#because if you do i will do everything in my power to stay that way so help me- uhh fish
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ultravi0lence14 · 6 hours ago
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SUMMARY: they fell in love; she ended up falling while he stayed
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the day you fell was dark, gloomy, a vast difference from what heaven was usually like. if you were to explain it to anyone, you would say it was a utopia. a kaleidoscope of colours and light that brought forth the heavenly grace in each and every angel. god had created you all the same, from the same light source. yet you were different. his own little creation from a separate beam of light he couldn’t shake from his mind.
all angels came from the glowing white mirth in god’s palm, yet you came from a vibrant pink balm that enticed god like original sin in the garden. when you were made, he didn’t render you with the other angels. you were his own, and each and every other angel was garnered below you instead of being your equal.
though, you didn’t view castiel like that.
he was different than the rest, a beacon of hope that gnawed and ripped it’s teeth at the short leash your father held you on. god didn’t like you leaving his side, yet cas always found a way to sneak you into his arms.
as time went on, your loyalties started to change, and god saw a shift in how his little girl was acting. you were sneaky, and when you weren’t sneaky, you were secretive. god knew something was wrong, yet he didn’t know what could possibly have changed with his prized possession.
he watched you slowly, saw as you ran to castiel for any issue you had. he saw the lingering holds, the featherlight touches, and the way you looked at the angel like he hung the moon and stars. it all started to make sense, and god felt an anger he had only felt once before; when lucifer betrayed him.
“how could you?” he bellowed, watching you cower into castiel’s side. “disobey your father, run around with a lower being? you knew better, little one. i taught you better.”
“no,” you bit out, walking closer to your father while cas held onto your hand tightly. “you kept me caged, held me close because you were scared of me. you knew you shouldn’t have created me. you knew i would be too powerful, so you kept me on a tight leash. but cas doesn’t treat me like that. he treats me like i matter, dad, and that’s all i’ve ever wanted.”
sighing, god shook his head, hating what he was going to do but knowing it needed to be done. holding your cheek in his palm, god stared down at what he believed was his greatest creation, turned into his worst mistake.
“you could’ve been so much more.” he whispered, caressing your cheek as castiel’s eyes worried. he saw the malice in his creators eyes, and he knew whatever god had planned for you wasn’t good. “you could’ve been a warrior as good as michael, but you betrayed me like lucifer.”
your mouth gaped open, and before you could speak, god flicked his hand, sending you free falling from the heavens. “say hello to my son for me when you fall in his wasteland.”
the last thing you heard was castiel’s scream, the sight of him clawing and reaching for you as angels held him back burning behind your eyelids as the wind whipped at your eyes and seeped into your bones. pain emitted into your back, and you felt your wings disintegrate as you hit the earth. but instead of going further into the ruined soil, greeting lucifer in hell, you landed in a field of beautiful flowers.
god sent you somewhere worse than hell. he sent you to earth, where you’d have to adjust to being human. adjust to a life without your love.
a lone tear fell, and you just wished cas was hear to smooth back your hair and hold you in his arms, telling you everything would be okay.
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the years flew by like an angel’s wing, and you found yourself adjusting decently to a human life. small town living wasn’t easy, but the decrepit town in colorado greeted you with opened arms, allowing you to open up your own flower shop. it reminded you of when you first fell, the last time you saw your lovers face.
peaceful living was what you got used to knowing. wake up, get ready, man the store. it was all so simple. until two brothers came crashing into your store, looking for refuge from a vengeful werewolf.
they weren’t expecting the sweet, timid looking cashier behind the counter to have any silver weapons. and they definitely weren’t expecting her to wield a silver dagger like a sword, piercing the werewolf’s heart like a skilled hunter. it may have been the lace cami and denim mini skirt, but sam and dean winchester were baffled by your skills.
you three got to chatting, and without giving away your true nature, you somehow ended up on sam and dean’s good side.
it wasn’t easy, leaving the shop behind. each daisy reminded you of cas. each rose reminded you of his smile and each carnation reminded you of the way his lips brushed your skin. but if you wanted to show god how much of a warrior you were without him, than leaving with the winchester’s was the best thing you could possibly do.
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the hollowness in your chest broke into shards as pamela barnes spoke the name you hadn’t heard in two years. castiel seemed to be the one to raise dean winchester from hell, and you couldn’t help but hitch your breath at the sound of his name.
your cas, your sweet boy. it was all too much. when dean and bobby mentioned they were going to go out to a remote location and seek him out, you couldn’t help but spring up and agree to join.
damp air sent shivers down your spine as you waited with bobby and dean. it had been so long, and you didn’t know what face he wore, but he would still be the same to you. when lights started flickering, and rain smacked against the barn roof, you knew that your lover was finally crawling home to you.
castiel came in the space stoic, leisure steps that showed reverence and strength in his walk. but when his eyes landed on you, they faltered, hands starting to shake and eyes widening in surprise and buried pain.
“angel? is that really you?” he was an angel of the lord, a being who felt no emotions. but at that moment, cas couldn’t help the tears that sprang into his eyes. the last time he saw you, your face was fear stricken; features alight with pain as your own maker cast you out of his sight. now, you just looked ethereal, a beacon of beauty and grace.
all you could do was nod, running as fast as you could until you were wrapped in his arms. dean and bobby just stood shocked, guns at the ready yet not knowing what to do with them as their friend hugged and kissed the face of their target.
“why are you here?” he spoke through wispy breaths, hands roaming your face and body to make sure you were real. “i thought god cast you to hell?”
“god? cast to hell?” dean spoke up, shock and disbelief evident in his eyes. “okay, what the fuck is going on?”
“she’s a fallen angel,” cas spoke, hands cupping your face as he pressed his forehead to yours. “my fallen angel. and she is finally home to me.”
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TAGS: @titsout4jackles @daylighted @deansbeer @bluemerakis @figthoughts @haunteres @sunsbaby @h8aaz @beausling @deanswidow @cowboysandcigarettes @j2archives @honeyryewhiskey @florchids @dulcescorderitas
NAT BABBLES: gotta give my boy cas some love!! and this also goes out to my other cass ( @starzify ) BC IT IS HER BDAY!!!
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maybequinnidk · 2 days ago
I'm Good At Loving You (You're Good At Loving Me) pt. 2
part 1
(hurt/comfort i think. feedback is appreciated, i'm new to this)
Kara notices after that conversation at the Tower three weeks ago something started to change.
Lena stays over almost everyday, and they develop a domestic routine: sometimes they're lucky enough to spend some more minutes in bed before properly starting the day, just enjoying the other's company. Then they eat breakfast, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash. After that they shower and get ready for the rest of their day. They have a late lunch with their team and go back to their respective tasks. By the time she goes back home Lena is usually there, if they didn't go together.
Kara's favorite part is the relief of coming home and finding Lena making dinner, or reading a book on the couch, or coming out of the shower, or- Kara's favorite part is Lena. And today she's...
Not here.
As if today wasn't awful enough already.
She came in through the window and falteringly made her way to the kitchen, leaning over the countertop.
She finds a note on top of it in Lena's handwriting "forgot my phone at the lab, portal watch is still broken :/ BRB "
Not even five minutes later her partner arrives. She barely opens the door and Kara envelopes her in a hug. Lena is quick to reciprocate despite the suddenness.
"Oh. Hi. I came back as fast as I could, are you okay?"
Today was a hectic day. She had to leave early in the morning and missed breakfast, the villain of the week was turning into villain of the month, she'd been running on nothing but a sandwich, a bag of chips and yellow star radiation for the past 12 hours, and to top it all off she solar flared. She used the last bit of her powers to fly home. She didn't break anything and didn't get sick, but still, everything hurts.
She shakes her head.
"Oh, darling. Let's go inside and talk about it?"
Kara doesn't want to talk though. She squeezes Lena tighter. She can do that now.
"Or we could go inside and not talk about it?" Lena knows her so well. "How about we get you out of this suit, and you take a nap while I worry about dinner. Does that sound good, honey?"
Lena knows her so well.
She loves Lena calling her "darling", but "honey" is on another level.
It's for when she's grieving Krypton, her family, her friends, her culture. For when she can't get out of bed after waking up five seperate times in the same night because the memories that come back as nightmares wouldn't give her a break. For when she couldn't save everyone from a fire or earthquake or alien attack. For when she's not even able to process and explain what's happening.
It's been a while since she needed it.
She nods.
She has no idea what time it is when she wakes up, all she knows is that it's cold, Lena is stroking her hair and the softness of her voice can be compared to the one of her hoodie and sweatpants.
"How are you? Did you sleep well, honey?"
Kara yawns and stretches. She does feel a little bit better so she nods.
She does remember what Lena said during dinner. "I talked to Alex and J'onn and they agreed that we all need a break, so Nia suggested a game night sometime soon."
The night's events blur together. She doesn't know if it's because of her exhaustion or the fact that this has happened so many times before — it's mundane, eating with Lena after a hard day.
She also remembers when she was able to voice her thoughts for the first time since she got home.
She had just gone to bed, her face buried in the pillow, as Lena was petting her hair.
"Honey, are you feeling better?"
She nods and turns to her left so she can see Lena. "Thank you for this."
"I'm glad I was able to help."
"You always are."
Kara grabs Lena's other hand and brings it to her lips, peppering her with kisses, maintaining eye contact. She wants to be closer, though.
Lena reads her mind again. She lifts up the blanket as an invitation to get closer, which Kara accepts.
