#or like. dancing to Cardi B like she owns the damn songs.
lady-assnali · 2 years
Mm how bout Netra managing a café as a day job type deal but also she has a YouTube dance fitness channel
And so Marcia’s a regular at the café and soon enough Anetra finds out Marcia’s trying to build her brand, etc. because she obviously wants to be a Broadway girlie. So when their friendship forms Anetra has her on her channel for a video and it blows up because look at their chemistry
It’s Anetra in the beginning so proud and excited going “and she learned this choreography in about 2 minutes, so you know she’s got talent.”
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multiversxwhore · 2 years
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate it if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is linked in my bio! My ao3 is pinned to my page ☽☽☽
Pairing: Adam Sackler x plus size-black!oc
Warnings: public sex, bathroom sex, unprotected sex, sex with a stranger, slight degradation, roughness, drunk sex
Theme song: Wild Side—Normani ft. Cardi B
wc: 3k
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In the City
Chapter 1
“Girl, I'm so glad you guys pulled me out of the house.” Angelica scooted onto the tall chair, she inhaled deeply trying her hardest to not disassociate, and actually have a good time.
“Yea you were growing gray hairs, Oop I think I see one…right there.” Maddison pointed to a spot near the front of Angelica’s head, feign concern etched across her face. Despite the lighting being low, Angelica’s unamused facial expression can still be seen as the multi-colored lights danced across her brown skin.
“Oh I’m sorry, was that a joke? Because here’s a better one, me not doing your Wine Mixer for you anymore.” Angelica raised her eyebrows, a smirk spreading onto her lips, Maddison rolled her eyes, and pouted.
“Anywho! Who’s tryna get drunk! I do!” Hazel shouted over the music, before anyone could answer she was already hopping off the seat, and taking me by the wrist dragging me to the bar.
“Damn Hazel wait!” I nearly fell on my face, and broke my neck from her tugging me. Eventually I regained my footing enough to walk on my own, but she had let go of my hand. Just like that I lost her halfway to the bar in the crowd.
“Goddamn it.” I mumble to myself, trying my best to push my way through the crowd without rubbing up against any drunk, or super perverted man. I finally make it to the bar, but there’s no signs of Hazel's bright pink hair, or her loud voice. A tall man with short cut black hair comes to stand in front of me as if he didn’t see me, and he most likely didn’t.
“Excuse me!” I shout, either he didn’t hear me, or is ignoring me. I could try to shout louder, but my voice doesn’t he loud, the pitch just goes up. I reach up and tap him on the shoulder, this jackass turns around, and looks over me. Then I grab his forearm, and that’s when he sees me below him. I couldn’t really make out his features in this lighting, but I didn’t really care at the moment.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t see you! Am I in your way!” His voice is louder than the music somehow, and I roll my eyes because of course he’s in my way.
“Yes! I’m just trying to get to my friend!” I tried to bring my volume up, but I can already feel my throat scratching from yelling too much tonight. I didn’t realize I was still holding on to him when he leaned down closer to my face so he could hear me. He smelled so good, like mint chocolate, and now I can see his eyes, their gorgeous hazel-green color.
“Oh, uh sorry about that. I’m Adam by the way.” He introduced himself briefly, he stepped aside letting me through.
“Mhm yea.” I mumble, but I’m sure he didn’t even hear me, then I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn to see two white women. One of them has blonde hair with bright blue eyes, and the other is shorter with short cut brunette hair.
“Hanna don’t.” Adam warned the other woman, her brown eyes cut into him daring him to challenge her. Her lips pressed into a thin line.
“Can I help you?” I asked, I really wasn’t in the mood to fight two white women over a man I barely knew.
“That’s her boyfriend’s hand you’re holding.” Oh great she’s British. For some reason I’m still holding on to him; just out of spite I decide not to let go, and Adam doesn’t pull away either.
“He was in my way, I was just asking him to move.” The brunette, who’s name is apparently Hanna, stepped forward; she had a whole lot of attitude when talking to Adam, but when she approached me her mood had shifted significantly.
“Yea but we saw you holding his hand, you were flirting with him.” Hanna accused me, suddenly feeling triggered by her tone. I can’t quite put my finger on what it was that agitated me so much, maybe it was her judgemental voice, or high pitch octave. She seemed like the kind of woman that would call the police on a barbecue because they’re being too long. Karen.
“We weren’t flirting Hanna, damn it you’re overreacting.” He bit back, a deep sigh of frustration comes from his mouth.
“Don’t talk to your girlfriend like that in front of other women.” The British one snapped at Adam, but spitting her words in my direction, I can feel my face twisting into an expression of disgust.
“Um, do we have a problem?” Hazel’s voice booms from behind me, her hands on her hips, and the corner of her lips curled upward. It looks more like a snarl than a smile of any sort, but that’s Hazel. The protective friend, and this wouldn’t be the first time she’s clapped at another person on my behalf. I personally think she takes pleasure in cursing bitches out, and I take pleasure in watching.
“Actually we do, your little friend doesn’t know how to keep her hands to herself.” The blonde sassed back not losing any of her confinement, she didn’t back down from Hazel’s fiery gaze.
“Okay Rebecca you need to take your tone down, ain’t nobody tryna take your man, maybe if your coochie wasn’t so dry he wouldn’t be trying to find a new bitch.” Hazel cut into her sharply, she didn’t bother trying to hear the whole story of what’s what. As far as she knows, anybody trying to talk shit can get their ass beat.
“Excuse me? My what? Let me tell you something–
“Alright we’re leaving.” Adam rolled his eyes, my hand still holding onto him, it was when he pulled away, and pushed away the bickering women did I realize there was a napkin in my hand. His name and number scribbled on it.
“Dumb bitch better catch the Double Dutch Bus back to London Ms.Bridges!” Hazel shouted in a mocking British accent, she cackled devilishly, then turned to me. I think I backed out because I felt temporarily confused.
“Did that actually just happen?” I literally did not give a shit about that girl's feelings.
“That bitch better go have her ass a cup of tea and calm the fuck down.” We both burst out into laughter, finally got our drinks, and made our way back to the table.
Later that night, we were all out on the dance floor, the three of us equally had one too many drinks. Juvenile’s Back That Thang Up blasted through the club; I was no longer concerned with whatever stresses, and depressive shit that was keeping me in the house. It felt good to just let go, and be free without worry of being judged. Taylor, as pregnant as she is, has her ass tooted up in the air throwing it back like she’s looking for a second boyfriend.
“Aye! Throw that ass back Tay!” Maddison shouted drink still in hand, those Tequila shots had my mouth a bit dried up, I left the three girls to make my way back to the bar for a glass of water. Anything to get the saliva back in my mouth.
“Can I just get some water, uh actually that strawberry sunset sounds better.” I said squinting my eyes up at the menu, I felt a hand on my waist. Not to my surprise it’s Adam from earlier. Now I know this man has a girlfriend, and here he is touching me again!
“We gotta stop meeting like this.” A playful grin on his face, I roll my eyes, and turn back to the bar.
“I really don’t feel like going to jail over a stranger tonight, where’s your damn girlfriend sir?” The bartender sits my colorful slushy in front of me, I take a sip, and immediately the taste of alcohol hits me. I look back up at the menu, I squint my eyes as hard as I could as if that would help to make the words seem less blurry. It didn’t.
“It’s Bacardi in that, if you can’t see why don’t you wear contacts or glasses?” Adam chortled, I’m confused as to why he is still talking to me.
“Why don’t you mind your own business?” I played with the tiny umbrella in my drink, unintentionally I boo my head along to the music. I wasn’t sure what was playing, it sounded something like Drake, but I wasn’t sure.
Adam’s eyes watches me closely, they sparkle mischief, his fingers lightly drum against the bar top. “I actually do, but I’m off the clock right now. You don’t have to be so mean, I’m just talking to you.” Clearly he’s used to dealing with attitudes, and crybaby women, none of my eye rolling, or neck jerking bothered him. He didn’t yell at me, or call me a bitch for dismissing him, which felt oddly refreshing.
“You have a girlfriend, what is wrong with you? Did you not see her, and her friend try to burn me at the stake?”
“No, I was too busy looking at you, you’re distracting.” He reached out to sweep my hair over my shoulder, his fingers grazing my skin.
Well goddamn that was smooth. I press my lips together to keep the smirk from forming, he knows he’s got me though, yet he doesn’t push much further than that.
“What’s your name?” He asked me, leaning against the bar stool casually with ease, I’m still quite envious of his height.
“Angelica.” I purred softly, I tried to suppress the giggle that sudden pushed its way past my lips.
“Angelica, and Adam. It’s got a nice ring to it.” He hummed, his hands casually run through his long dark hair.
“Yea, way better than Adam, and Hanna.” The alcohol got the better of me, I can feel my eyelids drooping, and my posture going lax again. I take another sip of the ice cold slushy, the sweet flavor coating my mouth before the bitter Bacardi flavor hits me.
“Let me taste that..” Adam swiftly pulls my chin up with his index finger, and leans inward, all the alarms in my head signal not to do this.
“What about Hanna?” I question out of modestly, but I really didn’t care, even if she was ten feet away watching this.
“I’m not worried about her.” He mumbled, his breath heavy with whatever he’s been drinking, it smelled like beer, and whiskey. I don’t protest much more after that, if he’s not worried then neither am I.
My body felt light, and tingly at the same time, probably the alcohol. My hands held on to dear life to his shirt, I was afraid I was going to fall off the bar stool, but Adam held onto me firmly. His hands move further down my back, willingly I open my mouth to let his tongue slip in. I moan into him, and my hands slide up his muscular arms to the back of his head. My fingers wove themselves into his raven hair.
“You’ve got such a pretty little mouth.” Adam pulled back for a second, this thumb tracing my bottom lip.
“Wanna see what I can do with it?” Wordlessly he helps me off the barstool, I pull him through the crowd by his hand, our fingers tangled. I pass by our table, Hazel, Maddison, and Taylor giving me a knowing look. Hazel cackles in laughter, but I pay them no mind, I’m too drunk to care.
Thankfully for us, the bathroom is unisex, and is meant for one person at a time. I pull him through the door with me, I haven’t gotten a chance to turn on the lights, or lock the door before he’s pulling me to him. Our lips pressed together, as he kissed me hungrily like he hadn't eaten for days. All you could hear was muffled music and voices, and our heavy breathing. My hand reached for a light switch, the bathroom has plain white walls, with all types of scribbles of names, and phone numbers on them.
What shocked me most of all was Adam's handsome face. I was a bit shocked to find he wasn’t ugly at all, but beautiful in a non Hollywood traditional way. He had a resting bitch face that could kill the deadliest of predators, but that’s how I liked them, half dead inside. We both took each other in for a moment, it’s different looking at him under normal lighting.
“Shocked, I'm not ugly right?” A small grin on his lips, I rolled my eyes at his arrogance, but he was right. I didn’t know what I was expecting.
“Whatever.” I pulled him back to me, ducking his bottom lip into my mouth, he let out a low growl. He handled me a bit roughly, but I liked that too. Both his arms wrapped around me as he picked me up with ease, and sat me on the sink. It was a bit of a tight fit considering my thighs are a bit chunky, another thing that seemed to not bother Adam. However, I did get a good look at Hanna, and she seemed a bit plus size as well.
There wasn’t much talking from this point, just moans of pleasure, and heavy breathing. When he spread my thighs further apart to make room for himself, I knew I was in a world of trouble. Adam’s penis size is bigger than any white man I’ve seen, and at that point I questioned his ethnicity. Despite how damn near throwing me onto this sink, I was surprised how gently he entered me at first. Taking him in stung a bit considering I haven’t had sex in ages, and Adam is thick and long.
“Fuck.” I breathed, my left hand came down to hold onto the sink, and keep me balanced. I lifted my right leg over his shoulder because apparently we needed more space, all the whole Adam’s bumping into me trying to adjust his stance, and footing. He pulled all the way out to the tip, his shaft shiny, and glistening from being coated in my juices. Slamming back into me with ease, my whole body bounced upward, and my vagina throbbed with pleasure.
“Oh shit!” I cried out, I wasn’t ready for the power his hips had, sure Adam looked to be in shape, but that thrust suggests he works out regularly. With this one hand he held onto my ankle, and the other he wrapped around my throat.
“Look at you, pussy shaved and looking pretty. It’s like you knew you were going to get fucked tonight, is that what you want? To be a little slut?” I knew he was expecting an answer but I couldn’t find the will to use words. Adam thrust into me harder, lifting my leg back more, and pushing into further filling me up to the base of his shaft.
“Answer me.” He grunted, I’m sure my ankle, and throat is going to be sore tomorrow from the way he’s gripping me. I won’t feel anything tomorrow morning, fantastic.
“Fuck yes! I wanna be a slut, I want it, I want it.” I begged, actual tears coming from my eyes, crazy as it sounds, but these are tears of joy. Adam continuously pounded into me giving me no time to breath, or a break of any sort. I shouted and moaned so loudly that I was convinced the whole club could hear me. An orgasam ripped through me so intensely that I was crying all over again, my body tensed, and my breathing ragged. My heart pounded in my ears, and for a second I thought my poor body was going to explode. He pulled out in enough time to let my leg down, pump himself in his own hand, and come on my thigh. After catching his breath for a moment he rips off a few pieces of toilet paper, and cleans me off.
“This is the first time I made a girl cry during sex…tear of joy I hope.” It was like a flip of a switch, he was being sweet, and gentle with me as if he didn’t just fuck the shit outta me in a public bathroom.
“Yeah.” I mumble softly, too exhausted to say much else, Adam carefully dabbed the tears off my cheeks so as to not disturb what’s left of my make up. He lifted me off the sink to put me back on the floor, but my arms and legs wrapped around him. He chuckled lightly, the unexpected smile brightens up his face, and makes his eyes sparkle. His smile seems more boyish giving him a youthful look, he looked adorable, and harmless.
“I have to return you to your friends, I’m sure they will murder me if I don’t.” His voice vibrating against my chest, I could feel his lips pressing against my forehead, Taylor’s angry, but worried mom look flashed in my mind. Without a doubt, Maddison, and Hazel would back her up too.
“Fine, take me to my legal guardians.” I huffed out, I was too sleepy now to fight him any longer. My legs wobble a little when I try to stand, but he catches me by my waist. He held my hand the whole walk back to my table, all three of them, Maddison, Hazel, and Taylor looked shocked.
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you! I thought someone snatched your tiny ass!” Maddison shouted at me, her eyebrows pinched, Hazel eyeing Adam suspiciously, and Taylor remained silent with a hand on her belly.
“I’m sorry?” I offered, but I didn’t have a good excuse as to why I just walked off with a stranger.
“Yea okay, sorry my ass, next time imma let your tic tac ass get snatched.” Maddison rolled her eyes, Hazel cracked up in laughter at the comment, but I just sighed and sat down.
“Sorry I stole your friend away ladies, this one’s on me.”
“Well you did return her, so it’s okay…I guess.” Taylor watched him closely as if remembering every detail in his face in case she had to call the police on him or something.
“Yes well, have a good night Angelica, ladies.” Taylor watched him walk away, and when she could no longer see him she turned to me.
“Ain’t that Ms. London Bridge's boyfriend?” Hazel giggled, but of course she found this funny given the previous events.
