#because Becky's character has some fire in her
respectthepetty · 2 months
Every second of The Loyal Pin is going to be color coded, but I am also very excited to see Becky with the good hair (affectionate) verbally beat down these characters.
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I'm upset about the amount of tears we keep getting from these GLs, but I'm always here for a woman whispering in a man's ear to remind him that he is beneath her.
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And as a bisexual, I fully support homegirl being pissed that her rich ass is being left . . . FOR A MAN!
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This is a color-coded GL, Pin!
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So get with the program!
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izzy-draws05 · 4 months
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Since @aerequets posted her Avatar x Family sketches, the idea seems to be really popular!! So I wanted to share my sketches and ideas I had!
-The AU would probably follow ATLA’s story mostly. Season 1, Yor begins to look for the Avatar and spends most of it believing Loid is the avatar. He stresses himself out trying to keep that up, while Anya is very hyped to learn all the different elements.
-Yor would probably join them a little bit into Season 2, after she learns Anya is the avatar. I don’t know exactly how it would go, but she’d make the choice to help and decide to help end the war.
-Instead of Sky Bisons, the air nomads had Sky dogs! This is only so Bond can be Appa 😅
-WISE is the White Lotus, since they’re both organizations that fight for peace! Still debating on whether or not Loid joins them before the story begins, or if he’s been the Southern Water Tribe his whole life, similar to Katara. Handler would be the leader of this group.
-Franky is a non bender, but a genius inventor from the Earth Kingdom. I’d consider him part of Team Avatar here!
-Damian is the prince of the Fire Nation. He sees his father wants to capture the Avatar, and in his 6 year old brain, he thinks “If I do that, I’ll get his attention!” So he sets out to find the Avatar, and no adult stops him, because he’s the Prince and outranks everybody.
-Becky is the Earth Bender princess of the Earth Kingdom. Martha is her bodyguard. She and Anya still become besties!
-Yuri is in the Fire Nation equivalent of the SSS.
-Henry Henderson is a master water bender from the Northern Tribe. Maybe he ends up teaching Loid, who can then go on to teach Anya.
If anyone has other ideas for other characters, feel free to share them! I was kind of blown away by the response to aerequest’s comic, thank you for your interest in my silly AU! And here are some more sketches!
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connoisseursdecomfort · 8 months
The thin line between Waku Waku and danger - what awaits Anya after ch.94?
[Manga spoiler alert]
Anya. The baby of the story. The star of the show. The leader of the Twiyor ship (she even created the slogan "Chichi to haha icha icha".) The telepath. The gremlin. The peanut. The heh.
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In SxF, we saw how she forged the Forgers, how she fortified her friendship with Becky and Damian, as well as Emile and Ewen, and how she improved academically. It all started because she found it to be waku waku to have Twilight to be her father.
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Same reason for choosing Yor to be her mother:
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Of course, I love her for doing that. But there is no denying that she's drawn to danger. She likes it to be exciting. She wants to be the hero. And we all do. We, like Anya, like things to be waku waku.
It is good for the audience. But is it good for Anya?
Not really. Slowly but surely, Endo is revealing to us how it would affect Anya.
She thinks it is waku waku to have a spy and an assassin as parents because she is obsessed with Spy Wars. It is totally understandable for people to be want to imitate the cool characters on TV, and it is mentioned once again in Ch.94.
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But it's something more than that. Loid being the top spy and Yor being the top assassin gives us a feeling that no matter what they will save her, and more importantly, they will be able to save her.
In the first chapter, her desire to make the spy work more waku waku has got her into trouble. Twilight rescues her, all ends well. In Chapter 7 she gets into trouble again, and Yor rescues her.
We have a sense of security that the Forger parents will do anything to get their baby back. And while that's VERY true (that's not up for debate - sorry), it also gives Anya the sense of security that she could maybe play with fire a bit more. So in Short Mission 1 we see her deliberately holding onto the bad guy's clothes, trying to get Yor to help. And Yor saves her and kicks the bad guy's ass.
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Nonetheless, I should specify that Anya doesn't only want waku waku only for the sake of it although she does gloat over her successes. She understands that she needs to be careful, both in the doggy crisis arc and the cruise arc. But she still runs towards danger because she wants to help.
We already know she would do anything to keep the family together because of her love for her parents and also her abandonment issue especially when it comes to Operation Strix. That includes running towards a building that is going to explode in the doggy crisis arc and heading to the front deck where Yor is fighting with other assassins in the cruise arc. She has a good reason wanting to get involved, and she always succeeds too.
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But that isn't all. She actually sees how her parents work towards their goals tirelessly.
That, of course, has something to do with what Endo chooses to focus on when it comes to the jobs of spies and assassins. He doesn't actually focus on the waku waku part that much (which has been one of the most common complaints). Literally in the first chapter, Endo has already shown us what the nature of spy work is - It can be freaking boring.
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Same with the assassins' work.
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One could even argue that Endo is deconstructing the images of spies and assassins in popular culture. While it is still waku waku for us and for Anya to see them working as spies and assassins, most of the time it is just a job for Loid and Yor. That means we AND Anya also see how tired they are after they've finished their jobs.
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But why? If their jobs are ruthless and even thankless, why did they do it? The answers have been given in the cruise arc and ch.62. And for Anya who has been with them for quite some time now, she is inspired by their goals.
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Anya wants to do good. Just like her papa and mama. And I think this is probably a good time to revisit the bus arc, particularly this moment:
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Other children are thinking how their parents would come and save them. When Anya thinks about her parents, what would she think about?
Is it her parents' goal(s) - to make the world a better place?
Or is it the fact that she has always been the one actively doing something in order to save people, just like how she saves her parents and keeps her family together?
Even in the movie trailer, we see Anya desperately trying to help despite being all tied up.
The bus arc is also when the adults starts to scold her for being reckless.
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It is not really the first time they've seen her being reckless. In the doggy crisis arc, Anya is told not to wander off.
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And even the childcare lady told her the same thing in the cruise arc:
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But before it can be brushed off as kids having a tendency to wander off. But it is becoming more and more clear to the Forger parents that it seems to be something even more serious.
Endo is definitely dropping hints here, no?
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It reminds me of what Loid told Bond:
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This applies to everyone in the Forger family. Yor in the cruise arc. Loid in the mole arc. And Anya in the bus arc.
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Anya has learned so many things in the process. Her grades have improved. She has learnt to read the clock. She has to try to write something that is readable so she can eat the gifts from Damian. But it seems she hasn't learned the most important thing yet.
PS Meanwhile, Bond went from not knowing how to play in the dog park
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to suggesting an alternative game to Anya in Ch.94
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Bond is best boi \o/
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dumbistsmartass · 5 months
saying something about every hatchetfield production
spoilers, some nonsense, zero consistency with what I talk about, hurriedly written text, and back Cinderella’s Castle, QUICKLY, the kickstarter ends on May 4th. Also I mostly won’t be talking about the message to take away from all of them because I plan to make that another post.
TGWDLM: the catalyst of it all, it set up many fan favorite characters. Also my personal interpretation is that the musical we watch is actually happening in canon and is being put on by Pokky/Paul. Also how much of someone’s personality remain after infection?
Black Friday: it does pretty good as our first (true) intro to the LiBs it works very well. We get more General Macnmara who quickly becomes one of my favs. It also adds a lot of my other favs to the Hatchetverse, Hanna, Lex, Ethan, and Tom
NPMD: probably my favorite of the mainline musicals. I really hate Dirty Girl tho. The musical version of Hatchet Town is better than the OST version. The characters all have really good chemistry. I love Grace as a warning about the consequences of using religion as a fear tactic, when she sinned and wasn’t instantly punished for it she decided to take matters into her own hands and became a bloodthirsty maniac. The fact we got so close to a good ending if Max hadn’t fallen is darkly funny.
Hatchetfield Apeman: I don’t know how to feel about this one, it’s an interesting story but I think shouldn’t have been the first nightmare time story as it set a bad precedent for a lot of people.
Watcher World: I FUCKING LOVE WATCHER WORLD. The horror buildup of “what the fuck is happening here?” was genuinely amazing. The idea of a paranormal amusement part made for the amusement of an elder god id so cool. I feel uncomfortable saying the work “Sniglet”
Forever and always: one of my favs, the mystery of the two Emma’s is amazing, and the twist of which Emma Paul chose is amazing. It does make me wonder tho, is Emma a robot in every timeline? Also im just gonna assume that Tinky is connected to this one.
Time Bastered: another of my favs, the way it connects with FaA and the very clever time travel writing were highlights. The Ted is The Homeless Guy twist is really clever, and the ending is tragic
Jane’s a Car: holy shit my opinions on this one is so mixed. I love the bonding of Becky, Tom, and Tim is so wholesome. I REALLY hate that scene. Also is Jane turned into a car in every universe?
The Witch in the Web: our true into too Webby. Massive lore dumbs sort of weighted it down for me but it was still good.
Honey Queen: god I love this one. The fact that the LiBs aren’t mentioned until the very end was a really good choice. Both Zoey and Linda going to any length to win was some great tension.
Perky’s Buds: I went into this one expecting it to be kinda mid, and I was right but it was on the high end of mid. Ziggy being NB and played by a real NB actor is great! The bird hive mind is genuinely kinda unnerving despite how cute they are. I personally think they should have died, then content on the rooftop with the fire would have been such a good ending, but the police showing up to arrest them packs less of a punch.
