#because an au where their talents are made up BUT hopes peak was real just makes me sad LMAO
g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
How do you think Makoto felt when he saw that Kiibo looked a lot like him? Do you think that raised questions as to who exactly built him?
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I dont know what au we are in anymore. I just think this is funny
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Kokichi's double life AU
this was first suggested by a now deleted user in The Saiouma Pit, they said:
Ultimate Lawyer Kokichi AU and like, his cases are all weird/campy like in Ace Attorney. He completely lies and bluffs his way to the truth in every case EXCEPT FOR WHEN, shit gets real. when he does the thing like in trial 4 where he just Says What Happened this would be really fun bc he and Shuichi would work together. ult detective, ult lawyer If i wanted to make this also be a phantom thief au. Well i think that'd be fun LMAO IMAGINE. He's assigned as His Own Client
then pitters delved into debate about how it could come to be with jokes about double masks and one glued to his face, also deciding that he got accused of kidnapping himself while Shuichi tries to prove he is himself, and that's where my part starts
or he disguises himself daily for the lawyer work, because he made the plan for if he's ever unmasked as the thief, he'll probably be able to escape and live as his lawyer persona, and it would have been the perfect plan - if he managed to escape
full fake identity, wearing glasses & a wig
if somebody notices it's a wig, he says he's balding in a bad attempt at an old man voice
Hina: Did he go through all of law school under a fake identity?
they're supposed to still be Ultimates in this AU, so actually he went to Hope's Peak with dual identity & talent, sort of like Junko and Toko shit just flies when the hs you go to is HPA -supposedly set for life, no need for further education -crime is whatever
kinda explains why Shuichi would know who he is too
I think it would let him make the lies about his organization more believable, bc the Supreme Leader would "skip" while the ult Lawyer showed up to classes, and then he'd make an occasional appearance and spin stories of how he expanded his criminal empire abroad and just got back
at some point Shuichi would be like "hmm, have I ever seen them in a room together?" and try to get close to him to find out the truth
Kokichi to that would think "He's suspicious of me, I need to distract him", and that's how they ended up falling for each other, still in HPA
now, a few years later, Kokichi is arrested and accused of kidnapping himself, what does Shuichi (the only one who knows the truth) do?
actually, it'd be funny if he has a huge crisis over this and goes to DICE so they can try to bust him out together and then Kokichi just escapes on his own, like, they're making the plan with Shuichi giving them inside info, he's exhausted, his principles lost the battle against his feelings, everybody's very stressed and focused, cue Kokichi walks in, "I'm back"
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soramei · 3 years
From Resentment (hhj)
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Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader (she/her)
Summary: After a fated meeting involving a cute and fluffy puppy, you found yourself drawn to Hwang Hyunjin: the school prince. Everybody in high school loved him. It was hard not to. Not only was he rich, smart, and athletic, but he was also incredibly kind-hearted.
However, one day seemingly out of the blue, everything that you thought Hyunjin was came crashing down.
Now a freshman in university, you were excited to live out your dreams. That was, until Hyunjin came hurtling back into your life like an uncontrolled meteor. His presence threw a curveball on all your plans, and would eventually change your perspective on everything that you thought you knew.
Genre: studentl!hyunjin au, angst, enemies to lovers
Warnings: cursing, tw puking
Word Count: 8.8k
A/N: Not an Intentional update but a hyunjin oneshot!! disclaimer: no aspect of hyunjins personality here was drawn from real life — irl hyunjin is a ray of sunshine <3
You looked at your math homework, proud that you got all the answers correct. Since it was a slow afternoon at your job today, you had extra time to focus on your homework. The boss at the convenience store you worked at allowed you to have your homework out, as long as it was hidden behind the cash register.
As you stared at the rest of your homework, you started to feel the weight of tenth grade pile up on you. Because it was your first year of high school, you were still trying to adjust to everything; your grades, your teachers, and all the new students walking around the halls.
You stuffed the rest of your homework in your backpack. It was the end of your shift, and you wanted to go home as soon as possible to start with the rest of your studying. Crap. No matter how hard you tried to zip up your backpack, it wouldn’t close. After trying one more time, the zipper tore from your backpack.
You cursed under your breath. You couldn’t afford to buy a new backpack right now.
You had just been able to afford your new school uniform by taking up extra shifts at the convenience store, and you still needed money for your grandmother’s prescriptions. You sighed, annoyed to have another monetary stressor weighing on your shoulders.
Walking outside with your now torn backpack, your eyes widened at the group of boys in front of you. You immediately recognized them from behind.
The school princes. These three seniors were all known for three things: being extremely smart, handsome, and talented.
On the left was Seungmin, and from what you’ve heard, he was the smart and quiet one. He was always helping the teachers, being the class president and all. Any time a girl or a boy needed academic help, Seungmin was there and happy to assist.
The person on the right was Jisung. With his charming and charismatic personality, he had dated tens upon tens of girls in his grade. Just in the last year. It helped that he was really good looking — and also stinkin’ rich. His father was a notorious restaurateur, and with him being the first son, he was basically given unlimited spending rights.
The only person richer than Jisung was the boy in the center of them both: Hwang Hyunjin. This boy was the school prince. The prince of princes. He somehow managed to participate in music clubs, engage in study groups, and captain the soccer team all the while keeping up excellent grades. Every girl that Jisung had dated was said to have been rejected by Hyunjin first. That was his only flaw: he was notoriously cold to any and all romantic confessions.
You followed behind the three princes, staring at your torn up sneakers. You knew you didn’t exist in their world, but even being near three handsome and rich teenage boys made you nervous.
Suddenly, you heard a whimper coming from behind a bush to the left of you. It sounded like a hurt animal.
Worried and curious, you walked over to the bush to see what it was.
It was a puppy. Small and fluffy, it looked up at you with it’s beady black eyes and cried out. His paw was bleeding.
You panicked. Having never seen a hurt puppy before, you had no idea what to do. You called out for help.
“Help!” you cried, hoping that somebody had heard your call for help. You desperately wanted to help this hurt puppy, but you hesitated to touch it, afraid that you would hurt the animal even more.
The puppy howled in pain, making your panic rise. You were about to call out for help again, when you heard somebody running up behind you.
“What is it?” The voice asked.
“I-I don’t know. I just saw this dog here, and-and his paw is bleeding,” you anxiously stuttered.
“Here, let me take a look.”
You heard the voice behind you, so you shuffled over to make room.
It was Hwang Hyunjin. The person that responded to your cry for help was the most popular and well-liked person in the school. You were shocked, a bit intimidated actually, so you silently moved to the side for him. His black hair shone in the sunlight as he bent down to examine the dog.
“Come here, boy,” he chirped. The puppy listened, and started limping to him. “Something hurt you, didn’t it.”
He stood up, picking the puppy up along with him.
“C’mon,” he gestured with his head, “my vet isn’t too far from here actually. We can make it by walking.”
You silently nodded and followed him.
He was right. The walk to the veterinarian clinic, though very awkward, wasn’t too far. The clinic was empty at this time of day, with the receptionist being the only person in the room.
“Hyunjin! Always a pleasure,” the receptionist beamed. It seemed like Hyunjin’s likeability wasn’t only confined to your school. “My, what do we have here?”
“There’s something wrong with his paw,” Hyunjin tried to show the receptionist where the blood was coming from, “is the doctor free right now?”
“As a matter of fact, he is,” the receptionist said whilst checking the schedule. “I’ll take this little boy to the back where he can get prepped for the veterinarian.”
Hyunjin handed the puppy carefully to the receptionist. The receptionist took out a crate for the dog, put him in, and then disappeared through the back door. The two of you were now left alone in the waiting room.
“Uhm,” you coughed, “thank you. I know you probably want to get back to your friends, so you can leave now.”
“No, I’ll stay,” he looked at you and smiled, “those idiots are just playing LOL at the PC room anyways. Plus, I want to see how this little boy turns out.”
You smiled back at him, nodding your head. A few moments of awkward silence passed.
“I’m Hyunjin by the way,” he said.
“I know. I’m Y/n.”
“You’re in your first year, right?” he said, looking at the colour of your uniform.
“Yeah, it’s so hard to get used to though. I’m trying my best with my homework, but I think this school stuff just doesn’t click with me,” you rambled.
“I want to go into dance. I’ve never been able to afford professional lessons, but I’ve always wanted to go to university for dance. My grandparents said they would let me if my school grades were high.” You didn’t know why you were giving your life story to Hyunjin. He just had this natural charisma that made you want to spill everything to him. It was the way he looked at you with those cat-like eyes.
“I know what you mean. It took me forever to convince my parents for me to major in dance. I got in by early admittance, but I’m sure they still have their reservations about my major.”
“You’re majoring in dance?” you asked, eyes wide.
He smiled. “I’ve loved dancing ever since I could remember. It’s my passion, and truthfully, the only thing I’ve got going for me.”
You were shocked. At school, Hyunjin was known for so many things other than dancing. Hell, you didn��t even know he enjoyed dancing and you thought you’d heard everything about him already.
The two of you chatted for a while longer before the vet came out with the now happy looking dog.
“It seemed like this little guy got into a fight with something, and he got a pretty large gash on his paw. Luckily, it wasn’t bleeding too much so I just gave him some anaesthetic and stitched it right up.”
You sighed in relief. “Thank god he isn’t too hurt.”
“Yes, it’s good that it wasn’t too bad,” the veterinarian agreed. “I’m assuming this is your dog? As soon as you finish with the bill, I can release this little guy and the both of you are ready to go.”
Oh yeah. The bill.
Although you knew you couldn’t afford to pay the vet bill, you didn’t know where this little dog would go if you couldn’t take him home. You did the mental calculations, and if you worked some extra shifts, you could probably be able to pick up the bill today. Buying a new backpack could be saved for another day.
“Sure, where can I pay?” you asked.
“Just over by the receptionist.” The veterinarian pointed.
You walked over to the receptionist, and she handed the bill over to you.
You almost fainted.
Just the anaesthetic and the stitches alone cost over two hundred dollars. This was extremely over your budget, and probably even more than the amount in your savings. You felt uneasy.
“Uhm, actually, I don’t think I can-”
“Do you take cash?”
Hyunjin had interrupted you, walked up to the receptionist, and pulled out his wallet. He peaked over your shoulder and took out a huge wad of cash to hand to the receptionist.
“Hyunjin, you don’t have to,” you begged. You felt bad that this guy you didn’t even know had just offered to cover you for over two hundred dollars.
“Think of it as a good luck gift from a fellow dancer.” He smiled.
That was when it clicked. You didn’t know what clicked, but it just did. It was his smile. It was the way the corners of his eyes crinkled up and how the corners of his lips pinched at the end. You now understood why all the girls at school were in love with him. He was quite literally perfect.
You thanked him profusely, even after the two of you had left the clinic. With the dog in your hand, you walked side by side with Hyunjin.
“So,” he started, “have you thought of a name for this guy yet?”
Oh yeah — he was your dog now. “Hmm, I don’t know yet.”
“What about Coco?”
“Yeah, let’s see if he likes it.” Hyunjin leaned in and cooed at the little puppy. “Hi, little Coco!”
The puppy’s eyes lit up, and with his tongue stretched out, he started panting.
“I guess he likes it,” Hyunjin smiled. God, his smile could melt all of Antarctica.
“Coco it is.” You poked at Coco’s nose.
Hyunjin was about to say something back to you when his phone buzzed. He took a peak, rolled his eyes, then smiled. “My friends are god awful at games. I swear, they can’t even win one round without me. You’re okay with going home alone?”
He was going to walk you home? Could he be any more perfect?
You nodded your head. “Thank you, Hyunjin. I’ll pay you back for the bill one day.”
“No need,” he winked. “Like I said, it’s a good luck gift. Oh, and you can ask me if you need help with any school work. Anything to help a fellow dancer.”
He waved goodbye, then went running off in the other direction. You held Coco close to you, heart pounding. Although you didn’t want to be like all the other girls who fell for him, you felt like you were already falling for Hyunjin.
The next day, you had planned to go shopping for dog supplies after school. After a really long and arduous debate with yourself, you decided to sacrifice all of your savings in order to buy everything that Coco needed. You knew Hyunjin owned a dog himself, so throughout the whole day, you worked up the nerve to ask Hyunjin to come with you.
At the end of last period, you gathered all your stuff from your desk and headed to the soccer field where you knew Hyunjin and his friends would be. Whilst you crossed the field, you noticed Jisung staring at you. You found his stare intimidating, but you tried to brush it off. He then whispered something in Hyunjin’s ear.
“Hi, Hyunjin,” you said anxiously, biting your lip. “Umm, do you want to come with me to shop for Coco?”
He stared at you for a couple seconds, then, a look of disgust appeared on his face. “Why? So you can use my wallet again?”
You stared back at him, wide eyed. Who was this person? It wasn’t the Hyunjin that so graciously helped you out yesterday.
“W-what? No!” you exclaimed. “I-I just wanted your opinion…”
“Sure,” Hyunjin smirked coldly, “opinion my ass.”
“Hyunjin,” tears were pooling in your eyes, “I don’t understand.”
“If you need money so much, here.” He reached in his pocket and turned up a wad of cash, throwing it at your feet. “Just don’t come to me next time. And buy yourself a new pair of shoes while you’re at it.”
You looked down at the money, trying to hold back your tears. Why was Hyunjin being like this? You didn’t understand. His two jockeys beside him didn’t even bother to stop him. As you tried to stop yourself from crying, you felt your sadness turn into rage.
“I don’t need your stupid money,” you said, kicking the cash back to him. “Maybe you can use your daddy’s money to buy yourself a new personality.”
Hyunjin’s two friends tried to hold back their snickers at your words. Hyunjin heard, turned around, and gave them both death stares.
You didn’t bother to listen to whatever he was going to say next and simply stomped away, rage burning inside you. Everything about him was a lie. His charming and charismatic personality, his generosity, his kindness. They were all lies. He really was nothing but a rich, spoiled boy living with his father’s money.
There was rage behind every step you took. Wiping away your tears, you headed to your locker. You didn’t need him anyways; it was better to realize his true personality earlier rather than later. Hands shaking from anger, you dialed the combination to your locker.
“Hey, sorry about what happened earlier.” A voice came from behind you. “He can be a real jerk sometimes.”
It was Jisung. You rolled your eyes. You didn’t want to see him either.
“Why didn’t you do anything about it then?” Your voice came out shaky. It was obvious that you had cried.
“Once he starts, there’s no stopping him. It’s usually better to let him finish uninterrupted, or else he will get more mad.”
“Oh,” you said. Your hatred for Hyunjin grew even more.
“I could come with you, though. I don’t know much about dogs, but I can help you carry your bags.”
“I don’t know…”
“C’mon, no way you can carry everything by yourself.”
You hesitated. “Okay, I guess.”
And so, you left for the pet store with Jisung, still confused about everything that had happened. It was strange with him. He was nice and cracked a joke every now and then, but it was just different from being with Hyunjin. At least he was nice, you thought.
Your trip went well. You managed to buy everything you needed for Coco. In a turn of events, Jisung had actually come in handy as he offered to carry the huge bag of dog food you bought. He even offered to buy you a coffee.
“Thanks for all your help, Jisung.” You stood outside the door of your apartment, smiling at him.
“No problem, gives me an excuse to work out my guns.” He pretended to flex his arms.
You choked back a laugh.
“You should get going now. It’s late,” you said.
“Alright,” he started to leave. “Hey, if you see me in the halls, feel free to say hi.”
You nodded and waved to him as he turned and walked away, remembering his words. Every time you saw Jisung in the school hallways, you gave him a small wave in which he happily returned. However, whenever you saw him walking with Hyunjin, you made sure to purposely avoid them. You didn’t want any negativity in your life.
You kept up the waves, and soon, waves turned to small conversations which soon turned to flirting. By the end of the semester, you and Jisung somehow ended up as a couple. Jisung was polite and sweet, unlike a certain person. With every free moment you had, you hung out with Jisung — all the while avoiding Hyunjin.
The two of you stayed a couple for the rest of Jisung’s senior year. Somehow, the two of you had even kept up your relationship throughout your whole high school experience. It was hard at times as he went to university, but with a lot of effort, you had made your relationship work out. You barely had time to talk with him, but you enjoyed the little time that you did have. Jisung had never even once mentioned Hyunjin when you were together, and with time, you had totally forgotten about that jerk. You weren’t even sure if they were still friends.
You worked hard in school and reaped all the benefits. Your rank had consistently been in the top twenties amongst all the other students, and you even had time to practice your dancing. You remembered the day that you received your acceptance letter from university. Hands shaking, you had barely managed to open the letter all the way before you screamed. You had gotten into university with your dream major: dance.
Because of your excellent grades, you were able to pay a lot of your tuition with scholarship money alone. You hesitantly decided to quit your job at the convenience store to focus on university. Although quitting meant that your bank account would take a big hit, you decided that it would be best in the long run. There was a lot in your savings, and you even had a little extra to buy a new outfit for your first day of school.
Jisung had been busy on the first day of university. He had previously promised to show you around campus, but with him being a no-show, you wandered around by yourself to try to find your classes. You had trouble with the campus map at first, but after walking around for a bit, you were able to find all your classes with ease.
Your first few classes were a snore. Because they were all theory, you had to down two cups of coffee in order to stay awake. Somehow, you managed to take coherent notes despite being bored out of your mind. You just wanted to dance.
The good thing was, after sitting through many classes, your time to dance finally came. Your last class of the day was an introduction to dance course, and you couldn’t wait to go. You wanted to know your teacher, your peers, and most importantly, express yourself.
The dance class was in a studio in the university’s fitness center. It was huge, way bigger than the tiny gym in your high school. Upon entering the studio, you were immediately met with the sight of students, exactly like you, already stretching. You chose a spot in the room and started stretching as well, making good use of your time before the instructor comes in.
After some time, most of the students — including you — had finished stretching and were sitting in silence waiting for the instructor. The door swung open, breaking the silence. The instructor had come in.
“Hello new students,” he said, “welcome to Dance 100. Today, I will go through the curriculum with you as well as introduce your final project.”
The instructor whipped out a projection of the curriculum and started explaining the purpose of the course, what you would be graded on, and how you would be graded. He then read through his class expectations before moving to your final project.
“This final project will act in place of a final exam,” he explained. “You will be required to create a dance that includes everything we’ve learned in class and write an essay explaining all the elements in your dance. It will be worth half your grade.”
The class gasped in surprise. Not only did this project sound extremely difficult for a first year course, but the fact that it was worth half your grade made it borderline unfair.
“I know it might seem difficult, but worry not, you won’t be doing this alone. Every year, the first year dance students get mentored by the third year dance students for the final project. Each student has already been assigned a random mentor which will be introduced this class.”
The whole class murmured, talking amongst themselves and expressing their opinions on this project. It was definitely an interesting project. You hoped that you would be paired with a good mentor that would actually care about how well you did.
There was a knock on the door.
“Ah, this must be them.” Your instructor opened the door and a wave of third years came flooding in. Each one of them had a name tag pinned on their shirts. “Class, these are the third year students.”
You all politely greeted them.
“Now,” the instructor continued, “I will put the class list on the projector, and each of your names will correspond to a third year mentor.”
The instructor put out the list for display. You scanned down the list of names, eventually finding yours. Following the dots to your corresponding mentor, you almost choked on air when you saw yours.
It was Hwang Hyunjin.
You were at a loss for words. Just when you thought he was out of your life forever, the man that was so incredibly mean to you — the man you hated with your whole soul — was now your mentor. Just the thought of being in the same room as him filled you with disgust.
You scanned the sea of third year students, and your eyes immediately found him. He was staring back at you with the same shocked expression that you had on.
He looked different. Not only had he grown taller, but he had lost all his baby fat as well. His hair was different too. It was bleached blond and it almost hit his shoulders. What was the same, however, was his intense stare and his plump lips.
You walked over to him.
“You look different.” His eyes scanned up and down.
“So do you.” You clenched your jaw and sighed. “I guess we have to work together.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” he said flatly.
“Listen,” you copied his tone, “I’m not excited about this either, but I want to get a good grade for this class. If you don’t wanna help me, just say so and I’ll just work alone on this.”
“Don’t be stupid,” he rolled his eyes, “this is part of my grade too. I can’t let you fuck this up for the both of us.”
You rolled your eyes back at him and pressed your lips in a thin line. Ignoring what he said, you asked, “where do we start?”
“Let’s find a time to meet every week.” He pulled out the newest iPad model from his bag. Of course he would have the newest iPad. “I’m busy every day except Saturday, so let’s meet then.”
Way to consider your opinion. He was lucky that you weren’t busy on the weekends.
As Hyunjin worked on sorting his schedule, you took your time to look at how he had changed. With his hair blonde, he looked like a completely different person. You didn’t understand why he kept his hair long though. It kept falling in his eyes.
“Stop staring at me. It’s freaking me out.” He narrowed his eyes at you.
“I wasn’t.” You crossed your arms, defending yourself.
“Whatever.” He tucked his hair behind his ear and put his iPad back in his bag. “Don’t be late on Saturday.”
And with that, he left. You looked around the class. Most of the other students were still with their mentors, presumably getting to know each other and discussing the project. You almost wanted to ask your instructor to switch with somebody else, but that would mean passing on the nightmare known as Hwang Hyunjin onto a perfectly innocent person. You had your moments, but you weren’t evil.
The interaction with Hyunjin had left you in a sour mood for the rest of the day. You tried to study, but you were too distracted by the thought of having to work with that monstrosity for a whole semester. It was worth so much of your grade, too. You had just hoped that Hyunjin was as good at dance as he previously told you. You remembered him saying how dance was his passion in life. That was when you still liked him. Who knows, maybe he only said that so he could play you like every other girl he played with.
For the rest of the week, whenever you thought of the dance project, you were filled with dread. You tried to ignore it, and sometimes it worked, but most of the time it kept reappearing in your mind like a virus. The way Hyunjin had infected your mind bothered you to no end.
Time passed fast though, and before you knew it, Saturday had already come. Searching through your closet, you picked out a simple outfit for practice today. You slid on your tattered old sneakers and headed off to the studio that Hyunjin had told you to go to.
Entering the dance studio, you noticed that you were right on time. However, Hyunjin was not. Great… He made such a big deal over you being on time that he himself forgot to be punctual. You sat on the wood floors and started to do some stretches to warm up.
Eventually, after you finished your stretching, he entered the studio. With a girl. Holding a textbook, Hyunjin handed it to the girl and put on his signature deceitful smile. His ugly, perfect smile. The girl batted her eyes and waved her fingers goodbye before strolling out the door. You rolled your eyes at this, feeling bad for the girl. Hyunjin was playing her right in front of her own eyes and she didn’t even realize it.
“Were you really late because of a girl?” you sneered.
“Why do you care?” he retorted, flinging his bag to the corner of the room.
“I don’t.”
“Sure you don’t.”
Not wanting to waste time with that childish banter, you decided to end the conversation then and there. “Okay, well anyways, I’ll show you what I learned in class this week.”
Hooking up your phone to the speaker, you chose the song that you’ve been practicing with for the whole week. As the song progressed, you found it hard to not get lost in the music. Just dancing was the easy part; incorporating everything learned in class was another story. Although it was fairly difficult, you thought you executed everything very well as the song came to an end. Finishing up, you panted from exhaustion and looked at Hyunjin for his comments.
He stood, with his arms crossed across his torso, leaning against the speaker. There was a blank expression on his face.
“Not bad.” He started to walk up to you.
“But you’re too stiff. You’re too focused on perfectly executing the technical moves that you forget to just move your body. Do what you did half-way through the song again.”
You turned the music on, trying to do the dance with Hyunjin’s criticisms in mind. Looking in the mirror, you did your best to show as much emotion as possible, all the while moving more fluidly. The room was filled with heavy bass and the squeaks from your sneakers.
Suddenly, the music was abruptly cut off.
Hyunjin had stopped the music and was making his way over, face still unreadable.
“You’re still trying too hard and it shows.” Hyunjin shook his head.
Clenching your jaw, you did your best to hold back your anger. Were you just not supposed to try? This annoyed you. Just because he didn’t need to try to be good at anything didn’t mean you couldn’t.
“Well,” you tried to say calmly, “how can I do this then?”
“You have to relax.” He put one hand on your hip and started to guide you. “Don’t focus on each individual aspect, but try to imagine everything as a whole. Then, things will come naturally.”
You followed his hand, allowing Hyunjin to guide you to his own rhythm. After a while, every movement felt so fluid and you didn’t even notice that your face started to match your movements. Glancing at your reflection, you gasped, noticing how different your dancing looked. You whipped your head to face Hyunjin, the two of your inches apart and breathing heavily.
“See,” he mumbled, looking down at you. “Once you stop thinking, everything just comes naturally.”
You looked back at the person inches away from you. It almost felt as if he was being kind. But you knew the type of person he was. You weren’t going to let this happen again. Snapping out of what weird trance you were in, you pushed him away in an act of self perseverance.
He didn’t say anything.
“I’ll try again,” you said.
Hyunjin strolled over to the speaker and turned on the music. This time, you didn’t think about anything you learned in class or Hyunjin’s criticisms. You just trusted in your body. Everything else was blank.
Taking a step forward while still in your trance, your shoe lost its grip on the floor, causing you to fall right on your knee. You cried in pain, holding on to your knee.
“Fuck,” Hyunjin hissed. He ran over and bent down to your level. “Can you move it?”
“I think so.” You tried to straighten your knee. It hurt, but you were still able to do it. There would most likely be a nasty bruise there the next morning.
“You’re still wearing those scraps that you call shoes? They’re literally coming apart at the seams. This is going to happen again if you don’t get new ones.”
You blushed in embarrassment from his remarks. “I’m not going to spend money on things that I don’t need.”
“Well, you need shoes. Just go buy a new pair later.”
Was he being serious? Or was he just spoiled?
“Hyunjin, not everybody can just go spend money whenever they want,” you loudly sighed. “Unlike you, I need to consider my budget for most things.”
“Well, why can’t you ask your boyfriend to buy it?” he sneered. “Seems like you’re good at doing that.”
How did he know you were still dating Jisung? What did he mean by ‘good at doing that’?
“What?” You crossed your eyebrows. “Do you think I’m with him just for his money? Do I really look like that kind of person to you?”
“You used me for my money,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What?” You couldn’t hear him right.
“Nevermind, rehearsal's over.” He stomped off, leaving you alone in the practice room holding on to your injured knee.
You busied yourself with everything and anything you could do over the weekend in order to forget what happened during rehearsal. However, no matter how hard you tried to forget, Hyunjin’s comments on your shoes stuck in your mind like glue.
During your shift at your job, you couldn’t help but keep staring at your worn sneakers. You never paid attention to your shoes before until now. They did the job, so why would you need to buy a new pair? Still, you unconsciously paid attention to every step you took.
On Monday’s dance class, you decided to go early. It was always nice to warm up in a room with other try-hards. They felt less judgemental than the others.
The studio barely had anybody in it this early before class. Everybody was either stretching or had already started going over what was taught last week. Shuffling your way over to your locker, you couldn’t help but compare everybody else’s shoes to your own. You’ve never cared about trivial matters such as shoes, but you couldn’t help but feel a little self conscious as your worn-in sneakers squeaked its way over to the lockers.
Opening your locker, your eyes widened, shocked at what you saw. Inside was a box containing a brand new pair of sneakers. It was an expensive brand as well, a brand that you never thought you would be touching in your life. You turned your head around, scanning the room. Everybody seemed to have been busy with their own thing.
Did somebody put these in your locker by mistake?
Taking the shoes out, you noticed a small slip of paper fly out. You picked up the note.
Keep these. I was a jerk.
You knew who had sent this. It was Hyunjin. You didn’t know what game he was trying to play at, but you weren’t going to fall for it like you did that day in high school. Gingerly putting the shoes back in your locker, you decided to return these back to Hyunjin at your next practice.
