#beach days and hair braiding
It’s so hard to pick from your WIP list!!! Can I hear more about nightmares, diamonds, and bdhb-fairground date? (And bdhb-smut if you wanna 😂)
It seems greedy to ask about FOUR options for the WIP game (that is more than a third of the options on offer!) but seeing as @probadbatch also asked about the Beach Days and Hair Braiding series, I shall indulge you :P
Nightmares is your own request anyway, so you know the premise! It's based off a throwaway line in "Forget I asked", and will eventually result in Hunter being there when Crosshair wakes from his nightmares, even if their own relationship is still rocky at the time. But you can't have Crosshair being comforted by Hunter without contrasting it with the time he has spent alone...
Crosshair woke with a flinch, arms instinctively coming up to shield his head. Protect his eyes. His enhancement made him useful, an asset. It was the only thing keeping him from decommissioning. No. Wait. This wasn't Kamino. Panting to full wakefulness as tremors of adrenaline shot through his limbs, Crosshair peeled himself up from the hard cot and steadied himself with a palm on the wall. The sleek rasp of durasteel scraped under his clawed fingers. Breathing through his mouth, he tasted the chemical tang of disinfectant in the recycled air. If he listened, he could hear the erratic night-cycle breathing of other prisoners in cells out of view of his own. Blinking away the last vestiges of the nightmare, his vision cleared enough to focus on the barred gate that sealed him in. He let his gaze track over the scuffs and pits he knew by heart, those small details intimately familiar to him. He’d had nothing to do all this time except stare at the wall, trying to stay sane even as despair eroded his will to do so.
TechPhee Diamonds is inspired by a conversation/challenge to find a way to feature my own Specialist Subject in a fanfic somehow! So what better way than to have Tech and Phee debating the merits of natural vs synthetic diamonds?
Of course Tech is arguing that chemically, physically, optically, a synthetic diamond is identical to its naturally occurring counterpart. Phee just doesn't see the romance in it - not compared to a natural treasure of the earth, grown millions of years ago under the ground, then brought to the surface in a volcanic eruption and weathered from it's host rock for some lucky person to find.
In the end, she promises that if he gets her a big enough diamond, she won't even ask where it came from :P
Beach Days series below the cut! (Cloneshipping here, don't like? Don't click!)
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I mean firstly credit also goes to my co-creator @ninjadeathblade because you wouldn't have had this series at all without them!
I was asked about the BDHB series last time this game went round so you can find a bit more info Here :)
As for my current WIPs? We're half way through Fairground Date; the rest of the planned chapters are 5: Drop Tower, 6: Splashdown/Sideshow Games, 7: Tunnel of Love and 8: Fireworks. Sneak peek for upcoming chapter 'Drop Tower' below :P
“Remind you of waiting to drop into a combat zone?” the other clone asked, his voice a low rumble, Hunter could only pick his words out thanks to his enhanced senses – this was clearly a comment Crosshair was making for his ears alone, not as general conversation. He shivered as Cross’ long fingers skimmed across the skin of his palm, sensitive despite years of callouses. Despite how small the point of contact was, it set up a delicious feeling throughout his entire body. “That’s how I felt… waiting to come and see you today,” the sniper continued, lips barely moving. He was facing straight ahead, but the gentle action of his hand tracing Hunter’s told him he had his full attention. “How I’ve felt every time I thought about you since… that night.”
Interlude (505) and Laundry Day are officially in development as the next 2 stories after Fairground Date. It's probably going to be a while before any of the disparate snippets in the WIP doc currently titled 'BDHB smut' reach the story but I certainly don't plan for it to stay as cute hand-holding forever...
"Fuck." Hunter bit out the oath, tears welling and beading on his lashes as he scrunched his eyes closed. "Cross, it's too intense..." Crosshair stilled their bodies, waiting for a moment as Hunter gasped. "Do you want to stop?" "No," he whispered brokenly, pressing his forehead to Crosshair's. Fighting the urge to move, Crosshair stayed where he was, long fingers pressing divots into Hunter's hips but waiting for the signal to continue. After a moment Hunter hiccoughed something that sounded on the edge of a sob, and Crosshair drew his head back in soft horror. "You're crying," he rasped, voice curling with guilt. "Hunter, we don't have to do this-" "I want to." Hunter cut him off, a laugh shuddering through him as he lifted his arm from Cross' shoulder, swiping his forearm across his face to dry his tears. "I want you." There was a note of self-frustration as he shook his head. "It's just..." He trailed off, lifting his face to fix Crosshair with a gaze that glowed with devotion. "It's you. It's really you." After a moment Crosshair moved his hands on Hunter's sides, a soothing stroke. "You're okay. I've got you."
Listen smut is just a vehicle for two characters to have a really strong connection to each other, by the time they reach this point the boys have been through a lot together to get this far. I have been staring at this for far too long agonising over what to share from this wip; there's definitely *sexier* stuff than this but their eventual, emotional, long-awaited first-time seemed like the best option :)
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wanderer-clarisse · 11 months
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cousin bonding time (I like to imagine that Maedhros is the one who tied baby Finrod's hair!)
sorry for being suddenly inactive here lately, Things Happened and I haven't really had the time to sit down and draw until this week ;-; hope this little sketch can make up for it!
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morenabarbie · 4 months
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IG: eloraotero👑
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bellaso-bomb · 10 months
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farcillesbian · 1 year
also I'm such a wishful thinker and optimist so I'm just imagining that everything goes right and works out cause that's what I tend to do (when I'm not wrestling with anxiety demons) and it would be so nice if it did because I haven't kissed anyone in like three years LOL it's tragic 😔 only yuri can save me now
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starneteyam · 2 years
🖇️ char. Neteyam x Omaticayan! fem! reader
🖇️ warn. Spicy, jealousy, fluff
🎥 In which Neteyam is an extremely affectionate boyfriend whose love language is physical intimacy, and when some Metkayinan boys start getting a bit too flirty with you, be gets jealous and sulks
A/N Just a short drabble
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Neteyam was your mate, and you were his. Ever since he first hooked his eyes on you a year ago, he had been obsessed with you in every way. The way you looked at him with loving eyes, or the way you never complained whenever he held your hand while you did whatever you needed to do. You understood Neteyam loved being physically intact with you.
When he was sitting next to you, even that wouldn’t be enough. He would lay his head on your shoulder, or hold your hand, or wrap his arm around you. Around his family, he would play with your hair—the tiny unbraided strands of your goddess braids, or he would just hook a finger around yours.
He had separation anxiety, though you would never comment on it. You didn’t mind, one bit. You thought that part of him was adorable, like a little puppy.
Because you were his mate, it was decided that you would move to Awa’atlu with Jake and his family, leaving your family behind. You were heartbroken, having to leave your siblings and parents behind, but you said your goodbyes and left anyways.
When you arrived at the Pandora Reefs, Neteyam never let go of your hand, not once. But this time, it was to reassure you. When Au’nong and Rotxo stepped forward, he pulled you behind him, while they smirked.
At your new home, he huffed in displeasure. “They were looking at you.” He sulked, sitting next to you with his head on your collarbone, your body leaning against the wooden pillar, his pointer finger hooked to your pinkie.
You smiled reassuringly, shaking your head. “And I was looking at you, Neteyam.” You told him softly, playing with the bead on his braid. Your heart was full, your throat tightening at how adorable he was.
Another instance was when you were at the beach with Tuktirey, accompanying her and looking for seashells on the shallow waters. The two of you knelt on the sand, her laughing in joy. “Look, there’s one!” You laughed, pointing at a pink shell when you heard the water behind you splashing as if somebody was walking near you.
