#because I’m afraid of season 2 and I’m currently rewatching all of it with a friend I forgot what happens because it was that bad brah
sentoind · 2 months
Tbh something I find really funny is that almost everyone kind of just ignores the last episode of season 2 of tnb LMFAO. Like you can acknowledge it but everyone immediately adds onto it with behind the scenes stuff. And I say this because I also ignore the last episode.
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sometimes i think about the fact that thru u (and rather indirectly through myself) i’m technically only one degree of separation from the actual real neil gaiman. my eleventh grade english teacher would be fangirling so bad right now. but he hasn’t answered any of my emails in the past two months so i fear the 7th graders may have eaten him.
anyway. that’s not at all the point of this.
the point is. my point. is. i read good omens five days before you somehow got stuck in this fandom. i have also never watched the tv show. who the heck is this muriel. why is there ice cream. what is going on. where are my four other horsemen off the apocalypse.
anyway. in summary. hello from the direct opposite but parallel half of the fandom. it’s been a doozy trying to keep up with things and maybe maybe maybe i’ll finally cave and watch the show. until then-
“actually, it was bloody beautiful.”
Hello anon maggot! Well, yes, I suppose that is true...? I remember back in the middle of Jan one of my mutuals said they were mutuals-in-law now with Neil. I'm afraid I have no bloody clue about how mutual culture actually works on tumblr.
I've nearly been two months on here now, but my, uh, vaguely downwards saunter on this hellsite doesn't seem to be the norm. Add to that the fact that during my first summaries of Good Omens, during the first week of Jan, I was questioning whether Neil was fictional or not.
Yeaaaaaah my life's always kinda strange I've learned to roll with it by now. I hope your (former?) English teacher has not, in fact, been eaten by 7th graders. Unless he was a tool, in which case, I hope they feasted on his mortal frame. I'm hoping that since he's a Neil fan he was not a tool and has not been consumed for sustenance by 12 year olds.
The ice cream is a brief scene in the first season, it's an easter egg for the plotline of Sadie and Dottie's whirlwind romance in season 2. I don't think that was included in the book, probably not, because they're actually a nod to characters in one of Terry Pratchett's novels I believe. Their romance is honestly the cutest, to the point that Neil resorted to using ridiculous plot threads of them to ward off people asking for S3 spoilers. But their canon romance, I mean, it's just insane. Muriel is an angel in season 2, they officiate the Sadie-Dottie union. I think they're a scrivener.
Absolutely bloody watch the show it's amazing. Really. It broke me and healed me in the best way and I need to rewatch the first season without the chaos of being newly kidnapped.
Hello to your side of the fandom from the dubiously elected official good omens mascot!! I'm terrified of reading the book because of how every time I see Crowley's name I get emotional, so it's currently sitting by me on my desk till I gain some pretence of stability (it's not possible for show fans to ever have real stability).
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I’m currently rewatching ep 2 S2 of Kin for like the 4th time (so happy we got so much more Mikey goodness this episode!), and I think this little exchange between Michael and Jimmy is my favourite of the episode.😂
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Jimmy: I’m telling you, Michael, wait until you f*cking see this! Coming in?
Mikey: Do I have to?
Jimmy: Yes! You’re my brother. I value your opinion on these things. 
Mikey: F*ck’s sake. 
Jimmy: Yeeeaaaaaah, that’s the attitude! 
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The sheer exasperated sibling quality of this scene cracks me up - Michael being a grump and Jimmy compensating with mockingly extra enthusiasm. 😂
And then once they get inside, what are they there for? A baby Burmese python! Naturally, Jimmy’s just dragged him along to torment him with snakes again. lol
(Is this the face of a man who has any opinions to offer on the matter of snakes? Except that maybe buying one that’s going to grow to be 20ft long and keeping it as a pet is not a great idea.)
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The Jimmy & Mikey scenes are always among my favourites (both for the brotherly affection and the greater complexities of their relationship), so I hope we get more of them this season. 
I do find myself worrying about the rift their father’s return from prison is likely is cause though. Michael obviously already has Bren’s number when it comes to what the man’s capable of and immediately took the initiative to try and make sure the rest of the family is united against him. 
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Despite Michael’s trepidation over Bren’s return, he also seems to be the only one who’s not afraid openly go toe-to-toe with him. Other than Amanda (and maybe surreptitiously Frank), he seems to be largely standing alone thus far.
Jimmy’s obviously aware of what Bren’s like, but perhaps not to the same extent. Plus, his relationship with Bren - despite it’s tensions - doesn’t seem quite as adversarial as Bren’s with Michael. And I can’t help but notice that whenever Bren’s going off about something, Jimmy is always the one most conspicuously closed-mouthed. 
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The juxtaposition of the scenes in episodes 1&2 where Jimmy and Michael separately accompany Amanda to the Turkish money transfer store just speaks volumes about the difference in their characters. 
When Jimmy’s told only one person can go in the back, he just accepts it and remains behind (despite looking uncomfortable about it) while Amanda conducts the rest of their business. Whereas Michael, in same scenario, just silently stares the store clerk down as if daring him to stop him from going with Amanda; unsurprisingly the man doesn’t challenge him. One brother is an insecurely submissive follower, and the other is a self-assured Mr F*ck-Around-and-Find-Out. xd
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But it’s Jimmy’s insecurities that ultimately weaken him, and thus make him so malleable to Bren’s manipulations. Manipulations that can only serve to drive a wedge between he and Amanda - who will then just be driven even more firmly to Michael’s side, resulting in further conflict between he and his brother. 
All of which is great for Bren, because in playing Jimmy off against Michael he not only gains himself an extra lackey (who Mikey will be unwilling to take out), he also checks him as a support to Michael and Amanda. 
At least until Bren crosses the line and Jimmy finally wakes up and realizes he needs to find his courage and stand up to the man. And that he needs to stand with Michael to bring him down. ~
(*screeches* In case it’s not obvious, I really NEED the rest of those episodes!! I am in torment okay- Netflix bingeing has ruined me! 😭😬)
And speaking of Mikey and Jimmy, here’s some interesting things Charlie had to say about their relationship and his role as Michael:
“It really helped explain Michael (the brotherly dynamic). How Jimmy handles being around Michael, how he’s protective and also kind of feels threatened by him, was so revealing to me. I think that their history with their father is very, very complicated. I think that Michael has done stuff that is almost unforgivable in the past towards his brother, but at the same time, weirdly, he kind of - I think Jimmy knows Michael took the brunt of the father’s abuse. And in a way Jimmy can’t ever, you know, can never not try to be protective of his brother.
There was a version of a lot of the Jimmy and Michael scenes where we could have played them with much more tension. And much more kind of chest-puffing, like try to be the top dog, and neither one of us felt like that was right. We didn’t discuss it necessarily, but I think that we both felt that like ‘these two have been through so much’. That really they just love each other, and they want to support each other. What that means sometimes - and this is true of a lot of siblings, a lot of families in general - it means you have to find a way to forgive things that once seemed unforgiveable.”
“One of the things I liked about Michael, I’m fascinated by what he doesn’t say as much as what he does say, you know? And in a family where everyone’s got opinions and everyone’s giving their input, and he just kind of sits back and takes it all in and keeps his opinions to himself most of the time.
I’m not, as a performer, I’m not afraid of that. I’m not sitting there counting my lines in a script wanting more. (laughs) You know, I quite enjoy that. I did a similar thing with Boardwalk Empire - you know, the character in that doesn’t say a huge amount but he’s very influential.”
~ Charlie Cox
(That said, I’m thrilled to see Mikey stepping up so much more this season!!! 🔥❤️🔥)
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paperstorm · 5 months
I’m afraid I’m gonna be a pessimist and disagree with a few current thoughts doing the rounds. 1. I think the beard is a Rafa beard not a Carlos beard. I think it’s too similar to how he looked at events earlier this year/last year when they weren’t filming. I think a lot of the last 2 weeks have been filming the big rescues of early season 5 (which rumour has it is a train wreck) so I’m not sure Rafa will have been on set at all.
2. I think we rewatch the scenes so many times we remember every detail and read too much into things. I don’t think it’s the Reyes Ranch and I don’t think we’ll see Carlos on a horse. I think the writers barely remember important things like TK has a brother and almost step-dad in NYC; they aren’t gonna remember a throw away line in a list of topics from season 2, nor Carlos deflections in an argument about children last season.
I am posting this half because I believe it and half because I would love to be proven spectacularly wrong when the season airs. I would LOVE beardy Carlos, the husbands at the family ranch and both riding horses. Any of those would kill me but I’m just preparing myself for none of it to happen to try and reduce the disappointment
There is every possibility you’re right 😂😂 I remember last season we got bts inside what we all thought was a synagogue because it looked like there was a Star of David in the stained glass and we were wrong, it turned out to be the church tommy/grace/judd go to. We get things wrong all the time speculating about bts stuff we don’t have context for. So we’ll see you might be right. But my fingers are crossed anyway
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itsthenovelteafactor · 3 months
TV Shows Roundup: Jan - June
AKA every show I watched in the first half of 2024. I’ve been wanted to keep better track of my own viewing habits and thought it’d be fun to keep a running list with mini reviews. might do a tier list at the end of the year if I end up having enough. Curious what y’all have been watching/if you have any recommendations!
about 12 shows here which sounds like a lot but in my defense, there are a lot with one one season (currently!! we are manifesting some renewals here)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (season one):
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Full transparency: I was not watching this show. 12 year old me who was obsessed with Percy Jackson, knew who her godly parent would be, and acted out sword fights with her siblings, was watching this show. She has no complaints. School Spirits (season one):
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As soon as I heard the premise of this show I was on board, but it ended up delivering even more than I expected. The mystery was interesting and I felt like I received information at the exact right pace, the ghosts made a very charming undead-breakfast club and the characters in general were very compelling. Whoever put that Phoebe Bridgers song at the end of episode 1 deserves and Emmy and I’m not kidding. Loki (season 2):
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I’ve fallen out with the MCU as a whole, but this show brought me back for season 2. I appreciate how it stands on its own as a series with its own characters, worldbuilding, and story that doesn’t require I watch 15 movies and 2 shows to comprehend. This season leaned into the wacky scifi time trace shenanigans in a way that reminded me of Doctor Who at times. The ending made me unexpectedly emotional. The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself (season 1):
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Okay, I liked the first couple episodes of this but once the main trio of Nathan, Annalise, and Gabriel were together it was *electric*. I loved how gorey and dark it wasn’t afraid to get and the characters played off each other so well. I’m devastated we won’t get to see more of these guys because despite the fast pacing of the show, you really grow to love these characters. Lockwood and Co (season one, rewatch):
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Just as good the second time! Truly a masterfully done show; the worldbuilding, mysteries, and aesthetic are top notch but what sells it are the characters and their relationships to each other. There really is something incredibly comforting about this show for me, I keep coming back to Portland Row and the people who live there. The fact that we did not get to see later books in the series adapted is a tragedy.