“No, I gave them to you as a gift.” Hyunjin turned his nose up at you, refusing to take back the shoes.
“Why would you give these to me if you think that I only use people for their money?”
“Because,” he rolled his eyes, “if you’re unable to dance then my grade is screwed as well.”
He made a good point, but you were stubborn. “Still…”
“You know what? Keep it, give it away, sell it, I don’t care. Let’s just start practice.”
After that dance practice, you threw your old shoes in the trash.
It was midterm season a month into school. You thought you had gone to hell and back with high school, but this was even worse. Each day consisted of waking up, studying, and going back to sleep. You lived on coffee and toast. It wasn’t much, but it gave you the energy to sit at the library for hours to study.
You didn’t see anybody during the midterm season, Instead, you chose to hermit yourself up at the library for days on end. This meant that, at least for a couple of weeks, your dance practice with Hyunjin was put on hiatus. Not that he minded, of course. He happily deleted the practices from his schedule.
You also didn’t see much of your boyfriend, Jisung. Ever since school started, he seemed to always be missing in action. He would almost never have time to be with you, and with the few moments that he was, it seemed like he was always so apathetic towards you. You brushed this off as stress though, as you finally knew what it was like to experience university exams.
It was a clear and sunny day on the morning you finished your last midterm. Leaving the exam room, you looked up to the sky, basking in the sun. Today was going to be a good day. Not only were you now stress free, but you were also invited to an end-of-midterm party for your dance class tonight. You had never gone to a university party before, so when a classmate asked if you wanted to go, you eagerly accepted.
Wrapping up your dance class, you stood at your locker, gathering the rest of your stuff.
“Hey.” An arm wrapped around you.
“Hey, Jisung.” You smiled, turning around to face him.
“You’re done all your midterms?”
“Yup.” You nodded happily.
He took a look at your shoes.
“New shoes?”
You hesitated in answering his question, not knowing where Jisung was with Hyunjin in terms of friendship. It was better to be truthful now rather than apologizing later.
“Hyunjin gave it to me.” You looked down, fiddling with your fingers. Why were you afraid of Jisung’s response?
“Wait, what? Hwang Hyunjin? Like from high school? Y/n, I thought you hated him.”
“I did! And I do,” you tried to explain, “but he had a reason to give me this.”
“Bullshit, Y/n. You’re really gonna believe any reason he pulls out of his ass? I thought you actually matured from high school.”
“Well, you would understand if you were around more often!” you yelled. You knew it was wrong to address other problems and blow this out of proportion, but you couldn’t think straight. Your mind was clouded with anger.
“What does this have to do with anything?” Jisung barked back. “What we’re talking about is how you, no matter how shitty of a person Hyunjin is, keep going back to him! Y/n, all that man does is take. He takes from you and he sure as hell takes everything from me. I won’t let that happen this time.”
When had he taken anything from you? All he had done was give.
“Jisung, let’s end this.”
“You’re right. Let’s cool down and talk later tonight.”
“No,” you shook your head, “I mean, let's end us.”
Jisung looked at you in disgust. “It’s Hyunjin, isn’t it?”
“No,” you vehemently denied, “Jisung, you never have time for me, and the little time we do have together you act like a different person. And now you’re being all possessive just because Hyunjin gave me a gift? I’m sorry, I just don’t see us recovering from this.”
“Fine, whatever.” Jisung turned around. “We’re done. But Y/n, don’t come running back to me when Hyunjin screws you over like he does with everybody.”
After Jisung left, you stomped your foot on the ground, tears pooling in your eyes. It was for the best — breaking up with him. For the past month, you hadn’t been happy with where your relationship was going, but this wasn’t the way you wanted to end an almost three year relationship.
Wiping away your tears, you tried to compose yourself before heading over to the pub. Jisung wasn’t worth the tears.
The walk to the pub wasn’t far as every establishment catered to students was a short walking distance from campus. For your entire walk over, you kept your head down so as to not receive looks from others. The headache from your cries and a blush of anger still lingered with you. Hopefully you’ll look somewhat normal by the time you reach the bar.
Checking your reflection once more in your phone camera, you fixed your hair a bit before going inside.
The bar was filled.
With students from both your dance class and the third year class, there was not an empty corner in sight. The music was loud, but the sounds of chatter coming from the students were louder. The place was dark, with the only source of light coming from very dim, bright blue LEDs.
It was surprising to see everybody in a different setting. You were used to the sight of your classmates being only in sweats and workout clothes, but now that they actually had time to get ready, everybody seemed like a completely different person.
You saw a few of your classmates wave at you, beckoning you over to where they were sitting. As soon as your butt landed on the chair, they spared no time to push a shot glass filled with clear liquor in front of you. You gladly took the drink, wanting to just let go and forget about everything that happened today. Holding back a cough, you scrunched your face as you felt the alcohol burn in your throat. It had been so long since the last time you drank.
After five you stopped counting. Partly because you knew you were going to drink more, but mostly because your head couldn’t even count to five anymore. Scrunching your eyes, you tried to focus on the blurry figure of your classmate complaining about her professor. Bored out of your mind as her mindless babble went on forever, your eyes started roaming around the bar. As your eyes wandered, you noticed somebody behind your classmate staring at you.
Hwang Hyunjin.
Even in your inebriated state of mind, you knew that it was Hyunjin. What other university student had the balls to bleach their whole head blonde? Your eyes met, and he ran a hand through his golden locks. Why do the most beautiful people harbour the most wretched personalities?
You tried to ignore his staring by focusing your attention back on your classmate, but eventually, you couldn’t help but glance back at him. He was still looking at you.
You saw a girl come up to him. She was the same girl that showed up with him on your first ever practice session. Because of the dimly lit bar and your drunken vision impairment, you had to really squint to make out what was going on. The girl, all smiley and giggly, put her hand on his shoulder, making Hyunjin break his eye contact with you. He smiled at the girl, mouthing words that were drowned out by the music. For some reason, this made you furious. Why was he so nice to everybody else but you? What had you ever done to him to make him hate you so much?
You kept your eyes on the girl, knowing full well that you shouldn’t have. You hated that — even on your night off, even when you had just broken up with your boyfriend — Hyunjin was still in your mind like an unkillable parasite. You hated the way he tucked his hair behind his ears. You hated how the corners of his eyes crinkled up when he smiled at her. You hated him.
You watched as she leaned in and whispered something in his ear, causing him to laugh. That was the last straw. In a drunken haze, you took your phone and bolted out the door, ignoring the concerns of all your classmates. Maybe it had been a mistake breaking up with Jisung. Maybe he really did know what was best for you.
Stumbling out onto the street, you tried to dial Jisung’s phone number. It proved to be too difficult of a task, however, as your drunken fingers could only tap on random numbers on the screen. You cried out of frustration.
The voice coming from behind you startled you, causing you to lose your grip on the phone. It dropped on the cement with a loud crack. Tears welled up in your eyes as you bent down to pick up your phone. There was a huge crack right down the middle of the screen.
“You cracked my phone,” you said, trying to keep your composure.
“So? It’s not like it’s worth much anyways. Just ask your boyfriend to buy you one.” Hyunjin’s evil eyes squinted down at you.
“Why are you still on about this? Hyunjin, I’ve never used anybody for money and I never will!” You couldn’t control the tears flowing down your face. “Plus, I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I broke up with Jisung today.”
You didn’t know why you were spilling your guts to the last man in the world you would trust. Surely, it was the alcohol.
“Y/n.” His tone had completely changed. He almost looked — concerned?
“Whatever, Hyunjin,” you slurred. “Just leave me alone. You can go back to that girl and have your fun with her.”
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t care.”
“Y/n, why do you care?” His tone got louder.
“I don’t!” you yelled at him. Your tears made everything even more blurry.
“Y/n! Tell me, why do you care?!” He spat back at you with just as much fury.
“Fuck you, Hyunjin. News flash, not everything in the world revolves around you and your rich and prestigious life. Maybe you wouldn’t be so toxic if you would just understand that.” You screamed at him through your sobs. “Also, I don’t know where you got this stupid story of my being a cash whore from, but I will say this one last time: I have worked for everything in my life and I have never and will never use anybody for their money.”
Hyunjin looked back at you, shocked. You stared back at him in disgust. Not wanting to waste anymore time on him, you stumbled down the street to look for a taxi. However, as you wobbled down the pavement, everything became even blurrier than before. You felt nauseous. You couldn’t control it anymore.
You threw up. All over the sidewalk. You couldn’t stop. Every time you thought that it was over, more and more came out. Your throat burned, and it wasn’t just the alcohol.
As you hurled out all the remains of today’s lunch, your hair was held back.
“Get away from me, Hyunjin,” you groaned. You didn’t want him to see you this weak.
“Who else is gonna take care of your drunk ass, idiot,” he mumbled.
That was the last thing you heard before everything went black.
It was a blinding white light that woke you up. You groaned, trying to block the light with your forearm. Cracking your neck, you tried to holster yourself up.
You were on a leather couch. Squinting, you surveyed the room you were in. It was clean, spacious. The floor was a white marble — there wasn’t a single speck of dust to be seen. Across from you was an incredibly wide TV with many game consoles scattered around it. You looked behind you. There was a large kitchen island illuminated by warm pendant lights. Sitting at the island, on his laptop, was Hyunjin.
“Wh-what happened to me?”
“You’re the worst fucking drinker I’ve ever seen, that’s what happened.”
You rolled your eyes.
Hyunjin ignored you, standing up and leaving for another room. Less than a minute later, he reappeared with a toothbrush and a roll of toothpaste.
“Go clean up. You look disgusting.”
You snatched the toothbrush from his hands. He pointed over to the bathroom and you trudged your way over. His bathroom was huge, almost bigger than your bedroom at home. You felt as if you were in a hotel.
“Your bathroom is huge.” After washing up, you felt not only cleaner, but more awake. “You’re really living the life with your family’s money, huh.”
Hyunjin sighed, slamming his laptop shut causing you to flinch. “Why, after everything, do you think I’m this rich, pretentious fuck?”
You rolled your eyes. Not this again. “Well, why do you still think I’m this money hungry monster?”
“You really wanna know why, Y/n? It’s because Jisung told me so. He was the one who told me that all those years ago.”
You were shocked. Jisung was the one who told him that? Your ex-boyfriend that you had loved and dated for almost three years? You didn’t want to believe it, you really didn’t, but there was this tiny whisper in the back of your mind telling you that it was true. He had a reason to — Jisung was always going on about how Hyunjin always took from him.
“But Y/n, I-” He stopped mid-sentence.
“You what, Hyunjin?”
He pressed his lips to yours, caressing the back of your head. You were shocked, but almost autonomously, your lips parted feeling the heat of his breath against yours. He pressed his body to yours, running his hand down your waist. His lips, the same lips responsible for his perfect smile, felt so soft against your own. You heard the thuds of his heartbeat as he held you closer.
You broke apart, gasping for breath. The realization of what you had done just hit you.
In a panic, you used your whole strength to push his body away from you. “I-I have to go.”
“Y/n, wait!” Hyunjin called.
You paid him no attention. Instead, you ran across the marble floors, hoisted the front door open, and sprinted out. Hoping that Hyunjin wasn’t following you, found your way outside and took a taxi home.
You sat in silence, trying to process what had just happened. You had just kissed Hyunjin. You had just kissed Hyunjin. Hands shaking, you grasped at the ends of your hair, trying to calm yourself down. Did that just happen?
You were more mad at yourself than at him. How could you have just kissed Hyunjin? You hated him. He was nothing but rude to you, never smiling and always accusing you of things that were clearly lies. He made you feel self conscious, nervous, and everything in between. You hated him.
But he was so sweet on that fateful day in high school. He gave you a new pair of shoes when you had slipped during practice, and he held your hair for you when you were drunk. His hair glistened in the sunlight, his smile made your heart race, and his lips ignited sparks of every colour in the rainbow in your chest.
You hated Hwang Hyunjin. You hated how fast you became infatuated with him on that day in high school, and no matter how much you tried to deny it, you hated that your feelings haven’t changed ever since. You hated Hwang Hyunjin. You hated that you loved him.
Curling up in your bed, there was no stopping the tears flowing down your face. You cried and cried upon this realization, and you remained this way for the rest of the day. The effect Hyunjin had on you was bigger than you ever expected, and you hated it.
At school, you tried to avoid as many people as possible. The kiss you had shared with Hyunjin was plaguing your mind, distracting you and igniting the fire that was your inner turmoil. Even the thought of Hyunjin put a strain in your heart. It was the way his breath fanned over your nose, gently tickling it like a bird’s feather and the soft silk of his blonde locks brushing up against your cheeks.
You shook your head, trying to erase any and every thought of that man. Walking to your locker, you were stopped in your tracks, the dam in your eyes starting to crack. You couldn’t do this today. You turned around to go somewhere else — anywhere else.
“Y/n, wait.”
You sniffed, wiped stray tears from your eyes, and picked up your pace.
“Y/n.” He grabbed your shoulder, turning you around to face him.
“Hyunjin, please, I can’t do this today.”
“Are you… Are you crying?” He touched your face, wiping your tears with his thumb. “Y/n, why are you crying?”
You shook your head. You were scared of what would happen if you opened your stupid mouth.
“Y/n, please.” Hyunjin begged. His voice was shaking. “Tell me why.”
You shook your head again.
“Y/n, please.” His voice cracked.
“Hyunjin,” you paused, taking a shaky breath, “it’s because I love you. I’ve loved you ever since the first moment you smiled at my pathetic ass. Even when you hurt me more than anyone has hurt me before… I never had a choice, Hyunjin. It’s always been you.”
You tore yourself away from Hyunjin, embarrassed to your core. That was the most humiliating thing you’ve ever done, but at least you had closure now.
“No, Hyunjin. You’ve torn me down and humiliated me enough already. What more could you possibly want?” You demanded, aware that everybody around you was staring.
“Y/n,” Hyunjin rasped, “It’s only ever been you. I’ve spent the last three years miserable knowing that you were with someone else. I’ve-I’ve never even been with another girl in the past three years. I know you have no reason to believe me because I was such an ass. I am such an ass. Y/n, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for projecting my insecurities on you, I’m sorry for accusing you of things I know you’ve never done, and I’m sorry for anything else I might have fucking done. Y/n, I love you. Please, I don’t fucking deserve it, but is there any way you could forgive me?”
You stared at Hyunjin’s bloodshot eyes, tears freely flowing down your cheeks, and before you could even think, you found yourself pressed against his lips. Your eyes closed, savouring the feeling of his soft lips touching your own. His wet cheek pressed against your own, and with a nudge of the nose, Hyunjin deepend the kiss with a raw passion in which you’ve never felt before.
You cradled his head, relishing in his silken blonde hair as you brushed your fingers through his locks. He sighed in response, his breath tickling against your cheek. You were fully aware that everyone on campus had seen both your messy confessions of love, but you didn’t care. All you could do was replay the moment that Hyunjin had said those words — those three tiny words — over and over in your head as you ran your fingers through his hair and kissed his soft, honey lips.
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vampelune · 3 years
hajime headcanons
i wrote these out for a cc anon but i wanna post em all in one place here
he has freckles and tans easy  
i like trans ftm hajime . though i flip flop between cis hajime and trans hajime in my works haha. i rlly love him as trans tho.  
he knows how to skateboard HAHA its one of the hobbies he still participates in at times. you would never guess by looking at him, though.  
if he didn't get into hopes peak i swear on my life this dude wouldve been the business major in college who just picked that because he doesn't know what to do with his life & its the Default major for mfs who have no goals  
he probably has lots of random knowledge about various hobbies and skills because he's tried to do so many and find his "talent", like knowing one or two songs on several instruments, knowing how to repair various utilities. he probably jumped through electives and clubs in middle school & high school. so i think hajime on his own would be a slight jack of all trades, master of none. But then he gets izuru'd and he really is a master of all trades.
as is canon he's one of those kids that fades into the background, so i bet he didn't have much of a social life. he seems like an overachiever kid, too, so he probably spent more time working and trying to find his talent than he did socializing. he probably only had unmemorable friends throughout school that didn't stick. though he does attract the attention of the sdr2 kids pretty hard, he probably had a LOT of friends. just people who came to him for help on studying, projects, etc, whatever. gets invited to some parties just because everyone kinda knows him, vaguely, and probably owes him for some help. but no close friends, no girlfriend or boyfriend. he'd be really inexperienced with close relationships by the time he meets the other sdr2 kids.  
i actually like the idea that he hung out with sato & natsumi, you know, before all of that went under. i think in a non-despair au they could've been a good friend group.  
really cookie cutter family. both parents working office jobs. he's emotionally detached from his family. loves them, but, there just never was the time or that big of an effort made on anyone's part to become really tight knit. he still has fond memories of his childhood, though.  
kusamochi is his favorite food because it's traditionally eaten on new years. it's also one of the first foods he ever learned how to cook, with his extended family on new years. when he was younger, they would have gatherings with all extended family every new years, especially because it was hajime's birthday. but as he got older those happened less and less, and now, after everything, he still makes himself kusamochi every new years.  
chiaki was his first real crush, but it was unrequited. since she was also kinda his first real friend, it was hard to differentiate between friend love and genuine crush. he knows now after everything it was probably the former, but he still loved her immensely, most than most things. even when she wasn't the best, or couldn't help him like he needed.  
i think if he had a pet he would have a cat. a childhood cat he grew up with and passed away when he was in his teens, hasn't gotten a new one since because he's too focused on school & with his hopes peak workload, and his busy parents, there just wouldn't be time for caring for a pet. and i bet he would've named his cat mochi when he was little, because he liked kusamochi so much <33 sobs  
post-dr3 hajime doesn't completely effortlessly use his talents, and with a lot of them, he needs to concentrate and think hard to focus and apply them. some things are reflexive, but others are more dormant. because of this, he can still get distracted and screw things up. when he does start using his talents, though, he goes more on the "izuru" side of his personality, very intense, a little scary from an outside perspective, and more cold and calculating.  
he has days that are more izuru than others, since they're both him now, in essence. and because that's just, irreparable damage done onto your brain, he can have mood swings, bad days, even weeks, where he's much more cold and unfeeling. in these states, though, he tends to just work himself into a hole because it's all he can do, since that sense of "boredom" comes back on days like these. (like anhedonia, in depression. there's just some days like that, you know?) and the only one capable of helping him through these states is komaeda. (sorry, im slipping in my komahina agenda)  
i kinda have a guilty pleasure for the headcanon that he grew taller from all the drugs and surgery they put him on during the project, especially because he was 18? so he still had room to grow taller. he's 5'10 in the nwp so i think 6'0 izuru/post-game hajime is, kinda hot. Though if you go by his localization height (5'8) then just put him right back up to 5'10 LOL  
for the trans agenda, the reason he dislikes sakuramochi so much is because it's a treat typically eaten on "girls' day" in japan, and he always hated that day.  
this isn't a headcanon. more of an observation, really. but i really dont like calling hajime "tsundere" because he doesn't fit that mold at all. he's dense & just comes off as blunt and rude, plus he's easily irritable. this isn't a tsundere trait, he isn't purposefully mean to hide his feelings for someone. he's just confused and doesn't even understand his own feelings most of the time, especially when it's a complex relationship like with nagito.   if anything, hopes peak or ch4 nagito is more of a tsundere haha cuz he purposely is mean to hajime & talks down to him to hide his own feelings that is already aware of, because he's trying to force himself to stop caring after learning hes a talentless nobody & fell to despair.
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millakatariina64 · 4 years
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Happy Saiou Day!! 💙💜
So if anyone remembers last summer I said I'd post the complete portraits of my talentswap designs and a climactic scene from the AU with a full summary when they're finished? Well, I didn't forget!
So, below are my headcanons for Ultimate Supreme Leader Shuichi and Ultimate Detective Kokichi~!
(I'm really passionate about this AU, I hope you read it ':3)
(Tho no climactic scene unfortunately)
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Ultimate Supreme Leader Shuichi
So first of all Shuichi's parents are still celebrities, move overseas and leave him with his uncle. However in this AU Shuichi's uncle is a politician who actually has a really good reputation. Problem is, his uncle is incredibly busy and is almost never home because of that. Still, he wants to be like his uncle (though the wish is fueled more with wanting to be good enough and accepted). Shuichi's personality is basically the same.
So then one day I Alligator girl's (Gonna call her Wani) alligator gets stolen by some group who're going to sell it and they threatened Wani to not call the police or tell anyone. So she asks Shuichi to help. Somehow they manage to retrieve the alligator together secretly (idk) and right afterwards one of Wani's friends is in trouble with some shady local business. So Wani suggests they make a group to stop these sorts of people and that Shuichi would be the leader. He agrees, he still wants to do something to make this world a better place like his uncle.
After that Wani starts asking her most trusted friends at school if they'd like to join (Shuichi would never have the social courage to ask someone that). When they get to 10 members (all girls) they stop growing for some time and decide to get themselves uniforms. When they're finally considering getting more people into the team since Shuichi doesn't really know these people, he decides to start wearing a mask to be safe. He also starts using the code name "Crow". The other 10 members go by flower names.
The group then grows a lot. And by the time Shuichi's officially scouted to be an Ultimate, it has around 1500 members. And it's making him very worried as Shuichi's not even sure anymore if he's skilled enough to lead it. The group started out stopping or changing corrupt businessmen, unethical businesses and other evil groups. And although that still is what they do, he's realized that the way they go about things is pretty illegal. (When he first realized this, he started wearing a hat.) Obviously he forbids violence, but they still use blackmail and steal information. Also they need money for the group to function at this point so they've had to get it through illegal means that Shuichi's not sure of anymore. So Shuichi is immensely scared of being revealed as the organization's leader because it would completely destroy his organization and it would also annihilate his uncle's as well as his parents' careers on the spot. Basically everything would get ruined and it would be a nation-wide scandal. Perhaps even an international scandal.
He gets even more worried when the police finally start realizing there's some sort of group that's blackmailing big businesses and start investigating.
When he gets scouted to Hope's Peak, the letter comes to his base and even HPA doesn't know his identity, just that he's a high school student. He doesn't think like he deserves the title at all since it's really his organization that does the hard stuff and Wani's the one that's made it grow and he shouldn't be panicking like this if he really was a "great leader". But he still decides to go due to "If you manage to graduate from Hope's Peak, you will be set for life!". But as his family can't know of him being scouted there as the Ultimate Supreme Leader, he forges a letter claiming he's the Ultimate Lucky Student which he shows to them. And at HPA he requests he be referred to by that title.
Problem is, now his year group has 2 Ultimate Lucky Students and a certain Ultimate Detective gets suspicious.
Miscellaneous: Shuichi really wants to use make-up but he's really afraid to at home since he feels his uncle would think it's really weird. So at the organization's base Wani heard about it and got him some makeup and now Shuichi wears makeup when on missions and at the base. Also the organization has a helicopter. (It's a central part of that climactic scene I talk so much about.) Shuichi thinks about becoming a detective perhaps, but he's not sure how he'd be able to leave his group anymore so...
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Ultimate Detective Kokichi
For Kokichi I still have my pretty elaborate origin story. His early years are great until at some point his real father finds out that Kokichi's mother had actually had the Kokichi and his older twin brother with him and not her husband leaving him alone. And thus he murders Kokichi's mother out of spite. Kokichi and Tamotsu (my headcanon name for his twin) see the murder take place and flee. However, they were never actually able to make out who the murderer was and they knew even less of why their mother was murdered.
The murder never gets solved and this mystery stays in Kokichi's mind. Who ruined his life, who killed his mother?
(I feel they'd have like an uncle and their mother's husband lived with them obviously. There'd also be other factors like disposed evidence and the suspects vanishing making the murder so much harder to figure out afterwards.)
So Kokichi and Tamotsu end up at an orphanage, one related to the one Maki's at. It's kind of a terrible place, but it's where Kokichi meets (most of) Dice. They become inseparable friends (tho don't form a group with the name Dice. I'll still call them that here for clarity's sake though). However Tamotsu who had always been supporting Kokichi and being there for him at his side starts becoming bitter (jealous?) against Kokichi due to dice and starts turning against them. This is the time when Kokichi starts developing his lying to protect himself from Tamotsu as well as the borderline abusive authority at the orphanage. He's also started to figure out the dark secret of the orphanage training children to become assassins.
I feel like during this time a detective was investigating the orphanage. So when things get too dire and Kokichi and Dice escape the orphanage the detective ends up taking them in after finding them on the streets afterwards since he can't just send them to an orphanage at that point. So Kokichi and Dice end up staying with the detective and start helping him out. Kokichi's especially interested in the orphanage now and he and the detective with the help of the other Dice members figure out a lot of stuff. (This is also the time the rest of the Dice members "join".) Until one day the detective gets assassinated by someone from the orphanage sending them a message to stop the investigation.
So Kokichi takes over the Detective's office and to get by he starts working on all kinds of small cases with the help of Dice. And that's what they mostly do. Among those small cases are often cases that have something to do with saving children. However Kokichi occasionally also takes on homicides and investigates organizations. He wants to be prepared for when he finally investigates his mother's murder as well as the organization behind the orphanage. He wants those people locked up in jail forever.
Personality wise Kokichi's pretty much the same. He still loves pranks, lies all the time and would have elaborate stories (lies) about like for example how he was the one who managed to put the previous Queen of Novoselic's assassin behind bars. (The previous Queen was not even assassinated). He'd also jokingly blackmail people by claiming he knows something about them or could figure out something incriminating about them. He never really means it, though he would like try to find out harmless embarrassing secrets to mess with people.
Around the time he gets scouted to Hope's Peak he's specifically requested to assist in the investigation of a mysterious organization that steals information and sends blackmail and other such things. It's a huge flashy case, so of course he picks it up.
At Hope's Peak he then meets an (surprisingly mysterious?) Ultimate lucky student who seems really interested about his Ultimate detective talent and his lying.
Tumblr media
The original portraits from summer 2020. My laptop just broke when I finished the lineart and then I couldn't really edit them on my new tablet anymore and they were getting really old so I just decided to completely redo them. Also lmk if you want the sketch of the climactic scene since I'm not sure if I'll finish it even though I really like it. It looks pretty okay even if it's unfinished.
Also hope this is coherent and that I haven't forgotten anything aah. And damn if you actually made it this far gezus. This took like 4+ hours?? oops.
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romantichopelessly · 4 years
Peppermint, Ginger, Lemongrass and Truth
This is part of the @sanderssidesgiftxchange for @randomfactscenteral based on their wishes for LAMP and a fantasy AU! I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope that you enjoy it! <3
Synopsis: Patton Bellerose is a witch. This wouldn't be a problem, if he didn't have to find out a way to tell his three boyfriends, Logan, Virgil and Roman before sunset on his birthday.
Words: 2.6k
Orange peel for blessings and luck, nettle leaves for courage, and plain old chamomile for encouraging him to finally stop overthinking and get to sleep. Patton let the tea steep for four minutes before pulling his kitty cat mug off the bottom shelf and pouring himself a steaming mug.
Patton paused, staring into the amber swirls of the tea. He deliberated a moment, remembering his older brother’s ever common reminders to Patton to take his magic seriously, before he promptly ignored said reminders and added two heaping spoonfuls of honey.
Across the room, the digital clock on his microwave read 11:27. Patton huffed. There was nothing more frustrating than being unable to fall asleep. Patton had always hated restlessness, especially when he was alone in his tiny apartment.
As if on cue, there was a tiny croak from beside Patton’s elbow. Patton lifted his head from where he had let it drop into his arms and looked to his left. He squinted--it was hard to see in the dim kitchen lights without his glasses, which he had stupidly left on his bedside table in the next room--and made a little face.