You turned around, seeing a stranger your age walking up to you with two of his friends. You furrowed your eyes. “Tuk, come here.” You whispered, ushering her.
She whimpered in fear as you grabbed her arm and pulled her behind you. You then stood up. “What’re you doing?” The boy asked, tilting his head. You gave him a dirty look. “Can I help you?” You asked, ignoring his question. His friend laughed. “We just want to get to know you, chill out.” He shrugged his shoulders, and you tried your hardest not to roll your eyes.
“I like your hair.” The third guy commented, running his fingers through some braids on your hair. “We should hangout sometime, I can show you some islands around here.” The first guy said, smiling. You huffed, frowning.
“Excuse me.” You mumbled, making sure to keep Tuk away from the guys as you walked past them, and away. “O-Okay! See you around!” The guy yelled after, and you shook your head in disbelief and sighed. Pathetic.
Unknown to you, Neteyam had seen it all. He had the urge to go in and just punch those guys square in the jaw, but after fighting the Au’nong and his friends yesterday, he was sure his father would skin him alive if he were to cause more trouble.
So instead, he stayed out of sight, and watched quietly as his nails dug into his palms. He was glad you quickly had left and even barely spoke to them, displaying your clear unliking to them, but still, he couldn’t help but feel jealous.
Later that day, when the sky was dark, you stood in your home, your back turned to the entrance as you were busy taking the leaves off of berries Kiri had picked. You heard Neteyam enter, turning your shoulder and glancing at him. “How was your day, Neteyam?” You asked, not having seen him all day. He stayed silent, which you ignored. If he didn’t want to talk, he didn’t have to talk. You respected that of him, because you had your moments too.
You heard him dropping his things on the floor, then walk up to you. Without saying a word, his hands slid around your waist, pressing himself against your back as he kissed your shoulder. You smiled, leaning your hair into him as you continued to pick at the berries. His butterfly kisses trailed up your shoulder, to your neck, and his kisses became longer. Your breath hitched as he started sucking softly on the skin on your neck, his thumb rubbing your stomach.
“Neteyam.” You whispered, turning your head slightly towards him, but he ignored you again. You were confused on why he was acting this way. His tongue pressed against the bruises on your neck, before he turned you around and kissed your lips. You immediately responded. “Netey- mm- What’s- Mmph!” You tried talking, but he kept cutting you off by kissing you, each kiss more aggressive than the last. “Shh.” He hushed quickly, before kissing you again.
You did as told, letting him pour his feelings out on you. Your fingers brushed his back, tracing his spine upwards, before lightly tugging on his hair. He pushed his lips against yours, trying to get as close as he could to you, his eyebrows furrowed. He felt goosebumps on his skin as your tail brushed up the inside of his leg. After leaving his final kiss on you, he hugged your waist, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
Surprised, you looked at him, before smiling softly and rubbing his back. “What happened, Neteyam?” You asked quietly, closing your eyes as you leaned your head against his. He was silent for a couple heartbeats, but then finally spoke. “I saw those guys trying to hit on you today.” He whispered, and it almost broke your heart—how cute he was. You laughed at his sulking sight, hugging him tighter. “Neteyam, you are too perfect for this world.” You told him, kissing his head.
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yandereunsolved · 30 days
Parental figure reader accidentally collecting all of the pathetic meow meow yandere nobles—
Yandere Aemond: "It is good to speak with you again. I-I... uhm... would you like to brush and braid my hair again? I-I only ask because you were so fond of doing it the first time." awkwardly holding a brush in his hand and looking at you like a child eagerly waiting for the approval of their guardian.
Yandere Aegon: "Apologies, brother. As the king, I request that they join me in the garden so that we may go over... plans." Just wants to cuddle them and needs a coverup.
Yandere Lucerys: "They promised to teach me how to tie different sailor knots! You even said that we could go explore the harbor, some beaches, and other stuff!"
Yandere Helaena: "Our bugs? You said you would help me catalog all of my new bugs in our special notebook. There is no possible way for the ink to meet the page and create words otherwise. You are the keeper of the parchment. The one who can hold a quill with far more skill than I."
Yandere Jacaerys sitting in the chair next to reader having been possessively by their side the entire day. "If it so pleases them, they should stay here with me. They have had such an exhausting week, and the morrow will be even busier for them."
Yandere Baela and Rhaena are allowed to cling onto reader because Jacaerys doesn't want to seem jealous of them in front of you.
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girlbossagenda · 3 months
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Summer break it's here! A lot of us have grown out of shape due to all the stress caused from school, and the lack or time to exercise or live a more healthy lifestyle, are you scared to go to the beach because you feel like you don't have that beach body? Are you heart broken and just want to live your hot girl summer or perhaps you want to finally be confident your body and change your entire life? If so this is the maxi guide for you.
౨ৎHow to get started౨ৎ
I made this google doc where I explain things more in depth here you can find, how to glow up: physically, mentally and socially(friends, summer filings, popularity etc...) if you want to know how to archive your results, you can find my explanation in depth(also winter friendly)
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Do you remember those girl on YouTube, IG and tumblr?The pretty ones that were living their best summer? Wanna be like them? Then think and plan a summer in the same way a girl with your dream summer would do!
୨୧Make a pre-summer status୨୧
We will use this to track what changed about out life during this summer, I know it might be stressful or embarassing at first, but you're going to be grateful knowing all the progress that you made
୨୧Work on your mindset୨୧
This is so important, read again point n°1, and then put yourself in the shows of the person that you want to become, for example:
-> you want to be a pretty popular girl? "Would the pretty popular girl say that her Summer is ruined and that she has no one to hangout with"? I don't think so.
if you're interested just in the physical stuff this is the section for you(more in depth in the Google doc)
You need to understand that most of the time a summer glow up last up until the first week of school then it's gone, but you want it to last, right? Here's how:
୨୧Find a low effort beauty routine୨୧
During summer you have all the time to maintain a beauty regiment, but you also need to make it practical, for example you might keep your hair natural during summer, you need to simplify them -> extensions, braids, sew in, silk presses or clip in...
୨୧Change hair color୨୧
During summer you need to grab attention change hair color to blonde, red, or more funky colors like blue, pink etc...
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I know, it's hard, with all the ice cream around, but you can also try by drinking healthy smoothies(especially the green ones), opt also for a salad as a snack.
You have to wear sunscreen and if you want to get a tan you NEED to put that after sun lotion and be consistent with your skincare
୨୧Grow your lashes + eyebrows୨୧
Always, this is a must, you finally have enough time, then start now, be consistent and in 3 months you're going to have the best result, I advise you to use castor oil in the night and in the day a lash growth serum.
୨୧Learn to do your make up୨୧
Optional but very useful, in those days that you're at home you can learn how to do your make up so you're going to comeback to school and slay even in your worst days, plus it's a cute hobby.
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If you don't have friends at school it would be nice to have them outside, plus having friends out makes you so much cooler! Are you ready to expand your social life?
୨୧Summer school/camp୨୧
A classic, you can meet so many people here, works best if you are between 11-16 yo, If you're 16+ you can try joing a camp and be an animator
Have you even heard of "the beach friend"? Where I'm from they are very common and popular, it usually starts early in childhood, but you can also make them at your age! You just need to approach the people that look like share the same interests as you, better if they are alone too!
You can go on a forum site and actually ask in the chat if someone wants to make friends and exchange ig, snaps,discord etc...you might make long distance but strong friendships
Now coworkers are not actually your friends, but you might get close to some, better if it's not a competitive environment, try to network between your coworkers, maybe some of them actually know people of your interest, if you can start working with friends!
