#because it looks high quality and the costumes look good
artemismatchalatte · 2 years
I know it’s been a few days since I posted about this but I’m still kind of mad about the inaccuracies about the new Emily Bronte movie (2022). I know it’s “an alternative take” but so many people won’t get that and think it’s true. 
I have researched about the Brontë's, especially Anne Bronte for the grad level paper I’m writing. So I know most of they’re going to claim in the movie isn’t true. Basically, Anne is going to be overshadowed by one of her sisters again. But in such an offensive way because they take the love of Anne’s life away from her (there’s evidence for this!!) and gives him to Emily instead (why?). Emily can be an empowered and powerful woman without an obvious love interest- I don’t understand why they are trying to make her more conventional than she actually was. 
So in light of all that, I started writing an Anne Bronte/Bronte siblings novel on top of all the other things I’m already working on because I don’t know how to limit myself when it comes to writing projects (this will be the fifth I pick up that I’m currently working on). That movie concept just pissed me off so much. And I did the research already so- why not?
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velvetjune · 4 months
I wish I liked the silent hill 2 remake more from everything in the trailers, but at least there’s the original
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noneorother · 6 months
I broke down the hilarious amount of "Aziraphale tartans" so you don't have to.
I've been slowly going bonkers collecting the amount of times members of the cast/creators and fans of Good Omens over the years have referred to various things as "Aziraphale's tartan". Even on merchandise, I've seen wildly varying opinons about what pattern Aziraphale's tartan actually is. Your resident graphic designer has decided to sit down and just do the damned thing*. Exhibit A) Tartan Origin
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Sarah Arnett posted this image to her instagram in 2019, having created "Heaven's dress tartan for the character Aziraphale". However, the only time I've actually seen this pattern used in good omens is in the season 2 announcement poster made by Mickey, and maybe on a pair of socks Aziraphale wears in season 1, (but I'm not convinced).
So here's what that looks like. Note I've rotated the original pattern 90 degrees clockwise in my final pattern (far right) for reasons that will become clear shortly.
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Exhibit B) Aziraphale's Bowtie, Thermos, Notebook etc.
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This is the tartan that Aziraphale actually wears for most of seasons 1 & 2.** It's a recoloured version of the Exhibit A), and has been rotated 90 degrees on it's bowtie application so that the darker bars run vertical, and not horizontal. The problem is, while the direction of the pattern on his accessories doesn't change, it does on the bowtie. You can see examples of the tartan going right OR left in both season 1 and 2.
Exhibit C) Aziraphale's Brown Bowtie...
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This Tartan isn't just a trick of the light. For the first park bench scene in season 1, Aziraphale is wearing a version of his regular bowtie, recoloured in brown and rotated 90 degrees, so that it fits with the direction of the original Exhibit A) Tartan, but not with the direction of the tartan on his Exhibit B) regular bowties. This bowtie was made special, from cloth cut in the opposite direction.
Exhibit D) Aziraphale's Magical Cravat!
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Now this is where it starts to get interesting! I haven't seen many people discuss Aziraphale's magician disguise from season 1, but his cravat actually has both Exhibit B) and Exhibit C) tartans to create a contrasting double sided tartan: the outward facing brown, and the hidden, inward facing blue (according to costumer, because of lack of enough brown).
Exhibit E) Saraqael's and Muriel's Tartan
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Don't be fooled, Saraqael's and Muriel's tartan may look similar in colour to Aziraphale's, but when you pick it apart, it's got inverse colours, and mildly squished horizontal striping. If you note the orange boxes in each picture, you can see the ratio of the blue stripe to the vertical stripes in each tartan is different, while keeping the overall pattern and ratio in each direction the same. Exhibit E) has a square intersection. It's also usually woven much larger. This tartan also introduces a small sliver of hunter green into the beige/blue/purple palette that's been seen so far.
Exhibit F) Gabriel's Tartan Blanket
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Like the others, Gabriel's S2E1 blanket is a variation on the original Heaven's Dress Tartan. It's got very squished horizontal striping though, and is woven even larger than the Saraqael Tartan. Most noticeably though, while it has the same grey vertical striping as Exhibit E) it's now got even more green in it, and the purple is gone almost entirely (save one line).
Exhibit F) Have a bonus Crowlee Tartan from the Season 1 body swap miracle that matches none of these.
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It's silver silk though. Can I get a wahoo....?
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__________________________________________ *Disclaimer: I am not Scottish, and definitely not an expert in tartan, just a tired graphic designer. If you want tartan expertise, you can go here (although I don't really agree with what they say about the main colour pattern) https://livebloggingmydescentintomadness.tumblr.com/post/189300035060/a-discourse-on-tartan
**In order to deduce colours, I've used high quality BTS footage or photography in neutral lighting whenever possible. Especially in season 2, colour grading and post processing of the final show make colour matching between scenes and/or seasons impossible.
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pftones3482 · 1 year
I want to be excited for the live action Little Mermaid so badly
The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie. Anyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with mermaids as a whole and will watch any media that has them. Hell, I own my own tails and monofins. But every time I see a gif or a video for the new Little Mermaid, I cringe
(btw, this is NOT because of the casting. If you're against this movie because Ariel is black, you're a racist piece of shit and this post isn't for you)
My issue lies with the CGI. It just looks so FAKE. We've seen through the course of movies and TV shows that use it that CGI does not age well, and that's because technology is constantly improving. What was impressive in 2005 is not impressive in 2023 (Just look at Aquamarine, another movie about mermaids). And the CGI on Ariel and her sisters already looks fake and the movie isn't even out yet!
Compare this image from the trailer
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To this screenshot from H20: Just Add Water (a TV show that came out in 2006):
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You can see the details of the scales in the second image
The first image is flat. Sure, it's colorful, but it's flat. It's fake. Halle herself is the most beautiful and alive part of the image, because everything else is fake
The difference?
H20 had costume designers, ones specifically trained in mermaid tail making, HAND CRAFT every tail on the show. All of the scales were hand laid, all the tails molded to fit the actors/actresses perfectly, painted by hand
Let's even look at someone with no affiliation to TV or movies:
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This is Mermaid Linden, a very well known (in the mermaid community) professional mermaid. You can tell her tail is not as high quality as the ones made for H20 (though it's still a VERY expensive tail) - but it still looks like it's a part of her. You can still see the details. Because professional mermaid tails are also all handmade and molded to fit each person. Even if they don't lay every individual scale, good professional mermaid tail makers are very meticulous about what they do.
This is what happens when Disney refuses to pay practical effects artists. We could have had beautiful, handmade tails that would look real on screen for decades to come and could be reused for promotional purposes - instead, they're underpaying and overworking their non-unionized employees to make CGI tails that don't even look real now.
(to be clear, I'm not shitting on the artists. As I said, they're being underpaid and overworked. This is not their fault)
And before anyone comes and says "But swimming in those is difficult!" Absolutely it is. You should never swim in a professional level tail (or even just fabric tails) without practice and training. Which Disney could have given the cast if they were willing to PAY people (the cast of H20 [a TV SHOW] literally learned how to be mermaids on set. It's been done before)
Disney's "Live Action" needs to be rebranded as "CGI with some real people tossed in" because that's all any of these remakes have been, and it's exhausting when I look at what we could have had.
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heartfullofleeches · 4 months
Pizza boy brie forgetting to get out of cosplay before going to readers house because he was pressed for time. Maybe wearing a maid dress.
Yan "Pizza Boy" + Reader
Presenting himself live to an audience of hundreds couldn't hold a candle to how exposed Brie felt in that moment-
The frilly headpiece. Flowing skirt, framing the meat of his thighs stuffed into those slim, black stockings. A pink apron held tightly between his knees - its length exceeding the trim of the dress, masking any undesirable sight from view. You'd already seen this much, but for some reason showing you his underwear would be the final nail in the coffin for him. The sun had set enough where the transparent aspect of his panties may go noticed, but he couldn't live with the shame of you seeing him so intimately without having properly expressed his feelings-
"P... pizza's here."
Brie swallows thickly. How could he have fucked up his chances with you this badly? Everyone knows that the key to a successful business and continued from customers is good food, quality service, and speedy delivery. While Brie didn't have plans on opening up a pizza joint of his own - he couldn't lose you to another before he found a better excuse to pop up randomly at your door. It was all he had in terms of interacting with you. You'd problem never want to see him again after this. He felt like the biggest pervert in the world. Not only had he tainted your pizza with the physical release of his love, but here he was at your door dressed as a lustful maid.
The expression on your face isn't clear at first. Brie can hardly make sense of anything with his head spinning, struggling and failing to find an excuse for his attire. Dazedly, he watches the corners of your lips draw upwards in a smile. A small snicker of laughter from you washes away the dread like the calm after a storm - magnified by the words that follow after.
"Delivery and a show. The place you work at is bound to close if they aren't charging each for this. You start work after a costume party or something?"
Brie thanks the stars for the escape you've unknowingly gifted him. "T-that's right! I was gonna borrow a uniform from someone, but everyone kinda dared me to make my deliveries wearing this. Thankfully, I had some sneakers in the back of my car or I'd be driving all over town in high heels!"
"Good for your feet, but almost a shame for me. I'm sure you'd look great in them."
As embarrassing as the night started, Brie would be a fool to waste such a prime opportunity-
"I still have them in my car if you'd like to see me in them."
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fl3shm4id3n · 5 months
ₒₚₑᵣₐ ₕₒᵤₛₑ
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟𝐟. 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭, 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐁𝐮𝐭, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴛʜᴏᴍᴀꜱ ꜱʜᴇʟʙʏ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʙᴀʟʟᴇʀɪɴᴀ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: SMUT, Basically the dark side of being a ballerina and the ballet industry of the time, mentions of prostitution/sex work, age gap, semi public sex, kissing, fingering, riding, titty grabbing, lip biting.
A/N: I rewatched the animted short called LOUISE, and I got an idea.
ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏ ᴀɴʏ ꜰᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ, ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴꜱꜰᴡ/ꜱᴍᴜᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪꜱʜ ᴛᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅ, ꜱᴋᴇᴅᴀᴅᴅʟᴇ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪꜱʜ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀᴏᴄᴇᴇᴅ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ʀɪꜱᴋ.
