#his videos are so chill and i love that u can hear his mouse clicking every time lol
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aliferous-ly · 10 months ago
A ghost haunted season 10. Certainly not a malicious one, if a bit mischievous - and one had to keep a careful eye out to catch him.
Jevin heard him first, deep underground. He was hunting iron, early in the season, and he was having the worst luck. He even looked up where iron should be, to make sure the updates hadn't changed anything! Alas, the iron evaded him. Jevin might have to resort to begging and then jump straight to a farm.
And he kept hearing these crackly, faint snickers. At first he thought he'd been on a voice channel accidentally, but, no, his comm wasn't connected. Then, just to make sure, he disconnected it entirely - but the laughter prevailed. Jevin chalked it up to too many sleepless nights, and went to find an overachieving hermit already building an iron farm.
Stress heard him next, but as someone who heard murmuring monsters on a good day, she didn't give it a second thought. Clear as day she heard an, "oh, bugger." She thought, you and me both, monster, before going along with her day.
Then it was Xisuma, though he didn't hear anyone, he saw. It was a mere glimmer out of the corner of his eye. White hair, stout, pickaxe slung lovingly over a shoulder. When he looked back there was nothing. He resolved to run diagnostics on his helmet, because something was clearly haywire.
And in Joel's defense, he was both exhausted and brand new to hermitcraft. It wasn't like people had nametags on, they were a group of friends! So when an old man grumbled by, lost as could be within the shopping district, Joel furrowed his brows but ultimately was too tired to ruminate. He overheard the man saying something about shroomlights and called out, "Tango has the permit, but he doesn't have a shop up yet!"
The man startled, muttered something about "permits?" before scuttling off like a spooked horse. Joel shrugged. It was called hermitcraft, after all. There had to be loads of people he hadn't met yet.
Small instances added up. Scar fell asleep making a tree, hidden amongst the branches, and was spooked awake by the sound of a player dying. But when he checked his comm, nothing showed up. A dream, he thought uneasily.
I just need sleep, Tango thought.
Wow, someone's wearing a sick costume, Skizz thought. Too bad I'm too busy to go chat right now!
Who's messing with my hourglass now? Doc thought. Only, there wasn't anyone else on the server at the time. Probably an armor stand prank.
It all came to head when Hypno stumbled across his fifth stripmine in one mining session. He rolled his eyes, because of course Wels had created tunnels beneath Hypno's place just to be a nuisance. Except when he pointed it out to Wels, who was on call with Hypno but was busy caving, Wels expressed confusion.
"I've only made one or two strip mines. And they're not near you," Wels said.
Hypno saw a wisp of white hair turning a corner. "Haha, very funny, Wels. Come on out."
"I'm not joking?" Wels said in confusion. In the same beat he got the achievement for sneaking successfully past a shrieker for the first time and Hypno was far too high up to be near an ancient city.
"Maybe it's someone else?" Hypno murmured, checking who was online. Grian and Joel, who were having their own shenanigans blowing up the comms (it involved TNT, so the blowing up was quite literal). Impulse had just left. Etho, who could be a contender if Hypno didn't know he'd fallen asleep at the post office three hours ago. Plus, what sort of prank would this be, from Etho?
He explored the endless strip mines and got so lost that he had to dig his way up. When he mentioned the strangeness to Keralis, the man lit up and exclaimed that he'd found the same thing, how weird was that, huh?
Hypno investigated. If there was a bug in the world he'd need to know.
"You know, it might not be a bug," Cleo said meaningfully. They fidgeted with a tear in their clothes.
"What else would it be?" Hypno asked, mystified.
"Maybe it's a player. You know. Someone we never removed from the whitelist."
Cleo raised an eyebrow. It wasn't in their nature to beat around the bush, but at the same time they didn't want to act crass. Not for this.
Tentative realization trickled through Hypno. He nodded and abruptly left, unsure how to feel.
The information spread slowly through the rest of the server. Joe took to leaving boxes of torches and iron pickaxes about, and every so often would have to refill them. He didn't ask, but everyone swore they hadn't been stealing. Who would need an iron pickaxe at this point, anyway?
