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shinynewmemories · 7 months ago
All the final lines of each part of every Hunger Games book
Part I:
“Because . . . because . . . she came here with me.”
Part II:
Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta’s name.
Part III:
I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go.
Part I:
It’s my mockingjay.
Part II:
This is no place for a girl on fire.
Part III:
“Katniss, there is no District Twelve.”
Part I:
And his blood as it splatters the tiles.
Part II:
That I’m of more use to her dead than alive.
Part III:
I tell him, “Real.”
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adsosfraser · 2 years ago
with the way katniss neglected herself so much after mockingjay that she would barely even eat unless greasy sae was there, I imagine her hair would get matted in that time and one of the first physical touches between everlark after their hug is peeta gently working his way through every single knot for hours and it being therapeutic for both of them. for him to concentrate on one thing and work with his hands again. for her to just sit back and feel something besides the fog of her mind or the drowning grief. he apologises each time he has to cut out a section or it simply comes out (and he’s still unsure if his apologies hold a deeper meaning yet). in the end, he would attempt katniss’s signature braid and laugh so hard at the disjointed mess that katniss has no idea what’s going on back there but laughs along with him because it feels so good to hear that for the first time in years really. he unravels it and instead does two simple braids down her back, just like his girl who sang the valley song
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thegreatmelodrama · 2 years ago
Hey everyone, you may or may not have noticed that I’m not posting as frequently as I normally do. There’s a bunch of stuff I want to talk about, but in solidarity with the writers and actors I will not be posting any film or television content (unless it is an indie production) for the time being. With that being said, I am currently combing through my book annotations for THG and TBOSAS and may even do a reread and writing mini-analyses. This is also the perfect time for me to get started on my reading list, which includes a re-read of some other classic dystopian novels as well as other topics.
Edit: I think I will hold off on posting any book analyses for the time being especially as we are in the lead up to the TBOSAS film release
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percyjacksonfan3 · 4 years ago
20, 26, 27 for the ask game if you're still going =)
Thank you! These are so much fun, I'm enjoying this game a lot <3
From the salty asks game here!
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
I said Percabeth last time and if I have to pick one for all fandoms ever that is still my choice. For some specific fandoms though..
The show that will not be named- Monty/Harper or Monty/Miller are so cute. Jasper and Octavia were sweet too. I loved Kabby, but I loved them for their antagonism to lovers story cause it was done SO well until they fell apart like everything else in s5. Otherwise I feel like every other ship got twisted and had bad moments that I can't really wave away for purity
For Hunger Games I'd say Finnick and Annie. They took me by surprise when I read the books but I adore their dynamic and the pairing of those two kinds of people.
HP- probably Ginny/ Luna or Neville/Luna. Anyone with Luna cause she alone is pure enough to carry the ship
For SoC/ Grishaverse I guess Jesper/Wylan? I prefer Helnik and Kanej, but I'm not done Crooked Kingdom yet and already those two can't really be described as pure
For Merlin I'd say Arwen but the whole banishment plot in s4 puts a damper on them for me. Probably Gwencelot then, cause again, Gwen is the purest character in that show, no I don't take arguments, yes she's still a badass
I'll stop this list here cause I have too many fandoms XD
26. Most shippable character?
Anyone in Merlin. I'm not usually a multi-shipper but in that show I pretty much ship everyone with everyone
27. Least shippable character?
Hmm, Pike from the show that will not be named? President Snow from THG? Chiron from Riordanverse? Most of my ships are younger so any older characters I don't usually gravitate towards for shipping with anyone or anything
And there you go! Thanks again, this was fun! It makes me try to frantically mentally comb through all of my fandoms to find the best answers. This took me like half an hour just because I was sitting here trying to remember all the fandoms I'm in that could be applicable :D
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misterrietveld · 7 years ago
I went on a slight binge on contemporary novels, my first since Me Before You in 2016. Pretty much all of these fall into the enemies to friends to lovers trope, my favorite!!! :) Some spoilers below, and of course, this consists of my own opinions.
The Hating Game, Sally Thorne
I heard a lot of good reviews about this, but it was just average for me. It’s definitely funny and I kept imagining Emilia Clarke as Lucy, probably because of Me Before You, but the red lips and short stature also reminded me of her; it actually made reading THG more enjoyable because she played such a lively character in MBY so it helped me imagine Lucy in a colorful light.
