#so im gonna hope for the best that i can make myself time stuff out right. and the only other elective like not on a monday that seemed
thedevotionaltour · 6 months
i hate my dumbass school's elective credits i have to take. three fucking elective studios alongside the studio class for my bfa in order to make sure i only have to take two electives alongside my senior project. LIKE DAMN SORRY FOR TRYING TO GET MY BFA CLASSES DONE AND OUT OF THE WAY INSTEAD OF TAKING A BUNCH OF ELECTIVE STUDIOS.... also 26 credits when every class is 3 credits or 1 is in insane why is this not 24 credits needed. i should kill this school
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angerygoomba · 1 day
btw ive never stopped being the idiot of the world
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lizzieislife94x · 8 months
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My New Boss (e.o)
Requested <3 LizziexFem Reader GxG Legal age gap 🤭 y/n is 22 lizzie is 34
Did ya miss me 😏😏 sorry for not updating haha had a shitty few weeks I'm currently hungover so fricking bad so thought I'd give yall a one shot gonna try and update a few so send me requests  please I go on holiday in 10 daya so gonna try and update a few before then ✌🏻
Y/ns POV:
I look over to my roommate June who has a huge smirk on her face "what it's 7am why are you smirking at me" I say rolling my eyes as I grab my cup of coffee "someone's looking all cute and sexy for her boss" I don't even need to look at her I can hear her smirk "no, no" i start as I look down at my outfit a simple cute shirt with a shortish skirt and some simple black heels "this is just smart work clothes" I huff as she laughs "yeah yeah I've seen your boss and that is one hot milf" I frown "she doesn't have kids dickhead" she walks towards me placing her hands on my shoulders "maybe not but she's 34 and you're 22 she's 12 years older" I pull away and put my coffee cup in the dishwasher "I don't like her like that" I lie to myself and my roommate "I just admire her and somewhat look up to her she's always been nice to me that's it" I say as I make my way to the front door "now I gotta go or I'll be late" with that I quickly make my way to my car to start the short journey to work.
As I walk in and swipe my card I smile and greet the reception workers "morning ladies" I say with a smile as I make my way up towards my bosses office my heart beating a little faster as I stop and knock "come in" I hear her loud but sweet voice as I make my way inside "good morning miss olsen" I swear as she looks up her face lights up "well good morning y/n you look great today" she smiles as she places her pen down giving me her full attention "uh thank you, you too miss olsen" I blush playing with my fingers "that skirt is gonna have alot of eyes on you y/n" she speaks with a tone to her voice maybe jealousy no why would she be I clear my throat and straighten  my skirt "I uh I'm sorry I didn't think it would be inappropriate miss olsen ill stick to pants" I say feeling my cheeks burn as I look into her eyes she has her bottom lip captured in her teeth "I think you should stick to the skirts you look extremely sexy" I feel my heart racing at her words "why don't you go grab us both a coffee and then ill give you work for the day not sure what needs done at the moment" I nod and turn to rush to the kitchen to pour 2 cups of coffee making my way back as quickly as possible "here you go miss olsen" I say as I place her coffee on the table as she gives me her adorable bright smile "please take a seat y/n" I sit as she looks at me "so you've been here 2 months now how are you finding it" she asks as she takes a sip of her coffee what sounds like a moan leaving her lips "I've absolutely loved it everyone is so friendly and made me feel so welcome, I have a great boss and great co workers what more can a girl want in a job" I smile as I hold my coffee in both in hands "that's great I'm glad you're loving it im hoping you stick around you're the best assistant/worker I've had working by in a long time you get the work done properly" I can't help smile like a fool as she praises me "oh I am indeed loving it and the people are great a few of the girls around the office invited me to a night out on Friday so I'm glad to be included" she frowns slightly as she tilts her head "a night out huh with drinking and stuff" she asks taking me by surprise as I nod sipping my coffee "well maybe I'll join you ladies" I almost chock on my coffee as my eyes widen, no fuck I can't have her near me or see me when I'm drunk what if I make a move or day something stupid and loose my job fuck "hey y/n where did you go, that wouldn't be a problem would it?" I try to compose myself as I sit straight "oh uh no that won't be a problem you are more than welcome to join us  ill find out the details from the girls at lunch and ill let you know when and where" I smile kicking myself inside "great ill look forward to it" she smirks as she says it, fuck why does she look so good "can you take these files and copy them that should take you to lunch" she says as she pushes a pile of files I smile and get to work.
8 hours later:
I sigh slamming myself onto the couch as I get texts from 2 of the girls asking why I invited the boss I quickly inform them it was an accident as I throw my phone one the couch "damn was work that bad you look like shit" I hear June say as she plops down beside me I groan and look at her "lizzie was asking how I was finding the job and we where chatting and I told her I have a night out with the girls from work on Friday and now she's coming to I can't drink alcohol around her you know how I am, ill either think fuck it and make a move or I'll tell her something stupid" I rant as she laughs slightly "hey y/n calm down it will be OK here's what to do find a girl, drink and dance and have fun maybe get a kiss or two and you'll be fine if you have your attention on a cute girl you won't do anything stupid" I think for a second and sigh "yeah I guess you're right" i say standing up and I go to my room to get changed into shorts and a vest trying not to think about the night out in days.
AN: I genuinely hope this makes sense I feel it doesn't I wasn't planning on making it 2 parts but it was long before I even had a chance to put smut so the next part will be smut with a cheeky little night out with the boss 🤭 I hope yall are doing amazing! Remember drink water and stay hydrated babes 💗 😘 requestes are open as always, word count 1.2k
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elfbitches · 2 months
hi :) an update and reintroduction to myself, since its been a long time and things are different now
a lot of very big life-changing things have happened to me since i've been away, some very bad, some very good, all very hard stuff to go through. i moved to another country(!), got married to my partner and best friend of 7 years (!!), and im currently in the process of filing for immigration(!!!). ive also been grappling with mental and physical health issues that, for now at least, need to be managed without professional help which makes the challenging things even harder. but im here, im alive. imperfect, with a lot i need to work on, but im still trying and my life is several lightyears away from what it used to be. ive finally landed where im gonna stay, and now i can finally recover with the stable ground ive been without for my entire life.
ive been wanting to find a way to come back to social media after abstaining for over a year now aside from checking in now and then, and i had this sort of self-imposed pressure to make it something Significant with beautiful artwork to announce my return and signify how hard ive been working on recovering mentally emotionally physically and artistically. so i kept delaying it because nothing ive been making seemed amazing or groundbreaking enough to warrant all the fuss, and in the process depriving myself of basic human interaction because i didnt feel good enough about myself to show up empty-handed. however i now realise that that impulse was the same sort of mentality that got me so catastrophically burnt out so many times before, that my creativity and artistic output is a commodity that needs to meet a certain level of quality to justify it's existence to others, and all i could do was pray that people like it enough to keep paying attention to me. im trying to break out of that, and as such i have nothing to give you other than myself. im not a content creator, i am simply a person who creates.
ive done a lot of reflection on what is important to me this past year, and currently im in a state of flux and change and adjustment in all aspects of my life. ive basically restarted my entire artistic journey and im starting over from scratch in order to make my art something I both love to look at and love making, and neither of those things have been true for many years now. the same goes for how I presented myself and interacted with others during my time on social media, and I understand now what it means when people say "you teach people how to treat you"; it took me a long time to realise that I was unhappy with how people treated me, and that was a direct result of me constantly enabling specific behavior simply because it gave me positive attention (even if it was at my expense most of the time, people-pleasing habits die hard). from now on going forward, i want to give myself the respect i deserve, and be better about establishing healthy boundaries without being the isolated recluse ive become in the past year.
so all that said, hi! you can call me abel or blue :) i work as a remote graphic designer/illustrator for a tea shop in seattle, and live in canada with my husband will and our cat mango cheesecake! im a weird gay stoner with AuDHD and my current obsession and all-encompassing special interest is my multimedia art therapy project called ELFWOOD, and im always working on it in some capacity at any given time. im also a nsfw artist that loves drawing queer porn and doing drugs so suggestive stuff and things relating to weed and psychedelics will be a big thing here. i hope to be brave enough to post art and project updates someday soon, but i want to make sure its something i want for myself and not because i want to rely on external validation. thank u for reading and sticking around if u choose to! if not, thats okay and i hope u have a lovely day anyway :)
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wqxianwriting · 1 year
how to make a golden retriever happy.
SLIGHTLY proofread | f!reader | poly relationship with nick & charlie though reader isn’t dating charlie | pretty damn long i got ahead of myself, sorry :,) | they’re so cute but im so bad at details fr | lunch date, walks, stargazing w fireflies & movie night! (you got headbands to wear… guess what movie charlie is having y’all watch rn) | what is stargazing | author questioning what color sonic’s eyes are | theres some crying at the end and a mention of breaking up but its just those negative thoughts actin up, theyre all okay :) | angst/comfort? | not many kisses unfortunately but THERE ARE SOME, like three scenes… two? | there is cussing, not much | nick & reader flashbacks
#%a/n%#;; first request done! thanks for it, they mean so much to me. i didn’t wanna make it too long but here we are lolol, hope it’s enjoyable though 🥹💜 also ntm on your family details but your mom does appear and she has a “set” personality! no one else appears though so you can imagine the reader’s family how you want, though it is mentioned your mom is married. also note, since reader is a lady she goes to the same school as like, elle darcy tara (and probably imogen too, right?). meant to post this yesterday but i wanted to add some stuff at the end haha, sorry sorry this is a whole ass wattpad book fr, feel like i wrote so much and nothing at the same time. hope you enjoy if you give it a read thought fhdhdj
OH YEAH last thing, the emotions in this story is kind of a whiplash 💀 one minute they’re happy the next theyre kinda sad or bittersweet so- hopefully the pacing doesnt seem bad… BE WARNED. shouldn’t be too crazy. okay thats it this time do enjoy
nick & charlie (heartstopper)
elle & tao cameo
reader’s mom omg she’s a sweetheart, charlie’s parents are mentioned/super small cameo, nick’s mom also has a small cameo/is mentioned
darcy, imogen and sahar are very briefly mentioned!
The sweet sound of the school bell rings throughout and the school and every single student sighs in relief of the noise. You glance up at the clock on the wall before looking around the classroom where students are packing up their bags while talking noisily to one another.
You allow yourself to recline in your chair, left arm reaching back to where your backpack dangles off the seat and slide your hands into the side pocket, grabbing your phone.
Nicky Ricky Dicky: I’m alive!
Char: you live! i live too :) wanna walk together today or are you both busy? (gonna pick you up bestie)
Y/N: i’ll meet you outside (ty loveliest)
Char: awesome!!! nick?
Nicky Ricky Dicky: Sorry aha, I need to go home quickly today but I’ll be sure to join tomorrow!
This makes you pout and you can imagine your bestfriend having the same expression because the sad emoji he wrote in the group-chat even makes you sadder.
Char: ☹️
Y/N: don’f worry charlie
Y/N: Don’t*
Nicky Ricky Dicky: Sorry :,)
Char: It’s fine! Do what you have to do… we gonna facetime tonight though?
Char hearts your message ‘don’f worry charlie’.
Nicky Ricky Dicky: No promises but I’ll do my best. 😠❤️
Nicky Ricky Dicky: i gtg now, love you both <3
Y/N: lym! ❤️
Char: love you! ❤️❤️❤️
Y/N: three hearts 🥹
Char: y/n. STOP. come outside before i die
Y/N: omg… such a drama king like okay
You write and yet, you’re quick to jump from your chair and snatch your bag before sliding it on your shoulder. You push in your chair and skip out into the hallways where you see Elle. “Heya, Elle!”
She smiles warmly and waves goodbye to her friends before stepping in sync with you. “Hey there, Miss, didn’t catch your name.” You bump her shoulder and she bumps you back. “What’re you up to?”
“Charlie’s gonna come pick me up, hopefully via bike… mines broke the other day.” You sigh and she gives you a look of pity while trying to bite back a grin. Then she perks up.
“Not Nick?”
You shake your head, rubbing a hand against your temple. “Mm-mm, you ever just get a feeling something is off?”
Elle nods, turning her face away from you and her hands grip onto the handle of her bag that bounces against her legs. “Yeah, just putting it out there… graduation may be on his mind, I know its on mine and it’s been kicking my ass to be honest,” You wrap an arm around her in comfort and she hums in appreciation. “Just all that weird stuff, weird thoughts and anxiety…” Then she pauses, raising a hand and flicking her wrist. “Okay- not weird, but you know.”
That makes you snort, “Yeah, I get’cha… maybe, but we’ve always been open about that kind of stuff, I just don’t understand why it’d be a issue… I mean, we’ve talked about it many times before so it’s kind of odd, I guess?” You and Elle share a look of confusion before shrugging.
“Maybe it’s been having more of an impact y’know? You can speak easily about something when you’re not there yet but… graduation is coming up and everyone is worried about the future. You know how things don’t hit you till it’s happening literally next week or something? Maybe its hitting harder.”
Your heart clenches in pain at those words. She’s not wrong, there is a high chance it’s staring to affect him more… hitting harder than you’d know. You nibble on your bottom lip in concern and furrow your eyebrows,
“Well. If he’s being an idiot and isn’t gonna come to us about it then I’ll beat him up.” You place your hands on your hips, lightly joking to disperse the tense air between the two of you. Of course he isn’t being an idiot but you refuse to let him stress on his own. Elle chokes out a laugh in surprise.
“Oh god, he better run, she’s scary when she’s angry.” One of her hands let go of her bag and she hold her stomach while laughing a bit more. “Wouldn’t that be a sight?”
You scoff, “Like we haven’t argued before.”
“You argue about literal video games.”
