“we are defined by what we do, not by nice words
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yelenaslyubov · 7 days ago
Can u pls pls pls write me a slow burn story. Let me paint a pic real quick give the vibes - close friends but one is kinda closeted and shes flirty w the other girl (y/n) but at first could only be that way when she was tipsy but then they slowly get closer and end up together thanks <3 feel free to ask me questions if u need more ideas love u bestie oh and im kinda thinking kate bishop for the character WOO
i had a lot of fun writing this one so i hope you have fun reading it👀
here’s your request↓
“There’s No One Like You”
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yelenaslyubov · 7 days ago
There’s No One Like You
main masterlist || kate bishop || requests
requested anonymously
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pairing: kate bishop x female reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ warnings: MINORS DNI (18+) smut- dom!reader, oral, fingering, alcohol, language, flufffff, mutual pining
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ description: you and kate meet coincidentally at a local bar near your university and hit it off. your complicated and platonic relationship becomes a battle of trying not to cross the line with her. but when kate gives you an invitation, you would be a fool not to take it…
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ word count: 5.4k
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You weren’t much of a party person, but your roommates had finally pulled your leg enough to drag you out of the house. You definitely weren’t happy, but a deal’s a deal.
The music was too loud, everyone had completely forgotten about personal space, and it was steamy. You much rather would have liked to spend the evening inside watching a movie, or even reading for that matter.
Per usual, you were left alone, none of your roommates in sight. There were faces around that you recognized faintly, but that did not bring you any sort of comfort.
“Have you seen Nat?” you screamed over the loud bass of the music echoing inside the bar. “Yelena? Valk? Hot and threatening women?”
The guy in question shook his head slowly, clearly unenthused with your lost puppy act. You hated how codependent you became in situations like this, but you couldn’t stand to be by yourself, especially not in this environment.
You started to become a bit frantic, pushing through the crowd and scanning the room for any sign of your people. You backed away, hoping to find them the other way. That was until you were abruptly stopped in your tracks, bumping into something quite hard.
“Shit!” you heard a voice behind you say.
You whipped around and saw a tall brunette woman standing in front of you. She was wearing loose fitting jeans and a purple top that swooped low between her breasts while also leaving enough room for her stomach to peek out. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail and her makeup was light. You could see now the dark liquid that was spilled down her front.
“I���m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going, are you alright?” you quickly explained.
“I’m all good I promise, no harm done,” the woman smiled.
You couldn’t deny the fact that this woman was extremely attractive. Though the situation was unfortunate, you were almost happy about your clumsy mistake. You decided to go out on a limb.
“Can I buy you a drink, for your troubles… it’s the least I can do?”
The girl pondered for a moment. “I think I can manage that.”
You both made your way over to the bar where you requested another drink for yourself, as well as whatever your new friend wanted. There were empty seats near the end where you and the girl sat down.
“Thanks for the drink…” the woman said, ending the phrase hanging in place of a name she didn’t have.
“Y/n,” you stated.
“Y/n… I’m Kate by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Kate. I’m really sorry about your clothes again.”
“I promise it’s no big deal. To tell you the truth, these aren’t even mine,” she whispered.
“I’m not going to lie, that doesn’t make me feel any better,” you laughed.
“Eh, it’s alright. Not really my style anyway,” she said. “You live around here?”
“Yeah, I actually go to school around here.”
“Oh me too! What school?”
“NYU, what about you?”
“Same! How have we never run into each other? What am I saying, the campus is huge.”
You chuckled. “We probably just have different circles. I’m majoring in marketing.”
“I’m a business major,” she said. “I guess that checks out. Are you involved in any groups or clubs?”
“Not really, I just do photography on the side.”
“Oh that’s pretty cool! You’ll have to show me some of your stuff some time.” Her offer was extremely tempting and you definitely wouldn’t complain if you had to see her again.
“What about you, are you involved in anything?”
“I’m actually captain of the archery team,” she said proudly.
“Wow,” you smirked. “I definitely didn’t peg that on you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she smiled.
“Nothing bad, I’m just surprised is all. I just didn’t see you doing archery of all things.”
She took a sip of her drink. “Well I happen to be full of surprises, thank you very much.”
“I would love for you to enlighten me.” You were flirting now. You didn’t know nearly enough about her to fully commit, but there was no way you didn’t want to test the waters.
“First off, I’m the one who destroyed the bell tower at the end of last semester.”
“No way! That cost the school SO much money!” you laughed.
“Believe me, I’ll never hear the end of it,” she laughed as well, placing her hand on top of yours.
You looked down at her warm fingers that grazed yours so delicately while she laughed. Certainly she didn’t mean to do the gesture, but she also made no effort to remove her hand.
“What about you? Any surprises I should know about?” She removed her hand now, not making any indication that the event even happened.
“You remember the rumor that went around about Professor Connell sleeping with a freshman?”
“Of course.”
“Yeah, that was about me. It was entirely untrue and I’ve still yet to figure out who started it. I don’t even like men, that’s the best part,” you laughed.
Kate chuckled. “Hey, that kind of shit happens all the time. There’s been plenty of things said about me, so you’re not alone.”
You couldn’t get over the playful look on her face the entire time you were near her. The way her eyelids rested hazily above her eyes as they stared into yours, even if alcohol was an influence. Or the way she seemed to get closer to you with every word. Or the way you checked occasionally to see her hand resting suspiciously close to yours as the conversation continued.
“Oh! I should put my number in your phone so we can hang out sometime!” Kate exclaimed.
You wasted no time digging in your bag to find your phone to hand over to Kate. She was quick and typed with a smile that you could see illuminated from your phone brightness. She handed it back to you and you looked down at your phone. Her contact name read “world’s greatest archer💜.”
“Now you’ll never forget who it is,” Kate smirked.
“I don’t think I could forget even if I tried.” There were no truer words to be spoken. You smiled back at Kate before jumping out of your skin by the yelling behind you.
“Heyyyy!” Yelena said in a sing-song voice while shaking you by your shoulders. “We have been looking everywhere for you.”
“Apparently not very hard.”
“Oh come on babe, it’s a big place give us a break,” Valkyrie pouted.
“I see you bunch have had a blast while I’ve been gone,” you shook your head.
“So have you,” Nat smirked in Kate’s direction.
You looked back at her. “Uhm, guys this is Kate. Kate, this is Yelena, Valkyrie, and Natasha.”
Valkyrie shoved her hand in front of Kate, extending it in hopes that Kate would set hers atop, in which she was successful. “You can call me anything you’d like.” Valkyrie’s lips made contact with Kate’s knuckles, making her blush.
“Okay, that’s enough!” you panicked. Valkyrie stood firm in her position, one that was only broken when you pulled their hands apart.
“I was just trying to be kind to our guest,” Valkyrie said plainly and rolled her eyes.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered to Kate.
She laughed. “Don’t be, I like them. I like your vest, blondie.”
“You do?” Yelena gasped, then came closer to Kate to pinch her cheek. “Can we please keep her?”
“No, no, stop that.” You swatted Yelena’s hands away from Kate. “I think it’s time we all go home, yeah?”
“But I was having such a good time,” Yelena whined.
“Well… then why don’t we take this party home?”
Yelena and Valkyrie smirked in each other’s direction. “I’m not opposed, but only if that one comes with,” Valkyrie said demandingly while pointing at Kate.
Kate laughed nervously. “While that sounds like loads of fun, I should probably find my ride too. It’s getting late.”
Your spirit faded and it felt like you had been shot. All night Kate hadn’t mentioned someone else, but now around your friends her attitude seemed to change and there was someone else?
As if it was perfect timing, a tall guy around your age came up behind Kate and swooped his arms around her waist. She jumped and turned around to see him wrapped around her.
“Dylan!” Kate awkwardly yelled. She removed his hands quickly and looked around nervously. “I was just coming to find you. I’m ready to leave.”
She grabbed her things as she stood up from the stool. You were surprised that you were sad to see her go. There were more conversations you wanted to share with her that night, but you knew they would have to wait.
“It was so nice to meet you all,” Kate smiled before taking the hand of the mystery guy named Dylan and walking out of the bar. “Oh, y/n, I’ll text you later!”
All that was left was the pulsing rhythm of the music that you wish you could eliminate. In this moment, you felt like the only person in the bar.
“If I had her, I would never let her out of my sight,” Valkyrie said.
“If I had her, I would never let her leave the house,” Yelena chimed in.
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you’re sober?” you asked Nat.
“What made you think that?” she smirked. “Who else was going to make sure these two stay out of trouble when you aren’t there?”
It was sad but true, and it made you smile. Your smile faded quickly when you made the realization. “Shit.”
“What’s up?” Nat asked.
“Her number is in my phone. She can’t text me unless I text her first.”
Nat patted your back. “I guess that means you gotta put on your big girl pants and put yourself out there.”
“How am I supposed to do that when she’s with someone else?”
“You think she’s with him? No way, that girl is free game. Did you see the way they interacted?”
You shrugged, wanting it to be true. “I guess, but I don’t want to take any chances.”
“All you need is one.”
You looked at Nat in confusion. “One what?”
A couple days had passed since your first meeting with Kate and you still hadn’t worked up the courage to reach out to her. You couldn’t figure out why there was a mental block around the idea of seeing her again. It seemed to be the idea of watching her with someone else she had clearly been sleeping with. There was no denying that.
You weren’t the only person experiencing anxiety over the situation.
“I don’t understand why you won’t text her, even to see what happens,” Yelena said. It was Sunday night and you were all gathered in the living room on the couch.
