#because i want the artist to get 100% credit
towlerknows · 3 months
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Lucy Claire Illustrations
I love this SO MUCH!!
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maikaartwork · 1 year
Artists, let’s talk about Instagram commission scammers
There’s been a huge rise in commission scammers recently, mostly on Instagram. A lot of new artists don’t know what to look out for, so I figured this might help people.
How they begin
Usually the scammer will write to you asking about a commission. Something deceptively cute - mostly I encounter asks about pet portraits, with one or two photos sent. They’ll probably try to sell you a sweet little story, like “It’s for my son’s birthday”. They will insist that they love your artwork and style, even though they don’t follow you or never liked a single piece of your art.
What to look out for:
Their profiles will either be private, empty, or filled with very generic stuff, dating at most a few years back.
Their language will be very simple, rushed or downright bad. They might use weird emojis that nobody ever uses. They will probably send impatient “??” when you don’t answer immediately. They’re in a crunch - lots of people to scam, you know. 
They’ll give you absolutely no guidelines. No hints on style, contents aside from (usually) the pet and often a name written on the artwork, no theme. Anything you draw will be perfect. Full artistic freedom. In reality they don’t really care for this part.
They’ll offer you a ridiculous amount of money. Usually 100 or 300 USD (EDIT: I know it might not be a lot for some work. What I mean here - way higher than your asking price, 100 and 300 are standard rates they give). They’ll often put in a phrase like “I am willing to compensate you financially” and “I want the best you can draw”, peppered with vague praise. It will most likely sound way too good to be true. That’s because it is.
Where the scam actually happens
If you agree, they will ask you for a payment method. They’ll try to get to this part as soon as possible. 
Usually, they’ll insist on PayPal. And not just any PayPal. They’ll always insist on sending you a transfer immediately. None of that PayPal Invoice stuff (although some do have methods for that, too). They’ll really, REALLY want to get your PayPal email address and name for the transfer - that’s what they’re after. If you insist on any other method, they’ll just circle back to the transfer “for easiest method”. If you do provide them with the info, most likely you’ll soon get a scam email. It most likely be a message with a link that will ultimately lead to bleeding you dry. Never, and I mean NEVER click on any emails or links you get from them. It’s like with any other scam emails you can ever get.
A few things can happen here:
They overpay you and ask for the difference to be wired back. Usually it will go to a different account and you’ll never see that money again. 
They’ll overpay you “for shipping costs” and ask you to forward the difference to their shipping company. Just like before, you’ll never see that money again.
The actual owner of the account (yes, they most likely use stolen accounts to wire from) will realize there’s been something sketchy going on and request a refund via official channels. Your account will be charged with fees and/or you get in trouble for fraudulent transactions. 
You will transfer the money from your PayPal credit to your bank account and they will make a shitstorm when they want their money back, making your life a living hell. They will call you a scammer, a thief, make wild claims, wearing you down and forcing you into wiring money “back” - aka to their final destination account. 
Never, EVER wire money to anyone. This is not how it’s supposed to go. Use PayPal Invoice for secure exchanges where the client needs to provide you with their email, not the other way around.
You can find more info on that method HERE.
What to do when you encounter a scammer:
Ask the right questions: inquire about the style, which artwork of yours they like, as much details as you can. They won’t supply you with any good answers.
Don’t let the rush of the exchange, their praise and the promise of insanely good money to get to you. That’s how they operate, that’s how they make you lose vigilance. 
Don’t engage them. As soon as you realize it might be a scam, block them. The sense of urgency they create with their rushed exchange, and pressure they put on you will sooner or later get to you and you might do something that you’ll regret later.
Never wire money to anyone. Never give out your personal data. Never provide your email, name, address or credit card info. 
Don’t be deceived by receiving a payment, if you somehow agree to go along with it. Just because it’s there now doesn’t mean it can’t be withdrawn. 
Here is a very standard example of such an exchange. I realized it’s a scam pretty fast and went along with it, because I wanted good screenshots for you guys, so I tried going very “by the book” with it. 
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Please share this post, make it reach as many artists as possible. Let young or inexperienced artists know that this is going on. So many people have no idea that this is a thing. Let’s help each other out. If you think I missed any relevant info, do add it as an rb!
Also, if you know other scam methods that you think should be shared, consider rb-ing this post with them below. Having a master post of scam protection would AWESOME to have in the art community.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 5 months
after listening to an among us song i was given the drive to reboot this au so ,
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originated from a doodle that spiraled , SPREAD THE INFLUENCE is an au where ragatha is the ( unwilling ) host of a parasite called ' the influence ' which is a virus that only wants to spread and survive . she wasn't compliant about it at the beginning which was ' fixed ' with an itty bitty bit of psychological torment !
also yes i know the abbreviation is unfortunate and i do not care it's funny
even though ragatha's still our usual sweet little optimist , there is this persistent feeling of wrongness . too positive . too affectionate . it's like all of her humanity has been scooped out and you're left with the mask she made for others in the circus .
which is how the virus spread in the circus - they preyed on vulnerabilities which was what their host is perfect for . striking when the victim puts their guards down , making them submit under the guise that their problems will be fixed ... unfortunately it's a monkey's paw situation .
of course , that's only for this particular instance of the influencer ! something to note is that the virus takes a lot from the host's personality , so t.i's mellow and passive , only resorting to violence whenever necessary . t.i's not really an opposite ragatha she's more like a Dark , Fucked Up Version of ragatha the amazing digital circus . she cares a lot for everyone she considers a part of her hive , but it took a lot of manipulation and gaslighting for them to get infected .
caine is left uninfected because " i would do that if my goal is to destroy this place ! " t.i's ultimate fear has always been dying . it'll do everything to not die , to the point it's trying to spread out of the circus ( <- honestly take this info with a grain of salt i wrote this before i fully developed the story ) . unfortunately there's this jester who's resisting the virus with pure lesbian rage and is trying to stop her .