୨୧Neighborhood events୨୧
Churches usually during summer do some activities for the youths you can try and enjoy them! Or go to a popular place or even host in your neighborhood!
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I'm not really into romance, but it might be different from some of y'all! If you want to flirt, get. In a relationship or just have some fun experimenting then keep reading!
Follow the beauty steps written before!
୨୧Go to parties or events(better if on the beach)୨୧
What a better place to find love if not on the beach? All you'll need to do it's to wear a cute bikini and have fun with your friends!
୨୧Work on your gaze୨୧
You know the phrase "love at first sight"? Let's turn it into "love at first gaze" you need to exercise on your facial expressions and your seductive gaze, grab a mirror and flirt with yourself!
୨୧Make time to hangout୨୧
You're not going to find love by staying at home! You need to get out and wander around the city! Go to all the places where people of your age go! Bring your friends along(if you can or be brave and go alone!)
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Phew, this guide was quite long! And there's so much more! Thank you for sticking with me and supporting my blog! Ilysm and I'm so grateful for all the people that read my posts, let's glow up together this summer!
xoxo gorgeous
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bruisedboys · 8 months
finnick odair + being enamoured with his s/o
requested here. finnick odair x reader (implied fem!r)
finnick odair who’s so sickeningly in love with you and worships the ground you walk on !! it shocks you at first, because he’s the capitol’s golden boy, he’s a victor, and before you met him you were so sure he had everything anyone could ever want. but he treats you like you’re the only thing he could ever want or need. he tells you you’re the one thing his heart has been waiting on for years and years. his soul is yoked to yours forever, he says. the world could fall away and he’d cling to you.
finnick claims he was meant to love you, in a sleepy haze one quiet evening, after a long day of morning markets and swimming at the beach and tending to the garden. his hair’s still damp at the roots, but curling at the tips, golden and sunkissed. he’s got you on his bare chest, one arm curled around your waist. he smells lovely, this intoxicating mixture of sea salt and soap and his natural heady musk.
his forearm drags up your back and down again, “I love you,” he says, a murmur so soft you barely hear it. he’s tired, seconds from being pulled into sleep, and yet. “I think I was made to love you.”
you blink, glad he can’t see the look on your face. he’s always surprising you and saying such heavily romantic things as if he doesn’t know how hard they puncture your heart. you should be used to it by now. you’re not.
“finnick,” you say. you’re lost for words for a few moments. you think he’s fallen asleep when you finally say, “I love you, too,” but he hums, this lovely, low sound that vibrates his chest where you’re smushed against it, and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
you both fall asleep in a lovesick tangle, and then in the morning he follows you around like a puppy, brushing your hair away for you when you wash your face, helping you pick out clothes, plucking your apple from your hands before you can take a bite so he can cut it up for you first. (he knows you like apple slices better than whole ones. you’ve never had to tell him, but he figured it out).
he likes watching you while you get ready, too. he likes how your fingers look while you braid your hair (he offers to do it most mornings, but today his tongue is too tied up in knots with how lovely you are), how your skin looks after you’ve moisturised. how, when you pull away your silk pyjama top to change, your shoulders and neck are littered with faint red love marks from his mouth.
you’ll ask him if he’s okay, probably because he looks a bit faint. he’ll nod. “yeah, I’m okay. just love you.”
you never doubted it.
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lyralit · 9 months
colour-inspired prompts
pink - leaning closer to listen intently - "oh yeah?" - "let me get that for you" - "here, I've got it" - working to finish something without having to speak; quiet harmony - head-tilted back, mouth-open kind of laughs
red - getting a little teary when you're about to scream - fists clenched in your lap - "that's what you think? really?" - muttered insults - lipstick stains on the side of the mouth - interlocked fingers, being pressed against the wall, eyes narrowed - "god, you just don't know when to stop, do you?"
orange - sun-kissed skin - flowers braided into hair, a worn book on a bus - a child's hand wrapped around your finger - sunset on the beach - a shattered stain glass window - medicine bottles lined up on a shelf
yellow - visiting a childhood friend after too many years gone - a frayed string bracelet - "how did you remember? I only mentioned it briefly." - a half dozen friends showing up at your doorstep when you're sick - "you didn't have to come." "I promised." - days marked off on a calendar - patches of sunlight spotting a lazy afternoon
green - taking the train into the countryside - school trips - running out into the fields, shoes wet with dew - leatherbound books and sketchapds - a willow tree in the local cemetary - "tell me. promise me."
blue - an empty chocolate box at the foot of a bed - flickers of light from the television over a sleeping figure - the same sheets from the past week - a grey sky over harsh waves - "keep it. it was always yours." - growing old and one friend staying forever young
purple - "I didn't think you'd notice." - a kiss, a lamppost, Levi's - all of your firsts - a hand on the steering wheel - quiet conversations outside an empty diner - being the last ones out of a restaurant - running through the rain to the subway
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Loved the birthday cake fic
Pretty please may I request some brotherly fluff in the form of Crosshair plaiting Hunter's hair?
idk how to spell sorry if that's wrong
Heya! Here you go... 2k of lead in for 150 words of hair braiding ^^;
Beach Days & Hair Braiding for @ninjadeathblade
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: Hunter, Crosshair, Omega Word Count: ~2525
Synopsis: Nothing but sweet, tooth-rotting, brotherly fluff. Beach days and hair braiding on Pabu.
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Crosshair closed his eyes, relaxing into the soft sand floor of the cove and letting the sun-warmed grains spread their tingling heat to his bare back. The afternoon sun was at the peak of the day’s temperature, beating down with a warmth that permeated to his core and for once chased away the near-perpetual chill he felt. His brothers had always joked that he ran colder than them, but after his long stints alone on Kamino, Barton IV, and Tantiss, he couldn’t deny that it sometimes seemed like he felt cold regardless of the weather on tropical Pabu.
He didn’t get to enjoy the relaxation for long. A hard thump startled him as a bottle landed on his abdomen, making him jerk upright. He grabbed at the offending item, a bottle of sun-lotion thrown at him by a grinning Hunter.
“Better top up if you’re planning to bask,” his brother quipped. “Otherwise you’ll burn to a crisp.”
Crosshair grumbled and unstopped the bottle, squeezing a slug of cream onto each of his limbs before rubbing it in. Hunter was performing the same ritual on Omega, the girl practically bouncing on her toes as she waited impatiently for him to finish.
“Then we can swim, once we’ve got sun lotion on?” she asked, glancing longingly at the sparkling blue ocean.
“Yes, then you can swim,” confirmed Hunter with an indulgent smile. Omega lifted her hair from the back of her neck, letting him spread the lotion evenly over her skin, then giggled as he flicked a smear of the stuff onto her nose before rubbing it in across her cheeks.
“Race you to the water!” she shouted, and was off like a shot the moment he was done.
“Omega, wait!” yelled Hunter after her, gesturing helplessly. He glanced at Crosshair for support. “Can you keep an eye on her until I’ve done my lotion? Make sure she doesn’t go in the deep water.”
Crosshair grunted and heaved himself up, squeezing a generous helping of the lotion into his palm before tossing the bottle back to Hunter. He smeared the stuff over his chest and back, reaching up between his shoulders to make sure he was fully coated. Hunter was more tanned than him but even he was careful in Pabu’s sun, and Crosshair’s paler skin was prone to burning.
Casting his gaze about the sheltered cove, Crosshair pretended not to see where Omega was crouched behind their boat, waiting to ambush him. They had sailed in on the small craft early this morning, pulling it up onto the sand out of reach of the tide, before they had spent the day exploring the far side of the island.
