#because I don’t think any of us *want* more animators dying from overwork so we??
kukuandkookie · 5 months
Gnashing my teeth a bit because I found another reaction to donghua (it was for the Lord of the Mysteries trailer) and I was pretty excited because—despite bad experiences—I always try to be tentatively excited about any international attention paid to donghua…
But then the man says halfway through, “Somehow China’s not sucking, which is like…shocking.”
Yikes, much? 😬
And you know what sucks even more??
He later mentions it looks great, but he also says, “I don’t know how much of it could be AI-generated though, but yeah…”
Is it that insane that some Chinese animators can actually make something really nice?? Jesus fucking Christ.
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heylinfanclub · 4 months
Topic In therapy I may be contemplating for a couple years; I crave community mutual aid but from the words of my equestrian therapist ‘we just don’t really do that here’. And I told her we do though. Plenty of people toss out usable furniture by the road. Plenty of people hire ‘taskers’ (an app I just learned about) to do chores for them. People ONLINE have financially supported me just cause they knew me, they could and they cared. Strangers come sort recycling out of our trash because they care, it’s not even their job.
During the session I was rly upset at the idea that I am doing. So much work (counting the pressures of working harder to do basic shit on average due to having a mental illness) to take care of myself. And so much more work on top of that to educate others. And keep people in my life. And try to survive capitalism. And that I can’t do it all alone! I am going to die on fire! I am the blood-sweeping robot that sweeps its lifeblood until it dies of bloodloss. And SO MANY OF US are being forced into that position, even without a mental illness that exacerbates the severity of the reality (some people LIVE LIKE THIS, DOING MORE THAN ME EVEN AND ACCEPT IT AS NORMAL INDEPENDENCE WHEN ITS LIKE. ONE DAY. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CARE FOR YOURSELF. AND YOU WILL DIE ALONE. ARE YOU NOT AFRAID?!!?!!?!) this is why it’s called COMPHET (or compallo at this point). THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE WHEN YOU CANT KEEP UP W THIS ALONE IS TO RELY ON A SIGNIFICANT OTHER. OR FAMILY. OR ‘THE SYSTEM’. neither of which are guaranteed for ANYONE. hell. I told someone I was goin home for the day and they said ‘lucky you’ and I’m internally like ‘YOU DONT KNOW WHAT GOING HOME IS. HOME IS NOT A GUARANTEED BREAK. HOME IS MORE WORK. HOME COULDVE BEEN RETURNING TO MY DYING PARENTS FOUR YEARS AGO. HOME IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH REST FOR EVERYONE. Is that. Is this a hangover of Breadwinner Perspectives? They don’t fucking count housework as work, nor caring for oneself (selfcare IS work). I cannot hire someone else or rely on someone else to do the endless work. UNLESS—-‘
THE POINT IS. The idea that is. I’d like to start a mutual aid group. For my apartment complex. Because there was a guy who went by Popeye who moved out, and he always seemed to know what was going on around the complex. He always had little barbecues and even personally acted as security around the complex when the cul de sac people tried to fuck with apartment folks stuff. He moved out and I got a bunch of his furniture and art and I’ve seen him around. But idk. New managers don’t do any community events like the managers who were here when I moved in (I genuinely don’t think the new managers wouldn’t have let me move in). Nobody quite kept people in touch like he did.
Currently all the apartment kids come to my door during the spring and summer asking for water and snacks because the managers office stopped letting them use their fridge. There are queer pride flags in windows. There are stickers of the school I went to. There are overworked and tired parents and disabled elders. I just want us to all get along and help each other. I can’t control anyone but I could help build an opening for communicating with each other. Idk. Maybe one day. When I’m confident. I want to use the quote ‘dob’t assume people have different values, they’re just working off different information. everyone wants to be Good, they just got different ideas of what that is’ as a sort of quote for that kinda thing cause I know political divisiveness in this world lately could make connection hard. Maybe. Maybe it’s just this bad on the internet. (But a lot of internet bleeds out into the real world now)
I like helping out the kids and watching kids and playing with animals and providing art supplies and helping solve problems. I know we all like to feel needed or having a chance to share our skills. There used to be an art fair here! Run by the old managers! New managers boring as shit! Maybe I’ll run the art fair! Fuck!
But it’s somethin I know will take time. Thought. Energy. The occasional stable moments. Research into real mutual aid groups! I guess I’d need a mission. And my main mission would be to spread the appreciation for Mutual Aid, to Do Mutual Aid, and maybe bolster kids confidence to do stuff like this themselves. I’ve got these kids thinking I’m cool as shit for a weirdo, I can’t waste it.
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canmom · 2 years
assorted manga comments
Berserk is back! I imagine that will inspire some complicated feelings for Kouji Mori, but I’m glad he has the means to continue his friend’s life’s work. It is something I very much want to do for Fall - I can’t become a translator like her, although I am now making progress in Japanese, but I wish to try and keep alive her love of languages and attitude towards life. If any of my friends left an unfinished work, and I thought they’d trust me to finish it, I would want to do the same.
Anyway, these new chapters don’t really move things forward too much, but they do show that Mori et al. can hit the same incredible visual complexity that they were under Miura. Not surprising because I’m sure they were drawing a lot of the manga even before Miura died. I just hope that they’re getting to work at a reasonable pace, because one person dying of likely overwork is already far, far too many.
I started reading Fire Punch, the earlier manga by Chainsaw Man author Tatsuki Fujimoto. I also read his one-shot Goodbye, Eri. It’s very interesting seeing multiple works by the same author like this: you get a sense of what motifs they find especially interesting, which in Fujimoto’s case seems to be getting dommed by a girl who’s obsessed with movies, and characters with healing factors.
Fire Punch is a big step up in grimdark compared to Chainsaw Man - it’s rare to go a chapter without at least one of attempted (sometimes actual) rape, slavery or dismemberment. It is an amoral world where human life has become very cheap and those with power are unafraid to treat people entirely instrumentally - where people with superpowers are common but likely to be used as human batteries or sources of meat. In many ways it reminds me of the earlier chapters of Berserk, but there is a certain harsh dryness to it, in contrast to Berserk’s shōjo-influenced emphasis on emotion; characters state their desires and intentions plainly, and it focuses often on characters who treat violence dispassionately. It doesn’t yet have the dash of humour that came in with Chainsaw Man, and its action compositions haven’t quite reached the same unbelievable level, but you can see the ingredients of Chainsaw Man.
I think Fujimoto is a very interesting author; he has a deep fascination with the structures of domination and cruelty, but also a very interesting eye towards narrative structure and especially cinema. Much like the film nerd guy in Paprika, characters will talk about filmmaking in ways that will be reflected in the design of the comic itself. Both Fire Punch and Goodbye Eri feature the device of a movie-obsessed character wanting to make someone’s life into a movie by filming everything that happens; in Fire Punch she’s much more determined to direct and edit, while Eri is more of a critic bringing out the art in the main character, and it does some fun things blurring the lines of what’s ‘real’.
The visual style of all three of these manga - especially Goodbye Eri with its motion blur, and most of the panels diegetically being shot from the POV of a camera - also makes heavy reference to cinema. Fujimoto’s ‘camera’ is very cinematic: he’s very good at drawing faces in perspective from a variety of angles, which allows quite subtle body language to be conveyed. And he loves his huge special effects panels of a huge building getting smashed to pieces. But despite this, his drawings of characters - typically with minimal shading - tend to feel like they have an appealing simplicity with the very even, neat lines. He has a particular way of drawing eyes which is very characteristic, I think. I should do some studies of it. His fire effects in Fire Punch meanwhile are absolutely fantastic - incredible use of value and texture in a black and white medium.
Made in Abyss also updated - plus we have a continuation of the anime to look forward to soon so that’s exciting. It’s the start of a new arc, which seems to mean a really massive update of something like 90 pages, which bring a bunch of new characters, including a really big girl which is fun... the new guys seem surprisingly sympathetic at first glance, which means Tsukishi probably has something really horrifying waiting round the corner. That man can do some crazy things with tone and rounded shapes - the sense of depth in some of his backgrounds! The MCs are getting really close to the bottom of the Abyss, so I imagine some of those long running plot arcs might come to a head - if not in this arc then maybe in the next. Honestly I’m kind of looking forward of the anime treating the previous arc just because there were so many characters to keep track of, so a second run through would probably be good lmao.
And... It’s not manga, but also read a few pages of Finder by Carla Speed McNeill. I really want to get a physical copy, but oof, £40 per collected volume is a lot of money. I think this is definitely a series I want to be able to fully concentrate on, so expect detailed commentary on that later haha...
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
Hey there again! May I get some Kunikida headcanons. They can be romantic or non romantic idc :))) also do you have any favorite characters from any anime? I wanna start requesting characters you like to write for bc as a writer I love writing for characters I love!
❥ Kunikida Dating Headcanons
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ᴀ/ɴ: We love us an independent and organized man uwu; as for the favorite characters 👀 Oikawa from HQ, Bakugou from MHA, Dazai from BSD; my three main men 😔✊🏻 And thank you for your consideration ❣️ANYWAYS LETS GET STARTED-
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✍︎︎ His glasses are yours and he thinks you look absolutely adorable in them 🙈
✍︎︎ Low-key loves when you play with his hair
✍︎︎ Sometimes he would be THAT needy and just go and sit beside you then put your hand on his head gently while silently asking with his eyes for you to play with his hair
✍︎︎ He might seem all serious at the times but with you he is so soft like aw
✍︎︎ This relationship is based of a lot of understanding and consideration
✍︎︎ Bby would never want to hurt anyone let alone the love of his life
✍︎︎ You help him calm down when Dazai gets on his nerves too much-
✍︎︎ You stop his thick ass from overworking himself as well
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(Nice Booty Kida)
✍︎︎ He really appreciates what you do to him
✍︎︎ His love language is Acts of Service
✍︎︎ Kunikida believes firmly that nothing can surpass the actions that show his love and gratitude towards you
✍︎︎ L O V E S kissing the top of your head no matter what’s your height
✍︎︎ Isn’t that much of a fan for PDA but trust me when I tell you that behind closed doors he is an affectionate monster
✍︎︎ Wether it would be making tea/coffee/your favorite drink for the both of you
✍︎︎ Or him organizing your tasks so you have an easier time going through them
✍︎︎ Most of the times people write that at the start of a relationship he would have a problem with physical touch as in being a little awkward with it
✍︎︎ AYO dont you see how he treats the children gently? Or how he held Aya?
✍︎︎ Comforting touch is one of his positive traits I assure you
✍︎︎ Loves being big spoon cause he feels like he can protect you like that more
✍︎︎ Would give away his life for you 🥺
✍︎︎ If you kiss his hand or fingertips you will summon a stuttering and blushing mess of a Kunikida
✍︎︎ Would hold your hand in public so everyone knows you guys are together 💃🏻
✍︎︎ Literally bitch slaps Dazai if he flirts with you 🤡
Dazai: “Hey Y/N lookin’ great-“
Kunikda: *literally threw him across the room*
✍︎︎ Your dates are usually calm, quiet and loving
✍︎︎ A picnic, cafe date some of that sort
✍︎︎ Also I can really see Kunikida being the type of guy to get you a jar with all the reasons to why he loves you so much 🥺
✍︎︎ He once sent you a really cute letter and it made you tear up
“My love is forever yours. Come rain and sunshine, I will treat you like a diamond and will never let you stay a mile from me. Even if you are far away from me, you will never leave my heart even for a second. My love for you will blossom until my dying days because I have felt purpose and I want to show you my love.
While I might not have the most tantalizing words at my disposal to express my love to you in person, I will manage these three words (I love you) to let you know that my world revolves around you all year round. Knowing you are with me makes my life a dream come true.
I remember the first time I saw you. I knew I wanted to be with you from the moment I laid eyes on you. I couldn’t stop looking at you, your eyes, your smile – you stole my heart the first moment you spoke. I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I met you.
Remembering our first kiss is remembering since when my heart beats for you. When we first held hands, our souls became one. Seeing you is feeling everything is fine. My love, I share all my feelings with you.
And to this day, I can’t believe you chose me to be with you. You’re everything I want as a partner and you’re mine. Don’t think for a minute that I don’t appreciate everything you do for us. You’re everything to me and I love you.
-Your Lover Kunikida Doppo”
✍︎︎ At the end I can proudly say
✍︎︎ Kunikida Doppo is absolutely whipped for you but will be a little tsundere about it ❤︎
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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gayskywalkcrs · 3 years
56. “I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.” - Fox and Cody
HELLO yes absolutely!! here you go, my love.
words: 3431
notes: stitch, sketch, and zaisam are my ocs. other random clones you don’t recognise are probably some that i made up on the spot, just to avoid killing anyone else you guys are emotionally attached to.
Fox is dreaming. He has to be, because he feels safe, and he's never felt safe on Coruscant before. There's always a creeping feeling of something wrong, like a hand on the back of his neck, or of fingers digging into his mind. For the first time since leaving Kamino as a child, he feels genuinely safe.
It scares him.
He's dreaming that he's back in the Guard barracks, strangely comforting, though sparse as they are. There's a makeshift rug by the beds, made out of old blacks that were too worn out to wear anymore. Fox is lying on his bed, head in Thire's lap as his brother rests his back on the wall. He's running his ungloved hands through Fox's curls, gently untangling the knots that have accumulated under his helmet. Fox has never felt so relaxed in his life, and even in his dreaming state he is close to tears.
"I'm tired," Fox whispers, and Thire hums in agreement.
"You don't sleep enough, ori'vod," Thire laughs quietly, working his fingers through a particularly stubborn knot that's gathered itself in the grey at Fox's temples. "Lean on the rest of us. We can take some of your work."
"It's not just that," Fox says, stretching his arms in the air. He nearly hits Thire in the face, and they both giggle. "I'm so bone-tired all the goddamn time, vod. When we took leave the other month I couldn't remember any of it. I found bruises I don't remember getting. The medics say it's stress, but this is... this is different."
"You've had memory problems?" Thire asks, hands stilling.
Fox tenses as the atmosphere of the dream shifts. "Small lapses," he backtracks. "Just headaches. I'm not defective." His voice is more harsh than it has any right to be with Thire.
"I never said you were," Thire says carefully. "I've had them too."
"You have?" Fox is surprised - Thire is so capable, so reliable, it'd never even occurred to him that his own problems might be shared. "How much?"
"Rarely," Thire says, gently pushing Fox's head back down into his lap. "I'll be missing a couple of hours of a shift sometimes. It's usually whenever I pull doubles."
"Maybe the medics are right," Fox sighs, rubbing his eyes. "We're all kriffing overworked."
Thire laughs again, but this is a deep, rumbling sound. "You can say that again," he quips, and Fox grins. He opens his mouth to actually say it again, but Thire swats at his forehead. The grin on his brother's face is so genuinely happy that it makes Fox's heart clench, even as he's dreaming. His face falls.
"What's wrong, ori'vod?" Thire asks, looking concerned. "Fox?"
Fox's throat closes up, and he swallows his grief down. "I miss you," he says, voice cracking, and Thire frowns.
"Why?" He asks. "I'm right here."
"No you're not," Fox says, certain as anything, and closes his eyes. When he opens them, Thire's face has shifted: his hair is shorter, his face younger, yet edged with more grief than Thire had ever carried. Fives stares down at him, face contorted in fear. His hands are clenched tight in Fox's hair, and he lets out a high whine of terror, like a wounded animal.
"Fives," Fox gasps, staring into the face of the brother he'd never really known.
"Fox," gasps Fives, hunched over. Fox sits up, heedless of the hands in his hair, and Fives lets go. He brings his hands to his chest and Fox stares in horror as Fives' cuirass starts to smoke. "Why didn't you set it to stun?"
"Wh - Fives, what's happening?" Fox panics, hands frantically trying to hold his brother's chest together.
"Don't you remember?" Fives wheezes, collapsing slowly onto the floor. The bed is gone, and they're in the underbelly of Coruscant. "You shot me."
"Fives!" Comes Rex's anguished shout from behind General Skywalker's stubborn arm. "Force, Fives! Stay with me, brother!"
"Rex," Fives whispers, but Skywalker doesn't let Rex past. Fives is coughing and mumbling and dying in Fox's arms, and Fox comes to a horrible realisation this this dream seems familiar. He's played this out before, the blaster smoking in his hands, Fives dead on the floor, Rex crying as the final Domino falls, face blotchy and red, and then it's Fox's head in Rex's lap, and Rex is calling his name -
Fox tries to move his arms, hoping he can somehow comfort Rex, but his arms are tied to the bed, and - since when was he in a bed?
Fox opens his eyes.
A brother's face comes into view, fading slowly into focus like a rock in a river. Fox thinks it's Rex, only for a second, but this brother's hair is dark, and there's a scar wrapped around his eye.
"Cody," Fox says, relieved.
"Fox," Cody says, furious.
Ah, shit.
Cody, clad in full armour, helmet held dutifully under one arm, stands up and grabs the first medic he can see - a tired clone, clearly awake entirely on caf at this point, and drags him to Fox's bedside.
"Good morning, Commander," says the medic. Fox notes his dreadlocks, tied back into a style that suits him quite well, actually, and nods in acknowledgement. "I'm Stitch, and I'm just gonna check you for a concussion, okay?"