Kara settles her body between Lena's legs and rests her head on her chest. Featherlight fingers caressing her back, the subtle rise and fall of Lena's breathing. It's grounding.
"I love you." she breaks the silence.
> > > × < < <
Kara has said that a lot in the past couple of weeks. Mostly when they're in private, or when she's about to go on field.
She had been so anxious about this. Terrified to trust that Kara wasn't manipulating nor leaving her.
But seeing the way Kara looks at her – like the first time they woke up together, or shared clothes; with an unmistakable fondness in her eyes, a light blush on her face and a smile on her lips – she knows she means it.
Most of the time, Lena responds with physical affection, a soft "I know", a concerned "stay safe", an "ily" text; sometimes she didn't respond at all, still not completely used to it. This is not any of those times.
"I love you too." She barely thinks about it, it's always on her mind. Such a frequent thought it became an easy action. Natural. Familiar. Known.
"I know, baby." Kara plays with the collar of Lena's shirt, traces her neck and jaw.
She never liked being called "baby" by her exes. It was uncomfortable, infantilizing and just felt wrong.
There was only one person who made it tolerable: Jack. But even then he didn't use it all the time. He preferred "darling" and so did she.
The first time Kara used that pet name, it came as a suprise that it didn't bother her. It was two, maybe three weeks into this new aspect of their relationship.
"You're so wonderful, baby, so stunning." Kara could probably listen to her pulse rushing and see her face flushing which only made her blush even more.
In the past she would have said something like "I know you're trying to be cute but I really don't like that word", instead she said nothing because her brain had given up on her.
The reason she likes it so much now is probably because it's always accompanied with compliments and reassurance.
"I'm so proud of you." proud. Lena lets out a short laugh and smiles shyly.
"Darling, you're doing it again..."
"Doing what?"
"Comforting me when you're the one who needs it."
"I told you." she finds a way to get even closer, kisses her cheek and says "It helps."
Although she doesn't fully understands how that works, she does see how it affects Kara when she starts to relax.
> > > × < < <
She eventually falls asleep.
With Lena's hearbeat at the perfect volume on her ears; audible but not overwhelmingly loud.
The words "I love you too" echoing in her mind; can words be addictive?
The hope that tomorrow won't be worse than today; may Rao help her.
She eventually falls asleep.
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kotegiris · 3 days ago
[Event Story] Valentine's Day with the Butler
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Chapter 11: Promise of Hospitality
-A little later-
After having afternoon tea, I was chatting with the 2nd floor butlers and Muu.
Fennesz: Aruji-sama. How did you find our hospitality? 
> Everything was delicious. I had fun.
Fennesz: Fufu… Is that so?
Fennesz: If you’re happy, then we’re also happy.
While continuing to chat with them, a knock suddenly came from the door.
> Come in, > It’s open.
Lucas: Hello, Aruji-sama.
Lucas: It’ll be our turn to escort you soon, so I came to greet you.
Ammon: Oops… It’s already time.
Ammon: Then, we have to get going for guard duty.
Boschi: See you, Aruji-sama. We have to go now, but keep on enjoying yourself.
> Take care guys.
Haures: Thank you. Now then, we’ll be off.
After he said that, the 2nd floor butlers left.
Lucas: Well then, Aruji-sama…
Lucas: From now on, please enjoy the 3rd floor butlers’ hospitality. 
Nac: We promise to do everything in our power to make it so that you have a wonderful time.
Lamli: Ehehe… I’ve been so excited for this!
Lamli: For this request, we can spend a lot of time with Aruji-sama…
Lamli: And we’re wearing clothes that they picked for us too… This is the best!
Muu: Fufu… Lamli-san really loves fashion.
Muu: By the way, Aruji-sama… Why did you pick these designs for the 3rd floor butlers?
> Because…
For Lucas’s outfit, I picked something that felt more relaxed to accentuate his maturity…
For Lamli, since he’s very outgoing… I decided to pick a design that was easy to move in and colorful…
And for Nac’s outfit, to make the most of his elegance… I picked something that was more glamorous…
> …That’s why I picked these.
Nac: I see… As I’d expect from Aruji-sama. You’ve made a wonderful decision. 
Nac: You’ve chosen the most optimal designs for the 3 of us. Your sense of aesthetics has deeply moved me!
With Nac being the first, the 3rd floor butlers all complimented my choice of outfits.
Lucas: Now then, I think we can leave complimenting Aruji-sama’s fashion sense at that. It’s time to get going.
Lucas: …Is what I want to say, but…
Lucas: It’s time to start preparations for dinner and the baths… We have many things to do as butlers, so…
Lucas: We don’t have much time to spend with Aruji-sama.
> Take it easy and get some rest.
Lucas: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you.
Lucas: But… Please do not worry.
Lucas: We are not overworking ourselves.
Lucas: It’s our happiness to be able to serve you.
Lamli: Yup! It’s just as Lucas-sama says!
Lamli: Besides, spending time with you is soothing for us too ♪
Nac: Now then, Aruji-sama…
Nac: We’ll be excusing ourselves to finish up our work.
Nac: We’ll return to your room again before it is time for you to rest and show you our hospitality.
Nac: First, we have to prepare the baths and complete the prep work for dinner.
Lamli: Yup. I leave it to you, Nac.
Lamli: I’ll stay with Aruji-sama ♪
Nac: Goodness gracious… Even though we’re on a trip, you still intend to skip work.
Nac: You’re also coming. And stop trying to spend time with Aruji-sama alone.
Muu: Fufu… It’s alright, Nac-san.
Muu: I’m also with Aruji-sama, so I won’t let Lamli-san be alone with them!
Lucas: Oh my… Muu-chan, you’re so reliable ♪
Lamli: Hmm, but…
Lamli: Buu-chan’s a butler too. Aren’t you the one being unfair by staying with Aruji-sama all the time?
Lamli: You’ve been together with Aruji-sama ever since we came to Oliva, right?
Muu: Y-You’re right… I can’t deny that…
Lucas: Hmm… Then, why don’t we switch off?
Lucas: While one of the 3rd floor butlers stays with Aruji-sama, Muu-chan can help cover his work…
Muu: I’m fine with that. I’ll give it my all and work hard!
Lamli: Yaay~! Thanks, Buu-chan~ ♪
Nac: Goodness gracious… How about you follow Muu-kun’s example and put a little more effort into working, Lamli?
Lucas: Fufu… Please forgive Lamli’s behavior, Aruji-sama.
Lucas: He just wants to spend time together with you.
> Of course, I understand.
Lamli: Fufu… Aruji-sama’s so kind. I love you!
Lucas: Then, we’ll have Lamli-kun stay here and begin preparing dinner.
Lucas: Nac-kun, Muu-chan. Shall we go?
Nac: Yes.
Muu: Aruji-sama. Please excuse us for a bit!
> Good luck, everyone.
And so, the butlers rotated shifts, and I spent time with them one-on-one. I waited for when it was time to receive their hospitality.
-That night-
After dinner, I prepared for bed.
Muu said, “It’s not good for a butler to go to bed before their lord!” and tried his best to stay awake, but…
I told him, “It’s fine for you to sleep first”... I guess that made his uneasiness go away, and he fell sound asleep.
Knock, knock…
Lucas: Aruji-sama. Is now a good time?
> Come in. > It’s open.
Lucas: Good evening, Aruji-sama. 
Lucas: Just as we promised, we’ve come to show you our hospitality.
Lamli: Aruji-sama. First, please have some of this hot chocolate.
Lamli: Hot chocolate can help you sleep well, so have some and relax ♪
> Thanks.
I brought the mug that Lamli gave me to my mouth.
The hot chocolate had plenty of milk, and it had a mellow, warm, and comforting taste.
> It’s good…
Nac: Fufu… I’m glad to hear that.
Nac: A sweet and mellow hot chocolate will surely lull you into a good night’s rest.
Lucas: When you’re finished with your hot chocolate, we’ll start with what we actually planned for you.
Lucas: The hospitality the 3rd floor butlers will provide you is so that you may have a “sweet” and peaceful sleep.
> Sweet…?
Lucas: Yes. 
Lucas: To do that, first… Take a seat on the bed.
> O-Okay.
After I replied, Lucas sat down on my bed.
And then, he patted his lap.
Lucas: Now then, Aruji-sama…
Lucas: Leave the mug on the table and… Please lie down on the bed.
Lucas: Tonight, please rest your head in my lap and have a good night’s sleep ♪
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andreisvechnikov · 2 days ago
To Canes Fans
Sebastian Aho, Feb 27th, 2025
I think about the playoff losses a lot. It hurt then, and it hurts now. Each one of them stays with me. It stays with us. We have scar tissue. That’s the honest truth. There’s no point in lying about it. It’s there. And it’s a part of who this team is, of who we’re going to be. And I’m thinking about it now, not because I’m taking the regular season for granted, or because we’re already thinking ahead. It’s actually the opposite of that. This year's team, we don’t want to just be talented, or a tight group, we want to have a real identity. Something that we can rely on, no matter what happens during a month, or game, or series. Something that we know is us — something that is true to Hurricane hockey, through and through.
And that thing is simple: Hard work.
I don’t care at all if you think it’s a cliché.
We’ve come up short six years in a row. And each year we try to learn from it and make changes and do something different. Sometimes maybe we’ve tried to be things we aren’t. It happens. And there are teams all around the league who have certain styles of play, or things they’re great at. And so do we. But what I want is for us to be the hardest-working team in the league. The team that doesn’t leave a stone unturned. First ones in, last ones out. That type of stuff. Because when we break through, when we finally lift the Cup, it will because of all the reps before that moment. All the hard work. That’s the way through.