“No, you need to wait. You have to give her time to wait it out. Don’t be desperate,” Valkyrie rebutted.
You grumbled and threw your head in your hands. You knew they were trying to help, but you just wished that someone would tell you the right answer.
“Nat?” you asked, giving her the floor to share her advice.
“If I were you, I would text her. There’s no harm in it because you don’t even know if she likes women.”
“Oh, she likes women alright,” Valkyrie said.
“I don’t know…” Your voice didn’t hide your disappointment well.
Yelena narrowed her eyes at you. “Y/n, what did you do?”
“I- I might’ve found her on social media and scrolled… far down.”
They all groaned. “You do this to yourself every time, babe,” Valkyrie said.
“I know, but how else am I supposed to find out more about her!”
“Well, let’s see it then.” Valkyrie moved closer to you on the couch, hoping that you would share your new discovery with them. Yelena and Nat followed quickly behind, all of you now shoulder to shoulder staring at your phone.
You opened one of your many apps and scrolled through the hundreds of pictures Kate had posted. There were many “hmm’s” and reactions from your audience beside you. Yelena reached out to your phone to click on a picture to get a better look.
“Lena, be careful! I don’t need her knowing I’m being a creep and looking through all her old pictures.”
After a couple minutes Valkyrie took the situation into her own hands. “Let me see this.” She began clicking through several pictures and nodding her head.
“What?” you asked, confused.
“Yeah, just like I thought. That’s a face of a woman kisser.”
She turned the phone towards you and your eyes widened. The picture was of Kate standing with her arms crossed. She had baggy jeans on, combat boots, and a black t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up her arms into a tank top.
“You’ve got me there,” Nat said.
“Guys, just because she’s wearing specific clothes doesn’t mean she likes women,” you said in a way that made it sound like you were trying to convince yourself.
“Is your gaydar completely broken?” Valkyrie asked, her hand gesturing to the picture once again. “She eats box.”
“Ew, who even says that anymore?” Yelena recoiled.
You swiped your phone from Valkyrie’s hand and stood up. “You guys are the opposite of helpful!”
“I feel like this has been pretty enlightening, personally,” Yelena shrugged.
“I’m going to my room,” you sighed.
“Sleep well, princess!” Valkyrie called out. “I wish you sweet dreams of your precious archer!”
You shut the door to your room quite harshly. Once you were inside you allowed yourself to breathe. Between the reactions of your roommates to seeing the pictures yourself, you were worked up to say the least. You let yourself look at the pictures again and it was hard to hide your giddy smirk.
Kate was even hotter than you pictured. Maybe it was the dim lights in the bar or the unfamiliar outfit she was wearing. Whatever it was, she somehow managed to look even better in these pictures. One thing was for sure— you were glad that her style deviated from her outside two nights ago. From her oversized clothes, boots, and hats, you were practically drooling.
You decided at this moment that you would text her. You found her phone number on her contact page and clicked it without looking back and sent a text quickly saying hello and who you were. Anxiety took over, causing you to throw your phone on the bed. You knew staring at your phone was not the way to go about waiting for her text.
Surprisingly, there was a ding from your phone that sounded seconds after tossing it away. You scrambled for your phone even if you realized how silly you looked. You opened your lock screen and stared at the text from Kate.
“I was wondering when I would hear from you. Kinda hard to text you when I don’t have your number ;)”
You fell back on your bed, sighing. All you were picturing through the phone was the compilation of photos of Kate that you had seen minutes prior.
This would either end exactly like you wanted, or break your heart into a million pieces. You were willing to take your chances.
Over the next couple months, you and Kate had been together regularly. Whether it was going out to a new bar, watching a school game, or coming over to your apartment. Everyone had grown tired of your incessant babbling about Kate’s but you couldn’t help it—there was nothing like her. Of course, you still hadn’t gotten much closer to getting what you really wanted. What you really wanted was her.
You unfortunately had to listen to her talk over and over again about her failed love interests. You would always listen to everything she had to say, but it didn’t make you want to kiss her until she forgot every guy's name any less.
There had been moments— brief moments. They usually happened when Kate was upset or she was inebriated, but you would take anything.
The first time it happened it caught you by surprise. You had known her to be flirty and psychical from the first night you met her, but you didn’t expect her to follow through as much as she did.
Kate was over at your apartment which wasn’t unusual, but it was the way things played out. She came over in her comfiest clothes that somehow still made you swoon over her. Nat, Yelena, and Valkyrie were out drinking and were planning to come back anytime.
You and Kate were out in the living room watching a movie on the couch. It was getting late and you were watching the way her eyelids were threatening to flutter closed. It was often that you found yourself staring at Kate, just when she wasn’t looking of course.
When her eyes closed, her head gently began falling towards your shoulder. Then, all at once, Kate was leaning against you while she slept, leaving you frozen. It was what you always wanted, even if it was unintentional. You held your breath, hoping that if you stopped completely that time would stand still, leaving you here with her against you.
Your heart stopped when you heard the key turn in the door. The three women walked in the door laughing and you tried to shush them as much as possible. They turned around and looked between you and Kate.
“Oh my god,” Valkyrie mouthed. You put your finger up to your mouth to quiet them if that was even possible.
“We’ll leave you two alone,” Nat whispered.
Each of them giggled and tripped over their own feet, Yelena running into the wall as she tried to make it back to her bedroom. You shook your head at their behavior and looked back down at Kate who was still sleeping. It took everything in you not to touch her, all you could do was admire her from a distance.
Then, of course, there had been other instances of suspicious behavior. Like when Kate would dance unashamedly with you for everyone to see. All you wanted was to be seen with her in that way, but you knew it wasn’t reciprocated.
Lastly, there was the night that Kate got inexplicably drunk. Overall, Kate knew how to hold her liquor well, but that night sent her over the edge for reasons you couldn’t completely understand.
You helped her get home to her own apartment because you knew she wouldn’t be able to make it on her own. Her arm was wrapped around your shoulder as you led her inside and into her bedroom.
“Alright Kate, you have to help me out a little,” you groaned. Carrying dead weight didn’t suit you very well. You were able to place her down on the bed where she fell back against it immediately. “Please be careful.”
Kate managed to sit up on her own and held her arms out towards you. “Help?”
You looked at her and the way she was carrying herself. It looked like she needed help undressing, which made your heart leap into your throat.
“What do you need help with?” you asked, just to be sure.
“Off please.”
You were correct. Under different circumstances this would be your dream, but right now you were worried about her. You put your feelings aside as you lifted her shirt and took off her pants gently. You turned away quickly to give her space, as well as fold her clothes and place them on her dresser. You were prepared to leave until her voice called out.
“Stay with me… please.”
Your heart swelled. Then, you turned back around to see her laying under her blanket, leaving space for you to slide in. “Only for a little bit.”
Kate smiled sleepily and lifted up the blanket for you to crawl in. You apprehensively got comfortable beside Kate, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, even if you two were clearly past that.
Though you didn’t get close, Kate didn’t hesitate. She rolled closer to you and wrapped her arm around your waist. There was a pause before she grabbed her elephant plushie that you had gotten as a gift for her. There was something so enduring about her gesture, something that made you want to hold on tighter to her. She went further and laid her head in the nape of your neck. You were paralyzed in the moment.
You brushed it off as Kate being drunk out of her mind, but there was another part of you that was curious. Maybe this is what it took for her to open up and show her true feelings?
You would never know because you knew by morning that Kate wouldn’t remember the moment the two of you shared. But that was weeks ago and neither one of you brought it up again.
Tonight, everyone was gone doing their own thing and you were alone. You would usually text Kate, but you didn’t want to make things weird after your last hang out. Not that Kate would remember, but you didn’t want to ruin what you had going.
So it was just you and your favorite show in the background while you cooked. Anytime you had a moment alone, you liked to cook something nice for yourself. Sure, you liked cooking for others too, but there was something pleasurable about cooking just fir you.
You decided on an easy pasta dish with vodka sauce. Everything was finished and it was time to plate when there was a knock on your door. You wiped your hands off on a towel and made your way to the door. As it opened, Kate was waiting on the other side.
“I know I didn’t call-”
“Come in,” you interjected and Kate smiled.
“I wasn’t sure if you were home, but I thought I would swing by.” Kate took her coat off at the door and took liberty to hang it on the coat rack. “Where’s everybody else?”
“Do I ever really know?” you chuckled. “They’re all supposed to be back sometime after midnight for reasons they did not share.”
“Why would they ever.”
It was then that you noticed her outfit and scanned her frame. “And where have you been looking like that?”
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I know it’s a lot, but it was a banquet for a family function. My mom doesn’t like when I dress myself, for a lack of better words.”
Kate was wearing a tight silk dress that dropped down and hugged her curves. Though you liked Kate’s usual look, you could get used to this more often.
“I’m not gonna lie, I’m into it.”
Kate blushed. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I left it on for you to admire.” You smiled and walked back into the kitchen and Kate made herself comfortable on one of the barstools.
“You want some?” you offered. Kate shook her head and you went back as normal. “You’re really missing out, it’s everyone’s favorite dish of mine.”
Kate didn’t speak for a minute, leaving an uncomfortable silence. “Something’s been on my mind lately and I need some advice,” she said.
You turned around with concern on your face. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I- I’ve just been thinking a lot lately.”
You leaned against the counter and crossed your arms, watching and listening for Kate to continue.
“I don’t know, there’s this thought in the back of my mind and I need to know if I’m right or not. I really like this person and I think they may like me back, but I don’t know how to approach them about it or even how to make a move.”