"He's fucking fine," Cody snaps. "Discharge him already."
Stitch turns, frown deepening. "Marshall Commander or not, this is my medbay," he snaps. "I decide when the patients are released, and Commander Fox is not going anywhere yet."
Cody folds his arms, his Commander glare strong enough to kill a man, but Stitch isn't having any of it. Fox heard a brother say once that Hell hath no fury like a medic ignored, and looking at Stitch he's inclined to agree.
"If you hate it here so much you can either go and do some paperwork or whatever it is you soldiers do, or you can go grab us both some caf. Sir," he adds, seeming to remember he's talking to Marshall Commander Cody, not one of those idiot shinies he's obviously so used to dealing with.
There's a small laugh from further down the ward, and Stitch and Cody send matching glares in the general direction of the culprit. Fox feels sorry for whichever brother is currently in that bed, but before he can think too much about it Stitch is handing Cody an ID card.
"Use this to get the caf," Stitch says. "The Generals get the good stuff."
"Does General... Zaisam know  you've got his card?" Cody asks, peering at the writing.
"Absolutely," Stitch nods, grabbing a rather intimidating-looking little torch. "Gave it to me himself."
Cody looks unconvinced, but holds it in his fist like it's the key to eternal salvation. Fox looks hopefully up at Stitch, who shakes his head.
"Sorry, Sir," the medic says, shaking his head. "You're on water only, at least until you've slept for a solid eight hours."
Fox doesn't think he's slept for a solid eight hours in his entire life.
Cody sends one last glare to Fox, then stands up and walks stiffly out the door. Stitch stares after him, eyes glazing over for a second.
"That man controls two-thirds of the Grand Army of the Republic," he says slowly, "and I've just sent him to get coffee."
The voice from earlier laughs again, and Stitch turns around, brandishing the torch like a weapon. Fox almost considers laughing too, but Stitch does not seem like a man he'd want to cross.
"Shut your di'kut mouth, Sketch, or I'll sedate you," Stitch snaps. Fox winces, but this makes the other clone laugh harder.
"I literally outrank you," says the voice, presumably Sketch.
"Not in my medbay you don't," Stitch shoots back. "Now shut up and go to sleep. Your blaster wound isn't gonna heal itself."
"Yessir," Sketch calls, and Fox can imagine the half-assed, sarcastic salute the man is pulling off. Stitch shakes his head, glowering, then shines his torch directly into Fox's eyes.
"Bloody snipers," Stitch mutters. "Think they know everything." Fox hums in agreement, wincing at the brightness of the torch. Stitch gently tilts his chin, looking at his eyes again. The medic carries an air of softness that doesn't quite seem to fit with how much he glares and snaps at the others, but Fox isn't complaining.
"You don't look concussed," Stitch concludes. "What's your name?"
"Commander Fox," Fox parrots dutifully. "CC-1010."
"Correct," Stitch says, tapping at his Padd. "Next question. What day is it?"
"Ah," Fox says. "Last time I checked it was... Primeday, I think."
Stitch lets out a hiss of air. He nods, and taps something else into his Padd. He mouths the words "memory loss", and Fox sighs internally. "It's Benduday now," he informs the Commander. "Last question for now. How's your head feeling?"
Fox tries to bring a hand up to feel it, but they don't lift more than a centimetre off the bed. He'd assumed that the restraints he'd felt in his dream were just that - a dream - but apparently he has no such luck.
"Fine," he says warily. "I don't think I'm concussed, trooper. Why, should I be?"
Stitch shrugs. "You've just had brain surgery," he points out. "And you took a pretty nasty knock to the head just before that. Concussions can last for up to about a tenday, so I thought I'd check."
Fox stiffens.
"I've had what?"
"Brain surgery, Sir," Stitch repeats, fiddling with a handheld scanner. He points it at Fox's forehead and pulls some kind of trigger, then blinks at the readings. "Performed it myself. You've got a lovely brain, if I may say so. Very wrinkly."
Fox stares at him, then decides to focus on the last piece of information. It seems easiest to deal with.
"Is that... good?" He asks weakly. “Having a wrinkly brain?”
Stitch nods, then thumps the scanner against his hand a couple of times. "A wrinkly brain means you're smarter," he says. "Unlike the good Lieutenant down there, whose brain is smooth as a kriffing pebble."
"Smooth as the hull of the Resolute," Sketch calls cheerfully, and Stitch shakes his head.
"Stop eavesdropping on my patients!" He calls, then turns back to Fox. "As for who authorised the surgery... You'd better wait for Commander Cody to come back. I'm not supposed to talk to you about it."
"It's my kriffing brain!" Fox cries, straining against the restraints. "Why the hell would you just give me brain surgery?"
"You have to wait for the Commander," Stitch repeats, and Fox thinks he looks a little nervous. "Please calm down, Sir. You're okay. We didn't harm you."
"I don't kriffing care about that, I want to know why you peeled my skull open without my permission!"
"Wait for the Commander," Stitch says for the third time, and Fox is just about ready to scream. "He's the one who you need to talk to about this. I'm just the poor bastard with the scalpel. If it helps, you have a wonderful prefrontal cortex."
Fox raises his eyebrows at the last comment, but sits back down on the bed. "Fine," he relents. "Where the kriffing hell is Cody, anyway?"
"Right here," Cody calls, rounding the corner. His helmet is on his head, and he carries a cup of caf in each hand. He reaches the bedside and gives one to Stitch, who looks down at it and sniffs. Stitch winces, then downs half of it in one go. Cody stares in what is, to Fox, an obvious combination of awe, disgust, and admiration.
Stitch shrugs, then raises an eyebrow. "I don't fear God," he says.
"Seven Sith Hells," Cody mutters, then sits back down in the chair he'd been in when Fox first woke up. He takes his helmet off and sips at his caf. "What's the verdict?"
"No concussion," Stitch confirms. "A little memory loss, not to do with the anaesthesia or the surgery. His skull's recovering alright, brain all seems good. Like I said, he's got a lovely prefrontal cortex. His amygdala is even better, but the hippocampus could do with some work."
"I'll take that under advisement," Fox snarks, and Cody glares, folding his arms.
"Stay focused, trooper," he orders. "What else?"
"Memory problems," Stitch says again. "He woke up thinking it was Primeday, which means he's lost two days before the surgery. It was yesterday," he adds, for Fox's benefit. "I'm not letting him out until Centaxday at the very least, Sir, so anything you want to say you'll have to say in here. I can give you a little privacy, but he's my patient and by the Force I am going to make sure he's okay." The look of absolute determination on the medic's tired face makes Fox feel strangely cared for. Cody glares.
"Fine," he spits. "But you make sure that trooper down the hall doesn't hear us."
"Got it," Stitch nods. "I've been looking for an excuse to sedate him."
Fox can't quite tell if he's joking.
Stitch downs the rest of his caf, raising the cup to Cody as a thank you. Cody gives him General Zaisam's ID card back, and Stitch produces a cup of water for Fox from Force knows where. "Drink it slowly," he instructs. "You'll make yourself sick if you don't, and the less vomit I have to clean up today the better."
Fox nods, and he and Cody watch Stitch leave. He draws the curtain behind him, and Fox turns to look at his brother.
Cody looks more tired than Fox has ever seen him. More tired than he had after Kenobi's pretend death at the hands of Hardeen, and Fox is more than aware of how badly that affected him. He looks like a tempest, hands clenching and relaxing with barely-contained fury.
"What have I done?" Fox asks softly, and there's no emotion behind it.
Cody's head shoots up. "How'd you - how?"
Fox shrugs as best he can. "I woke up to find my hands tied to the bed. I can't remember anything for the past week. You keep looking at me like you want to tear my throat out with your bare hands. I've had brain surgery, for fuck's sake. It's not a hard conclusion to come to."
"You really remember nothing?" Cody asks, and he can't quite meet Fox's eyes.
With a thrill of fear, Fox shakes his head. "Last I remember was pulling a double when one of my Guard was sick. I always get tired on doubles."
Cody nods, then puts his head in his hands. He breathes deeply, and sighs. "You... Force, I'm sorry, there's no easy way to say this - Fox, you're under arrest for treason against the Republic. You're also under arrest on suspicion of murdering the Chancellor, four members of the Coruscant Guard, and ARC Trooper Fives."
The bottom of Fox's stomach falls out, and he gasps, breathing heavily.
"I - shit, I killed six people?" He whispers. "I killed the Chancellor?"
"Nearly seven," Cody says, and brings a hand up to pull down the collar of his blacks. There's an awful looking cut across his throat, obviously made by a vibroblade. "Four others are in bacta tanks. What the hell happened to you?"
Fox bites his lip and stares at the sheet covering his legs. He killed the Chancellor. The very man he was created to protect. His whole existence, his duty, his entire life, is centred around keeping the Chancellor alive, and he killed him?
Fox doesn't know what to do.
He looks up at Cody, face pale. "I don't remember," he whispers. "I'm so sorry."
""Sorry" is not going to bring Thire back," Cody snaps, and Fox goes dizzy.
When he comes back to himself, he's hyperventilating. Cody is glaring at him, the cut on his neck still exposed. Fox is crying, trying to gasp in deep, shuddering breaths, hands wrenching at the bindings that the him to the bed. "Please tell me you're joking," he whimpers through his tears. "Please. Not Thire."
Cody shakes his head, making no move to try to calm Fox down. "Stone and Hound are in bacta tanks," he continues relentlessly. "Stone has six blaster bolts to the chest. They don't think he's going to make it. Hound took a vibroblade to the thigh and very nearly bled out."
Fox flinches. "Who... who else did I... who else did I..." He can't bring himself to say it, as if saying the words would make it more true than it already is.
"Who else did you kill?" Cody spits. "Crow, Spanner, and one of those shinies that got assigned here a tenday ago. He didn't even have a name!"
That hurts almost as badly as Thire. Fox knows exactly which group of shinies Cody is talking about. A group of eight year olds, fresh from Kamino, all of them just a little too small to fit into their standard armour. Only one of them had a name, and he'd chosen it on the way to Coruscant.
"Parallel, Sir!" He'd introduced himself, saluting smartly.
"Parallel?" Fox had asked.
"I copy noises sometimes. Helps keep me calm. The others wanted to call me Copy, but that got a bit difficult on comms. General Ti suggested Parallel."
Fox had nodded, clapping a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Good luck to the rest of you," he'd said, receiving a small sea of determined smiles in return.
"He was just a kid," Fox whispers. "Fuck, Cody, and I killed him?"
Cody nods. There's not even a trace of sympathy in his eyes. "You were insane," he says. "Covered in the Chancellor's blood, face blank - you didn't recognise any of us."
Fox shakes his head, feeling the tears trickle under his chin. It feels bad. He's not sure what to say - anything he says, or anything he doesn't say, will make Cody angry. The anger is inevitable. And fuck if Fox doesn't deserve it.
He keeps pulling at his restraints, not trying to escape, but trying to ground himself. He can't focus: all his thoughts are on Thire. Thire, who he'd dreamed of, who'd had his hands in Fox's hair. Thire who had looked at him with so much love in his eyes, who'd never been anything less than steadfast and loyal, and Fox had killed him. Worst of all, he thinks, is that he didn't even remember doing it.
"Tell me what I did," Fox begs, voice cracking around the lump in his throat. "Please."
Cody leans forward in his chair, settling his elbows on his knees. "Two days ago," he starts, anger colouring his voice, "you disappeared in the middle of a shift. Security footage shows you took a comm, then made a beeline for the Chancellor's office. He wasn't expecting you, and he turned to kick you out, and - and you pulled a slugthrower on him and shot him six times in the chest, then four more in the head. Then you just... stood there.
"Thire was first to respond. He heard the shots and came to see what was happening. He saw you with the 'thrower, standing over the Chancellor's body, and called for backup. You took him out without even a second glance. When Stone and Hound got there you took them both out almost as quickly as Thire. Stone first, with your blaster, and Hound managed to get that and the 'thrower away from you, and you stabbed him in response.
“I came in with the rest. You weren't responding to any of us. You just attacked us, crushed that shiny's head into the wall like he was made of paper. Crow was next, then Spanner. Both were quick, at least. The rest of us were all pretty badly hurt. You slit my throat, Fox."
Fox is numb and unresponsive. So much death, so much destruction, and he doesn't remember any -
"Order 65," he whispers. "Cody, Cody, I remember. Order 65 states that should the Chancellor be declared unfit to rule, any available troops should detain the new Chancellor by any means necessary, including with lethal force. It got mixed up somehow."
""Mixed up"?" Cody snaps, disgusted. "Fox, you could've killed me! I could’ve died and you couldn’t have cared less.”
“Of course I care,” Fox shoots back, eyes locked on Cody’s throat, but there’s not enough truth behind the words. If what Cody says is true, then Fox wouldn’t have cared. “Fives was right,” Fox realises. “Fives was right.”
Cody wipes tears from his own eyes, standing up fast. He downs his own coffee, slams his bucket on his head and walks out. Fox is left staring at the door, and he’s sure he can feel the blood on his hands.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
m a s t e r l i s t (a - m)
updated: 9/27/2020
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▹ - sfw
▸ - nsfw
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notes: this list is put in alphabetical order by last name and then from oldest to most recent fic. please do not judge any of the older pieces too harshly as they were pretty bad! as of january 2020, drabbles will no longer be added to masterlist.
this is for characters with last names a - m
masterlist for characters with last names n - z
do not repost any of my fics without permission.
