#because it NEVER snows
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Finale Thoughts
This is a very special thank you to all the Fast Passers. Y'all did amazing, truly, because I actively read anything and everything without any attempt to shield my eyes from spoilers and I still knew nothing. This post is dedicated to you guys.
Alright guys. You know the drill. Get the hot coco and strap in.
Lets start with Deacon:
Deacon acknowledging that Chase is more likely to interact well with Buddy is actually so good to see. It's so nice to see Deacon prioritize Prunella's safety and to be more comfortable with being put in "lesser" positions, like babysitting! (Think back to sick! Chase, and look at how far Deacon's grown)
Deacon and Prunella's talk: Prunella calling out Deacon for always talking about being great instead of just being great. That's so good, genuinely--Prunella shrugging and being self-confident and Deacon finally really hearing it. He needs to just be what he wants.
Deacon's relationship with horses symbolizing his frustrations with his inability to control his life was NOT something I expected and I openly applauded. That's brilliant.
Don't be mistaken: Deacon sacrificed himself. He knew the risks of making the horse play bridge. He watched the horse fall victim to the spread of the pages. The horse was still neighing when it's legs started to turn--Deacon could have yelled, but he didn't, because he was too focused trying to make sure that Chase and Prunella, at least, could escape.
The speech Buddy gave him, which I will reference so many times, about there being a time to be the hero and a time to be the helper, is SO applicable. Deacon "is happy to help." He isn't trying to be the hero, and he isn't trying for glory, and he just wants his cousin and his friend-ish to be safe. And it's specifically when he's not trying to be the hero that he ends up being the hero, by taking control of the reigns and getting Prunella to Chase and risking his life. He follows Bronze and Prunella's advice, and listens to the speech, and listens to himself: He stops asking for permission. He steps up. He becomes the hero.
Cannot wait to see Deacon's reaction when Chase undoubtedly tells him how they escaped. I can't decide if Chase is immediately going to say "Buddy and I kissed" or if he's going to say "I figured out an escape and stop asking questions" but no matter what, Deacon's going to be squinting at his cousin and groaning.
ALSO can't wait to see how this arc impacts his relationship with his parents. Like I'm so excited. A Deacon that's more confident being able to step forward and say "No, I don't want to devote my life to something I'll actively hate. That's ridiculous." might be the end of me ngl, I love him.
Prunella my love
Prunella my LOVE
She has this confidence that we only see falter twice: when she struggles with the other kids, and right now. And in both situations, she didn't know what to do, and she was in over her head, and she reminded us that she's just a KID
Her arc has been the exact opposite of Deacon's, and it's so cool to watch them both experience opposite lessons in the same arc. Deacon learning how to step forward and lead while Prunella learns how to step back and follow.
Prunella hearing, constantly, about how dangerous the books are and finally SEEING the books as dangerous. Prunella finally understanding why Deacon was so strict about the books she could travel in, because most of their worst-case scenarios came true in a single swoop.
Prunella also has not met Buddy yet. She saw him, described him as the mean guy, and then perished. Truly an icon.
I am so convinced that Prunella and Buddy would be friends. Even if it starts rocky, I think they both enjoy humbling the Hollow boys too much to not grow to like the other's presence. I can't believe I have to wait for season 2 to get confirmation of this but I am going to be so smug when I am correct
CHASE EVERETT HOLLOW i have never in my life ever loved a character like I love Chase. I talk so much about Buddy but that is me being a wing-woman, Chase my love Chase, I love him so much
Fun fact I didn't even like Buddy until the first Cinderella story. I was so convinced I wouldn't like him, but I resigned myself to cheering for Stargoth anyway (I was part of the Canvas/Discover Squad, i had a LOT of hiss hiss Buddy) solely because if Buddy made Chase happy then sure I'll accept it, and now i adore Buddy, Punko is just that good
Every single moment of Chase in this arc stole my attention. every single panel. God I could do a dive longer and deeper than my Buddy analysis but exclusively on Chase during the finale arc. i could do it exclusively on Chase during the finale. I could do it on any singular panel.