“They broke up.” I lied. I actually had zero confirmation of that being true, but it was easier to go with that rather than try to explain myself.
“You liyin’, you’re just being a hoe. We take you out the house to get some fresh air; you fighting bitches, and fucking they man in the bathroom.” Taylor eyed me, a playful look on her face, she took another sip of water, and leaned back in her seat.
“Mhm, Angelica like to act all goody goody, but she’s just as messy.” Maddison shook her head, feign disappointment.
“I never said I wasn’t a whore, I said I was retired.” The three of us chatted for a bit longer, but eventually the crowd was getting too rowdy for our liking. So we made our way out, and to the parking lot, Taylor was the only one who hadn’t had any alcoholic beverages. On the ride home, I looked at the number Adam left me. I was going to text him, but decided not to. I stuffed the napkin back in my purse and passed out in the back seat.
a/n: there was no alcoholic consumption by any pregnant women in this story.
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Just watched Sing 2 via early release and here are my first reactions to it. Tread lightly, there are spoilers afoot!
🔹Alice in Wonderland opening, weird but okay
🔹Oh God it's the Nicki Minaj twerking bunnies again
🔹Okay, but where's Ash though?
🔹Nanna: "Ah, Hobbes there you are. Bring the car around. That's a good chap."
Me: "How does he even reach the pedals?"
🔹OFF WITH YOUR HEAD, DANCE TILL YOU'RE DEAD! Her voice makes me melt and Scarlett's voice is built for rock music
🔹Of course she's not with them because WHY in God's name would she stay with some namby, pamby theatre singers when she's just that good.
🔹I said what I said and understand if she wanted to go off and do her own thing
🔹Ash standing up for being paid/worked with fairly just like Scarlett has in real life. GENIUS
🔹Rosita stopping the bus because she has nothing else to live for. Me too boo
🔹The songs they used in this movie are just *chef's kiss*
🔹*The team enters the city* Me: "Alexa, play Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift."
🔹The gang trying to sneak in while Bad Guy plays 👌🏻
🔹*Slow song beings to play* Me: "It's Adele isn't it?"
Singer: "HELLO"
🔹Me: "Why did you buzz the flamingos singing Cake By the Ocean? That was so good!"
🔹Ash has a country guitar ❤
🔹Training be like: TIPPY TOES, TIPPY TOES. I CAN'T SEE YOUR TIPPY TOES! I nearly yelled this in the theatre with him NGL.
🔹DARIUS. That is all. I nearly screamed in the theatre and nearly cried due to my uncontrollable laughter
🔹He's such an asshole but I love him
🔹The kids next to me: "She's pretty."
Me to Myself: "She's Halsey."
🔹She really sings This Girl is on Fire better than Alicia Keyes
🔹Wait, is that a Cardi B song with the inappropriate lyrics removed?
🔹Me really wanting her to say "For research purposes" when she asked Johnny to prove that he wasn't a weirdo
🔹Ash: "But can she act?"
Me, an Intellectual: "That's bold of you to assume since you're an actress Scarlett."
🔹Meena taking a break from practice and meeting Alfonso is literally how I react in social situations. Ice cream in the face and all
🔹That wolf is terrifying
🔹Crawly being driven out of Calloway's house was hilarious
🔹"Pew pew pew." DEAD 😂
🔹*Miss. Crawly with an eye patch*
Me: "Who is she now, Nick Fury?"
🔹Military Crawly is something I never knew I needed. Even when she's using the cherry picker like a tank and they had music to match 😂
🔹*Ash and Moon going to Calloway, only to get KO'd by the electric fence*
Me: "Oh great, you've killed Black Widow again."
🔹Ash going back to Clay and singing while he walks down the stairs and we see the memories of him and his wife. I WAS NEARLY IN TEARS DAMN IT
🔹If Ash riding on the back of Clay's motorcycle isn't pure Scarlett Johansson then I don't know what is
🔹Jimmy Crystal making us all think he killed Buster, when Moon was thankfully hanging off of his arm
🔹Suki for the win!
🔹Ash coming back with Clay and meeting Buster made my heart happy
🔹We're gonna run? No, we're gonna jump out the window with "Soy Yo" playing in the background. Doy
🔹Everyone getting together to sing and Crystal is none the wiser
🔹Johnny: "I'm gonna call for help." *Calls his dad*
Me: "YES!!"
🔹They're working with their local food cupboard haha
🔹Miss Crawly in the cherry picker outside of Porsche's window yelling at her to tell her that she's in again 😂
🔹"Honey, send in the piglets." = Pure Chaos
🔹Damn that cat has to tell everyone everything 👿
🔹Sky Full of Stars was good until Taron decided to stretch his notes 😬
🔹Porsche singing Could Have Been Me was better than the original ���
🔹Shut up the Aye-Aye's are dancing too
🔹Meena fantasizing singing with Alfonso is literally me on the daily with my Fanfiction
🔹Rosita starting strong with Break Free, then the heights get to her again. She saves Buster and belts out a great rendition of the song
🔹Ash and Clay have my heart. The way he almost broke down because he didn't want to sing again... It was so heart wrenching
🔹Ash going out on that stage alone like I knew she was gonna
🔹No, I was not crying during Ash and Clay's duet... You have the wrong woman
🔹The tear was a paid actor
🔹Just me, a commoner, singing passionately next to a group of children. NBD
🔹The ending is legit Squad Goals 🙌🏻
🔹But seriously though, it was so amazing to hear Scarlett's voice again. I absolutely cannot wait for this album
🔹Might just hold back all my strife so that I can watch it again on December 22nd and cry all over again
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Sept 12
Fresh off the UK release of Amazon Studios’ reimagined 'Cinderella', pop icon Camila Cabello talks to Nick Levine about her starring role in the film and her next chapter.
Camila Cabello is in a very good place right now. The utterly joyous video for “Don’t Go Yet”, the lead single from her forthcoming album Familia, shows her dancing around a dinner table surrounded by family, friends and RuPaul’s Drag Race star Valentina. An eyepopping colour palette definitely complements the song: a bright and buoyant Latin bop banger that hits like musical serotonin. In the comments beneath the YouTube video, the singer has added a sweet message: “Hope you guys love this and that it inspires many wine drunk kitchen dance parties for you and your familia.”
The video may be a visual feast, but it’s no fantasy. Cabello says it reflects a recent healing period during which she focused on “collective joy and community and really growing the seeds of my relationships”. The casual dinner parties she threw with partner Shawn Mendes became a nourishing ritual as she stepped off the pop star treadmill for the first time in nearly a decade. This breather was long overdue given that Cabello’s career has maintained an upward trajectory ever since she entered the US version of The X Factor in 2012. Though she auditioned as a solo artist, she ended up landing a record deal as a member of Fifth Harmony, a girl group formed One Direction-style on the show. Four years later, she went solo and cemented her A-list status with “Havana”, one of the bestselling digital songs of all time. She now has more than a dozen platinum singles to her name, including 2016’s collaboration with Machine Gun Kelly, “Bad Things”, and 2019’s “South of the Border” with Ed Sheeran and Cardi B.
Still, Cabello’s pace of life slowed down last year for one reason only: the pandemic. “It’s been an absolutely traumatic thing that’s happened to the world,” she says today, speaking on the phone shortly before she records Spanish overdubs for her movie debut in a feminist reimagining of Cinderella. “But in terms of my mental health, before that particular moment, I was really approaching… ” The 24-year-old pauses, then corrects herself. “I mean, I don’t think I was even approaching, I think I was burned out. And I feel like that necessary forced pause [caused by the pandemic] just allowed me to look at my life differently. It allowed me to recalibrate what makes me happy and what is important to me. I feel like it saved me in a lot of ways.”
Cabello has spoken candidly in the past about her struggles with anxiety, which in turn led to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Today, she likens managing this anxiety to a “constant ebb and flow”, which is made easier by her new therapist, but says the pandemic let her rethink her attitude towards work. “I’m fortunate enough to choose what I say yes and no to,” she explains. “That’s what’s really important to me this time around. If it’s affecting my mental health in a negative way, I’ll say no and do it another way.”
“I feel like the public and the media could almost have become a third person in our relationship.”
A project she’s clearly fully invested in is Cinderella, a new film version of the familiar fairy tale, directed by Pitch Perfect’s Kay Cannon. Cabello stars as the title character opposite Broadway legend Idina Menzel as her non-wicked stepmother and Pose actor Billy Porter as her fairy godparent. According to Cabello, these reimagined characters are just two of the film’s progressive elements. “Those classic fairy tales were all written by men. That’s why the story [of Cinderella] is that of a woman who’s saved by a prince,” Cabello says. “But in our version, which is written and directed by a woman, she’s saved herself and is trying to build her own life. It’s a much more empowering version of the story.”
In fact, Cabello’s Cinderella story has “no evil people in it at all”, because it places the focus firmly on the heroine’s self-actualisation. “Cinderella’s dream is to live an independent life at a time when women aren’t allowed to have careers,” she explains. “So she’s seeing something that’s wrong in the world and not waiting for someone else to correct it for her – she’s doing it herself. I think that’s a really necessary, positive update.”
Cabello has also been using her formidable social media presence – 54.5 million followers on Instagram, 11.9 million on TikTok – to spread some very necessary positivity. After being papped on a run in mid-July wearing “a top that shows my belly”, Cabello told her TikTok followers she thought “Damn!” before remembering that “being at war with your body is so last season”. Today, she says she experiences much less body insecurity since sharing this post. “I felt like I was not alone in feeling that or alone in my frustration,” she says. “And so next time there are pictures of me where my belly is out, there’s gonna be a community of women who have heard me talk about the way that makes me feel and who support me. And that is honestly so liberating.”
She has even used TikTok to break down a human rights issue that is close to her heart. In July, Cabello shared a well-received video explaining that recent protests in Cuba aren’t “about lack of Covid resources and medicine”, but are really “the latest layer in a 62-year-old story of a communist regime and a dictatorship”. She says speaking out in this way was a matter of moral obligation for her. “You know, I’m Cuban and I still have family on the island,” she says – Cabello was born in Havana, then moved to Miami with her parents when she was six. “And so much of what I do is Cuban culture. I mean, ‘Havana’ is one of my most successful songs so far,” she adds. “So when I’m in the United States, showing the beautiful part of Cuban culture, I feel like I also have to be there for the hard part, for the people there who are struggling.”
“If it’s affecting my mental health in a negative way, I’ll say no and do it another way.”
“Havana”, a sultry and infectious celebration of the Cuban capital, was so huge that it could easily have overshadowed her debut album. But thankfully, 2018’s Camila was a cool and cohesive affair that also spawned the brilliant angsty banger “Never Be the Same”. Then in 2019 Cabello launched her second album, Romance, with “Señorita”, a massively successful duet with Mendes that has now racked up 1.9 billion Spotify streams. When Cabello and Mendes confirmed they were dating shortly after its release, they became gossip-site staples – something they remain today – and were accused of faking the relationship for publicity. The impact of this negative coverage on their mental health was barely even mentioned.
Still, more than two years later, Cabello says she and Mendes have managed to maintain their privacy. “I feel like the public and the media could almost have become a third person in our relationship,” she says. “But that’s not been a thing for us because Shawn and I don’t even look at social media like that. Even though we know it’s there, it’s almost like it doesn’t exist for us. And that’s why we don’t live in LA. We live in Miami or Toronto, where there’s less paparazzi and that kind of attention is less of a thing.”
Looking ahead, Cabello says she’s excited for fans to hear Familia, which she feels has greater “intimacy” than her previous albums because she worked so closely with core collaborators Scott Harris, Ricky Reed and Mike Sabath. Because she trusted them implicitly, Cabello says she was able to “freestyle” during recording sessions and really pour her heart out. “You know, there’s one song [I’ve recorded for the album] where I’m talking about my mental health and anxiety without [specifically] saying it’s about anxiety,” she says. “But it’s about what anxiety looks and feels like for me in my body and in my mind. And that wasn’t something I came into the room intending to write about. Ricky just showed me a piece of music he had and it all came out of me.”
Cabello says this “stream of consciousness” songwriting style “never would have happened” when she was recording Camila and Romance because, for her, there was still too much “tension” in the room. But this time around, she felt comfortable enough to be truly vulnerable. In this respect, Cabello draws a comparison between her own creative evolution and that of Billie Eilish, who recently released her acclaimed second album, Happier Than Ever. “I saw this quote from Billie where she said, ‘I wasn’t scared, it wasn’t forced, there was no pressure, it was just really nice.’ And I feel the same way about this album’s process for me,” she says. The message is clear: in both her personal and professional lives, Camila Cabello is in a very good place.
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shelovescontrol91 · 3 years
Camila Cabello is in a very good place right now. The utterly joyous video for “Don’t Go Yet”, the lead single from her forthcoming album Familia, shows her dancing around a dinner table surrounded by family, friends and RuPaul’s Drag Race star Valentina. An eyepopping colour palette definitely complements the song: a bright and buoyant Latin bop banger that hits like musical serotonin. In the comments beneath the YouTube video, the singer has added a sweet message: “Hope you guys love this and that it inspires many wine drunk kitchen dance parties for you and your familia.”
The video may be a visual feast, but it’s no fantasy. Cabello says it reflects a recent healing period during which she focused on “collective joy and community and really growing the seeds of my relationships”. The casual dinner parties she threw with partner Shawn Mendes became a nourishing ritual as she stepped off the pop star treadmill for the first time in nearly a decade. This breather was long overdue given that Cabello’s career has maintained an upward trajectory ever since she entered the US version of The X Factor in 2012. Though she auditioned as a solo artist, she ended up landing a record deal as a member of Fifth Harmony, a girl group formed One Direction-style on the show. Four years later, she went solo and cemented her A-list status with “Havana”, one of the bestselling digital songs of all time. She now has more than a dozen platinum singles to her name, including 2016’s collaboration with Machine Gun Kelly, “Bad Things”, and 2019’s “South of the Border” with Ed Sheeran and Cardi B.
Still, Cabello’s pace of life slowed down last year for one reason only: the pandemic. “It’s been an absolutely traumatic thing that’s happened to the world,” she says today, speaking on the phone shortly before she records Spanish overdubs for her movie debut in a feminist reimagining of Cinderella. “But in terms of my mental health, before that particular moment, I was really approaching… ” The 24-year-old pauses, then corrects herself. “I mean, I don’t think I was even approaching, I think I was burned out. And I feel like that necessary forced pause [caused by the pandemic] just allowed me to look at my life differently. It allowed me to recalibrate what makes me happy and what is important to me. I feel like it saved me in a lot of ways.”
Cabello has spoken candidly in the past about her struggles with anxiety, which in turn led to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Today, she likens managing this anxiety to a “constant ebb and flow”, which is made easier by her new therapist, but says the pandemic let her rethink her attitude towards work. “I’m fortunate enough to choose what I say yes and no to,” she explains. “That’s what’s really important to me this time around. If it’s affecting my mental health in a negative way, I’ll say no and do it another way.”
A project she’s clearly fully invested in is Cinderella, a new film version of the familiar fairy tale, directed by Pitch Perfect’s Kay Cannon. Cabello stars as the title character opposite Broadway legend Idina Menzel as her non-wicked stepmother and Pose actor Billy Porter as her fairy godparent. According to Cabello, these reimagined characters are just two of the film’s progressive elements. “Those classic fairy tales were all written by men. That’s why the story [of Cinderella] is that of a woman who’s saved by a prince,” Cabello says. “But in our version, which is written and directed by a woman, she’s saved herself and is trying to build her own life. It’s a much more empowering version of the story.”