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aizawa shouta
▸ cat lingerie — aizawa catches you in cat shaped lingerie (hc) 
▹ just like a cat — there are comparable similarities to you and aizawa’s cat (hc)
▹ I think I’m pregnant — you believe you’re pregnant with your ex’s baby (hc)
▹ back off — even aizawa is prone to jealousy (scenario)
▹ swimsuit tops — losing your bikini top is never a good memory (scenario)
▹ appreciate you — maybe having a family is amazing to aizawa (scenario)
▹ under the mistletoe — holidays are for lovers, but you’re not that (scenario)
▸ secrets — getting horny in public is quite the look (drabble)
▹ sweater — aizawa lost his sweater, he wonders where (drabble)
▹ werewolf — aizawa is a werewolf in love with you (drabble)
▹ haunted house — chaperoning at a haunted house actually sucks (drabble)
▸ strangers — mysterious hookups have never been better (scenario)
▹ glistened in the light — aizawa is jealous of a four year old (scenario)
▸ who do you belong to — kinktober day 6 (scenario)
▸ morning — husky morning voices really hit the spot (drabble)
▹ poly w mic — polyamorous relationships are healthy (hc)
▸ tease — never tease a man at work (scenario)
▸ relapse — tw: self harm; aizawa helps you fight (drabble)
▹ sleep — in which aizawa catches you crying (drabble)
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amajiki tamaki
▹ dating? — when everyone thinks you’re dating, but you’re not (hc)
▹ embarrassed — public speeches just aren’t for tamaki (drabble)
▸ butterfly — kinktober day 8 (scenario)
▸ dominate — baby boy isn’t so shy in bed (hc)
▸ ahegao —he reacts to your ahegao face (hc)
▸ the big three — they want you (hc)
▸ battles — tw: depression; we all fight wars and sometimes they consume us (scenario)
▹ us — cats can bring two people together (drabble)
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ashido mina
▸ never have I ever — kinktober day 11 (scenario)
▸ evening, officer —kinktober day 17 (scenario)
▸▹ alphabet hc — nsfw and sfw (hc)
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bakugou katsuki
▹ I think I’m pregnant — you’re pregnant with your ex’s baby (hc) part two
▹ prom night lights — you get dumped but he’s here to help (oneshot)
▸ dominate him — you’re a lady in the sheets and a freak in the sheets (hc)
▸ my girl — jealous lovers and work don’t mix (scenario) part two
▸ werewolf lover — they’re horny and you’re asexual (hc)
▹ delete him — breakups suck (drabble)
▹ I.H.T.T.O.M.L. — bakugou does not have two left feet (drabble)
▸ body swap — you wake up in his body! (drabble)
▹ deserve better — you deserve more than what you’re given (drabble)
▹ broken — bakugou faces his feelings post kidnapping (drabble)
▸ torture threesome — in which shinsou is your third with bakugou (drabble)
▹ hoodies — you steal bakugou’s favorite hoodie (drabble)
▹ laughter — no matter how much you love him, his laugh is horrible (drabble)
▹ sickness and affliction — bakugou is sick and you take care of him... sorta (scenario)
▹ did I? — he claims you never loved him (drabble)
▹ stay awake — please don’t die (drabble)
▹ ex-girlfriend — did he or did he not see his ex? (drabble)
▹ asshole — bakugou blows you off for the last time (drabble)
▹ arcade games — you make bakugou nervous (drabble)
▹ sacrifice — your world is dying, but you can save it (drabble)
▹ date — you need a date to a wedding, he wants a kiss (drabble)
▸ sex tips 101 — kinktober day 3 (scenario)
▹ struggles — don’t move, don’t speak (drabble)
▹ sweat — bakugou is already sweaty, but you make him sweat more (drabble)
▸ kinky — you’re kinkier than you look (hc)
▸ tease — kinktober day 23 (scenario)
▸ revenge — kinktober day 28 (scenario)
▸ foursome — todobakukiri foursome (hc)
▸ sub — how he is as a sub (hc)
▸ orgies — more todobakukiri now with shinsou action (hc)
▹ speechless — there aren’t many ways to make bakugou speechless, but you have a few ways now (scenario)
▸ they’re mine — no one can flirt with you (hc)
▸ buckle up — on your way to a weekend getaway, bakugou is having trouble staying awake; you have an unconventional way at waking him up (scenario)
▹ you’re asexual — how he reacts to your sexuality
▹ weak — bakugou is not weak!!! ...as long as you’re not involved (scenario)
▸ nervous — its you’re first time having sex (scenario)
▹ please don’t go — bakugou wants you to say with him (scenario)
▸ pervert — bakugou’s stealing your panties like a perv (scenario)
▹ burned out — sometimes people and relationships burn out (scenario)
▹ needy — you’re needy and bakugou pretends like its an issue (drabble)
▸ overstimulation — overstimulate bakugou, I dare you (drabble)
▹ kiss me — a breathy demand meets unknown actions (drabble)
▸ please leave — you wake up to see pro heroes shouto and ground zero naked in your bedroom (drabble)
▹ because I love you — bakugou katsuki has never been good with showing his feelings, and it definitely doesn’t change even when he falls in love. (scenario)
▸ make it fit — your sex life with your emotionally stunted boyfriend has always been good, but not great. But practice makes perfect - even if it means accidentally making your boyfriend cum in his pants to realize that your power roles have been wrong this entire time. (scenario)
▹ missing you — an explosive argument with you has Bakugou wondering just what this relationship means to him. (scenario)
▹ love is in the air — different worlds, different stories, different beginnings. it didn’t matter what universe you were in because there was one consistency in these worlds: you and bakugou were always in love. was it just a coincidence that love is in the air whenever the two of you were involved? no, it was destiny. (one-shot)
▸▹ alphabet hc’s — fluff and smut headcanons (hc)
▹ I won’t say I’m in love ― bakugou’s feelings for you are true, but he can’t seem to utter those three words no matter how much he wishes to. (scenario) part 2 
▹ the marriage contract: the series — just because your soulmate is bakugou katsuki doesn’t mean that he’s the one meant for you; in fact, he’s your worst enemy. with trouble brewing across the way, and with no one able to complete this job except you and bakugou, there’s nothing you can do except go along with the mission. but wait, what?! you’re supposed to be married?! (scenario series)
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chisaki kai (overhaul)
▸ filthy — dirty talk with chisaki (drabble)
▸ ahegao face — his reaction to your ahegao face (drabble)
▸ dominate him — you’re tiny but dominate (drabble)
▸ squirting — you squirt on chisaki (drabble)
▸ punishment — never tease a dangerous animal (drabble)
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hado nejire
▸ twice — kinktober day 30 (drabble)
▸ the big three — they want you (hc)
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iida tenya
▹ dance dance — iida shows off his dance moves to you (scenario)
▹ fitbit — you’re a homebody and iida makes sure you’re healthy (drabble)
▹ I love you — confessions are always the best (drabble)
▸ your body — you swap bodies with iida (drabble)
▸ watching — he wants to watch you touch yourself (drabble)
▸ thigh-riding — he wont leave so you give him a wake up call (drabble)
▸ awkward — walking in on someone is always awkward (drabble)
▸ angel — kinktober day 22 (scenario)
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jirou kyoka
▸ gimmie more — kinktober day 14 (scenario)
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kaibara sen
▹ reincarnation — five chances to fall in love. five reincarnations to find the person you’re destined to be with. it just so happens that in each life you keep meeting a man with brown hair and a sweet involvement of primroses. (scenario)
▹ scoops — in what was to be a summer of excitement, love, and adventure, you’re doomed to a summer working a job to pay some bills. but hey, who said romance still wouldn’t find a way to work while working at scoops ice cream parlor? (scenario)
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kaminari denki
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▸ say my name — kaminari wants you to scream his name (drabble)
▸ you still up? — kinktober day 13 (scenario)
▸ soul sucking — suck him dry (crack hc)
▸ you still there? — part two to you still up (scenario)
▸ tremors — kaminari easily makes you fall apart (drabble)
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kirishima eijirou
▹ prom night lights — you get dumped but he’s here to help (oneshot)
▹ so glad — you’re married and very, very pregnant (scenario)
▸ quiet — public sex in a crowded club (drabble)
▸ touch — kirishima wants to watch you touch yourself (drabble)
▹ plus four — uno is a war game (drabble)
▹ vows — a past and a present look of your relationship (drabble)
▸ show me how you like it — kinktober day 12 (scenario)
▸ workout with red riot — kinktober day 18 (scenario)
▸▹ alphabet hc’s — nsfw and sfw letters (hc)
▸ foursome — todobakukiri foursome (hc)
▸ orgies — more todobakukiri now with shinsou action (hc)
▸ responsive — kirishima lets you know how he feels (drabble)
▸ dominate — how he is when you dominate (hc) 
▹ connection — you try to guess kirishima’s wifi password (oneshot)
▸ unbreakable — thigh-riding kirishima’s thigh when he’s busy (scenario)
▸ sorrows — tw: family death; your mom passes away (scenario)
▸ it’s your fault — kirishima has a boner because of you (drabble)
▹ the manliest man — hoodies and playlists, a simple and effective way to capture your heart. (scenario)
▹ disconnected — kirishima answers a phone call that wasn’t intended for him, and of course, he can’t help but be interested in the beautiful voice and soul that angrily began to rant about their day. (scenario)
▹ temerity ― the perfect job for an overworked, tired, and romantic you is obviously a stressful, demanding, but oh so aesthetic coffeeshop. your job only becomes better when a handsome redhead appears through the door with a loud bang, and you can do nothing but fall for him. or the five times kirishima orders coffee and the one time he doesn’t. (scenario)
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midoriya izuku
▹ prom night lights — you get dumped but he’s here to help (oneshot)
▸ werewolf lover — they’re horny and you’re asexual (hc)
▸ don’t stop — fucking on a train is scary (drabble)
▹ packs — werewolves don’t like humans, but you just wandered in (drabble)
▹ stop this — its just another day in life... right? (drabble)
▹ I love you — confessions are as sweet as dessert (drabble)
▸ panties — you’re not wearing panties in public (drabble)
▸ fingers — add another finger midoriya, it’s okay (drabble)
▸ blindfolds — blindfolds increase all other senses (drabble)
▹ phoenix — you have a quirk that gives you the hero name phoenix (hc)
▸ love and war — kinktober day 1 (scenario)
▸ four rings — kinktober day 26 (scenario)
▸ innocence — kinktober day 29 (scenario)
▸ whimper — making midoriya whimper (drabble)
▸ ride his face — midoriya loves when you ride his face (drabble)
▸ edging — because the best thing you can do as a dom is edging (drabble)
▸ power bottom — never think you’re in control over midoriya (drabble)
▸ daddy — daddy kinks are approved (drabble)
▹ kiss me, don’t insult me — mistletoe kisses (oneshot)
▹ study dates — studying with midoriya is always fun (drabble)
▹ distractions — you can never focus when you study with him (drabble)
▸ pegging — pegging midoriya (drabble)
▸ kinky — he finds out you’re kinky (drabble)
▹ insecurities — no ones perfect, but you hate that the most about you (scenario)
▸ ive missed you — he’s missed you and you help him show yourself how much (drabble)
▸ sex tapes — midoriya izuku is an over-analyzer in every aspect; it shouldn’t surprise you that he’s into making sex tapes too. When you’re stuck at home for an indefinite period of time, it’s finally time to pull them out and watch them together. (scenario)
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Mammon and MC for that recent send me a ship
I don't know why I even expected a different ship😂😂😂
1.) Gives nose/forehead kisses
MC does!! They know Mammon needs a lot of reassurance physical affection and he always blushes so prettily when they do it. It's a win-win situation. Mammon wants to give nose/forehead kisses too but gets too shy before he goes through with it. If he does manage to work up the courage it'd be really abrupt and seemingly spontaneous (he's actually been zoned out the whole time thinking about kissing them) and then he's immediately running off, blushing and yelling about being "a busy demon who has important work to do"
2.) Gets jealous the most
.................................... :|
3.) Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
MC does the picking up cause they can't technically get drunk and Mammon's the one who's usually out gambling and/or drinking (isn't it canon that Mammon's 'shy blushing virgin' act only started after MC arrived? I think Asmo mentions something like that twice? Not in those words obviously but)
4.) Takes care of on sick days
MC's actually pretty level headed during Mammon's sick/hurt days. They give him the needed medicine/treatment, make sure he's hydrated and fed and resting in bed and spends the rest of the day cuddled with him because he gets super needy and clingy when he's sick.
Mammon is a MESS whenever MC is sick. Is his human dying! Are they in pain! Fuckfuckfuck. Bursts into MC's room with his arms full of medicine, blankets, warm soup, water bottles, pillows, and anime he stole borrowed from Levi. Absolutely doting while also denying that he cares, at full volume. Hysterically searches human care sites on his D.D.D. while MC sleeps
5.) Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
I mean solmare pretty much answered this; Mammon! If MC isn't fast enough he will scoop them up and toss them in
6.) Gives unprompted massages
Neither. Unprompted massages don't work with either of them. MC tries at first. They are much less shy with their emotions than Mammon is (though I think the game has also told us that MC keeps their emotions pretty close to their chest? Lucifer mentioned it once) but Mammon freaks out and squirms so much all they get is a near miss of his elbow to their face. From all the brothers the game's shown that Mammon's probably the least likely to touch MC without any verbal consent and even then he usually waits for MC to make the first move so yeah unprompted massages don't work. However, when Lucifer's punishments get too much or when Mammon is reliving the war MC may sometimes massage him depending on if he's in a mood to be touched. This works vice versa too when MC relives/remembers the pain of being killed (because according to Grisella that's something you never forget)
7.) Drives/rides shotgun
During the rare times they actually use a car Mammon drives. They both scream along to songs on the radio
8.) Brings the other lunch at work
Mammon. The only actual job Mammon has is as a model and he'd always rather grab like a cereal bar to eat between shoots rather than deal with the hassle of actual food. Mammon (who once in a panic spent a whole night reading through articles on how much water/food/sleep a human needs) is much more likely to bring MC food while they work/study. Usually it's just cup noodles though, but it's the thought that counts.
9.) Has the better parental relationship
...as in who gets on with their parents the best? (I'm gonna take it as that cause there's a kid ask further down) Bruh...Mammon's dad straight up kicked him down the stairs and outta the house & (in my HC) MC doesn't have any living relatives. The closest thing either of them has to a parent is Lucifer... Despite how different they are and how much trouble Mammon gets in with Lucifer and how cruel Lucifer can be towards him we all know they're actually really close and when it comes down to it Mammon knows he can depend on Lucifer to have his back. MC absolutely gets the most terrifying shovel talk of their life once they and Mammon officially start dating. MC's relationship with Lucifer has been pretty up and down because oh he's hot he seems nice what a FUCKINH asshole oh actually he's just an overworked single mom THIS FUCKER TRIED TO KILL ME AGAIN WTF oh wait he's actually only really worried about his family I mean he's not bad actually wait under those 76 hard layers he's kinda soft wait is he in love with me what the hell wait no he's worried because his marriage is rocky rn... DAD!? But once they get over all that they have a pretty stable relationship and an understanding that they are family and will support each other. Mammon also gets a shovel talk.
10.) Tries to start role-playing in bed
Mammon tries. He sees something that he thinks a human is supposed to find sexy and wants to try it out cause he thinks MC will like it. (Takes a while to work up the nerve) but one day he pins MC to the bed, gives them his best sultry look and says in his Dark-Dangerous-Deep-Cool-Mysterious™ voice (that sounds a little too like Lucifer's for his liking) "Hey Baby, have you been naughty? Do you need Daddy to spank you?" MC and Mammon then just stare at each other with a blank face for a while before MC's cackling, rolling on their back, wheezing, choking, while Mammon's keening and trying to suffocate himself with his pillow. After they have both gathered their wits and Mammon has effectively buried his flaming face in MC's neck, MC reassures him he doesn't need to try to be a cool bad boy or whatever else for them to like him and they liked him just fine as he was and anyway they already thought he was cool but if that was something he actually wanted to try because he genuinely wanted to and not just because he thought it's what they wanted then they could try it. He tells them to shut up
11.) Embarrassingly drunk dancer
MC if you actually manage to find something to get them drunk. Look they have a stressful life okay and one way to reduce that stress is to get smashed and dance on a table while (badly) grinding on air. Mammon is surprisingly a good dancer when drunk...sure it's all sexual (see my Drunk HC post) but it's still good. He is, however, a completely embarassing dancer when sober
12.) Still cries watching Titanic
Look we all know who it is... The game told us who it is...I'm not gonna say it again
13.) Firmly believes in couples costumes
Mammon but he tries his best to deny it. He's a hopeless romantic he just doesn't want anyone else knowing about it (they do) so he'll try to play is off as a coincidence. OH! Ya goin' as a witch!? Well I'mma black cat. A young rain drenched Victorian? That's wild bro anyway I'mma a vampire.
14.) Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Both! We've actually seen that Mammon does actually buy things for his brothers, work actual jobs to buy things for MC and the two times he thought he came into a large amount of money the first thing he did was text MC asking them what they wanted with the money, before even confirming whether it was a scam or not. So yeah he definitely breaks the rule. MC, who wants to spoil their first man and who always has a large amount of money on them (because of said first man) also breaks the rule
15.) Makes the other eat breakfast
Lucifer. (And Beel) neither of them ever get the chance to miss breakfast because it's, in Lucifer's words, "the most important meal of the day and you have to spend it with your family. Missing it leads to early morning lectures. Also missing a meal means going hungry caue Beel would have eaten it and everything else
16.) Remembers Anniversaries
Both! They are both so smitten there's no world in which either of them would forget
17.) Brings up having kids
Mammon does casually at first. Not their own biological kids but instead his kid. The one with the witches. He doesn't say it in so many words but instead casually mentions how cool it'd be to see them again. On one of those unusual days where he is quieter he says he wants MC to meet her. Later MC's the one who mentions paying off all his debts with the witches (using the money his favourism unconsciously manifests and getting the kid. Obviously they'd have to bring it up to the others first.
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morston-trash · 5 years
This is a Morston Fanfic that I wrote in between other works. It is trash but I am happy with it and felt like I needed to post it somewhere. 
No smut, the most that happens is making out. Alcohol consumption.
John looked around, making sure that no one was around to witness him. Even in his drunken state, he knew this was a bad idea. Arthur would probably punch him if he found him in his room. But he, Dutch, and Hosea had gone out on a scouting trip, making sure that no lawmen had followed them this far. It was just the four males, the four outlaws. It had been that way ever since John had joined the ragtag group when he was a boy. Now, he was a young man. A drunken fool of a man perhaps, but a young man nonetheless. There were three rooms in the cabin they were holed up in for the winter. The two older men thought it was too brutal of a winter to be moving around from place to place, living in their tents. John, being the youngest, was situated on the sorry excuse for a couch that was provided in their temporary home. Artur had offered to share a room with him, but his stubborn pride forced him to refuse the offer. That's what he was going to go with. Not the fact that he was hopelessly in love with the older man. No, that wasn't possible. Even if it was, the youngest man would never admit it to anyone but himself. It was clear, no one was around to catch him in Arthur's room. He entered the dark room. Almost immediately, the intoxicating smell of the older man overtook his senses. The entire room smelt of its inhabitant, Arthur Morgan. Cheap whiskey, cigarettes, gunpowder, sweat, and horses. All things that, when combined together, made up the smell of the blonde-headed brute. It brought warmth to the younger male's insides, one that he couldn't explain. 'It's just the whiskey,' he thought to himself. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it, but it only made him dizzy. The entire room was spinning. He stumbled over to Arthur's cot that was situated against the middle of the back wall. He practically fell onto the uncomfortable piece of furniture. He didn't even attempt to get up, he knew that he would just fall down again. Shit, he had never been this drunk before. He didn't even remember why he had decided to down the bottle of whiskey. Just for the hell of it? To drown his sorrows? To chase away the harsh cold? All of the thinking he was doing was hurting his head, not an uncommon occurrence for the raven-haired male. As gravity held him against the cot, he felt something underneath him. John shifted just enough that he could pull it out from underneath himself. His vision was blurred from the alcohol, but he managed to make it out. It was Arthur's light leather jacket that he wore when it wasn't quite cold enough for his large, fur-lined, denim duster. He pulled it up to his face, inhaling deeply. He took in every bit of Arthur's scent. In his current state, he decided that it would be a good idea to wear the jacket. Slipping his arms into the sleeves, he put it on. It swallowed him. The owner was a broad, muscular, mature man while he was a thin, scrappy, young man. The drink had a hold on him, making his eyelids feel heavier than they ever had before. He fought to keep his eyes open. But the more he struggled to stay awake, the harder it became to keep conscious. Before he had even known it, he had passed out in Arthur's room, on his cot, wearing his jacket, and smelling of booze.
