#because by all definition I’m just some lame ass weirdo!!!!
wickjump · 1 month
just so you all know i am just straight up never going to be cool or perfect ever. im always going to be lame and a bit weird at times and im going to fuck up SO many times actually. i am also going to be a pussy and not stand up for shit, so please don’t get mad at me online ever cuz i cant assure you that if that happens i won’t delete every trace of my existence and never go online again out of fear
ok thank u!!i see people expecting wayyy too much of other people online and like…im not the person you wanna expect anything of. you all build an opinion of me that’s like 10000x better than the actual me and that’s great I’m not complaining but my line of good takes is going to end one day or another because i cannot believe ive gotten this far, and when i make a bad one i need you to not get mad at me thanks
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wickednerdery · 3 years
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Title: The Great Loki Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Loki, Rick & Morty Pairing/character: Loki & Mobius, Rick & Morty Rating: FRM Summary: “Loki, noooo!!” Notes: This is something that’s been stuck in my head since before Loki premiered and I’ve been dying to write it, so I have. Knowledge of Rick & Morty is helpful, but not required. This story has adult content and language, but otherwise remains tame. For length, etc, there’s a Read More:
Mobius’ mouth works to form words, but his brain can’t think of any that won’t cause a spike on the timeline. “I-I, uh...N-No...” He can’t quite recall how Loki even convinced him to allow this, perhaps something about the maddening boredom the god expressed, his lost of interest in the task as result...or perhaps, deep down, where Mobius himself is unaware, the man wants to escape the TVA as well.
“Ah, but he’s shy, you see,” Loki says with a chuckle. “Does not feel himself worthy of attention.”
“Tha-That’s...” The TVA agent huffs, looks at the TemPad warily.
“What’s that?” A woman in the group asks.
He tucks the gadget away. “Nothing, not important.” Definitely not something they should see. Talk about a spike!
But Mobius has nothing to worry about, not concerning Loki’s mischief or anything he might do...Not given the two inter-dimensional travelers who stroll in without a care in the world.
"Really, Rick? What’s so great about this place?” The boy in yellow shirt and jeans asks the elder man.
The one in the lab coat belches, then sighs. “I don’t wanna fucking be at this boring ass place, this was your mother’s idea.”
“Yeah, some bullshit about how, if I’m going to take you on adventures, I should at least help you with the mind-numbing meaningless that is school now and again.”
“She said all that?”
“Hmmph, more like screamed it after a fight with Jerry.” Rick mutters in annoyance as he scans the room. “Now where’s that lame-ass fucker, Fitzgerald?”
Loki’s smirk spreads wide, then smooths into pleasant smile. “Did someone call for me?” He’s just loud enough for the mortals hear, and Mobius to start panicking in his ear about spikes and nexus events.
Rick’s eyes narrow, unsure. Looked like the guy, but... “You the one that wrote The Great Gatsby?”
“Oh, yes, that’s me.”
“N-No no no no...” Mobius mutters, grabbing Loki’s arm to try and pull it away as Loki goes to shake the elder man’s hand.
“Mm, great...” Rick is wholly unimpressed. “This is my grandson, Morty; tell him what the fuck that green light in the distance means.”
The god’s smirk returns as he leans in - “Perhaps it’s just a bit of mischief?” - hand discreetly picking pocket.
“Woah, back the fuck up there, Gay-for-Hemingway.” Rick steps back. “We’re in public.” 
“Ah, of course.” Loki’s gotten what he requires anyway. “Well, if you’ll beg our pardon, my friend and I are due at Ms Stein’s.” He grabs Mobius’ shoulders to direct him away from the other pair.
Rick snorts. “Fucking weirdo.”
“Wait, was he really gay with that Hemingway guy?” Morty questions.
“Eh, I don’t know, showed him his dick though.”
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“We should get going!” Mobius calls out over the crowd.
Loki snaps and sways along to the music as he enjoys the dancers, the drinks. “Nonsense, my friend, we should be enjoying! It’s the ‘Roaring 20′s’, so roar, Mobius!”
The girl atop the bar beside Mobius giggles drunkenly. “You need to relax, handsome, this a party!”
Mobius only shakes his head, muttering, as he digs into pocket to check TemPad. He is shocked to see, though there is a slight rise, nothing to suggest a nexus event is imminent. As a familiar jazz tune hits his ears he sighs, tucks electronic away, and begins to tap foot along to the beat. The anxiety begins to fade, the time agent begins to enjoy himself. To not regret letting Loki convince him to be, just a little bit, mischievous.
“You motherfucker!!” Rick charges, Morty right behind. “I know you have it!”
“Ah...” Loki stands, digging into pocket with one hand as he grabs Mobius by the jacket cuff with the other. “Now we should go.”
The agent reenters a panic state as he’s pulled along. “Loki, what did you do?!” He watches the god fire futuristic gun causing a portal of green goo to open up. “Loki, noooo!” It’s disappointment, panic, plead, and warning all rolled into one wide-eyed stare.
“Oh, yes.” Loki winks, then drags the TVA agent through the portal with him...
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((Ahhh, it’s out, yes, lol!! I had such terrible fun writing this and hope someone else out there enjoys - or cares at all - because I’ll probably do more and explore other time periods, mythologies, fandom worlds, etc etc, LOL!! Bonus points to anyone who got any of the literature references/jokes I threw in lol!))
All gifs made found on Google, combined by me, credit goes to whoever their OG makers are!
Those who may read: @holykryptonitekitten @lady-crowned-with-stars @ultrarebelheart @chibiyanai @dreamsofapiratelife @biiskuitx @delightfulheartdream @antoniostarshadow13 @mobiusbmobius​
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babydaddyleorio · 4 years
you don’t know my name : hanta sero
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pairings: Sero x fem!black!reader
word count: 2,500 
summary: In which Sero wants to confess to the girl that doesn’t even know his name
warnings: slight cursing, mentioning of drug usage, grammatical errors
additional notes: this was heavily inspired from listening to Alicia Keys song “you don’t know my name”
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Sero stood behind the narrow counter with his elbow propped up on the smooth wood, eyes lazily wandering around the quiet restaurant. He decided to take this summer job to support his family since he didn’t have the priority of attending any classes or doing hero work due to school being out. The job had a lot of benefits since It paid well and It was right by his home, not to mention that Denki applied to work here as well. The only problem Sero had with this job was that he barely did anything except work the cash register, which was way too mundane for his liking. He sighed as he closed his eyes and thought about how lucky Denki got since he was able to work with the chef in the back, and as If on cue, their loud and boisterous laughter sounded off behind him as If to mock his lame position. Sero blew at the strand of black hair that had fallen on his forehead and smacked his lips at the lack of any excitement happening. Despite his day here being utterly uneventful, Sero still couldn’t front as If life was a complete drag for him because although coming here everyday was nothing short of boring, there was still at least one thing that he could look forward to.
The bell on the door suddenly dinged throughout the small space loudly, signaling that someone had just walked into the restaurant. Sero’s body perked up at the possibility of the customer being the person who he had spent the last hour anticipating, but his excitement immediately faltered once he saw that It was only an old lady walking towards him.
“How can I help you today, ma’am?” Sero asked politely to the old lady who slowly pushed her walker to a nearby table. The lady looked as if she just came from service with her long dress and unique church hat on.  
“I’m okay son, I’m just waiting until my grandbaby comes in before I order.” The lady smiled warmly at Sero as she slowly sat down in the booth and he nodded back at her with a smile. Sero shifted his attention to the magazine that laid on the counter beside him, admiring how cool All-might looked on the cover. Sero thought that he might as well read it since there wasn’t anything else to do anyway, and who knows? He might even catch sight of some of his classmates being featured. He thumbed through the pages until his eyes reached the UA section and Sero was so into reading the articles that he didn’t even notice Denki now stood in front of him with his body leaned against the counter and a smirk on his lips. 
“Slacking on the job?” Denki asked with raised eyebrows and Sero paused his reading and lazily looked up at him before rolling his eyes.
“Well there’s nothing else to do.” Sero shrugged and another ding reached his ears. This time he didn’t even look up at who It could be, not wanting to get his hopes up. Denki on the other hand made a psst sound at Sero as he poked his shoulder harshly.
“Hey man, I think your girl just came in.” Denki announced with a smug look blanketing his face. Sero immediately jumped in his spot and moved his eyes to the person walking through the door. And low and behold, there you were, strutting through the restaurant like you owned the place. He wasn’t expecting you to come through the door so suddenly, and If it hadn’t been for Denki, he probably would’ve missed seeing the way the sun shined across your brown face giving it the beautiful glow that he loved so much. 
“Well? Are you going to go serve her or just keep gawking at her like a weirdo?” Denki patted Sero on the back with a little more force than usual causing him to snap out of the trance that you had briefly put him in. Sero glared at Denki before clearing his throat and lifting up the top of the counter so he could shimmy from behind It. 
Sero took deep breaths as he walked towards you, rehearsing what he would say to you when he finally reached your table. It felt as If weights were attached to his sneakers as he moved across the vintage checkered floor and he had to take a big gulp to quench his already parched throat. As he approached you, he admired the way your high puff sat on top of your head, as well as how the gold necklace that was draped across your neck shimmered under the artificial light. You chewed on your bottom lip as you looked down at all the options of food.
Sero sucked in another breath.
Damn, you were just so gorgeous.
Sero now stood in front of your table, notepad in one hand and his pencil in the other.
“Hello, and welcome to our diner. What can I get for you today?” Sero asked, trying to keep his voice steady so It wouldn’t crack on him. You looked up from the small black menu in your hands, humming to yourself as you thought about what you wanted today.
“I’ll have the special.”
“You’ll have the special.” Sero said at the same time as you while looking down and jotting It across his notepad without a second thought. Sero then paused as he just realized what he’d done, completely outing himself of having already memorized the order that you got every time you came here. He quickly cleared his throat and looked up at you, internally flinching at your raised eyebrow. 
“Uh… I figured you wanted the special since that’s what everyone’s been ordering today. It’s great by the way, definitely one of my favorites!” Sero spoke hastily while nodding his head, trying to save his ass from the slip up he just made. 
“Yeah, I always end up ordering It so I guess It’s a favorite of mine as well.” You agreed while smiling at the waiter in front of you despite his still rather odd behavior.
“Okay well I’ll have that come right up for you!” Sero said with a bright smile, but as soon as he turned around on his heel, that smile was wiped off his face and a look of horror replaced It while he walked towards the kitchen.
‘Why did you say that, Idiot? She’s definitely going to think that you’re a total weirdo thanks to that.’ Sero thought to himself, clutching the notepad tighter as he picked up the speed in his legs. He finally was able to speak to you after waiting anxiously all day just for him to only make a complete fool out of himself when he took your order. Once he pushed through the big red doors that led to the kitchen, he was relieved to see that It was just Denki behind the stove and he took that as confirmation to sigh loudly and throw his head back.
“What happened man, did you finally lay It on her?” Denki asked while biting his lip and squinting his eyes, stroking his chin repeatedly. Sero groaned even louder and shook his head, extending his hand that had your order on it towards Denki.
“No, It was way more embarrassing than that.” Sero said, his voice low and muffled as he ran his other hand down his face. Denki looked at him with an eyebrow quirked and tsked to himself at how fragile his friend was being.
“Well you can’t just give up now man, go back out there and redeem yourself! You’re going to regret not shooting your shot when you had the chance.” Denki pointed out and Sero raised his head with a frown shaping his lips.
“I know man, but she’s just so pretty that I become a jumbled mess whenever I get close to her.” Sero said while plopping himself down on a crate that was in a corner. “She doesn’t even know my name...” He mumbled with an obvious defeated look, cupping his face with both of his hands. Denki looked at his friend with sympathy, wishing that he would just confess already. Denki was well aware of how long Sero had been crushing on you and to his knowledge, this traced back way before the two of them even got this job.
“You’ve had a thing for that girl ever since the party, Sero. Don’t you think It’s about time that you stopped watching her and actually make yourself known?” Denki tilted his head with expectant eyes as he put his plastic gloves on his hands. Once he heard those words, Sero’s mind suddenly took him back to last year, the day of Mina’s birthday party. He was now at a houseparty, standing in the corner of a room with an orange soda in his hands as he nodded his head to the rap music playing from the speakers. The living room was crowded and he had lost Denki and Kirishima ages ago, so he opted to find his own spot to just chill in. His eyes trailed across all the people filling the space, some dancing and some making out with the person next to them. Everyone seemed to blend and mesh together as he surveyed the crowd but that was to be expected in this type of setting. He lifted the aluminum can to his lips to take a sip of the beverage, but his hand stopped mid air once he saw a beautiful girl standing in the center of the room, laughing with her friends. The girl had gorgeous brown skin, and her neatly done braids were pulled into a ponytail. Her laugh was so intoxicating to him and her eyes shone brightly the more her lips moved to keep the conversation going. Sero felt his heart thump against his chest and he had to will himself to look away before It became obvious that he was staring at her. Just as he turned his head, he saw Denki and Kirishima come into his view and once Sero called their names they both looked over and waved at him.
“Hey man, we’ve been looking all over for you!” Denki announced while laughing loudly and Sero raised an eyebrow at his friend’s weird behavior. Kirishima rolled his eyes at Denki and quickly explained to Sero that the idiot had got contact high when they were walking through the back yard. Sero shook his head with a small chuckle at his zooted friend but couldn’t stop himself from moving his eyes back to the girl.
“Oooh, looks like someone’s got a crush.” Denki slurred while snickering to himself and as if hearing him, the girl shifted her attention from her friend to stare into Sero’s eyes. Sero immediately looked away and grew red in the cheeks, socking Denki in the shoulder at what he just did.
“Cut It out.” He fused, and Denki moved his hand as If he were zipping up his lips. Kirishima grinned at Sero because he too picked up on how he was eyeing the girl and he knew Sero well enough to know that he was catching feelings. Despite both his friends being able to read him well, Sero told himself that this wasn’t anything more than curiosity because he’s never seen you around here before. Sero hoped that you didn’t hear Denki for his sake, but for some foreign reason, a part of him also wished that maybe...you had.
“Stop zoning out dude.” Denki laughed as he put the finished food on a tray. Sero blinked and remembered that he was at work, even if the flashback that he just had felt so vivid to him. Sero jumped up from the crate and ambled towards the counter to pick up the tray, nodding at Denki when he stood in front of him.
“You’re right. I’m going to finally do It.” Sero declared with a big smile that showed off his square teeth. Denki perked up and a proud expression morphed on his face.
“Atta boy, Sero.” He said while pumping his fist in the air and Sero nodded firmly before turning and strutting out the two doors. Sero no longer had wobbly legs or sweaty palms as he walked past all the tables because he was now being fueled by a newfound determination. Denki was right, he needed to make a move on you before It was too late and somebody else that wasn’t him came to swoop you off of your feet. 
You can do this, Sero. Just tell her how you feel.
Sero stood in front of your table and swiftly set the tray of food down in front of you, ignoring the goosebumps that had now appeared on his arms.
“Here you go.” He said and you thanked him before directing your attention to your meal.
Sero stood there for a brief moment, doubt somehow flickering itself in his consciousness. He then shook his head to rid those negative thoughts and sucked in a breath before he began to speak. 
“You probably don’t know me or that we go to the same school, but I want you to know that that’s not the case for me. I’ve seen you around and whenever I tell myself that I’m going to finally talk to you, I get nervous and promise myself I’ll do It the next day. I really wish I would’ve did this sooner… but I just can’t help the way that my heart picks up its pace every time I come close to you.” Sero said and your eyes shot up at his words. “And it’s funny because whenever I see you walk through those two front doors, I no longer feel bored out of mind and I suddenly look forward to my job. You always brighten up my day and you always look so beautiful when you walk past me to go to your table. I become so stuck on you that it makes me forget what I want to say next.”
Sero rubbed the back of his neck nervously while looking down.
“And… every time our eyes meet, I feel as If time has stopped and It’s just me and you standing in the room. Oh- when I say all this out loud it comes out really cheesy, but I promise you It sounded a lot better in my head! And I guess what I’m trying to say is, would you like to go out with me sometime?” Sero finished slightly panicked, quickly moving his eyes back up to look at you. He half expected you to be frowning, or to laugh in his face, or even get up and leave in disgust after confessing all that to you, but Imagine his surprise when he saw the big smile that was plastered on your face. You nodded your head at him and as if on cue, the sun peeked from behind the clouds and shone on your glowing face, and Sero had to keep himself from falling even harder than he already had as he stared wide eyed at the goddess that sat in front of him.
You sat your arm on the table, and put your cheek in your hand as you looked up at the boy who you had fallen in love with a long time ago.
“I thought you’d never ask, Sero.”
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vile x reader mayhaps, if you're willing to write for him?? 😳
you mean a chance for me to write enemies/rivals to lovers for once? again, sorry this took so long ;;
Ever since your first meeting, you and Vile could not stand each other. You thought he was rude, destructive, and you could not stand him, especially since he’s hurt your friends, Axl and (friend name). Vile just thought you were more of a pain in the ass than anything, but still can’t stand being anywhere near you. Anytime you two end up getting near each other, you usually end up getting into fights, ones that would usually put anyone else in the hospital. You swore he sometimes came after you on purpose, out of boredom. 
However, lately, there was someone new coming around and trying to beat you up. You weren’t sure what their deal was, but it was annoying. You have tried to get them to stop on several occasions, but it seems they weren’t willing to listen for whatever reason, so you’ve been extra careful while going out to avoid the weirdo, which he told you the first time you met was Sylvester, and Vile. 
You were on your way home after getting into another fight with Vile while you were with Axl. You were getting rather tired of this, and just ready to get home and sleep. You were brought from your thoughts by a fired up buster shot whizzing past your head, causing you to internally groan, knowing exactly who it was. It definitely wasn’t Vile.
“What the hell do you want?!”
“The same thing as usual, Y/n.”
“Why? Why are you so hellbent on this?”
“Because you’re friends with those Maverick Hunters!”
“...That is a very stupid reason-”
“oh shut it!” Before you could say anything else, he fired off another shot at you, making you yelp and dodge the attack and run away.
“Get back here, Y/n!” He called, going after you.
no way am I going to stop and let you kill me! What do you think I am, a fool? You thought as you just kept running. If you could just get to either Axl or to home, or at least get far enough away from this loser to come up with some kind of strategy to either get rid of him or at least try talking him out of trying to kill you. 
You hid behind what looked to be an abandoned store, now trying to catch your breath. You glanced back to find that he was gone... for now. You waited a bit, in case he may still be around the area, before you stepped out of your little hiding place. You looked around a couple times, making sure the coast was clear before making your way back home again, sighing a bit in relief when you notice that you are finally alone again.
...However that did not last for only a few minutes as you felt a sudden pain in your shoulder, making you wince and cry out a bit in pain.
“Ha! You let your guard down, Y/n!”
“You little twerp! Just wait until I get my hands on you!” You were about to say something else, but you were interrupted by several shots being fired at Sylvester, which he was not expecting, causing him to fall back.
“No one is allowed to hurt Y/n, except for me.” You heard a familiar voice say from behind you. You glanced behind you to see that it was, in fact, Vile standing behind you.
“Now get the hell out of here, shrimp.” Vile said in a threatening tone as he charged up another shot. Sylvester got up and ran off, clutching his body from the pain.
“…you didn’t have to save me, you know.”
“I know. But like I said, no one else is allowed to hurt you.” You rolled your eyes from the lame excuse.
“Come on, let’s get ya patched up.” You were rather hesitant, but you nodded and followed him to get bandaged up. There was definitely one thing on your mind: why would he want to help you, especially since you both despised each other?
“…Vile.” He just looked back at you for a moment, as if motioning for you to continue. “Why would you help me? We don’t exactly like each other, you know.”
“I am aware. Sure you may be a pain in the ass, but you’re actually the only one I can tolerate.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, I know ya want to.”
“…no, I won’t do that. Sure you’re annoying, rude, mean, and other words.. but you’re not always bad.” Vile went quiet after that, seems he had nothing else to say. You shook your head and silently followed behind him for what felt like hours, before he stopped.
“Alright, this is where I stop. You’re on your own for the rest of the way.” You were about to question why, when you realized where you were: the Maverick Hunter HQ. It seems he remembered that you were friends with some of the Hunters.
“…thank you, Vile.” You mumbled, walking closer to the base before making your way inside, Vile keeping an eye on you from afar, just in case
~timeskip brought to you by bandages~
You walked outside of the Maverick Hunters HQ, your shoulder now wrapped up in bandages. You walked for a bit, before you felt a hand on your other shoulder. You flinched a bit and looked up to see Vile looking down at you.
“There ya are. You seem to be okay now.”
“Good. Now let’s get you back to your place.”
“You don’t have to walk with me-“
“Too bad, I’m going.” And with that said, you both started walking again, back to your house/apartment. You sighed a bit as you realized that there was no getting rid of him for a while.
You two managed to make small talk while you walked, until you made it back home. Before you were able to say goodbye, Vile looked down at you and said,
“If that shrimp or anyone else dares to bother you, you better come to me, Y/n. I won’t anyone else hurt you.”
“Yeah, alright.” No promises you thought to yourself as you open the door to your home.
“…I’ll see you around, Y/n.”
“Alright, see ya.” You walked inside, closing the door behind you, listening as Vile walked off, mumbling something that you didn’t quite catch. You sighed a bit and made your way back to your room to rest.
Maybe Vile wasn’t that bad after all…
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sleepylixie · 4 years
I Hate to Admit
College! AU Bang Chan X fem! reader
Imperium Universe || Jisung || Seungmin || Chan 
2k (I’m so sorry), fluffiest fluff 
Request? Yes! Hope you like this, Anon!! Apologies about getting a wee bit carried away. >.<
Warnings: None!
A/N: I liked writing this, even though it’s waayyyy longer than I expected it to be oops. This is an extension of the same universe as this Jisung fic and this Seungmin fic, but you can definitely read this as a standalone! Do let me know what you think about this fic, I’d love to hear feedback!! ONTO THE FIC :D
Requests are open for SKZ and BTS! || Masterlist
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The skate park right outside your campus was always an interesting sight. There were always a lot of people around, enjoying themselves on the gentle slopes and plateaus. You were always mystified by the way the skateboarders could so easily throw themselves into the air, seemingly unafraid of taking a tumble to the concrete floor.
You’d pass by the skate park thrice a week in the early evening, on your way to a part-time shift at Imperium- the closest bar to your university. Your shifts ran late sometimes, bordering on midnight when you’d step out of Imperium’s back door.
