#because i kept running people over with my horse :
maxdurden · 16 days
i love the cowboy posting adventures pls do more
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peace and love on planet earth, anon. this is another parking job that was so bad it'll probably have lasting ramifications on arthur's relationship with his dads :/
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 3 months
Cregan Stark x Targ!wife
A/N: not at all satisfied with this. Might delete it later
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You never thought the North would become your home. You never imagined you would be lucky enough to marry a man who loves you with all his heart. And you certainly never believed you would love your position as the Lady of Winterfell. 
You were raised in King's Landing and Dragonstone, always surrounded by servants who would not let you even lift a finger. Whatever you needed or wanted were always brought to you. But in the North things are different. As the Lady of Winterfell you have a lot of responsibilities and truth to be told you are good at it. Running the Stark household and taking care of the people. It gives you a purpose and takes your mind off the war that's been going on. Although sometimes you just want to saddle your dragon and join Queen Rhaenyra’s army and fight, but both your mother and your husband have advised you to stay in the North. You are safe there, and if the enemy decides to attack North then your dragon would be needed to protect your new home. And to keep you updated in every matter regarding the war, Cregan even allowed you to join his council.
But other than that you are unbelievably happy in your marriage and content in you home.
However, there is another particular matter that has been bothering you. It's been eight months since your wedding to Cregan Stark, but so far you are not with child. Your main duty as his wife and the lady of Winterfell is to provide him with an heir and so far you have failed, at least that's what you feel. According to the maester it is due to stress, because there is certainly no lack of trying. The maester has even prescribed you some herbs to help but it's been a couple of months and you are not sure if they are working.
Whenever someone brings up that Cregan needs an heir, he immediately shuts it down. He would not let anyone blame you for something you have no control over.
After a busy morning you were just standing on the balcony of your room, hoping the cold air would make you feel better from the nauseousness you have been feeling for hours. You didn't tell anyone but you did throw up once. Maybe you are getting sick, maybe the food you ate last night didn't agree with you.
You were about to go and lie down, hoping that a little bit of rest will help and there will be no need to summon the maester. But before that your maid came in, informing you that your dragon had laid eggs last night and is not letting the dragon keeper get near her or her eggs.
You are aware that dragon eggs are precious and need to be carefully taken care of. You immediately saddled your horse and rode out of the castle ground, your guard accompanying you.
Your dragon has made the nearest big enough cave her new home. As soon as you reached the place you noticed the dragon keeper was standing outside. It was clear that he was afraid of going into the cave. "Stay here," You ordered your guard and made your way inside the cave.
The dragon was resting but once she heard someone was coming she raised her head in alert and got defensive, but immediately calmed down when she realized it was you. "My sweet girl," You patted her as you pressed your forehead against her head. She gently nudged you towards where her eggs were, secure under her wings. The eggs are black with a dark blue tint, matching the scales of your dragon.
"I will take good care of them," You spoke to the dragon in high valyrian as you gently took an egg in your hand. You ordered the dragon keeper to come and take the rest. This time your dragon didn't protest, she just rested her head down. "Bring the eggs to the castle," You ordered the keeper. These eggs are precious and needed to be properly kept and guarded.
Once you got back you were tired and not feeling well at all. You immediately summoned the maester.
Cregan Stark came back after some important business and immediately went to see you. He was worried when he saw you lying on the bed and the maester talking to you. When you saw your husband you sat up, a small smile of happiness welcoming him. "The princess is with child, my lord," The maester informed Cregan and took his leave.
Cregan was overjoyed and couldn't stop showering you with kisses. "You smell like dragon," *kisses you again*
The next nine months Cregan became extra protective of you, especially since the maester told him you might be carrying twins. Whenever he is with you his hands would be either around you or on your pregnant belly. He would carry you if necessary. Helping you get or down the bed.
The first time the babies kicked you two were just laying in bed at night. It was a very sweet intimate moment.
As you got close to the due date you personally went and chose two dragon eggs for your babies, keeping them in your room.
The labour was painful but your husband was there by your side despite everyone advising him to wait outside. At the end the pain was worth it when you gave birth to your twin sons. Both mini versions of Cregan Stark.
Your dragon was flying above when Cregan proudly announced the birth of the twins.
Since you couldn't get out of bed, it was Cregan who placed the dragon eggs in the cradles. He almost dropped it since they were so hot. Looked at you with confusion and surprise because he has seen you hold those eggs straight out of fire, thought he could do it as well.
Imagine you in bed with the twins in your lap, Cregan right next to you. Kissing you, and then kissing the kids' forehead. He is just over the moon and you have never looked more beautiful in his eyes.
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gogobootz1 · 3 months
Dog Day Afternoon
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Summary: New to town but oh-so sought after, a few stumbles might just lead you to love
Word Count: 3k
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Dearest Gentle Reader,
Today, I write with news from the North. The reclusive Duke of Devonshire has come to London. It seems that after the death of his younger brother some time back, he is determined to find his eldest daughter, the new heir, a husband. The lady is supposedly very beautiful and will no doubt consume all of the attention of eligible young bachelors. I only bid good luck to her competition, as they will surely need it.
The fluffy tails of your two best friends could not keep still. The black Newfoundlands you had trained from puppyhood loved carriage rides, mostly because they loved meeting the horses before and after. You were sure they'd grow even more excited when you arrived at the park.
As the carriage slowed, you smiled, eager to get them some exercise. Your maid stepped out first, and you momentarily handed her both dogs' leads. Accepting a hand down from a footman, you turned to take them back when they broke free of her grasp entirely. Worse yet, they took off at a run.
You called after them, then whistled, but they were determined. Usually, they didn't give you any trouble with recall. Reaching for the dog whistle you kept on your person, you found nothing.
Without a second thought, you took off after them.
"My Lady!" Your maid called from behind you, panicked. You paid her little heed, anxious to have your babies back safe.
Park patrons stood as your dogs, followed by yourself, ran past. They gawked openly at the strange scene put on by an unknown young lady.
You were relieved when they slowed, but it didn't take long for them to sprint off again. They rounded a corner, quick as lighting. You kept after them, unable to see the obstacle around the bend.
Crashing right into someone's back, the two of you stumbled. The poor gentleman in front of you took the brunt of the impact, but you didn't have time to stay and make a formal apology. Staggering a bit, you resumed your chase.
"Sorry!" You yelled over your shoulder.
"Wait! Miss," the man called after you but gave up as you ran further away.
When your dogs ran off the path and into a clearing where people were picnicking, you grew really worried. Chasing after them on a trail was one thing, but ruining the outings of fellow nobility would be an altogether worse embarrassment.
You stopped in your tracks when you realized who the boys were scampering up to: your little sister. Abigail sat on a blanket with a girl who looked to be about her age. In her mouth was the dog whistle. You tended only to use that whistle when you took them out in the woods, and you'd trained them to run back to you at the sound of it. It gave you peace of mind knowing that you could call them back at any time if they went too far off in the forest or on one of your walks.
Abigail seemed pleased to see the two of them. A surprised grin graced her face as she patted them. They were even happier to see her, showering her in kisses. "Hoo-y? Moo? What are you doing here?" She giggled.
Her laughter stopped when she saw you stalking over. Thoroughly out of breath, you crossed your arms when you reached them. The three of them looked guiltily up at you. With a snap, your dogs came to sit on either side of you. Although your countenance was thoroughly enraged, scratching behind both dogs' ears decreased your intimidation factor.
"Why on Earth did you steal that?" You nodded toward your whistle.
"I think it makes for a chic necklace," Abigail said defensively. You stuck a hand out, and she reluctantly placed the whistle she'd put on a chain in it.
"And why on Earth were you using it?" You asked expectantly.
She held her hands up in surrender, "Miss Hyacinth was skeptical that the whistle could not be heard with human ears. I was simply showing her how it worked." Abigail was clever- you'd give her that. You could hardly scold her in front of her companion, and you wouldn't dream of scolding the other young girl for something so clearly not her fault. Using her as a human shield was a cowardly tactic by your sister, however. "And I thought you weren't arriving until later!"
"They were antsy. I figured I could abandon the harp in favor of allowing them some exercise," you explained, then glared at her, "This was not the type of exercise I had in mind."
"But Hoo-y and Moo love running free," she pouted at you.
"They are not allowed to run free in public spaces where I must chase after them!" You snapped at her. Crouching to get closer, you reached into your purse and gave both dogs a scrap of jerky. "Huginn and Muninn are both well-behaved gentlemen, and you may have tarnished their good names by causing this wild romp!"
"Huginn and Muninn? Does that make you Odin?" A deep voice called from behind you. You rose and turned to see a tall, handsome gentleman with dark hair.
His question took you by surprise. Most people did not understand their names. You blinked for a second before collecting yourself, "No." It was hardly a smart reply, but it was the most you could manage after chasing your dogs a few hundred meters. You shook your head a little, vaguely embarrassed by your answer, before turning back to the girls.
"Would you please excuse Lady Abigail, Miss Hyacinth?" The bright young lady nodded at you with a pleasant smile before you even finished speaking, "The least she can do after causing such trouble is help me walk the dogs." You directed the last part toward your sister, who reluctantly stood. Taking one of the leads from your hand, she bid goodbye to her companion before walking off. You nodded at the young lady and the handsome stranger before following after her.
Benedict watched you walk away from his sister's picnic spot, only slightly removed from the rest of the family's. He collapsed down next to Hyacinth and stole a grape from her plate, "Who was that?"
"My new friend, Abigail," she replied, smacking his wrist. He ate the grape anyway.
"And the older one?"
"Her sister," Hyacinth looked at him skeptically, "why do you ask?"
Benedict thought of how you'd practically pushed him to the ground in the middle of the walkway, then ran from the scene. "No reason," he shrugged.
The first ball you'd be attending was later that evening, and you were incredibly nervous. Sat on the floor of the library, you brushed through Muninn's coat in an attempt to calm your nerves. Waiting for your father to finish changing was making you even more anxious, the dread just building up in your body.
"Why are you on the floor?" His voice finally came from the doorway.
"His coat needed brushing," you shrugged innocently. The Duke waved at you to come join him, and you stood, brushing some fur off yourself. Muninn stood, too, and closely followed as you joined your father.
"You're only lucky he didn't slobber on you," your father shook his head at you fondly, offering his arm.
Taking it, you made one last bid to skip the event, "Remind me why we are attending this?"
"A future Duchess needs a husband," he said simply.
"Does she really?" You asked wryly.
"No," your father answered seriously, causing you to stop. "Well, only if she should like a Duke or Duchess of her blood to follow in her footsteps," he tugged on your arm to keep you walking.
That only made you feel worse. While before you felt nervous, guilt was now in the mix. What if that didn't happen?
"If you never marry, I will not love you any less," he revealed. "I only ask that you try," your father asserted, "but if there is nary a man up to snuff, I would have you die a spinster." You laughed at that, feeling some pressure relieved. He joked with you for the duration of the carriage ride and up until you were announced at the ball.
"Now presenting; His Grace Daniel, Duke of Devonshire, and his daughter Lady-"
The entire company of the room turned to watch the two of you descend the stairs.
"What? Is there something on my face?" Your father whispered to you jokingly.
"Oh, only that awful mustache," you whispered back playfully. You caught the corner of his lip twitching as he tried not to laugh at the jab at his expense.
A few more seconds of staring had you whispering to him again, "I see now why you never leave the house." That earned a huff of a laugh from him.
"Let us thank our host, then visit the refreshments," he relayed the plan.
"Excellent idea," you replied quietly as he dragged you toward a finely dressed older woman.
"Lady Danbury," your father nodded at her in greeting.
"Lovely to see you again, Your Grace. It's been quite some time," she smiled at him knowingly.
"Indeed it has," he laughed, "may I present my daughter?" You smiled then, giving her a polite nod as well.
"My, how you've grown, my lady. The last time I saw you, you were far shorter than me," she chuckled, and you laughed politely with her. Unfortunately, you had no memory of that meeting. It must have been a long time ago, and she must have visited your home at Chatsworth House.
It was only a few more moments of small talk before your father excused the two of you, under the guise of not impeding her from talking to other guests.
He fixed you both a glass of lemonade at the refreshments table before he was pulled away. As much as he hated socializing, people loved him. He sent you an apologetic glance as he left. You only shook your head at him, smiling.
You took a brief glance around the room, noticing a few debutantes conversing near you. You sent them a smile, but they sneered in reply and closed ranks. Stunned at their response, you didn't quite know what to do.
"They can be rather mean," you turned to find a young red-headed woman beside you. "Not to mention jealous," she said helpfully.
"Jealous?" You were confused. They hadn't even met you. "Of me?"