“What are you croaking at?” Duchess, the frog that was sitting on Patton’s kitchen bar like she owned the place managed to look completely unimpressed. Patton almost smiled. Were he not so worried about tomorrow, he would have.
Duchess croaked again.
Patton sighed, pulling his mug closer and taking a long sip of his tea. “By this time tomorrow, you’ll be able to speak to me, Chessy. There’s no use lecturing me now. You’ll have the rest of my life to do that.”
And it was true. Despite the usual lifespan of Duchess’s type of frog, as Patton’s familiar, she was cursed (gifted? Patton would have to ask her how she felt about that when he could tomorrow) to live just as long as Patton himself did.
Tomorrow, which began in less than half an hour now, January 15th, was Patton Bellerose’s 21st birthday. And like every other member of the Bellerose family on their 21st birthdays, Patton would be gaining his full powers as soon as the sun set tomorrow.
Which meant that he would have to tell his boyfriends that he was a witch before then.
Patton hadn’t meant to put it off so long. Really, he had planned to tell them weeks ago, things had just… never fallen into place.
It wasn’t that he thought that they would react badly. Patton had been slowly showing them little displays of his powers for months now and they hadn’t shown any sign of fear or outrage yet. Of course, Logan often explained away Patton’s impeccable luck or way with plants as probability and experience, and if Patton wasn’t so unbelievably fond of him, he would have been frustrated at his hardheadedness.
If Logan had figured it out on his own, Patton would never have to deal with telling them at all. Rather unfair of him to be so picky with where he employed his massive intelligence.
To make matters worse, Patton couldn’t tell even partially how the conversation would go down, because he had never had a talent for prophecy. Not like his brother did, at least, and Patton had already exhausted that route. J refused to perform a reading for Patton’s birthday and whether or not his boyfriends would react well to the knowledge of magic existing. So, Patton would have to approach this like any other human, completely in the dark. The uncertainty of telling the three men that he loved more than anything about his biggest secret was… well… keeping Patton up at night.
He couldn’t stop himself from envisioning their reactions. Patton was usually an optimist. He dealt well with luck magic and hopeful manifestation, which more often than not kept his mind away from anxious spirals.
Virgil would have known what to do in this moment. Or, at the very least, he would have kept Patton company while he worried, and oftentimes that was more than enough. Patton smiled softly at the thought.
Then of course, thinking of Virgil pulled his thoughts right back to what Virgil would say tomorrow when Patton told him who--or, rather, what--he was.
He could see it clearly. Virgil was very superstitious. He feared the unknown like no one Patton had ever met before. If--When--Patton were to tell him about magic, Virgil would surely fall into a spiral, questioning all that he knew. He did that at least twice a week as it was!
Patton groaned, burying his face in his hands. His tea was cooling, forgotten on the counter beside him.
Maybe he should start by telling Roman or Logan, then. They would be able to help him break the news to Virgil.
Patton peaked his eyes out between his fingers and looked up at the ceiling.
He could see it now. Roman was a firm believer in fate and romance. He adored fairytales and princess movies, so would it really be such a reach for him if Patton told him that he was a witch? He would be excited about it, right?
Except… Except Patton had been over this route of thinking before.
Roman, above all else, valued honesty. The foundation for all good relationships was truth, after all. His hopeless romanticism was one of his best qualities, in Patton’s humble opinion, but it would also be Patton’s downfall. After dating for nearly two years, to come out with a truth bomb like “Hey RoRo! Did you know that magic is actually real, and I’ve been lying to you about who I am ever since we met? I’m a witch and I do magic! So, would you like to meet my familiar?”
Even if Roman didn’t take Patton’s confession as a breach of trust, there was only one other feasible response that Patton could envision.
What if Roman expected Patton to do magic for him?
Patton shook that thought away. He should be ashamed of himself, thinking so lowly of his own boyfriend. Roman had never given Patton any reason to think that he would do such a thing. They loved each other. And that love extended past anything. Even magic.
Patton reached blindly out, fumbling for the cup of now lukewarm tea on the counter in front of him. He took a bracing sip.
His boyfriends loved him. Virgil loved him. Roman loved him. Logan loved him.
Logan would not take the news well at all, though. Patton knew this for a fact. Logan based most of his opinions and world views on concrete facts. What would he say once Patton told him that the things he once knew to be fact--that magic did not exist, for instance--were actually incorrect? It would shake the foundation of his entire world view.
Patton could easily envision the look on Logan’s face. The bewildered furrow of his brow. The slight gape of his mouth. The shock and disbelief in his beautiful blue eyes. The betrayal that would mask his face.
Patton’s heart ached.
He was almost thankful that he did not have a gift for premonition. The only way that he was going to make it through tomorrow was knowing that there was a chance--even though it was slim. Very slim. So gosh darn slim, in Patton’s huckleberry humbled opinion--that that expression of earth shattering betrayal would never cross Logan’s face. No amount of nose kisses could erase that--or the imagined fear in Virgil’s eyes, or the disillusioned disappointment in Roman’s.
Patton didn’t sleep that night.
“Patton? Darling?”
A hand settled on the small of Patton’s back, startling him out of his own mind. He blinked, smiling reflexively at Logan’s concerned expression. “Yes, honey?”
There was a small furrow in between Logan’s perfectly sculpted brows. Patton wanted to rub it away with the pad of his thumb. He wanted to crack a joke that would make Logan wince, but bring that sparkle that he liked to pretend didn’t exist to his eyes.
“You were distracted again.” It was Roman who spoke this time. He was sitting on the other end of the picnic blanket that the four of them had laid out in the clearing that day. Virgil was sitting in his lap, leaning back against his chest. One of Roman’s hands was in his hair, gently combing through it.
The sight made Patton’s heart flutter for a moment.
His three, beautiful, wonderful, thoughtful boyfriends had surprised him with a picnic for his birthday. And what a lovely day it had been. Just the four of them, enjoying one another’s company…
But now it was almost sunset. And Patton still had not spilled the beans.
How could he, when Virgil was perfectly relaxed, soaking up the sun, and Roman was laughing loudly, his eyes shining, and Logan was humming softly, taking in this perfect moment? Patton bit the inside of his cheek. He knew that he was just stalling, but the idea of possibly shattering this perfect moment was making something in his stomach curdle. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the grass underneath his palm start to wither.
“Sorry.” His voice was small, almost squeaky, but it was all he could hope to get out. He moved his hand.
Virgil opened his eyes. As soon as they met Patton’s, he knew that he was done for. Concern and knowing filled Virgil’s hazel eyes. Patton would have to say something quickly--before his boyfriend jumped to the worst possible conclusion.
He must have hesitated just too long, however, the words stuck in his throat like a wad of chewing gum, because Virgil spoke before he could. “What’s wrong, Pat?” Virgil’s voice was gruff. Patton closed his eyes, shame and guilt for causing his boyfriends to worry burning in his chest. He knew that voice of Virgil’s. It was the exact one that he had feared. Virgil was anxious.
“Nothing.” It was a feeble attempt, and they all knew it. Patton felt like he was going to be sick. He wished that he had cast a calming spell on himself that morning.
By now, all three of his boyfriends had their eyes trained on him, with varying degrees of worry on their faces. “Patton-” Logan started, but Virgil stopped him.
“No. It isn’t nothing. Patton, what is going on? You’ve been acting off, like, all week.” Patton gulped. Virgil’s voice softened a bit. “You can tell us. Please. What are you so worried about, babe?”
Patton opened his mouth. And closed it again. As if he could sense the conflict going on inside of Patton, Roman shifted forward, careful not to move Virgil off of his lap and grasped Patton’s free hand. Logan’s hand, which was still on the small of Patton’s back, began to move in small, soothing circles.
“I’m a witch.” He blurted, his eyes squeezed shut once again. “I mean- my whole family is. I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now, but I just- I couldn’t- and now it’s my birthday and in a few minutes, when the sun sets, my full powers are going to come in, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to hide it when that happened, so I’ve been trying to tell you, but you were all so happy and I didn’t want to ruin the mood, but I’ve been lying and- I just- I’m sorry.”
He opened one eye. Just a crack. Just enough to see his boyfriend’s faces in the dimming afternoon light.
Logan looked shocked, to say the least. Patton could practically see the gears turning in his mind, turning over Patton’s words and examining them from every angle. His hand had paused in its comforting movements on Patton’s back, but he didn’t dare complain. It felt like there was a little chip in his heart.
Roman looked surprised, his gentle smile frozen on his face and his lips parted slightly, as if paused in the middle of an intake of breath. His expression was borderline unreadable. Patton suppressed a wince.
Patton’s gaze slipped over to his third boyfriend, his heart heavy in his chest. But Virgil wasn’t frozen like Logan or Roman. He didn’t even look surprised.
He didn’t look afraid.
Patton did not allow himself to feel hopeful for what that could mean.
Virgil looked almost… calmer than he had before Patton had said what was on his mind. His shoulders were more relaxed, and he was leaning back against Roman once again. He didn’t look at all like Patton had feared. There was no terror. No alarm. It was as if… as if this wasn’t a shock at all.
“V-Virgil?” Patton’s voice was almost inaudible. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Logan and Roman beginning to move, as if they had just returned to their bodies.
Virgil slid forward, off of Roman’s lap. Roman made a small noise of disagreement, and Patton felt a delirious urge to smile. He didn’t. Virgil wrapped his hands around both of Patton’s, bringing his attention away from the cataclysm in his mind. Patton noticed right then that Roman must have dropped his hands somewhere in the middle of his rambling confession.
“It’s okay, Patton.” Patton blinked, startled. He glanced back at Roman and Logan, who looked just as confused as he was. Virgil rubbed his thumbs across Patton’s knuckles, and he turned his attention forward again. “I… sort of already guessed.”
Patton’s mouth dropped open.
“What?” Roman shrieked. “You- You guessed that-”
Virgil shrugged, but there was a tension in his shoulders again as he looked defensively back at Roman. “Yes. It was sort of obvious.”
“I do not believe that obvious is the word that you are looking for, Virgil.” Logan responded. “How could you have guessed-”
“Please.” Virgil rolled his eyes, cutting Logan off. “Have you known anyone who is as good with plants as Patton?” Logan blinked, but did not respond. “Or what about how good he is with animals? Or how the weather is always perfect when all four of us go out?” Logan blinked. It looked as if something was dawning on him. Virgil continued. “And how Patton’s tea always cures our headaches? Has that ever happened before you met Patton? It had to be something like this. It’s-”
“Magic!” Roman gasped, his hand on his chest and a sparkle returning to him. He looked at Patton with wonder in his eyes. “It’s magic! You- Really-”
“Duh.” Virgil answered for him. Patton couldn’t stop himself from the incredulous laugh that burst from him.
There was a pause. Logan, who had been very obviously mulling over the information that Patton and Virgil had just placed before him, spoke next. “How much… exactly-”
Patton’s heart skipped a beat, tendrils of fear creeping back into his chest. However, once again, Virgil saved him by answering first.
“Not now, Logan.” Logan looked a bit put out by this response, but Virgil nudged him jovially with his elbow. “Later. Right now-” Patton looked up. The sky was a burning orange. “The sun is setting. Patton?”
Patton took a deep breath. “Yes?” He wished that his worry wasn’t so obvious.
This time Roman leaned forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You know we love you, right? This could never change anything about how we feel about you.” A lump grew in Patton’s throat. “You’re our person, our love! And we will be here for you.”
Logan cleared his throat and tried for a smile. It made something in Patton’s chest fill up like a balloon. “Yes. We will have plenty of time to discuss, but our love for you is never up for debate.”
Three faces looked back at Patton, pride and love glowing from them as the bright golden light of the sun haloed them like the angels they were. The sun set behind them, and they held him the whole time. Evening set upon the park and the four men in it, and tears welled in Patton’s eyes as they began to glow a brilliant silvery blue.
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
Tokusatsu Au where Rukia plays the lead actress in a superhero action show. Renji plays one of the villains and they are The most popular ship in the fandom. Bonus points if Orihime plays the main villain and loves every second of it.
This was the very first prompt I got, and I fell in love. Unfortunately, aside from a brief period of being grotesquely fascinated with Power Rangers as teen, I know almost nothing about tokusatsu. I did as much research as I could and I attempted to watch an episode of Kamen Rider, but my eyes glazed over halfway through. Anyway, please forgive my inaccuracies, I wrote this with my heart.
ao3 | ff.net
🏍    ⚡   🎬
“Uh, looks like we’re almost out of time,” the panel moderator for “High-Spirited Battle Clairvoyant Tomoe!: A Sneak Peak at Season 5” declared, “but would you be willing to take just a few audience questions?”
Head Screenwriter Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at Leading Actress Kuchiki Rukia out of the corner of his eye, and she gave a tiny nod.
“Yeah, sure!” he replied.
There was already a young woman waiting at the microphone, practically vibrating with anxiety. She was wearing a t-shirt that had ZabiTo4Ever!! handwritten in marker on it. Rukia knew, deep down in her bones, what the question was going to be.
“Hi, yes, hello, big fan of your work! My question is: are Tomoe and Zabimaru going to kiss this season?”
“No,” Rukia started to say.
“As you probably know,” Ichigo said loudly on top of her, “the show holds close to the core plot points of Kuna-sensei’s manga, although, because of her minimalist style, we do expand a lot of the dialogue and filler scenes. She has said in several interviews that High-Spirited Battle Clairvoyant Tomoe! is not a romance manga, so the odds of Tomoe and Zabimaru ever kissing on screen are very, very low.”
The young woman stared at Ichigo grumpily. “Does this also count Zabimaru’s secret college student identity, Satonako Takeru?”
Ichigo stared back at her. “Yes. It does.”
The next question came from a person wearing a full suit of HellKnight’s plasma armor made out of overlapping plates of cardboard. Rukia was kind of impressed by it. She wondered if he could sit down.
“Hi, Kurosaki-sensei, I am a huge fan of your work,” a voice emanated from deep within the cardboard. “I was wondering if you are influenced at all by fanworks, and if Episode 73: Pride is on the Line!: The Bake Sale Must Go On! was based in any way on the classic fanfiction, ‘Tell Me All Your Best Lies’? It’s the top story by kudos in the ZabiTo tag, which I might point out is the most popular shipping category on AO3.”
Ichigo cleared his throat gently. “I am contractually not allowed to read fanfiction, although I do enjoy fanart! There are some incredibly talented artists in the fandom, although for some reason, no one ever wants to draw pictures of Lead Screenwriters.”
“I’ll draw you, sleeping on the set like you always do,” Rukia offered, and that got a pretty big laugh. Rukia’s Tumblr of behind-the-scenes doodle comics was beloved among the fandom.
The next question was from a nonbinary person wearing a big poufy skirt and a hairstyle that would make their make-up and hair guru, Yumichika, sit up and take notice. “Hi, this is a question for Kuchiki-san! If the show is going to roughly keep pace with the manga, as it has done up until now, you should be shooting the storyline where Tomoe and Queen Bloodbuzz switch bodies later this year. I was wondering if you could comment on how you feel about filming that storyline?”
Finally! A good one! “Yes!” Rukia nodded eagerly. “I don’t usually like to speak for my fellow cast members, but Orihime and I are beyond excited about playing each other. We’ve been studying each other’s mannerisms and practicing already! Does anyone want to hear my Queen Bloodbuzz cackle?” She wagged her eyebrows as the audience cheered. “Here goes-- bwaHaHaHaHAHAHAHAAHAAAHAAAAAAAA!”
“Bonechilling,” Ichigo commented dryly as the audience erupted.
“Amazing, Kuchiki-san!” the moderator exclaimed. “I think there is time for one more, but this will be the last question!”
A tall girl in a full set of High-Spirited Battle Clairvoyant Tomoe motorcycle leathers stepped to the microphone. She was holding a notebook. “Hello!” she warbled. “In a 2020 interview with the Psychics and Sidekicks podcast, Abarai Renji was asked about his opinion on ZabiTo as a ship, and he replied,” she consulted her notebook, “‘Tomoe is such a cool lady and talented Battle Clairvoyant, and she always follows her heart and stays true to herself. I think that Zabimaru can’t help but be impressed with her, even though they’re enemies, and I always try to roll that into our on-screen interactions.’ I know that in the past you’ve refused to comment on the ship, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on, y’know, his thoughts?”
“Well, he’s correct, of course, Tomoe is very cool and admirable,” Rukia replied, which drew a few laughs, although it seemed like the audience was leaning forward in anticipation of her answer. “Like I said, I don’t like to speak for other cast members. I’ll be doing a big cast panel with Abarai and Inoue and Matsumoto and Ukitake tomorrow afternoon, and I hope you all can make it! See you then!”
The moderator thanked them enthusiastically, and then Ichigo and Rukia slipped out the back guest entrance.
“Evasive as always, Kuchiki,” Ichigo teased.
“Whatever,” Rukia sniffed. “The higher ups say we’re not supposed to comment on stuff like that, and I was not commenting. By the way, how many secret fanfic accounts are you up to? Four?”
“It’s only three!” Ichigo paused. “I wrote that fanfic the guy brought up.”
“Of course you did,” Rukia sighed. “I do blame you personally for the popularity of the damn ship.”
“Me? Blame Kuna for making up two such sexy, emotionally constipated dumbasses!” Ichigo defended.
“Also, it’s not Ichigo’s fault that you and Abarai have insane chemistry.”
Rukia spun around, grinning. “Orihime!”
Rukia’s two co-stars, Inoue Orihime and Abarai Renji, the portrayers of Tomoe’s demonic archnemeses, stood in the hallway behind them.
“We sat in on your panel!” Orihime beamed. “You two were brilliant!”
“Don’t worry,” Renji added. “We were incognito.”
“Incognito” was relative, Rukia supposed, when you were at Tokyo’s biggest tokusatsu
Orihime was wearing a Zabimaru outfit so detailed that she probably could have won a prize down at the cosplay hall. She had the gravity-defying ponytail, the eyeliner, the insane widow's peak (complete with forehead tatts), the fangs, the motorcycle boots. The paper mache snake skull helmet was a little lopsided, but it was charming. She had her top zipped a little higher than canon, but that was forgivable, too.
Renji had taken the opposite tack of looking as much like a normal person-- or at least a normal Battle Clairvoyant Tomoe superfan-- as possible. Relaxed fit jeans and an oversized hoodie de-emphasized his ultra-fit physique. He was wearing a t-shirt with a very dramatic rendering of Orihime that said “Queen Bloodbuzz can step on me!” and a ball cap with the logo of Seireitei University, the fictional college Tomoe and Takeru attended.
“You think you’re in disguise,” Rukia pointed out, “but there are thousands of teen girls in this place with entire Tumblrs dedicated to your stupid face when you’re out of costume.”
Renji cocked an eyebrow at her. “You underestimate me, Rukia. I have bought… new sunglasses.” With a flourish, he whipped out a pair of the dorkiest wayfarers she’d ever seen, and flipped them onto his face. “I’ve disappeared! Who am I? Where am I?”
“You look really great, Orihime,” Ichigo said, his cheeks coloring a little bit. “Did you get Uryuu or Yumichika to help you with that costume?” In his continuing theme of doing things he wasn’t supposed to, Ichigo had finally started dating Orihime on the downlow around the time they finished up filming last season. It had done absolutely nothing for how shy he still got around her. They were, in Rukia’s opinion, cute as hell.
“Oh, no, that would be cheating!” Orihime replied, wagging a finger at him. “Well…maybe I did cheat, just a tiny bit. Renji helped me make the helmet and he held up references for me while I was painting on the tattoos.”
“Only the forehead ones,” Renji quickly added.
“He wouldn’t even offer feedback on my booby tattoos!” Orihime frowned. She leaned forward. “Rukia, how do they look?”
Ichigo turned even redder.
“Perfect, as in all you do!” Rukia replied loftily.
“What’s everyone got coming up next?” Renji asked. “I was thinking of slipping out and trying to pick up some real coffee.”
“I’m judging a villainess-themed cosplay competition,” Orihime chirped. “But I’m dying for a blueberry caramel iced latte. Renji, my henchman, pleeeeease!”
“Of course, my liege,” Renji replied in his Zabimaru voice.
It’s not like it had been a hard decision to accept the role of the motorcycle-riding, badass heroine of one of the most popular manga of the last decade, but it had turned out to be one of the best decisions of Rukia’s life. not just her career. Aside from a few of the money-obsessed executives, she liked nearly everyone in the cast and crew, but the fact that the fact that the ruthless, homicidal, literally Hell-spawned villains of the show were played by the two sweetest marshmallow people she had ever met just took the cake. Renji and Orihime had already known each other from some voicework they had done previously, and their excitement at working together on a live-action project had infected the entire cast from the start. Rukia wasn’t sure, but she strongly suspected that Renji was the one who had hyped Orihime up to ask Ichigo out.
“I have a writers’ workshop I’m moderating this afternoon, and I wanted to review the writing samples people sent in,” Ichigo said, scratching the back of his head. “I’d love to stop by that cosplay contest, though, at least for a few minutes.”
“You’ll be needing caffeine, too, then, eh?” Renji offered. “Hot, black, and in the largest cup they make, as usual?”
“Ugh, you’re the best,” Ichigo groaned. “You wanna power-up this season? Costume update? You know what? Maybe I’ll just have you defeat Tomoe once and for all, no one likes her anyway.”
“C’mon, you know I’m the world’s number one Tomoe simp, don’t do that!” Renji laughed.
Rukia rolled her eyes. “I’m free and I could use some fresh air. Besides, it’s going to take all your dumb muscles just to carry Kurosaki’s vat of coffee back here.”
“Cool!” Renji proclaimed. “We’ll be back soon!”
“Thanks, Renjiiiii!” Orihime waved.
“You need to stop off and put on a disguise?” Renji asked.
“No point in it, I always get recognized,” Rukia sighed, pulling her sunglasses out of her purse anyway.
“Here,” Renji said, plunking his hat on her head. “Maybe this will help.”
“Thanks,” Rukia replied, and then did a double take. “Whaaaaaat is on your head?”
“Shut up!” Renji laughed. He usually shaved his head when they were filming, because it made it easier to deal with the make-up and wigs, but since they were between seasons, he’d grown his hair out into a short, tousled mop of reddish-brown waves. He looked, for the lack of a better word, dreamy. “I shot a movie over the summer, and they wanted me to look softer.”
Rukia looked at him over the top of her sunglasses. “You didn’t tell me you were doing a movie!”
“Oh, it was just a little indy romcom thing. I wasn’t sure it was gonna pan out, I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
“You were in a romcom? You’re kidding me!” They ducked out of a side door of the convention center into the bright sunshine.
“Yeah, it’s about a guy who goes to the gym to try to get ripped to impress a girl, and makes friends with me, this nice, already ripped dude who gives him lifting tips and encourages him a bunch. By the end of the movie, it turns out we have crushes on each other.”
“Oh, no, that sounds really cute, actually!”
“It was written by a woman who graduated from one of Ichigo’s writing workshops. The script was really snappy and Ichigo thought having someone like me as the gym guy would give it just a bit of campy cachet. You know what a good sense he’s got for stuff like that.”
“That was cool of you to go out on a limb a little,” Rukia replied.
Renji rubbed the back of his neck. “I’d been wanting to try something like that for a while, actually.”
Rukia blinked. “You aren’t… you aren’t thinking of leaving the show, are you?”
“Huh? No. No! No, the show means the world to me, I would never. But… it’s not gonna run forever, y’know?”
“I would have guessed you’d want to be a big action star or something!” Rukia said, throwing a few air punches. “That’s my dream!”
Renji stuffed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. “Yeah, that’s what I thought I wanted when I first got into acting. I’d read the Tomoe manga, and I thought playing Zabimaru would be a good jumping-off point, besides just being a cool character overall.”
“Is that… not true?” Rukia frowned.
“Oh, I mean, I guess so! I didn’t really know about the fandom, though and… to be honest, I’m kinda into the idea that there are all these fans who think I’m complex and redeemable?”
Rukia regarded him out of the corner of her eye. “They just want to fix you.”
“Maybe! Ichigo made me read this one fanfic that was eight thousand words of the reader getting sick and Zabimaru making them soup? And feeding them the soup? I still haven’t decided how I feel about it.”
“How does he have time to find these things? Does he even sleep?”
“Anyway, it doesn’t hurt to be well-rounded and it was fun. I’m still mostly an action guy, but I wouldn’t mind doin’ something with a romantic subplot. A period drama or something like that. I look pretty good in hakama, you know.”
“I bet you do,” Rukia laughed. She squinted at him, but his expression was unreadable behind the shades. Renji didn’t have the classic leading man looks, not like her ridiculously famous older brother, but she could definitely see him as the best friend, the B-plot romance, with his cute, messy hair and that big doofy grin.
“By the way, I’m sorry you had to field that question about me spilling my romantic sensibilities on that podcast.”
Rukia laughed. “You didn’t even answer the question, either! These people are relentless!”
Renji stopped at a street corner and peered down the various possible directions they could go. “Which way feels like it might have a coffee shop?”
“You didn’t have one in mind before we left? I thought you knew where we were going!”
“Nah, I just like to go out and see what there is.”
“I can look up a map,” Rukia said, reaching in her bag for her phone.
“Let’s just go this way,” Renji said, stepping out into the street in the direction that had the WALK light. Rukia sighed and had to scramble to catch up with him.
“So, what do you think about it?”
“Huh?” Rukia asked. “Think about what?”
“Our ship. ZabiTo.”
“I can’t believe you just said that word out loud. And you know we’re not supposed to give our opinion on it!”
“Aw, c’mon, we’re not supposed to give public statements on our opinions. I don’t think there’s any harm in talking between ourselves. We’re in disguise, even.”
“‘Disguise’,” Rukia sniffed.
“You don’t like it, I can tell.”
“He’s a bad guy! Everyone always talks about chemistry, and that may be true, but I just don’t think that Tomoe could ever get over his acts of violence and cruelty.”
“Queen Bloodbuzz is cruel. Zabimaru is not cruel.”
“Okay, that’s fair, but still. He’s kidnapped just about all of Tomoe’s friends and or turned them into monsters at one time or another. He’s always setting Karakura Town on fire or flooding it with magic lizard goo. He ruined the sports festival.”
“Maybe the sports festival deserved to be ruined,” Renji muttered under his breath.
“Okay, you’ve got a point on that one,” Rukia admitted.
“It’s really clear though, that he’s got some agenda beyond just simping for Queen Bloodbuzz--”
“The simping for Queen Bloodbuzz is the most relatable thing about him, to be honest.”
“Granted. But, what if he’s got a good reason for everything he does, actually? What if he’s doing all of this against his own moral code as a means of infiltrating Hell itself and getting himself into a position of trust so that he can bring down the Lords of Hell from the inside?”
Rukia slipped her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose. “Does Kuna give you Zabimaru spoilers?” The reclusive creator High-Spirited Battle Clairvoyant Tomoe! was only barely involved with the television show, but she did privately meet with each of the cast members about once a year. Most of Rukia’s meetings consisted of Kuna giving her constructive criticism on her battle poses.
“No, mostly we practice sneering,” Renji replied. “But I gotta play the guy, so I gotta think about this, you know, what motivates him? I mean, you’re probably right, it would never work out. But unlike Tomoe, whose principles would call for her to ignore any attraction she has to him, Zabimaru has the freedom to pine for her, perhaps because his love is futile and he doesn’t think he deserves it anyway.”
“That’s kinda dark, dude,” Rukia frowned.
“Yes, well, that is the kind of character acting that netted me the 2019 Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Best Villain Award, Foreign Language Category.”
“That’s literally what’s going through your head when you’re shouting that if I can’t make some sick motorcycle jump, you’ll turn all my friends into stuffed animal versions of themselves?”
“No, of course not! At those times I’m thinking about how much I love my job. OH! and what is that I see!” Renji struck an extremely Zabimaru pose. “A MISTER DONUT!”