"Now remember, keep your heads down. We don't need to draw any unwanted attention. That means keeping an eye on John as well, Arthur," Dutch explained. "That's right, we don't need him getting into any trouble. Just long enough for us to wait out this bitterly cold winter," Hosea chimed in. "But why me? Y'all will need help, ya ain't exactly young no more," Arthur laughed to cover up his displeasure. Sure, he and the younger man got along well. But John was hotheaded, cocky, hard to control sometimes. He didn't much like the idea of being stuck with him for the next few months. "Because he looks up to you, he'll listen to you once you get through to him. We're not as old as you would like to imagine either," Dutch said, seemingly ending the discussion and leaving Arthur with his thoughts. Hosea looked back to him sympathetically, knowing just how hard this would be for Mogan. He may be a big brute who naturally took charge, but he absolutely hated babysitting. He always felt he could b doing things that were actually of use, helpful, getting things done was what he lived for. He liked to be of use. Babysitting the younger man wasn't exactly what he considered being useful, even if Dutch thought otherwise. His word was final, so it looked like he would be stuck with John attached to his hip at all times. The ride back to the cabin was mostly quiet, the occasional sound coming from the horses or a complaint about the cold being the only noise to be heard. The snow made the ride harder on the horses, so they hadn't strayed far from their temporary home. They didn't want to overwork or injure the animals. That would be just as bad as being without. As they came upon the homestead in which they were staying, the trio made their way to the barn opposite from the cabin. They dismounted before leading the horses into the wooden structure. Arthur leads his American Paint mare into her stall before removing her tack. Dutch led his Thoroughbred stallion into the stall across from Arthur's, following suite. Hosea put his Tenessee Walker mare into the stall beside Dutch, across from where John's Andalusian stallion was kept. Once all of the horses were tended to, free of tack, and settled in, the pair left the outbuilding and made their way to the house. Arthur made it inside first, noticing almost immediately the frigid air inside of the cabin. Turning his head towards the fireplace, he noticed that the fire had gone out. Marston had let the fire go out. He sighed before making his way over to salvage the dying embers. He would have to gripe at him later. It was too cold to be forgetting to tend the fire. As he got to the fireplace, his father figures ade their way inside as well. He saw that they knew what had happened, it shone in their eyes. They chose not to say anything. Once the dirty blonde headed man had saved them from freezing to death, he scanned the room for the younger man. He was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't in the building as far as he could tell. Ah, shit, he would have to go looking for the boy. He was already proving to be an annoyance. "Dutch, Hosea! Have y'all seen John?" the man yelled to the pair of older men. "No," Dutch responded from his room. "I haven't, maybe he went outside!" Hosea called from the couch. Arthur shook his head. He didn't want to go back out there, he just got back. He decided to wait, just in case, he came back. He made his way to his room, it was the first door leading from the main room. The sight that greeted him brought a flood of feelings flying to his chest. There the boy was, passed out drunk on his cot and wearing his jacket. He was almost cute like this, peaceful and calm. But he was in his spot. He made his way over to the younger man. Pressing his boot against his back, he pushed him off of the cot. "H-hey..! What the hell... Morgan? What are you doing here?" the raven headed man asked, confused. "More like what are you doing here? And why are ya wearing my jacket, Marston?" Arthur teases. He didn't actually mind, he just wanted to mess with the boy. He watched the confusion pool inside of the younger man as he looked around. It took only moments for him to figure out where he was. He was in Arthur's room. Shit, just what had he done while he was in his drunken stupor? His head throbbed, trying to remember anything that would be helpful. He drew blanks, unable to think of a valid excuse. "Oh, um... I, uh... Um, I-I..." He stuttered before giving up. He was certain that Arthur already knew. It was obvious. He wasn't even going to try to make up an excuse. He just sat down on the wooden floor, looking down. Embarrassment ran hot through him, his face flushing. He didn't know quite what to do. He wasn't one to show emotion, but he couldn't hide the look of embarrassment and pain on his face. Hot tears threatened to pool into his eyes, but he pushed them away. He wouldn't give the asshole the satisfaction. Arthur almost felt bad, he could hear John sniffling. Of course, he knew exactly why John was in here. He could smell the whiskey radiating off of the younger man. He could hear him calling his name when he had a nightmare. The boy talked in his sleep. He was easy to read, too. He shook his head slightly, John was a god damned mess. However, he couldn't say that he disliked these qualities of his. He found them to be adorable, despite the rough demeanor of the younger man. As much as he wanted to pounce on the younger man, to kiss him and so much more, he held his ground and controlled himself. He refused to take advantage of him. He was drunk and obviously not in any state for rational thinking. He sighed, shaking his head once again. This was so much trouble already. "Let's get ya up and outta here," Arthur suggested calmly. "Yeah," John mumbled, barely audible. Arthur walked to the other side of the cot. Extending his hand towards the younger man, he reached for his hand. John grabbed it, using Arthur to pull himself up. Once standing, he attempted to stumble a few steps forward. However, he failed. He fell back down onto the cabin floor. He attempted to get up by himself, but the whiskey's grip had turned his legs to jelly. He was frustrated, why did things like this always happen to him. It was just like Arthur always said, he really is a mess. He couldn't help but take comfort in those words. The older man was always there for him, to pull him out of whatever trouble he managed to stir up. He was the only one that cared enough to. As much as his father figures loved him, they'd rather just run away, flee to the next town. If it wasn't for the dirty blonde, they would have been run out of every town they had ever visited. That was just one of the many reasons he loved the older male. Arthur stood there, pity in his eyes. He knew John was embarrassed about this whole situation. Helping him would only make it worse. The boy had the stubborn pride of an angry bull. He wasn't scared even in the slightest of the other male, but he didn't feel like making this more difficult than it had to be. There had to be a way to somehow fix this. Suddenly an idea formed in his brain. The sound of the other man's boots crossing the wooden floor brought him out of his self-pitying thoughts. John raised his head to look at Arthur. There was a twinkle of mischief in his gorgeous blue-green eyes. Just what was that man up to? He gave him a confused look, hoping to get an explanation. He was not granted that pleasure. The older man loved to tease, to confuse him. Without any sort of warning, Arthur grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him close. John's heart beat furiously at the sudden closeness. The older man examined the younger, scanning his face for any sort of negative reaction. As expected: he found no objections. With that taken care of, he smashed his lips against the raven-haired man. John's eyes widened in surprise. The man he loved, Arthur Morgan, was kissing him. Without thinking, he kissed back. 'Good boy,' Arthur thought to himself. He would have said it out loud had his lips not been busy devouring the taste of John's. He quickly slid his arms under Marston, not giving him a chance to complain. Their lips didn't part, instead, the kiss deepened. Arthur ran his tongue across John's bottom lip, asking for permission. He obliged, eagerly parting his lips for his superior. This was wrong, taking advantage of the still tipsy man, but he wasn't going to do anything extreme. He would never allow himself to do that. He would keep himself reigned in, despite how badly he wanted the younger man. He carried the pair of them to his cot, sitting down before placing John down beside him. He broke the kiss, separating so that they could catch their breath. John was a blushing mess, a sight that Arthur quite enjoyed. He couldn't hide his smirk. He felt like a wolf preying on a lamb, not an incorrect comparison. He lay down before pulling John to his chest. The cot was just barely big enough for the pair. John's smaller body was pressed snuggly against Arthur's more muscular frame. "Sleep it off, ya drunken idiot," Arthur teased. "W-whatever, Morgan," John growled playfully. The younger male rested his head against his superior's shoulder. He was so comfortable, so content, so damn happy. Could it get any better? Probably not. He had been waiting for this for so long, and here it was. He was over the moon with excitement and joy. He couldn't sleep. He was in too good of a mood to rest. The kiss had chased away the remainder of his drunkenness. He wouldn't let Morgan know that of course. But he was content for once in his life and you could bet that he was going to enjoy this.
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pleasant-boi · 4 years
OK I'm still on wisdom tooth pain killers and I can't write shit so stuff for this AU where I give Akechi some parental figures to disappoint.
It is still going to be really, really bad. Akechi still gets involved with the conspiracy though he's like... 10% more mentally stable this time around due to some good influences.
By god we're getting you a fucking proper redemption arc bro.
I'm going to age the p3 cast a couple of years, since canonically there is a 5-6 year gap between the events of p3 and p5 if I remember correctly, and I want everyone to be adults ™ and in Tokyo for plot reasons when the p5 cast are children. I was thinking of maybe around 7 years? So Akihiko and Mitsuru are 25, Junpei and Yukari 24, Fuuka 23 and Ken 18 while the p5 cast are around 10-12...if my math is correct I'm gay ok?
Koromaru is not dying, persona makes animals immortal I don't make the rules I'm all for angst/whump but the dog lives. Koromaru insists on looking after strays so everyone in sees constantly fosters little animals - mostly Ken, but the others occasionally too, especially when Ken was exams
Is this also a convoluted way to give Akechi a puppy to bond with?
Yes, yes it is.
Basically adult!SEES with uni!Ken is like having cousins who live in the same city when you're in university. You love them you don't talk for months and suddenly you're around them for like a week straight. Ride or die (or ignore their existence for like 2 months straight because you were living ur life ™)
Ken is in his first year of uni in the beginning of this. He's studying to be a vet. Or maybe a doctor. Maybe he'll change majors in the future. Not sure. But I headcon him as wanting to get into something thats helps people like medicine and the boy has a soft spot for animals
Everyone is dealing with trauma. Other than Ken who like Arena (we're just using stuff we like from that game and ignoring the rest shh) stopped getting involved with shadow stuff and had a relatively normal rest of his childhood - with some help of Kirijo appointed therapists-, Junpei is the most well adjusted.
Everyone is still in a place where they feel due to the event's of p3 and after the death of p3mc, femc (twin AU! TWIN AU! ) and everyone else in their lives, getting close to people other than their group is... Hard.
Junpei is too busy loving his npc wife, so it's easier to ignore the bad stuff. He also has children. He cried when they were born for like a month straight. Thinking of them being twins, one of them having red hair like Chidori because of anime reasons ™.
Because of that they end up with a lot of impromptu sleep overs and basically everyone has a spare room except Ken because he's a student, Junpei because he has kids and even with Mitsuru being everyones unofficial platonic sugar mommy, that many rooms is expensive and Yukari who is the only one not officially living in Tokyo but she's there like 80% of the year for shootings and has a studio apartment.
They avoid gathering at Fuuka, because she insists on making food every time and while it is usually edible (or edibles lmao) she likes to experiment a lot. So it's a bet between normal food, maybe a bit burned sometimes but nowhere near as bad as in highschool or mystery food X.
I'm keeping Akihiko as a c- 🤮 as a cop, only because I found his reason for it in Arena super wholesome. If not maybe a police consultant. I'm still on the fence about it. Plus Mitsuru needs inside allies for shadow ops.
Speaking of Akihiko, that's how I'm giving Akechi parental figures!
One of Akechi's Foster homes locks him out when he doesn't come straight from school and this time they don't even let him in for the night.
Akechi kinda runs away, gets lost and ends up spending the night crying in some random alley before passing out.
If I'm keeping the cop ™ route maybe someone calls the police and Akihiko ends up checking it out. Or maybe he's out running in the middle of the night, because let's face it, probably no one could relax before 1am, anxiety about the dark hour some how returning and it's something Akihiko 'I deal with the deep terror of losing again everyone close to me by punching things, working my body to its limit and putting myself in danger but I'm definitely not an adrenaline junkie' Sanada would do
Speaking of which the investigation team definitely checks for the midnight chanell every time too
Akihiko sees a passed out kid in the middle of the night and of course he tries to help. He asks if he's lost etc and ultimately he asks and where are his parents.
It's mid fall so while the temperature isn't deadly it is cold out, maybe it's raining too, for the extra suffering/whump, and he's pushing a bit with the questions because the kid is definitely going to get pneumonia if he hasn't already.
Akechi doesn't really respond until the parent thing, almost screams about how his mom is dead and no body wants him around and starts crying again.
Akihiko has braincells, however none of them are any help with social interactions. Much less with a sobbing child in the middle of the night.
I'm not sure where to go exactly from here but Akechi clearly has a fever (and if we're going with the rain route especially he needs to get dry and warm asap) and is really against going to the hospital because 'they're going to kill me if there is a hospital bill' so either
a) Akihiko calls child services and takes him to the station and sits with him until they arrive or
b) he takes him back to his apartment for the night because it is late, the kid needs some sleep and blankets and he knows the system is underfunding and overworked at best so it would be better to just call them in the morning
That particular one can have some cute hurt/comfort with pancakes for breakfast because Akihiko is also pancake boi and Akechi crying again because no one has been nice to him in years
Anyway, both end with Akihiko giving Akechi his number and telling him to call if something bad happens again.
Akechi doesn't. At least for a little something over half a year. He's in a really bad foster home and one night he ends up locked in the hall closet, trying not to cry because even breathing hurts but if he did make more noise it would be worse.
He has the number memorised by now and when he tries to curl up in the small space and feels a cellphone in a fallen jacket (remember the 2000s where most people used their cells only outside or when you wanted to talk to your crush?) , he takes it out, heart beating loudly before sending a series of panicked texts explaining the situation
He doesn't really think that it's going to do anything because there isn't a response but the small part of him that hoped something would go right for once still hurts
Meanwhile Akihiko didn't even think about replying because he almost had to be physically restrained from running there and punching the shit out of them
It's not even 20 minutes later when the police comes with Akihiko and at that point Akechi is almost unconscious, but starts screaming and banging against the locked door when he hears the commotion, immediately passing out when he feels it open
When he comes to he's a in a hospital, getting yelled by a social worker about how he has to change homes again some soon and it his fault and Akechi just bites his lips, trying to tune it out and not cry again.
Akihiko overhears all that and while he would normally just leave it to the proper authority and is nowhere near close to the ready for a responsibility like that, is like 'fuck it temporarily custody until he's healed and also I'm giving this kid some proper food and a couple of punching lessons'
There's more but this is already getting long asdvyrsvgjcw
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ayakashiramblings · 5 years
ABC NSFW Headcanons: Aoi
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In celebration of Aoi being released, here we are, coming for him! … Wait… no…   Also, I am going to age him up to 18 years old because again, that’s the legal age in Japan. Finally, ignore the ‘Location’ part. 
A - ‘Aftercare’ (What they’re like after sex)
Boys, meet your king and take some notes from the student, y’all. 
Wipes you down and helps you shower, keeps you hydrated and even wraps you up in a burrito of blankets. 
He does ask ‘How was it?’ because I have a feeling you are his first so he isn’t experienced but would let you set the pace.
B - ‘Body’ (Body Part of Yours he Loves)
Aoi is the kind to worship you.
But let’s be honest. You’re his first woman. 
He will HAVE to go for the boobs. 
It doesn’t help they are the only things stopping him from being completely consumed in your heart.
Tease him with them and he will lose it.
C - ‘Cum’ (How does his cum taste like/look like)
He is not even 20 yet but the poor boy is overworked. 
So when he gets a release, it will be in HUGE amounts, albeit not in a complete one-shot and in gradual intervals. 
The good news is that he probably cooks for himself so knows to eat his veggies. 
Moreover, he doesn’t consume alcohol which would have affected the taste/amount of the semen. 
He did indicate a slight interest in Ramune bottles though so I don’t think it’s going to be THE perfect taste. 
Definitely in the top 2 though; slightly sweet with a tangy after-taste.
D - ‘Dirty Secret’ (DUH)
Has always wanted to paint… on your body.
It could be of anything, some sensuous flower, fierce animal or your favourite quote from a good book, he just wants to mark you in every way possible.
So why not his own art?
E - ‘Experience’ (Does he know what he is doing?)
One word. 
He’s probably blushing like mad even after trying to discreetly read the books he loaned from Ginnojo… 
Which lead to an awkward study-buddy kind of thing as they debated between themselves on how certain positions were even possible.
Both failed the theoretical but at least Aoi will get practical points later...
F - ‘Favorite Position’ (Again, duh)
He wouldn’t know much in the beginning but after a bit of experimentation, he settles for...
Coital Alignment Technique. 
That technically was only defined in 1988 BUT that is not the point.
The giver lies above the receiver, moving up until his erection is pointing “down,” the dorsal side of the penis pressing against the clitoris as he penetrates.
Essentially, it’s like the Missionary but adjusted so not only can he bring you closer to a good orgasm, he gets to see each and every one of your expressions and be exposed to the pulse near your collar bones.
G - ‘Goofy’ (Serious or humorous?)
I know some might think he is all for serious lovemaking due to his stringent nature but I disagree. 
He and MC seem more in-tune with each other than the rest of the team, and he is more empathetic and considers her needs and likes, without basing it on societal values or whatever norms.
If there is a funny moment or this is part of cheering MC up, he is more than willing to pull out a joke. 
Sure, he might be dying from sheer mortification if you laugh too hard but your smile is enough for him to forget about it and laugh along and learn from it.
H- ‘Hair under THERE’ (Pubic Hair Treatment, does the carpet match the shades?)
He’s a clean-freak, he’s good with his hands, what do you mean he doesn’t manscape??? 
Pry this thought out of my cold, roaming hands. 
And yes, it’s the same shade, if not slightly lighter.