"Oh, yes," she laughed a bit. "Haven't you read Lady Whistledown?"
You were embarrassed to have no idea of what she spoke, "I haven't met her. Is she in attendance?" That got an even greater laugh from your companion.
"Lady Whistledown is a gossip columnist and a rather popular one at that," she informed you, and you felt foolish for your last comment. "She wrote about you in her latest issue."
"Really?" You were stunned, as you'd only recently arrived in London.
"She predicted you'd steal the attentions of every available gentleman away from your fellow debutants," she nodded.
"No wonder they hate me," you sighed, sorry to have made a bad impression on the debutants before making their acquaintance. "Oh, I'm sorry, I still haven't introduced myself!" You were eager to make at least one good first impression.
"I'm Penelope Featherington," she said with a smile.
"I must admit, Miss Featherington," you shook your head, "I think Lady Whistledown's prediction will prove incorrect." She tilted her head and gestured for you to go on, "I've not been approached by a single gentleman."
Penelope took a quick look around the room, accidentally meeting a few pairs of eyes. Plenty of people had already been looking in your direction. She smiled a bit at your obliviousness, "I think perhaps they're just intimidated."
"Oh no," your eyes widened, "have I done something wrong?"
"Not at all," she assured you, "I think it's just... no one wants to take the first shot at a great stag and miss."
"I'm not sure I like being prey in this metaphor," you deadpanned, causing her to laugh once again.
It seemed one young gentleman mustered the courage to be the first to approach, and he really was young. "Good evening, ladies," he greeted you both, then offered you his hand, "would you care to dance?"
You placed your hand lightly in his but sent Penelope a look as he led you off. She giggled as you went. From there, you were off to the races. Dance after dance, gentleman after gentleman, you were exhausted.
"Please excuse me, sir, I'm feeling rather parched," you did not even recall this one's name.
"Oh no, please, my lady, I shall fetch a beverage for you," he nodded, "stay right there! Don't move!" He kept eye contact with you as he walked backward a few paces. You couldn't help but walk backward away from him, and you continued to do so even after he'd scurried off.
In fact, you retreated so far back that you retreated right into someone else's back. You both turned.
“You rather love bumping into me,” the gentleman you’d seen earlier said.
“Excuse me?” You certainly hadn’t seen him before this morning, so you had no idea what he meant by that smart comment. Your offense at his statement outweighed the sway of his good looks, unlike earlier.
“This makes twice,” he insisted, “once chasing after your ravens and once just now.”
It took you a second to catch up, “It was you I knocked over in the park earlier?!” Embarrassment rolled over you like a wave. “Oh God,” this was awful, “I am so incredibly sorry. Truly, I am mortified. And I would have apologized earlier, I-“
He only laughed a bit, “It’s quite alright. I got the sense you were in a rush.” His teasing tone brought a smile to your face.
“They’re usually so well-behaved,” you assured him, “I’m afraid my sister was behind the debacle.”
“Oh, yes, she was sitting with Hyacinth, was she not?”
“You know Miss Hyacinth?”
The gentleman grinned and bowed, “Benedict Bridgerton, her brother.”
“Very nice to meet you,” you smiled, “officially.”
“I’m not sure I caught your name,” right as he asked, you heard it being called.
“My lady?” You whipped around, and spotted the gentleman you’d abandoned searching for you. Wincing, you scuttled toward the closest pillar and ducked behind it. Benedict stayed put, but watched you run off with great amusement. After a moment, he chose to follow you.
“Are you hiding?” He teasingly asked.
You peered around the pillar, hoping the man had walked away. When you saw he hadn’t, you ducked away again, “yes!”
Benedict blinked at you, smiling, “Why?”
“My feet hurt,” you confessed, “I have danced every dance. I haven’t sat down in hours. Frankly, I’m surprised so many are interested after my jaunt through the park.”
“Perhaps they were impressed by your display of athleticism,” a crooked grin crossed his face. You leveled him with a look.
“There you are, my lady,” you jolted at the foreign voice, and Benedict had to clap a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter. “I could not find you, so I’m afraid I drank your lemonade as well,” you could see Benedict’s shoulders shake with laughter, “Are you ready for our next dance?”
A look of pure horror must have crossed your face, because Benedict finally intervened, “I’m afraid she’s promised the next dance to me.” He pulled a pencil from a pocket in his jacket and outstretched one hand to you. You held out the arm your dance card was attached to, “In fact, I’ve very generously been granted all her remaining dances.” He winked at you as he filled in the four remaining spots. You fought off a grin.
“I see,” the man you interrupted you said sourly. He turned on his heel and marched away. Neither you nor Benedict could stop your laughter at his reaction.
“It is not my intention to further burden your feet,” he assured you after a moment, “I only hoped to dissuade him.”
“You did a fine job,” you grinned at him, “you have my gratitude.”
“I think I rather scandalized him,” Benedict chuckled, and you shook your head.
“It seems rather easy to scandalize this lot,” you said.
“Well, you’re right about that,” he nodded.
You sighed, “I think they’re all so concerned with presenting themselves as proper and important they forget to consider anyone else. Not one man I danced with asked me about myself.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Benedict shook his head, “I hope the rest of your evening is more relaxing.”
“Thank you,” you nodded at him, “at the very least, I know my dogs will listen to me when I return to them.”
Benedict laughed at that and slightly bowed towards you again, “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, my lady. I hope to bump into you again soon.”
Your eyes widened, “Maybe not bump.”
“Goodnight,” he smiled at you and nodded before leaving you free to go find somewhere to sit.
Soon enough, you father found you relaxing on a chaise lounge in a nearby study. He only shook his head, and offered you his arm to depart.
The next morning brought with it house calls. You’d been hoping to spend a quiet morning working on a new piece for the harp, as you’d forgone practice the day before. But, much to your chagrin, you were forced to dress and be presentable within only ten minutes of your waking.
It didn’t take long for the sitting room to be bombarded with interested parties, though none were interested enough to truly speak with you. Each brought with him a new bouquet of flowers, and you soon grew worried you’d start sneezing uncontrollably. Eventually, you became so overwhelmed that you bribed poor Abigail to keep them occupied while you disappeared.
The only question she had for you was if you cared what she did to them. You’d given her free rein. With one look at her wicked grin, you fled the room.
Quickly turning the corner to another hallway, you quite nearly crashed into someone.
“That was almost three,” Benedict joked with you.
“Almost,” you highlighted, “but only a close call.”
“True,” he nodded.
"What brings you here?"
Benedict smiled, "I had hoped to call on you. Have I caught you at a bad time?"
"Not at all," you shook your head jovially.
"Excellent! I brought a gift," he produced a brown paper bag. You were slightly confused but glad for something other than flowers.
"Thank you," you reached for it, but he pulled it back.
"Not for you," he shook his head. You blinked back at him, wide-eyed. "Unless you have a proclivity for raw steak." Benedict laughed at the shock on your face, "I thought Huginn and Muninn might enjoy a treat."
A surprised smile eased onto your face. Your eyes sparkled as you looked at him, "I'm sure they'll appreciate it."
"Do you think they might also appreciate a walk in the park?" He asked, "A chance at redemption?"
"I think they'd like that," you grinned widely as Benedict smiled and offered you his arm.
He didn't ask a single question! And he was wearing these- FUGLY jeans
Lol I've been toying with this idea since S3 part 1 came out, hope you liked it! I let her live in 2005 Mr. Darcy's luxurious mansion so you're welcome
(sorry for obscure norse mythology references)
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favefandomimagines · 2 months
Lose Something (t.o)
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Summary: one wrong misjudgment can change everything
Request: @ol-alex-lo what about reader that once chased tornados just like him, but her best friend got killed a few years ago because of it but reader survived? And she doesn’t chase anymore but people always go to her for advice because she knows where the next tornado will hit. And Tyler learns about her and the fact that she’s good, so he goes to see her and he actually makes fun of her or jokes with her that she’s probably just to scared or chicken to go in a tornado so her advice is probably pure luck? And that they shouldn’t lisent to someone who never chased a real tornado or that is too scared to chase one? And reader just lashes out? And she yells that if he’s still chasing tornados that means that he never lost anything to them? Not like she did. And just so much angst, and Tyler then feels bad and like a total ass so he apologizes? so just angst and a fluffy ending?
AN: I love this request lol angsty fluff is my brand so obviously I had to knock this out. Also, I know almost nothing about tornadoes and the best places to go when you’re not home lol I live in Nebraska and the last tornado I witnessed over 26 years was in April
“This storm is beautiful!” You called to your best friend as she got out of the car. “This is the best one we’ve gotten all season!” She called back over the wind. You and your best friend Tara were trying to get data on exactly how tornadoes form. A question that every scientist still doesn’t have an answer to.
You and Tara were creating a project to find the proper data to see how a tornado is formed. With each storm, you became closer and closer to getting proper grant money to take your research to the next level.
The storm you were chasing was a small EF-2, the perfect storm to get data on how it was able to form. “Y/N, we could actually get this grant.” Tara told you as she looked down at her tablet.
You looked at her with a huge smile on your face before hugging her tightly. Soon, out of nowhere, the wind picked up and something in the air shifted. “Y/N,” Tara started.
The tornado was approaching quicker than it should have if it was a true EF-2. “We need to go. Now.” You spoke.
You and Tara ran to your car and you threw it in reverse, trying to outrun the storm. You could see in your rearview mirror that the tornado itself was growing. It was no longer an EF-2 but something bigger.
At that moment you were cursing yourself for not agreeing to take your brother's truck and instead driving your own car.
The wind was getting faster by the second and your car was getting thrown around all over the road.
“We have to get out. We can’t be in the car.” You told Tara. “What? Y/N, are you crazy?” Tara questioned. “We’re as good as dead if the storm picks us up in the car.” You replied. You stopped the car and the two of you got out and made a run for it.
As you kept running, the rain pelting you both, you spotted a horse watering trough a few feet ahead of you. Pipes that are more than likely deep in the ground to access well water. It would be your best bet.
You grabbed Tara’s hand and pulled her along towards the trough. You and Tara huddled down and held on to the pipe. “Hold on tight!” You yelled at her. The storm began to pass over you and you felt Tara’s hand slip from the pipe.
You reached forward and grabbed her hand as she began to slip. “Tara! Don’t let go!” You yelled. “Y/N!” She yelled back.
It all happened so quickly. One minute, Tara was holding on to you and you were holding on to her. And then the next, the storm had ripped her hand from yours. You screamed her name as you watched your best friend headed straight for her death.
When the storm had passed, you almost had to pry your hand off of the water pipe with how tight your grip was. Everything around you was destroyed, nothing was left standing. Except you. Alone in the aftermath of the storm.
You hadn’t stepped foot in Kansas in five years and if it wasn’t a special occasion, you would have avoided the state completely. It was Tara’s birthday and her mom wanted to have a gathering in her memory.
You owed it to her to attend after avoiding her for so long. She never blamed you for Tara being out there, but you blamed yourself. If you hadn't convinced Tara to come along, maybe she’d still be alive.
Tara was a science fanatic. She was going to the University of Kansas studying microbiology and you were there studying metrology. You figured that the two of you could combine forces to figure out how tornadoes formed to a T. The pair of you had chased plenty of storms before, she always said you had a gift. You knew when, where and just how strong the storm would be before it even hit. You were never wrong, but that day you were.
You told yourself you would stop chasing because your miscalculation cost your best friend her life. You didn’t want to feel anything like that again.
If you were being honest, you were back home for two reasons. One, for Tara. Two, your friend Kate needed a favor. She had been working with some hot-shot storm chaser with a YouTube channel and she had told him all about you.
They needed an edge to beat out all the other chasers out there and you were the edge.You promised Kate that you’d meet with them. As you pulled up to the motel, you were starting to regret it.
“Y/N, hey! It’s so good to see you!” Kate greeted you as you walked up to the ugly, souped up truck. “Hey, Kate. It’s good to see you too.” You replied as the two of you hugged. “Y/N, this is Tyer Owens. He’s the one who helped me with my project.” She said, introducing the two of you.
You weren’t going to lie and say he wasn’t good looking because he definitely was. He was your type, and that could have played a part in why Kate wanted to introduce you. But you knew guys like him. Thinking chasing a tornado was glamorous and boasting about it on the internet.
He was attractive, sure, but you didn’t like how reckless he behaved.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” You greeted. “Likewise. So, Kate says you have a gift.” Tyler said, cutting to the chase. “I wouldn’t call it a gift.” You replied. “Y/N taught me everything I know. We were in the same meteorology program.” Kate said.
Tyler examined you, looking you over subtly. Kate talked about you all the time. This amazing scientist who knew exactly where and when the storm would be and just how strong it would develop. He thought Kate was good but you sounded like you were too good to be true. He just had to know the woman who knew all about tornadoes but never actually chased them.