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That night was just like every other performance. It went well, the crowd had seem to love it, specially since it was packed. After the show, your body was aching and you were tired. You had been at the opera house since noon to prepare for the evening show. All you wanted to do was go home and rest, but you promised your friend you'd wait for her since her mother had called her over to 'entertain' a gentlemen who's asked for her.
Another thing about being a ballerina was to please the opera guests. Which were mostly men. It was always 'You be good to them and they'll confiscate you greatly'. For example, get better roles, more classes, get high quality shoes, costumes, make up or even a good work for the teachers. You basically had to do what they wanted no questions asked. That's why half of your classmates were very sweet to the patrons who asked for their attentions. It was the harsh reality, but what could you do? The men frequented and funded the opera. If they were to give a complaint to the owner or teachers. You can kiss your career and hard work goodbye for good.
You did have to entertain some guests, but everything changed when you had caught the eye of Thomas Shelby. Out of all the other women, he choose you. Since then, no other patron dared to ask for you. In a way, you were always reserved for Thomas. He was very generous to you. Often getting you bigger roles or better roles, good quality shoes along with clothes, more classes, even giving you extra money just for you to have. In some way, you couldn't help but fall in love with him. But at the same time you felt like you couldn't love him. Or at least go around telling everyone you love him, it was a secret of yours.
As you roamed around the back stage, seen the many patrons hanging around the other ballerinas. You were then pulled to the side by someone, once you saw who it was, it was the person you hoped wouldn't bump into. "Minerva." You said, nervously, looking at her. "Do you know why I'm here?" She asked. "Because you missed me?" You teased, but she rolled her eyes. "No time for games, I need the money urgently." She said, making you now nervous. "Urgently? As in tonight? Or tomorrow night?" You asked, but she cut you off before you could say more. "Y/n, I need to pay rent." She said, more sternly and serious. You looked at her, seen that she wasn't playing around. You let out a sigh. "Alright, you'll get it later tonight." You said, seen how Minerva was now more relaxed by hearing you say that you'll have the money later tonight. "Thank you." She said, about to walk away, but stopped and looked at you. "Don't forget." She reminded you and walked away. You couldn't help but sigh and leaned against the wall she had you pinned against. Now you had to find Thomas.
You first looked in the small ballroom, which was flooded with both patrons and ballerinas. Talking and enjoying the champagne being served. You analyzed the room, seen how the men were being very touchy with your classmates and how they'd giggle, as well as run their hands on the men's chest or arm. Deep down, you knew that they'd only pretended to like the men just so that they didn't have any problems. No sign of Thomas anywhere, then you spotted one of the girl's that lives with you. "Hey, have you seen Thomas?" You asked her. She thought for a moment. "No, I haven't. Last time I saw him, he went back stage." She said, you then sigh in annoyance. "Why don't you go with someone else." She suggested, then you let out a small chuckle. "Someone else? You know how Thomas would feel about that, they'd be a blood bath." You told her. "Anyways, thanks." You said to her, then walking off backstage to find him.
As you walked back stage, they were girls just sitting and chatting amongst each other. Avoiding the attention of the patrons. The more you looked around, you heard moans as well as other noises going on behind closed doors. As well as talking and so on. When you spotted a mirror, you stopped to fix yourself a bit, such as fixing your hair and attire to look presentable when you found Thomas. As you continued to search, you asked a group of ladies talking and asked if they've seen Thomas, again, no. So you decided to go upstairs to maybe see if he was there. You couldn't help but over hear a conversation going on with a group of gentlemen, about how he ended up loosing money. When you continued to way up the stairs, you then bumped into the man you were searching for. "Oh! Tommy, I was looking for you." You said, with a small smile. "Y/n, I was hoping I'd find you." He responded, while placing his hand onto your sort cheek to feel his skin against yours.
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You then pulled him towards the darker part of the stairs, where there was no light or prying eyes. Once you and him were alone, Thomas pulled your body against his, him wrapping his arms around your waist and your arms wrapping themselves around his neck. You and him then engaged in a kiss, it went from slow to desperate. As if he'd been craving to kiss you for the longest time, you couldn't help but moan against his lips, as his tongue rubbed against yours. Then you felt how he gently bit your bottom lip. Causing your whole body to burn up and the heat between your legs to get stronger. You felt how his hand began to run up your spin and touched feel the warmth of your naked back. After some kissing, Thomas then pulled you down with him. Sitting on the step of the stairs and you on his lap.
He pulled away, beginning to kiss your neck. Making you moan and quiver underneath him. You felt his hand other free hand going underneath your puffy long skirt. Feeling up on your thighs, caressing the soft material of your tights. It made you purr as you felt him touch and grab at you. It made you feel as if you were the only woman in his life, but you knew deep down that was wrong. but it didn't hurt to imagine that. You then felt how his other hand went underneath your skirt right onto your crotch area and ripped your tights apart. Exposing your now wet panties. Making you gasp. "Tommy! Those are expensive!" You whispered, still in shock that he'd ripped your tights, that you had been saving up to get. "No worries love, you know I'll get you new ones." He said, which was true.
You let out a small moan, feeling how his hand gently caressed the wet patch of your silky panties. "Excited already eh?" He teased, with a smirk. He then tore the tights more, to be able to have more access to the waist band of your underwear. Without a moment longer, he shoved his hands down your panties, beginning to tease your now needy and throbbing clit. Making you let out a slightly louder moan by his fingers gently rubbing your clit. You wrapped your arms tighter around his shoulders, digging your nails onto his white shirt as he began to thrust his middle and ring finger inside you. "Tommy." You moaned, as you closed your eyes, feeling his fingers pumping in and out of you as if this was the first time he's done it.
"Oh!" You whined, feeling your legs beginning to shake and sweat building up on your forehead. Just by him fingering, you were left weak. You then felt his fingers leave your now drenched cunt, making you whine in annoyance. Quickly Thomas unbuckled his pants and pulled out his now hard cock, out of nowhere, he thrusted into you. Making you throw your head back and let out an even louder moan. Without another moment, he began to thrust into you. You were basically holding onto him as if your life dependent on it. Thomas wrapped his arm around your lower half and held you in place. You felt his lips going right back to your neck, kissing and slightly biting onto your flesh. It's been forever since you and him engaged in this. You were too focused on the pleasure given and receiving, that you had completely forgot your whole purpose on why you needed Thomas.
All that could be heard was your moans and his breath heavying. Echoing on the empty stairs, basically giving away what we were both doing. But it was nothing that the others in the opera house haven't heard before. "T-Tommy!" You moaned, as your nails dug harder onto his shirt. Feeling how his cock was now slamming in and out of you. At a delicious and hard pace. You also felt how he rubbed your clit at a hard and pressured pace. Non stop, despite his hand getting sore. Your walls clamped around him tightly, making him groan. Knowing you were close to cumming and so was he. His pace got faster and hard, making you mewl and whine by the now. You then began to move your hips up and down as a way to help you and him reach your climate. You also felt his not so busy hand was grabbing at your breast, squeezing your soft flesh and pinching your nipple every now and then as a form of teasing you. A whole wave of pleasure hit your body like a train, you felt youself cumming right around him. Having you let out a pleasurable shriek. Feeling yourself nearly collapsing on Thomas. He then pulled out before he could cum inside you, instead he cummed right on your thighs.
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Afterwards, you back in the dressing room, alone. Tire and even more sore then before. You leaned against the wooden pillar. Thinking about the moment you and Thomas shared, it felt special during the moment, but afterwards, it felt almost wrong. It made you sad in some way, but there was nothing you could do. You then heard the door open, seen the ballerinas walking in, to get changed back into their regular attire. You met up with your friend again, who came up to you and greet you. You then helped her get out of her costume as you had small talk. "So, who did your mother find?" You asked, while unbuttoning her dress. "Yeah, an old guy." She said, with an annoyed look. "Old huh? Your mother has bad taste." You teased. "Right?" She said, as she began to undress from her costume.
"So, what did you do as you waited for me?" She asked. "Not much, just getting the money that Minerva needed to pay the rent of this month." You explained. "So, you spent your evening with Thomas?" She teased, while giggling. Making you roll your eyes. Then you spotted Minerva walk by. "Hold on a sec." You told your friend who was busy changing. You went up to Minerva, who was also changing. "Here you go." You said, handing her the small envelop of cash. She took it and began to count the money. "Thanks." She said, before you could walk off to change you were stopped. "Hold on." She said, then she handed you some money. "This is yours." Minerva said, while handing you the extra money you decided to leave in there. "Are you sure? I mean, that's for next months rent and-" You were cut off by her. "Don't worry about it, besides. You've earned it." She simply said, you hesitantly took the money. It was enough to buy youself some food or maybe those tights Thomas tore, youo gave Minerva a smile then walked off to get changed.
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The next morning, back at the house you and the rest of your housemates were having breakfast together. Talking and gossiping about last night and how it went. Until the door got knocked, Minerva want to answer it, as you all continued to eat, then you heard her call your name. You excused yourself from the table and went to the door entrance. Minerva had a small gift box in hand. "You called?" You asked. "This came for you." She said, handing you the box. You took the box and thanked her, she then left back to the dinning room. You looked at the box for a moment, then you opened it to see what was inside. It was a pair of tights with a small not on it. You took the note and read it. 'For you -Thomas Shelby' It a simple note, but it was sweet. You couldn't help but smile and your face heat up.
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mouwrites · 11 months
Creepypasta/MH - Doing Halloween Stuff With Them :)
(Characters: Tim/Masky, Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jane the Killer, Ticci Toby)
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Hear me out... corn maze
I believe that Tim enjoys a good puzzle every now and again
He loves trying to figure things out (specifically when there's nothing at risk)
Getting to show off his navigational skills is also a major plus
He just likes to impress you, even if it comes off as annoying sometimes
"See? What'd I tell you? The exit's right there."