I- ‘Intimacy’ (How they are doing the moment, romantic aspects)
This one depends on several factors honestly. 
If he actually overcomes his fear of peering into people’s emotions, he might want to feel the warm embrace of your heart (with your consent, of course). 
He does get embarrassed and may cover up any cute gestures with abrasive words but nothing will stop him from letting you know how much he appreciates you... even if you may or may not need a Tsundere-translator in the midst of it all.
At least he nails the whole atmosphere, making it nice and soft just to be in each other’s embrace.
J- ‘Jack Off’ (Masturbation)
Before MC? Hell no. 
Dude only works himself up to a frenzy over dirty dishes and broken paintbrushes. 
Meeting MC? Starts aggressively chopping anything in sight and taking out his frustrations in the cooking.
He then realizes the ingredients are getting more pounding moments than he has and starts to relieve himself when he is absolutely sure no one is around to stumble into his room.
Poor boy doesn’t know where to start though and it is only when he imagines his hands being yours does he get anywhere.
K- ‘Kink’ (One or two of his kinks)
I think I have said this before but unwrapping you like a present is a gift in itself.
Ribbons, ribbons, oh so pretty...
Look me in the eye and tell me that tugging on his long, luscious locks doesn’t get him off.
Consent. No, but seriously, him being constantly reassured that you want this as much as he does just encourages him to explore more.
L- ‘Location’ (Favourite places to do the do)
On Oji’s bed so that the old man can’t sleep anymore on that mattress.
Ok, but really, he would love it in either of your bedrooms so that HE can take care of cleaning up the mess and no one else. 
Anywhere is fine, the wall, the bed, the floor. Just let him have access to some cleaning supplies.
M- Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Anything about you being happy. 
Heck, you could be smiling over some random 2D dude getting his route released in a few hours in some manga and he would be hiding a raging boner.
Did I mention ribbons? If not, then ribbons.
N- ‘No.’ (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Whatever it is, no foodplay. How dare you waste food made from ingredients Oji-san FINALLY remembered?!
No threesomes either because he is always worried you might get Kuya involved...
O- ‘Oral’ (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He is a GREAT giver. 
Ginnojo, does your bookshop have some hidden Sex Bible or something?
Firm, repetitive rolls before sucking on the engorged clit, all the while letting his one free hand grab onto some other erogenous zone of yours.
Initially, super reluctant to receive because “MC! It-it-it down there?!”
A bit self-conscious about the taste and if you can actually breathe. 
Until you start to let your tongue wander over the whole of his length.
Now, he likes to give and receive.
P- ‘Pace’ (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
He’s going for a marathon session whenever possible. 
He loves lengthy lovemaking where all his senses are aroused. 
That means sexy music and lots of foreplay to get a stimulating hour (or two).
Q- ‘Quickie’ (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He would LOVE it ONLY if you made a feisty quickie at work. 
Rip off his clothes, and go at it as soon as he walks through the door. 
That I-need-you-now approach boosts his confidence and his lust.
R- ‘Risk’ (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Honestly, only if you suggest it. 
And he has ensured that it will not jeopardize your safety. 
And that it is technically physically possible, he has all the equipment...
Essentially, as long as both of you are prepared, he is more than willing to.
S - ‘Stamina’ (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
The first few times is a soft ‘2’ because he doesn’t know his own reactions (yet). 
However, he quickly learns how to control yours and his release.
Suddenly, he wants to go at it like rabbits over long durations.
Seriously contemplates making a schedule.
T - ‘Toy’ (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
If you wanted to try one, he will... struggle to buy them. 
So he isn’t so keen on them.
Also because he prefers learning your body’s natural responses to his touches and not through some plastic equipment that is...
Wait, why is it rotating?
Is it another wand?
U - ‘Unfair’ (how much they like to tease)
In the initial stages? You are the Queen of teasing this poor fool.
But remember, he can get his revenge as a Seer. 
Basically, you are going to regret it MUCH, MUCH later.
... Provided he gets either drunk enough to say it or you two are like maybe, 1 month into the relationship.
V - ‘Volume’ (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He is more into heavy panting, and airy, hot breaths.
Because he wants to focus on your moans and is a bit self-conscious. 
But occasionally, rough grunts overlap with your sounds, especially the closer the two of you become.
W - ‘Wildcard’ (Random Headcanon)
You and his first time will make him extremely worried about hurting you, even if you aren’t a virgin.
Because one good/bad thing about his appearance is that sometimes girls randomly chat to ‘her’ about their lives… including very, very, very bad sex. 
Until you make him discover the joys of voyeur vision. 
Slowly undressing for him, and then starting to pleasure yourself. 
The sight had made him weak in the knees, and he had quickly joined in to learn the ropes.
Oh boy, he is a great student. :D
X - ‘X-ray’ (How is the package?)
Hidden in loose boxers (to hide any reaction to certain actions of yours)
I’m going to be honest, he is probably just average in terms of length. 
Even better that his glans is nearly the same size as his width. 
A bit curved towards the stomach, with some prominent veins.
Y - ‘Yearning’ (How high is his sex drive?’)
High. Super high.
This is going to be first and hopefully the only partner. 
He wants to ravish you at least 3 times a week.
A bit interesting it falls on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Z - ‘Zzzz…’ (How fast do they fall asleep?)
Initially, it takes him a good half-an-hour because he is so busy tending to you until you get him to relax with pillow talks.
Soon though, he likes to cuddle with you before hitting the hay.
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halfusek · 6 years
Hello, question concerning your Amazon Abomination comic Verse: What do you would have happened, if Henry stayed? I don't think it would've changes mich in the whole creating live thing and Joeys growing Obsession with it, but what would've happened to Henry?
Lemme clear something up - Abomination is nothing else but an interpretation of what in my opinion has happened in the studio. In the beginning, I wanted to make it a thing focusing on Joey and Bendy only but then I started getting more and more ideas which made me figure out a way to tell the whole story (in the way I see it at least).
At first I wanted to shortly answer “there would be no Abomination lol” but then I gave it some thinking and… get ready for an essay:
What would happen if Henry didn’t leave the studio?
I believe we have an answer for this concerning just Henry himself in the game.And it’s not a pleasant one.
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“Local Artist Pushed Himself Too Hard, Found Dead At Desk”. I mean that’s basically what staying would mean for Henry - pushing harder.
I don’t think this newspaper is telling us what happened to Henry Stein, I got that impression the moment I saw the headline, but after a while, I realised it doesn’t really… make sense.
The whole point of Joey and Henry choosing two different roads is that Joey held onto working and creating while Henry chose family over work. (Even though Henry showed some signs of workaholism, I think Linda could be the one helping him choose what’s right and better for him - I mean why even mention and focus on her at any moment if she wasn’t important in any way?)Does that make sense? Make this whole “Henry chose the right path and didn’t push himself too hard” just to say that he pushed himself too hard in the end? Yeah, no, I’m not buying that. I mean it could be true but not really satisfying to me.
So I think it’s just a “what if”. What if he stayed.He would overwork himself.And since he would choose work over family then maybe he would lose Linda in the process, maybe not but either way their relationship wouldn’t be doing well.
Now let’s do a small comparison.
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To me, Henry seems like a sorta passive person, especially with his “just keep drawing”. Don’t question anything, just keep doing what you do.On the other hand, we have Joey who is like “just do whatever it is you do and trust me as your leader”.
This is… a really bad mix.Even worse when you take into consideration that they are friends. And you are willing to push yourself harder for someone like that. For a friend.
Since we already are going kind of against Henry’s character by assuming he wouldn’t leave, we might as well assume he wouldn’t really change the way he’s working. He would keep pushing, just as Joey wants him to and as an old man thinks would magically fix everything but… no, I honestly doubt that.
I don’t think studio’s successes/failures depended on Henry either, he was one amazing animator, we can surely give him that (it took a few people to replace him), but Joey still managed to (temporarily) succeed without him.
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I honestly doubt the debt the studio was later in could be easily fixed by one person. Maybe Joey would listen to Henry more than other people (like Grant, his goddamn accountant), but the thing is that at some point they were successful and well things often rely on luck, economy and stuff like that, so many ideas could have seemed fine until things weren’t really fine. I mean Great Depression made some people really rich and some really poor, it was really tricky to make financial decisions.Plus - Henry is passive. He just keeps drawing.Joey believes Henry would push him to do the right thing, maybe he would try but then again - Henry ends up overworking himself, so in the end, it’s almost as if he just left.Can’t really push if you’re dead.
So we actually end up with a similar set up to what we have in the original story.
The only exception is that we could have a 6th labelled coffin. With Henry’s name on it. So it could somehow go even more unpleasant from now. How? Oh, it’s pretty simple:
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…kind of. As Henry would die from overworking himself and wouldn’t be actually… killed. But still, there is something which I think is worth noting.
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It seems to me as if the inkwell is associated with Henry. I mean if any of the items was associated with him, it would be this one and no one from the workers doesn’t really fit (except for Joey, but “The Illusion of Living” fits him waaay better for obvious reasons). Also, let’s assume here that the items are connected to actual workers because they could just represent something else, but in this interpretation, I take them this way. I think I should elaborate a bit on how I see it works, which I actually did include in Abomination:
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I did some math. And I don’t like it.
We have 14 characters: Joey, Henry, Wally. Thomas, Sammy, Norman, Jack, Johnny, Susie, Allison, Shawn, Grant, Lacie, Bertrum.(I’m going to aggressively count Johnny even if it’s not his name because the organ moans in pain and there has got to be someone in it and I like things making sense in the game, even if it’s just a reference to something else.)
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12 (next to Norman’s and Grant’s there is an unlabeled coffin).
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Another unlabeled one in that hallway after you exit Allison’s and Tom’s safehouse. So 13…
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Now, I’m not counting this one:
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As it’s not a physical coffin, only a drawn one. It’s another symbol of death and death is connected to Henry a lot.
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(The last one could be just referring to the ink as in the Ink Machine or to the inkwell, or maybe even to both, who knows.)
But the best/worst is:
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The actual offering has a skull and crossed bones on it.Ink = death.Scythe being a “reward” for not dying a single time and killing everyone on your way. And activating all the flashbacks which help Henry realise he’s in a cartoonish loop. By entering the death tunnel on purpose. When Henry is most lucid.“You bring death”.And, heck, even him playing “The End” and setting everyone free (by playing “The End” and in some ways killing everyone in the studio) is something death-connected.
Whatever the symbolism is, let’s go with the inkwell being an offering connected to Henry’s soul.
Also, let’s go back to the number 14.
Workers with coffins: Norman, Grant, Bertrum, Lacie, Susie.
Workers with offerings: Henry (inkwell), Joey (book), Shawn (doll), Sammy (record), Thomas (gear), Wally (wrench).
Workers without labelled coffins nor offerings: Allison, Jack, Johnny.
Unlabeled coffins: 3.
What made me start thinking deeper about this is the fact that none of the workers has both a coffin and an offering.Also an interesting thing with how… corpses in the game act:
workers with coffins: Norman/The Projectionist, Susie/Alice - corpses don’t disappear (hard to tell what’s with Grant and Lacie as we can’t be sure of their fates and Bertrum is an octopus ride but his head doesn’t seem to go anywhere)
workers with offerings: Joey/The Ink Demon, Sammy/The Prophet, Wally/Boris - corpses sort of disintegrate/vanish? (except for Sammy in the searcher form but yeah he is a searcher which work differently, again we don’t know Shawn’s fate and Thomas/Tom didn’t die in-game)
the rest: Allison doesn’t die in-game, neither does Johnny (lmao imagine killing the organ) but Jack is crushed by a box and we can’t really tell what happens to his body but… his hat stays
other deaths: Searchers - they go back to the puddles, same with the Swollen Ones and the Lost Ones buuuuuuuuuuut!
the Butcher Gang - corpses don’t vanish but sort of? collapse? which is confusing (in a way Grant, Shawn and Lacie’s fates are so they aren’t necessarily crossed out of being at least some of the Butcher Gang members)
So the thing I think is that while not everyone was sacrificed, Joey still has some control over their souls. Or, if you please
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And let me tell ya seeing as older, slightly more rationally thinking Joey still was playing with Henry’s soul making him go in an endless loop, leaves me with zero doubt that he would play with it 30 years earlier.I mean the inkwell has always been included in the packet. ;)And definitely Henry’s death would impact Joey, but I’m afraid…
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…nothing good would come out of it.
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vanquishedvaliant · 6 years
Epsisode 8 of Zombieland Saga has shown us in no uncertain terms that Lily Hoshikawa “Number Six” is a trans girl. Most of us didn’t see this coming, and there was no expectation of any treatment of this kind. For many people this is just an amazing, awesome surprise of representation in an awesome anime.
However,  some people are a little less happy about how it was handled, and while I’m not gonna tell anyone how they should feel about it, because ultimately your own feelings about how you are represented are valid-
unless you’re one of those sad bastards throwing slurs around despite the overwhelming evidence against your shitty archaic filth, in which case I hope you live a sad and lonely life fermenting in your caustic attitude
-I’d like to offer some of my thoughts on the way this played out, to see if breaking this down helps temper some people’s initial reactions. Some of the things that people attribute to ‘bad rep’ or ‘offensive’ can also be seen in a less aggressive light from another perspective. 
Could some scenes have been done in a more careful way to avoid any potential brush with discomfort? Perhaps, but firstly I don’t think that Perfection is something to demand for when we are getting a holy shit canon trans character with 8/10 handling in a show we never expected (as opposed to somethign that advertises its GAY RIGHTS!!! and then lets us down). 
Secondly, I’m not even sure that the most round-edged, comfortable approach to this kind of subject is always the right answer to approach these topics in the first place. Sometimes we need the hard edges to properly convey the mood and reality. Sometimes those edges can cut in the same way they do in real life; but it doesn’t always make them attacks on their own. Sometimes it makes them tools.
But let’s look at some of the actual features that seem to grate;
Most notably; Saki’s reaction to learning Lily’s dead name and cause of death; It doesn’t seem to me like any part of her joking is particularly trans-targeted joke? Saki is usually somewhat crude and insensitive in her jokes, and the show clearly shows us that Lily’s annoyed by it in any case.
But the jokes taken on their own; 
a) death from hair growth shock is funny - 
Yep. Sure is. Context also makes it tragic, but whether it’s contextualized in traumatic dysphoria or not (combined with the visibile overwork of her child star career), dying of shock is a kind of lame, funny way to die. It’s rude and insensitive, but not offensive trans rep.
b) Lily’s deadname is incredibly masculine, and that contrasts with her cute appearance and demeanour
This ones potentially got a little more ground given that it involves invoking her deadname, which is something no one super appreciates and isn’t generally necessary. In this episode it serves as a tool to open the book on Lily’s past, and remember that though she doesn’t go by it anymore, Lily herself was the one who brought that name into the conversation.
As far as the actual joke goes; It’s funny that the deadname she was initially given is so completely at odds with every part of her, and her father’s hyper macho name was part of the joke as well. At no point here does Saki insist on using that name, she just thinks its a hilarious deadname to have gotten rid of.
c) Saki butts heads with Kotaro when they ask him if he knew
Given that she doesn’t contest the rest of the situation, I think it’s pretty easy to ascribe the confrontation here to Kotaro just being a dick face in general, and not specific to this case.
The idea that the girls had to ask Kotaro if he knew in the first place might seem unnecessary when taken from an “optimal treatment by knowledgeable people” context, it also serves a valuable purpose in allowing Kotaro- the most insensitive, dickish, and crude person in the group- to go the hell to bat for Lily, and reinforce with no contest that Lily’s prescence, name, and gender are not up for debate, and Lily herself gets to stand up for this.
d) “How did we not notice?”
Damn good stealth. Approaches the realm of “thing you shouldn’t worry about IRL”, but it serves to highlight the attention not paid to Lily, how trans people exist whether you notice them or not, and allows a reinforcement on the team’s perspective of her; Lily’s Lily, and she’s Cute.
e) Lily dying in general;
All the girls deaths are tragic, cut down in their prime. It doesn’t change here. What does change is the contextualization of death. Death of the body coincides with death and rebirth of the self, and through zombification Lily achieves one method of getting what she wants; avoiding dysphoric puberty and getting a fresh start on the the tragedies of her old life.
The highlight of her dysphoria being horrible enough to literally kill her is a little blunted by Saki’s joke, but the two are able to coincide. We’re given reason to believe that bodily comfort was so critical to Lily that losing it was paramount to dying. Someone commented about the nature of trans girls ‘rather dying’ and ymmv here, but it lends an appropriate sense of weight to the aspect that feels genuine.
There’s a dozen other things here, but the concept applies throughout. Some of these are not about insensitivity or poor handling; they are about communicating a point thoroughly. Again, if some of these facets don’t sit well with you, that’s your valid interpretation. But from my book... this is just an astounding episode. It came out of god damn nowhere and dazzled us with a legit canon actual trans character. Not coding, not talking around it, not outdated tropes. An actual trans character.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 42 : Hello, Darkness, my Old and Also Relatively New Teenage Shadow Magic Friend
Recently, on Yugioh, we asked ourselves, (well, I asked myself since I assume most of you have seen this show before) how does it matter at all if you lose your memories of someone for like, ten minutes, when you will obviously have to run into them again once the duel is over? And if you have lost the memories that they ever existed then what would it matter since you would not know that you had known them?