“But you don’t chase?” Tyler asked. “No, I don’t chase.” You answered. “Tyler collects data by going inside the tornado. It’s insane.” Kate boasted.
You knew she was trying to find common ground for the two of you. The topic of chasing was very touchy for you and she knew that.
“Inside the tornado? Do you have a death wish or something?” You scoffed. “Maybe you’re just too scared to do it yourself.” Tyler commented.
This man didn’t even know you and he had the gall to make a comment like that? “Tyler,” Kate started. “You know all of this information, you know the storm and yet you won’t go in the storm? What have you got to lose?” He continued.
“I’m not scared to do anything.” You rebutted. “I’m sorry Kate, but I don’t think we should listen to your friend. She doesn’t chase, she's too scared to, so how are we supposed to trust her information?” Tyler cut you off.
“You don’t know anything about me. You don’t know what I’ve gone through and don’t you dare say I don’t have anything to lose. If you’re still chasing, that means you’ve never lost anything you loved. Not like I have.” You snapped at him.
You took one more look at him scoffed, walking away from him as Kate called your name. Tyler watched as Kate went after you but to no avail. You said some words to her, gave her an apologetic look, before getting back in your car.
“Seriously, Tyler?” Kate questioned. “What?” Tyler asked. “You clearly don’t listen to a word I say if you said all of that to her. I’ve told you what happened and why she stopped chasing.” Kate answered.
Tyler didn’t reply, knowing that she was correct. He didn’t listen to what she said about your backstory.
“God, Tyler. Y/N chased all the time. Her and her best friend Tara were trying to figure out how a tornado forms. They almost got grant money for their project. Five years ago, Tara and Y/N were out getting data and the EF-2 that Y/N predicted ended up being an EF-4. They tried to take cover but Tara died. Y/N hasn’t gone out for a storm since.” Kate explained to him.
The guilt immediately washed over Tyler. He judged you before he even knew you and made himself look like a total asshole. And he couldn’t imagine how that made you feel.
“I-I didn’t know.” Tyler stammered. “She’s never going to help us now.” Kate muttered. Kate walked back to the team to explain how Tyler royally screwed up their next chase.
But all Tyler could think about was how guilty he felt. He wasn’t a bad guy despite what you probably thought about him now. He wanted to make things right with you not only for his own conscience, but for your help. Kate said that you were their best chance at getting ahead. Plus you were easy on the eyes.
He had to make things right with you, but he just didn’t know where to start.
You were at Tara’s parents farm, helping them set up for the ‘party’ in Tara’s honor. A part of you thought it was morbid, throwing a party in honor of someone who died. But you knew it meant a lot to her parents.
“It’s good to see you, Y/N. It’s been so long.” Tara’s mom told you. “I’m sorry I haven’t visited as much as I should.” You replied. “It’s okay, hon. We understand. We’re just happy you’re back.” She said.
You smiled at her and gave her hand a squeeze before she walked back inside the house. You were putting centerpieces with Tara’s picture on them on the tables, making them look perfect.
The next centerpiece you grabbed had a picture of you and Tara on it. It was from your first chase together of an EF-1.
You asked her to go and told her she didn’t have to if she felt unsafe, but she was so excited to go. It was evident by the bright smiles on both of your faces.
“She looked like fun.” You heard a voice behind you. You turned around and saw Tyler Owens approaching. “She was. I told her she didn’t have to come chasing with me but she said it’s a once in a lifetime event.” You answered, with a small laugh.
“Kate told me what happened. I’m sorry for the things I said.” He spoke. “How were you supposed to know?” You replied. “Still. I shouldn’t have said you were scared and that we shouldn’t trust you.” Tyler said.
“You have every right not to trust me. I told Tara that it wasn’t anything more than an EF-2 and I was wrong. I cost her her life because I was wrong.” You told him.
“You know better than anyone that storms change. They’re unpredictable. You couldn’t have known it was going to develop.” Tyler rebutted.
You were about to reply when Tara’s mother interrupted. “Y/N, who’s your friend?” She asked. “Oh uh, this is Tyler. He just stopped by.” You said. “Well, Tyler, any friend of Y/N’s is a friend of ours. Please stay for the party, we’d love to have you.” She said, “Oh Mrs-” You started.
“I would love to.” Tyler interjected. You looked up at him, surprise written on your face. “You don’t have to stay.” You told him. “I want to. Maybe this will be the start of us being friends.” He said with a smirk.
“Oh really? And why would you want to be friends?” You asked cheekily. “Because I still want to see you chase a storm.” He answered.
“It’s going to take a lot for me to go back out there.” You spoke. “Well then I better get started.” He said.
You smiled up at Tyler before he started helping you with the centerpieces. Maybe you had misjudged Tyler just like he misjudged you. Maybe this was going to be the start of something good for the both of you.
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A/N: I am just starting to play Honkai so if there is anything wrong or that just doesn't make sense, please tell me!
A/N ²: This is me attempting to adopt and protect my babies, wrapping them in cotton and never leaving their side... And I got sleepy at the end, or else I would have written Aventurine and Dan Heng too :( If anyone has ideas for Honkai SAGAU, please do send some asks 👏🏻
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Imagine... The Creator!Reader in Honkai verse. You were just idly passing by, to see what your children were doing after the Ones you left in charge... Pretty much usurped your throne.
Imagine the Creator!Reader seeing, witnessing all the deaths and sorrow IPC created...in the name of "economy". Such thing was absurd, why would they do that, slaving and using people for their benefit to make more and more when you gave all the humans and even the Aeons enough source to love in harmony?
Why would they destroy people, families, lives... Planets?
Imagine... Creator!Reader's disappointment as They slump back on their throne. They gave them life, opportunities to overcome their mind's limit and be someone to be remembered... They gave them life sources, water, air, planets to live on, souls to feel and think and passions to find a reason to be alive... And yet, there were some people, the people of your Aeon Qlipoth, who was usualy indifferent, deciding that they were the ones to destroy the harmony and balance you had settled for everyone.
They thought Yours wasn't the final saying, that your word wasn't the absolute
How many more times did they have to go through all of the syages of self-destruction before they finally used their mind and consciousness together? Before they realized your Balance was the most beneficial for everyone?
Imagine... Knowing what would happen, even though pain was a constant part of human life, They didn't want their creation to suffer such a fate. Loosing humanity, everything that made humans humans... Loosing your family and witnessing their deaths right before their eyes, only being seen as the sins someone that wasn't you did and being exiled, pushed aside and running away for not to be hunted and all the reasons for your disappointment... Creator!Reader decides to take the reigns.
First, they go to visit a certain father and daughter duo. They watch from the side as they spend time, caring for the horses, playing guitar and braiding each other's hair. They couldn't help the smile that slowly took over their face, watching with fondness at the innocence of that little toddler... Before their eyes met, and a spark erupted.
From now on, as much as Boothill was first skeptical about them, he accepted to have Them around since his daughter and siblings loved Them so much. The little girl often slept on Them while cuddling, her soul immediately knowing the presence of its creator... Of course They didn't tell them everything, that their lives would be over because of Their greedy creations... And of course, the fact that They were the Allmighty Creator they kept telling tales about.
They loved this little found family a lot, with the human body They crafted to blend in, and soon found Themselves attached. Soon, They found Themselves cooking and cleaning around, running after the children with a toddler attached to their hip as the silent affection between Them and Boothill grew with all the loving and fleeting touches, hugging and cuddling, stargazing at night but never leaving their eyes off of each other...
But an omnipresent being falling in love with their creations was...against the balance... Especially when the day of their death too, came closer, and They were the one who lied, although it was to protect them.
But please, they were the Creator, to Weaver of All Fates, were the measly humans really going to stop Them? Take what was rightfully theirs?
Don't think so.
Before the fall of the planet, when all the equipments of IPC broke and the Path of those who worked under it, alongside Qlipoth's, were taken away for some time... That was when Qlipoth understood that they initially fucked up and angered the Creator. Now, another Aeon who had a head over their shoulders, would probably go nuts with fear and cower at some kind of corner of the universe...
But greed? Greed was often stronger that rationality.
Did any of that shitty behaviour stop? No, not really.
So, it was up to you to save and protect all those traumatised kids... And also make sure that a whole race didn't get wiped out.
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consoledacup · 2 months
Ode to the Street Scene
I really thought my favorite scene was the wedding dance. It cuts away to no one in the room, and my heart just swells from the romance. And that cheek caress at the end? Butterflies!
But every time I rewatch, I have to pause the show and just sit with certain beats of my actual favorite scene because I'm so overcome. The writing is so fantastically good. Verica's directing is perfect. The scoring is angsty and beautiful. And Luke and Nicola deliver incredible performances. The give-and-take of this fight is exceptional, and their chemistry is electric.
This confrontation is one that is years in the making. And as they fight, they address all of it. He's only known about her Whistledown identity for a short time, so this fight was always going to be incredibly heightened and passionate. But we also get so much truth in this exchange, too.
Colin's leaving the saddest stag party ever. I'm sure he also felt weirdly guilty for not being ecstatic about it. Especially because the three gentlemen with him witnessed Colin-heart eyes-Bridgerton not a week ago. So they notice something is wrong, and he really doesn't want to talk about it.
Penelope's leaving her good friend and business confidant. And I love the little hesitation Genevieve has before asking Penelope if she'd continue publishing. She adores Penelope and has been such a fantastic support for her. So although Penelope feels like she's unworthy of Colin after everything that has happened, Genevieve is steadfast in encouraging her to not give up a huge part of herself.
So they run into each other, and Colin is immediately furious. He is shocked to see her, his Pen, out alone at night. And then he's like, well, she's Whistledown. She was doing this all along, right under my nose, having a laugh. And Penelope can probably smell the alcohol on him and is fed up with being the bad guy at this point. So she bates him because good grief, can he just look at her??
And he immediately lays into her. I really love Luke's rhythmic delivery here:
After all of the secrets you have kept, all of the things you have written over the years, all of the damage you have done.
And I love how Penelope immediately takes responsibility and apologizes. Two people have found out about her identity prior to Colin. Genevieve needs no explanation for why Penelope did what she did. And Eloise is so heartbroken and betrayed and humiliated, she has no room for Penelope's motivations.
But as angry as Colin is, he listens. And they go through her past transgressions, point by point. He asks about Eloise, as the protective brother he is, and receives a somewhat satisfactory response.
And then he asks about Marina, and Penelope is essentially like, I was saving you. For White Knight Colin Bridgerton, that is almost too much for him to take. If we go back to that scene when Penelope tells Colin about George, she purposely leaves out her pregnancy. That was deliberate. She might've gotten dismissed by him and interrupted by Marina, but she was always going to lead with, "well, she has a lover back home." Because she was terrified Colin would mount his white horse and see it as his duty to rescue Marina all the same. As a 17-year-old girl, who had incredible power, she saw no choice but to manipulate his future. That was a bad move, and she knows it.
Which is why he's like, do you really have that little respect for me? Because he reveals what cuts him the most. Whistledown called him out, belittling him. And then he finds out that the most important person in his life, his entire world, wrote that about him. And is that truly how she feels about him when he thinks she hung the moon and stars?
And that's when this fight takes a turn as Penelope lays bare everything she loves about him. She was like, I missed you just like you missed me. Here's where I praise Nicola's rhythmic delivery:
It's you. Kind, feeling, occasionally excitable good-hearted man who I love.
Even the way she says "man who I love" is just so matter-of-fact. Of course she loves him. When is he gonna get that?
Every episode this season, we see Penelope subtly gain more and more confidence. Which is why this payoff is so delicious because she has finally developed the confidence, that he helped her find, to stand up to him.
So he takes that all in, and in an almost hopeful way, he's like, well, I helped you gain confidence, and you have me now, so you really don't need Whistledown, right? You don't need to be more powerful than me. And she's a little taken aback by his plea but stands her ground, patiently explaining why Whistledown is important. Which breaks his heart because he feels that, deep down, Penelope surpasses him in talent and ambition.
Remember their engagement party when Penelope and Eloise take turns answering the riddles? He is proud of Penelope, and he is concerned something is going on with her, but he is also, plainly, jealous. Anthony obviously steals the scene with his competitiveness, but you see Colin sitting up a little straighter, wanting to impress everyone else with his quick wit. And each time Penelope or Eloise get the answer right, he deflates a little. He's always known Penelope to be incredibly smart, but now that he's desperately in love with her, he is terrified that she doesn't see him as her intellectual equal. And his fears are confirmed when he finds out she's the sharpest tongue in the ton.
