazz hanging at the pool's water surface (probably dissociating) due to a lack of enrichment has been haunting me for many various reasons. One thing i keep thinking about, though, is Prowl witnessing that by accident one night. Maybe they've only known each other for a couple of days so Prowl at this point only got to witness this weird orca who is all soft and cutesy with the humans and endlessly chatty with him, even if he only knows like three words.
Then one night when he happens to wake up, he just gets to see Jazz hanging up there, perfectly still and awake, and also unresponsive. He's probably been up there for a few hours now. It just. Ouh.
Prowl would look at Jazz's weird proportions. At his thin tail and curled fins and be like what is wrong with you? What the fuck is going on here??
And then he would see Jazz just. Drifting aimlessly on the surface. Floating there like a piece of wood. Like if he was fucking dead. And it would be SO UNCANNY.
Prowl would probably try to talk to him or make him do something instead but. Realistically? There's nothing to do and nowhere to go.
And it just clicks in Prowl's head. Jazz was living like that for YEARS. It's not his laziness. Not him being weird like that. There's simply no reason to do anything.
Prowl moves a lot because he has places to be. People to meet. Problems to solve or literally anything else. Jazz moves because he's bored of staying still. And then he stays still because he's bored of moving. There is no purpose. There is no progress and no change. It doesn't matter what he does the outcome is still the same.
I think Prowl would be so fucking scared once he realizes he has a chance to repeat the same fate.
And then after they learn that humans plan to move Prowl back to the ocean? He would be FUCK NO I'm not leaving you to rot in this horrible concrete prison.
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Yandere Eldritch Ex-Husband ///////
Your now ex-husband is incredibly surprised when the authorities are dispatched to your new house when he enters. Thinking nothing of it he broke the knob of your new home, thinking after all that time talking with the judge over some foreign topic you’d both be settling into the new place. Turns out this ‘divorce’-thing and ‘restraining order’-stuff meant something after all. That he couldn’t be with you and the baby.
“Wait, the dee - force means I don’t get to come home? What–?”
“Sir, if you give me trouble it’ll only hurt your chances of seeing your kid more.”
“Wait I can’t see him? (Y/n)! (Y/n)-honey, please!”
“Sir, please put your hands behind your back.”
The only reason he doesn’t suck their brains out through their noses+ fight more is because he’s so devastated as he thinks about how in the dark about cruel-human-practices. Only now does it register that when you were oh-so cutely crying about leaving, you weren’t talking about a late night run to the store to satisfy your cravings. That the word he had dismissed as something you wanted to buy was actually an action. An action that meant he’d be deprived of the most important person in his life.
“......I did not understand before….but I understand now.”
“Kilton? You know a restraining order extends to calls, right?”
“IM nOt LetTInG yOu go—”
As he reluctantly uses the resources proposed to him, to argue for custody he has time to think about when you first mentioned the word. But the more he replays those heavenly moments with you he realizes how often your brow was scrunched and a vein was popping from that kissable forehead. It’s then that your ex-husband begins to realize just how little he was actually listening to you. Ashamed, he’s realized that while he finds all your actions absolutely irresistible it didn’t mean you were happy. And he really had no one to blame but himself.
“Hello this is Kilton (L/n) if you have a message leave it at the tone….beep.”
“Hey I hope I got the right number but I need your help with the baby….there’s stuff going on that I have no idea how to deal with. I won’t call the police or tell anyone..I just need….some help. And you're the only one who can give it to me.”
“Wait you never set up your voicemai—”
When you left your husband, you were tired of being so confused all the time. Your husband, your best friend was keeping you in the dark for a long time now. Starting from the occasionally odd behavior you’d witness him do, that he’d brush off as if it were nothing. Like the doors in the house that have begun to open to alternate dimensions (that’s what you believe but your husband will not explain in any way) ignoring your concerns and calling you being ‘silly.’ It was annoying but you hadn’t died yet so it wasn’t that bad…until you got pregnant.
“How can this be?”
“Yippee I told you, that one took!”
“No, I literally can’t.”
“Of course, you can babe, you already are look at your little bump.”
“No like I literally can’t this is unbelievable.”
Whether you physically can and were vigilant in prevention or you physically should not be able to conceive matters not. You are pregnant. Or you were. And while dealing with the intense hormones and birthing pains and gravity-defying phenomena happening in your home, your ex-husband would explain nothing. Doing nothing but smile wistfully at you while you demanded to know why the fridge was inching closer every time you turned the corner. Any sane person could only handle so much of his pretend assurances that you were just losing your mind. 
But hindsight 20/20 you should’ve known you couldn’t get rid of your eldritch ex-husband with your eldritch baby. 
“Hey you left the door unlocked, so I let myself in. Babe, you can’t be doing that it’s really unsa–the furniture doesn’t look at all like it did before.”
“Of course it doesn’t! Because your son has decided to rearrange it with his humming!” 
“That’s not a hum, Love. He’s singing a hymn of Utter Chaos–”
As you suspected the root of all the inexplicable happenings in your life were because of your ex-husband and by extension the little bundle that has been doing all sorts of things a normal baby shouldn’t. Like humming the ‘utter chaos song’ or making supplies float over to you while changing him or how at the end of his bath the water turns red and evaporates in an echo of screams. It’s just a little alarming.
“Where is the baby?”
“In that other dimension.”
“Excuse me?”
“Isn’t that something familiar to you? Every now and then he just goes into this other dimension that let’s his laugh morph the walls a little.”
“Oh my. That’s new for me too.”
Surprisingly despite your husband’s now-confirmed-eldritch-heritage he’s not an exact expert on everything his son does. Apparently no one from his world/dimension/atternate plane of existence does everything your son does and is blissfully writing off as something from your side of the family. He’ll shrug and use the opportunity to listen to you list the observations you’ve made about your darling offspring and maybe compliment you on your vigilance as a new unfortunately single parent. Don’t worry it won’t be that way for long!+
“So the blood water thing. It happens whenever he interacts with water.”
“Oh I know that one it’s an old habit of mine, for storing water for later!”
“What about the metal-eating?”
“Metal eating? With no teeth? Beats me must have gotten a taste from all those utensils you’re so fond of. By the way parenthood looks good on you have I told you that?”
As he becomes more of a constant presence in your home, there's a startling change in your baby boy’s behavior. It doesn’t stop but it’s a lot less destructive. Finally, you could have the delivery crew enter the yard without them being swallowed by the portal to your son’s crib. Finally, you can afford to have a couple-hour meet and greet with your family without anyone inexplicably sprouting horns. So reluctantly you let him back into your life with very specific conditions.
“You can’t stay the night.”
“Aww but aren’t you worried about me going home in the dark?”
“I know you’re not just some helpless human, so no. Second rule no kissing or lovey dovey things with me.”
“Got it. So vague I can work with that.”
“And finally–”
“Oh guess someone’s up from their nap.”
“I’ll distract her with a ring to her doorbell, you change back the dog.”
“As always, please try to turn down her invites for dinner this time. I don’t think I can spare her if she upsets him again.”
“No promises!”
Kilton realizes that what he has with you doesn’t mean he’s equally let back into your life, especially since so many other couples ailed by this (dee)force co-parent more or less the same so he’s got his work cut out for him. He’ll have to finally get over his listening issue while worming his way back into your heart! And don’t worry he definitely will!
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princessflorida · 13 hours ago
saying they've "lost their final bargaining chip" is so incredibly ludicrous and revolution fantasy to me honestly. no they didnt. their final "bargaining chip" is extortion and coercive force. it's how they got to where they are now. and force will be required to stop them. fascists dont just run out of bargaining chips. WE are the chips. and they're doing a very successful job at farming us. they wont run out.
if they truly had lost THEE FINAL bargaining chip for "keeping the masses working for them", then they'd lose. because we wouldn't be working for them. but we still are. literally no one has stopped. because we have to have a roof over our head and food, especially people that have kids. or people that have meds they HAVE to pay for or they die, etc.
IF they EVER lose "the final bargaining chip keeping the masses working for them" it will be because it was taken by force. the final chip is being allowed to stay alive. the final chip is not starving to death or dying from exposure.
i can tell when people say stuff like this they've never been homeless or lived poverty at best, and at worst are usually chronically online kids who have never had to pay bills and have never had to choose between having a roof or eating. i can telk they've never once had to worry about where their next meal was coming from, have never had to steal food to stay alive, had to do risky fucked up shit not to die in the heat or the cold, etc.
our compliance will not be rewarded with anything other than JUST barely getting enough food and sleep to stay alive. alive, not well or healthy. just alive. starve an animal and watch what it's willing to do to get food. itll do anything. so will we. our coercive forced compliance is rewarded with not dying. and the vast majority of people, especially those who have kids to make sure don't starve to death, will stoop to any level to make sure those mouths get fed. and i don't mean the snitch bitch from mcdonalds. she can rot. i mean that saying "theyve lost the final bargaining chip keeping the masses working for them" sounds like the chronically online teenage revolution fantasy from someone who's parents pay their phone bill, and their way through college, and bought them a car etc. like you're really not convincing me you've ever gone hungry once. clearly the masses are still working for them. nothing has changed.
the adjuster (luigi is innocent til proven guilty can yall stop saying he did it sybau snitches youre as bad as the mcds lady by doing that), whoever he is, did a heroic and powerful thing. and "the masses" simply ARE NOT willing to organize and follow in his footsteps. they'd rather keep working bc they need food and a roof NOW. until we combat that with community mutual aid and organization on a large level, their "last bargaining chip" is our lives.
think about what you're saying before you say it. seriously. the chronically online revolutionary fantasy shit pmo so bad. all i see nowadays trying to organize w people is that no one wants to ACTUALLY do anything, they just want to keep working for the masses while pretending that bitching online is some sort of radical revolutionary activist shit that actually does something (it doesnt). and those of us who actly are willing are so outnumbered and poor, disabled, sick etc that WE'RE the ones who need the fucking help. anyone above our tax bracket, middle class, who pretends to be into this shit when it comes time to try to do that? crickets.
let me know when yall are ACTUALLY ready to adjust the world in favor of humanity's sustainable survival ourselves. ill be waiting. ill probably die waiting. the adjuster has shown us we cant change the world alone. we need numbers. big numbers. enough of us that they can't just throw us in prison and make an example out of us.
bc right now the rich/elite/1%/politicians are sitting and laughing at dumbass tweets like this knowing the people posting them won't even break a single misdemeanor law much less do worse. they don't let the snitches in the club, and they know the people against them won't crash the club either. even losing 1 of their own, did that stop UHC? did it stop for profit healthcare? no. a lot more deaths will have to happen for any of that to stop, bc they will not stop for any reason other than being dead. and they know their club is untouchable both to snitch asskissers and those against them. bc we dont try. bc of the threat of violence and death. the end.
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pluckyredhead · 16 hours ago
Do you think Dick has a favourite brother?
But for the tl;dr crowd: yes, 1000000%. It's Damian. Dick would not admit this under pain of death, even to himself, but it's Damian.
So Dick and Jason are not close and never have been. I always sort of blink in bewilderment when people say they are, or were when Jason was Robin, because they are demonstrably not, and that's what's interesting and tragic about them.
The fact of the matter is that Dick simply wasn't around very much when Jason was Robin. The Doyleist reason for this is that he wasn't really being treated like a Bat character: he was a Titans character, appearing in Titans books, with only the occasional cameo in Batbooks. He and Jason get along very well in Jason's first origin story (when Jason was a circus acrobat and his parents were eaten by crocodiles); in fact, Dick tells Bruce he wants to adopt Jason and Bruce is like "Not if I adopt him first!" But after that, Dick simply...wasn't there very often.
If you need a Watsonian reason for this, it's pretty easy to extrapolate one. Dick and Bruce were not getting along well during this period, so of course Dick would avoid Bruce and Gotham. And yeah, I think it's fair to assume Dick felt some kind of complicated feelings about Bruce having a new Robin, especially post-Crisis when Bruce made Jason Robin without Dick having any say or even a warning that it was going to happen. I tend to headcanon that he resented Jason a little, but was mature enough to know that it wasn't actually Jason's fault, and partially decided to stay away so that he didn't take that out on Jason. But Jason, a smart and sensitive kid, interpreted this as Dick avoiding him because he didn't like him.
And then Jason died.
Dick took that hard, and I think it was less "my brother who I had a close relationship with died" and more "this child followed in my footsteps and it killed him and I wasn't even there for him when I had the chance." To me, that absolutely forms the subtext of the relationship he develops with Tim.
Not at the start. At the start, once "A Lonely Place of Dying" is over, he's as checked out with Tim as he was with Jason. The Doyleist reason is the same - Dick literally just wasn't supposed to be in Batbooks too much - but the way it plays out is sometimes really funny in an awful way. Like in and just after Knightfall, when Bruce gets his back broken by Bane and is like "I've known Jean-Paul Valley for two weeks and he barely has any training, most of it done by my extremely new 13-year-old Robin...I think I'll make him Batman." And then Tim's dad and Tim's dad's doctor, Shondra Kinsolving, get kidnapped, and since Bruce has been aggressively romantically pursuing Shondra to the point of it being uncomfortable and inappropriate, he's like "Okay going to rescue Shondra! I mean, your dad! I'm taking Alfred with me! Tim, you're in charge of Gotham and Jean-Paul byeeeeee!" And then JPV immediately gets unhinged and violent and tries to kill Tim and Tim keeps calling Alfred like "Um can you please come back and help" and Alfred's like "No" and Tim's like "Okay well did you at least rescue my dad?" and Alfred's like "Also no." Anyway Dick finally comes to Gotham and Tim is like "THANK GOD, HELP, BRUCE MADE AZRAEL BATMAN AND HE'S TRYING TO KILL EVERYONE, I NEED AN ADULT" and Dick is like "He made someone who isn't me Batman??? 😡😡😡" and then just...fucks off back to New York and leaves Tim to deal with it. Very out of character, VERY funny.
BUT ANYWAY. Then we get to around 1996 and 1. Dick is no longer on the Titans which has a whole new lineup and 2. there's an editorial shift emphasizing the Batfamily. This is where the line really expands: Robin (started in 1993, but still pretty new), Nightwing, Birds of Prey, Azrael, eventually Gotham Knights in 1999 and Batgirl in 2000. Dick moves to Bludhaven and spends way more time in Gotham.
This is when Dick looks at Tim, says "Is anyone gonna big brother that?" and doesn't wait for an answer. All of a sudden he's behaving in a way that suddenly feels in character for him (although the idea of Dick as a big brother/mentor...really wasn't a thing for him prior to this era, so it's more of a new development that feels correct in retrospect). He's training Tim, he's giving him advice, he's teasing him about girls, he's coming up with inside jokes, he's giving him noogies. It's like he watched a bunch of 80s sitcoms to learn how to be a big brother and applied his research accordingly.
And Tim? Tim absolutely blossoms under the attention. Tim, who has been adultified by every other adult in his life since he was, like, eight, is getting treated like a kid. Tim, whose parents are never around, and don't pay attention when they are around, has an adult he looks up to who wants to spend time with him, for fun. Tim, who has hero worshipped Dick Grayson since he was...well, according to the math, he was one (1) year old so let's ignore the math, but he was small, is now basking in the full force of Dick Grayson's off-the-charts charisma. This is the best thing that has ever happened to Tim. This is the dream.
I want to be clear here: I think Dick's extreme reversal here is a delayed reaction to Jason's death, but I don't want to imply that he doesn't care about Tim as an individual. He loves Tim as much as Tim loves him. Tim's good opinion is incredibly important to him. This relationship goes both ways.