In fact, Cabello’s Cinderella story has “no evil people in it at all”, because it places the focus firmly on the heroine’s self-actualisation. “Cinderella’s dream is to live an independent life at a time when women aren’t allowed to have careers,” she explains. “So she’s seeing something that’s wrong in the world and not waiting for someone else to correct it for her – she’s doing it herself. I think that’s a really necessary, positive update.”
Cabello has also been using her formidable social media presence – 54.5 million followers on Instagram, 11.9 million on TikTok – to spread some very necessary positivity. After being papped on a run in mid-July wearing “a top that shows my belly”, Cabello told her TikTok followers she thought “Damn!” before remembering that “being at war with your body is so last season”. Today, she says she experiences much less body insecurity since sharing this post. “I felt like I was not alone in feeling that or alone in my frustration,” she says. “And so next time there are pictures of me where my belly is out, there’s gonna be a community of women who have heard me talk about the way that makes me feel and who support me. And that is honestly so liberating.”
She has even used TikTok to break down a human rights issue that is close to her heart. In July, Cabello shared a well-received video explaining that recent protests in Cuba aren’t “about lack of Covid resources and medicine”, but are really “the latest layer in a 62-year-old story of a communist regime and a dictatorship”. She says speaking out in this way was a matter of moral obligation for her. “You know, I’m Cuban and I still have family on the island,” she says – Cabello was born in Havana, then moved to Miami with her parents when she was six. “And so much of what I do is Cuban culture. I mean, ‘Havana’ is one of my most successful songs so far,” she adds. “So when I’m in the United States, showing the beautiful part of Cuban culture, I feel like I also have to be there for the hard part, for the people there who are struggling.”
“If it’s affecting my mental health in a negative way, I’ll say no and do it another way.”
“Havana”, a sultry and infectious celebration of the Cuban capital, was so huge that it could easily have overshadowed her debut album. But thankfully, 2018’s Camila was a cool and cohesive affair that also spawned the brilliant angsty banger “Never Be the Same”. Then in 2019 Cabello launched her second album, Romance, with “Señorita”, a massively successful duet with Mendes that has now racked up 1.9 billion Spotify streams. When Cabello and Mendes confirmed they were dating shortly after its release, they became gossip-site staples – something they remain today – and were accused of faking the relationship for publicity. The impact of this negative coverage on their mental health was barely even mentioned.
Still, more than two years later, Cabello says she and Mendes have managed to maintain their privacy. “I feel like the public and the media could almost have become a third person in our relationship,” she says. “But that’s not been a thing for us because Shawn and I don’t even look at social media like that. Even though we know it’s there, it’s almost like it doesn’t exist for us. And that’s why we don’t live in LA. We live in Miami or Toronto, where there’s less paparazzi and that kind of attention is less of a thing.”
Looking ahead, Cabello says she’s excited for fans to hear Familia, which she feels has greater “intimacy” than her previous albums because she worked so closely with core collaborators Scott Harris, Ricky Reed and Mike Sabath. Because she trusted them implicitly, Cabello says she was able to “freestyle” during recording sessions and really pour her heart out. “You know, there’s one song [I’ve recorded for the album] where I’m talking about my mental health and anxiety without [specifically] saying it’s about anxiety,” she says. “But it’s about what anxiety looks and feels like for me in my body and in my mind. And that wasn’t something I came into the room intending to write about. Ricky just showed me a piece of music he had and it all came out of me.”
Cabello says this “stream of consciousness” songwriting style “never would have happened” when she was recording Camila and Romance because, for her, there was still too much “tension” in the room. But this time around, she felt comfortable enough to be truly vulnerable. In this respect, Cabello draws a comparison between her own creative evolution and that of Billie Eilish, who recently released her acclaimed second album, Happier Than Ever. “I saw this quote from Billie where she said, ‘I wasn’t scared, it wasn’t forced, there was no pressure, it was just really nice.’ And I feel the same way about this album’s process for me,” she says. The message is clear: in both her personal and professional lives, Camila Cabello is in a very good place.
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literaryspinster · 4 years
Musings on WAP as if anyone gives a damn what I have to say about it
I’m trying to do more long form blogging, and I rarely talk about music here even though I love it more than anything, so I thought I’d post something a little different today. Hope you like it! When I watched the video for Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s Viral hit WAP (Wet Ass Pussy for the uninitiated) I had an influx of positive feelings. To me there’s nothing at all wrong with beautiful women of different shapes, sizes and shades owning their sexuality in ways that the purity warriors seethe at but can’t ignore. Couple that with the sheer charisma, sense of humor and enviable physical agility these women displayed over a fun and raunchy 3 minutes, I was all in. But of course, when Black and Brown women do anything at all, let alone make a very risque song, the pitchforks tend to come out, and over the past few days everyone from Ben “Dominic Cooper with every ounce of sex appeal drained out” Shapiro, to Cee-Lo “alleged rapist” Green offered their two cents about the terrible example these women were setting.
All of a sudden I was jettisoned back to 2014, when Nicki Minaj released the video for Anaconda, and Trent Reznor flapped his caucasian gums about the over the top vulgarity of it all. Nevermind that a few years before his own band released a song about wanting to fuck a woman like an animal. And don’t get me wrong, that song was a bop and all, I’m just pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of men, especially white men, given the freedom to make music about their dicks all the livelong day while crucifying women, especially Brown and Black women, for doing the same.“Why are you making it about race?” you prepare your sweaty little fingers to type in a rage. Well, because like damn near everything else, it is. 
Hip Hop is a primarily Black genre, and female led hip hop tends to be at the center of these non-controversies every few months or so. We also live in the age of social media, where everyone’s racism, sexism and reactionary mess will make sure that a sexy video can never just be a sexy video. Within hours, along with the typical hot takes from mouth breathers, the apps were flooded with comments unpacking the potentially sinister implications of talented women in HipHop (again, a primarily nonwhite genre), once again having to sell sex to remain in the public imagination. And as much as I would love to brush these comments off as prudish nonsense, I can’t deny that there is a bitter truth at the heart of it. Now let me once again make this entirely clear, nobody involved in the WAP video did a damn thing wrong. They have every right to have fun, rap about what they want, wear what they want and shake what they want. My concern is not with them. But the uproar did make me think, why is it always women of color being picked apart this way? And I kind of started to worry that maybe the industry itself has deliberately placed them in the crossfire of all of these ugly situations.
Earlier this year, Lana Del Rey got a rightful dragging from social media about a self-indulgent open letter she wrote decrying the way other artists (all nonwhite except for Ariana Grande, who is still assumed to be Latina in some circles), have the freedom to make music about controversial and sexualized topics, while she apparently does not have the same freedom. But what Lana missed is the fact that female musicians of color rarely have the opportunity to achieve worldwide fame while presenting themselves in ways that aren’t sexualized in some way. And this doesn’t just apply to hip hop.
How many young Black and Brown women in the last few decades have achieved household name status by playing a guitar in a long sundress while standing in an open field with the breeze in their hair? How many get to participate in fun, upbeat songs without the suggestive dance moves? The list is pretty slim. And yes, it can be said that the industry forces all women to be sexy for the likes and engagement, but you don’t have to look hard to see that White women like Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Lorde, Adele, and the list goes on, are both more likely to make it in the music industry without the ultra-provocative hook, and less likely to be dragged through the mud when they do push those limits.  Miley can twerk her way through one album and it’s just experimental fun that she can turn off at the drop of a hat once it ceases to be profitable. Lana Del Rey can croon about abusive relationships and it’s considered art (in spite of her whining otherwise), and go in a different direction at her leisure when she gets comparatively minor flack for it. 
So to recap, men can make music about all sorts of blatantly sexual topics and still have the audacity to judge women in Hip Hop for the same thing. And White women can be sexy, chaste and everything in between in their music without risking their careers to any significant degree. Meanwhile, Black and Brown women are ignored when they’re modest and eviscerated when they’re not. So while it’s amazing to see women like Cardi and Meg making boring people blush, I have to wonder, if they ever decide to go in a different direction musically, will the same culture trashing them now even give them the space to do that?
When I say that women of color should be able to make music about anything they want, I mean that wholeheartedly, but I’m certain the folks with the most to say now wouldn’t give these women a second look if they weren’t giving them something to be judgmental about. 
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coffeetea-beans · 4 years
If you’re going to support black lives matter, then you need to support ALL black lives
If you’re going to support black lives matter, then you need to support ALL black lives. You can’t pick and choose which black lives matter more to you. The mistreatment of black women and lgbtq+ people(especially black trans women) is fucking disgusting. Black men and women are treated WAY differently. Black women’s pain gets turned into memes, songs, jokes and it’s fucking stupid. Megan the Stallion got shot and the first thing people did was make jokes about it and make memes about it. Breonna Taylor STILL has not gotten justice and it’s been fucking MONTHS and her death has been turned into tiktok dances and songs and MEMES. Azealia Banks gets called crazy because of her bipolar while Kanye West who ALSO has bipolar, is met with more empathy. Am I saying that Kanye West and Azealia banks aren’t problematic people? No. But that’s my point. Kanye is very problematic but people tend to turn a blind eye about it but with Azealia, she gets met with more backlash. They’ve both done very problematic things, so why does one get a pass but the other doesnt? Because of the constant mistreatment of black women. Let’s take Megan the Stallion and Cardi B’s new song WAP. It was met with almost IMMEDIATE backlash. They said the song was “too vulgar” and “too inappropriate”. So we’re going to ignore rappers like 50 cent and Lil Wayne rapping about nearly the same damn thing?? Why is it acceptable for men in the rap industry to rap about these things, yet as soon as a woman takes over her sexuality, it’s suddenly way too vulgar. THERE’S A SONG CALLED SLOB ON MY KNOB FOR FUCKS SAKE. And I’m not saying either is wrong. Men AND women are allowed to rap about whatever the fuck they want whether if their songs mostly consist of having sex and sucking dick and eating pussy or not. What, so Megan has a bachelor's degree in Healthcare Administration, so now she is only expected to rap about giving shots to patients and shit? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. And even if she didn’t have a degree, WHY THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER?? Don’t even get me started on the fucking colorism. BLACK PEOPLE THEMSELVES DISLIKE THEIR OWN PEOPLE. People favor light-skinned black people and support them way more than they do with dark-skinned black people. They claim to love their culture and love being black but will say they don’t want to date dark-skinned black people because they’re dark-skinned, because they “look like roaches”. And, as a light-skinned black mixed girl myself from a light-skinned black mom, I don’t think it’s fair. At all. The fact that people will call me prettier than my dark-skinned black friend because of the simple fact that I’m light-skinned is fucking unfair. It’s disgusting. And the mistreatment of black lgbtq+ people, especially recently black trans women is fucking mind blowing. Again, people claim to love black people and support black lives matter but yet and still continue to be transphobic and homophobic. Recently, a group of black trans women were attacked and beaten and instead of being helped, there were people watching and MOCKING and LAUGHING at them. They thought it was funny. They misgendered them and laughed at their pain. Because to them, their lives don’t matter because they’re trans and black. So, like I said before, no, you don’t get to pick and choose which black lives matter most to you. Meaning if you’re homophobic and/ or transphobic(and otherwise lgbtq+phobic), you’re not allowed to support black lives matter then. Meaning if you’re sexist, then you’re not allowed to support black lives matter. Meaning if you’re colorist, then you’re not allowed to support black lives matter. I don’t care how many petitions you’ve signed and how many protest you’ve gone to, etc. If you exclude certain black lives because you “don’t believe in them” and “don’t think they’re pretty enough for you to care about” then you don’t actually care about black lives. You only care about black cishet (mostly male) lives. You don’t get to pick and choose.
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beutifulbliss · 4 years
I’ve been thinking and thinking. One thing that has helped me through lockdowns amidst ovulating and being an emotional wreck has been leaning into my my sense of self and sexuality. I have had soooooooo much time to myself and learnt so much about myself. On one hand I’m standing on scales a everyday, walking lots and intermittent fasting because I overdid it initially with the baking and Instagram chef inspo and on the other hand I’m spending lots of time seeing the fullness of my being. I have two mirrors and I can see myself from different angles. I spend many evenings dancing to my favourites songs and watching how my body moves - sometimes fluidly and other times not so fluidly (the knees are shaking 🤣) It’s really been a pleasure to watch my appreciation of myself grow in this way. I can be two things at once - someone that wants to be leaner and healthier (sugar is the devil) and a bad bish who loves herself (fupa) included.
Victoria Monet has been the perfect backdrop to this development of self - I call her music muted WAP. I’m not about that Cardi B and Meg Stallion life in all honesty - they are a bit much for me and their messaging doesn’t always work for me. Love to see it - both of them give me life and their energy works in certain scenarios. However my everyday expression of self and sexuality is much more muted WAP - from Jaguar to Dive to Ass like that to anything Victoria puts out. Literal perfection. R&B stan 🙋🏾‍♀️
This leads me to the question I’ve been thinking about. I’ve come to a place where I understand, can own and express my sexuality without sex or sexual acts. There’s more to this that I might share one day. Back to what I was thinking - how do men express their sexuality without sex or sexual acts? I tried to think of potential routes but quickly came to a dead end. As a woman I have lots of ways - they aren’t always an expression of sexuality but absolutely can be. Fresh out of shower moisturising (shea butter baby) my body and spraying my favourite perfume, dancing and watching my body move, putting on my favourite dress and heels with a soft glam beat (lockdown let us out) knowing I look damn good, being honest with myself about my sexual desires - now all of this doesn’t have to happen with a male gaze present and I think this is what makes it empowering. I happily do all of these things for myself for solo time or time with my friends (cue the expensive restaurants 🤣).
Is this a thing for men? Is there an equivalent thing for men? What does it look like? Perhaps this isn’t a thing - neither in modern western or traditional western culture? Is is because of biology? Is it because of social constructs? Men don’t focus on being or feeling attractive? Men get gratification from their ego, power dynamics and money? Men are repressing their sexuality? Is sexuality a social construct created for women?
I’d love to see black men discuss this - how do black men express their sexuality without sexual or sexual acts and the involvement of women. This is a CIS binary perspective - I can’t speak on what I don’t know.
When I have questions I go to God or google. I went to google on this one. This was an interesting thread - https://www.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/7wkebm/how_do_men_express_their_sexuality/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body
I speak of sexuality not in the sense of orientation or preferences.
‘…a central aspect of being human throughout life encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships. While sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, legal, historical, religious and spiritual factors.’
Thisdefinition is quite complicated - my simple understanding is appreciation of oneself as a sexual being - your perception of yourself as a sexual being and how you feel about your sexual expression.
It’s been sad to see people apparently holding Chloe Bailey (older twin from ChloexHalle) to some ridiculous expectation that she can only express herself in a certain way otherwise she’s doing too much. Thankfully I don’t have people on my timelines or curated social media spaces berating her or calling her out of her name but she obviously has had to deal with this as she released a video explaining herself with some tears. Sad! I’m digressing but freedom to express ones self as you move from child to teen to adult (especially as the girl child) is key to so many things. I think the people that are hyper critical perhaps don’t have a healthy perception of themselves and their own sexuality.