I had a lot of trouble keeping up with the scenes and message coming across. The dialogue seemed to have a lot of double meanings that threw me for a loop, although I did like the banter. This is probably more of a reflection of me and my poor reading skills/lack of imagination but I could never grasp what Lucy felt for Joshua and vice-versa. The emotions and dialogue didn’t flow for me and it was hard to believe how and why she fell in love with him.
Kulti, Mariana Zapata
I REALLY liked this one! After finishing this novel, I decided to pick up two other of Zapata’s books, which I will mention below. I REALLY liked the main character, Sal. She’s so ambitious and caring and honest. It pained me to see her being accused of all that scandalous shit. She’s level-headed but recognizes when she’s being treated unfairly and speaks up against it. The relationship with her and Kulti flowed really well to me. I’ve never been on a sports team so I can’t say what a coach is supposed to be like, but I was intrigued in their dynamic. There’s a point in the book where Sal exclaims she doesn’t know when Kulti is being her friend or her coach and that was new for me. It definitely made me do some pondering. To sum it up, Sal is a really inspiring character and she honestly motivates me to do better in my life.
I wish there was a sequel because I would love to see more of Kulti supporting Sal through her career. I also wished her brother made an appearance in the book; he was such a large influence in her life that I thought he’d put some weight in her decision making, kind of like Dumbledore-esque.
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me, Mariana Zapata
This one I did not like at all lol. The characters’ personalities didn’t complement each other. Maybe I’m not a fan of the fake relationship trope either. I really had no patience for Adrian. I don’t know if his antisocial behavior is supposed to be endearing or what, but the concept of him being in love with Vanessa the whole time she was working for him and him still treating her indifferently made me roll my eyes. Also, I was getting tired of all the skeletons in the closet that kept being uncovered throughout the story. Not that there’s anything wrong with those skeletons; abuse is a serious issue, I know. And ok, in retrospect, I see why and how their relationship developed because of their similar past. But at some point, I felt like the author was stringing me along with secrets of Vanessa’s history and I kept thinking, ‘God, what else happened to Vanessa?’ There were so many allusions to her knee, what her sister(s) did, Christian, her fear of the dark, which took awhile to be explained... and I’m an impatient person. The setup for the story took foreverrrrrr.
As for Vanessa... I don’t know. I had a lot of trouble deciphering her character. It was hard to be sympathetic to her and I couldn’t find much to relate with, which is probably a good thing considering her difficult life. Her internal monologue was exhausting to get through; I was annoyed with all the ‘What the hells’ and ‘Huhs’. I wish she gave Adrian more shit. I felt a lot of anger for her throughout the story but was disappointed that she couldn’t get the justice she deserved. Even when Adrian confronted that one sister and her husband, it was underwhelming. That’s a good word to describe how I felt about this book: underwhelming.
Wait For It, Mariana Zapata
Good thing I gave Zapata another chance because I also liked this book! First of all, I imagined Gal Gadot as the main character Diana so that made it a lot more appealing lol. Not because of the shared name of Wonder Woman, but just because this Diana seemed like such a bubbly, sweet character that it reminded me of Gal in her interviews.
I’m really glad this story started off with Diana already being an established guardian to her brother’s boys. Her character seemed to have really grown from the appearances she had in The Wall of Winnipeg and Me. The scenes with her and the boys are freaking cute, too. I don’t know how realistic that relationship is because little boys are a freaking pain in the ass, but I’ll gladly take this interpretation to save myself the headache from reading about struggling parents.
Something I really liked about Diana is that she’s honest and confrontational. It really helps move the story along. And you really can’t blame Dallas for falling in love so fast. There is a lot less slut-shaming (if at all) with Diana compared to Sal and Vanessa; there are brief mentions of degrading other women as ‘hookers’ in Kulti & TWoWaM that didn’t sit well with me. So, I hope that was a conscious decision with the author to create a character like that.
After reading three of her books, I think I’m getting a sense of Zapata’s formula for her characters. Something I easily noticed was how sappy/cheesy the love interests get in the end. They always talk about how the MCs are their destiny and every step they took before in their life was to get to them... What kind of men talk like that and where can I find them?? I was a little frustrated at how all the MCs were oblivious to what these men felt about them. They always brushed it off with some excuse, which I guess is relatable (because yeah I’d totally do that), but some of it really shouldn’t come as a surprise. Like Diana with Dallas, oh my god. Girl, he offers to clean up your house, comb out your lice, and you even find the post-it notes in his jacket. You are a catch, why not believe he is totally into you? Side note: I cringed at the ‘baby’ pet name Dallas gave Diana. ‘Schnecke’ and ‘muffin’ were cute though. Anyway, I might pick up some more of Zapata’s books; some sound fun/interesting while others... not so much. We’ll see.