“Stop.” You laugh and push at her shoulder. “Oh, and Elle, you know I’m your friend and if you ever need an ear to lend about college talk or need help to get your mind off of it to just relax, you got me.” She stares at you for a few beats before cracking into a grin.
“Thank you, Y/N. You know you got me too.”
Outside the school building you’re quick to spot two familiar figures by the gate. “Yes, he’s here!” Your arms raise in celebration then instantly flop down, “There’s no bike…!”
Elle calls out which makes the two boys stiff in seconds.
“Get your butts over here, Mr. Xu and Mr. Spring!” They awkwardly crane their necks to your direction and simultaneously sigh in relief – probably thinking you were teachers.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Tao exclaims as you and Elle once you’re right infront of the two, gesturing to his heart. Elle is quick to place a hand over his chest – Tao’s cheeks lowkey reddening but you decide not to point it out for his sake – and her eyes widen a bit.
“Tao, your chest is gonna shoot out your chest.”
“That is the goal, sire.” You finger gun at him and he smacks your hand away lightly with an exasperated look. It makes you giggle. “Elle is just feeling a little silly today.”
“It’s my agenda.” She grins before engulfing Charlie into a hug and he squeaks in surprise before squeezing her back. “Hello, Charlie!”
“Are you sure your heart isn’t pounding because you’ve gotten your daily dose of Elle?” You whisper while stepping in line next to Tao, facing your head to your other friends but you can see him tense at the corner of your eye.
He pinches his nose bridge, mumbling and you catch some of the words, suspiciously sounding like him saying he’s gonna fight you. His cheeks bloom a rosy rose so you take the win either way and smugly smirk at him.
“Hi, Elle!” His muffled laugh catches your attention, making you and Tao smile at the interaction before you wrap an arm around the latter, making him eyeroll, of course he does, but he wraps an arm around your shoulder and gives you a light squeeze in response.
“We best be off on our merry way,” You speak up, checking the time as the two friends let go of eachother. “I wanna stop by that new shop that opened a few weeks ago… Is that fine, Char?”
He gives you a thumbs up and Elle speaks, “Let me know how their desserts taste, I’ve been wondering but honestly they don’t look that good so…” She stares at you with a grimace before shrugging.
“Noted~” You say in a singsong voice before wrapping your arms around Charlie. “I’ll call you later, enjoy your afternoon date.” You and Charlie give the couple teasing grins and they take the bait, looking away in shyness but Tao takes the initiative and connects their hands together. It makes you melt.
“Shut up.” He groans, snapping but tone very much unthreatening adding on the fact he’s trying to cover his flustered face with his free hand.
“Yes, yes grumpy old man, we’ll see you later.” You and Charlie waist no time to start down the road with waves.
“Bye!” He shouts.
“I’m not a grumpy old man!” Tao stomps his foot, comedically. Right. How could you make that mistake?
“Bye, Y/N and Charlie!” Elle laughs with a wave and tugs her totally-not-grumpy boyfriend off in the other direction. You watch their hands tighten around eachother, squinting in amusement when Tao’s scowl instantly softens into a lovestruck gaze.
“Ahhh, young love.”
“You’re starting to sound like the old one here.” Charlie snickers, hands coming up to hold onto your forearms that are still bounded around him.
“You wound me, Char.” You squeeze him and he huffs. “I literally think the same when you and Nick are interacting, it’s so,” You make weird noises, fingers wiggling. “Y’know? Very sweet. Very cute, I even have some photos of you latching onto eachother while sleeping. Wanna see-?”
His brain feels like it’s shutting down, lightly smacking your arm when you lift it as to grab your phone. “Stop it.” You could practically see those animated stars swirling around his head and laugh.
You relent and unwrap your arms with a cheeky smile. He glances at you before hiding his face in his hands. “Ughh, whatever. You act like you don’t jump Nick the minute you see him.” Yeah, that’s crazy. You feel your own cheeks flaring up.
“You must be blind.”
“No, no, no. Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Lie!” He exclaims in a joking tone, uncovering his face and poking you in accusation. You lean away, losing your balance and forcing yourself to lean on your tippy toe. Your other foot comes down onto pavement with a stomp and you twirl like you’re dancing. Charlie definitely notices this misstep, doesn’t say anything but you see his shoulders shaking in silence. He’s laughing.
“I never lie?” You pick off the conversation.
“Was that a question?” He tilts his head back at you.
He stares at you, eyebrow twitching and you puff out your cheeks like a frog, looking anywhere but in his direction. “You’re awfully cheeky today.”
“How am I being cheeky?” He gives you a look like you’re being ridiculous.
“Charlie Spring is a little cheeky today, my oh my, what have I done to deserve this.” Then you raise your voice in a slight yell, “Ahhh! Who is this?! This isn’t my Charlieeee…!” Your arms reach for the sky.
“You’re an idiot.” He takes the chance and poke you again which makes you yelp. You narrow your eyes. He runs off, you chase.
That was last week. You haven’t seen your boyfriend in a couple of days and it’s concerning. He responds hours late to your messages, doesn’t even respond in your group chat with Charlie, his calls barely last ten minutes and you literally haven’t seen this man in person. Charlie tells you he still shows up at school but his eye-bags are pretty bad.
“Is he avoiding me? I’m confused.” You frown, balled up on Charlie’s bed and feeling very mixed. A little annoyed, a little sad, and alot of worried. Charlie sets down two mugs on his bedside table and sits next to you on the bed. His rests a hand atop of your head and lightly taps it.
“No… I don’t think so. I see him at school and he tries to act normal but even he doesn’t respond to me like that outside of school.” The scowl his face makes has deepened and you’re quick to wrap an arm around his leg in comfort. He lets out a weak smile but it’s quick to fall off his face. “I’m confused too…”
You both stay silent, it’s nearly deafening. “I don’t wanna force him to tell us anything – I mean, he knows he can come to us if he needs it but if he’s really stressed about school maybe we can help give him some space to not think about it. Even if its only for a bit, you know?” Charlie listens to you mumble while tugging at a loose thread on his sweater and nods slowly, eyes lost in thought.
“Should we go somewhere?” He tilts his head back to look at the ceiling before his gaze travels around his room’s walls, hoping to find an inkling of inspection.
“That sounds fine.” The somber feeling in the room lifts a bit when you start to grin. You shift onto your back, raising your right arm in the air and sprawl out your fingers. “We could go out, do something and eat… I kinda wanna stargaze, is that weird?”
He lets out a chuckle, glancing down at you with a teasing glint in his eyes, “Wow, you’re such a romantic, Y/N. I’m shocked.” To which you scoff.
“Well, duh. Who makes all the date plans?”
“Okay, no, that’s because you say we’re bad at planning dates – you refuse us to even be involved.”
“Charlie, Nick brought you to a dog park as a date.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“You both stayed there till nine.”
He full on laughs now, bumping you with his knee and you smack it back in retort. “No judgement though, I would do the same but that was for the whole day! Who stays at a dog park from Eleven to Nine?” He continues to laugh until they turn into giggles.
“Maybe… we’re unique.”
“True that. You didn’t even bring baby Nells, shaking my head.” To put emphasis, you shake your head and your friend has to gasp out for air. “Don’t die, now.”
“Whatever whatever.” He brings his hands to his face and rubs his cheeks in circular motion to calm himself. His face is flushed and he exhales slowly before reaching for his phone. “Do you want your drink?”
You remove your arm from his leg and sit up properly, holding on your hands and he complies, placing the mug between them. “Thank you~” You lean on the wall, flopping your legs onto Charlie’s before crossing them at the ankles – to which he sighs in annoyance and it makes you grin. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m gonna search for places to go that is nearby but not too close… you have a place in mind for stargazing?” He grabs his own mug that is black and littered with yellow stars, how ironic. You nod sleepily, slowly sipping your preferred drink and tap at the cup absentmindedly.
“Yeah, it’s near my house.”
He flicks his eyes towards you for a second.
Then goes back to typing on his phone.
“You mean it is your home.”
You smirk, he sighs and you both go back to planning. Nick honestly better be willing to get his ass dragged out of the house by his lovely girlfriend and boyfriend because money is involved and you both would be damned if he just wallows in self despair, alone.
So, that’s what happens, you fill Charlie’s parents in on needing to steal your bestfriend during the weekend and some of the plans involved like a movie night. They agreed to let him stay over for the night but he must call every few hours or atleast text.
Your parents love the boys and were completely down with the idea. Of course you also secretly called Nick’s mum and she had filled you in on a couple things that made you a tad bit more nervous to see your boyfriend.
Seems like your assumption was correct (more like Elle’s). “Lately he’s been talking about colleges, right… he’s planning to go on a trip sometime this month to check them out but he seems stressed, it’s been worrying me. You know though, kids probably don’t want their parents all in their business, haha,” She laughs softly and you can hear running water cut off on her end – probably washing something – “He knows he can come to me so I’m just letting him have his space. It’s lovely you and Charlie want to ease his mind! Glad he’s with and friends with two sweethearts,” This makes your face flare up in embarrassment but your chest puffs with pride.
“Of course, and I know he appreciates you being patient and understanding with him. The thing we don’t wanna do is pressure him… I just hope this can help take his mind off of the stress and you know… relax?” You grimace a bit, tugging at the end of your sleeve as the phone sits between your ear and shoulder.
“I get it, mhm. Thank you, Y/N.” Her voice is still soft but gets even more sincere with a hint of emotion. Had you feeling emotional too.
Saturday is quick to arrive and you stare at your reflection with determination. Brushing down your outfit, you admire your date look a bit more before turning around slowly and snatch your bag off the bed which is filled with random necessities that you may or may not need along with your wallet.
“Alright, Nick Nelson, prepare yourself for the best date you’ll ever be on.” You puff out your cheeks, grab you phone of the charger and exit your room. “I’ll be off, Mother~” You hum once you reach the end of the staircase and spot your Mom on the couch with a paper in hand.
“What is with the formal address?” She chuckles behind her hand, standing up and following you towards the front door. “I’ll see you later tonight with Nick and Charlie, right? Enjoy yourselves.” She smiles, wrapping her arms around your head and you hug her back with a gentle squeeze.
“Oh! Wait.”
She quickly unravels herself from you and speeds down the hall to the kitchen. Your eyes stare down the direction she went for a few seconds before deciding to slip on your shoes.
“Okay, here you go.” You’re standing with the door open by the time she comes back and she gives you a picnic basket. It’s not super big but you have to grab it with two hands. Less from the size, more from the weight.
“Mom. What did you pack in here?” You huff out a laugh, going to open the lid but she stops you.
“No, do not open it. It’s like… a wedding. You can’t see your spouse or it’ll be bad luck!” She speaks with a finger raised and you cock an eyebrow up. Whatever you say, Mom is basically your expression and she seems to notice because she places her hands on her hips with an exasperated look. “Just trust me, I’ve done it before and it was bad luck all day.”
“Mhm, mhm, right.” You nod, half listening and backing up on your porch. She follows, hand on the doorknob with a soft smile and she pinches your cheek with her other hand. “Thanks, I love you.”
“Love you too, honey.” She full on grins now and waves. After your ‘see you later’ promises, you’re quick to dart down the street and across the roads to a nearby park where Charlie said he’d meet you after picking up Nick. It gives you enough time to unload the nice lunch packed for the three of you and hopefully buy some refreshing popsicles or ice creams before they arrive.
Seems like luck is on your side though – maybe your Mom was right – because the minute you finish laying out the huge blanket in a nice shaded area you hear the sound of someone ringing a familiar bell sound. You turn your head so quick it nearly gave you whiplash and your eyes widen at the person walking along the park’s path, pushing a white squared cart decorated with photos of different types of cold treats.
You take your bag and phone, dialing Charlie’s number while speedwalking across the grassy field. It takes two rings before you hear his voice.
“Yes, partner in crime?” His voice comes off as staticky for a moment.
“What the hell are you doin’, your mic is scuffed as hell…”
“I’m walking!” You could imagine the eyeroll Charlie would do and bite your cheek to not laugh.
“Are you with Nick?” You continue to talk but smile in greeting when the ice cream seller stops at you coming over. He says hello and you wave before looking over all the choices on the cart.
“Yes. We’re grabbing drinks right now, you okay?”
“Yeah! I’m at the park, set up the picnic – though the food is still in the basket,” You glance back at your spot and after making sure nothing seems out of the ordinary you look back at the cart. “You remember those ice cream cart things? You want something?”
It’s silent between the two of you as Charlie ponders, in the meantime you point to your desired choice and the guy nods with a smile, opening the ice cream cart before digging around in the pile of cold desserts until he finds the one you want.
“Do they-“ He cuts himself off with a chuckle and you perk up at his voice, “Do they um,” He snorts this time then sighs to calm himself, “The ones with the bubblegum eyes. I wanna try one.”
You laugh a little, thanking the ice cream man as he sets the packaged treat in your hand. “Do you want the sonic one or something?”
“Whatever you spot first or whichever is given. Oh wait- Nick-“ You zone out a bit as he speaks to the blond and point to the blue hedgehog. The ice cream man continues his search. “He said he wants the crybaby ice cream.”
“Oh god.” You sigh in adoration, tilting your head back to the clear blue sky. “Weren’t they, like, terrible the last time we tried them?”
This time you hear Nick’s cheerful voice and he scoffs, “Okay, no. That was because for some weird reason you and Darcy wanted to put warheads into the mix.”
“Thank you,” You say to the nice man, grabbing a ten and a five dollar bill as a tip out of your wallet with a smile. You then put all the treats into your bag along with the wallet, waving the man bye which he returns and goes on his merry way. Your focus goes back to the two boys. “Ah yes, I remember the part where your face went sooo red. Hilarious, I have videos I think.”
He groans in prospect and you hear muffled giggles erupt from Charlie. “Why do you do this to me?”
“What are you talking about?” You tease and he groans again.
