#this applies to d&d too since d&d elves literally do not sleep at all
deathbydarkelves · 8 months
Realization I just had while being slightly tipsy listening to De Selby (Part 1) on repeat at 11 PM.
Since in my AU elves have weird circadian rhythms (such that they only sleep every 48-96 hours), in any majority elven settlement, there won't be a time of day or night where everyone is asleep and things have really slowed down. There's probably lulls in activity around midday and midnight, but overall, there's always gonna be a lot of people awake doing whatever.
So it's kind of a culture shock of sorts when an elf moves, willingly or not, to a settlement that's majority non-elven (i.e. has a more predictable circadian rhythm/activity cycle). And suddenly nighttime takes on a whole new meaning and feeling. What was just another time of day essentially is now this new place where you can actually be alone. Everything is actually, genuinely quiet. And especially if you're a night elf, that's probably a pretty profound feeling.
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heartslogos · 2 years
newfragile yellows [1204]
The first Dreamers were found on the Moon. And they have only ever been found on planetary mons ever since. There's no explanation for how they got there. The people of Earth had only just begun to find their way in the matters of interstellar travel. And the idea that Dreamers — who, by all accounts, aside from their somnatic abilities, are terran based life forms — somehow predate all record of human, Qunari, dwarf, and elven history is mind boggling. Staggering, even. The Dreamers are terran based in biology. They breathe oxygen. They absorb the same nutrients from the sun. They’re carbon based. By all metrics, if one ignores the Dreaming part of a Dreamer, they’re just elves who’ve been asleep for literal thousands of years at a time.
Not all Dreamers are found alive. Some died in their dreams, their sleep. Others wake and then pass away near instantly. Most Dreamers are dead without knowing it.
Maybe about thirty percent of Dreamers found are still alive. And of that thirty percent, perhaps only two percent of them are actually conscious. The other twenty eight are what everyone calls Sleepers. So deep within their Dreams that they have no way back to their bodies; no idea that they have bodies to return to. They’re comatose in every way that matters. You could, in theory, send another Dreamer to find the mind of the Asleep one in the vast network of Dreams and convince them to come back. That’s happened once or twice. Not many times, though.
Those Dreamers, those Sleepers, the Sleeping ones, tend to get placed as batteries. Wires and probes and all sorts of technology would get hooked up to their little sleeping pods and their Dream energy would be harvested and stored and sold. If they were found by someone with some manner of ethics. If they weren’t, then their entire sleep pod would be plucked out of whatever place it was in and taken away to be installed into some ship or orbiting palace.
And then there are that last two percent. The Awakened ones. The ones who, even in Dreaming, are aware of their surroundings, their bodies. Those are the ones you can actually talk to, reason with. Those are the ones that negotiate contracts and pay and security for themselves and — when they can, the Sleepers who might be found near them.
By some unspoken agreement, no Awakened Dreamer has ever confirmed or denied or even touched upon the reason why they are on the moon. On most moons in Earth’s solar system. They give no reason, no explanation. Sometimes it’s presumed that they’ve all been asleep for so long that they’ve forgotten. Do they know? Do they even know how many of them there are out there, asleep?
They definitely know of each other, though.
Ellana’s nose wrinkles in her sleep and she looks extremely annoyed sometimes. When she’s able to answer and you ask about it she’ll say that they got too close to a Dreamer she did not like. The Dreamers can recognize each other, predictably, by Dreams.
“What is it like, the Dreaming I mean?” Malika asks Ellana on one of the rare occasions that Ellana is awake and untethered from the Heart.
Ellana blinks her dark eyes. Malika is reminded, strangely, of the first astronauts. Back in the early days of space exploration when they didn’t have gravity control figured out the astronauts would spend their time in zero gravity. And then they would come back to Earth and forget gravity existed and start dropping things all the time, expecting them to stay exactly where they were. Ellana is like that when she’s awake. She looks around at things and expects them to do the things they would do if she were asleep and in control of the ship. And then she becomes confused when they do not.
“I wouldn’t know how to explain it,” Ellana says carefully. “Dwarves don’t dream at all. And I think what I feel when I Dream is different from when the rest of those who are capable of dreaming do it.”