Chase being guilty about lying to Buddy alone was heart-wrenching, but Chase literally only got more and more heartbreaking. Him constantly trying to help everyone--the keys, for example, with a resort for them to enjoy--only for things to go wrong--the resort, for example, drowning the book. He just wants to HELP
Buddy was 100% correct in calling out Chase for pinning the blame on Deacon, but what he didn't realize is Chase wasn't trying to do that. Chase truly felt terrible, and he truly wanted to apologize, and him bringing up Deacon was him being honest and factual because he did argue with Deacon about it, but he did end up listening to Deacon. And Buddy gets more frustrated because Chase is misunderstanding the problem--it isn't Chase hiding Prunella, it's Chase refusing to trust Buddy
And when you think about it. Chase absolutely has no reason to. Chase doesn't even know his name WHICH I WILL TALK ABOUT LATER bc kdjfherigh but! In Chase's eyes, yeah why would he. He's literally desperate to have Buddy prove that hes legit and good and kind and Buddy keeps shoving that away (Buddy saving Deacon's life and then pointedly not mentioning that, for example).
It's also the fact that Chase is trying so hard to stay optimistic despite such extreme levels of guilt. It's the fact that he stays clutching to that persona of optimism even after seeing paper! Deacon and Prunella, and it's only when he's staring at a bleeding Buddy that the full situation sinks in
Chase finally breaking. Oh my God you dont know how long I was waiting to see Chase splinter apart. This is a kid trying to do the impossible, and every single time something goes wrong, he feels like it's his fault. The book got destroyed? Buddy got betrayed? Admitting that he doesn't trust Buddy? Getting way less narratonin than Deacon or Prunella? He blames himself for all of it, first and foremost, and it's finally on full display
Chase even trying to send Buddy away? Pushing and pushing because he is so desperate to save someone, anyone, even though that's literally a death sentence for him. And he doesn't hesitate, either--it's practically instinct, even though Chase would never agree to leave if the roles had been reversed.
And like...augh Buddy hugging Chase, and Chase hugging him back? That was painful enough, but you add in Chase admitting that he doesn't want Buddy to leave?
This is not the post for me to point at Chase and accuse him of abandonment issues, but know that I am pointing at Chase and I am accusing him of abandonment issues. I am looking at him feeling hurt that Deacon left him in the Toffee arc, I am looking at him constantly repeating that he's not going anywhere, I am looking at him running to apologize to Buddy after spending so much time bitter about Buddy avoiding him, I am looking at his avoidance of talking about his mom in situations where "My mom is dying and this is important to me" would be really helpful, and I am thinking accusations
But anyway
Chase and his abandonment issues: literally all he wants is for someone to stay, safely and securely. His mom, Deacon, Silver, Buddy, even his dance partner. He's always at risk of losing someone, and he's about to lose everything, and all he can do is admit that he just wants Buddy to stay, because he's scared
Chase you are my sun you are my stars you are my whole solar system I will give you the world
Also, I absolutely knew the repeated comments about Chase being an idiot would get to him. Chase is SMART, guys. He's perceptive. He knows when he messes up, and he tries to look past the mistake and into how to rectify it, but that doesn't mean he isn't aware that he did something wrong. And people (Buddy) kept snapping that he was stupid, or an idiot, or ridiculous, bc Chase would make a mistake (or stick by a decision), and he would NOTICE that people thought it was ridiculous. He just didn't care, because he was either sticking with it, or trying to fix it.
And he DOES. He notices the words in the sky, realizes the solution, figures out the entire thread behind the stories (they want to be enjoyable and they want to have a good ending), and explains it all to Buddy. Chase figured it out, because he's so much smarter than everyone assumes.
Anyway Buddy hugging Chase and telling him he can stay a while longer (this is a scene burned into my heart) (more on that later) and telling him he's not stupid and that he's trying his best is SO important. This might be the first time in the entire story that someone finally sees Chase. Someone finally prioritizing Chase and putting Chase's wellbeing first and telling Chase yeah sure maybe you messed up but you're doing the impossible every single day and you're TRYING.
And for it to be Buddy? Like ignore the romance entirely--if someone who always insults you and is notoriously difficult to please tells you "No, you're not stupid. You're trying your best" while hugging you? thats the most sincere thing in the world. that's tears immediately.
Chase suggesting kissing is also askdjns because (again, ignore the romance part of it)--he always skips the kissing scenes. We know thats because he wanted to save his first kiss, and he's the one who offered. Yeah, okay, sure, it was life or death, but Chase didn't hesitate, and didn't weigh his options, and didn't even consider saying "a kiss on the forehead would probably suffice." guy went straight for "i need the mouth to mouth"
the grin. The bright eyes. the pressing fingers to his lips. He's so happy, so genuinely happy.