Fleabag (seasons one and two):
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This is just smartly done comedy with characters whose dysfunction manages to feel a little too familiar. I loved the shades of the stage play peeking through - there is a theatrical feel to the show overall that I love - and despite its cynicism, this show has a beating heart that occasionally hits you across the face. Basically everything they say about this one is true.
Doom Patrol (seasons three and four):
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I will admit, season three (minus the DVDA) episode, felt very slow to me, but season four was an excellent return to form. It’s strange, bordering on absurdist, and flits between comedy and horror at a dizzying speed. This show is an underrated gem and truly one of a kind.
Cracow Monsters (season one):
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This show is beautiful; its color scheme, setting, and camera work are immersive and feel like wandering down rainy cobblestoned streets. The story took a while to pick up, but the horror elements were very well done. I wish we’d spent a bit more time with the other students, as they all seemed like interesting characters in their own right. I loved the mythology, and folkloric inspiration.
The Artful Dodger (season one):
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It’s a period drama, it’s a medical show, it’s a heist, it’s inspired by Charles Dickens. This show is utterly delightful and thoroughly engrossing. I suspected I would enjoy it from the concept alone, but there is just something completely charming about it start to finish I could not get out of my head.
Dead Boy Detectives (season one):
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So…this show took over my brain. The world here is populated by dynamic and fascinating characters and the case of the week format allows for the chance to see them shine in different situations. It somehow balances the absurd, the macabre, and the heartfelt and once it finds its footing does not let up. It’s smart, eccentric, and basically candy for the kind of person who loves over analyzing the actions of fictional characters (me).
Hannibal (season 3):
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Had to wait for this to come back on Amazon to finish and it did not disappoint. First half of the season was slower, but I really enjoyed the gothic castle sections. Second half was Red Dragon, which was really cool with these versions of the characters. A wholly satisfying (and appropriately morbid) conclusion to the series.
Andor (season 1)
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People have been telling me to watch this and that I’d love it since it came out and they were all correct. There was so much more thought and care put into the depiction of life under an oppressive government and I expected and even if I wasn’t a Star Wars fan, the story is gripping and beautifully shot on its own. Because I *am* a Star Wars fan, it’s even better.
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buddie911abc · 4 months
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911 Review Season 1 Episode 2- Let Go
Caveat: I am up-to-date on all 911 episodes. For my reviews, I attempt to rewatch and remember my first impressions. I will occasionally, compare it to what I know now. I’ll try to warn of spoilers that are current when necessary.
Emergencies: The first emergency is for a roller coaster malfunction. The emergency has a Buck focus, and the outcome leaves one of the victims dead. It wasn’t Buck’s fault, but it was his first loss. It hits him hard. For a show like 911, we know they can’t always win so I wasn’t surprised that someone didn’t make it. It has to happen. The rescue didn’t end well, but it was a good story to tell.
The second call is from a man cornered by a couple of Dobermans. Athena makes the rescue with a couple of burgers. The man leaves only for Athena and Hen to discover, that they helped a burglar escape. Athena doesn’t let that go; by the end of the episode, she has him. After all, the idiot called 911 from his cell phone.
The third call is for a window washer hanging from a building. Buck pulls back because he’s afraid of losing someone else. Not doing the job makes him feel worse.
The fourth call is a guy threatening suicide because he believes his wife is cheating on him. Bobby encourages Buck not to pull back. Instead, Buck pulls off a rappelling move to save the guy. It was a great save.
The final emergency is a cliffhanger. Athena finds her 14-year-old daughter unconscious from taking an overdose of hydrocodone pills.
Personal Stories/Getting to Know: We are getting to know Buck in small increments, but by the end of the episode there is a better picture of who he is or who he wants to become. Buck has already started to think about changing from his womanizing ways, and the tragedy on the roller coaster has him focused on something other than his libido. (Therapist aside) We get our first glimpse of a guy who genuinely wants to help people, and then have him face that he can’t always help everyone. This gives several opportunities for him to interact with other characters like Bobby, Athena, Abby, and Chimney. That is a definite plus.
We also get another look at Abby. She now has a connection to Buck through a first-episode 911 call that he was able to assist her and Athena in resolving. If you remember episode one, Buck had a small redemption arc by helping them, which earned him a second chance with Athena. It also made Abby curious about him. In episode two, she finally gets a peek at what he looks like when he is interviewed on the news about the roller coaster accident. Abby is older than Buck, but she is not creepy-older so I can see the potential there, and frankly, women should be able to dip below the line occasionally just like men do.
Athena and Michael are still working through their post “Michael coming out to his children story arc.” Some of how they interact is still intimate which has the potential to send mixed signals. Professionally, we see Athena in her work element. I am such an Angela Bassett fan. Queen!!! We also get to see her friendship with Hen. Special shoutout to Hen for her honesty. “Athena, spoiler alert. Your husband likes boys, so that ring ain’t gonna’ be on much longer.”
Bonus: We meet a new side character, Carla. She’s sassy and smart. This opinion never changes.
Subtext: I’m not great at picking up subtext unless it is blatant, so I’m not going to say there was no subtext in this episode, but there was none that I noticed.
Likes/Dislikes: One "like" for episode two is the way that the aftermath of the first emergency followed Buck's story for the episode while simultaneously not overshadowing all the other storylines present. Another plus is the conversation between Buck and Bobby about loss. By the end of the conversation, Buck has redeemed himself from the a*$hole he was in episode one. I can say this even though he slept with his therapist which I consider more of a failure on her part since she was supposed to be the professional in that situation.
Ships: Buck/Abby, Buck/Therapist-- The therapist was a one-shot to remind us where Buck is coming from, so it's safe to remove Buck/Therapist as a shipping possibility. However, Buck/Abby has all the elements to indicate where Buck is trying to go. It's still early, but the phone conversations, the way Abby initiated them, and his thoughtful response to being asked out all of those things have the foundations for a good ship. I'm pulling a dingy out of the bag to test the waters.
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Favorite quote from this episode: There were a few great one-liners. See above for Hen’s, but the winner goes to Carla, referring to Buck and asking Abby, “You know that big hunk of man meat?” LOL That whole conversation between Carla and Abby was so good I had to rewind and watch it twice.
Rating: Four Stars. Mainly because we are still getting to know people.
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aylinaliens · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈🍿Low Frequency (4/8) IQIYI — completely in love with this silly little bl about a shameless ghost in a coma i’m not at all afraid that it’s going to break my heart like he’s coming to me the editing is wonky but it has a lot of heart
🏳️‍🌈🍿Hidden Agenda (4/10) YOUTUBE — very surprised i’m not super invested in this but i’m chalking it up to just not being in the mood for bl’s set in uni. i’m sure that as more eps air i’ll get more into it
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Laws of Attraction (3/8) IQIYI — recently picked this up so i’m still trying to catch up but sicjwjjdjdjd you know :)
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Wedding Plan (3/7) IQIYI — originally started this for the lita cameos but stayed for the silly characters & adorable lesbians
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Be Mine Superstar (5/12) VIKI — not sure how to feel about this if i’m being honest but i am enjoying it!
🏳️‍🌈🍿Jack O’Frost (3/6) VIKI — the angst and visuals has me 🤤
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Step by Step (3/12) VIKI — binging this super slowly for no other reason beside the fact that i have a short attention span. jengpat already has me by the throat
🏳️‍🌈🍿Jun & Jun (2/8) VIKI —for some reason this is giving our dating sims vibes (which is on my list for my top five BL of the year) so i love this already
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Love in the Air (5/13) — first time i didn’t love this but the second time?? absolutely feral over phayurain & prapaisky
🏳️‍🌈🍿 The Untamed (32/50) — who needs therapy when wangxian exists cql brainrot is never going away just saying
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Not Me (10/14) — i need to see offgun on my screen every few months and seanwhite is just so angsty/sweet
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Kinnporsche (5/14) — i’ll be honest i’m mainly doing a kimchay cut during this rewatch because they make me !!!!!!!!
🏳️‍🌈🍿 2gether the Series (8/13) — i was feeling nostalgic so i decided to revisit my favorite boys
🏳️‍🌈🍿 The Shipper (8/12) was this drama a fever dream? yes. did i get queerbaited multiple times? yup!! do i understand the weird (pseudo) incest plot line between ohm & first’s character? no?? and yet here i am still vibing away knowing that i’ll regret rewatching this soon
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Heaven’s Official Blessing (6/13) hualian makes my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrr ❤️
🏳️‍🌈🍿 A Boss & a Babe (12 eps) — i’m finally going to sit down and binge because i need to understand the forcebook brainrot before only friends come out
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Vice Versa (12 eps) — i need someone to bully me into watching this. it has everything i love and yet i still haven’t gotten around to starting it
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (12 eps) — i am completely baited by all the lovely gifs for season 2 on my dash so i’m so excited to start this!!
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Mysterious Lotus Casebook (40 eps) — 👀 again i was gif baited into wanting to start this
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Sing My Crush (8 eps) — kbl are a hit and miss but this looks adorable!!
🏳️‍🌈🍿 Stay with Me (24 eps) — never watched addicted heroin or read the danmei this is based on but it looks like a hot mess and i, for one, occasionally love my bls with a heavy serving of disaster
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du04 · 4 months
Messy April Wrap-Up
Ok this is a super messy post, but it’s already mid May and i haven’t posted it so I will probably clean it up throughout the month but meanwhile you’re getting the .raw file lol.
What a month! 5 films that I rated basically 5 stars! And I did not watch any of these expecting them to be.
Victoria (2015):
The romance in this was made for me, I've never seen anything like it on multiple aspects: the kind of people represented, obviously the 3 hour long one-take, the plot and the characters felt so real it was gripping. Basically, I need this to happen to me...
Anatomy of a Fall (2023):
Expected this one to mess with the fabric of time and reality more, i really thought it would play with the self-awareness of being a film, maybe with some time-travel kind of thing. to be honest not very memorable, but i was engaged watching it nonetheless.
Clerks (1994): i was aware of how on brand kevin smith would be for me, and i was correct, i absolutely loved the vibes, unseriousness, monologic dialogues. it feels very comfort film and it definitely has become one of mine.
Beau is Afraid: wanted to put something on to pass the time after an eventful day, sorted my watchlist by longest runtime, this came up. it was an incredible experience i was CAPTIVATEd, i trully think it’s a masterpiece and would gladly rewatch it, i think the third part was the weakest one. the first two were chef's kiss.
The Passenger (2023): a new favourite, became a new obsession, i couldn’t believe how the first few minutes i kind of got clerks vibes from it just because of the setting and like early 00’s - 90’s adjacent time, and how in this one there’s ALSO a character named randy lmao. i initially felt the way the ending went a little tiny TINY bit disappointing (but that feeling later went away)
Challengers (2024): went for josh o’connor and zendaya. this is the first movie in a veryyyy long time when i went to the cinema and never checked my phone to look at the time, it was super entertaining and gripping. i loved the music as well and how overbearing it was.