One night, Cub let off a slew of fireworks that were spherical and solid green. He heard a faint chuckle on the breeze, and raised a drink in quiet salute.
So, yes. A ghost haunted season 10. But ghost haunting had such a negative connotation, didn't it? The hermits, if they spoke about him at all, much preferred to call him the True Hermit who never left.
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foryouthegays · 4 years ago
hey guys! my techno special interest is back in Not Letting Ris Sleep In Favor Of Two Year Old Technoblade Videos mode, so lets talk abt the things i find funny or things i like that techno does durin bedwars nd skywars
*calmly talking* [something bad happens] *ahHHH* [continues talking like nothing happened]
*only 9 final kills? bad*
gives advice to other teams while fighting them (*you see, to pvp, you have to left click your mouse when looking at your opponent* *next time try not falling off the map, maybe you could win then*)
judgin people based off of their usernames & the letters/numbers in them
*first try part two* or *that didnt happen* or *mooovin on*
how he can just calmly talk while bridgin and stuff 
how he randomly forgets words *they got a,,,,a pretty thick defense*
how quiet he gets when concentratin
how loud he gets when surprised 
the laugh he does when he kill steals
him having fun with fireballs is just,,,,,,so good i lvoe it
how he knows the timin for tnt and can use it to jump (and fireballs but that goes w the previous point)
[when killing several people] *halloooooo! :D*
how quickly he reads the name list (srsly watch his vids he opens it for like a second and knows whos left its lowkey impressive) 
how he actually takes off the g in ing words like ik it seems like an exaggeration when people type it but he literally does and im love he for it
 and even tho he does that he still speaks so clearly but randomly inserts meme-y words and its just complete whiplash
“the dream!! the dream is alive!!”
his voice when he smile,,,,he
how quickly he gets items nd stuff and the noise,,,,ding ding ding am love
ALSO how he just gets new texture packs each vid its so funny to me
u knwo when hes stressed and does the nonononononon but it sounds like nolononlonlnonlnonlo? love he
and that hhhmmmmmmmmmmm frustrated?
and his loud NOOOOOOOOOO when something goes wrong
how fast he can chnage his voice from sad or bored to :D or stressed its impressive
how he just randomly says rlly good lines in the middle of a match and then moves on like its nothing 
every one of his endscreen outros are amazing
i havent seen anyone talk abt how in one (1) video description he says (alliteration) after typin the sentence “appreciate amy's amazing avatar” and i love it bc i also say alliteration!!!! when i alliterate things unknowingly (the vid is “technoblade the responsible pet owner” btw :D)
his excited gasp
every other second he talks about knockback
“why is minecraft like this”
“free coins! :D!!”
“only death. subscribe to technoblade”
“no video games for you >:)”
“annnd he fell off the map”
the laugh three minutes into “technoblade the responsible pet owner”. thats it thats the line. i just love it so much
“watch this guy be the number 1 skywars player.....andddd he fell of the map/ never mind he cant aim”
“no these chests belong to me”
“i do not have pants. just another day on the technoblade channel!!”
“would you like to die? line up to die!!”
*casually has 8 kills and doesnt know how*
“give me all ur gear thank u v much :D”
“you dont have pants why are u rushing people???” [also doesnt have pants]
the voice he does when imitatin viewers like that high pitched scratchy voice ;alskdfj
 u know when his voice is kinda sick? like sir pls rest but also hghhgh good voice
p much every time he kills someone he says thank u. we stan a respectful and polite king
the fact that he gets to the topic like 5 mins into the vid like the soap vid he starts by talkin bout lasagna, then emails, and THEN is like oh yeah college is chill because i have a SOAP BOX and in the techno responsible pet owner vid he starts talkin bout pets 8 mins into the vid. EIGHT MINS its all clickbait but i do not care
him love floof am love
u know when he starts talkin bout things in his room and u can hear him go away from the mic to look around? ye ah
he talks so fast
the first time i watched his skywars/bedwars vids i thought he was doin a voiceover and when he responded to the in game stuff i was like uR DOING THIS L I VE??? ?  
guys i just love he so much
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Would u be willing to write about space kru and everyone else watching the video like the one Jordan original found about Josephine but in stead it being The video of Clarke’s finally moments with her calling out for her family, not wanting to die alone?
