#because guess what
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heremob · 6 months ago
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Brazilian Miku and Miku cangaceira
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areyoudoingthis · 1 year ago
I am SO grateful that ed and stede exist as characters exactly as they are. I'm so grateful for these two men who are traumatized and messed up and struggle to even like themselves, who are terrible at communicating, who make enough mistakes between the two of them to fill an entire ocean. I am so grateful to watch them struggle and be seen and be loved and reach out for the things they want and are maybe starting to believe that they deserve. I'm so grateful that the show lets them fall in love and get together exactly as they are, that it doesn't say they need to wait until they've become some unattainably perfect version of themselves before they have permission to have that. i am so grateful for ofmd
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cherryzombiezz · 4 months ago
grabs your face. listen.
how is saying curly deserved his disfigurement any different than saying anya deserved her rape.
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cinamun · 10 months ago
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birf · 8 months ago
“gay son or thot daughter?” I say getting ready to come out as genderfluid to my parents
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pesedjet · 4 months ago
hi guys. i know my entire blog is like. ancient egypt based. and thats because ancient egypt is my number one special interest. but you also know whats my number two special interest? ennead.
like idgaf if you dont like ennead. like genuinely. that is your own personal opinion. i, some random fuckass on the internet, is not here to tell you that you should like ennead. it deals with very heavy topics that i, myself, find uncomfortable.
it is also apparent that some of you guys havent read ennead. which, ynknow. is fine. you do not need to read things that make you uncomfortable. however, i think the discussion about whether or not ennead is a good "kemet mythology" interpretation would be benefited if you guys read—nay, skimmed—over a good chunk of s1. or hell, even looked outside of the mythology/religion aspect and into the bl biosphere as a whole.
why is x character light skinned? because that was mojito's artistic interpretation. also, light-skinned bottoms paired with a larger, buffer dark-skinned top is a very prevalent trope in bl/yaoi. why is ra a woman? because shes based off raet-tawy, the feminine form of ra. why is osiris the bad guy? because that was mojito's interpretation. why is rape (towards seth) so heavily prevalent in ennead? because the men in seth's life saw him as a mere object, and the repeated assault not only reinforces the toxic masculinity osiris has pushed onto him, but also that he is worth nothing. unfortunately, it is integral to his character in ennead (as we seen in s2-ep107, the only person who treated him as a person and not as a body to fuck is horus).
ENNEAD IS NOT SUPPOST TO BE A 100% INTERPRETATION OF THE EGYPTIAN MYTH. MOJITO HAS LITERALLY SAID THAT. the more yall harp about the "inconsistencies" (that are very much artistic interpretation on mojitos part), the more i want to rip out my hair. (in my opinion,) ennead also has one of the better ancient egyptian god designs that arent mecha/bulky/extremely pop-culture based. is it better than more personal interpretation of the gods? no, it cant beat that. but the fact you guys think its orientalism drives me nuts.
edit: also, i should add—it's much funner to digest ennead if you dont view it from the lenses of bl but instead some really slowburn mystery type of shit. dont discredit mojito, shes put a lot of work and love into the series (hell, the hieroglyphs in the manhwa are literally translatable) not for you bitches to go "actually, this shit fucking sucks"
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drawbauchery · 1 year ago
Okay first of all those sketches are cute as fuck
Third of all:
Yyyep, that's a simulation. I think so because one: Junko and Chiaki are on the bus, they can eat but don't have to, just like Chiaki in the Neo World Program where she chose to eat breakfast with everyone. Not to mention she tried to eat gum from under the seats while already on the bus.
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We do not know if human beings have to eat after being put in a simulation, but based on the fact that in one of the first comics Hajime asked Teruteru to make him some eggs because he forgot to eat breakfast it is safe to assume that they at least feel hunger.
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"Chiaki and Junko could be humans then" no, Chiaki was confirmed to be AI multiple times. And Junko..
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Only AIs seem to be able to hear us and:
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Two: in the newest Komahina comic we can observe changes of Hajime when he's out of the bus (past) and while on the bus (present) from panel to panel which means they're next to each other practically begging to play find the difference.
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Most noticeable for me was the eye, past Hajime has two coloured eyes, the panels are black and white but because of the shade difference we all know that one of the eyes are his standard colour and one's from Izuru and is red. The thing is: present Hajime (on the bus) doesn't have a red eye. Nothing. Nada. Zero. And do you know where else he didn't have that eye? Bingo! Neo World Program. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't just put on a contact right? Well then, let's move on; the second difference in Hajime is hair length, it's visibly longer in the past, not the Izuru fuckery long but longer than Hajime has now (on the bus). "But he could cut it!" Fair enough, let's move on. That's all for Hajime. Now's the time for the remnants of despair.
Just like another user noted; some remnants got permanent marks while being in the.. Trance, I guess? Not important. There's no way they could just cover up some of them, which only confirms my belief that they are put in a Neo World Program or a similar simuation where they just reused their body models from the NWP in sdr2. "They could cover up the marks with this and this" well okay then, I'm not an expert in the make up industry.