He's honest about how patronized he feels, thinking about her hyping up his journal. His eyes are welling up because good god, he does not understand why she just won't choose him over Whistledown. And he chooses that moment to assert his physical dominance and join her on the step so he towers over her. He goes for broke, berating her for her carelessness, and she's not having it.
And this interplay between Luke and Nicola is like a perfect volley:
I have been careful.
You have been foolish.
Colin, I can take care of myself.
Then what good am I to you?!
And Penelope just snaps. She tells him she loves him which snaps him out of his spiral, and they finally allow their passion for each other to take over. And their physicality shows how relieved they feel in each others' embrace. Their kiss is like coming home, and they're like, thank GOD you want me like I still want you.
They're not thinking much else, but I do wonder if Colin in the back of his mind is like, she may not need my brain or my protection, and I have no title, and I can only provide her a townhome, but by god, I can give her pleasure. I think it says something that Colin's go-to move is his hands. He wants to bring her to ecstasy as expediently as possible, finding his own pleasure in hers.
Thankfully, they are interrupted because they really don't need another scandal. They were debauching each other in the street! That is an absolutely wild thing for them to do, and Colin has enough wherewithal to keep her shielded, quickly falling into his coveted protector role.
He holds her hand and walks her to her carriage. Their goodbye is tense, but he assures her that she doesn't have to worry about him. He will be at the church on time. He is still choosing a life with her, and is, of sound mind and body, intentionally entering into a union with Lady Whistledown. And then he watches her carriage leave.
Perfect, heartbreaking, passionate, angsty, emotional, sexy, honest, cathartic, electric, romantic scene from start to finish.
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aliferous-ly · 5 months
A ghost haunted season 10. Certainly not a malicious one, if a bit mischievous - and one had to keep a careful eye out to catch him.
Jevin heard him first, deep underground. He was hunting iron, early in the season, and he was having the worst luck. He even looked up where iron should be, to make sure the updates hadn't changed anything! Alas, the iron evaded him. Jevin might have to resort to begging and then jump straight to a farm.
And he kept hearing these crackly, faint snickers. At first he thought he'd been on a voice channel accidentally, but, no, his comm wasn't connected. Then, just to make sure, he disconnected it entirely - but the laughter prevailed. Jevin chalked it up to too many sleepless nights, and went to find an overachieving hermit already building an iron farm.
Stress heard him next, but as someone who heard murmuring monsters on a good day, she didn't give it a second thought. Clear as day she heard an, "oh, bugger." She thought, you and me both, monster, before going along with her day.
Then it was Xisuma, though he didn't hear anyone, he saw. It was a mere glimmer out of the corner of his eye. White hair, stout, pickaxe slung lovingly over a shoulder. When he looked back there was nothing. He resolved to run diagnostics on his helmet, because something was clearly haywire.
And in Joel's defense, he was both exhausted and brand new to hermitcraft. It wasn't like people had nametags on, they were a group of friends! So when an old man grumbled by, lost as could be within the shopping district, Joel furrowed his brows but ultimately was too tired to ruminate. He overheard the man saying something about shroomlights and called out, "Tango has the permit, but he doesn't have a shop up yet!"
The man startled, muttered something about "permits?" before scuttling off like a spooked horse. Joel shrugged. It was called hermitcraft, after all. There had to be loads of people he hadn't met yet.
Small instances added up. Scar fell asleep making a tree, hidden amongst the branches, and was spooked awake by the sound of a player dying. But when he checked his comm, nothing showed up. A dream, he thought uneasily.
I just need sleep, Tango thought.
Wow, someone's wearing a sick costume, Skizz thought. Too bad I'm too busy to go chat right now!
Who's messing with my hourglass now? Doc thought. Only, there wasn't anyone else on the server at the time. Probably an armor stand prank.
It all came to head when Hypno stumbled across his fifth stripmine in one mining session. He rolled his eyes, because of course Wels had created tunnels beneath Hypno's place just to be a nuisance. Except when he pointed it out to Wels, who was on call with Hypno but was busy caving, Wels expressed confusion.
"I've only made one or two strip mines. And they're not near you," Wels said.
Hypno saw a wisp of white hair turning a corner. "Haha, very funny, Wels. Come on out."
"I'm not joking?" Wels said in confusion. In the same beat he got the achievement for sneaking successfully past a shrieker for the first time and Hypno was far too high up to be near an ancient city.
"Maybe it's someone else?" Hypno murmured, checking who was online. Grian and Joel, who were having their own shenanigans blowing up the comms (it involved TNT, so the blowing up was quite literal). Impulse had just left. Etho, who could be a contender if Hypno didn't know he'd fallen asleep at the post office three hours ago. Plus, what sort of prank would this be, from Etho?
He explored the endless strip mines and got so lost that he had to dig his way up. When he mentioned the strangeness to Keralis, the man lit up and exclaimed that he'd found the same thing, how weird was that, huh?
Hypno investigated. If there was a bug in the world he'd need to know.
"You know, it might not be a bug," Cleo said meaningfully. They fidgeted with a tear in their clothes.
"What else would it be?" Hypno asked, mystified.
"Maybe it's a player. You know. Someone we never removed from the whitelist."
Cleo raised an eyebrow. It wasn't in their nature to beat around the bush, but at the same time they didn't want to act crass. Not for this.
Tentative realization trickled through Hypno. He nodded and abruptly left, unsure how to feel.
The information spread slowly through the rest of the server. Joe took to leaving boxes of torches and iron pickaxes about, and every so often would have to refill them. He didn't ask, but everyone swore they hadn't been stealing. Who would need an iron pickaxe at this point, anyway?
One night, Cub let off a slew of fireworks that were spherical and solid green. He heard a faint chuckle on the breeze, and raised a drink in quiet salute.
So, yes. A ghost haunted season 10. But ghost haunting had such a negative connotation, didn't it? The hermits, if they spoke about him at all, much preferred to call him the True Hermit who never left.
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yelenaslyubov · 2 months
A New Frontier: Part 1
a new frontier // part 1 // part 2
main masterlist || yelena belova || requests
a/n: welcome to the first part of my first series! like i said in my announcement, i’m not sure how many parts this series will have, but as i see it now, definitely over 6 so get excited about that!! this first part is definitely a build up to everything will be contained going further, so there’s not much adventuring in this one. i hope you enjoy!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pairing: yelena belova x reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ warnings: language
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ description: you’re granted the opportunity to join the avengers on your first top secret mission together. not only are you navigating your newfound status as an avenger, but you’re also trying to hide your affection for another avenger, yelena. you travel to your location in stealth and soon find out what kind of mess you’ve really gotten into.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ word count: 3.2k
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Your eyes jolted open when you realized you had fallen asleep accidentally.
“…and we need to act fast in order to make sure we do our part in this mess. And remember, none of you jackasses better make a peep about this, I mean it.”
You had fallen asleep during the majority of Tony’s mission announcement. This was the first stakeout call that you had been invited on since you had been recruited. Most jobs were simple and thorough—fighting and taking down a villain and so on. Everything was usually the same, except this time and you missed it.
“Alright, that’s all I got. Be ready and down to the pad in an hour.” Tony dismissed everyone from the room when they all dispersed and you were left disoriented from the meeting.
“AH, I’m so excited!” you heard Kamala squeal. You assumed she had been asked out on the mission as well, making this her first too. “I’ve never seen a horse in person before!”
Now you were even more confused as to what was happening. You decided to be surprised rather than ask too many questions, especially since you were new. You couldn’t be caught slacking on the job already.
You went up to your room to pack whatever you could with the little information you had. You remembered something being said in between your slumber about it being dry and hot, so you kept that in mind.
You packed all the toiletries you had since you did not know when you would return. You didn’t have a permanent suit currently, as it was still being worked on and you didn’t know when it was going to be done. You hoped you could finally break into it on this trip so you wouldn’t have to use one of the hand-me-downs.
You jumped as you heard a knock at your door. “Can I come in?” Kate shouted through the door. Even before you could speak Kate had opened the door and was on a mission.
“Do you have deodorant or a hairbrush? I-I must have lost mine or run out because I don’t know where they went.”
Kate was the first friend you had made since you had been recruited. You both hit it off immediately and she made the transition from normal life to super life much easier.
“How does one not know when they run out of deodorant?” you chuckled.
“I honestly don’t know. I think I kinda just slap it on without looking while I’m halfway out the door,” she stammered.
“Well in that case, yes, I have both deodorant and a hairbrush so you lucked out today.”
“Ugh, thank you, you’re a lifesaver,” Kate sighed. “Oh, by the way! If you’re all good with it I think Kamala was going to bunk with me and it’s three to a room so you wanna join?”
“Uhm, that sounds good,” you responded. You were nervous to be in such close proximity to so many new people, but you were excited to be involved in something this secretive.
“Awesome! Well, I’ll see you down there then.” Kate smiled and then ran out of the room in the same manner she came. It was then you realized you missed your chance to ask her what exactly you all were doing and what you should bring. It added even more mystery.
You had filled your duffel bag to the brim with anything you could think of—a couple books, clothes for all weather conditions, a swimsuit, a coat, etc. You had said goodbye to your room for the time being when you ran into another Avenger in the hallway.
“Oh, uhm hey.” You were face to face with a green-eyed woman looking slightly up at you. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“It’s good,” the woman smiled and shrugged. She walked off without saying a word and you felt an uncomfortable aura blooming.
The butterflies in your stomach slowed their flutter the farther away the woman went. You had learned in your first few days as an Avenger that her name was Yelena. She had short blonde hair and the most captivating eyes you had ever seen. She was nothing short of intimidating so you had exchanged little words between the two of you. This was most inconvenient for you because you were tired of her staring at you as if you were a bit helpless.
You hoped this trip proved otherwise.
You were still awkwardly standing in the hallway after your encounter with Yelena when Kamala came out of her room with what looked like all her belongings balances in her arms. You could make out her eyes peeking between different objects that looked like a fan and a small table.
“I hope I packed enough,” she said through muffled words. “I don’t know how long we’ll be gone.”
“I don’t think you’ll have any problem with that,” you laughed. You watched her carefully walk down the stairs with the rest of her things.
Based on everyone’s timely exit, you assumed that you should probably make your way down to load up. When you made your way down to the pad where everyone else was waiting. Everyone’s packs varied in size so you had no idea how your packing job compared to anyone else’s.
Wanda and Nat had a decent sized suitcase for the both of them to share and others had small duffel bags. You giggled a little to yourself when you saw Peter’s only bag which appeared to be his school bag.
“How did you manage to fit everything in there, Pete?” you asked him.
“Oh uhm all I really need is a few clothes, but the rest is homework.”
“You’re bringing homework on an Avenger’s top secret mission?”
“Uh… yes?”
“That sounds like a sad life, Peter Parker.” You looked to your right where Yelena was standing. “Do you do anything for your own pleasure… like ever?”
You, Yelena, and Peter all stood together staring at one another, waiting for someone to say anything.
“Alright!” Tony yelled. “It’s time to load up.”
Everyone made their way onto their biggest quinjet they had and found their seats. You sat towards the back of the jet as you filed in behind Yelena. Conveniently, you sat directly behind her so you had the perfect view for the duration of the flight. Kamala sat down next to you with her stuffed giraffe in hand.
You heard the echo of the seat buckles clanking together as everyone took their place. You then watched as Yelena twisted her hair up high and put it in a bun. You were mesmerized by the way her blonde highlights caught the glimmer of light shining through the small windows.
Kate looked back at you at the wrong moment because she caught you staring at Yelena. She smirked and winked, signaling that she planned on keeping your secret. Your face was flush with embarrassment. You had not planned to let anyone in on your little crush but there was no going back now. All you had to do was prevent Yelena from finding out.
Tony hopped on last and shut the large door behind him. “As much as I wish I was joining you on this part of the excursion, I’m going to be residing on a small base right outside of the airport we’ll be flying into. I’m working on tracking air transportation as well as focusing on the technical aspects of the issue. I will be checking in regularly.
“As much as I would love to fly everywhere, we have to be more careful.” You looked around at the others to see if they had any clue to what he was talking about. “Once we arrive at the airport, you’ll be assigned vehicles that you must transport in. Using jets gets too risky with the high volume of dust and dirt. You would be noticed too easily that way, so it’s much easier to fit in with the rest of the crowd. Another form of transformation will be provided… promptly.”
Tony sat down in the controller seat without another word, leaving only you at a loss of what could be coming.
You stared at the back of Yelena once again before falling asleep to the sound of her voice and buttons pushing from inside the jet
You jolted awake at the sound of the large compartment door opening. It was abnormally bright and dust seemed to be swarming into the jet. You looked to your right to see Kamala passed out as well.