Crosshair had made a show of protesting the choice of activity, then allowed Omega to win him round to it.
The glow of Hunter’s smile when he agreed to join them made it worth it.
Now he deliberately turned away so that Omega could leap onto his back, legs locking round his waist and arms around his neck as she pressed her giggling face into his ear.
“Gotcha, Crosshair!”
He reached up and easily flipped her over his shoulder, grabbing her at the last moment to slow her fall so that she hit the sand softly. She scrambled back to her feet, still laughing, and tore off towards the sea.
A small smile twitched at the corner of Crosshair’s mouth as he set his feet into the sand and launched into his own sprint. With his long legs he caught Omega easily, swinging her up and around and dumping her unceremoniously back to face the wrong direction. Then he overtook her, his speed increasing as dry sand became damp near the water’s edge, until he splashed up to his ankles into the warm sea.
He turned back with a triumphant smile, arms folded across his chest, waiting for Omega to catch up to him. The girl was gasping when she did, doubled over as she laughed and caught her breath at the same time.
“You’re too fast, Crosshair,” she half-scolded, bending down to flick water up at him. “It’s not a fair race!”
“It’s fair when you race Hunter? You started before he was ready.”
“He lets me have a head start!”
Crosshair glanced back up the beach to where Hunter was stowing the sun lotion with their packs before heading to join them. “Lets you,” he said with an eye roll. “Sure.”
By the time Hunter reached them Omega was happily splashing about, practicing messy swimming strokes. Crosshair hadn’t ventured any further into the water, content to stand and watch, keeping his gaze fixed on Omega as his brother came to stand by his side.
“She’s like you,” he commented, tilting his head a little as he spoke.
Hunter glanced up at him. “How do you mean?”
A wry grin. “She’s never going to beat me in a flat race.”
Crosshair staggered as Hunter shoved him, almost flailing forwards into the water. He rounded on his brother, dashing water up the same way Omega had earlier, but Hunter tackled him with full force and sent them both sprawling into the shallows.
Old combat training was hard to ignore, and Crosshair kicked his feet up under Hunter’s body to send him flying over his head and into the deeper water. Omega squealed and splashed out of the way as Hunter crashed near her, and Crosshair rolled to his feet, running a hand through his hair to brush the warm saltwater from it.
Ocean water. Warm, and welcoming, and fun. How different their lives on Pabu were to their early days on Kamino.
Crosshair shook his arms out next, droplets of water arcing in the sun. “What’s the point of sun lotion if you’re going to drench me and wash it off?” he grumbled, glaring at where Hunter surfaced beside Omega with his own long brown hair plastered to his shoulders.
Hunter merely grinned and turned to Omega. “Ready for your swimming lesson, kid?”
Crosshair smiled to himself as the two of them took off, Hunter’s strong brown arms cutting cleanly through the water, Omega splashing a little more erratically as she tried to keep up. The former sniper turned and ventured back up the beach, finding a warm, dry patch of sand to settle down on again.
For a while he sat with his elbows resting loosely on his knees, watching his siblings at play in the water. Something strange tugged in his chest as he did so – something welcome, a little bit light, a little bit painful, an ache of longing and belonging that he was learning to sit with comfortably now.
Things had changed. A lot. But if this was where they were settling, he could be happy about it.
Eventually he laid back, finding his comfortable basking position again, and closed his eyes. Then all he watched was brightness as the sun danced over his lids, feeling the soft scrape of sand against his skin and scalp as he nestled into his warm position.
Omega and Hunter’s laughter carried softly above the sound of lapping water and the distant calls of seabirds. A gentle breeze moved the fronds of nearby trees, and tickled pleasantly across Crosshair’s skin. Despite Hunter dunking him into the water his shorts were drying quickly, and his skin was already dry and warm again.
It was so peaceful that Crosshair let himself doze.
“Cross.” Hunter nudged him gently. “Ready for dinner?”
Crosshair stirred slowly from his pleasant nap, detecting the scent of wood-smoke and cooked food before opening his eyes. Hunter’s half-tattooed face was above him, inverted, hair hanging down loosely between them.
“’m coming,” muttered Crosshair, stretching the sleep from his limbs before sitting up. The sun was lower now, sparkling golden-red as it hovered much closer to the horizon. It was still warm, but the breeze from the water carried a little more chill and Crosshair shivered.
Without a word Hunter passed him his shirt and he pulled it loosely over his head, threading arms through and standing to follow his brother to the small campfire further up the beach. Omega was still in her swim-gear, wrapped in a fluffy towel, poking at the embers which gently cooked their evening meal. Hunter didn’t seem to mind the chill of early evening, still only in his swim-shorts.
Crosshair thumped down on one side of the fire and Hunter crossed to the other, sitting beside Omega. The heat that radiated from the fire was welcome, and Crosshair brushed sand from his hands and took the plate that Omega passed him.
“How’d the swim lesson go?” he asked, holding the plate steady as Hunter portioned their meal into it. The sweet aroma of baked fruits made his mouth water, and he tucked in the moment his was served.
“Crosshair, wait for ours,” Omega complained, but he only grinned and made a show of taking another succulent mouthful.
“Swimming was good,” Hunter told him, handing Omega her plate before dishing his own. He was a little breathless, making Crosshair wonder if he had been back into the water after sending Omega to watch the fire. His hair dripped rivulets of water down his bare shoulders and chest, and Crosshair decided his theory was probably correct.
“I can do back-stroke now,” Omega told him proudly, grinning up at Hunter.
Hunter’s smile softened and he ruffled Omega’s drying hair. “You did good, kid,” he praised, and Crosshair’s heart tugged at the glow of affection between them.
Crosshair gestured towards their small boat. “Guess I get more legroom on the row home, if you’re swimming alongside the boat,” he teased, and Omega stuck her tongue out at him. Hunter only chuckled.
“Are we rowing back after we’ve eaten?” he asked, looking to where the sun shimmered above the water.
Omega made a dismayed noise. Crosshair glanced at her, then turned his sharp gaze on Hunter.
“Seems a shame to waste such a clear night,” he said, his tone nonchalant, the way he held Hunter’s eyes anything but. “You two head back if you want. I might stay out.”
“If Crosshair’s staying, I’m staying,” said Omega firmly, turning to Hunter with a flash of stubbornness.
Hunter shook his head with a rueful smile. “Guess I’m outnumbered,” he said, tucking Omega under his arm for a hug. “Good thing I brought camping gear.”
Omega squeaked with delight and wrapped her arms round Hunter, returning his half-embrace with her whole-hearted one. Then she was off, abandoning her meal to run down to their boat and search the storage compartment for the camping equipment she hadn’t known they had.
“You spoil her,” said Crosshair drily.
“Like you’re any better.”
A fleeting flicker of affection passed over Crosshair’s face as he watched Omega “I don’t know what you mean.”
The moon gleamed silvery-blue on the rippling water, highlighting the crests of waves that the night breeze chased gently onto the sand. The air was full of the chirp of insects from the grass-tufted cliff that ringed the cove; the occasional lonely caw of a seabird that had yet to roost joined their chorus.
Hunter let out a soft, contented growl as Crosshair scratched his fingers into his hair, running his nails over Hunter's scalp. He was lay with his head in his brother’s lap, body stretched out long in the sand beside the dying warmth of their campfire. In the small tent behind them, Omega was already asleep.
Smiling softly to see his brother so relaxed, Cross pulled at the long strands of his hair, still slightly damp from the ocean.