Hi love! I was turning off these prompts, but this one is just so deliciously angsty, I couldn’t resist! I hope you guys are ready for one last ‘I wish you would write a fic where…’ prompt!
It’s strange how a single word could paralyze him.
He stands in front of the computer, everyone huddled around him.Murphy, Raven, Jordan to his left, Miller, Echo, and Emori to his right. He’ssitting in the chair where Jordan once sat, scrolling through the files untilhe sees a single word. A word that makes him stop. A word that he wonders whatwould’ve happened if they had searched just a little bit further.
Bellamy can hear someone gasp, maybe it’s him, but he isn’t sure atthis point, as everyone stares at the screen. “No,” Raven says, putting herhand up to cover her mouth. “I-It can’t be. They’re trying to trick us—”
“Just like they had Clarke ‘trick’ Bellamy and paralyze him?” Murphydrawls behind him, but even his words lack their usual heat. “Seems to be a prettyintense trick for Clarke to pull.”
“Shut up, Murphy,” Jordan snaps next to him. The man had grown colderand colder as the true nature of Sanctum became revealed, his once cheerfuldemeanor slowly cracked. Became something else, a little more twisted and dark.
Bellamy’s hand rests on the mouse, but he can’t bring himself to do it.He can’t click on the file. As if reading his mind, Echo places her hand gentlyon his and moves the mouse until it hovers over the file. She clicks, a video poppingup on the screen.
The bed is empty.
Bellamy almost lets out a breath of relief when he sees the bed clearof Clarke. The logical part of his brain knows it’s too much to ask to thinkthat this isn’t what he thinks it is. There’s too much evidence. Clarke’s oddbehavior, the previous tapes, and god, Josephine herself. But he isn’t sure if he’scapable of watching this.
A figure enters, carrying someone in their arms. The girl is wearing asilky blue dress, her limbs still and head cocked in a manner that doesn’t lookcomfortable. “Oh my god,” Raven breathes behind him, her words cracking. “Isthat—”
“Clarke.” Bellamy finishes, his eyes already wet with tears.
He moves her arms from across her lap so it falls to her side. Shedoesn’t moves or fight back. Instead she lies still as he straps her in thetable, reaching out and untangling her legs. There’s something that lightsinside Bellamy’s chest – an anger he hasn’t felt in a very long time. As Russelladjusts Clarke’s limbs, he wants to reach inside the video and rip the man topieces. Red taints his vision as he watches him situate her so she lies flat onher back.
“Why isn’t she fighting?” Miller asks, his voice huskier than Bellamyremembers. “Why is she just letting them do that?”
“The paralytic agent,” Bellamy responds, shutting his eyes. “It’s whatthey did to Madi, Gaia, and Diyoza. You can’t move at all.”
Russell moves her dress so it’s untangled from her legs and runs hishands down it so it smooths out. “I’m sosorry, Clarke.” The man says, his voice more regretful than Bellamyexpects. “I know you wanted nothing morethan to find peace, and I do not relish taking this from you. But you have tounderstand, I miss my daughter. You told me at dinner that you would notapologize for doing what you had to do to save your people. I will admit, Iadmired your conviction. You honestly to which you wish your people to be safe.”
Russell hesitates, running his hand down her head. Bellamy’s handssqueeze into fists. He thinks absently that it would hurt if he could feelanything.
“Oh no, Clarke. Please don’t cry.Please don’t—” Russel reaches out to her cheek, his thumb brushing away atear.
“Don’t you touch her,” Bellamy says dangerously under his breath,knowing full well there was nothing he could do. “Don’t you—”
“You’ll be okay, Clarke.”Russell says gently. “You desperatelywanted peace. And I am going to give it to you. That’s what you wanted morethan anything, right? Peace from your previous actions. I can give that to you.”
