#frank gallaher
cuntry-r0ckst4r · 2 months
"But Daddy I Love Him!" ~ (lip gallagher x fem!reader's version)
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sum! "But Daddy I Love Him!" Taylor swift - The Tortured Poets department.
tw! FACEBOOK... toxic family, mention of having a baby, swearing ig (again its shameless)
uhm this is gonna suck! I have no clue what I'm doing! ok days later n the middle/ending is very sloppy i feel like. idk i kinda dont like it.
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"I forget how the west was won, I forget if this was ever fun, I just learned these people only raise you to cage you"
You and Lip were fighting again. You hadn't been getting along as much anymore, you were getting closer to your two year mark too.
No one in your family liked the Gallaghers to begin with, so you couldn't complain to your family (siblings, cousins, whoever). The one who disapproved of your relationship the most though? Your father. Your father hated the relationship you had with Lip. He thought he was going to use you for money, your body, etc. He just knew Gallaghers were usually up to something, so he didn't approve of this relationship as soon as you told him.
Except with how much you and Lip were arguing now, it's hard to remember all the fun you would have. It's like a distant memory that you forget was a dream or not.
"Sarah's and Hannah's in their sunday best, Clutching their pearls, Sighing 'What a mess', I just learned these people try and save you ... cause they hate you"
Your family wasn't just rude to him, you as well. It was a bunch of rich snobs, and if something hadn't gone their way then get rid of it.
They hated you for even being in the vicinity of someone 'lesser' than them. Because god forbid you bring normal people into the wretched family of yours. Your cousins and extended family were known to gossip about others in the family, and right now you were the hot topic.
"too high a horse, for a simple girl to rise above it, they slammed the door on my whole world, the one thing I wanted"
It was an accident. Sort of. With how complicated you and Lip were right now you had changed your relationship status to "it's complicated". Not thinking about how public your page is to your very judgemental family. Lip did the same so he wasn't necessarily mad. All of your cousins, aunts, etc. were messaging you asking what happened, trying to get as much information as they could. It was all fine until your dad texted you.
"Come home."
Oh god. You could feel your stomach doing flips inside of you. You knew what he was going to say. 'You need to break up with this boy if it's to the point you're both telling the entire world how complicated your relationship is right now'. You went over there with the full intent to defend yourself and your boyfriend.
"Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned, Screaming 'But Daddy I Love Him!' I'm having his baby. No, I'm Not, but you should see your faces"
You got to your parents house and your dad started saying the exact things you thought he would.
"If you're sharing your relationship vis-à-vis the internet than I do not think this relationship should go on." Your dad kept repeating this in different wordings time and time again.
"Dad, me and Lip are just arguing like normal couples do. All you do is talk about how I should break up with him and that he is horrible for me." You snap at him, finally.
You continue your rant, "It isn't up to you to decide for me whether my boyfriend is good for me or not. I'm an adult and I can figure my love life out for myself. He has done nothing but be kind to all of you and get on your good side, but all of you are too snobby to understand that!"
You have to take a break to breath.
"I'm having his child. Not now... but eventually." As you said this they're faces were all filled with shock. Some of them had concern written all over there face.
"I'm telling him to floor it through the fences. No, I'm not coming to my senses, I know he's crazy but he's the one I want"
"I know none of you like him, but I see a future with him. But if you never learn to accept none of you will be apart of this future." God, it felt good finally standing up for yourself in front of your family.
Instead of waiting for them you got up and left. Not wanting to here what kind of excuse he's going to make for himself.
"Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid, tendrils tucked into a woven braid, growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all."
Your way back home had you thinking about your childhood and how you grew up. If there so against difference, and all of your other family is, why were you taught different?
It can't be because of school because you went to school with some family that acts the same as them.
Maybe because you had friends that were in south side? They were friends with the private school's principal and they were able to get in free of cost. You would go over to their house sometimes and it wasn't a huge clean house in a nice pretty neighborhood. Maybe that's why you weren't born to be a horrible person and you actually got to learn about people who weren't as lucky as you.