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now rags would eventually get de-influenced and the circus will no longer be infected , but we will talk about the extremely rocky journey of recovering from knowing you harmed everyone you cared about Later
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was this ' the influence ' that amanda ( ragatha's va ) keeps referencing ? sighs ... yeah . ( feels so surreal that i can say i have their seal of approval for this )
why ragatha ? in story , how is she not the perfect host ? metatextually , this is an au of an au - this came from a blog about ragatha getting a virus that is inconveniencing her life . i simply thought of an idea of ' hey what if the virus took over her body ' one day . then this abomination was born . i would reveal the why and how she got infected ... eventually .........
is she still afraid of centipedes ? is it a ragatha if she doesn't have a fear of centipedes
does pomni still use a taser ? yeah
could i use / be inspired by the influence for my au ? i did not invent the concept of Computer Viruses so feel free to be inspired by it , no credit needed . for t.i as a character specifically , please credit me !
are there ships ? just pomni x ragatha
is suggestive content of t.i ok ? just don't send them to me , tag it as #tw suggestive or #suggestive so i could filter it out
is nsfw content of t.i ok ? my tiny artist hands are powerless against the unstoppable force that is the internet so my answer will not matter . that being said , i recommend that they're not put in the main au tag so people won't unexpectedly come across it . and no i do not want to see it please do not send them to me
could i draw fanart / write fanfic of this au ? 100% yes you could either mention me or tag it under #tadc influence au
does this au have an ask blog ? nah just a normal blog lol
the main story
oh boy a prologue
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piracytheorist · 2 years
A few notes on trigger discipline, with examples from Spy x Family
One of the first things you learn when learning how to use a gun is that you absolutely do NOT put your finger on the trigger unless you're 100% ready and willing to shoot (and deal with whatever the consequences may be).
Accidental fire is extremely easy to occur. If your finger is touching the trigger, a simple spasm of the hand, a sudden sound or movement in the environment, or jostling from moving can cause the finger to pull the trigger. If you haven't aimed correctly at something that you want to shoot at, you'll very likely shoot something you don't want to shoot, including your own body parts. That's not even counting the fact that you may not properly control the recoil.
So normally, you need to train your discipline so that your first instinct when picking up a gun - especially during a stressful moment - will be for the finger to not go on the trigger until the gun is properly aimed at who/what you want to shoot.
I only trained with air guns some years ago, but discipline was still important; you wrap your hand around the handle with the index finger away from the trigger, make sure you have a good grip on it, raise the gun from the counter, aim, align the sights, and then you put the finger on the trigger and shoot. The one (1) time I accidentally put my finger on it before raising the gun, I shot at the wall while raising it and got a very angry look from my instructor. I was lucky that's all I got.
Since then, I've been noticing trigger discipline in media, and a lot of those get it very wrong.
To his big credit, Tatsuya Endo gets it right.
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Twilight's finger is resting parallel to the barrel of the gun, away from the trigger. While this entire pose is more artistic than realistic, it was still important to Endo to portray correct discipline. You don't do that if you don't know about it.
Similarly with Nightfall in the cover of the sixth volume.
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Again, artistic, not realistic pose. Still correct discipline.
More examples of artistic depictions with correct discipline:
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And then! An action pose!
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Twilight has a clear ready-to-shoot pose; he has a target, so finger goes on the trigger. (Normally the gun should be a little higher so he can properly align the sights but he's TwilightTM so I give it a pass)
Even Bondman has good discipline!
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Seeing correct discipline in those pictures piques my interest a lot, because it shows that the artist is consciously choosing when he'll show a finger on a trigger, making such a moment more impactful.
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Twilight aims his gun right on Edgar's head, his finger on the trigger. Again, you don't put your finger on the trigger unless you're about to shoot. If you're only threatening someone, it should still be off because one single unintentional fire can kill your target when you didn't mean to. Now, I can suspend my disbelief and say Twilight has super duper control over his body to the point of not being jostled or his hand not spasming suddenly because he's TwilightTM. So I instead focus on how serious Twilight was here about killing Edgar. Should Edgar do any movement, he's dead.
Again, it's about the knowledge of trigger discipline itself. When you portray a character not touching the trigger when they don't need to, showing the opposite hits harder.
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The Handler prepares the gun ominously, her finger off the trigger.
But when she aims it at the student's head...
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She's serious. She's made sure the students heard her prepare the gun, so when she threatens the student, he knows what he's facing despite wearing a blindfold.
Again, in a realistic scenario, in both cases their fingers would rest away from the trigger, because their intention is not to kill their targets unless absolutely necessary. But that might have confused the readers who don't know about trigger discipline, and might have made for less impactful moments. So I give that a pass, especially since Endo is shown to be aware of correct discipline.
The anime is also aware of this.
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Twilight is assessing the situation; finger is off the trigger.
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The Handler prepares the gun; finger off.
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She threatens the student; finger on.
(Of course, there have been moments both in manga and anime with incorrect depictions. But I can let those pass cause I know there's a lot of people involved in creating the art and things can get complicated)
A few more examples, from the Imperial Scholars meeting:
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Those are very short moments, but someone drew those stills and intentionally had the guards' index fingers extended and not around the trigger.
As I said above, those examples pique my interest because they are conscious, deliberate choices... and good use of that can make for an impactful scene... say, identity reveal happens, Twilight is aiming his gun at the Thorn Princess, but his finger is off the trigger. He urges himself to put the finger on it, but the damn thing won't move... she also cannot bring herself to stab him even though her dagger is right at his throat, and she notices his hesitation... Endo-sensei I am begging...
(don't spoil me if it happens in the manga, let me live in ignorance)
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I need more platonic headcannons in my life; can you do some general headcannons for being friends with Charlie, Angel Dust, Alastor, and Rosie? (Separately BTW)
Platonic Hazbin x Friend Reader
Being friends with Charlie includes being down for her crazy ideas and schemes.