You were confused. Kate had never asked for dating advice before for obvious reasons. You didn’t know how to help her when it came to guys.
“I mean I know guys are different from girls in that respect, but if I were you I would just be real with them. Let them know how you feel and if they take it, good, if they don’t, you can let yourself be down about it but eventually you’ll move on.”
Kate had an unusual look about her. You had never seen it but it almost looked to be…longing?
“I just don’t know if she wants me like that.”
Your legs felt uneasy below you and you could tell that your face showed your surprise. You couldn’t get over the ‘she’ in her sentence.
Both of you stared at each other for a long time. Kate was frozen in her seat, leaving you to make the next move. You hoped that you were right or else this would make everything much more complicated.
You pushed yourself off the counter and walked around to be standing beside Kate. “Who said I didn’t want you?”
Kate’s eyes softened when she looked at you. You could practically see the relief pool into her blue eyes. You felt your relief all the same when you saw her reaction.
“I was just scared I guess. After that night in my bed-”
“Hold on, you remember that?”
Kate smirked. “I wouldn’t have asked you in my bed if I wouldn’t remember it.”
In this moment, Nat’s words replayed in your mind. All you need is one chance.
Your chance was now.
You moved forward quickly, wrapping your hands around each side of Kate’s neck and pulling her towards you. Your lips crashed into hers softly and it was everything you had been waiting so patiently for.
Kate stood up from the stool and met you in the middle. Her arms wrapped around your neck and pulled you in closer. Your thumbs caressed her cheeks as Kate’s tongue pushed into your mouth. You let her in and taste you. You whimpered as Kate deepened the kiss while also simultaneously pulling away breathless.
“What about your food?”
You stared at her and shook your head. “Forget the food. I want you.”
Kate gasped as you slid your hands behind her thighs and under her dress to lift her onto the counter. You wanted to have her just like this— between her legs and at your mercy.
Your hands snaked up Kate’s toned arms and up to her shoulders without taking your lips away from hers. Your fingers fidgeted with the straps of her dress, wanting more than anything to rip them off and see her beauty beneath.
“Is this okay?” you whispered.
“Y/n, respectfully, I just need you to fuck me.”
Without another word you pulled the straps of her dress down her arms which Kate slipped out of quickly. You dragged your hands up Kate’s bare back feeling of her soft skin. You wanted to savor the moment and take it slow, but fuck, that was overrated.
Kate’s hands were buried in your hair, tugging and pulling at her pleasure. While your lips were still locked, your curious hand slid to Kate’s front and took her nipple in between your fingers.
You thought you might faint when you heard the noises coming from Kate’s mouth. It only motivated you more.
Even though you could kiss Kate forever, there was something else that occupied your thoughts that you couldn’t get out of your head.
You abandoned her lips, moving your own down the side of her neck and down her chest. You took your time to leave small marks along the bottom side of her breasts— somewhere no one else could see but a place you knew was yours.
You went down further. Your lips kissed down Kate’s stomach and at the same time you grabbed Kate’s dress that had gathered around her. You gingerly pulled the dress off once Kate lifted her hips off the counter. The sight alone quickened your heart rate even more.
Kate changed positions to your liking. She lowered herself onto her arms so they were resting on the counter. She peered down at you through lustful eyelids.
You bit your lip and didn’t hesitate to pull off her underwear too, throwing them somewhere off into the distance. You couldn’t wait any longer to resist yourself from Kate, so you gave in.
Your two fingers slipped through Kate’s pussy, delicately taking your time to feel her. Kate whimpered and threw her head back.
“Fuck, Katie,” you breathed out. “You’re so wet.”
“Please, I just need you to touch me.”
“Anything you want, princess.”
Without another word you were buried between her legs. You kissed the top of her clit before your tongue dragged up the length of her cunt. Kate was a moaning mess up top which only added more fuel to your fire.
Your tongue moved in all directions to pull beautiful sounds from Kate’s mouth, but you wanted more. Your right hand moved from her thigh to the inside of her legs. You took care to gently slide one finger inside her while your lips were still wrapped around her clit. Your finger moved at a quick rhythm, making Kate’s lips move at the same pace as your hand.
“You feel so good,” Kate whimpered. “Keep going, I’m getting close.”
You took this as an incentive to slide another finger inside. Your pace quickened as you were trying to drag Kate to her climax. Between her moans and Kate’s wetness collecting around your fingers, this all felt like a dream.
“I wanna hear you, let it out Katie,” you instructed her. She followed quickly behind your words, her high crashing down and soaking your mouth and fingers all the same. You helped her ride out her high by slowing your fingers down and leaving soft pecks on her inner thighs.
You worked your way up her body until you were face to face. Kate pulled you down by your neck and kissed you, sliding her tongue into your mouth, tasting herself.
“That was even better than how I imagined it,” you said before thinking.
“Oh yeah? How did you imagine it before?” Kate inquiried.
“I prefer to keep that to myself. Now, how about I get you some clothes and we can eat this room temperature food?”
Kate smiled and nodded before you helped her off the counter. You found sweatpants and a shirt in your room that you offered to her which she gladly took. Once you were both cleaned up, you went back into the living room to cuddle up on the couch.
You laid down first to get comfortable before Kate laid beside you and scooted in close. “It’s kind of nice doing this when I know you’ll remember it,” you smiled.
“I told you, I knew what I was doing. I wanted you in my bed.”
You settled in and started playing with Kate’s hair. Months ago you never would’ve thought you would be in this position with Kate, but everything seemed too good to be true. That’s why you were unphased when the door to the apartment opened and your roommates came piling in.
“I really thought that girl was going to- oh hi you two,” Valkyrie paused.
“Don’t mind us, just passing through,” Nat smiled.
“I’m not. I need something to eat before I get cranky,” Yelena said. “Pasta!”
“Oh that’s for-”
“God this is delicious,” Yelena cut you off. “Have you ever tried this? It’s so good.”
Kate shook her head and laughed. “I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure yet.” She looked knowingly at you and laughed.
Yelena walked further into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. Her body was out of frame when she bent over to look down at the floor. When she was upright again her face held a curious frown.
“Did someone lose some…panties?” Yelena held up a pair of purple lace underwear for everyone to see.
Kate slowly pulled the blanket over her face, trying her best to hide the redness that had spread. Everyone looked towards you with a knowing smirk and burst into laughter.
It was fitting that a perfect night with Kate would end like this. It ended just like it had started with Kate, and that was all you could ask for.
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yelenaslyubov · 7 days ago
this is so fun i loveeeee it🤭
Profile: Gamer! Kate Bishop.
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Everything you need to know about Gamer! Kate Bishop!
Profile Series Masterlist.
Basic Information -
Name: Katherine Elizabeth Bishop.
Age: 23.
Birthday: December 31st, 2002.
Height: 5'8.
Hometown: Upper West Side, New York City.
Current Residence: A cozy, slightly cluttered apartment in New York City.
Occupation: Independent Game Developer & Twitch Streamer (in her free time).
Distinguishing Features: A small, almost unnoticeable scar on her left cheek from a childhood incident involving a rogue drone and a misplaced controller. Small tattoo on her ankle.
Education: Studying to get her bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Game Design from NYU.
Relationship Status: Single. Finds it hard to find the time for a relationship right now between working on her game development, twitch and study.
Psychological Information -
Personality: Kate is a whirlwind of engird, enthusiasm with a sarcastic wit about her. She's independent and pours her entire heart and soul into her game development projects. She can be at times introverted when focused but she's incredibly charming and engaging when she opens up to others. She's caring and protective of those she loves and is still somewhat close with her mother.
Strengths: Kate is creative, resourceful, loyal, a problem solver and possesses a relentless work ethic. She's a quick learner and loves learning new things and new games. Has excellent hand-eye coordination.
Weaknesses: Can be hard on herself sometimes. She's a perfectionist, and bit of a workaholic. She sometimes struggles to express her emotions directly. She can be overly competitive and prone to trash-talking (playfully).
She's ambivert. She enjoys her alone time to recharge and focus on her studies and work but she also craves connection and thrives off small groups of like minded people.
Gaming Profile -
Gamertag: TrickShotTrickster (gets called 'trickshot' for short).
Gaming Platform: PC but is proficient on other consoles as well.
Favourite Game Genres: Competitive Shooting Games (Apex Legends, Overwatch and COD), MMORPGs (Elderly Scrolls, Final Fantasy, etc), Strategy Games and Indie Games.
Her favourite Game is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Her favourite guilty pleasure game is Stardew Valley.
Her least favourite games are sports games.
Her streaming content includes: Gameplays of her favourite shooting games, 'Blind' play throughs of new indie games, Collaborations with other streamers and the occasional 'Ask me anything' stream while she plays whatever game she's in the mood for.
She tries to stream 3-4 times a week, usually in the evenings after uni.
Personal Life, Hobbies and Interests -
Friends: Kate as a tight-knit group of online and offline friends who share similar passion for gaming. They're her support system and her biggest cheerleaders.
Hobbies: Aside from gaming, she enjoys archery, reading fantasy novels and exploring the city with her friends.
Her favourite movie is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. She appreciates the humour, the visual style and the relatable themes of growing up and finding your place in the world.
Her favourite TV Show is Arrow.
Her favourite Book is The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
Her favourite snack is Spicy Cheetos and Mountain Dew Voltage (somebody get this girl an apple!!).
Favourite Music Genre: Indie rock and gaming soundtracks.
Favourite Meal: Pizza.
