#because it was only aired in canada as an alternate
sketchcomedyclips · 3 months
Kids in the Hall- "Kevin at the Movies" S1E?
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bekolxeram · 3 months
7x03 analysis part 1 — Everything Air Ops
I promised helicopters, so now we get helicopters. I want to look into how Air Operations work in the 9-1-1 universe, in comparison to its real life counterpart in this first part. Then, I will try to figure out the location and intensity of "hurricane Ethel" during the clandestine operation in the second part. And finally, I will prove how risky it is to fly a helicopter into a storm and why Tommy deserves every bit of his Medal of Valor.
Real!LAFD Air Ops operate (Station 114) out of Van Nuys Airport (VNY/KVNY). It's not only one the busiest general aviation airports in the world, it's also smack dab in between major green areas of the city of LA itself.
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This location makes perfect sense in real life. Air Ops might get the occasional highway car wreck or urban structural fire calls, but most of their missions still consist of wildfire suppression and rural search and rescue. Being based at Van Nuys makes sure they can respond to emergency in a timely fashion.
in the 9-1-1 universe, the LAFD Air Ops are based at "Harbor Station", or Station 217. (Harbor and 217 are the same station, Chimney especially asked if Tommy was still at the 217 in 2x14 when requesting air support, unless the 911-verse LAFD has 2 different air operation units, which I highly doubt.) Obviously it has to be at an airport, because that's where the hangers and helipads are, and going by "harbor" I can only speculate that it's in the Harbor Region of LA.
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The only non-military airport in the LA Harbor Region is Long Beach Airport (LGB/KLGB), but it's quite a busy commercial airport, probably not a good one to run emergency services from. There's also the Zamperini Field (TOA/KTOA) nearby in Torrance, although not exactly inside the Harbor Region, it's coastal and close enough to the 2 LA ports I guess? Feel free to create a whole new airport using your imagination though, as you know 9-1-1 is set in an alternate universe where geography and physics work differently.
The LAFD Air Ops have 5 medium (FIRE 1-5) and 2 light duty (FIRE 6/7) helicopters, you've heard Tommy in 7x04. Everything applies to the real world counterpart, but the medium type that real!Air Ops operate is AgustaWestland AW139, the Italian-made medium sized twin-engine helicopter with a 5-blade main rotor primed for emergency response and off-shore oil rig transportation.
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It has auto-pilot, an anti-icing system for harsh weather and even auto-hover suitable for hoist rescue missions. In a passenger transport configuration, it can carry up to 15 passengers in a 3 row seating plan. In an SAR (search and rescue) configuration though, the middle row can be removed for gurney space. It's big and powerful enough to transport multiple patients, but at the same time, light and agile enough to get into difficult terrain.
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The AW139 is designed to be flown by 2 pilots, flying solo is also possible, but only under VFR (Visual Flight Rules), with an additional certification, which LAFD pilots can and do. To fly it under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules), it always requires 2 pilots according to the FAA last time I checked.
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The light helicopter type real!LAFD flies is the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X, a single engine twin-blade made in Canada. It's an relatively new airframe, set to replace the aging Bell 206, which the LAFD used to operate. It's quite a bit smaller than the AW139, it can only fit 1 pilot and 4 passengers.
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While it's perfectly capable of carrying a Bambi bucket to assist with aerial firefighting missions, it's mainly used as a training aircraft for new pilots and HLCO (Helicopter Coordinator) when there is a major catastrophe that requires on-the-site air traffic coordination.
These are all brand new and sophisticated aircrafts that a mere TV channel can't get their hands on without a government budget. So for 911!LAFD Air Ops, ABC went to their usual helicopter service company for prop aircrafts.
Helinet Aviation provides all sorts of helicopter services from aerial journalism, medevac, delivery to regular chartering. All the 911!Air Ops scenes in 7x03 and 7x04 are naturally filmed in the Helinet hanger, for convenience's sake, at VNY, just a runway across from real!Air Ops.
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911!Air Ops
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Helinet hangar Street View
I believe I've identified all the helicopters shown in 7x03 and 7x04, but let's get the 2 in the background which probably do not belong to 911!Air Ops out of the way:
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N72EH, a Sikorsky S76C++, still in its Boston MedFlight livery. Sold to Helinet in 2022, possible used as a medevac vehicle currently? Unlikely to have anything to do with 911!Air Ops, probably just happened to be in the background to make it seem like there were many helicopters.
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The one Tommy flies Eddit to Vegas in is N67TV, an Eurocopter AS350B2 Écureuil (aka squirrel). No fire department would ever let employees take their expensive equipment out for a joy ride so it's likely that in universe, Tommy rented it from somewhere outside of the station. IRL though, according to this forum post, it's used as a backup helicopter for all its customer news stations, but also any TV or film production purposes outside of journalism.
Now, for the one seen in the hangar, therefore explicitly belonging to 911!LAFD:
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N29HD, also an AS350B2, also a news helicopter. According to this reddit comment, it used to be shared between CBS and FOX, but now it seems to be configured as a dedicated aircraft for ABC7.
The one the who cares gang stole to rescue Bobby and Athena though has a fake registration number on it:
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You just have to look up Helinet's fleet, and you will see this is obviously a DHL livery, and it's quite easy to find out that this is actually:
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N211FN, an AS350B1 (so an even older variant than the previous two), operated on behalf of DHL for package delivery service.
Don't get me wrong, the AStar (how the AS350 is called in the US) is a versatile and reliable aircraft. It the 4th most produced rotorcraft in the world, someone even managed to land one on top of Mount Everest. But it's kind of small? It can seat only up to 5 passengers with 1 pilot, and there is hardly room left for any gear. There is also no space for stretcher, so anyone they rescue would have to sit upright. It's just not very realistic.
I have no idea what medium duty helicopters 911!Air Ops operate, we're unlikely to see them in the future. There is this Bell 205 in 4x12 Treasure Hunt, but it clearly says L.A County Rescue on the tail.
Real!Air Ops pilots wear beige flight suits, it's the aeromedics who wear blue, and helitac crews wear orange. I'm not complaining too much though, Tommy looks good in blue. (I think the chief pilot wears dark blue, but I'm not sure.)
Helicopter pilots in general usually wear helmets, in case a particularly strong pocket of turbulence slams you against the body of the aircraft, or a bird decide to fly through the windshield into your face, but I get that it gets in the way of the camera, so I'm just gonna enjoy Tommy's beautiful face.
Real!Air Ops pilots work on a 24/48 shift schedule just like any platoon firefighters. Due to the danger of pilot fatigue on aviation safety, they do try to limit their continuous flight time to 6 hours before taking a prolong break.
There are 5 levels of pilots: pilot I (trainee), pilot II (probational), pilot III (full pilot), pilot IV (lead pilot) and pilot V (chief pilot). The chief pilot oversees the entire Air Ops and work on a 10 hour per day, 4 days a week schedule. The rest of the pilots are put into 3 shifts, each shift with a pilot IV, 2 pilot IIIs and 2 trainees/probies, together with 4 aeromedics. (Can't find the most updated version, the lastest one I can get my hands on is from 2022, so good enough?) Therefore Tommy's Bobby would not be a captain, it would be a lead pilot.
I've already explained in detail the timeline of Tommy's career as a firefighting pilot, but here is the short version of it: Once accepted into the LAFD pilot training program, he would have to train with the LAPD for 180 hours then back to the LAFD for 200 hours, that takes around 2 years, and by then he would be a probie. After that, he would have to slowly build up flight hours then train and certify for all types of missions on the medium duty helicopter, that would take another 2-3 years, and after that he would be promoted to a pilot III, which is probably the rank he holds now.
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We can see from the form Hen submitted in 7x03 that she initially asked for Lucy as their pilot, as she's forgotten that Tommy also worked there. Fortunately Chimney called Tommy, as Lucy most likely would've still been a probie if not just a trainee.
I have no idea who he is.
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I can sort of see his badge says "firefighter"? At real!Air Ops, everyone wears a flight suit as uniform, so that they can hop into a chopper in an emergency. I don't know what a dude in a regular uniform with the regular LAFD patch on his arm doing there.
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Tommy's arm has the Air Ops helicopter patch on it.
Real!Station 114 though do have a crash unit staffed with regular firefighters, maybe Melton is with them? But then, why is he doing with Hen's helicopter requisition?
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loudwhispershologram · 7 months
Bald Eagles
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Some interesting facts about Bald Eagles:
There are about 60 species of Eagles. Most of these are native to tropical regions, particularly in Africa and Asia. Only two species, the Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle, are native to the continental United States and Canada. The Bald Eagle is the more widespread of the two in the United States. This large, predatory bird is found throughout the world, except in Antarctica and where people have killed them off or destroyed their habitat.
The Bald Eagle, chosen as the United States of America’s national bird in 1782, symbolizes courage, freedom and power.
Bald Eagles are usually careful to stay away from danger, thus, they try to stay away from humans. They have become more accustomed to people over the past 30 years however, because of our own expansion into their territory. So when trying to locate Bald Eagles, the best thing to do is to start by spotting their nests.