Though he does like the satisfaction of completing the maze, what he really treasures is that time you spend together figuring it out
Once you finally find the exit, you'll celebrate with hot cocoa :D
Eyeless Jack
This man LOVES carving pumpkins
He goes all out; definitely one of those people who makes the crazy intricate designs that look like they take hours
He'll love it if you help him!
If you have a steady hand, he'll let you do the details
If you don't, he'll task you with gutting the pumpkin/handing him tools
You guys collaborate on multiple pumpkins throughout the month, setting them in random locations for everyone to see
If there's a design you want to do, just show it to him, there's no question he'll be down
If it's too simplistic, he'll try to add more details
"Ooh, Jack, look at this one. Can we try to re-create it?"
"Of course! Though I do have some ideas on how it can be improved..."
Jeff the Killer
Another pumpkin carving enjoyer
But for a different reason... a very different reason
He loves the goriness of gutting the pumpkins
He couldn't care less about making actual designs, he just wants to get messy stabbing the pumpkin and gouging out its insides
That being said, he'll 100% gut your pumpkin if you ask him (he'll probably end up doing it even if you don't ask)
It's honestly a little disturbing watching him work
He just gets this look in his eye...
"You, uh... you doing okay there, Jeff?"
"Hm? Yup! Never better!! Say, can you grab the big knife from the kitchen for me?"
Nina the Killer
You best bet she's the costume queen
Spends the whole year planning matching horror-themed costumes
She'll settle for no less than creativity and perfection
High-quality props and articles only!! She'll even make them herself if she has to!
You can expect to spend at least an hour in front of the mirror while she does your makeup/adjusts your clothes
She's an SFX makeup legend, loves incorporating as much gore into your costume as possible
Don't ask why it's so realistic (it's not like she knows how the wound would look if it was real or anything)
"Wow, Nina... It's almost like I can feel it! It's so real!"
"No, no. If you were feeling it, you would be screaming pretty loud right now."
You can also expect to attend multiple parties where you show off your costumes
You guys dominate costume competitions
Jane the Killer
Horror movies!!
Specifically, making fun of them
You both pick apart the plot, the characters, the dialogue, the special effects, everything
No horror film is safe from your scrutiny
If you're the type to get scared during horror movies, her snide comments will help distract you
"Ooh, I can't look!"
"Oh, come on. Look—I bet they used corn syrup for that fake blood. It's way too thick."
When the movie ends, you're both feeling more amused than scared
She doesn't like to see horror films in theaters because she doesn't get to make commentary, plus she doesn't want to "waste" money on a "stupid tryhard-horror flick"
She'd much rather dig up some old indie DVD/VCR and have a home movie night with you
Ticci Toby
Halloween sweets are his bread and butter
Candy apples, fun-sized candy bars, candy corn, pumpkin bread...
He would perish if you made anything homemade for him
Spends the whole month gorging on sweets almost as fast as he can get his hands on them
He will not share with anyone but you
And even you only get a small portion of his goodies
Robs at least one child on Halloween night, mostly for the candy but also because he likes scaring little kids
"Where did you get all that candy?"
"Got it from a little birdy. By that I mean a kid in Falcon cosplay."
"Toby! ... save me the (favorite candy)."
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Thank you for reading! Have a good day/night my spooky pookies <33
(divider by saradika)
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muzsmoux · 3 months
MHA headcanons because the show makes me happy: part 2
This turned out sort of Bakugou heavy, I don't even like him that much but alas he's an interesting little guy. Like last time, if you don't like them or it clashes with canon that's okay. I can be wrong about inconsequential things sometimes. As a treat :)
🌟 Tsuyu is autistic and does not mask at all. If you want a brutally honest opinion without aggression that comes from annoying Bakugou, Tsu is your gal.
🌟 Aizawa hates great danes. He's neutral about dogs in general, not his thing but people can like what they like. But great danes... They just don't sit right with his soul.
🌟 It does kind of bother Ojiro when Denki uses his tail as a fidget toy in class. But it seems to help him focus a bit so Ojiro doesn't have the heart to tell him to stop.
🌟 Thirteen has a program for troubled kids struggling with "villainous" quirks. They want to show people that if literal black holes can be used to do good in the world, so can any other ability.
🌟 Kirishima is a good singer but he only does it when he's alone. His singing voice is much softer than his speaking voice, and he thinks it's not manly enough. Bakugou knows this because he sometimes hears him practice Lemon Boy at night. He doesn't say anything about it though because he'd rather admit to Deku he considers him a good friend than jeopardize that experience.
- Welcome to the Bakugou interlude! One of these have a VERY brief mention of PAST domestic abuse, it's marked by this 💥 if you'd rather skip that. -
🌟 Bakugou got his passion for cooking from Auntie Inko. She'd always let him help with dinner when he stayed over, and taught him that cooking is a way to show love when putting it into words is too hard. Now he makes lunch for his friends every Saturday.
💥 Masaru is actually Katsuki's stepdad. Mitsuri managed to escape her abusive first marriage when Katsuki was four. After all the trauma, she found safety in the kind, gentle man that is now her husband. Masaru is endlessly patient with his son and Katsuki turned out to be 100% a papa's boy. And Mitsuki couldn't be any happier about that.
🌟 Not counting his boyfriend, Bakugou's closest friends are actually Ochaco and Denki. Besides Kirishima Ochaco is the only other student he considers a true equal. And Denki just kind of weaseled himself into his heart along the way.
🌟 When Bakugo is being particularly difficult Denki likes to call him a boomer.
🌟 Bakugou's worst enemies aren't the LoV or even Deku. It's Mina's neon pink and chartreuse zebra print faux fur collar dressing gown and Kirishima's 8-in-1 shampoo.
🌟 Pro hero Dynamight, famous for his smoky eye and sharp liner, has an alt skincare and makeup brand with violent names and edgy packaging but impeccable quality. His most recent release is the 3rd Degree palette, a collab with Shouto.
- That's it for the Bakugou interlude! -
🌟 Fatgum was VERY popular with both girls and boys in high school and all the "nice guys" were seething about it. He was a tall, funny, thick guy and the definition of a dad friend. He always had crackers or granola bars on him in case someone skipped breakfast.
🌟 Yaomomo takes commissions from her classmates if they want something made. She takes payment is in the form of chocolates equivalent to how much fat she has to burn to make the item, or based on how stupid she thinks it is. (She charged Denki 2 whole chocolate cakes for a maid dress.)
🌟 Hatsume is secretly working on a new hero costume for Momo. She overheard her confiding in Jirou that the outfit is cold and makes her feel exposed and vulnerable, so she stole some leftover scraps from Mirio's costume for studying and got to work immediately.
🌟 Even in his true form, Toshinori is freakishly tall. Endeavor, a full time beefcake of almost 2 meters, can just barely look the decrepit old man with turbo asthma in the eyes. And that drives him insane.
🌟 Toshinori thinks of his Allmight form as drag. When he lived in the US he explored all the things he'd missed out on living in a more conservative country and became a regular at the ballroom scene. The queens inspired him to camp up his hero persona to the MAX.
Thank you for reading!! If you liked this you can check out part 1 here.
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goodday-goodmorn · 10 months
Back on this account: Prefacing this that this work was wrote in like a day and like most of my things- i was too lazy to edit lol. The concept form todays work was injected into my brain by good old @auspicioustidings, check em out- they got some cool concepts and fics. (Particularly Firewatch- chefs kiss to that series), lots of soft, dark, kidnap-y, COD content 👍
Without further ado i present my impulsive thoughts on a page:
“Committed to the Bit.”
words: 4.7k
Summary: You’re at an utterly boring halloween party, about to leave when some scottish man dressed as a solider comes slinking into the bathroom and really goes ham with his whole ‘This place is dangerous, you aren’t supposed to be here- we gotta get you to safety’ act. Weird pick-up line approach but hey it fucking works. He’s just charming enough for you to play along with his bit. Because it is just a bit… right?
This party was kinda dull. Which really was a shame considering how high your expectations were. From what your friend said- it was supposed to be an immersive experience. The hosts were apparently old collage buddies with your friend who were halloween fanatics.
You friend has absolutely hyped them up, talking all about how when they threw parties they got into them and would always play up whatever dynamic they were going for with their costumes. Even to a level of mild public humiliation.
She once recounted the story of how one year, when dressed as a pair of vampires, they full on acted as though they were melting when someone brought a side of garlic breadsticks with the pizza. Fully committed to the bit it seems.
Because of the hosts being so dedicated to their act, of course it wasn’t uncommon for guests to act in a similar manner. Even those who didn’t have a running gag for the night were overall relaxed and had a good time being apart of the fun. It was a non-judgmental zone, filled with pretty decor and open people.
So of course, after hearing all about the welcoming and fucking amazing vibes of these parties- you had agreed to meet up with your friend at one.
Normally, you weren’t really one for parties, especially halloween ones because it was typically full of judgey, horny, strangers who would consider you weird- and you’d have to small talk and the songs almost always sucked because of course they couldn’t play actual halloween songs even if it killed them.
But after many reassurances from your friend, including videos and photos she had graciously provided you- you went to one.
To say you were disappointed was an understatement.
The costumes were amazing- high quality and expensive, hell the place was fucking stunning, all decked out in halloween gear and dark lighting. Even the building itself seemed perfect for this sort of thing- winding corridors, random locked rooms, ominous men in suits. Oh and don’t get you started on the snack table, shit was heavenly even if you were the only one touching it. The aesthetics of the party were great, But…
The vibes were way off. There was no rambunctious fun laughter and people grooving on the dance floor. Everyone seemed oddly reserved. Committed to their bits for sure, but well… there wasn’t much ah, variety to everyone’s act.
They all shared a similar vibe of like- domineering power. Which was definitely pretty fucking hot when it came to some people, (looking at you fancy vanpire lady), but it got boring after a while.
Safe to say your attempts at socializing were pretty shot. And what’s even worse, your friend? Yeah she didn’t even show up.
Tragic truly. You would call her to see if she made it here yet, but your phone was dead- and talking to any of the other party goers was a song and dance you didn’t wanna attempt again.
So here you are, in the bathroom, sitting by one of the sinks and charging your phone.