Abstinence Camp: again, one of my favs, I fucking love this one and it also has the best Nightmare Timr song. It’s a fun way of exploring the “if you have sex in a horror movie you die” trope. Grace once again gets some sort of power and abuses it.
Daddy: I have mixed feelings, it’s a genuinely interesting plot but it get pretty uncomfortable. The song at the start made me think it would be a more empathetic take on Sherman Young but it definitely fucking wasn’t.
Killer Track: what is there to say? Killer track is actually so fucking amazing, if you will watch anything from this list watch this. I’m saying nothing else
Yellow Jacket: not at all what I was expecting, but it was great! From what I heard I was sort of expecting a high school drama with Pokky doing his bullshit in the background, but I loved this too. Also the ending hurt me.
Workin’ Boys: Pokky strikes again, but I’m not sure why TBH. Motherfucker just decided to fuck with his one most loyal subject and for what?
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You’re challenged by Bookworm Becky!
Superheroine Wordgirl wants to battle!
My “as close as I can get to Pokemon” style is back! ... and just as confused as before.
Ah, the official Pokemon style. It changes with every generation, has confusing shading techniques in some gens, and I just kinda had to go with “the best I could manage” again XP (pretty proud of Bob’s tail flame though! That was tricky to do).
Moving on from my artist woes, it’s Becky and Bob Botsford and their secret identities of Wordgirl and Captain Huggyface! Been on a Wordgirl kick recently and since it came directly after a Pokemon kick, well, my brain inevitably crossed the two over. My brain also decided that it was enough of a masochist to want to take another crack at Pokemon style(ish), so here we are! I think the lineart has improved for the most part for human characters; I definitely felt more confident making Becky/Wordgirl! I actually based her off Shauna from XY... Not sure what urged me to do so, but I guess it worked so I ain’t complaining, haha.
Posing was actually tricky. I was originally going to put Becky in a bit more of a cutesy pose, but actually decided against it. She’s Becky Botsford, mild mannered ten year old. I figured, why not make the contrast between her and the Wordgirl pose all the more apparent? Ya know, put all her energy into the bold super-identity! So that I did, though I will say hands pointing at the screen is not a fav of mine to do at the moment, lol
As for Bob, I honestly didn’t really think of many difference there’d be between him and a regular Monferno, but I did add a couple of extra hair tufts to the back of his head. They’re there to represent the front hair tufts he has in the show :3 And of course he’s gotta be eating something, so I looked around and found a berry that would work for him. Not that he’d discriminate against most other berries, but I wanted one that made sense in some way, so a Shuca berry it was! They halve the damage from a super-effective ground-type attack, and have a “spicy-sweet-smooth” flavor chart and with Monferno being a fire type, I figured that spicy part worked out.
Speaking of, it actually took a moment of my time to brainstorm through what Pokemon to make Bob. It had to be a monkey, but what kind? First, there was the point of what type to make him, so I watched a few Wordgirl episodes and happened across a fight between him and Leslie and basically slapped my forehead because a doi- Fighting type for his ability to do Karate! So with that narrowed down, I tried to go through my memories for what monkey Pokemon were fighting types. Passiman came first, but they’re a bit too big for Bob to be. The Mankey line doesn’t quite fit in with his body type or nature, so I had to forgo that too. Then I remembered the fire-fighting starter monkey that made an obvious fit: Monferno! Which also works out because of course a ten year old would have a starter Pokemon as a main partner, and Monferno also shares the blue and red that Captain Huggyface’s uniform has.
Becky/Wordgirl wasn’t too hard to redesign outside of doing it in (the as close as I can get to) Pokemon style. The hardest part of Becky was the skirt thanks to shading, but I think I managed something decent. Second place actually goes to her book bag though. That main button was harder to nail down than I thought it’d be... As for the charms, I thought they could be a cute nod to two main things about her- the secret identity and her love of unicorns, which I figured would translate into a love of Ponyta/Rapidash in the Pokemon universe. Especially the Galarian forms, haha.
On the Wordgirl side, there was a bit more I decided to add. Most of it was dedicated to making her uniform feel a little bit more Pokemon-y, so I added some extra details to the boots and gloves then added pouches to her belt. The goggles were technically a part of that too, but also just because I like the idea of her one day adding them to her uniform (maybe one too many times of getting random goop in her eyes would make her consider it lol). I definitely like the results- I think it makes her look a bit like she’s wearing some sort of space hero outfit :D
As for what exactly this AU would entail, I’d like to think it wouldn’t change much from the main show. Becky lives in a city somewhere in Unova, living her daily life as a regular trainer that goes to a quaint little school with her partner Pokemon, Bob the Monferno (that’s totally normal to have as a starter in Unova; please ignore the part where she should have a Unovian starter). But in her secret double life, she takes on the odd supervillains in her city as Wordgirl, alien superheroine with a perfect vocabulary! But I do imagine Captain Huggyface would get to do more with his moveset of Ember, Close Combat, Mach Punch, and Focus Energy, (Becky unfortunately slacks a little on Pokemon training) as well as an appetite that rivals a Snorlax.
... Wow I rambled about my process. Well, thanks to anyone who read through it all; y’all have a nice day/evening!
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knightwithakay · 1 year
Now that I've finally had time to sit down and read it, please allow me to recommend Stars, Hide Your Fires by Jessica Best!
A gloriously multicolor sci-fi queer romance accurately pitched as "Knives Out in space", this book has a cast of characters all worthy of their own spin-offs and a cleverly ticking mystery at its heart.
You can read the plot bits elsewhere, I won't get bogged down in em. Here's what I love: this is sci-fi with a beating heart. In Stars, Hide Your Fires no one is an island, even in space; I was strongly reminded of Becky Chamber's Wayfarers, with its complex and complicated communities of people who are just trying to make it through the day. (The space day. It is, still, a sci-fi novel, with delightful diversions on the food they eat, the way transit works, interplanetary commerce, and of course, space cussin'.)
Our hero is charming, and practical, and relatable, and funny sometimes to her own detriment, and has some growing to do. Our romance is complicated For Plot Reasons, but built on mutual respect and admiration and food-sharing (not how you'd expect!). Our perspective is one in which we have all the clues, if we can put them together fast enough-- for one delightful moment I was one step ahead of Cass as I called a plot twist, only to realize with dawning horror exactly what that meant for the narrative--
Our story is one with a satisfying ending and room still for expansion. I know I'll enjoy going back to this one again and finding all the hints I missed, and just living in this universe for a little while.
Recommended for: Fans of The Starship Iris (duh), Becky Chambers readers, people with intense feelings about AOS Jim Kirk, anthropologists disappointed by lazy sci-fi cultures, lesbians with a competence kink, cosplayers who enjoy a challenge, and you, if you're reading this.
Oh, why is this an audio post? Because this is a song based on the book we recorded and I thought it would be neat. :)
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ladyelizabethraven · 2 years
Spy x family chapter 74 initial thoughts:
Well, for those who are looking for Yor....there she is! Had the hijacking issue been resolved by afternoon and not midnight, we would not be able to see her. But Endo said :"Where's the fun in that?". But still, it's wise that she just didn't buy Eden's BS reason and called her coworker to check.
This may be a Set up for the next arc. Which, if I can still hazard a guess, is a Yor-centric arc.
I wonder how this will affect Yor's character? By the end of the Ocean Cruise Arc, her reason for taking up the blade is to protect those she cherished most. Now, two of the most important people in her life were somewhat endangered in this situation : Anya and Yuri. While of course Yuri got shot in the line of duty, it's not that he can actually say that outright and instead may make up some BS excuse on how he got shot (stray bullet while walking home from work?). Either way, this will most probably make Yor question her ability to actually protect her loved ones.
This may go two ways : 1) Yor seeks the Shopkeeper for answers. I don't think she'll outright question the Garden yet because of her father - daughter like relationship with the Shopkeeper. But she may want to know if how come some loose ends with the Red Circus came to be. 2) She seeks solace with her new friends, the Lady Patriots. It's also a good way to see how Melinda Desmond reacts to the whole hijacking incident.
Anya really has put all her skill points in Wisdom - Charisma - Luck 😂.
But her first reaction after approaching her abductors is "I should've thought what to say before jumping in" is not only hilarious, but also contrasts her to the father Loid/Twilight who forms avenues of conversation flowcharts before jumping in.
The whole conversation of Anya and Billy looks like Anya picking up the most nonsensical line in the conversation wheel but because she passes all her skill checks, her audience misconstructs her words into something else but meaningful.
I don't really know if Anya meant all of those words or just parroting the stuff she heard beforehand + picking up the stuff she mind reads from Billy's head and then saying the things he wanted to hear. But I do hope that she this will someday form her character later on.
Billy finally came to his senses, thank god. But it's still sad to see how far did this military man had fallen to in his grief. He may have surrendered, but I don't think the SSS is going to give him clemency.
WHOOOHOO! Martha to the rescue! So it seems that time that tazers are still not yet around in the market but still a new prototype model from Blackbell industries.
Becky is really Anya's ride-or-die friend.
Bonus points for Master Henderson also for trying to protect Anya and even shielding her from the line of fire. I hope that he personally awards her the Stella.
Loid is still nowhere to be found. I guess Endo is really benching our main man for world building purposes... But still it's nice to see how WISE is going to handle this incident.