You are her third in command, the second being Vaggie, with whom you need to be friends.
You get to know all the details about all the hotel inhabitants. Charlie needs someone to spill the tea with who isn't her level-headed partner.
If you are single, she constantly sets you up on dates; she just wants you to have what she has.
However, if you are Aro or Ace, she stops and just finds more people for you to be friends with.
If you are super artistic, be prepared for her to ask for your help with a million things around the hotel.
If you are more left-brain and planning-oriented, she will definitely need your help making sure she shows up to her meetings on time.
She has a high standard of care for you. She is definitely texting three times a day to make sure you ate and are drinking water, friend.
She is a princess with a million and one things, thanks to her dad, so she loves spoiling you and Vaggie.
Friend dates are a must, whether at the hotel or not. She needs to decompress from her relationship, too.
Angel Dust
Clubbing every weekend and some weeknights. However, he will settle on sleepovers if clubbing isn't your style.
He only trusts you to help him when he is having a hard time with Val, so you two go on a lot of self-care dates.
When he can convince you to go to a club he is the ultimate let me hold your drink I trust no one else here.
You and he sit at the bar a lot and bother Husk. Between him flirting and you asking deranged questions, it is always a fun time.
Gives you the best flirting and dating tips, he may be a horn dog and porn star, but he is still a romantic at heart.
You two will 100% play dress up, it is one of his favorite pass times with you especially since a lot of Vel's clothes are meant for people with two arms.
He will not let you visit him at work, though he always comes and visits you. He is afraid that if Val saw you, he would try to trick you into working for him, too.
Teaches you how to pole dance if you are really curious; he thinks it's an excellent skill to have even if you aren't in the sex work industry.
If you choose to follow his lifestyle, he supports you wholeheartedly and even goes out of his way to help you find an ethical club or producer to work for so Val can't get his hands on you.
He is a gentleman if you pass his vibe check and are allowed into his inner circle.
You two will go on hunts together if you like; if not, you are the first person he offers the cooked kill to.
Will try to convert you to cannibalism only a handful of times, if you like it you like it if not well damn.
He lets you help him script his broadcasts; however, he doesn't let you speak on them, so people won't come and target you.
Loves to help you ruffle Vaggie or Husk's feathers. Literally, his biggest enjoyment is making either one upset at whatever you two concocted.
Please help him annoy Lucifer; he will be your best friend for life.
You and he visit Rosie regularly to have tea dates and gossip about what is happening with all the other overlords.
He lets you help him clean up his murder weapons, sometimes its more fun to get your hands dirty than using the shadows all the time.
You and his central shadow talk constantly; this annoys him because you two goof off when he's trying to work.
You are the only person who he told about his wounds from Adam, and you help him clean up, best friend pact for life. You won't tell anyone how weak he was.
She lets you help at the shop a lot, giving her more freedom and you more street credit.
She will stick up for you against Susan, even if you can handle yourself.
She shows you off to the other cannibals about how close of friends you two are.
She invites you to all her and Alastor's tea dates, enjoying the company of her best friends.
Like Charlie, she will try to find you a date, but only so she can kill them and eat them after they upset you.
Will also try to convert you to cannibalism; however, if you aren't in that crowd, she will happily take up cooking lessons with you.
Honestly, you two have a lot of cooking dates. I'm not gonna lie; you're teaching her how to cook regular food, and she teaches you how to cook other sinners.
She tells you all about her four dead husbands. She ensures you know all the juicy bits so you can hate on them together.
If she gets another husband, you will be the one to decide his fate 9/10. Rosie will come up to you and ask yes or no.
She teaches you all the weaknesses of a human so you can fare better in hell without her.
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winxwiki · 5 months
On the Winx reboot leaks
Long post, leaks analisis, spoilers if you don't want to see it under Read More. Seeing the Rainbow artist names attached onto these pictures and the development renders, these are 100% real. On top of that, It's not the first time Rainbow got something leaked, received feedback and acted accordingly. Remember the negative feedback on the 2023 easter eggs designs? Poof, gone. Remember the positive feedback on the 2023 leaked group design? Suddenly, Rainbow started using that Bloom at press events.
I genuinely believe that Rainbow "leaks" stuff now on purpose to receive feedback without actually needing to announce anything final to broadcasters.
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Let's see.
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From the Lorem Ipsum we can tell this isn't remotely final, but a group test. We're back to Bloom with a ponytail (they really like it!) and Tecna does have robotic limbs. Each girl's design seems to reflect their elements:
Stella has stars, the sun, wings at her feet and light, even light rays on her wings and top
Bloom seems to have scales of some sort and patterns on her leggings. Maybe to indicate that she's an artist? Or meant to represent the breath of life?
Musa, the smallest, got some musical sheet onto her. Overall not the most musical inspired design. Everybody kinda looks like an ice skating ballerina.
Flora got flowers. Really most obvious one there.
Aisha's hair is a bit too much, I prefer her civilian braids more. I like how her dress has wavy patterns of sorts and sparkles that look like shining waters on her shorts and skirt. They can do better on her though. Wings look like they got splashes of water. It's still cool that Rainbow is experimenting more with black textured hair than any american animation studio, so kudos for that.
Tecna looks like she's wearing a circuit but looks the most generic. Probably because she has too much going on with a full bodysuit with patterns. I don't like the accessory on her head.
Proof that these are real: these obvious dev documents
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They even got an alt with their "civilian" hairstyles, but it says "transform". Which means no hairstyle or design is final so far.
It seems Musa and Tecna share skintones, Bloom has her own, Stella and Flora share it too, Aisha has her own and is the darkest. I think we can make Stella and Flora a little darker each in varying degrees, to show that Stella is tanned and Flora is a dark skinned latina.
There is a lot of focus on the designs we saw leaked that got positive reception. It's likely they will be finalized, since they went as far as making a test animation with that Bloom design.