How lame.
You sigh, standing up to check yourself out in the mirror. At least your costume is fun, it’s a reference that only really you and you friend would get, but still, it made you happy to wear. It was a royal outfit, you looked like nobility, nice and fancy. Perhaps a barron, or maybe a princess, or a king- really it was up for anyone's interpretation. You fix up the head accessory, then fuss with your hair just to have something to do.
Maybe you should just leave, you were getting pretty bored of everything.
And it’s at that moment, as you’re sinking down to the bathroom floor to grab your charger that the most interesting thing of tonight bursts through the door.
You look at him, blinking once then twice. He does the same.
Eye candy.
That’s the first thought that comes to mind. Without an ounce of shame you let your eyes rack over his form, fitted in some sort of military outfit, tactical gear and even a prop gun. He makes it look damn good.
And then you stop admiring the hunk of prime meat in front of you because starring is rude. (Even if he is fucking amazingly charmingly rugged and god damn what you wouldn’t give to run your fingers through that mohawk of his and just tug-)
“That’s a good fucking costume.”
He pauses, looking at you with something confused and a bit bemused. And like an idiot you just can’t keep your mouth shut and blurt out more shit.
“Did ya have to bust through the door though? I mean like- don’t get me wrong it was cool as shit- really adds to the character here, big, hot, ah… military? guy.”
You wince, you’re making a fool of yourself. Luckily the man doesn't seem to mind.
(Johnny takes one look at you, your bag in a sink, your phone charging in the bathroom outlet, your clearly partly homemade costume that shows way more care than any of the other people in this joint and easily figures out-)
“L.T, Found a civvie.”
He mumbles into a- oh shit he’s got an earpiece and everything. Now that is cool. You tell him as such.
“Okay that is so fucking cool. Dude does that thing actually work? Man. How long did it even take for you to get this whole costume?”
He studies you with an odd look for a moment. You wonder if there’s actually anyone talking to him in that earpiece. Must be with the way he pauses. Slowly, he speaks; gentle.
“Not a costume lass. We ought to get you outta here, it's gonna be a shitshow soon.”
You blink. And then, you smile.
“Rightttt, not a costume. I getcha.”
“Not joking bonnie. This place is dangerous, filled with snakes. How did a wee thing like you even get in here?”
You smile, a bit pleased to banter with the first person who isn't doing the same old same old, ‘i know more than you, ooo im so big and powerful and scary’ act.
“Took a carriage ride and promised my roommate I'd be back by midnight.”
He eyes your royal esc outfit, not cinderella by any means but it still makes him smile slightly. (And boy if that isn't a sight, him looking you up and down and looking at you like that?)
“Cute. Then allow me to be yer escort princess.” He jerks his head in the direction of the bathroom door.
The statement is said with just enough sarcasm to make you bite down a grin. Hes very committed to this whole military operation act. And honestly? You were ready to leave anyway. Not to mention this guy was the only one who’d gotten your interest all night.
You grab your things and stuff them in your bag, slinging it over your shoulder tightly.
“Follow me, and ye gotta be quiet. Cant let anyone see us.”
You are more than willing to go along with his silly bit. And so you give him a clumsy salute, with a good natured smile.
“You got it captain.”
He corrects you with an amused little puff of air. Clearly- hes just as pleased to have someone indulge him as you are to have someone interesting to talk to.
“You got it sergeant.” You repeat back with a graceful little half bow and amused smirk.
He turns back to the door, hands on his gun and before you go out you grab onto his arm.
He turns to you with a raised eyebrow, eyes sharp, focused: wow hes a really good actor and hes got really pretty fucking eyes-
Oh yeah you can't get lost in his eyes just yet.
“Can I have a gun? For safety and all that- totally.”
“Hen… i don't think-”
“please sergeant? I promise I won't break it or anything! I just wanna get more into character ya know? pretty please Sir…?
(Johnny is not a good man. And fuck when he hears you call him by his rank, sir, asking so sweetly- your hands clasped in front of you- looking at him with a sheepish grin and pleading eyes. He wants to give you a damn bazooka if it means you keep talking sweet to him. Ghost is in his ear, telling him he better not bloody dare.)
(So of course…)
“You keep that safety on boonie. Hold it like this. If you gotta use it, don't be shooting or you’ll blow yer eye out. You toss the bloody thing in the direction of whatever it is you’re tryna hit- or you hand it to me. Is that clear?”
You nod vehemently, assuring him with little, yep’s and sure’s, and got it-’s. He raises a brow, mostly cause hes not sure if you’re actually taking this seriously. You take it for something else entirely though and then quickly say-
“Yes sir. Understood.”
(...Johnny is both damn disappointed hes on a mission, and greatful as fuck, because the only thing he wants to do is push you up against that wall, sneak his hands down your silly little costume and tease you until you’re a squirming mess. Asking you if you understand how hard hes gonna fuck you and hear your breath hitch as you answer back with a wanton “Yes sir”—)
You stare at the fellow and his intense gaze, wondering if you took it too far. Hes committed to his bit sure, but you didn't mean to overstep and make him feel like he had to give you a gun. Clearly they were expensive props, detailed and metallic and heavy.
Instead of speaking to you, he speaks to his earpiece, “just a precaution L.T, what if her majesty gets cornered? Little lass don't have a lick of combat training.”
You -far to ready to add to this stupid little bit- chime in,
“Yeah, they only teach you fencing and the waltz where i'm from.”
Johnny grins, “Com'on L.T”
(As much as Ghost hates to admit it- Johnny is right. And so be begrudgingly relents. It seems everyone is amused by how utterly oblivious you are because Gaz spares a laugh and a cheeky comment after Ghost's gruff voice.)
“Soooo… what's the verdict Sergeant? Did your uh… LT? That's lieutenant right-? Does he approve?”
In response, Soap carefully positions a gun in your hand, telling you with an edge to keep your fingers away from the trigger. (Safety is on of course, Johnnys not an idiot all the time.) You nod, holding onto the gun and feeling so cool.
Like that the two of you are off, sneaking around the winding corridors and hiding.
Honestly? This is the most fun you’ve had since you got here. Its all you can do to not bounce on your heels when you follow Soap around.
He's just so into this, that you can't help but be sucked in. Speaking in low tones to his ear peice, making sure you stick close, talking about positions and other military jargon that goes over your head. Oh and he does it all with this charming smile, like the situation is serious yes- but like he's still making sure you’re having fun. Trying to keep you comfortable. The energy is tense but in a good way. Electric even.
You find yourself holding your breath whenever you hide behind a corner, or when he tugs you to him and holds you still- god it's just so thrilling. Maybe because you’ve had a boring night, and cause he's charming and fun in all the right ways- but you’re having a blast.
Even when things seem to get even more tense.
You and Soap are currently nestled away in a little nook, a back corridor, a dead end. Soap curses, speaking into his earpiece. You can hear footsteps, someones coming. And if they see you and Soap- you'll surely be compromised.
(Which means your little game will likely come to an end. Most of the party people here are judgmental, ergo they probably won't appreciate your little roleplay. Its in this moment that you decide- fuck it, you dont want this to end.)
“Sergeant!” You whisper harshly, tugging off your fancy coat and draping it around him, “I’ve got a plan- trust me.”
He looks at you, mildly conflicted, he's about to say something but the footsteps are getting closer and you really need a cover story for why you’re lurking in a dark corner away from the party. You can only think of one reason two people would sneak away at a party.
Sue you for getting too into this silly game of pretend, but adrenaline spikes and next thing you know; you’re kissing him.
Rough and messy, needy. You let out your best wanton muffled moan. His eyes are wide, and for a moment you spiral, realizing what you’ve just done. Sure you were playing pretend and he was committed to the bit but you just kissed him for fucks sake- sexually harsssed him!
Oh god hes gonna hate you and you just ruined all that fun banter and any shot at ever speaking to the only decent person you’ve met all night—
He’s kissing back.
With sudden haste he pulls you close, kissing you back with a ferocity that short circuits your brain for a moment. His knee slots in between your legs, entangling you two, and then there's a soft thud as his back hits the wall.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Your heart races, a slurry of adrenaline, of elation because he was playing along with your silly cover story, of something hot and molten because he was running his hands along your outfit desperately.
Amidst the heat of it all, the grinding of his knee between your legs- you don't even notice the fact that the footsteps stopped. Johnny does though. He breaks the kiss with a purposeful loud noise, when he sees your dazed and confused expression however- he quickly aims for your neck before you can say a word and accidently give away the clever cover story you thought of.
You gasp, the noise does wonders. He can hear whoevers about to round the corner shifting about, obviously realizing what's going on and debating if they should check to be sure or spare their eyes of the sight.
So of course, Johnny helps them decide by laying it on thick.
“Fuck atta girl hen, wanna hear you fall apart f’ me.”
He presses you against his knee, nibbling at your skin to make your breath stutter. Thankfully, you catch his words and seem to get at least to some level what he's doing.
So of course, because god damn it- you’re in the thick of this silly military operation act now- you’ve gotta commit. You moan out the worst thing you can think of to make someone go away. Which is of course—
(Johnny can hear Gaz fucking roaring with laughter over coms. It takes everything in himself not to laugh then and there. Luckily, having a pretty little thing pressed against his knee and trembling provides a good distraction. Still, he can't repress the grin.)
“Yeah? Need something kitten?” He captures your lips again, a quick kiss this time, just to leave you breathless for your next remark.
“Y-Your c-” Oh my fucking god you dont know if you’re struggling to speak because you’re trying your damndest not to laugh, or because you are painfully terribly aroused at due to his kisses and husky voice. Thank god he intervenes.
“Whats that kitty? Yer gonna have to speak up. Lemme hear that sweet voice of yours.”
He guides you across his knee, you tangle your hand in his hair, tugging that stupid mohawk close to kiss him again.
When you quickly pull away, you rush out the words, failing to hide the look of pure hysterical amusement on your face- luckily the rush of words is mistaken for neediness and not because you are seconds away from bursting into laughter.
“Your cock-”
He captured your laughter in another kiss, groaning to hide the sound of your stifled snickers.