Yup, that's all for now. I'll be back afterwards Re reading the chapter lol.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
Meta post about Becky in Vendetta
Unlike some people I like to give others the option of not seeing a ridiculously long post so this will go under a cut
Rebecca is one of the recurring characters in RE who gets overlooked or taken for granted the MOST imo. She’s incredibly intelligent and capable and obviously has SO much trauma but she doesn’t get enough focus, from either the series or fans.
Her intelligence has been a staple since the first game; she was only 18 yet had graduated college with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and she joined Bravo team as a medic. There, it’s established at the beginning that she’s smart and capable, especially when 0 fills in the blanks of how she got there and shows her to be even more capable.
Since Stage came out after Vendetta, (and because the people making Vendetta wouldn’t have cared about Stage anyway) the people behind Vendetta had no idea what Becky was up to in between surviving RE1 and showing up 16 years later in Vendetta. So they decided she worked with the BSAA. Okay, cool.
But since Becky’s a genius, they also establish in Vendetta that since 1 she has gotten her doctorate, and when not an advisor for the BSAA, she’s working as a professor at a university. Very cute ngl, makes her seem humble. Like yeah, she’s helping out this paramilitary on the side, but her primary goal seems to be making technological advances in a classroom setting, as well as giving back to the community of students that she likely teaches.
She also proves herself in this movie to be more than scientifically intelligent, she’s resourceful, as proven when she quickly uses a fire extinguisher as a weapon when she gets surprise attacked, and although feels remorse, does what needs to be done to save herself, both bashing her zombified coworker’s head in and injecting herself with the lab-made vaccine.
More than resourceful, she’s also a good researcher. She figures out that the outbreaks around the Great Lakes are connected, and because of the drinking water from the lakes. She makes the connection no one else does. She figures out how the virus works too, confronting Arias to his face about it after leaving the information with the people she knows can get it into the right hands.
She’s confident too, in the bar scene her speech doesn’t exactly make a lot of sense in context (plenty of the dialogue in this movie feels disjointed at times, especially the bar scene) but her info is right and she rightfully calls Leon and Chris out equally and makes them put aside their differences to work together and stop Arias.
Becky is good at straightening people out in general tbh, like when she rightfully lectures Chris about not quarantining or wearing a mask after being in a potentially infectious area. She calls Leon out for wasting his time feeling sorry for himself, she does more of this in other game (and stage) appearances but again I’m focusing on Vendetta.
She also goes through the worst in this movie. Granted, Chris and Leon might sustain more injuries than her, but neither of them get kidnapped, UNDRESSED (I feel like this goes overlooked A LOT by this fandom), tied up, monologued to by a creep, threatened with medical abuse, injected with a virus, and left to slowly die.
Becky’s virus and her knowledge saves everyone, and she gets very little acknowledgement for her role in that, which is a damn shame.
Her little thumbs up with Chris is cute too, and a nice little callback
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Stella, Stefan, Stephanie, and Stewart Harrington, Children of Steve Harrington;
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Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Character Death, bribery, child endangerment, attempted kidnapping, bribes, playing with fire, Homophobia, cancer, etc.
You have been warned.
Tell me if you think I should add a specific one to the trigger warnings list.
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Stephanie Harrington:
Her full name is Stephanie Robin Harrington. 
She is the 'oldest' of the quads by five minutes.
She is the bio daughter of Steve Harrington (who is deceased in this au) and his ex, Becky (who wanted nothing to do with the kids), and the adoptive daughter/ward of Tommy and Carol.  
She has a puppy from Tommy and Carol’s dog (Mercury) who she named ‘Djo’ after finding the name scribbled on some of her dad’s old things. 
She wears teashades—round/circular sunglasses old school musicians used to wear—as well as a whistle necklace at almost all times. 
She is a big fan of heavy metal music and is Eddie’s favorite of the quads (even though he will NEVER admit it).
She plays basketball like her dad did in highschool but has luckily not inherited some of his (or Tommy and Carol’s) worse habits from those years.
Eddie is her favorite uncle (besides Tommy, which Eddie says doesn’t count because he raised her and therefore has an unfair advantage). 
Eddie started teaching her how to play guitar when she was three (he actually tried to teach her as a baby but Carol threatened to ban him from watching her unsupervised again if he tried again before she was three when she caught him doing so due to fear of it hurting the baby).
Oh and once when Stephanie was eight she convinced Eddie—who was babysitting her—to dye his and her hair (he actually did get banned from watching her unsupervised for awhile after that one).
Stephanie still dyes her hair to this day. 
She also has a nasty habit of playing with fire and fireworks because they fascinate her—one no body has successfully been able to break her of. 
Her favorite color is yellow and her favorite food is honey combs cereal. 
She carries around the lighter that used to belong to her dad (That Robin gave her when she was 13) along with a picture of him at basketball practice someone took a couple years before his death because she finds it comforting having them. 
She rides her bike around when she’s not able to get a ride from anyone else. 
She is seventeen and still trying to get her license—with Eddie teaching her, of course. 
She uses her dad’s lighter as a weapon. 
She’s not very good at fighting but she’s also very stubborn and very willing to fight anyone who messes with her siblings, her friends, and her ‘cousins’. Oh and anyone who mistreats her pets. 
She gets in a decent amount of trouble at school but maintains that she’s never fought/pranked anyone and disrespected a teacher who didn’t deserve it.
Out of her siblings and friends, Stephanie has showed up the least in Adrien Byers-Wheeler’s videos on his youtube  channel “PhantomPursuits.” Not because she thinks she’s above it or anything. She’s just usually occupied with other things. Like trying to get people to join her and Reed’s band ‘The Ever Burnings.’
Her favorite band is Iron Maiden. 
Her favorite song is “Wrathchild’. 
Her best friend is her brother, Stewart.
She is lactose intolerant but chooses to ignore that fact because she loves dairy products much too much to stop eating/drinking them.
Out of her siblings—besides her sister—she has gotten the most injuries due both her clumsiness and impulsiveness. Oh and the fights she has gotten in.  
Stepahnie has spent many summers in a cast of some kind. 
She is a romantic just like her dad. 
She is coincidentally enough, a lesbain, like her aunt Robin who she is partially named after.
She doesn’t have her eye on anyone yet, however (something Tommy is relieved about because he DOES not want to see if she has her father’s taste in women or not yet).
She likes the hippy style of clothing and wears it which always manages to throw some people off when they hear what type of music she listens to/plays.
Oh and she is a bit of a conspiracy theorist due to the events leading up to her father’s death.
She has met her bio grandparents exactly once when they bribed someone in the office at her elementary school to let them see her. She left the room (and school) immediately and walked to Eddie’s house. Needless to say, the school got the tongue lashing of the lifetime from the adult members of the upside down crew as well as Tommy and Carol, and some of the upside down crew’s parents and guardians and there was a lawsuit and everything. (Stephanie got a high five from Eddie for leaving the school when  they pulled that stunt). Tommy nearly punched Mr Harrington (again). 
Stephanie wishes she felt more connected to her dad and feels bad that she doesn’t.
She has told no one she feels like this, though. She’s also forever grateful that her dad saved Eddie because Eddie has always had her back (though she also feels a bit guilty for feeling that way since he died saving him).
She goes to her dad’s grave sometimes just to talk to him and will often also play some music and leave flowers.
Whenever something goes wrong, she will jokingly blame it on the government. 
She’s scared of disappointing those she loves as well as losing them. Oh and bees, since she’s allergic to them. 
She is also quite close to Lucas, who taught her (along with Tommy) how to play basketball.
Stephanie is also not a big fan of comic books but loves horror novels.
Oh and she's known about the upside down since she was nine after accidentally overhearing a hushed argument between Tommy and Carol about it. How they know about it she doesn't know but what she does know is that they don't know she and her siblings know.
She also stopped Ophelia from confronting them on the matter a month afterwards when the girl found out from snooping.
She'd love to be a famous musician/basketball player when she gets older.
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Stella Harrington:
Her full name is Stella Chrissy Harrington.
She is the second youngest of the quads.
She and her siblings are currently seventeen.
She is the bio daughter of Steve Harrington (who is deceased in this au) and his ex, Becky (who wanted nothing to do with the kids), and the adoptive daughter/ward of Tommy and Carol.
Stella loves her uncle Tommy and aunt Carol, and her dad but… she just doesn’t feel connected to her dad that much and gets frustrated how much of their lives are dictated by what happened to her dad/how he would have wanted to raise them. And because of that, she kinda resents him but feels bad at the same time about it.
She also has never really been curious about her mom the way her siblings have and kinda gets annoyed with them for asking so many questions about it.
Her favorite color is denim blue.
She is into the punk scene a lot and puts up with no one's shit.
She has gotten into a lot of fights over the years over people messing with her siblings and friends but also over some dumb things as well.
She's the closest to Dustin, Max, and Erica out of the upside down crew.
Max started teaching her how to Skateboard when she was six and Stella has loved it ever since. It is her primary mode of solo transportation.
She can drive but doesn't really see the point in when you live in a small town like Hawkins.
She is apart of the lacrosse team (fought like hell to get on it) and has nearly been kicked off it several times for bad behavior. Now she's just gotten better at hiding bad behavior.
She loves dnd and playing video games.
Reed Buckley is her best friend but she's also close to her brother Stewart as well.
She's ridiculously good at sneaking into places and leaving the most random things behind (like tiny plastic babies).