Nests of Bald Eagles are called aeries. They usually build their aeries in the tops of tall trees that are near water, and some even nest on cliffs. Bald Eagles tend to use the same aeries every year, but they may have more than one, alternating from one year to the next. These nests are very large (up to 10 feet across and 15 feet deep), built from twigs and sticks, and lined with fresh leaves while they’re using it. When they use the same aerie year after year, they build on to it (just like humans do with their homes!). So, the larger the aerie you find, the older the dwelling.
Bald Eagles don’t migrate in the sense that Robins and Bluebirds do. They only travel as far as they have to, in order to find food. This is particularly true of adult Bald Eagles with established territories. Adults will stay in their territory (roughly 1 – 6 square miles) year round as long as there is open water nearby where they can hunt. Should a severe winter limit the food supply, Bald Eagles will move as far south as necessary to find open water and suitable feeding grounds.
The male Bald Eagle hunts only during the day, and many times will hunt with another male. Their main food is fish. If fish isn’t available, they will attack and eat water birds, occasionally catching birds in the air with spectacular aerial maneuvering. They will also capture mammals, and sometimes eat carrion (decaying flesh).
Some interesting facts about Bald Eagles:
Bald Eagles are not really bald. The head is covered with white feathers. The tail is also white. A young Bald Eagle is dark brown and has scattered light markings.
The Bald Eagle’s eyes are located on the side of its head; however, it can see straight ahead.
Female Bald Eagles are generally larger than males. Wingspreads range from about 4 to 8 feet (1.2 to 2.4 meters). Most Eagles weigh about 7 to 12 pounds (3.2 to 5.4 kilograms), but some weigh as much as 20 pounds (9.1 kilograms).
Bald Eagles rarely attack except when cornered. A few species of Eagles may attack when defending their nests and young.
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theinkedfoxsl · 4 months
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
lighter or matches?
do you leave the window open at night?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
do you say soda or pop?
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
what type of music keeps you grounded?
spins in circles thank youu<3 i hope wuwa is treating u well
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who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Uhh its mostly ocs lol- Vesper Mixtio and Heath Wolnes from Rowan's big ol brain. Eiji, Hanh. And Alee and the twins. But beyond that, when I'm sad I tend to think about Doc from r6 lol- he was my comfort character for a long time so I like to think about him doing well and it pleases me.
lighter or matches?
Lighter ^^ I suck with striking matches
do you leave the window open at night?
No, but only because the house is air conditioned/heated so I have no need to. Butttt I do usually have my fan going
which cryptid being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
Brown/Green, I have central heterochromia.
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
Just one, I don't use plastic water bottles. So its my actual water bottle. Coffee cups and pop cans however.... eesh..
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
COLD. I can't stand hot coffee, texture bad.
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
Yes<3 Its very nice. I like to sit on the steps outside and enjoy the smell
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
Mwahahah yes! We'd have to steal Max's nail polish though, I don't actually own any lol
do you say soda or pop?
Pop (finger guns) Canada
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
probably seeing who can throw a rock the furthest. and then sky gazing
what type of music keeps you grounded?
Really sad alternative music uhmmm lol
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I know this is probably a long shot, but I was looking on the wayback machine and (as I suspected) there are a bunch of now-deleted trailers for season 7 that don't exist anywhere online as far as I can tell (they do now!). "The Weight of the World" is the only one still on YouTube, but "The Gift of Giving", "Wings", "A Miracle Encounter", "Me", and "Leaves" -- while they are still linked on the wiki -- are completely dead, and not archived on the wayback machine aside from their thumbnails in this snapshot from 2012. I'd love to start an archive (I have one for WWDITS, but IASIP is significantly harder to manage due to its age) so if any of you guys have come across any archive.org compilations (the only one I know of is this one, but they're mainly DVD extras) or have any Google drives or anything, please let me know. It seems like someone's gone wild with copyright striking recently (it's Disney on my end, but not sure if that's Canada-specific) and like 90% of the extras have been completely obliterated.
UPDATE: Someone on reddit compiled all of the season 7 promos (lower quality than I'd like, but they're not too bad), and there are individual dailymotion links as well. "The Gift of Giving", "Wings", "A Miracle Encounter", and "Me". I believe "Leaves" is still missing, but it's hard to tell which is which.
More stuff I'm hoping to find mirrors for under the cut:
Archive of Paddy's Pub Blog; everything seems to be locked behind a broken age restriction button. I'm specifically interested in checking out the "Dennis' Erotic Memoirs" section (not the episode) or anything written by Dennis on the blog, but if anybody can figure out how to bypass the age restriction in earlier captures or has a mirror of the site before it was taken down that'd be even better.
Extras, promos, behind the scenes specials for all seasons. There seem to be quite a few for S1 out there still because it's mostly included on the DVD, but there are a couple that seemingly aired on TV that actually feature cut scenes. This one here has extra footage of Mac and Carmen, as well as Dennis in his day man costume without the codpiece. I have a feeling that there may be similar "outtakes" or alternate/extended scenes in other deleted videos.
Any additional scenes from the unaired pilot (I believe all we have is pulled from this behind the scenes footage, but worth a shot).
A high quality rip of the season 9 bloopers. I did manage to dig up an unwatermarked version from the wayback machine, but it's extremely low quality.
High quality version of the promotional music video "Going Back to Philly"; there's a relatively HQ version on YouTube that's been cut up, and a full LQ version, but it would be great to have a full HQ version. FOUND ONE!
Anyone willing to rip DVD/Bluray extras from their own copies. I can only find partial archives of S1-6's DVD extras, with some from later seasons being uploaded to YouTube at one point, but the majority of the links are dead now. I'm planning on buying a full set of DVDs/Blurays myself at some point, but they're either extremely expensive or extremely hard to find, so it'll probably take some time.
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
You smile and I get sunburn
Summary: Imagine heading out to the Great White North for your one year anniversary in the middle of summer, for some reason Sapnaps partner decided it would be a wonderful place to spend two weeks.
Warnings: Sapnap gets chased by a goose, minor blood, hockey fight
Authors Note: *yuris your yaoi* behold, lesbians in Canada, because there was a free day for snf week and I wanted to use the 'Alternate Universe - Canada' tag before I die. Title taken from Sunburn by The Living Tombstone because it truly is the song of ever. I looked to like, all of Marceline the Vampire Queens outfit and hair styles for inspiration if I'm being honest. @sobredunia I need you to look at the lesbians right now, anyways, if any of ya'll enjoyed it, feel free to reblog or drop by the Ao3 port to comment or kudos.
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"I think this is your worst idea yet," Sapnap said as Georgia tugged her through the air port, suitcase trailing behind them.
Georgia gave a small sigh, "Don't be an idiot, Canadas fun."
"It's cold, everyones a push over, and the wildlife is violent," Sapnap said, raising a finger for each point she listed off, "I already miss America."
"We're staying here for two weeks Sapnap, try not to be sour for the entire time," Georgia said, "We can just go to the hotel and pass out if you want."
"That'd be nice," Sapnap answered with, already clinging to her girlfriends side.
Georgia gave a hum of amusement as she made her way across the parking lot, their hotel merely across the street. The sun beat down on them without abandon in mere seconds, the air was crisp, neither of them are sure if it's better than having it be humid. Sapnap reluctantly let go of Georgia's side with the heat, opting to hold her hand instead.
Sapnap gave a whine of annoyance as they crossed the road, the heat of the ground seeped into the soles of their shoes. She kept her eyes trained on the white stripes painted onto the black below, "Fuck it's hot."
"It's like, August, summer is hot no matter where you are," Georgia said calmly, leading them into the brief reprieve of shade before they would have to dart through a blazing hot parking lot.
"That is not fair in the slightest," Sapnap whined, a brief tug on her wrist and they were weaving between cars, moving and still, too the hotel lobby.
Air conditioning hit them in an instant, chills engulfing them as they walked through the lobby. Their paces slowed just a bit, try and cool down before heading off to sleep despite it merely being four in the afternoon. Sapnap found herself lounging comfortably on a couch as her girlfriend got the key card. She roused from her psuedo-slumber with hands running through her hair, she found Georgia standing atop her, black hair tied into a loose ponytail far too low hanging in front of Sapnaps face.
"C'mon love, we have a pool side room," Georgeia said softly, mismatched hues glancing down at Sapnap carefully, she pulled herself off the couch and grabbed the suitcases once more.
"And you're sure I can't sleep out here?" Sapnap asked, following Georgia down carpeted hallways dilligently.
Georgia nodded, "I don't exactly want to get kicked out, have to withstand the summer heat."
Sapnap gave a hum, "Fair point."
The door swung open and light shone into the small hotel room, Sapnap easily dived in first, flicking on the light switches before anything else. She was rooting around the bathroom next, searching for those stupid extra small soaps and shampoos that barely last a night if you have long hair. The bounty was minimal, and with Georgia perched atop the counter, watching Sapnaps actions with intent, she had a hard time focusing.
"For someone who said she was sleepy you sure are amped up to loot the place," Georgia teased, Sapnap only looked up from where she sat, back pressed against the porcelain of the tub.
"Always loot hotels," Sapnap answered with, pushing herself up with a hand pressed to the edge of the basin. She brushed down the pleats of her skirt, snow white and somehow she'd managed to leave it unstained despite owning it for years at this rate. In part she knew the pristine condition was partially because of how little she wore it, even in private.
Georgia gave a hum of agreement, "Always, do you want the futon?"