More often than not, you’d encounter the same lone figure in the skatepark on your way back- an average-sized, lean figure who had a way with the skateboard that you’d never seen anybody have before. The first time you spotted him, you stopped and watched for a few moments as he made his way up the slopes like it was nothing at all- he was that good.
Skateboarding wasn’t your thing as much as people watching- there were so many interesting people in the world, so many different kinds of personalities that you couldn’t get enough. You would write them into stories of back-alley romance, tales of rippling fantasy and chronicles of traitorous woe,  reveling in the way your worlds and characters built themselves up along the plot.
It became an unconscious habit, seeing the boy(it seemed like a boy, judging from his impeccably built shoulders and a penchant for extremely sleeveless muscle tops.) on your way back from your late bartending shifts.
He was curious, you decided. Who only visited the skate park when it was at it’s emptiest despite being so good? Did he not like attention? Was he shy? You made a mental note to try and talk to him one day- you weren’t hesitant with your curiosities. Someday, when you weren’t bogged down by your already numerous Works in progress and university, you would approach him and find out more about this midnight skateboarder.
But as it turned out, you didn’t have to wait too long.
“Y/N! Where were you, it’s almost 1 a.m!” Your sorority sister Chaeyoung sat up on her bed as you walked into your shared room. Her short blonde hair fluttered around her face as she slipped off the bed, bounding towards you. “I had a longer shift than normal, Imperium was weirdly full.” You responded, pulling your bag off your shoulder.
“Alpha Phi Alpha is throwing another rager. Do you want in?”
That’s when you heard it. You’d been so absorbed in the music from your own earphones that you didn’t even noticed the deep bass thumping through the air, the muffled cheers and screams of enjoyment. Of course there was a party going on, it was a Friday night.
Life next to a fraternity house wasn’t the most peaceful, but you didn’t mind it. Your sorority, Delta Kappa, was housed right next to the Alpha Phi Alpha frat house, close enough to share a fenced wall.
The Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity was the most sought after fraternity on campus; acceptance meant instant skyrocketing of social worth. It was all extremely cliché: the best frat on campus, filled with the smartest, most attractive guys, throwing the most memorable parties and yet maintaining their stellar record of being good at pretty much everything.
“Sure, why not? I have some energy to let off.” You smile, throwing open your shared wardrobe. Chae’s eyes shone wickedly, she was sold by the idea of any kind of party. “Are any of the other sisters coming??”
“Jennie, Lia and Yeri already left. I thought I’ll wait around for you.”
“How nice of you, Chae,” You huff out another laugh as you held out an outfit for her to see. “Ooh, I like it. Now hurry up, right?”
“Okay, okay!!”
20 minutes later, you were walking into your next-door frat house with Chae, already warmed by the electric vibe. “Y/N!!! You’re here!!”  There he was-tall, blonde and devastatingly handsome. Also seemingly tipsy, by the looks of it. Hwang Hyunjin was one of your closest friends, but he had a hard time handling his liquor, even though he would stoutly disagree when sober.
“What took you so long?” He slurred slightly, slinging an arm around you and giving you a tight, alcohol-smelling hug. “Unlike some of you, I have a job, Hyunin,” You quipped, returning his embrace and pecking his cheek- your usual greeting.
“Whatever, you’re here now.” He scoffed and ruffled your hair. “ We just made some new additions to the frat, you should come and meet them.”
“Sure, why not?” So Hyunjin took your hand and led you through the throngs of partying people. Soon enough, you stepped onto the roof of the frat house, a fairly clean space for being set up by a troupe of boys. Fairy lights left the people on the terrace bathed in soft yellow lights, a rather aesthetic sight.
There were around a handful of people lounging around on the couches and carpets, but Hyunjin led you to a particular group of people nearest to the railing, laughing and talking in a circle. You knew he had a gang of friends from all over the campus that just seemed to have an inexplicable pull towards each other.
You knew some of them by appearance from other ragers- music major Jisung with the cheeky smile, law student Seungmin with the puppy-eyes and an acidic tongue, Changbin with his almost flawlessly built body (you always paused for a second to admire his physique) and Minho, the guy who for some ominous reason always had bruised knuckles.
“Y/N! Hey!” Jeongin exclaimed, eyes brightening up in an endearing smile. “Hey Innie,” you grinned, happy to see another familiar face in the junior from the same major as you. “Yes yes hello and all that, Innie,” Hyunjin rolled his eyes, ignoring the look of mock offense he got from Jeongin. “I brought Y/N to meet Chan, coz he’s new to the frat, and my favorite sorority girl should be the first to know about the new fish.”
He threw an arm out, pointing to one of the guys leaning against the railing of the terrace, all smiles and black hair. You extended your own smile towards him, already giving him a casual once over- He wasn’t too tall, with impeccably built shoulders in a muscle top….wait. The question was out of your mouth before you could stop it.
“Are you the weirdo that goes skateboarding at midnight?”
A pause rippled across everybody in the circle, the smile on Chan’s face reducing to an incredulous splutter as Jisung choked on a giggle- that did it. All of the guys dissolved into peals of laughter, loud and unrestrained.
“Sorry about that,” You said, letting out an embarrassed sigh as you stepped around the circle to get closer to Chan. “I’ve seen you in the skate park when I’m getting back after work.”
He shrugged, his handsome features still splashed with sheepishness. “It’s fine, it was just a matter of time, I guess.” Over the laughter, you could hear how smooth his voice was, like melting chocolate.
“If it counts for anything, I thought you’re really good at it.” You weren’t the beat around the bush with your words. “You made it look so easy.”
A light blush reddened his ears as he grinned at the compliment. “Thanks.. Y/N, was it?”
You spent the rest of the night with the boys, caught in easy banter- but particularly, you got to know Chan. He had been living off campus until he’d decided to apply for the fraternities on a whim, ending up with an acceptance to Alpha phi Alpha. He was a business major, with a creative minor in music producing- just like Changbin. He was a natural extrovert, effortless with conversation and people skills, a man married to his work-to the point that he regularly lost sleep over it. He was also a bit of a dork, you noticed, with his random bursts of exaggerated hand movements and lame jokes.
The sun was beginning to rise when you decided to get back home. “It was nice getting to know you, Channie,” you grinned, pulling him into an easy hug and pecking his cheek.
“Likewise, Y/N.” He smiled his captivating smile at you, before walking you to the frat house door. “Before I go, what do you say about exchanging numbers?” You asked. He was a good sort, the kind of guy who’d make a really good friend. Why not?
Chan agreed amicably and sent you off with promises to catch up soon, leaving you feeling light and happy.
To your surprise, he ended up dropping by your sorority the very next morning, asking if you were up for waffles at a nearby café. You happened to be awake at the time and decided to tag along with him- even though it was 6 in the morning.
“The guys refuse to wake up early and join me,” he complained, holed up in the café with plates of waffles and orange juice in front of you. “Chan, be honest,” You chuckled. “The only reason we’re awake at ass o’ clock is because both of us can’t sleep to save our lives.” He rolled his eyes in amusement. “Stop wise cracking and get on eating, Y/N.”
That café run cemented your day-old friendship into one of peaceful camaraderie, a safe space for each other within the chaos of your friend circles.
Winter melted slowly into spring, bringing tidings of new beginnings, assignment and semester exams and subsequently, end of semester parties. As always, Alpha phi Alpha was throwing a rager of a party that was expected to be the best all semester.  Your entire sorority had received invitations and were all excited to drown out the stress of exams week. You, on the other hand, were also thinking about something else. Someone, rather-Chan.
You and Chan had only grown close over the course of the past months,  gradually bonding over ungodly morning cafe runs, late night texts between breaks and video calls asking for outfit opinions.
You frequented the frat house more often, a fact that Hyunjin rejoiced (and teased you relentlessly) over. Chaeyoung only gazed at you with a suggestive look in her eyes when you slipped into the room at 2 a.m in the morning with one of Chan’s many black hoodies hanging off your shoulders. What, it was winter, it was cold on your way back from Imperium and he offered! Chan, to his credit, seemed to be just as invested in this newly growing friendship as you were. He walked you back from Imperium whenever he was at the skatepark, invited you on his midnight skate runs,  even almost breaking his arm trying to teach you how to balance on his skateboard.
It was an outlet for his energy, he explained one day. Sometimes working on music or going on a run didn’t give him the same sense of calm that skateboarding did. It wasn’t about the attention for him- with Chan, it almost never was. Not surprisingly, you liked that about him.  You liked Chan, for all his insomniac, stress skateboarding, black hoodie hoarding self.
The party was already in full swing when you and Chaeyoung knocked on the main door. One of the frat boys you didn’t know opened the door, smirking at you before yelling over his shoulder. “Yo, Chan, your girl’s here!”
Your eyes widened, exchanging an amused glance with Chae, who was openly laughing at your expression. Chan’s girl? Not that you hated the sound of that.. But you were just a friend- a friend who had a crush on him.. Right??
Chan hurried to the door that very instant, shoo-ing his frat brother off. “Sorry about that,” he murmured , exchanging hugs and cheek kisses with you and Chae. “To the usual spot?” he grinned, comically offering you his arm.
“Of course, my dearest,” you gushed, the two of you bursting into a fit of giggles as you linked your arm with his, allowing Chan to steer you towards the staircase leading up to the terrace. Once on the rooftop, you were met with a familiar sight- 7 boys giggling and talking amongst themselves in a loose circle near the railing. “Chan, don’t hog all of Y/N’s attention, she’s here for the party, you know?” Jisung called out the second he spotted the two of you heading towards them.
Amidst a gale of laughter, Chan frowned indignantly, opening his mouth to give Jisung a tongue lashing before you broke in, a sly smile stamped across your own face. “Who says I’d mind it??”
A chaotic chorus of 7 male voices responding to you had you laughing aloud, scanning Chan’s face for any discomfort. But he only had flaming ears, shifty eyes,  and a shy smile trained on you- a smile that shifted from shy to teasing in split seconds.
“If that’s the case, then I’m stealing Y/N for the night, you guys!” He declared, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the door the two of you had just walked through. “Chan, what are you doing?” You breathed out in amusement, not pulling your hand away. Your heart was beating out of your chest at everything going on, especially with Chan’s warm hand enclosing yours and the way he’d just smiled at you-
“Something I’ve wanted to do for a while now,” Chan’s voice was exactly as you knew it, smooth, warm melted chocolate. “Come with me to the skatepark. Just for a while.” Who were you to say no to that voice?
Chaeyoung opened the door to the sorority early next morning, squawking in laughter when she saw who stood in front of her. You in Chan’s hoodie, your hand in his, your lipstick staining the side of Chan’s jaw and the kicker- you hugging Chan, quickly landing a soft kiss on his lips before skipping into the house.
Chaeyoung could only look at the adoring look on Chan’s face as you disappeared into the house and close the door, laughing quietly.  Ah, young love. 
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b1ksh88p · 4 years
Be Mine ⛏
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Plot Plot: You’ve been in a few relationships, unfortunately all ending in tragedy. You had a reputation for being a bad omen. Truly you were a sweet girl but it seemed like every single one of your lovers ended up dead or horrendously disfigured in the long run. This Valentine’s Day your boyfriend decides to jump ship for some blonde crushing the little hope you had left for your love life. In a slightly drunken haze you sneak into the mines for a rant about the cursed corporate holiday and to drown your sorrows in the solitude of the mines. But it seems like you’ve got a listener.
Tags/Warnings: Lots of cursing | Sprinkle of angst | Fluff
The cold air of the abandoned labyrinth did nothing to cool you down as you ventured further into its clutches. To put it lightly you were on fire. Every part of you wanted to tear someone apart. The auburn liquid sloshed around as you clumsily stomped past heaps of forgotten debris. If not for your drunken stupor you would’ve turned back. Everyone knew the horrific tale of the pickaxe cannibal murder. Although you were sure the story was somewhat embellished you’ve heard worse. Poor fuck did what he had to do to survive. Anyone else would’ve done the same, it’s human nature to do anything no matter how gruesome to survive.
“Give a girl a box of cheap chocolates and a fucking bouquet of withering roses and she’s supposed to repay ya by sucking your fucking dick and acting like yer the best thing since sliced bread.” You grumble.
The deeper you go the darker it gets. Stone walls become suffocating and everything looks like the enemy. A fight or flight response may have kicked in but you were in no place to think rationally. When your heel broke you fucking snapped.
“Stupid Roses, fuck ass chocolates, fake relationships for fake people who wouldn’t know love if it fucking stabbed them in the face!” You yell throwing the broken heel piece deep into the darkness. “A corporate holiday with no fucking insignificance! Just a money plot and a excuse to fuck and act like you like that worthless pathetic fuck you’re dating that you like them. When all 364 days you’ve been with em ya fucking loathe them!” You continue on tearing up the damned holiday in partially incoherent babbling until you hear glass break.
Despite your conditions you aren’t stupid. “Fuck is that?” You call out whilst backing up. At first you’re sure it’s a group of horny teenagers but through the gritty lights you see a single foreboding silhouette. This was where you run. Or at least you should’ve. Instead you squint your eyes like some tourist taking in the sights and step forward. “Bud y’know the mines are abandoned cuz of the poor guy who had to eat his friends right?” You call out. “I mean do you if this is your thing I support it but it’s kinda weird since you look exactly like the serial killer guy. Spot on cosplay.” You compliment. The figure doesn’t move. It doesn’t even look like he’s breathing. You feel your hairs start to stand up and goosebumps pepper you skin. It seems your liquid courage was fading.
“Welp I’ll leave you be, don’t wanna bore you with the details of this fucked up holiday.” You let out a wry laugh before turning your back on the figure. You get about 12 good steps in before the stride of death crescendos behind you. Now you were running. Your broken heels doing wonders at making this chase the easiest for your attacker. In the midst of running you take them off and throw them off behind you. Now look you weren’t aiming for the guy but when you heard the hit connect and a surprised grunt you got the feeling you were fucked. Instead of running in a straight line you dip into a little crawl space. Maybe he’d give up and fuck off you. To your horror the man crouches down and starts to crawl his way inside.
Without thinking you take the whiskey bottle and crash it on his head. “Leave me alone I don’t even like this fuckass holiday you fucking weirdo!” You cry. He looks up at you and stops trying to fit.
“Why not.” His voice was eerily calm. As if he weren’t some insane pickaxe murderer but a man.
“Well because it’s stupid and to lovy dovy. And because it feels wrong to celebrate it when such a tragedy had occurred.” You explain. “And...and I got dumped today so there’s that.” You huff.
“...You pity me?”
You shake your head. Words weren’t really your strong point and you didn’t need him thinking you were coddling him or anything. Instead you just stare into the glossy eyeholes with your own praying he’d just fuck off. You practically shit yourself when he continued to scramble through and stand up. You grab a rock and stand ready to knock him upside the head with it only have your wrist harshly grabbed mid throw.
“I don’t want your pity.”
This was it. You were gonna die. And it was gonna be painful and super fucking lame. On your headstone it would say:
“Loser girl no one cares about got dumped on Valentine’s Day...also got murdered lol”
Even though you wanted to sob and cry your eyes out you were way to stubborn to go out pleading and begging. “I was being empathetic you weirdo! We do what we gotta do to survive, and you did just that. You aren’t some crazy murderer. You’re just angry and traumatized and that’s ok!” The grip on your wrist only tightened. “Gah! Th-the system failed you dude. The whole fucking city failed you and still is failing you! You ha-have a right to be mad! I’m not excusing what you’ve done b-but shit I would’ve done the same!” You squeal feeling the blood flow completely cease as he tightened his grip.
Suddenly the pain stopped. You open your eyes and rub your poor wrist hoping the feeling would return. He seemed more docile. It was as if his entire aura had changed. The man sat down on a hunk of rubble, his weapon clenched in his grip. If you didn’t know better you could’ve sworn he was crying. It was a silent sob. Nothing overtly dramatic, kind of how like you’d expect a man who’s rarely cried to cry. It was unnerving. The only man you’ve ever seen cry was your dad and that was when he laughed to hard. This...this was gut wrenching.
This monster that was hellbent on killing you seconds ago was now a sad man huddled up in a corner like a child. You could never feel the pain he’s felt, relive the days of utter darkness and skewed rations. Never could you imagine the gritty taste of human flesh. The depravity one must have for themselves. The survivors guilt. The nightmares he must relive. He kept muttering something about the dark and the how he wasn’t a monster. How he just wanted to see the light again.
“It’s ok.”
You weren’t sure you could touch him so you just sat in front of him. He was still shaken up but the sound of your voice seemed to get through to him. “It’s ok and you’re safe. I’m here. I won’t go anywhere I’d you don’t want me to...” You could bare the cold for a night. You’d rather be frozen to death then brutally murdered.
Both of you sat there for what seemed like ages until he moved. You were on the edge of slumber before seeing a gloved hand slither towards yours. You wanted to move it. Make haste and dip but your body had become heavy. Your eyes seemingly weighed down by stones. Before you knew it he was oddly holding your hand. You saw him looking at you intently. Probably waiting for you to scream or pull away but you stayed put. One hand held up your head whilst the other was his to experience. It had probably been awhile since he’s been so vulnerable so you let him have this. It wasn’t like you had anything else to do tonight but sleep and pray that the hang over didn’t beat your ass in the morning. Before you could fall asleep he pulls you into a really awkward half ass embrace against the cold stained suit. It was far more comfortable than the back straining position you were in a second ago but man this guy was bad at ‘snuggling’. You felt like he was gonna smother you! When he found a comfortable position he rested that stupid ass mask on top of your head with a satisfied grunt before you gave up on protesting and fell asleep. How the hell were you gonna get home
When you wake there’s no cold embraces or odd masked men. Instead you find yourself wrapped in some dusty old quilt at the entrance of the mine. For a moment you think everything that occurred was a mere fever dream. A whiskey fueled hallucination. You scramble to your feet and notice a little note that had fallen from the tattered cloth. The paper, or what you hoped was paper and not dried human skin, had fairly neat handwriting. It was short and morbidly sweet.
Thank you.
There was a part of you that was absolutely mortified. The note solidified your suspicions of what had taken place last night. But the other part of you was strangely elated. You turn to the mine and put your hands to your mouth to amplify your words. “THANKS FOR NOT KILLING ME ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU!!!!!!” You yell happily before heading back into town. You were pretty sure he didn’t hear you but it calmed you to know that he not only spared you but someone actually appreciated your presence.
This was definitely not your final encounter ⛏
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deltaengineering · 4 years
What remains of Fall Anime 2020
You might have noticed that I haven’t been keeping up with my season impressions, mostly (but not exclusively) because it’s really boring to come up with new ways to say “it’s isekai, which means it’s garbage for stupids”. So here’s what I ended up finishing, in ascending order of goodinosity.
Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle- Rhyme Anima
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Ostentatious rap battles in an insanely stupid universe are very fun. The thing is that this doesn’t want to be a good anime, it wants to sell us on these characters, and the characters are pretty terrible on account of all of them being one-word gimmicks. So, let’s give them three rounds of introductions and have them solve lame, generic crimes for 8 episodes instead of setting up the rivalries that everyone suddenly has later, when the show gets good - because it does start delivering towards the end, and becomes really all I wanted. So I can’t even say I’m disappointed, but the first half of the show is almost entirely worthless. 4/10
Assault Lily Bouquet
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I don’t want to be the guy that’s all “I’m mad at this show not catering to what I want”, but I do have to say that Salt Bucket is much better at being a goofy, lighthearted yuri comedy than it is at action (though there are a few choice cuts) and at having an engaging storyline. This is again just an ad for some game or other, so it’s no surprise it has about two dozen characters too many, but it also has quite a lot of superfluous plot - so much so that I suspect it was initially planned to be twice as long. Apart from that, it’s cool and all that some Gainax old hand got to make his own Gunbuster-like, but it’s just not very good at that and all I wanted was Kaede antics and bath scenes, of which 1 per episode is clearly too few. 5/10
The King's Avatar 2
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King’s Avatar got a sequel and overall I have to say, I kinda like it more than the first season even though it looks much less ambitious and even the character designs were changed towards the bland. But I honestly don’t care much about the esports aspect of this and much of S2, especially in the back half, is more about schemes and social engineering - as close to an Eve Online anime as we’re ever going to get, I guess. It’s still very chinajank (why the hell does every episode come with a redundant chibi summary of itself, etc), and while I can’t call that “good” it does remind me of a time when I wasn’t filled with useless knowledge of anime tropes and was just enjoying the weirdness. Also, Ye God’s antics is as close to “looking for anime with OP MC” as I’m comfortable with getting. 6/10
Heaven Official's Blessing
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Now how about some Chinimation that isn’t very janky? I only became aware of Heaven Official’s Blessing when it suddenly rocketed to the top of the MAL charts, so I gave it a looksie and oh boy. The first few episodes of this show are flat out gorgeous, quite funny and very very gay. So I was ready to agree with MAL for once, except it then launches into an arc that mostly consists of our dudes sitting in a dark pit telling each other stories that aren’t very interesting and seem barely related to the setup. Yeah, the back half of this just isn’t very good at all. And the subs are hot garbage. Still, the beginning is so impressive that I would recommend this show despite the middling rating it’s about to get. 6/10
Ochikobore Fruit Tart
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You know the problem that these 5girls4koma stories have, where one of the characters is an annoying pervert, yeah? Well, in Fruit Tart every character is that character, and they’re rather cultured as well. Yes, it’s often of questionable taste and it has a terminal case of 4koma storytelling but dammit if I didn’t enjoy it. It certainly helps that this show’s greatest asset by far is Broko and it seems to be aware of this, because there’s a lot of Broko material. It would have probably have gotten a 6 but the last episode is just so... maximum Fruit Tart. I’m down for some trash if it’s as well made as this, and I do like my kiraralikes spicy, so thumbs up over here. YMM definitely V on this one. 7/10
Majo no Tabitabi
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Speaking of things that are hard to recommend despite me liking them a lot, Elaina here challenges the very notion of what a TV show even is supposed to be. I assume most people tune in every week expecting to get something roughly similar. Not so with this one, you could get everything from slice of life antics to Higurashi-style gore, or reasonably deep character study to pervert comedy. I would say that the only unifying thread is the presence of Elaina, who is a very fun character, but there’s an episode she’s not in, so there you go. But I’m a connoisseur of the weird and I also have to say that I enjoyed every episode in its own way. Also, each episode stays remarkably consistent by itself, and in the end it wraps it all up with a sort of neat “life is like a box of chocolates” thematic bow, which isn’t earthshatteringly profound but hey, it’s there. Just don’t go in with expectations, especially not expectations based on the first episode. 7/10
Love Live! Nijigasaki
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It’s Love Live. Good old reliable Love Live. Really not much to say about this one, any discussion of what makes this different from previous iterations is going to end up in minutiae only people who already watched this could possibly care about. I do have to say that while the musical numbers are as good as Sunshine’s were towards the end and there’s also a lot more of them, “looking budget deficient outside the CG” is the one thing I didn’t expect from something that’s ostensibly a Sunrise premium product. So boo on that one, apart from that it’s idols (an anagram of solid). 7/10
Garupa Pico Oomori
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The chibi SD shorts based off Bang Dream are still better than the main show. Even if S3 was actually quite good, this is just the best thing you can do with 30+ characters that aren’t that deep. Garupa Pico specializes in absurd humor setpieces that at points is better at being Pop Team Epic than Pop Team Epic itself was. Take that, memelords. 7/10
Fire Force S2
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Fire Force is just weird, man, and it’s sort of great. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a property of this magnitude show this much of the ol idgaf spirit. How about an episode where the A plot is the most evenhanded exploration of religion i’ve seen in anime, and the B plot is about blowing up a tryhard edgelord by exposing him to panties? How about a subplot where Batman and Thor infiltrate the vatican to kill the pope, only for that to lead into a gay rape backstory, only for that to be resolved by dank weed and dismemberment? It really is quite a thing, as they say. Now, Fire Force certainly delivers hard at points, but it’s also very scattershot, even if S2 is somewhat more consistent than S1. The weakest parts are unsurprisingly still the ones where it’s remembering its fighting shounen template, and that’s not only because I don’t like that, it’s also because it’s particularly and consistently bad at scheduling these huge, simultaneous multifight setpieces it often crescendoes with. But hey, at least these tend to look super cool. In short, Fire Force is a land of contrasts and still the only fighting shounen I give a damn about. 7/10
IDOLiSH7 Second Beat
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Did you know that I think Idolshi7 is the best one of all of these huge-ass commercial idol franchises? Yeah, I think it’s better than Love Live, and as of Fall 2020 also the better looking one because Troyca still delivers where Sunrise apparently can’t. I guess still don’t like the music much, thankfully there isn’t a lot of that. It also still specializes in gigantic drama, and to its credit S2 is now much better at either getting to the point or at least making it silly and fun. You show that door who’s boss, Sou. Still fantastic Tsumugis all over the place as well, in fact I think I like all the characters now. Even Banri gets his big moment in this season! Yeah, this stuff is pretty cool. 8/10
Adachi and Shimamura
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So here’s the AOTS, and it’s the lovechild of Bloom Into You and Tsuki ga Kirei. While it definitely isn’t as good as either of these two, because it lacks the “about more than just teenagers being hyperbolic about a crush” part from Bloom and the part where it has an actual ending from TgK, it carves out its own niche with its loopy, almost stoned tone that’s full of side weirdos and yuri hyperspace. It’s also uniquely focused, with a tiny core cast and even Shimamura doesn’t really matter all that much. This is all about Adachi, and thankfully Adachi is amazing. Amazingly awkward, that is. It’s very cute. So yeah, this is a bit too lacking in substance to aspire to classic status, but it’s a great time nonetheless. 8/10
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sleepyfics · 5 years
❝  i’ll wait through your phases,  peter parker.