This is how - They become shadow people and you literally can’t see them anymore for what I assume is the rest of your life. I don’t know how that works since they can still like write things down on pieces of paper or I dunno, communicate entirely through texting like most kids do who haven’t been cursed with eternal invisibility.
But don’t think too much about the logic, because people can now be erased from your life via cards, AKA Yugioh is gonna throw us another heavy handed take on depression, get ready. And honestly, it’s not a bad take. Good on Yugioh for this fairly accurate metaphor of what sadness can feel like. Like, sometimes people feel like their friends don't like them anymore, although they may be surrounded by people the entire time who are rooting for them and want to help them, but they just can’t see them. I think every person in the world has been through that at some point. You don’t often see it addressed in a kid’s show, although it really should be, because it happens so often.
Probably shouldn’t have started out with Tea for this example though. Like for reals, when have Mai and Tea ever hung out? That one time Mai told Tea to take a shower because she smelled like a boy? Or...
...That’s it. That’s the last conversation I remember these two having one-on-one. Most of the time Mai has been on screen is with Yugi and Joey instead. Mai and Tea shared a tent once. That’s it.
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Lolmao I can’t believe Mime came back.
So now, canonically, BDSM Mime got stranded somewhere in Japan and now Marik doesn’t have any memories to even go and pick him up. He’s just forever trapped in this country now like Shenmue.
(read more)
Mai seems to remember that she used to know someone, so it’s more of like you get the feeling of losing a friend. Like basically every time you lose a monster you feel like you broke up with someone, but you can’t remember who. I can’t really relate to that feeling, but I’m sure this has happened to Mai at least once or twice for reals before this tournament. This is the girl who forgot she set herself up to get engaged.
Again, if you just thought it through for like 3 seconds, you’d have enough evidence to say “Yeah but this is all in my mind, I am standing in weird ass purple fog” but that’s the Shadow Realm.
After Tea’s memory is dissolved, next comes the threat of losing the memories of Joey Wheeler, AKA the vague love interest that she was very mad at up until about 5 seconds ago.
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Also please admire how far the storyboarder went out of their way to avoid looking up Mai’s skirt. Straight up, they did not even bother to try and cover up those panty upskirts in Sailor Moon, but the storyboarder for Yugioh was so extra that they said “Hell with it, I’m gonna try” and so Mai’s legs are like double jointed and sprawled in the weirdest ways sometimes to cover that crack.
I mean, it’s still a pinup--there’s no way around this character design--but I really think they were trying to not go too far, but then ended up making it kind of worse sometimes. It’s just what happens when you have a love affair a lot of extreme low angle shots but none of your girls wear pants because it’s 2001 and everyone’s wearing tube tops and minis.
Which was a thing. I’ll admit it, I lived through it, 2001 was kind of a slutty time, it was the era of the glittery backless diamond shaped halter top. Which, while time has tried to forget, I will never forget the 20 minutes I spent in a dressing room trying to figure out how to put on a backless diamond shaped halter top only to realize that I was putting it on sideways.
Now, stepping away from confusing 00′s fashion and back to the show. Mai losing these pile of kids might mean more to me if Mai had been hanging out with them this whole time, but it really does feel like they’re closer to Duke Devlin than they are to Mai Valentine, because Duke at least shared a school with them so I can assume that in the past they’ve passed each other in the hallway or talked on occasion. But, Mai is an adult who never comes in contact outside of cards, and when she does, she only ever pushes them away.
It’s especially that-Yugioh-brand-of-tragic because in the mind of all of the characters on this show, we’ve just kind of assumed Mai has had a life and friendships outside of these couple of kids. But this episode we realize there’s just...no one else but the people she sees at these rare tourneys. As we see here in this flashback to her childhood, in the most anime PJ’s ever drawn.
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Why does every flashback look like everyone's straight out the American Girl Doll collection? Like Pegasus and Cecilia were in turn of the century clothes. the Kaibas were dressed like little newsies when they were orphans, little Mai looks like she owns a horse in matching ribbons.
And as it turns out, do you know the reason why Mai hates friendship? You’ll never guess--her Parents. Ah, Neglectful Parents, strikes again, that old Yugioh chestnut. It’s like I’m watching Once Upon a Time again. At least these neglectful parents didn’t lock her up underground and tattoo her eyes. Instead, these ones just worked a lot and she got kinda lonely.
Are there any good parents on this show? I assume if anyone’s parents are good we just never see them, right? Is that why we never see Mr Muto?
Anyway, Mai moved around a lot, her parents were always busy, and it rained like constantly--so Mai decided to get a job on a cruise line, where she became a card shark. And also where she randomly got engaged and then forgot.
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I don't remember her tent looking like that but I’ll allow it.
You could have chosen any friends out there Mai, traveling the world on a cruise line, doing cards all over the planet, and you chose these guys? The ones with multiple curses? Like you nabbed both Yugi and Bakura in one go? Congrats!
Anyway she very quickly forgets Joey so Rip MaixJoey that was a good one and half episodes, surely the longest relationship on Yugioh!
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So, Yugi decides to activate the millennium item chatroom, where apparently he could just butt into whoever is getting cursed at the moment. And mind you, he could just solve the duel but like, there is a card game going on, and although it’s super duper cursed, we gotta make it fair. Yugi’s just here to give some good advice and then bounce.
No laser fights today. He still isn’t aware he can do that.
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freakin love this blue yellow color combo PS.
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So something that I do like about this, is that the real threat here in these Shadow Duels is not the duel really--it’s to Mai’s relationships more than injury Mai herself. Yes, she does die if she loses, but the more she loses, the more she loses people in her life, even if she wins. The loss of the people is more scary to her more than the fear of dying.
And this hearkens back to the first time we dealt with the Shadow Realm with Yugi and his Grandfather. Yugi was over that duel in about 15 minutes or whatever the time limit was, and after the initial shock he brushed himself off and may have appeared fully recovered, but it took him almost an entire season to get his Grandpa back in his life.
So if you look at these curses as akin to getting an illness, when you lose a relationship because of illness, that can be a pretty terrible symptom that you don’t really see coming. Happens a whole lot though. In Mai’s case, if she does lose, she also loses the opportunity to repair what she’s lost, which is probably the greatest fear of someone who may be going through A Time.
Like honestly, the Mai duel is *kind of a downer* and I was just talking to my Bro about how of all the shadow duels so far, this is the one that is most clearly “I’m just going to fight you with straight up depression” and how apparently Marik is just so far into his own downward spiral that he no longer cares about who he drags down with him. He’s just given up trying to be better at this point. Like his only ‘friend’ left is BDSM Mime clown. That’s a pretty intense rock bottom, honestly.
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But on a positive note, what Yugi points out to Mai is “You’re in this now, but we will get you out of it, no matter what he curses you to believe.” and of anyone here, Yugi’s the only one that can actually reach out and speak to her because he’s the only one who has been through it before and thus knows how it works.
Being cursed with heavy handed illness imagery AKA Shadow Magic does have that perk. You can help out the similarly cursed. Even though he could have probably launched at least a couple fireballs at the problem to help her out also.
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Holy hell they actually edited out all the little details on this duel disk here. Good on you, animators. Good on you. I’m glad someone did it. Hope that saved at least one of you from carpal tunnel, you poor overworked animators that had to draw every line on these crazy complicated character designs.
So Mai, spurned onward by the ghostly voices of her forgotten friends figures out how to steal Marik’s God Card.
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Again, everyone on this show is obsessed with these awful cards and they feel like they must play them to win when honestly--look how much this card sucks.
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If this God Card ends up killing her it’ll only prove my point that all these cards are just fundamentally hella bad.
Same with Odion, he could’ve won just fine without playing a God Card but leave it to these dummies to just go crazy with the one of three cards that has been prophecies to kill them. Like, when Odysseus gives you a bag of wind, just don’t open the bag. That easy.
Anyway, tune in next week to see if Mai ends up blown overboard like the servants of Odysseus, or if she ends up devoured by a giant creature also like the servants of Odysseus. Or if she ends up dating Joey Wheeler. That part didn’t happen in the Odyssey, but I’ve read enough people comparing fanfic to Homer that I guess you could make it happen if you really wanted to.
Link to read these recaps from S1 Ep1
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mintchocolateleaves · 7 years
Time Marches On
A/N: The KaiShin server asked for an angst ridden wings!AU. I could only oblige and write them this.
The thing about Icarus was that he really believed he could maintain the ‘balance’ when he got his wings. He believed in every wax feather, every beat of his manmade creation that he could survive with the unnatural.
Icarus died when he got wings.
Kaito had to die to get them.
He’s still a little confused on the particulars of his situation. There’s not much he can remember about his own death, too many memories blocked in a haze of pain and disillusion. The last moment he remembers is finding Pandora, seeking to destroy it.
Turns out destroying something immortal takes away a person’s mortality after all. Because somewhere after that, Kaito had woken up in a melancholic world where the only one’s capable of seeing him were the dying.
He’d also woken up with wings, extra limbs, that he hasn’t the faintest clue of how to navigate. Which is almost a little disheartening because as KID, he’d spent a lot of time flying, it’d be nice if he could continue to do so.
So, he’s… some sort of angel now. Kaito sees the irony, he’s had the laughs. It’d be a lot funnier, if he wasn’t, you know, dead.
There had been a funeral for him, Kaito knows there must have been. He’d woken up shivering, wings folded over his body, beside a tombstone with his name scrawled across it. Beloved son, had been placed next to Beloved father, and Kaito hadn’t know whether to cry or curse.
(Later he’d noticed dirt beneath his fingernails, and Kaito had realised that he must have dug his way out, clawed his way out from the casket he’d been buried in.)
Nature remains the same for him – the breeze is chilling against his body, the grass prickly against his bare feet – so clawing his way out was really the only option. If he thinks about it properly that is. Kaito’s not really that sure why, but with so much time to simply think, he’s decided that it’s probably because nature doesn’t look away from death in the same way Humanity does.
Humans, Kaito summarises, cannot see him in the way nature can, because they’re constantly avoiding the stare of death.
It’s quite… sad… now that Kaito can take a step back and simply see.
“Well…” he mutters to himself, glancing around, “what is there left for me now?”
Animals can see him, yes, but he can’t spend all his time surrounded by animals. He needs to hear some sort of conversation, find someone else in the same situation – even if that means finding someone who’s… someone who’s willing to stare death in the eye.
He starts with hospitals. There are always deaths, always people willing to talk to an angel who might guide them towards the end more easily – their words, not his. Many of them tell him stories, families believing they’re delusional even though for the first time, these people can truly see.
“I lost my wife,” one older man whispers now, “a few years ago. She was murdered… I can’t wait to see her again. Will you make sure I find her again?”
Like with all the other people who have viewed him as a guardian angel in the past, Kaito feels unable to deny them. He doesn’t know what happens to those who die, but they never join him in this… nothingness.
Instead of arguing, he nods.
“Tell me about your wife,” Kaito whispers, “so I know who to point you towards.”
He’s told about a marriage, the kind of marriage Kaito had once wanted with… He shakes his head, keeps listening. And then, there’s a mention of a name that makes his stomach drop, heart aching in his chest.
“She was murdered, but we’d have never known the truth about how without that police investigator Kudo Shinichi.”
Kaito tries not wince, does so anyway, and finds that he has to look away. The thought of Shinichi, the smiles they’d once shared brings him more pain. And to think he’d been trying so hard to avoid thinking of the man he’d wanted to spend an eternity with.
“That name,” the patient across from him whispers, “you find it hard to hear?”
Kaito turns to look him in the eye, offers the rawest resemblance of a smile at the words. The truth hardly seems appropriate – how can he say they’d been engaged, preparing to marry without receiving some sort of pity? – so he decides to lie.
“I’m his guardian angel,” Kaito says, “and I’ve just… there’s so much to save him from, that sometimes it doesn’t feel like enough.”
All of the things Kaito had done to keep Shinichi safe. The dramatic spectacle of KID vs Conan, it all feels redundant now. Kaito is gone, and Shinichi is without him and nothing will ever even the guilt Kaito feels about have left Shinichi behind.
“If you’re his guardian angel,” the other whispers, “then why are you listening to me whiter on?”
Kaito offers him a smile, “Shinichi is the type who’d feel selfish if I spent all my time watching over him.”
He finally finds the courage to seek Shinichi out, months after his death. Or rather – months after he’d clawed his way through dirt, because he’d been dead for at least a year before then.
(Time is rather inconsistent for him now, sometimes a month feels like a day. Other times a day seems like eternity.)
There’s a silence to Shinichi that Kaito doesn’t remember. It’s overwhelming, like a black fog buffering around him, incapable of being broken through. It’s brings a shiver to Kaito, as he follows behind the detective.
He’s thrown himself into his case work. Kaito can see as much from the bags under his cheeks, the pale sheen to his skin. He’s exhausted, and Kaito knows that there’s nothing he can do to help.
Nothing but to be there, invisible to the eye, waiting beside Shinichi until the other man heals. There’s a break in Shinichi’s spirit, and all Kaito can do is stay by his side, watching until it pieces back together.
“Another murder…?” Shinichi mutters, as he passes police tape. Kaito ducks beneath it, wings snagging on the tap in a way that makes people assume there’s been a gust of wind. “What was the cause of death on this one?”
“Stab wound to the abdomen,” Hattori, his detective partner, mumbles, “so far it looks like a typical muggin’. Not every murder is as intricate as th’ one’s we used t’ solve.”
“Let’s take a look,” Shinichi says, following behind the Osakan, with a lack of energy and an almost inaudible sigh that ends up rattling against Kaito’s ear drums. “Hopefully we can get the murderer caught before anyone else becomes their victim.”
The crime scene is ghastly. It’s not particularly bad, not for a murder at least, but it is the loss of life and to Kaito it’s nothing short of nightmare inducing. He’s sure his dreams would be plagued by the sight alone, if he had a need for sleep. Maybe he’s lucky in that regard.
“Oh,” Shinichi says, gaze whizzing across the scene. He kneels beside the body, gets a look at the stab wound – and any other wounds on the body, before looking up. “So that’s how it must have happened.”
Kaito kneels beside him, lifts his wings up as if to block Shinichi from the wind, and tries to see things as the other man does. It’s difficult – he can’t play the scene out in his head well enough, not even seeing the lacerations and slashes on the victim’s body.
It’s something he had both admired and hated about Shinichi. His ability to wrap his mind around people’s dying moments.
“He saw the knife before the stabbing,” Shinichi says now, standing up. “See the cuts on his hand, he tried to get the knife before he was murdered. He wasn’t scared – my guess is he knew the attacker.”
Hattori leans down again, glances at the wounds. He nods his head, “yeah. I can see where ya coming from. We should start lookin’ at his acquaintances an’ work from there.”
And like that, they’ve made leeway on another case. There’s nothing Kaito can do to help him there, has to leave Shinichi to solve another meaningless murder, imprison another misguided criminal in need of rehabilitation.
“Why are you overworking yourself, Shinichi?” Kaito mutters as they walk off towards the police car. He’ll have to travel alongside it, good thing he can fly, to get to the next person. “Why won’t you take a break?”
The next murder Kaito is present at, alongside Shinichi, is at the local supermarket, when Shinichi is off duty. Kaito would like it to be known that ‘off duty’ is surrounded by quote marks, because Shinichi doesn’t take breaks, not anymore, and he’s skimming over case files on his phone while listlessly throwing groceries into his basket.
There’s a loud bang, a bullet whizzing through the air, and Kaito turns to see a man holding a gun, pointing towards the cashier. A robbery – something Kaito and Shinichi hadn’t noticed occurring because they’d been at the other end of the shop, Shinichi too engrossed in his case reports.
The detective glances up from his phone, rushes towards the robber. His own gun – police issued, meant to remain at the station when he clocks off-duty, but Shinichi won’t stop working – is raised within the time it takes for the thief to notice him.
During this time, Kaito makes his way towards the dying man.
He’s bleeding, heavily, and it’s quite easy to see that he’s going to die. Kaito knows, because the man notices him with an almost heavy gasp, lets out a small moan of ‘a-angel’.
“You want to put pressure on the wound,” Kaito says, leaning down and helping the man lift his arm to the wound in his stomach, “it’ll keep the bleeding from being too intensive.”
“An angel’s here to take me away…?” The cashier mumbles, ashen. He’s squinting as if struggling to see straight – not that Kaito can blame him, it’s always dizzying, blood-loss.
“I’m not an angel,” Kaito says, “I’m just Kaito. So, don’t worry, you’ll make it through this.”
He wishes it were true, but there’s hope in the man’s eyes when he closes them, echoing Kaito’s own name.
When he looks up, Shinichi has apprehended the robber, has called for back-up, and has the man pinned to the counter. All of that, and yet he’s staring at the body wide eyed.
Later, Kaito realises why he was so wide-eyed.
“He said Kaito’s name, Hattori,” Shinichi mutters, when the two are in their patrol car. Hattori drives, probably because they both know Shinichi’s always going to be reckless with cars. “And it, it threw me off. I almost let go of my grip hearing his name, why can’t I just move on?”