Everybody is a loser until they’re a winner.
And I know we’re winners.
I know it.
And if you don’t mind, I want to shout out Coach for a second here. Roddy. Nobody gets what it means to wear this sweater more than him. He’s got this connection with fans, man…. It’s crazy. He’s a legend. I remember being eight years old and watching from Finland when Carolina won in 2006. I can still see him and Cam Ward skating around with the Cup above their heads. I got to know Roddy during my rookie year in 2016. He was the power-play coach. I didn’t know him that well and I remember so many flights where it seemed like he never looked up from the film on his computer. He’d spend hours and hours trying to figure it out, trying to put us in positions to succeed. And when he became head coach in 2018, we all got to see another side of him.
He’s an incredible speaker. He just has this way of connecting with the guys that’s completely genuine and honest. He feels like a teammate. Like he’s in the battle with you. And he sets the bar so high. He’s the hardest-working guy every day. In the gym, in the film room, he is the culture. And I wanted to talk about him because I know Canes fans appreciate him. I see the jerseys. I hear the roar when his name is announced. But maybe people around the league look at Carolina and think, How did they build that unique culture down there? Roddy is a huge part of it. 
And I thought about that a lot when I was negotiating my contract in the summer of 2023. When you have the opportunity to be a free agent, it’s a massive moment in your life as an athlete.
But every thought I had that summer led me back to one thing: Canes fans.
I saw the way Roddy was treated, the love he had for the city. I wanted that. My wife and I love living in Raleigh. This is our place. This is where we’re supposed to be. And also: I’m a bit stubborn. I’m not giving up until we win. I promise that. I think I’m a Hurricane for a reason. I know what that reason is. And I will do everything in my power to make it happen.
I think sometimes there’s this misconception about European players. That we don’t care as much about the Cup as Canadians or Americans. I can’t speak for everyone when I say this, but for me, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I watched the Cup final almost every year growing up. I remember after the Canes won, the Ducks won it in ’07. I stayed up past midnight to watch Chris Pronger hand the Cup to Teemu Selänne. I was nine years old at the time, but I knew how important that moment was. The NHL seemed far away, but I knew it was the pinnacle. And I got it in my head that that’s what I wanted. To be a champion — to share that moment with a city. 
And so I’d watch YouTube for hours and hours. Pavel Datsuyk and Patrick Kane were two of my favorites. I was kind of mesmerized by their hands, by what they could do with the puck. As a teenager I’d get out on the outdoor rink with my friends, and it’d be colder than you could ever imagine, and we’d do one-on-ones and two-on-twos until we couldn’t feel our feet.
In Oulu, my hometown, we have so much pride for Finnish hockey. I think my very first hockey memory is being in the Kärpät dressing room with my dad, Harri, and his teammates when I was three or four years old. I remember his D partner cutting a down a stick for me to use. Those vibes in the room after they’d win … it was just really incredible. It felt like a big family to me. There’s something about being with the guys after they’ve given everything out there. I don’t know. That’s just something that I’ve always loved.
I cherish every win we get here in Carolina. We know how hard it is to win in this league. And every time we get one, and we share the moment together, I’m reminded of my childhood and why I play this game. 
That first playoff run we had in 2019 was special for a lot of reasons. That was the first time I saw the real Raleigh. It had been nine seasons since the team had been in the postseason, and I remember before Game 3 of the first round, the city was just alive. When I was drafted a few years before, people told me, Oh, it’s not a hockey town. It’s a football state. It’s a basketball state. All sorts of stuff like that. I don’t know, man. You come to our rink and you tell me if it’s a hockey town. I’ve played all over the world in almost every big rink. And I’ve never been in a building that was rocking like ours was before we got on the ice against the Capitals in 2019. Never. I was standing in the tunnel and I was in the zone. I was focused. We were down 2-0 but both games were close. I felt confident. I was getting ready to get on the ice, and I could hear the crowd, but I couldn’t really hear it, if you get that? Like I’m so in the zone that there’s no noise. But I could feel it. In my legs, in my chest. There was just this thunder going through the place. I can still feel it when I think back on it.
That series, man, beating the Cup champs in Game 7, in double OT…. Awesome. And then we swept New York in the second round and it felt like we were on top of the world. I really fell in love with Raleigh that summer. Like, I got it. I understood what hockey meant to everyone
And that's why it sucked so bad that we couldn't get it done against Boston. That was such a low, after such a high. To get swept.... I'm still pissed about it. 
Honestly, every series loss since then has been brutal. We've gotten so close, and built something special year after year, but close isn't good enough. 
Close sucks. 
But we understand the nature of hockey. Only one team can win the final game of the season. It’s the hardest trophy in the world to win for a reason. The only thing you can do is use the heartbreak as motivation. And so we keep going, we keep giving it our all. And this is where I really need to shout out our fans, because a lot of you have been showing up since the dark days, when we were rebuilding. The cool thing about our building is it's almost like a neighborhood. You come to the rink, and you see the same faces during warmups. The same families. You guys are a part of our group, and you keep us going. 
So we’re here again with a pretty darn good hockey team. I love this group. I really do.
We’re led by our Captain, Jordan Staal. He might not be on the scoresheet every night (he has been lately!!), but he’s our engine. When there’s a big draw to take, or penalty to kill, he’s just got this other gear. When I was a young player in the league, I’d look at him as somebody to be. That effort is how you win in the NHL. The goals and the points and all that, it matters. Don’t get me wrong. But when spring comes around, and the game changes a little in the playoffs…. It’s the stuff you can’t write down that makes the difference. Our captain is that guy.
And we’re a group that’s full of strong individuals, full of fighters. Freddie came back the other week and, man, it’s really inspiring to see how hard he’s worked to get himself back to the level he’s at. It’s brutal to see your brother go down like he did, and all the health stuff he’s had to overcome, he’s been through hell. But he never gave up. I’d see him in the gym all the time and you knew how much he was giving to get back to help us, to be there for Raleigh.
Now we’ve got some new faces in the building, and it’s an exciting time to be here. From the front office down, I think we all want the same thing. That’s a good feeling. It’s never easy seeing friends go. But that’s part of the game, part of life. We’ve got to keep going here through the end of the season and try to finish as strong as possible. We’re taking it one game at a time, doing every little thing to get better and better. And when the time comes, and the building gets even louder, and the games matter even more, I can promise you one thing, Raleigh: Close isn’t good enough.
Thanks for all the love. Let’s make some memories.
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Headcanon - Human Overlords
Really need to flesh this out, have so many ideas which way it could go.
Something something magic something overlords are forcibly reverted to human and suddenly have targets on their backs. 
More than a few people want the chance to usurp their overlords and break the chains on their necks.
A few centuries in hell have given them abilities, of course, and some had physical prowess beforehand in hand to hand or weaponry… but when their access to demonic powers is severed, what chance do they have?
If they could stop the infighting and posturing for half a fucking second, of course.
Valentino, tall even as a human, tried to tower over people who were now within at least half a foot of him rather than waist/chest height. It didn't work as well as he'd hoped, and Alastor personally found it hilarious. Perhaps it was the attire that made it hard to take the former moth seriously?
“And if those fuckers break down the door, get inside, then what are you going to do, talk ‘em to death?” Val sneers right into the too-calm face.
“Hah, well no. Not exactly. However, if I am given access to any kind of weaponry, if dear Charlotte would stop being so panicked about human fragility, I can demonstrate my former alternate profession to you. Perhaps on your foul self, you seem fantastically expendable.”
“Oh go fuck yourself you frigid prick! Voxxy, what did you ever see in this little cappucino bastard? Granted he's pretty on the eyes, but he's rancid to the core-...”
Something sharp passes in the deep brown eyes, and a previously concealed blade slams deep into Valentino’s left shoulder as the slightly shorter man pivots and slams Val to the floor, pinning him effortlessly to allow greater opportunity to twist the blade.
It was a blink and you'll miss it moment. To the shock of many present, and the loud swearing of one overlord. 
“You seem awfully confident that your silly little act will keep everyone at bay, Valentino, but even you have to sleep sometime. And you are not even in the weight class of the most challenging persons I took down. But you certainly have their bluster..."
Vox pinched at the bridge of his nose, delighted at having one to pinch, and wondering how best to keep the idiot alive. He was also willing his arousal to stay down because it really wasn't that hot to see Al pinning Val and...
Ah fuck. He clears his throat.
“Val, please don’t taunt the most prolific serial killer of our century…”
“The WHAT?”
“It was hardly a secret, dear, do keep up.” Alastor grinned, the smile still sharp despite regular human teeth lining the gums. It was somewhat unnerving.
Vox remembered looking up everything on alastor when they’d been friends, when Al had trusted him with tidbits from his past. You didn’t want that level of cold, smiling anger aimed at you.
“Babydoll, cancel his ass on Vitter or something, avenge me!” Valentino whines at Velvette, who rolls her eyes and yanks the blade out.
Also to the shouts of many (mostly Charlie and Vaggie) who know basic first aid is to leave the blade in until someone can get medical support…
Angel tries not to laugh as the other pales, fingernails scrabbling on the floorboards. This whole situation is fucking weird, and he's not complaining about the eye candy or the time off from the studio but... this, was a memory going to live in his head rent-free for eternity.
He's going to title it 'Radio Demon penetrates Valentino until he screams' in his mental theatre, mostly becuase it would piss off both currently human overlords if they ever heard tell of it.