“Fucker,” Murphy breathes under his breath. “I’ll kill him.”
Bellamy doesn’t argue, like he usually would.
Only if he doesn’t kill him first.
“It’ll be quick, I promise.”Russell states, still brushing her cheek. “You’llget what you wanted, and I’ll have my daughter back.”
There’s a small noise. A sob. It’s soft, but it’s there. “Please,” Clarke’s small voice echoes inthe room. It’s as if she’d shouted. Bellamy holds his breath, stunned at thenoise. “Please don’t.”
Russell looks up from where he is. “Simone,please. The paralytic agent is wearing off. We need to do this quick if it’sgoing to be painless.”
Bellamy is going to be sick. He doesn’t know why they decided to researchhere. He vaguely hears their conversation about ‘information’ and ‘research,’but he can’t even wrap his mind around it now. Something like bile rises in histhroat as Russell busies himself in the room, grabbing the straps on the sideof the medical bed, tightening them until he buckles them across her chest.
“Please,” Clare tries, herwords strained. Bellamy can see she’s fighting against the paralytic,swallowing. “This isn’t the way to dothis.”
Russell moves to leave the area, but Clarke manages to turn her head everso slightly. “You will remember me.”She states. “You won’t be able to runfrom it because I will be staring directly at you. You can’t hide from what you’vedone, if you do this.”
Russell hesitates. He doesn’t look at Clarke, but he doesn’t leaveeither. His hand rests against lab counter, as if he’s considering turningaround.
Then, he leaves.
Leaving Clarke alone.
The paralytic agent must be wearing off. Clarke’s fingers start tomove, her arms pulling against the restraints. “Please let me go,” she says softly, even though Bellamy knows sheknows that no one can hear her. “I’msorry. I’m so sorry, please…” Clarke squeezes her eyes shut.
She looks impossibly small.
Bellamy knows Clarke to be many things. Small is not one of them.
“I want m-my mom.” She says,her chest heaving. Something inside Bellamy breaks, and he has a feeling he maynot be the only one. “I don’t want to bealone, please. Please.”
No one answers.
Russell and Simone aren’t on screen.
Clarke’s toes curl as she twists her legs against the restraints.
“Please don’t make me die alone,”Clarke says, her eyes lifting to the ceiling. Bellamy isn’t sure what she’slooking at, but it chills him to his core. “Please.”
Russell and Simone enter the screen, both sharing a moment before settlingon either side of her head. “This’ll beover soon, Clarke, we promise. It’ll all be over soon.”
“Enjoying the home video?”
Everyone startles at the voice, Bellamy swiveling to see Clarke’s facestaring right back at him. Josephine smirks at them. “Don’t stop on my account.We’re just getting to the good part.”
Clarke screams.
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offshore-writes-blog · 7 years ago
searching for a roommate: maybe also love (4/5)
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soulmates!au  (part 4/5)
part 1/ part 2/ part 3/
genre: angstttt and yearning (so same thing?) pairing: Mark x OC inspired by prompt: (i’ll add the link of the list when i find it) 8. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” 100. ”You’re my soulmate?!”  even soulmates have a hard time admitting they want each other
when i come home from work, mark’s home unlike last night. i should’ve expected that though; he’d been drinking last night and he doesn’t work on weekends. when he hears me, mark’s looking at me with his cute eyes, head turning expectingly to me. there’s even a grin on his face. god, i wish he wasn’t so cute.
“hey, arista!”
“don’t hey arista me.” i feign annoyance as i make my way to my room. why am i even pretending to be mad? because it’s just easier than being freaked out about what i saw on mark this morning. it makes me a little mad at my life because when am i going to get an actual soulmate; not one who’s going to leave me when they meet the actual love of their life.
sensing my fake tone, he chuckles. “i’m really sorry about last night.” he tries, almost following me into my room. “i think i have something to make it up.” god, he’s even actively trying to sound cute; knowing that i’ll crack. BE STRONG ARISTA.