Charlie then speaks up, sounding way closer to the phone. “Alright! We’ll see you in two-point-five seconds.” You hum in response and say your goodbyes before hanging up the phone.
You reach the blanket again, flopping on your tush and take the ice creams out, aligning them with precision on top of the picnic basket. Charlie doesn’t disappoint because not two minutes later you see two familiar figures walking down the park path, one of them pointing towards your general direction and ditching the path to the grass.
You could feel your heart pound from… nervousness or excitement? Maybe both and it makes you grin, waving at the two. They get closer and Charlie waves awkwardly with a hand that has a drink in it, to which you notice his other hand also had a drink… and one of Nick’s. The blond’s other hand is carrying headbands of some sort and a bag is hanging off his arm.
“Char told me to get these while we were in the grocery store.” Nick speaks first when they get to you, he lifts the hand with headbands. “I decided not to question it.” You raise your hands and he carefully sets the accessories in them. Ah. Barbie headbands.
“Charlie…” Your brows pinch in amusement but also bewilderment. “What have you decided?”
He chuckles mysteriously, lifting a foot off the ground to point at your hand. “Put those down and take your drink, please. My hands are freezing.”
“Oops.” You comply and take the cup. The two eventual settle down with Nick in the middle and you quietly take a nice sip of the beverages. “Thank you.”
The boys nod and you glance at Nick, noticing the shadows of bags under his eyes. It makes you frown for a second, “So, what am I doing here on this lovely day.” Before you could inquire, Nick speaks up first, eyes shutting in contentment and a pretty smile adoring his face.
You lean back on the palm of your hand, eyeing Charlie and he meets your gaze. “Can we not want to hang out with the one and only, Mr. Nick Nelson?” You speak with a teasing tone, leaning into his side. His smile goes wider and he opens his eyes to meet yours.
“You make me sound like some big shot.”
Your eyes narrow.
“Well it was hard to reach you… so…” His gaze falters along with his smile, nervously tapping the top of his cup. “Not to pressure you, you know that but Charlie and I will always be there to listen if you need it.” You poke his arm gently and you spot Charlie’s hand sliding into Nick’s.
“Yeah.” Charlie nods, squeezing their hands, “But if not, that’s fine too. Y/N and I wanted to just, relax with you. Spend some time together.”
That makes Nick let out a shaky laugh and a wobbly smile. “Thanks.” He pauses. “Really. It’s just been, crazy?” He nibbles at his bottom lip before sighing and flops on his back, leaving his cup between his crossed legs and dragging the two of you down with him – which makes you all share a laugh.
Charlie rests against his boyfriend’s chest – facing his direction and you flip onto your stomach to play with both of their soft locks. “What has?” You ask softly.
He’s silent for a bit, tapping his fingers on your back with his free hand. “I’m not sure, school? Life? …Me? There’s no exact reason, everything just seems to be crashing down in my brain and it’s annoying to say the least.” He sighs heavily, “I’m probably just having that kind of month where everything is just feels like alot.” He frowns and you move the hand in his hair down under his chin, gently squeezing his cheeks and he chuckles.
“That’s perfectly fine, it happens.” You move the hand to trail up the left side of his face and place your palm over his forehead like you’re checking his temperature and it makes Charlie join in, prodding at Nick’s neck gently.
“There’s a lot going through your life right now, perfectly understandable why it feels overwhelming and such. Thank you for talking to us about it.” Charlie speaks softly.
“Of course. I don’t,” Nick pauses, opening his eyes with a flash of worry, “I don’t want it to feel like I’m shutting you both out or anything, or if it feels like you’ve done something wrong. I feel less weird thinking I’m overreacting, haha…” The laugh comes off flat but from the reassuring smiles from his lovers, he feels at ease.
“You’re not.”
“Nuh-uh.” You and Charlie speak simultaneously, denying such thoughts. It makes Nick laugh which sounds less forceful.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to talk about everything right now since I don’t even think I’m done… accessing everything but really, thank you. You both are my anchors.” If you didn’t tear up from that, your heart definitely did. Charlie gets up off Nick, letting go of the blond’s hand and tilts his head back with his hands over his face.
“Same, Charlie.” You cover your own face and lay flat against the blanket.
“I…” Nick trails off with another laugh and he sits back up which catches both of your attention. “Can we eat though, I’m getting a little hungry.” He gives a shy smile and you also sit up.
“Oh shit, what if the ice cream melted?!” This realization has the three of you shooting towards the basket, grabbing the packaged delights and simultaneously sigh in relief. They’re not melted… yet.
“Should we just eat these first and then eat the actual lunch next?” Charlie bites back a laugh, already opening up the plastic and pulling out the bubblegum eye Sonic, wasting no time to put it in his mouth with wide adorning eyes.
You and Nick watch him in amusement before opening your own. “I wanted this lime popsicle they usually sell but there were none.” You sigh before eyeing Nick’s container of airhead ice cream. He opens the top and it reveals the swirls of… red? Or pink and green.
“That’s funny, we saw those while we were at the store. There were these coconut flavors too.” Nick reminisces, plucking the taped but wrapped in it’s own plastic wooden spoon off the side of the ice cream container.
Charlie hums before looking down at the bitten into Sonic, “Why does Sonic have green eyes? Are they actually green?”
You all stay silent.
“I thought they were black or brown?” You speak in confusion.
“Right? Even blue….” Charlie tilts his head.
“Technically all of those are correct though they turn red as well… It’s the different franchises, I guess?” Nick furrows his brows in thought, scooping into his sour treat after freeing the wooden stick and eats away, wincing here and there. You watch with amusement.
The lunch date you can say with absolute certainty was very successful. You all catch up on things that have been going on and different shows you’ve been watching. Sharing ice cream, stuffing yourselves full with your Mom’s cooking – there was even a drink war? All you knew was one minute you were nearly done with your beverage and the next it’s being tossed in Nick’s direction as you try and run away from Charlie’s retort from you getting him seconds before. Ah, can’t forget the classic kisses shared under one of the many trees at the park and the newest photos stored in your ‘Nick & Char ❤️’ album, like the picture of Charlie ‘painting’ Nick’s face with whip cream. Where the fuck did you get whip cream from? Ask your mother.
Around the time you were all packing up, a teenager around your age ran up with their four other friends and inform you there is a nice walking trail – pointing towards the area where the park path splits, one continuing into a circle around the whole field and the other going into an area with rows of trees.
“Y’think we’ll get jumpscared? Like a haunted path or something.” You joked.
“They said there’s a nice stream down the path.” Nick smirks at your joking, placing a hand on your head and you puff out your cheeks, feeling them heat up a bit.
“Ah yes, you can take a nice swim in it when I push you in there, Y/N.” Charlie hums, quick to dart his eyes away when you flip your head in his direction.
“You’re so evil to me?” You watch him with wild eyes, mouth agape and he laughs.
“Do you think we’ll actually able to get in?” Nick ponders and you flip the wild gaze to him now.
“With us three, I’m sure we can pull it off.” Charlie responds with a menacing grin, mischief all up in his eyes and you’re playing ping pong with your eyes, flitting back and forth between them.
“I’m gonna be arrested today, huh…” Your boyfriend and bestfriend just giggle like evil people.
In the end, you three didn’t get in the stream’s water but there were some fishes so you decided to feel them the crust that Charlie didn’t eat from his sandwich and take some more photos. Nick had picked Charlie up bridal-style, getting dangerously close to the water and you record it all.
“Don’t drop me!” Charlie tightens his hold around Nick, fear and excitement in his tone.
“This takes me back to the beach…” Nick ignores his boyfriend’s pleas and spins around carefully.
“Do not reminisce while I’m in your arms, please and thank you?!” He exclaims and it makes you full on laugh, an arm over your stomach while watching the whole exchange happen.
It’s not long before it turns from afternoon to evening, you three return back from the area with Nick and Charlie debating on if they saw a deer or not. Charlie saying it was definitely there and Nick saying it wasn’t there.
“Carl Grimes flashbacks…” You hum and Charlie puts you in a headlock.
“Do not. I will cry right here.” He pouts and pulls at your cheeks, ignoring your protests. Nick watches with a soft gleam in his eyes, rocking the picnic basket back and forth with a hand.
You all walk down the sidewalk side by side once Charlie lets you go, talking about random things before Nick realizes the direction you’re going.
“Are we dropping Y/N off?” He frowns.
It catches you and Charlie off guard. “What? What makes you think that?” You raise an eyebrow. Nick points ahead and your house in slowly coming up in view. Ah.
“Ah.” Charlie speaks your thought and you both share a laugh. “No, we’re not dropping her off.” Charlie stretches his arms with a grunt before eyeing the bag strapped around Nick. “You brought pajamas and clothes for tomorrow, right?”
Nick nods, pursing his lips. “Still confused about that.”
You scoff in amusement and place a hand on your forehead with an endearing smile. “Nick…”
“Don’t worry, you’ll understand soon.” Charlie gives him a thumbs up, paired with a wink before darting ahead of the two of you. Nick flicks his gaze to you in question but you put on an act and shrug.
“What he said,” You pause for a moment, eyes burning into Nick’s, “Do you like stargazing?”
He moves closer to you, closing the gap and tugs your hand in his. The question makes him look up at the sky for a moment. “Mmm. Never tried it before? What counts as stargazing? I’ve… been in the car on trips and looked out the window…?” You give him a perplexed look which he returns.
“Alright, well-“ You chuckle, “That can… technically count? I guess? Just… Yeah.” You give up midway, tugging Nick along when you get closer to the front of your house where Charlie awaits. “You’re on your phone while you’re on a date? Tsk tsk.” You tut your lips in disapproval and Charlie startles.
He rolls his eyes, flipping his phone to the two of you bounding up the steps. “I was texting Saha- oops, hold on-“ He cuts himself off, flipping the phone back around with a nervous smile.
You glance at Nick before moving your hand to cover his eyes with your other hand. He gasps in surprise but doesn’t question it any further, grinning a bit. Facing back to Charlie you mouth the word, ‘Barbie?’ and tilt your head in confusion. He nods.
“You’re silly.” You remove your hand from Nick’s face and flatten your hand, tapping Charlie’s forehead in a chopping motion. He rubs the area with a laugh and you knock on your front door.
“Did you forget your keys?” Nick giggles when you give him a look of shame.
Your Mom is quick to open the door, grinning widely. “Welcome back. Hello, Charlie and Nick.” They wave in shyness and she scoots back to let the three of you in. “What’s the plan next, soldier?” She bumps the door closed with her hip and loosely crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow at you specifically.
“Gonna go in the back for about an hour…” You trail off, taking your shoes off in the most complicated way. With your feet, or the heels per-say. When you finish you take the basket from Nick and walk to the kitchen with your mom as the boys finish taking off their own shoes. “To stargaze.” You finally finish when Nick’s ears are out of reach.
She pats you on the back with approval, “Attagirl. How was lunch?”
“It was fun! We spoke a bit, ate and went down a trail.” You bounce your head to the side while listening the activities before pausing. “He seems more… energized?” Your lips purse.
“Was that a question?” She leans against the counter, one arm coming out of the self-hug and she combs her hand through your hair. You give her an awkward look and she breathes out a laugh. Tapping the crown of your forehead, she moves away to the fridge with a soft smile. “Well, if he seems to be uplifted,” She eyes you before taking out three water bottles. “That’s great news, no?” Then sets them infront of you on counter.
“You’re right but… I don’t know. I just feel like I can do more,” You huff. “But that’s dumb because of course I can’t, this has to be something Nick figures out and all I can do is support him.”
“Honey, that is doing more for him. Supporting him is the biggest help you can five someone, along with what you’re already doing. Taking him out, letting him have space to clear his mind and being a safe net. Same thing with Charlie, no?“ Her hands latch onto your shoulders and give the muscles a gentle squeeze. “I know it feels like you want to do so much more but, there’s only so much.” You tilt your head back and look up at her with a half-smile before relenting.
“You’re right.”
“A mother is always right.” She lets go and moves towards the stove, giving you a smug side eye… which you return with an unamused eyeroll.
“Yes, yes. My mother is always right. Sometimes.”
“About ninety-nine percent.”
“Ninety-five…” You lift an eyebrow and give her pointed look. She has a spoon in her hand when she looks over you and points it to her chin in thought, it’s just a bit though.
“Ninety-seven. Take it or leave it.”
You scoff in amusement before scooping up the bottles, “Whatever you say, ma’am. We’ll be outside.” She hums in understanding and you exit out the kitchen, walking into the dining room before reaching the living room where the duo waits.
“Pleasure for you to join us.” Charlie smirks and takes two of the bottles from your arms with a nod of thanks.
“Be welcomed.” Nick muses with a grin and cracks open the bottle, taking a quick refreshing sip.
“What is this speech? I hate it.” Your face scrunches up in disgust before gesturing to the sliding glass door. “Shall we?”
“Look who’s doing it now…” Charlie stares at you cheekily. You give him the finger, he returns it.
There are slides in a shoe rack near the door and you three take a pair before stepping out. Nick’s eyes widen in wonder. Your backyard has a big blanket – similar to the one from the picnic – sitting in the middle of the area that has a plot of grass and lanterns that hang off metal rods sit nicely around in the grass that have curves at the end, doing nicely as handles. What surprises you are the little bugs that fly and flicker with a yellow-green gleam in the air.
“Since when do we get fireflies?” You speak first.
“Since forever, Y/N.” Charlie poked your back and you jump, flipping around to get him back but he’s already slipped behind Nick.
“You little…”
“Ah, ah ah, you have to be nice to me.”
“Says who?” He’s being ridiculous.
“Says me. Your bestfriend.” He peaks around Nick’s side – who, mind you, is still focusing on the backyard’s look – with a teasing grin.
“I’mma beat you up.”