My resolution for this month was to finish the books that I had started since I had 5 that I was “currently reading”, I’m happy to say that I finished 2 of those, being The Nice House on the Lake and Lolita. I realised that even though I was loving reading Lolita, it required some amount of focusing and brain-power, which in parallel to my other reads that were Crime & Punishment, My Struggle, and The Myth of Sisyphus, it was all a little bit too much and might have been the reason as to why I’ve been reading so slowly.
The Nice House on the Lake
My first graphic novel since I became an adult lol, got the recommendation from a booktuber I like, and the vibes were so much my alley that I got the deluxe edition: a group of friends gets invited to an idyllic mansion by a common friend for a holiday stay. everything is so relaxing and perfect, until they check the internet and the world is going up in flames, ending. why are they perfectly fine, and why are they truly here?
This is a character focused story, there are about 12 of them which is confusing, but with a finger kept on the presentation pages, it’s manageable. I loved learning about the friend group and the ‘common friend’. Something I did not know however is that this is not a complete story, the Deluxe edition I got is just all the issues published so far, that make up the first Season. A bit sad, but ‘ill patiently wait for the others.
This was BAD. I read this because one of my favourite booktuber said that it was the “goriest” book that she ever read and that it was too much for her. Of course, I can’t just hear this and not be compelled to read it, welp I ended up disappointed.
I think it would have helped a little bit had I know known more about the intention and context of “erogouri’, especially with its relation to absurdism. I understood it was trying to be funny, “grotesque” but everything fell down flat to me. In the first, main, story I could see a good idea with how it plays with form, but it was badly executed, for the visual medium of a manga, the author literally spells out EVERYTHING to you… I found all the stories to not be developed enough. As for the gore, I found it to not be crazy like… There were some good ideas and potential, the one most memorable to me was the man with really thin skin who’s cumming all the time, but in the end, even with how hard this story collection tries, it still fails.
read some of Nabokov s letters about 3.5 years ago (wow… feels like yesterday :( ) and fell in love with his writing. after watching a couple videos (one about the different covers of Lolita, and the other being a review from a booktuber I really enjoy), I felt like it was about time I read it. and i loved it! the writing is Stellar, probably the best i’ll ever read, it’s incredibly beautiful and intelligent it almost could feel overwhelming (in a positive way), but I also thought it was a very accessible writing style. The first part was my favourite; I read it during a time when I felt like doing absolutely nothing, I had no motivation to do anything whatsoever, and its provocativeness gripped me and made me want to keep going. The first half of the second part, however, lost me a little bit, it lulls.
As for the disgust, I did feel some during the first few chapters that I truly had to take a pause (which I guess is a good sign I’m not THAT sick lol) and as I got deeper in the story it shifted into a sense of despair, but also wonder, with how Nabokov hits you hard with gut-wrenching one line punches. The way that you’ll be reading multiple pages or paragraphs and then hit by a line that makes the earth shake… To me, that truly is the experience I got out of reading Lolita.
Killers of a certain age
i really thought i would have finished this book but no… i really need to get a grip on my reading, so many books that i’m so interested in (not talking about Killers of a certain age, on the contrary) anyway, picked it up because i wanted something light-hearted, quick to read after finishing Lolita, and one of the few books qualifying as such in my TBR was “Killers of a certain age”. I progressed really fast with it, and it was interesting to see the difference between a prose-heavy book where you focus really on every sentence, have to genuinely make your neurones work, as opposed to a popcorn book. Review to come next month.
It was not even that great it was just so easy on the brain, and sadly it was not very good :( The dialogues were horribly cheesy and the plot mediocre at best. But I found the otherwise general descriptions and overall writing to be fine. It overall read like a ‘good’ self-published original story online. I read a review commenting that the character’s age comes up aalll the time and that was very much true. I also found the politics about justice to be super on the nose. However, it was not all bad, I wanted something light and it delivered on that front. It reminded me of the kind of action-comedy films that I love (like Spy or The Man from UNCLE). In the end I would not recommand unless it sounds exactly like your kind of thing.
Went to the most famous art museum of my city, and it was disappointing. there was an exhibition of Roy Lichtenstein work, which was cool to see. I also recetly learned have come to learn he was very disrespectful and an ass, to the comics format… when he literally copied and adopted his style and everything from them). Also discovered a local artist whose , but what i really took from this whole trip is the photography exposition. i had never been to a photo exposition, and how amazing is it that the first time i do, it happens to be of a style that i extremely resonated with. i came out a fan! and even though i love photography already from what i see online, i became highly motivated to go to local expositions.
Haven’t mentioned the 1 or 2 videos from VerilyBitchie that I watched in the last months in the previous wrap-ups because even though they were great (mostly remembering the lotr vid) and i love her channel very much, welp I would be including them all the time! this month i decided to include it because it's been a while, and I sometimes to this day think about regarding the comment on purposefully including (often mediocre) gay representation to make people talk for free advertisement (!).
Video Games
Welp… in contrast to march where the only thing I pretty much did was consistently play dragon age inquisition, I did not play it AT ALL, not even one minute… The only thing I played a little bit was Thomas Was Alone, but sadly I gave up on it as the controls are terrible for timed jumps (the part where I was stuck at), previously the clunky controls did not bother me as there wasn’t anything like that… until there was. Disappointing.
I’m really excited for INDIKA to come out (as I’m writing this down it has!), I’ve been awaiting this game for a very long time, I don’t even want to see its rating or read its reviews!
I watched the John Wayne Gacy tape miniseries, it was not great and highly forgettable. two years ago i watched the Ted Bundy ones and i thought it was well done, the Gacy ones weren’t on that level but at least i learned a little bit about the whole situation (i had no idea who he was and what he did beyond his name).
also once again, watched a couple episodes of Gilmore girls. the episode where Rory is in the suit, this look has to be my favourite, she looked incredible in it.
AND, I finally continued watching The Durrells. there were some hot days in April that just made me crave proper hot summer days, and since this series nails down these vibes, it's perfect. I had stopped after finishing season 2, and left April about halfway through season 3.
First occurrence of this category :)! I went to Budapest with an old friend of mine. The city itself was fine, I really liked the architecture, and I saw basically everything I wanted with time to slack off, in just two days. My favourite part had to be the Fisherman’s Bastion, we woke up early and went to see it on a fresh early morning, and it’s overall a pretty and peaceful place, I love the light coloured, polished stone construction. The food was good but I didn’t try that many local dishes, just a rolled pancake filled with cottage cheese, and chicken paprikash. I do intend to go back to Hungary, so I’ll make sure to try other local food then.
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photos by me.
My receipt and my playlist for April:
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Bought an annual MUBI subscription as they were having a sale and want to suppor, and caved and got a projector to go with it (I have no TV) and is perfect because I have big empty walls
That's it! If you have any comments, loved stuff or hate stuff I mentioned, go ahead let me know what you thought in the replies. ciao!
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faith-thee-slayer · 2 years
various stranger things thoughts/predictions
call me a skeptic, but i do not want to get my hopes up for byler, lol. i would go crazy for it if it actually happens, but idk, i’ve been let down too many times before... my heart can’t take more clownery. but the cast has been acting so sus about them that at this point, it would be blatant baiting if they didn’t get together🤔 tbh i didn’t even realize byler was a thing until season 4. i suppose i was oblivious to it until it was pointed out to me. so i wonder what a general audience is thinking -- the ppl who are not Extremely Online and involved in the fandom. will they be expecting it? and what about mileven? something tells me that will would be the one to confess first, but then mike would get all defensive and afraid of facing his true feelings that he would sideline will and go back to eleven. maybe the show would initially do that and then in the next season have byler get together, idk. and we can’t forget about eleven’s feelings... i wonder if she’d resent will for “taking mike away” from her? do you think she even knows gay ppl exist😳 yeah, as much as i want to see it, i don’t envision them immediately getting together. i’m calculating their current chances as a snowball in hell. i would love to be wrong though.
that being said i AM on my ronance bullshit lmao. it’s funny bc when i watched the first and second seasons a few years ago, i was all about jancy, i was glad to see them get together. and now, on my most recent rewatch in preparation for ST4, i felt 100% indifference for them. i truly couldn’t care less whether nancy chooses jonathan or steve. thankfully my girl robin came the fuck through in this season so all eyes are currently on ronance. i don’t expect nancy to have like a full bi awakening tho -- if byler has a snowball’s chance, ronance is like a snowflake on the snowball. it’s always hard judging “will they or won’t they” in some of these newer shows, because the second you think you know the show’s direction and feel confident, they pull some bullshit (cough killing eve cough cough supergirl supernatural).
what i can see happening in vol 2 is robin at least acknowledging her feelings for nancy. i’m envisioning vickie coming back and actually asking robin out on a date or something. and rob is internally doing backflips, but after a while of going out, she realizes she no longer has feelings for vickie but instead has a crush on nancy. or maybe in the initial moment that vickie asks robin out, rob is elated but ultimately disappointed because she has to tell vickie she “has feelings for someone else” (nance). maybe some life-or-death moment happens to all of them and that’s what makes rob realize she’s down bad (don’t even talk to me about that leaked pic of her in vecna’s vines).
i don’t know if i see her coming out to nancy just yet, bc i can’t decide whether that would be the moment rob reveals her crush, or if she would just decide to tell her ‘hey i’m into girls.’ another moment i’m envisioning: nancy questioning robin as to why she and steve aren’t dating. bc yes rob and steve keep saying they’re just friends, but nance, being her smart and curious self, wants to know more. so she asks for more and rob says something like “oh he’s not my type” “i’m not interested in dating atm” “i’m into someone else” some bs answer that just has nance ask more questions. i think maybe rob would end up coming out that way or revealing her crush or something. idk idk just some thoughts.
i’ve seen some ppl say that robin acts like a “different character” this season compared to last, and on first watch i was like yeah she seems a bit more talkative/quirky/upbeat. so i rewatched season 3, and i remembered that the show had her as the “cool girl” character LOL. i gave it some thought, and i came up with the headcanon that rob was probably depressed in season 3, and then in the year between ST3 and ST4, she became closer friends with steve and started feeling better. there’s also the concept that she’s autistic, so she could’ve stopped masking her autistic traits as she became more comfortable around steve. THEN i listened to the rebel robin podcast (netflix did a podcast that’s basically a series of meetings and conversations robin has with her favorite teacher, set in the first season. there’s a book that goes along with it too) and my headcanon was essentially proved right. poor rob was the saddest most awkward little thing in her sophomore year omg. she was so insecure and depressed and had no friends and constantly emphasized how she felt different from everyone else in school. it pained me to listen at some parts. she talked about how hawkins was suffocating her and how she had to escape the “monster” of the town (the monster being the neurotypical-heteronormative-conformism that makes up their community). and now in ST4... now my girl is doing so much better. she is so different from the podcast, making friends, out to someone who accepts her... so she fucking BETTER NOT die. or i will be very emotional (i lowkey want her to get vecna’d just for the angst and also to find out her favorite song. but after that yall better pull her ass BACK to the GROUND).