Malika can hear the implied capitol D in Dream, when applied to Ellana.
“It is very much like being awake,” Ellana says. She pauses as she spreads her fingers over the table top. “You go about your business as you do. When I Dream to work I Dream myself the ship. That is all. I am awake and aware of everything around me.”
“And when you aren’t Dreaming to work?”
“It is still like being awake. It’s like I’m putting down something — the ship — and walking away for a little. Except when I walk away from something I’m walking somewhere else.” Ellana pauses again, eyes sliding half shut. “Sometimes I go — “
She stops there. Malika, though she wouldn’t be able to explain it, would swear that Ellana was going to say that she goes home.
What is home for a Dreamer?
Malika has enough sense not to ask that sort of question.
“Sometimes I follow you,” Ellana says. “Or I follow other crew members. Just to see what you’re doing. Sometimes, if one of you are sleeping, I poke my head into your dreams. Not for very long. I just want to make sure you’re alright. Even for those who can’t Dream like me, dreams can be dangerous. And sometimes I just — I just go. I visit other Dreamers I know, if they’re close enough.”
“You can do that?”
“You can do anything in Dreams,” Ellana says. “In Dreams I am your ship. I am its beating heart. I am anything. I am everything.”
“If Dreams were so powerful,” Malika says, “Then why — “
She doesn’t know how to finish that sentence, that question, as something Ellana would answer. If Dreams and Dreamers are so powerful, why were they all forgotten? Why were they all hidden away on the moon?
“Why anything, Malika? Because there is something more powerful than Dreams,” Ellana says. “There’s always something more powerful to be found.”
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arofili · 3 years
gen freeform exchange letter!
See my signup for likes/DNWs/etc.
This is not the most detailed letter, just kind of a collection of my scattered thoughts about how the tags I chose apply to the characters I chose. these are of course completely optional, you can follow my prompts or pick something completely different, whatever you’d like. thanks for writing for me!!
Request 1: Kidnap Dads Fluff
this is the Kidnap Dads Fluff request! some of these are pretty Maedhros-centric, bc he is my favorite character; you don’t have to include all of them but I’d love it if you included Mae.
I like my Kidnap Dads either extremely fluffy OR extremely complicated and handled with care. This request is for the fluffy stuff. Please don’t make anyone a bad parent - definitely not M&M, but also not Elwing & Eärendil either, and if you’re writing about M&M’s childhood at all I need Fëanor to be a good dad. Things can be Complicated™ but I need there to be love at the root of parent-child relationships.
For the relationships outside of the various combinations of Elrond & Elros & Maedhros & Maglor:
I would love to see Elrond & Gil-galad viewing each other as brothers because Russingon-baby!Gil shares a dad with Elrond!! or Gil somehow visiting Mae while he and Mags are taking care of E&E? idk. just, Mae as Gil’s dad and also Elrond’s dad, that’s good content. (though Jaz, if you get assigned me feel free to write your Gil and Elrond platonic marriage idea, haha)
for Eluréd & Elurín & Maedhros: an AU where Mae saves them? maybe they get to take care of their nephews! or maybe Sirion goes differently, oooh
accidental parent acquisition: M&M didn’t INTEND to care about E&E but they do, E&E realize that they’re closer to M&M than they were to their bio parents
"We're Family Now and There's Nothing You Can Do about It": E&E claim M&M as their parents despite M&M’s protests that No We’re Evil You Don’t Want Us As Parents
Adult Siblings acting like Children: this could work for either set of siblings; I’m imagining E&E goofing off while Elrond is visiting Tar-Minyatur in Númenor and Elros’ nobles are sweating like “wtf is happening”; OR it’s M&M who have a moment of levity and sibling shenanigans that they don’t normally indulge in and E&E see and are astonished and start to trust them more
Awkward Conversations with People You Tried to Kill: M&M comforting E&E immediately post Kinslaying
Bedtime Stories: M&M telling E&E about their shared dead relatives? M&M telling E&E about Aman? E&E telling M&M about the petty squabbles they witnessed between the various nobles in Sirion?