This is a tricky subject for me as a Christian but as I grow I unlearn so many things that are more about society controlling people as opposed to what my faith is and how it is linked to understanding who I am. The bible says what God created was good moreso I am perfectly and wonderfully made. All parts of me. The world contaminates things but.......I am coming to appreciate all parts of me.
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kyliexc · 5 years
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BUENAAAASSSSSSSSSS ! soy yo , mini from da 6ix , again . coming at you with my original kid . she’s changed just a bit , but still pretty much a god damn  M E S S .  and bad bunny’s vete came on shuffle soOoOooOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEGGO !
chicago’s very own Kylie Castillo has been spotted on madison avenue driving a BMW X5 , welcome ! your resemblance to Becky G is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re impulsive , but being loyal might help you . i think being a Aries explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be a bottle of patron, late night partying and 20grams of weed . 
hit the mfng like button for plots bc I WILL mssge u or else
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): ky, kyky, k, kybby
Age: 22
Height: 5 ft
Date of Birth: April 15th 1997
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Tattoos: a peach on her ass, #2 tramp stamp and canon becky g tattoos
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
kylie castillo is the third born child from alejandro and lupe castillo ! alejandro was a renowned soccer player from jalisco, mexico . he played for the mexican national team AND for Barcelona FC . lupe castillo is also from jalisco , mexico , but she attended school in spain where she began as a seamstress for a small vintage boutique before going off on her own to start her own exclusive brand that made it big - as in , only those who could really afford the clothing could wear it . lupe is owner to ROSARIO . lupe and alejandro met in spain , but ultimately moved to chicago to settle down with their kids since kylie’s paternal grandparents lived there.
Kylie was born in Chicago , Illinois , but throughout her childhood , she bounced between Chicago, Los Angeles , and Barcelona ! 
kylie took after her dad , immediately falling in love with soccer since she was little . it wasn’t like the castillos pushed her into it , she found the sport herself . kylie , along with her siblings were a sports family in general . most of her siblings got into some sport growing up , whether they took it seriously or not was up to them , but kylie definitely did. 
kylie and her dad are really close for the fact that he basically coached her throughout her entire athletic career . kylie is very competitive because of this , and super into keeping herself fit . she sees a goal , she wants it , and she’ll do anything to get it . her jersey is #3 !
besides soccer , she really loves to sing and it came out of nowhere but it was due to all the family parties she has . often an acoustic guitar would be brought out and everyone , including kylie would be singing along to vincente fernandez - heck , you know the castillos hired a mariachi band to be part of these gatherings . 
ky spent a lot of time with her grandparents who would ALWAYS be blasting old mariachi / love songs , singing at the top of their lungs to each other , and from this kylie enjoyed what music did for her . performing was just another thing that came easy to her . the stage , whether it be an actual stage or just a small little space where she was surrounded by family , it was home to her , and she was never afraid . the one place where she could vocally express herself is through her lyrics . ky and her cousins often would write down song lyrics , pretend to perform for thousands of people - but it wasn’t something she ever thought she’d do . it was just for fun , and she took up extra curriculars besides soccer that related to it . i . e dance , acting , etc. 
yet , that was something else , her eyes were on the prize , and that was soccer . sort of . 
kylie had everything set for her to continue playing soccer after high school , to eventually make it onto the US Women’s Soccer team - yet she deadass started to slowly give it all up at the beginning of her 4th year of high school , hanging with the stoner kids , practicing less , putting less effort. she eventually found the underground rap scene -  she loved soccer , but it was time for something else , especially when her dad was mad at her , the field didn’t feel like home like the stage did .
on soundcloud , and youtube , kylie lent her vocals to some guys she met , being on their tracks . her sound was unique because she sang and rapped in both spanish and english . she was earning a name online , her followers going up and tbh , she wasn’t trying but it came to her and when she saw the numbers rise , and her name get out there a bit . she rlly started working on that part of her life . 
A MESS ?! * TW : abortion , drugs , etc .
in high school , she met giovanni ho ho hoe narciso . they were friends for a long time until finally , they started dating . definitely one of the reasons, but not the main reason why she also didn’t care about the sport as much - but kylie’s dad blamed gio a lot fo kylie not playing soccer . so her dad didn’t like gio , and to make matters worse , he didn’t like gio’s dad . so it was a HOT MESS . kylie ultimately had to choose between her family and gio , and when she said yes to marrying gio , she chose gio .  
18 years old and she ran off to marry gio - except that didn’t happen . 
she woke up one morning , he was gone and she couldn’t get a hold of him anymore . ky really didn’t have a choice besides going back to her family , and BET her dad was all ‘i told you so’ 
she couldn’t contact gio but YOU BET she ended up finding him eventually to get in the lasdt mfng word but that conversation ended up with her just being hurt , and it was the last time she really saw gio . he moved on , whether she believed it or not , he did .
so fast forward not long after that meeting . kylie found out she’s pregnant . obviously , it was gio’s . and she had two choices , keep it or get rid of it . 
without telling anyone , except her best friend , kylie got an abortion . which , no one knows , not even her family , not even gio .
        ***again , not many people know this ? but the                  one above is a secret too ?? she’s just full of          secrets. JKFDHDFKG
from 20 - 21 , kylie moved out , hopping from place to place within chicago . but she definitely went off grid . not caring for social media , not contacting her parents . 
kylie went into a strip club and at first it was for jokes , but when she got on the pole - she was actually good ?? JDKHGDKFJHDFKJH so the manager offered her a job and well , bitch took it . so she did that for a year , hanging with the wrong crowd, drinking every day , smoking weed which is a staple for her , but she started to do blow - which is .. not a staple for her . it was a dangerous year for kylie .
but doing blow , and selling it for awhile while working the pole gave her the connections she needed to meet rich guys with status in the music industry. 
so eventually , her EP made it in the hands of a producer for sony music latin . 
so she left the pole and started being featured with big time Latin names 
think cardi b’s start up and yeah , she definitely drugged men and stole from them while doing this too DKJGFHDKFJ
kylie’s back bitches ! as in people already knew her but she’s been M.I.A for a year , so she’s back and ppl are like wtf KDJGHDKFJGHSFKDJ and she lives in New York now
currently she’s working on her first album release.
besides the mess , she’s a GOD DAMN GOOD TIME. if you ever need to get drunk and party. kylie is your girl . if you need to get fucked up, you better have her on speed dial.
kylie’s the bitch with the bottle of patron , serving tequila shots , and then dancing on top of tables.
highkey always ready for a fight . she doesn’t care where she is , she will always SWING. don’t play games thinking she’s gonna back down from a fight bc she won’t. if u want a fight , ky will give u one KJDHGKSFJDHGKSDJGH talk shit get hit is her motto and i hate her for it
she has a black cat named mijo
her friends and family are the loves of her life . literally , if you mean something to her , there’s nothing she won’t do for you . she will ADORE YOU
if ur her enemy .... that’s fun too. :)
confident AF
she’s an all around bitch i hate her , but she’s a mess , and she’s funny , and she’s too much sometimes .
too stubborn for her own good all the time bc she thinks she’s always right. 
she’s also really goofy when she wants to be
has a hell of a good work ethic , will get shit done when it needs to be done . is definitely the pushy friend to encourage others to do the same.
she loves assholes.
her lito, lita, ita, tito {grandparents} are her favourite people ever
will cuss you out in spanish and english
hella hot tempered and uhm...
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sippin-on-red-wine · 5 years
No. 6 Collaborations Project: A review!
It’s been a week since this fabulous album has dropped into our hands. Click “Keep reading to hear my thoughts on each track!
Track 1. Beautiful People Khalid ★★★★ Favorite Lyric: You look stunning dear/So don’t ask that question here
Thoughts/Reflection: Ed keeps referring to this song as ‘cozy’ and I completely agree. The vibe is cool. I love the tone of his voice here and I think it meshes really nicely with Khalid’s. The content isn’t super relatable, but I think we can all take something away from this one. It’s a good note on self-awareness and being able to see the reality in things that may look glamorous on the surface. 
Track 2. South of the Border feat. Camila Cabello, Cardi B ★★★★★ Favorite Lyric: So join me in this bed that I’m in/Push up on me and sweat darlin’/So I’m gonna put my time in/Won’t stop until the angels sing
Thoughts/Reflection: This track is literally freaking scorching hot fire. TBH I’m surprised that they led the album with IDC and not this one. It feels like big radio potential to me. Regardless, this song is an absolute BOP - so catchy and so fucking sexy. 
I know Ed’s Spanish leaves something to be desired ☺ But I feel like we can cut him some slack after singing (yet another) song dedicated to going down on a woman. The ginger is forgiven! Five stars for him! And I’m going to have SOTB on repeat all summer (or for the rest of my life).
Oh, I also really like Cardi on this song. IDK if she’s problematic or w/e, I don’t really follow her in the media at all. But her verse is fun. (I think Ed got a lil jungle fever AY) bahahahah
Track 3. Cross Me feat. Chance the Rapper, PnB Rock ★★★★★ Favorite Lyric: Know she gonna slide anytime you bitches talk shit/Keep a lil blade in her fuckin’ lip gloss kit 
Thoughts/Reflection: Love love love LOVE this one. It just makes you want to get up and DANCE the damn thing! I have to laugh a little at the thought of Ed being hard & tough, lol, but it’s a cool concept nonetheless. Like he said in his Charlemagne interview, it’s kind of a love song…. but a different tempo. It’s catchy as all hell and Chance’s verse is fucking cool. 
Full points. 
Track 4. Take Me Back to London feat. Stormzy ★★★★★ Favorite Lyric: Coz you can win BRITS (it don’t stop)/And you can do Glasto (headline slot)
Thoughts/Reflection: Fuck. This song, though. IIt’s the first one that jumped out at me when I did my first full album listen. And I haven’t stopped listening since. The chorus is so syncopated. Stormzy is sick on this track, I love his voice so much. And it just feels like the two of them really play off each other nicely and probably had a blast making this song. 
Also, Ed flexing “Grossed half a billi on the Divide tour/No I’m not kidding what would I lie for” is BDE and I’m personally really here for it.
This song is a banger and you should dance in your kitchen to it while baking pastries. FIve stars for you, Big Mike and Teddy.
(Dear God please let Stormzy guest live in Ipswich)
Track 5. Best Part of Me feat. YEBBA ★★★★ Favorite Lyric: it’s not a lyric but that part when Ed & YEBBA are harmonizing perfectly in the whoooaaAAaaaA 
Thoughts/Reflection: I love the sound on this song! His voice is so raw and tender here. It reminds me of Plus era, but grown up. I think it may be how delicately he approaches the syllables in his verse and the chorus. YEBBA’s tone is super rich and lovely, and they sound great together.
I’m taking a “star” off here because I don’t love the lyrics. I get that he’s being vulnerable and showing insecurities in verse 1, but then YEBBA follows that up with lamenting about misplacing things and being late for the train? It doesn’t seem to match up with admitting physical/bodily insecurities. Also, it could just be that I hate that Ed thinks of himself this way.
Track 6. I Don’t Care feat. Justin Bieber ★★★★ Favorite Lyric: I don’t like nobody but you/I hate everyone here
Thoughts/Reflection: Oh god. When did this song come out? I’m trying to think back to my first impressions of it, LOL. It’s bright and poppy and of course it went and stayed #1 all summer (thus far). I remember thinking it was so cool that the melody is super mainstream and upbeat, but the underlying theme is around social anxiety. “Crippled with anxiety/But I’m told I’m where I’m sposed to be” 
I mostly skip this one now that the full album is out, but I think I listened to it for a full 48 hours on repeat when it first dropped. Bieber is problematic and shit, and honestly I don’t think he adds much to the song. I really like Ed’s acoustic version where he does the whole thing solo.
The bridge slaps. Literally. I love that clapping bit behind it. I wish that Ed hadn’t fucked up the lyrics to the bridge in the acoustic version lolololol
Four stars, will bop along for many moons to come
Track 7. Antisocial feat. Travis Scott ★★★★★ Favorite Lyric: So antisocial but I don’t care/Don’t give a damn I’m gonna smoke here/Got a bottle in my hand bring more tho
Thoughts/Reflection: DID YOU SEE HIM GUEST AT TRAVIS’ SHOW LAST NIGHT? This song was already one of my faves but holy shit. In interviews, Ed talks a lot about feeling awkward on stage without a guitar - but it didn’t look like that last night. He was bouncy as all hell, sounded great, looked great. Looked like he was loving the crowd’s energy too.
And the music video? That deserves a post all on it’s own.
This track is pretty short but it’s packed with good stuff. Ed’s intro is really strong here, the chorus is interesting despite the repetition. I physically can’t help but groove along to this tune. I’m sorry. I have no say in the matter
Track 8. Remember the Name feat. Eminem, 50 Cent ★★★★★ Favorite Lyric: 20 years old is when I came in the game/And now it's eight years on and you remember the name/And if you thought I was good, well, then I'm better today
Thoughts/Reflection: YES. YES. YES.  The song intros with a reference to Ipswich, bitch. I love how Ed makes those connections back to his upbringing.
It’s a little unreal that these three iconic voices/styles can flow so well on a song and still sound so balanced. 
I’ve got this one on repeat too. I’m determined to learn all of the words damnit!!
Five stars for a tune that I would love to see performed live someday.
Track 9. Feels feat. Young Thug, J Hus ★★★
Favorite Lyric: See you wigglin’, jigglin/If I have a bite will it taste like cinnamon?
Thoughts/Reflection: This song is fine. I like the feature verses. The song just doesn’t stick out that much for me.
Track 10. Put It All on Me feat. Ella Mai ★★★
Favorite Lyric: I try to be strong but I got demons/So can I lean on you?/I need a strong heart and a soft touch
Thoughts/Reflection: Falsetto. Falsetto everywhere. I love that! Ella Mai’s voice is so rich. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot more to say on this one. It’s not a song I’m playing on repeat, but I don’t skip it either.
Track 11. Nothing On You feat. Paulo Londra, Dave ★★★★ Favorite Lyric: You and I/Whisky on ice/Maybe later we can turn down all the lights
Thoughts/Reflection: This song is SEXY and cool…. ‘smoke clouds and the scent of perfume’.... the imagery. Man. More falsetto here. Also, please go look up the translation of Paulo Londra’s verse. Thanks. I’m sweating. Is it hot in here? This album is *sexual* 
ALSO THE ‘BRRRP’ AFTER “they keep ringing my phone”  bahahahahah 
Track 12. I Don’t Want Your Money feat. H.E.R. ★★★★★
Favorite Lyric: I need you here for the good times and the bad times/Yeah the pullin’ out my hair gettin’ mad times/Not just the when I’m in your bed on my back times
Thoughts/Reflection: THIS IS SUCH A GODDAMN TUUUUNEEEEEE!!!!!!! I love this song so much. 10/10 jamming out to this in the car at every opportunity. Finger snappin’ cool r&b vibe. I love the super quick tempo (but not quite rap?) in Ed’s verses. And I always appreciate the little double-meaning-references in Ed’s songs - like ‘diamonds, silver or gold’ means $$$ of course, but also just success in terms of album sales performance.