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summary:  you and peter go through the years as online friends. deep down, the two of you always knew you were meant to be together, but time always came in between. inspired by this and this.
authors note:   look who’s back with another chapter woohoo!! thank you to everyone who’s read this so far, it makes me so happy to see people interested in my writing :’) i decided to make a decision to switch tenses because it sounded better to me like this i’m so sorry BUT i hope you all enjoy! i’m probably going to be writing the next one asap since i’ll be stuck at home all weekend due to the craziness happening in the world so... anyway, stay hydrated and healthy friends, happy reading!
tags ( ♡ ):  @eridanuswave​, @theolewebshooter, @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts​, @juliebean247​, @pluckypete​
“Happy New Year!”
“Ned, you do realize that you’re like a million hours ahead of us right?” Valerie points out. You can hear constant clicking with her mouse as if she’s occupied, which doesn’t surprise you. She’s always doing something on the side.
The background noise emitting from Ned’s end was beginning to become overwhelming. Fireworks with a variety of crackling and booming noises, relatives screaming and blowing horns, the whole New Year shebang. He’s been staying in the Philippines since school ended, and judging from all the pictures and videos he’s been sending to the chat, he’s having a great time.
It must be nice.
On your end, you haven’t been really doing much since the break started. It mostly consisted of being behind the computer for hours on end----whether it’d be playing video games, watching films, or delving into a deep hole of YouTube videos until the sun came out. While your family usually had things planned over the holidays, the older you got, the less interesting things became.
“Happy New Year from the future!” Ned reiterates, which causes everyone in the call to laugh. “Spoiler alert: 2016’s already looking pretty sweet.”
“I hope we’re getting flying cars this year,” Isaac adds. “Tony Stark needs to step it up, ‘cause if the guy can make flying suits of armor… he can definitely make flying cars.”
“I just want another Frank Ocean album man,” Ned sighs longingly. “I’m getting tired of listening to the same stuff over and over.”
“What about you, Y/N? What do you wish for next year?” You hear Valerie ask.
You pause the video that you were watching that’s minimized on the side, before actually contemplating on the question. As your mind drifts, it instantly brings you to the thought of Peter. No one’s heard of him since his disappearance two weeks ago. Not even Ned, who apparently hasn’t seen him around school either.
You just hope he’s okay.
“Earth to Y/N? Earth to Y/N…”
Immediately, you snap back to your reality. Letting out a deep breath, you press your lips together to leave a trail of hums while you think of an answer that seemed right.
“I don’t know, for Captain America to date me?” The answer’s the first thing that chimes into your head. Realizing how weird it might have sounded, you let out an uneasy laugh, hands waving in front of you as if they can see your gestures. “Don’t judge me! He’s cute, okay?”
And of course, everyone begins to laugh.
“You probably drool all over him in those lame videos they play in school, huh? Weirdo.” Valerie retorts, followed by a small giggle. She can’t seem to get over it.
Well, she’s not wrong.
“I’m more of a Thor guy,” Ned states matter-of-factly, which causes you to burst out into a laughing fit in the background. “What? Cap reminds me of an old guy! The dude lived through World War II, it’s like being attracted to someone who’s a hundred years old!”
“Fair enough,” you chortle. Your hands fold across your chest as your body sinks deeper into your cushioned chair. “But you can’t deny that Cap has a nice ass.”
“True that.”
You hear someone calling Ned out on his end, though couldn’t understand what was being said because it’s in a foreign language. Then Ned groans. ’There are few moments left in silence that follow suit, along with obnoxious shuffling (which probably was Ned playing with the mic of his headphones).
“Sorry guys, my aunt wants me for pictures,” Ned says quickly, to which you can hear him stand up from his seat. “BRB.”
He leaves the call.
You blankly stare at the call screen. That only leaves you, Valerie, and Isaac. You’re about to continue the video that was paused, but was greeted with a notification that meant you receiving new direct message.
Peter_skywalker: Hi…..
The longer continue to stare at the message, the faster your heart begins to pound. You don’t even know where to begin.
Why is he resurfacing now after being gone for so long?
You: peter?? You: is that you or did someone hack you???
Peter_skywalker: Hahaha don’t worry it’s me Y/N ! Peter_skywalker: Sorry I disappeared ☹ Peter_skywalker: I felt so bad for leaving you guys ☹
You: no it’s ok, did something happen? You: like are you ok?
You slightly jump at the sudden ringing that surprises you on your screen. It’s Peter. He’s now calling you, and for some reason, that alone has you in full-panic mode. You’ve never been in a private call with him-----the two of you were always just put in a conversation with the group. There was never any reason to. Besides, you wanted to avoid all of the suspicions your friends would have if it did.
So why now?
With shaky fingers, you reach over to your mouse to press the ‘Accept’ button. There’s silence that lingers for a minute while it disconnects you to the group call and connects you to the private one. Calmly, you take a deep breath to regulate the beating of your pounding heart.
You didn’t know what to expect from this. Thoughts of the worst possible outcomes already filling your mind.
It’s not Peter, he’s been kidnapped.
He’s going to tell you he’s leaving the group for good.
Ned told him about the time you accidentally admitted you liked Peter’s voice the most.
God, you want to puke.
The sound of his voice has you melting in an instant.
Typically, in the group calls, you’re not afraid to showcase how you are. Outgoing, always either telling stories or cracking a joke or two that made everybody laugh. But why does it feel like that’s been stripped away from you all of the sudden? As if you’re flustered?
“Hey!” You answer almost too enthusiastically, clearing your throat to recoup from that horrendous outcome. Warmth is radiating in your cheeks, and if you’re to look in the mirror right now, your complexion would probably resemble a ripened tomato. “Long time no see--- or---- uh, talk.”
He laughs. “Yeah… sorry if me calling you is weird, I um… thought it’d be easier to just talk like this.”
“No no it’s okay,” you quickly reply. Behind the screen, you’re already wiping your sweaty palms on the material of your sleep shorts. “So um, what have you been up to? We all missed you, Peter.”
It’s quiet. You’re not sure if you said anything wrong, but if you did, you deeply regret accepting the call now.
Suddenly you can hear him softly sniffling, as if he’s now in tears. Your eyes begin to brim with worry---- feeling guilty of everything that’s come out of your mouth thus far. Now panicking, your eyes shift wildly as you try to conjure up something to say that’ll make the situation even slightly better.
“Peter, I----”
“My uncle died,” he interrupts. It probably took him all the courage he had left to say it, and you crash. As he continues, you can tell that he’s fighting the tears and losing. Like he’s trying to smile and laugh through it but failing. “His funeral was yesterday and… I miss him so much, it hurts.”
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leggomylino · 5 years
light switch | yandere!seungmin
Genre: yandere, romance/fluff, thriller, a little angst, some comedy (mainly in the first half) Pairing: yandere!Seungmin x reader Word count: ~11k (and this is only the first half…) Warnings: Author rambling, run-on sentences, mild language (censored), a few memes, moments of high tension and possible anxiety, ooc, and mild abuse/violence A/N: Requests are open~ | Masterlist in bio! | rip this turned out WAYYY longer than I meant it to and it’s my first time writing this format (and yandere for that matter) but, I hope y’all enjoy :’)) Thanks for reading!! <3
Okay so
You and Seungmin had been friends for a while
Y’all met in junior high and immediately hit it off
Here’s what happened fam
It was your turn to stay after class and clean up
The other kids who had been assigned to help you had already done their jobs and left
You let them off easy because it was raining and you didn’t want anyone to miss the bus
You always walked home since you lived in the neighborhood and you liked the rain so it was no big deal to you
*cringey middle schooler voice* “Hey is it okay if we head out? Are you okay by yourself?”
“Oh yeah sure go ahead! Have a great day!”
“Thanks! See you later (y/n)!”
Yeah a n y w a y 
So it’s raining out and it’s just you in the classroom after school, cleaning the whiteboard and sorta zoning out
The cloudy weather and sound of steady rainfall on the asphalt outside isn’t helping
But luckily you’re almost done, just gotta get a chair to reach the top of the board and--
What the
What was that sis
You look over your shoulder mid-swiping to see the silhouette of a person climbing in through the window
But you can’t see who it is at first cause right at that moment there’s a flash of lightning that lights up the whole room and casts everything in a veil of black and the hollow roar of thunder (just like in all the cliche horror movies), and a scream gets caught in your throat (like half of the cliche horror movies)
It successfully freaks you out a bit but
Once you’re able to see clearly again you realize it’s a boy
A boy you recognize
Barely tho
Like hardly
Because he’s honestly never around
Always skipping class
Typical delinquent kid
His name, you scarcely recall, is Kim Seungmin
He probably thinks he’s some sort of billy-badass or smth, you dunno
Well he’s just frozen like you are, halfway inside with his legs straddling the windowsill, soaking wet, just staring at you
Still staring...
You furrow your brow at him, slowly getting back into the groove of getting your business done and hightailing it outta there. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
He smirks and leans forward, resting his hand on his chin, just watching you while half of him is still getting soaked by rain; he looks like the freakin’ Cheshire Cat. “The same could be said about you.”
You’re about to ask him what kind of a comeback that is when it dawns on you that you’re still staring as well, and you visibly shun yourself and whirl away to face the board again. He chuckles and you hear him toss his incredibly late ass all the way inside, closing the window and leaving a trail of rainwater and mud and dead leaves and outside nastiness on the floor that you just finished sweeping and cleaning uGH WTF BILLY-LATEASS WHY YOU GOTTA DO ME LIKE THAT
Great now you’re gonna miss the newest episode of Totally Spies and that rerun of Sailor Moon you were really looking forward to...all because this punk had to show up half past four.
He lifts one of the chairs off the desk and takes a seat, and when you curiously peek over your shoulder to see wtfudge he’s doing, he’s watching you. Again. Just sitting at what would be his usual seat in the middle of the room if he were ever in class on time at all. You roll over the teacher’s desk chair to finish cleaning the board and have just decided to leave the trail of dirt and wet grass for him to clean up
But uh
Unfortunately you have a brain made of spaghetti like the author
And well
You somehow managed to forget for a second that the chair has wheels, and the floors are still a little slick
So the moment you clamber your (enter height here) ass up on that chair guess what happens?
Just guess
Yeah you guessed it
London bridge comes falling down
Well in this case (y/n) bridge
It all happened so fast
And yet
You never touch the ground
No you didn’t spontaneously gain superpowers like in a Marvel or DC comic
This isn’t My Hero Academia either, you’re definitely quirkless
It’s this guy
He actually managed to throw himself over the desk and slide over just in time to save you
Wow maybe this is a bit of a superhero movie
Go Spiderminnie B))
...Okay lame names and rambling aside, he saved you
You stare at him with a shocked look on your face, a bit winded from the experience
But also at the way he’s staring at you
It’s kinda sus sis
He’s looking at you like...almost like he’s seeing right through you
Into your soul
You know how they say the eyes are the window to the soul?
Well this bish is sunlight and he’s cutting right through...effortlessly
Gracefully radiating a strange unnatural light you aren’t really sure how to define
It’s weird, and foreign, and a bit uncomfortable
But a part of you kinda likes it
Which bothers you because sure this guy did just save you from getting a concussion and possibly breaking your neck but still
“Uh...thank you…” you mutter, not sure what else to say. It’s a miracle your spaghetti brain even managed to remember to say “thank you” at all smh
He’s smiling down at you kindly (even tho it’s a bit creepy, surely he means well) and uh
Does he plan on letting go of you anytime soon?
I mean 
He’s still wet and you like the rain and all but
Okay there we go he’s setting you down now
Phew see he’s not a weirdo or anything, it’s all good
“That was a smart move you just pulled. I’m guessing you aren’t very fluent in the common sense department.”
Okay wow rude much
Who says something like that after saving someone?
Who says something like that to anyone they barely know ever?
Way to ruin the moment … wait what moment
There wasn’t a moment
That wasn’t a moment that was just uh...he was just…
:)))) moving on
You squint at him and scramble up to your feet to get away from this rude boy who you’re just starting to notice is kinda cute even if the way he looks at you is a little creepy and his attitude needs work, dusting yourself off and inwardly cringing at the chill snaking up your side. That’s just from the rainwater, right...? “Like you’re one to talk.”
He laughs at that...his laugh sounds like a bell. A bit obnoxious, but it’s still pleasing to you. And that makes you pretty angry.
“Stop laughing at me!”
“Stop laughing at me!”
“I mean it! Cut it out!”
“I mean it! Cut it out!”
He’s mimicking everything you say in a horribly applicated high-pitched voice, which only fuels your anger and frustration. Not to mention your embarrassment.
You’re embarrassed, right? That’s why your face feels so hot right now? Or you’re running a fever. Maybe you caught the bug that’s going around. People catch colds all the time during a rain shower, it’s only in every cliche romance anime ever.
Wait a sec…
Romance anime?!
Uh hahaha no no sis that’s not what this was
Not in the slightest
But I mean
It’s all set up like one
The rain
After school atmosphere
Cute delinquent guy with a bad attitude rescuing and teasing airheaded good student
Crap crap crap
Abort mission abort abort
You gotta scram baby
So that’s just what you do
...Well you try to anyway
But next thing you know he’s lifting you up in his arms and like
Have you not heard about personal space before?!
You turn your heated face down to him and he’s smiling up at you, so sweetly, so purely, all rainbows and sunshine
“Sorry, I was just teasing you. I thought maybe you could use a lift?” ❀
Well crap
He wasn’t wrong tho
Hnnnnn you can feel your face heating up again; er, even more
Okay okay calm down (y/n)
Just go with the flow
No use fighting it
Nothing good ever comes of fighting it
So you smile and mumble your thanks and let it happen
And guess what?
You two end up becoming the best of friends \^-^/
It’s quite cute actually
And it happens very naturally too
A nice slow burn transition into acquaintances, then friends, then good friends, and finally by the time you reach high school, y’all are besties
He’s always there for you when you need him
Like, always
It’s kinda strange actually...
He always knows right where to find you and texts you the moment you unlock your phone to text him
You: 𝖶𝗈𝗐, 𝖨 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎! 𝗈𝖠𝗈
Him: 𝖮𝗁 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒? 𝖧𝖺𝗁𝖺𝗁 / 𝖶𝗈𝗐, 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝖽𝖽𝗌? / 𝖨 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎!! :) / 𝖦𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝖨'𝗆 𝗉𝗌𝗒𝖼𝗁𝗂𝖼 :𝗉
But more recently, it’d gone a little something more like:
“𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗁, 𝖨 𝗄𝗇𝗈𝗐 <𝟥”
… *shrugs* 
Guess he’s got some kind of a sixth sense or something
He just knows you so well
But you don’t think much of it because the two of you do spend an awful lot of time together
As in you’re practically joined at the hip when you’re not separated by classes or your mom calling you home for dinner if you happen to go out on the town somewhere
Usually it’s the ice cream parlor or the mall
His buddies Felix and Changbin work at one of the shops there so you like to stop by and say hi to them
But you don’t stay too long because Seungmin really values your alone time
Just the two of you strolling side by side, sometimes hand in hand, while he listens to you ramble on about your day and get excited over cute things in the storefront windows and grumble about being hungry every time you pass the food court
You always tug him in front of one of the stands with the full intent of buying, yet he always ends up paying; he simply insists on it
Because he loves it
Your whining 
Your excitement
The way you ramble over the speed limit and express your passion so effortlessly
It’s real to him
He’d bottle each memory up and relive them over and over again if he could
Of course they’ll always be in the picturebook of his heart, but that’s a little cringe
He doesn’t care though cause it’s true
Watching you twitch your nose and turn your head like a muskrat as the scent of fresh cinnabuns wafts through the air 
It makes him smile and beam with delight and the whole atmosphere becomes warm and inviting
Of course, you don’t know that
Because Kim Seungmin isn’t an open book
More like a locked diary (with chains all wrapped around it like something out of a medieval fairy tale)
Some people have questioned why the two of you aren’t dating yet
But Seungmin’s too shy to say anything; the very notion makes him feel faint and his heart race; and you always dodge the question or tell people you’re simply “just friends”
Because to be honest, any feelings you thought you had for him have sorta cooled down into a comfortable friendship 
And while you may have thought about the two of you being an item before
You’re not sure how he feels 
Before you rant at the author whAt do YoU mEAN hAve yOU nOt beEn pAYInG aTTENtiOn to WhaT’S gOinG On?! 
LET ME (well you) EXPLAIN
While the two of you HAVE been rather inseparable over time since that fateful encounter in junior high
Seungmin is still a bit of an odd duck
Ya know him
But sometimes it feels like you don’t
Lately he’s been getting harder and harder to read
At least when it comes to the feelings department
Aka pathos
You know he certainly cares for you, a lot
And you care for him...a lot
But surely it doesn’t mean anything...more
He’s like the brother you never had
Just looking out for you, wanting the best for you, like family
It’s not anything romantic~ or lustful~ or anything like that …
Is it?
I mean uh
So what if you cuddled while watching movies together, and when you started to drift off against his chest you distinctly felt him place a soft kiss atop your head? So what if you shared milkshakes and ice cream sundaes at the parlor while holding hands beneath the table and speaking of hands you both blushed and giggled cutely when they touched while reaching for the popcorn at the same time? So what if he made you flower crowns and took pictures of you looking like a beautiful mess down by the river, or at the beach, or in the garden behind his house? So what if he occasionally showered you with gifts and bought you food and always left you the biggest mess of flowers and chocolates on Valentine’s day and worked himself tirelessly trying to teach you material you didn’t understand, and was the first one calling to see how you were doing when you got sick, even going so far as to skip class to bring you soup and tease that “you probably caught that dummy virus you had the day we met” and stayed sitting crisscross applesauce on the floor while you laughed stuffily at Tuxedo Mask calling Usagi/Sabrina a Meatball Head and he smiled at your congested laughter while mimicking you in a memey fashion (to which you respond by throwing used tissues at him that never get very far), copying all of the days notes you missed into your journal with that surprisingly pretty cursive handwriting of his...and leaving cute little love poetry off to the side for you to find later...so what if...something is starting to click inside your head...it doesn’t mean anything. None of it does. None of that meant anything!! \(>-<)/ …
You scream internally into the void
For you do not know 
One day after school of your senior year you’re doing rounds like you normally do
And you whine like you usually do
And he snickers like he regularly does
And y’all wander over to the food court like two happy little love birds (to him) and a couple of friends in a we-aren’t-dating-we’re-just-great-buds-it’s-complicated relationship (to you)
And that’s when you see him
I mean WOW
This new guy behind the counter
You recognize him from school
He just transferred to your school from out of town
His name is
Shoot what’s his name? (._.”) ??