Stella is also ridiculously good at graffiti and at not getting caught at doing the graffiti.
She has an axe made from a stop sign that Reed and her made together when they found out about the Upside down.
She is a quite friendly person to those she likes.
She is also very good with little kids.
Her favorite food is any flavor of Pringles.
She wears a lot of denim products.
One time her adoptive cousin, Marshall, made her denim socks as a joke and she wore them non stop to spite him for the gag gift. He was horrified.
Eddie thought it was hilarious.
Her favorite musical artist is Pink.
Her favorite songs from her are 'Family Portrait' and 'You Make Me Sick'.
She has broken every rule she found stupid in her school books. Yes, she got lots of detentions and groundings for it (except on the few occasions where Tommy and Carol agreed the rules were stupid).
She is planning to get a pet snake or rat or something else she finds cool when she moves out.
Stella is asexual and aromantic.
She likes fantasy books.
Her favorite video game is Escape from Monkey Island.
Outside of Ophelia and Stephanie, Stella was the hardest of her siblings and cousins to raise.
Her favorite movie is Frequency.
Her favorite book is The Chronicles of Narnia. She used to make anyone and everyone read it to her.
She met her grandparents exactly once while at the playground with Zane and Dustin when she was four. Mr Harrington ended up with a broken nose after attempting to pick her up (this was exactly two days after she was given the 'stranger danger talk'). Her grandparents haven't tried to contact her (or her cousin, Zane, who tripped Mrs. Harrington when she chased after Stella) since.
Stella and Zane got a lot of snacks afterwards.
Stella is scarily good at fighting people.
She told Reed about the Upside Down and has no qualms admitting to it.
She wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
Oh and she hates lasagna and broccoli with a passion.
She had a lot of energy as a kid and Dustin and Max usually 'had' (note: did so with a lot of insistence) to take her off of Tommy and Carol's hands once a week so they could get a break.
She was very much the kid to accidentally break something and blame the dog. Even if the person whose house she was at did not have a dog.
Hopper has had to pick her up/take her to the station a couple of times. It was not a comfortable experience for either of them.
She has ADHD.
She has shown up a lot in a lot of "PhantomPursuits" videos because she likes talking about conspiracies (and also trash talking the government).
She also just likes trolling people who are assholes for no reason.
Stella is the Harrington kid who is the most likely to help someone hide a body.
She ended up spending a lot of summers in a cast and having to get a lot of shots because of how adventurous (read: reckless) she could be.
Also she can't draw but she's really good at painting figurines.
The moment she could read, she started taking an interest in dnd and sat in on campaigns when she was able to.
Dustin once brought her to a campaign when he was babysitting her as a baby and she somehow didn't end up making a peep all night. Eddie described it as creepy (Tommy properly threw a rag at him for the comment).
Oh and she has a photo of her dad and his two cousins (Chrissy and Fred) before they died somewhere in her room.
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Stefan Harrington:
His full name is Stefan Dustin Harrington. 
He is the second oldest of the Harrington quads.
He is 17 years old.
He uses a javelin as a weapon and wants to be a teacher. 
He has a cat he named ‘Beethoven’.
He is on the swim team.
Stefan wants to explore the world. 
He has a chalkboard in his room. 
His favorite color is green.
He’s the closest to Robin out of his siblings but he’s also pretty close to Mike and Dustin.
Stefan likes jazz music as well as classical music but also enjoys some pop songs.
He loves the show ‘Horrible Histories’ and is a bit of a conspiracist.
He is the bio son of Steve Harrington and his ex, Becky. Ward/adoptive son of Tommy and Carol.  
 His favorite song is 'Waiting on the world to change' by John Mayer. 
His favorite video game is ‘What Remains of Edith Finch’. 
He has tons of VHS tapes, CDs, an MVP Player, and DVDs as well as tons of books, magazines, and maps (including a globe) in his room. 
He carries around a photo of his dad leaning against a locker and a photo of his dad, uncle Tommy, and aunt Carol in the school cafeteria around in his wallet because it helps him feel more connected to him. 
He knows tons of languages including the language of the flowers and sign language. 
Stefan has met his dad’s parents exactly once when he was 10—he immediately froze up and they were immediately jumped by his cousin, Opheila, and his good friend, Reed. They never contacted him again. 
He has the neatest handwriting and the best notes out of all his friends and siblings. 
He usually rides his bike to get around. 
He is a big fan of old media. 
His extended family likes to joke that he is an old soul and that this is only one of many lives. 
Coincidentally, he’s also big into reading about reincarnation and spooky stuff—which is why he helped Adrien, Nova, and Opheila create their show ‘PhantomPursuits’.
Also he was the first person besides Nova to find out that Adrien and Ophelia were an item. How did he discover that, you ask? Through the simple power of context clues and observation, of course!
He was sworn to secrecy but that didn’t matter because the rest of the group eventually found out anyway. 
He doesn’t have many friends outside of the group and he’s okay with that. 
He is straight and has a crush on a girl who is on the debate team with him (she's the daughter of one of Corrid Coffin's members).
Stefan ALSO loves ice cream and is the reason Robin was eventually able to eat ice cream again (something she couldn’t bear to do after Steve died).
Nancy and Jonathan used to help him with his homework when he was younger and struggled more on focusing (due to his learning disabilities). 
After finding out about the upside down, he went out of his way to find out more about it and eventually found some of Will and El’s drawings of the upside down and the monsters in it (and had nightmares about it for months afterwards).
His nightmares were not helped by the show ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark?’ which he watched religiously as a kid and to this day.
He loves cartoon, movie, book, and game theories. 
He can be described as ‘paranoid’. 
He lost the photo of his dad once and was convinced that the government stole it and was hysterical about it. It appeared on his bed a week later. 
He wishes that he could have met his dad but also feels guilty for feeling that way because Tommy and Carol treated him well and raised him well, and he feels like he’s betraying them in  a way for wishing it. 
He is close to his siblings and often fears losing them.
Stefan is also secretly scared of water, blood, and the dark (due to the upside down shit he found out about it when snooping) but has not told anyone due to fear of being made fun of. 
He wants to get a tattoo of a skull when he’s legally able to. 
If he can’t become a teacher, he wants to be an archaeologist or both, if he can.
He is a gifted child.
Oh and he likely would have been bullied more by his peers if it weren't for the fact he is friends with and related to some very terrifying people.
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Stewart Harrington:
His full name is Stewart Frederick Harrington. 
He is the youngest of the quads. 
He takes after Will and El the most (and occasionally Jonathan). 
He is the quad who feels the most connected to his dad and he still wishes to this day he could have met his dad.
He’s seventeen years old. 
He is a sickly kid and has cancer.
Stewart is bisexual and has a crush on Samantha Stone’s adoptive son, Bae Stone—even though his friends and siblings take the mickey out of him for liking the kid who pretends/thinks he’s a vampire.
His favorite food is eggos. 
He is a red head like his mom and wants to know about her more than any of his other siblings do. Which has caused some issues between him and his siblings.
His favorite color is red.
Stewart is a big fan of horror media and true crime and the paranormal as well as monsters and cryptids. 
He also likes gardening and hedge art.
He is a wonderful artist and an amazing baseball player.
He is also quite good at making costumes and comic books and he plans to open his own shop where he sells the things he makes one day. He would also like to maybe be a professional baseball player if he could. 
He draws on his sneakers.
Stewart fights with a baseball bat like his dad. 
He is a quiet kid.
He has appeared in several of the “PhantomPursuits” videos. 
Stewart used to walk around wearing a cape as a little kid. He didn’t stop for a long time. 
He can come off as moody at times and can be very sarcastic. 
He’s not exactly book smart but he is street smart and gets good enough grades. 
Stewart’s taste in music is mainly ‘it has words, isn’t too sexual, and speaks to me’.
He has 774 songs in his playlist.
His favorite song is 'Weird Kid' by Rosendale.
He gets a tumblr as soon as it is invented. 
He was definitely in superhero and horror chatrooms a lot and he was definitely that kid spreading urban legends around.
Oh and he was ‘that kid’ who tried to smuggle lizards, worms, frogs, toads, and other small animals into his house. Including a baby crocodile once. No. No one knows WHERE he got a baby crocodile. No he wasn’t allowed to keep it. No it wasn’t harmed—just released somewhere where it belonged. 
He has a slight obsession with pirates.
His favorite book is ‘The Old Willis Place’ by Mary Downing Hahn but ‘Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark’ by Alvin Schwartz is a close second. 
His favorite video game is ‘The Haunted Mansion’. 
His favorite  movie is ‘Thirteen Ghosts’. 
His favorite show was ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark?’.
Stewart is also interested in the zombie apocalypse and has come up with several scenarios for it. 
He has sensory and attention issues. 
He can read 200 plus page books in two days if he likes the story enough. 
He dressed up as a vampire several times as a kid for Halloween. 
Stewart knows sign language. 
He works at the local movie theater with Bae Stone.
Oh and the two of them are theater kids. 
He often wonders what his dad would think of him and is often afraid that he’d have been disappointed in him.
He carries a pocket knife on him at all times along with a sketchbook and other art supplies. 
He is the one who uses the family car most often outside of his parents and he usually keeps his bat in the trunk. 
Stewart has exactly one photo of his dad in his pocket of him on a lawn chair smoking from the day Barb disappeared. 
He always feels like the odd one out no matter where he is except with Bae no matter what anyone does but he hasn’t told anyone because he doesn’t want to make them feel bad. 