Building A New Life: none of them really expected to survive Sirion, and they certainly didn’t expect this family situation, so they have to figure out where to go from here
Casual use of powers in a setting where the character should really be more careful: Maglor using Song magic when he doesn’t need to? Maedhros getting all Spirit Of Fire-y while protecting the twins from orcs? eldritch E&E abusing their Maia powers for petty childhood pranks? any one of those, but in front of an audience of outsiders?
Character A and B work together to take care of hurt/ill mutual loved one: E&E and Maglor caring for Maedhros who’s having a bad pain day
Characters Hanging Out In The Kitchen Because They Can't Sleep: accidental family gathering in the kitchen, every character sneaks out individually and is surprised to find the others in the kitchen too
Characters Teaching Each Other New Skills: i LIVE for this stuff with kidnap dads!! Mags teaching music? Mae teaching swordfighting? History? Politics? Magic? whatever!
competent parenting: this is almost a Requirement tbh, but idk, show a moment where E&E expect M&M to be too harsh or to be pushovers but M&M establish firm boundaries and do the Right Parenting Thing
Family Fluff: that’s this entire request tbh
Disabled Character Kicks Ass: Maedhros!!!!! protecting the twins!!! :D
Fluff and Angst: yesss, angst with a happy ending is my JAM
Food as a Metaphor for Love: Maedhros who bakes :D
Gruff intimidating character gets soft around kids: I nominated this tag specifically with Maedhros & E&E in mind :)))) Maglor being surprised Mae gets along with the kids so well, and then remembering “right he used to be older bro Maitimo”? E&E expecting Mae to be the strict one but no it’s actually Maglor, Mae’s a big softie? an outsider watching Mae switch abruptly from “intimidating warlord who can and will kill you” to “doting father”?
The Intimacy of Brushing/Braiding/Washing Another Person's Hair: ELVES AND HAIR PLS. maybe M&M having Noldor Hair Culture Norms that make hair a Big Deal, and E&E having Sindar norms that are like “whatever, it’s just hair”? things that are really meaningful to M&M but E&E don’t get the depth of it?
Hope vs. Despair: E&E giving Maedhros hope when he’d almost fallen permanently into despair
Identical Twins Swap Places to Mess with People: just. E&E shenanigans. bonus points if M&M are the only ones who can still tell them apart.
Oaths & Vows: literally anything to do with E&E reacting to/discovering/understanding the Oath of Fëanor
Platonic Soulbonds: adoption bonds!! my hc is that (for elves) blood family have a soul connection to one another innately, but when you adopt someone you have to initiate that bond yourself (kind of like a marriage bond but not). anything to do with M&M adopting E&E - or, E&E adopting M&M!
Post-Canon: AU where Mae lives pls??
Protectiveness: M&M protecting E&E from an outside threat OR E&E protecting M&M’s reputation after they’re separated
Raising a Child or Children Together, platonic co-parenting: M&M brotherly bonding :’) they feel like Real Family for the first time since their little brothers were little
Ruined Castles and Fortresses: Amon Ereb as a makeshift fortress long after it should’ve fallen? E&E visiting Tol Himling post-canon?
Sibling Rivalry: M&M competing over E&E liking them the most? E&E competing over M&M spoiling them the most?
Telepathy: ósanwë!!
Trans Character: make some characters trans! have M&M be supportive of E and/or E transitioning! have M and/or M be trans and explaining that to the twins! or whatever! I love trans stuff!
Request 2: Kidnap Dads Angst
Okay, here’s the Kidnap Dads But Angst request :)))) A lot of the same prompts....but make them angsty......I would like a happy ending (or at least a hopeful ending), though, so hurt/comfort would be great, or someone thinking things are worse than they turn out to be, that sort of thing. If there’s a specific prompt that would work better with an unhappy ending I’ll mention that, but unless I request it please don’t do it.
Non-Kidnap Fam relationships:
Elrond & Gil-galad, Mae & Gil: again, was thinking Russingon Baby Gil here, but this time Gil has angst about Mae being his dad. Elrond reassuring him that Mae is a good dad? Or maybe they’re both remembering Mae after he dies :(((
Eluréd & Elurín & Maedhros: a canon take on this where Mae keeps comparing the first E&E twins to the second set.... or maybe Eluréd and Elurín are haunting Mae?