another thing robin mentioned in the podcast is how she used to be friends with barb before barb left her for nancy. and that just makes me sad for both rob and nance. sad for rob bc of her struggle to keep friends (and how do you think she reacted upon finding out barb was dead? in the podcast she was convinced barb ran away and “escaped the monster”🙁), and sad for nance bc she has grown so close to robin this season -- i’m convinced it’s bc rob reminds her of barb. they’re probably each others’ only close female friend since barb and of course nance doesn’t want to make the same mistakes and lose rob too😭 
overall, ronance and byler are the only two ships i’m invested in. jopper is basically a guarantee so i’m not too worried (as long as neither of them dies). lumax getting back together would be cute. honorable mention to elmax. um that’s it lol. i’m currently pointing and giggling at anyone who thinks steddie has any basis in reality... they are the tip of the snowflake on the snowball.
i wonder why playing a favorite song is what gets through to vecna’s victims. it makes me think of how people with dementia/alzheimer’s are known to perform better on memory tests and show improved mood when listening to songs that have a strong connection to them, like music from early childhood or their teen years. so maybe there’s a correlation there. if anything, it just makes me want to know what everyone’s favorite song is, but i don’t want to have all these different characters vecna’d just to find that out😐
i doubt if she’ll be in vol 2 but you know who should come back? kali. we haven’t heard peep from her since ST2 and she seems like such an important character in eleven’s narrative to confine to one episode only. it seemed like the approach kali took in using her powers wasn’t sustainable over a long period of time, and i wouldn’t be surprised if none of the gang she rode with were still around. i’d love for her and eleven to reunite. they could easily combine their powers to face whatever comes in ST5.
i’ve heard that season 5 is gonna skip forward in time a bit. i hope they skip to 1989, because 1. it would catch up closest to the actual ages of the youngest actors, and 2. there is a lot of fuckin good music that came out in ‘89. ‘86-’88 as well, but i’m partial to ‘89 lol.
finally... the duffers confirmed that vol 2 is gonna have a “body count” ??? i’m Very Scared, but here’s who i think is safe and why, and i’ll put an asterisk by who i think is most at risk: will or mike - that would effectively be bury your gays at this point, and the cast and crew are making too big a deal of byler to have either die; eleven* - everyone is fucked without her, buuuut; lucas or erica - um the show damn well better not bc they are the only black characters; max - we just saw her fight for her life against vecna so i don’t see the point in having her die; dustin* - tbh he’s been lucky. maybe a little too lucky...; jonathan* - we already almost lost will and the byers’ are fragile as is, but i have a bad feeling about him; nancy* - y’know i’m drawing a blank for what’s keeping her safe. but i’ll be so damned if the duffers touch a HAIR on her head; robin - bury your gays; steve - fan favorite (tho i won’t be surprised if they do kill him); joyce - provides for will and jon, hopper loves her. would just be fucking sad; hopper - already had death scare + too much screentime spent on getting him out of russia; brenner* - omg let’s hope; owens* - i got nothing; murray or jason - not characters i care about but i think having them die would be pointless;  vickie - hell if i know. but if they kill her it would just be for shock value and i would be pissed (see: bury your gays); eddie - another fan favorite. since so much time has been dedicated to saving his ass, i think he’s safe; argyle - go make pizzas and smoke weed, man.
btw laughing at what came up when i was tagging this. if byler doesn’t happen the duffers will no longer know peace i’m afraid
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i do have MAD respect for the ppl who put together like hundreds of powerpoint slides of byler proof. that is dedication
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Killabustas (S2, E9)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:00 - Are the birds flying past Malcolm’s apartment supposed to be an omen for the rest of the season? Or just some foreshadowing for the bird-heavy episode? .....I’m probably reading wayyy too much into this.
0:12 - Ugh. Someone give this sweet cinnamon roll a hug. He’s spiralling. He is so close to having a total mental breakdown and it breaks my heart. (but like, I also want to see it because emotional whump is my favourite).
0:23 - “How can I trust you? I know what you did.” This. This is what’s killing Malcolm. The fear that if Gil, Dani, JT, and Edrisa find out what he did for Ainsley they won’t trust him. He’s afraid they’ll abandon him. He’s afraid that they’ll hate him as much as he already hates himself. ISTG the moment they all find out (or tell Malcolm what they suspect) Malcolm will break. That will be the metaphorical straw that breaks the camel’s back. 
0:34 - Anyone else think Malcolm looks completely adorable (yet super sad and scared) when he’s focusing on painting? <3
0:45 - “Why must everything you paint have an exit wound?” I love that this suggests that this isn’t the first mother-son painting session. <3 hahaha
0:47 - “It’s a pear.” It’s heartbreaking that Malcolm didn’t even realize that his pear was bleeding. C’mon Jessica, it’s time for an intervention. Malcolm is breaking in front of you. DO SOMETHING. 
1:01 - NO. DAMN IT FEDAK. I wanted to see Malcolm’s reaction when Jessica told him she was writing a memoir. I wanted to see it so badly. I wanted to see him panic about the fact that she was inevitably going to disclose information about his childhood that he’d rather not have public. 
1:09 - “How much worse you really are.” OOOOOOOOOOHHHH SHIT. I can’t believe he said that to his Mother’s face. hahahaha OMG. Malcolm is a little shit head and I love him. Well, at least I know he’s upset about the fact that she’s writing this book. His jab at Jessica proves that much.
1:42 - Is Malcolm playing matchmaker here? hahaha or is he just trying to get Jessica out of his loft ASAP?
1:53 - “Why didn’t they call me?!?” Can you hear the sound of my heart breaking? I understand why they didn’t call him in on this one BUT it’s not helping Malcolm’s mental health. On top of the fear that he is becoming his father, the stress of covering up a murder, the fear that his sister is going to become a serial killer, his childhood trauma, and usual mental health issues - Malcolm is afraid he’s going to be abandoned if the team finds out about Endicott. This is reinforcing those fears. 
1:55 - “Where should I start?” At least Jessica can see how much pain Malcolm is in. I wish she’d do something constructive about it.
2:00 - “Forget to call someone?” Something about the way Malcolm waltzes into the frame and delivers that line is super endearing. He’s like a little kid running after his older siblings and their friends when they tried to go to the mall without him. <3 
2:05 - Why the hell didn’t Gil just pull a 1x12 on Malcolm and insist Malcolm take a holiday? Hell - he could’ve gotten Jessica to enforce it. The fact that Gil is being super distant with Malcolm is not helping Malcolm’s very fragile mental health. GIL I’M DISAPPOINTED IN YOU (and I have been all season....) :(
 2:12 - “Trauma’s my middle name.” Okay so 1) what is Malcolm’s middle name? If it’s Martin please tell me he changed it when he changed his last name. 2) At least we got a small papa!Gil moment this episode. <3 
2:26 - “Fine.” This is Gil terrified. Remember what Gil said in 1x12? “He was losing it. I mean, I could see that. But I was afraid that I’d lose him.” That’s why Gil is letting Malcolm on this case. He knows Malcolm is losing it and he’s terrified of what Malcolm might do to himself with time on his hands. Gil doesn’t think Malcolm should be working but he knows it’s the only thing he can do to help Malcolm in the short term. 
2:42 - hahahaha Gil’s taken-aback look when Malcolm starts not-so-subtly being a member of the Gillica fan club. hahaha <3
3:00 - Okay. I’m done. Edrisa can’t still think she and Malcolm might happen. I can’t handle this blantant one-sided worship anymore and I’m so glad it’s ending this episode (I hope).
3:07 - “and also, you’re bleeding.” <3 JT looking out for Bright. <3 
3:12 - “Oh. I thought that this was your hobby?” <3 Dani teasing Bright. <3 I love that Dani, Edrisa, and JT are at least giving Malcolm some positive attention right now. It’s good for his fragile mental state. <3 
3:40 - The directing is really good this episode. I’m not usually a person who notices that kind of thing but DAMN. 
“It’s an expression of power and control.” “Sounds like someone with serious anger issues.” Yikes. Why do the ‘cases of the week’ always relate back to Malcolm’s current mental health crisis?!? Malcolm dismembered a body (for Ainsley but still). Now he’s profiling that the act of dismembering a body is an expression of power and control. That reinforces his fear that he’s becoming like Martin. Dani’s distaste and offhanded comment about anger issues won’t help Malcolm’s very real fear of abandonment. Hell, it’s compounding his fears that he’s like his father - the man obsessed with power and control who has a nasty temper when things don’t go his way. 
4:09 - “Our killer derived pleasure from this.” Dani looks terrified when Malcolm says this. Is it just because she thinks this is a gross and scary murder scene? Or is it because she’s connecting the Malcolm+Endicott dots?
4:11 - “budding homicidal psychopath” is this supposed to be foreshadowing that Malcolm is becoming a psychopath? The writers have been suggesting that Malcolm enjoyed cutting up the body all season. .....and I don’t want the story to go that way. Please no.
4:15 - “I think I just became a vegetarian.” hahahaha JT is my hero. I love this dude and his dry but humorous comments.
4:26 - Once again - I can’t rewatch the Martin+Capshaw scenes. Once was more than enough. My basic thoughts on this particular scene? Capshaw and Martin are both gross. I think Martin is desperate for physical contact and Capshaw knows it. I think Capshaw is manipulating Martin (why is a mystery to me). I also think Martin is manipulating Capshaw so he can use her to help him escape.....I do however think Martin is a heterosexual male who is full of lust and physical desires. (which is really gross to me - a sex-repulsed asexual).
 6:22 - I have a serious love-hate relationship with this scene. On one hand, Gil is clearly so so so concerned about Malcolm here and it warms my cold dead heart. On the other hand, the fact that he sends Dani to talk to Malcolm instead of just talking to Malcolm himself kind of pisses me off. Gil’s been really distant with Malcolm all season and it’s killing me. BUT I also kind of understand why Gil is passing off Malcolm to Dani (I don’t agree with it but I digress). All season the writers have been pushing the Brightwell relationship. We’ve seen a lot of really good meaningful conversations between Dani and Malcolm. At this point in time, it appears that Malcolm is willing to open up to Dani more than anyone else. Think about it. Even in season 1 - Malcolm never really opened up to Gil about his mental health. Gil knows that Malcolm won’t talk about his mental health with him - so he’s sending in the expert (Dani). I’m not happy about this but I kind of get it. 