You stood up to stretch and grab your things, but you were distracted by the look on Yelena’s face as she stared at Kamala. She then turned to you and you were not sure what to do. Yelena looked as if she was trying not to laugh.
“You’ve got something about there…” Yelena gestured around the side of your mouth where you found dried drool from your peaceful sleep.
You frantically wiped it off the best you could and tried to shake the feeling of embarrassment that washed over you. “Oh, I’m sorry, thank you,” you nervously responded.
You proceeded to wipe everything off your face shamefully. You gave Kamala a small tap on the side of her arms in hopes to wake her up. She jolted awake as if she had been screamed at.
“What happened?” she said, groggily.
“You fell asleep…and it looks like we’re here,” you responded. You gathered your things and joined everyone at the front of the quinjet.
“Listen up!” Tony yelled. “This is where I leave you. You’ll be self-escorted from here to the designated vehicles that are waiting outside. I have implemented state of the art trackers and GPS in each of the vehicles. Try to use these vehicles as much as possible. When the time comes, by all means, do whatever is necessary to complete said task, but please, for the love of God, stay hidden. We do not need to be compromised and if I hear about any of you messing around…I will personally handle the situation, and you don’t want that.”
You looked back and forth from Kate to Kamala. You could tell Tony was being serious, which meant this mission was a whole lot harder than you led on in your mind.
As you all unloaded off of the jet the sun pierced through the door making you cover your eyes. Once your eyes adjusted to the brightness, you were met with the vast ground of red clay and trees in the distance. There was not a house or town in sight meaning you were far away from civilization.
“This is my worst nightmare,” Yelena whispered to Natasha.
“No kidding. I can already feel my skin sweltering,” she responded.
Your face recoiled when you saw the rides that were provided to each of you. “They’re joking right?”
“I wish,” Bucky said as he walked by you.
“Ain’t she a beaut, Cap?” Sam said while rubbing his hand back and forth down the side of the truck.
Before you were four rusty, beat-up pickup trucks that were supposed to be your rides for the time being. You weren’t even sure how long they were going to last. They were most definitely older than you.
“Are we sure these are safe to drive…or ride in?” Yelena questioned.
“They’re top of the line, I assure you,” Steve said.
“Maybe when you were born,” she mumbled.
You laughed at her comment and Yelena turned around to look at you and she smirked. Your face couldn’t help but turn a deep shade of pink, but you hoped the heat would disguise your blushing.
“Alright, let’s hit the road. We’re burning daylight here and it’s a two hour drive,” Steve informed everyone which earned a groan from each of them.
Steve, Sam, Bucky, Clint, and Peter took one of the trucks and planned on leading the way to the house. The rest of you assumed you could fit in one truck but there were two left and needed to utilize them both. One truck could seat five and the other could seat three; there were six of you left and you each knew you couldn’t leave someone behind by themselves.
“Race ya!” Kamala yelled. Nat, Wanda, Kate, and Kamala began to run to the five seater truck, while you and Yelena stayed behind. I guess you both assumed that it wasn’t worth fighting over.
You were hesitant to say anything at first but you were curious. “Why didn’t you go with them?”
Yelena shrugged. “My sister and Wanda can get gross when they’re together so I would rather be 100 feet away. But I hope you know I’m driving.”
You nodded in agreement, not wanting to go against her wishes. How could you say no?
You and Yelena put your belongings in the trunk of the car and shut it nice and tight so there was no way it could fly out and escape. Yelena climbed in the driver's seat while you sat next to her in the passenger's seat. The truck started with a sputter and music started blasting through the radio. Tony Keith’s voice rang out, causing you to plug your eyes.
“If this is what the trip has in store,” you gestured to the nature outside and then to the radio, “it’s going to be a long trip.”
“I think my ears are bleeding,” Yelena groaned.
“How about I do this.” You made the executive decision to turn the music completely off. “Better?”
“Much.” Yelena was satisfied with your choice. She followed the kicked up dust trail that led to the truck in front of them. They were farther ahead but you both hoped you hadn’t lost them.
In the meantime, you decided to look around the truck to see what all treasures were held inside. Just by looking at it, it didn’t seem to be anything special. The dash was covered in dirt and dust and old, empty bullet shells rested on top. There were no cup holders for drinks, only a bench seat that could fit another person. You found yourself wondering what would happen if you scooted just a bit closer. You brushed off the thought and continued your scavenger hunt.
There was no backseat, only a small gap that could fit a slender bag. There was a tacklebox that slipped under your seat, so you decided to dig through it. You gasped as you opened it to reveal a pistol made out of vibranium. You could spot it from anywhere.
“Woah!” you admired it. You shifted the small pistol in your hand, observing the craftsmanship.
“Oh shit,” Yelena said. Her eyebrows were raised, telling you she was just as impressed.
“They really did the most.” You took another look at it before you put it back where it belonged and slid it back under the seat. “What we’re to happen if we were stopped somehow and we had that in the car? Wouldn’t they do the math?”
“Look at this thing,” Yelena said plainly.
You looked around at the crusted steering wheel, the patchy seats, and the dirty covered floor. “I suppose you’re right.”
Yelena sighed and continued driving.
You watched the world go by as the clay mesa crowded your vision. It was beautiful in its own way and it was nothing like you had ever seen. The plateau of rock and the arches that presented themselves high off the ground. You may even learn to love it.
You then turned your attention to the driver. Yelena did not go anywhere in public without dressing her best. She was wearing wide cut jeans, a cropped shirt, and high leather boots. The dedication impressed you, especially in this weather. Your eyes wandered from her clothes to her skin and how her olive tone was tanned from the sun. Her eyes twinkled with the reflection of the endless blue sky and you found yourself drowning. Of course until Yelena looked over at you because you had been in a daze for too long.
You turned your attention back out the window with the hope that she wasn’t paying attention to your admiration. The more you stared out the window, the heavier your eyelids were. Eventually, you found yourself drifting to sleep once again with dreams of twinkling green eyes.
You felt a push on your left shoulder but you didn’t move.
There was another push this time, but much harder, causing you to sit all the way up. To your surprise, it was night. You rubbed your eyes and looked to your left to find that Yelena was staring at you.
“Did you know that you snore?” she said outright. Yelena unbuckled and got out of the truck, leaving you stunned all alone.You decided that it would be better not to respond because you wish you could forget it ever happened.
As you slid out of the truck, you looked up at the stars. You had never seen the sky so clear in your life. It was like lightning bugs had hung themselves way up high for everyone to see. You were so distracted by the sky that you didn’t notice where you were.
When you snapped yourself out of your trance you looked around. You were now surrounded by some species of pine tree you couldn’t recall with scarce grass. You were most certainly still in the desert but had traveled farther in the new direction.
In addition, you seemed to be up on a cliff. You looked around once more and there was no sign of a house, let alone anyone else.
“Uh, Yelena,” you questioned. “Where are we?”
Yelena was crouched down ahead of you looking down from the earth when she shushed you. You tried not to take too much offense. You walked to where she was in hopes of figuring out what was going on.
“Yelena, I said, where are-” Yelena covered your mouth quickly. You wanted to resist but all you could do was yell silently into the palm of her hand.
“Be quiet,” Yelena whispered, then held up a finger to her lips as she uncovered her hand from your mouth.
You huffed. “I just want to know what we’re doing out here? Where is everyone?”
“I took a little detour,” she admitted. “I just wanted to scope out the competition and Tony had already wired the GPS with significant locations so I knew where to go.”
“He should’ve known better,” you shook your head. You were already in this mess with her so you might as well finish it.
You focused your eyes to where she was looking to find a small sized building. It was nothing like you pictured it would be in your head. There was a flagpole outside the fence gates with an American flag on it accompanied by another flag that you could not make out. You squinted harder to see what picture was made out on the fabric.
“Is that…” You could spot the unique design of a skull with its six arms recoiled under.
It was Hydra.
i hope you enjoyed!
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John Egan X Farmer! Reader
Summary: When Meatball kills the farmer's chicken. Bucky flies to the rescue.
Warning: Animal death/ swearing/ mention of boobs/ use of Y/n/ mention of blood.
Word count: 1.2k
A/n: I'm alive y'all! And my brain functioned again!
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When John Egan came to Thorpe Abbotts, he was aware of the people that already lived there. He knew they were here, but he didn’t know them personally. When he saw her riding her horse, he knew he had to introduce himself. But he didn’t have the courage to go talk to her, she looked so intimidating, riding her horse and handling the goats.
Y/n lived on her family’s farm, but her family was away, they were in Austria, the farm was their summer house, but they wanted Y/n to keep it clean and work there. Usually, she would’ve been back in Austria, but with the war, it wasn’t safe to travel. Her chores were simple, making sure the goats didn’t run away, getting the eggs from the chicken coop and keeping the stables clean. It was easy, especially since she got her horse, Fred. He was a mustang, a beast that she had trouble training, but she kept persevering and was able to ride him. She was riding Fred everywhere; she loved her horse.
‘’Cleven! Good morning’’ she greeted the blonde. They quickly became friends when he came on the base, he went to introduce himself to the people living on the base, already saying he was sorry for the future disturbance that the soldiers were going to cause. When Gale saw Y/n, he thought she was amazing and they talked for hours, quickly becoming friends. They would trade stuff together, for example, if Y/n wanted a bottle of whiskey, she would give Gale a dozen eggs. ‘’Morning Y/n! How are you?’’ he asked. ‘’Good, just counting the chickens’’ she stopped when she heard a dog barking. ‘’Why do you have a dog here?’’ she asked, stepping in front of the chickens. ‘’Brady got him, I’ll make sure he doesn’t come near the coop’’ he reassured her. ‘’He better, because if he eats any of my chickens…’’ she threatened. Meatball came running towards Buck. ‘’He’s cute, but I meant what I said’’ she looked at the dog, smiling. ‘’I’ll make sure of it’’ he smiled.
John Egan heard a horse neigh; he knew that Y/n was close. And he was right, her (Y/h/c) hair were flying in the wind, she had a cowboy hat on her head. A white tank top that made her boobs look 5 times bigger and jeans that made her legs look amazing. She was beautiful. ‘’Y/n, what’s wrong?’’ Gale asked. She got down her horse, patting him before looking at the boys. ‘’I can’t come here and say hello?’’ she smiled as she looked at Bucky. ‘’Technically, you’re on a private property’’ Murph said. She scoffed. ‘’Technically, you guys invaded our property’’ she replied. ‘’Touché’’ Murph laughed. ‘’Nice ride’’ John Egan said, looking at the horse. ‘’Thanks, that’s Fred.’’ She replied. ‘’Um, do you guys have a minute to spare? We need help moving the hay’’ she asked. ‘’Sure, we can help’’ Bucky quickly replied.
‘’Be careful with that Jeep, don’t run over my animals’’ she smiled at Bucky, before she climbed up her horse. ‘’Wanna race?’’ Bucky proposed. She gave him a challenging smile, Fred was a fast horse, he was originally supposed to be a racehorse, but Y/n bought him at the town auction. ‘’Sure, but don’t cry if you lose’’ she smiled. When Fred started to run, Bucky knew he’d already lost, he didn’t want to go too fast, in case of a loose animal. She looked like a goddess, riding that horse. He thought about her riding him for a second, but his thoughts quickly faded when he heard Meatball bark, his mouth was all bloody and he had feathers on him.
‘’Calm down! It’s only 3 chickens!’’ Gale Cleven tried to calm her down, but she was ready to skin the dog alive, Bucky was holding her so she wouldn’t kill the dog. ‘’IT’S LESS EGGS! LET ME GO! I’m going to kill that dog’’ she tried to get away, but Bucky’s grip was too hard on her waist. Meatball didn’t have any regret; he was looking around like his life wasn’t on the line. John Brady, the owner, arrived at the scene in a Jeep, with Harry Crosby and Rosie Rosenthal. The 3 bodies were lying on the ground, headless. Y/n took deep breaths and calmed down a little. ‘’What’s going on?’’ Brady asked. ‘’You’re the owner?’’ she asked, angrily. Brady nodded. ‘’Your stupid dog ate 3 of my chickens!’’ she spat, showing the corpse with her hand. Brady swallowed a nervous laugh. ‘’I told you to watch him and I’m leaving the farm for an hour, I come back, and Dave, Danny and Darrel are dead!’’ she said, looking at her chickens. Bucky had to refrain a laugh at the names of the deceased animals. ‘’I’m sorry miss, I don’t know what else to say’’ Brady explained, scratching the back of his head. She took a deep breath, realizing how crazy she looked. She touched Bucky’s hand, to show him that he could let go. She replaced her hair as she sighed. ‘’I’m sorry, I kinda overreacted. You guys can go, I’ll, uh, clean up. Sorry for the disturbance.’’ She said, with an embarrassed tone.