"You should cut your hair."
Hunter kept his eyes closed but bared his teeth in a dangerous smile. "Not happening. I like it long."
Crosshair huffed a laugh, raking his fingers through the lengths. Since settling on Pabu Hunter's hair had grown out, curling down past his collar. When it had been wet from their swim, it had reached half-way down his shoulder-blades.
"I bet you didn't bring a comb," he continued, teasing knots from Hunter's mane. "If you sleep with it like this it’ll be a nightmare to deal with in the morning."
"So do something about it," said Hunter, a sleepy challenge accompanied by a yawn.
Crosshair snorted softly and continued combing his fingers through Hunter's hair, making sure to stop and attend to any tangles that caught. Hunter merely dozed contentedly, head relaxed back into Crosshair's lap and eyes hooded to slits.
"Sit up," Crosshair demanded after a while, tapping Hunter on the shoulder. His brother opened his eyes and grumbled but did so, looking at Cross inquisitively.
"No, with your back to me," Crosshair said, pushing at Hunter to turn him. Once he had shifted into position Crosshair raked his hair smooth once more, then portioned it into three thick strands and carefully began to weave.
Hunter chucked, bringing one hand up to brush his fingers over the base of the plait. "Where did you learn to do this?" he asked. Crosshair ignored him, deftly braiding the strands together before tying off the ends with a small knot.
"There," he said with a hum of satisfaction. "Now it won't tangle."
"Feels weird," Hunter complained, resting his back against Crosshair's front, head reclined on his shoulder.
Crosshair didn't reply, just smoothed his hand over Hunter's hair once more. Before long Hunter had gone heavy against him, lulled into relaxing as Crosshair absent-mindedly continued to stroke his hair.
“You can sleep,” Crosshair murmured, words barely more than a breath by Hunter’s ear. “I’ll keep watch.”
Hunter tilted his face sleepily into Crosshair’s neck. “We’re not soldiers any more,” was his whispered reply. “You don’t have to keep watch.”
Crosshair’s hand stilled, his body tensing. Hunter flickered his eyes open, a quick glance at his brother, before nudging his head back under his hand to prompt Crosshair to resume his ministrations.
“Teach me to braid hair?” he asked after a while, a soft, embarrassed plea.
Scrunching his fingers into Hunter’s hair, Crosshair shook himself from his thoughts with a dry chuckle. “You just said it feels weird?”
“So I can braid Omega’s.”
The puff of Crosshair’s breath tickled Hunter’s ear. “Sure. Why not.”
A lull of silence. Crosshair felt his thoughts grow hazy, sleep tugging at the corners of his senses. Hunter was right. No need to stay awake through the night.
“Thank you. For helping me with Omega.”
A thin smile pulled at Crosshair’s lips. “Kid’s had a good day.”
“Because you joined us for this camping trip.”
Fingers stroked gently through Hunter’s hair. “You’re doing well with her. You make a better big brother than you did a sergeant.”
Hunter reached one hand up, lazily rubbing his palm over Crosshair’s coarse silvery hair. “I had a good role model.”
Crosshair swatted his hand away, but his pretence at disgruntlement was belied by his smile. “You’re getting soft.”
A yawn and a stretch. “I… think I’m okay with that.”
Crosshair’s smile turned tender as he wrapped his other arm round Hunter’s chest, holding him close.
“I think I am too.”
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lucy-gray1075 · 9 months
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finnick odair who braids your hair after a long day at the beach. finnick odair who loves taking showers or baths with you, really anything that involves water and you is heaven to him. finnick odair who wants you to "just sit pretty like the princess you are" while he does all the chores. finnick odair who teaches you how to surf and then carries you home on his back when you get tired. finnick odair who is so protective of you it makes your heart hurt. finnick odair who is a terrible chef but insists on cooking for you anyways because his "pretty princess needs to relax." finnick odair who surprises you with jewelry he made himself from little seashells he collected at the beach. finnick odair who gives you baby fever when he teaches the local children how to fish.
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b14augrana · 1 month
You and your mami go on vacation
Alexia Putellas x child!reader
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Warnings: ✖️, this is just fluff
A/N: this is my first time writing a child!reader fic 🥴 everyone say hi to our baby putellas!
i know i had a poll up for a few hours but i’ve just realised that ad astra per aspera (which won by a long shot) will probably take a while to write because it’s gonna be pretty long and in depth, and i wrote this quicker than expected so i might as well publish it. enjoy and let me know what u think!
“Capri, cariña. Can you say Capri?”
You smile at your mami in the mirror as she braids your hair, and you respond to her, “Capi!”
“Very close. Ca-pri, come on, you can do it,” Alexia coos, securing the end of your braid with a little rubber band. Your eyebrows knit together as you concentrate extra hard on pronouncing the word right for Mami. “Capi– noooo, that not it. Ca-pri… Capri?”
“You did it!” Alexia cheers, clapping her hands together. You beam immediately, copying her gesture as you clap your little hands and grin at her in the mirror. “Capri, am I saying it?” you ask eagerly, turning your head to look at her.
“Perfect,” she replies, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as she holds onto your shoulders gently. “Now you can pick what to wear in your hair.”
“Can you pick for me, mami? Too many, hard to pick,” you say.
You stand up and toddle over to your box of hair accessories. Alexia still remembers when you were half the age you are now, and you could barely stand up. You’ve come so far.
You lift the box up, and it’s not very heavy or big, but you feel strong lifting it all on your own without Mami.
She’s about to choose when you reach in and pull out a colourful bandana. It’s got a design on it that represents a neighbourhood, and it’s printed in purple-blue and pink stripes. In other words, it’s a 21/22 Barça third kit that Alexia repurposed.
About a month ago, she asked you what you wanted to wear in your hair, much like she did today. You got up and told her to wait, then you ran out of her bedroom.
When you came back, you had your tiny-versioned third kit on your head and a beaming smile on your face as you told her you were ready to go.
Alexia had multiple copies of the third kit from the 2022 season, so she transformed it into a little bandana you could properly wear on your hair.
“You want to wear that one?” she asks, and you nod confidently, handing it to her so she can tie it on your head.
She spins you around and ties it just above your hairline, smiling fondly as she spins you back around and admires her work. “Muy guapa, cariña. Put on your shoes and we can go to the beach.”
Mami stands up and walks to her suitcase, then she grabs her flip flops. You remember that you have the same flip flops as Mami and naturally, you want to match with her, so you run to pick up your own flip flops that are left beside your open suitcase.
You appear beside Alexia and stamp your foot to draw attention to your footwear. “Mami, look! I’m just like you!” you giggle.
She hopes that one day, other people will say the same thing when you grow up and play football for Barça just like her, keeping the Putellas legacy alive for another generation.
All she’s ever wanted out of a child is one who will inherit her footballing prestige, and she thinks you’re exactly that, because you love to kick your mini football around the house back at home, and you’ve got an eye for hitting it against the couch.
For now, she smiles at you, sticking her foot outwards while you’re amused by your matching shoes.
“Let’s go to the beach now,” Alexia says, offering you her hand. You happily grab ahold of her index finger with your entire hand, since that’s all you can fit.
Your little bag full of beach essentials is on your back as you and Mami walk to the beach. The bag of actual essentials is on Alexia’s back. Italy is a very nice country, and there’s so many colourful houses in Capri.
As you totter down the streets alongside Mami, you pass many people. To each one of them, you wave hello, and you grin every time they wave back at you as you turn to your Mami and tell her about your new friends that waved at you.
You’re totally enamoured of the neighbourhoods you two walk through to end up at the beach.