Her life long dream is to become a successful game developer, to build a thriving streaming community and to use her platform to support other aspiring gamers and developers.
Quirks -
Always has a very specific type of pen on her desk when she's coding.
Literally talks to herself all the time! She's so used to talking to her followers that it's something that now comes naturally, or she's just talking to Lucky.
Has the tendency to forget meals when gaming, often snacking.
Secretly LOVES cheesy romance movies!
Has a collection of controllers.
Almost always wears mismatched socks.
Bonus -
Kate volunteers to teach teens archery.
She has a secret talent for beatboxing.
Has a phobia of spiders (especially giant ones in video games).
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Taglist: @noturlondonboy | @deathbylesbianwitches | @yelenaslyubov | @sunshine-makes-flowers-grow | @boredandneedfanfics | @red1culous | @jooseboxxe | @starrycherie | @torihobby1226 | @the-lux-archives | @tigerlillyruiz | @uniquelesbianidiot | @n3bula-cats | @riveramorylunar | @taliiiaasteria | 
If you want to be on the taglist for my work, please click HERE.
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yelenaslyubov · 8 days ago
Hi, I've read your text about Yelena not being canonically ace and it was really well written so I thought maybe you wanted to know Devin Grayson just wrote a whole ass Twitter thread saying she doesn't know/doesn't think she's ace lmao
All I will say is, poor Devin had to clarify this again… Thank you for telling me anon! And yeah, she said once more that any concept of Yelena’s sexuality is a headcanon and that that is wonderful. She also added that we had to respect each other and not fight. So people: stop saying Yelena is canonically X or Y. She is not. It’s been confirmed several times, the many possible interpretations that a couple of panels of the comic may have (which, as Devin previously said, vary from person to person and that’s wonderful) are all valid, stop harassing those who don’t share your headcanons. Because that’s all they are and Devin Grayson had to spoke about this again to prevent people harassing others with a different hc. Those who do that: stop. There is no canon thing here, you can (once more) see what Devin said less than a couple hours ago on that topic (I’ll leave the link here, because she addresses it again on Twitter, thank god for that woman). Be kind to each other. I’ll leave the link at the bottom, I’ll make dinner and I’ll read a beautiful Bishova fic on ao3 for comfort before going to sleep because it’s been a hell of a day and I deserve it. Cheers. ❤️
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The thread she made:
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Have a wonderful evening everyone, and enjoy your fictional characters and your favorite headcanons about them without harassing anyone on the internet.
If you wish to have more knowledge regarding this topic (although it was not written in the best of my days, but I’m human too and so I’ll leave it as it is, I don’t like hypocrisy) there you go:
There's space for every one of us here. Let's behave. Let's also support characters like Tremor in the "big comics" who actually and purposely try to address this properly and of which no one has spoken about or supported.
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yelenaslyubov · 8 days ago
"youd do numbers on tumblr" girl i am on tumblr and the numbers? 4
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yelenaslyubov · 8 days ago
Cowboy Take Me Away: Part 1
𐚁𓇢𓆸𓄀˚☽˚.⋆ cowboy take me away // part 1 // part 2 (coming soon)
main masterlist || caitvi || requests
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pairing: CaitVi AU
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ warnings: language, sexual content implied
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ description: when Caitlyn awakes to find strangers outside her window, she becomes curious as to who they are. she later finds out that they are new ranchers hired to tend to the farm. they all get acquainted with each other nicely except for one individual—Vi. she is determined that she won’t let the Kiramman girl effect her, but she finds that harder to manage than she thought.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ word count: 4.6k
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The late spring sun beamed into Caitlyn’s room, along with the singing of morning birds to accompany her peaceful wake up call. She rolled over in bed and looked outside. The window was still cracked from the night before which created the perfect breeze that comforted her. Now, in the morning, the warmer breeze kissed her skin and beckoned her to wake up.
She rolled over and looked at the clock; 7:30 in the morning. She sighed and let herself soak in the moment before the day started.
Caitlyn forced herself out of bed and began to straighten up her room and ready herself for the day. As she put her bed back together, she looked outside to find three people she didn’t recognize. They pulled up in an old pickup truck that was blue and rusty all over with an old motorcycle strapped down in the bed. She watched from the window as they headed towards the stables, but they were eventually out of sight. Nonetheless, a sense of curiosity stayed with her about the new strangers she observed.
She put on light makeup because she knew the humidity would ruin it otherwise. She decided on a short skirt, a tight long sleeve, and her tall brown boots. She pulled her dark blue hair back into a ponytail to keep the heat to a minimum and started downstairs.
As she followed the hallways to the living room, she passed through the kitchen to grab something for breakfast. She found her parents in the sitting room enjoying the morning paper and drinking tea.
“Caitlyn, sweetie, won’t you stay for breakfast?” her mother beckoned.
“I really have to go, I don’t want to be late.” Caitlyn put the apple she grabbed from the kitchen into her mouth while she put her backpack on and collected her things. She started to rush out the door before her father called out to her.
“There’s new ranchers, so it might do you well to introduce yourself and get acquainted since they’re around your age!” he yelled as she walked out the door.
Caitlyn mumbled through her apple in reply and slammed the door on her way out. She rushed down the stairs and made her way to the garage where the cars were parked. On her way there, she looked towards the stables once again to see if she could get another glimpse of the new crew.
As she slowly walked towards the garage, the large door to the stable was open where she saw the two of them at the entrance. A blue haired girl with braids sat atop the bales of hay stacked high while tossing something to a white haired boy from the ground.
When she walked closer to the garage, she saw a pink haired woman around the corner who caught her attention. She was dressed in khaki colored overalls with a tank top under which made her choppy mullet pop. Caitlyn noticed her arms were covered in tattoos and she definitely didn’t miss how toned the woman was.
Without meaning to, she looked longer than originally intended. Her staring caught up with her when the woman locked eyes with her from across the lawn. Their sudden stare together was followed by a smirk from the pink haired woman. Caitlyn looked away awkwardly, feeling as though she had been caught in the act.
Brushing off the incident like she hoped had failed when all pairs of eyes watched her from the stables.
“Shit,” Caitlyn cursed under her breath. Deciding to go along with the antics she created, she gave them a little wave and smile to greet them from afar. They each waved back without taking their eyes off her as she walked the rest of the way to her car. She climbed into the driver’s seat of her car and tried to drive away without looking back at the staring eyes in her rear view mirror.
“That must be the daughter,” Ekko said.
“Really? What makes you think that?” Jinx asked, dripping with sarcasm
“I swear-”
“Children, children please,” Vi interjected. “Don’t blow your first day on the job by fighting with each other about… well whatever it is you two fight about. Maybe save it for next week at least, hmm? Now, if you don’t mind, I would love to get back to scooping horse shit.”
Jinx scowled at Vi. “Why are you trying to change the subject?”
“Who said I was?”
“You’re definitely trying to change the subject,” Ekko added.
“I’m not! I just don’t see what the big deal is with her. Sure she’s hot, but she’s just like every other rich kid that parades their daddy’s money around.”
“At least she’s smart,” Ekko shrugged.
“Did you do a full scale investigation into her life, how would you know that?” Jinx asked.
“What can I say, I gotta know how to play the field right and get in good with the family.” They looked at him with a mixture of confusion and interest. “She’s a senior at Penn State and she got her undergrad in Political Science at Columbia before her family moved here a couple years ago. She’ll graduate in a couple months with a Master’s in Political Science and a minor in sociology with a 3.9 GPA.”
“What a shame, that extra 0.1 and she would’ve been perfect,” Vi said and Ekko rolled his eyes.
“She’s one of the main board members of the Diversity and Equity club, and in her free time she rides her horse Calypso… oh and she has a cat.”
The silence was deafening between them. “What?” he said.
“I’m eagerly waiting for you to spit out the name of the cat because I assume you know that too,” Jinx said monotonically.
Ekko sighed. “Cora. The cat’s name is Cora.”
“I gotta hand it to you, that’s pretty impressive,” Vi praised.
“It’s really just a simple internet search…”
“Well it’s more than I ever cared to hear about her, that’s for sure.”
Jinx smiled to herself. “You say that now.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You always put on this tough act and guard yourself from new people because you’re scared they aren’t going to like you, so I’ll give it a week before you’ve changed your mind.”
Vi stood in front of Jinx with her arms crossed and gave her a knowing look. “I am not that predictable and I sure as hell won’t be around her enough to let her change my mind.”
She couldn’t help but let a tinge of red peek through her cheeks as she talked about the situation. Sure, she put up boundaries around people of this caliber and power, but no one wants to be used, especially not her.
“Whatever you say,” Jinx finished, then looking at Ekko where they shared similar wry smiles.
“Let’s just get back to work,” Vi grumbled while walking further into the stable.
It was just after three in the afternoon when Caitlyn was released from her last lecture of the day. By this time, her skin felt dewy from the thick spring humidity. The trees around campus were buzzing with the sounds of cicadas—a sound that she grew to appreciate and find comfort in.
She dug around in the side pocket of her bag looking for her phone while she walked back to her car. She pulled up her contact list and scrolled through until she found who she was looking for. She clicked the number and waited for them to pick up.
“Hey!” voice on the other line said.
“Hi…what are you doing?”
“Walking to the library— gosh you would think people around here would be able to walk a bit faster.”
Caitlyn furrowed her brows when she heard a double voice. She turned around to find the girl smiling at her from her phone.
“Found ya,” the girl said before hanging up the phone. “Where are you headed?”
“Back to my car, I guess.”
“Don’t sound so blue,” Maddie said. “I could always cheer you up?”