"We're Family Now and There's Nothing You Can Do about It": M&M adopting E&E before E&E trust them fully, they need to make sure E&E are cared for but the twins are still afraid of them. OR E&E adopting M&M, but lean into the angst of M&M not feeling like they’ll be good enough parents
A and B mourn death of person they both loved: Maglor & Elrond & Elros mourning Mae? Maglor & Elrond mourning Elros?
Angst - Characters know exactly how to hurt each other: SO much angst potential here... maybe Mags needling Mae right where it hurts in an attempt to get him to take a more active role in their lives? Using Fingon against him? :)))
Angst with a Happy Ending: my bread and butter, this is kind of the ideal story I want for this request
A assumes that B will abandon them; B reaffirms their loyalty to A in A's time of need: Maglor and Maedhros right before the theft of the Silmarils? M&M assuming E&E will abandon them as soon as they get the chance?
Awkward Conversations with People You Tried to Kill: immediately post-Sirion, dial up the angst factor
Building A New Life: post-WoW, everyone going their own ways
Character A and B work together to take care of hurt/ill mutual loved one: E&E and Maglor care for Mae on a bad pain day or with an injury from battle BUT instead of cute sickfic everyone’s terrified Mae is going to die, Mae kind of wants to die, Elrond is worried he’s not a good enough healer for this, Maglor blaming himself for Mae getting into this situation, basically everyone’s on edge and not having a good time
Character discovering own self-worth: E&E teaching Mae to love himself again!!!
Character draws negative attention onto themself to protect another: OKAY so my angsty headcanon for this is that Maedhros intentionally draws the twins’ ire to him when things get tense between the Fëanorians & their hostages, so they associate negative encounters with Maedhros and positive ones with Maglor. Basically he wants to spare Maglor the brunt of their anger by taking it onto himself, sabotaging his own relationship with the twins. bonus points for E&E figuring this out and fucking up his plan by loving Mae too.
Character expected to die but didn't and now has no idea how to live anymore: MAEDHROS LIVES AU FT. ALL THE ANGST
Child A comforts Child B after B has nightmare about their dead parents: E&E in the first few years of captivity :))
Characters with complicated pasts struggling with guilt and grief and forgiveness: is this not just the Fëanorians???
complicated family dynamics: just make it fucked up and difficult, E&E shouldn’t love M&M but they do anyway, they still love their bio parents too but have mixed feelings overall
Depending On Each Other To Survive: Beleriand is literally falling apart around them, they have to rely on each other or they WILL die
Difficult Decisions In War Time: M&M sending E&E to Gil-galad? M&M choosing to go after the Silmaril, E&E reacting to that?
It's the end of the world as we know it and Character(s) feel(s) fine: E&E have literally only ever known wartime, this is normal to them. OR Mae feeling better when things are horrific than he does during peaceful-ish times.
Oaths & Vows: E&E try and swear the Oath of Fëanor in order to get M&M’s approval, M&M are horrified
Platonic Soulbonds: M&M doing the adoption-soulbond thing with E&E because without a parental soulbond baby elfs can DIE..........
Post-Canon: early second age angst :)))
Redemption: M&M redeeming themselves through being good parents to E&E...but does that really redeem them?
Refusing to believe a loved one is dead: E&E refusing to accept that Maedhros is dead :))))))))
Regret: M&M post-Sirion
Separated for an Extended Period of Time and the Slow Road Back to Normal: AU where Mae survives but is separated from everyone for a long time? Canon Mags does his emo wandering thing but finally Elrond drags him to Rivendell? post-rebirth Mae and Mags and Elrond??
Take me instead: Mae sacrificing himself for the sake of the twins ;-; OR the twins trying to sacrifice themself for M&M??
two people really want Found Family but are too emotionally stunted to admit it: Maedhros desperately wanting to be included in Mags & E&E’s new little family but not able to admit it on his own
Us Against The World Mentality That Might Not Be Healthy But The Characters Find It Comforting: is this not just the Fëanorians at the end of the Silm....
World-weary broken people find comfort and understanding in each other: MAE AND MAGS....
competent parenting, Disabled Character Kicks Ass, Fluff and Angst, Gruff intimidating character gets soft around kids, The Intimacy of Brushing/Braiding/Washing Another Person's Hair, Hope vs. Despair, Raising a Child or Children Together, platonic co-parenting, Telepathy, Trans Character, Protectiveness, Ruined Castles and Fortresses: see previous request!