Which also means from a young age you were already more mature than your entire family.
"He was chaos, he was revelry, Bedroom eyes like a remedy."
You got back to the house and saw Lip on the couch. You went inside and sat next to him. At first he didn't say anything to you. Until he couldn't just not speak.
"Where'd you go?" He mutters, not looking at you still.
"Parents." You answer him almost instantly, looking at him.
He nods, knowing what this is about.
"So, they knock some sense in ya? You dumping me?" He rubs his face and the looks at you.
You snicker, "You must know absolutely nothing about me if you think I'm listening to my parents?"
He smiles and chuckled (i'm thinking of the lil breath through the nose laugh that no one knows what to call...) he knew how stubborn you were when it came to your parents.
"Soon enough the elders had convened, down at the city hall, 'stay away from her', the saboteurs protested too much"
Your family had been trying to text you. Some to apologize, some to try to talk out out of being mad, some to get gossip, the others still trying to get you to break up with him.
Your father had compared you to a '"rebelling teenager" because of how you're acting? You and Lip had stopped arguing for now.
Every time they reached out to him to talk to you through him, he would tell them to stop, "leave her alone", or block them. He was sick of how they treated you and him too.
Almost all of your family was blocked now, because they all decided to text you. The only people you couldn't bring yourself to block were your parents. Even though they were the ones laying it on the strongest. Your mom kept apologising but your dad was saying the same things as before.
"Lord knows the words we never heard, Just screeching tires and true love"
God this whole situation felt like a movie or a taylor swift song. It was ridiculous. Everyone's actions were childish and obnoxious.
You and Lip haven't been arguing in a while, because your attention was on other things at the moment. You two had actually been more romantic. You both have put your status back to normal. Yet, nothing in your life was back to normal.
"I'll tell you something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning"
This had been going on for over a month now. It was just annoying and obnoxious now. Lip knew you defended him and this is why this is still going on. No doubt about this. Except now he was having to deal with you being: bitchy, exhausted, or just annoyed.
It was affecting him now, and he was starting to get pissed.
"I'll tell you something about my good name, it's mine alone to disgrace, I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empaths clothing"
"Your parents have been talking to Frank about us. Frank was asking me about you." Lip said through gritted teeth and a scowl, he had been walking inside while I said that.
You roll your eyes and respond in an almost whiny voice, "Please tell me your joking. They have gone way too far with this. First they tell my entire family and now they start on yours?"
"God save the judgemental creeps, Who say they want what's best for me, Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see"
The texts were all the same from your mom and dad.
"We just want what's best for you, and he isn't it!" They would say. Over. And over.
It was so repetitive, you had to block them. Not everywhere just where they would text you the most.
"Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me, And counteract chemistry, And undo the destiny"
I swear if you never had met him, which your not upset about meeting him, your parents wouldn't complain to you all the time. But oh well. There's a very real possibility they would have done this with anyone who you ended up with, seeing as how everyone they would try and set you up with was not your type.
Since this has been happening, your family would always have witty remarks like: "I'll keep you in my prayers" or "I'm thinking of you"
"You ain't gotta pray for me, Me and my wild boy, and all this wild joy."
When were they going to realize that he made you happy. You liked loved being with him. He was your wild boy. Yours. For no one to take.
"If all you want is gray for me, Then it's just white noise, And it's my choice"
Being with him wasn't there choice to make, it was yours. You just had to blur out all the background noise that meant nothing to you.
"There's a lot of people in town that I, Bestow upon my fakest smiles, Scandal does funny things to pride, But brings lovers closer"
Instead of biting back, you played nice. They would would say something rude and you would respond with a smile. All of the fighting only made you and Lip begin to grow closer to each other.
Their bickering with you about him, was backfiring. Big time.
Your parents saw this. They then saw how you looked at eachother. Realised you went to war for each other. Defending each other to your parents. It made them think a little longer.