Annnnd then both of their lives fall apart extremely rapidly, and Damian shows up, and Bruce dies. And Dick tries to get out of it, but ultimately it ends how it has to: with him accepting the mantle of Batman, and responsibility for Damian.
The relationship Dick has with Damian is nothing like the relationship Dick has with Tim. Tim is his little bro. Damian is his baby. He's fourteen years older than Damian and as much of a parent figure as a sibling figure. And Damian is difficult and exhausting but Dick slowly, slowly coaxes a degree of trust and affection out of him that even Bruce will never achieve. And he can only do that by making Damian Robin, which means Tim has to stop being Robin.
This is where Dick and Tim fall apart, because what they need in this very vulnerable moment is so diametrically opposed, and neither of them are wrong. To Dick, asking Tim to step down - or up, from Dick's perspective - from being Robin is a compliment. Dick fought to free himself from Bruce, to become his own man with his own name, and so asking Tim to do the same thing is a show of faith in Tim, in his skills and experience.
Whereas Tim's hero-worship has always been for Robin, not Batman, and every glimpse he has had of a future beyond Robin has always been a dystopia. But more importantly, Tim has just lost his father, his stepmother, his mentor, his girlfriend, and his two best friends. He desperately needs to be able to lean on Dick, the grown-up he admires the most, and instead, Dick is kicking him out of the nest.
In other words: Dick is saying, with all the love and trust in his heart, "I need you to help me by being a fellow adult." And Tim is saying, with all the love and trust in his heart, "But I need you to be my adult." And they both get a no.
This is water under the bridge now, and they've healed even though they've never really talked it through because Bats don't do that (although what I wouldn't give for a Nightwing/Red Robin miniseries where they do everything but talk about it). But I do think Tim looks at the closeness and affection between Dick and Damian and feels some kind of way about it to this day, because it's so clear to everyone that Damian is Dick's favorite...but Tim remembers when he was Dick's favorite. And what Tim doesn't see is that Dick values him as a genuine partner in a way he will never quite achieve with Damian, because to him, Damian will always be his baby, even more so than he is Bruce's. (Dick is Bruce's baby, actually, not Damian. In this essay I will...)
(I could see a really interesting dynamic developing between Jason and Tim here, as the ones on the outside of that mutual appreciation society, but sadly the comics have never gone there. Alas.)
Finally, I think the relationship between Dick and Duke is very much "I just work here." Like, Dick is grown, he's out of the house, he's largely matured past the Bat-drama. He likes Duke but he doesn't feel the compulsion to brother him the way he did with Tim, and Duke doesn't need the mother henning Damian did.
IN CONCLUSION, and hooboy, sorry anon, most of this wasn't at all the question you asked:
Duke and Dick get along fine but aren't particularly close.
Damian is Dick's precious baby and always will be, even when Damian is an adult and annoyed by this treatment (but privately kind of loves it because he is a princess at heart).
Tim is Dick's buddy, his pal, his equal. If Dick were ever going to talk something through with a sibling, it would be Tim. (But that would require Dick admitting that everything isn't perfect or asking for help, so it'll never happen.)
Jason and Dick can't be in a room together for five minutes without fighting and Dick finds him wildly frustrating, but they will throw down for each other. When they aren't punching each other.
(And to answer the corollary: Damian's favorite brother is Dick. Tim's favorite brother is also Dick. Duke's favorite brother is Tim by default, since he doesn't know Dick very well and Jason and Damian are both too annoying, but really he's closest with Cass. Jason's favorite brother is Ace and he has communicated that often and loudly (but really it's probably also Dick).)
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graceface1712 · 2 days ago
How Sweet Pouge reader met Rafe!
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Soft RafexSweetPouge reader
Summary: Rafe is known to hate Pouges. All of them are nuisances to him. Until one particular girl catches his eye. He asks Topper if he knows her name and only for Topper to tell him that she’s a Pouge. 
Warnings: Nothing!
Enjoy 🫶🏻🫶🏻
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊
The beach party was in full swing. People were drinking, dancing, and partying their asses off. Rafe on the other hand, was busy trying to make sure Topper’s psychotic girlfriend, Ruthie, didn’t start any more fights with people. She was literally insane.
“Topper. Control your girl. She’s being a fucking lunatic.” He bites out to Topper. Crazy ass bitch. He thinks to himself. His eyes scan the beach, making sure everything is going smoothly. Then all the sudden, his eyes land on you.
You’re wearing a bright pink tank top, it’s spaghetti straps fighting to hold in your boobs that are threatening to spill out from you jumping around. It shows just a sliver of your tan waist, but it’s enough to make Rafe want to wrap his arms around it. Your toned legs are clad in a pair of jean shorts and beaded brackets decorate your arms.
You look so carefree, so happy. Dancing around with everyone. Your smile is stunning. It takes Rafe’s breath away in the best way possible.
Rafe turns to Topper. “Hey, who is that?” He asks him. Topper tries to see who Rafe is pointing to.
“Dude, there’s about 20 people you could be pointing to right now.” Topper says sarcastically.
“Her. The girl in the pink tank top and jean shorts.” Rafe says growing impatient, even though he knows Topper had a point. It’s a giant group of dancing teenagers and Rafe could have been pointing to any of them. But he needed to find out who this girl is.
“Oh. Man that’s Y/N. She’s hot but I would never mess with her. She’s a Pouge, the Pouge princess as many people refer to her.” Topper spits the word out with disgust. Rafe’s eyes widen.
Now he remembers. Of course he knows how the Pouge Princess is. I mean, he’s the Kook King.
Well you being a Pouge isn’t going to stop him. He may hate Pouges but most of them are annoying and make stupid decisions. He’s never even heard of you so you must be normal.
Rafe walks over to you confidently. When he wants something, he gets it. And you’re no different.
When he lightly grabbed Y/N’s arm, she was startled and turned around to see who the culprit was.
She was even more surprised when she was met with Rafe Cameron staring down at her. Y/N along with everybody else knows that Rafe doesn’t interact with Pouges unless he has to. And typically it’s in a violent way.
Rafe has never done anything bad to her before. Honestly, she doesn’t get out too much anyways. Usually her dad is making her scrub down their little shack, and if not, she’s out at the beach tanning and surfing.
Y/N just lives her life to the fullest. Her family is dirt poor, the only reason they have a roof over their heads is because her grandpa built her house when he was younger. But other than that, life is all about the experience for her. She tries to be kind to everybody and will never ever judge someone for what they look like, or how they are. That’s why many people in town refer to her as the “Pouge Princess”.
But she has no hard feelings towards Rafe unlike many other kids on the cut her age. She doesn’t blame them though.
“Hi.” Rafe says. He can smell her intoxicating scent. She smells like a warm, vanilla, bakery. The breeze is making her scent drift right to his nose.
“Hi!” She giggles and its music to ears. “Do you need something from me?” She asks him.
He lets go of her arm and runs a hand through his buzzed hair. But something caught his attention, there was no judgment, no nasty look, or condescending tone in her voice that was directed at him. Most people in town couldn’t even look at him without wincing. Whether it was from fear or disgust. So naturally, Rafe was drawn to her.
“Well I just wanted to come talk to the prettiest girl on the beach.” He said with a grin stretching across his face. Y/N’s face burned with a blush.
“You think I’m pretty?” She shyly asked him
“I think you’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He leans down and whispers in her ear.
The red staining Y/N’s cheeks turned to a dark crimson. Y/N has struggled with her appearance for a long time. Her dad being the main cause of that, always calling her ugly and worthless. The compliment meant a lot to her.
Rafe and Y/N shouted over the loud music, talking to each other about everything. Y/N was dancing and swaying to the music, and Rafe was trying to keep her still so her words wouldn’t jumble up while she was bumping around.
After a while, Y/N got tired. She smushed her face into Rafe’s chest.
“I’m tiredddd.” She complained. Rafe wrapped his hands around her forearms and guided her to a big piece of driftwood down the beach. Now they were away from the craziness of the party.
Rafe was looking at Y/N with something in his eyes that she couldn’t quite decipher.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She’s asks him.
“Can I go on a date with you?” The words fly out of his mouth before he can even register what he’s saying. Y/N’s mouth falls open.
“What?” She asks.
“Can I take you out? On a date. Tomorrow.” Rafe says. Now his words are collected and put together.
Y/N teases him a little. Taking a long time to come up with an answer. Even going as far as tapping her pointer finger on her chin and making it look like she’s thinking about it. Obviously there is only one answer.
“Y/N.” Rafe mutters.
“Of course I will!” Y/N happily says, finally giving up on her teasing. A sigh of relief escapes Rafe. Like she was really going to say no.
“Thank goodness. Here’s my phone you can give me your phone number so you can send me your address.” Rafe says while fishing his phone out of his pocket and opening his contacts app.
Y/N’s whole mood changes. More red flush adorns her cheeks, but not out of the fact that she has butterflies or is nervous, it’s out of embarrassment.
“What’s wrong?” Rafe asks her. He noticed her mood change.
“Ummm. I don’t have a phone.” She says.
“Why are you grounded or something?” Rafe asks her.
“No, it’s just my parents can’t afford to get me a phone.” Y/N says embarrassed.
Rafe’s eyes widen. He has never experienced a life without having some sort of electronics thrown in his face. Ward had always tried to buy his and his sister‘s love with either the newest gaming console or tablet or iPhone.
“Oh. Well that’s okay. You can just give me your address and I’ll write it down in my notes app.” Rafe says. It’s obvious that she is uncomfortable about not having a phone, so he doesn’t want to make it something it doesn’t have to be.
“Okay.” Y/N says and then proceeds to tell Rafe her address. She’s glad he didn’t make a big deal out of the situation. I mean it’s the 21st century almost every kid her age has a cell phone, especially in the Outer Banks. But unfortunately, her parents don’t make enough money to be able to give her a phone. So she goes without one. The only way her friends can communicate with her, is verbally.
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 6pm sharp. Wear something comfortable.” Rafe says and smiles.
“Okay. I’ll be ready” Y/N beams up at him.
“Can’t wait baby.” That’s the last thing Rafe says before walking off and disappearing into the crowd of teenagers.
What just happened? They both wonder to themselves.
First one! 🫶🏻
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 days ago
My brain has two common nightmare settings. The first is zombies. Can’t explain it, but I am utterly unable to consume zombie media of any kind lest I have some extremely vivid night terrors.
And it doesn’t have to be exclusively zombie media to kick off zombie dreams. Anything scary will do. Or even something not scary.
Like The Mummy. It’s all goofy jokes and the glory of Rachel Weiss but it kicked off a round of nightmares for me cause the plot may be silly but some of the visuals are horrifying enough that my brain went, “Hey what if that were real?” I woke up drenched in sweat, clutching my cats for safety. It is a great tragedy I don’t get to rewatch it or see subsequent titles.
For the same reason I avoid any zombie-adjacent games. It’s a bummer, cause things like Fallout and Bioshock seem cool but it’s not worth night terrors. Also the amount of people who go “wELl tHeY’Re not TeChNiCaLLy zOmBieS” when I say why I can’t play those games fills me with rage, you deal with night terrors and tell me those aren’t zombies.
(I often spend zombie dreams looking for Leeloo. Surviving is important but not as important as saving my little cat from the apocalypse.)
But on a completely different side of the spectrum the other type of horror dream I have is a 180 pivot from zombies and doesn’t have a specific trigger. It’s just a random theme that happens on occasion and it’s not recurring because the circumstances are always different but yeah anyway I have nightmares about being pregnant.
Literally one of the worst things I can imagine is growing a thing inside me.
To all the people with a uterus who are full of joy and power in that act of creation, more power to you, but to me it is the stuff of my worst imaginings to have a parasite sucking the nutrients from my teeth and clawing its way free from me.
A common theme to these nightmares is that the pregnancy is spontaneous immaculate conception but no one believes me. My beloved leaves me, thinking I cheated on them. It got to the point that my beloved promised they would believe that I hadn’t cheated on them if it ever happened in real life because it came up so frequently. This actually helped to reduce that plot line.
These dreams just pop up sometimes, usually for unknown reasons, and I always start the dream pretty heavily pregnant and past when I can really abort the fucker inside and I spend the dream in a desperate panic to know how I let it go this far and dreading the imminent pain and horror of child birth.
I always announce to my beloved the morning, “Had another pregnancy nightmare,” and they always kiss my cheek and remind me that they’ll believe me. I guess it’s still slightly better than the zombie dreams. But only barely.
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totallyxtaurus · 3 days ago
Depollute me, gentle angel
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Summary: Sylus is away on a business trip while you sink deeper into your depressive episode. Pairing: Sylus x gn reader Genre: Angst (I guess, I'm not sure lol) Trigger Warnings: depression, mental health struggles, anxiety, self-neglect, and hints of suicide A/N: Soo I was going to make a fluffy/smutty story but my PMDD hit me hard af and then BOOM, this. This was super hard yet easy to write at the same time probably because it's a self insert lol like this is literally me. Sylus' "perfect" persona does intimidate me and I grappled with the thoughts of "what if Sylus was real, could he actually handle this?" I hope everyone enjoys and please please please remember to take care of yourselves! 💗
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When was the last time you crawled out of bed today? Your stomach twisting, hunger pangs turn into nausea. But the thought of forcing your limbs to carry you into the kitchen for food feels insufferable. So, you stay buried in the tangle of unmade, unwashed sheets. A hint of fabric softener desperately clinging to the fibers, the stale scent of sweat and skin already taking over. Earlier, you pressed your nose into your shoulder, checking. The sweet floral deodorant from days ago (you think) has spoiled into something sour.  
Each day and sleepless night blend together. They become hard to tell apart, except when the phone rings. Work is calling again—probably to ask when you’ll be back in or to terminate you. You know you should care—you do care! Well, you used to. You liked your job; you were good at it. But does it bring you joy? Right now, does anything?
Everything feels like a chore that you can’t be bothered to attempt. Showering? The thought alone is exhausting. But thinking about the steps that come before the shower is enough to make you sit in your own filth. You reach up absently. Your fingers get lost in the greasy roots and tangle in the mess below. Dandruff flakes dust your pillow. You picked at your scalp while scrolling for hours. Anything to pull you out of this pit you’ve fallen into, for a moment of relief. Your stomach churns each time your tongue touches the slimy coating that has built up on your teeth. Panic spikes at the thought of cavities—the decay, a reminder of neglect. Yet, there you lie, paralyzed by your own anxieties. God, you want to move. You really do. But then you tell yourself, I’ll brush them after I eat, for sure. You know it’s a lie. But it makes the guilt easier to swallow.  
These bouts come and go, pulled in by a force you can’t escape—because you are the force. Like the moon dragging in the tides, summoning waves too strong to withstand. When you’re up, you trick yourself into thinking that you have it all together, like you’ve cracked some secret code. You throw yourself into work, into people, an endless loop on performance mode. Blissfully numb. Until the crash. The tide swells too high, knocking you under and swallowing you whole. Then you’re here, again. Bedridden. Isolated. Time slips through your fingers. Days, weeks—who knows how long. Until someone notices your absence. Usually, him. Then you have to explain why you vanished and begin to collect the pieces of you that have washed back ashore.
“You should trust Sylus more," your therapist had said, voice gentle but firm. “Let him in during these episodes. He wants to help you.”  
You nodded, pretending to consider it, not missing the way they emphasized the "want to help you" part. But the idea was absurd, laughable. Let Sylus see you like this? No, it’s better this way. You can keep your dignity and him, a win-win situation.