“it’s fine. i was just kidding.” forcing out a small smile, i start closing my door. “i’m really tired so i’m just gonna…sleep.” i look at him a little longer before really closing my door. it literally feels like i ripped my heart out my chest because i could see the playfulness on his face completely fade.
i don’t sleep. i text jackson instead. --text-- arista: about those blind dates.. jackSUN: is horny arista on the rise? arista: SHUT UP maybe yeah definitely set me up jackSUN: are you sure arista: did it ever stop you before GOD jackSUN: right right right right he disappears a while after that. i assume nothing of it. he’s a busy man so i put my phone away only to have it beep with jaebum’s texts. jb: why are you suddenly going on a blind date arista: does jackson ever shut up you two are so dating…………. i literally just texted him jb: we’re together right now seeing as we work together as musicians u know remember when you used to sit here annoying us at our music studio arista: whatever jb: is there anything you wanna tell me? arista: not with jackson there jb: we can meet arista: it’s not that deep Bro chill
i try to lie.
jb: who said it has to be
and out of all the times he’s believed my lies; he sees through me this time. i groan into my pillow. i wallow in my own reality for a while; trying to remember everything that’s happened with mark and i. which is really nothing but... it feels like something. me discovering him as my soulmate.... then i text jaebum. 
arista: after you and jackson are done recording text me don’t let that idiot know say u got a booty call or whatever u must say that a lot anyway jb: wtf first of all r u calling me a whore? second of all ok see u later arista: yeah we can fight it out defSOUL
when i step out my room at around 1:30am, all the lights are out. mark must be sleeping already. i don’t even hear the incessant clicking of his mouse which is normally present at this time when he’s playing whatever frat boy video game.
jaebum’s waiting at the front gate of the apartment complex. only gives me a nod when i reach him and starts leading the way to the convenience store near my place; which is where we’ve had many late night talks. normally with our third companion, jackson.
“how’s the new track coming along?” i try to make conversation as we walk in the literal dead of night. only the sound of our shoes scratching the pavement and shallow breathing in the chilly air, jaebum scoffs and laughs at me a little. it’s dark but i know there’s a fucking smug smirk on his face.
“stop trying to distract me.”
i push him. “is it a crime to be interested in your music?”
“i know you are. but we’re here to talk about something else.”
“right.” i mumble. “it’s about mark.”
“hmmmmmm.” he says in a higher pitch and nudges me with his elbow. “i knewwww it!” 
i scoff and try to look over at him but i only see half his face with the street lights so low and orange. “it’s not what you think. i think he and i are soulmates.”
“what?” he stops mid-step and turns to face me completely.
i begin to explain; how i saw the mark, how i feel about mark and how gut-wrenchingly sad i will be when mark, unsurprisingly, leaves me for his actual romantic soulmate. by the time i’m done talking, we’re finally at the store and jaebum’s been quiet mostly.
when he finally starts to talk, he stops. following his eyes, i look to see mark. jaebum and i are only two steps into the store while i notice that mark’s already gotten everything he needs; holding a large plastic bag. i can even tell what he’s bought, having eaten most of those snacks with him. the memories of such nights makes my heart warm; my entire body actually...but NO NO NO, i shouldn’t feel this way.
“hey mark.” jaebum’s the first to speak with an easy smile. “what’s up?”
“jb, what’re you doing out so late?” mark also says but his smile falters for a second but he manages to smile again.
“mark, i thought you were asleep.” why the fuck did i add that?
“and i thought you were asleep.” mark says immediately without glancing at me but pretending to look into his bag.
“yeah, well. she was.” jaebum lies for me. “but…i…had something to…talk to her about…” he speaks slowly; eyes looking up, probably trying think of another lie to back it up.
“oh.” is all mark says and clears his throat.
“yeah, and since he’s so busy. 2am is really the only good time.” i smile and pretend to elbow jaebum; feigning annoyance.
mark forces a smile. “yeah, well. i was gaming and got hungry. turns out, we were all out of snacks.” he shrugs and looks at me during the last part. “so, here i am.”