TBH when I saw the title on Ed’s tracklist reveal, I totally thought this would be a slow mushy love song about how Ed’s lucky to have found someone who wasn’t into him for his money. This was a pleasant surprise!! I love that it’s a little angsty.
Five STARS bitch I love this song and y’all are sleeping on it
Track 13. 1000 Nights feat. Meek Mill, A Boogie Wit da Hoodie ★★★★
Favorite Lyric: Birds eye view/Pay my dues/For a two-mile queue
1000 Nights: a flexy bop and I love it
This song is about the Divide tour which has been going for approximately 572 years. Not that I’m complaining.
But it’s cool (how many times have I said ‘cool’ in this post? don’t answer that). Ed loves touring and that comes out in this song. And Meek’s verse is so fun to rap along to!
Four stars.
Track 14. Way To Break My Heart feat. Skrillex ★★★★★
Favorite Lyric: I can’t stop thinkin’ bout her/And her lips on mine, so soft/Feelings I don’t know the name of
Thoughts/Reflection: biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch.
This song is NOSTALGIC and I simply adore it. It has that same… “cozy” feel that Beautiful People does. Which is strange, considering it’s a song about heartbreak. But it’s just so. Soft. And warm. 
We’re back to super soft placement of words and such pure tone. 
It’s hauntingly beautiful. And yet uptempo! Bless, Skrillex. I especially love the drums that come in during the chorus, after “you’re still gone, and i’ll say”
PS, the soft sound of mouth smacking at :13. Use headphones.
Some of my favorite Ed songs are ones about heartbreak, and I appreciate that he included one here. About an imaginary heartbreak 👀
Take another five stars from me, bud
- Track 15. BLOW feat. Chris Stapleton, Bruno Mars ★★★★★
Favorite Lyric: Hot damn/Pop it like a pistol mama/You got me down on my knees/Baby please?
Thoughts/Reflection: *laughing nervously*
Again, definitely not what I expected out of this track when the titles were all revealed. I LOVED release day on this one. The world collectively lost their shit. I need nothing more in this world than to see this song performed live, especially with a full band and Ed on an electric guitar. 
I’m still not over this loud, full, energetic song full of men bellowing about wanting to, well, fuck.
(five stars from me and also my 62 year old coworker Jan)
This album is SO GOOD MATE and I already cannot wait until the next collabs project! Ed blessed us with 15 amazing tracks to tide us over until Subtract comes out. They’re so different from his normal album stuff and I really love to see him try new sounds and get to create/collaborate with artists he admires so much.
it also has me real hot and bothered lmao
Thanks for coming to my tEd talk.
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17 notes • Posted 2021-03-29 02:17:41 GMT
Leave it to Cold Case to ruin me emotionally 😭
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19 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 03:12:34 GMT
Are you telling me I watched two hours of Station 19 and Grey's Anatomy waiting for "one hell of a return" only to be left with nothing? We were only reunited with a character from 4 seasons ago.. Like what? I feel quite baited thank you very much... It was not worth the hype. 😳
19 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 01:59:25 GMT
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25 notes • Posted 2021-09-20 01:16:12 GMT
Just watched Sing 2 via early release and here are my first reactions to it. Tread lightly, there are spoilers afoot!
🔹Alice in Wonderland opening, weird but okay
🔹Oh God it's the Nicki Minaj twerking bunnies again
🔹Okay, but where's Ash though?
🔹Nanna: "Ah, Hobbes there you are. Bring the car around. That's a good chap."
Me: "How does he even reach the pedals?"
🔹OFF WITH YOUR HEAD, DANCE TILL YOU'RE DEAD! Her voice makes me melt and Scarlett's voice is built for rock music
🔹Of course she's not with them because WHY in God's name would she stay with some namby, pamby theatre singers when she's just that good.
🔹I said what I said and understand if she wanted to go off and do her own thing
🔹Ash standing up for being paid/worked with fairly just like Scarlett has in real life. GENIUS
🔹Rosita stopping the bus because she has nothing else to live for. Me too boo
🔹The songs they used in this movie are just *chef's kiss*
🔹*The team enters the city* Me: "Alexa, play Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift."
🔹The gang trying to sneak in while Bad Guy plays 👌🏻
🔹*Slow song beings to play* Me: "It's Adele isn't it?"
Singer: "HELLO"
🔹Me: "Why did you buzz the flamingos singing Cake By the Ocean? That was so good!"
🔹Ash has a country guitar ❤
🔹Training be like: TIPPY TOES, TIPPY TOES. I CAN'T SEE YOUR TIPPY TOES! I nearly yelled this in the theatre with him NGL.
🔹DARIUS. That is all. I nearly screamed in the theatre and nearly cried due to my uncontrollable laughter
🔹He's such an asshole but I love him
🔹The kids next to me: "She's pretty."
Me to Myself: "She's Halsey."
🔹She really sings This Girl is on Fire better than Alicia Keyes
🔹Wait, is that a Cardi B song with the inappropriate lyrics removed?
🔹Me really wanting her to say "For research purposes" when she asked Johnny to prove that he wasn't a weirdo
🔹Ash: "But can she act?"
Me, an Intellectual: "That's bold of you to assume since you're an actress Scarlett."
🔹Meena taking a break from practice and meeting Alfonso is literally how I react in social situations. Ice cream in the face and all
🔹That wolf is terrifying
🔹Crawly being driven out of Calloway's house was hilarious
🔹"Pew pew pew." DEAD 😂
🔹*Miss. Crawly with an eye patch*
Me: "Who is she now, Nick Fury?"
🔹Military Crawly is something I never knew I needed. Even when she's using the cherry picker like a tank and they had music to match 😂
🔹*Ash and Moon going to Calloway, only to get KO'd by the electric fence*
Me: "Oh great, you've killed Black Widow again."
🔹Ash going back to Clay and singing while he walks down the stairs and we see the memories of him and his wife. I WAS NEARLY IN TEARS DAMN IT
🔹If Ash riding on the back of Clay's motorcycle isn't pure Scarlett Johansson then I don't know what is
🔹Jimmy Crystal making us all think he killed Buster, when Moon was thankfully hanging off of his arm
🔹Suki for the win!
🔹Ash coming back with Clay and meeting Buster made my heart happy
🔹We're gonna run? No, we're gonna jump out the window with "Soy Yo" playing in the background. Doy
🔹Everyone getting together to sing and Crystal is none the wiser
🔹Johnny: "I'm gonna call for help." *Calls his dad*
Me: "YES!!"
🔹They're working with their local food cupboard haha
🔹Miss Crawly in the cherry picker outside of Porsche's window yelling at her to tell her that she's in again 😂
🔹"Honey, send in the piglets." = Pure Chaos
🔹Damn that cat has to tell everyone everything 👿
🔹Sky Full of Stars was good until Taron decided to stretch his notes 😬
🔹Porsche singing Could Have Been Me was better than the original 🎶
🔹Shut up the Aye-Aye's are dancing too
🔹Meena fantasizing singing with Alfonso is literally me on the daily with my Fanfiction
🔹Rosita starting strong with Break Free, then the heights get to her again. She saves Buster and belts out a great rendition of the song
🔹Ash and Clay have my heart. The way he almost broke down because he didn't want to sing again... It was so heart wrenching
🔹Ash going out on that stage alone like I knew she was gonna
🔹No, I was not crying during Ash and Clay's duet... You have the wrong woman
🔹The tear was a paid actor
🔹Just me, a commoner, singing passionately next to a group of children. NBD
🔹The ending is legit Squad Goals 🙌🏻
🔹But seriously though, it was so amazing to hear Scarlett's voice again. I absolutely cannot wait for this album
🔹Might just hold back all my strife so that I can watch it again on December 22nd and cry all over again
33 notes • Posted 2021-11-28 01:43:00 GMT
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champagnesugamama · 6 years
Waves Pt. 1/2
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Author: Champagnesugamama 
Summary: Well I was SUPPOSED to be working on All That Glitters, but I saw this pic and was listening to the song Waves by: Normani & 6lack and this was the lovechild of that mashup! 
Warning: Sexual tension?, slight smut, slight teeny bit of angst(gotta squint), Adult language and themes, Fine ass Florian Munteanu cause EVERYONE needs a warning for him.
      Thank God for the weekend
I'ma go out with my friends, I'd rather let the liquor sink in
Than the thoughts of you that I should not be thinking
“Thank god for weekends,” Y/n murmurs from the entrance of the kitchen as you kick off your heels and strip out of  your clothes, throwing them in the hamper by the washing room door. Pressing play on the answering machine, you make a beeline to the wine chillin’ in the fridge.
     “Hey Y/n...It’s Tyrone...from Costco's?....We met over your dog’s food,” You snorted knowing damn well you didn’t have a dog, but the muscle memory of the past crept past your barriers at that exact moment, and as to not look like a damn fool just staring at dog food, you brought a 10lb bag of $26 dog food for a dog you don’t even have. Already feeling emotionally drained from the forced walk of shame down memory lane, you clicked delete and proceeded to the next messages.      
  When I'm with someone else, it's feeling like I'm cheating
I just might go off the deep end
     “Hey Giiiiirrrrrlllll....Bitch, I know you not still trippin’ over that cute ass Russian dude...Never mind don’t even answer that cause I already know the damn answer. You are comin’ out with us tonight, and that was not a request Ms. I-Like-to-plan-shit-and-then-not-go headass. All the new fine ass actors are going to be at Club One tonight. You know the niggas from that Creed shit. SO be ready ready by 9:30 tonight or you gon catch these fuckin’ hands. Love you bitch bye.” Well shit, your romantic evening by yourself just got thrown out the window. The clock above your stove said 5:30 P.M. You barely had enough time to do your hair.
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     You took one more mirror selfie, when you heard Tara loud ass screaming outside of your apartment. Damn can’t take her ass nowhere! Shit now I gotta hurry up cause my nosy ass neighbor will call the police on her irritating ass. I ran out to Tara’s packed ass black Escalade and hopped my happy ass in the front seat.
     “OOOOO BITCH! I know you wasn’t comin to play! Who you tryin’ to catch out here! DAMN! My bitch lookin’ like a whole ass bag of monnnneeeeyyyy!” I made sure to pose and stick my tongue out at her Instagram story, doing a little twerk in the seat. 
     “Shiiitttt bitch you talking about me? You looking like you about to steal somebody daddy, son, nephew, and boss fuck outta here.” I said hyping her back up, as I plugged up my phone to play Cardi B’s Money. 
     We pulled up to VIP, and stepped out one at a time as to not overwhelm the masses. Every head turned in the direction of the music bumpin’ from the truck. We always arrive AFTER the celebrities to make an entrance. I lead my girls to the VIP entrance and wait for the bottle girl to escort us to our seats with the sprinklers, flashlights, and shit. When we walked in every bitch in the club stopped to see who was comin up in VIP, and every nigga broke their neck to stare at our asses. I felt like a zoo animal walking through the dance floor and up the VIP stairs, but I liked that shit. It made me feel better than I have in the last 6 months. I could feel the energy from the club pulsing through my chest and head, as we put our shit up.
Flo’s P.O.V.
     “Ayo, Flo. Is that yo girl?!” I heard Michael call from across the VIP. I put down the hookah I was smokin’ and looked over at him.
     “What you talking about man?” I asked him confused as fuck. How does he know Y/N.
     “The girl that you got hella pictures of? Yea she walkin up the VIP stairs. And you stalk the shit out of her Instagram.” Oh shit. I look over to the stairs and saw some bullshit. I know she ain’t come in this club lookin like that. She looked at me and I pretended to be interested in the hookah in front of me as I watched her pass. Damn she looks good. Why did I stop talking to her again? Oh shit the movie. I had to focus, but I can’t remember her ever being a distraction to anything I did. She walked like she owned the world, and she did. She is my world. I should have never let her go. She was my peace in this new hectic fame driven world. She never wanted anything from me, and she is the only one that cared about me in this new media storm bullshit.
Y/N P.O.V.   
      I keep on going through the motions
But we ended long ago, I should be numb to these emotions
But you flood my memory just like an ocean, and
And I was drowning in devotion
     Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I didn’t think Florian was gonna be here tonight! I froze at the top of the stairs and just stared at him. All of the love, hurt, passion, and resentment filled my chest like lead butterflies. God, I fucking missed him, but I’m still hurt over the way he ended our relationship. I guess I was just feelin’ him more than what he felt for me. Tara tapped me on the ass, and I snapped out of my stupid ass reminiscing. Fuck him. I’m here to have a good ass time with my girls. Imma just ignore his fine ass. As we got to our assigned booth, my walk past a nigga like he ain’t shit game was on point. Shit, I didn’t even glance back when I passed, but I felt him staring at me. Fuck! Why did that white Tee look so fucking good on him? Damn I need some good dick! That’s the problem, I need some Dick! Imma Find me a nigga tonight!     