6:39 - OMG. Malcolm excitedly sliding into the room is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. <3
6:44 - “What are you guys talking about?” “You.” Exhibit A. If Malcolm had just responded with “what? why?” or Gil had followed up his statement with “we’re worried about you” we could’ve had a meaningful conversation about Malcolm’s mental health. Right. Here. BUT Malcolm knows why they’re talking about him. Malcolm is deflecting. He doesn’t want to talk about this with Gil. So he rolls his eyes and walks away. Gil shouldn’t have let Malcolm off the hook so easily. :( 
7:36 - “There’s a special place in hell for people who hurt birds.” Ugh. I just want to hug this little cinnamon roll. <3 
7:55 - “Where’d this murder board come from?”  hahahaha I love how JT’s constant mood is “I work with crazy people”. 
8:07 - “You’re a web sleuth.” I love that JT somehow manages to get across that he thinks Edrisa is a complete weirdo but he respects the hell out of her. Also - the fact that JT teases the people he loves is so cute to me. 
8:31 - “Ouf.” This was funny but it also felt a little ooc? Like wouldn’t Gil just cross his arms and say “Edrisa” as a gentle but stern warning? 
8:53 - Does Edrisa have no filter or do people really think about sex this often? As an asexual, I’m genuinely asking.
8:55 - I love how uncomfortable Gil and JT get every time Edrisa starts talking about sex and/or reproductive anatomy. hahaha
9:37 - Did Martin ever kill animals? As a teenager maybe? 
9:47 - “They have all the control over this cages, seemingly inferior creature.” ....is this supposed to be a subtle reference to the Martin/Capshaw thing? Capshaw being the killer and Martin being the inferior animal she’s controlling? 
10:15 - Nope. I’m out. Can’t do it. So gross. 
11:00 - “It’s super gross.” Malcolm is all of us. 
11:08 - Soooo is Martin fantasizing about killing Capshaw after they do sexy things (hopefully consensual ones)?
11:52 - “Oh I’m already crazy.” This is somehow adorable and completely heart shattering. Malcolm is hiding his pain behind humour but he genuinely believes that he’s crazy. :( 
12:00 - Is this the only conversation Malcolm and Edrisa have ever had without Edrisa hero-worshiping Malcolm?......I like it?!?! These two are total weirdos and should definitely be besties.
13:14 - Damn. Edrisa is shining in this episode. <3 <3 
13:33 - “No. You won’t” hahaha JT being the team big brother is so cute. 
13:46 - “You coming?” Malcolm is so soft here. <3 <3 
14:00 - I love everything about this scene. I love how Dani opens up to Bright - even though it’s clearly still painful for her to talk about. I love how attentive and caring Malcolm is. I love how in character they both are. Malcolm is trying to deflect his problems. I love how Malcolm is 100% aware that Dani doesn’t believe his “I’m fine” bs. Dani is trying to get him to open up by sharing some of her own demons with him. Dani looks upset and worried that Malcolm won’t open up - but not surprised. 
15:00 - “I pulled a Bright.” hahahaha OMG. I love that Dani and Malcolm don’t question this expression at all. It suggests that the team has used the phrase “pulling a Bright” before and I am here for it. 
15:27 - This is what I call ‘passively suicidal’. Yes, Malcolm jumps in front of that car because he thinks it will help him solve the case. Yes, it’s technically an action motivated by the will to live. HOWEVER, he doesn’t move out of the way when Dani tells him to. That car is driving slowly. He doesn’t move. Because he’s in a mental state where he doesn’t care if he lives or dies. He has moments when he cares about life (like solving a case) but those just aren’t enough anymore. Yes, he looks a little alarmed when the car approaches him - but I honestly doubt Malcolm is frozen in fear. 
15:56 - “You had the right of way. He can’t sue.” Holy shit. First of all - I immediately think Ashton is a douche. Secondly - is this how America works?!?! In Canada we teach our drivers that the ‘pedestrian always has the right of way’.
16:11 - “My super close friends from online.” Honestly - I feel called out. This is how I must sound when mention my internet friends to my family.
16:25 - Sooooo we’re all in agreement right? The fact that Malcolm has hit the left side of his head without medical treatment this many times = 1) mental breakdown sometime before the end of the season or 2) a way to get him out of taking the fall for Endicott.
16:38 - *sigh* can someone please hug this man!?!? He just can’t catch a break. This whole conversation between Malcolm and hallucination!Martin is heartbreaking. It shows that on some level even Malcolm knows he’s going to break soon because his mental health is in tatters. 
17:23 - “She’s not like the others.” Who are the ‘others’? Are these the other people that Malcolm’s had a romantic interest in? Are ‘others’ friends from Malcolm’s past? Or are the others Gil, Edrisa, and JT?  
17:34 - Ugh. Floppy haired. Bruised. Sad. My whump heart is so full. 
17:56 - Does Malcolm not go on the internet? He didn’t know what a sock puppet is? (granted, I’m 24 and I didn’t know either).
18:04 - The firefighter’s name is BLAZE (Blaise)?!? Are you kidding me?
18:24 - “No. No, it isn’t.” Damn. JT is worried about Malcolm. Just look at him. 
18:51 - Do I think it’s weird that this dude is so openly flirting with Edrisa in the middle of a police questioning?!? HELL YES. Do I think it’s weird that Edrisa’s allowed in the questioning??!!? HELL YES. Am I glad they’re giving Edrisa a love interest who isn’t Malcolm? OH HELL YES. ....also Edrisa and Blaze are kind of cute? Like they’re both weirdos and they’re both into each other so ...?!!?
19:47 - Wow. This whole “Killabustas police interrogation” scene is painfully hard to rewatch. Like - the dialogue makes absolutely no logical sense but it had to be there for the plot? Everything is just too convenient. The pamphlets. The fact that these members were all so quick to meet IRL. The fact that these dudes were able to track Alex down so quickly....I mean....who is buying this nonsense?!?!
20:05 - Ugh my asexual ass can’t handle the amount of horny people in this episode. 
20:18 - Anyone else think it’s strange that Gil referred to Malcolm as “Bright” to Jessica?!? I mean, Jessica is Malcolm’s mother. PLUS it feels like Gil is trying to emotionally distance himself from Malcolm?!? 
20:24 - “Remind me to take Malcolm out of my will.” hahahahaha OMG. I love Jessica so much.
20:44 - These Jessica/Gil scenes were a highlight of the episode for me. They’re just so cute. I love how supportive Gil is. I love how Jessica isn’t repressing her feelings with booze during this episode. I love how open about her insecurities Jessica is with Gil. I love how happy they both look. <3 <3 <3 <3 
21:24 - “Some still do.” YES!!!! YES!!!! Keep flirting Gil!!! Don’t give up on her!!! <3 <3 
21:45 - Holy shit. How much does Edrisa get paid?!?! This is a rich person apartment. I’m shook. 
23:05 - Again. I must fast forward through the nasty romantic manipulation that is the Capshaw+Martin scene. The sexual tension made me nauseous the first time. But I WILL say that I think the black guard in this scene - Mr. Benjamin will be the dude Martin maims next episode (from the previews) - not Mr. David. Either that or the black patient in the room. 
25:25 - “Watch out. I bite.” ........I have no words. My asexual ass is shocked, disgusted, and .....kind of proud of Edrisa for going after what she wants (even if she’s super crass about it). 
26:03 - “That’s a seriously twisted mind.” “Sure. The kind I get.” This whole scene is heartbreaking. I honestly can’t tell if Malcolm is projecting himself, Ainsley, or both of them onto the suspect. “He killed for attention” - sounds like Ainsley to me. “Alex was going to out him to the group” ......HOLY SHIT. Does this mean Ainsley’s going to try and kill Malcolm and/or Jessica because she think’s they’ll rat her out?!?!?! “It’s about preserving the group. The Vulture needs them.” - That sounds like Malcolm to me. Malcolm doesn’t want to tell the team about Ainsley because he needs them and he’s scared they’ll abandon him if they find out about Ainsley. 
27:10 - I’m getting secondhand embarrassment from the west coast of Canada.
27:21 - “Our killer would never order take out.” Weak, Malcolm. Weak excuse. 
27:40 - annnnnndd this scene was a hard skip for me. I can’t watch Martin and Capshaw prepare to do sexy things. Nope. ALTHOUGH, I will say: Capshaw’s story about how she ended up in Claremont is interesting. Whether it’s true or not is debatable but it definitely shows that Capshaw is manipulative and creepy like Martin. I have a very strong feeling that Capshaw is a psychopath, serial killer, or sociopath. 
31:00 - Edrisa checking out Malcolm’s loft is everything I dreamed it would be. The fact that she’s clearly in awe of his weapons collection. The fact that she has no regard for his privacy and just starts going through his fridge and sleeping area. The fact that she so openly comments and judges the stuff in his loft (ie. restraints on the bed, lack of food in the fridge). It’s perfect. 
31:27 - “This is the fridge of a very sad person.” LMAO. I love this line so so so much. I love how Edrisa seems to be realizing for the first time just how broken Malcolm is. I love how sheepish Malcolm looks when she unintentionally calls him out. I love how amused Dani is by the whole situation. <3 <3 
32:00 - annnndddd the Killabustas have taken over Malcolm’s loft. They don’t ask for permission to set up his TV. They don’t awkwardly hang out near the door until Malcolm invites them to ‘make themselves at home’ or any of the other common pleasantries us North Americans go through when we visit the homes of acquaintances. They walk right in and claim ownership. It’s kind of beautiful? 
32:13 -......so did they already have Malcolm’s wifi password or am I expected to believe that they either a) have a mobile hotspot, b) are using data, c) web-sleuthed their way into hacking his wifi, or d) Malcolm had his wifi password written down somewhere super obvious inside the house?!?! This is honestly the most unrealistic thing about this episode. It’s 2021. The first time you visit a friend’s house you ask for their wifi password. It’s what you do. 
33:28 - Ok. I like the kiss on the cheek. Very respectful. She clearly would’ve been down for more but he’s a gentleman and I respect the hell out of it. 
33:48 - “I’m sorry Blaze is so jacked.” hahaha OMG Edrisa - Malcolm’s not romantically interested in you. He never has been. Read the room woman!
36:11 - Ashton is Malcolm in this scene. “I’ve been a freak my whole life. I had nothing until that bird video. Suddenly, I was a part of something.” == “I’ve been a freak my whole life. I had nothing until I joined the team. Suddenly, I was a part of something.”
36:38 - “Ashton, it won’t work. Family will only go so far. Because once they know the truth - who they’re really after - they’ll give up on you. And no more family.” Ouch. This hurts. Malcolm genuinely believes that Gil, Dani, JT, and Edrisa are going to abandon him the second they find out what he did for Ainsley. Malcolm thinks they’re going to hate him. Malcolm thinks they’re going to think he’s like Martin - a criminal. A killer. Look at how broken Malcolm looks and sounds here. It’s not just that Malcolm thinks he’s going to be abandoned. It’s that he thinks he deserves to be abandoned. He thinks he’s a monster. 
 37:02 - EDRISA!!! DAMN. I love this badass. <3 <3 So proud of the girl who literally had a panic attack in 1x15 when she had to save a that ‘almost-victim’ by injecting alcohol into him. 