I truly, truly, TRULY cannot wait to see what this means for our idiots. I can't wait for someone to try to have a conversation and for someone else to not want a conversation, or for them to be so awkward with each other, or for Deacon to want to skin them both, or for WHATEVER turn this takes. And im SO happy for Chase.
I wrote this whole thing and it just deleted. i am furious
Punko i cant believe you were worried we wouldnt like it. nox nox nox nox nox i love that
okay first: the two theories for key Nox, as they are rn, are 1) that Nox has always been the villain key, or 2) that Nox was tricked/manipulated/experimented into becoming the villain key.
1) If he'd always been the villain key, it makes sense why he never told Chase his name. Chase would have immediately told Silver and company, who would have had to stare at Chase and ask them if he had a crush on their brother
1) if he'd always been the villain key, his distrust of Chase could be explained by him distrusting all humans. This would follow course with him also being frustrated by Deacon, which yes was partly because of jealousy but also partly because Deacon was a new key holder.
1) ALSO of course he was a nightmare about Chase with the key--he had no reason to believe Chase would treat the keys well. it's also possible that he knew Silver had a crack, and thats why he helped Chase in the first cinderella book--so that Chase could meet Silver.
2) if he BECAME the villain key, it makes sense why he never asked Chase details about his key. Why he never asked about Silver or Bronze, or if they were okay, or how they were settling, despite routinely trying to get details about other factors of Chase's life. He assumes Chase is selfish, true, but he doesn't ever accuse Chase of being cruel with them.
2) if he BECAME the villain key, the line of "Don't you want to be human again" holds a lot of power. Yes, it's possible that the keys were once people and Nox wants to go back to that, but its been CENTURIES.
2) if he was always the villain key, the line of "Don't you want to be human again" would be applicable to all the keys, bc it would assume they were all human once (obligatory Keys are People Too mention, it's an amazing ao3 fic by incomple shoo go read it). Silver, Bronze, AND Goldie never mentioned that, and Punko likely would have foreshadowed it earlier.
2) if he BECAME the villain key, it makes sense why he wasn't included in the dream Silver had! Where she dreamt about her family!
2) if he BECAME the villain key, his constant reference of Silver as "the key" or as "it" also makes sense. Earlier, like episode three or so, he mentions needing to get Silver back before the old man returns. It's Silver specifically, without mentioning trying to track down anyone else.
2) if he BECAME the villain key, his name being objectively different from the other keys makes sense. Silver, Bronze, and Goldie were all named after the metal they were made from! Violet is purple! Yes, Nox means night, and yes, Nox has a moon on his back, but if Goldie isn't called Sunny, then I would argue Nox's name should count as way more subtle than everyone else's.
anyway theres a lot of points on either aspect
I could do into the character growth of Buddy, but I'm actually going to focus on the hug. Not the kiss, even though it's nice to see the fixation on Chase's hair stays strong, but Buddy immediately recognizing a hug is needed and immediately giving him one.
Buddy love language is touch, or something
Chase says "I think we need to kiss" and there's not a single arguement from Nox's lips. He literally stares at the sky, turns slowly, and goes "Not a problem"
actually the whole "I've never been the hero. Not even in my own story" goes so strong when you remember the speech he gave Deacon about needing to act as the hero, the helper, and whatever other role when need be. Nox was given the chance to be the hero, and he took it. "I'd like to be your hero" isn't just a romantic one-liner to preface a kiss--it's Nox genuinely saying that he wants the happy ending that Chase always skips. And Chase, this time, doesn't skip it.
Nox, returning back to his space with Violet, immediately says he doesn't think he can keep doing this. But he wants to be a human, more than ever, which implies that "keep doing this" isn't just travelling into the stories, but doing something additional. Something that, we can infer, is hurting Chase.