“Oi, stop whinging, it’s not life threatening.” Vel huffs, but is clearly oulling up a how-to guide on managing stabbing victims on her phone. She's ,ostly annoyed about not being able to pull it up with a thought, having to (ugh) type like some peasant...
Carmilla is agitated, primarily concerned around the safety of her daughters now that she and all the overlords who would normally be a protective factor against anyone trying something, were bound human.
Zestial was the most impacted, he had almost forgotten his human face at this point, having been from a time long ago. Human frailty was almost entirely alien to him now, and wildly disorienting.
Zeezi has to now revert her mental map of her body to something human sized, after pretty much just getting a handle on her dinoform in the last decade. It was a big change the first time, and now… ugh. 
Overtime, their death marks start to glow, and then slowly, horrifically, the injuries or symptoms begin to come on. A headache here, a persistent twitching of an arm there, etc.
By the time they realise, it’s almost too late to save them.
Not to mention the attacks from their thralls and the general public alike.
Lucifer is annoyed to be asked to help, but when Charlie asks for something… he’ll do it. Besides… it actually made some of the others closer to his height, say… six foot not over seven, so it’s not as much of a nightmare.
More importantly, he's using his powers to shield the suddenly human beings from angelic eyes, because Heaven would be right on up their asses like a rat up a drainpipe if they caught wind of this.
Over time, the other side effect is that the memories of living in hell are being suppressed. They react oddly to the demons in the hotel, sometimes with fear or fury, sometimes with violence, and othertimes... as if they didn't see them at all.
It was strange... and worrying.
Trying to keep them all from killing one another is also difficult.
And, let's be real... the chance to knock about an overlord 'accidentally' was something that Angel and Husk wouldn't admit to enjoying. Even Lucifer found a reason to knock Al into a wall with his wings and feign ignorance...
Except, these aren't sinners. A shove ddown the stairs has major consequences, backhanding someone caused major bruising when it's demon on human, and someone's ribs snap if they're slammed too hard into a wall.
That... takes the fun out of it. The consequences feeling off...
Husk thought he'd enjoy seeing Alastor's face marred with claw marks, but it just kinda... made him sad, especially when there was a moment the overlord's eyes went unfocused and he murmured something in frnech before blinking furiously back to the present. The grin returned, and Alastor invited Husker to do it again, maybe something more violent, really get his revenge...
But... the bartender just couldn't fucking do it.
And Valentino? He wasn't surprised the night Angel stormed into the guest room he was provided, snarling but resigned... waiting to be forced. And perplexed when Angel merely grabbed him with all his many hands and shook him, snarling that he would never be like Val. That even when the power was in his court, he would never... could never...
and hurled the human back on the bed, hard enough to sprain his wrist on impact, but nothing more as he stalked out.
As if he wanted to prove to himself that Angel could never be that way. He felt vindicated and sick, but he knew now.
Vaggie hovered around Carmilla until the woman finally addressed the matter. She spars with Vaggie, andd despite the disparity in strength, her ability and agility made up for it.
Charlie was BESIDE herself about this. Also the rampant attempted murder. How did this happen? How did they make it stop?
Why would ANYONE do this?
Lucifer had to ask Asmodeus to borrow some of his workers with their crystals, to check in on the graves of the overlords, only to find they were all disturbed. Someone had their bones.
But WHY?
For what end?
And that's when they started getting sick, getting tired, getting vague... when they started to bleed through their clothes from wounds that would disappear as swiftly as they appeared.
It was alarming.
This was a lot of effort for, as Lucifer put it, just a bunch of self important sinners. There had to be something else at play. A misdirection perhaps?
[Flesh out]
no real plan with this, just a vision of like, constantly stopping different overlords from trying to kill one another, and the violent nightmare that would be... before things go Very Wrong
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into-the-milgramverse · 20 hours ago
Aight, so, while I'm trying to calm down from certain event
I'm gonna try to write on Muu, specifically relation to what happened regarding Haruka, cause I see left and right people who either jump on to see her as this completely evil irredeemable being or as a totally a good friend who did everything in her power but she just didn't know!!! 🥺🥺 And I feel like both of those takes are... not quite right? Uh, because it's gonna be a long and potentially nonsensical ramble cause I'm not doing well rn, I'll put it all under read more. tw for mentions of Haruka's attempt
Ok, so, first of. Starting of with the "Oh, but she tried to help him!! She brought him food! There's just no way she could have known!!!!"
Yeah, nah, I call that bullshit. If you have functional eyes, capable of sight, you can see a person who starves themselves get thinner. That alone should have told her that he's not eating properly as she supposedly tried to get him to (by... saying it once.) Even if someone who's fat started to starve themselves, which would be less obvious when looking at the body (in fact, you can bet some people would praise them for being ""healthy"" regarding that), the negative impact on health would still show in the face: the cheeks would get sunken in, the, skin would get dry and lips chapped. And, since Haruka is not fat, but tall and lanky as it is, these changes would be especially noticeable on him, along with noticeable body changes. You're telling me that someone like Muu, who's focused on her external beauty (reminder, she wants to be a model) and who literally has Haruka keep his eyes on her, would somehow miss all those signs? Not to mention, she also has a sense of smell, doesn't she? She would have noticed the smell of rotting food that Haruka would hide.
So, she knew very well, and, even if you try to defend her how she somehow didn't think he'd actually kill himself, no, that was very obvious sign that he was actually gonna kill himself. And yet, she didn't do anything. At very least she could have told someone, to ask for help, if she herself struggled with how to help him. But it's clear she did not want to help him.
However, here's a bit more that should be thought about. Muu sees friendships as transactional. She thought Haruka how to write, something he struggled with before, helped him with his style, since he literally arrived in pyjamas, and taught him how to at very least act confident until he internalizes the confidence.
In return, Haruka would provide protection. He'll make sure she stays Innocent so that the harm doesn't come her way like it possibly could happen if she gets voted Guilty. He is also a source of attention for Muu. It's been made clear over and over again that attention and praise is something she looks for and needs. Most prisoners get annoyed with that (Yuno and Fuuta come to mind).
But who doesn't get annoyed? Who else is so starved for attention due to years of being neglected, that simply spending time with them will paint her as an angel directly sent from heavens? Haruka. All she needs to do is to give him a drop of attention to be showered in attention back.
This need for attention and need for protection is not inherently a bad thing. Rich families usually don't do any caring for their children, they have money so they just hire a nanny to take care of them, resulting in lack of attention that's necessary while growing up. On top of that, as I've talked about in my previous Muu post, her school environment was such where she had to stay at the top (at what point she'd be praised), only to be dragged down if she made even the smallest slip-up, and then she'd have to act pitiful to gain attention and climb up to the top. This is all a survival tactic to avoid being bullied, to avoid being hurt. It also leads to a feedback loop of attention and praise = safety. The assumption that Haruka's attempt would sway the audience into voting her Innocent was just added means of securing her safety. And of course she'd support that then. There's no way she could have known that the audience would hit her and Haruka with a Guilty, but after that happened, why would she suddenly stop supporting Haruka?
And speaking of that
Why would Haruka even consider stopping? He was not only encouraged by Muu, for who's sake he was starving himself for, and by Kotoko, who laughed at him and found it amusing, but he also got encouragement from the audience. Not only did Muu got voted Guilty, after he threatened he'll kill himself if she gets voted Guilty, but he himself got voted Guilty too. Reminder that he, like Yuno, could hear the voices while Innocent. He heard voices that praised him, that said they love him. What do you think he heard afterwards? That they don't believe he'd actually do it, or that he'll be restrained if he gets voted Guilty so there's no need to worry. Though he likely didn't get restrained immediately (after all, Muu too would have been restrained, and her arms would be unusable, yet Shidou saw her, and trusted her that she'd bring food. If she had her arms bound at the time, she wouldn't be able to bring food at all), it's a possibility that he definitely thought about, which led to him picking the one method he could do regardless if he gets restrained or not.
By the time Fuuta finally discovered him, it was pretty much already too late. Haruka has gone far enough, and still stuck to his choice. And besides, only one person vs 2 people, one of which is the very person he cares about the most, along with the entirety of both Muu Guilty voters and his own Guilty voters, will not convince him to stop.
She's literally Just a Girl that has a need for attention, and who's life experiences have shaped her to believe everything in this life is transactional and that other people's lives don't matter if it secures her own safety.
Final thought to end it on: Her actions are horrible and you cannot defend those. She knew and could see very well what was happening. Regardless, I also don't think she herself is inherently a bad person.
Personally, I'd vote her Innocent.
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nomattertheoceans · 1 year ago
I've been reading the Percy Jackson books for the first time over the past two weeks! Just finished "The Battle of the Labyrinth" last night (which btw is my favorite of the series so far!!)
I have now gained a new obsession but it might not be what you think
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#like i swear to god i did not expect to be absolutely enthralled by the protagonist's mom kahskahfjkaja#she's just so fascinating to me#she's so kind and smart and she has given EVERYTHING for her son okay#like her staying married to an abuser for years to protect him omg she deserves the world#like when Poseidon called her a queen in the first book he was 100% right alright she is a queen#the woman murdered her abuser with a monster's head LIKE THAT'S SO AWESOME#also i cannot explain how obsessed i am with her relationship with Poseidon okay#like. do i want her to still have feelings for him? yes. do i need poseidon to pine and long for her from the distance?? ABSOLUTELY YES.#like realistically it's more likely that be does not but I need it okay#like at first i wanted them to be reunited because you know. of course i did.#but i am perfectly content with her finding love and happiness with a mortal man and Poseidon pining for her from the distance#like listen. this woman is amazing and she deserves to have an immortal all powerful god unable to get over her alright SHE DESERVES IT#but the way he just showed up at Percy's birthday party and called her as beautiful as ever????? omg??? BECAUSE YES SHE IS#and she blushed??? be still my beating heart#kahskahfksja honestly laughing at myself right now like I'm just over here watching a Sally Jackson tele novela in my head#AND HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE#percy jackson#no spoilers please if you see this post i know very little about the story and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself that way#also jsut as an fyi i am also a little obsessed with Percy and Annabeth kajakshdjshsha they are too cute and intense#sally jackson#percy jackson and the olympians
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dzozef · 1 month ago
i got offered the promotion at work.... why am i every business owners wettest dream damn....