"We came back when the heat died down, Went to my parents and they came around, All the wine moms are still holding out, But Fuck 'em, it's over"
Your parents had asked you over again. There wasn't anymore fighting online for a couple of weeks now, but you still went over there with the full intent of defending yourselves.
When they started apologising though you were skeptical at first until you saw the genuine look. They meant the apology. They didn't just apologise for what they said, but the actions they had on social media, how they brought the family into it.
"I was being a hypocrite," Your father had explained, "You were talking about your issues on the internet and then I went and did the same things to the both of you, as well as involving other people when it was unnecessary. I sincerely apologise."
Lip had a subtle smirk on his face, only you and his family could recognise.
You both had thanked him for apologizing, none of your other family had apologized though.
"Now I'm dancing in my dress in the sun and, Even my daddy just loves him, I'm his lady, and oh my God, You should see your faces"
Your parents were now very fond of Lip, praising him consistently. Your mother called him handsome. Your father realised how bright he was. Most of all they realised how good the two of you were for each other and how much he loves you.
"No you can't come to the wedding, I know he's crazy but he's the one I want"
You were at your family's annual gathering when one of your cousins came over to the two of you, "So when's your wedding?"
You laughed, "If and when it happens it will solely be immediate family and some friends that will be invited. The ones who actually care about us, ya know?"
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Tim Heidecker & the Very Good Band at Kemba Live!, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 14, 2023
Comedian Tim Heidecker is a serious musician.
He made the point emphatically Aug. 14 when the Two Tims tour rolled into Columbus, Ohio’s, Kemba Live! and Heidecker the comic opened for Heidecker & the Very Good Band.
The VGB is Josh Adams (drums), Eliana Athayde (bass), Connor “Catfish” Gallaher (electric and pedal steel guitars) and Vic Berger (keys, acoustic guitar and harmonica). They provided very good backing as Heidecker alternated between acoustic and electric guitar and keys. And while comedy occasionally seeped into the music - as in a jokey snippet of Joe Walsh’s “Life’s Been Good” and the blue (and yellow) “Hot Piss” - the headline set was not simply a funnyman moonlighting as music maker.
Looking like a Rick Nielsen disciple in blue jeans, red shirt and ball cap, Heidecker drew from heavily 2020’s Fear of Death and 2022’s High School to craft a set of rock ‘n’ roll flecked with country amid songs about redeveloping cemeteries (“Property”), loving music (“Stupid Kid”), the verdant countryside (“Come Away with Me”) wasted teenagers years (“What Did We do with Our Time)” and environmental and democratic catastrophe on “Backwards.”
O, Canada/our bald eagles are moving up there for good/O, Canada/the rest of us suckers would be moving up there if we could, he sang as invited fans did the do-si-do on stage.
The Two Tims collided when Heidecker gave his band a break, moved to the piano and played a measure of John Lennon - “can you imagine if I played all of ‘Imagine?’,” he cracked - before an homage to “my musical hero,” Bob Dylan, and Shot of Love’s “Lenny Bruce.”
Urging the audience to explore lesser-heard corners of Dylan’s songbook and acknowledging they might think he was spoofing the song - it’s that ridiculous - Heidecker offered an annotated rendition, trying to explain the Bard’s puzzling lyrics, and delivering them in Dylan’s voice.
Heidecker, in leather jacket with slicked-back hair, was an entirely different person during his 35-minute comedy routine, a bit that found him asking for some Eric Clapton to amp up the crowd and getting “Tears in Heaven” instead; riffing on Frank Sinatra - whom Heidecker said had played Kemba (opened in 2002) 250,000 times - and employing a running gag where he was unable to gather his thoughts, pronounce the word Columbus, drink water without choking, swallow Tic Tac mints without choking, etc. Best line: wondering whether President Biden, father of Hunter, also has a son named Gatherer.