i am wrapping this up its snowing outside and i cant feel my fingers, how do you snow people do this
if you read all of this! grab a treat <3 hope you enjoyed and love you all
#happy birthday fastpassers#cinderella boy#chase hollow#cinderella boy webtoon#stargoth#buddy#buddy cinderella boy#i live in the hot place#and its snowing#so ive been in the snow#all day#because it NEVER snows#this was a once in a lifetime opportunity#i had classes and i pretended that i was sick#lied in the snow and let the snowflakes bury me
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if i think about the hunger games in peeta's perspective i WILL start sobbing
#imagine you're a boy who's going to die. you're in love with the girl you've been watching from afar. you know your fate.#you just want to help her‚ but then there's the announcement and she's here in front of you‚ kissing you‚ risking her life for you and you#think‚ i could live and i could love. you think she loves you when she hands you the berries‚ when she puts them in her mouth.#then you both survive and you go back home and nothing is real anymore. you have nothing. no family. no friends. no love. just an empty#house. a drunk for a neighbor. the love of your life walking into somebody else's arms. you think‚ i survived the games. i could survive#this. and you also think‚ i should've bit down on those berries‚ should've felt the juice burst before i died.#and then the third quarter quell announcement rings in your ears and you think‚ she will live and i will die as i should have in the first#place. the girl you love kisses you on the beach and somewhere you heart stirs and your mind revolts and you savor every touch she has ever#given to you‚ in front of the cameras and off. because you are a tribute and you are always being watched and snow's presence looms and#you think‚ i know she cares. but you get taken. you get drugged. you get tortured‚ your mind altered. the girl is a mutt‚ a murderer. she's#everything you despise‚ your mind stirs. your heart revolts. you gain more awareness but cannot distinguish reality from fiction and you#have never known katniss' love. the war ends. you heal. you come home. you plant primrose for her. years down the line‚ you grow in love#more than you thought possible. but some days‚ you cannot tell fiction from reality so you ask the love of your life‚ you love me.#real or not real? and she says‚ real‚ and kisses you.#and you sigh and kiss her back and revel in this. a home. a life. a love.#lit#the hunger games#everlark#otp: real or not real?#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#text#tais toi lys#thgpost#*
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Wuh oh did they forget that Bill is a threat 👻💀All Frankenghost drawings💀👻
#Gravity falls#Gravity falls au#Frankenghost au#my stuff#i have a case of “if it is not funny- it is embarrassing” with my drawings. i will fight this. put em up#context. bord ran out into a snow storm and stan chased. use your imagination#Ford never actually put anything permenent in place to stop bill from taking over#because stanley was minimising bills damage and Ford had more pressing matters (reviving his brother and being a mad scientist)#he just didnt care#also stan being schrodingers cat there is why bill can still show himself to him live. ghosts always dreaming or what ever i said
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Oh, you fool, there are rules, I am coming for you
(You can run but you can't escape)
Darkness brings evil things, oh, the reckoning begins
(You will open the yawning grave)
#do you ever think about the fact that they aren't able to let each other go#viktor could've easily let baby jayce die in the snow#especially knowing the potential outcomes of his decision#but he can't.#he tries every combination of the rune because he KNOWS there HAS TO be another way#he can't let jayce go.#and jayce is so desperate to keep viktor alive that he decides to break his promise#unwillingly burdening him with something neither of them can truly comprehend#but he would do it again.#he will never give viktor up.#talk about star-crossed smh#in all timelines in all possibilities#my art#fanart#artists on tumblr#arcane#arcane fanart#viktor arcane#jayvik#jayce talis
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Rhaegar Targaryen is easily one of GRRM’s best deconstructions of the genre and we don’t talk about it enough. He’s prince living in a world full of magic and wonder that has dwindled over time. His own family had a great monopoly on one of the most magical phenomena (dragons) to ever exist, but they lost this control over time and it was due to their own faults. But there’s an all encompassing hope that this magic, these dragons, will come back. They all live within the promise that it will all be back and with a huge bang. It’s all so romantic. Magical forces of ice and fire battling it out in a song.
Then there’s Rhaegar, a prince born for the sole purpose of being this song’s romantic hero. He already has his destiny mapped out and it will be a great one, greater than any other man who ever lived. It’s a song of ice and fire, and Rhaegar is its bard. You’d expect this to give him joy. Yet by all accounts, he was depressed as fuck. I think he’s unfairly earned the reputation of having an ego so big to think that he will be the hero….but that’s quite literally the point of his existence. He was born to be the hero. He paid the price at birth to be the hero. How can he revel and glory in this destiny when he has no say in it?