“My hero!” Rukia exclaimed, unable to resist an opportunity to shout dramatically. “I’m sorry I doubted you!”
“I think we should get some donuts, too. Orihime loves donuts,” Renji declared.
“Oh, for sure,” Rukia agreed. She was thoughtful for a moment. It would be easy to move on to a different subject, the subject being donuts, but she wasn’t happy with leaving the last conversation hanging. “Look, Renji, just because I don’t like the dumb ship, you know that’s not a reflection on you, right?”
“Huh?” Renji replied. “You mean you don’t mind if I like it?”
“Well… I mean, I don’t, I guess, but what I really meant was, er… we joke a lot, but Tomoe and Zabimaru are just parts, y’know? Just because I don’t think Zabimaru isn’t good boyfriend material doesn’t mean I…” Rukia trailed off, suddenly realizing what she was saying. “Um. What I mean is. You’re very nice and probably one of my favorite people I’ve ever worked with and if someone I knew wanted to ask you out, I would definitely encourage them to, A+ guy, I’d say, probably would make a great boyfriend.”
Renji pushed his sunglasses up onto his forehead and regarded her for a long moment. “For the record, Kuchiki, I think that both you and Tomoe would make excellent girlfriend material.” While Rukia stood there and gaped like a fish, he turned and pushed open the door to the coffee shop. “Ichigo likes crullers and Orihime always wants the most colorful thing they’ve got. Do you know what you want?”
“I need to think about it,” Rukia squeaked. She wasn’t talking about donuts.
🏍    ⚡   🎬 
Bonus: Here are my notes from when I was making up the show. I hope this wasn’t too confusing!
High-Spirited Battle Clairvoyant Tomoe!
based on a manga by reclusive mangaka Kuna Mashiro
Head Screenwriter: Kurosaki Ichigo
🌟 Starring: 🌟
Kuchiki Rukia as Yukimura Tomoe, a spunky college student who can see ghosts and fights demons from Hell! She rides a motorcycle!
Inoue Orihime as Queen Bloodbuzz, a Lady of Hell, who seeks to gather energy from the Living Realm so that she can become the Supreme Ruler of Hell. Very aesthetic. Much bees.
Abarai Renji as Zabimaru, Queen Bloodbuzz’s ruthless henchman. He leads a double life as fierce-looking, but gentle-hearted college student Satonaka Takeru! What is his long game??
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Soft Spot [K.TH x Reader] 🔞🐾
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Pairing: Wolf Hybrid!Kim Taehyung x Bunny Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, slight angst, Smut, hybrid Au!
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, soft Dom!Tae, edging, manhandling, size kink, primal themes, praise kink, big dick!Tae, biting, there's a hunting scene but its all just a game, Tae dont wanna eat his bunny, at least not like that, dom/sub elements, a lot of petnames
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Taehyung, and Y/n, were the probably weirdest yet most cliche couple around. While most would argue if this is something that could work out, Taehyung keeps his bunny close at all times, never letting her get too far away from him. But sometimes he can't deny that he craves to chase his little prey, having the urge to be a little more rough with his fragile seeming doll of a girlfriend. But catching a bunny is not an easy task, no matter what animal may run in your veins.
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  Stretching your arms above your head, your ears moved towards the sound of the birds outside the opened window. Taehyung and you liked the bedroom chilly, as it was more comfortable to slip under the covers and warm each other up while the soft breeze would bring fresh air inside. Both of you loved these moments, moments where it was just the two of you; he once said that he would happily quit his job if it meant he could spend his entire day with you, and you had laughed. The artist and you were a couple seemingly pulled out of a fantasy novel, with all cliches included. You; a short bunny hybrid with your soft features and clingy personality, and he; a tall lanky wolf hybrid, paired with a grim attitude and a love for food. But while this may seem cute in theory, relationships between predator and prey hybrids are still seen as controversial. You still remember the stares and judging looks as well as remarks you both got during your senior year when you first started out as friends; people making fun of you for running into his open mouth as they said, and people judging Taehyung for 'playing with food'. However, you both never parted ways, no, the complete opposite happened. It was at your graduation when you confessed to him, all shy and jumpy, ready to fun off as soon as you finished- but he had you in his arms too fast for you to escape; and ever since then, you both lived together.
While Taehyung made something out of his talent for Art, becoming a painter and airbrush artist to cover up bad streetart with amazing designs for the town and even displaying some of his art at large showcases and conventions, you started to work at a kindergarden, your naturally very motherly and caring nature proving helpful at your job. This time around, you both took two weeks off. You didn't plan anything really, just taking time for yourselves and no one else, and you were happy to know that, even though you did wake up as early as you would normally, you didn't have to leave Taehyung alone today. You took the chance to take a good look at him while he slept soundly under the covers, his face mushed into the pillow underneath, one hand still on your thigh. He always searched for any form of physical contact with you during the night, immediately shifting or even waking up when his fingers couldn't find your skin. His favorite sleeping position was when you either laid on top of him, or when he had his head on your chest so he could hear your heartbeat during the night. Whenever he had to go overseas for a convention or art display he complained to no end over the phone how he couldn't sleep no matter how luxurious the hotel was- so you always sneaked one of your sweaters or shirts into his suitcase for him to find, just to make his nights a bit easier. And even though he told you time and time again how it wasn't as good as the real thing, he still appreciated it greatly.
It was the same for you however. While you were fine at work, you felt very insecure without his presence around. You remembered how you once agreed on going out with some of your work friends, yet ended up with a panic attack in one of the bathrooms while frantically calling him to pick you up, scared of all the people around you. You were a typical prey hybrid- easily scared, a little jumpy, and very shy. That was why you hated to go on educational courses. It was like going back to school with everything involved, yet this time all of you were young adults, and Taehyung wasn't around to help you during the day. The fact that you had to stay at a hotel as well was bad too, making you feel small in the lonely rooms and foreign towns. Again and again Taehyung had tried to convince your superiours to let him go along, but he wasn't allowed to, since they also wanted to see if you were fit for such stressful situations. You really weren't, but until now you at least managed to get through with it.
What Taehyung only told you recently was how often he had night tremors involving you whenever you weren't in your 'safe space' how he called it. The apartment was in a more crowded city, yet due to your love for interiour design and a habit of collecting things, it felt like home to both of you. Taehyung knew you were safe here, shielded from all the bad around you both. So whenever he knew you were alone at a mere hotel he felt uneasy, checking in on you constantly, uncaring on how clingy he may seemed. He'd lost you in a crowd once, and ever since then he had an ingrown fear of loosing you. This was another reason why you simply started to put on a brave face so he wouldn't worry so much. But he knew how much you struggled, feeling it in your bones whenever you returned into his arms.
Slowly untangling yourself from his limbs, you placed your hot water bottle from under your pillow under his hand to trick him just so he could catch up on his sleep a little more. Taehyungs body temperature was generally a bit lower than yours by nature, yet due to his favoritism of colder climate and your sensitivity to it, you preferred to sleep with a hot water bottle under your pillow just so you wouldn't make him feel uncomfortable during the night, even though he would never admit it.
In the kitchen your feet patted over the cold tiles, making you internally hiss a little and tip-toe instead of properly walking. You closed the kitchen door softly, careful not to make too much noise before heating up some water and making yourself tea. You didn't like the bitterness of coffee, no amount of sugar or cream could really fix that for you, so you enjoyed tea while Taehyung would usually have his coffee. Yawning and stretching again, you looked outside the windows to see the sun slowly peaking in, clouds still a deep orange while bringing the soft blue tones of daylight with them. Finishing your cup with two cubes of sugar (heart-shaped, because you insisted), you moved to open the door to your small balcony, shivering at the fresh air, but closed the door behind you anyways, hoping the sun would bring warmth soon.
You heard him way before he opened the door, something that was thanks to your hybrid genes. However, you and him had become so comfortable around each other, that your natural fear of him as a predator was practically nonexistend at this point. That was the reason why, when he came up behind you lazily, you didn't turn around. Simply your ears indicated that you knew of his presence. A blanket was draped over your form before arms snaked around you, his face moving to press a lazy kiss on your neck. "Hm.. why're you up..?" He grumbled, his sleepy morning voice even deeper and raspier than it was during the day. You shrugged simply, not answering him vocally. You watched as the cars sped by slowly, more and more driving along the streets as the day began. Taehyung had rested his head in the crook of your neck, and you wondered if he'd fallen asleep for a second, before he teasingly bit the skin, making you squeak out of instinct. He chuckled, before he placed a kiss on your cheek, telling you he'd prepare breakfast.
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"When did you make all this?" Taehyung laughed, while unpacking the bag you brought with you for your small picnic. You both loved the woods close to a nearby park, the large area making both of your inner animals feel at ease. You were alone it seemed, thankfully. You simply shrugged at his question, while he began to spread out the blanket and place the different containers with food on it. You wore a lavender colored dress and a white fluffy jacket Taehyung had bought you to your 20th Birthday once, while he was dressed more casually. The weather was nice, yet the soft breeze was still a little chilly. You both went out ether way, since that small detail didn't bother you.
You both began to eat silently, having smalltalk about what had been going on at both your workplaces while you have been too busy to talk about these days. When you mentioned how one of the mothers was giving you a hard time Tae jokingly told you he'd come and pick you up next time just to intimitade her, but you laughed and told him not to. It didn't matter how sweet his gesture was meant to be, you didn't want him to get a bad repuptation around town, as this could seriously and very fast influence his work. People right now saw him as a gentle, silent man- which he was, of course, but once he would catch the public eye for growling at another person even if it was just for the laugh of it, people, especially the human part, would be uneasy as well. Hybrids were still a minority, a part of society that had to fight harder than others to gain a place within. You knew that all too well, having had several situations in which parents didn't want to leave their kids in your care simply because of what you were born as. It should offend you, make you feel hurt of misjudged, but you always tried to see the reasoning behind things. That was a part of your personality Taehyung admired and though was a little dangerous- it made him feel even more protective of you, since you were so easily influenced and used. The thought alone made him grumpy.
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You didn't quite remember what had started it. Maybe it was your teasing tone, how you both had been deprived of intimacy for a good month or so, or maybe it was just because. However, now you were running. Not into your lovely boyfriends arms no no- you were running away. The trees were practically flying by as you forced your aching legs to keep up the speed, even though your lungs had already started to burn. This was no time to stop and exhale for a break, because every step you took meant that he was getting closer, his legs having the advantage of being way longer than yours. You could already feel his very presence somewhere behind you, but you couldn't afford to turn around and look. You knew he was there. Trying to find him would just lead you to your chase's end faster.
This chase was almost laughably unfair in his eyes, since for every step he took you needed at least three to outrun him. This was something he'd dreamt of the last couple of weeks again and again. He moved around with ease, never loosing sight of his target, yet he almost yelped when he saw you stumble and fall onto your knees. He stopped a little further away from you in his tracks, wanting to laugh a bit at you, until he picked up the scent of blood. The moment you had turned to face him, eyes wide like the moon itself staring at him, he knew he was a goner. His grin began to show, almost mockingly, as he moved closer, making you back up pathetically on your hands and knees.
"Oh bunny, look at you." He said lowly, his voice sending familiar shivers down your spine. Maybe you should really start to get scared, maybe this wasn't just a game anymore. Maybe his inner wolf had slowly caught up to him. Once you jumped upwards, dashing away again, he laughed and caught up to you quickly, now desperate to end the chase once and for all. You started to get tired, he noticed, so he grabbed the back of your light jacket and pulled you backwards into his chest with ease where you landed with an 'oof'. He held you like that, savoring the way you panted against his chest, his hand slowly moving your head, exposing the side of your neck for him, leaving you defenseless and completely at his mercy. You shivered, hands clenched to tiny fists, body completely tense, and oh he loved it.
Your bonding mark was still ever so present, his lips placing open mouthed kisses along the scar, until he bit onto it-
You squeaked weakly while your already folded ears almost molded against your skull, making him chuckle, feeding his inner wolf with pride. This was the end of the chase. You'd lost.
Throwing you over his shoulder he began to casually carry you back the way you both came, putting you down onto the picnic blanket you brought when you first arrived- and before the playful chase started. Once laid down, he immediately took his place above you, towering over your body before hungrily kissing your lips, making you gasp. You somehow knew where this would lead, and you could physically feel yourself blush- and grow restless.
He moved a bit around until he had one of his legs between yours, making you buck against his thigh involuntarily. He chuckled, his kisses wandering down your throat until he nipped at your collarbone, looking up at you with eyes that seemed way too soft to belong to a vicious predator like him, as he spoke to you with the sound of velvet.
"Let's pack up yeah? I wanna take my catch home to admire."
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Admiring wasn't really the right word for what he did. Arriving home, he immediately ditched all the bags, straight up carrying you upstairs to your shared bed, where he let you get up on, starting to shed each others clothes as fast as possible. Taehyung, being faster than you since your arm got stuck in your jacket, laughed a bit at you before helping. The way he kissed you was awfully gentle for such a ruthless predator he was always said to be, his touch featherlight yet ever so present against the judgement of others around you who made up rumors years ago when you were both still at college. Things like how you were a masochist, probably littered in bruises and bites, yet they would never know how wrong that was.
Even though Taehyung was a very dominant person, he was also a very gentle lover. There was not hardcore bondage or anything like that involved. He never called you degrading names, never even so much as told you to get on your knees, always very persistent on asking you if you were okay with pleasing him in that sense. He knew that some people found pleasure in seeing their partners choke, or even cry, but he himself couldn't really handle that with you. In his eyes you were a porcelain doll, fragile and oh so beautiful. You deserved to be worshipped like a goddess in his opinion, and he always made sure that you knew how much he adored you.
"Look at you, pretty doll.." He said, removing your clothes with outmost care while his lips never parted from yours. You squirmed at his touch, wanting more and more, growing impatient with how slow he was being. Yet he only cooed at you, taking his sweet time all he wanted. This was how his dominant side showed- not through straight force, but with his own sense of persuasion, the way he could silently tell you what he wanted you to do, and you would follow oh so willingly. Hell, if he wanted to you'd jump down your balcony just to see his bright boxy smile he hated. He always said it makes him seem awkward. To you it made him seem ethereal.
"Be patient." He growled when your hands found his length through his shorts, swatting your hands away from it with gentle force. You mewled, yet he only chuckled, his own hands moving down on your body to slip underneath your own panties- feeling your wetness, before he decided to get rid of the last piece of clothing you wore. Sighing when he finally slipped one of his long fingers inside, you already knew you wouldn't last long. However, before you could catch your release, he suddenly parted completely, moving around the bed to grab a condom from the bedside drawer. His smile was impish, he knew what he'd just done, and for some reason you already knew this wasn't the last time he'd strip you of your sweet climax. "Oh, are you mad bunny?" He said innocently when you huffed a little, having the audacity to slightly pout at him. He found it adorable how your entire posture changed like a click of his tongue when you spotted him shedding his last item of clothing as well. Your foot was trying to reach his knee but he sat just a little further away from you. He chuckled, suddenly moving to tower over your body, hands finding your wrists before you could feel him enter you. He huffed at the way your tight walls embraced him, while you made a pleased sound even though it stung a little to take all of him.
He loved to have you like this. No concept of time, simply you two, and no one else in this world. Maybe that was his main force behind him dragging this moment of bliss for the both of you as long as he could. He sped up a little, slowly moving faster and faster above you, until he could feel you flutter around him. He suddenly pushed a little more, making you gasp, before he stayed like that, unmoving. Your panting figure started to weakly fight against him with your wrists still bound in his own hands, hips trying to wiggle just to get at least a bit of friction. "Nuh uh Cottontail-" He mused, a teasing undertone yet his voice a bit out of breath. "Lets stay like that for a bit, yes?" He said, and you shook your head, breath coming out in small bursts as you continued wiggling. Suddenly he released you, before pushing your hips down with a bit more force, his voice more serious this time, making you shiver. "I said, lets stay like that for a bit." His thumbs started to circle on your sensitive skin while you looked at him with pleading eyes, hands grabbing the bedsheets underneath in frustration. Yet somehow you both calmed down after a minute, before his hands moved upwards, helping you to sit on his lap, careful to not slip out of you.
He started to move you again, your voice small yet he could hear your oh so pretty moans perfectly with how close your faces were. He groaned as well, his own games getting to him as well, even though he wouldn't admit it. He already dreaded when this would end, trying to stretch it as long as he could. You began to pick up your own pace, yet he could see your energy slowly fading with how you huffed on his lap. "Slow down bunnybaby.." He cooed at you, before halting your movements again, this time sighing as well at the way his own orgasm began to move out of reach as well. You let your forehead fall on his shoulder, and he embraced you tighter, hands running over your back, softly trying to ease your shivering body. "We got all the time of the world my dear." He said softly, before he laid you on your back again, shoving your smaller body a bit higher on the matress so your head could rest on the pillows, before he moved your legs upwards, allowing him to go even deeper for another attempt. By now he was actually getting unsure if he could stop himself for another time. Yet he tried anyway, however delicious the feeling was that he was experiencing. When he pulled out this time, leaving you whining, your eyes started to water, making him comfort you immediately. "Shh baby, it's okay, thats the last one, you're doing so good for me." He praised, making you sniffle at him with a slight smile. "So so good bunnygirl." He said, moving to enter you another time. He held his hand over your skin just underneath your bellybutton, feeling himself moving inside you. "Does my baby love being filled up, hm?" He asked you in such a soft tone you could only nod, exhausted, yet looking forward to him fulfilling his promise. "Ah, you're just so sweet, I can't get enough pretty baby.." He murmured on top of you, suddenly embracing you again once he could feel your legs tremble. "Cum baby, you wanted it, I'm giving it." He said, and you mewled out, huffing at your release, your eyes squeezing shut and your hands frantically searching his to hold, making his own heart swell. He picked up his speed before he pulled out, discarding the condom in the bin thankfully straight beside the bed before he brough himself to his release with one hand, the other still holding yours. Even though he wasn't a fan of messy sex, seeing your skin covered in his release made him feel a certain kind of way. It was somehow as if he was claiming you anew. He groaned when he felt himself get oversensitive, breathing for a bit before slowly getting up and grabbing some tissues to clean you and himself up, before he plopped down on the bed next to you.
You immediately started to tiredly move around, grabbing all the stray blankets, pillows, and even his clothes, making him chuckle. "Let me help you, hm?" He said, getting up and taking the blankets that laid on the sofa as well as the few pillows to your bed, where you already placed everything neatly on one pile, with a dip in the middle. You were always like this after you both had sex- or made love as Taehyung called it. It was in your hybrid genes to nest, and he had early on found out that you had to do it yourself in order to ground your mind back down. The fact that you had accepted his presence within your 'nest' however always made his heart beat faster. You both had marked each other years ago, yet every small prove of you being his mate, and accepting him as yours was cherished by him. He laid down next to you, pulling your body on top of his before you kissed his collarbone lazily, your hands resting on his chest with your legs thrown over his waist.
In this society this wasn't typical, and he remembered in moments like these how terrified he was when you both began dating. He remembered taking your virginity, him being almost more scared of it then you were, or how he would hate the stares you both got whenever you went out somewhere. Now, he couldn't care less about it- knwoing how proudly you always introduced him as your boyfriend made him do the same with you. He didn't care about the weird remarks or sometimes even the laugh's he got.
Because at the end of the day, when he had you in his arms like that, safe and sound, he knew, that eachother was all you both really needed in this world.
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Thank you so much for reading, and your patience with me!
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morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
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@truethes​ said:  11, 13, 29 & 31 for the experience yourself meme!!
Experience Yourself Munday Meme
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what  is  a  headcanon  you  have  for  [ Sonia ]  that  you  haven’t  posted ?
A lot of my unposted headcanons at the moment revolve primarily around Sonia’s family, as much of my brainstorming right now is coming up with how they fit into a few different storylines where bringing in the Novoselic Royal Family is unavoidable. But, they’re a lot of fun to think about and write for! 
That said, here’s a slightly opaque, yet major, headcanon I have for Sonia specifically:
In the DR fandom, there’s been discourse in the past about how Sonia’s talent, among a few others, aren’t really real talents. She was born a princess, she didn’t choose it: why should she be at Hope’s Peak perfecting it?
I’ve taken this conversation and shaped it to fit a headcanon of mine: while Sonia’s talent is, absolutely, a real talent (just look at her listed canon skills that go along with it! It’s why I have a hard time believing Sonia to be stupid or dumb. She’s sheltered, has little in the way of common sense, and has trouble identifying when someone is being genuine in their feelings towards her and not putting her on a pedestal or just wanting something from her, but she’s not a bimbo), I headcanon that Sonia was not actually scouted to attend Hope’s Peak.
Instead, it was a deal made by the school and her family to send Sonia there, somewhere very far from Europe, due to circumstances that necessitated her to leave the continent for a considerable period of time. It wasn’t that she needed to go to Hope’s Peak to hone her skills as a princess: it was that she couldn’t go back to In Utero, or really any school that had students in the same social circles. In short, Sonia needed to disappear. As far away from Novoselic Castle as possible.
So, she’s not only excited to go to the motherland of otaku and live a normal life, she’s running from something. She’s also, very quietly and discreetly, in therapy during her time in Japan. It is not something the Royal Family wants known.
And yes, I’ve plotted out the circumstances that resulted in Sonia attending Hope’s Peak. However, I’ve yet to write a thread or build enough interactions up to warrant bringing that story up. In canon, it becomes a moot point and in Non-Despair modern AUs, there just hasn’t been reason to add it into a plotline yet.
But Sonia cannot, and will not, answer questions about why she’s at Hope’s Peak, and most characters would not know the reason anyway (including Junko, tbh! There were a lot of non-disclosure agreements made about it). 
if  you  could  tell  your  muse  something ,  what  would  it  be ?
Your family isn’t always right, and those you trust the most have hurt you just as deeply: you just can’t see it yet. Don’t underestimate the power of found family: even if it breaks with tradition, these are people who truly believe and want the best for you.
There are risks you take because they’re fun and ultimately do not add anything meaningful to your life, and there are risks you shy away from because you’re afraid of hurting someone else, including yourself. But people are resilient and adaptable, including yourself. At some point, you need to let others in and let them see you, support you, and love you at your lowest point. They will not think less of you.
The butter goes on the toast after you put in the toaster, not before. Cookbooks and directions exist for a reason, and not following them to ‘make the cooking process more fun!’ is not a legitimate reason to deviate from them.
what  part  of  your  blog’s  style  are  you  most  attached  to ?
Aesthetically? I love my new layout! I like pink for Sonia, but not as much pink as my previous layout. This one suits my muse much better, and is much easier to read.
In terms of process? The queue. Always and forever, the queue. Respect the queue. Love the queue.
I write a lot. The majority of my threads are long multi-paras bordering on novellas and I write novella-length drabbles (this is my reminder that I should write another one for bear because the plot bunny just won’t go away). Longer threads bring me joy. But with that joy, it can get tiring very easily, very quickly, to reply to everything I get every day and post them immediately. I’m an adult with a full-time job and other life commitments and I can’t be doing what I consider to be my best writing all the time.
Enter, the queue! I schedule my replies to post 2x/day most of the time and usually, that keeps both a steady work and writing flow and it allows me to be fair in my interactions. I try to work and reply on what I get first (or if I have a lot to reply to/start, I go with what I have the most muse for) and that way I can keep up threads with older mutuals while starting things with new ones as well.
A big pet peeve of mine is when blogs take on too much: too many threads, too many asks, and never get to/reply to everything. And eventually, they either delete every thread and ask to start over, or just make new blogs. I really endeavor not to do this. I write and queue the way I do so that as many threads as I can comfortably handle get continued and interactions are built. It’s why I don’t post starter memes/inbox/starter calls unless I know I can devote the time to new interactions, that everything I’ve currently got is written and queued.
Admittedly, I’m not a great writing partner for shorter interactions and quick replies. But I love the queue.
what  hobbies  do  you  have  outside  of  roleplaying ?
I don’t have too many, honestly. I used to be more into power lifting but now I work out for the sake of staying fit only. I have a full-time job (and usually a lot of overtime) that keeps me busy, and I cosplay (and attend conventions) and really enjoy fashion (I post OOTDs on my personal Facebook and Instagram, usually). I’m in the process of buying a house with my fiancé that takes up a lot of my free time, and once that’s done we’re setting a marriage ceremony date and planning a honeymoon. Just waiting for travel to Europe to get a bit more relaxed! I miss international travel a lot (and trips to New York City and Disney World). 
In short, Rae is old and boring and doesn’t have much time for many hobbies :(
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potatotrash0 · 4 years
BOTH?? You want both,, oh god I am so sorry for what is to follow. Okay. I will send in two (2) asks, one for each.
First I will clarify things about the last one! The glasses girl is Tōko, or, more accurately, Genocider! The Main Course has minimal core classes like math and science and such, and dedicated most of the time to “Lab Time” for the Ultimates! For example, Ultimates like Kazuichi and Miu would have access to the engineering lab, which would have supplies and technology and space for building and tinkering.
Since Genocider and Komaeda have the same talent, they’re the only ones aware of each other, and are encouraged to spend time together to build their talents. However, they have to be a little bit secretive about it. The lab that they share is pretty much a broom closet with weapons shoved into it, so they don’t stay in there like they probably should. Not enough room for shenanigans. They harass Hajime and attempt to pin each other to trees with throwing knives/scissors during their lab time.
They don’t exactly see eye to eye, but Komaeda isn’t allowed to kill Genocider, partially because of Hope’s Peak and partially because Tōko herself didn’t do anything wrong, so they’re an odd sort of begrudging frenemies.
Let’s start with angst. : )
No-Despair! You would think this would be the nice one, but it’s not.
So I’ve already told you about life at Hope’s Peak, but things only pick up after graduation. Komaeda isn’t an amateur by any means, but he still no longer has the full protection of Hope’s Peak Academy over him.
He’s as active as ever though, even a bit more so since he has no longer had any obligations during the day, or at least he didn’t until he got a part time job at a nearby library. (He has plenty of money left over from his parents [car crash, in this AU], so he doesn’t NEED a job, but he likes having something to do. Plus he gets access to a bunch of books both to read and organize!)
Which is where we see our wonderful Hajime again! Since he declined the Kamukura project, his tuition (which had been waived for the project’s grant) was reinstated, so he was barely able to graduate Hope’s Peak because of how much the committee was determined to milk the reserve course’s wallets.
He went from there directly into university, and he didn’t go too far away for it. He tried to stay in the general area to be closer to his friends and because he’d already found a good deal for an apartment, even if it was in a bit of a sketchy area. (That’s important for later)
Sometimes, Hajime sees the weird tall pale guy from Hope’s Peak at the library where he studies and leeches off the free wifi! He always has some sort of book in his hands (forensic anthropology last time) and he’s always willing to make conversation and attempt to help him out with his papers. Hajime thinks he’s weird, but not in a bad way. He seems nice enough, if a bit awkward sometimes. When he gets really excited when he talks, he tends to stutter. Hajime thinks it’s cute of him but also you are talking so fast what are you saying.
So basically he’s developing a bit of a crush on the weird librarian man. HOWEVER.
Weird librarian man isn’t the only one he’s developing a bit of attraction for (as much as he hates it).
Living in the area he lives in, he gets a good deal rent-wise, but there are some issues. Being that there’s a significant amount of criminal activity, including Kibō no Kiba, who is actually in a few blurry photos that he can nearly pick out his apartment building in. Kind of terrifying.
Except for the fact that Hajime keeps stumbling across this man and now knows him personally and he’s actually pretty nice, except for the fact that he’s, you know, a CRIMINAL. Hajime wants to beat up the part of his brain that thinks he’s hot, but it’s hard not to think that when he wears such form-fitting black clothing. The gloves and the shirt especially should be illegal. (Buff Komaeda. Buff Komaeda. How terrifying. Do you know that one picture from the manga? I sure do.)