"What? We aren't sharing a bed?" Sapnap asked, twirling past the door frame and kicking off her sneakers and placing them down next to their suitcases.
"I mean, we could," Georgia answered with, following Sapnap to the bed, "Can you behave yourself on the first night?"
Sapnap rolled onto her side a little bit to face Georgia who was sitting at the edge of the bed, "Maybe, maybe not."
"Well if you can't then you're getting the futon," Georgia said, flopping back to rest beside Sapnap.
"Yeah, I guess I could behave," Sapnap said, leaning over to a press a kiss to Georgias cheek.
"Get some sleep, I might stay up a bit longer," Georgia said softly.
Sapnap rolled over to rest her head on Georgias abdomen, wrapping her hands around her girlfriends thighs. She rested her chin at the base of the Brits rib cage and looked up at Georgia, "Don't stay up too long."
Georgia rested a hand on Sapnaps head, sliding past the bill of the baseball cap and ruffling through shaggy hair. It was long now, long for Sapnap at least, almost long enough to do stuff with it, "I'll be asleep before light don't worry."
"Tell me again why we're heading out to the lake?" Sapnap asked.
"Cause it's fun," Georgia said, "Besides, if we're getting a rental car we should probably drive it around."
"Yeah, but did we really have to drive out to the middle of butt-fuck nowhere?" Sapnap asked as she raised her sneakers to press against the dashboard, ripped jeans barely covered her socks, white with pink stripes.
Georgia nodded, "Absolutely, get your feet off the dash," She reached over and pressed down on Sapnaps shins.
Sapnap lowered her feet down, "Fine, are we almost there?"
"You'll have to wait," Georgia chided as she took a broad turn, hitting a rock that made the car jump.
"We're seriously off-roading?" Sapnap asked, returning her gaze to the windshield, finding a broad lake come into view, more than enough space to park.
Georgia shrugged, "A bit, it's fun, we're driving a Subaru, these things were made for off-roading," She curved to the edge of the road where it went from sandy gravel to rocks and sticks, the car vibrated.
Sapnap had to refrain from giving an exclamation, "Park the car already, if you keep hitting rocks I'm gonna hurl."
Georgia easily shifted into park and shoved open the door, a freshwater breeze hit her. Sapnap joined her on the drivers side, sliding over the hood of the car a bit. She wrapped an arm around Georgias waist before being led closer to the lakes edge, fingers interlacing with her own.
There was a spring to her step as she led Sapnap onto the dock, wooden planks sinking a little bit under their conjoined weight. Then they took another step, it swayed once more despite how firmly it was locked into the ground. Sapnap clutched Georgias hand a little tighter until they were at the edge of the dock, she sat down and crossed her legs while Georgia tugged of her socks and shoes to drop them into the water.
It was cold, really cold, the contrast to the sun shining down on them unfair. She was quick to retract her feet and cross her legs. She ran her hand through the water and pressed it to the back of Sapnaps neck, she recoiled instantly.
"What the heck?" She almost sounded mad as the icy liquid rolled down the back of her shirt, button up, Hawaii style print.
"Cold water, hot sun, I think they go nice together," Georgia said, doing it again, this time Sapnap didn't recoil.
She leaned into Georgias touch a little bit, "I guess," She glanced to the water, watching the faint silhouettes of fish move around, "It's nice out here, quiet."
"Now do you see why I wanted to go on a drive?" Georgia asked, Sapnap nodded.
"Yeah," Her voice is quiet as she speaks.
Georgia leans her head on Sapnaps shoulder, nudging aside a swath of hair that dropped to the small of her back to the other shoulder.
Then there's a loud honk, an obnoxiously loud squawking sound. They both glance over to its origins to find a few geese, large, gray, Canadian. Sapnap stands up first as the waterborne birds glide ever closer, Georgia follows as her girlfriend takes a few steps back.
"It's just some geese," She said, almost tauntingly, Sapnap shakes her head.
"Wrong, it's just some Canadian geese," Sapnap corrected with, then one of them hopped onto the dock, "They have teeth."
Georgia scoffs, "Birds don't have teeth."
It honks at them again and Georgia can't help but stare at it's beak, there are definitely teeth in there.
"It won't do you any harm," Georgia said, "Just hold out your hand, I'm sure it'll be docile."
"It'll bite my fingers off," Sapnap said, she still crouched down as Georgia kept stepping back.
When it got close enough for it to be a threat, that initial fear had her locked in place. At first it didn't do anything really, but Sapnap hasn't stopped holding her breath either. She tries to take a step back and for someone reason the bird takes insane amounts of offense at the actions. It attacks, it flaps it's wings and runs as fast as a goose can run. Sapnaps panicked backing away turned running doesn't do much to put any distance between her and the bird which has decided to take flight and start lunging at her.
She doesn't want to hurt it, she could get charged with misdemeanor if she did. So instead she just tried to cover her face, wishing she wore a t-shirt instead of a tank top to protect her shoulders from thrashing feathers and webbed feet. The honking, it was loud, really loud, and from more than one goose, she didn't dare look back to confirm what she already knew. She opened and slammed the door shut again, Georgia was already revving the engine and shifting into reverse.
Once they're far enough into the road the silence of panicked breathing became unbearable.
"They didn't bite off your finger," Georgia said sheepishly.
Sapnap raised a hand to her aching shoulder, when she pulled it back there was blood on her hands, "They tore open my fucking shoulder."
Georgia gives a hiss, "Yikes."
"How close is the closest coffee shop?" Sapnap asked, pressing her hand against the wound. It wasn't large per se, but it was definitely deeper than ideal, looked like uncut rubies whenever she shifted her arm.
"Five, ten minutes," Georgia said, "Not super far, but it's gonna be a Tim Hortons."
"Yay, Canadas one and only," Sapnap said, rolling her eyes as she did so.
"I'll cancel our tickets to the hockey game," Georgia threatened.
"I take it back," Sapnap said, raising her hands in faux defense, one of them was covered in blood.
"When we get back we'll clean out the wound," Georgia said, her eyes focused on Sapnap more than the road.
But Sapnap was distinctively aware of the moose deciding to meander out into the middle of the highway- Georgia, was not.
Sapnap reached over and swerved the car, nearly hitting the moose in the process.
"What the hell?!" Georgia asked, shoving back Sapnap.
"We nearly hit a moose!" Sapnap snapped, she returned a hand to press at her shoulder. It was wetter than before, and it hurt more with the sudden movement.
"And?" Georgia asked, voice smoothing over just a bit as she returned her gaze to the road.
Sanap clasped her hands in front of her chest, "Those things walk off getting hit by trucks Georgia, they go cliff diving for fun- we would die, it would live."
Georgia rolled her eyes, "Maybe I should've done a little bit more research on the wildlife."
"You should've done a lot more research on the wildlife," Sapnap said, tone almost aggressive.
"Wanna stay in town for the next couple days?" Georgia offered
Sapnap nodded, "I don't think I'll be doing much with how bad those geese fucked me over."
"I'd say let's go to a hospital, but we don't have the Canadian citizen perks," Georgia said sheepishly, "I'll pick up some gauze on the way back to the hotel."
Sapnap brings her hand to rest at her gauze covered shoulder, the fabric strip held only a faint tint of white compared to how it was the previous days. She took a seat on the edge of the tub and Georgia sat down beside her, hands came to undo the gauze. The air on the wound made her hiss, it was still tender and somewhat raw.
A damp cloth raised to press at the edges of it, where the pus of infection still oozed. It was worse the previous days, a lot worse, a total mess, and Sapnap was whimpering in pain as Georgia tended to it. Now she grits her teeth as soap comes into contact with flesh that refuses to scab with how consistently it's bandaged up. Her grip on the edge of the bath tightens until her knuckles shift hue, she clenches her eyes shut.
"I think we should leave it open," Georgia said quietly as she ran the cloth under cold water, watching the red diffuse under the flow of clear.
Sapnap nodded, "Maybe it'll scab up and start to heal."
Georgia stood up and held out a hand that Sapnap gladly took, she leaned into her girlfriend when she stood up. Georgia wrapped an arm around Sapnap, "Wanna watch some shitty cooking show and order room service?"
Sapnap nodded, "Yeah," Her voice was muffled in Georgias shoulder before she dropped down on the edge of the bed.
"I'll call up some room service, you put on a show," Georgia said as she started to dial the number.
Sapnap breezed through the channels with ease, a multitude of reality shows, some animated stuff, South Park and Family Guy. All sorts of things, even home renovation shows, she didn't stop until she came upon the cluster of cooking channels. She flipped through them a bit slower, Guy Fieri, Gordon Ramsay- The Great British Bake Off? She didn't hesitate to click on it, leaning back against a pillow that was wrapped in her shirt so blood wouldn't get on it.
"I got poutine," Georgia said, she gave a sigh of disappointment at her actions, "And a Hawaiian pizza, I had too."
Sapnap shrugged, "It's fine, you ever watch The Great British Bake Off?"
Georgia nodded, "Sometimes, yeah."
"Cool, cause that's what we're watching for the next two weeks," Sapnap said, "Every night, nonstop, I'm not taking criticism either."
Georgia rolled her eyes, "Trust me, you'll get sick of it fast if you try and marathon it."