38:05 - My heart is so full. This is honestly one of my top 10 moments of Prodigal Son to date. I love that we see Gil’s new car. I love that he’s working on his car in a police mechanic shop. I love this little glimpse into Gil’s personal life  - the man who likes fixing up old cars with a cold beer while listening to 80s music in an boombox from the 80s. <3 I love the absolute adorableness that is Jessica and Gil awkwardly flirting. 
I love that Jessica - the rich socialite - holds Gil’s wrench without question. Even though she looks a little confused. I love that Jessica comes to Gil this time. He’s been instigating the flirting most of this season. It looks like Jessica’s finally ready to be an equal partner in the relationship.
I love that Jessica - the rich socialite - takes a drink of Gil’s working-class beer with a smile. His social class isn’t beneath her. She doesn’t care about how rich he is - just about the purity of his intentions and the depth of his devotion to her family. 
39:00 - “Oh I remember her. How fiercely she protected her kids.” I LOVE THIS. I love that Gil is attracted to Jessica’s devotion as a mother. I love that the fact that she had children with another man (a serial killer) doesn’t bother him. He loves how fierce, independent, and strong she is and that’s absolutely gorgeous. 
I love who wholesome their romantic moment is. Unlike Edrisa and Martin’s live scenes - it’s not fast, heavy, and physical. It’s slow, gentle, and emotional. Gil and Jessica dance like an old married couple when the song they danced to at their wedding comes on the radio. 
I love the setting of the scene. How they’re dancing in a dirty mechanic’s shop. Jessica is dressed like the rich woman she is and Gil is wearing a plaid shirt rolled up to his elbows. The contrast is striking and beautiful. I love that Jessica isn’t trying to make Gil fit into her social status. She’s not dragging him to rich people galas and forcing him to dress or act like someone he’s not (although he would so do that for her). She’s hanging out with Gil on his turf and she’s delighted about it. <3 
 40:08 - “Do you think you can ever really know someone?” Isn’t this what Malcolm said to Gil in 1x17 as the whole Endicott thing was boiling? You know - a few episodes before the team arrests Malcolm in his loft when he’s in the middle of a mental crisis?!? Is this foreshadowing for the next mental health breakdown?!? (Hopefully a fully mental health breakdown this time?!?!)
40:18 - “Masquarading as someone he wasn’t” Yikes. Malcolm truly believes he’s lying to the team just because he’s not acting like a monster. Malcolm has truly convinced himself that he is his father’s son. 
40:45 - I don’t even care how you feel about Brightwell. The fact that Dani is the only person this whole season who has told Malcolm that he’s not a monster makes her the greatest friend he could ever ask for. 
40:51 - “Ever since Nicholas died.” ....well Dani isn’t a moron so if she didn’t connect the dots before she will now. If we don’t get an intervention next episode I’m going to throw hands. 
40:57 - Why. Does. Martin. Have. To. Ruin. Every. Chance. Malcolm. Gets. To. Begin. To. Heal?!?!
41:16 - “ooooohhhh here comes the kiss” .....honestly though. Martin is every Brightwell shipper.
41:20 - I respect the hell out of Malcolm for shutting Dani down like this. Yes - he absolutely should’ve come clean with her. HOWEVER, he clearly isn’t ready to share this burden and the fact that he shut down the progress of any romantic relationship is really good. Because Dani would be SO MAD if they started dating while he was actively lying to her. It would be the end of their friendship. Forget your Brightwell ship - they wouldn’t even be friends. 
41:40 - “Why are you ruining this!?” Dani had to have heard this. Even if she didn’t....Malcolm was pretty obviously glancing over her shoulder at hallucination!Martin before she left. There’s no way Dani - a detective - won’t be able to figure out that Malcolm is hallucinating. I WANT A MENTAL HEALTH INTERVENTION. NEXT EPISODE. I’M MANIFESTING IT INTO EXISTANCE. EVEN THOUGH I DON’T TRUST FEDAK TO GIVE IT TO ME. I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO HUG MALCOLM. 
42:06 - Honestly thought Capshaw was going to beat the crap out of Friar Pete here. This woman is unstable. Mark my words. She’s going to kill someone (if she hasn’t already). 
I know I kind of shat on this episode a bit but I honestly really liked it? I loved the character development it gave us. Even if the plot was pretty subpar. 
Thanks for hanging out. See you next week. <3 :) 
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infinity train b4 spoilers below the cut!!
these are just my incoherent ramblings about the book after watching it through twice. 
im curious to know what the crew could have done with longer episodes. i think with the way this book played out, it needed to be expanded upon or some information needed to be cut or rearranged. i absolutely loved min and ryan; their dynamic is so wholesome (can you go wrong with childhood friends?) and their more emotional moments still hit pretty hard.
while i do think that the story and conflict itself could be a metaphor for coming out or being gay, of course it would have been great to actually see that on screen. even with the first episode showing some signs that min-gi might have been crushing on ryan? and that was dropped? also in the art gallery car, it felt like kez was trying to set them up together. she even said like “a little birdy told me...” like she was going to say “a little birdy told me you have a secret admirer” or something like that. either way, i am happy with how their relationship was portrayed and i do agree with some of the opinions i’m seeing, saying that their relationship needed to be patched up before they get together. i guess it would have been nice to see the pining played up more idk, i still really liked this book. 
it just so happens that their story does feel a bit half baked in comparison to the other books, even though the story is centered basically on them and only them (outside of kez)? i don’t know why. there were so many one off lines that i think the book could have benefitted from addressing (even just a tad bit more): that line about how they’re just “two asian guys from bc” and that there are not too many musicians who actually look like them, when ryan says that only min-gi’s parents would care if they were gone (what happened to ryan’s family?), etc. also, i needed to be convinced a bit more that min wanted to be in chicken choice judy. again, it was addressed (especially with his stylophone) but not enough! i want to know what was holding him back from going with ryan. was it his parents? his own expectations? was he simply just too afraid? found traveling to be too unstable? i think they were just going to dive into this with the latter, but it’s only scratching the surface. i really think these conflicts could have been fleshed out so much more. 
and this is something that’s kind of confusing me, if ryan’s growth resulted in his realization that he’s not leaving min, i guess his portal opening up was his last test for him to see if he would leave? was his number going back up to like 150 just the reason why he now has to stay or was he punished because he didn’t leave? i dont think i articulated that correctly...but the numbers were very peculiar to me with this book? their numbers would go down maybe to like 120, 150 in some episodes, but later on, it was stuck at 202. especially after the art gallery car it felt like 202 to 0 to 202 to 0. like at the end of the book, they were still where they started? but i’m not too sure i agree with that. i do think they had grown somewhat over the course of the book? but i guess they were still arguing by the maze episode? see i don’t even know.
i can’t help this feeling that kez is almost like the main character to me. even if min and ryan are technically the main duo, kez is the one who is guiding them from car to car, she starts the conflict of the final episodes and then we get an info dump about her past with morgan and jeremy. i also didn’t like how that was done, but trying to think of another way to tell that story...i’m not too sure how it would work. it may be that there are technically two storylines here: kez and the train plus ryan and min’s relationship. i did like kez and even though, i have to agree there weren’t many memorable denizens (and the pig baby and porcelain cow were pretty annoying), this was focused on ryan and min (and kez too ig). i thought the inclusions of amelia were probably added to be convenient for the plot, but i still do like how they were implemented and we did get to see her gradual take over of the car from the passenger perspective, which was interesting. 
the book does feel a bit underwhelming after the absolutely fantastic book 3, but i love ryan and min so much so i cannot be too upset. what i do like about this situation though, is that i was always so apprehensive to rewatch the show because i don’t think i would ever be mentally prepared again (especially for book 3) but with this newest season, i see myself rewatching it all the time because it is so laid back and lighter than the rest? i am curious if anything happened with production that could have held this season back...but i guess we won’t know lol. of course i am upset about the show ending because i really really really wish that we did get that hazel and amelia season, but alas, i have to be extremely grateful for what we have. my ranking at this current moment is 3, 4, 2, 1, purely because book 3 hit me too hard. it is near perfect and unforgettable to me, but book 4 is getting close...
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patkinmon · 3 years
Hi.....If you don't mind me asking who are your top 10 fav anime couple (don't have to be canon)? And why you like them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
I just saw this ask and i nearly forgot about it, so sorry for the very late replay.
My top 10 couples switches a lot, but if I had to pic 10 current ones I would go with these:
1. Ash x Eiji (Banana fish)
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They are just perfection. I know they are soulmates, but the way they healed each other in a way no one else would have been able to, is just so precious to me. They came from different worlds, but they fell in love despite it. Nothing will ever top the love I have for these two.
2. Yusei x Aki (Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds)
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This is my favorite couple from any Yu-Gi-Oh series. I just love that Aki was such a powerful female lead and had a very good arc the first 2 seasons. They helped each other grow - Yusei taught Aki that not all people are afraid of her and that she could have friends who would have her back no matter what and Aki taught Yusei that he didn’t have to shoulder things on his own and that she believed in his decisions.
The next ones are under the cut.
3. Erza x Jellal (Fairy tail)
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If i could pick any fairy tail couple that I love, it would be jerza. They’ve been through so much together and apart for so long, but clearly pining the whole time, that there was no way that I wouldn’t ship them. I’m glad they seem to be heading in a couple direction in the manga now.
4. Reki x Langa (Sk8 the infinity)
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These two are just the red x blue couple that actually came true. I really think those two were a couple at the end of the anime or at least had feelings for each other. Also it’s the first sport anime with a red x blue couple that went canon, so they will always have a special place in my heart.
5. Naruto x Hinata (Naruto)
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Honestly I liked Naruhina from the beginning, probably because I relate to Hinata so much. I’m quite shy and blush when I take to a person that I like, so I was thrilled to see that she got the guy she loved for so long in the end. 
6. Dabi x Hawks (MHA)
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Okay I know I will get some shit, because of this ship and before anyone comes screaming to me: Yes I know in the canon universe they would be toxic and never work out, but LISTEN the potential they would have if a small factor was different is insane!! If Dabi would be a hero they would be no doubt working together for a lot of cases and if Hawks would be a villian they could join forces to take down hero society. Just so many possibilities, because in the core they have nearly the same trauma about having parents who neglected them and used them for their own goals instead of letting their children thrive. Also Enemies to lovers is an amazing trope.
7. Buck x Eddie (9-1-1)
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No clue when buddie started to grow on me, but I just love their dynamic from Enemies (on Buck’s side) to friends to best friends to co-parents to maybe lovers? I like how they built a litte family unit together with Eddie’s son Christopher and they are just so good for each other. Buck is what Eddie needs and the other way around. I could write a meta on this two and their dynamic and I really hope the show will make them canon eventually.