Finally, after what seems like ages and yet too little time- he hears Ghost in his ear giving him the all clear. Not without clear amusement.
Johny backs off, panting heavily and listening. He hears nothing but empty air. Quietly he whispers,
“They’re gone.”
You pant as well, trying your best to keep your hysterical little giggles quiet. Johnny is right there with you, like fucking schoolgirls- the two of you giggle for a moment.
Ah but you should probably apologize.
“H-Hey im sorry by the way- for kissing you out of the blue like that, i didn't know if you’d be comfortable with it but uh- i kinda got invested in the whole-”
You wave a hand about as he backs off you, pulling his knee away from your heat between your legs.
“-‘Don't get caught’, thing. Sorry if i um- took it too far and make you uncomfortable…”
(Johnny looks down at you, pretty little oblivious thing, looking all sheepish and nervous as if there wasn’t the high potential you just saved both his and your asses with your quick thinking.)
“All good lassie. Good quick thinking.”
(As much as he’d love to tease you more about it- or even tell you just how much he enjoyed kissing you until you were breathless- he’s still on a mission, and you need to keep moving.)
(So for now, he settles for a hair ruffle and a wink. You smile all the same.)
The pair of you continue, and you are starting to wonder where you’re going. This ain’t the way you came in- though, you suppose coming in via the main entrance would defeat the point of the game. Which was of course: to sneak you out undetected. Walking through the hall of party-goers probably wouldn’t be the best call.
Still, it's odd when you find yourself stopping at a room. It appears to be locked, a passcode and everything. This doesn’t seem to be an issue though.
(“Intel says they left the hard drive here. Code is 269344041.” Johnny listens to Ghosts voice, inputting the code easily. He ignores the confused look you end him in favor of mumbling-)
“a’m in.”
You blink as he talks to his earpiece. Carefully and quietly as you enter the room, you ask,
“Um… sergeant? What are we doing in here?”
“Looking for a package hen.”
(“Should be in a small red box.” Ghost relays.)
“-Little red box. Help me look?”
You nod like the helpful little thing you are and begin to search the room. It’s a storage unit of sorts. Bunch of random shit, you even spot a cool ass box of skeleton bones. That you show to your newfound companion.
He grimaces and gently sets the box down away from your hands.
“Let’s not touch anything else alright lassie?”
It’s framed as a question but really it’s an order. You just shrug, and then remember your line was supposed to be, ‘yes sir.’
“Yes sir.”
The search doesn’t take long after that, a few minutes max before you spot a little red box high up on a shelf. All the things around it are collecting dust, but the dull red colored cardboard seems to be free of it. Placed there recently it seems.
Maybe this whole immersive thing was planned out, and maybe it was pure luck you got roped into it. Everything was awfully elaborate after all. With him knowing the code and stuff.
“Sergeant i think i found it.”
He’s on you in and instant,
You point up the shelf. “That it?”
He carefully grabs it, opens it up and shuts it before you can get a good look. Looked kinda like a flash drive? A flash drive inside a plastic baggie.
“That’s what we’re looking for alright. Good work lassie. Ye might as well be a recruit at this point.”
He’s joking it seems, so you smile back in turn.
“Lived a bit too cushiony of a life for military work i’m afraid.” You gesture once more to your royal outfit. “But i’ll consider the offer sergeant.”
He takes you by the arm, tucking the box into his vest and leading you to the door.
“Glad to hear it princess.”
After that, it’s more sneaking about, more little bits of banter whenever you can, and listening to him speak into his earpiece. It’s dreadfully fun, the most fun you’ve had all night and honestly? At any party ever.
Finally- Finally, you seem to make your goal as you feel open air on your skin. That took forever to get out, with how massive the place was, but by god it was fun sneaking around like a super spy with…
Oh. You come to the sudden realization that you don’t actually know his name. That and- you never gave him your name either.
Well, this is where you leave so…
“Hey i just realized i never got your name.”
He turns to you for a brief moment, his hands on your arm now, tugging you along away from the building so that the bouncers at the front won’t see you. The two of you stop a little ways away.
“Soap. Or Johnny if you’d prefer.”
He says it so simply, with such an easy smile.
“And you princess?”
You say your own back, and it sounds so nice on his tongue. So right.
“Um- if you wouldn’t mind-“ You’re fishing in your bag now for your barely charged phone, wanting to get his number because he seems like a stand up dude and-
Soap touches his earpiece, “Package and civilians secure L.T. Good to go.” He says it quiet enough you don’t hear it, too busy looking for your phone.
(“Roger. Gaz move in.”)
“-could i maybe get your number? After i find my phone, of course. it’s just uh, well i had a lot of fun. Truth be told the night was pretty shit before you found me so if it’s okay with y-“
Your eyes widen when you see behind Soap, several Military troops storming the place, all of them holding what look to be- very real guns.
“What the fu-?”
You start, dropping your phone in a shock and completely shattering the poor device against the pavement.
Johnny can’t seem to bite down his grin.
Slowly, and yet all too fast, everything clicks as soon as you hear gunshots.
At a snails pace your head turns towards Johnny. Soap. The sergeant. The real sergeant.
“I did tell ya it wasn’t a costume hen.”
You were such a fucking idiot.
Awkwardly you sit in your chair, taken in for interrogation. Less that and more for protocol considering everyone agreed you didn’t know jack shit.
Apparently, you went to the wrong party and somehow ended up at a terrorist gathering, which would explain the weird vibes of all the guests. And the super big and confusing building. And the many locked doors. And the—
The more you thought about it, the more stupid you felt so at some point in the hours of being on this stupid military base, you stopped.
To your utter horror and humiliation: Soap was a real sergeant. On a real mission. And he gave you a real ass fucking gun. And you had kissed him and oh god he had his knee between your fucking legs- you called him daddy.
Physically unable to handle the shame and embarrassment, you make a noise similar to that of a dying cat and bury your face in your hands.
The person ‘interrogating’ you, (a nice man that everyone called Gaz), just laughed. At the very least your misery was amusing.
“I am- so, so so fucking sorry, oh my god i’m such an idiot.”
“Don’t worry about it love. It helped to keep you calm. Better than dealing with panicking eh?”
You nodded because he made sense. It didn’t mean you were happy about it- but it did make sense. Soap tried to tell you after all. Honestly it was probably for the best you thought it was all a joke. Who knows what you would have done if you knew it was for real, probably panicked and gotten both yourself and him killed.
Gaz pats your head, an amused but sympathetic smile on his face.
(God fucking damn it, were all sergeants just naturally this fucking charming??? …You don’t have a thing for military guys do you?)
When the captain of this whole thing walks in, John Price; with a smile like that of a damn koala bear and air of authority- you decide that, yeah. Maybe you do have a thing for military types.
Go figure.
“You're free to go love.”
You sigh with relief, mostly because you don’t physically think you can handle anymore embarrassment. Your face is starting to hurt from all the cringing you’ve been doing. How are you ever gonna live this down?
“Afraid your phones broken though. Do you know the way home?”
No. Obviously not. You were taken here via military truck with the other soldiers. Frankly you could be in a different country right now and you wouldn’t know because you passed out at some point from the sheer embarrassment of it all.
(Price of course, knows this. He just wants to see you squirm a little longer. Is it wrong? Yeah. But he’ll be damned if you aren’t the most fun thing to mess with.)
“Um no- sir.” You tack on the title quickly, unsure exactly what to call him.
“Alright. I’ll have one of my men escort you home.”
As long as it’s anyone but Johnny you should be able to survive a car ri-
“Take my car and escort the little lady back home.”
…You just had to think it, didn't you?
(Price knows he’s cruel for messing with you. Mean and terrible really. But the face you make when he calls Soap into the room? Where you look like you go through every stage of grief before landing on depression in .5 seconds?)
The car ride is just as excruciating as you thought it would be. Even worse- Soaps a good guy. Charming and fun, sweet even. He jokes and teases you but tries his damnest to make the car ride as comfortable as possible.
Hell he even offers to stop someplace and buy you something for the road. And offer you not let would refuse; but you were at the base for hours, and it’s like 2 AM and you are exhausted and hungry and embarrassed.
So the two of you get some takeout, and eat in Prices car. You would be worried about eating in the car, but Soap makes you comfortable, assuring you the captain would probably be more upset if he let you go home on an empty stomach.
The rest of the drive is cozy after that. He pulls laughter out of you, and embarrassed groans but it’s all in good fun.
By the time you get home, you’re most definitely a little unsteady on your feet just due to how tired you are. He helps you out of the car, and even walks you to your door.
Before he leaves, you awkwardly debate giving him your number. Just so you could buy him drinks or something later down the line to make up for your utter stupidity today- but then you remember your totaled phone.
And then, a god seemingly hears your prays because he’s slipping you a sheet of paper.
Drowsily you blink down at it to find a king number string. A phone number.
When you snap your eyes back up to him, he’s grinning.
“You wanted it right lass? Give me a call sometime.”
And then, he’s winking and walking away. Just like that.
…huh. Maybe you should go to parties more often.
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wandixx · 3 months
I didn't realized I haven't posted it before
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies art!!!
aka how I figured out Dani's Hoopoe costume design and some chibis (with my mediocre marker skills)
"Ghost of fries and hero of cookies" is a cute and fluffy fic I wrote about Dani going to Gotham and accidentally became Signal's sidekick. Here is tumblr link. Here is AO3
Anyway, let's get to the art
Photos may be poor quality, my scanner did shitty job, and I tried to fix it up a bit in Ibis Paint, but there is only so much I could do
Hoopoe with hoopoe, to get you hooked up :)
Tumblr media
This is finished design, so now we can get to the journey there. Some drawings will be just Dani because, yes, she threw on a cape, but I still needed to know how she looked like underneath.
And in the love of Gods, I was not going to put a child in the crop top.