Anyways, the first time Hajime met him, he’d come across a body in an alleyway on his way home. He wasn’t sure what he was looking at first, because it couldn’t be real, right? A body couldn’t be there. That made no sense. But there was, and it hit him like a bus soon enough.
Luckily (or unluckily), the killer hadn’t left yet, and quickly came to him to help calm him down once he realized he was going into a panic attack. Then, after getting him away from the body and helping him calm down, Komaeda realized he recognized him. Hajime from high school that Genocider teased him relentless for after admitting that he thought he was hot! Friend Hajime!! Pretty boy Hajime!!
So of course he helps get Hajime home. Even though Hajime is at the same time torn between knocking his mask off to turn him in and thanking him for helping him out and beating him up because who the fuck just kills someone like that at least give the body to the proper authorities what the fuck.
I will leave you to speculate about the angst that comes later because this message is already an ungodly word count probably so here you go!!!
Hajime, are you getting the hots for a serial killer? Kinda freaky I will not lie skjfkdjfkdhddkdjskdj same tho
Ahhhh I love this so much waitt ack!!!! I am being Fed right now ty <3
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transbian-uprising · 4 years
Some of my own Danganronpa non-despair AU headcanons/imagines this time! (THH edition)
I was inspired, so I decided why not write down some headcanons/imagines/character adjustments for my Danganronpa non-despair AU! I’m gonna be doing this as a series, starting with the THH characters, then the SDR2 characters, then the V3 characters (although I will mention characters from other games in my headcanons). Enjoy!
Makoto Naegi | 苗木誠
He’d definitely lend a listening ear to whoever wanted to vent to him.
When he first comes to Hope’s Peak, he’s such a fanboy over everyone
He has an inferiority complex and self worth issues because he’s surrounded by insanely talented students, but Sayaka and Kyoko quickly help him get over that
He’s pretty good at keyboard, and plays alongside Sayaka a lot
He actually got noticed by Kaede, who offered to teach him, which obviously he was ecstatic about
He’s the only one in Class 78th, and possibly all of Hope’s Peak, who is neurotypical
Sayaka Maizono | 舞園さやか
Her and Makoto are basically best friends
She’s still a total cinnamon roll, but she loves to play little pranks on the rest of Class 78th and have a good laugh over it
She, Ibuki, Leon and Kaede tried to form a music group together but they fell apart really quickly due to their different styles
She has a huge crush on Makoto, but she’s afraid to admit it
Leon Kuwata | 桑田怜恩
He’s almost always the only one in class, just so he can avoid playing baseball
Ibuki taught him guitar and he’s been playing nonstop ever since
He *tries* to get along with Sayaka, but prefers hanging out with Ibuki since they almost always end up playing together
Everyone in Class 78 calls him the Ultimate Guitarist because... reasons
Toko Fukawa | 腐川冬子
She doesn’t have the weird thing for Byakuya in this au
She doesn’t slut shame the girls either
She’s still really shy tho
She initially dislikes Hifumi for writing fanfic, but they eventually bond over their mutual love for writing
She’s also close with Tsumugi, and the two of them collaborated to write a book that was loosely based on Tsumugi’s favorite anime
Genocider Syo is friends with Sonia, but she’s a bit put off by Sonia’s obsession with her and other serial killers
Kiyotaka Ishimaru | 石丸清多夏
Initially, the rest of the class shys away from him because he has a stick up his ass about the rules, but Mondo and Chihiro quickly befriend him
After a while, he loosens up a bit, but he never stops being the Ultimate Moral Compass
He tries to bond with the class by telling jokes, but he’s always super awkward with it and is usually unsuccessful
He’s SUPER gullible — he’ll believe anything anyone tells him, and you better believe Class 78 uses that to their advantage
Once, he dyed his hair white on a dare, and ended up liking it and kept it that way
He also tries to do impressions of his classmates (mostly Mondo) but, again, is painfully bad at it
Everyone actually finds these funny tho
Mondo Oowada | 大和田紋土
He, surprisingly, likes to play card games, which everyone was shocked to find out
Except Celeste, who is fascinated by his interest
He’s very protective of his friends, and will do anything for them
Especially Taka and Chihiro, his two best friends
He’s an amazing hairstylist, and secretly loves to play with and style people’s hair
Everyone in all of Hope’s peak knows to go to him for hair care tips and tricks
He also taught Chihiro how to ride a motorcycle the two of them rode around together a lot, until Taka ratted them out
He still hasn’t forgiven Taka for that
Chihiro Fujisaki | 不二咲千尋
In this au, he’s a bit more open about his gender, but still has loads of insecurities
At first, he’s completely in the closet, but after rumors spread online about him being a boy, he decides to live as himself and goes to Mondo for help
Mondo became his first real friend to him because of this, and him (and eventually Sakura too) helped him become strong
Eventually, he became an honorary member of Mondo’s gang and would often hang out with them in his free time
His hidden talent is being a voice actor, but he’s super embarrassed to talk about it since he’s the Ultimate Programmer
His first voice role was in a video game he developed himself, which led some talent scouts to notice him
He eventually voiced in several anime and video games, some of which he also helped develop
He’s almost as passionate about acting as he is about programming, but the only people he feels comfortable talking about it to are Hifumi and Tsumugi, who both become huge fans of his, and Mondo and Taka
When he found out Junko had created Monokuma, he was fascinated and offered to help her with ironing out all his kinks
He, Chiaki, Mukuro and Miu also created the Exisals in this au, for the sole reason of fooling around
Although, Chihiro himself was a bit intimidated by his creation at first, but after Tsumugi and Junko pressured him to try one out for himself, he fell in love
Yasuhiro Hagakure | 葉隠康比呂
He’s less of a dumbass in this AU, although he still has a tendency to get himself in sticky situations
Celeste and Hifumi played a prank on him by getting him to dress up in the Robo Justice suit and go around scaring people, but it backfired after Hiro fell down the stairs and broke his leg
Being the only one in the class who can, he often buys wine for Celeste and Mondo (and whoever asks, but only those two ever do)
He and Mondo use the same hair gel, so sometimes he’d take Mondo’s without knowing, which would lead to some awkward misunderstandings
Interestingly, he once predicted the world would end and they’d all end up dead, but that never ended up happening
That’s where the “30% accurate” thing came from— before that he was almost always right
He constantly makes jokes about being an old man (even though he’s only in his early twenties)
Hifumi Yamada | 山田一二三
He’s no longer solely attracted to anime characters, but he still loves them very much
He’s also nicer in this au
He’s besties with Tsumugi, and they bond over their love of anime and fiction
He’s also a huge fan of Chihiro’s, after he found out Chihiro was on the development team for his favorite game AND voiced two of his favorite anime characters
Low key has a crush on Celeste
Angie constantly makes jokes about how his first name is just “one two three” in Japanese
Whenever he’s watching an anime Chihiro was in, he’ll hound him with questions about what it was like recording, which Chihiro doesn’t mind because he doesn’t get to talk about his voice work a lot
Someday he wants to write and direct his own anime, and Tsumugi and Toko give him a lot of writing tips
He formed a LARP group with Gundham, Tsumugi, Chihiro, Junko, and Kaito
Celestia Ludenberg
She doesn’t treat Hifumi like a servant in this AU, but she’s still mean af and has a superiority complex
She eventually revealed her true identity to the class after she got inspired by Chihiro, but it didn’t change anything with her classmates
Except Hiro, who constantly made jokes about them having the same name, much to Celeste’s annoyance
She occasionally brings Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg to school with her, but she doesn’t let anyone except Hifumi, Sonia and Gundham pet him
She high-key has a crush on Sonia
She doesn’t actually know how to do her own hair, so she has to get Mondo to do it for her
Sakura Oogami | 大神さくら
She and Tenko become friends SO QUICKLY because of their shared passion for martial arts
She’s still friends with Aoi tho
The three of them hang out together a lot
She and Tenko developed a new form of martial arts combining Neo-Aikido and Sakura’s own style, which they named the Oogami Method
Junko bullied her because of her ripped uniform, but after she explained that nothing would fit her, Junko offered to have one made for her
Kyoko Kirigiri | 霧切響子
She and Shuichi are very close, obviously
She gives Shuichi a lot of pointers on improving his investigative skills, and they work together often to solve cases
She and Makoto still become close, but their friendship is overshadowed by her and Shuichi’s
She notices this after a while, and makes a concerted effort to spend more time with Makoto
She’s less distant in this AU, but she still tries not to show her emotions
Her hair is naturally black in this AU, she dyed it purple after she lost a bet (with Celeste)
Aoi Asahina | 朝日奈葵
In this AU, she doesn’t just love donuts, but she loves all sweets
She was a fan of Junko’s before coming to Hope’s Peak, and the two of them became friends quickly
She and Akane are also close, and everyone jokes that they’re sisters, though in reality they aren’t
She once got recruited by Kaito to be in a play his class was putting on, but she’s such a terrible actor that they gave her part to Junko
She once walked in on Junko and Mukuro testing out Monokuma for the first time, and they were super freaked out, but Aoi was fascinated and wanted to try controlling him
Mukuro was against it, but Junko was cool with it, so she got to in the end
Byakuya Togami | 十神白夜
He and Makoto are both obsessed with true crime, and the two of them actually become friends because of that
They both love digging into Hope’s Peak’s files and his family’s files to find mysteries they could try and solve
Sonia joins them a lot too
He unofficially became the class’s French teacher after they found out he was fluent
He’s nicer in this au, and he’s kind of the dad of the class
When the Imposter was impersonating him, the two of them got into a little mini-war over who was the superior Togami (Twogami surprisingly won that war, albeit barely)
Mukuro Ikusaba | 戦刃むくろ
She’s away from Hope’s Peak A LOT, usually doing soldier things
When she is at Hope’s Peak, she spends most of her time either developing new weapons or looking after Junko
She’s usually the one who has to clean up after Junko’s shenanigans, even though she partakes in them herself
She helps Junko with a lot of her projects, but usually she ends up working on her own things while Junko does her thing
Despite this, she loves working with her sister when she gets the chance
Her proudest achievement is the Exisals, even though she collaborated with Chihiro, Chiaki and Miu to create them
Junko Enoshima | 江ノ島盾子
While she’s obviously not Ultimate Despair in this au, she’s still very chaotic and loves causing shenanigans and playing (mostly) harmless pranks
She’s friends with Sayaka and Kokichi because of this (both she and Sayaka are members of D.I.C.E. too)
She still puts on different personas, but she does it as a joke
She’s actually a very good actress, and she loves to act, but just like Chihiro, that gets overshadowed by her Ultimate talent
She loves to build and create things, just like her sister, which is why she created Monokuma
She uses Monokuma for her pranks a lot
Sometimes she goes through severe depressive episodes where she doesn’t have the energy to leave her home, but she usually uses Monokuma as a sort of telepresence unit so she can still talk to her friends
At first, no one knew that Monokuma was her, but Aoi ended up spilling the beans
She also learned animation from Ryota, and wants to make an anime starring her, Kaito, Tsumugi, Chihiro, Mukuro and Hajime
She loves to share her projects with her friends, and often lets other people control Monokuma or model for her
She gets hurt a LOT, and usually Mikan has to care for her
Her proudest achievement is replacing the Exisals’ weapons with water guns (even though Mukuro did most of the work)
They actually decided to leave them like that afterwards, since the Exisals were only ever used by her friends to mess around in
She suffers from PTSD, and part of that is recurring nightmares that the world ended and all her friends were forced to kill each other
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rootbeergoddess · 3 years
Candle on the Water
First, thank you to the amazing and wonderful @positivelydetectivecomics​ for not just editing but also being my #1 fan girl and fellow Tom Hiddleston/Thomas Sharpe groupie. Second, this has to be one of the longest things I’ve ever written. It’s like twenty pages. I’m so shocked I managed to write this much! Anyways, this is a Little Mermaid AU for Crimson Peak because I want Thomas to be happy goddamnit.
The title is from the song Candle on the Water from Pete’s Dragon.
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The ocean had always fascinated and terrified Thomas.  It was vast, deep and endless. There was no way humans would ever be able to search the entirety of it.  It offered up many beauties but also horrors.  That didn’t mean he didn’t find it beautiful.  He just preferred to enjoy it from the beach, not on a boat.
Boats made him nervous.  Being an engineer, he could appreciate the beauty of a design but he didn’t think humans were meant to float. Plus, he got seasick.  Why had he agreed to this forsaken cruise? Lucille was nowhere to be seen but he honestly preferred to be alone right now.  Her presence had become smothering. He had known that sooner or later this farce of a relationship would have to end and he could see the end in sight. Avoiding her wasn’t his best strategy but he still needed time to think. How could he tell his sister that he was done with her?
I'll be your candle on the water
My love for you will always burn
I know your lost and drifting,
But the clouds are lifting
Don't give up you have somewhere to turn
Thomas lifted his head, scanning the ocean. Singing, someone was singing. It was a song he had never heard but it was the most melodic thing he had ever heard. But he was confused. The voice was coming from the water. That was impossible unless it was a really talented manatee.  There were no islands for miles and they weren’t even remotely close to the shore. Was this a trick?
I'll be your candle on the water
Till every wave is warm and bright
My soul is there beside you,
Let this candle guide you
Soon you'll see a golden stream of light
Confusion was replaced with curiosity.  Thomas scanned the ocean, desperate to find the source of the song.  He walked along the deck, his eyes never leaving the waters.  Then, he spotted it.  Sitting on a rock, he saw a woman with her eyes up to the sky and her mouth opened.
A cold and friendless tide has found you
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down
I'll paint a ray of hope around you
Circling in the air, lighted by a prayer
The boat was getting closer and Thomas gasped when he got a better look. It wasn’t a woman, it was a mermaid.  She had no legs but a dark, blue tail of scales. Her long hair was in a braid with seashells and starfish. Around the rock were a group of fish and a few other sea creatures, all listening to her song. He wasn’t sure why he did but Thomas stood on the railing. Her voice was so pure and rich, he had to hear more.
I'll be your candle on the water
This flame inside of me will grow
Keep holding on, you'll make it
Here's my hand so take it 
Look for me reaching out to show
As sure as rivers flow,
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
I'll never let you go
Her song was done and Thomas’ heart felt heavy. Then, she looked away from the sky and their eyes met. Thomas wanted to say something, anything but at that moment, he lost his footing and fell into the water.
You dove right into action when you saw the human hit the water.
Humans were not born natural swimmers like mermaids were. They had to be taught how to swim and some of them never learned the skill. They also didn’t possess gills or any means of breathing underwater.  This human could drown without your help and as you dove under the water, you could see him struggling. The poor thing was terrified.
You swam to him and when you reached him, you saw the fear in his eyes.  Instantly, you felt bad. He had been listening to you, that was why he was standing on that large, metal thing and he had slipped.  How foolish were you? Without wasting a moment, you grabbed him and swam back up to the surface. He gasped for air, desperate to fill his lungs. 
“Easy, easy,” You rubbed his back.
The humans on the metal contraption were in a tizzy; they were searching for him, you suspected. There had to be a way to get him back to where he belonged without you getting spotted. As you thought, you felt the human’s eyes on you and you turned to face him. His fear was gone and was replaced by adoration.  It was odd but you felt a bit shy suddenly.
“You’re a mermaid,” He said.
“Yes,” You said. “And you’re a human.”
“You’re beautiful.” 
You felt your face flush. Other merfolk had told you that you were beautiful, you were the king’s daughter after all.  So, why did this human make you feel weak? The thought was pushed to the back of your mind when you came up with a solution to your predicament.
“Oberon,” You said. 
“What?” He asked.
Around your neck was a shell necklace; in the middle was a small, blue conch shell with holes drilled into it.  You placed the tip of it into your mouth and then blew into it.  The human watched you, entranced by everything you did. 
“What is that?” He asked.
“It’s how I call my friends,” You said. “Oberon should be here any minute.”
“Is he a friend of yours? Is he a merperson like you? How did you meet him?”
“You ask a lot of questions,” You said, smiling.
“I’m sorry but---I thought mermaids were a myth,” He said. “And I’ve never met such a captivating creature before in my life.”
Again, familiar words but your heart swelled at this.
“Do you have a name?” He asked, his eyes scanning every inch of your face.
“Y/N. Do you have one?”
“Thomas. Thomas Sharpe.”
Before you could ask anymore questions, a large tentacle poked out of the ocean. Thomas screamed but you quickly covered his mouth.
“No, it’s okay,” You told him. “This is Oberon. He’s going to help you back onto your---floating island.”
“You can talk to a giant octopus?” Thomas asked. “That’s incredible I---wait, you mean you’re leaving?”
He sounded disappointed. Guilt returned to you but you knew you were doing the right thing. 
“I have too, it’s too dangerous,” You said. “If someone else were to find me, they’d gut me like a fish or worse.”
“Will I ever get a chance to see you again?” He asked.
“It’s probably better to forget about me,” You gave him a sad smile. “Goodbye, Thomas.”
You placed a chaste kiss on his cheek and dove back into the water. Oberon wrapped a tentacle around Thomas’ waist and soon, he was gone. Sighing, he delved deeper into the depths towards your home, thinking he’d forget about the experience completely.
Thomas didn’t forget.
When Y/N had swum away, he was ready to go after her He was no match for Oberon though; the massive octopus placed him back on the boat as if it was nothing. He watched as the tentacles receded into the water, leaving him behind. He wanted to throw himself back into the water to swim after her but it was a foolish idea. Y/Nwere faster than him, how would he catch up to her?
Lucille had found him and she was furious, blaming everyone from the captain to the cook.  Thomas let her fret over him but his mind was elsewhere.  A mermaid; he had met a real life mermaid named Y/N. The fairy tales he had read as a child hadn’t done Y/N justice; she was a million times more beautiful than anything in any book. The rest of the trip felt like a blur to him. Lucille didn’t let him out of her sight. This would have annoyed him but he was more focused on finding Y/N again. Each day was spent on the deck, praying and hoping he’d hear her golden tone again.  Lucille pestered him, asking him what he was looking for but he never told her. Would she believe him? Who cared about that, he was worried about Y/N’s safety.
“If someone else were to find me, they’d gut me like a fish or worse.”
Lucille was the or worse.  Thomas longed to see Y/N again but he couldn’t stand the thought of Lucille discovering her. She would take such joy in destroying the beautiful maid. Even if he ever saw her again,he would do all in his power to make sure Lucille would never find out.
They returned to land two days later. Lucille was doing everything in her power to get Thomas’ attention back.
“Thomas, you need to stop daydreaming and focus again,” Lucille nagged. “I don’t know what happened that night but it seems to have affected you more than you’re letting on.”
“I’m fine,” He lied. “I wished you’d believe me.”
“You know I can tell when you’re lying,” Lucille grabbed his hand. “I know you too well.”
She was right but that didn’t change anything. Thomas couldn’t remember how or when he realized the relationship he had with his sister was wrong. No, not wrong; twisted. Loving his sister in that way had been wrong but he hadn’t stopped it or even tried until now. Meeting Y/Nh had just made him want to distance himself from Lucille even more.
When they reached home, Thomas still found himself distracted. He tried to work on his machine but it was impossible. He was dying to see Y/N again. The only issue was he had no idea how to find her.  He felt hopeless; would he ever be able to find her again?  Thinking of being unable to reunite with Y/N filled him with dread. For days, he felt aimless. Two weeks after the trip, he decided to take a ride to clear his mind.
Thomas found himself drawn to the beach.  It was hopeless but he thought that maybe he’d be able to spot a glimpse of her again. He had the carriage stop and he popped out, surveying the land before him.  He stopped when he saw something on the beach; a body.  Confusion filled him as he headed down on the warm sand and walked towards the unmoving person. His heart nearly stopped when he realized who it was.
Carefully, he turned the woman on her back. Yes, it was Y/N. He caressed her face and her eyes fluttered open. When she saw him, she managed a weak smile.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I didn’t want to forget,” she replied.
Thomas wrapped you in his coat and helped you walk towards his carriage. You stopped when you saw the two huge, black creatures. 
“What are those?” You asked, scared.
“They’re just horses,” Thomas said. “They’re beasts of burden we use in our day to day life.”
“They’re so big,” You said. “They look like they want to eat me.”
“It’s alright,” Thomas assured you. “Watch.”
He made a clicking noise with his tongue and the horses looked his way. He reached out, rubbing the snout of one.  You watched with awe, amazed  that such large creatures would bend to him.  The horse noticed you and you shrank away but Thomas took your hand in his. Then, he carefully placed it on the horse’s snout.
“It’s soft,” you said, “I thought they would vanish. They look like they’re made of shadows.”
Thomas chuckled at this and you smiled. You ignored the looks of the driver as Thomas helped you into the carriage. Fascinated by this new mode of transportation, you sat down and ran your hands over the cushions of the seats.  Thomas sat down next to you, watching you as you felt the fabric.
You looked at him.
“How---how are you here?” He asked.
“It’s a rather long story,” You said.
“I’d love to hear it.”
So, you told him. You told him about how after meeting him, you kept thinking of him.  No matter what you did, you couldn’t forget him and it was driving you mad. Your sisters had noticed and asked what was wrong but you lied, telling them you were thinking about how you wanted a new seashell necklace.  After two weeks, you decided enough was enough and you had to do something about it. 
You had to see Thomas again.
Under the cover of night, you snuck off into the deepest, darkest waters to the home of Morwenna, the sea witch.  After explaining your problem, she told you she would help you but she warned you it was dangerous.  
That part you didn’t tell Thomas. You didn’t want him to know what giving up your tail would potentially cost. Or that if he didn’t feel anything for you, you’d turn into seafoam.
Morwenna had one of her anglerfish take you towards the surface along with a potion and a sack full of jewels. According to the witch, humans had to ‘pay’ for things. The jewels would help you do so. Once you drank the liquid, your tail started to split and you felt imessnese pain. It was so bad that you blacked out.  You think the angelfish pushed you towards the shore but you weren’t sure. As you told Thomas this, he never took his eyes off of you.
“I’m so happy to see you again,” he said, “These past two weeks have been such a nightmare.”
“They have?”
“I’ve done nothing but think of you,” he admitted.
“Then I made your life miserable.” You felt awful.
“No, don’t think that!  I can’t explain it but meeting you--it’s changed me,” Thomas turned your face to look at him. “You have no idea how happy I am that you’re here.”
“So you’re not upset?” 
“No. Although I wish you had been able to contact me,” Thomas smiled. “I could have brought you a dress.”
“A what?” 
You soon learned what a dress was.  The carriage arrived in town and once you saw other people, you pressed your face against the window.  There were so many people, dressed in such odd fabrics.  Thomas stopped the carriage and told you to wait for him. You pouted at first but he promised you’d be able to leave the carriage soon.  Not wanting to upset him, you agreed to wait.  A few minutes later, Thomas returned with two women.
“Hello!” you greeted them happily.
“Oh you poor thing!” one of them said, “Look at the state you're in.”
“I’m not poor or a thing,” you said but they ignored you.
“Come here dearest, we’ll get you cleaned up and we’ll find something proper for you to wear.”
You were confused and looked at Thomas. He gave you a small nod. Well, if he trusted these humans, you trusted them. They helped you out of the carriage, making sure Thomas' coat covered all of you and ushered you into a building. They took you towards the back and gave you a simple ‘dress’ to wear. You stared at it, wondering what to do with it. It was such an odd thing, why did humans wear them?
“Here dearie,” One of them said. “Let me help you.”
You were thankful for the help.  Once you were dressed, they began to ‘measure’ you. Measuring involved some long, yellow thing and a lot of notes. Curious, you grabbed at the yellow item and tugged at it.
“What is it?” You asked, holding it up.
“A measuring tape dear. Poor thing, your amnesia must be terrible. You don't remember anything.”
“I do remember things! I remember my name, it’s Y/N,” You said. “And who are you?”
“I’m Miss Chatterly and this is my daughter Elizabeth,” The elder of the two said. “Now stand still darling. We’re going to get your measurements and find you a dress.”
“Must I wear a dress?” 
“Of course dear, you want to be a proper woman, don’t you?”
You thought about this for a second.
“If I’m a proper woman, will Thomas like me?” you asked.
“I think he already likes you, my sweet,” Miss Chatterley chuckled. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, he’s obviously smitten.”
Smitten: you liked that word. You tried to be obedient and not move but everything was so interesting! Thankfully, Miss Chatterley and Elizabeth were patient as well as they were kind. After taking your measurements, Elizabeth went to start working on some dresses while Miss Chatterley found something for you to wear in the meantime. It was a gorgeous deep blue with white pearl buttons and black, lace detail on the back.  While you didn’t understand the point of dresses, it was pretty.
“It’s beautiful!” You said. “I love it!”
You needed some help walking out to Thomas. Walking was already hard enough but the dress made this difficult. Why did the women on the surface torture themselves like this?  But you had to be proper. Only a proper lady could win Thomas’ heart.  Thomas smiled when he saw you.
“You look beautiful,” he said.
“I feel beautiful if not a bit strange,” you replied. “The colors remind me of the ocean.”
“Now be careful dearest,” Miss Chatterley said, “It seems like you’ve forgotten how to walk too.”
“I’ve never walked before! I can’t forget something I never learned,” you said.
“You were right, Sir Thomas,” Miss Chatterley tutted, “That bump on the head must have really scrambled her noggin.”
“Indeed it has,” Thomas said, taking your hand, “I found her passed out and naked on the beach. I have no idea what happened to her but I vowed to make sure she was taken care of.”
That wasn’t a total lie but you were confused. Why did everyone keep talking about your head? You took the bag of jewels Thomas had been holding and reached into it. You pulled out a large sapphire and placed it in Miss Chatterley’s hand.
“Thank you for my first dress,” you said, wrapping your hand around hers. “I’ll cherish this forever.”
“My dear, this is too much,” she began to protest.
“Please, take it,” you smiled, “I cannot let your kindness go unrewarded.” 
“Oh goodness, thank you love,” Miss Chatterley grinned at you.
Thomas led you back out of the building, keeping a firm grip on you as you tried to walk. This was frustrating; Thomas made it look so easy.
“Here, watch my legs,” he said. “It’s one foot in front of the other.”
“It still feels peculiar,” you said, “It’s not like swimming at all.  How come it’s so easy for you?”
“Well, I had to learn as well,” Thomas said, leading you back to the carriage. “You see, when humans are babies, we can’t walk at all.  We start off by crawling, then we push ourselves up and start to toddle.”
“That’s fascinating! Tell me more,” you said. “Please? I want to learn more about humans. And I have questions too. Why did you tell Miss Chatterley I bumped my head?”
“Into the carriage first and then I’ll tell you more,” Thomas said.
You obeyed and got back into the carriage. It started again but instead of staring out the window, you leaned against Thomas. He tensed a bit before putting an arm around you.
“I remember you said that it was dangerous if anyone were to find out that you’re a mermaid,” he said. “So in order to not arouse suspicion, I told them you had bumped your head and gotten amnesia. It’s a condition where people lose their memory. That way no one would think you were odd for not understanding certain concepts.”
“Like dresses?”
“Yes, like dresses,” he chuckled, “Do you really dislike it?”
“No but it’s hard to move in,” you said. “But it’s what a proper lady does so I must wear one. What else does a proper lady do?”
“In all honesty, I prefer you just the way you are,” he said.
His words made your heart soar.  There was so much you wanted to tell him but you remained silent. Was it proper for a woman to declare how she felt for a man or should she stay quiet? This was all confusing; why couldn’t relationships be easier? 
“But what do proper ladies do?” you persisted.
“I suppose I’m the wrong person to answer that,” Thomas said with a smile. “But I suppose we could find someone to help you learn.”
“Like Miss Chatterley? She was so kind. And her daughter,” you said, “How sweet of them to make me dresses!”