Caitlyn didn’t miss the way she smirked after the question. “It’s not that. There’s new ranchers and my dad wants me to get acquainted, plus I have loads of homework I need to start.”
Maddie looked disappointed. “I see.”
“But…if you’re not doing anything later maybe you can come over?” Caitlyn smiled and Maddie smiled back.
“I’ll see you then!” Maddie waved goodbye and headed towards the library.
Caitlyn sighed. She wasn’t sure why she felt disappointed or why she even called her in the first place. They weren’t officially dating, but they were seeing each other often. Sometimes it seemed like Maddie used her in a way that also made Caitlyn feel both fulfilled and dirty at the same time, but she tried not to think about it. That and the fact that she lied to Maddie about having homework. It gave her something else to focus on while also having a bit of fun.
The drive back to the house was long, just like she planned. She took her time on days like this; days when the windows down felt like the wind calling her name and the sun like an old friend.
When she arrived back home there was a large Suburban parked in front of the house. A trip.
Caitlyn walked in to find suitcases waiting at the bottom of the staircase to be loaded into the car. She looked briefly around for her parents but there was no sign of them. She decided to go on as normal, so she snuck upstairs and into her room, closing the door softly so as to not make a peep. It helped that the house was only a couple years old so the floor creaking under her feet was the least of her worries.
She immediately got rid of her garments, stripping herself of the slick heat hidden beneath her clothes. She threw on a pair of beat up baggy jeans that, at this point, had more holes and patches than denim, and a tank top.
Before she set off for the stables she made sure to pet Cora goodbye while she purred happily from the spot on her bed. Though she tried to be quiet leaving, her mother was walking down the hallway.
“Oh, Caitlyn, there you are,” her mother stopped her. “Me and your father have to go into the city this week so we won’t be back until Sunday. You’ll be alright, won’t you?”
She tried not to jump up and down with glee over the news. “Yes, I’ll be just fine.”
“You promise?” Her mother had her usual concerned look in her eye. She took Caitlyn’s hand and held it. “It’s just that I worry about you. You’re always stuck up in the house and I want you to be able to have a life outside of this.”
“I do. I have Calypso, school, the club-”
“Caitlyn, you know what I mean.”
She did. Her mother was right, Caitlyn didn’t have many friends outside of her typical routine of school. She liked to keep to herself and indulge in things that kept her mind occupied, like riding or reading. She just didn’t understand why all of a sudden her mother seemed to care about how she was spending her time.
“I promise, I’ll be fine. You just focus on your trip and not me because I will be okay.”
Her mother pulled her into a hug. “I love you, Caitlyn.”
“I love you too, mom.” Caitlyn relished in the embrace. It wasn’t often that she was able to feel this kind of physical compassion with her own family. It was better for her to just be left alone, so it was expected that Caitlyn was a bit excited about having the house to herself. She gave her one last smile before going downstairs and out the door.
The wind rustled the shade trees that covered the front yard, each gust sending beams of light upon Caitlyn’s skin. As she walked across the yard, the two farm dogs ran up to Caitlyn, painting their muddy paws down her pants.
“Hi girls, how’s the day treating you?” Caitlyn bent down to rub and scratch each of them. In the distance the blue haired girl ran towards her yelling.
“Come back!”
Caitlyn stood up and walked to meet her in the middle. “Has something happened?”
The girl had her hands on her knees while gasping for air. She held up a hand to Caitlyn instructing her to give the girl a minute. Caitlyn looked down at the dogs again and noticed something shiny in one’s mouth.
“You wouldn’t happen to be looking for this?” Caitlyn held up a large wrench.
“I’ve been chasing those fuckers around for 15 minutes trying to get that back,” the girl said, then taking the wrench from Caitlyn. “You must be Caitlyn, right? Sorry we had to meet under these conditions, I promise I’m much more enjoyable when I’m not suffocating.”
Caitlyn laughed. “It’s nice to meet you, and you are?”
“People call me Jinx. It’s a family name,” she joked.
“Well, welcome to the ranch. I hope you find that it’s not too bad.”
Jinx scoffed. “Bad? Honey, I live for this.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Caitlyn smiled. “I spend a lot of time out here, so I hope you don’t mind me hanging around.”
“Oh, I don’t mind.”
Caitlyn lifted her brow. “You don’t mind, but someone else does?”
“I wouldn’t go that far just yet, she’s just a work in progress.”
Caitlyn hummed in response. The pink haired girl seemed to have a problem with her already before they had even spoken.
“She acts real tough, but she’s a big softy on the inside— don’t tell her I said that!” Jinx quickly added. “She would wring my neck.”
“I thought she was a big softy?” Caitlyn smirked.
“I like you already,” Jinx smiled and punched Caitlyn’s arm playfully. “Where you headed out this way?”
“Just to the stables to prepare Calypso for a ride. You?”
“Same, not the riding part, but headed back to the barn now that I have this back.” Jinx pointed the wrench at the dogs while they wagged their tails in response. “The other guys are there too so I can introduce you.”
Caitlyn nodded her head and followed Jinx towards the stables. The dogs followed close behind both of them, one of them occasionally nipping at the wrench in hopes to get lucky again. At the entrance of the stables, the white haired boy was moving bales of hay out into the pasture.
“Ekko!” Jinx called out, but Ekko was hidden behind the bale of hay in his arms.
“Finally stopped chasing the dogs around?”
Jinx gasped. “Chasing? They had my wrench and I wasn’t going to make it very far without it, thank you very much. Now why don’t you put that down and say hello, it’s rude to ignore people.” Jinx looked at Caitlyn and winked.
Ekko threw down the bale of hay with an exasperated breath. He took his glove off and extended his hand with a smile. “As you’ve probably heard before, I’m Ekko. It’s nice to meet you Miss Kiramman.”
Caitlyn shook his hand while her face cringed. “Please, call me Cait, Mrs Kiramman is my mother.”
“Cait,” he nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me, as you can see we like our nicknames around here.”
“I’ve noticed,” Caitlyn giggled.
“Where’s Violet hanging around?” Jinx asked Ekko.
He looked at her with disgust on his face. “Violet? Last time you called her that you didn’t talk to each other for two months because she scrapped parts from your-”
“We don’t need to talk about Bethany,” Jinx stopped him. “She had a good run while it lasted.”
Caitlyn looked back and forth between the two. “Should I even ask?”
“Better to not,” Ekko said.
“I’m just trying to fill Cait in on all the major points I feel she should know about,” Jinx shrugged even though it seemed like she was playing some kind of game. Caitlyn assumed it was about the possibility of Violet not meshing well with her.
“Well, Violet is out back by the tractor. I guess the gasket blew so she’s out fixing it.”
“Shall we?” Jinx smirked and Caitlyn wiggled her eyebrows and led the way.
They both walked through the main paddock lined with mares and geldings to get to the back entrance of the stable. As Caitlyn looked on, she saw the red tractor with its main compartment on top wide open. Violet stood beside as she worked and studied the mechanics inside.
Caitlyn observed the girl as her arms flexed with every turn of the socket. She was surprised to see that the tattoos that lingered on her arms also traveled down to her back as well. It was hard not to say that her attire was distracting. The overalls that were once hooked over her shoulders were now dropped and hanging down by her hips, exposing her thin and sweat-drenched tank top.
She realized she was staring the moment she remembered that Jinx was with her. Or so she thought.
Caitlyn looked beside her and Jinx was no longer there. She turned around to find Jinx and Ekko at the end of the stable looking in Caitlyn's direction. She glared at them and shook her head. It was a calculated plan to pair her with Violet without a way out.
She rolled her eyes and walked forward reluctantly. She wasn’t scared of her, but she wasn’t particularly excited about meeting someone that already had a bad taste in their mouth about her.
With her arms crossed, she stood behind the girl. “You must be Violet?”
The girl straightened up, unfortunately smacking her head into the hood of the tractor. “Shit! Don’t you know you’re not supposed to sneak up… on people.”
Violet paused in the middle of her words when she saw Caitlyn standing behind her. She let her eyes dart all over her body, from her low rise jeans that sat on her hips just enough to let her stomach peek through, to her tank top that hugged all of her best places.
“I… I didn’t mean to scare you, I just thought I would come over and introduce myself, courtesy of Jinx who has seemed to leave me high and dry.”
Violet looked over Caitlyn’s shoulder and into the stables to find Jinx hiding behind bales of hay. “Kinda my sister's way I guess. And it’s Vi by the way, no one calls me Violet.”
“Sister?” Caitlyn said surprisingly.
“Yeah, Jinx is my little sister,” Vi sighed. She walked over to her work bench and grabbed an already dirty towel to wipe her hands off and walked back towards Caitlyn. “You gonna tell me your name, sweetheart, or do I need to make something up to call you myself?”
Jinx informed Caitlyn about everything except the fact that Vi was extremely charming and a bit intimidating. It was just enough to make Caitlyn red from Vi’s introduction.
“I’m Caitlyn— Caitlyn Kiramman, but everyone calls me Cait.”
Vi smirked. “Am I everyone?”
“I guess that’s up to you,” Caitlyn playfully said back. “I’ll let you get back to your…gasket.”
“My gasket thanks you.”
Caitlyn laughed. “I’ll see you around I suppose.”
“I hope so.”
Caitlyn turned around and walked back to where she came from. “Let you get back to your gasket?” she murmured and shook her head.
Vi had her eyes glued to her figure and Cait could sense her piercing stare on her back, suddenly making her feel self conscious.