Or at least I changed that when it hit me that I can... just do that. I can redesign her. Anyway, chronologically:
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As you can see, in the beginning, both her cape and her mask had some more interesting designs that I got rid of. Not because I don't like it, I still think it's pretty cute, but! Mask got simplified because I realized that Bats keep their masks pretty simple in color, and she got her mask from Duke, so it needed to be simpler. Just... let's say that the one with a bit more fun stuff going on was her original paper mask, and she was pouting up a storm when Signal gave her such boring mask in exchange. THE ABSOLUTE BETRAYAL!
And the cape got more boring because it's literally a blanket. I don't think she could get a blanket with this specific pattern. But for a funny bit that I thought out when it was too late, The Pin that holds her cape together is either something like "I ❤️ Central City" or Flash merch. I highly encourage you to suggest to me what it could look like
Anyway, then came actual figuring out of her actual costume
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I don't know what to tell about this part, to be honest. Maybe I would vibe better with the first one if I kept green parts one shade instead of... 4 or 5. Second one just isn't it at all, though I could probably give her belt back at some point. Third one was pretty close but this 》 shape on her torso just felt weird, so I just simplified it to the straight line in the fourth, which is the final. The elbow protection there was literally spur of the moment idea when I looked at the figure drawing and decided "I like the elbow shapes. Let's keep them" and I kept them.
Anyway, this is other shot of finished Hoopoe!Dani, with better view of her costume:
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And chibis! Chilling on the roof with Signal and eating fries like good lil gremlin ghosts oath to do:
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I'm frankly really proud of the chibis because for the life of me, I usually cannot draw them without feeling that their faces went through a hydraulic press or at least met a wall at really high speed.
That's all for today
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izvmimi · 10 months
cw: fluff. reader and izuku are both high schoolers. reader has a vaguely described quirk. part 2.
The last thing you expected to do in the middle of the night on a Thursday was fall cleanly out of the sky. 
There were a few things that set you up for this event: one, overwhelming excitement about the new boot attachments that your friend Mei had designed for you; two, zoning out when she’d given you her long winded explanation; three, the audacity to sneak out of your dorm room in the middle of the night to use them; and four, an overwhelming fear of failure making you desperate for any advantage. 
The attachments had been secure on your costume and had been working out fine for the first few minutes of flight, and thus, you’d been confident enough to hover higher and higher, until you were far above the tops of the many trees that surrounded UA, and practicing your aim and range with your gauntlets for nearly an hour.
What you had forgotten was that your new upgraded boots siphoned energy from your gauntlets the same way your beams did, and while they were reasonably efficient, they were not infallible.
And thus they short-circuited - there was a split second between the realization that you could no longer shoot nor float before you found yourself hurtling toward the ground.
Harden, harden, harden was all you could think of for the few split seconds, and perhaps enough of your fall would be mitigated that you wouldn’t break all your bones at once. The trees were not kind enough to break your fall, and your hands grabbed frantically but caught purchase on nothing. All that was left was the loud thump, thump, thump of your blood rushing into your ears and somewhere in your panic you forgot to scream till you were just a meter above the ground.
Your eyes closed-
And your body didn’t shatter.
Your body hit something, and your breath held as you waited for pain and possibly death, which never came. Letting out a breath sharply, it occurred to you that there were arms. 
Something, someone, had caught you. 
Stunned, your eyes met with Izuku’s. Rather than say thank you, the word ‘How’ sprang forth. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, instead. 
There remained something shaky about your voice as he helped you onto your feet. Your head spun a tiny bit in confusion and you could feel it in your legs, or maybe it was dizziness from  having the energy drained out of you, and the last few desperate attempts to fortify your bones.
“What were you doing?” he asked, steadying you with an arm. His voice clearly betrayed concern but there was a more stern quality to it, like he was annoyed at you. Which you understood - another second and you would have been a spot on the ground and that would serve no one to find first thing in the morning. 
You tried to disrupt the miasma of near death experience with a laugh once the vertigo lessened. 
“I, uh… just found out I wasn’t as good at flying as I thought I was.”
Izuku did not laugh. On the contrary, he frowned deeply, rubbing his chin with his hand. He didn’t look at you now, but seemed to be suddenly in his thoughts, and the more stubborn and prideful part of you began to rise, wondering why he was making a big deal out of the awkward but evidently benign circumstance.
“What are you doing out here at this time of night?” you pivoted. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” he replied.
You raised an eyebrow. “So you wandered around in the woods?”
He matched your expression. “It seems popular, doesn’t it?”
You weren’t exactly sure what to do now. Izuku had clearly saved your life and almost seemed angry about it. Rightfully so, because it was stupid and you had been lucky.
Perhaps you should thank him. You could start there.
“... Thanks for… catching me.”
Izuku didn’t reply immediately, again frowning, his bottom lip very slightly pulled between his teeth as he decided what to do next.
“If you come out here again, text me.”
You furrowed your eyebrow.
“Why would I do that?”
Izuku looked even more upset now and you quickly reconsidered your words.
“Okay, I realize how that sounds,” you laughed again, nervously. “But I won’t do it again so don’t worry.”
“You won’t fall out of the sky in the middle of the night?” he repeated.
You grimaced. “N-no?”
Again, you were not exactly sure where this conversation was taking you. He blew air from his nose as if he were sighing deeply and giving up on something, you weren’t sure what.
“You won’t because I’m staying out with you.”
Your face warmed, and for whatever reason you felt compelled to raise your gauntlets.
“I’m out of juice, so I’m probably out of commission for tonight.”
He tilted his head to the side ever so slightly. 
“Did you still want to train?” he asked. You considered, then decided to tell the truth.
He placed his hand on one of the gauntlets, voice softening. “I’ll charge them if you let me stay out with you.”
You paused for a moment. It’s not as though you could stop him from staying out with you. But why? Perhaps because you were very stupid. Perhaps because he needed something to keep his mind from racing, and keeping an idiot from dying is preoccupying enough. 
There’s a new light dusting of pink on his cheeks that underlie his freckles, you noticed. 
Perhaps it’s something else.
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inbarfink · 2 years
The deaths of all the Finch kids are really so unbearably tragic. It really speaks to the quality of the writing and storytelling in ‘What Remains’. They’re written as so vivid and human and real, but also so many of them died so young. They were children, it’s so much harder for me to do the whole ‘well, let’s appreciate the life they did have’ thing when the majority of them didn’t even have a chance to become the people they could have become. And yet the image of who they could’ve been if they survived is so vivid in my mind. 
Edith had that line about how she always imagined Molly as a girl she could be good friends with. Obviously if she didn’t die back in 1947 they wouldn’t really be at the same age group, but she’d be one hell of a Cool Aunt. I can only imagine her Weird Girl tendencies would’ve only grown stronger and stronger with age. Considering her fascination with animals, maybe she would’ve gone to study Zoology or Biology when she grew older? And since she was dissecting a sea star just before her canon death…
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Sadly, I’m not sure if Barbara would’ve been able to resurrect her acting career. But there’s some subtle hints in her room that in reality she was more willing to move past it compared to her fictionalized version in that horror comic (which can’t be easy when you live in a room your dad themed entirely around your child-star years THANKS SVEN). That ‘horror convention’ seems to be an invention of the comic, Barbara’s actual room has a flier for a ‘Witch’s Ball’ at Orcas Island High School and a dress ready for it. 
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Barbara Finch didn’t actually spend her last day on earth hopelessly trying to revive her dead career, she was hoping to have a fun Halloween party like a regular teenager. Maybe the fact that it was hosted by the Orcas Island High School Drama Club implies she still had an interest in acting and theatre. Maybe she could’ve ended up as a classically trained actress with the child-stardom as just a fun quirk of her past? Or maybe she just wanted to take part in the Witches Ball because she likes Spooky Things? And she could have found her way back into the Horror Scene in a different way, like being a writer or costume designer or something?
Maybe Calvin could’ve become an Astronaut like he always wanted? But I think Calvin might’ve been more enthralled with the fantasy of science fiction than the reality of space travel. I’m thinking a lot about how Sam described Clavin in Gregory’s memoriam as ‘lost in his imagination’. Maybe he could’ve become a science fiction writer or something?
Walter didn’t technically die young, but he still certainly lost most of his years to the Curse. Like, a big thing about the tragedy of Walter to me is realizing his original childhood bedroom was themed after “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and trains. 
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Lil’ Walter did have an interest in adventure and travel, before his fears took it all away from him. If it wasn’t for the Curse, Walter could’ve actually something with it. Maybe he could’ve traveled around a bit and written about his experiences.
Lewis would’ve probably gone into game design. It’s not just how his fantasies manifest to us the players, but you can actually find books about game design and coding in his room. It seems that the problem was that his crappy job and his depression took away any opportunity he might have had to actually pursue this idea. Maybe if Milton never left, these three Finch siblings could’ve combined their creative skills together to make like, a very cool artsy game.
Speaking of which… man, Edith’s death stings the most because we got to know her far better than anyone else. And it’s not even the fact that she never got to share her all of her thoughts and creativity with the wider world that makes me the saddest. Getting to the end of the game and hearing just how much she was looking forwards to be with her son - even with all the hardships of being a teen mom, she was really looking forwards to it. To meet him, to share her stories with him. But instead, that worn old diary is the only connection between them...
And that’s like… part of what’s so great about WRoEF’s use of its own format. Like, the faux-interactive linearity of the Narrative Exploration/‘Walking Simulator’ is so perfect for selling this tragedy. The way each Death Flashback only moves forwards based on the actions of the Player, but it always moves on the same unchanging doomed path - really highlights both how stupidly preventable so many of these deaths feel and really make the Player wish there was a way to change them. After all, all they need is for Calvin to not swing so hard, for Gregory’s faucet to not turn back on, for Walter to not stand directly on those train tracks and everything would’ve been fine. But at the same time it’s so, so clear to the Player that this is an impossible wish. There is no other way these sequences can go - these deaths have already been written. The most you can you is linger, all you can do is delay the inevitable. 
But it hurts.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
Kon's in Gotham, which would be less of a problem if it were the right Gotham.
Possibly his reality doesn't exist anymore, is the thing. He's trying very, very hard not to concentrate on that fact until he gets more information, though.