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
BRUNO MARS FT. CARDI B - FINESSE (REMIX) [6.77] This one's for you, James! (Spoiler: the next two are also for you)
Katie Gill: I am 100% here for the Bruno Mars Tour Through The Decades. 1970s retrofunk, 1980s Kool & the Gang R&B, and now 1990s Bell Biv Devoe New Jack Swing -- complete with an amazing homage video (they kept the frame size, y'all!). As always, Mars gives us a pitch-perfect homage that's draws enough from the original style for a beautiful throwback but adds in fun, fresh takes. The song lyrically doesn't bring anything new: it's just 'damn we look good.' But more and more, it seems you don't really listen to a Bruno Mars song for the lyrics; you listen for whatever throwback sound he's reworking today and you watch to see Mars be a legitimate showman, giving it his all with his charisma and borderline impeccable dance moves. Cardi B is also in top form: she matches Mars's infectious fun and swaggering confidence level for level. Considering what a boring blight 2017 top 40 pop music seemed at times, what a refreshing way to start off the new year. [9]
Edward Okulicz: I hear those drums and this is instantly Cardy! Cardi! Cardé! Very affectionate, very accurate, and very welcome. I wouldn't have said no to more Cardi, but I still enjoy the song when she's not around. [8]
Maxwell Cavaseno: During the holiday visit, me and my father caught up and I showed him a bunch of current generation female rappers that he didn't know of: Molly Brazy, Bali Baby, Asian Doll, Queen Key, just to name a few. Of course he knows about Cardi so we both brought her up and he jokingly called her "The New Real Roxanne." Ironically here she is on this Bruno remix of early-'90s New Jack Swing, the kind of stuff Full Force would've primed up for Roxanne to guest on or even rap over herself -- and she sounds actually like she's having fun. Bruno, on the other hand, is kind of just way too stiff to really engage with. For all the obvious Bobby Brownisms he's going for, the Vegasness that runs through him keeps him from hitting the sweet spot of engagement. Still A+ effort on both parties. [6]
Julian de Valliere: In "Finesse," Cardi's your charismatic friend, Bruno's that guy from her work who you've said hello to once, and the 127 second space between her appearances is when she takes a trip to the restroom while he makes small talk and you keep glancing at your phone's lock screen. Still, everyone has a fantastic time when she's around. [7]
Anthony Easton: I wonder if Cardi B's charm is a kind of rough hewn minimalism, and I know Bruno Mars' charm is mostly a whole scale riffling through nostalgic desire. Neither of those modes read finesse to me. [4]
Alfred Soto: I get that fans get off on Bruno Mars releasing eerie simulacra of extinct R&B sounds. "Finesse" is his Teddy Riley or "Poison" Move, and it's the aural equivalent of a Meryl Streep performance. [5]
Austin Brown: The single cover says it all, really -- the queen of the new generation of hyperreal, social media-bred celebrity, mugging for the camera next to an unconvincingly stony Bruno Mars, once described by TSJ's very own Katherine St. Asaph as an "animatronic sequined suit" for Pitchfork. Cardi's verse is tacked on at the very front, after which she disappears entirely until she throws in some outro vocals. As a result, the two parts of the song (which was basically "fine" before) work great independently, but feel like a weird medley of two generations of pop sitting next to each other. Oh, and here's some added weirdness: the two generations aren't even their native ones, with Cardi mining peak hip-house while Bruno sticks with new jack swing. Come on, Diddy and Blackstreet already figured out how to make this work fluidly more than 20 years ago. [4]
Thomas Inskeep: I love the hell outta Bruno's 24K Magic album, and this song was always a highlight, as New Jack Swing as it gets -- the production/writing teams of Shampoo Press & Curl and the Stereotypes are on their shit. Adding a rap intro from the hottest woman of the moment makes it even mo' betta, though I wish they'd brought her back for a 16-bar bridge, too. Mars may be the ultimate musical chameleon, but damned if he doesn't sound the most comfortable plumbing the sounds of '80s R&B. More, please. [8]
Will Rivitz: I'm kind of ashamed it's taken me this long to fall in with Cardi B. "Bodak Yellow" and "Bartier Cardi"are both phenomenal songs, to be sure, but to me they've never sounded like the glamorously regal performances others have advertised, the rapper vibrantly excellent but not unquestionably dominant. It's taken till this, a new jack swing song which would seem well out of her wheelhouse in which she nevertheless so commandingly stomps all over the track's first thirty seconds that Bruno Mars almost feels like an afterthought, but I finally understand what her fans have been saying. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: Things I didn't expect but probably should have: A) Cardi B turning around "Bodak Yellow" with a pop-rap verse this effervescent B) on a Bruno Mars new jack swing track. Can 2018 be full of this kind of good surprise? [7]
Will Adams: The song knows which side of the bread is buttered, which is why Cardi B kicks things off with a verse that proves her versatility as a rapper. After that, the excitement wears off a bit. As I've mentioned before, merely recreating the sounds of yore as meticulously as possible doesn't always result in a modern jam. And while Bruno Mars is absolutely the best man for the job, "Finesse" rides the line of novelty and creates distance between it and me. [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Not much is as emblematic of Bruno Mars's modus operandi as a music video shot in 60fps with a 4:3 aspect ratio. He creates nostalgic music that's as flashy as it is alien-like, and the only way he seems comfortable overcoming the latter is by doubling down on the former. A line like "Blame it on my confidence, oh blame it on your measurements" is as garish as it comes, but his commitment to the shtick overcomes any apparent personality deficiencies. It reminds me of why a lot of K-pop is successful, and it's one of the reasons why I believe some people have been making comparisons between it and Mars's music for the past few years. Naturally, "Finesse" was produced by The Stereotypes, and this ends up being a stronger effort than Korea's recent new jack swing efforts precisely because of how effortlessly fun it sounds. It's, of course, in no small part due to Cardi B's presence--she plays her role comfortably, utilizing lines and a flow that feel like a love letter to the '90s. With "Finesse," she's already more versatile than many of her peers, and it's the best case for her staying power yet. [8]
Alex Clifton: I still hear the chorus as "trip to Inverness," but I don't even care. This is fun! Cardi B and Bruno Mars are an unexpectedly charming collaboration--Bruno brings his usual upbeat magic and Cardi lets loose a little. It's a delight to hear something that simultaneously invokes the 90s while never actually feeling dated; it's just a shot of joy. I'm ready to start off 2018 with a good party banger to cleanse myself of the past year, and this fits the bill. [8]
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years
Okay, so as you know this show has been on a “hiatus” for reasons I explained in the last episode and I had been thinking of different ways to continue this. Eventually I came to the conclusion that it does not really matter if I skipped tens of songs, maybe even more than 100, because a lot of them don’t have lasting success and if I kept doing these massive blocks of songs from months ago I would pretty much get nowhere by the end of the year. So, I’m writing this on Saturday, meaning the UK Singles Chart updated yesterday, and I think it’s about time I get back in schedule. This week’s #1 is “Mood” by 24kGoldn and iann dior, and let’s discuss the new arrivals in the UK Top 75. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Dropouts and Returning Entries
So, how will this work? Well, it’s going to be pretty simple. No rundown of the top 10, no climbers and fallers, just reviews of the usually about 10 or so new songs that hit the UK Top 75. I’ll cover returning entries and drop-outs as well ever so briefly at the start of each episode, just for some additional clarity and information, I guess. This was actually a pretty damn busy week to start off with so we have a lot of drop-outs, some of which are pretty notable, like “Secrets” by DJ Regard and RAYE, “Fake Friends” by Ps1 and Alex Hosking, “Dinner Guest” by AJ Tracey and MoStack, Tion Wayne’s “I Dunno” featuring Dutchavelli and Stormzy, “Dancing in the Moonlight” by Jubel and Neimy and some other relatively unimportant one-week hits I won’t be mentioning here. Of course, there are songs that have been on the chart for months but I only recently covered like “This City” by Sam Fischer, “Kings & Queens” by Ava Max and “Don’t Need Love” by 220 KID and Gracey, as well as some gradual losses from the late Juice WRLD, those being “Smile” with the Weeknd and “Wishing Well”. Returning to the chart are “Real Life” by Burna Boy and Stormzy at #71, “One Too Many” by Keith Urban and P!nk at #57, “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac at #55 43 years after release because of this guy on TikTok drinking cranberry juice (That’s 2020 for you) and finally, “Levitating” by Dua Lipa at #30 thanks to a pretty good DaBaby remix. Now we have two album bombs to start this season off. Let’s go!
#66 – “Always Forever” – Bryson Tiller
Produced by J-Louis, Teddy Walton and CAMEone
Bryson Tiller. I don’t really get or even know his music enough to spark any insight before listening, and to be transparent, no, I didn’t listen to that comeback album. Anniversary is a sequel of sorts to his debut album, Trapsoul, and I can expect just that, I imagine, from this very quick pre-release single dropped just a week or two before the album proper. This drowned-out, watery R&B style doesn’t usually work with me, especially when Drake does it, and Tiller’s nasal, high-pitched squeaky crooning here also does not fit this otherwise lovely production, with some fat bass 808s I really enjoy. The chorus is a  mess of fleeting background vocal runs and the performance here while not embarrassing feels kind of lifeless and checked-out. Admittedly, some of the harmonies he hits in the third verse/bridge are pretty nice-sounding, but it feels wasted when the song just continues to flutter off afterwards with the same dull key patterns and frankly, this is just an uninteresting and clearly unfinished track barely under three minutes and never reaching a point where it feels worth listening to. If I were a Bryson Tiller fan, I would be pretty underwhelmed with this.
#65 – “Years Go By” – Bryson Tiller
Produced by Streetrunner and Tarik Azzouz
Well, here’s the opening track from the record, where Tiller has to make that impactful first impression, and with this reverb-drenched guitar melody in the intro and the distorted sound effects that start off the song proper, it starts off solid, and, I’m afraid to say, continues to be so. This obviously goes for a more direct trap-rap vibe with a skittering drum pattern that really bumps and a... pretty underwhelming two verses from Tiller here, who prefers to just kind of impersonate the Weeknd until the beat abruptly cuts out for pointless Auto-Tuned vocal riffing, and, yeah, this is just clumsy. The flows here are tired and messy, often clinging off the ledge of the beat, and even if I really like the cute synths in the outro, I can’t excuse this. Once again, it just seems unfinished, and lyrically on both tracks, he’s saying nothing of any substance. I guess he shouts out Jack Harlow and... Danny Phantom? He also seems to refer to himself as “Godtiller” by the end, as in Godzilla, because no-one’s stopping him from doing so. Sigh, next.
#62 – “Bet You Wanna” – BLACKPINK featuring Cardi B
Produced by TBHits, Mr. Franks and Teddy
You may be able to recognise a pattern here but no, I didn’t listen to this really short debut album by BLACKPINK either, pretty fittingly called The Album. This isn’t really a collaboration I understand or expected but it’s not that far-fetched, especially since BTS did collaborate with Nicki Minaj a year or so ago. The songs features the girls only singing in English over some finger-snaps that sound painfully fake and some demanding piano that is completely switched for the pre-chorus only for it to come back later and then technically in the chorus but covered in tropical-like percussion and some background squealing, only for Cardi B to interrupt with a surprisingly PG verse – you can really tell she had to censor herself here – and that’s all she does in the song. This actually is a fair bit more refined than K-pop I heard previously as it seems to at least stick to a musical motif which seems to be a pretty difficult concept for a lot of these bands. I mean, that’s probably just because of the Western producers on this song like TBHits, who’s worked with Ariana Grande before. It isn’t a headache like “Kill This Love” and I really love the vocal performance from who I thinks is “Jennie” here although the others seem to scroll through ugly distortion effects, particularly in their verse. I mean, it sure is listenable and honestly kind of a far cry from the earlier songs I heard from them, but it’s still not very good. Sorry.
#60 – “On My Mind” – Diplo and SIDEPIECE
Produced by Diplo and SIDEPIECE
So, in 1996, R&B girl group 702 released a pretty solid new jack swing jam as their debut single, featuring Missy Elliott, called “Steelo”. It was a minor hit in itself and even sampled the Police – the rock band fronted by Sting, I feel the need to clarify considering the current climate.  It’s not a bad song, albeit perhaps overlong and unintentionally intimidating at times. You can tell Missy’s phoning it in a bit here, but she’s still as charming as ever here. 24 years later, we have “On My Mind”, a glorified house remix of the tune by Diplo and two of his buddies, basically. Is it any good? Well, yes. The sprinkling of cute synths in the intro combined with that leering vocal line really replicate the vibe of the original song, and it does that even better when a single vocal sample from the bridge is looped constantly under a pretty pounding bass and a typical four-on-the-floor house track. This song’s bridge of its own is incredibly pretty as well, to the point where the squawking and low-tone beeping don’t really bother me, especially when it just... crashes with buzzy bass drops that sound like a mix of a dubstep track and a car zooming past. It shifts up the entire song and honestly it works, it’s an effective climax, this is pretty fun, albeit lacking many ideas. It doesn’t really matter if those ideas are executed as well as they are here, so, thanks, Diplo.
#54 – “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” – 21 Savage and Metro Boomin featuring Young Thug
Produced by Metro Boomin and Peter Lee Johnson
Of course, it’s not actually titled “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” but I’ve got to at least try and keep this show clean. Now, I haven’t listened to many albums this year but 21 Savage and Metro Boomin’s collaborative album Savage Mode II is definitely one of the best of those few. Admittedly, it has a pretty lacklustre beginning and it doesn’t really make sense as a sequel to that Savage Mode EP, particularly because it’s trying to pay homage to a bunch of different styles of 80s, 90s and 2000s rap to the point of identity crisis, but it is one of the best album listening experiences I’ve had this year, with some absolutely killer production from Metro, the sheer brilliance of the Morgan Freeman interludes and 21’s improvement as a rapper being really on show throughout the record. “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” is one of my absolute favourites on the album, with the smooth as hell synths and that violin sample that is just hypnotic. 21 Savage slides on this beat and he actually sounds pretty slick with Auto-Tune here, especially over this production which is just beautiful; Metro really is the highlight of the record all things considered. In fact, 21 kind of loses me with his brand flexing and the weird empty spaces that he seems to compensate for by jumbling words together to fit the meter which is unfitting for the mood of the song. Thugger, however, I’m convinced can do no wrong. His upbeat, joyful inflections are in great contrast with his crooning in the second half of the verse, and even though he only really uses one flow through the verse, it leaves a good impression on me fast enough for me to dismiss that. Are they on-topic? Barely. Are they saying anything of substance other than some flexing, sex talk and threats? No, I mean, it’s 21 Savage and Young Thug, but the most important thing here is delivery and these guys have it in spades. I’m a lot more convinced that Thugger has hit men than YoungBoy Never Broke Again is all I’m saying. That being said, please don’t send your shooters, Mr. Broke Again.
#43 – “Runnin” – 21 Savage and Metro Boomin
Produced by Metro Boomin
After the gorgeous introduction from Metro and Morgan Freeman, you are met headfirst with the wrath of... a pretty Diana Ross sample. The way Metro flips this into this head-nodding almost Memphis-like trap beat makes it sound a lot more ominous and menacing though, and it really hits when 21 comes in with his opening bars that start off the project, giving you a basic rundown about what he’s going to do in the album only in the first verse: beat people up, buy cars, spend money on women who he only keeps around for sex and finally, shoot the opps. In fact, he calls his Draco a paedophile because “all of his opps gettin’ touched”, which is a questionable line. 21, are you saying your opps are all children? Regardless, 21 does have some pretty funny wordplay and punchlines, particularly in the second verse with a really clever line about biblical marijuana (Go figure). Basically, he grows his weed in the Garden of Eden, but “zaza” is really high-quality marijuana and also a name mentioned in the Bible. I don’t know if that was intentional or not but if it was a coincidence it at least adds to the lyrics of the song. I have to say though that the chorus is weak and tedious as all hell, and by the end of the song that sample has well-overstayed its welcome, making the song hit a lot less harder than I think was intended. Hey, at least it has Morgan Freeman on it.
#40 – “Lovesick Girls” – BLACKPINK
Produced by R.Tee and 24
So, here we are in the top 40, with more BLACKPINK and to my surprise, honestly. I figured that the song with the big western rap star would be here but I suppose this did have a video behind it – that was controversial in Korea because of how the Korean Health and Medical Workers Union objected to Jennie wearing a sexualised nurse outfit, because, well, sure. This time the lyrics are mostly in Korean, and it sounds immediately much more like what I’d expect from what 2020’s K-pop has to offer. There is a pretty clean guitar loop that the whole song runs off of, some great vocal performances amongst simple rap flows and a drastic shift into an English chorus with some 80s-like synths and admittedly a nice synthpop beat. I prefer this a lot to “Bet You Wanna” but as it is it’s just inoffensive. I like Jennie’s rap verse though. “Don’t want to be a princess, I’m priceless / a Prince not even on my list”? Come on, that’s kind of fire, at least for middling Korean electropop standards.
#38 – “Heart of Glass” – Miley Cyrus
There aren’t any production credits on Spotify, Wikipedia or Genius, mostly because this is a live performance from iHeartRadio Music Festival – however they’re still doing that in these times – that was just dumped on streaming and impressively got all the way into the top 40. To be honest, I can’t say I’m a fan of the original – it’s a well-written song flattened by weak albeit infectious disco production and whilst the groove is infectious, the song has just never clicked with me, so I’m not excited to listen to Cyrus’ cover but hey, anything to delay talking about back-to-back Drake features and D-Block Europe. I WAS excited however when it started with a rock breakdown, especially that drum fill, but it soon restarted to the groove that we all know the song for and one that again, I never was too fond of to begin with. Miley is energetic, raspy and almost growling here at points but the instrumentation is somewhat stiff, which again is a problem I have with the original. It also doesn’t replace the synth riff with an epic guitar solo as I kind of hoped. At the point where Miley drops into “na-na-na”’s and unintelligible yelling is when I just zone out. I really hoped this could have been better, but I’m not a fan.