This episode—as your therapist calls it—came at the perfect time. Sylus is away on a business trip, conveniently absent when you’ve sunk to your lowest. He gives you roughly three days of no contact before the constant calls start rolling in. This time, luck was on your side, a twisted kind of luck, but still one that was to your advantage. You can’t even begin to imagine the horror that he’d feel if he saw you like this.
Undeserving. That’s the only word that comes to mind when you think of Sylus, especially in moments like these.
Sylus, the man who has everything—and if he doesn’t, he simply acquires it. Always composed, always in control. He’s the kind of person who seems to glide through life, untouchable. You can’t imagine him unraveling, not like this. No, if he ever stumbled, he’d just power through it. There are no obstacles he can’t overcome.  
Until you.
You are the only thing he can’t fix. A threat to the pristine world he’s built. Thankfully, he hasn’t seen you like this, and he never will. He can’t.
Your therapist says your way of thinking is the problem. You don’t let him in. You don’t give him a chance to understand. Your therapist doesn’t know Sylus like you do. What if he does understand—but secretly believes you’re too much? And knowing Sylus, what if he doesn’t leave, but worse—stays out of obligation? Out of pity?
Your chest begins to tighten at the thought, your heartbeat picking up. You’d rather disappear completely than let him see you like this.
But before you can spiral any further, the doorbell rings.
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rafedarling · 16 hours ago
𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐮𝐭
pairing: drew starkey x actress!reader
summary: drew appears on the late late show with james corden to play the infamous game ‘spill your guts or fill your guts’. little does he know, you had previously been on the show and specifically requested he be invited.
warning(s): english is not my native language. mild language, secondhand embarrassment, extreme cheesiness and boyfriend material overload.
au: like, reblog and feedback are much appreciated. discussion can be send through my ask box, please feel free to send in anything. ⭐️ taglist | tagging: @rubixgsworld @rafeyslamb @bisexualcvnt @tracymbcm @maybankslover @anamiad00msday @stuffyownswrld @httpsdrewstarkey @mileyraes @enjoymyloves @akobx @noobmazter69 @victwrvale @xoxohoneymoongirl @xoxosblogsblog @wearemadeofstardust0 @saviorcomplexrry @percysley @littlelamy @winniemoe @emberaurora @watercolorskyy @kravitzwhore @issabellec7
based on this request
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“Alright, Drew,” James started, rubbing his hands together.
“First of all, welcome! We are so happy to have you here.”
“Thank you, man, I appreciate it,” Drew said, shifting in his seat.
“Though I gotta say, I have a really bad feeling about this.”
James let out a dramatic laugh.
“As you should! Because, as you saw, your lovely girlfriend Y/N was here not too long ago. And guess what? She personally requested you to be here tonight!”
Drew groaned playfully, running a hand through his hair.
“Oh, I knew it!”
“And,” James continued, “she also made sure we included dark chocolate, which I assume is some kind of inside joke?”
Drew exhaled through his nose, shaking his head.
“Yeah, uh, I hates dark chocolate. Like, passionately. So this is definitely her way of messing with me.”
“Well, my friend, she succeeded!” James laughed.
“Now, let’s get started! First up…”
He gestured toward the table, dramatically lifting the first lid.
James scrunched his nose.
“Oh, this smells absolutely disgusting. So, Drew, here’s your first question: What is the most annoying habit Y/N has that drives you crazy?”
The crowd gasped playfully. Drew tilted his head back, laughing.
“Oh man, I can already hear her reaction to this.”
“Would you like a bite of pickled pig’s feet instead?”
James wiggled his eyebrows.
Drew shook his head.
“No, no, I’ll answer. Uh… okay, Y/N is literally the most perfect human, but if I had to say something…”
He exhaled dramatically.
“She never puts the cap back on the toothpaste. And she squeezes it from the middle instead of the bottom, and it kills me.”
The audience burst into laughter.
“That is valid,” James agreed.
“She’s an amazing actress, but a toothpaste menace.”
James pulled out a glass filled with a murky, grayish-green liquid.
“This is a sardine smoothie. And your question is: What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for Y/N that she doesn’t even know about?”
Drew winced at the drink.
“That looks awful.”
“It is awful,” James confirmed. “So spill it.”
Drew thought for a moment, then smiled.
“Okay. There was this one time when Y/N had a bad day she didn’t say anything, but I could tell. She had this childhood book she lost years ago, so I spent weeks tracking down a first-edition copy. I left it on her nightstand with a note, but I never told her it was me.”
The audience awed loudly.
James clutched his chest.
“That is the most romantic thing I have ever heard in my life!”
Drew shrugged, grinning. “I just love making her happy.”
James lifted the lid, revealing a large, slimy cow tongue. Drew grimaced.
“Nope. Absolutely not.”
“Then answer this,” James smirked.
“Out of all of Y/N’s past on-screen romantic co-stars, who do you think had the best chemistry with her?”
Drew’s jaw dropped as the audience gasped. “Oh, come on!”
“Answer, or it’s cow tongue time!”
Drew groaned.
“Fine. If I’m being honest… I hated watching her with Jake Gyllenhaal. They just had way too much chemistry, and it made me so jealous.”
James burst into laughter.
“You paused the movie, didn’t you?”
Drew sighed. “Paused it. Left the room. Came back an hour later and still wasn’t over it.”
James lifted the plate.
“Drew, Y/N personally requested the chocolate, but we added wasabi. Your question: What’s the cheesiest thing you say to Y/N in private that you would never say in public?”
Drew groaned.
“Oh no. Nope. I refuse to expose myself like this.”
“You sure?” James taunted.
Drew sighed. “Fine. I call her ‘my little sunshine bean.’”
James lost it. “SUNSHINE BEAN?!”
Drew buried his face in his hands. “I knew this was a mistake!”
James wiped his tears.
“Alright, last one. You have to call Y/N and let her ask you a question. Answer, or take a bite of fermented tofu.”
Drew sighed dramatically before dialing your number.
“Drew?” your voice filled the studio. “Are you on Spill Your Guts?”
The crowd cheered.
“Yeah, baby, I am. And James is making me call you.”
You giggled. “Okay… If you had to get a giant tattoo of my face anywhere, where would you put it?”
Drew groaned as James cackled.
“Fine! I’d put it on my ribs. Right over my heart, happy now?”
You gasped dramatically. “That was actually a really good answer.”
James smirked. “What’s a role you regret turning down or missing out on?”
Drew sighed. “I was this close to being in a Western movie, and I regret not pushing harder for it.”
James lifted the bowl. “If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?”
Drew smiled. “Greece. I wanna take Y/N and just disappear on an island for a month.”
James leaned in. “What’s your dream project?”
Drew grinned. “Something I can do with Y/N. Whether it’s a rom-com or an action movie, I just wanna work with her.”
James clapped his hands.
“Drew, you survived!”
Drew blew a kiss to the camera.
“I did it for you, baby!”
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helen-with-an-a · 3 days ago
Hi, I was wondering if ale and amor would have kids (I forget if they are mentioned) and if so do you have any hc about all that?
I have mentioned it once? Twice? But I don’t mind talking on more depth loll
Previously mentioned:
Alexia already has baby names picked out (Talia for a girl, Jaume for a boy, unless Alba has a son first (it’s also Alba’s baby boy name) then it’s Eliá) - Amor has said that her family has to be able to pronounce the names/have a translation into her language that Alexia doesn’t mind her family using instead (beyond that she’s not too fussed over the names)
Amor really wants to use Ale’s egg at least once when they have children so she can have a big Alexia holding her hand and a mini Alexia on her hip (she doesn’t mind who carries the baby though)
So, it’s actually at Mapí’s 30th that the idea of kids comes up seriously. Amor and Ale have always known that kids would eventually happen for them but it was never really discussed when/how/who etc
Amor decides she’ll carry first since she’s the younger of the two and will probably be able to continue playing after pregnancy with a little more ease (and Amor hasn’t had any significant injuries and secretly doesn’t want Alexia to sit out from playing any more than she already has)
It takes a few tries but eventually they get pregnant with Baby no1. It’s a girl (Talia). She’s from Alexia’s egg and is quite literally Ale’s mini-me. Hazel eyes and blonde-brown hair and a huge love of football. She grows up to be a data analyst for Barça and eventually is the first female manager of Barça Femení (she was never a good player but she had a knack for the stats and plays etc)
Ale is obsessed with pregnant!Amor. If anything Ale falls even more in love with her. She’s the most perfect partner a pregnant person could ask for. Cravings? She’s out in every shop getting it. In pain? You don’t even have to wince and Ale is there ready for a massage. Morning sickness? Ales got the bucket and a hair tie ready to go and will give all the cuddles you need afterwards.
Mapí makes Amor promise she will never get pregnant again because Mapí can’t stand how in love Ale is (and it’s making her look bad with Ingrid)
Amor and Ale did discuss maybe having one of Amor’s family be the donor but they decided that was a little too weird for them if Amor thought about it for too long she got creeped out.
The birth and things went fine, Amor did struggle a little with breast feeding but she wasn’t too fussed about it, Talia was predominantly bottle fed anyway so that Ale could help out overnight and things
When Talia is 4, they decided they want another kid but Alexia is insistent that she carries. She had retired at this point and Amor is still thriving at Barça.
Ale really wants Amor to be the biological mother this time round and Amor agrees so long as the donor is the same one from Talia (so the kids are 1/2 siblings genetically)
It takes a little longer this time round and Ale gets really in her head about it. Despite knowing what can happen (particularly with “older” women who get pregnant), Ale has a hard time accepting that it isn’t her fault
Amor is practically begging for Ale to stop trying, and give themselves both a break and maybe start up later after a year or so but Ale is insistent. They compromise with one final try
It sticks and Ale ends up carrying twins (both girls) and it’s a comparatively smooth sailing pregnancy and birth. Victòria is the oldest and looks exactly like Amor. She grows up to be a history teacher and insists on having a Barça Femení display and a history of female football timeline in her classroom. She is has a massive agenda to push women’s sport at schools and becomes pretty big in that respect across Spain helping to set up in-school clubs and things for all sports. Rosa is the baby of the family and is a mix of Amor and the donor but does get Amor’s hair and eye colour. Rosa is very much the wild child of the family and spends a lot of time trying to figure out what she wants to do. She travels the world (which Alexia has regular panics about) and does tutoring in English, Spanish, Catalan and German to pay the bills when the money runs out. Eventually she becomes a sports photographer and settles in the WSL (mainly snapping pics for Arsenal)
Every time Amor sees Ale interact with the girls, her ovaries explode. Amor was always a bit on the fence about kids until she met Ale and then she couldn’t imagine not having a baby-Ale in her arms.
Ale has always known she wanted kids but she never suspected how much until she saw Amor. It scared her a little at first because she was always asked in interviews about what she wanted in 10 years time and it was always football. But then Amor appeared and suddenly it was a wife and multiple children and maybe a dog and a cat and it really scared Ale at first but then she was like, nope that sounds pretty perfect to me
When Ale and Amor are like in their 80s they just look around and think “yep, this is the good life” surrounded by their family, children and grandchildren and they’re just like this … this is what happiness is
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ober-affen-geil · 1 day ago
Oh hell yes lets go.
Ok so, as someone who has it, endometriosis goes super undiagnosed for a number of reasons.
First, the chief symptom is pain during menstruation which...is often undereported by the patient because they don't know it's a problem or because they've been told it's not a problem enough times they stop reporting it. (Other symptoms include pain during sex, issues with the bowel (poop), and infertility.)
Second, this is absolutely a genetic condition, and when the person you inherited it from isn't diagnosed and they tell you "oh that's normal" well...why would you bring it up to your doctor?
Third, currently the only way* to diagnose endometriosis is with invasive surgery. Tiny little incisions! But basically the only way doctors know for sure is by sticking a camera into the patient's abdominal cavity. More on this later.
And fourth...some people who have endometriosis don't have debilitating pain during menstruation. I have a family member who had a case so bad she was infertile (until treatment) and her only symptom was the infertility. Her partner remembers the pictures from her abdomen as "spiderwebs everywhere" and the surgeon told her she should have been presenting as a, and pardon the language here, "pelvic cripple" and she had no idea.
So, what is it? In extremely simple terms, the lining of the uterus (the "endometrium") has tissue that is "programmed" to shed when triggered by the hormone shift during menstruation. Endometriosis is when cells from that tissue get OUTSIDE the uterus into your abdominal cavity and do exactly the same thing to other surfaces. Shed. And regenerate. Every cycle.
This is why one of the hallmarks of the disease is symptoms worsening over time, and likely eventual infertility and/or bowel problems as other organs can literally get tangled up by the shed lining that doesn't have anywhere to go, or affected by the cells themselves. Often the surgery used to diagnose the condition can be used to "clean out" any endometrial tissue that the surgeon sees, which can (but doesn't always!) alleviate symptoms.
So what to do about it?
Spread awareness, what this month is for. If you think you might have it, ask your doctor. Get a second or third opinion if necessary. Ask around your family, see if anyone else has the same or similar symptoms. I was fortunate enough to have the family member for reference, and know that HER mother had a suspected case and HER mother had fertility issues. Someone my age on a related branch of the family had no idea and I was their point of reference.
Not much is known about it other than it's genetic, what it is, and how to diagnose it. There are a few leading theories as to causes, but nothing definitive. And by the way! It has been found in cis men born without a uterus at all, so congrats gentlemen! There's a slim possibility you could be intersex in the worst way possible!
But I wanted to end this on a positive note, so I left an asterisk all the way up there to come back to. *Surgery is the only CURRENT way to diagnose endometriosis. There's been a very recent breakthrough in Australia towards diagnosing through a blood test, which has had extremely positive results so far. I don't know enough about medicine to have an idea of a realistic timeline, but it's coming!