Request 3: Maedhros and/or Fingon and/or Finrod with a Kid!
Please note my Russingon preferences for this request, it’s in my DNW section.
Okay I have two basic concepts for this request - though I like all of the relationships I requested so if you have a completely different take that would be great too - but here’s the idea: Maedhros and/or Fingon and/or Finrod end up semi-accidentally adopting a child! The kid is either Gil-galad or Maeglin, probably :)
Some possible scenarios:
Aredhel and Maeglin go to Fingon instead of Turgon when they escape. Something happens to Aredhel, maybe Eöl follows her and she dies like in canon? Or maybe she’s still around, she deserves to live. But Fingon gets custody of Maeglin, and then ropes Maedhros and/or Finrod into helping him out.
A young Maeglin goes on a journey outside of Gondolin, against Turgon’s wishes, and gets captured by orcs...but much earlier than he does in canon. And this time he gets rescued by Maedhros! Now Maedhros is stuck with a kid who has a lot of the same trust issues he had post-Angband and he calls Fingon and/or Finrod in for help. Probably Fingon considering Maeglin is his nephew.
Aredhel and Maeglin go to Himlad instead of Gondolin. When Celegorm and Curufin go to Nargothrond, they go with. Again, maybe something happens to Aredhel? Or not? Whatever you’d prefer. But Finrod gets involved in Maeglin’s upbringing.
In any of these scenarios: Turgon gets worried enough about his missing sister and/or nephew to go looking for them, finds them in the care of someone else, is frustrated he “wasn’t good enough” to take care of them. Probably Finrod knocks some sense into him.
Tags that work for these situations: "We're Family Now and There's Nothing You Can Do about It", Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, AU where disaster character has good role models in their youth, Building A New Life, Character thinks no one is coming to save them; MULTIPLE people team up for the rescue, competent parenting, Gruff intimidating character gets soft around kids (MAE!!), Hair Braiding/Care, The Intimacy of Brushing/Braiding/Washing Another Person's Hair, Helping Friend to Recover from Trauma, Nightmares, Overcoming Trauma, Raising a Child or Children Together, Unlikely Team-Ups, platonic co-parenting, Long Lost/Secret Relatives
For this request, Gil-galad is probably adopted. (Though, if you want to make him a trans!Russingon bio kid, be my guest.) He could either be a random baby that needs caring for OR the son of Lalwen (and Círdan?) that they can’t take care of for Political Reasons OR whatever other Gil-galad theory you prefer. (Just don’t make him Fingon’s bio kid unless he’s also Mae’s bio kid.)
I love the idea of Fingon adopting Gil-galad and writing Maedhros to say “we have a kid now!” Mae panics because WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE A KID?? (Doesn’t have to be romo Russingon, could just be that Fingon assumes his BFF is going to be involved in raising his son because of course??)
Fingon or Finrod adopt a baby Gil, but he gets passed around between them + Maedhros for Reasons. Gil has SO many dads.
Tags that work for this situation: Accidental Baby Acquisition, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies (pls just give me some shenanigans with a happy ending), competent parenting, Gruff intimidating character gets soft around kids (MAE!!), Hair Braiding/Care, The Intimacy of Brushing/Braiding/Washing Another Person's Hair, Immature note passing during otherwise adult meeting, Raising a Child or Children Together, Unlikely Team-Ups, platonic co-parenting, Long Lost/Secret Relatives
I also threw some tags in here that would be fun for scenarios that don’t necessarily include Gil or Maeglin.