So it’s genuinely funny that when given the chance, Rhaegar immediately pivots to someone else taking on this burden. But how tragic for him that he cannot escape it too far. Because it will be none other than his own son who, under a “bleeding star”, is marked at conception for this great destiny without a say. More than his ego, Rhaegar is marked by the inability to escape this duty. His whole life is dedicated to fulfilling a duty he can never escape. He isn’t just a future king, prophecy dictates that the world’s survival is placed squarely on his shoulders. Even when he isn’t the hero, he’s now responsible for raising him…
…but then he makes one decision and it all comes crumbling like a pack of biscuits. He escapes this burden…but dies. And his successor dies too. And now the ones who will inherit his legacy are two people who never knew him. They never knew of his burdens, of this prophecy. But they too cannot escape its jaws. I think this does bring up some interesting questions about the nature of fate and destiny in the world of ice and fire. Can you really escape it? Rhaegar tried to, and paid the price for his defiance, but he never truly made it out because the burden instead jumped to the son (and sister) he never knew. Funny thing is that in a bizarre (and tragic, in its own way) twist of fate, this son was brought up entirely without the trappings of power that depressed Rhaegar. Rhaegar was a dazzling prince, Jon is a bastard. Rhaegar was marked by his great inheritance, Jon is marked by the lack thereof. Does fate say “well the first one got too depressed by having too much so let’s give the next one nothing?” Even Dany, who grows up a princess does not have the privileges that Rhaegar did. So how does upbringing craft a hero and the choices they make? Welll, GRRM had given us two versions of Rhaegar’s tragedy in Jon and Dany for us to see.
Rhaegar’s impact on the meta-narrative is honestly so massive. Like I’d put him right up there with Quentyn, Sansa, and Bran as one of the best genre deconstructions in the series and no one can tell me otherwise.
#rhaegar you are a hot mess express BUT THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU!!!#this is why i dont think rhaegar approached lyanna specifically for prophecy - however twisted i genuinely think he did it for love#it just works better from a narrative standpoint if he chose love for the first time in his life and this love allowed him to escape duty#but then he paid the ultimate price for it because he just can’t walk away#only death can pay for life and all that#in my rhaegar posting hours#brb gonna sob uncontrollably#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#rhaegar targaryen#jon snow#daenerys targaryen
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Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White Jessy Schram & Dania Ramirez as Ella (Cinderalla) Sarah Bolger as Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Ariel Emilie de Ravin as Belle Karen David as Jasmine Jamie Chung as Mulan Mekia Cox as Tiana Alexandra Metz & Meegan Warner as Rapunzel Amy Manson as Merida Georgina Haig as Elsa Elizabeth Lail as Anna
#once upon a time#disney#snow white#cinderella#sleeping beauty#ariel#belle#jasmine#mulan#tiana#rapunzel#merida#elsa#anna#i just did this because i never see enough appreciation for the live action castings on his show#they didn't always handle the story right but the casting department was top notch mostly#anyways i'm not great at giffing but i tried something#if you want other characters like alice or tinkerbell etc lemme know
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snow days with fiancé!luigi would be slow and very domestic :(( when you wake up, he’s already awake and reading a bit in his book-of-the-month. you reach over to the bedside table to grab your phone to lay on his chest and scroll a bit, and he puts his book down to look at your feed with you. your friends are posting pictures of themselves in the snow from the night before, and shortly thereafter the two of you decide to suit up and go get in the thick snow for a bit!
you make a little snowman in the front yard of your small cottage-like house and take the most precious pictures of lulu with a pink nose and the biggest smile :’) snow is still steady falling and your dog nearly knocks luigi over a few times in the slick snow LOLLL
then after your makeshift photoshoot you’ll go back inside where it feels like a furnace compared to the chilly wind outside. you get back in bed for a while and lay there, just talking with your leg slung over his and arms intertwined around each others bodies hehehe
the rest of the day is slow; no household chores or work to be done on your computer!! the fireplace crackles as each piece of wood is thrown in to keep the fire alive and you just think about how lucky you are to have such a man to take care of you all the time :) he even cooks for you and brings you lunch in bed
night falls, and the intimacy begins. in front of the fireplace, lu has you sat on top of him in your pajamas and making out with you in the warmth of your quiet home. “just love you so much, cara mio,” he whispers, admiring you just as you are.
lulu feels so lucky that you’ll officially be his forever :( he knows he made a good choice!
#luigi mangione x reader#luigi mangione#luigi nicholas mangione#i really only wrote this because i’m in the south#and we just got snow for the first time in a long time#i would say that i’d love to cook and clean for him#but i know he’d never let me#sweetest boy#🙈: cici’s little thoughts 💙
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Happy holidays everyone! Take some more fluffy creatures as a gift ✨
#dadmight#izuku midoriya#midoriya izuku#deku#toshinori yagi#yagi toshinori#all might#my hero academia#mha#mha fanart#boku no hero academia#bnha#mha animals#i hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season!#I took the opportunity to draw them more#because never enough#out in the snow moment
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for the doodle prompt: moonward’s fiona & jacob on a taxidermy pufferfish drink date OR evoroa demolishing a giant fruit basket as she deserves

Okay so this ended up being a lot more than a silly doodle, but let's be real it's what Evoroa and Gona deserve. I've decided Keyleth and some other level 20s - druids or worshippers of the Wildmother - decided to magically encourage the gardens into some cross-seasonal stuff so that their moon guests can see and try a bunch of things.