Immediately, you bend down to swoop your hand through the soft sand and laugh at the sensation. “Sand!” you exclaim, holding a fistful up to Alexia.
“That’s very nice, but what about the water?” she responds, motioning to the clear light blue water ahead. Your eyes light up, and you tug Alexia towards the water, though she doesn’t go far because you’re only tiny and not that strong yet.
She laughs and pulls you back towards her, picking you up in one fluid motion. “We can’t swim yet, you need to put on sunscreen!”
You huff and fold your arms stubbornly, frowning until Alexia gently tickles you in the stomach and sends you into a giggle fit which brings back your grin.
“Sunscreen first and then you can swim for as long as you want, I promise,” Alexia says, walking to a nearby beach umbrella with you in her arms. She sets you down, and once she lays out the beach mat, you plop down and get ready for her to put the sunscreen on.
She unpacks the bag and puts your water bottle and beach towel out on the mat, along with the sunscreen and her own water bottle. You unpack your own bag and pull out your mermaid toys and arm floaties.
“Mami, blow?” you toddle over to Alexia with the floaties in your arms, thrusting them forwards for her to blow up.
“In a minute cariña, sit down first so I can put your sunscreen on and then I’ll blow up your floaties. Vale?” She takes the floaties from you anyway and places them down beside her.
You nod, bum shuffling across the mat until you’re sitting in front of Alexia. You giggle as the cold sunscreen touches your face, and you scrunch your nose with a little gummy smile.
You’re just the bubbliest baby she’s ever seen. You have her smile and the same almond eyes, which disappear whenever you smile. Everything about you is tiny and adorable, and Alexia can’t help but be in awe of you the entire time.
Many people she knew had plans to spend their vacation with others. Alexia elected to spend hers with you, and she’s unapologetically glad she did, because now she’s on an island off the coast of Italy with the person she loves most and she’s the happiest she could be.
“All done,” Alexia says, rubbing the excess sunscreen on her own arms. You clap your hands and your smile hasn’t faltered. “Can we swim, Mami?” you ask hopefully, but your smile finally fades when Alexia shakes her head.
“I’m not swimming yet, I’m sorry cariña. Maybe later.”
“Not swim without Mami!” you protest, smacking your hands against the mat. You pout and cross your arms once again, kicking your floaties away.
Alexia frowns, grabbing your floaties back as she tries to restore your good mood. “I’ll swim later! Don’t you want to go see if you can find any fishies?”
You turn your back on her, shaking your head adamantly. “No!”
Mami sighs and begins to blow up your floaties anyway. When she’s done, she puts them in her lap. “You still need to put your floaties on.”
You let her slip them onto your arms, but afterwards you go back to crossing them tightly over your chest. “No mami, no swim,” you state.
“Okay okay, you little monkey,” Alexia laughs, standing up and running to the water. You’re quick to follow her, and you stumble along happily behind her with a newfound smile on your face that’s wider than ever. You and Mami go crashing into the water with a big splash.
Alexia pops up from underneath the water, and she shakes the water from her face and flicks it on you. “Mami, watch out!” you laugh, splashing her back by slapping your toys on the surface of the water.
She laughs as well, and soon you’re both splashing each other with your hands and toys. She puts you on her back and wades through the water, the pair of you floating calmly in the clearest sea you’ve ever seen.
“I like Ca-pri,” you say, holding onto Mami tightly as she swims. “Me too, cariña. It’s very nice,” Alexia replies, and the water laps at your back while she speaks.
Eventually, when the water is shallow enough, Mami lets you off her back and you can play with your toys in the water. Your bandana is helpful because your head doesn’t burn in the sun while you play, and you have more fun.
Alexia watches you fondly as you kick your little legs to stay afloat and play with your mermaids until it’s time to go and you trudge out of the water, teeth chattering slightly. The water and the sun kept you warm, but now it’s starting to set and you’re getting cold.
Mami wraps you in your towel and deflates your floaties while you put on your flip flops again, and then she packs your toys and floaties into your bag. “Come on cariña,” she says once you’re all packed up, giving you her hand again, “Do you want ice cream?”
“Yes! Love ice cream!” you exclaim, doing a little jump of happiness before gripping onto Alexia’s index finger again. “Let’s go get ice cream then, hm?” she adds, and you let go of her finger for a moment so you can clap your hands excitedly.
“Ice cream, ice cream!”
The chances of you pursuing the same career as Alexia used to be her biggest concern, but now there’s so many other things she looks forward to, like vacationing in lots more places with her carbon copy and eating gelato in Italy while the sun goes down.
She wouldn’t have it any other way.
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solangelotus · 4 months
she’s thunderstorms
luke castellan x reader (MDNI)
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beautiful patterns on the window pane
summary: you and luke agreed to be friends with benefits, but that all changes for you after a climactic moment together. luke knew his feelings before this agreement, but yours are a sudden revelation.
word count: 4.2k
warnings: zeus!reader, talks about greek tragedies/violence, angst if you squint, smut MDNI! (warnings under the cut). clarisse x silena. reader wears a bikini. percabeth mentions. reader has long enough hair for two braids
author’s note: this is based off of this post i saw! also, this is my first time writing something creatively in a whopping FIVE years! so please be kind <3 this will be a small series that i have planned out, but i want to see how this is received before committing!
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smut warnings: oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (don’t do that), p in v, slight breeding kink maybe, praise, pet names. little bit of dom reader and sub luke but nothing too obvious
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a forbidden child. gods and monsters alike all wanted you to pay for a life you didn’t even ask for. you had tried leaving camp occasionally, opting to try and live a somewhat normal life but it wasn’t possible as a child of the king of the gods. you always made your way back to camp half-blood, and back to the only place that feels like home.
this summer the heat is overwhelming. any day where you weren’t forced to teach combat or how to make friendship bracelets meant taking advantage of the empty beach that overlooked long island sound. your reprieve from the heat was typically spent with other campers. silena beauregard and clarisse la rue joined you today, and all three of you rested on towels underneath the bright sun.
“where’s luke?” clarisse asks, handing you a bowl of strawberries from the picnic basket you three had packed at lunch.
“oh, him and chris are stuck on dish duty,” silena explains with a shrug, not caring about the fact she’s to be blamed for their absences. “their cabin was a big mess this morning, and it was the nicest job i could give them. cabin nine is on stable duties right now. can’t have charlie thinking i’m soft on him. lee’s at an infirmary shift i think.”
“you are soft on him,” clarisse teases and silena scrunches her nose at her taller girlfriend. the latter shoves a strawberry into the former’s mouth with a laugh. “what? it’s no different than my friendship with chris, and i am not afraid to admit i’m soft on him. they're our exes.”
“y/n’s not soft on her exes, she’s only soft on her boy toy,” silena points out, and you lift your sunglasses to rest them on the top of your head. you narrow your eyes at the daughter of aphrodite.
“i don’t have any exes, and he is not my boy toy.”
“no, he’s just your best friend who you occasionally fuck and are completely in love with.”
“but you’re not denying that you have a soft spot for him?” silena smirks. of course, you are soft for luke castellan.
the son of hermes was the first person you met at camp and had been your best friend since you were fifteen. no matter how prideful you were, there was no chance of denying your loyalty to the boy who had been at your side for the last four years.
“it’s not like that,” you say to clarisse, ignoring silena’s question. “it’s strictly platonic. we have an agreement.”
“yeah, yeah, we know you don’t do relationships,” silena interjects, stating it as if it’s the biggest sin someone could commit. you suppose it may be to her; she was a favorite of her mother, and everything she did and said was full of love.