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shinynewmemories · 7 months ago
Final lines of every chapter in the Hunger Games (book 1)
Chapter 1:
It’s Primrose Everdeen.
Chapter 2:
Of course, the odds have not been very dependable of late.
Chapter 3:
She hops in her pointy shoes around the pool of vomit and flees the room.
Chapter 4:
Which also means that kind Peeta Mellark, the boy who gave me the bread, is fighting hard to kill me.
Chapter 5:
Right on his bruise.
Chapter 6:
I wonder if she’ll enjoy watching me die.
Chapter 7:
Then I give a slight bow and walk straight toward the exit without being dismissed.
Chapter 8:
“Peeta has asked to be coached separately.”
Chapter 9:
“Because . . . because . . . she came here with me.”
Chapter 10:
“Ladies and gentlemen, let the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games begin!”
Chapter 11:
The voice belongs to Peeta.
Chapter 12:
It would be hard to miss the wall of fire descending on me.
Chapter 13:
Then, without even rustling a leaf, her little hand slides into the open and points to something above my head.
Chapter 14:
Then the ants bore into my eyes and I black out.
Chapter 15:
“I think we’re going to have to fix that, Rue.”
Chapter 16:
Then the apples spill to the ground and I’m blown backward into the air.
Chapter 17:
She just has time to reach her hand through the mesh and say my name before the spear enters her body.
Chapter 18:
Before I can stop myself, I call out Peeta’s name.
Chapter 19:
“Peeta, look what Haymitch has sent you.”
Chapter 20:
The rest of Panem can.
Chapter 21:
The last thing I remember is an exquisitely beautiful green-and-silver moth landing on the curve of my wrist.
Chapter 22:
But in my head I can hear Haymitch’s smug, if slightly exasperated, words, “Yes, that’s what I’m looking for, sweetheart.”
Chapter 23:
In answer, I hold out the berries.
Chapter 24:
Then I am stumbling blindly after Cato with no thought of anything but to save myself.
Chapter 25:
“Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the victors of the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark! I give you — the tributes of District Twelve!”
Chapter 26:
And right now, the most dangerous part of the Hunger Games is about to begin.
Chapter 27:
I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go.
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shinynewmemories · 7 months ago
Final lines of every chapter in Catching Fire (Hunger Games book 2)
Chapter 1:
I’m staring into the snakelike eyes of President Snow.
Chapter 2:
Then the door clicks shut behind him.
Chapter 3:
I’ll have to marry Peeta.
Chapter 4:
And putting a bullet through his head.
Chapter 5:
In answer, he gives an almost imperceptible shake of his head.
Chapter 6:
This is what President Snow calls an uprising.
Chapter 7:
The pieces of the picture do not quite come together until I see his arm raise the whip.
Chapter 8:
He just manages a smile before the drugs pull him back under.
Chapter 9:
It’s my mockingjay.
Chapter 10:
But what makes me jerk back my hand is the sound, like the buzz of a tree full of tracker jacker nests, indicating the fence is alive with electricity.
Chapter 11:
Which begs the question, What is?
Chapter 12:
I am going back into the arena.
Chapter 13:
And I’m left staring out the window, watching District 12 disappear, with all my good-byes still hanging on my lips.
Chapter 14:
And surely, two people who have caused the Capitol so much trouble can think of a way to get Peeta home alive.
Chapter 15:
Our new Avox is Darius.
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Because Cinna has turned me into a mockingjay.
Chapter 18:
This is no place for a girl on fire.
Chapter 19:
Instead, I find silence.
Chapter 20:
In the few seconds it takes to rouse them, I begin to blister.
Chapter 21:
The insane morphling from District 6 throws up her skeletal arms as if to embrace the monkey, and it sinks its fangs into her chest.
Chapter 22:
[“]This is a clock.”
Chapter 23:
From reaching my little sister.
Chapter 24:
Where Peeta’s child could be safe.
Chapter 25:
Surely my mother and Prim will know to return it to Peeta before they bury my body.
Chapter 26:
Right before the explosions begin, I find a star.
Chapter 27:
“Katniss, there is no District Twelve.”
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