“No!” He lets out a laugh when you lunge towards him, twirling out of your reach and running around with you flailing behind.
It felt special to Nick. The orange-red sky turning into it’s pitch dark blue color, stars twinkling down on you three with a full moon bright. His eyes are stuck on his two partners, the fireflies swirling around them out of disturbance but still they still decorate the backyard with green-yellow hues, not ready to leave. He remembers this conversation you had in this backyard a year ago…
“Do you think fireflies come around this area?” You were sitting on a bean bag, legs tucked beneath yourself and were practically sunken into the ‘seat.’ Charlie had insisted you to put it on the concrete side of the backyard so you did and now your face is hidden behind Nick’s switch in your hands.
Speaking of who, Nick is currently soaked wet, wringing out the ends of his shirt and Charlie wraps himself up in a towel. It’s late night, pitch dark but they wanted to play with water balloons and your Mom happened to be out of the house to pick up dinner.
“Maybe…” He leans back to look at the sky. “Why? Do you like fireflies or something?” He looks back down at you. The question has you silent for a couple of beats before you set down the console. He watches you with an amused twinkle in his gaze, puffing out his chest in pride at seeing you in his sweater. Charlie had been wearing it earlier and you both traded before they brought out the balloons.
“I mean, I have never seen any so, maybe, maybe not.” You shrug, unfolding your legs and stretching them out with a groan. Your socked feet slap down against the concrete and you sit up a bit. “Don’t you think they’re kinda special though? My Mom said it’s like they’re glowing up your night, dancing around you and stuff.” You eye the floor. “Appearing on specials occasions like they know,” You lean back into the seat with a sigh, “Said that’s how she got married. Isn’t that crazy?”
Charlie purses his lips, tilting his head to the side before smiling, “Sounds magical. They’re the ‘true love’ bugs.” His smile widens into a grin.
“Exactly!” You snap your fingers with a nod, bumping your heel against the stone pavement.
“I’m sure they do appear out here though, don’t they come out at Midnight?” Charlie shivers while speaking, hugging the towel around himself tighter. You sympathize with a playful grin.
“Maybe. But well, you boys should get inside and warm up. We’ll try next time.”
“Nick! Are you gonna come and lay down?” He snaps out of his head, eyes darting to you and Charlie lying on the blanket though Charlie is trying to tap out from a leg lock you have him in.
He snorts in surprise, not missing a beat and closing the distance. “How the hell did this happen?”
“Nick! Help me~” Charlie wails before pinching your thigh, making you yelp and quickly let go.
“That is cheating!” You exclaim, rubbing your leg with a wince.
“All’s fair in war.” He snickers, reaching a hand out to Nick who takes it and sits down between you two.
It’s a nice silence between the three of you, you’re not sure who laid down first but you eventually followed. Nick has his arms wrapped around the two of you and you’ve glanced up at his face which shows contentment. You even met his gaze while peeking and it caught you off guard with how much his brown orbs were filled with much love and affection.
You reach a hand out towards Charlie and tussle at curls, making him whine in protest but lets you continue anyway. “I’m not good with constellations so you’re not gonna be getting that during this stargaze adventure.” You mumble against Nick with a laugh and it makes the other two chuckle.
“Nah, that’s alright… I’m happy with this…” You and Charlie freeze at how soft Nick’s voice sounds. Serene. Content. More than happy but not quite ecstatic. Filled with much love directed towards the two of you and it has your heart pounding.
You sit up on your elbow, making Nick’s arm slip off of you and he eyes you with suspicion. “Actually…” This would be way more comfortable on your knees so you sit up, tuck your calves beneath you and cuff Charlie’s face into your hands. It’s nearly laugh worthy of how quick his face turns a deep red and how you felt it happen under your touch.
You lean forward, careful not to face-plant into him – that would be awkward… and painful – pressing your lips against him. You both move into a soft but passionate rhythm. Your thumb brushes against his dusted cheeks, pressing hard against his lips one final time before moving back with a dazed grin.
He returns it, chuckling shyly before meeting Charlie’s intense gaze. You choke back a laugh with the swiftness of your friend sliding up a bit, hand softly cupping the side of Nick’s face and sharing their own kiss. Also very slow, and passionate. Your tilt your head up towards your house, eyeing the sliding door and sigh in relief to not see your Mom near it. By the time your gaze returns you’re meeting with the two boys staring at you with flushed faces.
“Oh my god, you’re so red.” You laugh.
“Shut up?” Charlie hands an arm over his face, probably burning up a bit more from the teasing.
The fireflies have died down, some still hanging around but you notice most are gone and a smile tugs at your lips. “Wanna go inside now?”
Charlie removes his arm with a sharp inhale and the two nod. “Do you need to bring the blanket in?” He points to the cloth when you all stand and you’re quick to shake your head.
“Nah. I’ll grab and wash it tomorrow,” You stretch your limbs, hearing some pop. “I need new bones…”
Nick sticks his tongue out in playful disgust, “That sounds horrific.”
“Wouldn’t that be crazy though? If we needed to trade in new bones when we’re old and seniors.”
“Y/N.” Charlie’s eyebrows bend and he grimaces, “Why do you come up with the most freaky scenarios.” It’s not a question.
“Yeah, like the apocalypse one from before.” Nick pitches in with a frown that falters into a smile.
You all step into the living room after you’re done turning off the lanterns and have grabbed your bottles, “Because my brain is so amazing that I just think of things you would never think of.” You make a gesture to your brain before wiggling your fingers like you’ve done a magic trick.
“Or so you say…” Charlie glances somewhere else before meeting your eyes, “Less would never think of more, shouldn’t think of.” He flicks his hand towards you, thumb and index finger out in a finger gun.
“Hey, these could be real life events soon to happen.”
“Yeah the bones theory would happen when we all become immortal.” He chuckles and you roll your eyes.
Then boom, jumpscare. Your Mom appears just as you’re settling on the couch. A screech leaves all of your mouths and she stares in shock with mild confusion and amusement.
“Hello to you three, too.” She giggles, walking over to the glass door, tugging the lock between the handle down and pulls the thick curtains down. “Enjoy stargazing?” She turns back around with a soft smile.
You three shift your gazes away. Apparently it wasn’t just you that still had the intimate moment in the back of your brain, huh? “Yeah, thanks Mom.”
If she noticed the slight awkwardness building up, she doesn’t mention it nor show it and instead clasps her hands together, “That’s wonderful! Dinner is finished so feel free to grab whatever you want. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.” She fills you in on her own plan for the night which is pretty much staying in her room so you all have your own time. She then tilts her head, eyes spacing out until she perks up, “And then there’s brownies that are baking, should be finished soon. I set a timer so when you hear it please take it our for me, Y/N.”
You nod before frowning, “Why does it have to be me?” Apparently she didn’t understand from the confusion crossing her face. You then point to Charlie and Nick.
Charlie looks offended, “We are a guest?” but his tone is light.
“You practically live here? Your clothes are in my closet, mind you.” Nick and your Mom choke out a laugh while Charlie flares up, flustered.
“Nick’s are too?!”
“Which is why I included him in my pointing?!”
Two people are bickering, two people laughing at the scene. It doesn’t take long for you Mom to calm you both down, “It doesn’t matter who, it doesn’t matter if it’s all three of you. Please just don’t let them burn.” She chuckles a bit more before rubbing her hand against her collarbone to calm herself, “Have a great time. I’ll be in my room.” You all wave her ‘goodnight’ and she retreats upstairs.
You three share a silence. Then Nick speaks,
“…So what exactly are we doing? It seems you both are full of surprises today,” He wears a teasing look which makes you and Charlie look away.
“Don’t worry about it, mister. You enjoy the ride.” You talk first before nudging Charlie with your leg. “You put the movie on, I’ll go make our plates and...” You eye Nick for a moment not knowing what he should do.
“Nick, I put the backpack in Y/N’s room, could you go get it while we set up? Oh! The headbands too.” Charlie pitches in and grins at the mention of the headbands. You and Nick blink at him before standing up to dart down your own paths.
While you’re making the plates the oven timer does go off. You take a toothpick from one of the drawers, flick on the oven light, open the oven – making you flinch back from the heat – then poke the dark chocolate fudge goodness. It has baked all the way so you grab oven mitts and drag the pan of brownies out of it’s cooker, sets it on the stove and flick turn the oven off.
After making sure everything was set in the kitchen you grab two plates and exit the kitchen, back into the living room where the movie is paused on the TV right before it begins. Charlie stands up and helps grab the two plates, letting you dart back into the kitchen again for the last one just in time for Nick to return.
“Do you want drinks? We got juices, sodas, water, you name it.” You peak your head out behind the dining room wall and the two boys pause midway in putting on the barbie headbands. You bite your lip to hold back a laugh.
“Do you have that tropical mix?” Nick speaks and you nod, he points at you in affirmation of the drink then finishes adjusting the plastic accessory around his hair.
“Root beer, please.” Charlie speaks next before his eyes shine open and wide, “Do you think we can have floats…”
Your eyebrows perk up, “I think we have vanilla? But you’re not getting that till the brownies cool down.”
“Oh, they’re out? Thank Barbie.” He holds his hands up in a prayer.
You stare at him, very much unamused and he gives you a cheeky grin.
“I’ll have tropical juice for now then.”
With a thumbs up you return to the kitchen once more, grabbing three tall glass cups from the cabinet and grab the carton juice out the fridge. You fill up two cups before staring at your own. After deciding your choice of drink, you put everything away and startle while turning around and seeing Nick in the doorway.
“Sorry,” He smiles apologetically, walking up to you and grabbing the cups filled with juice that is his and Charlie’s. He catches you off guard once again, planting a soft kiss on your cheek before bounding off to the living room again.
“What the fuck.” You stand in oblivion, feeling your face heat up. You decide you won’t unpack that tonight, flicking off the kitchen light and rejoining your movie mates.
Nick and Charlie had switched spots to where the blond was in the middle like he had been all day and your boyfriend pats the free spot next to him. You comply, setting your cup on the table while sitting and you lean into Nick with a soft smile.
“You forgot this, kind ma’am.” Charlie grabs the plastic pink band and you lean forward. He puts it on carefully and leans back with a self-satisfied expression, grabbing the remote with a quite cheer. “Are we ready for the best movie night ever?”
You and Nick watch him with amusement, “Yes, Charles, we are.”
“Not Charles, I will fight you.” He shivers at the name.
“You call me Nicholas?” Nick speaks. It makes you laugh.
“It’s your real name.” He grins.
“Is Charles not your real name, Char?” You lift an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes, still wearing the grin.
“No, it is ‘Charlie “Char” Spring’.”
You let out an insufferable sigh.
“Y’know, Y/N has called me ‘Luke’ before.” Nick leans his head back with a scoff. This makes you have a full on belly laugh which makes Charlie react the same way. “Yes, yes laugh it away.” He sighs like he’s in pain.
It takes five minutes to calm down. You wipe a precious tear away, “It was on call too and he hung up. Would not answer for like, an hour.” You inhale deeply at the memory before laughing again.
“Should we start calling him Luke as a nickname?”
“Please, please don’t.” Nick squeezes the arm wrapped around Charlie’s waist with a pleading look.
“Awwe you can’t do that.” He pouts, reaching up to pinch Nick’s face.
“Dho wha?” He sounds funny with Charlie tugging at his face.
“The puppy eyed look. The doe eyes.” You bat your eyelashes at Nick when he eyes you from the corner of his eyes before rolling them.
“We’ve gone all dahy withosut this, nowh yuu wanna shtart?” Now he’s the one doing the insufferable sighing.
“It’s a daily mission.” Charlie nods, a serious expression crossing his looks – putting on an act. He then lets go and grabs the remote again, “Movie time!”
“Movie time!” You cheer afterwards.
You three are silent for a bit as the movie plays, you and Charlie cuddling into Nick. He plants soft kisses down your face and you flush a bit. Then he moves to Charlie, repeating the action, who giggles quietly and eyes Nick with a shy look. It makes you laugh under your breath and Charlie doesn’t miss it, pointing to you with a brow raised and expression saying, ‘Don’t laugh at me when you’re acting the same.’ You look away.
“Hey,” Nick suddenly speaks up and the two of you look over. “Thanks for today. It really helped calm me down…” He continues to train his eyes on the TV but his ears burn from you and Charlie giving him your undivided attention. “And reassured me about a few things…” He purses his lips.
“Reassured?” Charlie asks quietly, as if afraid to make Nick snap his mouth shut and not speak again.
Nick sucks in a breath and you shiver from his fingers crawling up your arm. You watch Charlie lift his own hand and hold the arm wrapped around him.
“Yeah. Since everything felt like it was crashing down, I don’t know. It kinda made me feel… negative? About certain stuff. Between us. Not that I’m not happy, I’m more than thankful to be with you two but just like, how you both felt towards me…” His pursed lips flatten and your brows bend at the way his eyes dim.
“Breaking up with me for example because maybe you felt neglected or such. It made me so scared to think about I stopped responding to both of your messages most of the time and barely wanted to call because you know, what if one day you just went, ‘Yeah I don’t think we should be together,’ such and such.” You both stay quiet to let him speak his mind and you hate that he ever thought such things.
When Nick stays silent you take a sharp inhale, meeting eyes with Charlie’s glossed ones. The sight breaks your heart. “Nick…” You start off carefully and he looks over to you with so much exhaust. Slowly, you cuff his face – the same way you did outside – brushing your thumbs against him cheeks. Your right hand moves down, playfully you press your thumb against his bottom lip and smile gently.
“I’m sorry that you ever felt that way. It’s far from the truth, sweetheart.” He lets out an airy chuckle and you watch with adoration. “Y’know brains come up with the craziest scenarios when you’re stressed and it’s annoying, and stupid.” You huff, left hand moving against his cheek and he leans into the touch. Your thumb and index finger latch onto his ear and you pinch it lightly. “Do you know that, that would never happen unless you came to me asking for such a thing?” You pucker out your lips.