My ask and dms are open if anyone has any, and I mean any, questions about my experience with endometriosis <3
hey so it’s march now aka the beginning of endometriosis awareness month and i feel obligated to remind you that debilitatingly painful periods are not normal. if you or someone you know is ending up sick or bedridden every month, you are not crazy and deserve medical attention from someone who will take you seriously
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miyaz6ki · 1 day ago
i might let you make me juno ✰
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synopsis. literally the title, each are just small drabbles though :)! 1 kink i think they would have, as well as something they'd dislike(?), idrk what I'll put since I make these before I write 😭
the blade has spoken. i forgot to post yesterday :sob: rb for pt 2 ORR FOR MORE OF MY SUPER DUPER SICK CONTENT!!
pairings. albedo, alhaitham, capitano, childe, wriothesley, diluc, neuvillette
warnings. NSFW, mdni please!! sex :pensive:, although some are fluffier than others!, lwk hatefucking in alhaitham's (academic rivals to lovers), corruption kink (capitano's), vision play w diluc (not rly my main point), cockwarming,
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albedo, who already has you placed right in front of him, legs spread as he kneels before you. although he glanced at the beauty in front of him, his eyes would tell a million words, the ones he couldn't speak. in general, whatever you were into, so was he.
the alchemist, delving his tongue into real delicacy for the first time, had himself on a chokehold, every now and then gazing back up to the figure he loved the most, pleasured by what he was doing. fuck he loved you so much. the taste had him hypnotized, he could probably do this forever.
every minute that passed, he felt himself falling in love over and over again. holding your thighs closer to the sides of his face, he could feel how much pleasure he gave.
alhaitham, who has you pinned to the wall, your chest pressed up against the surface. he held both your wrists in one of his hands, and the other on the left side of your waist. rocking his hips into yours, archons he was so fucking in love with the way you clenched against his member.
as much as he hates you, or says he does, it's really the opposite. he's never met anyone who could get him as mad as he is right now, not anyone could piss him off. he loved it so damn much.
he loved watching your eyes roll back in pleasure, no one else could get him boiling, but no one could ever be this deep inside you like he does, right? he better be. or he'll spend the next nights trying to prove himself right to you. so at least for once he'll win.
capitano loved to absolutely break you. corrupt you. he wanted to make sure you were indefinitely all his. and no one else's. he loved seeing those cute little tears of yours roll down your cheeks, whining about how you can't take it when both of you know you can!
you're all his, right? hopefully, and rightfully so, because no one as big as him would ever please your little hole now. but he supposes that something should make up for the pain you feel whenever he enters, it should be the pleasure, and somewhat comfort he can attempt to give.
so he lets you pick whatever position you wanted, and honestly, his favorite while letting you choose was whatever position he could see you the most in. especially when it includes your pretty little face. he wants to see how good he makes you feel <3
he always has his hands on you it feels so dirty. but childe has no excuse for himself, his only purpose is to make sure others know how to fuck off from what's only supposed to be his, it's not your fault, nor his, but he just has the indefinite need to show you off. whether it'd be how the marks all over your collarbone would be the prettiest!
he knows it hurts, but for now, just endure it, and he'll make sure to take care of it later. he makes sure to kiss it all away anyway, no matter how deep inside he might be, you're his reason to fight, his reason to live and come back home for another day with you.
oh well, he dreams of starting a nice little family with you. coming home to you and your two.. maybe three children? you'll both figure it out later. after he finishes inside you, his rough hands, which bruised your hips with small, little crescents ingrained into your skin. oh he's already planning the names!
wriothesley is generally turned on by any position he could see you in. similarly to capitano, but the thing is... he much prefers seeing how his cock imprints itself in your stomach.
sure your expressions are pretty cute, but nothing better than seeing you throw your head back, trying to ride his big member when you know you need help from him! all you have to do is say please...
if you didn't, he'd simply watch the show. watch you trying to take him all at once, and only hurting yourself more by trying to take what you can't (without his assistance). and in which he simply.. takes control himself, and helps you slowly sink onto his shaft instead. of course whole holding your hand!
diluc who uses his vision to his advantage, his hands already over your chest, as the temperature of his palm rises slowly, while letting you cockwarm him.
whether it's while he's writing, and signing away paperwork for the wine business, and his other hand over one of your nipples, or if all his attention is focused on you, watching how you react with a VIP seat, which would be taken literally as you sat on his dick.
a teasing touch from one of his fingers would rub against the spot where his cock was snug inside you, infused with a bit of warmth with the help of his vision.
neuvillette who's instincts get to him, as he watches your reaction through the pristine, crystal mirror in front of you both. it was a gift from his daughter figure—furina.
dear archons, please do forgive him for using her gift in such a.. filthy way, but nothing gets him going like seeing you stare at yourself be pleasured so well by none other than himself. his head fitting in the crook of your neck as he only turns himself on more, only reaching even deeper with his shaft inside you.
and wow he couldn't even wait for the main course tonight, for someone who's very knowledgeable on the taste of water from every region—he much preferred whatever substances you could make.
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starsinthesky5 · 22 hours ago
“fun fact, she wrote about half of the first draft of so high school in one sitting at an indoor practice one day. she was feeling a little too inspired that afternoon, watching him run around in those damn athletic shorts and the black compression tank that drove her mad. let’s just say the storage closet saw a bit of action that day..”
so basically hi yes i need this as a blurb immediately
contains smut and language. mdni
she only meant to sit there and get some writing done. and well, to watch her guy do his thing while she simultaneously did hers. 
really. that’s all it was. harmless football fun. or so she thought.
he was her biggest source of inspiration and she needed a good dose of joe to write her next song. daydreaming about him while he was at practice, only did so much, and well, since quite a few football anecdotes were being mixed into the song, she wanted the full-fledged experience. be right in the middle of the sport she was so fond of, and the sport her man excelled at. she followed him around with those adorable puppy dog eyes and that signature pout the night before, begging for him to take her to practice the next morning. at first he was hesitant, not because people would notice her, but because he didn’t want her to catch a fastball to the face. 
that beautiful, crafted by the angels, baby face. 
he didn’t care if anyone saw her because even though their relationship was still hidden from the world, everyone who needed to know about them, knew. and that included his teammates & organization. 
anyway, she convinced him (like she always does since he physically can’t say no to her) by promising that she’d spend the rest of the evening after the game on sunday watching game of thrones with joe. ever since he found out she’s never watched a single minute of—according to him—the best piece of visual media ever created, he’s made it his mission to educate her on the masterpiece that his favorite show ever. he’s been relentless about it, bringing it up at every opportunity, dropping references she doesn’t understand, and even going as far as calling it a “relationship red flag” that she’s never seen it.  
so when she batted her lashes at him and promised a whole uninterrupted evening of watching with him—no distractions, no excuses—he caved. just like he always does.  
because as much as he loves football, and as much as he takes game day seriously, he loves her more. and if having her in the background, watching him ball with those doe eyes while she wrote so poetically about his goofy ass, in exchange for her curled up beside him, wrapped in a blanket, fully immersed in the world of westeros, is the price to pay? 
well, that’s an easy decision.
she was just sitting there on her woodvale tour blanket—the one she brought with her to the private suite every gameday because she called it a good luck charm (that’s a story for another day). her bag placed next to her and her pens, books, and film camera scattered around her. she was tucked away in the corner of the indoor practice facility, far enough away not to disrupt the players but close enough to feel joe’s presence. her journal was open, glitter gel pen gliding across the page as lyrics spilled out in a steady rhythm.
truth, dare, spin bottles, you know how to ball, i know aristotle
“well, i guess that last lyric works for him too. perks of having an incredibly athletic boyfriend who also is the most intellectual person you’ve ever met," she muttered under her breath, giggling at how joe was literally the real life version of the dreamy love interest in every high school rom-com. the kind of guy who could ace a calculus test with one hand and throw a perfect spiral with the other. the one who made teachers adore him, parents trust him, and every opposing team fear him.
she sighed dramatically, twirling her pen between her fingers. “seriously, it’s almost unfair,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “where’s the flaw? there has to be a flaw,”.
there was no flaw about him. good luck trying to find one ;)
and then, a few minutes later, the man of the hour came into her vantage point, and she nearly lost her shit. 
joe, in those damn athletic shorts and that black compression tank clinging to him in all the right places, muscles rippling with every throw, sweat glistening on his temple—he looked too damn good, distractingly good. every time she shifted her gaze, there he was, a living, breathing vision of raw desire.
her pen stilled. her thighs clenched instinctively as she fought to focus on her words, but her eyes betrayed her every time, locked on him.
“i’m so fucked,” she sighed, watching how his back muscles contracted with every stretch of his arms. she was lucky that his compression tank wasn’t so meshy otherwise those red scratches all over his back would be on display for everyone and they’d know exactly why joe was a few minutes late to the meeting this morning. oh, and tee & ja’marr would never let him hear the end of it since joe was mr. discipline for those two and their um…personal endeavors. 
anyway, one thing that always did it for her, was that black compression tank. and joe knew what he was doing when he put that on in the locker room. since it was bring your girlfriend to work day for him, he thought that he should have a little fun with it since she wanted some…inspiration. 
she barely concentrated on writing the song for the rest of practice since she was too busy practically eye-fucking him in front of everyone. she was lucky that none of the coaches saw, but some of the female PT’s definitely were giggling in the corner. 
it’s not her fault that joe is literally the hottest man to ever exist. like, scientifically speaking. broad shoulders, strong jaw, those annoyingly perfect hands that look just as good gripping a football as they do gripping her waist. and don’t even get her started on the way his veins pop when he’s focused—it's actually cruel.  
it’s not her fault that every time he walks into a room, she momentarily forgets how to function. that her brain short-circuits whenever he wears that damn black compression shirt. that watching him lace up his cleats is somehow the most intimate, most unfairly attractive thing she’s ever witnessed.  
she is so down bad. (girl, get off the floor)
it must have been his luck, or the way he felt her stare, because as soon as practice ended, he was on her—storming over like a tidal wave, hardly giving her a chance to shut her notebook before his fingers curled firmly around her wrist.
“come with me,” he commanded in a low, rough tone that tolerated no argument.
he led her down the hallway, past empty locker rooms since he was the first one to rush out of the facility, until they slipped into a storage closet where the door clicked shut behind them. in the dim light, with the hum of players filing into the locker rooms outside, he pinned her against the cool metal wall. “you think i didn’t see you out there?” he smirked, his voice a mix of teasing and urgent need as his fingers slipped beneath her top, tracing the sensitive curve of her spine. “watching me like that? biting your lip, not even hiding that look—you were thinking about me fucking you right here, weren’t you?”.
heat pooled low in her stomach, and her breath hitched as he nestled a firm thigh between hers, the pressure igniting a desperate whimper from deep within. “joe–,” she began, voice trembling from her fear of being caught but also from the pleasure in her veins.
“nah,” he cut her off with a kiss, his hands roaming lower, slipping beneath the waistband of her leggings. “you don’t get to play innocent now,”.
her fingers dug into his shoulders as he captured her lips in a searing kiss—hot, insistent, his tongue exploring as if he’d been starving for her all day. his hands moved over her body with a possessive urgency, tugging her closer, pulling moans from her even as he tried to stifle them by pressing his hand gently against her mouth, but every so often a repressed sound betrayed her desire.
“this what you wanted, baby?” he rasped against her lips, his touch speaking louder than words as he cupped her through her soaked panties, the heat between them intensifying with each slow movement. “you were writing your little songs, getting all worked up watching me, weren’t you?”.
“joe, please,” she gasped, her body arching into him, every nerve ending on fire, aching for his touch. 
he chuckled, his hand slipping with expert precision until he was teasing her, a finger sliding inside her, then another, his thumb circling her clit in a way that made her gasp and squirm. “joe, someone will hear,” she sighed, pushing her head forward to rest on his shoulder.
“then just be quiet, love,” he murmured softly against the shell of her ear, his voice a blend of tenderness and raw desire. “i know you have a hard time with that, but you can do it for me, right?”, 
her response was a desperate, muffled moan as she grounds herself against his hand, the heat and friction overwhelming her senses, making her crave more of him, more of every touch.
joe groaned softly, his breath hot against her ear as he worked her open with slow, deliberate strokes of his fingers, teasing her until she was trembling against him. “you feel that? so fucking wet for me,” he murmured, his voice rough but quiet, mindful of the footsteps echoing outside the storage closet.
she whimpered, her nails digging into his arms, desperate for more, for him. “joey, please–," she whined again, only for him to silence her with a deep kiss, swallowing her needy sounds as he slipped his fingers out and replaced them with the thick, aching length of him.
a strangled gasp left her lips as he pushed in, stretching her inch by inch, the delicious burn sending white-hot pleasure spiraling through her. he cursed under his breath, gripping her hips as he bottomed out, his forehead resting against hers. “fuck, baby. you take me so good,”.
she clenched around him involuntarily, making him shudder, his control hanging by a thread. he pulled back and thrust into her again, slow at first, savoring the way her body molded around him, then faster, harder, the force of each movement slamming her against the cool metal wall.
she bit down on her lip, trying—failing—to stifle the moans threatening to spill from her mouth. the risk of being caught only heightened everything, made the sharp snap of his hips, the relentless press of his body against hers, even more intoxicating. “joe…ngph…please. fuck– you feel so good,”. 
joe gritted his teeth, one large hand covering her mouth as he thrust deep, his other arm bracing her against him. “shh, baby,” he panted, though he was barely able to keep quiet himself, his breath ragged, his grunts low and strained. “you gotta be quiet or this will be over faster than we want,”.
but how could she? when he was pounding into her like this—desperate, relentless, making her toes curl and her knees shake? when his cock filled her so perfectly, dragged against every sensitive spot inside her, made her see stars behind her eyelids?
her muffled cries vibrated against his palm, her body tightening around him, her release building fast and hard. he felt it, cursed under his breath, and doubled down—his fingers slipping between them, finding her clit, rubbing quick, precise circles that had her squirming in his hold.
“c’mon,” he urged, his lips brushing her temple, voice raspy with restraint. “i got you, baby. let go,”.
and she did—her climax crashing over her in hot, shuddering waves, her body convulsing, her nails clawing at his sweat-slicked skin as she trembled apart in his arms. “j..joe, oh fuck,” she whispered, trying so damn hard to keep it together.
joe groaned, barely holding on as she pulsed around him, her tight, wet heat milking him for everything he had. he slammed into her one last time, burying himself deep, his release hitting him hard, leaving him breathless as he spilled inside her.
for a long moment, they stayed pressed together, their heaving chests rising and falling in sync, their bodies still locked in place as they came down from their high.
his breath was still ragged, his body still pressed against hers as the aftershocks of their release settled between them. his forehead dropped to her shoulder, lips brushing over the damp skin of her neck, placing lazy, lingering kisses there.  “jesus,” he muttered, voice still thick with pleasure, a breathless chuckle escaping him. “you are trouble,”. 
she let out a soft, breathy laugh, her fingers slipping into his damp hair, scratching gently at his scalp. “i think you’ll survive. you’re my big strong man, you got it,”.  
he lifted his head just enough to look at her, his lips curving into that boyish grin that made her stomach flip. “barely,”.  
he kissed her then, slow and deep, his lips soft, worshipping, like he had all the time in the world. like his teammates weren’t wondering where the hell you two went. it was such a contrast from the way he’d just had her, rough and desperate—like he couldn’t get enough. now, he kissed her like he never wanted to stop.  
“so,” he murmured against her lips, nudging his nose against hers. “was that inspiring enough for you?”.
she giggled, nipping at his bottom lip. “maybeeee,”.  
his hands tightened on her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. “maybe?”.
she shrugged, playful. “i don’t know, i might need another round to really be sure. still some details to flesh out,”.  
he groaned, dropping his head against her shoulder with a dramatic sigh. “you’re gonna be the death of me,”.  
“but what a way to go, right?”.
he laughed, shaking his head as he kissed her again, all soft and sweet, like he was trying to memorize the shape of her lips. “yeah, baby,” he whispered, smiling against her mouth. “what a way to go,”. 
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woolandcoffee · 1 day ago
Hey! Environmental lawyer who is literally staying on top of this for my job speaking:
NEPA is NOT going away! I want to be very, VERY clear here - NEPA, the law, the statute that Congress passed in 1970 is NOT going anywhere. It will still be a law on the books that will have to be complied with, and believe me when I tell you that if it is not complied with, there are lawyers at environmental non-profits across the country who will be filing lawsuit after lawsuit until it is complied with.
With that said - what is going on?
Well, first, let's start with what NEPA is. NEPA, which stands for the National Environmental Policy Act was passed in 1970. It is considered one of the first major environmental law statutes passed during this time. NEPA is actually a very simple, straightforward statute. It requires all federal agencies (every single one, think of a federal agency, and know that it has to comply with NEPA) to draft documents called Environmental Impact Statements that provide a detailed account of how an agency's proposed action will impact the environment. So, for example, if the Department of Transportation is proposing a project to revitalize a 10-mile stretch of I-40, then it would need to draft one of these EIS documents prior to doing so because revitilizing a highway is an agency action and NEPA requires agencies to draft an EIS document prior to taking an agency action. These EIS documents have to include information about the state of the environment prior to the agency taking the proposed action; information the expected direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts of the action; and include at least two alternative actions the agency could take instead and the environmental impacts of those actions. So in our DOT example, DOT would need to draft an EIS document that described the current environmental baseline of the 10 miles of I-40 it is looking to fix up, the expected environmental impacts of the project to repair those 10 miles of highway (I would expect that discussion to include impacts to the natural resources in the area, any pollution expected to occur, impacts to any endangered species in the area, impacts to any nearby communities, and a discussion of how a repaired highway will effect the area), and the inclusion of at least two other options that DOT could take such as doing nothing to the highway at all and maybe an option where the agency still repairs the highway but on a different schedule than proposed. Once DOT has drafted and published its EIS document for public review, it will have completed its NEPA responsibilities and may move forward with its proposed action.