“god, stop gaming so much.” jaebum teases with a chuckle. “you’re only stroking your ego at this point. you make video games for a living.” this makes mark actually laugh; shaking his head. this puts my heart at ease just a little.
silence again. the three of us stand there for a few moments too long. mark finally clears his throat and says, “well, i’ll leave you guys to it.” before walking past us.
“see you next week, man.” jaebum remarks, about the beach trip we’d all be taking over the long weekend but we don’t hear mark reply.
// when jaebum drops me off, it’s about 3:24am. we’d eaten instant noodles and drunk his favourite strawberry milk whilst being serious adults and discussed my impending future as an old maid.
“i think you’re overthinking this, arista.” he’d shrugged shoulders so easily, wiping the corners of his lips after breathing in the ramyeon we were meant to ‘share’. “you won’t even give mark a chance? ray was gay but mark’s pretty straight from what i’ve seen.” he laughs.
“yeah, you are too. but you never saw me that way.”
“we aren’t soulmates.”
“fuck.” i mutter, he’d cornered me there. groaning into my hands, i feel even more tensed than before. “that’s what makes it worse. soulmates just have this bond, jae. like, imagine being so attached and then watch him being taken away.”
“do you like mark?”
“i don’t know!” but i do know. i don’t like mark. never, no.
// as quietly as i can, i close the door behind me only to catch mark in the kitchen from the corner of my eyes. “hey.” i mumble and stop in the hallway.
“hey.” he answers, closing the fridge door. “do you want something to eat?” it sounds like something my mom would say to me right after school which makes me smile. “what’s so funny?” his smile mimics mine.
“nothing.” my smile widens. “why are you still up?”
he shrugs.
“you’re not jealous about me meeting jaebum, are you?” i tease, remembering his admission from before. but i regret it immediately when i see how his face shrinks at the mention. “i ate just now. i’m good.” as an attempt to save the conversation, i quickly add.
we just stand there for a few moments. like when i’d seen at the convenience store a few hours ago. i can’t fucking read his face. but i know he’s not happy. but i’m not sure if he’s mad.
“right.” he says and presses his lips into a tight smile. “well, i’m gonna sleep now.” walking past me, he stops. “i’m not, by the way. really. me being jealous, was a one off.” mark explains before he disappears into his room and i cringe. god, i’m such an idiot. yeah...he’s mad...i think?
/// “how does this look?” i walk out my room the third time. with my fellow date-night judges, all sitting on the couch; grace, jackson, bambam and mark. jackson’s finally hooked me up for another blind date.
the moment i walk out grace and bambam are howling. “this!this!this!” they’re both yelling but unsynchronized which makes me laugh. “this outfit makes all the other outfits look like its bitch.” grace comments as i turn around for them.
“jackson, c’mon. you know the guy, so tell me.” i stand before him, hands on my hips waiting for
jackson mumbles something but i can’t hear. normally, he’d be excited that i actually cared about the blind dates he’d set me up on. “yeah, this one’s the best.” he finally says, looking up at me.
“why are you asking him?” bambam whines. “I STYLE PEOPLE FOR A LIVING.” he groans. “honestly, arista! this is perfect. just the right amount of skin. by that i mean, legs for days. and those heels? god, that guy’s gonna drop dead.”
“we won’t wait up.” grace adds with a wink which makes me burst into another fit of laughter. “okay, babe but really, you look amazing.”
“i don’t know. i liked the first one.” mark croaks, clearing his throat. his comment earns him a round of disapproving groans.
“that?” i frown. “that was a joke. i was in sweats.” originally, i’d wanted to annoy jackson which it did. “that’s not even remotely funny.” rolling my eyes, i head back into my room to get a better look into my mirror. okay, so, bam and grace are right. i look good. and i feel good? i’m excited for the date. it’s one of grace’s little black dresses�� which she’s graciously lent me. it hugs me perfectly and whatever tits i do have aren’t spilling out. so it’s a modest dress mostly.
i wave everyone a goodbye as i grab my coat, leaving for the date. still giddy. but as i wait for the elevator at the lobby, my heard turns instinctively and i see mark. “what’s wrong?” are the first words out my mouth when i read his face.