He watches you in a daze before laughing. “Do you know that would never happen?” Then he turns to Charlie with a soft look. “And you, Char?”
Charlie rubs at his reddening eyes and inhales. He then nods, opening his mouth before faltering. You both give him and moment and he closes his eyes in frustration before heaving out a sigh. Concern is evident in both of your expressions but Charlie opens his eyes with a new look of determination, straight at Nick.
He smacks his hands against Nick’s shoulders which makes the latter’s mouth hang open in surprise. “Nick. I love you. A lot. It hurts to know that you were dealing with these emotions, but know I’m not blaming you. How could I? It’s not your fault. Never feel bad for needing to take your time to sort out your own feelings and what’s going on with yourself. We’d never blame you for that because in the end, you know we have you, right?”
Nick nods and you can see his own eyes get glossy as well. Charlie then looks at you, “I love you too, Y/N, don’t tell Tao but you’re my bestfriend.” He chuckles, wiping at his eye again and you wipe at your owns.
“Hey, he can be your guy bestfriend and we wouldn’t have to fight over titles.” You wink, before leaning to Nick and kissing him softly. “I love you both, very much so. I’m glad you were able to talk to us, Nick.”
“Was that your goal today?” He grins in a joking manner, tilting his head in the crook of Charlie’s neck while entangling his fingers with yours.
“Did it work?” Charlie sniffles a bit before laughing. You laugh as well, “This is ridiculous we’re supposed to be watching Barbie and now we’re sobbing.”
“I give up.” You throw your head back, side eyeing the TV.
“Nooo, don’t give up.” Nicks chuckles before sitting upright. “We can still watch… we should probably eat too.” He points to the lonely plates on the table.
“True.” You and Charlie agree. You three take a moment to collect yourselves with a few embarrassed laughs here and there before settling back down.
“What’s in the bag, by the way?” You gesture to the backpack under the coffee table as Charlie rewinds the movie back to the beginning. He glances down.
“It’s good.” You hum in approval, taking a bite of your food. The three of you enjoy the movie and dinner, later on making those root beer floats paired with the brownies. Charlie had explained to Nick that he was texting Sahar about the Barbie Movie and she told him she went with Imogen. Apparently, Imogen gives the movie a 2/10 because she messed up her outfit at the theaters.
“That’s terrible.” Nick stares at Charlie in shock but it doesn’t last long with the way his lips curve into a smirk, “That’s not her real rating though, is it?”
“Of course not, she loved it.” Charlie laughs.
You’ve been quiet this whole time but suddenly loll your head to face them. Nick already giving you an exasperated look when you got their attention. “Nick. Your new name in my phone is Ken Nelson.”
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cqaeluvs · 1 year
Hello can I ask for head canons for Trey/Sebek/Kalim confessing to male!reader after finding out that someone else had confessed to him? Thank you for your time!
A single book with an open page on a table had caught your attention, what story would you go on?.
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Ahh! omgg anon this is such a cute resquest!, ill try my best to write them as good as i can (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ).
Now it was asked for a male reader, but it stayed neutral, i hope its fine anon! my partner also helped because i got stuck on kalim
(Reader can be interpreted as yuu or not.)
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-- Now Trey was walking through the school, looking for you as he just had finish a small bag of freshly baked treats for you.
-- He couldn't help but overheard the certain confession his crush was getting he was very shocked but decided to leave, silently begging that you didn't accept the sugarcoated words of some guy.
-- Onto the end of the day, he made sure to make himself a bit more presentable, he asked you if you can accompany him to a certain place (this being were he is gonna confess), as he slowly turned around he was still very nervous, but it was now or never.
He cleared his throat as he looking at you nervously. "M/n, you are quite the charmer aren't you?, putting me and other people under some sort of love spell of yours. And if you let me, will you allow me and myself only to be the only one that who can wipe your tears away?" he said as you can see that there was an obvious blush across his face. After that he extended his hand to give you the bag that he's been holding onto from earlier. Inside, it was a treats that he already baked this same morning.
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-- Kalim was doing his daily stuff (blinding everyone with such shine) and he happend to find across certain confession to his crush.
-- Now i don't believe kalim would be a 'jealous' type, but an oblivious type, so he would just straight up go and hug you by your back and give you a short squeeze interrumpting the confession without a single clue.
-- Kalim didn't undertanded why suddenly the other person left,but since your attention was on him now, he let you go and grabbed you by the wrist to his dormitory to celebrate something you didn't quite heard.
"Come on M/n-kun, we can have lots of fun when we reach the longue, i promise!" he exclaim while holding onto your wrist. Before you could say a word, he spoke again. "But promise me, this is only for the two of us, just the two of us, alright?" he said as he let go of your wrist before firmly grabbing your arm and pulling you more closer to him. "I can feed you all the food that you want, and im gonna hold onto your hand for the rest of our life, or even better to hold you for the rest of my whole life! isn't that sound amazing? just you and me!".
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-- Shock. Pure shock.
-- Now what would our dear sebek do if he found out his crush getting asked out? many would say scream, which is right, but what if he wants his crush to admire him?.
-- Sebek was planing to confess himself to you this day,now he is not letting some low human get his human first, so he went straight to the point.
"HUMAN! I have been looking for you the whole day! Mmh? what is this?" Sebek knew what was happening but he needed to make sure, so he can properly humiliate such human. "That doesn't matter right now!" He cleared his throat and you could see the tip of his ear turn red. "So human, Malleus-sama has been waiting for you, and the only person who is worthy of walking by your side besides Malleus-sama is me! So allow me to take you there safely, and you need to look pretty, like you always do".
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actualbird · 3 months
Hello! a bit nervous going into college moving out and all but what are your tips/advices/pet peeves…although its comforting to think that in this day and age Luke and Rosa had to deal the same stuff im dealing right now?! 🥹 -2006 bby
hi anon!! unfortunately i am NOT the best person to ask this question at all because i never moved out for college. in fact, ive never moved out in my life 😭 im filipino, we tend to not move out unless we get married or whatever sklbfksjfbdjsf
but i can give general tips for college i think!! it's been a while since i was a college student myself, so these tips are gonna be vague as hell though OTL
do your readings, do your papers, do your homework, dont use chatgpt or get someone else to write your stuff etc etc etc. if you made it to college that is a privilege and you shouldnt waste it!! take all the oppurtunities you can to learn and better yourself, college is the best time to do a lot of development in the brainzone and the skills you built in doing these will definitely be useful later on when youre looking for a job.
get into organizations or clubs or extracurriculars and whatnot, if you can handle it! you can develop in a whole lot of ways, not just academically. plus, it's a great way to meet new people too.
jumping off from that last bullet, definitely make time and reserve effort for meeting new people!!! which can be scary, but i met a lot of friends who are dear to me in college. i also met my girlfriend there! so take a chance and get to know the people you see every day, you may end up meeting some really cool people you'll cherish for a long time.
try to be honest with your professors if mental health stuff or other issues are getting in the way of your performance at school. i know there are Terrible professors out there, but in my experience, they are outnumbered by the professors who just genuinely want to see you do your best and graduate. if you cant handle something for good reason, send em an email. try to work with your professors and not against them.
dont be scared to change your mind. if you chose a major but halfway through you realize you want to shift studies? go for it, if your circumstances permit. you might as well follow your gut instead of regretting the decision you didnt make
i hope this helps!!! also, good god, you were born in 2006???? and youre 18 now????????? thats bonkers. that doesnt sound allowed. holy shit.
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nicromancytarot · 5 months
No one asked for this, but I wanted to see if anyone else has these issues and if so I wanted to let you know that you’re not alone! So hello and welcome to my beautiful literature podcast on things I’ve experienced since knowing who my future spouse is!
For a little context, my future spouse (based on right now and if things go to plan lmao) is an influencer, but they won’t be an influencer by the time we meet, I’ve known about this connection between us for a year now.
I don’t hate the fact that they’re going to be out of influencing by the time we are together, however I don’t like that they’re gonna leave me for hours a day, like what do you mean you have to actually go out and go to work while I’m sad and alone at home?
I personally feel as though it’s one of the most isolating experiences, I feel like I need to be loyal to them although they’re probably not being loyal to me. I feel weird thinking about other people, and I’ve rejected an amount of love offers since, I was in a situationship recently that I ended since I knew that me and this dude would only date to date, and not date to marry. I don’t think I ever want to subject someone to dating me while I know that I’m going to end up with someone else, like I can give times, names, dates, it’s insane. My friends don’t understand it as they think it’s stupid to devote myself to someone who I may not even end up with based on timing (I will, or I’ll die) however I feel I know that I want to end up with this person, so why would I want to ruin that?
Dating and marrying this person links heavily into my career decisions, I’m working on going into the music industry, it’s so stagnant as I don’t know where to go after writing music, like how do I produce this shit??? So if we don’t end up together, it means I haven’t made it in the industry as I hoped I would.
Even when they do stupid stuff online that I don’t agree with, I feel like I need to be there to support them, like they’ve been semi cancelled a few times in the last 2 years and I’ve stepped back, moved onto something else but then been like “oh damn, my monkeys, my circus 😔” WHICH IS SO???? It’s certainly frustrating, that’s the best way to explain it.
Luckily for me, this bro is lonely, ain’t got no one to share a bed with, waiting for me fr fr lmaooo. But I hate seeing people say stuff about them like “I ship them with X” or saying something inherently out of pocket about them, although I’ll never voice it, it makes me feel so territorial, and I don’t even have the right to do that right now!!
Again back with the influencing stuff, they have a persona, I feel worried because what if I’m only into the person they perform as for their audience, and not their authentic self? And what if they end up feeling the same?? I mean Im assuming not since we’re gonna get married, but still brotherrrr.
Watching their downfall sucks, I feel privileged to be able to check up on this person every now and then since they’re public, but based on our connection and the next 2 years, their career is only taking a downwards turn until they change their profession, and then by then they might hop offline forever and I’ll die until we meet! (I’m very dramatic)
Constantly doubting myself and looking for more confirmation, someone could slap it into my face and I’d still question the authenticity until we are married with 5 kids, 3 cats and a dog (I don’t want 5 kids actually, that was a lie)
I like watching edits of them on TikTok, that’s a pro.
Thank you for entertaining my 3am thoughts!!
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foolsocracy · 4 months
i wanna know how you learned how to render, it's so yum 😞💔
thank you!!! I'm glad u like it. I can try my best to explain my process but its very much a 'feel it with my heart' experience. This is gonna be long and incomprehensible but I'm gonna try:
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If we're talking about the (above) garth & baby arthur jr pic or the bloody pete pic, I'd say i started to actually render like that in maybe high school art class (they were much worse then ofc because i have years more practice now)? Obviously my process now is different than it was back then, but before I actually started physically painting canvases with acrylics I usually just did line art and color without the blending-painting pizzazz.
Thats actually where I get my weird random interspersed colors in my coloring as well. Acrylics dry super fast and a high school art class is like 45 minutes so I'd have to totally mix a new pallet the next day. Not that I couldn't color match, but its annoying and having variations with colors or just mixing something up to fill in gaps looks neat if you get it right. If it looks bad just paint over it, but its worth it to try.
My process with these is almost exactly like my non painterly rendered ones, just with steps after. Also, you can get away with a lot when not fully rendering, but when i do render PHOTO REFERENCE is to die for. Specifically for the lighting. I can't emphasize this enough. By the time i'm done with a drawing my search history should be like "knees. Knees sitting. Knee anatomy. Harsh light photography. Curly hair. baby. J. C. Leyendecker new year baby" + 8 pictures of u doing whatever pose you're trying to do.
Anyway, the process for me is usually: vague sketch > carve out the lines/neater sketch > flat colors > basic shading/rendering > color adjusting sketch lines (usually from black to dark red) > collapse everything into one layer & get to WORK
I know the 1 layer thing is scary, but thats life. Its easiest to adjust things that way (for me). No need to worry about layers and blending modes cause its all right there. I usually duplicate the layer the drawing is in before I start on something crazy just to reassure myself that if I fuck it up I can go back. So a lot of the time my layers in procreate are progressively more rendered stages of the piece lol.
Now that Im here trying to explain this im blanking on how to actually express it. Lets see. I can run through some general stuff:
For both of those artworks (baby & pete) they're 100% made with HB pencil on procreate (a default brush! I've never downloaded any new brushes cause im lazy). I actually made a brush explanation for someone a few months ago I can put that right here:
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hopefully those are readable. sometimes tumblr flops lmk if my writing is illegible
the eraser tool is your BEST FRIEND!!!! The way I get my lines and shapes and whatnot is by making big ass strokes and then erasing until whatever I'm looking for reveals itself. Here's a video of that process from the aquababy pic. Ignore the jerky pauses lol. also there's the reference photo!:
rendering itself is really hard to describe. Basically just throw color at it until it works out. (just tried to add a video but tumblr says only 1 video allowed
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I hope this is helpful somehow! Just threw a ton of stuff at you. If you want anything more or the actual video or smth just let me know!