Grade card: Tim Heidecker & the Very Good Band - 8/14/23 - B (music) / C- (comedy)
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Frank Haines House (Sara Rose Museum)
149 W. Elm St.
Sabina, OH
The Frank Haines House, also known as the Sara Rose Museum, in Sabina, OH, was built for farmer and leading citizen Frank M. Haines (1850-1913), and later owned by his daughter Martha and granddaughter Sara Rose until 2000. This outstanding Queen Anne mansion was built in 1896 and remained in the Frank Haines family for more than 100 years. The home was added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 1, 1982. The granddaughter of the original owners, Sara Rosena Gallaher Kittle, bequeathed the house and contents to the Clinton County Historical Society in Wilmington in 2000.
The Society sold the house in a public auction. Today another Sabina family calls this home. This elegant Victorian mansion is an excellent example of lavish, ornamental Queen Anne architecture. Furnishings range from the formality of the late 19th century to the comfort and casualness of the 1940s and 1950s. It is a 2.5 story, 7 bedroom home with 5 fireplaces, cherry, oak, sycamore, chestnut, and redwood woodwork throughout the home, elevator and dumbwaiter correct to the period construction of the home, all sitting on 2.62 acres in Sabina. The home is significant for its architecture and for its historical association with the Haines family, a prominent family in Clinton County.
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fred-weasleys · 4 years
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imdb top 10 rated episodes — shameless 
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dextermorganswife · 6 years
gallavich is the best enemies to lovers story don’t even TRY to change my mind
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danieljradcliffe · 7 years
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TV Meme  » [2/10] Shows
The first rule you learn in this house: you hide the goddamn money!
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ao3feed-gallavich · 3 years
The red means I love you
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VXjlmUn
by Patrichie_2017
The Gallaghers and the Milkovich's have never really gotten along. Frank and Terry grew up together and opposed each other on quite a lot of their views. But somehow, Mandy and Ian ended up being best friends. And one day at the Alibi Room, Vee mentions how she thinks Ian always seems the most comfortable around Mandy when the two of them walk in and Mandy asks if Ian can stay over while they have the week off from school. However, what none of them realise, is that Mickey and Ian have been hooking up in secret for about six months. AKA, The one where Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich have to pretend to not know each other so that they don't get found out
Words: 1260, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Shameless (US)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Ian Gallagher, Mandy Milkovich, Mickey Milkovich, Terry Milkovich, Frank Gallagher, Lip Gallagher
Relationships: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich, Lip Gallagher/Mandy Milkovich, Ian Gallagher & Mandy Milkovich
Additional Tags: Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Best Friends, Period-Typical Homophobia, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Ian Gallaher is bad at feelings, Mickey Milkovich is worse, Mandy Milkovich is basically cupid, Mikey is oblivious, Ian falls first but Mickey falls harder, Domestic Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich, Ian Gallagher Loves Mickey Milkovich, Mickey Milkovich Loves Ian Gallagher, Protective Mickey Milkovich, Top Ian Gallagher/Bottom Mickey Milkovich, canon typical sex scenes, Mickey Milkovich is one kinky motherfucker, Ian Gallagher loves it, Many milkovich and Lip Gallagher are just along for the ride, Not Beta Read, we die like Frank and Monica
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VXjlmUn
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shutupvestler · 4 years
Eren, speaking to Jean: Isn`t your favorite show is BoJack Horseman?
Jean: Why you think so?
Eren: Well, you have so many commons with the main character. For example, you are both horses..
Jean: Oh, really? That I think you should relate yourself with Frank Gallaher because you are both look and smell like you took a shower for the last time at 1993
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histoireettralala · 4 years
Davout and Poniatowski
During the first year of his residence in Poland, Davout neither understood nor trusted Poniatowski. The Prince, he warned Napoleon (October 1807), was a questionable man of dubious character, who was guided by a woman who disliked France. With reference to Poniatowski’s position as minister of war, Davout wrote: “He will profit from his influence to place his supporters in all of the important posts. The government will no longer form a national force, but rather that of a single party, and I repeat, this party is not the pro-French party.” Throughout the winter of 1807-1808, Davout continually complained to the Emperor of the lack of cooperation on the part of Poniatowski. On November 14, he wrote that the minister of war’s house was a center of intrigue, that the known émigrée and conspiratress Madame de Vauban frequented his home, and that the Prince was neither a friend of France nor of the Emperor.