"It'll be worth it, just to drive you up the walls," Sapnap said lovingly as she threw a grin to Georgia.
Sapnaps grip on Georgias hand tightened as they placed down their tickets, granted admission into the ice rink. The temperature dropped a couple degrees the second they entered the arena. Georgia, who had decided that wearing a t-shirt and jogging pants to a hockey game would be a good idea, instantly felt the chill. They took a seat at the top row of chairs, climbing over the back and watching as the game started.
"Fuck it's cold in here," Georgia managed bitterly, Sapnap placed a toque on her head, "Thanks."
"I told you to grab a jacket, didn't I?" Sapnap teased, she slung an arm around her girlfriends shoulders.
Georgia rolled her eyes, "I didn't think it would be this cold, or night time," She reached around to undo the bun in her hair.
"They have to keep the ice, ice, Georgia," Sapnap said, raising a hand to run through Georgias hair is it fell past her arm.
Georgia watched the game intently, eyes locked onto the game, "Still, it's summer, they don't do hockey games in summer."
"It's a home game," Sapnap said, she propped one leg over the other as she spoke, "They always do home games."
Georgia rolled her eyes a bit, "I guess, shame it's so boring."
"Hockey is not boring, there might be bloodshed," Sapnap said, Georgia quirked a brow at the notions.
"Bloodshed? In a hockey game? You jest," She said, leaning against Sapnap a little bit.
Sapnap nodded, "I don't know the statistics, but yeah, blood and broken bones happen every now and then."
"That's insane," Was all Georgia could muster at the notion.
She lifted her gaze up a bit to look at the crowd that was standing behind the rows of chairs. She was shocked so many people would pay to watch two groups of guys skate, with sticks. She squinted a bit at some she presumed she knew, orange fur, black outfit, definitely Fundy.
"Is that, is that Fundy?" Georgia asked, pointing at Fundys form as she spoke.
Sapnap looked over to where Georgia was pointing, the fox glancing over a bit, "What the hell is he doing in Canada?" She still waved him over, they could barely catch the recognition on his face before he started on his way over.
He weaved between the crowd skillfully, head low and tail swishing back and forth. He placed a hand on the back rest of either chair his friends sat at, he leaned in between them. He kept his eyes trained on the game as he he spoke, "How come you two are in Canada?"
"Anniversary," Georgia answered without skipping a beat.
"Since when did you two get married?" Fundy questioned, shock clear on his voice.
"Not yet, but like, one year of dating anniversary," Sapnap helpfully supplied, Fundy gave an 'ah' with a nod of his head, "Since when do you come to Canada?"
"Hockey town is every town, and sometimes I wanna watch hockey in person," Fundy said, "Can't censor the blood if I'm watching it happen in person."
"Told you there was blood in hockey," Sapnap said, sticking out her tongue playfully as she did so.
"Well, let's hope there's blood today," Georgia said.
Fundy was quick to point down at the rink, "Check it!"
Georgia glanced to where he was pointing, the sharp edge of someone's skate made it's way up to underneath someone's eye. In an instant red was on the ice and staining their snow white jersey.
"Oh that's cool," Georgia said as the ref rolled out and ferried them away.
Sapnap nudged her with her elbow, "Told you."
Fundy nodded, "Hecka cool, sadly they'll be super careful now."
"No more blood?" Georgia asked.
"No more blood," Sapnap said, "Besides, it gets kind of boring after a couple goals."
Georgia stood up, "So, can we head home?"
"You don't wanna watch the entire bout of carnage? There's still gonna be loads of cross-checking and slashing," Fundy asked, hopping over the back of the seat next to Georgia.
"Not really, I kind of wanna go chill out," Georgia said, stretching her arms over her head as she spoke, "There's a pool."
"Epic, can I drop by and go swimming then?" Fundy asked, teasingly for the most part.
"I don't think they want fur clogging up their business," Sapnap said as she helped Georgia over the back of the chair.
Fundy leaned back on his chair, giving a Cheshire smirk, "You think so?"
Sapnap reached down and ran a hand through the fur on the top of his head, "Totally bro."
"Alright, have fun on your anniversary," Fundy said, looking at the game once more, he waved them off as they left.
"Hurry up and get on your swim shorts already!" Georgia whined impatiently, knocking on the door to the hotel bathroom.
"You take your sweet time putting on a one piece!" Sapnap shouted back before clicking open the door, holding the straps of the top she wore, "I need help," She turned around.
Georgia held a strap in each hand, "You gotta figure out how to do this yourself, or just buy a one piece."
Sapnap rolled her eyes, "Well maybe I just want your help and I can do it myself."
"If you could you would totally do it yourself," Georgia chided as she tied a bow into the straps.
"You have zero proof to back up that statement," Sapnap said, spinning around once more to face Georgia, "I forgot how pretty you look in a swim suit."
"I always look good," Georgia countered with, dragging along Sapnap to the pool side door.
"Totally," Sapnap said, "Like, super good."
"Sapnap," Georgia said sternly, "We are not having sex in the hot tub."
"They have a hot tub?" Sapnap asked giddily, instantly shattering the mood she was oblivious to setting.
Georgia gave a small sigh, a smile on her face, "Yes Sapnap, they have a hot tub."
"Forget swimming then," Sapnap said, refraining from dashing across the deck, "Straight to the hot tub."
Georgia glanced to the hot tub, "There's a lot of other people in there already."
"Fine then, to the regular pool," Sapnap stated, pivoting on her heel before stepping down into the water.
Cold shock washed over her instantly, she was eager to goad Georgia into stepping down despite the fact she was clearly freezing.
"It's the perfect temperature in here!" Sapnap said as Georgia crouched down and slipped in.
"It is not the perfect temperature in here at all!" Georgia snapped, hands raising to rub her arms, "It's fricking cold."
Sapnap grinned a bit as she splashed some water on her girlfriend who gave an offended 'Hey!' before returning the favor. It didn't take long for it to devolve into a water fight, lunging standing on tippy toes to drop a handful of water atop heads. There was shouting and laughing, a couple other people had left, most likely discouraged by the noise.
"Okay, now I'm thoroughly soaked," Georgia said, still grinning with euphoric adrenaline running through her veins. Sapnap swears her grin is the sun in that moment, shining bright in the relaxed lighting of pool corridor. She could go blind if she stared too long but she doesn't mind it much.
Sapnap nodded, "Same, but I'd say it's worth it, plus, the hot tubs empty!" She gestured vaguely to the now deserted hot tub.
"That's because we were getting too rowdy idiot," Georgia said, raising a hand to flick Sapnaps forehead. She hissed a bit, batting away the hand in a fashion all to familiar to that of a cat.
"They don't know the half of rowdy, your hair tie didn't even fall out," Sapnap said, reaching over to tug gently at the bright red bands in Georgias hair. Then rested her hand at bright red earrings resting in Georgias ears, small hoops with a stud of red.
Georgia batted away the hand but still mirrored the motions, resting her hands on the blue studs in Sapnaps ears, "Let's be thankful for that."
Sapnap nodded in response before gliding over to the edge of the pool, Georgia followed.
The water was practically boiling when it hit them, but they descended anyways. Sapnap sat down first, splaying her arms atop the back of edge of the pool. Georgia sat down on her lap, resting her arms atop Sapnaps shoulders as she grinned.
"I thought we weren't having sex in the hot tub," Sapnap said, sliding down her hands to rest on Georgias waist.
"We aren't," She pressed a kiss to Sapnaps lips, "We're just kissing, there is a difference."
Sapnap leaned forward to meet Georgia in another kiss, "Yeah, I guess so."
Georgia gave a laugh, it was prompt and melodic to Sapnap, "Definitely a difference," They met in another kiss and it was nothing more than teeth and tongue as a hand raised to tug out her hair tie, black framing her body and face like she was a prized painting.
She pressed in a little deeper at Georgias waist, her smile was hazy when they pulled away again, "Totally a difference."
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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Blackbird lands in the dead of night, a Christmas miracle.
December 22, 1982, SR -71 # 974 Emergency landing at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota.
The crew coordination between the pilots and RSO (Reconnaissance Systems Officer) was one of the strongest contributions to the SR-71’s outstanding safety record.
This trust and bond between them allowed two separate individuals, sitting in two separate cockpits with two different roles, to perform like one individual.
During the emergency descent, Pilot Smith could not see the runway. This was his last chance to land in zero visibility. RSO McKim said, “Strobes on site.”
Then Smith pulled the throttle to idle and felt the runway!
On the night of December 22, 1982, Lt. Col. Bernie Smith and his RSO Major Eddie McKim experienced a left generator failure while on a mission over Iceland / Canada. They selected Grand Forks AFB in North Dakota as the nearest suitable emergency airfield. During the descent, a primary hydraulic system failed, one of the most severe emergencies on the SR-71. They needed to land immediately.
They dumped fuel to reduce the landing weight as they neared Grand Forks. The weather was deteriorating rapidly. It was now two hundred feet overcast, with one-half-mile visibility and a slippery runway with freezing drizzle. During this emergency, Smith flew the instrument landing system down to minimums. The "Minimums" callout is made at the minimum altitude, and this is the point that the Pilot Flying has to make a decision -- continue landing or bailout. The runway environment was not in sight, and visibility was so bad he could not see anything. The idea of a missed approach was not an option, though, as there were no suitable alternate fields available, and they were too low on fuel.