#is it snowing? yes. are there blossoms falling too? yes. are there mangoes in that basket? also yes#also I had never seen Dark Crystal and am now very familiar with Pod People references#Evoroa's hair is short and messy because 1) she's a scientist & simply hasn't the time 2)when she's stressed she runs her fingers through i#and 3) it is simply A Time at the moment (distinct reason from reason 1)#ariadne draws CR#critical role#op#c3#evoroa#gona#fanart#could be considered#cr spoilers#c3e105#gallery stonks
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Stitch Sunday
Happy Sunday all! Although it seems quiet on here today, I did want to share my most recently completed stitch projects. I’m super proud of them, and who doesn’t like a behind-the-scenes post? Everything is below the cut because the first is smut and the second is my Valentine's Day card for the Discord exchange. (I agreed to do the full list, so if you haven't received yours yet, stop reading after naked Simon!)
I am so pleased with how my first submission for EGF turned out. If you haven't seen it yet, find the post here. I created no less than FOUR body designs for Baz while trying to find one where he looked good naked from every angle. As promised, here is EVERY angle.




One of the unexpected challenges I ran into was that once the harness arrived, it was not the perfect fit I'd hoped for. Baz's angle made it so that there was a sizable gap between his back and the leather straps, so another skill I have now added to my repertoire is leather-working! I bought a kit, cut the straps down to the right size, poked new holes where they were needed, and hammered new studs in myself! Progress pic below.

Once I nailed Baz and his harness, I made my Simon pattern. The biggest difference is how exaggerated I had to make every curve in order to give Simon the fluffy body he deserves. Here are his angles!



Look at that little fold of felt where his thigh meets his torso. I love it so much!
As for my valentines, I knew I wanted to lean into my reputation as "the doll artist" somehow, so I sent everyone a Baz finger puppet! While you may have seen a version of this puppet before for COC, he got a slight upgrade for the exchange. I lined his jacket to make it sturdier, developed a better pattern for his widow's peak, and his shirt now boasts three hand-sewn seed bead buttons. (I grew more confident with the later models, so some of those puppets also boast real lapels on the jacket.)
Overall, I am super proud of myself for making just shy of 40 of these adorable puppets and spreading a little bit of the doll joy to as many people as I could!

Until we meet again, hellos and high-fives from the doll factory.
@alexalexinii, @argumentativeantitheticalg, @aristocratic-otter, @arthurkko, @artsyunderstudy
@best--dress, @blackberrysummerblog, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @bookish-bogwitch, @bookishbroadwayandblind,
@confused-bi-queer, @cutestkilla, @drowninginships, @emeryhall, @facewithoutheart
@harrie-leithillustration, @hushed-chorus, @iamamythologicalcreature, @ic3que3n, @ileadacharmedlife
@katatsumuli, @larkral, @letraspal, @martsonmars, @messofthejess
@mooncello, @noblecorgi, @orange-peony, @prettygoododds, @raenestee
@rbkzz, @rimeswithpurple, @roomwithanopenfire, @run-for-chamo-miles, @shrekgogurt
@skeedelvee, @stitchyqueer, @supercutedinosaurs, @talentpiper11, @technetiumai
@the-beard-of-edward-teach, @twinkle-twinkle-up-above, @theimpossibledemon, @thewholelemon, @valeffelees
@whatevertheweather, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @youarenevertooold
#behind the scenes of the felt smut factory#i appreciate naked dolls because the clothing is a pain and takes forever#i may never clothe a doll again#stitch sunday#simon snow#baz pitch#snowbaz#a monbons doll#a monbons finger puppet
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All the final lines of each part of every Hunger Games book
Part I:
“Because . . . because . . . she came here with me.”
Part II:
Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta’s name.
Part III:
I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go.
Part I:
It’s my mockingjay.
Part II:
This is no place for a girl on fire.
Part III:
“Katniss, there is no District Twelve.”
Part I:
And his blood as it splatters the tiles.
Part II:
That I’m of more use to her dead than alive.
Part III:
I tell him, “Real.”