She passed a few stalls in the stable until she found Jinx. “Thanks a lot!”
“How else was I supposed to get you two alone together?” she innocently said.
“That definitely wasn’t part of the plan.”
“I think that kinda went out the window the minute she started talking to you.”
“What do you mean?”
Jinx shrugged. “I don’t know, I just don’t see Vi acting like that very often. I guess she was wrong.”
She walked away leaving Caitlyn standing alone with her own curiosity to keep her comforted. Caitlyn brushed off the weird interaction and tried to go about her afternoon as originally planned without Vi as a distraction. This proved to be a difficult task.
Caitlyn walked down the aisle of stalls until she stood in front of Calypso’s stable. “Hi, old girl.”
She slid the stall door open to greet her oldest companion. Her hand dragged down the side of Calypso’s face, down her neck, and to her back. She took pride in how much she cared for Calypso and it showed. Her grey and blue coat was shining even in the darkened barn and her mane and tail were tied into beautiful braids that Caitlyn made sure to periodically brush and fix to make sure she was well manicured.
Caitlyn retrieved her saddle and pad that hung close to Calypso’s stall on display and adjusted them appropriately. Then, she grabbed her favorite bit and bridle, pulling it over Calypso’s muzzle and over her head, fastening and tightening the reins to her liking.
Once Calypso was put together just how Caitlyn liked, she led her out of the barn. She decided to take a chance and go out of the back entrance, the same place where she left Vi poking and prodding at the tractor. To her surprise, all three of them were now surrounding the tractor.
While Ekko and Jinx were doing their best to put the machine back together, Vi was leaning against the tractor looking outward towards the acreage that extended long past the house and stables.
Caitlyn rounded the back of the tractor to see Vi standing with her arms crossed. She looked away before Vi had the chance to sniff out her motives. Though her interaction with Vi was minuscule, there was a longing to fraternize and tangle with her. She had a way of pulling you in, blind and without warning.
So, Caitlyn, while leading Calypso by her bridle, tried not to look back at the trio because something told her if she did then there would be more than just Vi staring in her direction.
When she was a decent distance away from the group, she felt like it was appropriate to mount Calypso. Caitlyn had grown accustomed to Calypso’s height over the years, so it became easier for her to sit atop her with ease. Once she was stable enough, she gave Calypso the go ahead with a small tap from her right boot.
Without a second guess, Caitlyn swiftly slid her hair tie down the length of her cobalt hair until it was flowing behind her in the wind. Though it was impractical, Caitlyn loved to feel the wind blow through her hair as she rode. It was just one more step to freedom in her eyes.
Calypso started off slowly, trotting while feeling out the environment before taking off. It didn’t take long for her to find her footing before she was bolting off into the meadow and trees beyond.
“I hate to see her leave, but I love to watch her go,” Jinx mocked in a dopey voice while staring at Vi watching in front of her. “So much for ‘she’s just another rich kid,’ eh?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Vi said without taking her eyes off of Caitlyn far away.
“You can say that we were right, it’s okay,” Ekko shrugged playfully.
“And what’s the fun in that? You weren’t right about anything yet.”
“Yet? Hah! There’s the kicker! Don’t worry, we’ll wait around until you’re ready to admit it to yourself, sis.” Jinx leaned her elbow against Ekko’s shoulder.
“I can’t help it if she’s even nicer to look at up close,” Vi scoffed and turned around for the first time in minutes.
“You also can’t help it if you’re afraid to admit that you might like her,” Jinx smirked.
“Like her? I barely know her. I talked to her for like two minutes.”
“Two minutes longer than you wanted.”
Jinx was pushing it and she knew it. She just couldn’t help but fuck with her sister, especially when it came to women. Vi never allowed herself to embrace her soft side around other people, but Jinx was determined to change that.
It was late evening now as Caitlyn sat up in her room trying to avoid the quiet and dark house that waited outside her door. Just as the morning, her window was ajar to let the late night air flow inside. The sounds of cicadas buzzed just enough for comfort as she laid on her stomach in bed reading. Cora laid in a small bundle next to her, warming her bare skin from the chill in the air.
She was pulled out of her thoughts when her phone buzzed. There was a text from Maddie waiting for her which she promptly opened.
Let me in her text read.
Caitlyn really wasn’t expecting her to show up after all this time had passed. Neither one of them had worked out plans for seeing each other later that night, but she should’ve assumed this would happen. It meant that Maddie needed something.
She sighed and stood up from her bed. She scrambled quickly to find a sweatshirt to cover some part of her body, as she was fairly exposed with her white tank top and red plaid boxer shorts.
She worked up the nerve to leave her comforting room for the cold outside. Her arms and head fought to pull on the Penn State hoodie that she found on the floor of her bedroom. She rushed down the stairs which led her to the front door.
There was a moment before pulling it open where she tried to collect herself. It was hard to prepare for what would happen, especially when she didn’t know what kind of mood Maddie was in. It would most likely end the way it always did— skin to skin with a bite of regret.
She exhaled before putting an apprehensive hand on the door knob and opening the door. “Hey!” Caitlyn said with fake enthusiasm.
“Hey there,” Maddie said back while walking past Caitlyn to walk inside. She never shied away from making herself comfortable everywhere she went. Caitlyn shut the door behind her while biting her lip nervously, a quirk that she never lost from childhood.
Throughout their initial meeting to the time that Maddie left, Vi had been working in the garage, giving her a nice view of the Kiramman’s front door. Vi watched as Maddie kissed Caitlyn goodbye before stumbling down the steps to her car.
Vi couldn’t help but focus her attention on Caitlyn. Even though Caitlyn had willingly brought the girl inside, it looked as though she was more than happy for her to be leaving.
Caitlyn stayed at the door until Maddie drove away. That’s when her smile dropped. Caitlyn ran her hands down the length of her face and shook her head in annoyance for letting the situation happen once again.
When she opened her eyes she was surprised to see Vi hanging around the garage. She was even more surprised to see that Vi was looking at her. It was almost as if she had been caught in the act and Caitlyn’s breath hitched and she froze. She didn’t expect someone else to be around at this time of night, let alone see her walk of shame.
Due to Caitlyn’s lack of movement, Vi lifted her hand in the air to wave, acknowledging the girl lurking in the doorway that was staring back at her. Caitlyn didn’t wave back, but instead she quickly hurried inside and shut the door.
“Kiramman’s got secrets,” Vi mumbled to herself as she went back to work on her motorcycle.
For the first time, Vi felt a glimmer of hope spark from inside her.
☞ join my taglist!
taglist: @youreatotalposer // @xxromanoffxx // @avengerswriter4eva // @xxxtwilightaxelxxx // @la-reine-des-enfers // @chickenlittlsblog // @belovasecho // @youresuchamom // @kacka84 // @alotofpockets // @yamum-com // @maia-lightwoood // @lifeontop // @marvelwomen-simp // @sarah5462 // @jackharlowsshawty // @batmanzbae-blog // @yelenabelovasbxtch // @marvelfan98 // @an-evergreen-rose // @popeheywardssecretgf // @lovelyy-moonlight // @justthis-stuff // @sat-yrr // @mythosphere-x // @daenerys713 // @bentleywolf29 // @natasha25052 // @ortega29 // @sherlockstrangewolf // @writing-randomness // @twentyonetornmyheart // @mathxa // @push-on-me // @natasha-romanoffs-world // @jade-maximoff // @umadirectioner // @ladyylesbian // @creaturismss // @bitchybananaflower // @likefirenrain // @ellajaureguiles // @charlothee
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yelenaslyubov · 8 days ago
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part 1 // part 2 (coming soon)
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SUMMARY: The Kiramman’s live a lavish life that has now been moved to the countryside in hopes to reconnect with the outside world. Caitlyn is in her last year of graduate school and spends most of her time by herself, whether that be stuck in her room with her nose in a book or riding her horse Calypso. Vi, along with Jinx and Ekko, are on the hunt for a solid position to dig their feet into the ground. When Caitlyn’s father hires new ranchers to help around the Kiramman ranch, a new and curious connection develops between Caitlyn and Vi. They spend most of their time together in the heat of the moment— taking each other on new adventures and finding even more ways to get lost in each others love.
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this one is for all my arcane and caitvi lovers💙❤️since apparently i like writing country/western AU’s, here’s another one for yall that im really excited about ;) this is my first time writing for caitvi so im hoping that i do them justice bc they’re my lover girls. i love a good little heated romance so im super pumped for this story and i hope you are too!
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VI 𓄀
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if you would like to be tagged in this series, feel free to comment down below and i will add you to the list! if you’d like to be tagged in all my work, visit the link to my taglist here
taglist: @youreatotalposer // @xxromanoffxx // @avengerswriter4eva // @xxxtwilightaxelxxx // @la-reine-des-enfers // @chickenlittlsblog // @belovasecho // @youresuchamom // @kacka84 // @alotofpockets // @yamum-com // @maia-lightwoood // @lifeontop // @marvelwomen-simp // @sarah5462 // @jackharlowsshawty // @batmanzbae-blog // @yelenabelovasbxtch // @marvelfan98 // @an-evergreen-rose // @popeheywardssecretgf // @lovelyy-moonlight // @justthis-stuff // @sat-yrr // @mythosphere-x // @daenerys713 // @bentleywolf29 // @natasha25052 // @ortega29 // @sherlockstrangewolf // @writing-randomness // @twentyonetornmyheart // @mathxa // @push-on-me // @natasha-romanoffs-world // @jade-maximoff // @umadirectioner // @ladyylesbian // @creaturismss // @bitchybananaflower // @likefirenrain // @ellajaureguiles // @charlothee
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yelenaslyubov · 8 days ago
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caitvi masterlist
main masterlist || requests || taglist
(updated 2/23/2025)
smut- ☆
* requested
꩜ Cowboy Take Me Away ☆
Part 1 // Part 2 (coming soon)
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yelenaslyubov · 19 days ago
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so you can sleep
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yelenaslyubov · 20 days ago
Help Noor Rebuild Her Life and Care for Her Children
I am Noor, a mother of three children: Yamen (5 years old), Tala (11 years old), and Yara (9 years old). I once lived a simple life in Gaza, filled with love and hope, but the war took everything from us.