“I suppose you could ask them your questions,” Thomas said as the carriage. “Alright, so this is where you’ll be staying.”
You looked out the carriage to see a large building. It was bigger than the other one and there were so many more people.  As Thomas helped you out, you couldn’t stop looking at everything.  Thomas led you to a human behind a large piece of wood who greeted you both.
“Hello good sir, I was hoping you would have a room for rent,” Thomas said. “I’ll be paying upfront and it’ll be for this young lady.”
“Of course sir,” the man said. 
You were given a key and led to a room. Instantly, you were drawn to a large item in the middle of it. You walked over to it and touched it. Oh, it was soft. You got on top of it, finding it was also bouncy. 
“What is this?” you asked Thomas.
“A bed,” Thomas said, “You sleep on it.”
“But it’s not made of coral,” you said, “And where are the fish?”
Curious, you crawled over to the edge of the bed and looked down. No, you didn’t see any fish.
“Do mermaids sleep in coral reefs?” Thomas asked.
“Yes and the fish keep us company,” you said, turning back to him, “Will I like a bed?”
“I think you will,” Thomas said smiling, “Will you be content here?”
There was something about his tone that felt off.
“You aren’t going to stay here with me, are you?”
Thomas’ smile vanished.
“I want to stay with you but--I need to keep you safe,” Thomas said, “I can’t explain it right now but there is someone in my life who wouldn't like you.”
“Why?” You asked.
How could someone dislike you if you hadn’t even met them yet?  Surely you couldn’t have made this person angry without having done something to them.  You waited for Thomas to say something, growing a tad frustrated. Crossing your arms, you sat on the bed and turned your head away from him.
“Y/N,” he said gently. “I have to keep you safe. I promise, I’ll come to see you everyday but for now, please stay here. Where it’s safe.”
“Fine,” you said, not looking at him. 
Were you being petty? Maybe, but you came all this way for Thomas. You were risking everything. There was a chance you’d never see your father or sisters again.  If Thomas didn’t love you, you’d turn into seafoam and never be able to swim again. Why couldn’t he understand that? 
“You can leave now,” you added, still feeling angry.
Thomas walked to you, getting down on his knees. 
“Y/N,” he said, taking your hand, “If anything were to happen to you, I'd never forgive myself.”
You stole a glance at Thomas; his blue eyes were shining with sincerity.  It was hard to stay angry at him when he looked at you that way.  While you wished he’d stay with you, you had to trust him. Thomas was the only human you knew. 
“Alright,” you said, “But you’ll come visit me right?”
“Of course,” Thomas said with a smile, “I promise to come back later for dinner but for now, stay put.”
“Okay Thomas.”
Thomas was enamored and worried at the exact same time.
Of course, he was enamored with Y/N. She was so different from the women around him. She was sweet, friendly and so curious. Constantly, she was asking questions. Other people seemed to fall under her spell as she became interested in everything around her. When he was with Y/N, all the she did was talk about the wonderful things the surface had to offer. Thomas was thankful that he could answer most of her questions.
He was worried because he knew it was only a matter of time before Lucille found out.  Lucille’s anger was terrifying. Thomas had never been on the receiving end of it thankfully but he had seen it. She was also a possessive woman; if Lucille saw him with Y/N, he’s not sure what he’d do. Run? Hide her? All he knew was that protecting Y/N was of the utmost importance. 
“Thomas, what are they doing?”
It was a nice, sunny day and the pair were walking along the busy streets of England. Y/N stopped to point at a four piece band, playing some music.
“They’re playing music,” He said. 
He should have realized she would have been interested and Y/N walked towards the men, completely engrossed. But then she started to sing.
Ah Danny boy, the pipes,
The pipes are calling
From glen to glen,
And down the mountain side
People stopped what they were doing and started to listen to Y/N’s melodic voice.  It was amazing how one voice held such power.  Thomas beamed as people surrounded her to listen to her perfect voice, his heart almost bursting with joy.  The more time he spent with Y/N, the deeper in love he fell.  He wanted to tell her so badly how he felt but he kept stopping. He’d have to deal with Lucille first, then he could tell Y/N
Applause rang out once she finished singing. After thanking the musicians, Y/N ran back over to Thomas.
“Oh Thomas, wasn’t that wonderful?” She asked.
“Of course it was,” Thomas said. “Anytime you sing, it’s wonderful. But how did you know the words?”
“I just do,” she replied smiling, “Mermaids have the ability to know all songs but we each have a special one.”
“Like the one you sang the first night we met?” Thomas asked.
“Yes,” she smiled again, making his heart giddy. “We’re each born with a song in our heart. Candle on the Water is mine.”
“It’s a beautiful song,” Thomas said. 
“Well,” she blushed, “It’s also a special song. You see---oh nevermind.”
“What? Don’t become shy now,” Thomas teased, “Tell me.”
“Merfolk find their soulmates through song,” she continued, “Our special song is supposed to connect to our soulmate and lead us to them.”
Thomas felt his heart stop. He took hold of Y/N’s hand and she stopped walking.
“By any chance, does the song work on humans?” he asked.
“I---I don’t know,” she replied, fidgeting slightly, “Is there a reason as to why you’re asking?
Thomas swallowed, staring into her eyes. He felt heat course through his body as Y/N closed her eyes and inched closer. Thomas was about to do the same when someone called his name.
Thomas’ blood went cold as he turned to see his sister.  Lucille said nothing at first, staring at Y/N with a cold, calculating look.  Lucille was analyzing Y/N, seeing if she was a threat. Thomas prayed that Y/N would appear weak and helpless; that was the only way she’d be safe. With a tight lipped smile, Lucille looked back at Thomas.
“Who is this?” she asked.
“Oh, this is just an old acquaintance of mine,” Thomas said, laying a protective hand on Y/N. “Y/N, this is my sister Lucille.”
“A pleasure,” Y/N said curtly.
Maybe it was because their romantic moment had been ruined or she sensed Lucille’s venom but Y/N’s usually sunny dispotiston vanished. Thomas wasn’t sure if Lucille bought Thomas' lie but she continued to smile, acting as if everything was fine. 
“You’ve never mentioned her before,” Lucille continued, “I would think you’d mention such a good friend of yours.”
“I’m sorry, I must be going,” Y/N said suddenly, “Good day.”
Thomas watched as Y/N bolted down the street. His heart told him to chase after her but his brain told him to stop. If he made a scene, Lucille would realize Y/N was more than a friend. It hurt him to do so but Thomas let Y/N slip away. She looked back once but her eyes were sad. 
“Thomas,” Lucille said, “I thought you said you had a meeting today.”
“I did,” Thomas lied,  “But the meeting ended early and as I was heading back home, I happened to run into Y/N. We were just talking, remembering the old days.”
“Thomas,” Lucille stepped closer to him, “I know when you’re lying to me.  Tell me, who is she?”
“No one you need to worry about,” Thomas said. “Let’s go home.”
Thomas had mentioned Lucille to you before. She was his sister but Thomas didn’t talk of her lovingly, andhere was something off about their relationship. Thomas hadn’t stated it out right but you weren’t going to push him to talk about it. If he wanted to tell you, he would.  Meeting Lucille confirmed your sucsopions about her; she was evil. There was a bad aura around her, you could feel it. Thomas had tensed up when he had heard her voice. 
It had been two days since you had last seen Thomas and your heart was heavy. There was only one day left before you’d turn into seafoam.  You were standing by the window, looking out towards the ocean. You missed Oberon and regretted not saying goodbye to him when you had the chance. The shell you used to call him was still around your neck, but you hadn’t used it in days.  Maybe you could go say goodbye tonight. With another sigh, you grabbed your coat and headed to the door. 
You were shocked to find Lucille standing there.
“Lucille,” you said, stepping back. 
“Y/N,” Lucille’s voice was icy, “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
“Oh,” you touched the shell around your neck, “I’ll be leaving town soon. I was going to say goodbye to a friend.”
“How quaint,” Lucille smiled but there was no warmth to it, “And what of Thomas?”
Your heart clenched.
“I don’t want to bother him,” you said, stepping past Lucille, “Excuse me.”
Lucille grabbed your arm, twisting it and making you wince.
“Yet you’ve been bothering him,” Lucille sneered, “Instead of working, he comes here to visit you, doesn’t he? I knew he was hiding something. I know him better than he knows himself, you see. I’ve been with him since the beginning.”
“Lucille, please let go,” you said.
“He needs me,” Lucille continued. “I’m the one who has always protected him. I protected him from mother and everyone else. They tried to take him away from me but we’re meant to be together.”
“What are you talking about?” you tried to get free, “Let me go.”
“You’re a distraction, a commodity, something to entertain him,” Lucille’s eyes looked mad, “But he always comes back to me. No one loves him the way I do.”
Realization hit you like a ton of bricks.
“That’s disgusting!” You managed to get your hand free. “You’re his sister!”
“Who are you to judge us?” Lucille stalked towards you, “You’re a little nothing with no name, no family, no title. You’re just a mysterious whore who has bewitched my brother. How long do you think you’d hide?”
“I’m leaving,” you said, trying to get to the stairs, “I’ll forget about Thomas and never come back.”
“That’s not good enough!”
Lucille grabbed you and turned you around, a knife in her hand. Fear seized your body as she pointed it towards your neck.
“You’re coming with me.”
The streets were barren as Lucille marched you down towards the pier. Tears streamed down your face as you obeyed, your heart twisted and body hurting.  Tomorrow would come and you’d be no more. Your father, your sisters and Obreon; you’d never get to see them again. It all hurt but what hurt the most was not being able to see Thomas again. What a fool you had been; all this time and you hadn’t been able to tell him.
You stumbled as you reached the docks. Lucille grabbed you by the hair, forced you up. Your legs felt weak as your bones began to fade. Tears continued to roll down your cheeks as you marched towards your fate. Even if you jumped into the water, you couldn’t swim for long before you transformed into seafoam. How you wished you could call Oberon but with Lucille at your back, you were afraid to make a move.
“You’re going to jump into the water and drown yourself,” Lucille commanded, “In the morning, I’ll tell Thomas that you’ve left. Saddened and heartbroken, he’ll be mine once more.”
Anger filled you; how dare she treat Thomas like an object.  This wasn’t love, it was obsession. Maybe you’d die or turn into foam but you wanted to take one more risk. Just one more. Sighing, you opened up your mouth and began to sing.
I'll be your candle on the water
My love for you will always burn
I know your lost and drifting,
But the clouds are lifting
Don't give up you have somewhere to turn
“What are you doing?” Lucille pressed the knife to your back, “Stop that.”
But you didn’t stop. You kept singing. IF the legends were true, Thomas would hear you wherever you were. Even when Lucille pushed the knife into your back, you continued to sing through the pain.
“Lucille, stop!” 
You turned around to see Thomas standing behind the two of you. You smiled but Lucille pushed the knife in deeper, making you cry out.
“I won’t stop until she’s dead!” Lucille shouted, “You swore you’d never fall in love with anyone else.”
“I’m sorry Lucille,” Thomas took a step forward, “I---I heard her song.”
It was true. Thomas was your soulmate. Your song had reached him and he had used it to find you. Lucille looked confused but only for a second. Enraged, she took the knife out of your back and you slumped down, unable to stand. The loss of blood and your body changing was too much to bear.
“Are you saying you love her?” Lucille asked.
“Yes,” Thomas got closer, “Lucille, I fell in love with her the moment I heard her song.”
Lucille stared at Thomas, bewildered. Her grip was still on the knife and you realized something; once you were dead, she’d kill Thomas. With what little strength you had, you grabbed the shell and placed it to your lips. Lucille knocked the shell out of your hand and raised the knife to stab you again. You heard Thomas shout her name but it was no use; she was in a blind rage.
“This is all your fault!” she shouted.
Closing your eyes, you braced for impact. Then you heard bubbling in the water. The knife fell from Lucille’s hand and you opened your eyes to see a familiar tentacle. Lucille backed away, terrified as Oberon came out from the depths, his golden eyes filled with anger.  The octopus lashed out and grabbed her by the waist, tossing her up like she weighed nothing. Thomas ran to your side, watching as Oberon broke Lucille’s waist. Once she was dead, Oberon threw her into the ocean and got closer to the dock.
“Oh, Oberon,” you said sadly, “I missed you. I’m so sorry I didn’t say goodbye.”
“No,” Thomas grabbed your hand. “Y/N, please don’t talk like that.”
“I’m sorry Thomas,” you said, pressing your head to his. “I’m too late. I never told you that I love you.”
“Too late? What do you mean?” 
“She’s talking about the price for her legs,” a familiar voice said.
You turned around to see Oberon held Morwenna the sea witch on one tentacle. The crab woman stepped onto the dock and walked over to you.  
“Morwenna?” you asked.
“You see,” Morwenna crouched down, “For a merfolk to stay on the surface with their human love, they must confess their feelings and those feelings must be recioprated. If not, they turn into seafoam.”
“What? Y/N, why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” Thomas asked.
“I didn’t want you to fake your feelings,” you said, “But it’s okay. I made peace with what is going to happen to me.”
“Oh, you needn’t be dramatic dear,” Morwenna reached into a pouch around her waist, “You won’t be going anywhere. Here, eat this.”
Morwenna offered you a pearl and you popped it into your mouth. It burst, releasing a bitter liquid into your mouth. You gagged.
“What was that?” Thomas asked.
“For her wound,” Morwenna said. “Now, stand up dear.”
Your confusion was growing but Morwenna seemed so calm. Thomas stood up and offered his hand. You took it and found your legs were working. In fact, they felt firm. 
“I don’t understand,” you said, “I was too late.”
“No, you weren’t,” Morwenna grinned, pointing to Thomas, “His confession saved you.”
“It did? So, can I stay?” you turned to Thomas, “With you?”
“Y/N,” Thomas caressed your face, “From the moment I saw you, I adored you. I’ve been wanting to tell you how much I loved you for days but I was too afraid.”
“Afraid of what?” you asked.
“Afraid of rejection, afraid Lucille would find you,” he said, “But now she’s gone. Please Y/N, stay with me. I love you.”
Oberon suddenly burbled, his big, round eyes tinged with sadness.
“Oh Oberon,” you smiled at him, “I’ll never forget you, how could I? You saved us both. I will visit you, I promise. But my home is on the surface now.”
Oberon reached out his tentacle and rubbed your face. He then playfully grabbed Thomas' hat, pushing it down on his face. 
“He’s saying he trusts you,” you told Thomas. 
“Well then,” Thomas fixed his hat, “Thank you Oberon. I promise I’ll keep her safe, no matter what the costs.”
“Happy endings all around,” Morwenna said, “I’m so happy things worked out for you dear.”
“But it wouldn’t have been possible without you,” you said, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“No thanks are necessary,” Morwenna walked back towards the sea, “I’ll tell your father you're safe. He’ll probably come to visit so be on the lookout. Farewell you two.”
You waved goodbye as Morwenna climbed onto Oberon’s head and they departed. When they were gone, you turned to Thomas.
“I love you,” you said.
“I love you too,” he returned.
And finally, you kissed him.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Rantaro Imagine Collection
Rantaro x Reader with Hanahaki
·       Well… You were screwed.
·       You had not only developed a crush, but Hanahaki for Rantaro. He was a close friend of yours and given how laid back he could be, you didn’t think that if he rejected you it’d affect your friendship all too much. You didn’t want to throw your feelings away, but if he rejected you, you would do so since you certainly were not going to die over it.
·       No, the problem was confessing in the first place. You had no idea how to confess. Would it count if it was over the phone during a call? Through text? Video call? If it had to be in person, you were doomed. Rantaro was one of the most caring, dedicated, smart people you knew. Those were just a few of the reasons why you fell for him, but it was exactly because of those reasons he was never around. He gave his everything to finding his sisters again and nothing was going to stop him. Because of this he was rarely around so if confessing and him returning your feelings only counted in person, you were doomed.
·       You were so scared and nervous. What if he did like you back but because you didn’t confess and he reciprocate in person, it didn’t count and he wouldn’t get back in time so you had to throw away your feelings in order to live.
·       All this you ranted to your best friend Kaede, all the while coughing up flowers. Your condition had worsened uncharacteristically quickly, likely induced by the stress you were putting yourself through, constantly thinking about all the possibilities. When your friend had asked why you didn’t just ask Rantaro to come back, you said he couldn’t get back in time before you died. You had reluctantly already resigned yourself to getting the surgery.
·       This… was not something Kaede was just going to put up with, and with but a single text to Rantaro, he was already on his way back.
·       That night you abruptly awoke to the sound of banging on your door. You were about to call the police when you heard Rantaro’s voice calling your name. You opened the door, finding the boy sweaty, completely out of breath, leaning on the door for support.
·       “I love you too, Y/N!” “I… What?” He held you by your shoulders. “I love you. You don’t need to get the surgery or die!” “Wait, hold on. Obviously, you were told, but how did you get here!? Weren’t you in the Antarctic?” “I took a boat, that took me to a helicopter, that took me to a private jet. I already lost my sisters, I’m not going to lose you too, especially if confessing my feeling would save you. I love you, Y/N. So much.”
Rantaro and his S/O find out they have the same Ultimate during the killing game
·       It was strange falling in love and dating during a killing game. Obviously, it was dangerous. Others suspected you both should one be suspected. But Rantaro thought that denying your feelings for one another would only cause more problems and that it was simply better to be open and honest about your relationship at least.
·       This… was something you were glad for. You were the Ultimate Survivor. Others’ assumed it meant surviving in the wild like a Survivalist, but that was not the case even if you played along. You had lived through another Killing game and survived.
·       Even though you trusted Rantaro you didn’t want him to know the true nature of your skill set. You were actually the Ultimate Glass Blower despite being called the Ultimate Survivor in the Monopad, but that didn’t exactly fit your lab, so you had to keep playing along with the other’s expectations of you from the Monopad.
·       Then late in the game, Rantaro’s lab was unlocked, and it was EXACTLY the same as yours, even down to the smallest, tiniest of details. Then upon opening the safe, that laptop was found. The laptop that revealed the true nature of your talents, of surviving previous killing games.
·       Rantaro, being the smart guy that he was, didn’t let others know of the existence of the laptop, only you, because he had some questions he needed answers too.
·       Your relationship was strained for a while after that but eventually because it grew o be stronger than ever, needing to rely and trust one another with so few left.
Rantaro x Reader Royalty/Masquerade AU
·       Ah the traveling prince, renowned for his gentle nature and love for his sisters. With so many sisters, all married off to other kingdoms for alliances, Rantaro would constantly travel from one kingdom to another meeting with his sisters, making sure each and every last one was happy and well cared for.
·       Though all of his sisters had been married off, he had yet to meet the same fate. It seemed that with all alliances already made through his sisters his parents couldn’t care much for who the Prince married so, very lucky for him, he could actually have a choice in who he wed.
·       In all his travels he had met many an interesting person and rather enjoyed the life. If he were to wed, he’d want it to be with someone who understood that and could care for his kingdom while he was away. He never cared for ruling and had more of an interest in diplomacy, though that started out as an excuse to see his sisters he soon grew to love the profession.
·       One day though, while visiting one of his sisters, she invited him to join a masquerade her and her husband were holding, and being the doting big brother who could never deny his sister’s wishes, he joined in.
·       That was where he met you. The moment you met, everything just clicked into place. The pair of you danced and talked the night away. He had learned how you were in the exact opposite position as him, liking travel but hating trying to work out diplomacy, much preferring to concentrate on your own people.
·       After that night you’d meet often and since you both grew feelings for one another decided that you might as well get married.
·       Though fairytale endings weren’t real, you both believed you had the closest thing to that.
Rantaro with a shy crush who’s intimidated by him
·       Because Rantaro traveled so much and met so many people, unless they were special to him like his classmates, they often blurred together. However, that was not the case for you, the SHSL Sculpture. Didn’t matter the medium, you could make a beautiful sculpture from anything.
·       He was not sure when of how his crush for you began, all he knew now was that it was here. Perhaps it was how you would so excitedly put your all into your work.
·       Perhaps it was because of how shy you were around everyone. Despite it you tried speaking in your loudest voice though it was still quiet. You always worked on over coming it, wanting to share your work with others without clamming up. Maybe he found you so endearing because you sputtered all this out when you were trying to give him a wooden frog that symbolize good luck and safe travels before just shoving it into his chest and running away.
·       … Yeah that was it. You were so cute and sweet, and you were always working so hard, who wouldn’t fall for you.
·       Though he wasn’t around often, he wanted to spend his little time at Hope’s Peak with you which… often lead to flustering you and you running away. At least you liked him… he thought so at least, he wasn’t entirely sure, but every time he came back from a trip you’d always have made something for him, either symbolizing good fortune, safe travels or something associated with where he just came from.
·       Truthfully, he would have told you his feelings long ago, but with how shy you were around him he was actually a little worried to do so.
·       Till the day came when you were more comfortable around him, he’d keep spending his time with you, admiring and complimenting your work, make light conversation as you carved or molded away, quietly walk beside you as you’d so excitedly through stutters talk about anything you wished. He truly liked you, shyness and all.
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Bloodstream (Vampire AU)
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Summary: Small towns usually hide big, dangerous secrets. Dolan twins thought it would be a perfect place to lay low...until they meet her.
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, violence, angst and fluff
Word count: ~ 3000
Vampires are bloodthirsty creatures, past redemption, their humanity long gone. Y/N knew that even in the moment she stayed with Ethan and Grayson while everyone else ran. She stayed, her eyes hyper focused on the blood dripping from their chins, their hands drenched with no trace of human skin - all red. She didn't know what happened, why they lost control, but she believed they wouldn't hurt her. Perhaps it's naive, wishful thinking or even her overconfidence in skills she was granted after they first arrived in town, but she stayed put, actually provoking them.
"Why did you do that?" Trying to keep her voice even, calm, Y/N almost forgot they could hear her frantic heartbeat, smell the indescribable mix of emotions oozing off her skin, undiscovered by human senses.
"You know why." Grayson rolls his eyes, wiping his mouth and chin against the sleeve of his once white hoodie, looking at Ethan for justification.
Regardless of his silent plea, Ethan simply shakes his head, turning around to avoid her questioning glare, almost relieved with her presence. A part of him craved for her in every possible way - from a primal human way to a primal vampire way and it's an overwhelming tension around his dead heart that makes him take a step back.
"No, Grayson! I don't fucking know why and I want to understand, I do! But how can I when all I seem to get is dead bodies dropped at my feet as if you're a damn cat showing off a kill!" Voice echoing around the now empty woods, Y/N realized she has to tone down her anger.
She wanted them to suffer for what they did but she didn't want them to die. If anyone found out a vampire slayer is in love with two vampires who kill mercilessly, she'd likely lose her life along with them.
Before she could blink, she found herself gasping for air, not because of the sudden change in her position or the tree she found her back pressed against, not even because of the way Grayson's bloody hand held onto her neck, but because of the intimacy of the way his lips lingered right above her carotid.
Applying a little bit of pressure only to release it had made her arteries run wild with turbulent blood-flow, the kind that played on Grayson's control issues, the kind that made him want to do something he would forever regret - if he could have just a taste and stop, to let her blood warm his heart and make it beat again even if its for a few hours, he might do it, but he couldn't risk her dying. Not now. Not ever.
"I did it for you. To protect you." Drawing the words out slowly, carefully, Grayson leans back and away from her neck, letting her breathe again. He could sense she wasn't scared, not even when he held her at inch length of death, she trusted him and that scared him. He has never been as scared in all his miserable days as he's been scared since the day she walked into his life. For once, Grayson Dolan had something to lose and he wasn't about to let it happen.
"I can't tell you how many people I killed since I came to this town, but I know why they're dead." Swallowing thickly, she watched his lips press together briefly, just for a moment - as if he's contemplating his next words and the impact they might have.
"They're dead so you could live. And I don't feel sorry. Not even a little bit. Maybe that makes me the monster you think I am but I can't regret saving your life." Leaning his forehead on hers, Grayson almost forgot about Ethan who was so clearly growing anxious, frustrated and most of all - jealous. Sadly, to Grayson's greatest dismay, he wasn't the only Dolan in love with a human - a slayer - his Y/N.
She didn't utter a word; she didn't have to. In a blink of an eye, Ethan and Grayson, as well as the bodies of the people she once considered her townsfolk are gone. Shaking, leaning back on the tree, Y/N wondered why she ever got involved with the Dolan twins - why couldn't she leave this particular mystery alone?
To understand that, we'd have to rewind this to the day she first met them, a few months earlier.
There are three things you need to know before you read this:
1. Vampires are real,
2. Their thirst for blood is unmatched by anything but the love for their mate,
3. Humanity is fragile and to love a vampire is to court death.
The sun-rays lit up her pale skin, her favorite season finally chasing away the winter snow she hated more than anything. She wasn't particularly happy about being forced to walk to campus so early in the morning, a cup of tea warming her frosty fingers, reminding her winter's still got a hold of her little town, the kind of town you'd see on postcards. It's easy to feel at home in towns like these, the kind where nothing bad ever happens except for a few college students running wild during rush week.
Smiling, she nods at the car letting her pass the road, recognizing one of her old high school teachers, the one that used to favor her for her "exceptional kindness and talent". She always felt like she disappointed him, her pristine grades and record were supposed to take her far from that town and for a while she was willing to do anything to get out of there, but life always has different plans for us, doesn't it?
Regardless, Y/N wasn't bitter nor did she resent the circumstances forcing her to stay behind when all her friends left. She still found happiness in small things - watching the sunrise that reminded her there was a fresh start every day if we're willing to take it, in the beautiful scenery - nature always calmed her nerves and it reminded her of her late father who always took her camping and taught her basic survival skills, and then there was the very college she goes to - the place her parents met for the first time, giving her a feeling of closeness to the ones she loved the most but had to say goodbye to.
Nostalgic, half lost in her thought, Y/N didn't pay attention to her surroundings, a daydreamer as her friends uses to call her. Perhaps that's something she would have changed, that day and that moment she was too lost in her own head to see she was seconds away from colliding with a force of nature - Grayson Dolan.
She didn't register the moment of impact, rather the moment a strong pair of hands gripped her waist and left arm, holding her in place with a sturdiness she didn't possess on the best of days. She heard her books fall on the pavement, one of them breaking at the seams and she didn't bother looking up, rather down at her precious books.
Quickly, she bent down to collect her books and assess the damage on her favorite book, the man doing the same, managing to take the books before her, forcing her to look into his eyes without escaping it.
Grayson could see wind-stirred waves in her eyes and he knew if one were brave enough to enter their depths, the world would blur and he'd fall so deep in love that he'd choose to stay there – right in the midst of her storm, no matter what. Of that, he was completely sure.
"The Vampire Academy? Really?" His almost mocking tone made her snarl, narrow her eyes and force the books out of his hands. If there is anything she hates, it's someone judging a book by its covers and she really hated when people deemed her a vampire fanatic because of her favorite series. The Vampire Academy is so much more than a story about vampires and that's a hill she was willing to die on.
"You bumped into me and the first thing you want to do is mock my choice in literature?” Standing up, she raised her chin defiantly high, perhaps because he's a lot taller than she is or because she simply hated being perceived as weak and naive, but she was ready to hand his ass to him and in the most merciless manner possible. “Seriously?" She humphed, swallowing thickly as she held his gaze captive.
"You're right." Raising his hands in mock surrender, he chuckled at her attitude. Licking his lips, he raised an eyebrow before speaking again. "I'm Grayson Dolan and I'm very sorry about your book." Putting an emphasis on very, Grayson smiles too, hoping his usually disarming smirk would make her swoon like all the other girls do.
Shrugging, she pulled the books closer to her chest, her gaze falling to her feet inadvertently, wishing she could rip him a new one but he's apologetic. After all, she felt guilty about the small incident anyway and while he may be a closeted asshole, she wasn't about to chew him out for being decent enough to apologize. Every asshole needs someone to show them they are capable of change, right? Well, she certainly thought so.