Carol and Tommy are more protective of him than they are of his siblings and Ophelia (they are about equally protective of Marshall as they are of him).
He loves the family dog and the family cat very dearly. 
He gets in the least trouble out of his siblings.
But he has ended up with almost as many injuries as his siblings due to some bigots in town.
Oh and he has broken into the zoo before. Not that anyone knows that.
These headcanons take place in my Stranger Things au 'Cats in the Cradle'.
In that au:
Tommy and Carol are left to raise Steve's four infant children with the help of the Upside Down Crew, Steve's half brother, Steve's younger cousin, and their collective families. 
Jason and Eddie live. 
Max is less seriously injured. 
Phil Callahan is Steve's older half brother.
And Chrissy, her brother, and Fred Benson were Steve's cousins. 
Oh and Steve hooked up with one of his pre-nancy girlfriends and after his death she found herself pregnant with quads that Steve never got to meet.
Hope that clears up any confusion regarding these ocs and headcanons. 
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Weird question, but who has the embarrassing videos of their school play
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[baby Meredith on the left, baby Debbie on the right]
That is an interesting question! We have a couple of choices >:)
First option would be Loriann (Loriann is Matilda and Debbie’s mom).
Loriann would have some videos, this was back when they were a happy family <3 Since Loriann was a busy business woman she didn't have much time to go to their school events.
But the ones she did attend she recorded! (She would later put them in a storage unit and forget about them bcuz now it makes her sick to her stomach).
These videos would have been mostly of Matilda, she is a big theater kid and was also involved in every school function.
Idk if they are even cringe bcuz its Matilda, you know, they’d prlly be fire.
Now Matilda would be the one who has videos from when Debbie and Meredith were super young.
(Since everyone hates Debbie now no one's going to let her be in a play, they’d prlly try n kill her, plus she sucks at everything).
I have conflicting opinions, both Debbie and Meredith would NOT want to participate, so they’d be tree #1 and tree #2.
But I also think it would be silly if they were given lead roles bcuz Matilda pulled some strings, her little sister is not going to just be a side character…Debbie flops.
Matilda would still encourage her though.
Debbie starts crying every time she's on stage.
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[Lisa on the left, Becky in the middle, Hanna on the right. I drew this while trying to make mashed potatoes its kinda rushed 😭]
Becky is an obvious choice bcuz she wants to be a star.
When she's in her villain era she would TOTALLY do a CinemaSins style video with the play recordings and then upload them to the Rune youtube channel (she's such a meanie).
If she hates someone, she'd do some digging and find the videos, using them as blackmail (she alr has copies ready to distribute don't fuck with her)
Secretly tho in her diary she's scribbling about what she would do to make it better and how she should've been cast instead. 
Also Becky doesn't think she ever flopped (except that one time…) she's the best and has been since she was a weebabe.
That being said any play she would have been in is AFTER her glow up.
Becky would look back fondly on it. It would not be embarrassing for her, however it would be embarrassing for other people involved (mainly Lisa and Hanna).
Lisa hates it the most but Becky is like “take a chill pill, you’re standing next to ME!! It’s soooo unlikely anyone's going to notice you buggers” 
Here are some honorable mentions since they don't have schools or school plays they can't rlly record anything. But in spirit if given the opportunity I know they would. 
The Doctor 
The Doctor is the very supportive parent, attending all of his children's events and recording everything.
The parent who is helping make the costumes and stage props, and then afterwards takes you for some ice cream.
Honestly the best one on the entire list.
The Doctor has on occasion snuck Pheobe out of the lab to The Madam’s performance room so she could mess around on the stage.
That's his lil baby <3
These last 3 are kind of similar they are boring bitches.
Isla does not care at all, but she is one of The Scholars so it's in her nature to record everything down.
Because she's imprisoned though she would not have access to a recording device.
She's kind of glad because she wishes she could never experienced this foolishness again..
The Scientist
The Scientist is also one of The Scholars so yes it's being saved.
He would also not care at all and think it's a waste of his time…
He’s still bringing out a camera and recording it in 4k while also transcribing it…
For archival purposes of course (he a fan)
Since she's a robot everything is automatically recorded and saved to her memory.
So she would have it…but it's against her will!!!
She's a walking computer, it's her job to store information about everyone.
She doesn't understand the purpose of it, or why it would be embarrassing.
So if you were talking about it she’d deff pull it up and instantly start playing it “oh…you mean this video?” “wtf why do you even have that!??!”
If she ever needs more space in her memory she is deleting them instantly, they are useless to her. 
that's all I could think of off the top of my head. sorry for typosss
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
If you're in the mood for asks just now, what's your favourite media with Jonathan Crane?
Oh man, I have so many favorites! ("So many" here means "cherry picked, because he doesn't get a whole lot of long-term arcs like the Joker".) I fell in love with him due to a combination of Batman Returns and then a collection of best Scarecrow comics (I think it's this one?)
Probably the best Scarecrow media, in my opinion, is Scarecrow Year One. It gets into the abusive childhood that taught him the meaning of fear, a journey of revenge that started out justified but ended up reaching innocent victims, and that actually had Batman contemplate how he and Scarecrow were two sides of the same coin! My fix fic was largely based on this, to do a bit of self-promotion. As a warning, though, there's a black character who speaks in very painful slang- he's a good guy who is a genius with chemicals and helps Batman, but I definitely winced.
Honorable mentions:
His first ever comic, where he gets fired as a professor and then becomes a supervillain to afford more books. You absolute dork, Jonathan Crane, that's a terrible motivation and I would do the same.
New Years Evil, a comic where he falls in love with Becky Albright and offers to make her his Mistress of Fear, and she says no and the Riddler laughs at him. Becky Albright only appeared in one comic but some of us have shipped them ever since!
Study Hall, a comic set in the Animated Series universe, where he tries to go straight but ends up fear-gassing his favorite student's abusive boyfriend. Batman reflects that he was genuinely trying to do good but only knew how to do it in an evil way, which is one of my favorite villain tropes ever.
Batman: Arkham Asylum, where he's the best villain in the game!
Big O, an anime clearly inspired by Batman, with the villain Alan Gabriel who seems to be inspired by Scarecrow, and gets treated as a serious and scary arc villain! (The anime as a whole has a famously unsatisfying ending, but I'd still recommend it.)
Batman Begins, where he's a very different character than usual, more of a smooth sadist, but he's very very pretty and very very dangerous! "My" Jonathan Crane is more gangly and awkward looking, but he'll always have Cillian Murphy's gorgeous eyes!
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decadentrot · 2 years
The cliche mandatory pokemon crossover PT 1
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They're starting their journey at Eden Academy to be the very best !!
The kids, thier "types," and their starting Pokémon
Anya (psychic type duh) - Slowpoke, Becky (fire type) - Vulpix, Damian (Water type) - Magikarp, Emile (Normal type) - Swinub, Ewen (Grass type) - Snivy
After a dumb convo with my friend about how there always has to be a mandatory pokemon au in a fandom, we started thinking more about it and suddenly we have this convoluted mess of a crack plot:
Ok so at first I commented how I think Slowpoke is literally Anya as a pokemon and you can't prove to me otherwise and then we thought well why not make Anya a literally pokemon lmao. So she still has her telepathic psychic powers and it happened because the scientists were part of the experimental groups of radicals who wanted to transform pokemon into humans, especially since theres canonatical evidence humans can turn into pokemon, why not the other way around and so yk who else is pink, has psychic powers, and has cat ears: Mew. So they did thier experiments, one of the mews got turned and boom Anya, she still escapes and gets adopted by Loid who still works for WISE and their goal is still to get intel on Donovan who plans on starting a war using high level pokemons as soldiers and is using the prestiges Eden Academy to recruit people. (Intermission: Loid has a Psyduck b/c cmon thats comedy gold, both of them are just bundles of anxiety, just imagine them going on missions)
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Anyways so to get into Eden Academy, you must come with your own pokemon and much like in a Nuzlocke, in order to get perfect trainers, theres a rule that if their starting pokemon faints, they will receive a tonitrus bolt and if they get 8 of those, they are kicked out from the academy abd they wont be allowed to use that pokemon anymore. The pokemon has to be a first evolution and they are not allowed to change, so its highly advised they pick wisely. Now imagine Loid's horror when Anya Immediately. Picks. Fucking. Slowpoke. Of course, in Anya's mind, she can read his mind to see how omniscient he actually is however she rashly forgets how dopey he is on the outside. Luckily Anya can read enough minds of her opponents to just barely scrape by in Eden. And from there on their journey begins! (Though we also created a side story for why Damian has a magikarp that i'll post in a separate post just cause its absolutely crack with another one explaining other things in this dumb universe and some explanations for the pokemons for each character, though forgive me if I get some lore wrong, I loosely basing this off my pokemon knowledge I remember with some research)
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Defense Witches 2 Characters - Year 1
Hey everyone I guess I'll be sharing the new first-year witches that were introduced in this game :D I'll try translating their in game descriptions and names as best I can however please take these translations with a grain of salt. I'm using google translate and some of these give clearer descriptions than others >_<
Mint - Earth Witch (Main Character 1)
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"It seems like she came from another space and time. A girl with amnesia. She looks a lot like Daisy. If there is a place being attacked my monsters, I can't help but defend myself. Innocent and friendly, she has great magic and can quickly become friends with anyone. A child who thrives when praised, a child who works hard. After all she looks a lot like Daisy."