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A lot going on here in this room already giving Bloom so much personality. Her own shelf with the name with a heart-shaped B. A guitar? A sketchbook and school supplies. Bloom is back to drawing again, we last saw that in World of Winx but in the main series it was always just left implied by her earth room's belongings and her huge drawing desk, yet it was never expanded upon. Hopefully her being an artist can finally shine through her personality.
Most importantly, she's back to being silly, goofy and expressive again. Of course, the reboot is back to square one with the story and characterizations. I hope more quirks that were not explored in the main series get more attention in the reboot (again, like Bloom being an artist!)
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The Trix now got a symbol and individual faces while sharing the same body. Icy's design is nearly identical to the original, I actually like the small cuts showing skin on her chest, so she doesn't feel too covered up. Midriffs are back and so is 2000s fashion.
Important detail, Icy is taller than Bloom. Is it her heels? Regardless, we got some more body diversity.
Some more notes:
Artist is credited as Pasqualino Masciulli, a real 3d artist at Rainbow
Date is 17 April 2024, for some reason they're using the wrong format. This is VERY recent. They're NOWHERE near done!
It says episode 106. It must be a reference to the reboot itself, Season 1, episode 6, as the old series episodes in total were 208. This means the series has at least finished writing and storyboarding, but they haven't finished with the character designs yet!
Further proof that fucking nothing is done yet, the leaker said this. From what I just noted above, I believe it. They're not remotely done.
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This "Damien" motherfucker looks ai generated, doesn't fit the style in the slightest with his weirdly realistic face and the belts details and clothing folds are all over the place. Shame to whoever did this.
Who even is this guy? Is he the new character Iginio was warning us about? He doesn't look bad but they can do even better. Definitely a fascinating choice for the sexy bad boy, because I know that's who he's gonna be.
Don't fucking use AI for your art, though. It looks like shit.
Interesting, no specialists in the leaks. No Roxy or Terra either though.
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This outfit is a mix of 2 outfits from season 2. Which means they're studying their own old designs. The same goes for another Bloom render and concept.
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Fascinating detail: they're using 2000s dress up pixel dolls as reference. Learn from the masters! This dress doesn't resemble anything and doesn't seem to be a civilian dress but a transformation one, with all the glitters and stars around.
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Last but not least, absolutely atrocious 2000s fashion is back (this is a good thing). We can hope a little but it's surprising how in 5 years they haven't done shit yet. That's some development hell. Either Iginio is really passionate about making this the second coming of Christ or they don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Free hopium tanks!
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
Hey, I really like your profile and your posts and if you let me, I would make such an amazing mural out of it!😭❤️ If you don’t mind one of your posts could be my inspiring muse for an art project i’m working on for a client💕 You will totally get paid for it as well as a bonus; you’ll also get credits🤍
so this is fascinating to me because ON PRINCIPLE i'm fine with people including stuff i wrote in collages (although i'm not sure how 'mural' works here). i know too many webweavers to like, NOT be fine with collage. i'm also totally fine with people making "murals" based on my stuff, although i'd be wary of doing it as an art project for a client because i write fanfiction, man, and you know. copyright.
however, there's no way this blog is a real person. click through and it has all the hallmarks of a scam blog: it was made only a day ago, its reblogs don't add up to paint a picture of any specific kind of person and indeed seem to mostly be random, and of course this ask is entirely incoherent. ESPECIALLY since... i'm not an artist. i REBLOG a bunch of art but i'm not an artist.
so i'm kind of curious what this ask is trying to get me to do. i will say, bot: you DO NOT have permission from me to use stuff i didn't make but merely reblogged. i know the fearmongering answer is "gasp it's getting permission to TRAIN AN AI ON YOU" but i sort of doubt that. (for one: all it has to do is ignore robots.txt if it wants to trick you into allowing web crawlers, and if your blog is on google most unethical ai crawlers can like, access your stuff anyway. for another why would they lie about that in this specific way. for another another... that's generally not how that works.) then maybe the next answer is like, some sort of art reposting scheme? but hell if i know why they'd send an ASK about it. it's entirely possible this is a "legitimizing" move in tumblr so they can start doing bigger scams. it's also possible that with that promise of "you will totally get paid" that they're trying to scam me out of my payment information so they can steal from me.
in general this is an interesting new form of scam ask. i am going to block this blog now and recommend you do the same i just felt i had to answer this to both clarify that actually, i AM fine with you recursing my works (i am a little uncomfortable with you making money off of it though ngl) or using them in collages, but i am like 100% certain this is somehow a scam.
uh. buyer beware i guess.
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justanotherfanartist · 6 months
taps mic. ahem.
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help a student write a dumb rvb research paper? pretty please?? for funsies???
This is exactly what it sounds like.
My current final of the year for my language composition class is a massive synthesis + argumentative research paper on any topic of our choosing, and Roosterteeth + RVB has too much messy junk going on that I’m knee-deep invested in mentally at this point to pass up the opportunity to write about it.
And yknow, I see a ton of media analysis posts coming out of the fandom all the time and I’ve always loved seeing it and reading into it and sharing ideas and whatnot and this feels like my way of doing that too.
Essentially what I’m reaching out for is for you guys to help me crowdsource resources and share your ideas with me to include in my term paper*.
things that would be wizard cool of you to send me are:
any interviews or behind the scenes with the cast and creators you happen to know of
your own analysis or hot takes of the characters or the show as a whole
what the show has meant to you
any clips of old Roosterteeth expos
for the older fans, a rough idea of what the release timeline looked like for the episodes and what the buildup and fan reaction was for each one
any commentary or hot takes on how the fandom has changed since you joined/that you know of
what Roosterteeth did wrong (writing wise and irl)
what Roosterteeth did right (writing wise and irl)
tropes within the show you noticed whether originated by the show or not
tropes within the fandom, things like similar portrayals or bad/good takes on characters or face canons that span artists
literally anything you can give me, media, commentary, or opinion wise
(not to say I can’t find things on my own, I already have, but this is also about varying opinions and the general outlook of the fandom as a whole and measuring the broader impact of a show like RvB and it would be incredibly cool of you to help me out even with just crumbs of character opinions)
The idea is to get evidence together from clips, personal anecdotes, and opinions so I can present an accurate read on the fandom, especially when it comes to fan interpretation of RVB vs Roosterteeth’s intentions for the show (and behavior as a company) and explore what the show was supposed to be, what it literally is, how people see it, what its impact has been, and a general overview of the it’s legacy and lifespan, that sort of thing.