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richardsletters · 2 months
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"Dear (?) Thank you for the card. Happy Valentines day sweetie. :) <3 Thank you too for the 3 pictures. They're cool. Glad you liked the drawing I sent you. I get 'stuff' already babe. But my sub might be missing out so you can call em to extend it or cancell. Up to you. Thank you for it + maxim. Much appreciated. <3 Nah, Im no good at crossword puzzles. What do you think (?) Napster? Yup Ive heard of Macabe + the song they did on me. But Ive not heard the song itself. Ah you'll take pictures. Thank you . :) Well, my favorite poses, make em on elbows + knees with the back of your feet showing toes curled stockings ok, if so make em see thru, I can get polaroids too. I can get naked photos too. :P I stay mostly to myself here. I have been here a long time so I do know other inmates. Yes your my best pen friend. :) Looks like you have a great place in FL. You gonna go see Hannibal? What TV programs if any do you watch? What have you been up to? Are you working or going to school? Anyway, Ill end here. Hope to hear from you soon. Love Always <3 Richard"
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likeadevils · 5 months
what songs from TTPD and TA are now yours? Which ones have spoken to you the most?
songs that are genuinely MINE
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: i cried myself to sleep listening to this song on repeat on release night and for the life of me i cant tell you why. i think it’s a great example of her being older really deepening her writing— just that old scarred over longing of a possible life, a possible love, too far away to reach but close enough to brush past. also, the double edged sword of “if you want to break my cold, cold heart, just say’ i loved you the way that you were’”— you loved me before i’d twisted myself into the shape i am now in order to keep my current partner, but also, you loved me the way i was, not the way i am now
i look in peoples windows: i wrote a poem with the line “im afflicted by the not knowing” in it!! inspired by the outside!! and by spending so much of my childhood reading by moonlight and spying on my neighbors through their windows!!! it was called where midnight lives!!! what the fuck!!!
robin: another song i sobbed hysterically to. i was a strange little violent child obsessed with dinosaurs it feels like a lullaby someone made specifically about 3 year old me.
songs that i’m obsessed with:
but daddy i love him: the bridge is just so fun to scream along to. everytime ive been in a car since the album came out ive played this at least two times just cause
fresh out the slammer: it’s just. the first verse??? the way the song stutters apart for the last verse??? this song takes the blurry muse conceit of the album and uses it to its fullest. also just the diminishing returns from “but its gonna be alright, i did my time”
i can do it with a broken heart: my first listen favorite
the smallest man who ever lived: the bridge????? the bridge???? the bridge???? a few of the negative reviews specifically mentioned this song as boring and for a millisecond i was so angry i could’ve exploded
the black dog: this is like, the platonic ideal of a taylor swift song to me. just that old quiet tragedy she can build out of little moments of hoping your ex will remember you when they hear your favorite song or not having known your last kiss was your last kiss or your ex still sharing their location with you. like, it’s just her at her best, but with the maturity to sing “and you jump up, but she’s too young to know this song”
i hate it here: people have talked about seeing reputation in the anthology but i think you can also see so much debut and it makes me feel so tender. also i genuinely don’t understand why people don’t like “if chose the 1830s but without all the racists” like?? it’s supposed to be a bit clunky?? the songs about the limits of escapism?? the line enhances both of those themes?? also “i’m there most of the year” is such a funny devastating relatable lyric to say about a daydream
thank you aimee: it’s not every day a song inspires you to send this message about something a child did to you (fuck you madeline!!! fuck you jessie!!!)
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the bolter: avoidant attachment representation!!! i love that it takes the stuff she hated about herself in the archer and just accepts and loves them and appreciates what they’ve given her. i especially love it because bolt can mean like, crossbow bolts, so it’s a flip on the archer. also “bolt” is one of my favorite words i love all the different meanings
“the only thing that’s left is the manuscript, one less souvenir from my trip to your shores, now and then i re-read the manuscript, but the story isnt mine anymore” also just had me sobbing. there’s just. wtf!!!!!!
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kiwi · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to ask for some advice or maybe insight on how kiwi overcomes obstacles.
I'm an aspiring artist but I severely lack discipline. Whenever I'm doing a project I end up getting distracted and obsessively starting a new project. Which results in nothing getting finished and too many projects to do.
How do you deal with keeping discipline/focus?
much love!
im gonna be so real with you anon, i wish that i had a good answer for you. i really do. cuz my life would be significantly easier if i knew the perfect answer to self discipline.
as far as i can tell, mastering self discipline is something that most people work on through their whole lives. im still in my early 20s and dealing with a lot of the same organizational struggles i dealt with my whole time in school, so im not sure how much help i could possibly be. but i'll try!
plenty of my projects go unfinished, and i think the main ones that get finished satisfy one or more of the following:
- it's a commission
- i finished it in one sitting
- it's a project im using to procrastinate on something else
^knowing these things about myself, i find that i can finish more projects by weaponizing my procrastination. by working consistently on a commission project over several days, i can "reward" myself by taking breaks to draw other stuff that i can finish in one sitting, which fulfills that center in the brain that's satisfied by completing something. if im exclusively working on projects that take multiple sessions to finish, its easier to feel unsatisfied, like im not getting anywhere.
you could try putting together your own observations about the projects youve finished- are they focused on a subject you really enjoy? are they small, easily digestible projects? are they all similar, or all wildly different? you might be able to come to some conclusions about the best workflow for yourself that way
last i want to point out that i think it's okay to not finish stuff. it's okay to abandon projects, and no matter how disciplined you are, it's alright to let go of ideas you're not that invested in anymore. i think it's kinda great that you're exploring a lot of different ideas and getting so excited about them that you have to drop everything else, and i hope that your path leads you to ideas that grab you.
until then, maybe tone down your expectations for projects, so that you can call them finished much easier and make space in your brain for the next thing! anyway, i hope this was at least somewhat helpful :') good luck
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klausysworld · 2 years
Can we get a Klaus and plus size reader smut please? Rarely find any here and I love your writing so wanna read more of it 💛
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my body was something that sometimes i loved and sometimes i hated. My thighs were thick and lined in pink stretch marks along the sides of my hips, my stomach wasn’t flat like the other girls but full and squishy, my arms seen as ‘flabby’ and my face round.
Sometimes i looked at myself and confidence surged through me, i wore well fitted clothes and strutted around the compound.
Other days i wore clothes far too large and spent far too much time in the gym.
Or i would stuff myself silly as i attempted to fill an empty void, i would feel awful after but i just couldn’t help myself.
My self image hadn’t been an issue for me recently, having Niklaus Mikaelson as a best friend certainly helped.
Of course i ended up having feelings for him but i mean who wouldn’t? Often i would catch him stealing a glance at me or blush when i complimented his artwork and the hope of him holding romantic feelings for me would rise but then there were days that doubt would swarm inside me. Somebody would comment on my shape or my weight and all i could think is ‘there is no way someone like him could ever love someone like me’
Today had not been a particularly great day. I was currently sat on the floor of the Mikaelsons personal gym within the compound wearing a shirt 3 sizes too big and leggings that clung to my legs making my eyes desperately avoid looking at them. I had been down here hours, i finished doing any exercises at least 40 minutes ago but i couldn’t find it within me to get up.
Tears trickled down my cheeks and my hands pinched my sides.
Footsteps got progressively closer and i shuffled back further against the wall
“love? are you in here?”
fuck. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
‘what is he gonna think when he sees the pathetic state i’m in!?’
i had no time to think further as his eyes locked my my glossy ones
he was at my sides in an instant, his arms pulled me to his chest gently as he rested upon his knees, his hand tucked my face into his neck as his other rubbed my back
“you, my love, should never feel the need to cry alone on a dusty floor. let’s get upstairs okay? we can go to the art room and ill paint while you play the piano hm?” i let out a chocked cry and shook my head holding onto his shirt as i breathed his scent.
his hands moved to support my back and under my thighs, he was going to pick me up. i panicked then and lurched forward to escape his hold
“easy love just let me carry you up”
tears were fully streaming at this point
“im too heavy” i all but whimpered
his face softened further and my body was lifted off the ground, i was held securely as he took me back up the stairs towards his room.
“you forget, my love that i am both vampire and werewolf, i could carry anything. I assure you that you are as light as a feather, you are simply perfect.” i sniffed my tears back and nuzzled into him in comfort.
i was placed onto his bed and pushed up so i leaned against the headboard. He pressed his lips against my cheeks, my forehead, my nose, all over my face until at last a peck was left on my lips. His hands cupped my face and he leaned his head against mine
“perfect. Do you understand?”
i nodded meekly and he hummed
“say it” he whispered, now looking into my eyes
“i’m perfect” i mumbled
“yes, yes you are” he brushed his thumb over my bottom lip
“i’m going to show you just how perfect you are now okay?”
i swallowed audibly, my face flushing as i nodded in consent
his lips were on mine soon enough pressing softly against me and his fingers travelled underneath the baggy top and along my torso. His tongue swiped and pushed it’s way inside my mouth as he began exploring, his taste flooded my senses, i didn’t realise that i was left in my bra and leggings. He pulled away slowly and looked down at me, he ran his hands up my body and cupped my breasts through the fabric
“beautiful my love, just perfect.”
my lips twitched to a small smile seeing nothing but adoration in his darkened sapphire eyes. Klaus ran his tongue flat over the flesh above my nipple, bra now disregarded somewhere around the room and hands removing my leggings, panties and socks.
His mouth moved south, he sucked lightly along my stretch marks before licking across my thighs
“you, sweetheart are going to ride my face” he told me and he used his vamp speed to have himself beneath me as i sat on his chest. A squeal left me and i quickly lifted myself off of him trying to crawl off but his hands gripped at my hips guiding me forwards
“klaus… i’m serious..i’m too heavy…”
he leaned himself up and kissed my center harshly, my arms faltering as i unconsciously dropped myself lower… almost sat on his face
“sit y/n. do not hover, i do not care how heavy you think you may be, i want my head between your thighs and that’s what i’ll get, sit.” i cautiously did as i was told, the feeling of my clit being enveloped my warmth and rolled against his tongue made me wonder why i argued.
Niklaus lapped at my wetness and gently moved my hips back and forward against him. He moaned lowly sending vibrations up through me, my head fell forward and my hands grabbed the headboard for support. Whines and whimpers fell out my mouth, my hips ground against him whilst his hands squeezed my ass tenderly.
“klaus! oh god..”
his tongue pushed inside my entrance while his nose continued to brush my clit
Heat coursed through me, an individual heartbeat was felt between my legs and i began moaning out his name continuously
“im…im..mm klaus i-“ my own sounds cut me off as i came around his tongue holding onto the headboard as i rocked into his face.
Another minute passed of him licking my thighs clean before he lifted me up and rolled me onto my back, his lips found mine again as we both panted
“you have no idea just how wonderful you taste, utterly divine” he spoke softly but firmly, his hands getting my lags to wrap his now naked waste… when he undressed i do not know but looking up at him now i would never complain about anything. If heaven were on earth, he was it.
“i love you klaus” i whispered grabbing ahold of his left hand and looking hopefully at his eyes to find his reaction.
His face was blank as he searched my face, he must have noticed it drop and the regret seep in as i dropped my legs down and began moving to sit up.
His right hand pressed against my chest pushing me flat on the bed, his left squeezed mine and he caught my eye locking our gaze
“i love you too y/n…i’m sorry it took so long to say it. I love you y/n y/l/n”
tears welled in my eyes and a happy sob chocked through my throat, he brushed my cheek and peppered my face in pecks again before our foreheads were pressed together again
“put your legs back up for me” he spoke quietly as he looked down to position himself at my core. my legs were pulling him down and his right hand guiding himself inside me. We both gasped at the sensation as he slowly filled me to the brim before pulling all the way out and thrusting back inside drawing intense moans from my throat. Both his hands entwined with his as he stretched our arms up and over my head
“i love seeing how your body moves with mine, so bloody perfect aren’t you” he mutterers while kissing by my collar bone and sucking lightly.
Klaus’s hips began to gain speed, he started hitting deeper and harsher, guttural groans and moans vibrated into my skin, our hands squeezed each others and my walls began tightening.
i cried out his name, in response he started moving at a supernatural pace, places i was unaware of felt as though they were on fire and my hips bucked up at him
‘i love yous’ were echoed off the walls and soft kisses were shared
One hand left mine and placed itself against my overly sensitive clit, the fast movement of him inside me and the pressure against my ball of nerves became overwhelming, the tension beginning to snap
“that’s it my love, squeeze me nice and tight”
i let myself relax, the powerful rush spreading all throughout my body as hot spurts somehow filled me even more
My legs gave up and fell to the sheets, Klaus’s hands rubbed up and down my body as he removed himself from inside me and leaned back down to clean my thighs and center, a small whimper escaped me at the overstimulated feeling
His hands pushed him up and he crawled up the bed, a blanket was dragged over us as he pulled me to him, our arms wrapped around each other with nothing but love between us
“i am going to love you forever y/n, i will never, ever allow you to deem yourself anything less than perfect, perfect weight, perfect body, perfect face, perfect voice, everything you do is unmatched to anyone and everyone in this and any other universe there may be. I promise to show you just how much i love you and to cherish every moment we spend together”
that night we remained together, knowing i would wake up in Niklaus Mikaelsons arms, in the man i love arms was more than enough for me to look at my body the next day and smile. We are all beautiful and perfect in all ways.
i hope this is what was wanted if not just send in another request and ill try again :)
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
I graduated a year ago and had a job for the 2 months and they laid me off without reason or anything because i was still in the 3 month trial period. Anyway I noticed that they didn’t let the engineers and architects reach the year, you know avoid seniority and stuff. And that was in April, it’s gonna be a year and I still haven’t got another job, I’ve done some freelance jobs here and there, but the last one was for December. I know January it’s kind of a dead month but I’m dying with it, honestly I don’t think I’ll reach the minimum payment of my credit and my car needs gas(at least it’s payed off) and I’m honestly so goddamned depressed. Somewhere I read that a lot of vacancies come out in January but I haven’t seen that many and the ones I’ve seen and sent haven’t even contacted me
Im sorry to bring all this glum to you, but I’ve seen some other recent graduate anons come at you, and you’re so understanding and aware of this economy and job market 🥹
Alas, as ever, I wish that I could make it better and tell you exactly what to do to fix it, but I cannot. However as always, I am absolutely offering you a cup of your preferred beverage, a baked goodie, and a chance to sit at my Internet Grandmother Kitchen and get some things off your chest, so yes. It does suck a lot out there and while it sounds cliché, you gotta do your best, keep trying, and see what comes along.