Importantly, NEPA is a purely procedural act. What does that mean? Well, you may have noticed that in the above paragraph, I said that when drafting an EIS document, agencies need to include at least two possible alternatives to its proposed action. NEPA requires that at least one of those alternatives be a "no-action" alternative - basically, the agency needs to consider the environmental impacts of not doing anything at all. Along with that, the agency needs to consider at least one alternative way of carrying out its proposed action. Crucially, NEPA does NOT requires that agencies pick the most environmentally-friendly option for carrying out its action. NEPA only requires that agencies consider the environmental impacts of their actions and make a record of them. That's all. NEPA is a record-keeping statute, nothing more. That's not to say that NEPA hasn't been incredibly helpful over the years - it's good for agencies to know the environmental impacts of their actions and it does encourage them to act mindfully when it comes to the environment. But it does mean that the commenter above who said that NEPA losing its regulations will "make America sick again, cause neurological and intellectual impairment in children (due to less regulation of lead), and raise the level of preventable cancers in adults (due to less regulation of known carcinogens),thus reducing American productivity and greatness" isn't correct. Agencies will still have to perform the duties required of them by other environmental laws and, crucially, all federal agencies will still have to comply with NEPA.
So what is going on?
The Council of Environmental Quality, the federal agency responsible for making sure that all other federal agencies comply with NEPA, is rescinding its regulations on how to comply with NEPA. Regulations are law, but they are different that statutes passed by Congress. Congress passes statutes, like NEPA or the Clean Water Act or the Endangered Species Act, and then assign those statutes to federal agencies like CEQ or EPA or FWS to administer. Often the statutes passed by Congress lay out a framework for what to do (agencies should draft EIS documents to detail the environmental impacts of their actions) but don't always fill in the details (how many pages should those documents have, what environmental impacts exactly should agencies consider) so when the statute goes to the agency, Congress will often direct the agency to pass whatever regulations are necessary to fully implement the law. Regulations are laws, but they are laws passed by agencies, not Congress. So while CEQ is rescinding all the regulations implementing NEPA, CEQ does not have the authority to overturn NEPA - only Congress could do that. The regulations are being rescinded, but NEPA is still a law that, once again, all federal agencies will still have to comply with.
Why is CEQ rescinding all its regulations? Is this coming directly from the Trump Administration? Well, a little bit yes and a little bit no.
Last December, while Biden was still in office, a federal court in D.C. issued a decision finding that CEQ does not have the authority to issue regulations. You see, an agency can only issue federal regulations if Congress explicitly gives them permission to do so. While the text of NEPA outlines various duties for CEQ to perform, none of those duties include drafting regulations. In fact, for the first 8 years that NEPA was in law, CEQ did not issue any regulations at all because that was not an authority it had been granted. CEQ only issued regulations after President Carter issued an Executive Order directing CEQ to issue regulations. This was actually fairly controversial at the time and has remained slightly controversial since. Can a President give an agency the power to issue regulations or is that something that only Congress should be able to do?
So, this first decision from the D.C. court comes out in December. Then last month, a second federal court in North Dakota issued another decision reaching the same conclusion, that CEQ does not have the authority to issue regulations, and directed CEQ to rescind all its NEPA regulations. And that is exactly what CEQ is doing. They are complying with the court's order.
Now, obviously, CEQ had a choice. They could have appealed the ruling and attempted to get that decision overturned. Perhaps a Harris Administration would have made that call. So, in that way, yes this is a decision coming from the Trump Administration. They are choosing to comply with this order and rescind the regulations. But, without the court order, I don't think this is something the Trump Administration would have done on its own. Rather, they are taking advantage of the situation.
So what's the ultimate outcome here? At the end of the day, because all federal agencies will still have to comply with NEPA, the agencies have been given one year to come up with their own regulations to implement NEPA. Because the agencies have been following the CEQ regulations for close to 50 years, I expect that most agencies will adopt a process that looks almost identical to the process established in the CEQ regs. There may be some variation across agencies, but I don't see the agencies by-and-large wanting to reinvent the wheel here. Additionally, there are numerous Supreme Court decisions and a general body of case law about NEPA and how it must be implemented. The agencies will still need to comply with that as well. I actually don't foresee NEPA compliance changing that much purely because there's no good reason for it to be changed that much. And again, there are environmental lawyers who make their bones on suing agencies over NEPA. They will continue to do that, and I imagine will only get more aggressive in this era, not less.
I don't usually write detailed legal posts here on tumblr dot com, but when I saw this, I had to respond (sorry OP for the novella here) because the way this post is written and the comments responding to it don't accurately reflect what is going on. And to be clear, that's not a criticism on my part. NEPA isn't a particularly difficult statute in and of itself, but the legal issues surrounding CEQ's decision to rescind the regulations is complex and not something I would expect a non-lawyer (or even a lawyer not terribly familiar with this area of the law) to be able to fully get their arms around just by looking at the information put out by CEQ and in the Federal Register. On its face, rescinding the NEPA regulations sounds bad. But I hope that I've provided enough background information to show that this will not spell the end of environmental regulations in the United States. Believe me, the Trump administration is going to do everything in their power to roll back as much environmental regulation as possible. They put an oil and gas billionaire in charge at the Department of Interior, they're not fucking around here. But this thing with NEPA isn't going to automatically on its own stop environmental regulation or even stop agencies from complying with NEPA. It just changes the texture.
And that doesn't mean don't comment! Public comment on agency regulations is important and I encourage everyone to do it! I just wanted to make it clear what this move by CEQ is actually going to do because having accurate information is a good thing.
BONUS MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKING TIME: Okay, so you've read to the end of this and are probably starting to grasp why environmental law attorneys aren't invited to parties. But if you'll indulge me, do you want to hear my theory on why the D.C. federal court ruled that CEQ lacks the authority to issue regulations? Because, you see, the scope of CEQ's regulatory authority was NOT the question before the court at all. The case in question concerned a plan created by the Parks Service to allow tourism flights over four small parks in Northern California. The argument was about whether the NPS had appropriately done its NEPA compliance, and should have been a fairly boring, open-and-shut, bog standard NEPA case. And it would have been if the court hadn't gone completely hog wild and said "oh, by the way bitch, CEQ doesn't have rulemaking authority."
Now, the D.C. federal courts are sort of an interesting place. For reasons I won't get into, they tend to hear more NEPA cases than any other jurisdiction in the country. The judges in the D.C. courts are incredibly well-versed in NEPA case law and how NEPA works. So it was incredibly surprising to see them issue this case. And the timing? A month before Trump took office? Also interesting.
I could be completely off base, but my personal theory is that the D.C. court was trying to limit Presidential authority with this decision. The court specifically said here that if Congress has not specifically granted a federal agency the authority to issue regulations, then the President cannot use an Executive Order to grant agencies that authority. While many federal agencies do have the authority to issue regulations, not all of them do. Additionally, the agencies that do have the authority to issue regulations usually only have the authority to issue regulations for a specific law. EPA can issue regulations to implement the Clean Water Act, but it does not have authority to issue regulations for the Endangered Species Act, for example.
Again, I could be off base here, but I think the D.C. court issued this decision to limit the President's authority ahead of Trump, and because the D.C. court knew that agencies would still be required to comply with NEPA so while this whole thing is definitely going to be annoying for the agencies, it is fundamentally unlikely to change NEPA compliance going forward.
As a lawyer, I'm going to be very interested to see how this decision shapes case law going forward.
We have 30 days until the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) laws are rescinded. This is the 50-year bedrock of American conservation. Normally, these actions take years but the administration has provided 30 days for public comment gutting clean water and clean air. Drop what you’re doing, before you make any more calls or read any more social media posts, please populate the Federal Register with dissent.
A. Go to https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2025/02/25/2025-03014/removal-of-national-environmental-policy-act-implementing-regulations
B. Click on the green rectangle in the upper right corner ("SUBMIT A PUBLIC COMMENT") .
C. Fill in your comment, and info at the bottom, and SUBMIT COMMENT.
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spencessocks · 3 days ago
bucky AND spencer??!!! are you my brain? my brain has a tumblr? but seriously im so happy you exist.
i was originally coming to say how in ‘through the silence’ the theme and the conversation could be the same (okay maybe just similar) with post prison spencer x reader and how he is trying to get back to reality and leave prison behind
love you xx
a/n: omfg what... im literally going to eat ur face... this sort of got a little longer than i intended and it took me a while because i was busy with work so im sorry!😭😭 but thank u so much omg i was reeling from this ask, ur so sweet and ilysm!!!
what remains
summary: after spencer returns from prison, the trauma he endured drives a wedge between him and the one person who loves him most.
pairing: postprison!spencer reid x reader
wordcount: 6.8k
warnings: sad spencer, sad reader, everyones sad, reader drinks like a sip of wine
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the apartment is quiet when spencer walks in. it’s late—again. you don’t know where he goes, but he never offers, and you’ve stopped asking.
he drops his keys onto the counter with a dull clink, his shoulders heavy with exhaustion, and you watch from your place on the couch, heart aching at the sight of him. he looks different now. he's been home for months, but the man who walked through your door after prison isn’t the same one who left.
“hey,” you say gently, closing your book and setting it aside.
he glances at you but doesn’t hold your gaze for long. “hey.”
you swallow down the lump in your throat. “did you eat?”
“i'm not hungry.” his answer is clipped, automatic, the same response he’s given you almost every night since he’s been back.
you knew it wouldn’t be easy. that things would be different and he wouldn’t be the same. you had told yourself that over and over in the days leading up to his return, had braced yourself for the changes.
but you'd had hope—hope that, with time, things would settle. that he would come back to you—not just physically, but in the ways that mattered. that he would find his way back to the man he used to be, the man who used to curl up beside you on the couch, rambling about his latest case or a book he was reading. the man who used to laugh, used to smile, used to pull you into his arms like you were the safest place in the world.
but you had underestimated the impression this whole ordeal would leave on him.
it wasn't just in the way he carried himself, the way exhaustion clung to his frame or how the light in his eyes had dimmed. it was deeper than that. it was in the way he recoiled from touch when he used to seek it, in the way his voice lacked the excitement and curiosity it once held. in the distance that stretched between you, widening a little more each day, despite your best efforts to close it.
prison had carved something out of him, something you weren’t sure could ever be replaced. he had been home for months, but a harsh reality was starting to settle in you—that some wounds don’t heal the way you expect them to. some stay raw, lingering beneath the surface, invisible until they make themselves known in quiet moments—in the silence at the dinner table, in the way he avoids your gaze, in the way he flinches at your touch, in the walls he keeps building no matter how hard you try to tear them down.
he didn’t talk about what happened in there, and you didn’t press—even if sometimes curiosity clawed at you. but every laconic response, every empty stare, every night he disappeared without explanation told you more than words ever could. he was still there, trapped in a place you couldn’t seem to reach, and no matter how badly you wanted to, you weren’t sure you ever would.
you exhale slowly, measuring your words before speaking. "spencer, you know what i'm going to say." your voice is soft, careful, but it still makes him flinch, just barely.
"i'm fine," he mutters, turning away from you.
you hesitate, just for a moment, before the words slip out. a quiet, almost embarrassed whisper in the stillness of the room.
"will you at least sit with me for a little while?"
you regret the question the second it leaves your mouth, second-guessing yourself as soon as the vulnerability hits you. it sounds so small, so simple—sit with me, like it’s not asking for much, but in a way, it feels like you’re begging. you feel humiliation crawl up your neck.
"we don't have to talk," you add quickly, trying to soften the weight of your words. "we can just—"
"i'm tired," he interrupts, voice hollow. he’s already moving toward the bedroom, like he can't get away fast enough.
you stare blanky at him, his back already turned to you. you don't say anything. you can't. the words get stuck somewhere in your throat, tangled up with the shock and the sting of his dismissal. you just sit there, still as stone, the weight of his words settling over you like a thick, suffocating fog.
it shouldn't surprise you—this response, this distance, the way he shuts you out without a second thought. it’s been happening for weeks now, a slow unraveling of something that once felt unbreakable. and yet, it does surprise you.
because you still hoped—that he would just sit with you. that it couldn't possibly be that bad that your own husband couldn't sit on the the same goddamn couch as you.
you don’t know if your lack of response matters. maybe it does. maybe that’s why he hesitates in the doorway, fingers gripping the frame as if he's weighing his options. for a second, you think he might turn around, might give you something—anything. but then, just as quickly, he lets go and disappears into the darkness of the bedroom.
you sit there, motionless, as the door to the bedroom clicks shut behind him. the sound feels final, sharp.
the interaction plays in your head. "i'm tired."
the look on his face—or the lack of one. there’s nothing there. no fight, no frustration, not even the faintest trace of a desire to make things right.
you blink, once, twice, trying to shake the fog from your brain, but the shock is still there, thick in your chest. it’s like a pulse, steady and unrelenting, buzzing through your veins. you don’t know what to do with it. how to process it.
at this point, you can hardly recognize yourself. the person you used to be—before all this. you would have never let spencer walk away from that. you would’ve confronted him, spoken your truth, demanded that he listen. you were an opinionated person, it wasn't like you to let someone walk over you—spencer liked that about you. you would’ve never felt embarrassed by something so simple, so vulnerable, said to the man you loved.
the anger bubbles up, creeping through the shock like a slow poison, and suddenly, your skin feels tight. it feels wrong. how dare he? how can he just walk away, leave you in this empty room, in this awful, suffocating silence, after everything you’ve been through together?
surely, you wouldn't do this to him. that thought had crossed your mind before, only to be quickly pushed away by the reminder that you couldn't possibly know what he was going through—what he felt in that place.
but now, the thought clung to you, insistent, refusing to be ignored and with it came another. maybe he didn’t know how to let go of you—maybe he was too afraid to say the words, so instead, he kept hurting you without even realizing it. maybe he thought pulling away was easier than facing the truth. if the roles were reversed, you'd seek him out, wanting his comfort, his presence. so why wasn't he doing the same for you? why was he so unwilling to lean on you—when he had done it a million times before?
the pulse in your neck quickens, blood rushing, and you grip the edge of the couch, knuckles white. you don't even realize you're standing now, the instinct to do something, anything, pushing you forward. your breath comes quick and shallow as frustration and disbelief twist inside you like a knot that you can't untangle.
what are you supposed to do with this? what are you supposed to do when your own husband looks at you like you’re nothing—like you’re some kind of inconvenience he just can’t deal with tonight?
your body moves on its own, your legs carrying you to the door as if they have a will of their own—pyjamas and slippers be damned—the front door slams shut behind you with an almost violent finality. the apartment feels suffocating now, the weight of his absence, of his rejection, too much to bear. you need to leave.
you don’t bother to grab your phone. what would be the point? there’s nothing to say to him anymore—if he would even call. not when you’re standing on the edge of something you can’t even explain to yourself, a frustration and sadness mixing into something unrecognizable.
you walk fast, too fast, the cold air biting at your skin, and it helps. the briskness of the night, the sting of it, gives you a sense of purpose, something to focus on other than the gnawing emptiness inside you. you don’t want to sit in that silence any longer, don’t want to stew in your thoughts, trapped in that apartment where the echoes of your broken attempts at connection are suffocating.
jj’s place isn’t far—just a few blocks—but it might as well be a world away. the walk feels like an eternity, but it’s the only thing you can control right now. you don't have to think about spencer. you don’t have to think about him.
you find yourself at jj’s door, your breath coming out in white clouds, and for the first time tonight, you feel a brief flicker of something approaching relief. you knock twice, hard, before pulling back and pressing your forehead against the doorframe, closing your eyes, letting the coolness of it ground you. what the hell am i doing?
when she opens the door, her eyes widen at the sight of you, but she doesn’t ask. she doesn’t need to. she just steps aside, pulling you in with a soft, understanding smile.