Mae, Finno, & Ingo: Bonding over being the oldest sibling, court intrigue, Immature note passing during otherwise adult meeting, Character Finds Support In Queer Community, bonding over both being gay Give me some Valinor shenanigans, or war leaders in Beleriand goofing off, or them all being The Gay Cousin :)
Mae and Finno: A assumes that B will abandon them; B reaffirms their loyalty to A in A's time of need, Character Adjusts To Newly Acquired Disability, Fealty Dynamic, Helping Friend to Recover from Trauma, Hope vs. Despair, I trust you to remove me from the equation if I become a danger to others, Loyalty - King/Queen and Lionheart dynamics, Person Used to Being Treated Like a Weapon Gets Rescued & Treated Like a Person Again, Stoic Character Breaks Down And Admits They Need Help, Sworn Loyalty basically these two being Ride Or Die for each other <3 <3 lots of post-Angband trauma that Finno helps Mae unlearn! If you go with this part of the request, please please please keep my Russingon preferences in mind; since this is a gen exchange I’m not expecting romantic Russingon but I do need them to care for each other very deeply, and I don’t want them shipped with other people. a platonic marriage situation would be EXCELLENT.
And a few more things I just love in general: Platonic Cuddling, platonic declarations of love, Platonic Soulbonds, Telepathy, Holding Hands For soulbonds: please do it in the canon style of choosing to soulbond with a person. For telepathy: ósanwë shenanigans.
And of course: Aroace Character(s), Nonbinary Character(s), Trans Character all of these are a “YES PLEASE” situation no matter what prompt or character!
Request 4: Silm Fake Relationships!
Fake dating is my JAM, I love it, and I especially love it when it stays platonic all the way through! Requesting some pretty light-hearted stuff here, I just want shenanigans and fun times, mostly.
Amárië & Finrod: Okay I don’t really ship these two At All in any circumstance, Finrod just feels....so extremely gay to me....so my default headcanon is that they are BFFs who are mutual beards for each other! (Bonus points for minor/background Amárië/Elenwë and/or Finrod/Turgon) Other kinds of fake relationships would be great too. Possible tags: Becoming Friends With Your Ex (like...they DID date, it didn’t work out, they’re better off as friends), Character remains friends with their ex after an amicable breakup (see previous), court intrigue, The Intimacy of Brushing/Braiding/Washing Another Person's Hair, Immature note passing during otherwise adult meetings, mutual beards, Platonic arranged marriage POWER COUPLE, Platonic marriage of convenience, Pre-Canon, Shared commiseration over being forced to attend a formal event
Aredhel & Celegorm: They’re both very aro in my mind (Aredhel ESPECIALLY), I can see them pretending to date to get people off their backs about being in a relationship (or a FWB situation but this exchange might not be the best place for that haha), or maybe they’re taking one for the team so the Mae/Fingon relationship coming out is slightly less scandalous after they already revealed their “relationship.” Also, them platonically co-parenting Maeglin in an AU is very good if you’d like to include that. Possible tags: Character enthusiastically agrees to doing something dangerous (they have that vibe), court intrigue, Dumb friendly competitions, Family Fluff, Friends Discussing Treason Over Tea, Immature note passing during otherwise adult meetings, Platonic marriage of convenience, Pre-Canon, Shared commiseration over being forced to attend a formal event
Caranthir & Haleth: Fake marriage for tax purposes. Enough said. (also they’re both aro.) Possible tags: Characters Become Roommates At College (would be a funny modern AU), Former colleagues work together again; surprised by changes (Moryo visits Haleth in Brethil?), The Intimacy of Brushing/Braiding/Washing Another Person's Hair (bonus points for cultural misunderstandings), Immature note passing during otherwise adult meetings, two people really want Found Family but are too emotionally stunted to admit it
Celebrimbor & Finduilas: You know I’d never much considered their relationship but I saw it nominated and it got my brain working! Maybe they’re fake dating to piss off their dads, haha. But I can also see them having a really unlikely friendship in Nargothrond, having each other’s backs, etc...people assume they’re dating and they just don’t bother to correct anyone? Bonus points for Fin-galad! Possible tags: A assumes that B will abandon them; B reaffirms their loyalty to A in A's time of need, court intrigue, Friends Discussing Treason Over Tea, Platonic arranged marriage POWER COUPLE, Shared commiseration over being forced to attend a formal event (first meeting perhaps?), Worldbuilding: Politics & Diplomacy
Lalwen: I love the fanon of her and Círdan being buds. Them in a fake dating for politics situation would be amazing. Or her just being badass on her own! Possible tags: court intrigue, Platonic arranged marriage POWER COUPLE, Worldbuilding: Politics & Diplomacy
Other tags: Aroace Character(s), AroAce Marriage, Aromantic Character: I always want this but ESPECIALLY for this request! Fake/Pretend Relationship Stays Platonic: that’s basically the premise for all these requests, haha Late Night Conversations: could apply to all of these. I just really love like...it’s late, you’ve been hanging out all day, your inhibitions are lowered, you start saying shit you normally wouldn’t and have a heart-to-heart...that’s the good stuff Platonic Bedsharing, platonic declarations of love, Platonic Soulbonds: really close platonic relationships :’) 5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened, Nonbinary Character(s), Character gets a hug, Holding Hands, Trans Character: Just things I love in general that I requested on all my requests
Request 5: TAZ Amnesty
Please don’t have Minerva and Duck in a romantic relationship. Additionally, if you could not call Duck “Wayne” that would be great.
