#because BfA
cocolacola · 1 year
do not even talk to me about any "my fav is doomed by the narrative" shit unless u witnessed the Sylvanas Incident of 2018-2022 because that was my final straw
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petrenocka · 1 month
Cataclysm was the last time Warcraft was able to write members of the Alliance doing wrong.
Yeah fr, name one thing they did wrong since the goblin incident.
I mean, Graymane is right there. His vendetta is literally the perfect way to antagonize Sylvanas, just let him be a little stupid and/or paranoid and it all just falls into place for you.
But I'm not JUST talking about Alliance being typcasted as the good guys. Because truth be told, as a Horde player, I am all for Horde being ""the badguy faction"", if the writers commit to it, and actually let us be cool and threatening in the villain role.
And that, unfortunately, is a big IF
Because compare how the Varian died in Legion vs Vol'Djin. Or the way Gallywix's azerite mech gets defeated by the gnome one in the bfa war campaign. Or how the Alliance war campaign ends by destroying the whole entire reason why Horde pursued the Zandalari to join them (their naval fleet), meanwhile in the Horde campaign you revive two guys, plan an assassination plot, and it goes nowhere because you get betrayed.
I mean, just compare the notable faction characters. Alliance has the absurdly powerful mage Jaina, an absurdly powerful priest Tyrande and just a pretty powerful one in Anduin. Vellin too is Alliance but he doesn't participate in Azeroth politics. Malfurion is the strongest druid ever.
And who does Horde have? That one Nightborn mage? The Zandalari princess with some Loa favor? The situation is so dire, choosing Sylvanas as the warchief almost makes sense: she's literally the only Horde character who's up to the powerscaling.
WoW writing team is just as uninterested in making the Horde cool as it is uninterested in giving Alliance any shred of moral complexity.
But you can't be taken seriously as a villain, as a threat, if you're catching Ls the entire story. And you can't be taken seriously as a complex character if the world you're in is one sentence deep.
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jaeger-bombastard · 5 months
Also, yall know if some of those Palworld knock offs leaked and someone said it was like. A regional variant of Eevee, everyone would 100% believe it. Or if that wolf leaked and someone was like "new regional of lycanrock!" We would have people complaining that it's too similar to the original and not creative enough. You KNOW they would.
If you had the artists of Pokemon, Yokai Watch, Yugio, and Palworld all draw the exact same character, you would be able to recognize which is which except for the pokemon clone. And now Pokemon is suing over copyright infringement. What the fuck are we gonna do as fanartists if they start putting copyright laws on art styles because yall couldn't resist playing the fucking pokemon knockoff?????
God damn it, people! We are in the middle of fighting Ai but yall crumble over a fucking pokemon knock off? I'm tired of trying to politely explain this to people I've discussed it with.
This whole website wants to act like they're so capable of social reform and yall can't even perform a simple boycott to save an industry THAT YOU GET YOUR GAMES FROM. Because *one* fucking game out of hundreds of options is all over tiktok and yall just can't stop yourselves from playing it for a little dopamine hit.
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jujoobedoodling · 4 months
i hate it when people will only complain about how canon killed something. please have one ounce of creativity and imagination and move the fuck on. especially if youre going to follow me? do you even see what im doing im picking any fucking timeline and making the girls kiss??
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deathbydarkelves · 8 months
Realization I just had while being slightly tipsy listening to De Selby (Part 1) on repeat at 11 PM.
Since in my AU elves have weird circadian rhythms (such that they only sleep every 48-96 hours), in any majority elven settlement, there won't be a time of day or night where everyone is asleep and things have really slowed down. There's probably lulls in activity around midday and midnight, but overall, there's always gonna be a lot of people awake doing whatever.
So it's kind of a culture shock of sorts when an elf moves, willingly or not, to a settlement that's majority non-elven (i.e. has a more predictable circadian rhythm/activity cycle). And suddenly nighttime takes on a whole new meaning and feeling. What was just another time of day essentially is now this new place where you can actually be alone. Everything is actually, genuinely quiet. And especially if you're a night elf, that's probably a pretty profound feeling.
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boilingheart · 1 year
you know what, for all of bfa's faults, i so, so very deeply miss bfa. the story overall had some pretty shitty decisions but like... i had the most fun playing wow during this expansion and i'm realizing now just how much i'm yearning for it, the rp i had at the time, the story of the xpac that allowed said rp plots to take place, and the ensemble of characters present (y'all already know me and my mathias shaw and flynn fairwind bias). dazar'alor music makes me severely nostalgic, rastakhan and bwonsamdi were awesome, and i do miss nathanos' bitchiness oh my god. azerite was a fun new lore thing that blows shit up and enhanced military tech, would've liked to see more of that explored on the advancement side of things. hd cinematics left and right. zappy boi. azshara jumpscare. n'zoth jumpscare. WRATHION JUMPSCARE. sooooo much shit happened all at once. proudmoore lore. KUL TIRAS LORE!!! oh my god SO MANY PIRATES!!! kul tiras was SOOO COOOLLLLL DUDE. flynn fairwind and everything about him was so charming. ugh. and then FAIRSHAW happened. the first significant gay ship. revolutionary truly. thraina crumbs. like yeah bfa had some pretty shitty things (teldrassil, everything about sylvanas, everything about calia, etc) but like... i had so much fun. that was truly the most fun i had playing wow ever.