"Alright." She shrugs again, a nervous tick Grayson realizes but reserves that observation to himself, deciding it would be best not to antagonize her much more though he wants to. Y/N certainly peaks his interest and it's not just about the fact he can sense her blood type just by the smell of a recent scratch on her forearm, but the fact that she's awkwardly, innocently feisty but also beautiful in the most effortless way possible, the kind where she's absolutely blind to the little things others notice and adore about her.
"Not gonna tell me your name?" Grayson steps in her way, stopping her from leaving him high and dry, effectively making her heart skip a beat loud enough that his brother heard it from the football stadium. Those earthly hues he enchanted everyone with, rimmed with thick, long, dark lashes that brushed his cheeks every time he closed his eyes, seemed to bore into her every time she looked into them and nearly lost herself. Suffering, loneliness, longing, desire; his eyes held all those deep seated emotions and for a moment she had to physically restrain herself from placing her palm on his cheek and softly asking him who hurt him so deeply.
Shaking her head, she pushes those thoughts down and reminds herself she’s probably seeing this comely man through the eyes of her wild imagination, her reality check lost somewhere on the ground ever since he bumped into her. "No. You haven't earned that yet." Smiling, she winks at him cheekily, enough to cause him to change his initial opinion - there is nothing innocent about her and he's more than willing to find out what hides in every dark corner and crease of her complicated mind.
He inhaled her scent as she passed him by, sauntering toward the entrance, purposefully too. She knew his eyes never left her form, she could sense his gaze taking her in, and usually she'd feel overexposed, making her self-conscious of every step she makes but she wanted to leave a lasting impression on him. For some unfathomable reason, Y/N found herself glancing over her shoulder at the grinning man, rushing inside faster to hide just how fast her heart is beating and how blushy his attention made her.
Shaking her head, she wondered why him. She wondered why would he be the first man to make her feel like that after years of never even looking at any man. One thing was certain - Y/N wanted to know every single part of Grayson Dolan's heart and soul.
He's not perfect as he seems, but she wants to know him, all his virtues and flaws and she wants to love and hate him and argue and cuddle and go on adventures and stay at home being lazy. She wants to hype him up and have him be her cheerleader too. It doesn't even have to be romantic in any sense even though she couldn't deny the spark she felt just by the way he looked at her. He would be a part of her life and she would make sure of it.
Rumors fly in small towns, there is nothing surprising about it. That's how Y/N had found out more than a few things about Grayson Dolan and apparently, he has a twin brother. When two guys manage to switch universities in their senior year and at the beginning of the summer semester, it’s bound to create a buzz.
From what she remembers, Grayson Dolan is very tall, muscular and from her vantage point, all she could say for certain is how sharp his jawline is. Of course, she managed to memorize his smirk and gaze, both intimidatingly intimate, the kind that grips your soul and haunts your dreams. He oozes charming confidence but also arrogance she'd usually frown upon. All in all, in few minutes she knew him, Grayson Dolan had left an impression worthy of an afterthought, the kind that turns into a daydream where your mind makes up scenarios that are highly unlikely to happen.
As it will turn out, she wasn't nearly as imaginative as she thought.
Taking her seat, relieved it's the last class for the day, Y/N glanced at the door, her eyes catching a striking man as he enters the room, his presence alone enough to make her question reality, pinching herself only to groan under her breath. In that very moment, his eyes met hers as if he could hear the silent pained 'ouch' she mumbled under her breath.
Averting her gaze, she sat up a little straighter, clearing her voice nervously before looking into her bag for a pen, anything to avoid eye contact with a guy she could easily tell was the fated twin of the man who was still taking over her waking thoughts and she was certain he'd be there when she closes her eyes too.
"Need a pen?" The low, dark voice makes her turn sideways, noticing the guy had taken the seat next to her without hesitation, his brown eyes focused on her with interest she truly wanted to squash. If anything, Y/N didn't want a guy too close to her, especially with what her father told her: "You're going to change the world one day. It's in your blood - our family blood."
Anyone would think it's just delirious talks at the end of a man's life, but there was something in his eyes when he told her, something she couldn't disregard.
"I got one." She shrugged, looking back at her bag, trying to remain calm despite feeling his lingering gaze on her.
Heat washed over her, the kind that comes when you're both embarrassed, nervous and extremely uncomfortable. The main reason for it all wasn't just Ethan but the fact that her pen was missing...and her back up pen too.
Ethan knew that too. She had no idea he had swiped them during lunch, aware he'd need a conversation starter with the girl his brother had decided was worthy of his attention after centuries of ignoring romance and love in any form. Ethan had expected a little more if he were completely honest, especially since Grayson spoke about her alluring blood and enticing personality, but he figured there's more beneath the surface.
Unlike his brother, Ethan loved making women giddy, enjoying every bit of attention his immortality gifted him with and what most humans never understood, it's that vampires have more than the gift of immortality kept by human blood.
Vampires have strength unimaginably greater than any human as well as speed no human eye could follow. Their skin isn't always cold, as long as they drink hot beverages or human blood, even their hearts might beat again. The sun won't hurt them, crosses and holy water and garlic wouldn't cause any damage either, but fire might - as well as their hearts pierced with a wooden stake or their head being chopped off? That’s a sure way to rid oneself of a vampire.
"Just take it." Ethan pushed one across the table, winking her way when she dares to look his way once more, enjoying the pink tinted cheeks barely covered with her hair way too much not to crack a smile - a smile that could melt a hundred hearts.
"Alright." Taking the pen, she clicks it eagerly, pressing her lips together to hold back a smile from him. "Thanks." And that's when the longest hour of her life began, completely unaware she became prey and not just in the eyes of the handsome twins that recently joined the campus, but of many more who'd come looking for her - a direct blood relative of Buffy Summers - the last vampire slayer and her power had finally awakened.
Completely unaware of her destiny, Y/N went about her day, falling asleep just a few minutes before midnight strikes, a certain vampire sitting nearby, listening to her breathing evening out and her heartbeat slowing down.
"Are you really going to stalk her now?" Ethan clicks his tongue, watching Grayson roll his eyes. "Don't be a cliche, brother. Either kill her and get it over with or leave her alone. It's not that hard."
Cracking his knuckles, Grayson narrows his eyes, a few dark, blood filled veins becoming increasingly prominent on his face and his once brown eyes are now clouded with darkness.
"Someone is here." Grayson whispers and Ethan chuckles.
"Yeah. Us."
"Are you really that dense? There is something creeping on that girl and it's not just us. And it smells foul." Scrunching his nose, Grayson whips his head around to her window, noticing a speedy shadow moving up the wall, and before he knows it, Grayson's instincts take over.
It only took a moment, but the next thing he knows, Grayson’s primal nature had acted for him and he was grateful. He couldn’t exactly sit by her bed and protect her all night – he couldn’t even enter her home without an invitation, but Grayson could at least protect her home.
Even he wasn’t sure on the actual reason.
"What the fuck did you do?" All he hears is her heartbeat, even as Ethan whisper shouts in his ear. All he can feel is her scent invading his senses once more, the foul stench of the creature he just beheaded no longer standing in the way.
"What I had to." Grayson spat on the body of the creature he killed without a second thought and he couldn't help but smile. As he did, the temperature fell a little. Even in the dim light of the streetlight Ethan saw his bared teeth.
"This is what will happen to anyone who dares touch her."
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Rambling about V3 Again
Today I saw a really interesting quote from author Brandon Sanderson and it honestly got me thinking. He talked about what he considers the single worst thing you can do with critique in writing, and that’s if a critic “tries to make your story into one they would write, rather a better version of one you want to write.”
That got me thinking about V3.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that V3 is a very polarizing game, and I’ve seen many people talk about how they would’ve preferred to see the story play out, from character arcs to deaths to story conclusions. And while I do honestly enjoy seeing alternative perspectives and takes and AU’s, I feel like a lot about the game, what it’s trying to say and be, is skewed by those ideals.
I’m not saying that the critiques about the game are invalid, because there are a fair share of flaws with the game. What I am saying is that we end up talking so much about what we wish V3 could’ve been that what V3 was trying to be often ends up lost in that, and I want to talk about it.
It wasn’t until I really saw this quote that I was able to articulate all my likes and dislikes about the game and the reactions to it into a cohesive whole, which is what I’d like to do here.
So let’s ask this: what was V3 really trying to be?
Let’s start from the game’s theme: the relationship between truth and lies. This is best exemplified by the fact that you have the option to lie during trials, that you can use deception to find the truth. That’s a very different take from the previous games, where hope was associated with finding and confronting the truth.
Kokichi is another example, as he’s a self-admitted liar who claims to lead a criminal organization and it’s hard to tell exactly what he’s thinking or saying. Yet Kokichi actually helps bring the group to several truths: he helps find the culprit in trials, he reveals Maki’s identity as the Ultimate Assassin, tells the truth about Gonta murdering Miu and it’s thanks to his actions that the group later discovers the reality of their situation.
Throughout their journey, the group is confronted by numerous truths they don’t want to acknowledge, even refusing to do so and attacking people who continue to push them through. And with every revelation, there’s always those lingering details that don’t really make a lot of sense.
Let’s look at the game’s main narrative. At the start of the game, Kaede remembers she was kidnapped in broad daylight, thrown into a van, and brought to some abandoned school with a bunch of other people. She doesn’t act like a particularly nice person and is dressed differently, at least until the Monokubs arrive and give everyone their new clothes and memories. From that point, the narrative shifts considerably.
Kaede is suddenly an outgoing, optimistic leader and Shuichi is a sullen, withdrawn detective who serves as her deuteragonist for Chapter 1. She’s resolved to escape the Killing Game and tries to rally the group together. However, when her methods don’t prove successful and they start drifting away from her, she considers saving them by any means necessary and goes so far as to attempt murder against the mastermind. When that happens, she’s found guilty and executed, leaving Shuichi to take up her role as protagonist.
As you go through the game, using devices called flashback lights that apparently reawaken lost memories, you learn more and more about the reason that the group was brought here: the Gofer Project. When meteors began raining down on earth, all seemed lost until they established this project to send a group of survivors into space to colonize a new planet. A group of Ultimates.
They had established early on that Ultimates have even greater rights in this world: they’re the only ones allowed to vote and hold office. As the meteors came down and the news of this project got out, some people formed a cult that believed it was divine judgement and that mankind should be destroyed. That’s when they began the Ultimate Hunt, pursuing the candidates for the Gofer Project across the world. The Ultimates, with no other way out, decided to erase their memories of talent and live their last days as normal people.
To protect them, the people in charge spread a false story that the Ultimates had died, even holding a fake funeral for them and sent them into space secretly. However, while everyone was in cold sleep, one member of the cult- Kokichi- had sneaked aboard and piloted the ship back to the ruined and now inhospitable earth. They have no way back and no way to survive outside, and thanks to Kokichi’s claims to be the mastermind, they’ve been killing each for nothing. The group ultimately loses hope.
However, they’re resolved to continue on in their fight against the mastermind when they find a flashback light that reveals they weren’t just any ultimates: they were the next generation of ultimates from Hope’s Peak Academy. It wasn’t really the meteorites that got everyone, it was an alien virus that pushed mankind to the brink of extinction. That the cult that rose in the wake of this was Ultimate Despair.
That seems like a definitive way to link this game with its predecessors...until you really begin to stop and pick it apart. If this was about saving mankind, why did nobody have their memories right away? Why would you only bring 16 people? Why students who don’t make them suited to colonization? Why people like a death row inmate, a serial killer, a self-proclaimed liar and criminal, and an assassin?
Furthermore, going through many Fte’s highlights how much of the characters’ backstories seem very out there. Gonta wasn’t raised by wolves but a race of dinosaur people living in the woods, Kirumi is so hyper-competent that she became prime minister during the meteor crisis, Korekiyo’s killed almost 100 women and yet has never been caught, Maki can attend high school despite Japanese orphanages being too underfunded for kids to usually attend, Tenko’s neo-aikido breaks all the rules of traditional aikido and she's impulsive, has low pain tolerance, and disregards fair rules, none of which are very befitting of a martial artist.
And to conclude, even I thought that the reveal of their connection to Hope’s Peak felt very fanficy and out there, especially when the game had made no references or implications of it beforehand. But the reason for all of this is simple and effective:
None of this is real. It’s all staged.
Chapter 6 reveals that everything from their identities to the outside world they thought they knew was all just a fabrication. In truth, Tsumugi shows herself as the mastermind and that they’re actually in the 53rd season of an in-universe show called Danganronpa. Something alluded to even in the beginning of the game with the Team Danganronpa logo. This moment was very make or break for a lot of people, but let’s treat it fairly.
According to Tsumugi, the outside world has become a peaceful, boring place and Danganronpa is the only source of real entertainment the people have. A place where people literally come to have their identities replaced with those of Ultimates and then made to kill each other. This, as it turns out, was an outgrowth of the actual series we’d played before. A game that’s gone over 53 times.
This revelation is devastating for the characters. The lives and memories they’d known were all fabrications, which Tsumugi claims to have intentionally written. The Flashback lights were designed to implant fake memories to manipulate them, which is why that Hope’s Peak connection was set up after everyone gave up following the reveal of the outside world. A truth that could lead the world to despair, a lie that could lead the world to hope.
She even goes so far as to show everyone’s audition tapes, claiming that Kaede, Kaito, and Shuichi himself were willing to participate in the killings out of sheer misanthropy, popularity, and morbid excitement 
Kiibo is also revealed to be the audience’s means of interacting with the game, able to carry out their wishes and can even be hijacked and used as a way to fight against the characters’ decisions.
In the end, Tsumugi claims that the ongoing battle of hope vs despair needs to continue in perpetuity and that the survivors need to sacrifice someone, since only two people can survive Danganronpa. Shuichi, however, convinces Maki and Himiko not to vote for anyone and actually convinces the in-universe audience to give up on the series. Kiibo then blows the set to hell and allows Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko the chance to escape and see the world outside and what sort of influence they could have.
Now, let’s this break this down piece by piece here, because I feel like this part of the game is often conflated. Often I’ve seen people say that Chapter 6 is a giant middle finger to fans of the series, that nothing about the series really mattered, or that the flaws of the game can simply be attributed to bad writing on the creator’s part.
I honestly used to be in that camp myself, but the more I’ve thought about it, the more I feel those statements don’t hold up to scrutiny. We often conflate writing and narrative decisions we don’t like with bad writing. However, if the creator deliberately wants the narrative to move in that direction and has made intentional foreshadowing, references, and motivations that match it, we can’t simply equate that with it being “badly written.”
It’s not bad simply because we would’ve preferred they do something different. There’s a lot of very acclaimed books out there that I’ll admit I don’t care for because of their narrative decisions, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re badly-written.
Furthermore, if something intentionally doesn’t make sense in-story, that is not bad writing. That is purposeful on the part of the creator, not a plot hole. The Gofer Project is not supposed to be a logical narrative, it’s meant to serve V3′s role: deconstruction of the nature of the series. It does this in many different ways:
Sequelization: 53 is a ridiculous amount of entries in a franchise and as I’m sure we’re all aware, as the number of entries goes up, the writing quality tends to go down. The Gofer Project story was purposefully meant to be nonsensical because it’s a story in an in-universe franchise that jumped the shark long ago.
A lot of people found it confusing or ridiculous that Shuichi and Kaede would have a romantic connection despite knowing each other barely a few days. That’s also the point; quick romances are a convenient narrative device to establish a means for character growth, followed by fridging her, a bad narrative trope designed to propel Shuichi toward development. Tsumugi even said as much during Chapter 6.
Similarly, Maki’s role in the story and her feelings for Kaito were reminiscent of that as well, with him helping her come out of her shell. 
When you go back, you can see Danganronpa is loaded with references to other series. Tsumugi is an obsessive otaku and went so far as to fill the entire story with deliberate references and callbacks to things she enjoys.
The Monokubs are deliberate references to executive decisions to add more marketable and merchandisable characters as the series drags on.
The fact that there are (supposedly) people willing to sign up for a killing game deconstructs the idea that some in the fandom may have had. That is, actually being in a killing game would not be fun or exciting, but horrific and traumatizing. Most of us wouldn’t be badass detectives or heroes, we’d be scared out of our minds, afraid, and want to find a way out.
Furthermore, Shuichi being repeatedly told that he’s just a fictional character and that his role is to be the protagonist, to go through hardships and come out stronger for the audience’s entertainment pisses him off so much that he wants no part of it. 
The climax is ultimately a deconstruction of what the series is famous for: the battle of hope vs. despair. In-universe, this has been reduced down to a simple narrative where the audience wants the same thing again and again: to see hope win in the end. Because hope keeps winning, the audience keeps wanting more. It’s become so formulaic that the audience doesn’t want to break out of its shell and just wants to see it over and over.
The final PTA against Kiibo is not meant to be an insult to the audience, but a representation of fighting against toxicity and entitlement in the fanbase, especially the ones that don’t want change. It’s not saying “you’re stupid for liking this series,” it’s saying “don’t be like these people.”
And how does the game? An unsatisfying ending that’s so bad that it drives the audience to give up on the show, finally allowing the killing to stop. Tsumugi decides she can’t live in a world without her favorite show and decides to die.
And that brings me to what I think is the ultimate thing that people conflate about the ending: that it’s all fiction, so nothing about it matters. That the entire franchise was fake, so it’s not worth your time.
That’s exactly the opposite of what V3 is trying to say.
First, Tsumugi is a completely unreliable narrator. The kind of person who let fiction consume her entire life, yet she believes it can’t change reality. She’s a liar and a hypocrite, and there’s no way of knowing if anything she says about the outside world is even true. It could be like she says or it might not be.
The fact that they have technology that can remove memories and add fake ones adds an entire dimension of ambiguity to everything she says, especially when you consider how the beginning of the game does not match up with what she says. We have no idea what the kids were really like before the killing game, so why should we believe anything she says?
And how can we be certain of her claims that she just wrote everything as planned? Kokichi and Kaito managed to put together a plan that completely threw her and Monokuma for a loop
Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko ultimately choosing to take the words of Kaede, Kaito, and Tenko to heart, even if they were part of a fictional narrative, is proof that they still had an influence on the trio. They choose to take something meaningful from their experiences regardless of the reality of their situation. And that’s something we all do.
The media we consume has an influence over who we are as people, and it’s part of why so many of us have such strong attachments to works we love. They were often influential in help shape who we are as people now, for good and for ill, and it’s important to take that into account.
V3′s message is that yes, that is important, and that you should read and enjoy stories and fiction, just as long as you don’t let it consume your life. They can influence you and even the world at large, and so it’s our responsibility as writers, artists, and creators to use that influence positively, to use the medium as a way to change the world for the better. That the only way for stale franchises that we’re tired of seeing over and over is to demand change, even if that means walking out on them. That the only way for things to change is for us to take action and demand change.
And by the end, we may not see immediate results, but we can at least work hard at trying to bring them about. V3 ends with Shuichi, Maki, and Himiko facing an uncertain future in a world they really know nothing about, but hopeful that their actions can and will change the world for the better. Real life doesn’t have solid, satisfying conclusions and it always doesn’t play out like a story, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on ever finding something satisfying or hopeful out there.
This, by no means, is me saying that V3 is a flawless story. I can point to numerous critiques that I still think hold water. However, Sanderson’s point is that we shouldn’t criticize a work based on what we wish it was rather than how it is and what it was trying to do.
I know there’s a lot about the story that bothers people, I know there’s a lot that wasn’t polished and a lot that feels uncomfortable and hard to swallow. Like Shuichi, coming out feeling confused, lost, unsure of what to do, but choosing to see merit and things to take to heart even in a story that turned out to be full of lies and uncomfortable truths.
If you didn’t enjoy V3, I wouldn’t force you to enjoy it. If you did love it, then you should love it. These are all just my thoughts on a story that, as time goes on, honestly feels more and more relevant to me.
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Title: School Unity Club
Author: @thatsrightdollface
For: @bebexox4
Pairings/Characters: Hajime Hinata/Nagito Komaeda, with appearances by both Chiaki Nanami and Kokichi Oma.  Others mentioned.
Rating/Warnings: T.  Some mention of self-deprecating thought might be a relevant warning.  There is also occasional swearing.
Prompt: Non despair hopes peak au with Enemies-Friends-Lovers komahina
Author’s notes:  Hi there!!!  Happy Komahina Secret Exchange, and I hope you enjoy your gifts!!!  :D  This is prompt one of two you can expect this time around.  This was really fun to work on hehehe.  Thank you!!!
1. Okay, Why Are We Starting a School Unity Club Again?
The first time Hope’s Peak Academy tried to recruit Nagito Komaeda, of course he turned them down: he was unworthy, he insisted, trying to laugh at himself, trying to raise his metaphorical palms in obvious surrender.  I mean, come on.  Hope’s Peak… haha, that was for genuinely amazing people.  For the Ultimate Students, glimmering irrefutable beacons of hope to everybody else.  They were — no.  Nagito couldn’t go to school with people like that.  Practically superheroes, so hardworking and disciplined and just everything Nagito knew he didn’t deserve to be.  What would he even say?  How would he know where to sit, or when to participate in class discussions, or how to tactfully say no when they felt obligated to invite him along places?
But, in the end, Hope’s Peak Academy hadn’t so much wanted Nagito as a student, he gathered, as they’d wanted to study his luck.  Nagito’d always had unreasonable, relentless, mythically impossible luck.  Amazing things happened to him, and then… like clockwork, like the gears of the universe churning away… equally devastating things inevitably followed.  The Ultimate Lucky Student.  That’s right.  After years of fallen-apart loved ones and distant extended family members and snakes slithering out of his bathtub drain the second he realized “You know, I think this might be my favorite brand of shampoo,” Nagito Komaeda’s absurd luck was finally going to help somebody.  Hope’s Peak could learn from his luck, and that was worth humiliating himself daily, stumbling around Ultimate Students, rambling and awestruck.  That was worth knowing he’d never belong, because he hadn’t worked for his Talent.  It wasn’t really a Talent at all.
When Nagito was happy, he knew he was sure to feel tears burning against the back of his eyes very soon.  He was happy about the chance to attend Hope’s Peak, despite everything, despite knowing he should have turned the invitation down again, whether his luck could be useful or no…  and so, of course, bad things followed.  Bad things he hadn’t talked to his classmates about, yet, and probably never would.  Because it wasn’t like Nagito had come to such a prestigious institution expecting anybody to actually care about him.  It wasn’t like he would have clawed his way in without being invited.  Right?
Nagito liked to think that was right, anyway, just the way he liked to think he didn’t actually want any of his fancy, impossible new classmates to contradict him when he described himself as worthless, a faceless background character in their lives.  Why should they tell him he was more than a bystander?  Nagito would hold the camera when his classmates wanted a group photo.  That should be more than enough.  If he wanted to get something done for their sake, he could lean on his Ultimate Luck.  If he drew a lottery number, it would always win.  If a car was careening out of control through the school grounds, it would be sure to hit him before it clobbered anyone else.  A weird system — a horrible system, from some points of view — but it was the least Nagito could do.  It was his so-called “Talent,” after all.
Maybe that was why the Reserve Course had never made a lot of sense, to Nagito.  See, some people could pay a hell of a lot of extra tuition money and buy their way into Hope’s Peak…  but not as Ultimates.  It felt like a flashlight demanding to be called the sun, to Nagito.  Like a puddle on the street insisting it was the ocean.  If Ultimates really were “hope,” then how dare anybody scramble around to grab their spotlight away, right?  Reserve Course attendants would probably be easier to get along with than the Ultimate Students, given that Nagito was more or less “one of them”… a nobody, a stranger, an intruder here in this place for gods.  But he didn’t go looking for friends among the Reserve Course, either.  Why should he want to be buddy-buddy with arrogant pretenders?  It wasn’t like Nagito had ever felt especially good at talking to people, anyway.  He’d probably say something wrong; he’d probably mess something up; he’d probably just get furious.  Wouldn’t you want to turn off the flashlight that thought it was the sun?  
Better not to delude yourself, even if the truth was ugly, full of shaky, simpering smiles and resignation.  Happiness led to pain.  Good luck led to misery.  On and on and on, and Nagito had been fairly sure he’d graduate from Hope’s Peak without any of his classmates having memorized his full name.  You know, if he lived that long.
That’s why it was all the more surprising when Chiaki Nanami… the Ultimate Gamer…  kept insisting on talking to him.  Of course, Chiaki was kind to their whole class.  She had no reason to sit silently and play phone games with Nagito until his phone caught fire in his hands — she had no reason to chat about his favorite super-indie horror titles during breaks in schoolwork, coming over to stand by his desk on purpose.  Chiaki wanted to understand everybody: she told Nagito as much, honestly.  Chiaki wanted their whole class to be a team, and so when she asked Nagito to show up for movie nights he did.  He knew he’d suffer the bad luck for it later, but he picked up the phone when Chiaki called him every time.  
If she wanted to be friends with everyone, Chiaki shouldn’t have to work for the Ultimate Lucky Student’s friendship, obviously.  He should be a shoe-in.  And it wasn’t really that Nagito was having fun that kept him sticking around, probably.  It wasn’t really that he was starting to banter with the Ultimate Mechanic and the Ultimate Gangster, as if they were actually… uh… friendly acquaintances, or something, either.  Chiaki told him he was reliable, even if he still wouldn’t admit he belonged with the rest of them.  Even if he said hurtful things sometimes and didn’t seem to realize it.
“What?!” Nagito had balked, then.  “Have I insulted you?  Oh, no.  No, that’s unacceptable.  For someone like me to speak badly of an Ultimate Student, even without meaning to —”
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” Chiaki had answered.  She reminded Nagito of a cat, pretty consistently… heavy-lidded eyes, and a voice like a tail swishing slowly back and forth.  She didn’t look up from the game system in her hands as she drawled at him.  “You say horrible things about yourself, and about how you can’t understand why I’d want anything to do with you…  makes me feel like you don’t think I can pick my own friends.  I say I think you’re okay, and you spend the next half an hour telling me why that’s a stupid thing to think.  Kazuichi says he’s glad you stopped by to help him work on that robot project he’s building, and you have to make him apologize for thinking ‘trash like you’ deserves to hang out with the Ultimate Mechanic at all.”
Nagito wasn’t sure how to respond to any of that.  He’d cleared his throat.
“Your friends will hurt when they see you hurt, Nagito.  I always heard people in games saying that, and now I know it’s true.  Okay?”
“Hm.  Okay…  if you’re sure, as an Ultimate Student.”
“I’m sure as your friend Chiaki.”
“Interesting.  I mean…  yeah, I’ll do my best not to hurt you?”
Nagito had been watching the way he talked about himself around Chiaki Nanami for about a week before she came to him with a plan she’d been working on with the Ultimate Supreme Leader.  Kokichi Oma was a couple years behind them, but he was always scheming like the “Spawn of Loki” the Ultimate Animal Breeder declared him to be — his latest plan involved trying to unite the two branches of their school, the Main Course and the Reserve Course, coming together for some sort of mysterious club.  Chiaki was all for it, apparently, and Nagito had wanted to say a lot of things.  He’d wanted to say it sounded like reassuring the puddle that ships could drown in it after all, and coral reefs were sure to grow.  It felt false, and wrong.  But a lot of things Kokichi Oma said felt “false and wrong,” and Nagito wanted to be Chiaki’s real, worthy friend so badly.  He agreed to help, however he could.
“It’s so generous of the Ultimates to share their Talents with everybody!” Nagito said.  That was a fair enough rationalization, wasn’t it?  “You really are a commendable person, Ultimate Supreme Leader.  Even if practically everything you say is a shameless lie!”