“you okay?” she asks gently, though you know she already knows the answer.
you nod, but only because you don't trust your voice not to break if you speak. she doesn’t push, just closes the door behind you and leads you to the couch. you sit without a word, leaning back against the cushions, closing your eyes, and for the first time in what feels like months, you let yourself breathe.
jj moves toward the kitchen without a word, and you hear the familiar sound of glasses clinking, followed by the admittedly soothing pour of wine. she returns with a glass in each hand, her expression knowing. she hands you one and sits down beside you, settling into the cushions with the kind of ease that makes you wish you could do the same.
"talk to me,” she says, her voice quiet, but firm enough to break the silence that’s settled between you. it’s not a question, really—more like a gentle command, the kind that only someone who knows you can give.
you let out a breath, leaning back into the couch, staring at the ceiling for a moment, unsure where to even begin. everything feels like a mess. but her presence, her calm, makes you feel like you might find the strength to sort it out.
“spencer—" you stop yourself, the words catching in your throat. you shake your head, a laugh escaping your lips at the disbelief of your situation. "i don’t even know what to say anymore. i don’t know how we got here. it’s like i don’t even know who he is anymore.”
jj listens, her eyes steady, her hands wrapped around her own glass, but her gaze never wavers. she’s waiting. you know she won’t interrupt.
“i thought... i thought he’d come back to me, you know?” the words slip out before you can stop them, and the sadness that follows hits you harder than anything before. “i thought, with time, things would get better. that i could get him back, the way he was. but... it’s like he’s not even here anymore. i don’t know how to reach him. and when i try, it feels like he just shuts me out more.”
you swallow hard, feeling a sharp sting behind your eyes. it feels pathetic, but you can’t stop it now. you can’t stop the flood of everything that’s been building up, everything you’ve been trying to ignore.
“he’s gone, jj. and i don’t know how to be with someone who’s... not really here,” you say, your voice breaking on the last word.
jj doesn’t say anything at first, just lets you breathe, lets you sit with it for a moment. “i know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but he’s not gone. he’s just... changed. and change is hard. for both of you.”
you scoff softly, shaking your head. “i feel like i'm going crazy."
jj watches you carefully, her gaze unwavering as she processes your words. you feel exhausted—physically, emotionally—like the weight of the past few months has finally settled on your shoulders all at once.
jj studies you for a long moment, her expression unreadable. then, she exhales, setting her wine glass down on the coffee table. “you’re not crazy,” she says simply. “you’re grieving.”
that catches you off guard. you blink at her. “grieving?”
she nods. “yeah. you’re grieving the life you had before. the spencer you had before.” she pauses. “and maybe... the version of yourself that existed before all this.”
you open your mouth, but no words come out. you want to argue, to tell her it’s not that simple, that you’re not mourning spencer like he’s some lost cause, but—god—doesn’t it feel like that sometimes? doesn’t it feel like the person you knew, the person you loved, is slipping further and further away?
jj sighs, leaning forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “i know what it’s like to watch someone you love disappear into themselves. to feel helpless while they struggle with something you can’t fix.” her voice is softer now, careful, like she’s walking a tightrope. “it’s terrifying.”
your fingers tighten around your wine glass. “so what do i do?” the question comes out more fragile than you want it to, barely above a whisper.
she’s quiet for a moment, thinking. “you—" her words are interrupted by an abrupt sound. jj’s phone is ringing, sharp and sudden in the quiet of the room. you flinch, your heart leaping into your throat before you even see the name on the screen. but you already know.
panic grips you, fast and unrelenting, and before you can think, the words spill out. “don’t answer it.”
jj hesitates, glancing at the phone on the coffee table. the screen glows with his name, the sound vibrating between you like a living thing. “he’s your husband,” she says gently, but her fingers hover over the screen instead of answering.
“i don’t care,” you whisper, shaking your head. “please, jj. don’t.”
she studies you, eyes flicking over your face like she’s trying to gauge just how serious you are. if she picks up, you’ll have to hear him—his voice, his clipped tone, his inevitable question: where are you? and what then? you don’t have an answer.
jj sighs, silencing the call but not declining it. the ringing stops, but the silence that follows is almost worse.
“you know he’s worried,” she says carefully. “you left without your phone. you think he’s just going to let that go?”
you squeeze your eyes shut, gripping your glass like it’s the only thing tethering you to the moment. “i don’t know,” you admit. “i just—I can’t do this right now. fuck.”
jj shifts closer, her voice calm but firm. “running won’t fix this.”
you let out a short, bitter laugh. “staying hasn't."
she doesn’t have an answer for that.
jj watches you carefully, then sighs. “stay here as long as you need. but at some point, you have to decide—are you going home? or are you walking away?”
your arm is moving suddenly, the wine glass at your lips. her words settle over you like a weight. and for the first time, you realize—you don’t know.
jj's phone buzzes again, and you flinch at the sight of spencer’s name lighting up the screen. the call goes to voicemail, and for a few seconds, there’s nothing but silence.
the phone rings a second time. you can almost hear spencer’s voice in your head, the exact tone he always takes when he doesn’t know what to say.
“I’ll answer it,” jj says softly, but the words feel like a concession rather than a promise. she picks up the phone, and her thumb hovers over the screen.
you don’t stop her, but you wish you could. you wish you could shut everything down, turn it all off.
“spencer?” jj says, her voice calm, controlled.
you close your eyes, hearing his voice crackle through the speaker.
“jj... is she there?” spencer’s voice sounds worn, tight with something just beneath the surface. you can hear the familiar threads of guilt and concern tangled in his words. “i—i don’t know where she went. she just… she left without saying anything.”
jj looks at you, her expression unreadable. you can feel the heat of her stare on you.
“yeah, she's here.” jj finally responds, her words careful. “but she's not ready to talk to you right now, spencer.”
a long pause follows. you can hear spencer’s breath, shallow, like he’s holding something back.
“i just... i just need to know she's okay,” he says, the frustration and desperation clear in his voice. “please.”
you wince at the pleading in his words. it cuts through you in a way you hadn’t expected.
jj looks at you, her expression unreadable, before she glances down at the phone again. you can feel the heat of her stare on you.
“she’s fine,” jj says, with a note of finality. “but I think you need to give her some time. she’s been through a lot, spencer. you both have.”
“time?” Spencer’s voice cracks. “jj, i don’t—“
but she cuts him off. “i’m not getting in the middle of this. just... take care of yourself for now, okay? you’ll talk when she’s ready. she’ll come back when she’s ready.”
the phone goes silent for a moment, and then the faint click of the line disconnecting. jj pulls the phone away from her ear and sets it down on the coffee table with a soft sigh.
jj sits back, her gaze still trained on you, like she’s waiting for something.
the silence in the room feels heavier now. It presses against your chest, and the weight of it makes your thoughts swirl faster than they should. spencer’s voice still echoes in your mind—i just need to know she's okay. you don’t want to admit it, but the desperation in his words cuts deeper than you anticipated. you don’t want to feel guilty. but it settles over you, thick and unavoidable, as you sit on jj’s couch, the comfort of her presence fading into the background.
“he sounded worried,” you murmur, more to yourself than to jj.
she nods, watching you carefully. “of course he’s worried.”
you press your lips together, exhaling slowly. “i didn’t think he’d care that much.” the words taste bitter on your tongue, because the truth is, you had wanted him to care. you had wanted him to call, to ask where you were, to prove—at least to himself—that there was still something left between you worth saving.
and he did.
he did.
but now, sitting here, away from him, away from that apartment, the weight of your actions starts creeping in, cold and insidious.
you left.
you walked out without a word.
you knew what it was like to feel abandoned, to reach for someone and find nothing but empty space. and now you’ve done the same to him.
the realization makes your chest tighten, and suddenly, the fight, the frustration, the resentment—it all feels distant, overshadowed by something heavier. something closer to shame.
jj shifts beside you, her voice quiet but knowing. “you’re thinking about going back.”
you shake your head quickly. “i don’t know.” but it’s a lie. you do know.
you inhale sharply, pressing your palm to your forehead, trying to ground yourself. “god, what am I doing, jj?”
“you’re allowed to feel this, you know,” she says simply. “you’re allowed to be angry. to be hurt. to need space.”
you swallow hard, blinking down at your hands. they feel foreign to you, like they belong to someone else. “i just—” you hesitate, voice cracking slightly. “i just got so mad. he was so dismissive of me, and i couldn't be there anymore.”
“i know.”
you stare down at your lap, your fingers tightening around the fabric of your sweater.
you shake your head, guilt curling in your chest. “but that’s not me, jj. that’s not who I am. i don’t just… walk away. i got angry and i overreacted.”
she sighs. “one moment doesn't define you. things are different now. you've never been in a situation like this before,” she pauses. “sometimes you have to walk away, to get your thoughts in order."
"it would've been worse if you blew up at him." she added.
"i think i still might." you said with a dry laugh.
jj smiled slightly, her gaze softening as she leaned back, “you’ve always been the one to hold things together,” she said, her voice gentle but firm, as if trying to remind you that it was okay to break sometimes. “but you can’t hold it all in forever. and sometimes… sometimes you need space to breathe, to think. you don’t always have to be the strong one.”
you let out a breath, unsure of what to say next. jj was always good at cutting through the noise, but the guilt still sat heavily in your chest. you couldn’t escape the feeling that walking away—no matter how much you needed to—had been the wrong choice.
jj watches you for a moment, then leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “listen, i know it feels like you did something wrong by leaving, but you didn’t. you needed space. that’s not the same as giving up.”
you nod slowly, staring down at your hands, but you don’t respond.
jj sighs, then reaches over and squeezes your arm. "look, if there’s anyone who understands why you did what you did, it’s spencer. he has spent his life studying human behavior—figuring out how they think and why they do what they do. spencer knows exactly why you walked out, even if he won't admit it. he knows it was about needing space, about trying to make sense of everything that’s been building up between you.”
she pauses, giving you a reassuring look. “this isn’t the end. this is just a bump in the road—you'll go back when you're ready, and you'll start working through it all."
spencer knows why you left.
the thought lingers, easing the guilt that’s been clawing at you since you walked out. maybe that’s why he didn’t come after you. maybe, in his own way, he understood that you needed this moment to step back, to breathe, to process.
you hope—no, you need—to believe that he’s coming to his own realization. that in the quiet of your absence, in the stillness of an apartment that no longer holds your presence, he’s starting to understand. that maybe, just maybe, he’s replaying every word, every moment, and seeing where it all went wrong.
you want him to recognize that pushing you away was a mistake. that shutting you out, closing himself off instead of letting you in, only built more distance between you. and most of all, you hope he understands now—truly understands—that love isn’t about shutting doors, but about keeping them open, even when it’s hard.
the irony of the situation dawns on you. sitting here, hoping he comes to the right conclusion on his own, won’t change anything. no matter how hurt or frustrated you are, you know one thing for certain—you aren’t going to push him away the way he did to you.
you glance at jj, her eyes soft with understanding, and suddenly, you don’t feel as lost as you did before.
“i have to go back,” you murmur, the words feeling right the moment they leave your lips.
jj studies you for a moment before nodding. “yeah, i figured.” there’s no judgment in her voice, only quiet support.
you stand, but before you can say anything, jj speaks again. “i’m driving you.”
you blink at her. “jj, i can—”
"it’s late, and it’s cold,” she interrupts, crossing her arms. “and i know you. you’ll spend the entire walk overthinking, or worse, you’ll turn around and come right back here.”
you open your mouth to argue, but she raises an eyebrow, daring you to fight her on this. you sigh, giving in. “fine. i'll still overthink in the car though.”
jj smirks as she grabs her keys. "yeah, but at least this way, you’ll be overthinking with heated seats and no risk of getting hit by a rogue cyclist."
you roll your eyes, but there's a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips. "alright, alright. guess I’ll overthink in comfort then." you step outside, the weight of everything that’s about to unfold on your back.
the ride back is quiet, the streets nearly empty as jj navigates the familiar roads. you stare out the window, your finger spinning your wedding band, mind racing with all the possibilities of what comes next.
you wonder how it will be when you walk through that door. will he be surprised to see you? will he be angry? will he apologize? the questions swirl in your mind, but you push them aside—you'll find out in a few minutes either way.
jj pulls up in front of the apartment building and turns to you, her expression gentle. “you don’t have to fix everything tonight,” she reminds you. “just… put all your cards on the table. don't sugarcoat anything.”
you nod, feeling a mix of gratitude and nervous anticipation. "thank you, jj," you say softly, giving her a small smile. "i don’t know what i would’ve done without you tonight."
she smiles back, her eyes warm with understanding. "you’ll be fine. just be honest, that’s all you can do."
with a final nod, you push the door open, the cold air immediately hitting you as you step out onto the sidewalk. your heart is pounding in your chest, each step towards the apartment feeling heavier than the last.
you twist the handle, it's unlocked, but you hesitate before pushing the door open, gathering your courage in the silent hallway. when you finally step inside, the apartment is quiet—but not empty. a single lamp illuminates the living room, casting long shadows across the walls.
and there's spencer, sitting on the couch hunched over with his elbows on his knees, head in his hands.
he looks up at the sound of the door, and for a brief moment, his face is completely unguarded. relief washes over his features, followed quickly by something that looks almost like fear. he stands immediately, his movements stiff and uncertain.
"you came back," he says, his voice hoarse.
you close the door behind you, still standing near the threshold. "i started feeling guilty." you sighed, jj's voice in the back of your head—just be honest.
spencer swallows, his gaze flickering to the floor for a moment before meeting yours again. "guilty?" he repeats, his voice quieter now, almost hesitant.
spencer exhales sharply, rubbing a hand over his face. “you shouldn't feel guilty," he murmurs, then shakes his head. "i mean, it makes sense,” he says quickly, his words picking up speed.
“studies show that guilt is often a response to perceived moral transgressions rather than actual wrongdoing. it’s the brain’s way of enforcing social cohesion—an evolutionary mechanism designed to maintain interpersonal relationships by making us feel responsible for potential harm, even when no actual harm has been inflicted.”
you couldn’t help but feel a strange mix of disbelief and amusement as he rambled on. it was as if, in the middle of all this, the man you once knew had momentarily resurfaced. even if what he was saying wasn’t at all what you needed to hear right now, a part of you couldn't help but recognize the familiarity in it—the way he always got lost in his thoughts, trying to explain things when he didn’t quite know how to connect.
he shifts on his feet, his words picking up speed. “and in this case, your reaction makes perfect sense. you removed yourself from a heightened emotional situation in order to regulate your response, which, psychologically speaking, is a far healthier alternative to reactive conflict. but then, the cognitive dissonance sets in—the part where your brain tells you that leaving contradicts your usual patterns of behavior, and that discrepancy triggers guilt, even if logically—”
“spencer,” you interrupt gently.
his mouth snaps shut, and for a second, there’s just silence. a flicker of something vulnerable crosses his face, and you realize—he’s rambling because he doesn’t know what else to say. because this is easier for him than actually talking about what matters.
you step forward, closing a bit of the distance between you. “i don’t need an analysis,” you tell him gently. "i just want you to tell me what's going on."
spencer’s gaze flickers for a moment, like he’s trying to find the words, trying to make sense of the situation. "i never wanted you to feel like you needed to leave," he says, his voice quieter now, more vulnerable. “but i didn’t exactly make it easy for you to stay.”
you lean against the doorframe, arms crossed, the weight of everything you haven’t said pressing heavily on your chest. "no, you didn’t," you admit, your voice just above a whisper.
his expression tightens, a flash of something—guilt, maybe—crossing his face before he looks away.