Smith will never forget Ed’s words while he sat there staring into zero visibility at close ground proximity. “I have the strobes in sight. You’re on the centerline. Keep on coming.” With no visibility around him either, Ed was looking through his viewsight and had picked up the sequence of flashing lights beneath the aircraft. It was this bond and trust that made Smith pull the throttle to idle and sit there until he felt the runway. Miraculously, they landed, blowing out the tires on a sheet of ice. There was only one hangar that would be able to house the crippled Blackbird 605 was just barely big enough to hide the top-secret airplane. Armed Air Force security surrounded the SR-71, protecting it from onlookers, which was standard procedure. On Christmas Eve 1982, Smith and McKim took off for Beale Air Force Base, their home, with a little bonus tail art. “Merry Christmas, Grand Forks”
Eye witness Tom Bennett, “ I was there when it happened. I was a nav in the 46th Bomb Squadron (B52Hs), and we partied with the crew at the club. I believe the pilot’s name was Bernie Smith. The crew lost hydraulics somewhere near Iceland en route back to the States. They wouldn’t make it to Beale, and GFAFB was the last northern tier base open because bad weather precluded them from landing elsewhere. Their departure was on a Saturday, and a large crowd gathered to see it take off. They did an air show for about 10 minutes in the pattern (mostly high-speed runs), and then at the end, they slowed for an approach gear down, then went gear up, hit the burners, and they disappeared into the overcast. A lot of noise, a lot of speed.... “🔥🔥
Four years ago, John Des Portes shared this story with me, and I paraphrased it. One Photo credit goes to Dale Riggs, who was there at Grand Forks and took these two photographs. Second photo credit to Don Hinton who took a picture of the tail art I expanded, and re-took the picture ~ Linda Sheffield
@Habubrats71 via X
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marukrawler · 2 years
Dryoid's implied gain of sentience always gets me on edge. Bc it makes me think how the Mechanical Bakugans could've been used for good, they could've made robotic friends as the data Bakugans in Interspace were virtual buddies. Yet the way they were used was inhumane invasion, and we only get a chance to see one or two show that they were more than heartless/mindless machines as they are on the brink of final destruction. They may have been seen as abominations and used as leaving weapons and feeding the Vexos' hubris, but it's not like they were ever shown to be granted free will over their actions.
i'd say the digital clone bakugan differs from mechanical bakugan because the former are simply digital clones copied from already existing living bakugan and they only exist inside interspace, whereas mechanical bakugan, although also forged in the image of living bakugan, were created through torture and experimentation to mimic their counterparts as closely as possible and behave less like machines and more like real bakugan, essentially breathing life into machinery and calling it a bakugan. they're almost the same but digital clone bakugan are obviously a far more humane alternative to real bakugan and aren't really on the same level as mechanical bakugan.
the show expressed multiple times in season 2 that the idea of building a bakugan was essentially to play god. the good guys are constantly condemning the mere existence of mechanical bakugan and helios' transformation into a cyborg is also heavily frowned upon by drago and apollonir. to enhance yourself mechanically is to throw away your pride as a bakugan and to create bakugan from (vestal) hands is, as oberus puts it, an act of godlessness. mechanical bakugan exist to showcase how vestal science has simply gone too far, and how the ambitions of the people involved with mechanical bakugan tend to circle around becoming a god (zenoheld and spectra.)
seems like that was all the show was going for when it came to mechanical bakugan so while it's an interesting topic to dive into, i don't think the show was going anywhere by showing dryoid growing stronger through hydron's determination, sadly. their opinion on the matter was set in stone, i guess.
although, the bakugan evo tournament manga brings a different angle because it tells the story of a mechanical bakugan with sentience that isn't accepted by the other bakugan because "it's not real." (which is understandable, given how the characters saw mechanical bakugan as either tools or a severe crime against nature.)
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here, the bakugan don't really seem to care as much about whether chamelia is mechanical or organic, but whether it's committing good or evil deeds.
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even though the comic takes place in season 1, it was released right before season 3 aired in canada and the us, meaning the comic writers might have thought the idea of sentient mechanical bakugan from season 2 (dryoid?) was worth exploring.
funnily enough, i would say bakugan traps are straddling the fence of being real and yet artificial, because apparently they're from extinct bakugan species but vestal science brought them back to life so?? bakugan zombies??
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xavierck · 2 years
Let’s make a horrible TTRPG setting
Been absorbing way too much post apocalyptic and TTRPG stuff lately, so of course I'm working on a setting:
Named after the huge swaths of land which have been blasted by nuclear fire, Glasslands is a setting in which people have spent generations building and customizing family- and community-owned mechanical hardsuits.
Hardsuits are not susceptible to radiation or cosmic rays because they're heavily shielded and rely mainly on purely mechanical systems rather than electronics to move the limbs and equipment. Most hardsuits use high pressure hydraulics pumped by their engines, and use complex gearboxes and pumping mechanisms similar to a car's power steering to drive them.
Over many generations of customization, repair, and new users, the hardsuits gain a sort of familial identity which sets each one apart from any other. Every hardsuit looks different, has different features, and is designed to fit different people.
Hardsuits are often powered by petroleum-based fuels, though some have been converted to work on alcohol, coal, or even burning wood. Many hardsuits use crude petroleum, and are often visible from long distances because of their exhaust columns. Larger mechanical mecha-type machines can use nuclear or steam power depending on who is running them, and each one is completely unique from all the rest.
The Glasslands
The glasslands themselves are huge swaths of land which have been glassed by atmospheric nuclear detonations, turning large areas into radioactive deadzones that look similar to wide expanses of obsidian or fields of cooled lava. Nothing grows in the glasslands, and they're extremely dangerous to traverse because they're highly irradiated and leave you visible for miles.
When traversing the glasslands, most groups will have spotters on designated watch rotations who ride a hardsuit and keep their eyes peeled in all directions. Because even the best hardsuit has extremely limited, tank-like visibility, it's important for their drivers to have spotters who can call out potential threats or obstacles that may not be visible through the tiny slot, aperture, or periscope available to them.
When traveling in groups, there are never enough hardsuits for more than one or two people, so anyone not in a hardsuit is carried in lead-lined tents on trailers, or sometimes in human-sized bags which hang off the outside of hardsuits. Whole families are sometimes carried slung in leaden bags which hang off a hardsuit like saddlebags on a horse.
The lead lined bodybags that hold a driver's companions are usually equipped with small interior lights, attached water reserves, waste catchers, and various air filtration systems. With enough rations, a person can live for a week or two in a bodybag, though that type of span is usually only for long-distance travel. Before exiting a bodybag, you should always check your external Geiger counter to make sure you're not going to turn into soup.
Carbon Forests
Stands of trees or tall buildings directly under the air bursts of atmospheric nuclear detonations result in hazardous areas called carbon forests. Because the energy from the blast is going straight down, perfectly vertical structures remain standing even in completely carbonized form, and are a great place to ambush or be ambushed.
Carbon forests are especially common along the west coast of the continental US and Canada where chains of nuclear detonations turned the redwoods and sierras into raging firestorms that lasted months. Areas like Los Angeles and the farmlands of the California Central Valley alternate between glasslands and carbon forests where population centers and huge farm communities were obliterated.
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 23
Aperçu of the Week:
"Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway. Stupidity is the same. And that's why life is hard."
(Jeremy Goldberg, 1958 born English historian at the University of York)
Bad News of the Week - A selection because I could not decide:
The right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland / AfD) comes in at 18% in polls for the first time, putting it in second place after the Conservatives and ahead of the Social Democrats. 65% of AfD voters considered immigration to be the biggest current problem - excuse me?1? Germany needs 500,000 migrants - every year. Otherwise our over-aged society will collapse, where no one wants to work at the garbage collection. The alternative? More children of right-wingers? Please don't...
The dam burst, whatever its cause, on the Dnipro River in the southern Ukrainian region of Kherson, is a disaster of inconceivable proportions. Huge masses of water have been pouring out of the destroyed Kakhovka dam since Tuesday, serious environmental destruction is occurring, tens of thousands have to be evacuated, and the regional supply of electricity and drinking water is limited. The suffering adds a new dimension to this war.
I have a high respect for police officers - my stepfather is (was) one. But the East German police are, unfortunately, largely right-wing. That's why a few days ago in Leipzig there were violent riots with the left, who took to the streets after a court ruling against their symbolic figure Lina E. (convicted of attacking right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis). A demonstration that was initially authorized but then withdrawn. According to independent media reports, the escalation was sought by the police and not by the protesters.
An unprecedented scale of wildfires in Canada is not only destroying millions of acres of nature, but affecting people thousands of miles away. In New York City, the sky is orange and the population is told to stay indoors as breathing outside is difficult even for healthy people. In Greenland and Iceland, too, air quality is dropping noticeably, and this weekend the smoke will reach even northern Europe. And no one knows what the situation is like in Siberia right now, where there is equally severe drought.
Small and medium-sized businesses in the European Union are becoming increasingly dependent on the "marketplace" offerings of Amazon, the online retailer that dominates by a wide margin. The analysis of the Dutch think tank Somo, which will be published in a few days, comes to a simple conclusion: effective antitrust proceedings would have to lead to a break-up. Otherwise, healthy competition would fall by the wayside.