#yapping#yes my ocd is horrible for my mental health but boy is it good for my wallet !!!!#its not OFFICIAL yet#but it was offered to me and i accepted so theyre seeing how they want to proceed now#cause its not just about me theres a shit ton of changes they want to make that include switching like 5 peoples schedules around#but my team leader said that most of those changes being possible depended on whether i would accept this or not#so well see#id be a team leader myself now#the feminine urge to become a power hungry dictator control freak at work.......#id be switching from my current early morning shifts to late night shifts which is much less healthy on paper#but my body is made for sleeping late i physically can not go to bed before 3am even now when i wake up at 5:30#i might have the money to renovate my apartment now cause i think this comes with a 20% pay increase which is a lotttt#i basically will be earning two incomes myself now 😭#dani said he fully believes Ace Of Spades exists at this point cause everything always ends up going my way in the end#i know it may seem like im flexing but please be aware when i started this job a year and a half ago i was borderline homeless 😐#so its a huge deal for me 😭 and really quickly done as well which is why its so insane#like. in a year and a half only i went from borderline homeless and my parents keeping me on constant phonecalls#cause they were worried id off myself if i hung up#to being a homeowner that earns two incomes by herself while working from home#i feel like in most companies hard work doesnt rly pay off tbh i was just lucky to get into one of the few companies where they do value it#the literal CEO is my biggest dickrider 😭 but i do appreciate him giving me raises randomly cause he feels like i deserve it#but yeah !!!! apparently life altering anxiety that forces you to compulsively do perfect work at any job you ever do#because making mistakes and not giving it your 110% feels like a moral failure so you feel sick at the very thought of it#is apparently what makes the dream worker#if only they knew i dont actually care about this in any capacity.... i am just fucked in the head in a way that works im their favour 😭#this is why all of my ex bosses begged me to stay when i quit teehee#im yapping too much but yeah !! heall yeah money !!
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cheddertm · 1 year ago
me: lmao it would be cool if there was a fanfic about Jay leaving with her dad because I think that would just be neat. not me tho since I'm kinda busy n stuff haha
also me:
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me: shit.
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rootbeerfloats · 2 years ago
finished the succession finale. its royver
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cloverapple · 1 month ago
How I Shift On Command + How You Can Too
I don’t plan on posting anything other than this or starting a blog, so I don’t need anyone to “believe” in me. The only person you should trust is yourself—trust yourself to resonate positively with what you see online and click away if it doesn’t serve you. This is here for you to take from if it resonates. I literally only made this blog to post this here. My hope is that it reaches at least one person who can take something from this and apply it to their shifting journey. If not, and this post ends up here untouched, I’m just glad to finally get everything down in words and off my chest. 
Jumping straight to the answer because I’m not going to make anyone sit through a long post for it. The rest, the "advice," is here if you want to read it.
The "method"
I figured out what works specifically for me as an individual instead of following everyone else’s journey. Everyone has their “thing” that makes shifting click, a sweet spot that makes reality shifting possible. For me, it’s a combination of the law of assumption and inducing an altered state of consciousness.
During the day, I spend time affirming—or sometimes just reminding myself or keeping a little note nearby—things like:
I can shift.
I know how to shift.
I could shift tonight.
Shifting is accessible to me.
At night, I watch videos, look at Pinterest boards, or listen to music that reminds me of my DR. This ingrains where I’m going in my brain. Sometimes I do this for fun, and other times I skip it entirely.
When I lay down, I always lie on my back and stay somewhat still because I like the feeling of my body going numb. This isn’t necessary to shift, but I enjoy it—it lets me feel the symptoms of hypnagogia (that in-between state of wakefulness and sleep).
To meditate quickly, I count from 1 to 100 with a few affirmations in between to remind myself of what I’m doing. I do this until my body goes numb, and I start messing up the counting. Usually, the mistakes or random, nonsensical thoughts are my signal to start shifting.
At this point, I begin affirming the things I affirmed during the day:
I could shift right now.
I have the ability to shift.
I have the power to shift at any moment.
While I do this, I focus on the feeling of being in my DR—not my surroundings, not my senses, just the internal feeling of being there.
This is where “brazen impudence” comes in. I hard-force myself to feel like I’m in my DR. It’s not about imagining my surroundings but purely about embodying the feeling of being there.
Hypnagogic imagery and sensations like floating often kick in at this point. These are symptoms of your body falling asleep so your awareness can take shape in that sweet spot for shifting.
I continue this, then stop and start counting from 1 to 100 again, with affirmations like:
I can shift.
I know how to shift.
I could shift right now.
Then I repeat the process: using brazen impudence to force myself to feel like I’m in my DR.
Eventually, I reach that threshold between sleep and wake—a liminal state of pure consciousness. Body asleep, mind awake, I call this the “rabbit hole” which is honstly just a deep state of hypnogogia. It’s a state where anything is possible: lucid dreaming, astral projection, slipping into the void, shifting—anything.
When I’m in this state, I use brazen impudence to force myself to feel like I'm shifting to my DR and don't take no for an answer (I tell myself I'm in Barbados and shut the door in my own face). This can involve affirmations or just talking myself through it, either way I wake myself up there. Occasionally, I simply relax, expect to wake up in my DR, fall asleep, and wake up shifted.
Does all that sound complicated? Let me simplify:
Lay down and get comfortable.
Count from 1 to 100 on a loop with affirmations in between until you mess up the counting, get sleepy, or have your mind wander. Like this:
Me: *counts from 1 - 100* Me: *says a few affirmations/askfirmations* Me: *counts from 1 - 100* Me: *says a few affirmations/askfirmations*
On a loop until...
Persist in the feel of being in your DR—not focusing on surroundings or senses, just the feeling. Feeling is the secret.
Alternate between steps 2 and 3 until you’re in that relaxed body asleep/mind awake state, OR just straight up hypnogogia tbh. (That is, if you don’t already shift lol)
From there, choose what feels right: shift from a lucid dream, affirm, slip into the void, or just feel yourself in your DR like I do, convince yourself that either you shifted and are there, or are shifting and will end up there.
One thing I’ll tell you now—regardless of your circumstances, how long you’ve been trying, how long it’ll take, who you are, etc—is that you already know how to shift. You, reading this right now. You know how to shift, and there’s nothing you did to learn it. There’s nothing you can do to unlearn it. It’s something that will stay with you until the end of time.
Why do you think people shift randomly without prior knowledge of shifting? Even people who don’t believe in it? It’s because everyone can shift. You can shift.
Right now, stop reading this post and say in your head or out loud, “I already know how to shift.” Or, if that doesn’t feel right, “I already have the ability to shift,” “No matter what, I have the power to shift,” or “My mind knows how to shift no matter what.”
Can you argue that? No, you can’t. And if your mind starts throwing out “buts,” go back and read that again.
Shifting isn’t difficult, and no one struggles to shift. I’m sure you’ve heard it before—that shifting is simple and happens in seconds—because it does. You don’t struggle with shifting. You can shift; everyone has the power to. What you “struggle” with, so to speak, is figuring out what works for you, what your brain likes, how it operates—because everyone is different.
What ended up working for me more than anything was figuring out how I operate and modifying shifting to fit me—not forcing myself to fit shifting.
Will my method work for everyone? I have no idea. Unless you assume it will work for you, this is what works for me. I’m me, and you’re you.
Before you say “Oh, but I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked so far” and expect me to sit here and ask you “but have you really tried everything? <3” , listen to me. 
I could shift perfectly well with my own personal method before I started shifting regularly. I knew it worked well for my brain, but the thing that “blocked” me (so to speak) were my assumptions. 
When you sit there and say “I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked” that’s your assumption about yourself. You believe that nothing works for you, that you don't know how to shift, that you’re this powerless, lost baby shifter who needs guidance. 
There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s not your fault, and theoretically you could shift even with your “blockages” (I really hate that term), as shifting waits for no one.
This is why so many people shift randomly and with poor assumptions without meaning to. But you clicked on this because you want to know how you can shift consistently + on every time, and this is the answer I’m giving you. 
You find out what works better for you, be it affirming, visualizing, scripting, shifting awake, shifting asleep, shifting with hypnagogia, shifting with hypnopompic, shifting through lucid dreams, shifting with brazen impudence, through SATs, robotic affirming, through letting go, through putting your DR on a pedestal, through listening to music, through law of assumption alone, and many more. 
If that sounds overwhelming, please note that all of these are the same vehicles that get you to your destination. Just in different shapes and colors. Like how some people drive a car, others drive a motorcycle, others walk, others swim. The movement forward is always the same. 
What you’re doing, no matter how you’re doing it or in whatever state of consciousness you’re doing it from, will always be:
Assume it's true, feel it, receive it. “Assume and persist,” “ground yourself in the assumption,” you’ve heard it all before. 