My thesis is most likely going to end up something in the ballpark of “How Roosterteeth exemplifies the Franchisation of Indie Media” or “Why RvB is one of the most complicated/misunderstood/divisive shows in modern media” or “How Fandoms interpret and recontextualize media”
I’m going to guess that I likely won’t be able to post the finished paper up online without a solid buffer window to avoid the two mortifying scenarios that are (a) being accused of creative plagiarism and (b) having to tell my instructor that the tumblr account with a 100% match to my course final is, in fact, my tumblr account, are two things I desperately want to avoid.
However if I can, simply for the sake of contributing to the fandom and creating something for us to all contribute to and discuss and crediting various peoples’ help and input would be ideal and, if at all possible, that would be the end goal.
so yeah. if you’re up for it I’d love for you to dm me your thoughts or (more conveniently for the both of us) fill out this Google form down here!
*im not gonna, like, repost your detailed character analysis as my own or something. I’m just trying to find some good quotes, general opinions, and ideas from the fandom so that I can accurately represent them and do our little corner of the internet Justice. And also because the audience of a work is a massive factor in media analysis lmfao. and also to create a community sourced Fun Thing™️ we can all look at and bite the corners off of instead of watching Roosterteeth crash and burn in the backgroun
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filmofhybe · 11 months
a song from me to you
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pairing : park jeongseong x reader Genre : Producer x singer , angsty , ex to lovers , fluff warnings : swearing , kissing 1196 words
a/n : been thinking about producer Jay after he was listed in the credit of sweet venom. So proud of my boy and I hope this comeback would be a success as always!!
> masterlist of all my work
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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Y/n Y/l/n, a talented singer-songwriter who had a gift for pouring her heart and soul into her music, creating songs that resonated deeply with listeners. Y/n’s career had taken off when she met Jay, a skilled producer who believed in her talent and helped shape her sound.
Y/N and Jay not only shared a professional relationship but also a romantic one. They were deeply in love, and their connection fueled their creative collaborations. Jay is always willing to guide y/n through during recording, praising her from time to time like a good boyfriend he is. Staying up late just to produce songs that are now top hits of hers, supporting her through everything. Both of them were so thankful for each other.
However, as time went on, the pressures of the industry and their personal lives began to strain their relationship. As time goes on, both of them eventually realize their ideas aren’t colliding together anymore, nothing seems to be working between them. As stress and disagreements starts involving constantly, they decided to part ways both personally and professionally. Leaving piles of unfinished lyrics and production behind.
After their broke up, Y/N had written a poignant song for Jay, a heartfelt tribute that mirrored the love they once shared. But she had never released it, believing that without Jay's production, the song wouldn't reach its full potential. It remained hidden away, a secret piece of her heart.
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“So have you ever have a song you wanted to release so badly but just can’t?”
Currently, an interviewer is asking y/n about the unreleased song during an interview.
“yeah. I always will have. And it will always be that song.”
“And why’s that..?”
“I wrote it for someone, or should I say ex now. I scrapped it, not because it wasn’t nice or it brought bad memories. Is just I think without him helping me produce it, it just won’t be the same as my other songs. And it just won’t hit different.”
Y/N poured her heart out, explaining that she hadn't released it because she felt it needed Jay's touch to truly capture its essence.
“I feel like I know who it is…”
“I think everyone knows. He really means the absolute world to me. I’m just mad the industry broke us apart.”
“If you guys ever cross path again, would you release it?”
“Absolutely. 100% actually. Because this song can imply with anyone if you are still so In love with that person your no longer with.”
Upon hearing y/n’s words, Jay found himself overwhelmed with emotions. He realized the depth of Y/N's feelings and the impact their collaboration had on her music. They realized none of their music would be perfect without each other. They both needed each other without realizing it until one spoke up. Filled with hope, Jay decided to reach out to y/n, hoping to rekindle their relationship and artistic partnership.
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A few days passed, y/n was initially surprised by Jay's contact
“Hey I saw your interview.. it was really meaningful.”
“haha thank you..”
“I know it’s about me. I’m willing to risk everything I’m currently doing just to work with you again. Not just work but to continue our love again. You don’t understand I only work best with you.”
“I know.. you’re the only person that gets me. If I’m being honest with you, my songs aren’t the even close to being the best without your producing. I hate how we thought us separating was a good decision.”
“Baby you know I’ll always wait for you, for you to reach out once again. So I can produce more songs and memories with you.”
“Then what are you waiting for? Come over tomorrow I miss you too much..”
they both took some time to reflect on their past and the love they shared. After careful consideration, she decided to give it another chance. She believed in their connection and the magic they created together.
A few days later, Y/N and Jay found themselves back in the studio, working side by side once again. There was a renewed sense of purpose and understanding between them, having grown individually during their time apart. They poured their hearts into their music, creating an atmosphere of creativity and passion. The studio was once again filled with laughter, pictures and Polaroids of each other, kissing and cuddling section through out, and jay’s praises filled the air once again.
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“Baby you’re doing really good, I just need your voice to be more high pitch there alright? You’re doing a good job baby girl.”
“Ugh imma die from all these notes your telling me to do..”
“The other producers must be going easy on you because I ain’t, now focus.”
“Kisses for reward?”
“Always my love..”
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“You know you’re so good at producing sometimes is scary.”