“no fighting, you two.”
“rich coming from you.”
“what? i was joking!”
“it’s so funny,” clarisse deadpans, and the three of you begin to laugh. you put your empty bowl back into the picnic basket and pull your band tee off before pushing yourself up to stand.
“can we swim now?”
“give me a second,” the daughter of aphrodite says and takes your hand to stand. covering her swimsuit is a floor-length pink sundress that you’re certain was the reason she and clarisse happened to be late to the beach.
silena may have inherited desire from her mother, but clarisse inherited passion from her father. you never would have pinned clarisse to like fashion, but anytime silena wore a sundress it was bad news for anyone around them. once she sheds the dress, clarisse grabs her hand and runs towards the water. you trail behind them, enjoying the sight of two of your closest friends' love for each other.
truth be told, you did envy them to some extent. the average demigod's lifespan was already short, and yours was even shorter. making it to nineteen was a miracle in and of itself.
it didn’t seem fair to rope someone else into a romantic greek tragedy. you would only do it if you were the one left behind. but as a forbidden child, that was and will never be an option. you are the eurydice, the hyacinthus, the daphne, and the achilles. in every version of your story, death would be your only option. grief would be a privilege.
by the time the boys finished their chores, they came into view with a few stragglers behind them. “oh, great. i thought the point of beach days was that they were childless.”
“who even is it?” you ask after silena splashes clarisse for her comments.
“looks like that fucking new kid.”
“you stay away from him, clar.”
“no promises, love.”
“oh, are you talking about percy jackson?”
“yeah, he failed his cabin inspection too,” silena answers you. if you had a soft spot for anyone, it would undoubtedly be the only other forbidden child at camp (sans your pine tree sister). luke spent a lot of time training percy, and you spent a lot of time voicing your experiences and frustrations with each other.
“he’s the only one in his cabin.”
“so is y/n, and she hardly ever makes it in the top five,” silena points out and you splash her. the boys set down their stuff, and you notice percy getting pushed by another girl. you make your way onto the shore as percy sprints past you with annabeth right on his heels.
“hey, stormy,” luke greets you. you swat at his hand which tries to touch your hip and push him away from you with a laugh. he gets his hands back on you and pulls your back flush against his chest. his hand snakes around to rest on the lower part of your belly. “can you blame me for wanting to get my hands on you when you look this good?”
“luke!” you chastised. before summer started, you both had snuck out of camp to go shopping with the money your mom had sent you. when you tried on the royal blue bikini, luke’s jaw had gone slack and you knew you had to buy it. he looks at you with a smirk once you spin around, and you stand on the tip of your toes to whisper in his ear. “you can do that later.”
“gods,” he mumbles and watches as you run back into the water. you cup a handful of water and throw it at percy who retaliates by sending a wave of water down on top of you.
luke feels like he can’t breathe when he sees you laugh and squeeze the water out of your soaking braids. he watches your hands and feels his heartbeat race as he sees you adjust the bottoms of your swimsuit.
“stop staring,” lee fletcher nudges him with a smile, and chris nods from beside him. the boys relentlessly tease luke at every chance they get. they knew to keep the information about you and luke to themselves but he was a loudmouth. he had trouble keeping it in when you were such a beautiful person to love on.
“i need to go help lena with clarisse before she tries to kill percy,” chris groans and runs into the water when percy accidentally splashes her in the process of trying to get annabeth. beckendorf follows him to help, but silena successfully stops clarisse’s anger with a kiss. luke wishes he could be so open with his affection for you.
he pulls his shirt off and sets it down beside yours. he catches your smile when he begins his descent into the water, and your eyes dip down to his v-line that pokes out from his swimming trunks. gods, he is going to kill you someday.
“y/n,” annabeth drags out your name and tugs on your arm, “play chicken with me and percy, please?”
“sure, you want castellan in on it?”
“luke,” she calls out and wades over to him. he smiles at her and tries to shake his head, but the young girl tugs him over until you are face to face with his pout.
“this feels unfair, stormy. why did you say yes?”
“just bend down,” you instruct and he blushes. he would be lying if he said he doesn’t love when you order him around.
“yes, ma’am.”
you push yourself up onto the lithe boy’s shoulders, just as a wave pulls annabeth out of the water and onto percy’s shoulders. she squeals in surprise, and he latches onto her hands to keep her balanced. you smile at the two, and look over at silena who sends you a silent message: percy is trying to impress annabeth. he likes her, and you know the daughter of athena well enough to recognize those feelings are returned.
annabeth calls your name, and you find yourself tugging and pushing against her to try and knock her off of her perch. luke’s grip on your thighs is distracting, especially as you feel him move his hands higher up at each opportunity. your heart speeds up in your chest and you can’t tell if it’s from the hands teasing the flesh on your legs or from the excitement of pushing the girl into the water.
percy groans and dips under the water to find her, while you and luke cheer. you try to coax him to look up at you but fail to move his head and feel a sharp, pleasurable pain on your thigh. you smack his chest, and he looks up at you with a wide grin. your heart drops to your stomach when you see the deep red mark presenting itself on your thigh. you splash water at his face when you hop down from his shoulders and he winces. “did you fucking bite me?”
“that,” he pauses and pulls you flush against him, “is payback for annabeth wanting me to go to the infirmary last week for the hickeys you left.”
it wasn’t very often that luke was able to make a mess of you in public. usually, you force him to keep it behind closed doors. he stares down at you with a smirk, enjoying the pink dusting your cheeks.
he spins you and wraps his arms around you from behind. you were familiar with this dangerous dance of his, one that he does when he wants you. “it would be a shame if a storm were to ruin our beach day, and we had to go back to your cabin.”
“a shame indeed,” you agree, and feel a tug in your stomach as you hold your hand towards a faraway point of the rocky shore. lightning strikes down, and a scream comes from percy as rain clouds begin forming overhead. annabeth laughs at her boy’s antics and runs with him as he tries to get to the shore as fast as possible. “you’re going to have to work a little harder than that to get what you want.”
“y/n, luke! come on!” silena calls and luke whines as you push off of him. he watches as you saunter out of the water, one hand behind you as you wield more storm clouds into camp. he slowly follows you and dies when you pull your tee shirt over your head. your ass pokes out from the bottom of the arctic monkeys shirt he had gotten with a five-finger discount at a concert you had snuck into. he would do anything you want right now if you were alone on this beach.
you turn around and toss him your towel, which blinds him as it lands directly on his face. you and percy laugh together, and luke just stands in defeat until he feels the fabric fall off his face. you move and stop yourself in front of him to wrap the towel around his neck as if it’s a cape. the smile on your face as you dry off his shoulders and chest makes him fully believe you were made for him. he says a silent prayer to zeus. he finds himself praying to your father more than ever. only the king of the gods could bring such an ethereal being to life. he’s sure that you were more divine than human.
“you like this, don’t you?” you ask. luke leans his face into your hands as you dry his hair off.
“me taking care of you,” you add, causing him to blush. he takes the towel from you and covers his face again. “nothing to be embarrassed about, pretty boy. you know i like it, too.”
“stormy,” he groans and you rip the towel off his face.
“c’mon guys, we need to get back to our cabins before the storm starts,” lee ushers everyone off the shore.
“it just came out of nowhere,” percy pouts, saddened by the rain ruining his swimming.