In March of 1808, Davout was still finding fault with the Polish prince, but his tone was changing as the two men worked out some of their differences and gained a better understanding of each other. By midsummer the two former antagonists had acquired a certain degree of mutual respect. “ I have continually studied Prince Poniatowski,” Davout wrote to the Emperor on June 22. “It is possible that a cannon shot would change him; up until now his conduct has been that of a man lacking sincerity... It would seem to me that in the event of a war with Austria he would not inspire in me distrust.” During the remaining weeks of the summer this lack of distrust was gradually replaced by confidence. When the Marshal received orders to move his headquarters from Warsaw to Breslau (August 25, 1808), he appointed Poniatowski commander of the troops in the Polish capital. “I have studied him for quite some time now and perhaprs because of my own suspicious nature I continued to suspect him; but since affairs appear to be getting serious, his conduct has taken on a frankness which inspires in me much confidence and persuades me that he will serve Your Majesty with fidelity... He is both honest and honorable. I have given him command of the troops which remain in the vicinity of Warsaw, that is to say of 12 to 15 000 men.” Then, as he was leaving Warsaw in September, the Marshal reassured the Emperor of the wisdom of his choice: “Everything makes me believe that he will justify the confidence which I have placed in him.”
The pendulum wich swung from animosity to trust continued in the same direction during the years which followed. Poniatowski came to consider himself a disciple of Davout’s, and the Marshal respected the administrative and military abilities of the Polish prince.
John G. Gallaher - The Iron Marshal, a Biography of Louis Nicolas Davout
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A collection of books, movies, etc. featuring everyone’s favorite, shape-shifting monsters. I’ve tried to leave out things that focus on other supernatural creatures with only the occasional mention of werewolves (The Originals, Twilight, True Blood, etc.). There’s also now a Witches post. 
“The Company of Wolves” - Angela Carter (1979)
Sharp Teeth - Toby Barlow (2007)
The Werewolf of Paris - Guy Endore (1933)
Blood and Chocolate - Annette Curtis Klause (1997)
Cycle of the Werewolf - Stephen King (1983)
The Wolfen - Whitley Strieber (1978)
The Wolf’s Hour - Robert R. McCammon (1989)
The Wereling Trilogy - Stephen Cole (2005)
The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series - Maggie Stiefvater (2009)
High Moon - David Gallaher
Jughead: The Hunger - Frank Tieri
Anathema - Rachel Deering
She Wolf - Rich Tommaso
How to be a Werewolf - Shawn Lenore
Hellboy: Wolves of St. August - Mike Mignola
Werewolf by Night - Benjamin Earl
Black’s Myth - Eric Palicki
That Full Moon Feeling - Ashley Franklin
Fangs - Sarah Andersen
TV Shows/Episodes:
“Shape-Shifters” - Love, Death, & Robots (2019)
Teen Wolf
Hemlock Grove
Wolf Lake
Penny Dreadful
Being Human
She-Wolf of London
Ginger Snaps (2000)
The Company of Wolves (1984)
The Howling (1981)
The Wolfman (2010; 1941)
Red Riding Hood (2011)
American Werewolf in London (1981)
Teen Wolf (1985)
Bad Moon (1996)
Late Phases (2014)
Wolf (1994)
Wolfen (1981)
Wildling (2018) 
Red: Werewolf Hunter (2010)
Skinwalkers (2007)
Wer (2013)
I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957)
Cursed (2004)
Dog Soldiers (2002)
Silver Bullet (1985)
Blood and Chocolate (2007)
Moon of the Wolf (1972)
Werewolves Within (2021)
The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020)
Howl (2015)
Wolfwalkers (2020)
Bloodthirsty (2020)