Hopefully you have other resources or support systems, but if you are in the US and need assistance in basic stuff like paying bills and getting gas, please think about looking into the federally funded 211 service:
Not enough people know about this, and it's way better than hoping that people on the Internet can help you out with bills every time you hit a crunch (although if you do have generous friends, I myself have been saved by them a time or two -- absolutely no shame or judgment here!) But they literally exist to help people find funds and resources for situations like this, and even if you're not in the US, I advise looking for similar government initiatives or programs. They might or might not exist (alas, I am American so I only know our version) but there should be at least something like this. Try searching "211 service equivalent for [country]" or similar keywords?
And of course, if you are reading this and ARE in the US: look into 211! Please don't drive yourself crazy with fear or stress! There are definitely stopgap services and funds that exist for just this sort of thing! Please do use them. I am sending hugs.
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redrydersrequiem · 2 years
Reunited chapter 2
Previous chapter Next chapter
This is again for my own entertainment. I like to write even if im not the best at it. I like to use pictures and gifs in my stories it makes it more theatrical in my mind. I redo sentences and add stuff all the time cause I continuously reread my stuff and try to fix things. I hope everyone enjoys and i hope all of you have a good day. ❤️
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Miles pov
Light blind my foggy eyes everything coming slowly into view when something big and blue takes up the most of my view
“Colonel, can you hear me?”. A blue savage is starring down at me and my first reaction is to punch the hell out of them.
Everything is jumbled as i dont know where i am or whats going on just that i have a hostile near me and i need to get the hell up out of here. More hostile show up all i can do is take swings at them as they try to grab me and hold me down. The first one from before is now infront of me again. While the others all hold me back.
“Hold him! Calm down colonel! Come on its me corporal wainfleet!
I finaly take a breath and focus on the face in front of me. Wait did that thing said he was corporal wainfleet. What. Squinting at the Navi in front i see it actually does look like Lyle but blue
“Lyle? Is it you?”
“Yes and Z-dog and Fig.” Lyle says gesturing to the two navis respectfully holding me.
I take a moment and collect myself
“Just let me go. I'm completely calm.” I can see they all slightly hesitate but do so anyway, still keeping their hand up just in case I start swinging again. But i don't care about them right now i'm looking down and finally notice my own two fists are no longer the tan skin I'm used to, instead they are blue. No it can’t be. I push Wainfleet aside and go toward the giant glass window in front of me. One of those savages stares back at me from the mirror. Hands moving the same as mine eyes blinking the same everything.
“Well ain’t this a bitch.” I say now realizing what has become of me.
After being checked out by the scientist I'm reunited with wainfleet and ordered to watch some video from my past or some shit like that.
“Attention two minutes until we hit the surface.”
I just ignore the soldier barking orders at me floating around trying to watch the video I've been told I have to. Once it starts my previous self shows up on the screen. All tan skin and gray hair. Tough guy military stance through and through
“ In case you were in doubt you are Colonel MIles Quaritch, just younger, taller, bluer and less pretty.”
I just huff at my former selfs gusto.
“In six hours I will attack the Navi fortress. It was thought advisable that I make this backup. Parker what the hell else do i need to say to this.”
“Just remind him how it works anything else you need him to know yada yada”
“ Freaking useless” I hear the former human say under his breath.
“Your memories and your personality are going to be sent back to earth where you are being cultivated just like the other lucky sobs of our team. You are a recombinant soul with my memories and my charm. You wont be able to remember my death because it won't happen.”
A chuckle occurs from over the humans shoulder, a female chuckle
“Miles are you guys just now doing your daily video logs cause if you are i'm gonna have to write you up.”
A woman appears behind miles, everyone else in the background looking sheepish until she fully enters the frame. She is gorgeous. Her smile breathtaking, making my heart pulse loudly a low pur coming from my blue chest.
“Hello there darlin. How’s the baby.?”
Baby? What baby? Is all i can think, attention directly on the video playing as my tail flags anxiously behind me. Stupid thing.
“Jr is fine he’s at his check up asleep waiting for the nurses to finish all the scans i thought i would check in on yall, what are you all doing all secretly up in here hmm”
“Nothing darlin, Parker just making us all catch up on our chores right guys. I hear yes and aye aye from the background”
“Well if you guys would just do what you're supposed to you wouldn’t get in trouble.”
“Your right darlin. Why are you in here though aren’t you tired.”
“I am but just because I had a baby doesn’t mean I can’t help out. The lab people are running around and I'm just making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be.”
“Well why don't you go back to our room and sleep darlin i'll make sure your job is all done ok and i'll pick up jr.”
“Miles, if I didn’t know any better I would say you're trying to get rid of me. Not at all mamas, I just want you and the little one to be all rested.
“Sure. Fine ill let you get back to your little video.”
The woman moves off my predecessor's lap but not before bending down to cup his face, planting a quick kiss on his lips. I notice a ring around her finger. So she wasn’t just a baby momma she actually meant something to him, to me. As she slips away the original faces back at the camera and measures it with a tight look
“That right there is something very important. She means the world remember that soldier with out her you ain’t got nothin. Now she doesn’t know whats about to go down. Or maybe she does i dont know, shes quicker than she looks. But remember she is to be protected. Whatever happens you as a clone have two objectives, the most important: take care of that beautiful thing you just saw. And secondly get revenge on the man who almost took her away Jake Sully. Remember that a marine can never be defeated. You can kill us but well just regroup in hell. Semper fi.”
“Ohrah” I hear Lyle say floating in front of me.
“Lyle, who was that?”
“Who was who, Colonel, the girl?
“Oh that was y/n”.
“y/n” memories start flooding my mind I can hear her voice. Smell her scent. Feel her hands caress my face.
“She was important to me huh?”
“Yeah she was your fiancé. She was part of our team remember
“Yeah i think but i don't remember everything”
“It’s cool colonel give it a bit they said we'll get all our memories back in time”
“Wait you said she was part of our team right.”
“Yeah colonel she was a great field medic but also a great soldier”
“What happened to her?”
“I, I, actually don't know, I don't remember!, hey geeks were missing someone.” Lyle yells over to the scientist but before they can answer we hear the landing protocol go into effect. I guess we'll deal with this when we get to the ground.
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After we get to the ground i half pay attention to what ever they yell at us. More focused on seeing my team and finding out what happened to y/n. I drop the subject for the Moment as i go over to the rest of my team to start our briefing
“Well lady’s we are definitely not in Kansas anymore. We’re on our way to pandora. I know you're all asking yourselves the same question: why so blue?”
Chuckles go around as the twelve sets of eyes focus on me.
“The sins of the past have made us reborn in the form of our enemies. We have their size, their strength and their speed, added to our training its a powerful cocktail”.
“We got a mission?”. Lopez asks from his set in the back
“We do. Our mission is to find and kill the leader of the Navi rebel army. They call him Toruk makto. We called him Jake sully.”
“But before we get to hunting I know you’ve all noticed we're missing a body here”.
“Yeah where is y/l/n.”
“I dont know yet zdarnski but trust me i'm going to find out so till then you all go about your business while i figure out mine.”
Lyle is at my six as we stalk through the base looking for the head a General Ardmore.
“Colonel there they are”, Lyle points over to a middle aged woman head bitch energy radiating from her. Emphasis on the bitch
“General Ardmore” i say standing at the ready in front of the small woman
“Nice to meet you, Colonel. I hear good things. But a lot has changed since you were last here. Come”
“She gestures walking through the bridehead”
“The new command center here has just been commissioned. The crowd fitters can erect a building in six days. We’ve done more here in one year than in the previous 30 years. No longer is our mission her to mine. It’s to tame. We are here to make pandora the new home of humanity. But before we can do that we have to pacify the savages, Sullys whims have become bolder and more frequent. His attacks are well executed. Good coordination between the troops. We only know that they are probably hiding out between the hallelujah mountains and we are still unable to flush them out. That is where your team will come in.”
“That’s all and well but I do have a pressing matter to deal with first.
“And what is that colonel?
“I seem to be missing an important member of my team.
“Ahh yes come with me”
She leads Lyle and i around to a lab looking sector. The ceilings were thankfully high enough we didn't have to crouch. It was just getting through doors that sucked. Taking sips of the co in my mask we come to a giant window, probably looking into a lab. The general presses a few buttons and the once dark glass now becomes clear. A Navi women who looked very much like y/n
“Sorry general i know you had relations with this women when you where human is that correct”
“To my knowledge yes but none of the files said she had died.”
“Yes, well with what we found we were able to determine she died of blood loss during the battle of hometree. She and another soldier were both gunned down by the natives.”
My hands just clenched into fists as I continued to stare at the young women behind the glass.
“Since she was part of your unit and a capable soldier she was also made part of project phoenix. Although due to her health problems her backup was from a much earlier date then the rest of you. Like you all she went back to her twenty year old self with her memories being uploaded from the video logs she did before the battle. Like you all as well she doesn’t remember or know of her death. Unlike you though We had to take more liberties with some of her memories since she was very personable with the traitors during you time which is why i have a hard job for you colonel”
“And what would that be”
“I want you and your unit to keep a very close eye on Corporal y/l/n here to make sure she stays on mission. Got it”
“Understood general.”
“Good she should be woken up soon and the scientist think it would help for you to be there. They’ll contact you when they are ready till then im sure you both have other people to notify.
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Your pov
Everything hurts. My body feels like I’ve never moved but over worked every muscle at the same time. My ears are ringing and my eyes sting. What is going on? Did I get sick overnight or something? Damn. I hear clapping and a few snaps next to my ears startling me, probably one of the others messing with me but I can’t bring myself to swat at the sound.
“Corporal can you hear us”
“Corporal i need you to open your eyes if you can
Wait am I in medical right now what happened?
“I slowly open my eyes, a bright light flowing into them
“Responses look good. Ok corporal y/l/n can you look at us please”
I finally turn my head and see a nurse. A tiny nurse. What the hell?I try to swing up quick but everyone goes on to try and calm me down, everyone is tiny looking and starting to freak me out. But suddenly blue flashes in my peripheral
“Darlin, I need you to calm down.”
Wait, that voice that's Miles, miles will help me. I quickly turn to look at the voice of the man I love when a male navi stares back at me. My jerk reaction is to push him away. Some unknown man staring at me while I feel like I've been drugged yeah that's a no go situation but the male grabs on hard to my arms. It’s not until I go to push again that I notice my arms aren't my arms
“Darlin, I need you to calm down and take a breath real quick, ok.”
I'm just frozen in shock
“ Quartich?”
“Yeah l/n it’s me”
I then turn and see the other avatar that tried to grab me looked familiar as well
“Hey sweet cheeks.”
Miles just growls out at Lyle and that when I know for sure it’s my miles that’s standing in front of me. The boys get me to calm down as the doctors now look me over. I myself am too busy staring in the Mirror at my new body to pay attention to anything they say. Wainfleet had taken up a spot along the wall in my view to give me some reassurance. While miles had gone off to speak with someone I just continued to stare. It was me that looked in the mirror but it wasn’t me that looked back.
After getting my bill of health, some fresh clothes and a run down on the co2 mask and where i have to use them. Miles and Lyle escort me to our new quarters. Entering everything is gigantic. It would probably be comical if any normal humans saw it.
“L/N” I hear called out loudly as a body comes crashing with mine.
It’s Z-dog with lopez and mansks not far behind her behind all the others also standing to come greet me
“Wow zdinarsk it you i'm so glad to see you again.”
I grab and hug z much to her jargon.(she’s not really a hugger) Lopez and Mansks also come over and pull me into a quick hug, everyone else nodding at me with a smile on their face.
“Look At you all. It’s kinda weird everyone being blue.”
“Don’t you know it” Hear ja call out from the back of the group
Everyone just laughing as miles and Lyle rejoin everyone now that i've been reintegrated
“Well would you look at that, the whole squad together again.” Lyle says tucking me and z in each arm squeezing us into his side. We both just exchange a glance before brushing him off onto the floor, everyone else laughing.
“That's enough ladies. I hear miles shout into the room”
“You all know you rooms we'll meet back here tomorrow morning o700 hours”
Roger colonel. Everyone just salutes and goes back to goofing around or going to their designated quarters. I kind of just stand there like a deer in headlights watching it all. Taking in everyone’s new faces and body’s. My family is back together again and right now that's all I can find it in me to care about.
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The next couple of days are very tiring. Training to get back into shape and familiar with our new body’s strength and size. Miles is a constant by my side, us practically going right back to where we left off. But it feels like i'm forgetting something, something important, it's on the tip of my tongue but it wont come out.
I see Miles get particularly more on guard whenever the general comes around to visit, always throwing quick glances at me. I have to admit the woman rubs me the wrong way but I'm grateful to her and the rda for bringing me and my family back together again. But thats where my loyalties end. The others all go back into their roles in the group, no one really focusing on the past or what happened to them more inclined to stay in the present and think of the future. We’re finally given the go ahead to search the area, while i don't agree with trying to capture anyone i have no choice but to follow our orders to find a person called toruk makto.
We get into the Forrest everything is beautiful. I always thought pandora was beautiful but being able to experience it with out a mask is crazy. Walking under gigantic leafs i just take my hand up and spin under it filling its soft texture. Lyle laughs at my childishness but I can’t tell he thinks its cool out here judging by the look on his face when a bunch of helicopter lizards Kenten if i remember correctly start flying around us.
