#petrenocka answers
petrenocka · 4 months
Cataclysm was the last time Warcraft was able to write members of the Alliance doing wrong.
Yeah fr, name one thing they did wrong since the goblin incident.
I mean, Graymane is right there. His vendetta is literally the perfect way to antagonize Sylvanas, just let him be a little stupid and/or paranoid and it all just falls into place for you.
But I'm not JUST talking about Alliance being typcasted as the good guys. Because truth be told, as a Horde player, I am all for Horde being ""the badguy faction"", if the writers commit to it, and actually let us be cool and threatening in the villain role.
And that, unfortunately, is a big IF
Because compare how the Varian died in Legion vs Vol'Djin. Or the way Gallywix's azerite mech gets defeated by the gnome one in the bfa war campaign. Or how the Alliance war campaign ends by destroying the whole entire reason why Horde pursued the Zandalari to join them (their naval fleet), meanwhile in the Horde campaign you revive two guys, plan an assassination plot, and it goes nowhere because you get betrayed.
I mean, just compare the notable faction characters. Alliance has the absurdly powerful mage Jaina, an absurdly powerful priest Tyrande and just a pretty powerful one in Anduin. Vellin too is Alliance but he doesn't participate in Azeroth politics. Malfurion is the strongest druid ever.
And who does Horde have? That one Nightborn mage? The Zandalari princess with some Loa favor? The situation is so dire, choosing Sylvanas as the warchief almost makes sense: she's literally the only Horde character who's up to the powerscaling.
WoW writing team is just as uninterested in making the Horde cool as it is uninterested in giving Alliance any shred of moral complexity.
But you can't be taken seriously as a villain, as a threat, if you're catching Ls the entire story. And you can't be taken seriously as a complex character if the world you're in is one sentence deep.
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You've asked me if I know what horny salmon looks like and now I never wanna know im not googling this. This is the devils whisper. Ok i just Googled it despite my better judgement and it wasn't horrific but kinda cool they transform. This is awesome
This is what c!Wilbur is into, I don't make the rules
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harmonytre-reblogs · 7 months
Alright, OK, I can't ignore the sudden and unending influx of incomprehensible half life fanart on my dash any longer.
What is hlvary and where can I find it?
Haha welcome XD! HLVRAI stands for "Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware". It's an imrpov youtube series akin to the Sonic Snapcube dubs, done by Wayneradiotv and RadioTVSolutions. The main streamer acts as the MC, while the rest are chaotic NPCs. It is full of (very funny) humor, memorable characters, action, and even lore that you'll be surprised goes so deep from improv. One thing to note is there's a lot of swearing (and 90s graphics type blood), if you don't like that. You can find the series here!
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mewtwoandme · 2 years
There is so much space in this bad boy
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How much of it is muscle?
That tail is all 100% heavy packed muscle. You DO NOT wanna be hit by it. It will ruin your day XD
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call-me-apple · 2 years
Foreign relationships of what? A company? A COUNTY?
Please help
I can't help you Petre I barely understand what's going on myself like can we take a step back to talk about Google acquiring Minecraft in the first place
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Hot take, techno killing tubbo becouse of peer pressure is a shit excuse. And after killing him he killed everyone around him just proving he wasnt in any danger.
Watch this
Watch this 
Watch this
Watch this
As you see Technoblade himself explained this pretty well, not only to the audience, but to other characters too, so even if you don’t watch his POV, which is valid, you should know why he did what he did.
But, in case what we can learn from this clips is not self evident: c!Technoblade had no idea how powerful Manburg was + Your facts are wrong anon, Manburg was a threat to him. There are 3 guys in full netherite chasing after Tommy immediately after Techno’s surprise attack. And these are Punz and Purpled we are talking about, their PvP skills are nothing to sneeze at.
Anon, this take is the opposite of hot. I've seen these exact words in that exact order so many times, it feels like you guys have the same script or something.
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apple-but-sour · 2 years
wait, so Eret has like zero lore now? due to no one ever telling them shit? what about like the entire 1st and 2nd season? Wasn't cc!Tommy unavare of like everything on Nov 14th?
Tell me that you don't know how role-play works, without telling me
Along with the Staged Finale retcon I introduce: the Final Control Room retcon, the L'Manburg explosion retcon, the Philza Joining the Server retcon, the Wilbur Death retcon.
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felinedetached · 3 years
Hey, can I ask you a question?
Imagine, in a work of fiction, author depicts a character that is under some sort of supernatural influence that makes them do bad things. But symptoms of this influence are similar to irl mental disorders - schizophrenia, DID, etc. Is this problematic?
And if it is, what should this hypothetical author do to avoid being problematic? Is clearly stating that this influence is supernatural enough?
It depends on how it's depicted! For example, if it's consistently pushed as supernatural (eg mind control, possession) then while it will inevitably be similar because of the nature of the tropes, it's unlikely to come across as super hurtful — although this will obviously vary depending on who you ask.