#35 – “Come Over” – Jorja Smith featuring Popcaan
Produced by Izaiah and MadisonLST
It’s rare there’s a song on these charts that intrigues or excites me in the way this one does, not because it’s particularly novel or groundbreaking, but just because this is a new song from two artists I like but haven’t checked out much from, and I have yet to hear it so I’m glad it debuted this high. I’m happy for Popcaan too, he seems to be having a good year signed to OVO and all, even if I’ve never really tried to listen to his solo stuff. I’ve heard many features from the guy though, with Drake, Kanye, Pusha T, Gorillaz on “Saturnz Barz” and especially alongside Jamie xx and Young Thug on one of my favourite songs of all time, “I Know There’s Gonna Be (Good Times)”, and he does not detract from a single one of them. I enjoyed Smith’s debut album a fair bit and whilst nothing she’s released since has really clicked with me, I’m still excited to hear what she has in store. I really love the production here, even if it is a tad fragmented, especially with that awkward vocal sample, but the atmospheric and hell, even spacey dancehall beat really evokes dub. I also hate the way that vocal sample is manipulated to a nasal, pitch-shifted tone in the bridge, but I guess the chorus is really pretty. Popcaan is kind of obnoxious crooning on here but he flows when he starts really flowing... then he’s immediately interrupted by Jorja singing the first verse again for whatever reason, and, yeah, this song’s a mess. It’s so oddly produced that by the time the air horns, yes, air horns, kick in during the outro, you are left with no real idea of what you just listened to. Or at least I was.
#28 – “Mr. Right Now” – 21 Savage and Metro Boomin featuring Drake
Produced by Metro Boomin and DAVID x ELI
And now, Drake. Thankfully this is the better of the two Drake-featured songs we have here, but this is still a low point on Savage Mode II and definitely an unnecessary inclusion. The production here is actually incredible, with those sweet strings and a quiet vocal sample that is absolutely infectious. The issue here is 21 Savage cannot really do an R&B hook that well, and even when he’s in his element on a trap beat, his bars are non-existent and generic. That pre-chorus is just awful coming from 21. I hate to say it, but maybe Drake could have been more involved here other than the second verse, where he starts by just repeating what 21 said, and then continues to just be Drake, and I’m not sure about the general public, but listening to Drake being Drake is nothing more than monotonous at this point. The only interesting thing he really says in his verse is that he used to date SZA in 2008, which, according to SZA herself, is actually inaccurate by about a year, which is just... well, Drake being Drake. Also, I’m really sick of quarantine music already. You should always reflect on the experience before making art about something like this, and I feel like a fleeting reference to the pandemic with a one-and-done bar I’ve heard a couple times before already (“We in quarantine, but my M’s long”) just dates this slow and sloppy R&B cut even more. Calling it now: if Metro hadn’t produced this, this would be unlistenable.
#24 – “Outta Time” – Bryson Tiller featuring Drake
Produced by Nineteen85, Vinylz and 40
Well, I guess it’s time to test this hypothesis. I don’t think that Drake has come out with anything salvageable this year, mostly because he’s been releasing leftovers and branding them as such, and they still top charts. I mean, “Laugh Now Cry Later” is okay but that’s mostly saved by 20 seconds of Lil Durk being an absolute treasure. The way he croons gargled nonsense and follows it up with “Bring Drake to the hood, surround Drake around Drac’s” might be the funniest and best moment in pop music this year. This song with Bryson Tiller is nowhere near as amusing but honestly Drake mumble-singing over a pretty classy 90s-reminiscent R&B sample is usually quite pleasant... here he just sounds whiny and immature, and he’s pretty clearly recycling cadences and flows he’s already used. He also has zero chemistry with Tiller, maybe because they never interact on the song, with Tiller’s Auto-Tuned crooning saved for the last half of the track, mostly because I imagine it’s easier to get streams with Drake at the start. Honestly, I prefer Bryson Tiller’s part. Hey, I don’t like his voice, but over that sweet Snoh Aalegra sample, I’m not going to say it doesn’t work. This is the best I’ve heard from the album but I mean it’s not like there’s competition.
#21 – “Wonder” – Shawn Mendes
Produced by Shawn Mendes, Nate Mercereau, Scott Harris and Kid Harpoon
Really? Only #21? Okay, well, I suppose some Shawn Mendes songs are slow burners but considering how successful “If I Can’t Have You” and “Senorita” were right after release I did expect this new lead single to seep at least into the top 15, especially since the UK has a tendency to just let anybody in the top 20, but, hey, if the song’s good, it shouldn’t really matter. Much like “In My Blood” from the last album rollout, this is a ballad, although this is specifically a post-breakup ballad where he contemplates on his manufactured relationship with Camila Cabello. So it couldn’t get into the top 20 even with fake personal drama surrounding the single? Wow. Well, I actually kind of like the lyrical content here, especially the second verse where he briefly addresses toxic masculinity, and how it makes him feel like less of a man when he cries because that’s what society’s conventions and norms programmed him to feel. I would like it a bit better if it weren’t as on-the-nose and kind of clumsy as it is, especially since the rest of the song is just wondering what it would feel like to be loved by Camila Cabello and some dreary, post-breakup lines. The first verse taps into more profound and insightful territory to but it goes nowhere and I find it hard to care about this melodrama at all, even if it is backed by a pretty powerful choir arrangement. Much like “If I Can’t Have You” and some of his other tracks before this, especially “Mercy”, this feels like a pretty overproduced, underwritten angst jam with absolutely no teeth to it other than a performance from Mendes that goes into some belting territory but is overall too restrained to fit this kind of anthemic orchestral instrumentation and especially those drums. In conclusion, this is a waste of potential but at least it had potential to begin with, unlike...
#11 – “UFO” – D-Block Europe featuring Aitch
Produced by Cardo, Cubeatz and DY Krazy
People complain about the charts all the time, particularly the type and quality of music on it. This is especially true with the USA’s Billboard Hot 100 and I understand that chart has incredible flaws it hasn’t made up for, but at least it doesn’t have D-Block Europe every other week. I mean, a pretty great British rap song even ended up on the Hot 100 thanks to TikTok and DaBaby, that being “Don’t Rush” by Young T & Bugsey featuring Headie One. That proves that these recurring antagonists of REVIEWING THE CHARTS are not necessary; I like Young T & Bugsey. We could just replace these oversaturated whining idiots with those guys, but no, we have Young Adz and Dirtbike LB, and they’re here to stay. Oh, and even better, they’re here with Aitch, pioneer of the new “gentrified drill” genre. Apparently to Young Adz, this is a “different” song that could isolate their audience, but I just see this as pretty normal Young Adz moaning over guitar-trap beats. It’s not drill, but it’s not like this is all that different or interesting... like at all. Adz has this hilariously bad “ooh-wee” flow that just sounds ridiculous on this beat, and Aitch proves his status as the whitest man in UK rap – and this is the country that brought you Professor Green. The song isn’t even about spaceships or any type of unidentified flying object! It’s just about having sex with drug dealers, with the only reference to the supernatural being the intro where Young Adz says that this sex is apparently happening in space... for no reason. And Dirtbike LB, well...
I’mma cover my pain with these shades
Just as embarrassing as usual. These guys have got an album out this week by the way, with 29 songs and a full 91 minutes of this same garbage they’ve been pumping out mixtapes of for two years now. They’re still funny occasionally and never on purpose, but the humorous inflections and stupid lines are now so few and far between that it’s barely worth pointing any of that out anymore. God.
This wasn’t just a busy week to start off on, but also a week where I’m not left impressed by really any of this, even from the album I liked. Worst of the Week still goes to D-Block Europe and Aitch with “UFO” with Bryson Tiller picking up the Dishonourable Mention for both of his first two lousy tracks here. Other than that, well, I only really like “Rich Gnarly Dude Stuff” by 21 Savage, Metro Boomin and Young Thug so that runs away with Best of the Week, but I guess I’ll give the Honourable Mention to “On My Mind” by Diplo and SIDEPIECE, for at least being kind of fun if not anything else.
Here’s the top 10 for this week:
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...and that’s all from me. Follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank for more garbage and hopefully I’ll see you next week.
0 notes
ewanreviewin · 7 years
Song: “Impostor Syndrome” by Sidney Gish
In <100 Words: As is the case with practically every other song on this album, ‘Impostor Syndrome’ finds Sidney very humorously being self-deprecatingly introspective. I can’t help but joyfully laugh at the clever puns of the such as “not K thru 8, nor K-9 (canine)” and the “For human/canine…” lyric which might as well also say “Fur human”. The song starts with Sidney smoothly easing the listener into the penultimate track of No Dogs Allowed with just her own back-up vocals and guitar. Her pitch-perfect voice directs the rest of the song with more upbeat guitar strums & grooving kick drums. So damn good.
Fave Lyric: “In either case they say to me: ‘What the fuck is lost in aisle 3?'”
I Also Recommend: Breezy & sample filled ‘Sin Triangle,’ ‘Where the Sidewalk Ends’ which has great harmonics (also what I think is a literal harmonica), and slightly lo-fi ‘Sophisticated Space.’
The Album Overall: I HIGHLY recommend this album & I really did not expect to find one of my favorite records of 2018 so quickly in the year. The humor is so well-done, her voice is right on the mark every time, and the production fills my whole body with joy.
What This Sound Like: Being thrown back into the happiest, worst, and weirdest moments of my college career.
Song: “Finesse (Remix)” by Bruno Mars & Cardi B
In <100 Words: Finesse was always one of the best tracks from 24K Magic with its 90s groove & swagger. Any confusion or fear of Cardi’s inclusion into the remix immediately vanishes she kicks off the song with her verse. With swagger matching Bruno’s & silly youth terms like SHOOK, Cardi proves how versatile she can be outside of standard hip-hop beats. Bruno even adds some extra vocals on the bridge & end of the song, giving even the Bruno fans of the original song a little extra treat. This is the perfect first hit of 2018.
Fave Lyric: “Bruno, SANG to me while I do my money dance!”
What This Sound Like: A combination of all your favorite 80’s/90’s songs that they now play on Nick at Nite.
The Video: It’s awesome with great references. I’m still trying to do the little dance that Bruno does in the chorus.
Song: “Just for Us” by Francis and the Lights
In <100 Words: I’d say that this is the outlier of the album due to its upbeat synth sounds, but still very much fits the rest of the record lyrically. ‘Just for Us’ feels very cozy, like Francis is singing directly to the listener (he is obviously not writing this song about me, however). Bon Iver sounds lovely in the chorus too, which is likely my favorite part due to the twinkly keyboard.
Fave Lyric: “When I see you out and you catch my eye, I wanna look away, but I don’t wanna lie – even though I couldn’t explain it if I tried.”
I Also Recommend: ‘Faithful’ is beautiful and has my favorite lyrics, ‘Tear it Up’ weirdly reminds me of “UGH!” by the 1975 (both are super groovy too), and the feeling-like-you’re-underwater ‘Breaking Up.’
The Album Overall: While I think I prefer the production of Farewell Starlite, Francis’s lyricism on this record is very well-written and open. I enjoy it.
What This Sounds Like: Late night conversations at sleepovers with your best friend(s).
Song: “With You (feat. KDL)” by Fetty Wap
In <100 Words: I did not realize Fetty was releasing so much music between now & his debut album back in 2015, but I guess he is! With You feels a bit more emotional & heart-on-your-sleeve than something like 679, both in the production & lyrics. Fetty makes it work! While it likely won’t have as much staying power as something like 679, Trap Queen, or My Way, it’s still a good song.
Fave Lyric: “Me and you, jet lag is so bad, baby.”
What This Sounds Like: Being at laser tag when you plan on giving your boo the 25 cent ring you bought earlier that evening.
Week of Jan. 5, 2018 Song: "Impostor Syndrome" by Sidney Gish In <100 Words: As is the case with practically every other song on this album, 'Impostor Syndrome' finds Sidney very humorously being self-deprecatingly introspective.
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akshay123me-blog · 5 years
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Here we start 30 days song challenge I special that’s to my friend who challenge me to for this .  I wanted to write this blog because it turns out that as I progressed with the challenge, I realized that at the same time it became an experiment and it is about something that many of us are passionate about: Music:
I learned a lot from them through music and I’m glad they shared a lot with me. I learned how human we can be by sharing songs that make us think and feel depending on the song, the melody and its lyrics.
Here I would like to share 30 days song challenge list  that encourage you to do the challenge and  you can know among all of you new songs:
Day 01 song challenge
Your favourite song  Ed sheeran shape of you Is my favourite song    released as on 6 January 2017 “Shape of You” peaked at number-one on the singles charts of 34 countries . it has more than 4.5 billion view on youtube the song was written by Ed Sheeran and having a great success in 2017 and also won grammy award for best solo performance .  It was the best-selling song of 2017 and the decade in the UK.
Day 02 song challenge: A song that you can dance to
“Cheap Thrills” is a song by Australian singer-songwriter Sia from her seventh studio album.  It was written by Sia Furler and Grey kurstin, while solely produced by Kurstin. In Australia, it was eventually certified Quadruple Platinum for shipments of over 280,000 copies, and reached no. 6. In New Zealand, and was certified Double Platinum for sales of over 30,000 copies. The song was awarded Quadruple Platinum in Sweden, Five time Platinum in Spain, and Double Diamond in Poland. In the UK, it peaked at No. 2 for four weeks, and was certified double platinum for shipments of over 1.2 million copies. It has over 106,309,900 views on youtube and the song became the best selling and highest certified single of all time in Italy
Day 03 song challenge: A song that makes you happy
“What Is Love” is a song recorded by Trinidadian-German Eurodance artist Haddaway for his debut album. The song was released on 8 May 1993 as the album’s lead single. It was a massive hit in Europe, becoming a number-one hit in at least 13 countries and reaching number two in Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Outside Europe, the song was moderately successful, reaching number 11 in the United States, number 12 in Australia, number 17 in Canada, and number 48 in New Zealand. The song which makes you happy while watching video of this song.
Day 4 song challenge:A song from your favorite album
“Baby” is a song by canadian recording artist Justin Bieber alongside rapper ludacrist. It was released as the lead single from the latter half of Bieber’s debut album. It was available for digital download on January 18, 2010. The song received airplay directly after release, officially impacting mainstream and rhythmic radio on January 26, 2010. The song is uptempo R&B, blending together dance  and hip-hop elements, while using influences of doo-moo music. The song has received positive reviews from critics who complimented the song’s effective lyrics and chorus, and commended Ludacris’ part and the song’s ability to have an urban twist.
Day 5 song challenge: A song that reminds you of someone you´d rather forget
ALPINE — Damn Baby:
Alpine was released in Australia in 2012 and in the US in 2013. The album was featured on Triple J  prior to its release, and debuted at No. 1 on the Australian iTunes. After an extended hiatus, Alpine returned in 2019 with a new single, “Dumb,” on May 1. A week prior, the band had announced that founding member and co-lead vocalist Lou James would be departing from the band.