Miles stops and gives the order to fan out in the clearing. I see its an old shack. But why is it out here and why is it so familiar?.Before i can think more miles tells me to survey the surrounding area.While he and two others go survey the field I do as he says not wanting to question things in a possibly hostaile invironment
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Miles pov
We make it the last known location of Jake sully. Not wanting to compromise y/n i have her survey the surrounding area as myself Lyle and zdog approach the old shack. Z and Lopez scope the shack as Lyle and i survey the ruins of an old amp suit.
Scrapping the moss off the side i see it was my old amp suit. There’s no body inside just the remnants of broken glass and a old arrow sticking through the seat.
“Lyle see what you can pull of this thing.”
I stand up taking a breath my eyes finding y/n looking at some plant growing on a tree. A smile wide on her face. It calms me to watch her be at peace.
“Here you go sir.” Lyle hands me a screen to watch the amp final moments
On the screen i see jake in his avatar form all dressed up for war.
But then i see y/n. Human y/n stumbling into the clearing and standing between us.
What the fuck are you doing there darlin. I say to my self my eyes still glued to the screen.
She’s trying to talk us both down. And i can tell by my former selfs body posture falling that whatever shes saying is working. That is until i hear her scream at something behind me. The angle turning quickly to be meet with the female savage jake had found. And a very familiar arrow coming straight toward me
The screen changes once more to y/n above me tears in her eyes and thats where it all stops
That bastard killed me. But wait y/n was there I thought the general said she was with another soldier when she was gunned down. I have so many questions im unable to process as a crunching noise comes from the brush off in the distance
Your pov
The old battle ground makes me unsteady like an impending dread that fills my heart
Miles and the others have all made sure I’m not really part of whatever they are doing I’m just perimeter surveillance I know miles is having the same issues I am but he’s pushing through
I see something white float through the sky. It's an Atokirina, it's beautiful almost like the seeds of a dandelion, It floats peacefully towards me. I hold out my palms as it grows closer and closer gently landing in my outstretched hands. Just as the seed setteles in my hand i hear yelling form the group behind me. I run back to the group gun ready to some face to face with Navi children being manhandled by the others
Hey wait they’re just kids. I try to get out but the others ignore me. I try again but the words stop when i see a human boy as well. Covered in blue strips with a mask on his face.
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Miles pov
Three Navi children and a human are all captured in a second. I look over them all seeing they look somewhat like us. The young male has eyebrows and a very familiar looking face. Lyle points out that he thinks we have half breeds on our hands holding up the older girls hand to show five fingers. Now that got my attention
“Show me you hands kid” The kid just flips me off. Now i know there’s no doubt why the kid looks familiar. He looks like his father
“Your his”
I can hear y/n calling out to us to calm down and that they where just kids but I force myself to ignore her. It’s not till I go towards the youngest one that I see the human that was with them closely.
His hair is matted into dreads and he has blue stripes painted on him
He also looks familiar
“What’s your name kid?”
“Spider, spider l/n
No one calls me that.”
Before I can say anything else I hear a sharp gasp from behind me. Y/n pushing through us to go towards the boy.
Your pov
“Wait your name is miles.” I say staring at the young boy. The longer I look the more the pain in my head and heart grow, I can feel myself starting to hyperventilate. The longer I stare into the child’s blue eyes. Eyes that reminded me oh so much of the man I love.
“But that's impossible the rda wouldn’t have left you here. They were supposed to take care of you” I can’t even make a complete thought as my hands gently try to reach out to the boy ghosting over his arms and face
The tears are blurring as the child just stares at me in shock
“My baby” is all I can choke out before the ringing in my head turns up to a thousand
Spiders pov
The female is looking at me with tears in her eyes as she crouches down to be height level with me. It’s starting to freak me out but I can’t look away from her. Like there’s a string pulling my to go to her and giver her a hug but that’s stupid she obviously just another soldier just like quartich. But…..Wait it can’t be. The more I look at her the more familiar she becomes. She looks just like the photo I have. The slope of her nose and cheeks. The shape of her face and as she smiles at me is when it hits me
Miles pov
I can tell she’s shocked seeing the kid. I know I should pull her back before something bad happens but my body won’t move my mind not wanting to take this from her. It’s not until she yells out that I finally move
“Y/n.” I just charge over to her grabbing and pulling her away from everything back into the opening field.
“Y/n,Y/n look at me what’s wrong “
“My head miles I.”
“Shh it’s ok just breath lyle come here”
Lyle bounds over and takes my silent command to look after y/n while I go and speak with spider
The sully kids pov
Why is that lady on the ground and what’s going on?, are all the kids can think as they continue to struggle against the people holding them. It’s not until they hear the words “my baby come”from her is that they realize the avatar in front of them was none other than the y/n l/n spider's mother. Come back from the grave just like quartich. It is impossible, wait till dad sees this. A broken yell breaks them out of their silent conversation as they see y/n no longer in front of spider but now on the ground clutching her head, Quartich and the bald one next to her. All of the others look at them and her with worry evident on their faces. She obviously means something to all of them
Miles pov
Taking in the surroundings I go and radio to the bridge head our location and how I need a pickup when getting a confirmation i walk back over to the sully boy.
“Ok kids here’s what’s going to happen you All are going to deliver a little message to you dad for me.” I slap a com link in the boys hand and stare him down
“Your daddy needs to give himself up while I’m still being nice. And if he doesn’t there’s going to be an all out manhunt for him and your family got it.
The kid just hisses at me.
“And to make sure you all deliver my message spider here is coming with us”
“What no let us go the older female screams”
All of the kids are struggling to protect their friend. I have to admit I was glad he had such loyal friends.Shaking my head a squashing those feelings down
“Let the kids go”
“What but sir “
“Just do it we need to leave”
The others toss the kids away from them guns raising to make sure none of the little shits attacked us while our backs were turned
Taking spider in hand I shove him towards Lyle. Exchanging the struggling teen for the hurt women. Holding y/n close as the chopper starts to come into view. The rain has started casting the clearing into darkness. My team continues to watch my back protecting me and y/n from the sully kids and the danger that may lurk behind them. It’s not till I hear a clear yipping sound call through the air and see the children all react to it. That I know he’s out there. Him and that she demon he married. The sound comes again and the children book it out of the clearing back into the safety of the trees. Ordering the team to load up and placing y/n in Mansks arms I decide to turn back surveying the trees. That’s when a shadow in one of the large trees catches my attention. It moves slightly as another one comes into view just below it.
“Jake!!!” I yell out. “I know you're out there sully. I hope with this I’ve gotten your attention. Tell you boy there to relay my message. I’ll be seeing you again real soon.” I hop into the chopper and we quickly make our ascent back towards the bridgehead.
Back at the bridgehead spider is taken to a holding room per the general's orders now while I don't agree I had more pressing matters on my hand.
Y/n looked exhausted, her eyes sunken and ears and tail twitching everywhere.
“Darlin how you feel?”.
“My head is killing me.”
“The science pukes said it would pass. Everything will be ok
“No, everything will not be miles. I'm so confused about what is going on. Why are we after Jake? I thought Jake was our friend
“Well that’s a long story. Here what's the last thing you remember.
“From when I was human.?”
I just nod tail flicking behind him worriedly
“I remember you proposing and I remember being assigned to help Jake and the science group, I remember having our son and being so happy. but after that nothing…. Now you tell me what am I missing.
“A lot happened darlin. While Jake was on our side he and the others decided to turn their backs on humanity. They…
“What do you mean turn their back on humanity Miles, you i both know the rda didn’t and still doesn’t care about the Navi. What every they did they were probably in the right.
“How does killing everyone we love as a family make them right.
“They were protecting themselves and their homes just like we would do if the roles were reversed. This is all once again the RDAs fault.
“Darlin you and I both know we owe everything to the rda. Now I'm sorry this situation is not what you want it to be hell i don't want it to be but we have to do what we're told ok. Just focus on yourself for once in your life i beg of you
“Miles that's not how life works
“Well i'm gonna need it to cause i don't need you giving the general any ideas”
“The general, what does she have to do with this?”
“She knew you were close to the traitors in the past. They didn’t want that becoming a detriment to their current mission. Our current mission may remind you. So they have me watching you. And if you slip up im supposed to hand you over.”
“Understanding comes to my face as I see now why miles was always so closed off to me recently.”
“So for my own sanity and your survival i need you to continue with the mission do you understand”
“Miles im not going to”
“Y/n i'm not asking i need you to do this until we can figure something else out please.
“God this situation is so fucked” All i can do is pace around while miles sits on the edge of the bed.
“Fine I’ll pretend if it keeps you and the others safe I’ll pretend but I refuse to hurt anyone miles. You have to realize this isn't the same as then, now we are the navi and I know without a doubt the rda does not care about any of our blue ass’s.”
“Your right darlin, we all know it but”
“But, we have to come up with a plan. I don't want to lose everyone again and I refuse to lose my son again. Ok.”
“Now speaking of we have a very alive problem staying in this room right now that we need to take care of first please i want to see him”
“Darlin I can’t let you do that.. i see he's staring at me but his cute little ears are drawn back and his eyes hold guilt”
“Miles where’s our son”
“Darlin hes not your son”
“Where is he miles” I yell out at the marine now blocking my way
“The general has him darlin’
“Wait! Goddamit!” She storms past me despite my best attempt to block her into our room. She always was quick and make it seem all to easy getting passed me to make her way to the interrogation wing. Running after her I stop quickly grabbing z dog and Lyle who just stood watching me storm past them. They follow after me quickly. I’m already trying to come up with what to say for damage control
Your pov
I get to the room and my blood boils. There he is ,little miles or spider as he kept calling him self earlier. Hes standing strapped to some sort of machine as the general yells out where’s Jake sully?" I can’t even begin to think straight taking in the scene in front of me. All I know is that my son is screaming with blood now slowly falling from his nose. Oh hell no. I immediately rush over stopping the machine before Ardmore can stop me and just as miles,Lyle and z-dog all come into the room.
“And what the hell do you think you're doing?”she screams, stomping over to me but Miles quickly grabs me by the back of the neck and pushes me towards z and wainfleet.
“Colonel is there a problem here?” she asks eyeing my struggling form
“No ma’am.” Miles say signaling to the others to fully haul me out of the way
Miles pov
“Colonel I thought you said l/n wasn’t acting out “
“She’s fine we’ve been able to sidetrack and subdue her from thinking of the past to long
“Good now explain what the hell that was just now”
“Simple general we just found our in”
“Excuse me”
“You know how they say never get between a mama lion and her cub. That’s what just happened l/n’s outburst just proved to the kid he can trust her and with that well be able to get him to trust us and give up sullys operation. “
“He’s not your son colonel this is not the time to play happy family is that understood “
“Yes sir”
“Good I will warn you once again do not let l/n compromise this mission or she will be put down is that understood “
“Understood general . I salute to the smug women in front of me though it takes all my will power and walk out to find y/n and spider”
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lavendermunson · 9 months
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞, 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭...
𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎: right now is candles
𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: dancing with our hands tied my baby
𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜: i think he knows
𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎: gingerbread came out of me so easily
𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎: dancing with our hands tied
𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜𝚔: can't help it if i wanna kiss you in the rain
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛: don't have one yet but I want to write for robin, chrissy and maybe nancy
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛: eddie and steve
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛: billy or the older men sorry
𝚂𝟻 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜?: i hope will dies, scoops troop comes back, nancy gets a happy ending not being tied to a romance storyline and eddie comes back let me dream.
𝚔𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝 (𝚢/𝚗), 𝚠𝚑𝚢/ 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝? i dont know much about that but ill say yes if eddie comes back to me
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 (𝚢/𝚗) 𝚠𝚑𝚢/𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚝? NO. steve needs to move on and nancy deserves a good ending because she is such a great girl
𝚊 𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎: i don't really know a small blog but if i ever found them id support them just as a lot of people have supported me. ill tag some of my favorite writers who deserve love too
@eiightysixbaby @eddiesxangel @slutty-thevampireslayer @onegirlmanytales @keeksandgigz @reidsbtch @lofaewrites @pricelessemotion @ihatepeanutss @chrrymunson @stveharringtn
love youuuuu!! 💕💕💕
𝚊 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚛𝚋𝚘 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎: @eiightysixbaby always makes me love eddie so fucking much and @loveshotzz with AIRWIY!steve
𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖: i dont really know but I remember reading love bites by @luveline back when I was hiding in my account and that also inspired me to write my own stories
𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖: first person to make me a moot tag was @sp1rit-realm even if we interacted a couple of times I think it was the first time I felt like I belonged here so thank you and miss ya!
𝚐𝚘𝚊𝚕𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞’𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛: actually starting to write, i've wrote before for myself or my friend diana who always reads my stuff even when she isn’t in the fandom but this blog allowed me to feel safe and post my own writing. i used to struggle a lot but now its so much easier thank you so much for all the support
𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛: 3.5k on i could see you as my addiction
𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚎: best friend to lovers
𝚜𝚖𝚞𝚝, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏?: fluff!!!!!! but i also enjoy angst and smut
f̾u̾c̾k̾ ̾m̾a̾r̾r̾y̾ ̾k̾i̾l̾l̾
𝚝𝚎𝚍, 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚛. 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎?: fuck ted marry mr. clarke kill murray
𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚌𝚎, 𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚗, 𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚊? (𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗’𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚖): fuck claudia marry joyce kill karen
𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛, 𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚘𝚗, 𝚍𝚛. 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛? fuck wayne marry hopper and kill dr. brenner
𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚢𝚕𝚎, 𝚓𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗, or 𝚔𝚎𝚒𝚝𝚑? fuck argyle marry jonathan kill keith
𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚎, 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚢𝚕𝚎? IM GONNA CRY. fuck steve many times marry eddie kill argyle sorry
𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚋𝚊𝚝, 𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚗, 𝚟𝚎𝚌𝚗𝚊? fuck demogorgon marry vecna have u seen jamie? kill demobat
no pressure tags: i tagged some people already, you can do it if you like! also anyone who wants to have fun with these questions
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