Major issues largely come when the symptoms are being depicted while being cagey about the origin (although, in my personal opinion, any supernatural entity that speaks to you and you alone with no way of others hearing it will ring as bad/off, just because it does come across so similar to the stereotype of voices) but there can be other issues regardless.
Honestly, the author's best bet would just be candid discussion with people from the groups who's symptoms you're portraying. Tell them exactly what you're planning, and ask them their thoughts. Get multiple point of views on it, and ask if they're willing to read over drafts as sensitivity readers.
The likelyhood is that it will always upset someone, because everyone has different points of views on things, but at least actually discussing it is better than not.
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petrenocka · 1 year
Saying something/someone should get pipebombed is... Holy shit.
Yeah, that was unsensitive of me. What I really wanted to say is that I hope John Riccitiello, the CEO of Unity, gets doohickied Sinzo Abe style. Hope that clears that up
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petrenocka · 2 years
sorry people are harassing you instead of answering your question. the reason why pirating the game is still bad is because the main plotline deals heavily with blood libel, a very old and harmful antisemitic accusation, and it uses a lot of imagery ripped directly from nazi propaganda posters — like, color scheme and everything — to the point that it’s difficult to think it’s not deliberate. the game is, unfortunately, an antisemitism simulator, so playing the game even without paying for it is tacitly endorsing its extremely harmful message. i can understanding wanting to see how bad it is for yourself, but it’s not worth it. take the word of the jewish community: it’s remarkably awful.
I wouldn't call a single judgemental anon "harassment" tbh
And someone actually did genuenly answer my qestion in the notes of that post, don't worry. It's not like I wanted to play it anyway, I have Disco Elysium and Hyperlight Drifter 100% unspoiled for me, I don't have time for the magic gestapo simulator.
It's just that I struggle to grasp why wanting to see the bad things for yourself and come to conclusions about them on your own would necesserily make you a bad person, and wanted to know why people think that in case there is some deep insight I'm missing. That's all
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petrenocka · 2 years
morbid curiosity for the antisemitic game with the pro-slavery narrative is not a sign of moral bankcruptcy in your book? prioritizing your selfish interests and useless hobbies over the rights and dignity of Jewish people and POC is not moral bankruptcy? weird way of saying you have the ethical standards of a 3-year-old but ok
But how are the rights and dignity of Jewish people hurt by me learning in what ways they are demonized by the antisemites?
Would readings an article on WWII and its causes that provides an example of a nazi propaganda poster circa 1935 be antisemitism?
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petrenocka · 26 days
who liked the mario movie??
Anon, did you miss everyone telling everyone how good the Peaches song was?
How nearly every critic and shitposter who ridiculed the trailer and the casting made an immediate 180° U-turn when the movie itself came out, some even, specifically, going out of their way to comment on how Cris Pratt's performance wasn't that bad?
Because I cultivated a dash of pretentious artsy snobs who talk about themes and characterization, messaging, nonsense like that, and I still couldn't escape it. So please teach me.
Of course most importantly
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To answer your qestion Anon - a lot of people. A lot of people.
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petrenocka · 4 months
Use wowhead for story info.
I usually do, but I'll be real, I just typed the npc name in the google and clicked the first link
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petrenocka · 4 months
No, Twinbraid’s genocide was of the Stonespire back in classic, hope that clears things up! ;)
Wait but I specifically went to the wiki for...
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*puts on my reading glasses*
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OH I just cannot read, my bad
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petrenocka · 4 months
Mists of Pandaria was so tasteless, it took a dwarf character, Twinbraid, whose prior actions were:
Tearing up land with explosives on a tauren village of an entire tribe in search of artifacts.
Responding to the tauren tribe complaining by destroying their village, killing almost of them and forcing the few survivors, this is literally classified as genocide in real life. In his journal, Twinbraid even revealed he knew they weren't a threat, but did it in his belief on racial superiority.
Helped Firebomb Taurajo and launch more attacks on tauren.
Killed goblin miners, "Floozies" and other civilians to avenge his warcriminal son being killed by a survivor of the tauren genocide he committed.
Mists of Pandaria has Varian promote him to High Marshall and depicts him as a good guy whilst vilifying the tauren! They even give him "heroic" dialogue about saving the pandaren from the Horde, whilst conversely the tauren NPC that opposed him is given out of no where evil dialogue.
MOP was racist garbage and more people should criticize it.
Ah yes, Camp Teurajo, the one warcime we can always hold over the Alliance apologists
Brizzard, Dark Themes™, and utter inability to handle those with any sort of grace. Name a more iconic trio
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petrenocka · 5 months
no yeah u rite. as someone whos had to use a lot of painkillers lately that shits just useful tbh and people moralising that... annoying as hell
Yeah, it's unfortunate but people will just get a gut feeling about something they don't know much about and go with that without much thought and that's just how it is.
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