Felt - Explosion Witch (Main Character 2)
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"I come from the frontier village "Yubari". A serious transfer student - remains in some areas. A user of rare ancient magic. Because she did not recieve any formal magical education her magic sometimes goes out of control and causes trouble. I have a shy older sister who goes to this school. I'm always worried about whether she'll fit in."
Cornet - Former Demon King (Main Character 3)
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"Annoyingly cute "Moto Daimaou" Through battles, she becomes friends with the magical girls, and in this work, she ends up enrolling into the magic academy. Although her noisy and selfish personality remains the same, she has a strange cuteness that you can't hate, very popular at the Great Magic Academy. Perhaps because humans have become more powerful growth has improved significantly. I love donuts."
Frill - Fire Witch
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"A new student who knocks on the gates of the magic school with a strong admiration for Becky and Bianca. She has a superhuman will and talent and is able to use fire magic despite her family history of wind magic because she wants to use the same magic as Becky and others. The clothes she wears looks very similar to Becky's are cosplay costumes that she learned to sew on her own."
Tulle - Lighting Witch
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"A new first-year student who passed the substitution exam. She hates studying, but her respect and admiration for magical girls is stronger than most people. She especially respects Chloe from the bottom of her heart and always asks her for special training for some reason. She is extremely gusty and doesn't give up on Chloe's spartan guidance."
Chiffon - Ice Witch
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"She looks like a pretty beautiful girl. When she first entered the school, she was thought to be a cool girl, but she has repeatedly behaved in eccentric ways that you wouldn't expect from her looks and is now a total troublemaker at the school. She has a unique constitution where her emotions become violent when she drinks her favor food coffee and milk."
Velvet - Wind Witch
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"A girl who loves money and is always interested in making money. When she goes on excursions to the mountains, she picks mushrooms, and when she goes to the seas, she devotes herself to fishing for saury. Her business spirit is unparalleled. She speaks in a number of south tones, but her birthplace is shrouded in mystery. There are rumors that they may actually be a member of the Feather tribe."
What's up with almost all the new girl's names being after some sort of fabric? Even the year 2 new girl (who I'll get to later) whose name translates to Cotton. Also got mixed feelings about both Mint and Daisy's character descriptions and the in-game mangas (which I'll also share) about their possible implied relationship.
Until someone comes along with better translations, this is what I got for now. Again, please take this with a grain of salt this is just what I could understand from the jumbled mess thats was google translate >_<
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wyrm-town · 1 year
Here are my guesses:
Mori 🌿🐇 - rabbit lover
Dr. Two-brains 🧀🐁 - mouse lover
Marina 💜🌑 - based on that recent reblog, moon goddess?? (Not really a guess tho, since it was outright stated)
Pheo 🌺🔥 - she either really likes flowers or really hates them
Olli 🦊🧡 - Fox lover
Becky ⭐️📕 - a reader
Amanda 🥩📼 - these items could not be less related (exaggeration). I don’t even have a guess
Linux 🔌💿 - having the same name as an OS and with those emojis, he def likes technology a lot. Possibly a fellow programmer?
Victoria 🏆🏅 - strongly prefers to win (maybe a sore loser? <-probably not but I want at least some of these to have more detail)
Shellington 🐚🔬 - marine biology. Likes collecting seashells on trips to the beach
Kwazii 🌊🏴‍☠️ - a pirate
Silly 🎪🎠 - either makes a lot of jokes or is generally less serious
Cap’n 💫🪐 - likes to gaze at the stars at planets
I had another question but I forgot
Mori 🌿🐇 - Yeah! I love rabbits, hares, and kinda just nature in general. I felt like those emojis kinda fit my vibe.
Dr. Two-Brains 🧀🐁 - He doesn’t just love mice, he IS a mouse. Kinda. See, he’s called Dr. Two-Brains because he has two brains. A human brain and a mouse brain. He also loves cheese so much. Too much. It’s his defining character trait.
Marina 💜🌑 - Yep, that’s pretty much it. She’s a moon goddess. Also her favorite color is purple.
Pheo 🌺🔥 - Tbh the flower is just kinda there for aesthetic reasons. It looked pretty so Pheo liked it, and that’s about it. The fire is there because sie’s a whole ass phoenix.
Olli 🦊🧡 - Yeah, his favorite animal is foxes, and it’s favorite color is orange.
Becky ⭐️📕 - She loves not just reading, but words and language in general. Also her design features lots of red and yellow stars, so that’s why the star is there.
Amanda 🥩📼 - Lol, these emojis are based pretty heavily on her source. The game is in an analog horror style, so that’s what the VHS is for. There’s also a bit of a meat, gore, and rotting motif throughout the game.
Linux 🔌💿 - He is actually just a silly little computer boy. He’s just a little robot friend. A little TV headed fella. We collectively know very little about tech and programming, unfortunately.
Victoria 🏆🏅- You’re actually so right! Literally her whole character is that she’s obsessed with being the best at everything, and she refuses to lose at anything. Very much a sore loser (although we’re teaching her to be more open to messing up and all that) and loves winning everything.
Shellington 🐚🔬- Yep yep! He’s super into marine biology, and loves all things ocean related.
Kwazii 🌊🏴‍☠️- Yeah, he’s a pirate and also loves the ocean.
Silly 🎪🎠- Silly is a clown who is obviously super into clowncore and all that stuff! Sh3 also loves things like amusement parks as well.
Cap’n 💫🪐 - They are actually an introject of a character who was a spaceship captain! He does love learning about and space and stargazing.
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tare-anime · 2 years
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I posted 2,328 times in 2022
That's 178 more posts than 2021!
83 posts created (4%)
2,245 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,326 of my posts in 2022
#spy x family - 2,202 posts
#yor forger - 1,390 posts
#loid forger - 1,320 posts
#anya forger - 883 posts
#twiyor - 596 posts
#lol - 134 posts
#loiyor - 98 posts
#damian desmond - 79 posts
#bond forger - 73 posts
#yuri briar - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 62 characters
#please i really want to see them cooperate at the same mission
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My mutuals said that the t shirt Yor is wearing might be Loid's.
Considering it is several sizes too big for Yor, and she's the one doing family laundry.... it is possible that she might be accidentaly (or not) having Loid's shirt on her pile of clothes. 👀
(Or maybe incidents like in Crow's fic happened)
Anyway, I really like the idea that during her bad days, Yor finds comfort in using Loid's clothes, and Loid just let her have them.
Loid just hug her already, smh 😫😫😫😫
744 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
One day in the angsty future of SxF.....
At the very first moment Loid and Yor's identity got revealed....
These sentences from them will hit different.
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Twilight already know that he cannot involved his feelings, but he can't help it.
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750 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
Been rereading SxF mission 59 for several times now, and I still can't stop laughing.
Especially in this TwiYor misunderstandings.
I believe Becky said this line with "suggestive tones"
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Resulting Loid to spit his tea, and the man sweating bullets. He was so afraid that Yor caught the suggestive meaning, and made suggestive scenario that Loid was cheating or be a pedophile or something like that in her mind.
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990 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
I love the development of Yor's character that can be seen from her interaction with Loid and Anya when she got injured.
Yor's job already makes her more prone to injury, but she also has a tendency to abuse her own body to endure the hardest hit as long as she achieve her goals.
Still, she will cover her injuries as best as she can, because she doesn't want to worry or doesn't want to tell her family anything.
Back at extra mission 2, when her guard was still high:
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She completely shot down further inquiries from Loid, and run to her room, and tried her best to act that everything's fine at the following day. Completely avoiding the subject by any means necessary.
At chp 56, she did cover her injuries well, but when Loid noticed her swolen face, she just relay excuses, and didn't try to run away from the subject.
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1,061 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
With Spy x Family anime started to air, the fandom gain more people!! I’m so happy!!
For those want to read fics, we do have lots of awesome fanfics that you can find at AO3.
As for my own works, if you adore TwiYor (LoiYor or Loid x Yor) as much as I do, and want to read them you can go to my AO3 profile. 
Please beware of Manga spoilers if you’re only watching the Anime.
Here are some of my own favorites: 
Steps of Spending The Rest of My Life With You (series)
Tales of Mr. and Mrs. Forger (drabble collections)
Daily Shenanigans of 128 Park Avenue's Resident (Slice of Life collections)
A Flower Without Scent that Attracts The Birds (Jealous Loid!! love the trope!)