#thg#the hunger games#catching fire#mockingjay#peeta mellark#katniss everdeen#gale hawthorne#thg book comb#curious that 5/9 of these involve peeta#and he's not just mentioned in passing#from his revelation of love to him being tortured to katniss's feeling about him#he's KEY he's CENTRAL he's THE DRIVING FORCE THAT USHERS IN THE NEXT SECTION OF THE BOOK#over to gale#poor guy is in one (1) final line#and even then he's just relating news to katniss#the subject is the destruction of district 12 (her home)#it's a heavy and jarring line because of what d12 means to katniss#NOT because of gale himself#and NOT because of anything to do with their relationship#also interesting that the only characters/players these ending lines focus on are:#peeta (x5)#coin#snow (implied)#and the rebellion#never prim or gale or anyone else#although I know they have several CHAPTER endings all to themselves#so this is NOT to say that a character's presence (or lack thereof) in these particular final lines#is directly related to their importance to the plot#(see: snow)#HOWEVER
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Penny is such an awesome character, whom I love with my whole being ‼️💜
#happy birthday penelope!!#penelope bunce#simon snow series#carry on rainbow rowell#she literally deserves the world#please ignore her glasses looking kinda weird im not good at drawing glasses#fun fact: i have glasses that i have to wear but you probably didnt know that because i never draw myself w them on ‼️#because im lazy and i dont want to work on drawing them#okay tangent aside happy birthday best girl
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Cable management
#ottto#D3-C1#when ever Otto is in xer work outfit I ALWAYS FORGET THE GOOGLES!!#I added the googles like four months ago and I always fail to draw them IM SO SORRY#lamo finally drew a background that isn’t hills#fun fact this is Otto’s little work shop#hope you can tell the panel to the right is part of D3 insides#snow leopard#sfw furry#anthro#furry anthro#robot oc#robot girl#gosh I love these idiots#10/10 would trust Otto to organize my wires#artists on tumblr#art#illustration#my art#finished piece#digital art#2024 art#my oc art#also I dunno I think D3’s cable colors are so fun hehehe I’m going to make Otto munch on them#om lord still burnt out on drawing so good luck will never post ever again#also added scarring to Otto’s knuckles because I thought it made sense#Act Casual
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One of my mutuals opinions is the "bro code" thing, that Curly is one of those guys who wouldn't care about the victim because the perpetrator is his friend and I'm really banging my head on the wall like that other anon. I've only played through the game once but Curly's behaviour/reactions etc read completely different from the "bro code" thing and I have to wonder if my mutual and I even played the same game.. like the constant digs at him from Jimmy, his body language in his face reveal and so on like you mentioned in your post. While this game is a little different obviously, it kind of reminded of a point in Alice Madness Returns that makes it very clear that Alice's pain blinded her to the abuse of the other children and her failure to act earlier because of it. Curly is guilty of a similar inaction but it doesn't change the fact he was a victim of Jimmy too. I don't think I can look at it any other way because both of these games have really stuck with me.
I genuinely think it really is the idea that people want a simple easy to blame problem and the idea that the only relatable victims of abuse are those that "surpass" it or do a lot to help others. When it comes to victims, especially those that don't fit the typical demographics, who either accidently perpetuate it, enable it or aren't ideal in some way shape or form, people jump to ignore what they went through as it's easier than dealing with those conflicting sentiments.
The bro-code conversation in Mouthwashing stems from a concept I generally dislike that there had to be something about Curly that made him meet or keep being friends with someone like Jimmy. I think people genuinely underestimate how many like decent and good people just know an asshole or are friends with someone who is really bad outside of their view/established dynamics. The game makes it clear none of the inaction against Jimmy is because of a lack of care, it is a lack of understanding from the privaleged postions they have as men to not have to worry about what Anya does/went through and the type of extremes men like Jimmy will go through to cover it up. They are all too preoccupied in their own strifes.
Another thing I see being oversaturated the idea that you have to be a freak, misanthrope or have a disorder to do the thing Jimmy does. The game is an escalation, it's a spiral that I don't see people comment on that Jimmy was not likely having the mood swings and episodes of rage/frustration we were seeing in the game. This is after they all start experiencing the worst moments in their lives that he got THAT openly bad. Of course, this is just my interpretation but much like in real life, people that go to extremes like that usually live mundane lives. It's a pressure cooker affect to where the stress made them pop. It's self inflicted but still the case.