It’s almost your turn in line
Guess you’re about to find out ♥
Gosh he’s gorgeous wowowow
He’s looking more attractive the closer you get, and you’ve only seen him from a distance at school and he was ALREADY the bees knees then
You take a step forward up to the counter…
That is until Seungmin stops you
This bish just completely cut you off 
His tall 5’9 ass is completely blocking your view of Hunkilicious >:((
Your peeking around him as best you can, but it’s hard when he’s constantly shifting his weight in time with you; you still manage to get a glimpse though, and wowza he’s fine (♥‿♥)
That sandy blonde hair
Those gorgeous bright eyes
A whole snacc sis
You smile at him while Minnie’s placing your order, and he catches your shy little wave, sending a flawless wink back at ya
 (/❛o❛)/❤,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~ o(~_^)o
If love at first sight is a thing
This may very well be it
He’s. So. Cute~ 乂❤‿❤乂
At least you think so
Seungmin, on the other hand…
Not so much :))
In fact
The way he’s looking at this guy
You may not know what he’s thinking
But you can tell
He’s trying really hard to put up a normal/average front
His aura is…
It’s not pleasant that’s for sure
When you two stand off to the side, waiting for your order
You tug at his sleeve and ask him if he’s alright
“Hm?” He snaps out of glaring daggers to peer down at you, smiling softly. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
You highly doubt that, but you aren’t about to open any doors that should remain locked
Just then your order is being called, by the cute blonde by that recently stole your heart
You instantly light up like a Christmas tree, and before Seungmin can make a move you dash over to the counter to pick it up
Leaving Minnie in your dust
He doesn’t say a word
Meanwhile, back at the food stand, you’re taking the bag of goods from…
You’re squinting at his nametag…
Only to notice he isn’t wearing one. Now you feel kind of dumb.
“It’s Jaemin,” he laughs, dropping some extra napkins in the bag. But also…
Why is winking at you like that?
“Maybe I’ll be hearing from you sometime?”
You look down into the bag
Sure enough, there’s a phone number scribbled out in pen over the top napkin
...Wow. He’s not even trying to be sneaky about it. He’s letting you know what’s up.
But doesn’t he think that…?
You look at him earnestly. “Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but um…”
His eyes grow soft, and looks disappointed all of a sudden. But he seems to be taking whatever he thinks is going on respectfully. “Oh, so you are in a relationship. I’m sorry, I thought that-- well, Jeno told me you two weren’t anything serious, so I thought that--”
“Jeno?” You look over his shoulder, and sure enough there’s Jeno, school jock, meeting your stare and giving you a quick “what up” nod before he hustles back to work
Jaemin sighs, making himself look busy by swiping down the counter. “Sorry, again. That was really rude of me, you can just ignore--”
“No!” you cut in.
He’s looking back up at you, a bit surprised, and you clear your throat. “I mean uh...he’s right. Jeno’s right. I’m not...seeing anyone right now. I mean, I’m not in a relationship or...anything like that. Seungmin and I are just really good friends. He’s like a brother, almost.”
Jaemin’s surprise quickly spreads into a smile that travels from ear to ear, and chuckles mostly to himself, giving himself a nod as well. “Okay. Sounds great. Maybe I really will be hearing from you then.”
Hnnnnn your insides are turning to goo, and you nod a little too ecstatically, having to contain the excited squeal threatening to erupt from the butterflies in your stomach as you hurry back over to Seungmin’s side
He’s right where you left him, and he looks…
He looks like a kicked puppy
There’s no way he could have heard what just happened
But you knew he saw the whole thing
...That didn’t matter though, right?
Cause it’s not like you guys are dating
He doesn’t even like you like that
Just friends
Just friends, (y/n)
So it’s fine
You don’t even care if he sees the phone number napkin
Which he’s looking at right now; actually glaring intensely would be a better word
And now he’s
He’s reaching inside the bag
He’s taking it out
He’s glaring at it
He’s debating something
He doesn’t look very happy
Brave (Y/n) tries to reach for the phone number
Her attack missed
Minnie’s power level is too strong
It’s over 9,000
Now he’s walking away and…
You gulp as he waits to get Jaemin’s attention
exchanging some words with him
Oh dear stars
What are they saying?
What’s going on?
You’re not sure why, but your legs won’t move
There’s some kind of...barrier...there’s this aura emitting off of Seungmin. It’s the same as earlier when he first caught you smiling at Jaemin. 
But now it’s stronger, more powerful. Clearly you aren’t the only one who feels it either, because the customers and employees around him are taking a few steps back and sending curious glances as well...when he comes back, he’s empty handed. And he looks…
Calmly pleased with himself. “Sorry about that, (y/n). He won’t be bothering you anymore.”
You frown. “He wasn’t bothering me, Minnie. In fact--”
You don’t get to finish that thought, because he’s ushering you off like a shepherd herding a lost sheep away from a pack of wolves...
Except you’re starting to suspect that he may be a wolf in sheep’s...well, shepherd's clothing
You sit down to eat, and it’s like nothing happened. Minus the twitch in his face every time you so much as look toward the Cinnabon shop.
The next day you’re sitting in your chosen science course, Environmental Systems. It was either that or Quantum Physics...and let’s face it, you hate math, so ES won ten to none
You’re sitting at your lab table totally zoning out...you can’t stop thinking about Minnie’s behavior the other day. What the heck had gotten into him? Why was he acting so strangely? So rudely?
He’d gotten better after he started hanging out with you. He’d stop skipping classes, started taking his classwork seriously
It turns out Minnie is actually really smart; like, really smart. His IQ has gotta be in the 150 range. It was just a matter of applying himself and actually giving a hoot; and for some reason, he’d listen to you. Most of the time, anyway.
 So you’re sitting there all slumped over in your stool, elbows on the table with your head propped up in both hands. Your eyes are locked in an internal battle with the clock on the far wall; each second that ticks by is a second lost, a second wasted, a second longer that you STILL can’t figure out what’s wrong with--
...Say, why is this bothering you so much anyway?
You two ain’t dating
You’re just friends
But you still care about him and are worried for him...as a close friend, right? That’s normal, isn’t it? You’re like a fretting sister worried about her brother’s strange behavior
Yeah yeah that’s all it is
Also what was up with that aura coming off of him?
You’re pretty sure even the Fire Nation would have turned and run with their tails between their legs
Wonder what it was he said to Jaemin…
...Aw man
So much for that romance waiting to be written (“=3=)
You feel a hand on your shoulder
You whirl around to see Seu--
He gives you a tender smile, slinging his backpack to the floor beside the table. “Hey. You okay?”
“Oh…” You sigh, shaking your head to clear it. “Yeah. Yeah I’m...fine.” ...Not fine, but it’s okay.
New character introduction! → This is your lab partner, Lucas. He’s sat beside you all year, but you normally don’t speak much beyond idle chitchat and classwork. 
But today is different
Because today is the day he’s finally getting up the courage to…
...No, not confess his undying love for you. He just wants to talk more. He’s seen you around with Seungmin a lot; in fact the two of them share a class together, and let’s just say you’re not the only one who’s noticed some odd behavior. Lucas is a caring guy, and he’s worried about you… He thinks you’re a good person. And to him, good people are precious treasures that must be protected!! (/oAo)/
He takes a seat in his stool beside you, the one next to the window, and looks at you with concern in his eyes. “So, listen...I know we don’t talk a lot, but…is it okay if I ask you something?”
“? Sure, go ahead.”
“You and Kim...what’s your relationship like?”
You frown. “We don’t have a relationship. I mean, I’m not romantically involved with him...we met in middle school. We’ve been friends ever since.”
“...Are you sure about that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well...not to sound out of line or anything, but I’m a bit surprised...well, I have a hard time believing...erm, seeing a person like you hanging out with a person like him. And it’s not just me, either. Anyone who knows either of you feels the same way.”
(• ε •) ? Why tho
You’re looking to him for the answer, but he doesn’t give you one. Instead he’s changing the subject.
“...Not to be nosy, but Jaemin told me what happened the other day. Uh…” He rubs the back of his neck, glaring down at the table. “He wanted me to apologize to you again, in his place. But you really should have told him if you were--”
“I’m not in a relationship with him!”
You’d slammed your hands on the table, jumping out of your seat. The rest of your classmates all silence their chatter or last minute scribbling of unfinished homework assignments, staring at the far left corner of the room where your table is.
You uh
You hadn’t meant to do that
Muttering an apology you sink back down into your seat, head bowed to allow your hair to hide your face like a curtain. Showtime’s over, folks. No encores, please.
Lucas hesitates, but after a moment he places a hand against your back. Something wet rolls down your cheeks...sheesh, when did you become such a crybaby? Are you seriously crying about this right now? But why…?
 You hear him swallow, and next thing you know he’s asking you for your side of the story, and you tell him everything. About Seungmin flipping like a light switch. About his scary aura you’d never noticed before. That you had no idea he was gonna react like that.
“I see…” Lucas is quiet for a moment. Then he holds out his hand to you. “Give me your phone for a sec.”
??? Okay…
You give him your phone, and he smiles a bit at the phone charms of things you stan clinking together as it’s being passed over to him. He grabs your wrist for a second (lightly) to unlock it, making you chuckle, then he’s opening the contacts app. He slides it back over not but a few moments later with the friendliest smile he’s ever given you; a smile letting you know that everything’s going to be alright.
“Text me anytime. I gave you Jaemin’s number as well. You should call him. I know he seems kind of like...a womanizer, but he’s really not. That’s just a dumb rumor going around from the popular crowd ‘cause he turned one of the cheerleaders down. He’s really a nice guy, and he talks about you a lot.”
QAQ <3
OmgoshomgoshomgOSH \(^.^)/ 
You do hug him at least
You can’t help yourself
You feel like a weight has been lifted
Like you can breathe a little easier
Lucas just laughs half awkwardly, half genuine, and pats your back before the teacher walks in and makes a comment about PDA, and you both roll your eyes and take your seats
You spend the whole class chatting and catching up like two good friends that hadn’t seen each other in a long time, really hitting it off even though you’ve been lab partners the whole semester 
Your teacher doesn’t mind as long as you get your work done; today is a relaxed, catch up on late assignments kind of day
You’re so engrossed in a debate about which flavor of ice cream is superior that you scarcely hear the bell ring; you notice it but it leaves your mind after five seconds because this hoe over here is trying to convince you that vanilla is better than chocolate
CHOCOLATE IS SUPERIOR OKAY?!? (Author Note: if you feel otherwise, just pretend the roles are switched✌️)
 You’re going into heavy detail about how your flavor is just melts-in-your-mouth kind of good, being a river of pure joy when you notice Lucas staring towards the door with a troubled look on his face...is he trying to tell you he needs to go?
Probably. Well shoot, is it pretty rude to keep someone from getting where they need to go…
You’re about to apologize and turn to get your things and uh
Seungmin is there
At the door
Just watching you two
He’s wearing the same resting b*tch face he wore during the Jaemin fiasco
He doesn’t approach you like you fear he will, though. He simply waits patiently, one eye on you, the other on Lucas.
The moment you get your things together you bow your head to Lucas, being overly respectful in a state of minor panic before scurrying for the door. Seungmin flips his attitude again to be all smiles and sunshine, taking your hand a bit too forcefully and sending a look over his shoulder before hauling you off. 
“What was that all about?”
He may be smiling, but his tone is the complete opposite, making you frown
He’s not gonna freak out again like yesterday, is he??
Uh uh uh
Wait you don’t have anything to hide
You have the right to have friends
You know what
You’re about to tell this guy
This whole thing is dumb, you’re probably making it out to be way worse than it actually is
It’s surely nothing
Guys are just weird and testy
...But when you open your mouth to let him know how you feel
Aka the truth
Nothing comes out
Not a dang thing
You close your mouth; open, close, open
N o t h i n g
Then something finally does come:
“Lucas is my lab partner. We were just talking about--”
He cuts you off, squeezing your hand a little tighter. Ow. “No, not that. I meant before class.”
Before class?!
“I saw you handing your phone to him. What happened?”
Sis what
He saw that? He was there?!
He always walks you to and from class, but you were sure you saw him leave after he dropped you off! He...He had to be hiding somewhere…
Normally you’d think it was a bit cute because “oh he’s just a helicopter brother” or laugh ‘cause he’d be trying to pull a prank on you but
Given what happened yesterday
It freaks you out.
He’s squeezing your hand tighter. It’s really starting to hurt.
“Um...it was nothing! It was part of a warmup assignment!”
“Warm-up assignment?”
“Yeah! We were comparing the current temperatures around the world, and his phone wasn’t working, so I let him borrow mine!”
The lie comes tumbling out of your mouth like a rolling stone
You can’t very well give him the truth
Not if he can’t handle the truth
Plus you need time to sort out what’s really going on with him
But does he buy it?
Well let’s see
He stops and looks you in the eyes
His gaze is cutting through you again
Just like it did when you met him some four or five years ago
It’s more than a little unsettling, but you refuse to crack
Please buy it please but it please buy it…
He sighs and studies you, more gently this time, before pressing his lips together and giving a few small nods. “Okay. I guess that’s okay.”
He uh
He what now?
He guesses that’s okay…?
“...Listen, Seungmin. I think we need to talk later.”
“I do too. I have something for you.”
He um
He has something...for you?
Another present?
“What is it?”
His grin is almost too excited. Yet it also seems so pure and innocent. His eyes are smoldering… At least that’s how your brain interprets it, but surely he’s just trying to scare you as is his hobby 24/7. “But you’ll have to wait ‘til tomorrow to open it.”
Tomorrow comes sooner than you know it
It’s Valentine’s Day
Flowers and chocolate and greeting cards are all over the place
Ribbons and lace and delicious cakes
Hey that kinda rhymed B)) You’re the new Shakespeare
Okay anyway
You’re at your locker; for once Seungmin isn’t around between periods, he’s being held up with a board meeting
Oh yeah, that’s right...forgot to mention, he’s on the Student Council
Told you he was smart tho
But that also made him a lot more...worrisome, given his recent outburst and weird personality flips
The Student Council had a lot of influence at your school
They practically ran the whole circus here
For example, you knew it wasn’t a coincidence that you no longer shared Statistics class with Jeno, Jaemin’s buddy.
… sigh
This whole thing was just one giant me--
What is all this?? (o.o)
You open your locker, right
And well
There’s a huge mess of roses
And chocolates
And greeting cards
And ribbons and lace and delicious cakes; word 😎
You have to grab a few bouquets and boxes before they spill all over the floor
How is it that...since when did you have so many admirers?
No offense to you or anything
You were a very nice girl
Cute, smart, sophisticated, good sense of humor
But you were also rather quiet and shy
Mostly because Seungmin took up all your free time
He kept it that way
Once you survive shoving everything back into the locker in a way that won’t result in them burying you alive, you open one of the greeting cards while a janitor and a few students give you looks at the mess of petals all over the floor
(𝑌/𝑛),  𝐻𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒'𝑠 𝐷𝑎𝑦! (\(^-^)/) 𝑊𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝘩𝑢𝑔? 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑦 𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 ;𝑃 -- 𝑆𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑚𝑖𝑛
You open another:
𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑑, 𝑉𝑖𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑢𝑒, 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑡𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑎 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑑'𝑠 𝑒𝑦𝑒 𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤
??? Okay then…
You’re noticing that all the cards and boxes are labeled “Seungmin” or “Minnie” or “you know who” as you’re shuffling through the garden that has become of your locker
You find the tulips near the back next to some daffodils and classic red roses, having to use half your strength just to wrestle them out
Oi vey
You peer inside from “a bird’s eye view”
But you don’t see anything
Wait a second yes you do
There’s something dark and boxy buried inside the bouquet
You dig inside...fish it out
It’s a lovely black box, long and rectangular, with a beautifully elegant ice-blue ribbon tied around it
Wow this thing looks pretty pricey...how much did he spend on you exactly?
Seungmin had always been a little extra when it came to you but this year was overkill big time
There’s a note sticking to the back of the box; it says: 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑚𝑒
Wow he may as well just attached all the notes he gave you into a novel
But okay you read it
You like reading anyway
𝑂𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑐𝘩𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑝.𝑠. - 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠 <𝟥
You examine the flowers before you…
Your eyes instantly land on the one in the center, which looks slightly different from the others
Because it’s fake...
Minnie helps you carry your things home after school. He handles your bags and chocolates and most of the flowers, but he insists that you carry the tulips
Why not roses? →  Tulips were your favorite flower
But even if they hadn’t been, he’d bought you one of every kind of flower on the freaking planet anyway, as well as every good chocolate combination in existence
He’d even gotten you that cute plushie you’d been eyeing in the window of a toy shop in the mall
“Did you like everything?”
“Yeah...it’s great. You didn’t have to, though.”
His face gets a little...resting b*tch again. “Nonsense. I wanted to. You deserve it.”
“...Thanks, Minnie.”
“I mean it. You deserve this and more.”
“No, no. This is plenty. Wayyy more than enough.”
You laugh at first, but the moment you notice Seungmin’s not laughing, you stop.
There’s an uncomfortable silence in the air for the rest of the walk, that is until you reach your house.
“Listen, (y/n)--”
“Welp thanks for everything today!!”
You rush inside, dumping the load in your arms by the front door. When you run back outside to get the rest of what Seungmin is carrying, he tries speaking to you again.
“Geez it’s awfully cold out! Winter sure is a bummer huh? But I do love curling up inside and um...oh wow I’ve got a lot of homework to do--”
You wince at the harsh tone in his voice; if you were an animal you’d have your ears flat against your head right now. “...Y-Yeah?”
His cheeks are turning the color of the roses in his arms.
This can’t be good
But when his lips part to say what he needs to say, nothing comes out
Cause here comes Lucas riding his bike down the street
And there’s a red rose gripped against the handle
Oh dear stars what fresh hell is this
You’re lost for words
Maybe he’d just passing by on his way to give some other girl a--
Nope he’s putting on the break in front of your house
He’s wheeling his bike over to you
Seungmin’s going into resting b*tch mode again
Why does karma hate you??
“(Y/n),” Lucas chuckles. “Don’t get too excited or anything. This isn’t from me. Jaemin asked me to give it to you. He’s been swamped by girls all day and hasn’t had a moment to himself to come find you. He’s got practice after school so...well I owe him a favor after losing a bet last week, so here I am. Haha...ha.”
Oh man, karma really does hate you
You look over to Seungmin, slowly, careful that any sudden movements will set him off (if Lucas’s words haven’t)
Wow he’s actually pretty calm right now
Hey maybe he’s okay
Wait no he’s not
He’s crushing those roses and chocolates in his arms pretty tightly
He looks really stiff and rigid
You’re surprised there isn’t a vein throbbing out of his forehead right now
And that scary aura is leaking back into the air again…
“Uh, th-thanks Lucas…” You can’t stop stuttering as you reach for the flower
You take it and after exchanging a few lame jokes and chatter, he waves and gives Seungmin a Bro Nod before riding off
...I mean
That could have gone way worse
You honestly thought Seungmin was going to try and stop you
Or say something
And truth be told the author did plan that
Then she got another idea okay back to you (y/n)
Gee thanks >->
Okay now
You’re watching Lucas ride off into the sunset (not romantically or anything, just seeing him off and secretly cursing him for choosing such a poor time to pull a stunt like that) when Seungmin blocks you view and is standing...really close to you. 
Why is he so close?
He’s...looking down at you intently. Watching you closely.
Huh who what
This is weird
He just keeps getting weirder and weirder
Making less and less sense
And then he says:
“(Y/n)...listen for a second. Please?”
Um okay
Kinda scared to but sure
“About what happened yesterday...I’m sorry.”
Oh! He’s apologizing!
He’s not crazy after all (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥
I’m fine you’re fine everybody’s fine
You smile in relief, feeling your muscles relax and all the tension leave the air. You’re seeing the old Minnie you became friends with in those sparkling eyes, that kind lopsided goofy smile, those soft lips, that...that uh…
Soft lips?
Sis I
*internally shaking your head*
Girl you gotta get your butt inside RN
You quickly tell Minnie that it’s alright and sweep the whole thing under the rug, giving him a FRIENDLY kiss on the cheek that he may or may not have taken the wrong way
And you get your crushed flowers and broken chocolates and scramble up the sidewalk leading to your doorstep.
You fail to notice how long Seungmin is glaring after you with the purest, yet most lecherous, smile on his face
The moment you yeet yer ass back into the house
It’s like a reminder notification goes off in your head
And you remember about the tulips
Luckily your parents are out having a romantic dinner at some four-star restaurant, so you gather up all the stuff Seungmin had bought you and make three or four trips getting everything securely into the closet of your room
Plushie goes on the bed
You put the tulips in a vase, pondering curiously at what to make of the whole “last flower dying” business
But that can also wait
Because you have a gift to unwrap
You crack open a box of broken chocolates first (hey they’re still good even if they are a little messy and no longer visibly attractive), then you set the box down before you on your desk and just...stare at it for a minute
Admiring how pretty and fancy it is
It’s after school now, sooo…
You tear into that bad boy ヽ(⌐■◡■)ノ♪♬
It’s a
   ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵃ ᵏᶰᶤᶠᵉ
He got you a--
Holy cow uh
Holy shiz
What are you supposed to make of this?? 
There’s another note inside the box, beneath where the knife was
You carefully set down the weapon, you don’t know if it’s a switchblade or what and the last thing you need is this thing popping out at you
𝑊𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑜 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑
*takes a breath*
You take it back
There’s a sinking feeling in your gut right now
You have an idea of what this could mean
But you don’t want to
You peek outside your window
No one is there
You stick your head out into the hallway; no one’s home either
Normally you’d hope Mom and Dad would bring you home some leftovers
But tonight you’ve lost your appetite
You don’t even know why you’re stuffing your face with chocolate right now
Stress eating you guess…
You close your door again with a small shiver, reaching down to examine the knife he gave you
Once you manage to get it open anyway
You let out a little yelp the first time, but after practicing a few times it becomes easier and less scary, your confidence in not cutting yourself or losing an eye growing
You turn the blade in the sunlight
It was really freaking pretty
Really really pretty
It’s shiny af
So so shiny
And let’s face it you love shiny things
You were probably a seagull in a past life with how attracted you were to sparkly objects 
S o s p a r k l y ✨💕
The colors blended so beautifully too, one spectrum flawlessly cascading into the other, then the next
The whole thing was very elegant and feminine
But also cool and kind of retro-looking
A rainbow-stained blade with a black chrome handle
It had a little pocket clip on one side, in case you wanna clip it to your jeans or attach it to something
The design on the handle is pretty
It honestly looks like a butterfly knife, but it’s not
Just a basic spring-assist
You only know this because Minnie catches you examining it again the next day and tells you 
Why did you bring a knife to school, you ask?
What if your mom decided to do cleaning? Was your whole thought process; she always gets a little nosy after Valentine’s Day and likes to tease you about all the stuff Seungmin usually busy
Wait til she gets a load of Butterfly Gardens in the closet
You’re looking over at Seungmin now, who’s all peaches and cream, looking cute as a button for someone who just gave you a deadly weapon the other day
He looks really excited and pleased with himself 
And then he asks you
“Are you gonna keep it?”