8. Julie x Luke (Julie and the Phantoms)
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What is better than the relationship between a ghost and a girl that bound through music? I can’t think of a lot, but honestly I love that Julie and Luke aren’t immediately drawn to each other, but have to figure out the others past first. Them having similar taste in music and killer voices is just a plus.
9. Yuto x Keigo (Dream festival)
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Okay this is such a niche ship, that no one knows about I feel like and I don’t know why. Their interaction in the anime is amazing. They grow together and learn slowly about the others personality and pasts. Even through there are almost no fanfics or anything, I rewatch dream festival almost only for them.
10. Ciara x Ben (Days of our lives) and Korra x Asami (Legend of Korra)
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I had such a hard time picking No. 10 that I choose two ships that I think deserve that spot. I love Korrasami because it was subtil until the very end of season 4, but it was clearly there and I was so excited when the creaters confirmed it to be canon. I just love how badass these ladys are together and apart, but they are clearly very important to the other and they show that all through season 3 and 4.
Ben and Ciara on the other hand are a classic good girl x bad boy couple, but it was so perfect, because the way they got to know each other for the first time was so dramatic, but genuine at the same time and I know they are the classic soap couple and have a lot of ups and downs, but I know they will always come back to each other because of the foundation they built together.
A few honorable mentions would be: Judai x Johan (Yu-Gi-Oh Gx), Klance (Voltron), Tai x Sora (Digimon), Clarke x Lexa (the 100), Aomine x Kise (KnB), Merlin x Arthur (Merlin) and Serena x Ash (Pokemon)
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peachfaeryy · 3 years
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Hi 🌙
It's my birthday right now. I'm 26 now.
1. What is my fondest childhood memory?
My fondest childhood memories definitely consist of the lovely people who I grew up with and derived my sense of humor/silliness from: my cousins Anna & Emily, Savannah -- my childhood best friend, and Kaleb, my eternal crush. These memories consist of them in elementary school, camp, and my grandma's house in San Antonio.
2. What is my favorite comfort food?
Probably nachos/chips/chips & queso.
3. What’s my favorite way to exercise?
4. Am I a morning person or a night owl?
I lean more towards night owl but I try to avoid both.
5. If I could have any superpower, what would it be?
The currency of youth.
6. Do I prefer cooking, baking, or neither?
I love both cooking and baking :) I find both extremely rewarding and cathartic.
7. Am I an introvert or an extrovert?
Ambivert strongly introvert-leaning.
8. What superhero do I find most relatable?
None, I detest all superheroes.
9. What is my favorite season of the year — and what do I love most about it?
Winter because it provides me with the most amount of physical comfort. I love sleeping in a very cold room, opening my windows with no AC on. Sitting in my car listening to music/eating with engine off. Less humidity. Food is tastier. Style is better.
10. Do I believe in the existence of angels?
Not particularly? Well, yes but I believe they have absolutely no role or effect on our world.
11. What are my favorite TV series?
American Crime Story (OJ & Versace), Fleabag, Atlanta...90 Day Fiance, Game of Thrones
12. What was the last movie I watched (or the last movie I enjoyed)?
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (let's gooOoo)
13. Am I a tidy person or a messy one?
I used to be very messy but not I'd consider myself pretty tidy. My nature is messy though.
14. Am I afraid of the dark?
15. Am I more of a coffee person or a tea person?
Mostly coffee.
16. What talents do I possess that I’m proud of?
I don't have any natural-born talents but I suppose my ability to teach myself a new skill over time.
17. Do (or did) I like school?
I loved school and literally work at a school.
18. Did I go to the prom?
Unfortunately, yes.
19. What is my idea of a perfect date?
Definitely grabbing pizza at a nice restaurant.
20. Do I enjoy DIY or crafts?
Not at all, sounds awful, lol.
21. Do I forgive others easily?
Yes. But not so much anymore now that I'm older and more experienced. My instinct/nature is very forgiving.
22. Do I have a nickname — or did I ever have one?
23. Do I have any phobias?
I'm scared of most anything anything everything...I'd say my daily fear is mistaking my razor for my toothbrush in the shower.
24. Have I ever met one of my heroes? If yes, who was it, and how did it go?
25. Do I speak any other languages?
No, but I told myself I would learn Spanish before I die.
26. Have I ever traveled outside my native country?
Yes! I have been the Mexico and Ireland.
27. If money were no object, what would I want for my next birthday?
Maybe a trip to South Korea/Germany/Rhode Island
28. Have I ever been addicted to something?
Yes. But as far as substances? I'm addicted to Nsaid.
29. When I was a kid, what did I want to be when I grew up?
I wanted to be a wildlife photographer when I was a kid-kid.
30. Have I ever won something?
$75 with scratch offs
31. Have I ever narrowly escaped death (or serious injury)?
I'd say so, yes.
32. Do I prefer baths or showers?
33. How am I feeling right now?
34. Have I ever played any sports?
Soccer, Basketball, and cross-country
35. Do I prefer the beach or the mountains?
Beach, but I feel connected to both.
36. Do I prefer a Mac or a PC?
37. Do I prefer dogs or cats (or some other pet)?
Cats...I honestly do not like dogs at all.
38. Do I have any piercings or tattoos? Would I like to get any?
I have three tattoos: three rune, a sword, and a butterfly. All of which are on my arms.
39. Do I have kids?
Not right now.
40. Do I have siblings?
41. What do I do on a typical Friday night?
Same thing I usually do: practice dance/choreo for a couple of hours. Read, cook, watch Youtube. If I’m going out, I’ll maybe grab dinner/hang with my friends. I MAY go to ~the club~ in a blue moon.
42. If I could go anywhere in the world with unlimited funds, where would I go?
43. What do I do to relax?
Shower, listen to music. Do my makeup for fun.
44. What do I do to wake up or boost my energy levels?
Blast Stray Kids
45. Would I rather have unlimited energy or unlimited money?
Unlimited money
46. Am I a collector of anything? If yes, how big is my collection?
I collect Kpop bullshit...(albums, photo cards, posters, etc.) essentially merch from my favorite artists.
47. What sort of gift would I want from my significant other on Valentine’s Day or on my birthday?
JUST flowers. All I care about it getting flowers on both of those days.
48. Which would I rather avoid — excess heat or extreme cold?
Excess heat.
49. Would movie genre would I rather watch: action, romance, fantasy, or horror?
Of those choices: horror. I also like a solid journey story.
50. Have I ever been on a diet? If yes, how did it go?
More like a mini eating disorder, lol? I went through phases where I only consumed 1500 calories.
51. If I could live anywhere for a month with whomever I choose, where would that be?
Greece with I suppose...someone I get along with.
52. Have I ever gone camping? Or do you look at a tent and think, “I feel like that’s the wonton wrapper, and I’m the filling.”
Yes, several times. I actually thoroughly enjoy camping.
53. What’s the last song I listened to?
Ribs -- Lorde
54. What’s my current obsession, and how much have I spent on it?
Anything kpop...hours. I’m talking hours and hours.
55. What’s a favorite book of mine?
We Need to Talk About Kevin
56. What should I be doing right now?
57. What’s my best feature?
Physically? Boobs.
Personality? I would say kindness but that’s basic. Witty? Self-discipline.  
58. What’s the most expensive article of clothing (or shoes) that I own?
Damn...shoes...? $100?
59. What is one thing I could not live without?
Music. My one coping mechanism and literally the reason I’m alive and functional.
60. What’s one thing I can’t leave the house without (other than keys and my wallet)?
Phone... BC packet?
61. What’s one of my pet peeves?
Slow walkers
62. What wild animal would I love to have for a pet (as long as it didn’t eat anyone)?
Maybe like...a toucan?
63. What’s my favorite drink?
An ICE COLD fizzy SODA boiii
64. What’s my spirit animal, and do I own anything featuring that animal?
I guess I’m very cat-like. I used to have a lot of cat stuff, but not anymore...
65. What’s my favorite restaurant, and what’s my favorite splurge order?
I like basically any fast food joint. I’m also a sucker for Chili’s. I’m really basic. A splurge order for me would be ordering a margarita with my meal.
66. What’s my favorite movie — or the best one I’ve seen in the last three years?
I’ve been obsessed with We Need to Talk About Kevin, Pirates of the Caribbean...I’ve been wanting to rewatch Little Miss Sunshine
67. What’s a favorite hobby of mine?
Dancing :)
68. What’s my favorite go-to snack?
Health-wise: apples and peanut butter. But if I don’t care: chips
69. What are my must-haves for watching a movie in a theater?
True interest in the film
70. What’s my favorite kind of competition to watch (sports, cooking, etc.)?
Not really into competition shows.
71. Would I rather get an electric shock or get an intramuscular shot (tetanus, etc.)?
Electric shock?
72. What’s my dream car?
Bella’s shitty red truck let’s gooooo
73. What are the must-haves in the home of my dreams?
LOTS of open space, sunlight, heated bathroom floor
74. What’s my favorite sandwich?
Chicken salad, BLT, plain peanut butter
75. What’s my favorite kind of dinner? (comfort food, four-course, take-out Chinese…)
Comfort food
76. If I could change my eye and hair color, what color/s would I choose?
I would DEF change my eye color to a warm brown and my hair to very dark brown. I’m growing my natural hair out. I’m going dye-free right now.
77. Who is my favorite fictional character (or one of them)?
Jack Sparrow
78. What’s my longest relationship so far (other than family)?
4 years...
79. What is my star sign — or do I usually avoid that question?
I DO NOT care about this but I’m a Leo
80. What is my lucky number, or what is a favorite number of mine?
Uh? N/A
81. What city do I live in now, and what’s my favorite thing about it?
I still live in Denton and I detest it.
82. What state do I live in now, and what do I love about it?
Texas, its diversity.
83. If I had to move to a different state, where would I rather go?
New Mexico
84. Have I ever colored my hair? If yes, what’s my favorite hair color experiment so far?
Yes, most of my teen and adult life. But my “crazy” hair experiment right now is going dye-free and wearing my natural color.
85. Whom do I miss right now?
My 14-year-old self
86. Have I ever made a mistake that someone else refused to forgive me for?
87. Do I have a celebrity crush? If yes, who is it?
JOHNNY DEPP and all of Stray Kids lol. Jungkook?
88. If I could meet any celebrity for coffee/tea and a chat, who would it be?
Marina Diamandis
89. As desserts go, would I rather have ice cream or cheesecake?
Ice Cream
90. Would I rather live in a house or an apartment, and why?
A small house.
91. Would I rather live in a treehouse, a cave, or a submarine?
92. What is one big goal that I want to accomplish this year?
Move out of D*nton.
93. What do I want to do for a living?
I’m happy being a teacher, but ultimately I’d like to counsel kids.
94. When I feel sick, where do I usually feel it first or most noticeably?
My head.
95. What sort of smartphone do I use, and what made me choose it?
Uh? Android?
96. What’s one movie that I’ve watched repeatedly? What do I love about it?
I watch signs pretty frequently. Midsommar? I connect with its characters because they seem like real actual people? I’ve been wanting to rewatch the Lovely Bones.