I really think people need to be more willing to acknowledge that not everything needs to be an extreme or in black and white or easy to understand. It doesn't need to be happy or have an answer or solution, especially in the cases where the abused sadly helps perpetuate what they experience. It's not he should've known better from experience or shouldn't he have known what could've happened because victims tend to not like to think in matters of the worst. Not to mention, especially in cases of abuse where it feels so personally directed that you don't expect to happen to someone else.
#i also hear the bro code thing in tandem with his comments on saying he knows Jimmy but that is also in a much different context than#if he said it when Anya was actively telling him about the dead pixel or the pregnancy or even when she told jimmy that was about himself#and getting between Anya and Jimmy as in he knows Jimmy and knows he wont try anything when hes around not that he doesnt think hes#doing anything or doesn't believe Anya and Im a bit annoyed people shorthand or try to recontextualize the statements he makes about it#cause even the let me talk to him line is more in concern of what Jimmy could be doing and less wanting to make sure hes okay and#being more worried about his friend than Anya in that moment like removing the context makes the sentiments sound more uncaring#and typically but the context is how they are deconstructed to give the story and themes a deeper nuance because Anya is happy that Curly#says that becuase he leads it under the idea of protecting her as he knows and she has likely seen/experienced it enough that Jimmy#back down/off around Curly typically as we see he does relatively subdue Jimmy's attitude before the eval and it only gets bad once the#scene at the birthday party happens when Jimmy is likely in a mode where hes not going to listen to Curly about anything after cause he fee#personally betrayed in a selfish egotistical way like the game is a deconstruction nothing is supposed to a typical one to one on the#concepts it handles. this also ties to me like getting more and more annoyed everytime is see a post making Curly the most milktoast#no opinions ever sort of guy when he does have a personality outside of enabling Jimmy and has opinions on things like the QnA's#talking about him being snow Tony Hawk flesh him out more realistically than think pieces saying he has no opinions on anything#and would never take stances like this is a immediate dire circumstance with multiple facets I dont think hed hesitate to help if he active#saw like someone getting attacked on the street or that hes a centrist that doesnt care about womans issues like this is the equivalent#of when a character gets dumbed down to their like favorite food and one defining aspect of themselves and even then I feel like everyone#else but the mouthwashing fandom has a better grasp of that aspect before they make it unrecognizable.#mouthwashing#mouthwashing game#curly mouthwashing#captain curly#ask#anon
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#the concept of JAIME or THEON even having their names put forward for consideration.....how does stannis let that happen?#is he knocked unconscious and locked in the ice cells until the election is over?#the concept of jon or stannis having to listen to and follow THEON's orders......#the concept of all these people living in the same house.....24/7.....#having to live with and command an undead teen who mind-possesses his weird magic wolf 24/7 is added trauma for post stoneheart jaime#asoiaf#tyrion lannister#jon snow#stannis baratheon#jaime lannister#theon greyjoy#try picturing teenage undead revenant jon snow getting the worst men in westeros to agree on any fucking thing???#now who’d give him the most trouble? my money’s on theon who just wants to fuck with him#jon can’t even get rid of him because theon actually has experience leading men sjsksnbsbs#I’d imagine jaime would be one of the most ineffective lcs of all time because imagine him trying to get all these people to do anything he#theon would be the worst lc of all time because no one would listen to him EVER he’d never get anything done........#I mean does he even live past month 1 to begin with? or would they just assassinate him as soon as they're able to?#the nw would be the most effective it’s ever been in history under stannis tho lmaoooo even though 75% absolutely hate his guts#jon oscillates between being the goat or woat depending on the time of day#tyrion try not to piss everyone off day one = challenge IMPOSSIBLE
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to me the starklings each have their own wolf name. we all know Robb is the Young Wolf, but as for the others; Jon is the White Wolf (because of Ghost, but hopefully his hair turns white if he survives), Sansa is the Lady Wolf (self explanatory), Arya is the Night Wolf, Bran is the Winged Wolf (these two are in the text) and Rickon is the Wild Wolf (don't know what else to call him).
#robb's is actually so tragic because he died so young so he will always and forever be the young wolf never having had the chance to grow up#also if youre a targ jon truther the white wolf also works in that targ silver hair way#as for the rest well i just think they're neat :)#starklings#robb stark#jon snow#jon stark#sansa stark#arya stark#bran stark#rickon stark#the young wolf#the white wolf#the winged wolf#winged wolf#young wolf#white wolf#a song of ice and fire#game of thrones#stark family#winterfell
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