Well let’s see
You’re pretty sure if you bring a knife home
As in, your parents see you walking through the front door and actually find out about it
Even if you are just about a legal adult now
Your mom is gonna freak
Your dad won’t be having any part of it either
“yOU’ll shOOt yOUr EyE OUt!1!1!”
“Mom it’s not a gun and this isn’t A Christmas Story!!”
“You’LL STaB YouR eYe ouT1!1!”
Ugh yeah it’d be a no go sis
Plus with that poem he wrote you…
And everything else…
Even if you are friends and all…
Or whatever the heck your connection to him was
It’s all too much
You’re about to respectfully and politely decline when you look at Seungmin’s face and
He’s staring at you
Really hard
Like he looks a little pissed
It’s almost like he read your whole thought process just now
Like he knows you’re about to say no and hand it back to him
Holy shiz
Uh okay bro chill out haha...ha
Dang he don’t sound very pleased either 
Uh uh uh
You smile to cover up the weird feeling in your gut, gripping the blade close to your chest (closed, ofc): “It’s great! So pretty! I love it!”
...That’s not a total lie, anyway.
It is really pretty
And you do like it
Even if it does creep you out a little a lot
But you getting grounded and swamped by Angry Mom™?
Not so great no
Seungmin is suddenly all smiles again, back to his usual goofy/cheerful self. “That’s great, I knew you’d like it. It suits you perfectly. It’s colorful and charming...just like you.”
He swipes a stray hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear tenderly. The whole action is oozing with love and affection...but you’re not sure if it’s the good kind. It’s light on the outside, but it’s got some weight to it. It’s got a...it’s just...
The final bell rings, signaling that All Students Must Yeet Themselves Off The Premises Because Teachers Wanna Go Home Too
Seungmin places a hand against the small of your back, leading you off campus
Once you turn the corner off official school grounds that hand snakes it’s way around your waist, resting on your hip
U m
You’re uh
You’re honestly too scared to say anything
A chill runs up your spine that doesn’t disappear until after he’s dropped you off at home
The next day goes by in a flash, mostly because for the first time ever you stayed up horribly late way past your usual bedtime to stare at what Seungmin had given you, other than a recent case of the heebie-jeebies (> ︿ <”) 
You’d managed to keep the blade hidden from your parents; the moment Minnie dropped you off you’d rushed inside before he could invite himself over (since you could tell it was heading that way and uh...well he was starting to get a bit more handsy) and stormed straight up the stairs to your room, shutting the door and stashing the deadly weapon in a drawer
Seriously, what the heck was going on?! Why was he acting like this? >:((
It was on your mind the rest of the evening, while you were doing homework, when you were having dinner
Not even a few episodes of Sailor Moon or your favorite sitcoms were helping
Not even Studio Ghibli
Your mind was present for all of five seconds of Arrietty before you came back to reality and the credits were rolling
Preferably that one part where the dad goes, “sometimes it’s best not to go looking for danger...”
S i g h
Tell me about it, Papa Borrower
You’re trying but it’s like danger won’t stop looking for you
Danger by the name of Kim Seungmin...
Was he really dangerous, though?
Kim Seungmin? Dangerous?
He was such a sweet boy
A former delinquent, yes, but the worst he’d done was skip class to do...whatever it was he did. He’d never hurt a fly— at least, not that you knew of
He’s was a Chaotic Shy boy with a kind face that loved photography and flowers and being a sarcastic ass half the time
So what if he had a thing for knives?
It’s normal for teenage boys to be into all that stuff
And maybe he didn’t even have a thing at all
He probably just wanted to catch you off guard to fool you
He wanted to freak you out on purpose
It was all a joke
That’s it!
A dumb prank
Finally you could get some shut eye…
“Would you like to answer this one, (y/n)?”
Your head snaps up, and a few giggles circle round the classroom. Your face flushes in slight embarrassment. 
“Um...yes Mrs. Hwang, of course”
Okay you’ll get some shut eye as soon as school is over
You got the answer wrong, btw
Stupid Seungmin 😞😒 you’d let him have it for giving you a scare like that later
That poem was a nice touch too, the bastard
And as soon as later rolls around, you’re ready to pass it over, boys
Here comes the thunder
It’s your free period, and while you thought about taking a nap and telling a friend to wake you a few minutes before Environmental Systems (that friend being Lucas), you were too upset to sleep
You had to give this jerk a what for 
A good slap upside the head outta do the trick
He should be in Woodshop right now, if your sleep deprived brain was remembering correctly
Get ready you jerk 😤 cause here comes the—
Your froze in the doorway
Wanna know why?
It’s because your eyes instantly find Seungmin
But the moment they do they can’t help but travel downwards to the project he’s working on in his hands
It’s a statue of you
Like okay hear me out
You ain’t tryna be vain or nothin
Because while the carving is really beautiful and all
It’s totally you
There’s no mistaking it
It’s really freaking detailed
And you see yourself in the mirror at least twice a day
So you should be able to recognize yourself when you see her
And bish that is most certainly, without a doubt, a wood carving of you
What are you supposed to do now?
What were you doing here again??
Um uh uh
Sh*t bro
This ain’t good
Normally one would be flattered, right?
But you don’t know
You don’t know what to think
You haven’t known what to think since the incident involving Jaemin
You really aren’t sure how you feel about this sudden new development 
You’re just standing there two steps into the room with a fist raised when the boy next to him, your friend Felix (but mainly his), looks over his shoulder and smiles to you, not even questioning why you’re frozen like that. 
“Hey, (y/n)! How’s it going?”
Seungmin immediately looks up, and his whole demeanor goes from zero to sixty, calm and focused to chaotic and delighted
If only you could say the same about yourself
“(Y/n)...I wasn’t expecting you to come find me.” He smiles. He does that a lot so long as there isn’t another guy around. (Felix and Changbin not included). “Is everything okay?”
“Um…” Say it, (y/n). Say it! 
You put on a brave face, trying to look as stern as possible. But that idol of you staring you down from across the room is weakening your stature like kryptonite. “Actually...no, it’s not. It’s really not. I need to talk to you--”
“Then let’s go someplace quiet.”
Right now?
Apparently so
He’s pulling you out into the hall, yelling at Felix to “cover for him.”
The last thing you see is the freckled boy giving him a thumbs up before you’re dragged off to the Student Council office
It’s empty and dark when you get there; the door is locked
Seungmin must have known it would be
He pulls out a key and unlocks the door, sliding it open and sweeping you inside.
He closes the door but
He doesn’t turn the lights on
So you reach and try to feel your way along the walls for the switch, but your fingers find his instead
Causing him to intertwine them with his
He pulls you right up against him…
And he kisses you
It’s very gentle, very tender
And you find yourself melting into it, even though just a second ago you were ready to klonk his brains out
But then…
Then he shoves you into a wall
No, he’s not passionately throwing you up against it
He’s slamming you into it
It honestly knocks the wind out of you for a second
And the first thing you see now that your sight has adjusted are his eyes; they’re boiling, dark, violent
He’s definitely not a happy camper
His grip on you is tight; like he’s trying to make you pop or something
It hurts bro
It really, really hurts
You suck in a sharp breath of air, but he silences you by getting the first word in
“Why the hell are you so difficult?”
You, difficult?! He’s one to talk!
“Wh-What are you--”
“Shut up! I’m not finished talking yet!”
He’s totally cutting off your blood circulation
You feel your arms starting to go numb, then your hands. He continues yelling at you in hushed tones.
“Why did you let me kiss you just now? Why did you kiss me back? Why are you...and them…”
Is he talking about...Jaemin? And Lucas? And all the other guys you’ve so much as smiled to?
“...I can’t do this anymore, (y/n)...not if you’re not going to listen to me or do as I say. It’s driving me crazy. Don’t you get it? Don’t you f***ing see how I feel about you? Have you really been so dense this whole f***ing time?!?”
You don’t know what to say
But that’s okay because he’s not finished yet anyway
“The other day...on Valentine’s Day...when you told me...you said it was too much…...even if you were just joking…”
He loosens his grip on you for all but two seconds before squeezing you again tenfold
You no longer have it in you to meme the situation or find any part of anything remotely ironic or lighthearted
You let out a whimper of pain and he shoots a hand over your mouth to stifle it...then he’s cupping your face with both hands, using his thumbs to brush away the tears
You’d run
But you’re too scared to move again
Seungmin is much stronger than you
And now that you think about it
You’re pretty sure you heard him lock the door while you were fumbling around for the light switch
You hiccup and bite your lip, trying to stop yourself from crying so he’ll give you the space you need right now
This isn’t driving you crazy anymore
It’s scaring you
He’s scaring you
You want the old Seungmin back
The one that wasn’t bipolar and insane
Cause it was all starting to come to you now
The dots were finally connecting
How could you be so blind…?
The poem
What did it say again?
𝑊𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑜 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑
You just got an eerie feeling in your chest
Seungmin is still looking at you like a puzzle he can’t seem to piece together. You’re sure you’re looking at him the same way.
“(Y/n). I need to know...tell me, do you…” You can feel his cheeks getting hot inches away from your own. “...Do you feel the same way?”
Crazy? No.
Scared? Upset? Yes.
“...I……” You end on a little sigh, a hesitant puff of air. You can’t get your voice box to work properly.
Unfortunately for you, Seungmin takes this the wrong way; slamming you back into the wall again, he reaches into his pocket, cursing while punching in a number you can’t see. Probably because you’re sinking down the wall with fresh tears in your eyes. You seriously want to go back five years ago and reverse such a terrible mistake...or at least be at home.
You think he’s calling someone, but for some reason he only holds the phone to his ear for all of five seconds before hanging up and putting it away. Guess whoever he was trying to reach wasn’t around.
And then you see something slowly cross over his face. Like watching a sunrise of realization. Like waking up from a horrible dream, a bad nightmare. 
And then you see that he’s crying.
The tears are silent and steady
And he angles his body quickly to gape at you with a look of pure horror on his face. 
He drops down to his knees, reaching for you again
But you squeal in panic and flinch away, and he retracts his hands, gripping them close and hanging his head in shame. He’s shaking all over...staring at his hands in disbelief
“......I...I’m so sorry, I...I just...wanted to protect you, (y/n).”
“Th-Those guys you hang out with. They aren’t good for you. I wanted you to see that...”
“I’m the only one, (y/n). I’m the only one that understands you. But when you toy with my heart like this--”
“Toy with your heart?!”
You found your voice again. And she ain’t happy.
“...” he swallows, tilting his face up to look you in the eye. Still crying, softly. “...Yes. I--”
“I’ve never toyed with your heart once in my life! I can’t get a word in because you scare the heck out of me! Ever since I met Jaemin at the mall and started talking to Lucas you’ve been acting totally crazy! It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore…!”
And then it’s silent for quite some time
“......” he swallows again, turning his head away and muttering curse after curse to himself while he heads to door.
He locks it behind him.
Well you found the light switch, but turns out it doesn’t work for some dumbass reason
You’re sure you’re doomed
Your phone is in your bag with the rest of your belongings
You’re confused
And sore
You don’t know what to think anymore, for real this time
You could try calling for help? But…
The Student Council hall is located in a more isolated part of the school that rarely anyone uses
Then Seungmin comes back
And he’s got a first aid kit with him
As well as that kicked puppy expression on his face
Nothing really happens, thankfully
He just patches you up (even though you don’t really need it, since it’s just a few bruises and minor scratch marks)
And he leaves you alone
School is long over, so you grab your things from where you left them in your cubby--
Wait where’s your stuff
Your bag is gone
Your phone was in there
All your textbooks and homework
...This day just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it?
Then you turn around
And Lucas is standing there
He’s looking pretty worried with his bag slung over his shoulder, yours in the opposite hand
“Where were you today? You just up and vanished all of a sudden. It’s not like you to skip out on class like that.”
“Some girls in your class told me you didn’t show up for Statistics either.”
“Or English.”
“...” Lucas sighs...then his eyes travel down to your arms, catching on a bit too late, and he gapes at you. “...What happened…?”
“......” You can’t help it. Maybe it was the traumatic experience you just had. Maybe you were about to start your time of the month. But (y/n).exe shut down and fell apart.
Lucas drops everything as you run to him, and he stands there and holds you while you sob into his chest, just letting everything spill out: tears, secrets, all of it.
You gasp for another breath, looking up at him. 
“...” His face is twisted with pain, letting you know you’re not gonna like what he’s about to say. “...I think you should stop hanging around him. In fact, I think you need to get a restraining order. I’m not kidding. You don’t know this, but...the way he acts when you’re not around...it’s very different than when he’s with you. He’s very hostile and closed off. He rarely speaks a word to anyone unless he absolutely has to. He’s civil at first, but he gets short pretty easily...he gets hot under the collar the moment anyone, especially a guy, so much as mentions your name...and then today, with you…” He squares his shoulders, standing straight and tall as he’s looking down at you. “Why don’t I walk you to my house? You’re parents went out of town today, didn’t they? I don’t think it’s safe for you to be alone if he knows where you live…”
It was true
You’d practically forgotten
Your parents would be out of town for the evening on a short overnight business trip
You really don’t want to be alone right now, and you’ve never gotten a bad vibe from Lucas before. You’d grown closer to him since the two of you exchanged numbers as well, so…
You nod your head, and he gives you a kind, sympathetic smile as he leads you away with an arm wrapped carefully and lightly around your shoulders.
The moment you get to Lucas’s house
You call your mom to let her know you won’t be home
In case she tries calling the house phone and you don’t answer
You can’t tell her you’re staying at a boy’s house that she’s never officially met before, because even if you do trust him she won’t go for it; and because you don’t want to tell her about the Seungmin fiasco either, you mean to tell her you’re staying at a galpals place
But unfortunately for you you don’t have any you can recall off the bat, and because Seungmin is still on your mind his name is the first one that rolls out of your mouth
And you have to go with it
Your mom is a little unsure at first, buuuuut...well okay, Seungmin is a nice boy, he’s over all the time and you’ve known him forever. Just be careful and don’t stay up too late!
Honestly you thought she’d yell at you even if it was Seungmin, so you’re a bit surprised but 
Oh well
At least she won’t call or worry now
You ask if you can at least stop by your house to get a change of clothes and your toothbrush, but Lucas doesn’t think it’s a good idea; instead he buys you a new one from the convenience store and let’s you wear his clothes
The t-shirt nearly swallows you and you have to tighten the drawstring pants all the way to keep them up but
It works out okay ^_^
You’re still a little shaken up over everything, but Lucas is a really good friend; he makes up a space on the floor just for you (he insisted a million times you take his bed; he’d changed the sheets and everything) but you didn’t wanna put him out since it was all such short notice, and he finally caves but makes a tent for you that’s as comfortable as possible
The two of you actually have a lot of fun making a pillow fort.
He orders delivery and the two of you curl up in the tent together watching some old Disney movies on a small box TV he hauls out of his closet
Wow this dude is vintage af with his VHS tapes
But it’s nice
The two of you sipping noodles and laughing at Toy Story and Finding Nemo
You started drifting off halfway through Emperor’s New Groove when he decided it was time for lights out and cleaned up everything
He tucked you in and made sure you were nice and comfortable before closing the tent and turning out the lights
Big Brother of the Year award goes to: Lucas Wong. *applause*
But, well…
M e a n w h i l e
At a certain Dandy Boy™ house
Something was rotten in the state of…[enter town name here]
It started with a phone call he’d just gotten from a little someone called (Y/n)’s Mom
Or as he referred to her, Mrs. (L/n).
“Mrs. (L/n)?”
“Hey, Minnie! I was just calling to check on (y/n) and remind her to bring the mail in before she gets too comfortable. She’s not answering her phone and well...you know how scatterbrained my daughter can be sometimes. I’m sure she’s just got it buried in her purse again or forgot to turn it off of Silent mode.”
“...I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Is (y/n) not home right now?”
“...Well no...is she not with you? She called about...oh, three hours ago? Said she was spending the night at your house.”
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅.
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justjessame · 4 years
A Little Ass And A Lotta Sass Chapter 4:  OK, So I'm NOT Dead.  Everything Is Just Topsy Turfy.  Carry On.  Carry On.
I left the kitchen after explaining myself as much as I could. Running back upstairs, I decided to do the fucking laundry anyway. Why not? I was clearly alive. Clearly awake. And clearly not brain damaged. Plus the added bonus of not having to deal with everyone’s fucking expectations above what to use for fabric softener.
Grabbing the basket from the bathroom I shared with Carl, I moved to Judith’s bedroom and added the clothes and cloth diapers to our basket. Then I went to the master bathroom and added Michonne’s and Dad’s to the mix. I was leaving their bathroom when I saw I wasn’t alone. Michonne stood leaning against the closed bedroom door. Great. A new lecture.
“Callie,” she started, smiling the brilliant smile that made me like her the first time I saw it. “This is weird, for all of us.” She moved to sit where the bed used to live, but glared at the empty space like I had glared at mine earlier. “Damn it.”
I giggled. Yep, I thought, it sucks when you want to build up an expectation for a relationship and you realize the other half is Satan’s offspring. “Isn’t that a fucking irritation?” I asked, scrunching up my nose at the blankets that now constituted our beds. “The man I’m supposed to share with some useless bimbos and who stole our fucking beds. One and the same.” I nodded, sitting the basket of dirty clothes down. I mimicked her leaning against the bedroom door by leaning against the wall.
She sighed, realizing selling me on Negan was going to be far more difficult than she’d originally thought. “He seems to be more interested in you than your father assumed.” Lame, I thought, lame and really fucking minimal in the ‘reasons to start a relationship’ category.
I shrugged and offered my theory. “I’m a shiny new toy that he wants to add to his toy box full of shiny toys.” I bit my lip, I knew that I’d considered it only yesterday, but now? Now it wasn’t really my choice or my idea. That wasn’t even remotely interesting to me. I nodded, realizing that was the major issue I had with the situation, that and sharing anything with anyone. Ugh.
“Callie,” Michonne’s voice sounded like a cross between trying to get me to be reasonable and trying to make me acknowledge that it may be worth it to at least bring peace.
“I did consider it, you know.” I said, looking into her dark eyes. “Yesterday, while Dad and you were gone. I wondered if it would work.” I let my head fall back against the wall. “I didn’t know about the other wives when I allowed myself to wonder. I didn’t know that Dad and him would think it up without me being included in the negotiations.” I sighed. “I don’t even know if I LIKE him, Mich.”
That made her chuckle. “Well, I think that makes ALL of us, Callie.” I smirked at her. “But all of us saw how he treated you when you fainted yesterday. He carried you inside, he stood guard over you demanding for the doctor to be brought from the Sanctuary.” I raised an eyebrow at that, I didn’t even notice if the doctor came. “We cancelled the very idea of the doctor coming, you fainted, it never happened before, but he’d caught you before you hit your head.” She bit her own lip. “And he brought Daryl back. He even has his damn bike and crossbow back.” Shit, was this all true? “His people, they were as shocked as you seem to be.”
I considered what she was saying. Negan. Brain beating baseball bat wielding Negan. The man who cut open Spencer without blinking. Who ordered someone to be shot over Rosita’s move at attempted assassination. Negan wanted me. Well, fuck. What was I supposed to do with this fucking information?
“Think about it, Callie.” She offered, opening her bedroom door. “There isn’t a time constraint for your decision.” She winked and offered the best advice a woman could give another. “Personally? I’d make him beg.”
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I did the laundry. SLOWLY. Like more slowly than I’d ever tried to do laundry before. And I stayed with it. The entire fucking time. I think I may have hypnotized myself watching the clothes go round and round in the wash. I was leaning against the wall opposite the machines, considering the pros and cons of agreeing to become whatever to Negan. Not a wife, right? I mean it seemed like he tossed that term around to anything with a wet slit, and to be honest, that was weird and concerning.
So CON: Negan seemed to take commitment with a grain of salt and a side of wow that chick’s hot, wife her up.
He took care of me when I decided to faint like a freaking weakling. Even catching me before I could get the brain damage I’d been worried about this morning.
PRO: He could put aside the rampant God complex and narcissism when called for.
I thought about the way he spoke to Olivia, before she was unceremoniously shot. The shaming, the weird theory that offering sex would fix the shaming.
CON: He’s a dick. A huge, irritating dick. Sometimes?
I bit my lip and thought about Glenn and Abe. I thought about Carl without his bandage. I thought about Daryl, but then reconsidered Daryl since he was home now, but was he OK? Fuck that’s a circular thought of doom. I thought about Spencer, but honestly I’d never trusted him or his family. I thought about Rosita, but had to put her in the category of making your bed and now you lay in it. I mean who tries to kill someone who’s being guarded by all those fucking weirdos?
CON: He’s probably a psychopath. He’s more than definitely a psychopath.
PRO: He’s a murderous psychopath, but he keeps people safe? Jesus, that was weak even for me. OK, he’s a psycho who killed someone who showed their lack of loyalty. To my DAD.
I thought about the dining room table. About how we felt against one another. How his mouth felt, the promise of more, of better. I flushed from the thought of him naked, pressed against me and nearly slid down the wall. Shit.
PRO: Negan was very clearly sex on legs. A walking, talking promise of multiple orgasms. And the mouth on him.
“You look like you’re thinking way too fucking hard about something, darlin’.” My eyes closed and I fought the urge to scream. Who the fuck told him where to find me? “Carl.” So he could read my fucking thoughts now.
I opened my eyes to find him standing in front of me, hip leaning against the washer. Shit, fuck. Damn it. “I was making a list.” I answered, licking my lip and watching his eyes lock on my mouth.
“A list?” His voice sounded far huskier than the thought of a list should make. “What kind of list, angel?”
I smirked. Dear God, he was fucking horny. From me licking my lip. “A pro/con list. About you.”
His eyes lifted to mine. An eyebrow raised. “Really?” He moved toward me, his body close but not touching mine. “Do I wanna know how good or bad the list is?”
I shook my head, fighting the urge to touch him. Anywhere. “I’m not sure you want to know.” I answered, feeling breathless again. Fuck. Really, Callie?
His fingers, now encased in his leather gloves, touched my chin. “Oh, now I damn well fucking do wanna know.” He bit his lower lip and my eyes flicked to it. Damn it, it wasn’t just one sided.
I sighed, and tilted my head to study him. “You asked for it.” I warned, and then I listed them, one by one.