Still not believing? I've got a big one for you, then. You ready? 
It's Nagito.
As simple as that sounds.
I don't know if you've noticed but human beings aren't able to grow a limb. And Nagito lost a limb while being the remnant of despair. He cut his hand off. Poof, gone.
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We can clearly see the lack of his left hand in the comic.
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But he magically has it back in the present time? He magically got it back while being ON THE BUS? I'm sorry, but even Mikan couldn't just get him his hand back.
"He got a prosthetic arm from Kazuichi in one of the comics describing the past!" Yeah!
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And you can see that it's a prosthetic no problem, right? You can see that it's a different material? That it's not skin? You can see it's metal and it has screws and bolts. You can see it's a prosthetic. Can you say the same about his hand now, on the bus? Nope. It's a normal hand. Compare it to any other it looks like a normal, human hand. You know where else he has a normal hand after he cut it. At this point I don't even have to say it's Neo World Program. Just like with the test of the remnants of despair, reusing models isn't that big of a problem. Limbs don't grow back.
So! That concludes my theory and if I'm not correct I really want to know your explanation about Nagito's hand, Shads. And no, I believe that they couldn't just find his hand and sew it back up, because after this long it wouldn't be useful or hygienic to do so, and where would you find a donor in the middle of the apocalypse? Lol
grew back
with magic
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denjidenjiji · 10 months ago
that blinding background was a last ditch effort.
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ehliena · 8 months ago
Lex Luthor was based on Trump. All Lex Luthor would be a great father fans subconsciosly want Trump as their daddy
Sorry, are you telling me a character that came out in April 1940 was based on Trump who was born in 1946? Now I am aware that there was a parallel drawn between Luthor and Trump in the 80s, but you dare to come into my space and tell me that a character that predates Trump by 6 whole years is based off of him is some timey wimey propaganda.
Stop super-imposing your political views on a character. Or rather, stop thinking of people as black and white since people are more than that.
Lex Luthor can be portrayed in ANY way since he’s fictional. So if I’d like to think that Lex’s ambition to be seen as better than Superman would have him set up a trust fund for Kon-El (Superboy) since biologically speaking the boy is half Lex half Superman, and Superman did not react well to having a son, I can. He won’t be a great father (he’d be an absentee one because he honestly does not know how to be a good father because he never had a good father figure.)
Because the beauty in re-imagining characters is that you can think they have more depth and motivations.
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zaritarazi · 1 year ago
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What's going on here
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timeframe2286 · 1 year ago
what's your roman empire?
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faggotthatwilldie · 11 months ago
Marvin the kind of guy to walk outside while a storm is going on and drop to his knees while screaming “god strike me down” after he accidentally drops a book on the floor.
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vellichorom · 1 year ago
what would thierry think about rosemary
It started out as a simple thing.
His love for Stanley was like that of any creator's; chest swollen with pride as grand & everlasting as the sun, even for having made him with every intent to be as mind-numbingly simple as possible. But beyond that; beyond their roles as creator & creation, beyond The Protagonist & The Narrator, Thierry couldn't help but consider him as something... more, something akin to a friend - where there was no one else to take up that spot, someone to talk to- at, rather, someone he felt connected to - if only by time.
& with the kind of solitude that would drive a man to favor his own doll in such a way, to the point where he mattered more than anyone or anything else, & telling his story & sharing him with the world was all that was left to repay his listening ear, something more than a mere friendship was BOUND to develop.
This wasn't helped the day Stanley suddenly got a couple hundred pounds heavier, some degrees shorter & curvaceous, & developed a voice which was just loud enough to tell him that her name was " Rosemary. " He never batted an eye, & his heart didn't discriminate.
It wasn't helped the day he realized that Stanley had left him long ago, & Rosemary was someone else entirely, a stranger to him; stifled, to be sure - the rush of warmth in his chest replaced with the hollow & disgusting feelings of cold grief as his crimes were realized, but as the sting began to fade, as time passed & wounds began to heal, he realized - to his gut-wrenching chagrin, this attachment never left him.
Simply transitioned to this poor woman, of whom he didn't even KNOW, of whom he'd since put through Hell, of whom miraculously didn't hate his guts - but would no doubt find him as abhorrent as he did if he ever so much as breathed a word of endearment after this all, he was so certain of it. Years of fondness, now thrust onto this random person after his doll & his only other company fell from his grasp; surely because he was just so sickeningly LONELY that any company would draw his pathetic heart in.
But it only got worse the longer they spent together.
He learned; she was far more talented & intelligent than his unwarranted pride would allow him to credit others for. Her capable hands bore a poison touch that handled him as though he were one of her own handiworks - so tender & kindly, searing & so stomach churningly intimate, even as only their fingers touched - but especially as her hands met his face. Her voice, like it was the only other voice in the world, buzzing in his ears & making his heart radiate warmth like a roaring fire whenever she spoke, & GOD- the way she spoke; like the world was a holy gospel & she was the Lord who made it so.