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My husband has been missing since the start of the war, and I have no idea where he is or what happened to him. Our home, our safe haven, was completely destroyed in a bombing. I had no choice but to flee with my children, moving from one place to another, with nowhere to call home.
But the suffering didn’t stop there. I was severely injured in an airstrike, leaving me unable to move my right hand entirely. I’ve undergone two surgeries so far, but my hand remains lifeless. My leg was also severely injured and requires ongoing treatment. I am unable to do even the simplest things for my children, who look at me with eyes full of fear and hope.
Process reports
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I traveled to Egypt, clinging to the hope of receiving the medical care I so desperately need. However, the cost of treatment is overwhelming. The surgeries, medications, and physical therapy are all essential, but I simply cannot afford them.
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My children need me, and I need your help. I don’t want to give in to pain or despair, but I cannot do this alone. Every donation you make is a lifeline for my children to feel safe again and a ray of hope for me to regain my strength and stand by their side.
Please, help me. Give me the chance to recover, to care for my children, and to be the mother they so desperately need
The campaign has been checked by @90-ghost here
Donation Link
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yelenaslyubov · 21 days ago
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yelenaslyubov · 22 days ago
Vatted by association
Click here
Very important please do not ignore🚨🚨
Save the life of my husband and children from death 🥹💔🇵🇸
Hello friends, despite the difficult circumstances we are living in, from famine and the lack of food and drink and facing death at every moment, my husband and I were exposed to direct and close bombing by Israeli warplanes😭, and as a result, my husband and I were seriously injured. My husband entered surgery and spent several days in intensive care. As a result of the injury, he lost his left eye and 70 centimeters of intestine were removed.💔😭
His condition is critical and he is now staying in the hospital and needs treatment and healthy food that is not available 🥹💔
In addition, my tent was damaged by the missile bombing and became unlivable 🥹💔
So please, I need your support and help 😭 Try to help me with any donation to provide shelter for my children and treatment for my husband.
Please, my life and the lives of my children and husband are in danger 🥹💔💔
Any donation you make will help me provide a tent or at least provide medicine and food for my husband.
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yelenaslyubov · 22 days ago
🚨 We Need Your Kindness to Survive 🚨
Hello, My name is Mosab, and I live in Gaza with my family. Life here has become harder than I ever imagined, and I’m writing this with hope in my heart that you might hear our story.
The ongoing war has devastated my family. We’ve lost 25 family members—each one a beloved part of our lives, taken too soon. I miss them deeply—their laughter, their presence, their love. Every day is a reminder of this unimaginable loss.
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We are now facing daily challenges to survive—things that most people take for granted, like food, clean water, and a safe place to sleep. The harsh realities of life here have replaced our dreams with the constant fight for survival.
Our Current Situation:
💔 Lost Stability: The war has left us without work or a stable source of income.
📚 Dreams on Hold: Like so many here, my family’s dreams have been replaced by the need to simply survive.
😢 Unimaginable Loss: Losing 25 loved ones has left a void that can never be filled.
How You Can Help:
I’m sharing our story with the hope that someone out there might care. Even $10 can make a big difference for us, and if you’re unable to donate, just reblogging this post can help spread the word.
Your kindness, no matter how small, is something we’ll never forget.
What This Means to Us:
Your support is not about changing our entire situation—it’s about giving us a little relief, a little hope, and a way to keep going. We are not asking for much, and we understand if you can’t donate. Sharing our story is just as valuable to us as a donation.
Thank you for reading this far. It means the world to us to know that someone is listening. Your kindness gives us strength and helps us believe in a better tomorrow.
With all our gratitude,
Mosab and Family ❤️
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yelenaslyubov · 22 days ago
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yelenaslyubov · 23 days ago
i’ve been having hot flashes over caitvi so i need to know if yall want me to write for arcane🙏i probably will anyway but i need to know if there’s any arcane/caitvi truthers in the house
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yelenaslyubov · 23 days ago
anyways if you guys wanna follow me on x i decided i wanna be a menace there too😝🫶
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yelenaslyubov · 25 days ago
WHAT A COMEBACK STORY pun definitely intended
JOCK KATE🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Hoop Dreams
a/n: Took a hiatus but @yelenaslyubov inspired me to come back and write a story !! I hope you enjoy. Submit something good in my requests and maybe I'll do it...👀
Kate Bishop X f!reader
Word Count: 3158
Warnings: Smut ! kinda homoerotic friendship vibes to start. 18+
Summary: Everyone except you and Kate can see you are both very clearly in love with one another.
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If anybody knew what it was like to be in love with your best friend and everyone but you knew it, it was you. On the outside, to basically anyone who looked at the two of you, you were unequivocally in love. To you, she was your best friend, someone you’d do anything for, anytime, anywhere and did she make you feel like you were on the top of the world every time you saw her? Yeah maybe. But she’s your best friend. 
You and Kate met a little over 2 years ago and while you were often crossing paths before that, you never seemed to directly make contact. Until one day you had a conversation with her and from there on it was like you were making up any excuse imaginable to bump into her again. That probably should’ve been your first sign that you had a crush but at the time you just thought you finally found someone you clicked so well with. After a few more convos here and there you finally decided to find her on Instagram and one DM later the rest was history. You guys have talked every day since then. Kate played on the basketball team at your college, you worked on the game day operations team as floor director for that team. It’s honestly surprising that it took 2 years at the school for your paths to cross. It was usually your favourite part of your week getting to watch Kate hoop. She was by far the best player on your team averaging 28 points per game. As floor director you get to be in charge of how things happen and making sure they all run smoothly such as player intros, halftime contests and post game interviews. So you tried your best to watch her play as much as you could but sometimes you get caught up doing bigger responsibilities that get poured on your plate. 
Today, you were up in the broadcast booth where the cameras and commentators were running up a last minute message request to read out at the end of the fourth quarter. One of your other close friends Yelena worked one of the broadcast cameras. Yelena has been a long time friend, and one of those people that are outside of yours and Kate’s friendship who clearly see what you two can’t. 
“Hey Lena, how’s the game going from up here.” You say after climbing 3 flights of stairs to get to her. 
“Pretty good, your girl is just crossed someone to hit a bank 3” she says with a wink. 
You roll your eyes at her comment but couldn’t help but smile after watching the replay on the video board. 
“Looks like she’s going for a new season high” she says as the number next to Kate’s name goes up to 36. 
“Whole lotta game left, maybe career high.” You replied as you saw the minutes wind down in the 3rd. 
“Do you have anywhere else to run to?” Yelena asked. 
“Not right now”
“Sit and stay for a minute with me then I’m lonely sometimes up here.” She says with her goofy ass grin. 
You smile and shake your head as you pull up a chair next to her. Kate hits a buzzer beater middy to finish the 3rd and you’re smiling ear to ear. 
“Look at you y/n”
“Your stupid grin.”
You just stare at her pissed off as she laughs. 
“Come on- when are you going to admit that the air is thick and the tension is there every single time you guys hang out.” 
“Lena it’s just not like that, we’re just friends. Besides, I don’t even know if she likes girls, we’re close but she’s only ever really mentioned men since I met her.”
“Y/n c'mon you can’t be that nice at basketball and not be gay.” She said with a laugh. “We all know Paige Bueckers and Azzi aren’t foolin’ anyone.”
“Uh huh”
“Either way y/n/n, I see the way she scans the arena for you when she’s on the bench.”
“Well if that’s true, then I better get down there so she can see me can’t I.” You say in a snarky tone. 
“Leaving me for your girlfriend, typical.” She says jokingly. 
“She’s not my girlfriend Belova.”
“Yeah whatever, I just know that in 2 minutes when that clock winds down to zero you’re the first person she’s looking for.”
“Guess we’ll see” you say and shrug. 
You made it back down the floor level with 30 seconds left on the clock. As time winds down, her teammate inbounds the ball to her as she slowly takes it up the court and lets the time fall off. They were already up by 18 at this point and Kate had a career game with 48 points. 
You’re walking down past the courtside seats as the buzzer goes off and she sees you from the other end of the court. The two of your bodies relax as your pupils dilate at the sight of one another. You both walk together with haste and you give her the biggest, sweatiest hug. 
“Congrats on your new career high Kate” you say to her as she holds you tighter in her arms. 
“Thanks y/l/n. Hit that bow & arrow celly just for you tonight.” She says jokingly with a wink. 
Kate’s teammates come rushing over and empty their Gatorade bottles over her head as they all jump celebrating her new record. The media quickly rushes in and you lose sight of her as they pull her aside for the post game interview. 
You see her motion one second to the media as they’re putting the headset on her.
“Y/n! Y/n!” She says calling over to you, “don’t leave, imma come find you after this.”
You softly smile and nod your head at her and go start listening to how your crew is doing on the walkies. Post game can get a little hectic so it’s not the end of the world if you need to lock in for a second and finish your game day duties. 