“Sex on fucking legs?” Of course he’d pick that one. The only one that he’d even hear, no doubt. “Damn, and you said you didn’t think you liked me. Fuck, baby doll, I think you like me a whole fucking lot.”
I rolled my eyes. Yep, I was going to end up going blind from that. “Did you miss the others? Cause they are just as, if not more, important than that one.”
He scoffed. “The rest? Nah, those aren’t important, because I can’t fix those easily. Not here. Not now. But that one, oh, darlin’ that one I can fucking fix right the fuck now.”
I licked my lip and then his mouth was on mine, pressing me against the wall, his body tight against mine. He moved his mouth long enough to make a promise that I fucking hoped he could keep. “I’m gonna fuck you so good, sweetheart, that the ONLY fucking thing you’re gonna remember is my fucking name.” His hips rocked into me and I felt how fucking hard he was. “My name and how to fucking scream it.”
I moaned. I’m not proud of it. I’m not exactly ashamed by it either, but I sounded so wanton and I may have thrust my hips forward at the promise. Jesus, in the laundry room? My body was screaming “YES, IN THE FUCKING LAUNDRY ROOM, YOU MORON” while my mind was quiet. Damn it, today my fucking overactive brain takes a break?
Negan was tugging my tank up pulling it over my head and groaning at the proof that I was braless. “Fuck, Callie.” His leather gloved hands slid over my nipples and I nearly came from that touch alone. Dear fucking God, I called it. Multiple orgasms in my future. Fuck, multiple orgasms in this fucking laundry room. Guaranteed. I felt his breathing grow ragged as his hands slid lower, sliding under the elastic waistband of my yoga pants. I lurched into his touch. Those fucking gloves may be bringing a new kink into my world. “You like that don’t you, baby girl?” I felt his lips against my earlobe. A nip on the flesh there and I felt that same fire rush through me. Fuck. I was only half undressed and I was already a mess of need. He might have been right yesterday, and that fucking burned my ass.
I pushed him back, knowing that if he really didn’t want to move, I wouldn’t have been able to budge him. I tore the leather jacket from his shoulders. Screw the clothed male, half nude female vibe going on. He was going to be as fucking naked and shameless as me or no fucking deal. The shirt was next. On the floor with the growing pile of our clothes. My hands yanked at the first belt at his waist. “Why the fuck are you wearing multiple belts?” I growled, freeing one then starting on the other. “Don’t fucking try to tell me you have to keep your cock under lock and key because it's so fucking impressive,” I glared up at him, fucking daring him to start a joke now, of all times. He didn’t, hopefully he was teachable about the proper time and place for that shit. The second belt free, I popped the button on his jeans. I looked up at him and realized he was stunned. Absolutely fucking stunned by me. I raised an eyebrow, and smiled. Oh, this was going to be so much fucking fun. “You ok, Negan?” I asked, letting my finger pull his zipper down. It was obscenely loud, even with the machines going, even with him panting above me. He gulped and nodded. Holy shit, I’ve rendered him mute. I licked my lips, and that did it. He shoved his jeans down, kicking his boots off and yanked me to him. Well shit, I didn’t even get to enjoy the view.
“You’re fucking going to pay for that, little girl.” He growled against my lips. I smirked. Sure, I thought, right up until I do this. I trailed one finger down his chest, stopping only when he went completely still. He was panting again, and I smiled as his eyes closed. Huh, wonder what the cost would be for rendering Negan fucking speechless?
With the hand that wasn’t mesmerizing him, I lowered my own pants. I kicked off my boots, noticing that he’d at least been able to open his eyes to watch something. Then, fully naked, just like him, I crooked that same finger with a clear challenge. Bring it.
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Mimic | Five Hargreeves
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: You went in for your shift at Griddy’s Doughnuts expecting it to be a quiet night as usual. Until a group of guys comes barging in with guns attacking some kid. Luckily you're there to help.
Part Two
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“Shit!” you shout while shoving the covers off of your bed. You were running late for work and this was already the third time this week. You slipped your uniform on and grabbed your keys already heading for the door.
“Overslept again I see,” Your twin brother Alec smiles at you while looking up from the tv.
“Oh shut up. Maybe if someone would wake me up.”
“I’m sorry, is that not your alarm clocks job? Why don't you jus-” you quickly slam the door running off in the direction of your car, but not before hearing him shout a loud ‘rude ass’. You don't need to stay for the rest, you've heard it all before. He was just going to tell you to stop taking the late shift, and go on and on about who even needs donuts this late at night anyway. He was right of course, not many people came into your work at night but that's one of the main reasons you took the night shift. You liked the fact that it was quiet and empty. People did come in and out now and again although it was mostly truckers, hipsters, or weirdos.
When you arrived through the back door of Griddy’s Doughnuts you were greeted by a not so happy Agnes. “You're late again, Y/N”
“I know Agnes, I’m really sorry.” You apologized. She said nothing, just quickly dismissed you with a wave of her hand, and told you there were two men out there waiting to be served. You pushed open the door that led out of the kitchen and saw a man, who looked to be a driver, and a kid, but you couldn’t tell if he was older than you or younger than you. He held himself in a way that made him seem like he was mature for his age.
“I’m sorry about the wait, what can I get you, boys?” You questioned while pulling out a notebook and pencil to take their orders in.
“Uhh… give me a chocolate eclair.” The man says after glancing at the menu. You nod your head and turn to the kid next to him.
“And you?”
“I’ll have a coffee. Black.” He states simply. Yep, he was definitely mature for his age.
“Alright, I’ll bring that right out for you.” You went to take his menu away, but the second your fingers touch a quick jolt shoots through your fingertips, alarming you, and making you drop the menu back on the table.
“Are you okay?” He asks in a concerned tone while picking the menu back up for you.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just a little static shock. I’ll go get your coffee and eclair.” You grab the menu’s and put them aside while filling their orders. You hear them talking to one another but tune them out. Your mind is still reeling from that shock. That’s not the first time that’s happened and it’s usually followed by some weird and unexplainable events.
You and your brother were born different than other kids. Not just because you were twins but because you were born with certain abilities. Alec was born with the ability to move things with his mind, and you were born with slightly more complicated powers. You had the ability to mimic other peoples abilities if you come into physical contact with them. You’ve only done it with Alec and one other person. A guy you and Alec knew from elementary school. He had the ability to read peoples emotions. He could tell just by looking at them if they were happy, sad, or anything. He moved away not long after the three of you met, but you still use his powers now and again.
It’s like your body keeps them in a safe. Instead of getting one power and pushing the other one out, you just end up keeping them all. Now, whoever this kid was, whatever his powers were, you had them too. You just hope they’re not lame.
You placed the coffee and donut in front of the two men before returning back to the kitchen. You were straightening up for a while when all of a sudden you heard gunshots going off. You ran over and peeked through the door and saw the kid from earlier being shot at by guys in all black. Right before they shot at him he would be surrounded by blue light and end up in a completely different area.
“Teleportation?” You whispered to yourself. “I have teleportation now? That's badass!” You mentally high fived yourself before bringing your attention back on the boy. Come on Y/N now is not the time for a celebration he's in trouble.
You ran out of the kitchen and focused on the men, luckily they where too focused on him to notice you. You ducked behind the counter and right when they were about to open fire on him you concentrated on their weapons and turned them, so they all ended up opening fire on each other.
Before the guns went off the kid teleported again and ended up right beside you hiding behind the counter. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” you whisper yelled. “Don't bring the gunshots to me.” He looked at you with slight confusion.
“Did you do that? Make them shoot each other like that?” He questioned you. You were about to answer when you noticed the last two of the surviving men, one behind you and one behind him, pointing their guns at the both of you.
“Look out!” You went to push him down, but as you fell on top of him a blue light surrounded the both of you and the next thing you knew you were falling from the ceiling and hit the floor in the middle of the diner, with him falling right on top of you. You teleported at just the right moment because the second you got out of there, the two men started firing and ended up shooting and killing each other.
You let out a small groan in pain. The whole teleporting thing was going to take some getting used to. “How did… did you just…” the boy began but you quickly rolled over and sat up knocking him off of you. Pain shot through your arm as you set yourself up. You looked down to see a huge gash going down it.
“Shit.” You whispered to yourself.
“What are you?” The boy asked staring at you intently, “I mean you're obviously like me but, what are your powers? Are you a teleporter? Because if so you're not a very good one.”
“Oh shut up. I've never teleported before. Sorry I couldn't have been a little better at it.” You defended. “How about a thank you for saving my life? Am I ever gonna get one of those?”
He looked at you for a moment before clearing his throat. “Thank you.”
“You're welcome,” you beamed, “And to answer your question, no. I am not a teleporter. I have the ability to mimic peoples powers, but I can't do it unless I come into physical contact with them.”
“You've got to be kidding me. So you stole my powers?”
“What? No, I didn't steal your powers. You still have your abilities I just also have them. Along with anyone else's powers, I've come into contact with.”
“So all you have to do is touch someone and you get their powers along with the powers you already have?”
“Yeah exactly. You're smarter than you look.” You stated sarcastically. You picked yourself up off the ground and made your way out the door.
“Wait!” he called after you running to your side, “Where are you going?”
“Umm… home? In case you haven't noticed I have a huge cut on my arm and I really need to clean it. Plus there's no point in staying at work because it's pretty much destroyed. Thanks for that by the way.”
“Look. I think we got off on the wrong foot.” He quickly circled around you so he was standing in front of you with his hand extended, “My name is Five.”
You glanced at his hand and back to him before shaking it and muttering a quick, “Y/N”
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N. You know my house is really close by, and we have a ton of first aid stuff. Let me take you there and we can clean your wound. It’s the least I can do.”
You thought about it for a bit and figured there's no harm in it. It’s probably better than going home and getting an earful from your brother. “Alright. Lead the way,” you answered.
He smiled in response and began ushering you in the direction of his house. He was just hoping his siblings weren't home. The last thing he would want would be for them to annoy you into leaving. After all, maybe it was the fact you saved his life or the fact that you were equally as sarcastic as him, but you were starting to grow on him.
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lovlieziam · 5 years
me: *chants* both both both both :D
So, a while ago (while I was complaining to Mara about my crippling writers block and she was being the encouraging angel she is) I told her I had two ideas for this prompt and I couldn’t decide between the two. Mara, being the genius she is, said why not both? So here we are!
6. Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?
When Liam first walked into his room, he didn’t noticeanything was off. But, in his defense, the lights were off, he was tired—nightshifts would be the death of him—andready to collapse face first into bed, like he always did after a twelve-hourshift.
So, he wasn’t exactly at his best, and he really couldn’t beblamed for his delayed reaction. Really, he was exhausted, and returning from a grueling shift at six in themorning was semi-normal for him; he had a routine,it had never been disturbed before.
So, like he said, it wasn’t his fault that it took him afull ten minutes—the amount of time it took him to drag his ass out of his workclothes and into some sleep pants—to realize that there was a fucking person in his bed. A person who wasn’thim. In his bed. What the fuck?
“Umm,” Liam began, his t-shirt clutched tightly between hisfists and against his chest. His poor brain was working double time, trying tofigure out just exactly how tired he was—if this was an exhaustion inducedhallucination, or if there really was a stranger in his bed. Then the person shifted,and Liam let out a shout—and yes, itwas a shout, he did not squeak, okay—thathad the person groaning, rolling over and sitting up to face Liam.
Heat rose in Liam’s cheeks as his sheets pooled around theman’s waist, exposing his bare chest and a hint of just as naked hips.
“What the fuck, dude?”
Liam felt a hysterical laugh bubble up in his throat as hewatched the now angry man in his bed send him a glare because—because Liam wasalmost positive that he was the one that was supposed to saythat, not the stranger in his bed.
“Umm,” Liam said, again,because his brain was still trying to process that there was a man he did notknow, nor invite in his bed.
“What the fuck‘re you doin’ in my flat?” Angry strangerasked, and Liam blinked in response, his confusion ratcheting up again.
“What?” Liam asked because, well, this was his apartment. He was sure of it. “Thisis my apartment.”
Angry Stranger’s eyebrows drew together before bleary eyesdarted around the room, taking in his surroundings with growing apprehension.
“Oh,” Angry Stranger whispered. “You’re right.”
Liam felt that laugh bubble up again, but he pushed it down.Somehow, he was sure that completely losing it wouldn’t get them anywhere.
“Right,” Liam agreed. “Right. Um. So, is there, um, is therea reason you’re naked in my bed, then?” Maybe not how Liam should have goneabout getting answers, but he figured it answer most of the ones he had.
“I-I climbed in through the window,” Angry Stranger said, likethat was a completely normal thing to do. Like this guy climbed through windowsa lot. Again, what the fuck?
“O-kay.” Liam felt his head moving up and down, nodding likehe knew what was going on, like that was a perfectly reasonable explanation forwhy this guy was in his bed. “Right,” he started again. “So, you climbed in mywindow, and that’s why you’re naked in my bed. Right.” Liam was starting to thinkhe might have been onto something with that exhaustion induced hallucination theory.
“What?” Angry Stranger—though he seemed to be noticeably lessangry now, maybe Liam would have to come up with a new name for him?—asked. “No.I-I mean, yes, I climbed in your window, but that’s not why I’m, um, n-naked,or anything.” A blush rose on the man’s face and oh, Liam thought, he’s verycute, isn’t he?
That…wasn’t a thought Liam thought he would be having abouta random stranger in his bed at ass o’clock in the morning while he was halfout of his mind with confusion and exhaustion.
“Right,” Liam said, again,because at this point it was the only word he could say. “And the reason you are,y’know,” Liam moved to gesture at the man’s nakedness, only to realize he was still clutching his shirt to his chestlike a Goddamn heroine from a harlequin novel. “…um, naked?” he finishedlamely.
“I thought it was my window,” Hot Stranger said—and yes, hehad officially gone from Angry Stranger to Hot Stranger in Liam’s head becausehe was no longer angry, but he was, in fact, still very hot. And very naked.Liam was still struggling to process everything since he had walked through hisdoor.
“But it…wasn’t,” Liam stated, like that wasn’t obvious atthis point.
“Uh, no,” Hot Stranger muttered, bringing a hand up to rubthe back of his neck. “It obviously was not.”
Hot Stranger still hadn’t made any moves to cover himself up,and the comforter was low enough at this point that it was indecent. It made processing things that much harder for Liam.
“Right.” Liam was very sure he winced after saying that wordthis time, but he couldn’t be sure. “And you climbed through the window why?”
“Because I locked myself out. It, um, it happens a lot? After,like, the eleventh time I had to have my friend bring me my spare key, I justdecided to leave the window unlocked.” Hot stranger gave a shrug. “It’squicker.”
“Right,” and really, Liam had just accepted his mind’sunwillingness to think of another word. “Of course.” Ah, there one was!
There were a few moments of awkward silence before Liamasked, “Any particular reason you chose my window tonight, instead?”
Hot Stranger hesitated a moment before saying, “I was very,um, tired. And maybe, possibly…slightly buzzed? Might not have been motivatedto double check which window I was climbing through on the way up.”
Liam thought about that for a minute, considered where thefire escape was located, and realized that he was probably staring at hisneighbor right now. His very hot, very naked neighbor.
“You know, it’s really dangerous to leave your windowunlocked. You never know who’ll crawl through it,” Liam said. It took severalmoments, but the minute Liam’s words registered with Hot Neighbor, he startedlaughing.
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Hot Neighbor said. “All kindsof weirdos in this city.”
Liam grinned, finally lowering his arms from in front of hischest, his t-shirt still hanging loosely from his fingers. Hot Neighbor’s eyestracked the movement, giving Liam an appreciative once over that he absolutelyrefused to blush at. There was definitely another reason his cheeks were sowarm right now.
“So, um,” Hot Neighbor started. “’m sorry about this.” He gesturedto the room, and then himself, obviously trying to convey the mess they foundthemselves in at the moment. “I’ll, um, just grab me clothes and get out ofyour hair, yeah?”
And then Hot Neighbor stood up, in all his naked glory, andLiam had to force himself to not choke on his fucking tongue. Fuck, but the guywas gorgeous. All lean lines and tan skin, and Liam was practically fuckingdrooling. It was embarrassing, really, but he couldn’t help himself. But thenall that glorious skin was disappearing as Hot Neighbor finished dressing,crossing the room to Liam’s window. He hesitated a moment, turning back to Liamwith indecision written across his features before he seemed to make up hismind, squaring his shoulders and meeting Liam’s eyes.
“You should let me make this up to you. This whole,” again,he gestured to the room at large, “mix up we’ve found ourselves in the middleof.”
Liam just barely stopped his jaw from dropping to the floor,but he was positive he didn’t hide the absolute shock that overtook hisfeatures—he probably didn’t do a great job hiding his eagerness, either, notwith the way he all but shouted, “Absolutely.” He quickly shut his mouth,clearing his throat as his cheeks flared up again, before saying, “I mean, um. Yeah.I think I could be persuaded.”
Hot Neighbor smiled, his teeth gleaming in the low lightfrom outside, and Liam felt his knees go a little weak. “Awesome,” he murmured,before he ducked out of Liam’s window and around the corner.
It wasn’t until Liam had collapsed into his bed that herealized he still didn’t know Hot Neighbor’s name. Oh well, Liam thought. It wasn’t like they wouldn’t be seeing eachother again, and soon, hopefully.
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5hfanfiction · 6 years
So We're Kind Of Like, Perfect For Each Other (Camren One Shot)
Summary: Lauren walked into a Starbucks, and there was a pretty girl working the register, and then things kind of just like, happened.
laurenjauregui i am 90% sure that darkness follows me 12 posts. 4,259 followers. 1,027 following.
Lauren had the same Instagram bio ever since she had first created her account five years ago, back in sixth grade.
i am 90% sure that darkness follows me
She didn’t necessarily like it, but she never cared enough to change it, so that’s what it was and that’s what it is.
I should really change that, shouldn’t I?
It’s pretty lame…
Eh, whatever.
She pushed open the door to the Starbucks.
Lauren’s favorite Starbucks was a mere five minutes away from her house, but she had compromised with her friend, Ally, to meet in this Starbucks because this Starbucks was located right between their houses—a nine minute walk for the both of them (since neither of them were too fond on the idea of using up precious gas for such a small travel).
They always did best on their homework when they worked together—it had been that way ever since elementary school. But trying to work on homework together through FaceTime was getting monotonous.
Green eyes looked up from her phone to scan the Starbucks, and Lauren settled for occupying an empty table in the far corner when her shorter friend was nowhere to be found.
She looked back down to her phone, thumbs typing out a text message to Ally.
Lauren: ally wyaaaaaaaaa
Then, she went back to her Instagram page.
She bit her lip as she stared at her bio.
It’s really stupid.
Like, really stupid.
I should change it.
Okay, I’m going to change it…
But what would I even change it to?
Trade a stupid bio for another stupid bio?
That was when a short, blonde girl came running through the doors, colorful clothes and an even more colorful smile dawning her exterior as she ran up to Lauren.
“I have to pee, order for me!” she quickly let out before she made to speed walk towards the bathroom.
“The regular?” Lauren called after her, laughing to herself at the sight of Ally’s small figure scurrying to the restrooms.
Lauren hates ordering in Starbucks—even in her favorite Starbucks, the one that wasn’t this one. 
But only because the employees were normally people her own age, and she didn’t enjoy ordering something from somebody the same age as her—made her feel weird and uncomfortable. She was a junior in high school, a freshly 17 year old. So there were a bunch of other students from her school who worked at a bunch of different Starbucks locations, which often times made for some awkward interactions. And, as an extra special little wonderful added bonus, she is more often than not forced to order from the same person who has to make whatever she orders.
Lauren glanced up from her phone to analyze the person she’d be ordering from, hoping that they weren’t the same age as her and simultaneously hoping that they weren’t somebody from school.
But to-fucking-day, she really wanted the employee to be the same age as her.
Holy nut.
The girl at the register, waiting for a customer with a lukewarm expression on her face, was a long-haired brunette with brown eyes that were shimmering from the rays of sun shining through the windows, and she had an adorable nose and perfect lips, and then she adorably furrowed her brows and squinted her eyes when the sun had clearly become too invasive on her vision, and Lauren full-on became the heart eyes emoji.
And Lauren wasn’t bad at flirting by any stretch of the imagination, but she’d be lying if she said that her heart rate didn’t pick up at the thought of being face-to-face with this one.
It wasn’t a busy day, rather slow with the customers, and Lauren was certainly glad about it.
She walked up to the counter, lamely telling herself to lay on the “Jauregui charm” (which was only an inside joke between herself and her friends), and she easily returned the warm smile that the girl gave her.
“Hi,” the girl’s voice was light and she cutely waved, and Lauren found it adorable.
“Hi,” Lauren’s voice was relaxed and raspy with morning, and she looked down to the girl’s name tag to finish, “Camila.”
She didn’t know if the other girl was just nervous to be speaking to a customer, or if she had pronounced her name wrong, or like, what, but Camila’s face definitely reddened and she definitely looked down to hide the very fact.
Lauren smirked at the crystal clear blush on Camila’s cheeks, her confidence now fully restored as she moved forward to lean against the counter with her elbows, satisfaction seeping through her when the redness on Camila’s face grew deeper at their closeness, “I’ll have two tall Caramel Frappuccinos, both with almond milk.”
Camila’s nose scrunched up in disgust, “Bleh, almond milk.”
“Almond milk is amazing,” Lauren laughed as Camila’s nose returned to scrunching up in disgust, a giddy feeling rising inside of her at Camila’s willingness to further their interaction. “You don’t like it?”
Camila shook her head, a wide smile on her lips, “Only weirdos think almond milk is amazing.”
“Wow, okay.”
Camila giggled, and Lauren wanted to catch the sound in a bottle.
The brunette shrugged, “It’s true.”
Lauren nodded with a feigned expression of indignation, and after a short moment of the two just staring at each other; Camila’s face was reddening again and Lauren’s ego was boosting through the roof.
Lauren stood back from the counter, fixing her posture as she slid her wallet out of her pocket. Camila’s brows furrowed, and Lauren chuckled to herself at the adorable confusion on her face. She pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her wallet and held it up, wiggling it around for Camila to see, and reached across with the intention of putting it into the tip jar.
Camila laughed loudly, maybe a little louder than the joke permitted but she didn’t care, and her hands flew to catch Lauren’s wrist before she could drop the twenty dollar bill into the tip jar.
“I haven’t even given you your drinks yet, dummy!” Camila exclaimed, smiling hard.