How to Find What Makes You Shift On Command
You could either test different techniques (affirmations, visualizations, scripting, lucid dreaming, etc.) and see what feels natural to you. 
You could (and I love this one because it’s a cheat code) Assume you already know what works, and let the law of assumption guide you. “Manifest it” so to speak. 
Pay attention to your life, because you already shift on command, you've been doing it your whole life, but I guarantee you haven't noticed it. Pay attention to you, like how easily you slip into hypnagogia, your dream recall, or how strong your intuition is, maybe you put too much emotion into a scenario you don’t want in your life and it inherently manifests, things like that. Pay attention to the thing that makes you go “huh, that was weird”
“But Clover, I tried everything you mentioned above and still haven’t found my method!” 
My darling. Listen up. Come closer—I’m about to let you in on a secret. The way you apply the law of assumption isn’t one-size-fits-all, because assumptions and beliefs are not linear. It's the same every time, yes, it's a law. But just like you, the way you can use it is unique to each person.
Let me tell you how easy it is so you don't think I'm over-complicating it
You could, for instance, believe you’ve got $1000 in your bank account right now and act like it, fully living in the end. Or you could believe you’re going to have $1000 in your account and act like it’s already on its way. Or maybe you believe something’s going to happen that’ll bring you that $1000.
The same applies to shifting. It’s been a game changer for me. I used to struggle so much with things like:
“You’re already in your DR, just act like it.”
“Ignore the 3D.”
“You’ve already shifted.”
Do those methods work? Absolutely, they work beautifully. But like I said, if it doesn’t feel good or true to you, don’t force it.
My dearest, darling reader. If the story you see in your 3D is that you can’t shift, can’t find what makes you shift, are you just going to sit there and accept it? What is more satisfying? Think with me here: accepting that you don’t know how to shift and cannot shift, or persisting that you do know how to shift? 
“Clover, but I’ve been trying for 4 years! I’ve tried everything and I still haven’t shifted”
So that's your story? Your story, your assumption is that you’ve been trying for 4 years and haven’t shifted? If you’ve resonated with the phrase above, that’s your story. And there’s nothing wrong with it, but! there will be no magic solution for shifting. Or a magic method. Or a person like me giving you advice, that can make you shift without you changing your assumptions first.
“But I don’t want to reprogram my mind! It doesn’t work for me. I don’t want to do robotic affirming 24/7, I want results now!” 
I know, right? It’s annoying having to do these 100-step methods, and drink charged water, and have to beg the universe for your desire, and loop affirmations in your mind that directly contradict what you’re experiencing in the 3D.
“Oh ignore the 3D, the 4D is your only real imagination!” they say, as you sit there, clutching your phone, rocking back and forth in bed, repeating affirmations you don’t resonate with while dreaming of being railed by your S/O.
Believe me, I've been there, wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I asked myself why couldn't these basic steps that worked for everyone else work for me. I blamed myself for not trying hard enough, for being lazy, for inconsistent. When all that time, the answer was me. I needed to manifest/shift in a way that felt good for me.
Just remember, the law of assumption isn't complicated, and the way you apply it is not one-size-fits-all. Reprogramming the mind through continuous repetition and affirmation works, and if that resonates with you or feels effective, you should absolutely go for it.
However, at its core, you don’t inherently need to reprogram your mind. It’s as simple as assuming your mind has already been reprogrammed and watching it unfold before your eyes. You do what feels right to you.
For example, if person A does better with visualization and listening to music, why on earth are they affirming and listening to subliminals?
If person B feels better scripting in a notebook, why the hell are they reprogramming their mind?
If person C feels good reprogramming their mind, why are they taking the simple route?
Funny, isn't it? Which is why if you've read all of this so far, and you have not resonated with it, just click away. Go find another post or advice that feels true to you. The words I'm writing right now are not universal, they're not the absolute truth. That's the beauty of the law of assumption. Whatever you believe to be true, becomes true.
I didn’t feel good with the affirmations “I’m already in my DR” and “I already shifted.” Do they work, are they true? Yup, but I didn’t feel good ignoring the 3D, even when I knew the 4D was the true reality. So I swapped them for affirmations like "I'm shifting to my DR", “I’m going to shift to my DR”, swapping things like “I already shifted” to “I’m shifting” because those are the kinds of affirmations my brain loves. 
I've heard a silly bit of misinfo that these affirmations stating future events put you in an infinite loop, and that they don’t make you achieve your desire. That’s not true? At all? Makes me laugh, really. Because here I am, “master shifter” or whatever name people give it in this reality, shifting as much as I want to wherever I want with these types of affirmations.
Yet here I see every day on the internet, people implanting stubborn little rules and regulations to a practice that has been done for ages, a universal law that will work even when you don’t care for it to work. 
How I Shifted The First Time
The law of assumption is what made me shift in the end. Initially, I surprised myself at the beginning of my shifting journey because I shifted three months after starting it. I woke up one morning in my DR room, felt it was real, knew it was possible, but accidentally shifted back because it was too good to be true. 
What followed was a period of losing my mind; I shift back to my DR for a few seconds (mini-shifts), fully shifted to different rparallel ealities, and filled the hell out of shifting journals with my discoveries as I went along. But I never fully shifted to my DR and stayed there. I wanted to permashift. I was so focused on leaving my CR and going to my DR permanently, frustrated because I knew I could shift, knew how to in theory, but was stuck in this endless loop of assuming I couldn't make myself shift and had to rely on spontaneous shifts.
And then one night it clicked when I was reflecting on the law of assumption and reality shifting. I knew shifting was real. I knew I could shift. Everyone can shift. I had shifted before. I would continue to shift even if I gave up on shifting. I could shift that night if I wanted to. I could shift that night even if I didn't want to. I knew how to shift. And so do you.
These are all assumptions I went to sleep with in mind, laying there, feeling like an idiot as it all clicked for me. 
If there was no doubt in my mind that I could shift that night, why wouldn’t I be able to shift? 
What followed was an overwhelming sense of peace washing over me. I let go. What more was there to be done? I could shift. There was no crying or screaming that could make me shift more than I could right then. 
I laid there and started my process. Just like I mentioned earlier. I began counting from 1 - 100 on a continuous loop. With affirmations that I could shift, I knew how to shift , I could shift that night.
And then I reached hypnagogia, and began inducing the feeling of being in my DR, just like I mentioned earlier. That liminal space rabbit hole shortly followed. I could go anywhere I wanted then. I could lucid dream. I could astral project. I could slip into the void. I could shift, and I did. Just…letting go and inducing the feeling of being in my DR. Not the surroundings, not the 5 senses, no affirmations. Just knowing that I was in my Dr. 
It was peaceful. 
I was at ease. 
And then I was woken up by a violent crack of thunder because my dumbass scripted my DR wakeup scenario to be in the middle of spring, and it was raining -_- 
I woke up in my DR, fully grounded, fully there, pinching my skin purple because I couldn't believe I was looking out the window at my DR city.
I wish I could tell you that I remained cool, but I so didn’t. I sat in bed for a good 10 minutes, mouth agape, repeating “oohh fuck it’s real….ohhh my god it’s real…whaaat the hell.” 
And then I paced around my room panicking, giggling like an idiot, checking my DR phone because all my friends and DR life was on there as evidence, opening drawers, looking at myself in the mirror, and straight-up freaking out. 
What followed after that was incredible, something I lack the words to describe. I spent a few weeks in my DR before shifting back, spending a few weeks here and then shifting back–here, back, here, back and forth, spending more time in my DR then my CR to the point where I consider my DR my true reality, and this one as my “other” reality. 
I shifted back here in early December of last year, and I’m here now before I shift back permanently—meaning, I’ll shift there, and then the next time I shift will be to another DR or a waiting room somewhere in the multiverse. I’m taking a "break" so to speak and hanging out here until events I scripted in my DR start to happen, and my life changes (positively, all good things I assure). 
I’m not sure if the person or people who find this post will care, but my other reality was originally called my “Witch DR”, where, as the name suggests, I’m a witch :) But not the fun kind, with a broomstick, a cauldron, and a pet cat though 😂The kind where I have to be up early for work in the mornings, can’t keep a cat because the building I live in doesn’t allow it, and have more responsibilities there than I do in this reality. 
One thing I didn’t expect about shifting before I lived there the first time is that—it’s life. You will have good days. You will have bad days. You will fuck up. You will laugh so hard that soda comes out of your nose. You will cry more than you ever have. And the people you once saw on a TV screen are very real, and can be very annoying lol. I miss my DR friends dearly right now, but I can’t go poking around the internet for videos and pictures of them because it feels so weird. 
Gut feelings are strange. I use them as a compass in both realities whenever I have to manually flap the butterfly’s wings and take a route. I felt compelled to write this post, and I’m not sure why. But if what this post has the power to help one singular person and help them realize their power, I'll be beyond happy.
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savanir · 4 months ago
A sister's love
The justice league hurriedly responds to a call for backup at a little in the middle of nowhere place by the name of Amity Park. 
The situation had seemed so simple. 
A Star Sapphire had suddenly shown up on Earth which isn’t immediately cause for concern but she was unidentified, so a lantern was definitely going to have to look into it if only just to make sure that nothing bad was going on. There are two planet side green lanterns, Simon and Jessica. So they responded to handle the potential situation. 
Things rapidly spun out of control when they realized it wasn't just a Star Sapphire. 