The two of you were taking sneaky glances at one another while you were both working. You loved watching her bask in all her success with her team and the fans. She loved watching you just do what you're great at too. Her hitting a career high was nothing compared to the dopamine she knew she was going to feel celebrating it with you tonight. 
Kate finished up her interviews and you watched as she tossed her towel over her shoulder and walked over to you collecting papers at the scoring table. 
“Here” Kate says, opening her hand to you. 
“Let me carry those for you.”
“Kate you just played a whole game, I think I can manage a few papers on my own.”
Kate rolled her eyes and extended her hand again, putting emphasis on it this time. 
You gave her an “are you serious” look and knew she wasn’t going to give up so you smacked them down in her hand. 
“Ow papercut!” She says “haha kidding”
You’re shaking your head with a smile on your face. She’s the goofiest person you know but it is one of her most adorable traits. 
Kate walks with you back to the main office to put the papers away and like a golden retriever, she is immediately intrigued by everything surrounding her. 
“Wowwww what’s this!!” She said pointing at about 50 different things. Most people would get annoyed with someone asking 101 questions but with her you could do it forever. It's part of what makes you guys such good…friends. 
You went to put away your walkies and ear pieces but the basket the extra cases go in was on a High shelf. You kept jumping trying to grab it but your finger tips could just barely graze the bottom of the box. Kate saw you struggling and came over to help. You were on your tippy toes when all of a sudden she was right next to you, towering over you grabbing the basket. You were looking right up at her, nearly a couple inches from her face as she looked down at you. 
clears throat “thanks” you say. 
“What are tall friends for!” Kate says in a super excited voice. For a second there, Yelena got in your head. But Kate clearly not seeing the same thing to you just said that there is nothing there between you two and you were clearly right. 
“Don’t you need to go shower”
“What do I smell or something y/l/n?” She said with this stupid cocky smirk on her face. 
“Yes. Like ass - go shower” 
Kate’s smile just drops off her face as she lunges towards you and wraps her arms around you. 
“Ew Kate stop!!” You were saying as she was laughing wrapping her sweaty arms around you. “You didn’t seem to mind earlier, what’s the problem now?”
“Earlier I was impressed with your new career high. Now it’s old news”
“Wowwwwww” she says with her mouth wide open “guess I’ll just have to drop 50 for you next week to love me again” 
“Make it 55” you said with a wink. 
“You did look good out there today though seriously.”
“Is that all I am to you y/n? A piece of meat?” She says sarcastically with a fake gasp. 
“Yeah basically”
“Wow okay well then how does this make you feel?” She asks and flex’s her arms. 
“Oh- so very aroused” you say overly sarcastic
“Thought so.” Kate replied as you both giggled at each other. 
“Sooo since I helped you carry all those super heavy papers are you going to help me grab my stuff from the bench and bring it back to the locker room?”
You stare at her and roll your eyes as you reluctantly say “I guess so”
At this point the two of you have been doing crap in the office for so long that almost everyone has cleared out from the stadium. You head back out there to grab her warm up shirt and other items as you walk back through the tunnel to the change room. She opens the door as you stand outside. 
“Come on, what are you doing?”
“I’m allowed back there?”
“Yes y/n, besides nobody’s even here they all showered and left already.”
“Okay if you say so…”
You walked back with her as she threw her stuff in her stall. 
“I’m going to shower, you gonna wait for me?”
“Sure yeah”
“Okay cool, feel free to hang out in my stall I’ll be back in a bit.”
You sat there looking at all of the stuff people had in their stalls. Kate didn’t have too much, it was honestly fairly organized, you were surprised. She had a couple of pairs of shoes, water bottles, extra shorts and shirts and at the very back of it, a polaroid of you taped for her to see before every gameday. The thought of her looking at you before she steps on the court every time made you blush a little. 
“Y/n can you come here!” You hear yelling from the showers. 
You walk over and ask her what’s up. 
“Can you grab me some extra soap? This one ran out. It should be in the closet to the right of you”
“Sure” you reply and go grab some. You walked over to her shower stall and pushed the curtain aside just enough for your arm to squeeze through without seeing anything. “Here you go”
“Thanks babe” she says as she grabs it. Her hand grazes yours and you can’t help but all of a sudden feel a little nervous, chills running down your spine. Fuck Yelena. She majorly got in your head. Did you have feelings for Kate? You don’t want to ruin your friendship and she clearly doesn’t like you like that so stop thinking like that!
“I’ll um be back in the locker area” you say with a slight voice crack
You’re scrolling TikTok to try to take your mind off of whatever the hell that was that just happened when Kate walks out into the changeroom, wrapped in a towel with wet hair. You cross your legs and clear your throat before saying anything.
“You’ve been acting weird today, is everything alright?” She asks.
“Yeahhh, I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Women problems?” She says looking over at you with a smirk and a laugh as she reaches to grab her clothing. Her silver chain dangling down as she bends back up.
“What? Pffft. No. Why would you say that?”
“I’m kidding…I know you can’t have woman problems when you’re too busy being in love with me.”
You feel a lump in your throat develop and Kate lets out a laugh insinuating she was kidding but then gives you a weird face when it wasn’t immediately reciprocated. 
Kate leaves for a second and comes back around the corner wearing only a sports bra and a clean pair of basketball shorts.
“You need to relax y/l/n. You are seriously tense, let me help.” she says as she comes behind you and starts rubbing your shoulders.
The slight touch had a pool developing in your pants. Not good, so not good. 
She is working your shoulders and neck and starts rubbing down your chest a little, you let out a little whimper hoping to god she didn’t notice. “That feel good?” She whispered in your ear, you could feel her warm breath making all the hairs stand up on the back of your neck.
“Mhmm” was all you could get out. You could feel her smirk from behind. 
All of a sudden you felt her lips ever so slightly graze your neck. And then again, and again as she left a trail of kisses down to your shoulder. You let out another moan at the feeling that you have been craving since the day you two met and you just didn’t know it. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” she whispers. 
Kate spins you around so you’re facing her. Her soft lips connect with yours as her hand comes up to your neck and runs through your hair pulling your face in tight to hers. 
“Me too” you gasp out in between kisses.
She pulls you up not breaking your make out session and gently slams you against the lockers. You could feel her tugging at the hem of your shirt wanting it off. You pull it over your head so quickly as Kate immediately starts kissing down your chest. You feel her left hand go around your back and in one quick motion unhook your bra perfectly as it falls to the floor. 
“Wow, you are gorgeous.” she says as she takes you all in. “I have been dreaming about this forever.”
“Oh yeah?” You reply in a flirtatious tone. “What happens in your dreams?”
“Well pretty much exactly this…and then maybe something else…” She says as her finger tips graze the inside of your waistband. Seeking your approval with a simple look, you quickly nod your head yes. 
Kate’s hand quickly sinks into your pants, as she slowly starts to rub between your lips. She manages to find the perfect spot to make you squirm from her touch. 
“That feel good, baby?”
“Y-yes, s-so good.”
You feel Kate push a finger in and your knees nearly buckled from under you. You try to hold yourself up as soft moans escape your lips. Kate kissing you as her fingers make you feel unspeakable things. It felt like Kate knew your body like it was her 100th time doing this. She just knew all the right places to rub and the speed that you needed her at. 
She puts another finger in you and you moan her name loud enough that anyone outside of the changeroom could hear. “Shhhh baby” she says. 
Her hand thrusting into you as she leaves small hickies on your neck for anyone to see. 
“Kate- I’m getting so close.” You mumble out.
“All I want. Is to feel you cum all over my fingers.” she says in the most insanely seductive tone.
You were pushed to your edge the way she was speaking in your ear and released all over her. Her thrusts slowing down as your body starts to give out; she catches you and brings you over to her stall to sit down. 
You catch your breath for a second as you look over to see her throwing on her shirt. Fuck she looked hot in the sports bra. The way her arms looked and how toned she was. 
“Leaving already?” You ask her.
“No baby, just getting my things together so we can go back to my apartment and I can treat you properly.”
“That wasn’t proper?” You say with a laugh.
“y/n, you have no idea the things I’m going to make you feel tonight.”
Fuck that confidence was hot. She was hot. How are you just now discovering this after being friends with her for this long. 
You just stare at her in awe of that performance and what she just said.
“Here’s the plan baby, we are going to go back to my place and hop in the shower together. I'm going to make you cum in the shower this time, so hard that when I take you for a nice dinner afterwards, walking is going to be a challenge. Then we are going to come back to my apartment and I am going to kiss every inch of you, tell you how beautiful you are and hold you until you fall asleep in my arms.”
You just look at her and nod your head in approval. 
“Let’s go love.” she says, extending her hand to help you up. She hands you your clothing as the two of you gather all your stuff to head out.
Kate grabs your hand and holds it tight as you walk out of the changeroom to go back to her place. As soon as you turn the corner to leave, there stands Yelena looking at the two of you walk out of the changeroom disheveled and holding hands. 
“I KNEW IT” she screamed. 
You were practically hiding in your shirt from her as Kate just smirked and looked at you and looked back at Yelena. 
“It’s always been her, what can I say?” Kate says to Lena.
“Be safe you two, I don’t want to be an aunt just yet.” She says as she walks away.
You both laugh and head out. Looking over at Kate still catching glimpses of one another when the other isn’t looking. Fuck she really is the one. 
Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms @oohlala666 @kates-abs-slay@scmg11@uselessgaez @katebishops-simp @d0ingitwithpassi0n @wuwu96 @ar23northlondon-forever
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