The Greatest Things Happened in My life (An AU where Yor was the one who adopted Anya first)
EDIT: whoah, never expected this post to gain this much attention. Anyway, I put several links to my all time sxf TwiYor favorite fics from my favorite authors (so I will not sound like someone who boast her own writing and have no shame, though I am 😛)
Everything written by Lacrow are amazing. These are my favorites though:
Papa's ex Girlfriend (Loid had to deal with the sudden reapearance of Karen from chp./ep. one, and keep the Forger family intact)
Forged in Fire (Medieval RPG AU)
Under Your Spell (Witch Yor and Anya, with Knight Loid and Damian AU)
Forger's first Halloween (series)
Mission Files: Family Forger (one shots collection)
The Wicked Tale of the Thorn Princess (a Fairy Tale AU) by JaMills
Your Sweet lips on My lips (8 kisses to fall in love) by Peachygirlie
Mission Complete (what happen at the end of Operation Strix) by Arthurthegatekeeper
Words, Scars, and Choices (Soulmate AU) by Arthurthegatekeeper
A Little Less Than Superhuman (Loid was sick, and Yor took care of him) by Cellwright
Chance Encounter (Eden AU) by smallestsenpai
May I (Loid and Yor dancing) by smallestsenpai
If Your heart was a House You'd be home (LoiYor hurt comfort) by calmthestorm
Mending what's Broken (Identity reveal) by LittlestFallenAngel
Of Glass and Smoke (LoiYor hurt comfort/nightmare) by Pokegeek151
Keeping secrets just to keep you (Identity reveal AU) by dancingpineaples
Scared of Loosing something that I finally found (Loid saving his family) by cloesh_scribbles
I want to lean on you in drunkness (drunk Yor, Loid took care of her) by coloredice
See the full post
4,158 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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19761107 · 1 year
『What's Eating Gilbert Grape』 PART1~The best work of art! Life is filled with a few tears and a little laughter~
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~《Beautiful camera scene that I want to show you》~
☆The main character's mother, Bonnie, has become gigantic due to bulimia. She decides to pick up her severely mentally retarded son who has been detained at the police station. A scene in which the entire family supports the mother as she walks to protect her from the onlookers who have gathered in town. .☆ 1:06:54~1:08:14
~《Famous lines that I want to tell someone》~
☆Becky: "Then, is it your father's fault?"  Gilbert: "No."☆ 1:27:25~1:31:15
Background: Gilbert finds himself a victim of the Grape family's misfortune. The lines Gilbert said when he was able to face himself head on and admit his weaknesses: his father, his mother, and himself.
1.Distinguishing features of the work
The original title of this work is "What's Eating Gilbert Grape".
In this film and director Lasse Hallström's other works, the main characters live in extremely difficult environments.
However, He never draw only dark tones.
It is depicted with funny and comical scenes.
I think it's because he feels compassion and empathizes with the main character and other characters.
In some scenes, a very tragic scene is turned into a humorous short story.
It does not plunge the viewer into the abyss of sadness, but instead envelopes the viewer with tears and laughter.
What is remarkable about this work is the visual art that is unique to cinema.
The main character's younger brother Arnie, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, has a severe intellectual disability.
I don't think the seriousness and characteristics of the disability can be conveyed to everyone unless the actor performs the role through his or her facial expressions, actions, and words.
There are many other scenes that can only be conveyed visually, but I will share them with you as they occur.
2.Opening scene full of hope
This work is the story of a family.
At the beginning of the movie, two brothers are waiting for something on a long stretch of road in the rural town of Endora, Iowa.
What they were waiting for was a convoy of camping trailers called Airstreams passing through this rural town.
Countless lights shined from the other side of the slope, and the trailer arrived with its silver body bathed in glitter.
The opening scene is bright and full of hope.
3.A depressed family
Arnie, who is almost 18 years old and has a severe intellectual disability, was told by doctors that he would not live until he was 10 years old.
He catches a grasshopper, holds it between the mailbox door, and starts crying, saying it's dead.
Their older sister, Amy, worked as a cook at an elementary school, but it was destroyed in a fire, so she is staying at home.
Ellen is a rebellious younger sister who has just had her teeth braces removed and has not yet fully grown up.
After graduating from college, the eldest son, Larry, left the family and left home.
Their mother, Bonnie, who was the most beautiful woman in town, suffered from bulimia after her husband committed suicide, and her large body made her unable to move.
She has not gone out for years to avoid being seen by people.
The main character and second son Gilbert's narration introduces his family in a light and comical way.
Mother Bonnie:
"Where's my sun?"
Arnie's mother dotes on him and calls him that.
There is no doubt that "son" and "sun" rhyme.
Older sister, Amy, and second son, Gilbert, kindly accompany Arnie as he plays hide-and-seek.
"Amy, where's Arnie?"
Old sister Amy:
"Aren't you with him?"
"No, where?"
Arnie hides in a tree and has fun.
Old sister Amy:
"Ellen, where's Arnie?"
Young sister Ellen:
"Up in the tree."
Ellen spitefully told him the truth.
Gilbert glares at Eren.
Old sister Amy:
"You looked for him properly, right?"
"I looked for him."
Arnie comes down in front of Gilbert and is surprised.let。
"Come on, don't startle me."
"I was climbing a tree. Didn't you know?"
So he put Arnie on his back and go to the car.
You can see how much Arnie loves his brother Gilbert by the way he jumps at him and the way he clings to him.
This is a scene of friendly brothers.
4.What kind of young man is Gilbert?
Gilbert earns his family's living by working at a small general store in town.
A large supermarket has opened in front of them, and the general store where Gilbert works is not very prosperous.
Store owners have also given up and are becoming weak.
Store owner:
"Can they have a sale at the supermarket?"
Gilbert says with a look of compassion.
"I don't even want to go near a store like that."
Shop owner:
"Lobster, right?"
"Lobster living in an aquarium, right?"
"Don't worry. It's just a moment."
"Customers will come back."
Store owner:
"Absolutely. Absolutely."
Store owner:
"The way you say that sounds just like your father."
Through these interactions, you can see that Gilbert is a very kind young man.
This work depicts an unhappy family and has many humorous scenes.
Betty, a middle-aged woman with whom Gilbert has an affair, often calls Gilbert over to make deliveries and they have a number of meetings.
Gilbert isn't too keen on it.
Betty's husband returns.
For some reason, a lot of ice cream comes out during her scenes.
They also put ice cream in their mouth while having sex.
Is this an allusion to Freud's "lip phase desire''?
That's an interesting expression.
Betty's husband returns cheerfully.
At the same time as Betty and her friends are having sex, her husband is jumping up and down on the trampoline with the kids in the garden.
It's a great joke.
Gilbert smiles and greets Betty's much older husband, not noticing the ice cream in his mouth.
Betty's husband gives Gilbert a tip from his wallet.
We don't know if he's aware of his cheating or not, and this kind of kindness is scary for us.
Betty's husband:
"Come to my office. I want to talk to you about something."
Betty's husband works as an insurance agent, and he asks Gilbert to come to his office, leaving it unclear whether or not he is aware of Gilbert and Betty's affair.
During this exchange, Arnie disappeared when Gilbert wasn't looking.
Arnie was climbing a 50m high water tower.
A large crowd of onlookers and police had gathered there.
"Arnie, come down!"
"Come on up. I'll go higher than before."
"Look! It's not falling!"
"My shoe fell off!"
"Gilbert, my shoe fell off."
Gilbert sings his favorite song to comfort Arnie.
"♫ Do you know Arnie?"
"♫ It's almost his 18th birthday"
"♫ Do you know Arnie?"
"Arnie, come down!"
"♫ The cylinder explodes, boom, boom!"
Arnie is seduced and starts singing.
"♫ The cylinder explodes, boom, boom!"
"♫ The cylinder explodes, boom, boom!"
"♫ The cylinder explodes, boom, boom!"
Arnie finally got over his excitement and came down from the tower.
"Good boy, come down quickly."
Everyone present gave a warm round of applause.
What a peaceful country town it is!
It's a funny scene.
A young woman named Becky, who was traveling in a camper, was also watching.
Becky is attracted to Gilbert's gentle yet calm and calm nature.
"I'm really sorry."
"I'll take you home. I won't let him do it again."
"You don’t know how many times he has climbed there because you always says that."
"This time is the last time, right?"
"It's the last time."
"Let's go home."
"I want to climb again!"
5.Huge mother
They go home and prepare a meal with his family.
They carry the large dining table to the sofa where his mother, Bonnie, is sitting.
Gilbert's friend Tucker came over to fix their refrigerator.
A little boy came to see the huge figure of his mother Bonnie.
Gilbert picks up the boy and shows him his mother Bonnie through the window.
"I saw it! I saw it!"
"What do you do?"
"Is it bad?"
"It’s your Mom, right?"
"It's your Mom. Things like that aren't good."
There's something wrong with Gilbert.
These episodes express the creaks in Gilbert's heart.
Gilbert's repressed hatred for his mother is revealed in casual scenes and lines.
At bedtime, Arnie mistakenly said "goodnight" and said "goodbye."
"'Goodbye' means it's time to go somewhere. It's different now."
"I know that. Gilbert."
"My brother and I aren't going anywhere."
"Good bye"
In these casual lines, the director hints at the feeling that Gilbert might abandon this family and go somewhere else.
In a line with a friend,
"What about your mom?"
"She's fat."
"Don't say that, Gilbert."
"I saw a guy who was a little fatter at the harvest festival.''
"A little more?"
"There's a superior."
"Mom is a whale."
"Let's take a walk."
"Do you want to go jogging?"
Friends who are willing to listen to these stories are very valuable.
Gilbert is able to speak his true feelings even when he uses bad language.
It's a breather. He's a dear friend.
6.Meeting the free-spirited Becky
While chatting at a cafe restaurant, Becky passes by.
She has a slender body and sharp eyes.
She was pushing a beautifully designed bicycle with a slender frame that matched her personality.
For a moment, Gilbert and Becky's eyes meet.
Arnie kept grasshoppers in a jar, and the general store owner would tear up lettuce from the store's produce and feed them to him.
"It's a grasshopper."
General store owner:
"Feed it with lettuce."
"He's my friend."
General store owner:
"Look, he's eating."
"Thank you?"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you."