The Curse of the Werewolf (1961)
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boardchairman-blog · 6 years
Oscar Predictions 2019
Best Picture
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Favourite
Green Book
If Beale Street Could Talk
A Star Is Born
Best Director
Bradley Cooper- A Star Is Born
Alfonso Cuarón- Roma
Yorgos Lanthimos- The Favourite
Spike Lee- BlacKkKlansman
Adam McKay- Vice
Best Actor
Christian Bale- Vice
Bradley Cooper- A Star Is Born
Ethan Hawke- First Reformed
Rami Malek- Bohemian Rhapsody
Viggo Mortensen- Green Book
Best Actress
Yalitza Aparicio- Roma
Glenn Close- The Wife
Olivia Colman- The Favourite
Lady Gaga- A Star Is Born
Melissa McCarthy- Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Best Supporting Actress
Amy Adams- Vice
Emily Blunt- A Quiet Place
Regina King- If Beale Street Could Talk
Emma Stone- The Favourite 
Rachel Weisz- The Favourite 
Best Supporting Actor
Mahershala Ali- Green Book
Adam Driver- BlacKkKlansman
Sam Elliot- A Star Is Born
Richard E. Grant- Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Michael B. Jordan- Black Panther
Best Original Screenplay
The Favourite- Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara
First Reformed- Paul Schrader
Green Book- Nick Vallelonga, Brian Hayes Currie and Peter Farrelly
Roma-  Alfonso Cuarón
Vice- Adam McKay
Best Adapted Screenplay
BlacKkKlansman- Charlie Wachtel & David Rabinowitz and Spike Lee & Kevin Willmott
Black Panther- Joe Robert Cole and Ryan Coogler
Can You Ever Forgive Me?-  Nicole Holofcener and Jeff Whitty
If Beale Street Could Talk- Barry Jenkins
A Star Is Born- Eric Roth and Bradley Cooper & Will Feters
Best Animated Feature
Incredibles 2
Isle of Dogs
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Best Documentary Feature
Free Solo
Minding the Gap
Three Identical Strangers
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Best Foreign Language Film
Burning (South Korea)
Capernaum (Lebanon)
Cold War (Poland)
Roma (Mexico)
Shoplifters (Japan)
Best Original Score
Terrence Blanchard- BlacKkKlansman
Nicholas Britell- If Beale Street Could Talk
Ludwig Göransson- Black Panther
Justin Hurwitz- First Man
Marc Shaiman- Mary Poppins Returns
Best Original Song
“All the Stars” from Black Panther- Music & Lyrics by Kendrick Lamar, Anthony Tiffith, Mark Spears, Solana Rowe and Al Shichburgh 
“Girl in the Movies” from Dumplin’- Music & Lyrics by Dolly Parton and Linda Perry 
“I’ll Fight” from RBG- Music & Lyrics by Dianne Warren
“The Place Where the Lost Things Go” from Mary Poppins Returns- Music by Marc Shaiman; Lyrics by Scott Wittman and Marc Shaiman 
“Shallow” from A Star Is Born- Music & Lyrics by Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando and Andrew Wyatt 
Best Cinematography 
Alfonso Cuarón- Roma 
Matthew Libatique- A Star Is Born
Robbie Ryan- The Favourite
Linus Sandgren- First Man 
Łukasz Żal- Cold War
Best Film Editing
BlacKkKlansman- Barry Alexander Brown
First Man- Tom Cross
Roma-  Alfonso Cuarón and Adam Gough
A Star Is Born- Jay Cassidy
Vice- Hank Corwin
Best Costume Design
Ruth E. Carter- Black Panther
Julian Day- Bohemian Rhapsody
Sandy Powell- The Favourite
Sandy Powell- Mary Poppins Returns
Mary E. Vogt- Crazy Rich Asians
Best Production Design
Black Panther- Hannah Beachler (PD); Jay Hart (SD)
The Favourite- Fiona Crombie (PD); Alice Felton (SD)
First Man- Nathan Crowley (PD); Kathy Lucas (SD)
Mary Poppins Returns- John Myhre (PD); Gordon Sim (SD)
Roma-  Eugenio Caballero (PD); Barbara Enriquez (SD)
Best Sound Editing
Black Panther- Benjamin A. Burtt and Steve Boeddeker
First Man-  Ai-Ling Lee and Mildred Iatrou Morgan
Mission: Impossible- Fallout- James H. Mather
A Quiet Place- Ethan Van Der Ryn and Erick Aadahl 