“um, just, good luck.” approaching me instead of keeping a distance, he smiles at me. “will you be back?” the way he asks it so innocently but it almost makes me believe he means something else.
i nod, laughing. “of course, i’ll be back.” my hands are reaching to his but we’re interrupted when the elevator arrives. “hopefully, tomorrow morning.” sticking my tongue out, i close the elevator door.
and yeah, i don’t go home. jackson’s practically set me up with the perfect guy. like perfect. perfect. but why? in the back of my mind, i keep reminding myself that he’s not my soulmate. now we’re completely naked right now, with his hands in my hair and mouth on breasts but all my dumbass could think about his mark somewhere; indicating whether or not he’s my soulmate.
he isn’t.
but henry’s just so nice. and sweet. and really..really..talented…in bed. so i stay the night and he wants me to.
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slyke25 · 6 years ago
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2014 was another solid year.  At this point I’m feeling comfortable, having fun, and it’s safe to say both concert and outdoor photography were a passion of mine.  I never really had the patience for staged photos with a tripod, and loved the challenge of concert photography because you can’t use a flash, have to deal with low light, moving subjects (sometimes moving crowd), and unpredictable lighting, etc.  No two shows were the same, and I loved it.
I ultimately decided it was time for a new camera.  I updated my Canon T2i to a 6D, and now had a solid trio of lenses to pair with it - 70-200 2.8, 24-70 2.8, and the 50 1.4.  I still kept the T2i, and would use two cameras for shows so I didn’t have to swap out lenses.
In 2014, I attended numerous memorable shows.  I invite you to click on the bold print below for links to each of the 22 shows, where you’ll find photos, videos, and maybe even a few words.
These are just a handful of some of my favorite shows from 2014, and to see the full list of every show I covered in ‘14 (with links) click the ‘14-’16 archive here.
Benefit For David Lamb of Brown Bird at Club Passim 1.6.14 - Sadly David Lamb, of the duo Brown Bird, passed away shortly after this benefit from his battle with leukemia.  It was nice to see all the local artists pay tribute to Brown Bird’s music, and the The Low Anthem covered my favorite Brown Bird song “Black Rivers”. 
David’s version can be heard here. 
The Low Anthem cover can be seen here.
Neutral Milk Hotel at the Orpheum Theatre (1.16.14) - As if seeing Jeff Mangum in 2011 wasn’t good enough, just a few years later, the whole band played a killer show at the Orpheum.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah in J.P (1.31.14) - I love shows at non-traditional venues, and the frontman of CYHSY, Alec Ounsworth, played a solo acoustic show at a very tiny art gallery (hallway) in Jamaica Plain for 20 people.  Very unique experience.
Lord Huron at Royale (2.4.14) - The band was still touring behind the debut album, Lonesome Dreams, which quickly became a favorite of mine.
Arctic Monkeys at Agganis Arena (2.6.14) - I remember when the Arctic Monkeys released Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not back in ‘06.  The band blew up, and people we paying hundreds of dollars for a ticket to see their sold out show at the Paradise.  This ‘14 Boston show was solid, and the band was touring behind their new release AM.
Band of Horses at the Somerville Theatre (2.25.14) - The band just released the album, Acoustic at the Ryman, and this Somerville show included much of the same.  Such a beautiful acoustic show.
Boston Calling Day #1 (5.23.14) -  (Cass McCombs, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Jack Johnson) - Boston Calling was now expanding to three days, which now included a Friday show. 
Boston Calling Day #2 (5.24.14) (Jenny Lewis, Frank Turner, The Head and the Heart, The Decemberists, Death Cab For Cutie) - It was fun to have both DCFC and The Decemberists play back to back, and I remember the torrential downpour during The Decemberists’ set.  The die-hard fans stayed and embraced it.
Boston Calling Day #3 (5.25.14) - (Kurt Vile, Phosphorescent, Tegan and Sara, Bastille, Brand New, Modest Mouse) - Solid day #2.