And, “Hey now, most of my nefarious criminal organization members wouldn’t be called ‘Ultimate,’ and they’ve got more talents to share around than this whole stuck-up school,” Kokichi answered, voice light and airy, like he wasn’t actually invested in the conversation… though his eyes said he really was, unless that expression was just another lie from him?  Lies upon lies upon lies.  People told Nagito he was confusing to talk to, but surely he couldn’t have anything on Kokichi Oma.  Was that okay for him to think?  “A lot of these titles we got assigned feel pretty arbitrary, if you ask me.  And it’s ridiculous we’ve never actually met so many of our classmates!”
Nagito raised his eyebrows. “Classmates?”
Kokichi stared him down, smile practically painted on.  “Classmates.  Yeah.  Just think of how many possible recruits for my organization might be waiting in the Reserve Course…  ya think any of ‘em are interested in a life of evil?”
“Most of the people who made the games we play aren’t Ultimates, either,” Chiaki murmured, at Kokichi’s side.  She was muted and dusky pink, with a tender, hesitant smile — Kokichi was so glaringly bright and loud next to her.  They made a strange team, but of course no stranger than Nagito and anyone in the world.  “Please, Nagito.  The School Unity Club is going to try and form real friendships…  I think it’s a chance for us to do something good, and to learn what it’s like to be in the Reserve Course.“
As if Nagito wanted to understand something like that!  Haha!  Oh, Chiaki.  No.
But that’s what led Nagito here, to the first official School Unity Club meeting.  He filled out the Getting to Know Everybody Questionnaire Kokichi and Chiaki passed out, and he hung around in the back of the room, hands folded in his pockets, face perfectly neutral, until a spiky haired Reserve Course guy came storming up to him.  What could have possibly gotten this uppity loser so mad?  Chiaki had decorated this classroom herself, specifically for trash like the both of them.  They should be so grateful.  There were streamers and everything.
“Are you Nagito Komaeda?” Mr. Pointy-Hair spat.
“I am.  Nice to meet —”
“So you’re the one who wrote that people who joined the Reserve Course have ‘no good reason to be here’ on the questionnaire.  Knowing we’d all read it — knowing how much we want to attend Hope’s Peak Academy —”
Nagito nodded, letting himself smile.  Ah, okay.  This was making a little sense now.  “Excuse me, I think you misunderstand something,” he tried to clarify.  “I don’t believe I have a good reason to be here, either…  really, we’re almost the same, you and me.  I probably have more to say to someone like you than my whole class!”  Nagito paused.  Glanced over at the Ultimate Gamer.  “Except for Chiaki.  Maybe.  If she still thinks so.”
Mr. Pointy-Hair didn’t look reassured by Nagito’s explanation.  If anything, his cheeks were flushed red, the fury creeping up to the tips of his ears, and his hands were clenched into fists at his sides.  He was a little shorter than Nagito, but he was standing as tall as he possibly could.  “Someone like me?” he asked.  It was a question, somehow, but what exactly did he expect Nagito to say?  Mr. Pointy-Hair’s teeth were ground together, but there was something honest and wholesome about his mossy green eyes.  Nagito might have wanted to ask his name, if he didn’t feel sure he was about to get yelled at.  Why weren’t they understanding each other, exactly, here?
“You’re not an Ultimate,” Nagito said, explaining something painfully simple.  “This is a school for extraordinary people, and you and I are both unworthy of it.  You see?  But that shouldn’t be news to you…”
Mr. Pointy-Hair was spitting mad.  Was he going to punch Nagito, next?  Or simply tell him how awful he was?  Nagito was bracing himself either way, but he shouldn’t have bothered.  That was when Kokichi Oma’s spotlight found them, after all.  That was when the Ultimate Supreme Leader — sauntering around on a stage made of pushed-together desks and using a super-chipper ringmaster voice — declared, “Oh!  And what’s this?  Mr. Komaeda and Mr. Hinata are already picking a fight!  I think we just found some volunteers for a club project, guys!”
There was a scattering of polite, confused applause, and this Mr. Pointy-Hair Hinata spun around on his heel and threw himself out of the room.  The door slammed, and his footsteps thudded away down the hall.
Nagito took a stumbling half-step after him.  He didn’t mean to.  This was the sort of pretender who thought he deserved to be an Ultimate without earning it, after all.  There was no reason to wonder what their club project would be together, or if he’d ever learn Hinata’s first name.  There was no reason to ask what the Ultimate Supreme Leader had in store for them to work on — there was probably no reason to assume he and Hinata would ever see each other again, or get another chance to try and have an actual conversation.
Nagito asked Kokichi what their assignment was, anyway.
1½. Talking to You’s Like Trying to Paint in the Rain
Hajime Hinata figured if he just never attended a School Unity Club meeting again, he could simmer for a while and then amble on like this never happened.  Like he’d never met Nagito Komaeda, with his hazy dark eyes and drifting, shaky-yet-infuriatingly-resolute voice.  If he never joined up with the club again, then he couldn’t be assigned any weird-ass “club projects,” could he?  And since Nagito was part of the Main Course…  an Ultimate, even if he’d tried to convince Hajime they were “the same,” or whatever…  their paths wouldn’t necessarily cross, otherwise.  They even had passing periods at different times, and if Hajime saw Nagito’s fluffy, flyaway white hair from across the hallway he just stopped in his tracks and stalked away.
But, I mean…  that isn’t the end of the story, obviously.  Hajime underestimated the Ultimate Supreme Leader, and also how ridiculous things could get at Hope’s Peak Academy.  Sometimes, the place barely even felt real.
Hajime received the instructions for his and Nagito Komaeda’s club project midway through math class.  The guy in front of him — who he’d known the whole year, mind you, and was definitely just some guy who liked comic books and was often a little late to class — turned around in his seat and stage-whispered, “Hey, Hinata, you wouldn’t happen to know the answer to question thirteen, would you?”
“There is no question thirteen,” Hajime answered.  “The worksheet only goes to ten —” and then he actually looked up, to raise his eyebrows at his classmate and/or see if they had different worksheets for some reason.  And well.  Hm.  Wouldn’t you know it, this wasn’t his classmate at all.  This was very obviously Kokichi Oma from the Main Course in a wig.  The Ultimate Supreme Leader was wearing a Reserve Course uniform with the tie knotted all sloppily, and he grinned like the damn Cheshire Cat as he handed over a big envelope with the words “This is not your School Unity Club project assignment!” scribbled on it.
“Oh!  Nice eye,” Kokichi grinned.  “Aren’t you a smart one.”
“I don’t want to work with Nagito Komaeda,” Hajime hissed.  “And Kokichi, this isn’t your class.”
“Are you sure I’m not enrolled in the Reserve Course, too?”
“Ugh.  Yes?  And you’re two years behind me.”
Kokichi scratched at his forehead.  Hajime thought maybe he was taunting him, intentionally fiddling with his wig so that a little of his flippy purple hair snuck out.  “Nagito’s stubborn, isn’t he?  Kind of like you.”
“We’re nothing alike,” Hajime said, but even as he spat those words he knew they weren’t completely true.  Honestly, Hajime felt sick with guilt for getting his family to pay this ridiculous Hope’s Peak Reserve Course tuition — he’d tried to change his own mind, convincing himself it didn’t matter whether the world called him Special.  The Ultimate Students were just people, he told himself.  So what if nobody thought he was good enough to be one of them?  He could still live a happy, normal life…  he could still pour attention into the hobbies he loved, and spend time with the people he cared about, and maybe it was kind of a pain to have your face on convenience store magazines anyway.
Hajime told himself stuff like that over and over again, but it wasn’t like it stuck, you know?  It didn’t change the tide of his thoughts.  It felt like the minute he painted a nice, encouraging picture of an alternative to Hope’s Peak Academy for himself, it got washed away.  Staring into Nagito’s serene, self-righteously knowing eyes had felt a little like that, too.  Hajime got the feeling that he could talk to him and talk to him, but it was almost impossible to change this guy’s mind until he changed it himself.  
It was infuriating, wasn’t it, talking to people like that?
“If you want to prove you’re really different than Nagito — you’re really not super-stubborn and impossible to reach — you can always just do the project,” the Ultimate Supreme Leader grinned.  “Up to you.  I told him to meet you by those big fountains after school, and I think he’s actually gonna do it.  He asked what your first name was, too…  I told him it was ‘Daisuke.’”
“But it isn’t.”
“Oops, my bad.  So tell him yourself.”
Hajime read the crayon-drawing assignment sheets waiting for him in that envelope during a break, sitting slumped over at a table with a bunch of students he didn’t really know.  Apparently, Kokichi and the Ultimate Gamer wanted Hajime and Nagito to make a short documentary film showing everybody what life was like in the Hope’s Peak Reserve Course.  They were supposed to interview students and get some funny stories; they were supposed to go over some of the things people were studying, and rate whether the desks were comfy.  Just…  get a portrait of the Reserve Course as people, basically, the instructions said.  And be sure to let the Ultimate Supreme Leader know if anyone seemed open to helping with this prank he had in the works.  Get them to sign a short, totally-harmless liability form.  It’ll be fun.
Hajime crumpled the envelope and all its assignment sheets up, one by one, preparing to toss them away with the rest of his trash.  But then he unfolded them, running a hand through his sticky-uppy hair.  
You know what?  
Why not.  
Maybe it would do Nagito Komaeda some good, to get to know the people he was insulting.  To see the school from a different point of view.  Maybe it would be satisfying to see him feel like a jerk, fumbling around, trying oh-so-messily to explain himself to anybody a little less forgiving than Hajime.  Anyway, it was sort of annoying the guy thought his name was something random Kokichi Oma had pulled out of a hat, too.
So Hajime went to meet Nagito by the fountains.  For a moment, before they actually started working on the project, it had felt sort of right.  Nagito had stood up from where he’d been bent over some homework; he’d smoothed down his vest, and smiled awkwardly, self-consciously.  Hopefully.  It had looked like maybe he would apologize.  Maybe he’d thought over what he said, and Hajime didn’t need to spend any time convincing him he was an asshole.  In that case, maybe Nagito was the kind of willowy handsome that Hajime liked in drama actors, if you got past the funny way he held himself.  In that case, maybe his voice was sort of soft and lyrical, and if they were talking about something else…  almost anything else…  Hajime wouldn’t really mind listening to him.
But then, uh.  Hajime got close enough for Nagito to wave, and call, “Do you understand what I meant, now, then?  It’s nice to meet you properly, Daisuke!”  And it only went downhill from there.  
It didn’t help that the minute Hajime handed Nagito the school-owned camera Kokichi had finagled for them to use, it got carried out of his hands by an actual hawk.  What the hell?  “Ultimate Luck,” Nagito clarified, but what did that even mean?  So then they were gonna record the thing on Hajime’s phone, except that they couldn’t decide where to start.  Who to talk to.  They got into a half-shouting match in front of a few of Hajime’s friendlier classmates, who excused themselves as quickly as possible.  They tried to film the gymnasium, but it was closed for emergency fumigation and they ended up gagging, hunched over outside the doors for about five minutes.  They tried to film in the dorms, but Hajime’s entrance pass cracked in two when they attempted to use it.  Those were expensive!  Augh!  Why was Nagito laughing?!
Whatever Hajime tried to do, it felt like Nagito came sliding over to step on his toes.  They were getting nowhere.  This project was getting nowhere.  They had to delete the one decent interview they managed to get because Hajime himself accidentally had his thumb over the camera.  He had literally no idea how he could’ve missed something like that.
“Ultimate Luck,” Nagito said, again, for about the millionth time that evening.  “See?  It’s really not always much of a talent!”
That was the last straw.  Hajime was done.  Nagito was still obsessed with this concept of “talent”; Nagito was the last person who should be making a video trying to show what life was really like for Reserve Course students.  The Ultimate Supreme Leader was probably just messing with them, just being a little shit like people said he tended to be.  School Unity?  What could Nagito Komaeda do to work towards School Unity?  He was probably the sort of person who would want to trap a lizard that thought it was a dragon, just to show the poor little guy how small he really was.  Hajime didn’t have time for this.
And so he told Nagito as much, and he gathered up his things.  He deleted all the footage they’d recorded for their project, and went back home.  That could’ve been the end of it.  If Kokichi turned up in any of his classes again, Hajime would just tune him out.  If the Ultimate Gamer asked him why he didn’t come around anymore, yeah, okay, he’d apologize, but that was it.
Hajime didn’t hear anything from the School Unity Club for about a month.  “Good riddance,” he thought.  He imagined himself slamming a book closed.  And then possibly kicking said book under the bed, or something.
When he got a text from Kokichi Oma — wait, how had the Ultimate Supreme Leader gotten his phone number?! — Hajime almost didn’t open it.  But morbid curiosity won out in the end, as it so often did.  Morbid curiosity, and that claustrophobic, helplessly-stricken pull to the Ultimate Students Hajime still felt, even now.  He had wanted to be valuable, to be seen; he had wanted to be a revelation.  Every breath he took on this earth could have been game-changing, if only he’d been born someone else.
“Nice work on your video,” Kokichi said.  “Turned out really insightful.  I think it’ll help the Reserve Course students feel seen, too.”
Alright.  Hold on.
2. The Light
When Nagito Komaeda asked the Ultimate Supreme Leader whether it had been difficult, convincing Hajime to come watch his documentary about the Hope’s Peak Academy Reserve Course together, Kokichi said, “You just better not mess this up, kid,” with a big, sloppy wink.  Nevermind that he really hadn’t answered the question, actually, when Nagito thought back on it – nevermind that Kokichi was… again…  younger than him.   Maybe it meant Hajime had struggled against the idea of ever actually talking to Nagito again, and Kokichi’d had to bribe him with glittery promises like, “If you give the video a chance, I’ll delete your phone number from my contacts list!”  Or maybe it meant Nagito should feel lucky – lucky in a good way, mind you – because Hajime hadn’t needed a lot of nagging at all.  Maybe Mr. Pointy-Hair was genuinely curious.  Maybe he’d be willing to forgive how badly things had gone, and try, Nagito didn’t know, “hanging out” again, sometime.
“Why did you lie about Hajime’s name, to me?” Nagito asked.  “I looked…  inconsiderate.”
“Who knows?” Kokichi said.  “I do stuff like that, you know.”
It would’ve been way too easy, if Kokichi Oma had been willing to answer a simple question for once.  But all the same, Nagito ended up sitting alone in a dark, lonely classroom after club activities were over for the night; all the same, Nagito had finished up the Reserve Course documentary film on his own.  He’d purchased four separate video cameras, and lost them all to his ruthless luck.  He’d interviewed people from Hajime’s classes, asking the questions Hajime had scrawled out on the back of Kokichi’s crumpled-up assignment envelope that time they tried working together.  “What brought you to the Reserve Course?”  “What’s your most precious goal, and how do you hope the Reserve Course will help you get there?”  “Do you like going to school here?”  “What do you think Hope’s Peak could do differently, to show that it values all its students?”  Some of the answers he’d gotten were genuinely shocking – one of them made him cry, actually, and try to shake the girl’s hand afterwards.  (She took his hand, yes, but then asked why there was so much mud on it.  Oh, crap.  Nagito’d forgotten that happened…  he’d been swallowed up by a surprise swamp on the way across campus that day.)  All of the answers were…  human?  Maybe sometimes it was easy to get so wrapped up in this business of hope and despair, talent and luck, that Nagito forgot how learning a person’s abilities just barely scraped the surface of what it would be like getting to know them.  He didn’t talk much at all, giving his interviews – aside from asking questions, of course.  He laughed at jokes, sometimes, but he tried to laugh quietly, without wobbling the camera too much.
Nagito had expected the interviews would enrage him – would make him think these people were ungrateful, were building themselves homemade trophies to take away from the Ultimate Talents the Main Course actually earned.  And sometimes, yeah, sometimes he did want to argue back.  Put them in their places, back in the dirt with him; click off the flashlight that thought it was the sun.  But he listened, for a while, anyway.  Maybe it was because Hajime would’ve wanted him to, at first – maybe it was because Hajime might have said he couldn’t do it.   But in the end, Nagito found himself with a lot of footage of people telling him their truths, and so many of those stories tasted familiar. That longing, that hurt, that want, that hunger.  It had been written all over Hajime’s face when they first met, but Nagito’d never asked his story, had he?
Ah, well.  Nagito had tried making the documentary into something Hajime wouldn’t hate, you know?  He’d gone to one of the Reserve Course’s basketball games and recorded the crowds cheering, recorded the players’ teamwork and struggle.  None of the players were the Ultimate Basketball Star or anything, but it still mattered when they won, didn’t it?  Maybe not as much, existentially, or for the hope of the world as Nagito understood it, but – but it could still be emotional watching them come together and ruffle each other’s hair, afterwards, reminiscing about the game.  Nagito had attempted to go to a Reserve Course swimming team competition too, but of course the pool flooded the second he stepped in the building…  and like, really flooded, in that most of the bleachers were still underwater and they hadn’t been able to drain the dressing rooms, yet.  Some sort of weird, constant flow in from ocean?!  Nagito wasn’t sure on the specifics.  Point being, he’d stopped attending sports events for a while, but he had asked Chiaki to record the Reserve Course’s musical production of Les Misérables so he could splice some of it into the documentary.
Nagito didn’t ask specific questions about Hajime Hinata while conducting his interviews, but he’d heard some stuff about him all the same.  He was a good classmate, people said – a hard worker, soft-spoken, but he didn’t just sit back and take kindly to bullies.  He was smart, but his handwriting was terrible, and he and Nagito seemed to like the same type of video games.  Hajime’s classmates mentioned him in passing, see, discussing him among themselves…  or they said, “Oh, no, Nagito’s probably okay.  He was with Hajime a couple days ago, remember?  Hey, Nagito, are you two friends?”
In that moment, Nagito had wanted very badly to say yes, yes they were friends. He would’ve been proud to have Hajime like him, as a person, the way Chiaki seemed to.  But he just sort of smiled and shook his head.  “We were working on a project together,” he offered.  “School Unity Club.”   It was probably fair to leave it at that, right?  
But now the documentary was finished, and Hajime had been persuaded… somehow…  to come to some empty classroom after School Unity Club let out and watch it at Nagito’s side.  Nagito hadn’t really felt like he should be going to School Unity Club meetings lately: it was surreal to be back here again, inviting Hajime into the ruins of a game tournament.  There was a scribbly, multi-color scoreboard, and bits of the floor were duct-taped off into what looked like a beanbag chair/slime vat obstacle course.  The janitors at Hope’s Peak must have hated Kokichi Oma.  Or who knows, really?  Maybe he was planning to slink back in and clean all this up himself, after Nagito and Hajime finished with their video.  Nagito showed Hajime over to some chairs he’d set up in front of his cracked-apart personal laptop.  He pulled out Hajime’s chair a little bit, like they were someplace fancy, and Hajime scoffed.  He sat down, though.  And then he gestured to Nagito’s chair, like, “Well?”
They watched the documentary in silence.  Sometimes Hajime shifted, or scratched at his neck.  Sometimes he gasped, or shot Nagito careful, considering eyes.  Nagito…  for his part…  tried his best to keep his expression neutral, the same as he’d done at that first School Unity Club meeting.  The last interview was with himself, after all, and he thought he’d made his own points pretty clear.  He didn’t understand what the Reserve Course meant, in connection to the Main Course here at Hope’s Peak Academy…  on one hand he still thought it defied the point of the whole place, but on the other it was a class full of creativity and excitement and hope for the future, too.  He’d learned a lot from the Reserve Course students, and it had been fun spending time with them.  The interview questions had been written by Hajime Hinata, but they’d honestly become Nagito’s questions too, by the end.  He thanked the viewer for watching, and the interviewees for talking to him, and the swimming team for their forgiveness when he tried to explain that it was his weird luck that ruined their tournament.
It wasn’t perfect.  Nagito stumbled over his words, sometimes, and he contradicted himself, and he went on a short monologue about how it was possible hope came in innumerable different forms.  He hinted at one of his most embarrassing thoughts, too – that maybe…  just maybe, possibly, against all odds… it might’ve been more merciful to have a world without the worship of talent, a world where all people could just live as themselves and know that was enough. He had almost edited that part out.  In another life, he probably wouldn’t have wanted anyone in the world to hear it.  It flew in the face of everything he was supposed to honor, after all.  It was skeptical of the very concept of the Ultimate Talents themselves.
Nagito might not have been able to explain exactly why he kept that part of his own interview in the documentary.  Maybe he wanted Hajime to get him, if they ever spoke again.  Maybe so many strangers had been utterly, vulnerably honest with him, he felt like it was sort of his turn. Either way, he winced, taking in the frustrated surrender on his own recorded face.  He kept his arms folded over his chest and gritted his teeth.  Hajime was watching him imagine a world where all that mattered was the light, whether it came from a flashlight or the sun.  For all Nagito knew, he sounded ridiculous.
“That wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be,” Hajime said, slowly, after the credits rolled – Chiaki was thanked for most things Nagito hadn’t attributed to either himself or the conspicuously-absent Hajime Hinata.  “Thanks, Nagito.  You…  are you going to the next club meeting?”
“What?  Am I…?”
“I mean the School Unity Club.  If you go to the next meeting, I’ll come too.”
Nagito swallowed, fidgeting.  He brushed a little messy white hair behind his ear.  “Yeah.  Yeah, absolutely.”  He decided to push his luck, just a little, then, seeing Hajime smile: he decided to try and make this raw, beautiful person that hated him laugh.  “Maybe Kokichi’ll stop pestering me if I finally participate.”
Hajime snorted.  He relaxed, just the littlest bit, and Nagito felt his insides twist.  That was an unfamiliar feeling.
“Probably not,” Hajime said.
“No… probably not.”
That couldn’t have been part of the Ultimate Supreme Leader’s secret conniving plan, though, right?  To get them to bond over mutual frustration…  to pester them both until they started commiserating about it…
But then, maybe Nagito shouldn’t put it past him.  Kokichi’d earned his Ultimate Student-status somehow.  Maybe he and Chiaki hadn’t been completely wrong about a School Unity Club, either.
Well, now… they’d just played right into the Ultimate Supreme Leader’s hands, hadn’t they?
That didn’t matter too much, somehow, when Hajime was taking Nagito out to arcades with his other friends, and on hikes in the forest, and to read quietly on a bench in the park.  Sun on their skin, wind in their hair, ruffling the pages of their books just the littlest bit…  or else grabbing Nagito’s book away and hurtling it out horrifyingly fast into oncoming traffic.  Or maybe it was the first book Hajime got him as a gift that would get stolen by a randomly-appearing hawk, this time?   At least now Hajime knew Nagito usually laughed that desperate, rattling sort of cackle when he was upset.  Nervous.  Panicking.  At least now Hajime would rub his back, a little, and tell him they were fine.  Hey, hey.  Nagito, look at me.  Your luck isn’t your fault.  Just breathe.
No, falling for the Ultimate Supreme Leader’s machinations barely mattered at all, this time.
2 ½. So Glad I was Wrong About You
The first time Hajime Hinata kissed Nagito Komaeda, he hadn’t been expecting to do it, himself, if you’d asked him just five minutes before.  They were doing homework together, and the year was almost over – Nagito had asked Hajime to come to the Main Course Graduation Ball with him, as friends, of course, and high school was winding down to an end for both of them.  Hajime had just worked weekend shifts at a thrift store to buy himself a set of four-leaf clover cufflinks to wear with his suit, small and gold and hopefully not the sort of thing Nagito would think was tacky.  They were…  Hajime hadn’t known what they were, exactly, until he found himself watching the way Nagito talked with his hands, staring off into the distance, swept away in what they were discussing.  He remembered something their mutual friend Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, had said a few weeks before:
“I don’t think Nagito’s gonna ask you to go to the ball as his date-date.  But if he does, be nice.”
Hajime hadn’t pressed Chiaki on that, for some reason.  He’d been a little distracted by how she was completely annihilating him in the game they were playing.  Why hadn’t he…  dammit, why hadn’t he really heard her, then?  If Nagito asked him out, like…  as a boyfriend…  Hajime was supposed to treat him gently.  Maybe Chiaki thought Hajime would’ve wanted to say no, to an invitation like that?  It was hard to say.  Her expression had been all dusty lavender, vague and soft, watching her character defeat Hajime’s so, so mercilessly.  The game had been reflected in her eyes, neon and flickering and fast.
But maybe…  maybe what Chiaki said had meant more than just some run-of-the-mill politeness advice.   It could have meant Nagito’d told Chiaki he was interested in taking Hajime as his date-date, but had backed away squirming from the idea because he was still getting over the concept that he was somehow fundamentally broken.   Maybe he didn’t realize Hajime had bought those four-leaf clover cufflinks like a promise, because he didn’t want this Graduation Ball to be the last chance he got to wear them.  To be fair, Hajime had only just realized that, himself.  Who else was he gonna wear four-leaf clovers for, if not the Ultimate Lucky Student?  He’d gotten to know Nagito’s luck extremely well, over the last year together; he knew which scars he tended to keep hidden, because he hated explaining their backstories, and he had watched Nagito’s closing monologue from that Reserve Course documentary over and over in the dead of night.  Trying to understand it.  Trying to understand this impossible, contrary guy who had just helped him edit his last Japanese Literature essay of the semester.
Hajime had kept telling himself he was done with Nagito Komaeda – for weeks, he’d told himself that.  It felt like such a waste, now.  They were both growing beyond Hope’s Peak Academy, in their ways, even though obviously there had been a time when Hajime would’ve told you that was impossible.  He hadn’t thought he could imagine himself a meaningful future without some link to Ultimate Talent, without this school, whatever exactly it was, but the possibilities had started painting themselves to life without him really noticing it.  The change crept in so sweetly, somewhere between the Ultimate Supreme Leader dragging the whole School Unity Club into participating in the next academy-wide musical and that time they’d all gotten lost in the mountains and Hajime found himself spreading his coat out over Nagito while he slept.   Living had changed things, brought meaning where none had been assigned by fancy academy board members.  When Hajime learned about the Izuru Kamukura Project – a study that had apparently endowed some random Reserve Course student with all the Ultimate Talents under the sun – he was jealous, yeah, but not the way he felt he should have been.
Hajime leaned across the desk and took Nagito’s face in his hands; he kissed him fast and hard, before he could change his mind.  Kissed him like he’d yelled his actual first name in his face.  Kissed him like truth, and the revelation he’d always thought maybe he could be, if only, if only, if only.  He felt Nagito tense and then soften; he felt Nagito try to speak, and then close his eyes, pale lashes brushing against his skin.  Hajime ran his hand down Nagito’s neck, and tangled it just a little in his unbrushed hair.  Nagito made a wondering, helpless sound, and Hajime held him closer.  Pulled back.  Kissed his forehead.
“I’m sorry,” Nagito said.  Hajime didn’t think he knew what for.   Maybe he was still sorry for saying he didn’t think Hajime had any reason to come to this school and that whole tangled-up, confusing introduction they’d had; maybe he was just worried he’d turned out to be a disappointing kisser.  Somewhere out in the hallway, Kokichi Oma was laughing, calling, “You’ll never take me alive!” to someone chasing him with a mysteriously bedazzled mop.  Somewhere out in the hallway, Izuru Kamukura – Reserve Course student-turned living god – was staring out at the world and realizing it was all immeasurably, heartbreakingly boring, when all the talent possible was limp in his hands.
“Why?” Hajime asked.
“Um,” Nagito said.  There were so many words churning inside him, but he was holding Hajime’s hand really tightly, now.  He cleared his throat.  “I mean, we can try that again, if you want.  If I did it wrong.”
Hajime and Nagito were both strong believers in second chances, by that point.  They went to the Main Course Graduation Ball with Nagito holding Hajime’s hand just as tight, and no, that absolutely wasn’t the last chance Hajime had to wear those four-leaf clover cufflinks.  
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