A & B have an honest and completely frank discussion about difficult subject: Arlo and Mama talking about what happened to Arlo
Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates: I think this would be funniest if it’s Duck & Pigeon? or maybe always-mundane!Duck and extraterrestrial-who-is-really-bad-at-hiding-it!Minerva
Aroace Character(s), Aromantic Character: my headcanon for Duck is that he’s aromantic! so him and Minerva being best friends or QPPs or something would be awesome. really I just thought the ending with them being together romantically came out of nowhere so idk, a fic where Duck realizes he’s aro and doesn’t /have/ to be in a romantic relationship, and Minerva supporting him and them remaining really good friends, that would be amazing.
Begrudgingly Respectful Coworkers to Friends: Arlo and Mama :)
Casual use of powers in a setting where the character should really be more careful: Duck frantically trying to get Minerva to act normal in public
Character Finds Support In Queer Community: Duck realizing he’s aro? maybe Pigeon helping him get involved in Kepler’s queer community? OR Pigeon realizing she’s queer and older queer (trans?) Duck awkwardly trying to be in solidarity with her
Character Forced To Reveal Their Secrets: Arlo & Mama pre-canon?
Finding Bigfoot: this is just too funny to NOT have as an Amnesty tag. Maybe Pigeon goes hunting for Bigfoot and Duck has to stop her from hunting down Barclay!
Thing character has built a large chunk of their life around comes to an end; finding a new path: this could go for most of the characters, but I was especially thinking of Minerva here
Unexpectedly Meeting People From One's Past While With New Companions: Duck introducing Minerva to his friends/colleagues? Mama introducing Arlo to everyone after he gets back to “normal”?
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened: I just love this format :)
Nonbinary Character(s): Pigeon maybe? but really anyone as nonbinary would be awesome
Character gets a hug: Duck deserves hugs. I feel like Minerva would be good at giving them.
Holding Hands: platonic hand holding is just. so good
Missing Scene: seriously WHAT happened to Pigeon???
Trans Character: trans Duck trans Duck TRANS DUCK (ngl the “Wayne” reveal really disappointed me, I much prefer trans Duck haha)
Request 6: TAZ Balance
Please don’t have Lucretia in a romantic relationship, or Magnus having had romantic feelings for anyone other than Julia.
Literally any gen relationship in TAZB would be delightful to get a fic about, don’t feel boxed in by the nominated characters. I also cannot BELIEVE I forgot to nominate Kravitz & Barry, that’s one of my very favorite possible friendships.
Angus + THB: would love to see an exploration with Angus’ individual relationships with them :)
Carey & Magnus: this friendship means A LOT to me, especially because I headcanon Magnus as arospec and so Carey’s lasting and important friendship with Magnus despite also having a romantic relationship that’s important to her....ahhh I get very emotional just thinking about it ;-;
Edward & Lydia & Kravitz: I do like the theory that Kravitz=Keats, so exploring that would be neat. OR Kravitz isn’t Keats, but he has to track down and deal with these two rogue liches.....
Edward & Lydia & Taako & Lup: AU rivalry shenanigans? canon enemies-to-friends? these two pairs of twins just have a lot of parallels that are very delightful :)
Johann & Lucretia: idk I just think they should be buds. also I headcanon both of them as aroace, so you could have them bond over that maybe.