Damon Albarn at Royale (6.9.14) - I’ll start by saying that I’m a huge Blur fan and was very fortunate to catch them back in ‘96 and ‘97, and ‘00.  it was really cool to be able to cover this one, and snap some pics of Damon from the pit.
Iron and Wine at the Casino Ballroom, NH (6.25.14) - I enjoy a little road trip to see a show, and I have good memories of this one.  I arrived at Hampton Beach early, and walked up and down the beach.  I enjoyed the show, got some solid photos, and even saw fireworks on the beach later that night.  Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday evening
Billy Joel at Fenway Park (6.26.14) - I first saw Billy Joel back in the day with Elton John at the TD Garden.  I enjoyed this Fenway show.
Newport Folk Festival Fri (7.25.14) (The Devil Makes Three, Hozier, Jenny Lewis, Reignwolf, Robert Hunter, Lake Street Dive, Langhorne Slim, Spirit Family Reunion, Band of Horses, Bear’s Den, Jimmy Cliff, Ryan Adams) - 
Being a huge Ryan Adams fan, and seeing him finally make a Newport appearance, I couldn’t be happier.  A great way to close the first day of the fest.
Newport Folk Festival Day Sat (7.26.14)  (J. Roddy Walston & The Business, Benjamin Booker, Shovels and Rope, Shakey Graves, Houndmouth, Deer Tick, Lucuis, The Milk Carton Kids, Nickel Creek, Puss n’ Boots, Jack White) -  
If I recall correctly, every day of the festival was now selling out well in advance, and was becoming know nationwide by significantly more people.  Jack White’s Fort Stage performance is up there with the best of them.
Heartbreaker Banquet at the Jane Pickens Theatre (7.26.14) (Shakey Graves, Shovels and Rope, Lucius, Valerie June)  - 
It’s not uncommon for artists to collaborate at Newport, and it’s actually welcomed and encouraged.  Lucius and Shovels and Rope singing “What’s So Funny Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding” together is one of the best colabs I’ve witnessed, and still gives me chills each time I watch it.
Newport Folk Festival Day Sun (7.27.14) (Gregory Alan Isakov, Dawes, Jeff Tweedy, Hozier, Hurray For the Riff Raff, Conor Oberst, Valerie June, Trampled By Turtles, Lucero, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Mavis Staples) -  
Mavis was celebrating her 75th birthday, and played a thirteen-song setlist that included appearances from Lucius, Jeff Tweedy, Trampled By Turtles, Norah Jones, and Taylor Goldsmith of Dawes.  No birthday is complete without a cake, Mavis was treated to one, and even blew out the candles.  The closing song for the evening was “We Shall Overcome”.
Boston Calling Day Fri (9.5.14) (Future Islands, Neutral Milk Hotel, The National) - Looking back at this edition of Boston Calling, the bill was pretty darn impressive with Twenty One Pilots, Lorde, and Childish Gambino. 
Boston Calling Day Sat (9.6.14) (St. Nothing, Clifflight, S. Carey, Sky Ferreira, Bleachers, The Hold Steady, Lorde, Childish Gambino)
Boston Calling Day Sun (9.7.14) (Gentlemen Hall, Drugs, Lake Street Dive, Twenty One Pilots, The 1975, Spoon, The Replacements, Nas)
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers at the XL Center (9.13.14) - Unfortunately, I was out of town for his Fenway show, so I decided to travel to Hartford.  It was my second time seeing Tom live, and he’s probably the most photogenic artist I’ve had the pleasure of photographing.  R.I.P Tom.
Jack White at Fenway Park (9.17.14) - This was the first and only show I saw at Fenway with the bleacher stage configuration.  Jack, being a huge baseball fan, really wanted to play Fenway, so they accommodated him with the bleacher setup, as he couldn’t quite sell enough seats to fill the entire ballpark.
Catfish and the Bottlemen at Great Scott (10.3.14) - This actually wasn’t a well attended show, as no one knew about this upcoming U. K. band.  I happened to hear a few of their songs and knew they’d do well.  However, I had no idea the’d be playing Wembley Arena four years later.  Crazy how they blew up.
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