He felt bad for her, sure it was only 3 chickens, but still. So, that night, he decided to find the courage and go talk to her for more than four words. He rode his Jeep to her house; he nervously taped the wheel with his thumb as he shut the engine down. Seeing lights outside, Y/n got out of the house, standing on her porch, seeing it was a soldier, she wiped her hands on her pants before going down the short stairs. ‘’Major Egan, to what do I owe this visit?’’ she asked, trying to hide her joy. She found him attractive, he was a gentleman during the day and a manwhore during the night, or at least that was his reputation. ‘’Hello, please call me Bucky, and I’m here to pay you back’’ he smiled. She tilted her head. ‘’Pay me back? You owe me money?’’ she questioned. He shook his head, chuckling. ‘’No, it’s for the deceased chickens’’ he explained.
Y/n fought the urge to smirk. ‘’You want to pay me for the chickens I lost?’’ she asked. ‘’Yeah, I mean you said it yourself, it’s less eggs’’ he blurted out. Now she couldn’t fight it anymore, a smile creeped on her face as she looked at the flustered Bucky. ‘’Come inside’’ she invited. He nodded as they waled inside the small home. The smell of burnt candle filling his nose as he looked around the kitchen. ‘’Does Brady know you’re doing this?’’ she asked as they sat in the kitchen. ‘’No, it’s my idea’’ he looked on the ground, not daring to look at her in the eyes. ‘’That’s very sweet, Bucky, but I can’t accept this, you must have family that this money belongs too, what about Mrs. Egan. It’s very thoughtful but keep it’’ she politely said. He started to laugh at the mention of a Mrs. Egan. ‘’There’s no Mrs. Egan, never set that part right, and my family doesn’t need the money. Please, Y/n, take it’’ this time, their eyes were locked into each other.
‘’You know, I didn’t think you would be the one offering me money. I thought Cleven would do it’’ she said, taking a sip of her homemade alcohol. It’s been an hour since Bucky came into her home they’ve been talking ever since. ‘’He felt bad, but he has to keep it for the phones, his girlfriend wants to hear from him twice a week’’ he chucked. She smiled as she looked at him. ‘’It’s getting late, I should get back to the base’’ he said as he looked at his watch. She got an idea. ‘’Are you free for dinner tomorrow?’’ she blurted out. He looked at her, smiling. ‘’Uh, yes, why?’’ he asked. ‘’Because I enjoy your company. And I have some extra money to buy good meat.’’ She smiled. ‘’Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow, then.’’ He leaned to kiss the top of her hand. ‘’Good night, Y/n’’ he said. ‘’Good night, Bucky, see you tomorrow’’
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
"I hate it when you're not around,"
husband!miguel x f!reader ♡
10 Things I Hate About You ← mini-series masterlist
"Even worse when you make me cry" ← previous part
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What Miguel didn't know was that you had already forgiven him. One of the hardest tasks in the world for you was to stay mad at him. You had forgiven him the moment he kissed your shoulder and said the simple words, "I'm sorry," Why? Because you love him. Maybe a little too much.
Most people would think that the words, "I'm sorry" have lost all meaning in your relationship. That the phrase is used by Miguel so much that it is just something he says to avoid disputes. That's not true though. You know that there is gravity behind every "I'm sorry," Miguel says.
That didn't stop the fact that Miguel hurt you. You just wanted him to feel the same pain you did. So you stopped visiting him at work and you stopped waiting for him to come home and just went straight to bed. It killed you not to be able to see him during the day, but you were upset. He made you cry, he deserved it.
. . .
Miguel's POV
Something has been missing from my days. I know exactly what it is but I've been trying to take my mind off of it. But how could I not think about her? My sweet angel that usually visits me is nowhere to be found today, just like yesterday and the day before. It's like eating a pb &j without the j or the pb or anything. It's like my days lose some of their meaning when she's not here with me.
An unfamiliar and chilling gloom cast on my office. Similar to the one that was there before I met the love of my life. It was too often an occurrence where things would be insane at work and it affected my home life with her.
She's never been this upset with me. But I guess once one thing happens over and over you begin to get tired. Is she perhaps getting tired of me? Just when I'd reached the peak of my overthinking spree, Peter B. barged into my office with Hobie, Gwen, and Mayday.
"Alright Miguel we've had enough," Peter started stomping up to me.
"Enough of what," I deadpanned.
"Enough of your sulking and enough of your wife not being here, we're friends with her. We all miss her," Gwen continued.
"You do know why she's so upset with you, right?" Hobie asked.
I finally turned away from my screens and faced the group interrogating me. "Because... I've been working too much?" he answered.
"No, she's used to that. It's because of Justine," Hobie interjected.
"Justine?" he repeated, confused.
"Yes Justine, the girl you keep running to instead of spending time with your wife," Gwen said.
"The girl you keep choosing over your wife," Peter B added.
"The girl you're cheating on your wife with," Hobie interjected.
"Woah woah hold your horses. I'm not cheating on my wife with Justine!? That's absurd! I can barely stand her!" he retired. He didn't raise his voice but his tone was definitely unusually unstable.
"But do you see how she could think that you're choosing Justine over her?" Peter asked.
"I mean I guess so but I was just following protocol," he replied.
"You could've waited until after lunch," Gwen responded.
"She needed a friend the night she went to her universe. I see myself in her. I was only trying to help. I couldn't imagine being with another woman that's not my love," he insisted.
"Well, you have to say that all to her, not us. It sounds like you guys have a bit of a communication problem," Hobie replied.
"Dios mío[my God], I can't believe I'm getting advice from a kid," he whispered to himself.
"Well you better take that advice," Peter answered.
"But she doesn't want to see me," he sighed, sinking down into his seat.
"Do you really believe that?" Peter B asked raising a brow and placing a firm hand on his shoulder.
With that encouragement, Miguel dropped all his work and swung to your home hoping you wouldn't already be asleep. Like the whole universe was against him, little problems kept coming up on the way. An old lady's cat stuck in a tree, bodega robbery, bank robbery, you name it.
None of that would stop him from coming home to you on time.
. . .
next part → "And the fact that you didn't call,"
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taglist: @lilscast @lazyjellyfish300 @safixiovi @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiira @aktenati @vera4luv @skylertully @boringpersonality @ce3stvu @straw-berry-ghoul @holachaoholachoa
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 months
"But Daddy I Love Him!" ~ (lip gallagher x fem!reader's version)
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sum! "But Daddy I Love Him!" Taylor swift - The Tortured Poets department.
tw! FACEBOOK... toxic family, mention of having a baby, swearing ig (again its shameless)
uhm this is gonna suck! I have no clue what I'm doing! ok days later n the middle/ending is very sloppy i feel like. idk i kinda dont like it.
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"I forget how the west was won, I forget if this was ever fun, I just learned these people only raise you to cage you"
You and Lip were fighting again. You hadn't been getting along as much anymore, you were getting closer to your two year mark too.
No one in your family liked the Gallaghers to begin with, so you couldn't complain to your family (siblings, cousins, whoever). The one who disapproved of your relationship the most though? Your father. Your father hated the relationship you had with Lip. He thought he was going to use you for money, your body, etc. He just knew Gallaghers were usually up to something, so he didn't approve of this relationship as soon as you told him.
Except with how much you and Lip were arguing now, it's hard to remember all the fun you would have. It's like a distant memory that you forget was a dream or not.
"Sarah's and Hannah's in their sunday best, Clutching their pearls, Sighing 'What a mess', I just learned these people try and save you ... cause they hate you"
Your family wasn't just rude to him, you as well. It was a bunch of rich snobs, and if something hadn't gone their way then get rid of it.
They hated you for even being in the vicinity of someone 'lesser' than them. Because god forbid you bring normal people into the wretched family of yours. Your cousins and extended family were known to gossip about others in the family, and right now you were the hot topic.
"too high a horse, for a simple girl to rise above it, they slammed the door on my whole world, the one thing I wanted"
It was an accident. Sort of. With how complicated you and Lip were right now you had changed your relationship status to "it's complicated". Not thinking about how public your page is to your very judgemental family. Lip did the same so he wasn't necessarily mad. All of your cousins, aunts, etc. were messaging you asking what happened, trying to get as much information as they could. It was all fine until your dad texted you.
"Come home."
Oh god. You could feel your stomach doing flips inside of you. You knew what he was going to say. 'You need to break up with this boy if it's to the point you're both telling the entire world how complicated your relationship is right now'. You went over there with the full intent to defend yourself and your boyfriend.
"Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned, Screaming 'But Daddy I Love Him!' I'm having his baby. No, I'm Not, but you should see your faces"
You got to your parents house and your dad started saying the exact things you thought he would.
"If you're sharing your relationship vis-à-vis the internet than I do not think this relationship should go on." Your dad kept repeating this in different wordings time and time again.
"Dad, me and Lip are just arguing like normal couples do. All you do is talk about how I should break up with him and that he is horrible for me." You snap at him, finally.
You continue your rant, "It isn't up to you to decide for me whether my boyfriend is good for me or not. I'm an adult and I can figure my love life out for myself. He has done nothing but be kind to all of you and get on your good side, but all of you are too snobby to understand that!"
You have to take a break to breath.
"I'm having his child. Not now... but eventually." As you said this they're faces were all filled with shock. Some of them had concern written all over there face.
"I'm telling him to floor it through the fences. No, I'm not coming to my senses, I know he's crazy but he's the one I want"
"I know none of you like him, but I see a future with him. But if you never learn to accept none of you will be apart of this future." God, it felt good finally standing up for yourself in front of your family.
Instead of waiting for them you got up and left. Not wanting to here what kind of excuse he's going to make for himself.
"Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid, tendrils tucked into a woven braid, growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all."
Your way back home had you thinking about your childhood and how you grew up. If there so against difference, and all of your other family is, why were you taught different?
It can't be because of school because you went to school with some family that acts the same as them.
Maybe because you had friends that were in south side? They were friends with the private school's principal and they were able to get in free of cost. You would go over to their house sometimes and it wasn't a huge clean house in a nice pretty neighborhood. Maybe that's why you weren't born to be a horrible person and you actually got to learn about people who weren't as lucky as you.
Which also means from a young age you were already more mature than your entire family.
"He was chaos, he was revelry, Bedroom eyes like a remedy."
You got back to the house and saw Lip on the couch. You went inside and sat next to him. At first he didn't say anything to you. Until he couldn't just not speak.
"Where'd you go?" He mutters, not looking at you still.
"Parents." You answer him almost instantly, looking at him.
He nods, knowing what this is about.
"So, they knock some sense in ya? You dumping me?" He rubs his face and the looks at you.
You snicker, "You must know absolutely nothing about me if you think I'm listening to my parents?"
He smiles and chuckled (i'm thinking of the lil breath through the nose laugh that no one knows what to call...) he knew how stubborn you were when it came to your parents.
"Soon enough the elders had convened, down at the city hall, 'stay away from her', the saboteurs protested too much"
Your family had been trying to text you. Some to apologize, some to try to talk out out of being mad, some to get gossip, the others still trying to get you to break up with him.
Your father had compared you to a '"rebelling teenager" because of how you're acting? You and Lip had stopped arguing for now.
Every time they reached out to him to talk to you through him, he would tell them to stop, "leave her alone", or block them. He was sick of how they treated you and him too.
Almost all of your family was blocked now, because they all decided to text you. The only people you couldn't bring yourself to block were your parents. Even though they were the ones laying it on the strongest. Your mom kept apologising but your dad was saying the same things as before.
"Lord knows the words we never heard, Just screeching tires and true love"
God this whole situation felt like a movie or a taylor swift song. It was ridiculous. Everyone's actions were childish and obnoxious.
You and Lip haven't been arguing in a while, because your attention was on other things at the moment. You two had actually been more romantic. You both have put your status back to normal. Yet, nothing in your life was back to normal.
"I'll tell you something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning"
This had been going on for over a month now. It was just annoying and obnoxious now. Lip knew you defended him and this is why this is still going on. No doubt about this. Except now he was having to deal with you being: bitchy, exhausted, or just annoyed.
It was affecting him now, and he was starting to get pissed.
"I'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace, I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empaths clothing"
"Your parents have been talking to Frank about us. Frank was asking me about you." Lip said through gritted teeth and a scowl, he had been walking inside while I said that.
You roll your eyes and respond in an almost whiny voice, "Please tell me your joking. They have gone way too far with this. First they tell my entire family and now they start on yours?"
"God save the judgemental creeps, Who say they want what's best for me, Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see"
The texts were all the same from your mom and dad.
"We just want what's best for you, and he isn't it!" They would say. Over. And over.
It was so repetitive, you had to block them. Not everywhere just where they would text you the most.
"Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me, And counteract chemistry, And undo the destiny"
I swear if you never had met him, which your not upset about meeting him, your parents wouldn't complain to you all the time. But oh well. There's a very real possibility they would have done this with anyone who you ended up with, seeing as how everyone they would try and set you up with was not your type.
Since this has been happening, your family would always have witty remarks like: "I'll keep you in my prayers" or "I'm thinking of you"
"You ain't gotta pray for me, Me and my wild boy, and all this wild joy."
When were they going to realize that he made you happy. You liked loved being with him. He was your wild boy. Yours. For no one to take.
"If all you want is gray for me, Then it's just white noise, And it's my choice"
Being with him wasn't there choice to make, it was yours. You just had to blur out all the background noise that meant nothing to you.
"There's a lot of people in town that I, Bestow upon my fakest smiles, Scandal does funny things to pride, But brings lovers closer"
Instead of biting back, you played nice. They would would say something rude and you would respond with a smile. All of the fighting only made you and Lip begin to grow closer to each other.
Their bickering with you about him, was backfiring. Big time.
Your parents saw this. They then saw how you looked at eachother. Realised you went to war for each other. Defending each other to your parents. It made them think a little longer.
"We came back when the heat died down, Went to my parents and they came around, All the wine moms are still holding out, But Fuck 'em, it's over"
Your parents had asked you over again. There wasn't anymore fighting online for a couple of weeks now, but you still went over there with the full intent of defending yourselves.
When they started apologising though you were skeptical at first until you saw the genuine look. They meant the apology. They didn't just apologise for what they said, but the actions they had on social media, how they brought the family into it.
"I was being a hypocrite," Your father had explained, "You were talking about your issues on the internet and then I went and did the same things to the both of you, as well as involving other people when it was unnecessary. I sincerely apologise."
Lip had a subtle smirk on his face, only you and his family could recognise.
You both had thanked him for apologizing, none of your other family had apologized though.
"Now I'm dancing in my dress in the sun and, Even my daddy just loves him, I'm his lady, and oh my God, You should see your faces"
Your parents were now very fond of Lip, praising him consistently. Your mother called him handsome. Your father realised how bright he was. Most of all they realised how good the two of you were for each other and how much he loves you.
"No you can't come to the wedding, I know he's crazy but he's the one I want"
You were at your family's annual gathering when one of your cousins came over to the two of you, "So when's your wedding?"
You laughed, "If and when it happens it will solely be immediate family and some friends that will be invited. The ones who actually care about us, ya know?"
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strniohoeee · 10 months
Reader who’s turned on by Matt’s little cowboy act!!!
Save A Horse
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt’s little cowboy accent gets Y/N going, and he takes notice to it. He takes matters into his own hands🐎
Warnings⚠️: Suggestive at parts, but no actual sex in this one🫡
Song for the imagine: Wicked Game- Chris Isaak
The world was on fire and no one
could save me but you
It’s strange what desire make foolish people do
I’d never dream, that I’d meet somebody like you
At first it started as a joke, Matt's stupid little country accent. I found it funny and cute in the beginning, but now it made my cheeks flush and my brain race with inappropriate thoughts.
I never told him this because that was embarrassing. He literally did the weird voices for his brothers and to make the viewers laugh. But here I was getting all hot and bothered by it….I needed to get a grip
He started to do the accent more once he realized my head would perk up and a sheepish smile would grow on my face. I just figured he thought I liked it and found it funny. I mean I did, but these dirty ass horny thoughts would pop into my head.
Right now I was at their house sitting on the couch with them as we scrolled on our phones, and talked here and there. I kept hearing weird cowboy videos and country songs coming from Matt’s phone. Was he really taking this country act serious? I laughed to myself at his foolishness
“Matt what the fuck are you watching” Chris asked him
“Cowboy videos….these guys are cool as fuck” he said as his eyes were glued to his phone
“Matt is this going to be your new lifestyle?” I asked him laughing
“Would you like that?” He asked me finally looking at me
I felt my cheeks grow hot at this question and my throat began to run dry
“What? What do you mean” I said stifling out a laugh
“Like eventually if we move to like the countryside and have like a farm and horses and shit” he said
Why did I think he meant something else? Lord get your head out of the gutter Y/N….
“Ohhh uh yeah that would be cool. It would be very different, but I’d like it” I said smiling at him
“And then we can get horses, and hay and a tractor” he said doing the country accent
“Shut the fuck up with the accent” Nick said smacking his brother
“Heyyy be nice I like it” I said to Nick
“This motherfucker won’t let it go like I’m tired of hearing country boy Matt” Nick said rolling his eyes at Matt
“See my lady loves it” he said doing the accent
I felt myself fighting a smile and a blush on my face
“Yeah she’s smiling and blushing like a freak” Chris said
“Fuck off” I said kicking him
“What can I say my woman has great taste” he said winking at me
A few days had passed and Matt did the accent here and there. I was fighting myself not to just jump his bones anytime I heard him.
I was laying in his bed when I heard him come out of the bathroom and walk into his room. Immediately looking up my jaw dropped.
Matt had a plaid shirt on with his chest exposed, a cowboy hat on and denim jeans that fit him just write. My throat ran dry and I felt my pupils dilate
“Matt what is this?” I said sitting up
“I know how much you love cowboys…I figured I try something out for you” he said shutting his door behind him
“Oh really?” I said scooching off his bed
“I see the way you squirm when I do the accent, and I’ve seen the TikTok’s you reposted….I turn you on as a cowboy” he said biting his lip
“What….I do not” I said avoiding eye contact
“You don’t?” He said tilting his head and looking at me
“No I don’t” I said
“Mmm your body language tells me otherwise and so does the blush on your face” he said walking over to me
“Okay fine, maybe I find it hot” I said rolling my eyes
“I know you do baby” he said pulling me in by my waist
“Matt” I whined out
“Just teasing you” he said rubbing his hands up my sides
“That’s not nice” I said looking up at him
He pouted at me before pulling me in smashing our lips together. A much needed make out happening. Our teeth clashing together and our tongues fighting for dominance as we fought to breathe.
He slowly began to kiss down my neck causing me to moan out at the feeling.
Matt pulled away to take his cowboy hat off, and I ran my hands up his chest and wrapped my hands over his neck pulling him back into me
Our tongues once again fighting for dominance. His hands running down my back and squeezing my ass before bru bringing them back up to squeeze my breast
“Oh Matt” I sighed
“I know baby, I know” he said kissing down my jawline and to my neck again
I turned us around and laid him down on the bed as I straddled him running my hands up his torso and grinding down on him.
“Just like that baby” he moaned out helping me grind down on him
I slid my shirt off and leaned back down to kiss his neck and chest, his low pants sending me to the moon and back.
“You know what they say, save a horse, ride a cowboy” I said leaning back to remove my bra
“Today is my lucky day. I’m a cowboy and I love when you ride me” he said biting his bottom lip and running his hands up to my breast to squeeze them
I melted into his touch allowing my head to roll back. Matt pulled me down towards him by my neck and continued to kiss me as I grinded on him
Matt lifted up slightly to remove his flannel when we heard the front door open
“Were backkkk where yall at” Chris yelled
“Are you kidding me” Matt said his face dropping
“Ughhh why” I said laughing and leaning my forehead on Matt’s forehead as I laughed
“I guess we’ll continue this later” he said letting out a sigh
“I guess so my love” I said slipping off of him to put my bra and shirt back on
Later that night his brothers left again, and we sure did take care of business. The save a horse ride, a cowboy had nothing on me. Matt was spent by the time we were done.
I loved cowboy Matt….
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I felt ehh about it, but also wasn’t too sure what to write for this😭😭. Love yall tho 🤭🖤🖤
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Reader is male & his hair is described to be long enough to reach his nape (will be explained why in the Drabble). I just made up kingdom names. Part One, Part Two TW: Blood, Gore, Death
You were standing in the middle of a battlefield, your horse most likely one of the horses that were running away from all of you. You were swinging your sword, wielding it with skill that took years of war to perfect.
Enemies and your own soldiers were falling down all around you, but you focused on the enemy king. The king of Loria, a stocky fellow who thought it was a good idea to try and invade your kingdom, Eridies. You've long forgotten his name, but it didn't matter.
All that mattered was that you were not going to die today. Your kingdom wasn't going to fall into his greedy, blood-soaked hands.
You sliced through the enemy soldiers who stood in between you and your foe, blood splashing on your armored uniform and your face but you pushed past all of that. Rage filled your veins as you made your way through, drawing closer and closer to the enemy king with each step you took.
"King {Name}, I'm surprised you graced us with your presence," the king sneered at you. He was slicing through your own soldiers to get to you. "I thought the reigning royals of Eridies didn't step onto a battlefield ever since your great-great-grandmother. Are you cocky enough to die by my hand?"
You didn't deign him a response, merely snarling like an enraged wolf. You lunged forward, swinging your sword. Unfortunately for you, he parried your blow and swung his own sword to quickly try and overwhelm you.
It was working, your heels trying to dig into the blood-soaked dirt as you got pushed back with each blow you parried. You kept trying to land a hit, your teeth gritted.
The king managed to unarm you of your sword, your eyes watching as it flew out of your hands and drop so far away to the side that you couldn't reach it. Knowing that you didn't have time to dive for it, the king grinned wickedly beneath his helmet as he raised his sword, aiming for your head.
"My king."
Your eyes shot open, shaking you awake from your nightmare as you sat up. One of your hands reached up to feel the hair that was growing to your nape, your hair being able to be long again since the war was over and long hair was a symbol of peace in your culture.
The war was over, you had killed the king of Loria. The war was over, you had killed the king of Loria.
Taking a deep breath to calm your racing heart, you turned your head slightly to look at the man who had woken you up. Your most trusted knight in your personal guard, one who had been with you for years.
A man most people knew as Ghost, though you knew his true name: Simon.
He wasn't wearing his signature white skull mask, only his black balaclava. He didn't even have his armor on, probably because he had been dismissed by you for the day, which meant one of the knights on the night shift had woken him up to attend to you.
"Ghost," you murmured, using his nickname since you didn't know if the knights outside were listening or not. "Why are you awake?"
Ghost, who was hovering nearby, kneeled down at your bedside. "One of the knights guarding your bedchambers woke me up, said you were whimpering. She figured that you'd appreciate it if I woke you up."
Well, that was embarrassing.
Not that you were woken up by Ghost, but rather that a knight of yours heard you whimpering in your sleep. You were a king, you didn't have the luxury of appearing weak to your subjects.
Though you suppose, being vulnerable among Ghost as your only audience was okay. He was loyal, though you never knew if it was to you or the throne, but he had seen you be vulnerable before and hadn't decided to stage a coup. So you figured you could trust him.
You ran a hand down your face as you sighed. "Had a nightmare," you said softly. "About the last battle of the war."
"You're alive, my king," Ghost replied, his gloved hand hovering in the air like he was contemplating giving you physical comfort. His hand fell to his side shortly after. "You killed King Tresniar of Loria. You won the war."
Ah, so that was what the king's name was. You probably should've remembered it, considering you're the reason Loria was in power vacuum. Perhaps you should've conquered the kingdom fully and merged it with yours.
"You're right, my dear knight." You sighed again, laying back down and getting comfortable beneath your blankets. "I should go back to sleep, both of us should."
Ghost nodded, standing up. But he didn't leave, he walked over to the wall and stood there, facing your bed. "I will stay for a while, my king. To make sure your dreams don't turn into nightmares. Sleep well, I will protect you. I swear upon it."
Hearing your most trusted knight swear to protect you made you relax, your eyes closing.
Ghost stared at your sleeping face, resolving himself to stay by your side for at least an hour before he retreated to his own bedchambers. His brown eyes softened at the sight of your chest rising and falling, a sign that you were peacefully at sleep.
Most of the other knights thought he was loyal only to the throne. The throne meant nothing to him, only that you were sat upon it. And he desperately tried to tell himself it was simply because you were a good king.
He couldn't fall in love with you, he couldn't. But he was, even if he didn't admit it.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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Acrophobia: Tsu'tey
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 900
Request: What about something with Tsu’tey with dream!walker reader who is afraid of heights  but he doesn’t know because everytime they’ve gone flying with him on his Ikran, they don’t show it? 
acrophobia: mental health condition in which the individual experiences an intense fear of heights
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You were one of Tsu'tey's top students despite being a dream walker, every task you were presented with you excelled until now. Today you guys were heading up to the Hallelujah Mountains to do some Ikran training and that fucking terrified you to think of how high you were gonna be up without any support other than to fall to your death.
"Hey, you okay?" Jake asked noticing your spaced-out look and how you kept holding on to the side of the mountain as you two walked.