“You have called me a weirdo and a dummy within the span of such a short amount of time. So, like, I’m just going to drop this into this jar-”
Camila threw her head back with laughter this time, needing to step forward to catch her balance as her hands remained clutched around Lauren’s wrist, “No! That’s such a frickin’ waste of twenty dollars.”
“Oh, okay. I get it. So, you just want me to like, slide this into your pocket-”
Camila was quick to cut her off, laughter around her every word, “I just want you to put it away.”
“Why? It’s for you,” Lauren frowned, voice reduced to a pathetic whimper.
“People don’t give Starbucks baristas twenty dollar tips, that’s just…that’s too much.”
“Well,” Lauren seemed to be in thought for a moment, but she continued only half a moment later to drop the twenty dollar bill into the jar with a shrug, “I guess I’m giving you too much.”
Camila’s blush flared as she dropped her hands from Lauren’s wrist, their hands brushing on the way down.
“Thanks,” Camila smiled to herself and she finally tapped the order into the register, searching her mind for something more to say because she really didn’t want this cute (like, cute-cute) customer to walk away.
It happened all of the time. Every now and then, a person would walk into Camila’s Starbucks and would start flirting with her (or at least, she would think that they were flirting) and would sweep her hopeless-romantic ass right off of her feet. But once their order was done, they wouldn’t so much as glance Camila’s way, and Camila would be sad whenever she’d have to watch them walk out the door.
So eventually, she concluded that maybe this customer is straight, and maybe this customer isn’t even flirting, and maybe this customer is in a relationship, and maybe this customer is just a friendly person, and maybe this customer gives all Starbucks baristas twenty dollar bills just out of kindness, and maybe this customer is just a naturally funny and charismatic person.
Camila would just have to watch another one leave.
Although, thisone in particular, was being really charming and was sweeping her off of her feet a tad bit more than anybody else had before, and she couldn’t help but think that it might be slightly more difficult to watch this one leave.
Nevertheless, as Camila finished entering in the order, she mindlessly muttered to nothing, “Okay.”
She turned around and reached over to grab two cups, her smile significantly smaller than it was a second ago, “Name for your order?”
“Lauren,” the green eyed girl answered with a friendliness in her tone, and Camila had to turn around to busy herself with making the Frappuccinos as to prevent herself from getting lost in the stranger’s eyes.
Well, she’s not like, a complete-complete stranger. Like, I know her name now. That totally makes her not a stranger, Camila thought, looking over her shoulder to see that the sunlight was hitting Lauren perfectly as the green eyed girl stepped off to the side and looked out the window in waiting for her order.
She bit her lip and returned her focus to making the drinks.
Camila tried really hard to not overthink about the way that Lauren stared at her lips when she handed the raven haired girl her Frappuccinos, but she couldn’t help her mind from immediately drifting to it the moment Lauren’s back was to her.
Then when she realized that Lauren had actually ordered two Frappuccinos and proceeded to sit at a table with another girl, the gears in her mind began turning (like, turning-turning) and she all but ran to the back room.
“Dinah! Dinah! Emergency!” she jumped up and down, tugging at Dinah’s arm to lead her around the corner to the front counter.
“Walz, this better be fucking good ‘cause you’re cuttin’ into my precious break time. I literally just started my break too,” the tall blonde whined as Camila dropped her arm and walked up to the register.
“I need your help,” Camila mumbled, catching Dinah’s wrist when she groaned and turned to walk away. “No! Not with like, not with working the register.”
Dinah furrowed her brows, but followed Camila’s gaze and easily put the pieces together when there was a pretty green eyed customer staring back at Camila from across the room.
And then the pretty green eyed customer smiled, and then Camila smiled and blushed and looked down, and the customer is beautiful, and Camila is beautiful, and it was such a cute moment, and Dinah officially began shipping them.
“Oh my gosh, Walz! What the hell was that?” Dinah harshly whispered, glancing over to the customer to find that green eyes were taking consistent glances over to her best friend. “Walz, she keeps looking over here.”
“She just ordered, and she was being really cute, and I think she was flirting, and she gave us that twenty dollar tip, and she said my name correctly, and she’s really cute, CheeChee. I don’t know what to do, like I don’t want her to leave. And she might be straight, but what if that girl is her girlfriend? What if they’re on a date right now?” Camila rambled, running a distressed hand through her hair, suddenly self-conscious of her appearance after Dinah had said that Lauren was still looking over.
“What’s her name?” the blonde asked.
“Lauren. God, that’s such a pretty name,” Camila dreamily answered, taking another glance over to the raven haired customer.
Her brows scrunched together as she watched Lauren’s company hand Lauren a pen, growing more curious when Lauren began writing onto a napkin.
“What do I do, Chee-” she began, turning around to face her taller friend; only to find that Dinah was making her way towards Lauren’s table. Camila instantly panicked and she aggressively whispered out, “No, CheeChee! CheeChee!”
Dinah looked over her shoulder with a quick, “I got you, Walz,” and a less than subtle wink.
“No! No! CheeChee! Stop!” Camila whispered through a fit, about ready to cry as her face reddened at the sight of her Polynesian friend occupying an empty seat at Lauren’s table.
“She’s so fuckin’ pretty, Ally,” Lauren mumbled, looking down to mindlessly stir her straw around her Frappuccino. “What should I do?”
“Why don’t you just do that little trick of your’s?” Ally asked, taking a sip from her drink.
“The napkin thing?”
“Ally, the last time I tried that, I had a drink thrown at me.”
Ally snorted, nearly choking on the sip of her Frappuccino that she had been taking, “Wait, what? How come I don’t know about this?”
“Well, I used it on this one girl who worked at a Starbucks. Her name was Kate. And apparently, Kate was friends with another girl who worked at a different Starbucks that I used the napkin trick on. And then, Kate only went and ruined one of my favorite shirts with a latte. So, I’m kind of never going to use that trick ever again.”
“Well, maybe it would work better if you’d write more than just your Instagram and 'hit me up, mamí’ with an ugly little winky face on the side.”
“Hey, I am more than capable of getting creative. I was just getting comfortable with my bisexuality, and I just wanted random hookups with random girls. Give me a break.”
“Do you want Camila to be a random hookup?”
“Not at all.”
“Well then, get creative,” Ally said as she handed Lauren a pen.
CheeChee’s going to make me seem like such a loser.
I don’t think I’ll be able to hear them from here.
I hate this.
I wish I never met Lauren.
Actually, no I don’t.
I hate CheeChee so much right now.
“Hey, so you met my friend earlier, right? Camila? The one with the big ass?” Dinah asked as she easily sat herself down on an empty seat at Lauren’s table. “Hi, I’m Dinah, by the way, Camila’s best friend in the entire universe.”
Lauren chuckled, glancing over to Camila who was clearly trying so hard to keep her eyes forward, face sporting the reddest shade of mortified.
“Hi-uh, I’m Lauren.”
“Yeah, I know. She told me all about you,” Dinah stated, thumb pointing behind her shoulder in Camila’s direction. Her eyes lit up as she saw a little note written on the napkin in front of Lauren, and she excitedly asked, “Ooh! Is that for my best friend?”
Lauren glanced over to Ally, and her face went a little red at the smirk on her shorter friend’s face.
The raven haired girl looked down to the napkin, “Uh, yeah.” She bit her lip and handed the napkin to Dinah, “Is she-um, is she like, taken?”
“She has been single her entire life.”
Camila groaned when she glanced over to the table to find that Lauren was handing the napkin over to Dinah.
What’s on that fucking napkin?
A rejection letter?
“Sorry, you’re ugly. I’m never coming to this Starbucks establishment ever again. K, bye.”
And Camila wasn't that oblivious, but she was trying to keep her hopes to a minimum as to avoid disappointment if this turned out to be the worst case scenario.
“Aw!” Camila heard her best friend coo from across the room, and her curiosity and excitement to know what was on the napkin spiked ten-fold.
“But please don’t give it to her yet,” Lauren quickly let out. “Give it to her during her break or something.”
“This is so cute,” Dinah gushed as she reread the note on the napkin, stricken with a strong sense of happiness for her best friend (because she knew that to meet somebody special in a coffee shop had always been a secret dream of Camila’s).
Soon, Dinah was standing up from the table, tightening her uniformed apron. Camila’s heart rate picked up watching Dinah saunter over, clearly boasting her ownership of the napkin.
“When’s your next break, Chanch?” Dinah asked, confusing Camila because what did that have to do with giving her the fucking napkin.
Camila frowned, “An hour and a half.”
“Cool,” Dinah nodded.
The brunette continued to stare at Dinah expectantly as the Polynesian waved her off to the side in order to take her position behind the register.
“Uh, Dinah?”
Camila blanked for a moment, feeling as though she had teleported into another dimension in which Dinah had never even received the napkin, but nevertheless she followed up with, “Was that napkin for you, or-”
“Oh, right!” Dinah exclaimed, as if she didn’t know exactly what she was doing (hint: she knew exactly what she was doing). “I can’t give it to you until your break.”
Camila took a step closer to her taller friend and pouted, “What? Why?”
Dinah turned her head up to the sound of another customer walking in and she flashed them a kind smile, muttering to Camila, “Your girlfriend said so.”
Camila groaned, eyes drifting off to the fair-skinned cutie.
And she hadn’t known that she was staring (like, staring-staring) until:
“Walz, switch to register,” Dinah interrupted her thoughts as she moved to make the customer’s order, a knowing smirk on her lips when Camila had to visibly snap herself out of staring at Lauren.
The Cuban brunette tapped her nails against the countertop, trying hard to keep her eyes from diverting back to the clock in the back room in her poor attempt to make her break arrive quicker.
A few customers had walked in, but other than that, Camila’s only option of distraction was to keep up with the flirty-eyes thing that she had going on with Lauren.
Eventually, she looked into the back room to see that she still had thirty minutes left until her break. And when she turned back, she was met with the disheartening sight of Lauren and her friend packing up their schoolwork.
Apart of Camila wanted to jump the counter and run after Lauren when the two girls walked out of the Starbucks, but of course she didn’t.
She watched with a heavy heart as Lauren’s figure got further off into the distance until the pair turned a corner and she was gone. The feeling of a flirty customer leaving was all too familiar, but there was a lingering hopefulness as Camila fantasized about what Lauren could’ve possibly written on the napkin.
“What if she thinks the little note that I wrote is stupid?” Lauren stressed, pale hand running through her hair as her and Ally walked along the Miami sidewalks.
“It was cute, Lauren.”
“Are you sure, Ally? 'Cause-”
“Lauren,” Ally’s voice was more firm that time, and Lauren went quiet, “it was cute. I promise.”
“Here you are,” Dinah perked, placing a folded napkin atop of the counter in front of Camila.
The brunette’s eyes lit up and she glanced back at the clock in the back room to find that she could start her ten minute break, all but ripping her visor off of her head.
Her small frame excitedly jumped up and down and she refrained from giving her best friend a koala hug.
“Thank you, Dinah!” she smiled, grabbing the napkin and leaning up to give the Polynesian a kiss on the cheek.
“Read it,” Dinah laughed, grateful for the uncharacteristically slow day in terms of customers.
Hi, so I’m Lauren. You’re really beautiful. That visor and that apron really suit you. I’m too much of a wuss to say this in person. Anyways, you’re really beautiful. I already wrote that. I really liked talking to you.
Camila giggled to herself, an immensely happy feeling rising within her (because stuff like this just doesn’t ever happen to her).
Heat rushed to her ears as she turned the napkin to the back.
I hope you’re not straight…feel free to slide into my instagram dm’s if you want to @laurenjauregui :)
She couldn’t help the squeal that left her once she had finished reading, and neither could Dinah, and they only stopped once a few customers started to turn heads.
It was later in the afternoon when Lauren got the notification that a certain @camila_cabello started following her, and once Lauren had clicked on the profile to see who it was, her normally relaxed demeanor was significantly reduced to running around the house and jumping around the walls and yelling at her little brother, “I get more girls than you!”
camila darkness is my best friend 8 posts. 1,072 followers. 953 following.
“Make her work for it, Walz,” Dinah stated, mindlessly tapping against the side of the register as the two waited for a customer.
It was the following day now.
Dinah’s statement made Camila frown, “But what if she thinks that I don’t like her back?”
“No, here’s what’s going to happen. She’s going to stress about you all day long. And then if she doesn’t come back here today, then you’ll have a reason to slide into her dm’s later. And then she’ll think, ’Wow, this girl is sexy and flirty as hell.’ And then you’ll reel her in with your cuteness,” Dinah added, leaving Camila awestruck at her flirtatious brilliance. “But if she actually comes back today, then it shows that she doesn’t care about looking desperate, therefor she’s a keeper.”
Camila had just opened her mouth to say something when there came a gentle ringing at the door to announce that a customer had just walked in.
“Oh my gosh, Walz, I wasn’t expecting her to come back, I really wasn’t expecting her to come back-”
“Let me switch to the register!”
“She actually came back-”
“Switch with me, woman!”
“Hi.” The whispered panic was put to an instant stop as they looked forward to see an endearing smile and twinkling green eyes.
They both cleared their throats and fixed their aprons, emitting a soft laugh from the green eyed girl.
“You’re Camila’s girlfriend, right?”
“Dinah,” Camila groaned, her body slumping as she took a mortified step to the side and turned her reddening face away.
Please shut up, Dinah. Please shut up.
She could feel Lauren’s eyes burning into her and she heard the raspy voice say, “I wish.”
Then Camila felt a rough pat on her shoulder and registered the sound of Dinah’s boisterous voice saying, “She’s all your’s, Walz.”
Dinah walked off to the side, just out of ear shot, and as Camila took her place behind the register her knees felt significantly weaker than they normally were, completely aware of Lauren’s eyes watching her every move.
“So-um,” Lauren’s statement trailed off, grabbing Camila’s attention, a face splitting grin on the brunette’s lips at the shyness in Lauren’s tone, “you followed me on Instagram.”
“Yeah,” Camila grinned, her gaze down, willing for her blush to dissipate.
Damn, she’s sexy, Lauren thought, eyes flickering around the beautiful features of the smaller girl’s face.
Flirtatiousness danced amongst Lauren’s tone as she said, “I can’t lie, I did a little bit of stalking.”
Camila rested her elbow atop the counter and placed her chin into the palm of her hand, a playful expression written all over her still-flushed face.
The raven haired girl shook her head, a chuckle in her throat as she said, “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Well I’m just wondering why you stalked my page and didn’t like any of my pictures.”
“Well I’m just wondering why I wrote on the napkin to feel free to slide into my dm’s and you didn’t.”
“Maybe I didn’t want to.”
Lauren’s jaw slacked, the seriousness on her face ripping a loud laugh out of Camila.
“Well, you should consider because I think that we might be soulmates,” the green eyed customer joked, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth as she happily drummed her fingers against the edge of the counter.
“Oh, really?” Camila lilted, her eyebrows lifting in anticipation as her cheeks began to hurt from the stretching of her smile.
“And why’s that?”
Lauren shrugged, “Well, your bio says darkness is your best friend, and my bio says I’m ninety percent sure that darkness follows me.”
The taller girl shot an expectant look at Camila, eliciting a wholesome laugh from the brunette.
Lauren continued with a cute grin, gesticulating between the two of them as she spoke, “Darkness follows me and it's your best friend so we’re kind of like, perfect for each other.”
“Wow,” Camila nodded, feigning an impressed diction in her voice. “That was good, that was good.”
Eventually, another customer walked through the door and they became all giggles as Lauren cleared her throat and pretended to order something.
Throughout the rest of Camila’s shift—up until Lauren bashfully asked for a hug once Camila’s shift ended and they had to go their separate ways—the two continued to stare at each other, blushing and grinning and finding each other adorable across the distance of the Starbucks (the one that wasn’t Lauren’s favorite, but it’s her favorite now).
A week passed of dm'ing, and then texting, and Lauren’s consistent visits to the Starbucks, when at the end of Camila’s shift, Lauren asked for a date to see a movie instead of a hug (but then they still hugged afterwards).
Then came another week of texting, and hugging, and going on dates, when Lauren got sick so she couldn’t go to the Starbucks one day, and Dinah sent her a video on Snapchat of Camila pouting and saying, “I miss Lern Jergi.”
Then came another week of dating, and making heart eyes at each other between a random table and the register (at this point, Lauren only came into the Starbucks to stare at Camila; she was no longer even ordering anything), when they were standing outside of the Starbucks and Lauren leaned down to kiss Camila instead of asking for a hug or a date (but then they still hugged and went on a date afterwards).
Then came another week of dating, and of Camila walking over to leave quick pecks to Lauren’s cheek in between her breaks every now and then (one time, Lauren turned her head to press their lips together and Camila almost fainted), when Lauren passed her a napkin that said, “Will you be my girlfriend?” on it and then on the back of that same napkin, “…please don’t reject me.”
Camila didn’t reject her.
Instead, she grabbed a pen from the back room, and wrote onto another napkin in big letters (as big as she could fit onto the napkin), “I WOULD NEVER REJECT YOU!” and then held it up for Lauren to read it from across the room.
Then came another week of being girlfriends, and their Instagram bio’s changed.
laurenjauregui  darkness follows me and it’s your best friend so we’re kind of like, perfect for each other. @camila_cabello 💕☕️ 14 posts. 4,364 followers. 1,183 following.
camila “darkness follows me and it’s your best friend so we’re kind of like, perfect for each other.” - lern jergi @laurenjauregui 💕☕️ 10 posts. 2,162 followers. 1,091 following.
(Author’s Note: hopefully you enjoyed this lil’ one shot, thank you for reading. find me on wattpad @Ondatbeat <3)
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tomxpayne · 5 years
some day, one day | self para.
WHO: Tom Payne. MENTIONS: Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Tiny mention(s) of; Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Katie Cassidy & Demi Lovato. WHEN: February 1st, 2020. WHERE: At one of the local bars. WARNING: Just some “light” cursing.