Kravitz & Merle: I just think that Merle blaming Magnus and not Kravitz for losing his arm is HILARIOUS, would love Krav feeling awkward about that but Merle not even registering it fdjhskfjdsh
Lucretia & Magnus: these two are so sweet, especially during the Stolen Century? like they’re the only two humans, they’re both pretty young, I think they had a very special bond. (I love queerplatonic Magnus & Lucretia, especially with aroace!Lucretia and demi!Magnus)
Lup & Taako: chaos twin siblings :’)
THB: I mean give me shenanigans with them all day long! during the Stolen Century would be amazing, as foreshadowing for canon, and with the other IPRE members being baffled by their antics
Ren & Taako: I just think they’re cool! Would love to see Ren’s transition from a fangirl to Taako’s no-nonsense assistant :)
Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Characters Become Roommates At College: just. IPRE shenanigans. or Magnus and Carey as roommates!
Aroace Character(s): aroace Lucretia!! aroace Johann!!
Aromantic Character: see above but also, pan+arospec Merle! demiromantic Magnus! (that’s my VERY FAVORITE headcanon, you can’t change my mind)
Begrudgingly Respectful Coworkers to Friends: can’t believe I forgot to nominate Barry & Kravitz here, smh... if you’d like to do that go for it, but otherwise, the IPRE would be amazing here, or Kravitz and Merle if you stretch the idea of “Coworkers,” or some AU or situation where Edward and Lydia have to get along with Taako and Lup despite being bitter rivals. or djhfskjfdhk Merle and Angus!!
Best Friends Have Bad Ideas Together: THB and/or Lup and Taako have a collective one brain cell and it’s gone missing
Canon-typical shenanigans: yeah.
Catching up with an old friend: Carey and Magnus post-S&S!! or THB post-S&S :)
Casual use of powers in a setting where the character should really be more careful: this just screams Taako. Ren telling him to calm down a bit? Lup encouraging him? Angus doing damage control? Edward and Lydia vs. Taako and Lup in a drama contest?
Character enthusiastically agrees to doing something dangerous: MAGNUS RUSHES IN
Character Finds Support In Queer Community: queer BoB!! queer IPRE!! if you write me some arospec Magnus and his friends I will DIE of happiness :)) (bonus points for qp!Magcretia)
Bonding over shared memories of past lives: was really getting IPRE vibes for this one
Character loses everything and can only turn to enemy for help: Edward and Lydia forced to come to Taako and Lup for help :)))
Drinking Games, Drunken Shenanigans, Dumb friendly competitions: THB or IPRE probably. just fun silly things happening for laughs.
Enemies to Friends But In A Situation Where They Must Pretend To Still Be Enemies: Edward & Lydia & Taako & Lup? Kravitz & Merle?
Families of Choice, Family Feels - Us Against The World, Family Fluff: IPRE !!!!
Friends to Enemies to Friends Again: Magnus & Lucretia :( OR again, can’t believe I didn’t nominate Kravitz and Barry, but, those two before Krav realizes Barry is a lich and then after and then post-S&S
Friendship that's more important than Character(s)'s romantic relationship(s): Carey & Magnus!!! obviously Carey/Killian is Excellent, but the fact that Carey prioritizes Magnus in her life as a friend makes me SO emo, just. ahhhh love this so much. also Takko+THB :)
Making the morally right choice sucks: Angus & Taako? Ren & Taako? Edward & Lydia & and their bro Kravitz? orrrr Edward & Lydia & their not-bro mortal-enemy Kravitz??
platonic declarations of love: yes please! Magnus & Lucretia especially :)
Team Living Together and Learning to Deal with Everyones' Bad Habits: IPRE and/or THB. maybe THB being surprised they already seem to know each other’s terrible habits...
Unexpectedly Meeting People From One's Past While With New Companions: this has Weird Voidfish Stuff written all over it
5 times this happened and 1 time something else happened: just a good trope
Nonbinary Character(s): nonbinary Taako? yes please. or anyone else tbh, I just love nonbinary characters.
Character gets a hug: Magnus gives VERY good hugs and there’s very many people who deserve one
Holding Hands: just...so good <3
Missing Scene: so much time in the Stolen Century to explore...or BoB off-work shenanigans...
Trans Character: canon trans Lup! headcanon trans Magnus!! any other character as trans, I love trans stuff!!
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