Good News of the Week - A selection because I could not decide:
The European Court of Justice has ruled: Poland's judicial reform, which effectively abolishes the independence of the judiciary, violates EU law. Therefore, billions of EU funds remain frozen - and democratic values defended.
Brazil unveils an ambitious plan to combat deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Already since Lula da Silva took office, the destruction - almost all of it illegal - of one of the world's most important ecosystems has reportedly already fallen by a third.
Former U.S. President Trump has been indicted again. The judiciary accuses him of 37 counts surrounding the classified documents he unlawfully took from the White House. Theoretically, he can be punished with up to ten years in prison in this regard. It's the first federal indictment of an ex-president. And that's a good thing: no one is above the law. That goes for Boris "The haircut" Johnson, too, by the way.
The EU has finally come to a so-called asylum compromise. Even though many aspects of this compromise - such as the treatment of unaccompanied minors from so-called "safe countries of origin," including Kosovo, for example - upset me because of its inhumane harshness, it is better than nothing. Because until now, there was simply no Europe-wide mechanism at all, and the countries at the EU's external borders were simply left to fend for themselves.
"Operation Hope" lived up to its name: after forty days, four children who had gone missing after the crash of a small plane were found by soldiers in the Colombian jungle. They had survived with the help of indigenous people.
Young adults from Germany and France are to travel and get to know their respective neighboring countries in order to strengthen relations between the two countries. To this end, the transport ministers of Germany and France have launched the Franco-German Friendship Pass - 60,000 can travel free of charge for a month.
Personal happy moment of the week:
As a foreigner, my wife regularly has to prove her residence status to various official bodies, including the bank. Last week it was time again. On this occasion, her customer advisor noticed that she has been married to a German since the end of December 2022 - namely to me. Therefore, she was not only warmly congratulated, but also received a gift: a high-quality set of barbecue tools. It was a great pleasure to receive congratulations again. A good 15 months after the wedding.
I couldn't care less...
...that now former US Vice President Mike Pence has also thrown his hat into the ring. Or the ex-governor of New Jersey Chris Christie. Because all observers agree on one thing: the more internal competition there is among the Republicans for the U.S. presidential candidacy, the better for Donald Trump. And the worse for the whole world.
As I write this...
... I'm amazed: The plant fruit Okra is one of the oldest vegetables in the world, cultivated in the highlands of Abyssinia more than 4,000 years ago. The annual harvest yields over 10 million tons - and I first heard about it in a crossword puzzle.
Post Scriptum
On June 5, 1972, World Environment Day was established. Since then, every year on this date, there are different events around the world that aim to raise people's ecological awareness. A total of around 150 countries participate in this day of action. In Germany, this year's motto is "Strengthen nature - protect the climate". Never heard about it? Maybe that's the problem...
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anoyms · 1 month
Brass Kapur Burners Have Always Been Popular: Features, Benefits, and Gift Ideas
Features Brass Kapur Burner:-
Carefully made to elevate your fragrant experience, the Brass Kapur Burner (or Kapur Dani or Dhoop Stand) is a work of art. It is long-lasting and made from high-quality brass. The burner serves its purpose and also serves as an elegant accent piece because to its detailed design. Because of its large size and solid foundation, it can burn for a long period without tipping over. Its classic vintage style is the perfect addition to any contemporary minimalist or modern home because of its conventional yet timeless appearance.
Benefits of Using Brass Kapur Burner:-
1. Makes the aromatic experience better-
Improving your senses with scent is a key feature of the Brass Kapur Burner. The kapur or dhoop will burn continuously because brass warms evenly. As it burns slowly, it creates an even scent that permeates your home, creating a relaxing atmosphere and reducing stress levels.
2.Health Benefits-
A brass kapur burner can be used for a variety of medicinal purposes, including burning kapur or dhoop. Because of its antibacterial characteristics, kapur aids in air purification by removing germs and viruses. In regions where diseases can spread through the air, or during flu season, this can be especially helpful. Better sleep, less anxiety, and enhanced mental health are all possible outcomes of inhaling the soothing aroma.
3.Aesthetic appeal-
The Brass Kapur Burner isn't only practical it also improves the look of your house. It will be the center of attention in any room thanks to its vintage style and elaborate designs. It adds beauty and warmth to every room it decorates, whether it's a fireplace, shelves, or table.
4.Eco-Friendly option-
The Brass Kapur Burner offers a more sustainable alternative to the artificial incense burners commonly found nowadays. Because it can be recycled, brass is a great option for those who are concerned about the environment. In addition, you can avoid bringing toxic chemicals into your home by burning natural kapur and dhoop instead of incense sticks.
Cultural and spiritual significance:-
Spiritual significance is associated with the Brass Kapur Burner in many cultures. Its cleansing and motivating properties make it a common component in ceremonial and ritual settings. Bringing a feeling of spiritual harmony and well-being into your house through the use of a brass kapur burner may help you in connecting with these ancient traditions.
Versatility and gift ideas:-
The Brass Kapur Burner is an excellent choice for any house because of its adaptability. Any space in your house, from the living room to the bedroom to the workplace, will benefit from its calming and elegant presence. Its adaptability stems from the fact that its classic style works with a wide range of decor themes.
You can't go wrong with the Brass Kapur Burner as a present for loved ones. It would be a considerate present for individuals who value traditional and decorative things due to its functional advantages and charming vintage appearance. Not only does it brighten up the house, but it also brings good energy and makes people feel better, making it an ideal housewarming present. A Brass Kapur Burner would be a wonderful present for anyone on your list who loves antiques, whether they are close friends, relatives, or acquaintances.
Global service:-
Our excellent Brass Kapur Burners are available to consumers worldwide, and we are happy to offer them. We can ship our wares to your house in London, Canada, the USA, or anywhere else in the world. To guarantee that our burners arrive in perfect condition, we wrap them with extreme care. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable purchasing experience, our customer care team is available 24/7 to respond to any questions or concerns you may have.
 The Brass Kapur Burner, Kapur Dani (also known as dhoop stand), or Kapur is a beautiful and multipurpose room accessory. Anyone seeking to elevate their fragrant experience and infuse their environment with a hint of vintage charm should definitely consider purchasing this item due to its many features and benefits. Customers from all around the globe, including those in London, Canada, and the USA, can buy it, and it is sure to be a welcome addition to any housewarming celebration.
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kaiba-cave · 1 month
Since I’ve been doing some ancestry stuff and my mom gave me a bunch of books that my Nannie had filled out with some of her family history, I’ve found out a few cool things.
My Nannie’s grandfather on her mom’s side (so my great-great-grandfather, I think) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was in WWI but was discharged when he lost his leg. He was “not a nice man” (no other info on that) whose first wife died, so he remarried. He eventually separated from that wife (NOT divorced, only separated, even though there was a custody agreement and everything), and SHE got custody of all the kids, including the ones that he had with his first wife. And despite technically being my Nannie’s step-grandmother, she’s who my Nannie remembered more as her actual grandma, and who she also called Nannie.
I’d have to check to remember which relative it was, but someone back in my Nannie’s family tree was apparently killed when a boulder fell through their house? Also not much info on that. It literally just said a boulder crashed through the house, lmao.
Another relative I believe of my Pa’s went missing along with his whole family, never to be seen again. But they believed that they probably all died in a train crash that killed a bunch of people. Not sure why they weren’t sure, I guess no one knew for sure if they were on the train but for whatever reason seemed to think so. No bodies ever found though.
My Nannie’s grandfather on her dad’s side died when he was only like 46 years old. His wife was only 35, and she remarried a guy like ten years younger than her.
Another relative (I think it was a great great aunt) was born in Canada when it was still just a British colony, two or three years before it became the Dominion of Canada.
And I knew this before I started looking this stuff up but still find it interesting. My Nannie didn’t even meet her dad until she was four or five years old because he was fighting in WWII. And her name, Patricia, came from the name of the ship he was stationed on.
And besides the random grandpa that was born in Argentina, most of the relatives are from England, Ireland, and Spain so far, which I expected. I’ve never bothered with those DNA tests because I basically know it’s gonna be all in those areas pfft. Unless my dad’s side of the family ends up being more interesting than I think, but I haven’t looked much at his yet.
It’s all so cool. I don’t know why but the thing I find most fascinating is knowing that like, just a few generations ago everyone in my family was English or Irish or whatever, and decided to come to Canada, so now I’m Canadian. Instead of staying in England or wherever and some alternate universe version of me being born as a British person lmaoooo.
Anyway. I’m definitely gonna pay for at least another month of Ancestry and see what I find. It’s so easy to get lost in it.