"I hate to say this but we're gonna need backup" Simon tells Cyborg, "the Star Sapphire has brought something with her. My first guess was a white martian but..." The other one can do some manner of density shifting, and he can go invisible, but they know ways around that. Whatever this one is doing isn’t that though.
"Why isn't this working!?!" Comes Jessica's slightly panicked voice in the distance, "he keeps just going through my creations! dammit, think think Jess" She tried to contain him with a flamethrower construct but he just ignored it, like he’s seemingly ignoring everything else she’s throwing at him.
"Our constructs have zero effect on the other one, the alien, meta? man I don’t know he’s human shaped" 
"What is the situation other than the two hostiles?"
"Uh we got some government agents who are retreating because of the Star Sapphire wrecking their stuff. And the civilian people here seem to be falling under her influence, so she must be human. She's from here, she needs emotional connection to pull that stuff off."
The people are furious, the violet glow around them clearly indicates that the girl is using her ring to amp them up but if Simon didn’t know any better he’d say this was red lantern stuff.
Well there are more ways to whip people up into a frenzy, by hurting their loved ones for example.
There is a brief moment where it can be heard that Simon and Jessica try to get into a more advantageous position. 
Simon grunts, "dammit, those agents seemed to have weapons that actually worked on the other guy but the Star Sapphire used her violet constructs to shield him and destroy their guns and we've been struggling since" this whole situation stinks, he has a weird feeling about all of it.
"Simon this is really really bad, i can't keep restraining all these civilians, we're running out of energy fast!"
Cyborg tries to get a visual on the situation from his position in the Watchtower while he’s notifying any league affiliated heroes who are nearby and available. 
But all of a sudden he realizes there is just nothing, just a big lap of void where the two lanterns are supposed to be, there is no cctv footage, no cell towers, no internet connection. Just what the hell is going on here.
Then the audio transmission starts to violently crackle.
A new voice laced with static can suddenly be heard, "There you two are"
"Is the justice league coming yet? Are they finally going to do something?" the staticy voice continues.
"Stay back you-"
"Or maybe they still need more of a reason to act" 
The audio cuts out. 
"Jessica! Simon! Come in!" ... "Shit!" 
Cyborg finally gets a clear picture with the satellite cameras and now sees the entirety of Amity Park has been covered with a crystalized violet dome. It’s then that he remembers the story Hal told quite some time ago now about a Star Sapphire who managed to put a whole planet into love stasis.
They are gonna need more help with this one he thinks.
Meanwhile Jazz is still shakily trying to figure out how her new pink powers work, now that all the fighting is over (for now), the GIW forcefully expelled from Amity, and the two Justice league people captured and restrained.
Everything happened so fast, one moment the GIW had knocked out her brother and were forcefully taking him away and while she saw them drive off (she was pretty sure she was screaming) a pink thing just froze her in place, She was pretty sure someone said something about “great love in her heart” and then she was… well she was flying and- and there wasn’t really any time to question things then so she may have kinda gone and ripped into the van that had Danny.
She’s pretty sure she healed him, and then things just completely spiraled out of control from that point on. and now she’s here.
She’s pretty sure this is crazy villain behavior, she’s going to get put on some sort of watchlist and then she’ll never get to be a psychologist but it’s fine.
Her little brother is safe, that’s all that matters. And she will keep it that way.
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neferaskingdom · 3 months ago
♡ Max "If It Weren't For The Baby" Verstappen | MV1
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Summary: Max and George show no signs of stopping anytime soon and poor y/n is stuck between a rock and a hard place. but soon things escalate when Max accidentally opens his big mouth.
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y/n_russell posted:
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y/n_russell: Habibi come to Abu Dhabi✨
user: SHE’S BACK, EVERYBODY STAY CALM!!! 🔥🔥🔥 user: MOTHER RETURNED TO THE GRID AND IT SHOWS. user: Abu Dhabi isn’t ready for her!! 😍 user: Not to be messy, but is that a bump or just the angle? 👀
user: Delete this before you embarrass yourself further. 🙄 user: You do realize that’s body-shaming, right? Yikes. user: Maybe it’s just the dress, maybe it’s none of our business. Either way—don’t. user: Imagine logging onto the internet just to get ratio’d in the comments. Couldn’t be me.
georgerussell63: Wow. 2 whole photo in front of Lewis’s garage? Feeling betrayed right now.
y/n_russell: omg george, do you want me to write "george is my favorite" on my forehead or something? relax. georgerussell63: I’m just saying, where’s the support? y/n_russell: maybe if your garage didn’t feel like the waiting room at a dentist’s office, I’d consider it. georgerussell63: That’s because we’re professional. y/n_russell: nah, it’s because you have the personality of unseasoned chicken. user: 💀💀💀 SHE CAME FOR HIS LIFE.
user: Not Max creeping in the shadows like that. George, sweetie, you seeing this? user: Netflix doesn’t even need to make a script this season. The show’s writing itself.
landonorris: MOTHER.
y/n_russell: 🔪🔪🔪 user: The knives are out. Lando, RUN.
lewishamilton: Always great to have you around. Thanks for showing up and supporting me this weekend. Much love ❤️
y/n_russell: Wouldn’t miss it for the world, you know I’m rooting for you Lew! Big things ahead 💪🏽
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f1teaspill posted:
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f1teaspill: Okay, F1 fans, we’ve got a hot one for you! Max Verstappen and George Russell’s sister, Y/n, were spotted on a hotel balcony together, and it’s seriously got people talking. 👀 Y/n was supposed to be at a totally different hotel with George, so why is she with Max—especially with all the drama going down between them? 🤔
Is there something going on between these two? Or is Y/n just making it clear that she’s Team Max in this ongoing feud? You know we’ll be watching this one unfold closely... 🔥
user: Yooo, what’s going on here?! Y/n is in Max’s hotel?? 😳
user: Is this a secret relationship or is Y/n just picking sides? I need answers!! 😬
user: So Y/n's team Max now? This is messy. 👀
user: Max and Y/n are lowkey dating and no one’s telling us?! I need the receipts ASAP. 😩🔥
user: Sis really out here with Max?? I can’t believe this. George is gonna flip. 😬
user: Okay, but like... is she betraying George by cozying up with Max right now? Or is she just done with the drama? 👀
user: Nah, this can’t be real. She’s out here looking all comfy with Max while George is literally her brother?? What kind of betrayal is this? 😱
user: Is this the kind of power move we’re witnessing?? Y/n dropping George for Max?? 🤯💥
user: Ok, but lowkey, I ship them so hard. Max and Y/n would make the hottest couple. 🔥🔥
user: No, fr. Max and Y/n are EVERYTHING. They look so good together, I’m lowkey obsessed. 😍👀 user: Can we just take a minute to appreciate how they’re literally radiating chemistry? I don’t care if they’re not dating—they should be. 😩💅
user: The way she’s just chilling with Max tho... George must be somewhere crying right now. 🤣💀
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f1teaspill posted:
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f1teaspill: “If it weren’t for the baby.” Three words that sent the paddock and the internet into absolute mayham today after Max Verstappen dropped the bomb during an interview. 👶💣
Fans are already in detective mode, dissecting every second of this wild moment. Whose baby? Is Max a secret dad? And what does George Russell have anything to do with it?
Interview Transcript:
Journalist: Max, earlier this week George Russell referred to you as a “bully” in his recent comments. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Max: (chuckles awkwardly) Well, you know, George always has something to say. I’m not going to get into it.
Journalist: But do you think his characterization of you is fair?
Max: (sighs) Look, I’m just here to race. I’m not interested in petty drama.
Journalist: It doesn’t seem like George is letting it go anytime soon. Are you planning to address it with him directly?
Max: (visibly annoyed) I really don’t see the point in—
Journalist: But isn’t it important to clear the air, especially since the tension is so public now?
Max: (snapping) If it weren’t for the baby, I wouldn’t even bother trying to make peace with him!
(A beat of stunned silence. Max’s eyes widen in realization.)
Journalist: The… baby? What baby? Max, can you clarify—
(Max mutters something under his breath and walks off, leaving the journalist baffled.)
user: What baby, Max?! WHOSE BABY?! I haven’t been this confused since Abu Dhabi 2021.
user: Can someone please check if Max even knows what he said? He looked so panicked when he walked off.
user: “If it weren’t for the baby”??? Sir, we’re not in Panem; calm down.
user: Peeta Verstappen has entered the chat. Someone hand him a loaf of bread. user: Peeta Mellark walked so Max Verstappen could run user: I just KNOW someone’s editing Max into a Peeta scene as we speak. Can’t wait.
user: Okay but what baby would involve George? George is childless?
user: Guys, hear me out: What if Max is secretly dating George’s sister? That’s the ONLY way a baby ties them together. user: Nah, there’s no way. George would’ve punched Max into next week already. user: Okay but think about it. Max. George’s sister. A baby. Uncle George. THIS IS LORE. user: I’m just saying, George’s sister has been looking very glow-y lately… 👀 user: Not a theory, just facts: Max is babytrapping George into a truce. 💀 user: Wait... isn’t George’s sister in Abu Dhabi right now?? 👀 user: omg and they were seen together on his hotel balcony jskjsk user: I’M SCREAMING. THIS THEORY IS TOO GOOD. user: Max... the man, the myth, the secret brother-in-law.
user: F1 fandom today: trying to figure out if Max has a secret family or if we’re all just collectively hallucinating.
user: Bro, if this is true, Netflix better dedicate a whole episode to Uncle George. user: “If it weren’t for the baby” is my villain origin story now.
user: GUYS. What if Max meant baby as in, like, his cat or something? We’re spiraling.
user: Okay but why would George care about Max’s cat?! Use your brain. user: Honestly, the only thing that makes sense is Max dating George’s sister. Uncle George confirmed. Case closed.
user: Y’all, the way I will actually SCREAM if Max and George’s sister are together. This is better than any race drama.
user: Max Verstappen?? A baby daddy?? In THIS economy??
user: Everyone’s fighting over the baby, but I’m just here wondering how Christian Horner is gonna spin this in interviews.
user: Plot twist: The baby is Christian Horner’s with Toto 😭
user: STOP. This is the most chaotic F1 season ever, and I love it.