“And you’re so good at writing lyrics it scares me sometimes.”
“Stop making me Flattered” I mumbled against his neck. Arms wrapped around his neck as I cuddle into his lap. Watching him focus on fixing the track.
“I’m not I’m just being serious love, you’re really good at it.. the lyrics are beautiful. I can’t believe this song is about me and I’m producing it.” As jay looks at you with much adoration in his eyes
“Everything about you is beautiful that’s why the lyrics are always. And with you producing it, it makes it ten times more better!” You laughed and before you know it jay kisses you deeply before mumbling a small “thank you” against your lips.
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And finally, the day arrived when Y/N felt ready to share the song she had written for Jay with the world. Titled "A Song from Me to You," it was a beautiful testament to their love and the journey they had been through. Y/N's heartfelt lyrics, combined with Jay's personal touch as a producer, made the song truly extraordinary. She was so thankful for Jay, so grateful that she can finally share this song she once scrapped to the word.
When "A Song from Me to You" was released, it made waves in the music industry. Listeners were captivated by the raw emotion and the undeniable chemistry between Y/N's vocals and Jay's production. The song struck a chord with people from all walks of life, touching their hearts and reminding them of the power of love. After a year of hard work, the song was now a top hit once again.
Y/N and Jay's reunion not only brought them personal happiness but also propelled their careers to new heights. The success of "A Song from Me to You" opened doors for more collaborations, making more memories in the future, loving each other and them continuing to create music that resonated deeply with their fans. Y/n and Jay's journey was a reminder that sometimes, second chances can lead to beautiful outcomes, both personally and professionally.
And I was delighted to know that jay and the world can hear the lyrics of “a song from me to you.”
taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
Reblog , comment or dm to be on my perm taglist !
networks : @k-films @k-neighborhood @k-labels @kflixnet
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ravenstargames · 8 months
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #8 | 02.06.24
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AHA! It's February (has been for a few days, but I've been a bit busy as per usual) so that means another Lost in Limbo devlog! We have been recovering from our wrap-up, working left and right, and oooh boy aren't things getting interesting. Let's jump into it, shall we?
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First of all...
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Raquel has worked SO HARD to achieve this, and the results are simply amazing. We could never ask for a better artist, and we can't wait for you all to see and experience every CG for yourselves. Sadly, we made a promise of only showing Gael and Amon's, so you'll have to wait a bit more for the others! ; v ;
And next! You thought we were finished with the characters?! NOT BY A LONG SHOT! As you may remember, our demo script went through a few changes, but this secondary character remains! We don't want to talk about them too much, but we also wanted you to have a taste of them, as they'll be the first character you'll meet... 👀💜
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Our plan is to finish this sprite and then move on to the character's expressions. We have to figure out the most efficient way to work on them, though!
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The dreaded section—but THIS MONTH we come with a wonderful announcement...
✨🎆Airyn has joined the team!✨🎆
And you'll ask, who's Airyn?! Well, she's an amazing person we met during our master degree; we have been developing a friendship for a while now, and as we needed an extra hand with our backgrounds, Airyn offered us her help! She's an incredibly talented concept artist who loves working on backgrounds, and we are so so thankful for her help! We literally couldn't ask for a better professional to join us during our demo journey :')!
You can see some of Airyn's work on her ArtStation, here!
She has already started to work on our unfinished backgrounds, and so far we can offer you this fantastic WIP of one of the places you'll visit in the demo! 💜
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But Astro is not far behind! He's getting our last background ready, and so far he's doing an impeccable job! We hope these mysterious places are piquing your curiosity, because we definitely can't wait for you to visit them!
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I'm reaching page 100 of our script, having left behind a few things to correct! Only 40~ pages left, which means soon we'll make a second round of editing and correcting. Allie is almost done with their first editing process and that's very exciting! We can't honestly thank her enough for her incredible job 💜(I think I say this a bit too much, but we gotta be thankful on this team!)
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The CG's have been programmed and they work so far! Now each character has a CG to be unlocked and seen in full HD, and each in their own gallery, hehe. Next I'll have to play around with the credits because I was having trouble with something last time I tried to get them done—but as always, I'll get it done one way or another!
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This month we have worked hard! January has been a good start of the year I think. I hope we can speed things up a bit now that we have Airyn to help us with the backgrounds, and hopefully she'll be a permanent addition to the team if everything goes well! I don't want to jinx it, but I feel I can see the end of the tunnel little by little. Planning stuff, looking up different things, getting busier and busier...Let's see if February, even if short, proves to be a productive month!
Also, we hope you all have been taking care and the start of the year has been nice to you. There's so many amazing things happening in the indie otome community, so make sure to enjoy it all! 💜
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roodles03 · 6 months
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Fuck You, *Genderbends your Alastor*
(Screenshot Edits)
First off, DO NOT REPOST ANY OF THESE. I left out my signature and watermark for the sake of the authenticity of the edits. Basically meaning I want them to look as real as possible. However, I will be forced to add these to future edits if people start reposting them, especially without my permission. (The Hellaverse fandoms are very bad with this) Due to previous bad experiences, I deal with reposting (especially on insta) very harshly. Especially if reposted without credit. I am not afraid to file reports and get uncredited reposts taken down. This is your ONLY warning, and the ONLY time I will say this, so please heed it.
However, you CAN use my Genderbent designs in fanart or your own edits. All I request is credit for the design!
Okay, papa Roo is done yapping. ANYWAY-
I have been having so much fun with these and they're actually really good for learning to draw in the HH style!
Btw I've changed her name from Alastrina to Alice since I got a comment suggesting that Alice would be a better name. Despite that comment's phrasing being a bit on the rude side, I do agree that, yeah, Alice is a better name. So I do genuinely appreciate the critique despite the fact it could've been a bit nicer said. Tbh I just looked up "Female version of Alastor," when I made the edit of Alastor's render and Alastrina was what I got.