100. If I could afford one, would I rather hire a chef, a personal assistant, or a housekeeper?
97. What is one food that I refuse to eat?
98. What exotic food would I be willing to try?
I’d be open to trying most any food.
99. What is one item on my bucket list, and what made me choose it?
I’m kind of working on it now. I want to put a few years in while I’m young and able to become a very good dancer. I know that to obtain that it IS going to take years. It’s something that’s really important to me because I’ve always wanted that for myself but never made actual steps to obtain/execute it. And ultimately, I want it because it allows me to feel like my true self.
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tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
tagged by @sofiawylics - thank you! <3
fave genre? i don’t have any, but i usually do prefer pop
fave artist? Hayley Kiyoko, Hozier, Bleachers, the 1975s, Måneskin, Lil Nas X, Years & Years, Greyson Chance, and many, many more. fave song? none
most listened song recently? uhhh idk
song currently stuck in your head? “i ate you up the day we first spoke/love bites so deep, we got tiger teeth” (Walk The Moon - Tiger Teeth)
5 fave lyrics? The first that came to mind were: 1) “Like context in a modern debate, I just took it out.“ + “And I was 25 and afraid to go outside; A millennial that baby-boomers like.“ (The 1975 - Give Yourself A Try) 2) “We didn't start the fire; No, we didn't light it; But we tried to fight it.” (Billy Joel - We Didn’t Start The Fire) 3) “When my time comes; Forget the wrong that I've done; Help me leave behind some; Reasons to be missed.” (Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest) 4) “Because you cut me wide open; Left teardrops on all my white roses.” (Greyson Chance - White Roses) 5) “Remember me, love, when I'm reborn; As a shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn.“ (Hozier - Shrike) + “[...] So you know good things are happening; When the jackboot needs to jump.” (Hozier - Jackboot Jump)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? YA, apocalypse vibes and fantasy
fav writer? Benjamin Alire Saenz 
fav book? Ari and Dante, TPOBAW, Dead Poets Society
fav book series? Simonverse (Simon vs + Leah on The Offbeat)
comfort book? Ari and Dante
perfect book to read on a rainy day? hmmmm. idk
fave characters? hmmm... *suddenly forgets every character* let’s go  with: Seth and Alice (Twilight), Dante (Ari and Dante), Nile (TOG comics)
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart? 1) “The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.” (Ari and Dante) + "I love swimming and you." [...] “Swimming and you, Ari. Those are the things I love the most.” (Ari and Dante) ((gives me mad RH vibes)) 2) “We accept the love we think we deserve.” (TPOBAW) 3) “[...] That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.” (Dead Poets Society)   4) “I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.” (The Song of Achilles)   5) “Someone will remember us I say; Even in another time.” (If Not, Winter)
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
TV AND MOVIES (I won’t be counting anime and general animation into this, otherwise it would be far too long)
fave tv/movie genre? none
fave movie? The Old Guard, Deadpool 2, Love Simon, Venom, The Way He Looks, Fear Street, etc.
comfort movie? The Old Guard, Twilight, The Half Of It, DP 2, MIB, Detective Pikachu, etc.
movie you watch every year? Twilight, DP2, Venom, Mean Girls, The Grinch, Home Alone, etc.
fave tv show? uuuuuhhh right now it’s Andi Mack, Hannibal, Killing Eve, JATP, Gentleman Jack, Haunting of Bly Manor, Young Royals, etc.
comfort tv show? Andi Mack, JATP, Atypical
most rewatched tv show? I have no idea, but the quickest show I ever rewatched was JATP, which I rewatched the next day after finishing the last EP lol, and the recent one I rewatched was Young Royals  
ultimate otp? Tyrus and Joe x Nicky of these, i think
5 fave characters? Deadpool/Wade Wilson, Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Bella Swan, Cyrus Goodman, Casey Gardner
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online Tagging: @dandelionmeadow @nenufair @hamykia @alona-marinelli @died-by-the-scimitar @elena-of-time @mehawiyu @milkymickeyway @spacewitchqueen
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imogenlefay · 4 years
oooh, a ship game! tagged by @perfectromanceinmymind​ who i just started adoring more for reading Imzadi. ok, let’s get into this!
rules: Movie/TV ship questions; answer with a GIF; no repeats
1. First ship - Janeway and Chakotay (Star Trek: Voyager)
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yeah, I KNOW. since i started my rewatch i’ve been complaining about how boring chakotay is and how captain mom - i mean mommy - i mean janeway deserves someone way more interesting. hell, i’m pretty sure i’ll be shipping Q with her over chakotay. and just see waht will happen when seven of nine shows up. ...but yeah. sue me. it’s THERE. it’s obvious. it’s just also very, very boring. 
2. First OTP - Lily and James (Harry Potter)
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so, i know, tons of issues with harry potter. but that was a fandom i was super invested in. ctually, not sure that’s the right way to put it. i was super invested into the books, waxed and waned a bit... and the funny thing is, i didn’t care about the whole harry-ron-hermione-ginny thing until i started reading fandom things and was totes fine with whatever was happening (actually kinda rooting for ginny since book 2). didn’t really care about these ships. but lily and james? from first finding out about the marauders, i was on board of that ship. also, snape was a creep and a horrible person, and a nice guy, and that was not romantic
3. Favourite current ship - Sebastian and Blaine (Glee)
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do i have to say it? seblaine from glee. these two have barley 15 minutes of screentime, but the chemistry is just there. i still think they were set up to be at least a midgame ship that fell through when grant gustin was busy with the flash, which given the writing on glee and the insistance on klaine as an endgame might have actually been for the better, but there’s just something about them. if blaine’s in the room, sebastian’s eyes are on him. when sebastian shows up, blaine’s mood lifts. Just so much potential, wasted again - but that’s the glee thing. 
4. Shipped from the first minute - Dean and Castiel (Supernatural)
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sooooo, i won’t say they’re canon, but they’re half-canon and broke the internet. now, keep in mind, i stopped watching supernatural around season 8? the one in which metatron showed up, idk. it got so boring how every season another main character was the bad guy, the winchesters got more toxic, and of course, the treatment of cas. so i’ve seen from gift that got super toxic. but come on. i’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition. best entrance ever, electric chemistry, gradually growing connection... i’m ignoring most of supernatural canon, but that was magic. 
5. Wish they had been endgame - Barney and Nora (How I Met Your Mother)
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my shipping history with himym is... spotty. i liked ted/robin, was fine with them breaking up, and reaaaally got into barney/robin. until they got together, were awful and broke up. sure, i blamed the writing, but that short stint killed my enthusiasm. enter nora. sweet, smart, confident nora who is not ashamed to admit she’s a romantic and clearly state what she wants, who calls barney on his bs and won’t let him walk all over her. and also, the first woman barney actually wanted to be in a relationship with. even with robin, lily had to bully them into it. i thought she was really good for him, and he was at his best with her. hated how she was pushed aside to bring back more barney/robin drama (who srsly brought out the worst in each other) still my headcanon that he runs into her again when he’s more mature, caring for his daughter. but alas, has to remain a headcanon. (also, it’s a pic cause i literally can’t even find a gif)
6. Wish they had been canon - Bashir/Garak (Star Trek: DS9)
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sorry, not sorry. the dynamic between is amazing - the brilliant but naive new doctor, excited like a freaking puppy, meeting the mysterious spy pretending to be a tailor while trying to move away from his past. there is SO much chemistry, fascination, intrigue between them, even if they aare so fundamentally different. just... damn. except at some point midway they stopped giving them scenes. were they afraid of the chemistry? idk but i’ll spread the rumor. because we were cheated. 
7. Ship everyone else hates - Ted and Robin (How I Met Your Mother)
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i get it. the writing had issues. writing an endgame ahead of time can backfire. ted backtracking to robin again and again gets really annoying. the mother was seriously amazing and i still can’t believe they pulled her off so well after all the buildup. and the pacing of wasting a whole season on a wedding for a couple that gets divorced within like five minutes is awful. i know all that. but i honestly think they work. their first relationship was seriously sweet - nothing like the trainwreck between barney and robin - and for them to come together when the timing is right, they both grew and matured, and are in the right places in their lives... idk, they work for me. 
8. Don’t even watch the show but still ship - Rory and Jess (Gilmore Girls)
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i literally only know gifsets of them. they look cute. 
9. Wish they had a different storyline - House and Cameron (House MD)
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i seriously shipped them so much in season 1. their date was sweet, especially how before wilson told her to please not break house’s heart. but after the date, they just threw it out. i had some hope again when she left his team and returned as head of the ER, just cause i thought it changed the power dynamic and maybe they had a shot. that’s what i would have liked to see. that they work together occasionally, and he starts seeing her more as an equal and maybe build something from there. would probably been way healthier than the toxic crap with cuddy. 
10. Actually endgame - Emma and Hook (Once Upon A Time)
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oh hi, jennifer morrison, haven’t seen you in a bit. so, i also stopped watching once upon a time, as the stories got too wild and i never got into regina’s big redemption, which consisted of *checks notes* deciding she’s redeemed now and screw anyone who disagrees. but i did love captain swan. did not see that coming. like, sure, hook flirts from their first interaction, but i was against them, given how antagonistic they were. but come season 3 and neverland, and their kiss? and damn. they took chemistry, and actually built something from it, and this time, it freaking worked. which is rare. so yes, so many issues with the show, but these two? ready to set sail, captain! 
tagging @blainesebastian​, @seblaineaddict​, @glitzgustin​, @ejaycaswell​ and @liloandsoon​, as well as anyone else who wants to take a spin at this
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stuffgoeswrong · 4 years
I have been tagged by @just-like-playing-tag, thank you so much! Stay healthy and happy!
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to get to know better/catch up with
Last song: TPN’s season 2 ending, which I absolutely loved the visuals for as well, the style fit so well! Want to also say I listened to Grow As We Go by Ben Platt before that, it’s soooo beautiful, go check it out if you want!
Last movie: X-Men, the very first one.
Currently Watching: Hoo boy, this’ll be a lot. I’m rewatching She Ra and the Princesses of Power (on s5), and watching TPN season 2, Yuukoku no Moriarty, Carole and Tuesday I need to get back to, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Attack on Titan (waiting for next episode). . . Really I’m just biding my time waiting for other animes’ new seasons to come out lol.
Currently Craving: This question is very nonspecific, but uhhh, not having homework, making at least one of my animatics, rewatching When Marnie Was There, drawing, being able to work on fanfiction ideas or just writing in general. Also craving for TPN to not fuck up my favorite arc of all time, Goldy Pond.
Currently Reading: Heaven Official’s Blessing. I halted the whole process at chapter 131 and haven’t read since then because I was either binging new shows or being afraid of the sadness to come when I finish it.
Tagging: @youremylodestar,@frenchfrysstuff, @lesly-oh, @aomitois, @bananafosters-and-books
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