Day6 song challenge : A song that you want to play at your wedding
“Ring” is a song recorded by American rapper Cardi B for her debut studio album invasion of privacy in 2018  featuring vocals from American singer  Kehlani. It was released on August 28 in 2018 as the album’s fifth and final single. On youtube it has around 8,641,355 views and 51.5 k subscribers on the challenge .
Day 7 song challenge: A song that makes you fall asleep
How Soon is Now­- In 2007, Marr said “How Soon Is Now?” is “possibly [the Smiths’] most enduring
record. It’s most people’s favourite, I think.Despite its prominent place in the Smiths’ repertoire, it is not generally considered to be representative of the band’s style. Although a club favourite, it did not chart as well as expected. Most commentators put this down to the fact that the song had been out on vinyl in a number of forms before being released as a single in its own right. The original track runs for nearly seven minutes; the 7” single edit cut the length down to under four minutes. The complete version is generally used on compilations. This isn’t to say that this masterpiece is boring. In fact it is one of my favourite Smiths songs. However, if ever I can’t sleep, I stick this on repeat and I’m soon asleep in no time.
Day 08 song challenge: A song that makes you sad
DJ Snake, AlunaGeorge — You Know You Like It
“You Know You Like It” is a song by English electronic music duo AlunaGeorge from their debut studio album, Body Music (2013). The track was released in the United Kingdom on 20 April 2012 as the album’s lead single. The song peaked at number 39 on the UK Singles Chart in April 2013 after being used in a Tesco advert.
Timed with the release of the album, “You Know You Like It” was re-released on 28 July 2013, as a double A-side with “Bad Idea”. It subsequently reached a new peak position of number 39 in the UK Singles Chart on 4 August 2013. A music video to accompany the release of “You Know You Like It” was first released onto YouTube on August 31, 2011 at a total length of three minutes and thirty seconds. The video is shot in black and white and features clips of Francis dancing.
Day 09 song challenge: A song that you wish you could play
. “If You Could See Me Now” is a song by Irish pop rock band The Script, taken from their third studio album,  (2012). The song video was released as the album’s third single on 18 February 2013. The song was released on 4 March 2013. The track was written by Danny O’Donoghue,  Sheehan, Steve Kipner and Andrew Frampton. The song is an emotional tribute d A music video to accompany the release of “If You Could See Me Now” was first released onto YouTube on 18 February 2013 at a tota l length of three minutes an forty-nine seconds
Sheehan added to O’Donoghue’s late father – and to guitarist Mark Sheehan parents. For the very first time, vocals to a song.
Day 10 song challenge: A song that you want to play at your funeral
Master of Reality is released on 21 July 1971. It is widely regarded as the foundation of doom metal, stoner rock, and sludge metal It was certified double platinum after having sold over 2 million copies. Master of Reality was Black Sabbath’s first and only top 10 album in the US until 13, forty-two years later. The first editions of Master of Reality came in an ‘envelope sleeve’ containing a poster of the band, and with the album’s title embossed in black lettering, visible in relief. Later editions lacking the embossed printing would render the album title in grey. This was the first Black Sabbath sleeve on which the lyrics were reproduced on the back of the sleeve. It has over 2,356,897 views on youtube and around 24k subscribers.
Day 11 song challenge: A song you like with a person´s name on the title
Plain White T’s — Hey There Delilah:
It features the band’s lead singer, Tom Higgenson, singing the song while the band members are in another room behind him. The other band members are not playing in the song. The only other instruments are the strings provided by Eric Remschneider, who does not appear in the video. It was released in May 2006 as the third single from their third studio album All That We Needed. The video was directed by Jay Martin.
In a split screen it shows Delilah, not the backup singer’s girlfriend, played by model Melissa McNelis, who attends college 1000 miles away in New York City. She walks around the city, presumably, from a class to her job.
Day 12 song challenge: A song that moves you forward
Incubus — Drive:  It was released in November 2000 as a single from their third album Make Yourself. It is considered the band’s biggest hit and breakthrough single, eventually reaching the top of the US Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart on March 3, 2001, and number nine on the Billboard Hot 100 on July 28. The song has over 145,370,900 views on youtube and around 619k subscriber.
Day 13 song challenge: A song from your childhood
Busted- In November 2013, Willis and Bourne announced plans to tour together with McFly as the “supergroup”
McBusted  in 2014, and this continued into 2015. On 10 November 2015, it was revealed that Simpson had rejoined Busted after successful secret writing sessions. The band then embarked on the pigs can fly arena tour in May 2016 and released their third studio album, Night Drive on 25 November 2016.
On 26 October 2018, Busted announced their fourth album Half way there, released on 1 February 2019, as well as a UK arena tour.
During 2003, Charlie met fellow songwriter-guitarist Alex Westaway and drummer Omar Abidi at a party. He was by this stage becoming increasingly frustrated by the music he was performing in Busted and stated he had “all of this creativity pent up inside and I just needed to vent it somewhere, and I was writing a lot of songs but I couldn’t play them, because I didn’t have anyone to play them with”. During the aforementioned party, an impromptu jam session took place.More than !14,345,233 views on youtube .
Day 14 song challenge: A song that no one would expect you to love
Drake — God’s Plan: This song received mostly positive reviews from music critics, who called it a typical Drake song. An accompanying music video for the song was directed by Karena Evans and uploaded onto Drake’s official YouTube channel on February 16, 2018. In the video Drake is giving away nearly one million US dollars to people and institutions in Florida. It received five nominations at the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards, including for Video of the Year and three nominations at the 61st Grammy Awards for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Rap Song, winning the last one. Commercially the song became the 29th song in history to debut at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100, making it Drake’s fourth chart-topper in that country, and second as a lead artist. The single topped the charts in fourteen countries, including the UK and Canada and reached the top ten in nine others. The song broke first-day streaming records on both Apple Music and Spotify, and was the most streamed song of the year on both services. “God’s Plan” received mostly positive reviews from music critics, who called it a typical Drake song. An accompanying music video for the song was directed by Karena Evans and uploaded onto Drake’s official YouTube channel on February 16, 2018.
Day 15 song challenge: A song that describes you
The League: This song was released on 1982 by Hardcore punk , punk rock.  For me, people have to prove they aren’t arseholes before I truly trust them, rather than prove that they arseholes after I have already made the effort to let them into my life.
Day 16 song challenge : A song that no one would expect you to love
“My Heart Will Go On”  is a song recorded by Canadian singer Celine Dion. It serves as the main theme song to James Cameron’s blockbuster film Titanic, that is based on an account of the British transatlantic ocean liner of the same name which sank in 1912 after colliding with an iceberg in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. The song’s music was composed by Jame Horner, its lyrics were written by Will Jennings, while the production was handled by Walter Afanasieff, Horner and Simon Franglen.
In Germany, “My Heart Will Go On” was certified 4× platinum for selling over two million copies, and was ranked as one of the most popular singles ever released there.It sold over 1.2 million copies in France, being certified Diamond. Additionally, the song was certified 3× Platinum in Belgium, 2× Platinum in Australia, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, Platinum in Greece, and Gold in Austria. “My Heart Will Go On” was released twice in Japan. The regular edition from January 1998 sold 205,300 and was certified 2× Platinum, for 200,000 copies sold. The remixed edition released in June 1998 sold 111,920 copies and was certified Gold for 100,000 copies sold, due the fact that maxi-singles are treated as an album.
Day 17: A song that makes you think about life
Fiona Apple — Across the Universe:
One night in 1967, the phrase “words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup” came to Lennon after hearing his then-wife Cynthia, according to Lennon, “going on and on about something”. Later, after “she’d gone to sleep – and I kept hearing these words over and over, flowing like an endless stream”, Lennon went downstairs and turned it into a song. He began to write the rest of the lyrics and when he was done, he went to bed and forgot about them.I was lying next to my first wife in bed, you know, and I was irritated, and I was thinking. She must have been going on and on about something and she’d gone to sleep and I kept hearing these words over and over, flowing like an endless stream. I went downstairs and it turned into a sort of cosmic song rather than an irritated song, rather than a “Why are you always mouthing off at me?”.The words] were purely inspirational and were given to me as boom! I don’t own it you know; it came through like that.
Day 18 song challenge : A song that reminds you of a certain event
Fire work : This song was released on july 1983 E.G Records. It reached No. 29 in Uk charts.
The album was remastered and reissued in 2008, with eight bonus tracks: the non-album single “Me Or You”, an alternate version of “Dominator” (B-side to ” Let’s All Go (to The Fire dances)an unreleased early version of “The Gathering” and four tracks from a John Peel session from 1983.
Day 19 song challenge : The voice that you like
“Love the Way You Lie” is a song recorded by the American rapper Eminem, featuring Barbadian singer Rihanna, from Eminem’s seventh studio album Recovery (2010). The singer and songwriter Skylar Grey wrote and recorded a demo of the song alongside the producer Alex da Kid when she felt she was in an abusive romantic relationship with the music industry. Eminem wrote the verses and chose Rihanna to sing the chorus, resulting in a collaboration influenced by their past experiences in difficult relationships. Recording sessions were held in Ferndale, Michigan, and Dublin, Ireland. Backed by guitar, piano and violin, the track is a midtempo hip-hop ballad with a pop refrain, sung by Rihanna, and describes two lovers who refuse to separate despite being in a dangerous love–hate relationship.This song has over 1,908,101,273 views on youtube .
Day 20 song challenge: A song that remind something
Teenager Dreame: Musically, “Teenage Dream” is a mid-tempo pop song with a retro sound. It is styled in the genres of power pop and electropop, while taking influence from other genres such as disco and pop rock. Perry starts the song in a high-pitched voice while her vocals grow stronger as the song progresses. Lyrically, “Teenage Dream” discusses being with a lover who makes one feel young again. The song has topped the Billboard Hot 100, becoming Perry’s third number-one single on that chart, and her second consecutive number-one single after “California Gurls”. “Teenage Dream” has been certified seven times platinum in the United States, as well as receiving platinum and multi-platinum certifications in other countries.
Day 21 song challenge: Your favourite song at this time last year
“On My Way”
On 9 March 2019, Alan Walker began teasing the song via his social media.On 14 March 2019, Alan Walker formally announced the song along with its release date.After the announcement of the song, rumours circulated that Sabrina Carpenter and Farruko would feature on the song. Alan Walker confirmed their involvement on the song on 19 March 2019. On 20 March 2019, Walker announced that he partnered with PUBG Mobile for the one-year anniversary of the game, and that the song would be the event’s theme song.
On 10 May 2019, the alternative video was posted on Alan Walker’s YouTube channel, encouraging viewers to “choose their path” of either two video versions of Carpenter and Farruko in the official alternative music video, both were posted on their respective channels that same day. The two versions of the alternative music video indicated different searches, pieces of evidence, and artifacts that the female protagonist was searching (depending on the viewer’s choice) which led to each versions ending with the same outcome, which is the scene where tombstones with stone formations which were laid on the site, that took place a month before the events of the official music video when the artifacts were being unearthed and discovered .The song has 248,161,421 views on youtube channel and 5.5 M likes.
Day 22 song channel: A song from your favorite album
“Faded” is a hit song by Norwegian record producer and DJ Alan Walker. Incorporating vocals provided by Norwegian singer Iselin Solheim, the single was originally set to be released on 25 November 2015, but was delayed to 3 December 2015. The song was highly successful, peaking in the top 10 in most of the countries it charted in, and reached the top spot in more than 10 countries. Most popular song on youtube is has around 2,603.435,671 views and around 18 millions likes.It is currently the 17th most viewed video on YouTube, with over 2.6 billion views, 18 million likes and 489 thousand dislikes as of December 2019 as well as being the 27th most streamed song on Spotify, with over 1 billion streams as of December 2019.
Day 23 song challenge : A song that you know all the words to
The song reached No. 1 in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
“Words” was the Bee Gees third UK top 10 hit, reaching number 8, and in a UK television special on ITV in December 2011 it was voted fourth in “The Nation’s Favourite Bee Gees Song”.The song has been recorded by many other artists, including hit versions by RITA  in 1978 and Boyzone in 1996. This was Boyzone’s fifth single and their first number one hit in the UK. Words is a song by the Bee Gees, written by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb. It cross around 12,876,555 views on youtube.
Day 24 song challenge: Your least favourite song
“Smack That”
was released as the first single from Konvicted on September 26, 2006. Commercially, the song reached number one on ten record charts and peaked inside the top ten in nine, including the Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked at number two. It received several gold and platinum certifications and sold over 3 million downloads in the United States. The song earned a Grammy nomination for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration.
Day 25 song challenge : if you love someone
“I Wanna Love You” is a song written and recorded by Akon featuring Snoop Dogg. It was released in September 2006 as the second single from his second studio album, Konvicted. It is also featured on Snoop Dogg’s eighth album, Tha Blue Carpet Treatmet. This song was Akon’s first #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 and was also Snoop’s second #1 on the same chart. It also reached a peak of #3 on the UK Singles Chart. The track originally had Akon as a featured artist and was performed by Plies, then an up-and-coming rapper from Fort Myers, Florida, but his verse was replaced by Snoop’s and his name has been left out from the writers’ credits. This song was #88 on MTV Asia’s list of Top 100 Hits of 2007.The song was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung  Collaboration at the 50th Grammy Awards in 2008.
Day  26 song challenge : A song you never get tired of
Gustavo Cerati — Puente: Very poetic this song and Cerati as a good representative of Rock en Español (Latin Rock), he left us a very beautiful legacy in the world of music. (August 11, 1959 – September 4, 2014) was a guitarist, singer, musician, composer and Argentine record producer of Latin rock. He began his career as the leader of the band Soda Stereo for after developing a solo career.
Day 27 song challenge: A song that you can play on an instrument
Substance is double CD, double cassette and Digital Audio tape. It sold over one million copies and became New Order’s most popular and critically acclaimed album.
It is the companion to a similar singles compilation by New Order’s predecessor band Joy division also entitled Substance.
Day 28: A song that makes Fun of
Curtain call : – Eminem The song was released on December 6 of 2005 by American Rapper Eminem . The album was certified septuple platinum in the United States and quintuple platinum in New Zealand. It reached number one on several charts, including the US Billboard 200 and UK Albums Chart.
Day 29 song challenge: A song you like with a number on the title
The Smashing Pumpkins — 1979:
The song was released on early years  1988 -1991 .It has around 109,917,324 view on youtube channel and over 499 K likes with 485 k subscribers on youtube channel . On April 26, 2011, Corgan announced that the Smashing Pumpkins would be releasing a new album titled Oceania, which he labeled as “an album within an album” in regards to the Teargarden by Kaleidyscope project, in the fall. As with the previous recording sessions, all four band members contributed to the project. Also, the entire album catalog was to be remastered and reissued with bonus tracks, starting with Gish and Siamese Dream in November 2011.
Day 30: A song that you used to love but now hate
Hybrid Theory I used to like this song along with some other Linkin Park stuff. Now I see the error of my ways. Linkin Park are possibly the most over-rated band in the world. The music that would ultimately become the Hybrid Theory album was first produced by Linkin Park in 1999 as a nine-track demo tape. The band sent this tape to various recording companies and played forty-two different showcases for recording industry representatives, including performances for Los Angeles promoter and impresario, Mike Galaxy’s showcase at The Gig on Melrose.
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