Currently, he's standing in the middle of an emergency triage center with a few hundred more refugees from varying dimensions, and he can't do anything actually superhero-ish or even too noticeably useful because he's wearing a fucking gala-quality bespoke suit that Tim bought him. So, like, way too nicely dressed for a refugee situation or really just any damn normal situation.
If he had to end up in another reality, at least he could've been wearing his superhero costume or his work clothes from the farm, but no, this particular interdimensional crisis just had to pop up during "suffer through another ridiculously fancy Wayne gala on Tim's arm in the name of charity" date night.
Why not, right?
So yes, Kon's in a triage center, waiting to get "processed" as a refugee and hoping to high hell that the local Batman doesn't hate Supers and isn't a supervillain. He'd considered sneaking out of the center altogether to go and get a better idea of what's going on firsthand, but people in the crowd keep randomly freaking out and everyone's tense as hell and he's a little bit concerned that something might be about to go down. Like, it's Gotham, and this whole setup seems like a very tempting target for people with dubious morals to swoop in and start shit.
As far as Kon knows, he's the only refugee in this specific center who's not a standard civilian, and it's hard to just clear out and leave everyone here to the tender mercies of whatever random assholes feel like making trouble for no good reason. There's just so many older people and so many kids, is the thing. Kon is . . . well, physiologically twenty-two, at least, and is a very clear outlier in the group. Mostly it's people over sixty and kids under twelve, for whatever reason. And a whole lot of the kids keep crying on and off and the older people are all clearly stressed as fuck.
Which is fair, since again, possibly all their realities are gone.
. . . technically he probably does count as under twelve, come to think.
Eh, whatever.
Kon has spent a whole hell of a lot of time cheering up frightened little kids and soothing panicked adults in the four hours he's been in this triage center and it has been fucking exhausting. At this point, if any Gotham rogue shows their face and even looks at a single one of these people, Kon's going to just fucking deck them. Like, fuck whatever the local Batman's rules about metas and vigilantes are, Kon does not have the patience for anything else.
Right now, though, he's currently just focused on the very distressed pair of identical little girls on either side of him who are not twins and are absolutely terrified of each other.
"Hey, it's okay, Mallory," he says gently, and the girls sniffle in perfect unison.
"But she's scary!" they both blurt, and then they both whimper in fright, and then they both start crying.
Not ideal, Kon thinks. The local version of Mallory is in the awkward position of having had two alternates of herself pop up from two different realities and both land in her family's apartment, and the local versions of her parents are currently arguing with the aid workers about not separating them from their alternate daughters. Kon's half-eavesdropping–they're not that far away, the workers couldn't convince them to break line of sight–and they're both insisting on at least one of them being allowed to stay in the refugee center with the Mallorys. The local Mallory looks a little worried about things, but not as much as her displaced alternates do.
Well, she's the one currently with her actual parents and still in her own definitely-not-destroyed reality, so yeah, that makes sense. The other two Mallorys are just hiding from their other selves on either side of Kon, who can't keep his damn nose out of anything.
Really, actually, Mallory is a pretty lucky kid. Kon didn't even get this good a reception to showing up unexpectedly in his home dimension, and he's heard a lot of horror stories about people getting attacked or chased off by freaked-out locals already today.
Kon had just popped up alone in the middle of an empty ballroom, himself. He'd had to talk to a couple of security guards, but they'd had the news on already and the emergency broadcast had explained what the fuck was going on pretty quick. One of them had given him a water bottle and a candy bar while the other'd called the emergency hotline listed on the TV to figure out where to send him and they'd really both just rolled with the whole situation. That'd been pretty nice of them, Kon had thought.
People are awful, sometimes, but also amazing sometimes.
"Listen," he says reassuringly, dropping into a crouch between the Mallorys, who both clutch anxiously at his weird fancy Tim-chosen jacket as he puts a hand on both of their backs. "It really is okay. I know it's scary, but your parents are gonna make sure you get taken care of, and the aid workers are gonna help them out."
"But–" they both start, and then both make frightened noises again and cover their mouths with their free hands. Whatever realities they happen to be from, they are clearly very similar ones. The local Mallory wasn't talking in unison with either of them, but they keep overlapping each other without meaning to, and she's wearing a pink corduroy dress but they're both in the same black denim overalls. Different shirts, at least, but their hair's identically braided and beaded where hers is in afro puffs.
"This is weird and crazy, but you're not alone," Kon says firmly, patting their backs. "Your mom and dad have your backs."
He wonders what that would be like, having not only parents but parents who'd just roll with alternate dimension versions of you to the point that they wouldn't leave them in a government-sponsored refugee center, but quickly shoves the thought aside to focus on the actual issue.
Maybe Ma and Pa would come get him if they knew, he thinks for a moment, the thought slipping through the cracks, and then feels like an idiot. He's not a teenager anymore. Was never even a kid, technically. And also he's a literal superhero anyway.
That'd be stupid, for them to bother doing that for an alternate version of the guy who spent a couple years crashing in their real kid's old room before running off to San Francisco.
Hell, for all he knows, this reality's version of them doesn't even know him at all.
Seems likelier than not.
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sokkabaddiebender2021 · 7 months
ok y’all i finally finished the neflix live action avatar and…….don’t hate me……..but i enjoyed it 😭 my standards for entertainment is honestly on whether or not it entertained me, so honestly i question my standards.
first off, the visuals and score was absolutely amazing. the fight scenes were well choreographed, and the bending, which i was super nervous about, looked actually amazing.
i think we can all agree the writing and dialogue was pretty choppy at times, and the delivery could be better at times. but i also think (most) of the energy of the original characters was captured well. katara honestly got done the dirtiest because why was she so…….not passionate??? i’m hoping later on she gets more so because that’s a key trait of katara. i was very disappointed with that :/
what they did to suki too……..i liked her being a little awkward and such because it makes sense but i felt like too much of her character was dedicated to her having a crush on sokka. like where is her attitude, her ferocity?
i think aang was played very well by gordon cormier, especially considering this is a child actor we are taking about. his line delivery isn’t going to be great and yes he is a real boy so he can’t be as cartoony as some would hope but i think he was absolutely adorable.
surprise surprise, i loved dallas liu as zuko. i think there were some pretty whack line deliveries but he really captured the anger and cringeyness of zuko well. his martial arts were also also incredible, his fight scenes were my favorite to watch. the scene with him crying quietly on the bed when ozai banishing him shattered me, his subtle acting is underrated honestly.
i have my beef with ian ousley as sokka mostly because of the controversy and such, but i can’t lie he did play sokka well. yet again, as for the last characters, some line deliveries were iffy but he was still a very believable sokka.
so for the writing, i have LOTS OF OPINIONS. there were things they cut that definitely upset me, and that was just because of their lowkey questionable pacing. as much as i hate the slimeball, i missed a lot of the interesting parts of zhao’s story that they cut like his agni kai, jeuong jeuong (aang’s fear of fire??), zuko SAVING him. i feel like they had something interesting there with building a fake alliance with him and zuko, and they didn’t build more off it. [edit] that so, the dude who played zhao had me losing my shit. his line delivery was hilarious and i just love that zhao just gives that manager no one likes/that one creepy math teacher in high school vibes (only combination i could think of y’all).
the additions to zuko’s story was something i absolutely loved. i found myself actually getting very emotional with a lot of the flashbacks, and the 41st division being his crew 🥹🥹 but then i find myself being upset that we were shown other flashbacks so early (like the death of katara’s mother??).
i actually hate the hate azula’s actress is getting. she’s playing a 14 year old……like a 14 year old?? she wasn’t even in season 1 in the og so ofc she’s gonna not be the same, i’m hoping this means they’re building up her up to her fierceness in season 2.
one last critique PLEASE GET A WIG BUDGET GOOD LORD THOSE WIGS WERE BAAAAD. and also a lot of their costumes looked fake or like plastic this was actually my least favorite part 😭
overall, not as horrible as people make it out to be, i had a good time but obviously the og will always be the higher quality product. i’m just glad the young actors seemed to really be passionate for the project :)
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
“Eddie,” Robin says, eyes wide in a way that means trouble. “Edward Munson, I sincerely hope your last will and testament is in order, because you are going to completely and totally die when I tell you who just got hired at Scoops Ahoy.”
Eddie groans. “Don’t tell me Tammy Thompson is giving up on her Nashville dreams.”
“No, I hate you, shut up forever, you’ll never guess.” Robin pauses, then in a dramatic whisper she’s definitely picked up from Eddie himself, says: “Steve Harrington.”
“Jesus. No shit?”
“Yeah, I have to train him. Oh my god it’s the worst. He’s so bad at, like, everything.”
She shoves at his shoulder until he moves out of the doorway of the trailer, and flings herself backwards onto his couch. “Like! Okay! I showed up to my shift thinking it would be a completely normal day in which I would be bored out of my skull distributing frozen dairy products to the flotsam and jetsam of Hawkins, and Ned’s like, hey Robin, you’re showing the new guy the ropes today. And then that freaking jackass has the freaking nerve to say—” Her voice drops a full register. “Uhh, nice to meet you, I’m Steve. Nice to meet you! God!”
Eddie cringes sympathetically, sucking air between his teeth. There’s a special kind of indignity to being so completely and utterly below the radar of Hawkins High royalty, even former bearers of the crown. It’s not as if Hawkins is a big town; Eddie’s pretty sure he could pick every single person in the graduating classes of ‘84 and ‘85 out of a crowd. He’ll probably be able to do it for ‘86 too, though he’s trying not to think about it too hard. So he’ll be a senior again (again) this fall, whatever. It’s fine. It’s whatever.
Once in a while, he wastes some time really, really wishing he’d gotten to know Robin earlier in the year. Maybe even last year. For undying friendship reasons, yeah, but also because with her in his corner, he might’ve actually passed enough of his classes to fucking graduate on his second fucking try.
But he’d only actually met her, like actually met her for real instead of passing her in the hall sometimes, when he’d let himself get suckered into rejoining band. It wasn’t like he could’ve brought his guitar in, but he let it slip to Miss Genovese that he could read music and keep time, and they needed someone to wallop the bass drum, and he figured a little experience fucking around with percussion might be the one thing he could salvage from the year. He’d just…been so goddamn tired of feeling stuck, spinning his wheels. Music was something he could actually handle; something he could actually get better at. Something he could master. He's man enough to admit he needed a win.