Roma- Sergio Díaz and Skip Lievsay
Best Sound Mixing
Black Panther- Steve Boeddeker, Brandon Proctor and Peter Devlin
Bohemian Rhapsody- John Casali, Paul Massey and Tim Cavagin
First Man- Mary H. Ellis, Jon Taylor, Frank A. Montaño and Ai-Ling Lee
A Quiet Place- Michael Barosky and Brandon Proctor 
A Star Is Born- Steve Morrow, Tom Ozanichdean, Dean Zupancic and Jason Ruder
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Mary Queen of Scots- Jenny Shircore 
Stan & Ollie- Mark Coulier and Jeremy Woodhead
Vice- Kate Biscoe, Patricia DeHaney, Greg Cannom and Chris Gallaher
Best Visual Effects
Avengers: Infinity War- Dan Deleeuw, Kelly Poty, Russell Earl and  Dan Sudick 
Black Panther- Geoffrey Baumann, Jesse James Chisholm, Craig Hammack and Dan Sudick
First Man- Paul Lambert, J.D. Schwalm, Ian Hunter and Tristan Myles
Ready Player One- Roger Guyett, Grady Coffer, Matthew E. Butley and David Shirk
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Overall Nominations
Black Panther- 10
A Star Is Born- 10
The Favourite- 9
Roma- 9
First Man- 7
Vice- 7
BlacKkKlansman- 6
Bohemian Rhapsody- 4
Green Book- 4
If Beale Street Could Talk- 4
Mary Poppins Returns- 4
Can You Ever Forgive Me?- 3
A Quiet Place- 3
Cold War- 2
First Reformed- 2
RBG- 2
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wazafam · 3 years
Showtime's Shameless is set to air its final episode, marking an end to the show's 11-season run. Through the years the Gallaghers, Balls, and Milkovichs have faced a lot of challenges and life-threatening situations, going through mental breakdowns, jail time, and the current pandemic together. These three families have merged into one scrappy group of survivors who can take on the world together.
RELATED: Shameless Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Win The Hunger Games
Each member of the group contributes something useful and even alone all of them should have no trouble holding their own if zombies invaded Earth and they found themselves in the Apocolypse. This band of misfits would use their strength, wit, and weapon skills to fend off and evade the hordes of undead. They have made it through their own version of hell a few times on the show, so these ten characters should see the zombie apocalypse as a walk in the park.
10 Liam Gallagher
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Liam has come a long way since basically being a prop in season one. And while being the smallest member of the group might make him an easy target, his size has its advantages and his smarts would allow him to find creative ways to stay alive.
He has shown he is good at convincing people to do what he wants and his keen observations and negotiation skills would allow him o find a good bodyguard and all the resources he needed, and since he's smaller he wouldn't need as many of them those resources to stay alive.
9 Sandy Milkovich
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The newest member of the crew proved early on she was valuable to have around. She knocked out annoying Julia in one of her first appearances and has continued to show off her Milkovich brawling style since her start on the show.
The name Milkovich alone means she's not one to mess with and she would certainly not be afraid of any zombies.
8 Veronica and Kevin Ball
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If the apocalypse went down, these two would surely be together as the true ride-or-die couple. They would make an unbeatable team with his brawn and her brain and refusal to take crap from anybody. She would make sure they didn't get taken advantage of by the ruthless gangs that would surely appear in a ravaged wasteland.