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Taglist: @ilovechickenwings @spooky-librarian-ghost @diaryofarandomkid @rd14 @hc-dutch @tremendousstarlighttragedy @grussellsprout @dannyespinosa06 @awritingtree @shelbyteller @diorbrxtz @96mcobo
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abyssconqueror · 2 months ago
i think what really gets me abt sylus’ nightly rendezvous is that it really emphasizes how needy and desperate he is in general for you to need him, doing everything in his power to both be by your side and support you especially after the bewilderment (and likely more) he felt after mc was initially disgusted by him;
say “i’ll come to sylus if anything happens” three times as payment and i’ll break my usual personal rules to help someone. idk what any of these brands of menstrual pads are but since you need some i’ll buy one of each and let me know if you need anything else- no the store doesn’t have anything i want i just wanna see you. sure i’ll take care of you when you’re not feeling well even when you’re being fussy. i suck at this? teach me then. teach me who i need to be for you to want me to stay the way he’s so gentle when he kisses you even through the passion of it, keeping his hands caressing something, whether your cheek, your hair, your back, your thigh
but then even when you’re in his lap, kissing him back, literally all over him he’s asking questions like “you really don’t want me to leave?” “you haven’t changed your mind, have you?” constantly checking in to make sure you really want this as though you’re not simultaneously matching his energy simply because he’s so shocked and overwhelmed by it. he covers it up with the suave facade of his, but even in such a short preview the mask slips; you can see it in the way he blushes when you get aggressive, the way he covers your eyes before leaning in to all but devour you as he threads your fingers together again in that way he always does bc he’s that pent up
really wasn’t expecting to write this much but there’s smth abt the genuine vulnerability of a character w sylus’ background esp being like “i really need you to want me as badly as i want you bc i can’t take it anymore and i’m starting to lose it” that’s so fucking hot idk idk idfk
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hope-for-the-planet · 26 days ago
Trans person in the US. Bust some of the doomerism for me? Tell me it's going to be okay?
Hi Anon
Usually, I have boundaries for myself about keeping this blog focused on environment-related issues, because there are limits to what I can speak knowledgeably about. But now doesn’t feel like the time for that.
Anon, I will tell you that I live in the US, I am queer, my spouse is trans, and we have two young children. I am sitting right there with you in the fear and grief and every day when I ask myself “is there still hope” I find reasons to say “yes”.
They want us—all of us, not just queer folks—to feel overwhelmed and hopeless, because despair is a tool that keeps people from realizing their power and taking action.
They want us to feel so afraid that we lose our faith in other people and withdraw from our communities, because we are easier to conquer alone.
Do not give them what they want.
Hope is most necessary in the bad times. The ability to imagine a future that is better than things are now is exactly what gives us the power to begin making things better. Our community has been through terrible things before, and they did not lose hope or give up—otherwise we would not be where we are today.
When you start to feel like all the light is being blotted out, turn off the news, put away your phone, and go get in touch with something you love. Go outside and look at the sky, talk to a friend, listen to music, do some small thing to make something better even if it’s just cleaning your kitchen or picking up some litter around the block or returning an extra stranded cart in the grocery store parking lot. Remind your brain that you have agency to make positive change in the world through your actions.
I know it is really hard to pull out of the darkness sometimes. I know there will be days that hope seems like a foolish, naive thing, that despair and distrust seem like the only rational options. But hope is what keeps us alive. Hope is what allows us to save each other.
I wish I could give you a specific article or other source to reassure you that everything is going to be ok, but things are still too in flux day by day. I can tell you that people are already fighting back, in big and little ways, all over this country and the world. These orders and bills are being pushed by a loud but small minority—this is not how the majority of the country feels about trans rights.
Make a plan for staying safe. Reach out to your community. Find music, activities, podcasts, movies, whatever helps you feel uplifted and take mental breaks from dwelling on the news. If you can, find ways to get involved in making things better in whatever big or small way feels doable for you--it may help push back on the doomerism more than you think. And my inbox is open if you need to talk.
I wish I could invite you over for dinner. I wish I could look into your eyes and tell you that things may get hard for the next few years but that does not mean that your life can't still be full of joy and beauty and fulfillment in spite of that.
I’m right there with you. Let’s make it through this together <3
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cl-0v3r · 4 months ago
Mel is alive, but at what cost
Mel was nearly killed TWICE, her mother began being a struggle, she'd been thrown aside and trying her best to stop her, her boyfriend is not doing well, neither is anyone else (can't blame them) and the fact that she hadn't cried or spoke much about this situation to anyone a single time?? She IS upset about every single thing, yet she stays strong and enduring every bit of torture. The most she did was tell Jayce that Ambessa put her palm on the table, and let him know that she is going to push for hextech. That's it, nothing remotely related to her feelings.
The fact that she was constantly looking at Caitlyn, being able to understand her grief and knew she was in pain?? Mel knows this feeling. She'd went through it.
And in the end SHE has to pay the price of her mothers incompetence.
The intro is very much foreshadowing, we know the hands represent black rose/LeBlanc.
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This is what happens in act one, she gets kidnapped by them. The lyrics do correspond to the characters as well (not just Mel, everyone.)
"Tell you you're the greatest" plays as a petal of the black rose floats down the screen, I think it adds significance to the power this organization holds, possibly the Medardas greatest foe.
"But once you turn, they hate us" both Ambessa and Mel were present in this line, I think its foreshadowing for when Ambessa switches up for whatever reason and goes against both Piltover AND Zaun. And Mel WILL go through change as well, a change that could hurt her relationship with others, and receive interest from others too.
"They hate us" could be read individually too, I feel like its a sort of "realization" ?? Perhaps Ambessa WASN'T the one that switched up, maybe Piltover switched up on them, and maybe Mel JUST got out of wherever she's taken to, and saw the mess Ambessa had done to her city??
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I think this represents ACT TWO.
The hands pull away and it sort of looks like Mel is fighting back, a "get away from me" type of scream. you know what this reminds me of??
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Don't mind me just pushing my Jinx/powder-Mel parallel agenda
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Here is when i think Mel truly learns about LeBlanc/BR, she curiously and slowly goes to grab the rose, she learns about the history between her Mother and them, Kinos death, and most of all, learns about HERSELF. The lyrics speak otherwise.
"Pray away, I swear
I'll never be a saint, no way"
This feels like a parallel to caitlyn of sorts if that makes sense. Caitlyn had done everything to try and stop the council from attacking the Undercity, she kept her mouth shut when Jayce asked about Jinxs grenade, she was willing to protect Vi and the undercity, but how many times has she been tossed around? She'd been burned, exploded, kidnapped (god knows what happened during that time) and hit in the face by the same person, her MOTHER died because of the same person. She has every right to go insane. And she is hunting ONE person, which is Jinx. Although she is harming the people around her along the way.
What if Mel goes through a similar situation? Her mother pushed for war in her city, she dragged the enemy along with her even if she didn't mean to, she manipulated everyone around her INCLUDING Jayce, she LITERALLY got Mel hurt from the chembarons attack and killed so many people during a MEMORIAL to get her hextech weapons, Elora is most likely DEAD, not to mention whatever happened in the past between them. And the thing is, this will NEVER end throughout the entire season.
And what if she learns what she is? That she's 'blessed' by Kindred? The fact that the wolf is quite literally in her blood?
I feel like the "ill never be a saint, no way" also sort of indicates Mel will realize she'll never be able to push for peace and mercy like she always hoped for no matter what, and she comes to accept that as much as it hurts. But not like how ambessa accepted the wolf, but she sort of realizes she needs to push a little violence, towards nobody but the one and only, Ambessa "fine, if you want me to be like you, I guess I'll be like you towards YOU." Type of acceptance.
I think its also related to Mels new outfit too, she's dressed like her mother, in red and all of that. I will still stand by the idea that she has plans to decieve, but she will do something she doesn't want to do.
Mel was left with no choice, that lyric sounds like realization, acceptance, but also like a plea at the same time, an "I'll never be who I wanted to be" because in the end, she's still a Medarda, she's still her mothers daughter, she still has violence in her veins, she will never not suffer from the weight her name holds, and she will never escape it either, its like a shadow.
The Characters won't be themselves at their core this season. And those vital parts of their characters that represent them are no longer there in the intro, they all have given up what makes them, THEM design wise. (e.g.) Vi without her tattoo, Viktor hiding his identity with the mask. And the thing is, they did that to themselves because they do self-harm, they're changing themselves because THEY want to, they're forcing themselves to do that, they think they're undeserving and they're erasing their past selves.
But Mel? Mel doesn't have her gold accessories, Jewelry, or her Armor, she'd been stripped bare and hidden away because of the brutality of her name. She pays the price her mother brought to HER city. She's forced to change herself against her will, because nobody is giving her a chance to push for her ideals.
This entire theory never ends, and with all of this? I kinda do see Mel actually committing Matricide, it lifts the "Ambessa will die" theory further.
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