"i've been trying," he says quietly. "i have."
"have you?" the question comes out sharper than you intended, but you don't soften it. "because from where i'm standing, it feels like you've been doing everything possible to push me away."
spencer's gaze snaps back to you, a hint of defensiveness in his eyes. "that's not fair."
"isn't it?" you take another step forward, emboldened by the surge of emotions you've held back for too long. "you won't talk to me. you won't look at me. you won't even sit next to me on the couch. what am i supposed to think, spencer?"
he runs a hand through his hair, frustration evident in every movement. "it's not that simple," he says, his voice strained. "i want to be the person you remember, but i don't know if i can be that man anymore."
the admission hits you like a physical blow. "i'm not asking you to be exactly who you were before," you say softly. "i know that's not possible. i just... i need you to be present. to talk to me. to not shut me out completely."
spencer is quiet for a long moment, his gaze fixed on some point beyond you. when he finally speaks, his voice is barely audible. "i don't know how to explain what it was like in there."
your breath catches. this is the closest he's come to talking about prison since he's been home. you don't know if you should say something. you hold your breath, afraid that if you move or speak, he'll retreat again.
his eyes are distant, far away, and for a moment, you wonder if he’s even aware of how much you’re hanging on his every word. finally, he exhales slowly, his gaze dropping to the floor as if the weight of it all is too much to bear.
“being in there… it broke something inside of me,” he says, voice low and strained. “i kept thinking about what it would be like to come back, to be here, with you. and then i just—" he paused for a moment. "i had to do something really bad. i had to do things in there that… things i never thought i would do."
"i hate myself for it. every second of it." his voice breaks on the last word, he shakes his head, hands shaking slightly as he runs them through his hair, frustration and guilt radiating from him.
"i wasn't just a victim in there—i became someone i don't even recognize anymore. i did things that went against everything i ever believed in, everything i told myself i would never do."
he looks at you now, and you can see the turmoil in his eyes—the deep-rooted shame and the self-loathing that’s consumed him. "and now i’m back here, with you, and i don’t even know who i am anymore. i’ve become this person who did unforgivable things. you don't deserve someone like me, someone who’s capable of—of that." he gestures vaguely, as if trying to encompass everything that’s happened to him.
"is that why you've been pushing me away?" you ask softly. "because you think i won't love who you are now?"
he doesn't answer, but the way he avoids your gaze tells you everything.
"baby," you whisper, shifting closer to him. "nothing could change how I see you."
you take a slow, unsteady breath, searching for the right words—any words—but everything feels inadequate. how do you explain something that goes beyond language?
"god, spencer," you exhale, shaking your head. "i wish i was better at this. i wish i had the right words, i wish i was some kind of poet, and that i could say the right things to make you understand, but i'm not."
you finally close the gap between you two and take his hands, gripping them tightly, pressing them against your chest as if somehow, if he just feels the way your heart beats for him, he’ll finally understand.
"it’s frustrating," you continue, voice thick with emotion. "because what i feel for you—it’s bigger than me. it’s bigger than words. i can’t explain it, and i hate that, because i need you to know. i need you to understand that this isn’t something breakable, something you can ruin, something you can chase away just because you think you should."
he swallows hard, his fingers curling around yours, but he doesn’t speak. maybe he can’t.
"i swear, spencer, if there was a way to pull this feeling out of me and give it to you, i would. if i could make you see yourself the way i see you, make you understand that what you did—what you had to do—doesn’t make you unworthy of love, i would do it in a heartbeat." your voice breaks slightly, tears now lining your eyes. "because i don’t just love you. it’s not that simple. it’s not just some feeling, some thing i could ever put into words. it’s more. it doesn’t begin or end with what you’ve done, or what’s happened to you, or who you think you’ve become. it just is."
he lets out a shaky breath, his eye are now wet, shining under the dim apartment light, his lips parted slightly like he wants to argue but can’t find the strength to. because maybe, just maybe, for the first time—he’s starting to believe you.
"i just wish—i wish you could feel it," you murmur, voice breaking. "i wish you could step into my skin, into my heart, and know how much i love you."
you don’t realize you’re crying until he reaches up, hesitantly, brushing his fingers against your cheek like he’s afraid you’ll disappear if he touches you. his hand is shaking, but he doesn’t pull away.
spencer’s expression falters, something breaking inside of him, and when he finally—finally—pulls you into his arms, it’s not desperate or frantic. his arms wrap around you slowly, almost reverently, as though he's trying to let the feeling of your love wash over him, to understand it the way you do.
at first, it’s just the slightest tremble in his shoulders, so faint you almost miss it. but then you feel it—the shaky exhale against your neck, the way his fingers clutch at the fabric of your shirt like he’s afraid to let go. and then, slowly, silently, he starts to break.
his breath hitches, and before he can stop it, a quiet sob escapes him, muffled against your shoulder. his body shakes, all the pain and guilt unraveling all at once, and all you can do is hold him through it. his hands grasp at you like you’re the only thing tethering him to the present, like if he lets go, he’ll disappear into everything he’s been trying so hard to contain.
you don’t say anything. you don’t tell him it’s okay, because you know he wouldn’t believe it. or maybe because it isn't. but it will be. you'll make sure of that.
your fingers thread through his hair, your lips press against his temple, and you whisper the same words over and over, a promise and a lifeline: "i love you. i love you. i love you."
you stay like that for a while, wrapped in each other, the weight of everything that’s happened still lingering in the air between you. but it’s different now. lighter, somehow. not because everything is fixed—there are still conversations to have, wounds to tend to, pieces of him he hasn’t shown you yet.
but for the first time in a long while, you feel like you’re on the same side again. you’re not standing in separate corners, silently blaming each other for things you can’t control.
the weight in your chest, the anxiety that has gnawed at you since that day you got the call about him being detained, begins to fade. you don’t need to fix everything tonight. you don’t need to have all the answers.
his breathing begins to steady, the tears slowing, but he doesn’t pull away. instead, he rests his forehead against yours, his voice a raw whisper as he says the only thing he can in this moment. “i’m sorry.”
you close your eyes for a moment, exhaling softly. “i know,” you whisper.
there's a beat of silence. "i've been having nightmares," he says, his voice so low you have to strain to hear him. "almost every night. that's where i go sometimes—i walk before going to bed. i walk so that i'm exhausted enough that my mind shuts down."
the sudden admission breaks your heart—but there's also a part of you that feels relief. relief that he wasn't turning to something worse or someone else to numb the pain.
"spencer, you could have told me." you said, fingers rubbings patterns into his back.
"i didn't want to burden you more than i already have," he says, shaking his head. "you've already been through so much because of me."
"that's not how this works," you say, squeezing his hand. "just forget all of that, okay? things will be different now. you not talking to me hurts more than that ever could."
he leans into you, his eyes closing for a brief moment. "i'm sorry," he whispers. "for pushing you away. for making you feel like you weren't enough. you've always been enough."
you lift a hand to his face, your thumb brushing against his cheek as you take in the exhaustion lining his features—the weight he’s been carrying alone for too long. slowly, carefully, you lean in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to his lips. just a warm, quiet reassurance that you’re here, that you’re staying.
when you finally pull away, his forehead rests against yours, and he lets out a quiet sigh, his breath warm against your skin. he looks at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "do you want to go to bed?" he asks, voice low.
you pause for a moment, you hadn’t realized just how exhausted you were until his mention of sleep. your shoulders feel heavy, and your body aches from the emotional toll it’s taken.
a deep, almost instinctual sigh escapes your lips, and you nod softly, “yeah."
spencer squeezes your hand gently and leads you toward the bedroom. the moment the covers are pulled back, you slip under the soft sheets, the cool fabric against your skin offering the smallest comfort after everything you've been through. spencer follows you in, his body warm and reassuring as he settles beside you.
he moves closer, carefully wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into him with a tenderness that makes your chest tighten. you rest your head on his chest, the steady beat of his heart grounding you. his presence, steady and constant, washes over you like a balm, soothing the frantic, scattered thoughts in your mind.
his hand moves slowly up and down your back, the rhythm soothing, and you realize just how much you've missed this—missed him.
you close your eyes, letting the weight of everything melt away as you drift closer to sleep. spencer’s voice is soft, a comforting murmur as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"i love you."
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dreamsteddie · 2 days ago
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Written for the @stmarchmm day one prompt “courting rituals” | Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Courting Rituals, Alpha Eddie Munson, Omega Steve Harrington - Also on Ao3
Bat divider -@popmilky | Diamond divider - @inklore
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Eddie knows he doesn’t have much going for him in terms of mating material.
Despite presenting as an Alpha early at age twelve, something that should have given him some kind of status in a town like Hawkins, there’s always been something about him that makes people turn their noses up at him, close doors in his face. He’s kind of wishy-washy when it comes to the things he’s not passionate about, he smells like wet pavement and cigarette smoke, and can’t for the life of him seem to graduate high school.
He also can’t grow a beard, can’t remember to separate the darks from the lights, can’t tie his shoes without using the bunny ears method, can’t hop in place and rub his tummy, can’t- 
Well the point is, there are a lot of “can’t”s in his life and never a whole lot of “can”s
The one thing Eddie can do without a shadow of a doubt is pursue delusions of grandeur with a single-minded determination. No matter how hard this shit-hole town and all its designation-obsessed inhabitants have tried to beat him into the dirt over the years, he’s never let go of his dreams. Some day, he’s going to play songs for the entire goddamn planet, making millions of dollars off lyrics inspired by all the games and books that have gotten his head shoved in the Hawkin’s High toilets over the years, and Mayor Kline will have to give him a key to the city while Eddie Munson, town freak, gives him the middle finger.
And, if all the stars align and the Big Guy upstairs he doesn’t believe in does him several solids, he’ll be doing it with Steve Harrington standing by his side.
The guys think he’s crazy—Eddie thinks he’s crazy—but Eddie is determined to give his all into courting Steve Harrington before their shared senior year ends. He’s, by and large, the most eligible Omega in all of Hawkins, even with his recent breakup with Nancy Wheeler under his belt. No amount of ditching the popular crowd, adopting a bunch of children, and becoming best friends with band geek Robin Buckley has been enough to deter the Alphas of Hawkins High, even if some of them won’t admit it.
Eddie takes great pleasure in watching every failed courting offer. Steve has always been picky about who he lets take him out, but he hasn’t taken up a single Alpha’s offer since Nancy and the rejections are getting more brutal by the day. Eddie suspects it’s Robin’s influence and if that is the case he needs to thank her profusely because Eddie goes a little weak in the knees every time he sees Steve literally turn up his perfect nose at an offer.
So, the odds aren’t looking good. Steve is picky and Eddie is famously a poor, nobody freak, not the kind of guy with the resources to properly woo a guy like Steve, but what Eddie does have is a lot of passion and a strong desire to prove himself. 
So Eddie has a capital P Plan.
“Hey Buckley,” Eddie says sliding up to the girl where she’s packing up at the bleachers after practice. She gives him a scrutinizing look and clearly finds him lacking, squinting her eyes at him like he’s a little bug landed on her shoulder. Irritating and suspicious. Which, rude. “I was wondering if a fine lady like yourself would happen to know what one Steve Harrington might be hoping for in a courting” Robin clearly wasn’t expecting him to come right out and ask, her blue eyes going wide.
“What the fuck, Munson!” She crows, clearly embarrassed by his lack of tact.
“What!?” He fires back, not understanding what the big deal is. He wants to court Steve and Robin is the best source of information on how to go about it.
“You can’t just ask that, you doofus,” she hisses, lavender scent going smokey like brush fire.
“Why not? I want to court him, like, publicly. Everyone’s gonna know in a couple weeks anyway. Shouldn’t you be glad you’re the first to know?” He huffs. He knows it’s not exactly the done thing to go around telling people you’re going to court someone. You’re supposed to be delicate. Hint at it and build up little courting gifts and don’t look anyone in the eye. It’s dumb as hell and Eddie wants no part of it. Besides, so far as Eddie has seen, that method hasn’t worked on Steve anyway. Eddie may as well go about this in his own way, which includes getting insider information.
Still clearly not impressed, Robin says “You? You want to court Steve? Resident anti-conformist, jock-hating, Eddie Munson wants to court Steve Harrington. Why?” Her tone is clearly disbelieving, which, again, rude.
“Uh, I mean, have you seen him with those kids? He’s wicked hot with that whole mom thing he’s got going on.” At that, Robin gags. “And, I mean, I know he’s a jock but he’s also an Omega and he pretty much said fuck it to Hawkin’s High when he presented and refused to give up his position as captain. That was super fucking metal,” he says all earnest.
“And I like the way he smells, like a fresh cinnamon roll. And we shared an English class once and he asked me about the doodle of a Beholder I worked on instead of taking notes. And I know I’m not exactly a prime Alpha but I don’t think that really matters. At least not to me. I want to kiss him and make sweet love to him and have babies with him and -” Robin cuts him off with a hand over his mouth.
“Ok, I get it. You like him.” She says that, but she’s still looking at him like she can’t figure him out. “Alright…I don’t know if I like you Eddie but I’ll throw you a bone. Just one, got it? And if you fuck it up, I’m not helping you again.” She says, waiting for him to nod before removing her hand from his mouth.
Eddie takes a deep, overdramatic breath in like he’s just breached water. “Got it.”
Robin takes a deep breath of her own. “Steve’s been propositioned for courting 19 times since he presented and he’s only said yes to one. One-off dates not included.” She hasn’t stopped looking him straight in the eye, making sure he pays attention. “Nancy gave him a set of handwritten notes for history because she noticed he was struggling. All the other Alphas got him fancy jewelry, useless house stuff, and generic valentine's day crap.” With that, she gives him one last, long look before grabbing her trumpet and leaving, the sound of metal clanging under her feet following in her wake.
“Thanks, Buckey!” He calls out, waving his hand wildly at her retreating back. She ignores him.
Well, no matter. He’s got a courting to plan.
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The thing about courting when you have $3.45 to your name after rent and gas is that you have to get creative. Which isn’t a problem, Eddie breathes creativity. If he wasn't already “The Freak” he’s sure he would be Eddie “The Creative” Munson. Really, it has a nice ring to it.
The problem comes with making something with $3.45 that is also a worthy courting gift for Steve Harrington. Which, given Robin’s tip, might not be as big a concern as he would have thought. But even if Steve would be happy with a heartfelt love letter and those peanut butter brownies Eddie knows he likes, there’s a part of him that wants to blow every other Alpha and Beta that came before him completely out of the water. Maybe especially Nancy Wheeler.
Sue him, he wants to be the best.