The actual songs were all stuffy Holst and Sousa numbers, but they’d had some fun technical bits he spent his evenings hammering out for a couple weeks. And then right around the point when he’d gotten good enough to get bored and think about quitting like last time, it had somehow wound up that shooting the shit with the gangly weirdo in the trumpet section was one of the best parts of his day. Unfortunately, by the time they’d gotten close enough for her to start bullying him about homework and shit, it had been way too late to save his chance at walking that ‘85 stage with assholes like Steve fucking Harrington.
Not that Harrington would’ve even noticed, apparently.
“Anyway, the one singular saving grace about the entire situation is that he looks even dumber in the sailor costume than I do, so at least that will make me feel better about my life until he gets fired for burning down the ice cream freezer or something like that. Eddie, I cannot stress this enough: he is so bad at this job.”
Eddie very tactfully does not bring up the litany of screw-ups that Robin’s admitted to over the last couple weeks since she started at Scoops; he just says, “Buckley, it sounds to me like you might be in need of some quality relaxation time this fine evening. I can offer you a nice cold beer, some herbal refreshment…or a fiendishly weird new song to learn with an intro riff that'll make you cry.”
Robin, inveterate nerd of his heart, sits up immediately and chirps, “New song, please!” just like he knew she would. She’s going to run off and elope with his acoustic one of these days, and he’s not even mad about it.
“Coming right up, m’lady,” says Eddie. “I promise this entire Harrington situation will be over before you know it, and neither of us will ever have to think about him again.”
(ETA: First chapter of this fic has been edited/expanded and posted on AO3)
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kiwibeanv · 9 months
DMC Boys in a Love Hotel Headcannons
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! MDNI - Heavily suggestive themes
Summary: How our demon boys might react to a love hotel with you.
Most willing to try it out.
You happen to find one secluded in a street as you were hanging out with Dante.
This man will check out all the themes if he could. He'll pick out cheesy romantic ones with roses and all. Or if he's feeling adventurous, he'll pick out a strange theme like a western theme (dog, he wore them cowboy boots in DMC4).
Feel uncomfortable? No worries, he won't push you and he will go alone then come back to tell you all about it.
If you do choose to explore with him, he'll be cracking a few jokes here and there. Nothing too explicit. Maybe the beds should be high quality~
Did the room have a cabinet with naughty things? Dante will freeze and stare at it for a few seconds until his mind registers what that is. Yep...How considerate.
Checked out the TV? There are certainly some things that are best saved for a smaller screen and headphones. Dante would rather keep the TV off for now as he would rather focus on you.
Oh the mirror placement. One on the ceiling and one on the side of the bed. He could already imagine the view and his excitement grows. That's something he should take a peek at.
The glass walls and doors of the bathroom is something to make you uncomfortable at first. With little privacy but Dante is totally fine giving you the privacy if you like.
Now let's say you do take this opportunity with him~
Dante is an open guy and he will be willing to try out new things with you.
He'll rent a few costumes for some foreplay to warm up. He can also buy the extra things you wished to use.
Don't forget the amenities~ It's right there on the nightstand for your protection.
That mirror is so enticing. Just a glance and you see the reflection of the position you're in. The face he makes of determination to pleasure you when he's on top. Or the look he has that even the pillows can't hide that shows him taking it well from you. The angles are perfect!
Would you come back to this place? Oh for sure! This love hotel can certainly let you rent it for a few hours too. So if you need a quick moment to get heated, this place is always there for you. Dante is likely to return here with you more.
Really hard to convince him to go. He doesn't want to be seen around in a place like that. The only way to get him to go is if it is a last resort. Unless you're in a relationship with him, he might lower his pride to try it out.
So let's say, you did have to book a room because it really was a last resort. This dude would not even accompany you as you get a room from the receptionist. And because you were alone, the receptionist gave you a complementary bag.
That love store you passed by to get to the elevator, as soon as Vergil realized what it was, he quickly looked away and kept his eyes glued to the floor.
Once you reached the elevator, you could feel the air was tense with him. He refused to make eye contact with you. That scowl on his face seemed like he was going to get more wrinkles. Ask him if he is all right, and he'll say he's fine. Despite those furrowed eyebrows that make it seem otherwise.
If Vergil really had to choose a room out of the selection, his first choice is the looking normal and elegant rooms. Those weird themed ones with the seashell bed, candy land wallpaper, or anything childish will make him cringe and call it "tacky."
If you dare to explore that complementary bag and show him the things, Vergil will express his disgust and scoff at it. And for fucks sake put it away! Especially if you lack the knowledge of it's other purposes, Vergil will take that paddle away from your innocent hands.
But after getting a good look at this place, this isn't so bad. A floating thought haunts his head. What if we really try it out? Perhaps under more coordinated circumstances, his mind opens up to that idea.
However, as things are, let's sleep through the night and be done. If you're really that uncomfortable, Vergil will definitely sleep in the bathtub.
Now if you really are in lady luck's hands~
Vergil will take into account about the layout and calculate what are some things he could do to make this experience a good one. The placement of the mirrors? Oh he can definitely make you look at yourself as you lay under his mercy. The amenities provided will help prevent unplanned children (unless that's your goal you discussed with him).
Toys? Maybe just a select few. Handcuffs and ropes will do, if you're so inclined~ Vergil relies on himself to give you pleasure, not these things. Though it's possible to get him to use another one when his mind is fogged with lust.
Vergil will definitely dominate you. He's in control, but he remembers what your boundaries are. Even if he let's you on top, he'll make it a fun challenge for you to please him. Remember those mirrors? He will move your chin to make you see your reflection. Look at that pretty face of yours as you take it. Make sure to glance at his face too when you can.
Would he ever come back with you here? Maybe a few more times. But Vergil likes saving the money and spend your time in a bedroom you actually own.
Nero probably doesn't even know of its existence.
He's not that oblivious. If the love shop is there, he'll know right away. Or just looking at the extra stuff provided, he'll catch on.
Just make sure Vergil doesn't know what you two are up to. Else he's going to give a long lecture and he'll forbid you two from going. But like that's going to stop Nero.
Dante could give you two a few warnings but he's actually pretty open to let Nero explore.
It could be a place he would be willing to try.
Like Vergil, he will stick with more normal rooms at first. If he ends up liking the love hotel experience, he could be more daring to try an odd theme with you.
When he's checking out the room with you, he speaks his mind. All his thoughts and opinions. Whether he likes the design, how weird those mirror placements are, or the interesting furniture that adds to the theme.
But even if he was willing to try, this love hotel is weird to him. He has trouble comprehending why people need a place like this. Isn't doing it in the bedroom all the same?
The secret vending machine with naughty things will make him red. It makes him shudder and wonder if these things are unused. (Which are. For sanitary reasons obviously. And you can't return them!) Let's forget I found that.
If you wish to spend your time intimately~
What he won't admit aloud is the glass walls in the bathroom. He actually likes that. As long you consent, he might peek as you bathe.
Things start slow with Nero. Some teasing here with lingerie you have on. Soft kisses that lead to making out and that escalates into the real action.
Nero is a switch but it really depends on your preferences. Are you more on the sub side? Nero can be top. And of course if you lean more towards dominance, Nero can certainly be bottom. Or if it really depends on your mood, Nero is flexible with it.
He will make the most of it. He'll take your preferences in consideration. Whether you really want to use handcuffs or experiment with the scenario (like using that weird furniture if the room provides it), he's here to satisfy you and himself equally.
His thoughts on coming back? Nero seems like he's neutral about it. He sees the practical use for the love hotel, should he need extra privacy. For you, he will be willing to come back.
He doesn't know that love hotels exist either.
V will have to take a closer look to realize what the purpose is, Griffin will point it out to him. It's for couples to do naughty business and bang, isn't the word love obvious?!
V will have to shut Griffin out of his head. This bird will run his mouth like no tomorrow. He might as well let him fly free outside the hotel so he doesn't hear him tease him about it. Even then that bird will take the time to figure out where your window is.
He is very composed about this compared to the rest. Scanning the objects. Sure he'll make a few odd faces but hey, everyone has different preferences here.
If he were to choose a room style, V would opt for classical aesthetics. Baroque, Greek or Roman styles, Gothic, or Victorian.
Going in the room, V is very curious. He will look through every nook and cranny this place offers. The odd placements of the mirrors, those extra adult things provided, and judging the overall aesthetic.
V will take a moment to read his book in the room. He will certainly read aloud interesting lines. "Never seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be; For the gentle wind doth move; Silently, invisibly"
Take Griffin inside and he'll be pretty yappy about the things he finds. Hey, you thinking about using this? You should probably leave him outside and I think you both can mutually agree.
If you wish to spend the night~
V is slow and will take his time. He will whisper enticing words and recite a few lines of romantic poetry to warm you up.
Then his hands will run along yours. He makes the first move to kiss you. Things start to escalate more.
If you're open to those extra toys, he will make use of them. Whether it's on you or him.
V is willing to be either top or bottom but leaning more on the sub side. Again, this all depends on you. Let him take the reigns? Or do you want to control how it goes?
What are his thoughts on coming back? V is willing to use the love hotel again. But only if you ask.
Bonus Points:
If you were with DMC 3 Dante, he's gonna get denied access. His immaturity is going to make the receptionist suspicious. As per love hotel policy, adults only. So she will have to take a precaution and deny him entry. Even if he met the age 18 criteria...
DMC 3 Vergil could get away but honestly, he will not bother coming here. Why waste the money when you have your room? He sees no difference between a regular and a love hotel. Just keep your mouth shut and don't let neighbors hear.
DMC 4 Nero would probably be denied access too. Just looking at his 19 year old self, he still looks like he is in high school. The receptionist would kindly suggest a restaurant for you two to go.
Bot Links!
Should you want to have your own fun, I made them on Character AI.
Dante (For some reason it's not showing on the search).
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