RELATED: Shameless: 5 Couples That Are Perfect Together (& 5 That Make No Sense)
Kevin has carried kegs and crosses, so there should be nothing he couldn't lift or move, making it a sure thing that they could secure shelter and that he would be able to easily defend them in a fight against unruly humans or zombies. As long as they don't separate, the two should have no trouble taking on the end of the world.
7 Ian Gallagher
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Ian has gone through some rough times on the show but it has made him a very strong and mature man because of it. All of the obstacles he's faced will greatly prepare him for taking on the undead and surviving the wasteland. He is also a trained EMT which could help him in case of injury.
His brief time in the military has taught him how to shoot and his time living on the street and in prison has made him very resilient. Of course, he will have to stock up on his medication or he might do something he regrets that could cost him.
6 Lip Gallagher
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Lip has been taking care of the family with Fiona most of his life and when she left he was the only responsible one. He has proven to be the most intelligent of the family, the only one to ever go to college, even if he messed that up big time. He might not be a sharpshooter like his brothers but he's quick on his feet and would find a creative way out of any situation he found himself in during the apocalypse.
His sharp mind would help him find resources and make traps, keeping him safe and fed. As long as he doesn't go back to his self-destructive behaviors, he should have no trouble pulling through.
5 Fiona Gallagher
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Since she was a young girl, Fiona has had to take care of her family by herself, thanks to her deadbeat parents. This has caused her to become pretty resourceful and scrappy, traits needed to survive the onslaught of zombies. She knows how to find resources when they are low and would make sure she didn't go without them since she has already shown the types of jobs she's willing to work and the schemes she's willing to pull to keep the family fed and housed.
And since zombies are basically walking corpses, and she has punched a corpse before as well as a few humans, any fight shouldn't be too difficult for her.
4 Mickey Milkovich
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Not only has Mickey been around the Gallaghers for a while, absorbing their greatness, but he also comes from his own tough-as-nails family who has trained him to take crap from nobody. Mickey is probably the least likely to flinch when it comes to killing and would probably really enjoy taking ut the zombies.
And when he runs out of ammo he's proven he could outrun them, since he's outrun the cops a few times on the show. He can sometimes be lazy and that might cause his supply to run low too often, but he's also shown he has no trouble being a bully and would just take what he needed from someone else in the wasteland.
3 Carl Gallagher
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Carl has been training for this practically his whole life. He has always had an unhealthy obsession with guns and other fatal weapons and probably has the best aim and accuracy of the group when it comes to shooting. His time in military training and the police has prepared him for the battlefield that would be created by a zombie in the apocalypse.
RELATED: Shameless: The Worst Thing Each Main Character Has Done
He would get great pleasure from eliminating all the zombies, probably finding a way to turn it into a game or competition to see who could take out the most enemies. He would also be able to keep himself fed by hunting animals, while his time as a cook would allow him to prepare it.
2 Debbie Gallagher
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Debbie would slay the wasteland. Her skills as a welder would come in handy as long as she manages to keep tabs on her tools. She can reinforce or break into any habitat she desired. Not only has she proven she can throw a punch even with a baby in her arms, but she has also shown to have pretty high endurance and can run for a long time and fast, as seen when she ran from the cops in season 10 after sleeping with a minor.
And since she's a Gallaher, she built up her endurance with all the running from the cops and the people she messed with. Outrunning zombies is a majority of what makes someone service the apocalypse.
1 Frank Gallagher
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Frank is like a cockroach, he can survive anything. He has somehow managed to survive his life so far and he did all that while barely being coherent most of the time. Due to his love of alcohol, he has passed out and woken up on the street or in a different county, but still managed to come out alive.
He has survived numerous falls, broken bones, a bad liver and who knows how many concussions. The man is like a horror movie villain and refuses to be taken out. Knowing Frank, he would find a way to profit off of the whole situation.
NEXT: Shameless: The D&D Moral Alignments Of The Main Characters
10 Shameless Characters Most Likely To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse from https://ift.tt/2OvHz9Q
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