The townspeople treat Arnie very kindly.
Becky came to the store to buy something and we decided to deliver it to the trailer.
"Yours? I'll pick this bicycle up."
Arnie happily puts his bike on the back of their car.
The three people are riding in a car side by side.
"Delivery anytime. Anytime."
Arnie put his face close to Becky's and said,
"Arnie, stop it."
"Excuse me, where is it?"
"Just keep going."
"Mom's throwing me an 18th birthday party."
"Isn't that so?"
"When is the party?"
"Six days left."
"I'll be 18 in 6 days."
"You are not invited."
"Arnie, that's rude."
"He's honest."
Arnie teased Gilbert and laughed.
They arrived at the place where the camper was parked.
"I'll carry it."
"It's okay, I'll carry it."
Arnie dropped her shopping bag.
Arnie became so depressed that he repeatedly hit himself on the head.
DiCaprio's natural and wonderful acting without overacting.
Becky looked kindly at Arnie, who was panicking.
"Stop it."
"Do you think it's bad?"
"I don't think it's bad either. Do not apologize."
"It's not my fault."
This is a scene where you can see Becky's kindness.
7.Family quarrels
At home, the family was discussing Arnie's birthday party.
Mother Bonnie:
"I like Viennese sausage."
"Sauce with grape jelly"
"Mom, hot dogs too."
Sister Amy:
"Would you like some Hawaiian-style hors d'oeuvre?"
"Wrap canned pineapple in bacon and insert a toothpick into it."
Mother Bonnie:
"What about bacon?"
Sister Amy:
"In the oven"
Mother Bonnie:
"The bacon has to be crispy."
"It's no good if it's sticky."
"That's bad."
Arnie: "Hot dog!"
Mom Bonnie: "Of course, hot dogs too. I promise."
Little sister Ellen speaks with food in her mouth.
Young sister Ellen:
"At a party I know…"
"Ellen, Ellen"
"Don't talk while eating. It makes me nauseous."
Young sister Ellen:
"I feel nauseous."
Young sister Ellen:
"Okay, Dad."
"I apologize, Daddy."
Arnie repeats, amused.
"Okay, Dad. I apologize, Dad."
Gilbert gets irritated and says something that hurts his family.
"Dad is dead."
Old sister Amy: "Gilbert, stop it."
Arnie repeats it again.
"Daddy's dead!"
Old sister Amy:
"Arnie, stop it."
"Daddy's dead! Daddy's dead! Daddy's dead!"
Mother Bonnie:
"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"
Mother Bonnie became hysterical and began stomping on the floor over and over again.
Gilbert crouched under the table to wipe up the spilled milk and found the floor creaking under his mother Bonnie's shoes.
"Amy, look."
There's something funny about the misery.
Gilbert called his friend Tucker over to look at the floor.
Tucker investigated the floor without mother Bonnie noticing.
Mother Bonnie watches TV and takes a nap.
Gilbert turns off the remote to turn off the TV, but Bonnie wakes up.
Mother Bonnie:
"What are you doing?"
Old sister Amy:
"Mommy, why don't you sleep in bed?"
Mother Bonnie:
Old sister Amy:
"It'll change your mood."
Mother Bonnie:
"I'm fine here."
Old sister Amy:
Mother Bonnie:
"Good children."
Gilbert lights Bonnie's cigarette and Amy covers her with a blanket.
This is a humorous scene that shows how much the children care about their mother and how much they are a burden to the family.
8.Sealed Basement
The next day, Tucker came to fix the floor.
Tucker asks Gilbert to help him in the basement.
Gilbert is reluctant and tries to let Arnie go.
"Give me your hand."
"Arnie, help me."
"It's the basement."
"Arnie, it's in the basement."
"I don't like it there."
"No, I'm definitely not going."
"What's wrong?"
"Daddy's here!"
"I don’t like it because my dad is here."
Arnie imitates a zombie and gets scared.
He made a hanging gesture.
"Arnie, shut up!"
"Arnie, shut up!"
After the work is finished,
"If we use six of those square timbers, we'll be able to do something."
"You can support your house with them."
"I just forgot."
"Your father is over there…"
"That was bad."
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
Maybe Gilbert saw his father dead.
The family home was built by the father himself decades ago.
So it was very old and fragile.
The dark shadow of the dead father lingers heavily in the scenes of the Grape family's life.
What I think is so clever about this work is that the symbol of Gilbert's repressed feelings is the old house built by his father, and the wood that supports the floor.
Now, it has reached its limits and is starting to creak.
Something is about to collapse.
9.Gilbert's Melancholy
One day, Arnie was trying to climb the water tower again.
This time, his sister Ellen violently stops him.
Arnie was injured.
Gilbert tends to Arnie's wounds.
"Don't forget."
"What would you do if someone hit you or touched you with a finger?"
"Tell me. I'll take care of it."
"Do you know why?"
"Gilbert is my brother."
"That's right, I won't let anyone bully you."
Gilbert cares for his younger brother, but he is stressed and unable to take a break.
Gilbert gets in the car and goes for a drive alone.
He stops by Becky and her grandmother's place for fun.
Gilbert learns that Becky has taken an old woman who had lived in one place for many years and taken her out into a life of free wandering.
"I don't care about physical beauty."
"Something that won't last long"
"Eventually, I'll have wrinkles on my face, gray hair on my face, and sagging breasts, right?"
"What we do matters."
"What do you want to do?"
"There's nothing to do here…"
"I'm sure there's at least one thing here."
Gilbert is holding back what he wants so much that he unconsciously represses it inside.
He can't think of anything he wants to do anymore.
There was an expressionless expression on his face, as if he were suffering from burnout.
The two went on a date to an ice cream shop.
"Would you like to change?"
Betty, who is accompanied by a child, witnesses this.
It's also a co-star of Betty and Ice Cream.
Betty was upset.
Gilbert and Becky talk about their relaxing time while looking at the sunset sky.
If it wasn't for Becky's generous and free nature, I don't think Gilbert would have had the chance to spend time with her like this.
"The colors are changing"
"Sunsets are beautiful."
"It slowly changes as I watch it."
"I love the sky"
"Wide and endless"
"Yeah, it's really big."
Gilbert had never had the time to look at the sky slowly, nor had the freedom to think creatively.
"The word 'big' is too small for the sky."
"Bigger words to describe the sky"
Even during this relaxing moment, Gilbert remembers his errands and returns home, leaving Becky behind.
When Gilbert returns home, Arnie happily jumps on him and gives him a piggyback ride.
Gilbert gives Arnie a bath and washes him.
"I don't have time to play today."
"Stretch your neck."
"That's fine, you're big now."
"You're an adult now."
"You should be able to wash your body by yourself."
"What do you think? You're an adult, right?"
"Wash. The towel is over there."
"The robe is over there."
"I can wash it myself."
"Great, I have something to do."
Gilbert left Arnie in the bathtub and returned to Becky.
10.Self-assertion and self-derogation
"You missed it."
"It was wonderful."
"Show me your house"
"Stop it."
Gilbert is ashamed of his family.
Becky tells Gilbert her story to get him to open up.
"Just look, okay?"
"My parents got divorced."
"I go back and forth between the two, and I keep moving."
"But it's my life, so that's okay."
Becky lived her life with a strong separation between herself and her parents.
She has a strong sense of freedom from their parents and her ego.
"We also want to move elsewhere, but mom doesn't want to leave home."
"It's not that she doesn't want to leave, she's stuck at home."
"What do you mean?"
"That's my house."
"I was surprised. It's so small when I see it from far away."
"Even though the person inside is big."
"A beached whale on TV?"
"That’s Mom."
"What about your father?"
"We'll talk about that some other time."
"It was so fun"
"Good night"
This is what happens when people become closer and closer.
Getting to know each other means getting to know each other's weaknesses.
It's never about putting on a show of bravado and making yourself look good.
I believe that by revealing one's true feelings and being heard, one can be healed, and the listener can be compassionate.
A relationship that is superficial and doesn't express its true feelings, doesn't assert themselves, or avoids getting hurt is not a close relationship.
Becky didn't blame Gilbert for saying bad things about her mother.
I think it's because she learned that Gilbert has deep emotional scars.
Becky just listened to Gilbert's thoughts and tried to heal him.
Gilbert comes home, goes to bed, and wakes up in the morning.
When Gilbert went to the bathroom to wash his face, he found Arnie shivering in the bathtub, having been in the bath since yesterday evening.
Gilbert desperately apologizes, saying ‘I'm sorry'.
Scenes like this really convey the emotion best with visuals.
Arnie is shivering from the cold, and Gilbert hugs him desperately to keep him warm.
Mother Bonnie:
"You've been acting weird lately."
"Stay strong, Gilbert."
"I apologize."
Mother Bonnie: "Just apologizing isn't enough, you unreliable child."
Bonnie is completely dependent on Gilbert.
Gilbert's heart is completely indifferent.
One day, Gilbert makes a delivery to Betty's place.
She was just making ice cream.
Betty has Betty's husband call her to complain about Gilbert's date with Becky.
Then she did something naughty on purpose.
Gilbert gets angry and tries to leave.
"I'll be killed."
"be killed"
"I was just kidding."
"That's terrible, then this."
"That girl’s place?"
"Your husband called me."
"I won't let you go."
"I won't forgive you if you leave."
The oven alarm goes off, and Gilbert takes advantage of the opportunity to get out.
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