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skymagpie · 1 month
"No matter how well she was written in WoD, I hate Yrel because she becomes fascist off screen 3 expansions later and is not even present when this happens"
Ah yes, in BfA? The expansion famously known for treating survivors and women like shit? The expansion who gave us bangers like the Burning of Teldrassil and "You are all nothing!" That expansion?
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fablecore · 10 months
this isnt to persuade to watch more opla, but i just wanted to let you know that they do clarify what they mean by "good". and i thought id share that bit with you since it was one of your compliants and you dont plan on watching more. also, since it is garp who clarifies what "good" is then it is implied luffy grew up with that being his definition of "good" too. i doubt it qualifies as a "retcon" since it happened in the same season, but still (garp @ kody and helmeppo: "following orders does not make you a good marine. it's following your code. all men have their own brand of justice, and you both followed yours, so well done.") that was my interpretation of their insistentence on "being good" anyway
right now it seems that it's shanks's influence "a man has to be good" (btw rest in peace to the "yeah luffy cool knife now do something stupid ha ha" shanks) that's the main driving force behind luffy's insistence that he's a good guy. and i feel like... it just... it's making luffy seem so blaaaand 😩 like when nami says "all pirates are bad" wouldn't luffy shrug and say something like "ok! believe whatever u want, i don't really care" (and then a tertiary character like zoro would say to nami "watch what he does next" implying the subtext in this scene is actions are louder than words)
it makes sense for garp to say that to koby and helmeppo! but there's also an interesting obscurity that's lost when characters say out loud what they are in within the narrative. luffy is of course a good person, but him saying it multiple times to different people does something weird to his character. to me
the antihero isn't a new trope (and luffy is barely an antihero) and i think the average netflix viewer can read between the lines. i wish the showrunners could've trusted our media literacy more
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thedevotionaltour · 3 months
i hate my dumbass school's elective credits i have to take. three fucking elective studios alongside the studio class for my bfa in order to make sure i only have to take two electives alongside my senior project. LIKE DAMN SORRY FOR TRYING TO GET MY BFA CLASSES DONE AND OUT OF THE WAY INSTEAD OF TAKING A BUNCH OF ELECTIVE STUDIOS.... also 26 credits when every class is 3 credits or 1 is in insane why is this not 24 credits needed. i should kill this school
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its-fjori · 2 months
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farming rares with low drop rates
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piarles · 1 year
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lady-assnali · 1 year
Mm how bout Netra managing a café as a day job type deal but also she has a YouTube dance fitness channel
And so Marcia’s a regular at the café and soon enough Anetra finds out Marcia’s trying to build her brand, etc. because she obviously wants to be a Broadway girlie. So when their friendship forms Anetra has her on her channel for a video and it blows up because look at their chemistry
It’s Anetra in the beginning so proud and excited going “and she learned this choreography in about 2 minutes, so you know she’s got talent.”
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little-shiny-sharpies · 10 months
God I wish I could latch onto better media instead of sinking my teeth into Blizz-“absolute scumbag company”-ard for my 2 dragons who are absolutely going to get thrown behind the curtain the second the expansion is over until the writers need their props again. I don’t know how long they’ll be in there, but I don’t know what’s worse, them collecting dust of wasted potential in writers room storage or them being bent into roles they don’t fit into again.
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paging-possum · 10 months
College update I was talking to someone else from my major and we realized that if we want to get a masters degree in this we have literally 4 options
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asteraceaye · 1 year
I miss ceramics
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shadowglens · 2 years
and also while i’m here! i’m also having many natine thoughts as well because not only did khadgar show up within the first five minutes of dragonflight, but so did lor’themar
#txt#ch: natine sunstalker#like ok i know no one knows the expansive dramatic natine x lor'themar lore i have in my head#but essentially they were together for years but separated when natine refused to break her loyalty to sylvanas back in bfa#and after sylvanas went all Evil Lady natine fled the horde in shame - for having essentially betrayed her people#and also found out she was pregnant with lor'themar's child during this time which was! a lot!#and so natine essentially fled to the broken isles where she was still revered as a highlord and had a whole temple of loyal priestesses#and she had faylin and hid the fact that lor'themar had a daughter from him for Years which was honestly kind of terrible of her#the fact that she was in the broken isles and spent some time slipping into dalaran meant her and khadgar kept in close contact#so him being the one to bring news about the threat in dragonflight gives me the Perfect opportunity to drag natine back into things#she travels with khadgar to ogrimmar after he convinces her that they need her help#fayin would be like 5 ish so she's probably not with natine#which is in hindsight a good thing because natine comes face to face with lor'themar for the first time in years#and he still loves her so much but also hates her for turning her back on their people and him#they were married! they were happy! she was the regent lady of silvermoon!#and even with the years and trauma and hatred they both just stand there staring at each other for a moment#before khadgar awkwardly interjects and natine snaps herself out of it and turns her back on lor'themar (again)#idk if he even knows that faylin exists at this point#rommath for sure knows she does but i like to think he and natine met a few times and he promised to keep her secret#for faylin's safety as much as natine's sanity#khadgar of course knows but he manages to keep his mouth shut about it#i haven't thought about them in so long but the drama and pain of it all is just so so so good#natine x lor'themar#for posterity even though they're essentially divorced at this point ahjsfgadhsf#oh also i'm just ignoring the lor'themar and thalyssra content sorry#pregnancy tw#idk its very briefly mentioned
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