"Yeah....fine." You said giving him a weak smile even though you were freaking out badly inside.
You guys approached the end of the cliff and you looked up and the vines and rocks you would have to climb to get to the first part of the mountains and instantly began shaking. You watched as Tsu'tey began leading everyone up the vines while you stood there frozen in fear at the mere thought of evening conquering this.
"Y/n you coming?" Jake called out catching Tsu'tey's attention who was already at the top of the mountain.
He looked down and saw you run back down the mountain making him concerned as he told his next in charge to take over for him while he went to check on you. He made his way back down the way they came and ran the way he saw you take off. He found you standing somewhat in the forest breathing very heavily as your eyes darted all around you.
"Hey, hey look at me." He said placing a hand on your shoulder and using the other to turn your face towards him.
"You need to relax. Follow my breathing." He said as you slowly began to mimic his breathing which helped calm you down.
"What happened my flower? You've been excited about Ikran training for weeks now." He asked concerned.
"I...um...I'm afraid of heights like that." You said pointing towards the mountains making Tsu'tey frown and a little confused.
"You are? But you can climb most of the trees and vines just fine and you've been on my Ikran before." He said.
"Because I know if I fall at least the forest is there to break my fall, or like I know you are there with me and wouldn't let anything to me." You said making him smile at the thought that you felt safe with him.
"But there, there's nothing or no one to catch me. I'm sorry this is so embarrassing." You said running a hand through your hair.
"Easy easy my flower. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We can try this another way on a different day for now let's get you back to camp so you can get some rest." He said squeezing your hands before placing a kiss on them.
You nodded your head at his words as he called for his dire horse, he helped you up and you guys rode back to camp. During the ride, he noticed that you had relaxed a lot with it and that brought a warm feeling to his chest. Ever since your arrival, he had been cautious of you but he also found himself falling for you and had been fighting to confess those feelings to you so he had been showing him subtle ways to show you that he felt the same way.
"Hey is she okay?" Jake asked him.
"She is. Is that a normal sky people thing to be afraid of heights?" He asked Jake.
"Yeah, it is. It's very common where we are from. If you try again to tame Ikran with her, keep her from looking down and focused on your or something." Jake said as Tsu'tey thanked him.
A few days later, he took you flying on his Ikran around the Hallejuah Mountains feeling you squeeze him a little tighter any time he took a turn a little too close. He arrived at the spot where the Ikrans were and he hopped off before helping you off making sure to keep your eyes away from looking down.
"Okay yawne, remember what I told you?" He asked you.
"Yes tie the rope around its mouth and climb onto it quickly and make the bond." You said making him smile at how well you remembered.
You slowly started walking over to where the Ikrans were trying to keep your focus on them and not the fall below you. You took a minute to calm your heart down when you felt a hand on your shoulder followed by his voice.
"You are safe yawne, im right here ready to you catch if anything happens." He said squeezing your hand and making you smile.
One by one the ikrans started to fly off, but this really pretty blue and pink one hissed at you as you approached it and circled around it as you looped the rope around its mouth which upset it. You quickly climbed on it, trying to hold on to the rope while you grabbed your braid, but your irkan was so restless which resulted in you guys sliding towards the cliff.
"Make the bond quickly, yawne!" Tsu'tey said as he watched prepared to run to his Ikran.
"I'm trying!" You said frustrated as you both fell off the cliff making Tsu'tey panic.
Tsu'tey ran and climbed on his Ikran getting ready to go find you and hopefully prevent your fall when he saw your Ikran fly by his mountain with you on it.
"Tsu, I did it!" You said smiling at him as he smiled at you.
"I'm so proud of you! Would you like to go on a fly with me?" He asked as you nodded your head.
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Hello! Could you do a merlin x reader to the prompt accidentally referencing them as "my". Maybe Merlin accidentally references the reader as his s/o when speaking to arthur or smthg and arthur gets all oooo and starts questioning merlin only for the reader to come into the room and Arthur just starts teasing them and it all ends in merlin confessing his feelings? Thank you!!!
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<< Part 2 | Part 3 (not posted yet) >>
• A/N:
It's actually the first time I write for the show! i'm happy there's still people who loves it! Please keep sending me requests for any characters of the show (bonus points if it's Mordred! i freaking loooove him!)
I kept the idea of Merlin refering to reader as 'my' but changed the plot because i couldn't find how to write it... i really hope you don't mind...
AND I AM SOOOO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE! And i also apologise to the other people who sent me requests! i have a major writing block at the moment, and i didn't want to write something that would be bad... y'all trust me with your ideas, i only want to give you guys the best <3
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With the tourney coming up, Camelot was bustling; servants were running back and forth, preparing rooms for the lords and ladies that would come. And Arthur didn't spare Merlin, who already had tones of chores to do... And more chores meant he wouldn't be spending time with you any time soon...
It wasn't really a secret that the young man had a crush on you; though he thought he was hiding it good enough, pretty much everyone saw it. Yes, even Arthur; he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to tease Merlin about it.
And it's the day of the tourney that said opportunity came.
The day was just as chaotic as you would expect it to be. Servants and squires running around the grounds of the castle to get what their lords want; Horses were being tended to; Ladies could be seen occasionaly, looking for the knight they wished to give their favors to... And Arthur was being Arthur. He made Merlin run to his room to get him something that he forgot (of course he said that it was Merlin who forgot it).
Merlin was running in one of the corridors, dodging other servants and guards, apologising when he knocked into someone. But in his hurry, he spotted you carrying a basket of what looked like bed sheets. Merlin had not seen you in maybe 2 or 3 days. He was running so fast that when he saw you and tried to stop to talk to you, he tripped over his own feet, and fell face first on the hard ground, and what he was carrying ended up flying at the end of the corridor.
People around didn't stop to help him; some looked at him laying on the ground but kept walking. Everyone except you. You ran up to him.
"Merlin? Merlin, are you okay?"
You put your hand on his shoulder lightly. He growned in pain, holding the side of his head.
"I think I'm okay, but I have hit my head pretty hard..."
He said. Merlin knew that he would be okay, he could use magic to heal himself.
"Are you sure? Maybe we should get Gaius to check if you are really okay..."
He knew he shouldn't smiled but seeing you so worried for him was making him flustered. He sat up slowly, his hand still holding the side of his head.
"No, no, really I'm good... I have to go back to Arthur's tent to help him finish getting ready for the tourney. This dollophead can't do it alone."
He laughed. The last comment made you chuckle. It was impressive how Merlin could talk to the Prince and not get punished for it... You helped him stand up, making sure he could actually stand on his two feets.
"Alright Merlin, you go help him... but stop running please. You are going to really hurt yourself one day..."
He chuckled, and before he could really think, he kissed your forehead.
"Don't worry, my (Y/n), i wont!"
It took Merlin a second, seeing your red face, to realise what he had just done and said. Which resulted in him blushing just as much as you. He started stuttering, trying to apologise and his heart was racing. You found that endearing. You thought he was adorable.
Unbeknownst to both of you, Arthur, who was getting impatient seeing as Merlin had not come back, was standing at the end of the corridor, watching. Now, he had what he wanted to tease Merlin as much as much as possible...
"(Y/n) I- hum- I'm sorry I- I don't know why I did that-"
"Merlin, it's okay, no need to apologise..."
You said calmly. You just looked at eachother for a second before you both smiled. You were looking at the ground, with red cheeks, but Merlin couldn't look away from you, completely entranced by you. You cleared your throat before saying:
"I should go or I'm going to be yelled at.... And Arthur is going to be mad if you don't come back soon... But we could talk again, later..."
His heart was pounding so hard, he was sure you could hear it.
"Yes- Y-Yes, absolutely! Can't wait!"
He said breathlessly. You picked up your basket.
"Then , see you later."
You stood on your tip toes, and kissed his cheek. You gave him one last smile and left. Merlin stood there, smiling like a dork, watching you leave. When you turned a corner and disappeared from sight, a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. And when he turned, he saw Arthur smiling mischievously.
"I send you to my chambers to get something, and find you flirting with (Y/n)- Let me rephrase this. Flirting with your (Y/n)~"
Merlin became red from neck to the tip of his ears. It was really his luck... He wouldn't hear the end of it. Arthur added:
"I can't blame you, Merlin. They're very pretty... And it's about time you do something about that crush you have on them, because I was getting frustrated to see you all desesperate to get their attention..."
"Oh, you mean desesperate like you are when Guinevere is in your vicinity...?"
The words flew out of his mouth before he had time to stop them. Arthur looked at Merlin with raised eyebrows, as if saying 'oh, are we really doing that now...?'. Merlin started taking small steps backward, before breaking into a full sprint with Arthur chasing after him...
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rootsofdread · 1 year
I live for goofy moments with survivors mid serious matches tbh. Nuthin'better than throwing the game because some guy found a way to jump on the table!
Ace, Rebecca, Feng and Dwight with a usually ferocious killer, who's easily amused and/or distracted? They basically see red at all times, running and slashing and tearing everything apart.. untill people stop running away and start doing something unconventional for the place. They see a survivor behind the counter in the Dead Dawg Saloon? Yeah, no, it's not a hunt anymore, it's a bar night. Someone watches TV at Lery's memorial? That's their favourite thing to do now, too! And the carnival games.. Don't even get them started on carnival games. So it's mostly the matter of "who can entertain the said killer for the most time possible" instead of "who can outrun them" most times :)
🦞 uhavefuntoo
this was a fun one to write hehe!! fun fact i based the dwight one off of an experience i had in-game, i can't remember if i was playing dwight at the time but i had gone to pet maurice with two of my teammates and while we were petting him our killer, a nurse, came over and just watched us for a little bit, then left. IIRC, she massacred us, but it was funny X)
(i also tried to amuse a sadako in a similar way...i pretended to be watching one of her TVs, crouched in front of it, was pointing at it, and so she teleported through it, which got me to laugh. she also ended up killing me though lol)
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Dwight Fairfield: 
For the most part, Dwight is so afraid of you that anything funny or distracting he might do is completely by accident. For example, when he was trying to hide from you on the grounds of Father Campbell’s Chapel. He ducked down by Maurice’s favorite tent, hiding slightly behind the horse hoping you wouldn’t see him. He began gently petting Maurice to calm himself down, because he swore he could feel something looming over his shoulder. The feeling kept nagging at him as he pet the animal…until he decided he should turn around, and saw you staring at him. But there was something different about your demeanor — you seemed to have calmed down. He was still petrified, of course. Especially when you moved closer and crouched down beside him. He almost bolted away, but you started petting Maurice with him. Confusing as it was, he decided…whatever keeps you from killing him. Maurice seemed happy, too.
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Feng Min:
Feng has quite the penchant for messing with killers. Whether or not they ever enjoy it could be up for debate, but it doesn’t stop her from doing it, and she always has fun with you. Every time the two of you are running through the Dead Dawg Saloon, she’ll make some distance between you and her and dive behind the counter inside the saloon, and when you finally catch up to her, she pops up from behind it and announces she’s here to take your order. Seeing the immediate change in your demeanor amuses her to no end, when you suddenly stop and politely approach the counter. Typically, you two will end up playing barkeep for the rest of the match while Feng’s teammates finish generators and everything. Sometimes, other survivors will wander in and either be confused by the scene or decide to join in your games. Either way, Feng loves having fun with you like this.
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Ace Visconti:
Of course, Ace is no stranger to testing his luck, especially when it comes to killers. He was testing wacky ways to lose you or direct your attention to something else long before he knew how easy it really was to distract you. He didn’t truly discover this until one day, when running from you around the carnival grounds of Father Campbell’s, he decided to stop at one of the booths. It was a milk jug ring toss game, he figured if he landed a shot, maybe it’d amuse you enough to leave him alone for now. To his surprise, you actually stopped your bloodthirsty rampage to watch him play the game, and you even took a turn after he’d thrown a few. He soon realized, after a couple rounds, was actually having fun with you. A killer…! If he would’ve known this was going to work, he would’ve done it a long time ago.
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Rebecca Chambers:
Rebecca doesn’t tend to goof off during trials, not even with other survivors, especially not with a killer. Normally, she wouldn’t be particularly inclined to waste time either, but during a trial between the two of you inside Lery’s Memorial, as she was running from you she was quickly realizing she was running out of ways to keep you distracted. She noticed a television up the hallway, and as a last-ditch effort, sprinted towards it and called a time-out to watch TV together. She didn’t think it would work. But you actually stopped and lumbered towards the TV with your head cocked, and you stood next to her in front of the screen. She was still tense, but internally, she heaved a sigh of relief. Somehow, it had worked…she had gotten you to calm down and stop terrorizing everyone for a few minutes. In a way, it was nice, almost….
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