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The Truth Is Too Boring
The truth is that governing is a mixture of boring details and long hours - it essentially involves a lot of deal making. The truth is too boring. To engage the voting public in the political system those charged with the task make up a bunch of contentious stories. They craft a narrative where a group of people are to blame for many of the frustrations that the dominant cohort experience in their lives. Exaggeration is the order of the day when it comes to pinning the tail on the donkey or scapegoat. Emotive issues are called upon to rile up sections of the electorate. Gay people or the more collectively referred LGBTQIA are often in the crosshairs of the conservative minded parties. Gender identity and sexual preference are Rubicon’s not to be crossed in the minds of many. Therefore, these folk get the blame morally and, also, economically because diversity costs money according to the straight and narrow batting for the social conservatives. This all appeals to the very un-Christian like hardline Christian groups who maintain an exclusive door policy as to who gets into their idea of heaven. Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com
Confabulation, Lies & Mistruths
The stories inflaming political opponents in the US and elsewhere have grown legs of their own thanks to fear mongers like Fox News. Polarization is so extreme now everybody has their own media networks to watch and social media platforms to share on. Diversity is not only on the nose for those on the right but any diversity of views is too. Getting folks riled up is the click baiting policies of all media shows and channels. Rupert Murdoch told the court in Fox New’s recent libellous loss for $700 million that he was neither red nor blue but motivated by green, as in greenbacks. This was both true and false, as Murdoch is pandering to the right wing audience for his advertising revenue. The free speech first amendment malarkey means that there are no standards of reporting in the American media, especially in the political sphere. Donald Trump can continue to spout The Big Lie despite numerous judicial and private enquiries finding no evidence for substantial voter or election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. This is another manufactured narrative employed by the GOP in their fund raising and political campaigns. Trump portrays himself as this celebrated victim in direct contradiction of what really happened – he lost fair and square. Polarization A Product Of Political Grievance Narratives The presentation of politics in America is so far from the reality of governing that it bears no resemblance to anything like the facts of the matter. The facts have gone out the window and we are left with this crazy alternate universe where up is down and black is white. A considerable number of Americans obviously love this chaotic piss and wind. Hot air is the Trump fare and he pumps it out on the hour day after day. President Joe Biden is so boring in comparison and the celebrity driven population want more Trump drama to fill their f***** up lives with entertainment. I mean you have a country where mass murdering children via gun violence committed at schools is almost a daily occurrence. Still, the nation’s elected representatives are unwilling or unable to do anything to stop it. Health in the US is run on a for profit basis with hospitals and medical insurance at the mercy of rapacious pharmaceutical corporations and private equity funds. They tell this neoliberal story about the market being more efficient but the cost of medicine in the US is more expensive than anywhere else by miles. Canada, the UK, and Australia provide far better health care at minimal cost to the user. Higher education in America costs an arm and a leg, as student loans are around $1.7 trillion. “The impact is broad. About 12% of the US population has student loans, over 43 million Americans hold a collective $1.7tn in debt. The youngest borrowers have just graduated from college and some of the oldest have retired with student loans. Many parents who took out loans to pay for their children’s education are also still burdened by debt.” - (https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/sep/06/us-student-loan-repayment-start-impact-debt) This idea that you can make money out of every aspect of life – the financialization of all things- is the burden that weighs so heavily on so many ordinary Americans. The GOP push this unfettered market BS to the detriment of so many lives. What kind of country makes getting medical care so expensive that it frequently bankrupts ordinary working Americans! Photo by Ogo Johnson on Pexels.com The racist nature of modern America was exposed during the Covid pandemic crisis. Nearly a million Americans died on Trump’s watch in the wealthiest nation on the planet. A large number of these folk were African Americans, as a racist white medical edifice failed those on the fringes of society. Black Americans have been locked out of the professions by institutional racism in education and within the medical bodies and boards. “Dr. Uche Blackstock: I'm going to say that many more barriers should have fallen since our mom graduated from medical school. Only about 6 percent of physicians are Black; 3 percent are Black women. So, we still are quite rare, and we think about, why it is that the case is, right, when we know that we are very able and competent to do this work? And so it's a tremendous amount of work needs to be done. I think, if our mother were still here, I think she would very much agree, and still be still be working on all of the same efforts that we are.” - (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/twin-doctors-combat-systemic-racism-and-lack-of-access-in-healthcare) This is not because African Americans don’t work hard enough or aren’t smart enough, it is because of structural barriers erected to limit their access to opportunity. Photo by CARLOSCRUZ ARTEGRAFIA on Pexels.com Dealing The Dirt On Diversity Still, we are hearing the GOP led narrative about diversity programs favouring underserving black people at the expense of whites. The confabulation and connivance of the conservative media, like Fox News, in promoting lies and distortions of the truth is paramount here. SCOTUS have ruled against diversity entrance programs for universities. This is especially galling when you consider that Justice Clarence Thomas was a beneficiary of such programs. Billionaires like Harlan Crow seem to have bought Thomas, as the evidence published by ProPublica indicates. “Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's name is once again in the headlines with Texas real estate magnate Harlan Crow, this time over a ProPublica investigation that found Crow paid private boarding school tuition for Thomas's grandnephew. Previous reporting by ProPublica in the last month has revealed a real estate deal and years of luxury travel that Clarence Thomas accepted but failed to disclose from Crow. “ - (https://www.npr.org/2023/05/04/1174083586/a-look-at-harlan-crow-the-billionaire-central-in-clarence-thomas-controversies) Selling out your skin and selling out your identity can be quite lucrative in the United States. U.S. President Donald Trump at the 101st by U.S. Department of Agriculture is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0 The truth is too boring to tell in the political sphere, apparently. We are much more likely to engage if we are told a story. Made up narratives about grievance and injustice are much more juicy to spin. The immigrants are pouring into the country and poisoning the bloodstream of the nation. What a load of rubbish! Blaming the foreigners is an oldie but a goody. Focusing voter hate on those lower down on the wealth ladder like refugees and immigrants is smart politics. Directing the blame upon those not in any position to fight back appeals to the cowardly sensibilities of cheap bullies. Build a wall. Trump had 4 years last term to build that wall and didn’t, why? Because he is a BS merchant and doesn’t really want solutions. He wants the imaginary problems to always be there. Dictators stage manage crises to keep the masses on edge and a police state on red alert. Look at Putin’s Russia for a view into a Trump second term. Do you really think that Trump will ever relinquish power after what happened on January 6th  if elected? The bankers and money men will vote for Trump because they want lower taxes and potentially greater profitability. Big business backed Hitler in Germany in the 1930’s. Americans are endlessly encouraged to buy stuff. Will they buy the GOP crap about wokeness and liberal lefties damaging the fabric of the nation? Biden has brought America back from the inflationary economic shores of recession and restored market confidence. He might be boring but he has steered the nation toward better times. Will America really embrace the chaos of Trump once again? I doubt it. Politics feeds on stories and fear mongering only works for so long before the banality of reality stands up. Bill Clinton famously said, “it’s the economy, stupid.” Photo by Alexas Fotos on Pexels.com The orange Jesus with his fake tan painted on looks like an illustration from a comic book. Electing a cartoon character for president is not going to do anyone any favours. Has America so lost contact with reality that it will install a dangerous buffoon. The Germans thought Adolf Hitler was a bit of a joke in the early 1930’s and those in the establishment thought that they would be able to control him. Plenty of domestic violence victims were attracted to their sexual partners for their ability to make them laugh – they soon experienced the other side of that charming characteristic. The political system may seem like a circus but a clown is not the best candidate for president. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©MidasWord Read the full article
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nickgerlich · 1 year
To London And Beyond
It goes without saying that soccer—or as the rest of the world knows it, football—is indeed the most prominent global sport. Even if it hasn’t exactly gained the same level of popularity here as other sports, it is played nonetheless, and slowly gaining ground.
But when we look at other sports, we see that they become regional at best. Hockey, for example, is primarily the domain of nations in colder climes, although it is played in 74 nations. Baseball is played in 75 nations, but the US gets the lion’s share of attention. Basketball comes in with an impressive presence, with 200 national teams around the world, but it is the NBA here that is in the global spotlight.
And then there is American football, hands down the most popular sport in the US. It is played in 80 nations, but only Canada and Australia—with their own distinct variety—come close to the cultural importance we give it here. Basically, American football is a North American sport, and that’s only counting the US and Canada.
So what’s a sport to do? Promote itself, and hope to penetrate new markets, that’s what. And yesterday the NFL and ESPN did just that. The Jaguars-Falcons match-up was played at Wembley Stadium before a packed house.
Forty-five regular-season games have been played in other nations through the last century, but in recent years there has been a decided effort to focus on England and Germany. This season, there are three games slated for London, and two for Frankfurt.
Obviously, the NFL hopes to gain more interest abroad, and not just from ex-pats. Who knows, maybe someday an expansion team might find itself located across the pond. But it was what ESPN (owned by Disney) did with the broadcast rights that piqued my curiosity yesterday, because they reached to a different market segment: young people.
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While ESPN+ aired the game in standard television format, Disney+ simulcast the game animated a la Toy Story. I tuned in while working at home, and it was executed flawlessly.
The alternate reality broadcast showed the game as it was being played in real time, but looked, felt, and sounded as if we were in the homeland of Andy from Toy Story. Make that Andy’s room. Every aspect of the video stream was authentic, from the announcers to replays. Better yet, they aired numerous sidebars that involved football trivia and other items designed to lure younger viewers. And, just like when watching the real game, there were pre-recorded segments featuring interviews and other related content.
You know the drill. If you can get a customer to latch onto you while they are young, there’s a strong likelihood of them becoming a lifetime customer. Sweetening the deal with a Toy Story theme is definitely something younger adults can relate to. I mean, who hasn’t seen Toy Story or its numerous derivatives?