I also made a slight edit to Alice's design where I gave her lipstick since I noticed in Viv's OG drawing she probably did have lipstick.
How many people am I gonna make gay/bi/pan/omni/hetero/etc panic over these edits. Like despite these being my own edits, I am one of the people gay panicking-
Disclaimer: These are EDITS. NOT REDRAWS. I did not draw these from 100% scratch, because the point of an edit is to EDIT. Obviously it is going to be traced in some areas (mainly the face and the limbs) because that's what editing is.
Side note: Imo, good screenshot editing actually still requires heavy drawing experience to pull off well. Obviously your tracing in some areas but you're still changing some things, (the entire point) and if you don't know how to draw well, or draw in the show style well, the edit will either look fake or just bad. Edits still require good drawing experience to pull off well, just the same as regular drawing. You just have a templete to go off of. It's basically the same situation as art bases. They might be infamous for often being done poorly, but they can be still be used to make incredible art if the artist is experienced. And this is not to dunk on beginner artists, because I support the practice of edits and bases (as long as proper credit is given and its stated that they used a base or it is an edit) because bases and editing can be used as training wheels for beginner artists, or even profressional artists like me who are learning a new style, (which is what I'm doing rn actually) it's just at some point, if you're someone who does want to improve your art rather then just have fun, you gotta take the training wheels at some point.
Anyway, rant over. I just wanted to talk about my silly thoughts on bases and editing.
Og screenshots
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oblivionbladetd · 19 days
I don’t get why in order to call out Lily and her shit you have to be this paragon of virtue. Like I get it, stones and glass houses but Sai from day one has been “I’m just this lesbian who wants to clown on Lily’s shitty misinformed takes and laugh at them.”
Like…to all the people on tumblr… saying a bad word isn’t… anywhere NEAR the crap Lily has done. False Copyright strikes hoping to terminate her critics’ channels, plagiarizing various creators and crediting little to no sources, scamming her audience, and how can I forget making a video against an artist because said artist wanted credit. (And I’m being nice and not touching on the more troubling accusations)
100% my anonymous friend. Sai is a racist and an Ableist only by the same logic that driving above the speed limit in any compacity makes you a criminal. Painting her with those brushes is only deflection. Context is important. Lily playing up Sai's offenses if extremely self serving, because Lily certainly doesn't care about those in the crossfire, he'll she takes just about any opportunity to open fire on her own fanbase.
It's very important to say that while neither is a good person through and through, Sai exists in a state of being an out of touch elder lesbian. Lily exists with a trail of misinformation, real ass crimes, and shattered psyches in her wake.
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isjasz · 6 months
Where do you find the motivation to create a comic? What sparks your imagination.. I'd love to know as I hope to create my own someday, you're a truly inspiring artist and I thank you for your time. Lots of love <3
ngl most of the comics I've been doing is motivated by "I need to practice comicing" HWJAJEKWQLQL because I really want to get better at it :D And for imagination I'd say that I can't take 100% credit for all the ideas, because a lot of them (for comics) came from the promised neverland and from chatting with sherin and zipzap LOL, so yeah it comes from brainrotting and chatting with friends I'd say :D
But also it is motivated by "I need to make this into a (tiny) story" instead of just an illustration if that makes sense!
And so gl with ur comic if you decide to make it someday, and tysm that means a lot ejakakw<3
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Tim and Sylvia Friendship Headcanons
-They both met at Buck’s when they were ten years old, Tim having just started dealing and Sylvia flirting with the old drunks at the bar so she could pickpocket them. Tim noticed how much money she was getting and tried to shake her down for it but when he flipped open his switch she just laughed at him and pulled out one of her own. They’ve been best friends ever since, even though it took ages for Tim to admit it
-Sylvia is the only person who can call him ‘Timmy’ without getting slugged and it’s mostly because she wore him down.
-Sylvia is a con artist extraordinaire and Tim’s a gang leader and somehow they know everything and nothing about each other at the same time
-Almost everyone in Tulsa thinks they’re an item/have hooked up at least once but their relationship has only ever been 100% platonic. Even if Tim wasn’t gay and Sylvia was capable of love they both just couldn’t ever look at each other that way
-Tim thought HE had a good poker face but his is nothing compared to Sylvia’s. The only thoughts or feelings people can read from Sylvia are the ones she wants them to 
-They both have a radar for when Curly and/or Angela are about to get into trouble even though Sylvia is better at dealing with problems AFTER they arise whereas Tim is all about stopping them from happening in the first place
-Sylvia will occasionally disappear for a few days or a week and Tim never asks where she’s gone, but once she was gone for nearly two months and when she showed back up (twenty pounds lighter and with a newly stitched stab wound) he almost cried- he didn’t, but he did hug her and she actually let him
-Sylvia has been locked up almost as many times as Tim has, and they have a joking competition where they keep track. Whoever has the most tally marks each new years owes the other a pack of cigarettes. Tim had the title for three years in a row before Sylvia beat him and he was genuinely kind of upset about it (mostly because she kept making smart remarks about him becoming a ‘model citizen’ and he has a reputation to keep)
-Curly got the idea to play chicken with Ponyboy from Sylvia because he overheard her make an offhand comment about she and her cousins used to do it
-Sylvia originally went on a date with Dallas Winston because she knew it would piss of Tim, and then kept going out with him because of curiosity (y’know that meme that’s like ‘i wanna study you in a lab but also share fries with you’- that’s how Sylvia views Dally)
-Tim also warned Dally he had no idea what he was getting into when he asked Sylvia out but he obviously didn’t listen 
-we all know Dally & Sylvia we’re a toxic ass couple, and I think a huge contributing factor is that Sylvia played dumb but she was actually way smarter than Dally ever gave her credit for so every time he thought he had her figured out, she’d do something or say something that would shake up how he saw her and it made him feel stupid (which we all know he hated) but also made him more desperate to figure her out 
-Sylvia thinks the Curtis brothers are strange and avoids them as much as possible because they’re genuinely upstanding guys and she’s not used to people who aren’t just out for themselves
-Sylvia lives in six inch stilettos and they make her the same height as Tim (Sylvia is already tall for a girl) and it annoys him to no end
-Sylvia and Steve absolutely loathe each other but because they’re both friends with Angela they try to be civil when she’s around. Tim finds Sylvia’s ire at the guy endlessly funny
-Sylvia was the first person to find out about Tim being gay. He was terrified but she just rolled her eyes and told him to hide his magazines better 
-Tim is the only person who knows anything about Sylvia’s parents that isn’t rumour based speculation, and he will take those secrets to his grave
-Sylvia was originally HORRIFIED when she realised Tim had a thing for Darry Curtis because she does NOT trust that guy he is too nice to not be hiding some dark secret. It’s the only time Tim didn’t at least take her advice into consideration (and Sylvia was eventually forced to grudgingly admit she was wrong about this one)
-Sylvia is a better marksman than Tim, but Tim is more patient than Sylvia, so when they go hunting Tim bags more animals, but when they’re target shooting Sylvia always has a better score
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Do you think that we’ll explore the town of Green Hills, Montana in the series and Sonic 3? Like slice of life stuff or more history? I don’t think that there’s a whole lot to the town other than it being described as a “dinky backwater town.”