Hattori is quiet beside him. He says, “you can’t move on because you don’t know what happened.”
“But I do know what happened,” Shinichi mutters, “he wasn’t murdered, he died of natural causes, I made the doctors look repeatedly.”
A pause. And then, “I know, but ya also know it ain’t normal for a twenty-two-year-old to just drop dead o’ natural causes. Whatever the doctors said.”
Shinichi sighs. Shakes his head.
Kaito, sat in the back, wings crushed between the doors – he’d dived into the car when Hattori had opened his door, found his way to the back – feels a twinge of regret. So that’s how he’d died: He’d broken Pandora, and in return, it had broken him.
It only gets worse from there.
Shinichi only gets worse.
It’s almost like hearing the man mutter Kaito’s name has rekindled an obsession, a need to know what happened. He attacks murder scenes with a rigid mindset – catch the criminals, find who did it – empathy draining from his voice at every approaching scene.
Shinichi becomes cold.
And it’s all Kaito’s fault.
The crime scenes become increasingly more worrying, not because it’s continued death – although it is alarming when some of them see Kaito in their last moments – but because Shinichi wraps himself up in them.
Shinichi throws himself so deeply into his work, that Kaito can see it visibly pains him. The detective gets to a point where he can feel each bullet tearing through his skin, can imagine with such accuracy the pain of every laceration.
Kaito gets the impression that Shinichi wants to feel that pain. Wants to feel the pain of dying so he can be a little closer to Kaito – or maybe, maybe so he doesn’t need to think of Kaito at all. If only for a little while.
It seems to work, for a while. One month rolls into two, until it’s been another six months with little change and guilt weighing too heavily on Kaito’s conscience. Nothing really changes until one of the children at the crime scene notices the angel standing beside the ‘scary’ police detective.
She’s small, roughly five years old – just old enough to want to know the answers to everything. Still young enough that she hasn’t averted her eyes from everything else – Kaito’s certain the girl’s only slightly older than Shinichi had been when he’d first met him as Conan.
Police reports say she’s the daughter of the victim, a young girl called Miu.
The police are trying to ask questions – she’d been the only one in the house when the murder had occurred over night – when Miu turns to Shinichi and points. She says, “why does that man have wings?”
The other detectives turn to Shinichi, offer raised eyebrows. Shinichi himself seems to be taken aback, dragged out of his bad mood for almost a moment.
He says, “I don’t have wings.”
Miu shakes her head, runs up to Kaito and points at him. She says, “no, not the detective, the one standing beside him.”
It’s at this time that Kaito gets the impression that the officers think she’s daydreaming, seeing things to cope with her mother’s death. It’s why he leans down to face her, lifting his wings just high enough that she can brush her hands beneath the bottom.
“The wings are pretty,” she whispers, and most of the detective’s have gone back to their work. All of them except Shinichi – maybe he remembers his own time as a child, how foolish it would be to overlook what they’re saying.
“Thank you,” Kaito mumbles, and smiles when he realises it’s not just the dying that can see him. Children have always been more finetuned to nature than adults, have always been more observant because everything is new. “I’ve become quite fond of them.”
Miu smiles. “Are you an angel? How long have you had wings? Do they feel like arms?”
So many questions. How many will he be able to answer before the police detectives decide Miu needs to be asked more questions, or taken from the house to stay with a relative.
“I’m not an angel,” Kaito responds, “and I’ve had them for about two years.”
“Are you this detective’s partner? Or his guardian angel?”
Kaito forces a smile, “I just stay by Shinichi’s side, to make sure he’s alright. I care an awful lot about him.”
“…Shinichi…?” Miu turns to the detective in question, and then back to Kaito, “so you love him then?”
Later, in the car, Hattori has to talk about how the child has probably seen his name in the newspaper and that’s how she knew his name.
Shinichi, rather understandably, is riled. He’s confused, and his hair is almost as messy as Kaito’s is, because he keeps pulling at the ends trying to figure everything out.
“I don’t understand,” Shinichi mutters, “she knew my name, and she knew that someone who loved me died two years ago. It makes no sense?”
Hattori shakes his head, seemingly as lost. “Children are strange sometimes, ya know that. It’s just a coincidence, Kudo.”
Shinichi bites into his lips and says, “there’s no such thing as coincidence, hasn’t our work taught us that?”
The change this time is even more drastic.
Shinichi had dived into his work after the cashier’s death. Now, following the conversation of Miu, he almost stops having a life outside of work altogether. Before, he’d had the skeleton of a social life – dinners with close friends or visiting parents.
Now, he turns the offers away.
Shinichi reads files on robberies and cold cases. And sometimes, during the darker parts of the evening, when insomnia keeps him awake, lingers into the hour of the dead, Shinichi pulls open a folded case file on something he’s never been able to fully solve.
Kaito’s smile is on one of the pages. Next to the photograph is a printed copy of his complete medical history, and after that: His history as KID.
The one case Shinichi cannot solve. The last case Kaito left him.
“Stop obsessing over me,” Kaito mutters one night, despite knowing that the other man can’t see him, “there’s no answer in these files for you. Please.”
Shinichi doesn’t move on.
If anything, he takes a step back.
“It’s like you’re haunting me,” Shinichi mutters one night, when it’s nearing four a.m, and he’s nursing a headache with peppermint tea. “Goddammit Kaito, you weren’t really a phantom, why are you haunting me like this?”
Kaito sighs.
“I don’t know,” he whispers.
“There’s something behind all this,” Shinichi says in the patrol car one night, sat next to Hattori. “I know there is, it wouldn’t make sense if there wasn’t something causing all of this confusion.”
“Kudo, it’s not some conspiracy. It’s just a–”
The sound of a gunshot pierces through their conversation. At once, adrenaline is rushing through Kaito’s body, even though he knows there’s no way he can be shot.
“Request for backup Hattori,” Shinichi says, opening his door. He’s out within seconds and Kaito dives out of the car after him, his feathers getting caught in the door.
There’s no way he can open the door, so Kaito pulls at his wings until feathers snag from his skin, a sharp shooting pain spreading across his back. Droplets of blood drip from the bottom of his wings, and Kaito forces himself not to whimper.
Hattori’s voice shouts out for backup and for Shinichi to wait, but of *course* Shinichi doesn’t. He races forwards, hands reaching down to the gun holstered at his waist, arming himself.
It’s a murder. Point blank.
Kaito knows the look of killers, having been following Shinichi around for a while now. Having stood beside him during cases.
“Put your hands up!” Shinichi shouts, gun raised. The suddenness of his appearance must throw the man off, because he doesn’t put his hands up – he shoots instead.
Seconds later, there’s a flash from Shinichi’s gun, and Kaito watches as the man falls. Kaito’s just glad that Shinichi hasn’t–
The thief reels back at the sound of his name, and then, he balks. He says, “Shinichi? You were…?”
Shinichi glances down, follows Kaito’s gaze to the wet patch against his black coat. Blood pools against the fabric, and when Shinichi presses his hand against the coat, red stains it.
Shock rids his expression of any other feeling, and Kaito isn’t sure whether it’s the sight of him, or the fact that he’s bleeding out.
“It’s really you.” Shinichi says, and he’s wobbly on his feet. Kaito surges forwards, helps Shinichi down to his feet as best he can – he’s not physically present, not able to hold him, but the psychological aspect helps Shinichi to sit down at least. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I know,” Kaito says. He’s never usually lacked words when it comes to speaking, especially not with Shinichi, but what is he supposed to say? ‘Sorry that I died?’ It’s not as simple as that.
“But it’s not really you is it,” Shinichi mutters, turning his eyes away, “I’m just seeing you because of… this.”
He waves towards the blood. And then, in an attempt to grab the attention of anyone around him, he calls, entirely too weakly to be heard, for help. For Hattori to come save him.
There’s no way to convince him that it’s really him, so Kaito decides not to bother. Shinichi’s going to be glad either way to see him. Arguing at this point is just useless.
“You need to shout a little louder,” Kaito says, wrapping his wings around the man so the cold doesn’t seep into his bones. “If you don’t, no one will hear.”
Shinichi shakes his head, “why did you die, I don’t understand. Why did you leave me?”
“I’ve not left you,” Kaito says, and there’s a desperation in his voice now, his hands trembling with trepidation. “I’ve been with you this whole time, Shinichi, you just can’t see me.”
“You’re dead.”
The tone is blunt, almost venom-like with how angry it seems. Of course, Shinichi isn’t just sad about his death, but angry too. If he’d been murdered, if there had been any signs then Shinichi could have found a way to understand. But he’s left the detective with one riddle that’s to complex to solve.
“I know.” A pause. “It’s because I found Pandora.”
Shinichi opens his mouth, falters on the words. Kaito takes it as a sign to keep going:
“Remember the stories of an immortal stone? What do you think happens to something when it loses it’s immortality?”
“It dies.”
Wide-eyed, Shinichi shudders the words into the silence. He’s always been able to solve KID’s riddles, even if he does sometimes require a small push. This realisation, it almost seems enough to make the other realise it’s really him.
(Either that, or Shinichi’s beginning to wish it’s Kaito. But really, isn’t that the same thing as believing?)
He calls for help now. Louder, a high enough voice that Kaito’s certain he can hear footsteps racing towards them both – Hattori’s footsteps.
“Kaito?” Shinichi mutters, “can I ask you for something?”
Kaito offers him a smile – the half-smile, half-smirk he’d reserved for only Shinichi – and says, “for you, anything.”
“Will you stay with me?” Shinichi doesn’t specify for how long, but Kaito knows he means until the very end. And God forbid, Kaito will find a way to make sure that the end is as far away as the end of time.
Somehow – somehow, he’ll make sure Shinichi lives for the both of them.
“How could I ever leave you,” Kaito says, resting his forehead against Shinichi’s, his hands entangles in Shinichi’s, “not even death could tear me away from you.”
He keeps his hands wrapped around Shinichi’s, even after Hattori arrives. Even after the paramedics arrive, placing Shinichi into one of the ambulances.
Kaito doesn’t let go until he’s certain he’s out of Shinichi’s vision, and the other man can’t see death anymore.
For now, it’s enough.
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medjaichieftain · 7 years
5 7 8 and 20
5: How has your musegrown since you first started playing them?
Athis core, he hasn’t. I have really tried to stay true to the original character, sincehe’s not mine. But as far as things I have expanded upon that were neveraddressed or mentioned in the movies, I would say the biggest area of growthfor Ardeth has been actually paying attention to his own life, heh. That soundskinda silly, but the movie gives you the impression that being a Medjai isArdeth’s whole life and he doesn’t really do anything else. He doesn’t ever haveany downtime, there’s nothing said about his family, there’s no talk about whathe wants for himself in his own life, it’s made to sound like he just works allthe time. Well that’s because he does, haha. So one thing that I’ve been ableto do with him is explore his own wants and needs a bit through threads withships or ones that include downtime. As dedicated as Ardeth is to his veryimportant job, there is more to life than that, and it is perfectly okay forhim to have a balance between work and personal life. That’s one of the thingsI want him to learn as I write him, so as I do, he transitions from a workaholicyoung person mindset to a more mature and well-rounded person. He still has alot to learn, though, as he still overworks himself and is kindof one-track-mindedwith regard to the Medjai.
6: What motivates yourmuse to get up in the morning?
Thethought that if he doesn’t get up and get his ass in gear fast and efficiently,someone somewhere might be seriously injured or even die. He cannot justifyslacking off or sleeping late when there are literally things ready to destroythe world, heh.
On ahappier note, in threads with ships and when he is with his family, Ardeth ismotivated to get up in the morning in order to spent time with his loveinterest or wife or children. Once he has a family of any kind, he becomes asdedicated to them as he is to his work and treasures the time he is able tospend with them.
7: Name a time whenyou really wanted to punch your muse.
Inthe canon, it was when he was on the bus and he just lost his shit and screamedat the mummy in his face haha. Like totally scared like a Chihuahua, arms up inthe air, doofy look on his face, screaming. And I’m just like Ardy, sweetheart,you face things that can kill you on an almost daily basis, what are you evendoing right now? (sigh)
Asfar as things I’ve written for him, I sorta want to punch him in his threadwith @runawayagent because Charlotte hasgracefully accepted the fact that she has had past lives and is someone ofgreat importance, but Ardeth is completely resisting accepting the same. And thefact that he told Rick the exact same things in The Mummy Returns, that he needed to embrace the missing piece ofhis soul and if he does he can do anything, just makes it worse. Eventually hewill accept it, but right now as he’s dismissing the signs of it as coincidence– just like Rick did! – I kinda wanna punch him, haha.
20: Name a headcanonabout your muse you haven’t said yet on this blog.
Since the events of The Mummy Returns, Ardeth has sufferedfrom sleep paralysis. Let me explain a littleabout what sleep paralysis is for those who aren’t familiar with it.
It’s asymptom of both anxiety and stress. Basically what sleep paralysis is, is whenthe brain is overactive during sleep and believes that it is awake when it isactually asleep. So the person is completely asleep, but the brain believesthat the person is awake, and therefore that they should be able to move,speak, see, and hear as normal. People with sleep paralysis often mistake the auditoryand visual hallucinations they experience for ghosts, demons, shadow people,aliens, astral projection, or near-death experiences. Really, though, all thatis happening is that, while asleep, your brain is interpreting what your sensesare responding to in a very primal way.
Common sleep paralysis experiencesinclude waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to move orspeak. Sometimes people feel like they are being choked or that something issitting on their chest. Usually a humanoid figure will be perceived as sittingon the person’s chest (this has happened to me) and/or chocking them, but alsoa common myth about cats (that they steal your breath at night) can beexplained by this. Other experiences include seeing a black shadow person inthe room, seeing a black dog or wolf, and hearing it growl (all of these havehappened to me). In actually, this can all be explained by human prey fears andprimal instincts as well as the biology of what occurs during sleep.
When weare asleep, our breathing becomes slower and shallower, so we don’t takedeep breaths. We also don’t move voluntarily, so we can’t choose to move orspeak. The brain, which thinks it’s awake, becomes alarmed by the fact thathey, we can’t move or cry for help right now. That panic response will thenresult in the brain trying to explain why this might be. Why can’t we move orspeak? Oh, because someone is trying to choke us or is sitting on top of us andweighing us down. Why are we so afraid right now? Oh, because there’s astranger in the room that wants to hurt us, or because there is an animal thatwants to eat us. The wolf is a very common predator fear for humans, and red isthe color of alarm. If we’re seeing a lot of red, it might be because there’s alot of blood, so red brings about some amount of alarm in our subconsciousminds. It’s why red is considered such a bold color in art or fashion, becausewe as humans key in on it very much.
So no, there aren’t any demons or shadowpeople or shadow wolves in the room with glowing red eyes, it’s just your braintrying to explain why it can’t do all the things it feels it should do becauseit’s actually asleep. Sometimes people will also claim that the shadow visitorswill moan and the wolves will growl. What that actually is, is you hearingyourself breathing or snoring in your sleep, and your brain interpreting it tobe a noise from something else.
Very religious peoplemight interpret these experiences as being visited and/or attacked by demons.Sci-fi nuts might think aliens visited them. And people who are verysuperstitious or who live in cultures where various types of predatory ghostsor nature spirits are considered to be real and common, they may think that’swhat is visiting them. Really, all it is that you are overtired, overworked,worried about something, really stressed out, really upset, etc., and yourbrain is unable to completely rest during sleep. (For example, two out of thethree times it happened to me was in the months leading up to my Ph.D. defense.I was nervous out of my mind, haha, overworked, and not sleeping well to begin with, so itmakes sense.)
Sleep paralysis is notactually dangerous. Although you may feel like you’re dying, you aren’t, andeven the visions and sensations you have of being crushed or choked are notreal, it’s just that you can’t breathe as deeply as your brain thinks youshould be able to because you’re sleeping. Where sleep paralysis can become aproblem is if the person is very afraid of what is happening to the point wherethey will actually avoid sleep to keep it from happening. Or if it’s soterrifying that they jolt awake and then don’t want to go back to sleep. Thatcan cause sleep deprivation if it occurs often enough. Most people that have itonly experience it once or a couple times maybe, but there are a few unluckypeople who have it very often, or some people may have it almost every nightuntil they can reduce the stress in their lives. And that is really the only “cure”for sleep paralysis is to relax and reduce stress.
Now as far as what Ardethis experiencing, he has felt the crushing/choking sensation and he sees ashadow person either in his tent or near where he’s sleeping or actually on himtrying to kill him. He does not experience sleep paralysis every night, but itis maybe 2-4 times a week in the weeks after the events of The Mummy Returns. He has not told anyone about it, but he fears itmay either be something evil trying to influence him when he is vulnerable or aprophetic experience trying to warn him of a rising threat in the future.
In the case of sleepingbeside a ship, what she would see is maybe that he would twitch a little, hisbreathing might become irregular, and he might manage to mumble a bit, butotherwise, he would just look like he’s sleeping or maybe having a vivid dream.Of course, if he were to suddenly wake up with a start - and he does this often– that might wake her up, heh.
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers Lost Eden: Reiji Sakamaki [Dark prologue] ~translation|traducción~
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This translation was made by @vampiretsuki
Place: Yui’s room.