Declining viewership of pro sports in general has become a topic of great concern, and ESPN/Disney must be commended for taking the bull by the horns. Kudos also to the NFL for its own approach to building a fanbase across international borders. Ultimately, the goal of marketing is to increase sales. Always. It’s just that the NFL is trying to do it by developing new global markets, while ESPN/Disney is approaching it by going after a different demographic. Either way, the product remains the same: American football.
My primary concern is that if the idea of sugar-coating a product is emulated by others, it can set a bad precedent. Will younger viewers transition to the traditional broadcast realm, or will they only watch it in animated form? Yesterday’s game was actually the second animated sports game on TV, the other being a hockey game last spring. If broadcasters have to produce alternative versions of everything they air, it could become an expensive proposition.
Also related: Disney is already looking into other animated programs it could produce, all designed with the younger viewer in mind.Still, this reminds me of my youth, when candy cigarettes and kiddie cocktails were what adults gave the children.
The implicit hope among tobacco and alcohol companies was that these child-friendly substitutes would one day lead to adult adoption. I realize that an animated football game is not exactly the same in comparison, but I think you understand my reservations. What if younger viewers simply do not graduate?
Otherwise, I was entertained by yesterday’s game, and I did not grow up with Toy Story. My kids did, so by virtue of that, I am very familiar. And, given that I am not a big football fan to begin with (the NFL missed the boat with me years ago), I actually watched a game. That’s saying a lot for a person who typically only watches one game a year, that being the Super Bowl, and only because of the ads.
The Jaguars won the game, but the both the NFL and ESPN/Disney scored a big W. Game well-played on all levels.
Dr “He’s Going Deep” Gerlich
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gracejhon22 · 1 year
A Canadian Guide to Creating Your Dream Kitchen with IKEA
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The kitchen is the centre of any house, where culinary magic happens, laughter fills the air, and memories are made. If you're thinking about remodelling your kitchen, go no further than IKEA. IKEA, known for its inventive designs, affordability, and practicality, has a wealth of options for transforming your kitchen into a refuge of style and usefulness. We'll look at the delights of IKEA kitchens, the convenience of the IKEA Kitchen Planner in Canada, and the elegance of IKEA kitchen cabinets in this blog, all while assisting you in finding the appropriate kitchen cabinets near you.
The IKEA Kitchen Experience Is Unveiled
IKEA kitchen has become a household name for furniture and home design for many years. Their kitchen offerings are no different. IKEA offers a seamless experience when it comes to designing your dream kitchen, blending aesthetic appeal with functionality. Whether you're a great chef, a home cook, or a microwave magician, the options are tailored to your specific requirements.
How to Use the IKEA Kitchen Planner in Canada
The IKEA Kitchen Planner is a virtual design paradise. It's an online application that allows you to design your own kitchen renovation. This planner helps you to envision your ideas before making any commitments, from layout to cabinets, countertops to lighting. And, yes, it is accessible in Canada as well!
IKEA Kitchen Cabinets: Beauty and Function
IKEA kitchen cabinet choices are superior to the competition. IKEA kitchen cabinets canada have achieved enormous appeal in Canada due to their beauty and quality. These cabinets are more than simply storage; they represent the soul of your kitchen's personality. IKEA kitchen cabinets in Canada include a wide range of styles, finishes, and functionality to suit every taste and preference.
Investigating Kitchen Cabinets Near You
While the internet has offered up a plethora of alternatives, there's something comfortable about personally investigating options, especially when it comes to your kitchen. "Are there kitchen cabinets near me?" you may think. You can be confident that IKEA stores are strategically positioned throughout Canada, ensuring that you're never too far away from the kitchen of your dreams. When you walk into an IKEA shop, you're met by a world of inspiration that goes beyond your screen.
Kitchen Cabinet Doors' Allure
They believe the devil is in the details. The allure of kitchen cabinets is frequently found in the doors. IKEA is well aware of this. Their kitchen cabinet doors come in a variety of styles, ranging from sleek and modern to rustic and lovely. You have the option to design a kitchen style that is completely yours by mixing and matching cabinet frames and doors.
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The Advantage of IKEA Cabinets
The philosophy of IKEA is founded on the principles of affordability and sustainability. This philosophy extends to their cabinets. IKEA cabinets are modular in design, making installation a pleasure. Because of their commitment to sustainability, the materials used are eco-friendly, ensuring that your dream kitchen is as eco-conscious as it is beautiful.
Bringing Your IKEA Kitchen to Life: From Concept to Reality
Your adventure does not end with a single click on the IKEA Kitchen Planner canada. This is only the beginning. After using the online tool to design your ideal kitchen, you may visit an IKEA store to finalize your selections, consult with professionals, and make the purchase. With IKEA's assistance and support throughout the process, the move from vision to reality is smoother than ever.
The Ideal Combination: Personalization and IKEA
Some people are concerned that an IKEA kitchen will lack a personal touch, but this couldn't be further from the truth. The versatility of IKEA's offers allows you to completely customize your kitchen. Your kitchen cabinet will be a reflection of you, whether you choose cabinet handles, lighting fixtures, or a colour palette.
In conclusion, IKEA is a shining example of brilliance when it comes to constructing a kitchen that is the perfect balance of style, utility, and cost. From the user-friendly IKEA Kitchen Planner in Canada to the huge range of IKEA kitchen cabinets, this Scandinavian design heaven has something for everyone. So, if you're unsure how to design your kitchen, don't be afraid to explore the world of IKEA kitchens - your dream cooking environment is only a few clicks away.
Remember to precisely measure your space before using the IKEA Kitchen Planner to guarantee that your design fits exactly with the size of your kitchen. Have fun designing!
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Storm impacts rail services between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
While New Brunswick didn’t see any of the weather or damage from this weekend’s storm, impacts from Nova Scotia are being felt in the neighbouring province.
With significant damage closing a section of CN Rail between Moncton and Halifax, officials say it’s just too early to say when services will resume.
In a statement to CTV News, CN Rail said in part that, “As of Monday morning, all CN tracks are passable in Nova Scotia except for a significant washout that occurred just south of Truro.”
“CN crews have already restored much of the damaged infrastructure, but some repairs will be delayed until the floodwaters recede,” the company added.
The unexpected closure has temporarily cut off the Port of Halifax’s only rail link.
“We are a rail-based port. Over 60 per cent of the cargo that moves through Halifax moves via rail,” said Lane Farguson, the communications and marketing director for the Port of Halifax.
However, what this closure means moving forward is still up in the air.
“Right now, it’s really too early to say just how big the impact is going to be because it’s too early to say how long it’s going to take to fix the line,” he said.
“I know that CN is doing everything that they can to assess the situation and then make those repairs when it’s safe to do so. Supply chains do have a little bit of flexibility to deal with minor bumps and that kind of thing and we’ve seen that before. A storm can blow in through Halifax and put a pause on things for two to three days and cargo backs up a little bit and then we are able to work quickly to move it through and get things back to the levels that we like and we need to be at.”
In the meantime, Farguson says they are working closely with their partners and taking steps in the short-term to manage the situation the best they can, including finding ways to maximize yard space to handle the additional containers.
“The terminal operator can stack them up a little bit higher if it’s safe to do so and we can also take some of the empties out of the yard and move them into strategic areas along the seaport and we’ve seen that before through other supply chain disruptions,” he said.
VIA Rail has also been forced to make adjustments. Its ocean route stops fully in Moncton for the foreseeable future instead of continuing through to Halifax.
In a statement to CTV News, VIA Rail Canada said that right now they are “waiting on CN to provide an estimation as to when tracks will be passable.”
However, with services stopping a province too soon, some passengers are left frustrated.
“I think that in the future, I probably will not take VIA Rail ever again,” said Troy Ivy, who arrived in Moncton on Monday around 5:30 p.m.
After arrival, he says that he was told that he’s on his own to get to his final destination.
“I’m not really happy with the Crown corporation and the lack of service, but the employees were super, they made the trip worth while and thank goodness for them,” he said. “Thank goodness for my mom and for other people, I feel bad for them because it’s unfortunate and it’s not right.”
VIA Rail did say on their website and confirmed in a statement to CTV News that “no alternative transportation will be provided and impacted passengers are being contacted directly to inform them of the situation.”
Due to the circumstances, Harry Watson has been travelling across Canada for the last five weeks by train and is now hoping that a bus will take him to the end of his journey.
“I’m so close to the end that I don’t want to tarnish that with getting really stressed and sort of angry at it all because it’s a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things,” he said while still in transit to Moncton on Monday.
His trip started in Vancouver and is expected to wrap up in Nova Scotia, but he says this has been one of the only obstacles.
“VIA Rail has been excellent. They’ve been really good in terms of letting us know about cancellations and delays, so I couldn’t have asked for anything more from them,” he said, not regretting his decision to see Canada from a train window.
He added that this bump in the road did give him a chance to experience true Maritime hospitality.
“I sent a message into the Moncton Facebook community chat, just asking if anyone could help us out, that had a spare room or anything like that and the response that we got was amazing. Everyone was so friendly and outgoing and wanted to help us out,” he said.
As work continues for CN Rail, officials say that the track is being inspected to ensure safety of all rail traffic and movement in the future.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/uZUwg6f
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