Hi Honey! ❤️✨
Believe it or not, the town of Green Hills is very fruitful in its foundation! It may not feel like it, but there’s definitely a rich history of when the town was established. (Whew! Now y’all get to see how big of a nerd I am. That’s either a really good thing or a bad thing). I’ll hyperlink all of my sources/claims to specific information so y’all can review it at a later date. Hopefully, this add a bit more detail than what the Sonic Wikis have for the films.
Down below are bullet points and photos of Green Hills, Montana:
Green Hills was founded in the early 1800's by a group of explorers surveying and mapping that state of Montana. The rugged explorers took nearly 30 years in making a complete map of the state and claiming the area as home. Green Hills is located in the middle of the state and known to have fascinating geological features. The town was called "Green Hills" due to the unique shades of green found in its flora. Essentially, the town was founded by chance because it took so long to survey between 1806 to 1835.
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One of the town's founders, Morgan McConnell, specifically wanted to build a town in the heart of Montana because of the area's geological feature--checkered patterns. Morgan McConnell was credited for charting nearly a quarter of the state, including the town, and coined as as THE explorer of Montana. His favorite location to sit and work at was the Devil's Pinkie (the ledge that Sonic stands at in the first and second film). Unexpectedly, McConnell fell off of the Devil's Pinkie and died. According to town legend, McConnell's name echoed through the valley ranges for hours after he died. It's unknown if these are still heard in the area today.
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Between 1870 and 1883, the town of Green Hills became one of the firsts settled areas along the Northern Pacific Railway. The transcontinental railroad system stretched from the State of Minnesota, the Pacific Northwest, and along the main line opening at the Great Lakes. A town plaque describes Green Hills as a "golden spike" by former USA president Ulysses S. Grant and viewed as an important hub. The town is credited as a supply depot, as well as known for bringing in large immigration populations. The railroad system is still a crucial necessity of the town today.
The first settlers of Green Hills, Montana didn't start making their migration to the area until the 1860s. The settlers were faced with hardships of the land, lack of infrastructure, and brutal winters. Families were known to mingle together in small dwellings and form small communities. Polygamous families were common until Christian morality arrived to the area in later years (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2021).
Main Street features the town's first general store, a feed and gardening supply store, and post office.
Green Hills, Montana takes pride in country hospitality. The warmer months have communal events such as hoedowns, harvests and festivals, fishing derbies, farmers markets, and horseback riding events. The business district features Dr. Maddie Wachowski's veterinary clinic, antique shops, a brewery (AKA, the Beer Gardens), a stationary shop, a butcher's shop, and the Mean Bean Coffee Shop (the slogan: "drink mean"). (Tails Channel, 2021).
The Green Hills Community Theater is a town gem. It was established in 1905 and has been known to put on spectacular and successful productions for over 100 years.
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The Green Hills Bulletin (the local newspaper) says that they've been the hot spot for a classic car show for the past twenty years, have a "Dog of the Week" section, a local artist guild that does mosaics for the town, recently had a worker's strike on repairing the railroad system in town, and are in the middle of a movement for accessibility laws for disabled residents.
In the first movie's novel, Green Hills is known for its massive Blueberry festivals in the fall. This is an event that's welcome to all of the farmers in the state and neighboring states. Tom is known to actively take part of the festival.
In the 1900's, the town saw an influx of United States veterans occupy the area. It's seen as a "retirement community" to those not actively serving.
The town as a population of nearly 2,000 residents, as implied by the "Welcome to Green Hills" sign at the speed trap.
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There's definitely more that the town has to offer in terms of history. When I have the chance, I'll give this post some more attention and add to it. Until then, enjoy some historical facts about our Dinky Backwater Town!
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honestly I’m trying to get better at being more collaborative with people so here we go! I decided that I want people to join in on the Harpy and Hawk fanfic and doing little art pieces for it. This is a Non profit project, 100% just for fun, if you’re interested in joining, then here’s the pieces that I’ll have people do. Also there will be full credit given to the artists who participated.
List of scenes 👇
(Taken) Aloy roaring at Talanah (an act of mercy scene)
Talanah and Erend chatting and walking in Meridian
(Taken) Aloy eating Talanah’s sandwich
Elisabet finds Aloy with Talanah and is hostile towards Talanah
(Taken) Talanah meeting little Beta
I’ll post more scenes soon because there’s some I’m doing. All art styles are welcome, it doesn’t need to match my drawing style and some can be simple doodles if you aren’t huge on doing details. You are allowed to post these because hey it’s your work and I’m not going to tell anyone to not post their work. DM if you have more questions ❤️
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