Yui: (……Reiji-san has been working hard since he obtained the powers.)
Yui: (But, it’s something obvious. Out of all of his brothers, he was the one who wanted the power the most……)
Reiji: Father’s power…….will be inherited to me……? Karlheinz: Didn’t you want it?
Reiji: No, of course I want it.
KarlHeinz: Then you should just take it.
Reiji: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Reiji-san’s expression while he’s kneeling…… it’s as if he’s smiling and crying at the same time)
Reiji: Leave the rest in my hands
KarlHeinz: *laughs* This is my everything
*Flash of light*
Reiji: Ugh… …
Yui: (Wa… …What’s happening… …?)
Reiji: …Ugh, father… …!
KarlHeinz: The meaning of obtaining the force… …
KarlHeinz: You will learn it by yourself. This… … is your trial… …
Yui: (Trial… …?)
Reiji: Ugh… … Ugh… … What does that mean… …!
Yui: Reiji-san!
Reiji: Ugh… I can’t even stay on my feet… …
Yui: (He seems to be in pain. I have to support him… …!)
*Yui goes towards Reiji*
Reiji: Ah… …Yui… …
Yui: Are you okay?
Reiji: Yes
KarlHeinz: … … … …
Reiji: ! ... ...He disappeared… …?
Yui: …. … KarlHeinz-san’s power really… …
Reiji: … …is in my hands, that’s what I believe
Reiji: … …I still can’t believe it, but since it was inherited to me, I have to work much harder than ever
Reiji: Father… … I shall be a worthy successor.
*End of Flashback*
Yui: (The granting of the force… It was impressive that I was able to witness such a solemn scene)
Yui: (But the words that he said at that moment… …Must have a very deep meaning)
Yui: (To learn by himself what it means to obtain the force, eh)
Yui: (KarlHeinz-san was the owner of such an impressive power. It probably wasn’t as simple as it seemed)
Yui: (But, since that moment Reiji-san has been moving very energetically, and he hasn't stopped striving so far)
Yui: (It seems that he’s traveling through the Makai trying to fix the problems of the Demonic Clans, and of course he’s still taking care of his family)
Yui: (And of me too… … even though he’s so busy, he cares properly for me)
Yui: (Reiji-san is very reliable and kind… … Surely everything will be fine)
Yui: (Surely this time he also will resolve the intruder situation. Although it was a bit scary… …)
Yui: … … It’s time to go where Reiji-san is.
*scenario changes*
Place: Living Room.
Yui: (He wasn’t in his bedroom. Where could he be… …?)
*Wings flapping*
Yui: (Those are… … Reiji-san's Familiars. They look somewhat agitated…. …. What could have happened?)
Yui: (Ah… …!)
Yui: Reiji-san!
Reiji: Ah, it's you. Be quiet for a moment.
Yui: I-I'm sorry… …
*Everyone else come to scene*
Yui: (Ah, everyone was here)
Reiji: … …Well, give us the report.
*The familiars speak*
Reiji: ---I see… …so that’s how it is.
Ayato: Oi! I can’t hear anything. Tell us so we can understand too!
Reiji: Apparently our uncle…… Richter has died
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: Apparently someone stabbed him in the Tawa Tower, subsequently dying.
Ayato: Haha, what an idiotic way to die
Kanato: That’s right
Raito: Really, how dumb~
Ayato: And? Who did it?
Reiji: Who knows. But probably the demon hunters were the ones who played a part in this
Subaru: Demon Hunters?
Reiji: Recently, the demons that live here have been attacked frequently. There has been many reports about that.
Ayato: Haa? Who the hell is doing that?
Reiji: I’ve researched about the case… …. But they don’t expose themselves so easily 
Reiji: However, we don’t know when we can become their targets. So be very attentive
Ayato: If those guys appear, I will defeat them immediately!
Subaru: Same
Kanato: Has this ridiculous conversation finished? … ….I’ll return to my room then
Raito: Me too~
Shu: … … … …
*They leave*
Yui: … … Reiji-san, what will you do?
Reiji: I will go to the scene urgently. The culprit could have left some clue.
Yui: Um, can I go with you too?
Reiji: Why?
Yui: I can’t believe that…. ….Richter-san was murdered… …
Yui: I started to feel scared, that’s why I wanted to go with you.
Yui: (Besides, if I leave him alone then he’ll overwork himself again, he worries me… …)
Reiji: … …Alright, it's fine. Then follow me.
Place: Tawa Tower.
Reiji: The fact that they are going on with their normal lives... … means that the body has been taken away.
Yui: (Richter-san died in such a visited place like this one… …)
Yui: Are there possibilities that the culprit is still nearby?
Reiji: … …Now we will carefully go back to the thoughts of our uncle and the killer. 
Yui: Well, is there anything I can help you with?
Reiji: It’s not necessary, thanks.
Yui: (Right… …)
Reiji: … …Ahh, there is something you can do.
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: Don’t cause any unnecessary distractions. It would be troublesome to hear the thoughts.
Yui: (I see… …)
Reiji: Clean your mind and don’t think nonsense. If you can’t do it, then return.
Yui: ! I-I’ll do my best
Yui: (Okay… …. Clean my mind, clean my mind)
Reiji: Let’s begin… … Where are the clues… …
Yui: (He said he is going to read the thoughts. What type of sensation is it?)
Reiji: … …There are too many interruptions… …and I can’t do it well. Even the thoughts of people and animals end up entering.. …it’s a problem.
Reiji: *Concentrates more* … …
Yui: (It must be very difficult… … In some way it looks painful)
Yui: (I think it’s a good thing to search for clues for everybody’s sake, and it’s very reliable but… … it worries me)
Yui: Umm, I don’t think it’s good to do it in one go... ...
Reiji: Ug… … … …!
Yui: Reiji-san… …! Don’t read the thoughts too much. It’s bad for your body… …---
Reiji: … …Haa. A moment ago I told you not to think about anything. Did you already forget that?
Reiji: And… … I would like it if you could be more careful with your comments.
*Reiji gets closer*
Yui: Kya?
Reiji: You… …Who do you think I am?
Yui: Eh… …
Reiji: I am the successor of my father’s force. I have the power to govern this world!
Reiji: and that’s why you have no right to tell me anything!
Yui: … …I'm sorry
*Reiji gets away*
Reiji: If you understood, then return to the mansion. Alright?
Yui: Yes
Yui: (He worries me, but if I stay here I’ll only be a holdback. It’s time to return)
*Yui leaves*
Reiji: … …Why I can’t control it… …!
Reiji: (It's because I can’t control it that I can’t use it as I please… … How troublesome)
Reiji: (Is the current me a distant existence from being the vampire king?)
Reiji: I obtained the power with my own hands… … yet why does this happen… …!
Reiji: Father... ...!
*Broken glass sound*
Reiji: !! Don’t tell me that… …
Reiji: (The Watch of the End… … Has broken into many pieces)
Reiji: (It was working correctly until yesterday… …Why does it stop right now?)
Reiji: Don’t tell me that… …the end is near?
Reiji: I can’t continue to take so much time. I have to do it. And even so, why do I lack so much power?
Reiji: Ugh… …
Reiji: ? A earthquake? What in the world is going on… …. I don´t understand anything at all.
Reiji: … …. …
*Scenario changes*
???: Ha… I heard that he had obtained the force and I came to see but… … it doesn’t seem to be a big deal
???: Well, I’ll be waiting for the fun
Lugar: Habitación de Yui.
Yui: (... ...Reiji-san se ha estado esforzando mucho desde que obtuvo los poderes.) Yui: (Pero, es algo obvio. De todos sus hermanos, él era el que más deseaba esa fuerza... ...)
Reiji: El poder de padre... ... será legado a mí... ...? KarlHeinz: No lo querías? Reiji: No, claro que lo quiero. KarlHeinz: Entonces sólo deberías tomarlo Reiji: ... ... ... ... Yui: (La expresión de Reiji-san mientras esta arrodillado... ... es como si estuviera sonriendo y llorando a la vez) Reiji: Déje todo el resto en mi manos KarlHeinz: *Risa* Este es mi todo
Reiji: Ugh... ... Yui: (Wa... ...Qué esta sucediendo... ...?) Reiji: ...Ugh, padre... ...! KarlHeinz: El significado de obtener la fuerza... ... KarlHeinz: Lo aprenderás por ti mismo. Esta... ... es tu prueba... ... Yui: (Prueba... ...?) Reiji: Ugh... ... uhg... ... qué significa eso... ...! Yui: Reiji-san! Reiji: Ugh... ... ni siquiera puedo mantenerme en pie... ... Yui: (Parece estar sufriendo. Tengo que darle mi apoyo... ...!)
*Yui va hacía Reiji*
Reiji: Ah... ...Yui... ... Yui: Estas bien? Reiji: Si KarlHeinz: ... ... ... ... Reiji: ! ... ...Desapareció... ...?
[Osea, le dio la fuerza y estaba ahí lo más pancho. Para mi que Karl no muere, se hace el boludo y sigue vivo!!!]
Yui: ... ...Realmente los poderes de KarlHeinz-san... ... Reiji: ... ...Están dentro de mis manos, eso es lo que creo Reiji: ... ...Todavía no lo puedo creer, pero como me ha sido legada, tengo que trabajar mucho más fuerte que antes Reiji: Padre... ... yo seré un sucesor digno de ti
*Fin del FlashBlack*
Yui: (El heredamiento de la fuerza... ... Fue impresionante que haya podido presenciar tal escena tan solemne. Yui: (Pero las palabras que dijo aquel momento. ... ...Deben tener un significado muy profundo) Yui: (Aprender el mismo lo que significa tomar la fuerza, eh) Yui: (KarlHeinz-san era el dueño de tal fuerza tan impresionante. Tal vez no fue tan sencillo como parece) Yui: (Pero, desde aquello Reiji-san ha estado moviendose muy energeticamente, y hasta ahora no ha dejado de esforzarse) Yui: (Parece que esta recorriendo el Makai intentando arreglar los problemas de los Clanes Demoniacos, y por supuesto sigue cuidando de su familia) Yui: (Y también de mí... ... aunque esta tan ocupado él se preocupa adecuadamente por mí) Yui: (Reiji-san es muy confiable y amable. ... ...Seguramente todo estará bien) Yui: (Seguramente esta vez también resolverá lo del intruso. Aunque dio un poco de miedo... ...)
[Estas dependiendo mucho de Reiji, Yui~~~~]
Yui: ... ...Ya es hora de ir a donde Reiji-san esta
*cambio de escena*
Lugar: Living.
Yui: (No estaba en su habitación. En donde estará... ...?)
Yui: (Aquellos son... ... los Familiares de Reiji-san. Se los ve algo agitados... ... qué habrá pasado?)
Yui: (Ah... ...!) Yui: Reiji-san! Reiji: Ah, tú. Quédate en silencio por un rato Yui: L-lo siento... ...
*los demás*
Yui: (Ah, todos estaban aquí) Reiji: ... ...Bien, dinos el reporte
*Los familiares hablan* amo el sonidito de sus alas
Reiji: ---Ya veo... ... con que así es. Ayato: Oí! No se escuchó nada. También dinos para que entendamos! Reiji: Al parecer nuestro tío... ... Richert ha muerto Yui: Eh? Reiji: Al parecer alguien lo apuñaló en la torre Tawa. Posterior mente muriendo Ayato: Haha, que forma más idiota de morir Kanato: Así es Raito: Realmente, que tonto~ Ayato: Y? Quien lo hizo? Reiji: Quien sabe. Pero posiblemente los Caza Demoniaca fueron los que se movieron en esto. Subaru: Caza demoniaca? Reiji: Recientemente, los Demonios que viven aquí han sido atacados frecuentemente. Han habído muchos reportes de eso. Ayato: Haa? Quien demonios es el que esta haciendo eso? Reiji: He investigado el asunto. ... ...Pero no muestran sus colas tan facilmente [Acaba de decir que no muetran el culo tan facilmente JAJAJAJAJJAA] Reiji: De todas formas, no sabemos cuando podemos convertirnos en su mira. Así que estén muy atentos... ... Ayato: Si esos tipos aparecen yo los venceré de inmediato! Subaru: Lo mismo digo Kanato: La ridicula conversación ha terinado? ... ...Yo regresaré a mi habitación Ratio: Yo también~ Shu: ... ... ... ...
*Se van*
Yui: ... ...Reiji-san, qué es lo que harás? Reiji: URgentemente me dirigiré hacía la escena. El culpable pudo haber dejado algunas pruebas. Yui: Esto, yo también puedo ir contigo? Reiji: Por qué? Yui: No puedo creer que... ... hayan asesinado a Richert-san... ... Yui: Comencé a sentir miedo, por eso quería ir contigo Yui: (Además, si lo dijo solo él otra vez se esforsaría demasiado, me preocupa... ...) Reiji: ... ...Bueno, esta bien. Entonces sígueme
*cambio de escena*
Lugar: Torre Tawa.
Reiji: El hecho de que estén haciendo su vida normal... ... significa que el cuerpo ha sido quitado. Yui: (Richert-san ha muerto en un lugar tan visitado como este... ...) Yui: Hay posibilidades de que el culpable aún siga cerca? Reiji: ... ...Desde ahora cuidadosamente regresaremos a los pensamientos dec Tio y el asesino. Yui: Esto, hay algo con lo que pueda ayudar? Reji: No es necesario, gracias. Yui: (Cierto... ...)  [Me encantan los chicos frios dslkfjkldajdl] Reiji: ... ...Ahh, si hay algo. Yui: Eh? Reiji: No provoques ninguna distracción innecesaria. Se volvería un molestia para escuchar los pensamientos. Yui: (Ya veo... ...) Reiji: Limpia tu mente y no pienses cosas sin sentido. Si no puedes hacerlo entonces vuelve [De repente esta siendo rudo?] Yui: ! H-haré mi mejor esfuerzo Yui: (Bien... .... limpiar mi mente, limpiar mi mente) Reiji: Comencemos... ... Donde están las pistas... ... Yui: (Dijo leería los pensamientos. Que tipo de sensación será?) [Creo que sería malo si hace eso, tipo estaría leyenedo también la mente de Yui? normalmente en las peliculas escuchan las voz de todos y se desmayan lol] Reiji: ... ...Hay muchas interrumpciones... .... y no puedo hacerlo bien. Hasta los pensamientos de las personas y los animales terminan entrando... ... es un problema Reeiji: *Más concentrado* ... ... Yui: (Debe ser muy dificil. ... ...De alguna manera parece doloroso) Yui: (Creo que es honorable buscar pistas por el bien de todos, y es muy confiable pero... ... me preocupa) [ESTA LEYENDO TU MENTE!! Callate boludaaa jajajaja] Yui: Esto, creo que no es bueno entrar de una sola vez... ... Reiji: Ug... ... ... ...!
[Yui, te vas a comer el reto mija.]
Yui: Reiji-san... ...! No leas demasiado los pensamientos. Es malo para tu cuerpo... ...--- Reiji: ... ...Haa. Hace un rato te dije que no pensaras en nada, verdad. Ya te olvidaste de eso? REiji: Y.... ... me gustaría que tengas más cuidados con tus comentarios.
*Reiji se acerca muy salvajemente OE*
Yui: Kya? Reiji: Tú... ... quien te piesas que soy? [No te hagas el Karl, Reiji:v Acá la Yui se la aguanta más que vos, así que sssshhhhh] Yui: Eh... ... Reiji: Yo soy el sucesor de la fuerza de mi padre. Tengo el poder para gobernar este mundo! Reiji: Y eso es el porque no tienes derecho a decirme nada! Yui: ... ...Lo siento
*Reiji se aleja*
Reijis: Si lo entendiste entonces regresa a la mansión. Esta bien? Yui: Si... ... Yui: (Me preocupa, pero si sigo aquí sólo será un estorbo. Es hora de volver) [Encima de lo que le dijo ella se sigue preocupando y ni se enoja. YO NECESITO UNA YUI, damela!]
*Yui se va*
Reiji: ... ...Por qué no puedo controlarlo... ...! Reiji: (Por culpa de no poder controlarlo, no puedo usarlo a mi antojo. ... ...Que molesto) Reiji: (El yo de ahora será una existencia alejada de ser el rey vampiro?) Reiji: Obtuve con mis propias manos este poder... ... y sin embargo por qué pasa esto... ...! Reiji: Padre... ...!
*Sonido de vidrio roto*
Reiji: !! No me digas que... ... Reiji: (El reloj Del Fin... ... se ha roto en muchas piezas) Reiji: (Hasta ayer estaba funcionando correctamente... ... por qué se deiene justo ahora?) Reiji: No me digas que... ... el fin esta cerca? Reiji: (No puedo seguir tardandome tanto tiempo. Tengo que hacerlo. Y sin embargo, por qué carezco tanto de poder?) Reiji: Ugh... ... Reiji: ? Un temblor? Qué en la tierra es lo que esta pasando. ... ...No entiendo absolutamente nada
[Como la tenemos con los temblores... Saludos México!]
Reiji: ... ... ... ...
*cambio de escena*
???: Ha... ... escuché que él había obtenido el poder y vine a ver pero... ... parece que no es la gran cosa ???: Bueno, estaré esperando lo divertido
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