In a quiet night like it was tonight, the bar was definitely not the option you would find Tom to be at. He would have come home late from work, have a nice, relaxing bath and after that, he would relax in bed with Demi and their pets, maybe watch a movie or talk until after midnight, get carried away with words, memories, future plans. Tonight was not that kind of a night though. The man left work earlier than usual, leaving Lili to take care of a couple of things and close the store and he went straight to the nearest bar. It was definitely one of the nights he rarely had but definitely needed. When he walked inside it was not very busy, there were a few people there and it was decent quiet, which he liked.  The man made his ordered and when it arrived, before taking a sip he played a little with the glass on his hands, after the first sip his mind went into the future, started making different kind of thoughts. And that was the moment a familiar voice interrupted it. ➖ “Holy shit now that is someone I was not expecting to see here.”           Tom’s eyes looked up with a smirk on his lips, happy to hear the familiar voice and seen Jeffrey joining him at the bar. “I know, right? I ain’t that lame after all” the man joked with a soft chuckle before taking another sip from his drink, noticing that without even nodding the bartender had brought one for Jeffrey as well. “I see you come here often” he commented with a raised brow. “Nah,” Jeffrey said taking off his leather jacket. “I just made clear once that the moment I walk in, everyone does their job correctly” he simply explained to him and Tom nodded, not needing more information from the other man.      ➖”So, what the fuck are you doing here?” Jeffrey asked. Tom frowned a bit. Why wasn’t he home? Thinking that kind of stuff with the peace and quiet of his nice bed? He sighed before started speaking. “I have a dilemma,” he told him and Jeffrey chuckled. “Welcome to the fucking club, man” he commented with the familiar, devilish smirk on his lips. “I--” he paused not sure why he was so worried to talk openly about that. He knew Jeffrey for years and the two of them had shared a lot of things in their lives. He tilted his head on the side before taking a breath and just let it all out; “I want to propose to Demi” ➖ “Holy fuck” Jeffrey immediately replied without second thoughts. “Excuse my fucking French but Tommie boy, you are not even in a fucking relationship, what the fuck are you thinking?” he asked confused trying to understand what was going on inside his head that night. Tom sighed, he was expecting that reaction, that was the same reaction his little voice was keep saying inside his head. “Don’t you think I already know that?” Tom asked before finishing his drink and ordering another one. “I know that” he added.                             “I’ve known Demi for years, she was the first person I ever trusted after what happened between me and Jennifer” as rare as it was to talk about his past, it felt so good doing that now, maybe it was the alcohol on his system or maybe it was the need of talking to a good friend. For his own surprise though, Jeffrey was carefully listening, not interrupting, not making small, silly comments about the whole situation. So, that encouraged him more to continue. “I tried so many things since my engagement was canceled” he shrugged. “I was so lost in the beginning so I thought to change. I moved miles away from home, I changed my lifestyle and yes, I was sleeping with everything that was moving” he chuckled and so did Jeffrey. “It was not just a phase though. I liked being free but at the same time I was with someone while I was not, you know?” Jeffrey nodded positively. “It started as friends with benefits with Demi and I only wanted that because I truly believed and still believe she deserves something better than a vegan hippy who sleeps around with every female and male in town” he continued. “But I truly love her” he said while looking at Jeffrey now. “I do” he added. “She is the only one who can bright my day when everything goes shitty” he explained.  ➖ “But you are too scared” Jeffrey added and Tom nodded positively. “I am” he said. “I don’t know how she feels, I can’t just walk back home and be like, hey i want you to be my wife, shit like that don’t work like that” he sighed. “And this is why we start from the relationship” Jeffrey teased a little, trying to light up the mood a little bit. “Yeah” Tom agreed with a nod. “But it feels more than a relationship to me, you know?” he asked and Jeffrey nodded knowing the feeling all too well. “Love. It fucking sucks man” Jeffrey commented and Tom chuckled. “Tell me about it” he shook his head. ➖ “Your situation will be fine though. Now how the fuck do you fully commit to someone when you are too fucking scared for the commitment itself?” Jeffrey asked out of the blue and Tom looked at him like he was seen a ghost.                       “Are you thinking of proposing to Katie?” he asked. “No.” Jeffrey boldly replied. “Well,” he shrugged. “...No” he said again before finishing his drink.  ➖“Yeah you are” Tom commented not able to hide the smile on his lips. “Tom, no.” he said. “Ah, duh! Yes you are” Tom continued trying to make him say it out loud. “Okay fine, you fucking win, you fucking weirdo vegan Jesus” he joked with a chuckle and Tom laughed. “You cursed the shit out of me so it’s true!” he commented.               ➖ “What is holding you back”? Tom asked curiously. Maybe if he listened to Jeffrey’s story it would help him make a decision as well. Or well, not being that confused. Jeffrey sighed. “How do you marry someone without the whole marrying thing being involved?” he asked him and before he got the chance to reply, Jeffrey continued; “I was the complete opposite than you and Demi. I didn’t want someone just for my pleasure, I had that anytime I wanted to. We were friends with Katie before but the fucking spark man. That fucking awful shitty thing that is called spark. She got my attention since day one. She never was like the other women I’ve met. Never scared to take risks, fucking fearless, a badass, a woman who can stand by herself and gives no shit for other’s opinion” ➖ “You really needed a woman like that in your life” he commented with a shrug knowing that Jeffrey agreed with that. “If I ever left Katie on the alter she would have haunted the shit out of me until she found me and cut my balls off” both men laughed with that comment but also both of them knew it was the truth.  “People have a lot to say and they can think whatever the fuck they want but I’m not scared of the commitment, I have that. We have a family, she has my kids plus two adoptive daughters, she accepts and loves me for whatever the fucking reason she does it but...You know me damn well, Tom. My reactions...” He paused taking a sip from his new drink and Tom made a gesture with his hand, asking him to stop there. “You haven’t had that for so long though and yes I know what you are going to say that it’s possible to happen but like you said, you already have the commitment and you’ve been great, sometimes you could be an ass but you are making progress. Where the fuck is the Jeffrey who would have been like, nope fuck that and jump already on the next chick ruining everything?” Tom asked and Jeffrey laughed “Thank you for reminding me how much of an ass I was in the past...things I had” he joked while shaking his head. “But I know what you mean” Jeffrey nodded.              “We both are very confused and that is totally acceptable” Tom commented. “I am afraid of the rejection and Demi’s feelings towards me and also if I’m moving too fast and you are afraid...well, of yourself but both of us need to work on those things” he continued. “All I know is that you are happy and I haven’t seen you like that for a long, long time. Like, truly happy. You are not the same man I met and that is so beautiful, Jeffrey” the other man smiled. “Yeah” he agreed. “I haven’t felt like that since....Oh damn,” he chuckled. “I want to say since I met Hilarie but I left her at the alter so...” ➖ “Stop” Tom chuckled gently slapping his arm. “Stop point yourself as the big bad wolf, the awful guy that hurts people, you are not that person and yeah, you did that but it was for the best” Jeffrey looked at him a bit confused. “I know it sounds awful but it would never work out with you and Hilarie. Maybe it would have turned worse, you don’t know” ➖ “ She was pregnant, Tom” Jeffrey sighed. “And you didn’t know. Stop being harsh to yourself, stop telling Katie that I was bad once so that’s my destiny. It’s fucking not” He didn’t know what got into him but those were things that Jeffrey should have to think about it over and over again and put it inside his head and Tom was there to help him and he hoped that Jeffrey’s attitude would change and stop pointing himself as the bad guy.  “All I want to say is that it was ages ago, you changed, you grew up and you should focus on the future. For Katie, your kids and for your own sake as well” he ended his sentence there and shrugged taking the last sip from his drink.         “Is it my fucking turn to give you a wake-up call” Jeffrey joked but appreciating the honesty that Tom showed to him. Not many had the balls to do it. “Yeah I guess” Tom joked.  ➖ “Okay good,” Jeffrey said. “You are afraid of yourself too” Jeffrey threw that sentence to him and Tom looked at him confused but before he got the chance to speak, Jeffrey continued. “You are scared that your future, maybe, engagement will fail”  ➖  “That’s--” Tom trailed off but the other man continued. “Those are the thoughts of holding you back not your fear of Demi not feeling the same fucking thing, for fuck sake’s she melts every time you enter the room,” he told her and noticed Tom had a serious yet confused look on his face. “You know it’s true” Jeffrey added.  ➖  “I’m more afraid of ruining everything than myself” he confessed. “I’m scared of losing, Demi. In general” he said feeling good that he finally said it out loud. “But you fucking won’t” Jeffrey replied. “Even if it’s not a say yes to the fucking dress, she would want to be with you” he continued. “Tom, man, she has the fucking spark I have when I look at Katie” he couldn’t believe he was using terms like that, but it was the only way to throw some sense into his head.  ➖ “And you’re telling me that you haven’t changed” Tom commented shaking his head, there was a smile on his lips that couldn’t be hidden. “How did we end up like this?” Tom asked with a chuckle. “I thought we had bigger balls” he commented and Jeffrey laughed. “When it comes to love, the balls fucking disappear, you become so fragile and so many feels are hitting you, you want to do the right thing but in your fucking head you think you are doing the opposite and mess things up.” “Tell me about it” Tom nodded.  “So...What the fuck we are gonna do now?” Jeffrey asked and the two men looked at each other. “Pay the bill, go to the nearest hotel so we won’t bother our housemates and wake up the next day with an awful headache, drink some black coffee, go back to our homes and...man up?” He asked while looking at him. “Sounds good” Jeffrey agreed. “I would try to text Katie but can’t see shit” he said. “Wait ➖ “ Tom said pulling out his phone and texting her himself letting her know they are together and not in a situation to go home. “Done,” Tom said after pressing send.  ➖  “How the fuck you see what you’re typing?” the man chuckled. “Ain’t that drunk...yet” Tom laughed.  “So...” Jeffrey sighed before continuing. “That was some real talk” he added. “Yeah, it hit the feels not gonna lie” he confessed.  ➖  “Fucking same” Jeffrey agreed with a nod.  “Wish Norman and Andrew were here, they would be so proud” Tom giggled.  “Or make fun of us”  ➖  “Nah” Tom replied. “They would be proud” Tom said again. “How the fuck do you know that?” Jeffrey asked. ➖ “ Because they would know tomorrow big decisions will be made. And that we won’t see shit with the same view and eyes”.
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amnachil · 5 years
The College Society Chapter 2 Part 3
Enjoy :)
Liam Friday December 8
Lunchtime was almost over. Liam was thinking about Theo the ogre while Nick finished his fries. (One quick question : where did Theo hide the corpse he was eating ?). (He was an ogre for sure, because he definitely had fattened Pete, and soon, the blond boy would be gone forever). (Or not, but it didn't prove Theo was human for all that).
"Jesus, are you listening to me ?"
Liam blinked, surprised. He turned towards the guy who talked to him. I saw him somewhere...
"I asked you already three times if you remember me ?" asked the stranger.
He was blond, with scary brown eyes. Not particulary muscular, neither skinny. I know I talked with him this week but I can't place where.
"Sorry man, but Liam is a bit dreamy." spoke Nick. "He probably doesn't even remember what he just ate."
(This was a shocking exaggeration, he took a pizza.) (Or was it pasta ? Damnit).
"Whatever, I'm Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. We met at the pool the other day. I kicked you and all, do you recall ?"
Oh. Yeah. Or not. Apparently, he had some memories issues.
"Yeah, hi Damian." he lied anyway. "What's up ?"
The guy looked at him with a mix of amazement and anger. What did I do this time ?
"I'm Damian. Nicholas. Smith-Carrey." repeated the blond lad slowly. "Not Damian."
Nick swallowed somes fries, fascinated by their conversation.
"Isn't it the same ?" asked Liam. "I mean, I can call you Nicholas if you prefer. Or Dami ?"
The other almost made himself hoarse. He took a moment, and inhaled deeply.
"Okay, you're definitely a freak." he whispered. "Anyway, look, I don't want to lose any time so... Do you want to come with me at this big party this saturday ?"
"I'm sorry, I'm working during weekend evenings." replied Liam. "Plus, I'm not into party that much."
Dami looked at him for a moment. Maybe I have a spot on my face ? This whole discussion was weird. (Dami seemed to be a good guy tho).
"Forget it." this latter eventually said. "Bye."
And he left as fast as he came.
Then, Nick and Liam went to class. The afternoon passed quite fast. Once the last lecture over, they reached their flat. The chesnut boy called his bestfriend before going to sleep (At 8pm, yes, but whatever). He related his day, and when he mentionned the weird talk he had at noon, Nate remained silent for a while.
"What's wrong buddy ?" Liam worried. "Are you attacked by an ogre or somethin' ?!"
"No but... Do you realise Damian just invited you on a date ?"
A what ? That couldn't be possible. Someone asked him out ? Just like that ? No, that's too direct. We don't know each other at all. I met him what ? Two times ?
"I know what you're thinking." laughed Nate. "And maybe you're right. Maybe the man just invited you for a party because you're so damn famous when it comes to partying. Or maybe he just asked every stranger he had encoutered this week to come ? Who knows ?"
"That's more plausible." agreed Liam.
His bestfriend sighed.
"Look, Gwendoline is waiting for me but, promise me you won't do anything stupid."
"Of course. I promise."
Why people thought he was likely going to do something silly ? He wasn't clumsy or whatever, was he ? Anyway, he hung up and went to bed.
"That's my fuckin' bedroom !" yelled Nick. "Go in yours for god sake !"
Rebecca Saturday December 9
When Emilio had told her it would be a huge party, she never expected this. The biggest fraternities and sororities organised it together each year. The event took place at the main hall of the university. Apparently, they had the Dean's permission thanks to his grandson, or something like that. Rebecca arrived late, because she had trained with Bob until 9pm. So, when she got there, she saw people eveywhere. Some were drunk, some were high. Most of them were only starting. She glanced couples having sex in the park next to the facility. That's what I call a fuckin' orgy. Her boyfriend had texted her his location, but she couldn't find him. Where the hell he went ? The black girl searched for a long time before she ran into Chelsea.
"Hi Rebbie !" this one yelled. "Having fun ?!"
"Not really ! I'm looking for Emilio ?!"
They were all screaming in this cacophony.
"I saw him like two minutes ago heading towards the dance stage !"
"Thanks !"
Rebecca went inside. Wow, what the fuck is that smell ? The music was more than loud. Her eardums were bleeding. But she saw him. Emilio. Surrouned by two girls heavily drunk. One kissing him, the other way too close to his ass. The hell is he doing ?
"The real nature of people is shown at parties." said someone.
She turned and saw Matthew. The guy wasn't mocking her, he didn't seem happy with what they were watching.
"Sorry. I'm used to this but you're only discovering this part of him."
The black girl looked again at Emilio. It wasn't an accident, he clearly was kissing that girl. Even worst, he also started to kiss the other.
"He's drunk." she said. "He's not controlling his actions."
"Oh yeah, and you feel better now that you found this lame excuse ? Tell me miss, why aren't you over there yelling at him ? Or at least make him stop ?"
She didn't know what to say. In a way, he was right. Even drunk, Emilio shouldn't do that. And she was supposed to be angry. But she was just... like sad. Disappointed maybe ?
"Look, Emilio had always tons of girl around him." stated Matthew. "It's in his nature you know ? I think you deserve better than him. C'mon, let's ignore him. Come with me and Chelsea, you'll have fun, I promise."
I don't understand this dude. He was mean like one month ago and now... Whatever, she didn't came at the party to think. She nodded and followed him.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Saturday December 9
Pasta's place was very well known across the town to be the best restaurant. The owner, Mrs. Liliano, got a secret way to make pasta that people just loved. The Dean's grandson never expected this weird little freshman to work there. But he did. And that was why he declined the invitation to the party. Usually, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was more sublte with his preys. But he had quickly realised this one was special. Very special. And tonight, there was the biggest party of december. Summer, that idiotic whore, had been organising it since September. It was the perfect occasion to learn a bit more about Liam. But first, they had to go at the party, obviously. The Dean's grandson entered in Pasta's place with this goal in mind. He went straigh to the counter.
"Look who's here." grinned a cold voice. "Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. I never expected to see you again."
Strong voice, sweet tone. A bit agressive when she said my name. I love when she says it. Damnit, that's hot.
"Hey Judith." he smiled. "Nice to meet you too. How are you ?"
It was a bit hyprocritical. Judy was one year older, and he had met her when he was a freshman. She was one of the very first prey he had hunted in college. She had earned her place in his DVD number 1, with his special favorites. Also, she did fellatio quite well.
"Better when you're not here." she answered curtly. "What do you want ?"
Funny story. When he had ditched her, she had gone a bit mad. She hadn't appreciated when he had got bored of their routine. She had gone through a supposed break-down and had left the university to work with her mother, the famous Mrs. Liliano.
"I need you to free Liam asap. He and I are going to a party."
Judy frowned.
"No way. You're not putting your dirty hands on this sweet guy. Not on my watch."
That was a bit predictable. This resentful hooker gave him bad intention all along.
"Look, I'm sure we'll go through this." he assured. "For example, you could let Liam come with me and in exchange... We bang together here and there. That wouldn't be the first time we use your restaurant for something else than eat food."
"Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey, you're disgusting."
"How long since the last time you had sex ?"
"Centuries. Fuck you. I'll go get him. But be nice."
"I'm always nice."
They arrived at the party only around 11pm. It was mainly Liam's fault. This guy took an eternity to change, and another to walk to here. At least he agreed to come... Even if he seems a bit off. He was just watching around him, but not really watching. It was like walking with a living doll. I wonder how he manages to find his path in his daily life.
"Dami, is that Theo over there ?"
This. Is. Not. My. Fucking. Name. Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey did his best to not punch this insolent freshman. He glanced at the direction Liam's showed. Indeed, he recognized Theo, with two fatties. One ex-swimmer and a footballer if he recalled right. Greedy bastard.
"We should save them before he..." whispered Liam.
"Before he what ?"
The chesnut guy lowered his eyes and mumbled something so low only god heard. What's his problem again ? This guy is a real weirdo. Simple-minded like he was, the Dean's grandson could probably led him in his bed in the next hour. But I feel something odd. No, I know he'll decline an invitation to have sex. And I don't know why. That's troublesome.
"Liam, I'm inclined to help you, but only if you tell me what's the matter ?"
"I think Theo will ate them both..." he stammered.
Jeez. I must be hallucinating. Did he think Theo was a cannibal ? In fact, it wasn't that absurd but... What the fuck ?
"Sorry Dami, I'm bothering you. I'm really dozy."
"My name is Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey." corrected the blond lad.
"It's what I said."
Fucking god what did I do to deserve such a moron ? Damnit, why can't this dumbass asshole says my whole name like every fucking one else ? What's wrong with him ? Is he broken ?
"Just go to sleep." decided Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey (you see, easy name). "I'm done for tonight."
Liam thanked him and left just like that. And I did all this for nothing. Fucking nothing. He still had half the night to spend. Let's go back to Judy. I could use her skills for fellatio right now.
To be continued
Well... This part is focused on Liam/Damian’s relationship and you can tell it won’t be easy for the hunter. Not easy to catch someone as special as Liam !
As for Rebecca, she’s about to discover something about their college... What exactly Matthew wants ? And how Emilio’ll justify himself ?
See you soon for the next part !
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marlonrae · 5 years
LOC: marlon’s hotel room. @fckmonax
''Nah, you didn't have to pay for that long. It ain't like I'm broke anymore.'' sighs, letting out a yawn as he sits on the bed.
“But still, that money could be better used spoiling my nephew than paying for your hotel because you did something stupid enough for Hazel to kick you out.” takes a seat on the edge of the bed
''Brother, I fucked up real big this time.'' shakes head ''Ima be lucky if she ever takes me back.''
narrows eyes at him, is really curious “What could you have possibly done that’s worse than what we already did? I think you’re just being dramatic.”
''Nah...'' scoffs ''What we did ain't nothing compared to what I just did.''
“That.... concerning.” is actually starting to become worried about him “Marlon, tell me what you did.”
gives her a look. ''You seriously have no idea?''
“Nope.” meets his eyes, waiting for him to spill
sighs, hesitating to say it out loud. ''Don't make me say it, you know me enough... think harder.''
feels tension building up in the room, knows it’s something bad “Well I know what I think it is... I really hope it’s not that, Marlon.”
''If you're thinking something real bad that I can't fix, you got it.'' sighs ''I did that.''
is silent for probably a whole minute “Why’d you do it?”
''He kept trying me...'' shrugs, shaking his head slightly. ''He had been trying me for like, several months now. He owed me $3k, said he wouldn't pay me shit but kept on running his mouth and saying shit he didn't have to say. Talked about my kids, even.''
clenches and unclenches her jaw as he speaks, is insanely disappointed in him “Who?”
takes a deep breath, taking a loooong ass pause. ''Ainsley.'' looks down as he mentions his name.
is both angry and sad, confused more than anything “Ainsley? I haven’t even seen him in forever. I thought he moved away or something.” shakes head, stands and paces “Why did you lend him $3,000? None of this makes sense.”
''He didn't move, he was just being a weirdo. Apparently slept all day and went out to fuck around at night or something and I didn't lend him $3,000.'' shakes head. ''I sold him $3,000 in drugs for this party he was at and then he bailed and played me. – Can you sit the fuck down, your pacing is stressing me out.''
continues pacing as he tells his story “Oh. That makes a lot more sense. Doesn’t justify if, but it makes sense.” stops moving when he calls her out, takes a seat in the chair this time “You should be stressed out. How do you know this won’t come back on you?”
''Because I'm smart, I cleaned my mess... Literally.'' shrugs ''No one's gonna be looking for him and even if they were, they wouldn't be able to trace it back to me.''
nods and tries to think of all the bases he might not have covered “What about his apartment? You said he still lives there... Lived there. What happens when the landlord realizes that there’s no one paying rent anymore?”
''This bitch owed rent, they were threatening to take him out.'' sighs ''He supposedly came from money but he really was a cheap bastard who paid for nothing and still expected us all to treat him as if he was the fucking pope or sum'.''
is quiet, sighs after a few seconds “None of that makes this okay, Marlon.” shakes her head, stands and starts pacing again “What... uh, what was it like? Like how did it, um, feel?”
narrows eyes and gives her a look, almost smirking. ''Bitch I fucking knew you would ask me that shit.'' shakes head with a shrug ''I don't know, though. I was mad, felt like I was in some type of trance and when I snapped out of it, he was out.''
laughs and rolls her eyes “Shut up.” listens close as he describes it “Huh. That sounds kind of lame. I have no desire to partake.” sighs and sits back down
''It felt kinda good, though.'' smirks, biting down at his bottom lip. ''Like, you know when Bundy said there's apparently nothing better than feeling a person's last breath leave their body? I didn't actually experience any of that but it felt good to let the anger out, like, it was therapeutic.'' covers his face with his hands and sighs, revealing his face again. ''I really am fucked up.''
listens, watches wide eyed as he explains the feeling, gets chills “Okay, thats what I wanted to hear.” switches seats to sit next to him again, pulls him into a hug, whispers “Shut up. If you’re fucked up, I’m fucked up. I got you.”
laughs, feeling oddly lucky to have Mona in his life ''You really are fucked up.'' chuckles, hugging her tightly, thankful for her presence and support. ''Dude, but I gotta tell you.. Oh my god, there was so much blood.''
laughs and pulls away “Yeah, I’ve heard about that! That you never truly understand how much blood is in a body until you’re in the presence of a bleeding body.” looks whimsically into the distance
eyes wide open ''Bro, there's like ten times more blood when you stab someone. It was ridiculous.''
is oddly jealous that she wasn’t there, shakes it off “But ok. how does this all relate to Hazel kicking you out? You didn’t tell her, did you?”
''That's where I fucked up...'' sighs ''...I hid for two days. Chopping this dudes body, cleaning my mess, covering my tracks, going over everything a million times again and again and of course she got worried, texted my friend Josh who told her I was completely fine because he called me on my other phone she didn't even know I had and then I kinda freaked out and reached out to her and apologized and told her what I did.''
sits in silence even after he finishes speaking, shakes her head “There are a million lies you could’ve told her that would have been better than the truth.” sighs “What if she wakes up one day and decides you’re too dangerous to be around Seb or something?”
scoffs ''She already decided that.''
rolls eyes “Idiot.”
''Me or her?'' looks confused ''What do you think I'm doing out here? She don't want me around her or the kids.''
“You. Obviously.”
''But it's not like I would do anything to my family.'' sighs out of frustration.
“I know that and she knows that.” sighs and shakes her head “But she also knows what you’re capable of now.”
''I'm capable of taking someone down if they keep messing with me, yes.'' makes eye contact. ''I don't regret it.''
“Yeah, I get that.” shakes head and stands “I just don’t think you should’ve told her.”
''Yeah, I regret telling her.'' sighs ''Like, I could've lived without telling her but at the same time I don't wanna keep shit from her anymore.''
“Marlon. It’s cute and all that love Hazel so much and respect her enough to not want to keep secrets...” pauses for emphasis, gathers her stuff “but THIS is a secret you were better off keeping.” sighs “I should go.”
looks down, knowing she was right. – suddenly pulls his knife out and cuts the palm of his hand, quickly standing and taking her hand, asking no questions and doing a smaller cut on her palm. shaking her hand. ''Promise me you won't tell anyone.'' makes eye contact, still holding her hand in a spontaneous blood pact.
“Marlon, wh-“ eyes widen when she realizes what’s happening “OW!” feels tears quickly forming “Why? We’ve already done that once before and it’s not like I was planning on telling anyway you weirdo.” grabs a tissue to stop the bleeding, hands him one as well “Now I’m gonna have two scars.” *shakes head and chuckles *
rolls eyes when she whines and sees the tears forming, takes her hand AGAIN. ''You didn't promise this time. Promise!'' raises eyebrows expectantly ''The sooner you promise, the faster you can start crying, and stop playing, warriors have scars. Scars are cool.''
“Oh my god! I promise, okay? Of course, I promise.” rolls eyes, and wipes away her tears “And that’s not the same knife, is it?”
nods and smiles ''Thank you.'' grabs the tissue, cleans the knife before pressing the tissue against her palm. ''Of course not, that one don't exist anymore.''
“Good. I would’ve vomited.” frowns as the bleeding continues, checks time “I should really head home. If I’m gone too long, Fabian will probably use it against me.”
''We can take him out too, you know?'' shrugs, actually joking this time ''I'm KIDDING, don't kill me now.''
laughs out loud “You are awful. So awful.” is still high key laughing
''I'm pro now and this time you could be there to watch.'' laughs along with her ''Get the fuck outta here.'' laughs and pushes her. ''Wait, give me a hug.''
“I’m definitely going to hell just for this conversation.” almost makes it to the door, but doesn’t hesitate to turn around and hug him when he asked “Awww I almost forgot for a sec how much I love you.” hugs him tightly for a few seconds, honestly still pretty worried about him “I’ll swing by tomorrow too check in.” opens the door to leave
hugs her back jus as tightly. ''You're rider, bug. I love you.'' pulls away and nods, smiling at her. ''I appreciate that, thank you.'' goes back to bed
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