Thierry paid so much attention that it felt obscene & wrong.
Her body, how gorgeous & real; as sweet as her hands, as shameless as breathing - her lips, her skin, the dimples of her cheeks & hips, the imperfections of her makeup, her nails that clicked on desks & taunted his yearning skin, the salt of her blood, the unplucked hairs on her chin & unshaven nooks... Her chocolate doe eyes that beckoned him closer, tilted too softly, glittered in the office lights, & shone her every thought as blatantly as a painting; only through her eyes, in a glint of gold, has he ever found his own as remotely appealing. Her heart was so impossibly open, too; treating him unlike the mangy mutt of a rabid wolf he knew he was, & instead with dignity, respect, care, patience, understanding, Love...
Thierry loved her like no one should ever love another person.
& that was mere months into treating her like one.
It wasn't helped the day Thierry turned a shade too red at her touch & spilled his heart onto the floor for her to see... & she returned it with a kiss that seemed too overdue to believe.
It wasn't helped the day things escalated into their first exploration of each other, their skin & beneath it, which ended with them sharing a bed for the first time, terrifying as it was.
It wasn't helped the day Rosemary kissed him with reckless abandon & he felt his brain dissolve into mush, & she overwhelmed him until there was nothing less.
It wasn't helped the day she asked he gut her like a lamb, & her response after her rebirth was to raise him into divinity.
& by the time Rosemary first grabbed him in a cold sweat & tears, begging & offering anything to him to never ever leave her, which ended in the two being clawed apart by the other just to mark them as each other's, it was far too late for either of them.
Truth be told, it was already too late as soon as Rosemary fell into this world.
& now, nothing else matters. Nothing.
Stanley was mourned, but ultimately abandoned, as was his story. The complex to house the game is kept only to house the two of them now. Thierry's crimes are revered as a couple's activity for them both, Rosemary too carrying his wealth in her own hands. He's obsessed with her, sickeningly so, criminally so, DISGUSTINGLY so, embarrassingly so - & she mirrors & enables this in full. They both do. They regularly beg & plead with the other to live for them as though they would die without.
& they would. At least, Thierry would try to.
Nothing else brings him the kind of unfathomable joy that Rosemary does when she so much as walks into his view or appears in his thoughts. Nothing else makes him more ill than when she's not there for long enough. Nothing else makes him more painfully miserable than when her ire is pointed vaguely in his direction. Everyone else is a waste of space by comparison. Anything else isn't anywhere near as important.
He needs her to function & is all-too-happy to let himself waste away until there IS nothing left but her to fill him up & make him alive, his every thought & action dependent only on her, with only the slightest bit of shame left to apologize to her that it must be this way.
But as she asks for the nth time for him to drink her lifeforce away, as his bile is cleaned with a soothing stroke to his cheek, as his history is slowly wiped & replaced with only their memories...
Woe, it started out as a simple thing.
But Rosemary is all Thierry is now.
That's what he thinks.
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mis-stress · 7 months ago
"Insane bunch of people doing INSANE things" is how I would describe this book to anyone who might be interested in reading it. I don't want them to walk into this fuckery without being warned...
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lostryu · 1 year ago
hi! this is probably really repetitive but the lesbophobia all over the place has crawled deeper into my skin than before. I’m literally being dogpiled daily on twitter for replying to some idiots that, yes, bi “lesbianism” is very (blank)phobic and promotes corrective rape ideology. It’s stupid but I actually get so much anxiety just reading these shitheads replies (that makes zero sense), I literally feel even further from the rest of the lgbt community than ever before. They’re like bringing out bullshit statistics on how “basically everyone is attracted in some cApAciTY to men.” I literally can’t take it anymore I hate this I’m fucking done, for months I’ve spoke to people with these views until I’m blue in the face, but they literally won’t stop. Some 33yo told me to “listen to qu*er elders and history!1,” as if any que*r elder, bi or lesbian, would support this bullcrap. Wtf are we gonna do if lesbian actually gets co-op’ed by the whole mspec lesbian stuff? Make a new label for them to take a couple years later? Right when I started to accept myself more as a lesbian I get involved in whatever the hell this is, thanks everyone.
Honestly, I recommend just blocking liberally. There is no point in interacting with people who wanna be stupid until the day they die. If it helps, I have gone to gay bars and spoken to other lesbians about this (they think its stupid) and friends of mine have spoken with the so-called q*eer elders and they also agree.
It is saddening that the 'elders' are only stepping stones for perpetuating oppression among lesbians and ultimately bi lesbians and other m-spec/mogai idiots don't care what happens to them outside of discourse. Why else are trailblazers like Emily Gwen still struggling under poverty?
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phoenixofthestars · 8 months ago
Me: starts playing Subnautica: Below Zero
Me: abuses Custom Game Mode, essentially playing in creative with creature aggression
Also me: I am Gaming
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