Which leaves him with the option of a gesture. Eddie loves a gesture, but this one is going to require some help. Luckily, Eddie knows where every gang of geeks in Hawkin’s makes their dens, even if they’re not his gang of geeks. It comes with being Head Freak. It’s his responsibility, really.
Which is how he finds himself in the Hawkins Middle AV club room being stared down by a bunch of beady-eyed thirteen year olds on the verge of presenting. Jesus, these kids are intense.
“So yeah, that’s what I’m planning,” he finishes explaining. Would it kill them to look a little impressed? He’s pretty proud of it himself. Instead of sharing looks of awe, the six of them share looks of judgement between them, obviously having a silent conversation between them like some kind of hive mind. Eddie will never admit it makes him sweat a little bit.
“You want to ask to court Steve. Steve Harrington?” the tall, skinny one asks like he can’t believe it. Eddie doesn’t know if the disgust is for him or for the Omega. Either way, ouch.
“Yes,” he replies, sweating a little more. They all share more looks, the redhead in particular is looking at him like he’s gum stuck on the bottom of her shoes. 
“Why?” The curly one asks, firm and more seriously than any kid that dorky looking should have any right to speak. Seriously, he looks like a poodle in a Star Wars shirt and a trucker hat. But, Eddie knows enough about Steve to know that these are his kids, his pups, and despite how much it chafes him to have people continually asking why he wants to court Steve, like it isn’t obvious, he knows these pups are just looking out for their pack Omega.
With a deep sigh, Eddie explains for the second time in less than a week, everything he loves about Steve Harrington. At the end of his speech, the pups stare at him for a long moment before simultaneously turning their back on him to form an honest to God huddle. Seriously, the hive mind thing is looking more and more likely. Maybe he should use this for a campaign. Very Children of the Corn.
While Eddie is lost in his musing, they seem to come to some kind of conclusion, breaking up and returning to one solid, unbreakable line. It’s the other girl, hair short and at that awkward growing out length that Eddie knows all too well that steps forward. All these kids are intense, but there’s something especially severe about her, something Eddie only half recognizes.
“We will help you,” she says, quiet and solemn. 
This is going to fucking fantastic, Eddie thinks, wild grin splitting across his face.
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It’s embarrassingly easy to sneak a band of six middle schoolers and one elementary schooler into the school after hours. The kids met him outside the building just at exactly 4:00 PM the Friday after their meeting in the AV room just as they planned. The addition of the feisty ten year old was unexpected, but she proved herself invaluable in charming the one teacher that stopped them on their way to the radio room, spinning some tale about being so excited for higher learning that they wanted to explore the high school. Eddie thinks Erica Sinclair should run the world.
The kids are a well oiled, if slightly annoying, machine. As soon as Eddie pops the door open they’re getting to work figuring out how the PA system works and how long the range is. Dustin and Lucas insist that they move the entire unit closer to the field, and Max and Will are quick to source a cart for the whole thing. In record time they’re all piling into the coaches office, the one with a clear view of the basketball court where the team is running their Friday drills. Honestly, it feels a little like they’re highjacking Eddie’s plan, but the smiles on their face and their puppy sweet excitement softens the blow a little.
“You ready?” The curly haired one, Dustin, asks while offering him the mic.
“I was born for this, Dusty,” he says, snatching the mic out of his hand and taking his place outside the main gym doors.
Despite what he said, Eddie is nervous. He shakes his hands and bounces in place, trying to shake it off. Before he’s ready, he hears the slightly crackly jazzy intro pouring through the speakers. He counts his beats, waiting for his que. He spent hours planning this, recording the background music with the band, turning the lyrics over and over in his head, even practicing his grand entrance. He’s as ready as he can be.
God, he hopes this works.
And there’s his que, that little pause in the music just enough time for him to push open the doors to the main gym with all his strength, relishing in the dramatic banging sound.
All eyes are on him. Steve’s eyes are on him.
You're just too good to be true,
Can't take my eyes off of you,
He sings as he walks. All the activity in the gym has come to a halt, everyone too confused and curious to stop it. He’s looking right at Steve, who turns his head like he’s expecting to see someone else behind him. He’s so cute, Eddie wants to eat him alive.
At long last love has arrived,
And I thank God I'm alive,
You're just too good to be true
Eddie knows he doesn’t have a lot of time, any moment now principle Higgins and his one security lackey are going to bust through the doors to find out who stole the announcement equipment. This is the moment, the one that needs to count. Eddie saunters right up to Steve like his heart isn’t trying to beat out of his chest and kneels down like a knight to their king. He takes his hand, and Steve lets him as he sings the next line looking right up into those beautiful hazel eyes.
Can't take my eyes off of you.
He turns the hand in his own over to expose the Omega’s wrist just as the music pauses and presses a soft, lingering kiss to the gland there. A courting kiss.
Almost like he planned it, the doors burst open a second time revealing the fuming face of Principle Higgins and his goon. He turns a manic grin Steve’s way just as the music picks back up, cutting straight to the chorus. He presses one last kiss to Steve’s wrist and takes in the way his pretty, pink lips are parted in disbelief, eyes wide and then he’s running.
I love you baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you baby,
To warm the lonely nights
Let it never be said that Eddie Munson, for all the ways he fails to be the ideal Alpha, doesn’t have a hell of a lot of stamina. He’s been a proud runner all his life, and he’s using it to his advantage today to put on a show. He’s singing and he’s running as Higgins and Officer Jerry chase his tail like they have any hope of catching him when he doesn’t want to be caught, when he can see the most beautiful boy in the world laughing at him in disbelief as he ducks and dodges around the court.
But even Eddie has his limits and, like he said, he planned this to a T. He can feel himself running out of breath but he refuses to call it before the climax. He’s stomping his way up the bleachers, making a show of going between the rows dancing like he’s in an old hollywood musical. Higgin’s is closing in, but there’s now way he’s getting caught. Not today. He puts in a burst of speed, leaving them in the dust and putting himself right at the top of the wooden stands, singing directly to Steve who is absolutely glowing on the court.
And let me love you,
Baby let me love you…
The music gives one last swell, the Corroded Coffin of two days ago pouring their heart out for the Eddie of today. The music comes to an abrupt halt, the gym very quickly filling with laughter and applause. The kids are screaming their heads off in the office, loud enough to draw Steve’s attention to where they can be seen through the large window. The joy and disbelief on Steve’s face makes all of this worth it, no matter what happens next.
Eddie wishes he could relish in it longer, but the goon squad is gaining ground fast and he has one last message to give before he hauls ass into the next phase of his plan. He starts inching his way toward the exit, not taking his eyes off Steve as he goes. He needs him to hear this.
“Steve Harrington, it would be the honor of my life to court you with the intention of mating. Meet me at the lake at seven if you’ll hear me out.” And with that, he’s gone. He wishes he could stay to see his reaction, but he’s out of time.
He pushes through the emergency exit to the sound of hollering and clapping, all he can do now is commence with phase two.
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Phase two mainly consists of picking everything up from the trailer, changing into his nice clothes, and heading toward Lover’s Lake to set everything up.
Eddie thinks this is the most nerve wracking part of the whole plan. In many ways, the whole big performance was the easy part. Eddie loves to perform, eats up the attention like a cat laps up milk. This, the full bearing of his heart to the Omega he wants to spend his life with, is far scarier than anything else. Here in the back of his van, the paper hearts and pillar candles, hand-picked daisies and hand-made peanut butter brownies, leave him completely exposed.
He wonders if Steve will show up.
He wishes he didn’t set up so god damn early. The waiting is excruciating.
The Alpha paces around, adjusts the blankets on the bottom of the van and then decides they were better before, and checks his watch every half minute like it will make time move faster. He sits and watches the hands turn from 6:59 to 7:00. Maybe Steve won’t come. Maybe this was all for nothing and he’ll have to go back to school on Monday and pretend like he isn’t heartbroken.
His watch continues to tick. 7:03, 7:07, 7:10. He’s getting ready to pick it all back up when he hears the muffled sound of tires on soft dirt. Suddenly, his heart is in his throat as he watches the distinct headlights of his favorite Beamer turn into the clearing.
Eddie scrambles to his feet, he has a plan to carry out.
He watches, heart in his throat as Steve parks. Watches as the door opens and Steve emerges, a sweet, sheepish smile on his face.
“Sorry I’m late.” Steve looks like a dream. He clearly went home and had a shower and a change of clothes. He’s wearing light wash jeans that hug his thighs and a soft looking, deep red sweater, the collar of a white dress shirt peeking out from underneath. He’s dressed up for Eddie.
There’s a long pause where Eddie forgets how to speak and Steve just stands there, clearly waiting for Eddie to make a move. Eddie comes back to himself all at one, shaking his head hard like a dog, making Steve let out a startled laugh. “What the hell?” He asks, not mean, but bemused. 
“My deepest apologies my liege, I was simply stunned by your beauty,” he says with a half bow, extending his arm for Steve to take. “It is my pleasure to welcome you to Cafe Munson, the finest pop up restaurant this side of Indiana.” It’s goofy and a little ridiculous but Steve takes the offered arm with a little smile, sending a pleasant jolt through his body. 
Eddie leads Steve toward the open back of the van, watching him intently as he takes it in. He gets to see as the Omega’s eyes go wide, mouth parting in a little gasp. When he turns to look at Eddie, he’s already looking back. “You did this for me?” He asks, wonder coloring his voice. All of a sudden Eddie feels a little shy, a little sheepish.
“I know it’s not much, I’m not exactly liquid at the moment, but I wanted to do something nice for you,” he says, unoccupied arm reaching up to tug a piece of hair over his mouth. Steve looks at him for a long moment before turning back to the van. There are blankets everywhere, pretty much every one from the house plus a couple he nicked from Gareth’s house after practice. The emergency pillar lights from the pantry give the space a soft glow, paper hearts hang from string from the metal roof, and a repurposed laundry basket full of tupperwares and miller lites sits in the center.
“It’s perfect” Steve says, and Eddie can’t help but believe him. Not when his scent is blooming, cinnamon roll sweet, right under Eddie’s nose.
Eddie leads him to the van, gives him his hand to help him into the back. He takes a moment to take it all in, Steve Harrington settling into a date with Eddie Munson. It’s his biggest dream come true. 
He climbs in after the other boy and starts pulling out tupperwares. Steve has settled in to lean on the wall of pillows Eddie constructed for just this reason, pulling a blanket over the both of them when Eddie settles in next to him. Steve laughs with every overly dramatic introduction he makes for the food, and Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever been this warm. Neither of them brings up why they’re here, the underlying meaning behind it all. They dance around it, laughing about the kids, Steve’s sports and Eddie’s games, the look on Principle Higgin’s face when he burst into the gym earlier that day. The whole place smells like cinnamon and smoke, Eddie doesn’t think there’s a better smell in the whole world.
They don’t say a thing about courting or mating or scents until they polish off their cold pasta, courtesy of Wayne, and Eddie pulls out the last tupperware from the bottom of the laundry basket. “And for dessert, may I have a drumroll please….” Steve rolls his eyes but smiles as he complies, drumming a little beat with fingers on the side of the van. Eddie pulls out the container with a flourish, “The finest peanut butter brownies $3.15 worth of ingredients from Melvald’s can get you.” He expects laughter, maybe some light teasing as Steve has been shown to enjoy throughout the night, but all he gets is silence. 
He worries, for a moment, that he got it wrong. Maybe Steve doesn’t like peanut butter brownies. Jesus H Christ, maybe he’s allergic to peanuts and Eddie has just massively fucked this up. He’s getting ready to spiral and try to fix it when Steve speaks, voice soft in a way Eddie can’t place.
“Those are my favorites,” he says. When Eddie is brave enough to look at his face again, he’s met with wet, adoring eyes. Eddie doesn't know if anyone has ever looked at him like that before. Like he was something magical. Something special just for them.
Eddie clears his throat when Steve doesn’t say anything else. Just keeps staring at him like he’s waiting for something big. “Yeah, yeah I know,” he says, bracing himself for what comes next. “I uh, I saw you buy some at the club fair last year. You bought three of them and then came back for one more before they closed the booth.” It shouldn’t be such a big admission, but it feels like he’s just handed Steve his heart on a silver platter.
“Eddie?” Steve asks, turning toward him fully.
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, sitting up so they’re eye to eye.
“What you said, on the basketball court, will you ask me again?” He’s looking at him with so much hope in his eyes, Eddie almost feels like he could choke on it. Instead, he focuses in on the perfect scent of the man next to him, breathes steadily in and out.
“It would be the honor of my life to court you with the intention of mating, Steve Harrington.” As he says it, he reaches into his pocket for his last offering, his hail mary pass, his death saving throw. It’s a silly thing, cost his last 30 cents at the stationary store, but he was listening to Robin on those bleachers that day. Knows that the gesture and the picnic are all well and good, but what Steve has been missing with all those other Alphas is someone who notices the small details and holds them close. Someone who cares about his C+ in History, someone who knows his favorite brownies are swirled with peanut butter.
Someone who notices that he lost his eraser last week and has been meaning to pick up a new one.
Eddie holds out his heart one last time, it’s shaped like a 30 cent eraser. White and covered with a paper band. The best one on the market.
Steve stares at the little eraser like it contains the answers to the universe, and then he’s plucking it, oh so gently, out of his hands and cradling it in his own. Eddie waits, the ball is completely in Steve’s court now, Eddie has played all his cards.
Suddenly, Steve scent starts to bloom, even more than it did when he first saw the van. The smell of sugar, cinnamon, and yeast so strong it makes Eddie feel light headed. Eddie gets a glimpse of the most beautiful smile in the world just before Steve is throwing his arm around his neck, nudging his way into his lap to notch his head right at Eddie’s scent gland. Eddie’s arms instinctually wrap around his back, keeping him close.
“Yes,” Steve says, the sound of it muffled by the soft skin of Eddie’s neck. Eddie squeezes him tight, knows he needs to ask, just to make sure but worried he’s hallucinating. Scared to believe he’s getting everything he’s ever wanted.
“Yes?” He asks, lips trembling where they’ve found their own place at Steve’s neck, wanting to be as close as possible, just in case.
“Yes.” And Steve is pulling back, which Eddie hates, and cupping his face in is hands. “It would be the honor of my life to accept your courting offer, Eddie Munson,” he says, sure and steady and full to the brim of hope.
“Holy shit.” Eddie can’t believe this is happening. Despite all the planing and the performing and the putting his heart on the line he never actually let himself think that this would happen. Never let himself think about how it would end.
Without much though Eddie barrels forward to bury his head back into the Omega’s neck, his Omega’s neck, peppering him with fervent little kisses until Steve is giggling so hard he tips them over into the pile of pillows behind him. Eddie is full to the brim with joy, happier than he’s ever been and all of a sudden he needs to move. Needs to let the whole world know what he’s got in the palm of his hands.
He jolts up with one last kiss to Steve’s cheek, managing a quick “be right back!” before he launching himself out of the van. He hears Steve calling out in confusion, but it quickly turns into more joyous laughter as Eddie steps out of the van and starts jumping in place, punching the air and whooping into the night sky.
“Fuck you Hawkins! I’m courting Steve Harrington! I’m on top of the God Damn world!” He gets in one last double bird in the general direction of Main Street before Steve is calling him back in.
“Ok, you’ve had your moment. Now get your ass back in here and kiss me for real, you dumb Alpha,” he says, laughter still caught in his throat. And really? Who is Eddie do deny a request like that?
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So excited for MMM, guys! I won't be doing every day, but I will be doing at lest a couple of full one shots and some of my normal ramblings. (Also, this is the longest thing I've ever written that wasn't an academic paper and I am low key very proud of myself)
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