“yeah, super weird, perce,” silena agrees and narrows her eyes at you. you tug luke with you as you run off into the tree line with him. far enough away from both the beach and the cabins is when you find yourself pushing luke against the trunk of a tree. he smiles down at you, his cheeks red, and he reminds you vividly of the first time you decided to sleep together.
bruises litter his skin as you kiss a path up his chest back to his neck. his hands grip your thighs and you let out quiet sighs when he squeezes them ever so slightly. you sit up, your core resting lightly on him, and grind down on him. his eyes close at the movement and he lets out a low groan, his grip becoming tighter. it feels more intimate than anything you have done. your best friend squirms underneath you, and you feel a love and desire unlike any before.
you cup his cheeks and instruct him to open his eyes. he looks at you with heavy lids, and a heavy, warm feeling erupts in your chest. his cheeks are flushed, and he has a small content smile on his face. you feel like the most important person in the world; you feel like more than just a daughter.
you dip down and kiss him hard, a moan surprising the both of you from the back of his throat. you roll your hips against his again and open your mouth in surprise at how hard he is. his head falls back against your pillow, and you begin to kiss along his jaw, “is this okay?”
“yeah, that’s — that’s okay, y/n,” he speaks through gasps and you smile against his skin. he feels your teeth against his adam’s apple and murmurs your name again. “please, keep going. don’t stop.”
luke’s mouth on yours brings you out of your reverie. his hands toy with the end of your shirt, and he slips his tongue into your mouth when you gasp. his fingertips trace lightly over your core on your bikini bottoms, and your hands grip his arms tightly. you can hear your friends closing in from a distance. “we can’t be doing this here, luke.”
“i want you,” he whines when you circle his wrist with your fingers to pull it away. you let go and walk backwards in the direction of the camp with him walking slowly towards you, like a predator to prey.
“come get me then,” you tell him and turn to sprint towards your cabin. he has an advantage in sword fighting, but you will always be faster than him. he gains ground on you with his long legs, but you run into your cabin before him. his chest heaves by the time you let him lay you down on the bed.
luke likes you in control of him, teasing and teaching him where you like to be touched. he enjoys you teaching him new things about himself, where he’s most sensitive, and what makes him cum fastest. he loves when you relinquish control once in a while and you let him divulge and enjoy every part of your body that he can.
what luke castellan enjoys most is when your body shakes as he eats you out. he knows you love it, too, by the eagerness with which you allow the bottoms of your bikini to be removed.
he applies light pressure to your clit with his tongue and pushes your hips down to prevent you from squirming away from him. fervent moans leave your body, and your thighs squeeze his head. the way his tongue quickly switches from kitten licks to lapping makes your head spin until his name comes out like a mantra, like a prayer. luke, luke, luke. you’re tempted to give gratitude to the gods for blessing you with such a lover.
when he kisses you, you wrap your legs around his waist and rake your fingers through his hair. he pulls away and nuzzles his face into your neck. you wrap your arms around him, in a tight hug, and a contented sigh leaves his lips. he enjoys moments where you let him love you too.
his feelings remain unknown to you, but each time he finds himself touching you, tasting you, and feeling you around him is reason enough to enjoy your friendship as it is. although, truly, he feels this is something that even friends don’t do. you confirm his suspicions when you manage to flip him and remove his swim trunks. no friend that he knows of could ever touch him so easily, get him to breathe so heavily, and make him nearly cum with just a few strokes.
“leave your shirt on,” he breathes out, his breathing heavy from you guiding him inside you. he fills you completely, and a sigh escapes your lips. your eyes meet each other and luke believes you look like royalty with the soft glow of the sunset in the background creating a halo around your head. your hair is in two braids — something he was sure clarisse did for you — and he toys with the ends, trying to steady his breathing as you remain reluctant to move.
“truthfully, you look stunning in nothing but that shirt?”
“this shirt?” you laugh, and he groans as he feels you tighten around him. his head falls back against his pillow, and you move your hips in slow, languid circles against him.
it’s hard to keep serious, to act like he doesn’t press against your walls in the most perfect ways. like he doesn’t make you feel better than any person before him. you rest a hand on the nape of his neck and push lightly so he is forced to look at you. you try to remain calm, despite the building pressure. “clarisse always goes crazy when silena wears sundresses. you feel that way with these shirts?”
“yes,” he sighs. you often find yourself being asked to keep the band tees on during sex that he has stolen for you. luke can’t explain it, there’s just something so electric about something he has gotten you adorning your body. the bands, and the music, brought you much passion and you when you were passionate was something that drove him up a wall.
he couldn’t deny that your frame adored by the graphic band tees was something he thought about while fucking his fist when he failed to have you. now that he has you, he tries his best to share what turns him on the most. “you look like royalty.”
“i am,” you retort, and increase the pace of your hips. you groan and lean down to rest your forearms on either side of his head. he looks at you, eyes full of bliss, and he sits up enough to smash your lips together. you moan into his mouth, struggling to keep your wits when it feels so good. “what do you want, pretty boy?”
luke takes a second to comprehend your question. he’s whimpering and gripping your sides hard enough to leave bruises. sometimes you wonder if you are made for each other when he fucks you this well. he tries to take a deep breath, but his breath comes out in shutters. “can i mark you up?”
“f-fuck, yeah,” you mutter, and he sits up, his confidence increasing from the stutter in your words. he wraps his arms around your back, pulling you tight against him. he nibbles at your neck, running his tongue over the marks to soothe them. you are sure you have reached elysium; his teeth on your neck, and his hands guiding your hips as you rock against him. “luke?”
this is the most control you have ever granted him. he relishes the opportunity to make you fall apart and wonders why it all suddenly feels so different as you struggle to keep up your pace. on the other hand, you found yourself experiencing similar thoughts. you are more relaxed this time, more comfortable with allowing him to do whatever he wants with your body. it’s true intimacy, you finally allow yourself to relinquish what led you to sex in the first place: control.
“i-i want, um, i want,” you pause, taking in a gasp of air. he feels so good, so godly. you feel pathetic but fail to care. you know luke would never use this vulnerability against you. it’s hard to focus when he fills you so perfectly to the point where you are nearly knocked over the edge.
“what do you want, princess?” he asks, and you blush at the near-pornographic moan that leaves your throat. you rest your forehead on his shoulder, trying to hide your flushed cheeks. he reaches between your sweaty bodies and begins to rub harsh circles on your clit, causing a high-pitched whine to leave your throat. “c’mon, princess, you're doing so good. tell me what you want.”
“fuck,” you cry, biting down on his shoulder to prevent another loud moan from escaping your mouth. he groans and quickened his pace on your clit, causing another string of whimpers to leave you. you are entirely sure that you have never remained on edge for so long. you want to scream, to shout his name to anyone who will hear. you don’t even care if the whole camp hears. the praises, the nicknames, it’s all so new and so invigorating.
“please, talk to me.”
“i’m so close.”
“me too, baby. where do you want me to finish?”
“luke,” your voice comes out as a whine again, “cum in me.”
few words escape either of you, they are replaced with lewd sounds loud enough to only increase your arousal. he channels his unraveling with fast, rough movements on your clit, and with his mouth sucking on your neck.
you cum first, squeezing him within an inch of his life. he removes his fingers from your core, and places them on your hips, lifting and slamming you down on his cock. you nearly scream, the feeling so overstimulating after two orgasms.
when he finally cums in you with a groan, you clench around him, milking every last drop you can get. when you first slept together (and every consecutive time following), you felt embarrassed at the idea of him cumming inside of you being so hot.
he assures you each time that he feels the same, but you never have the confidence to let it happen. now you couldn’t care less at the idea as he collapses onto his back with you falling on his chest.
both of you are unsure of how long you lay there, but it’s long enough for him to soften inside of you. every movement leaves you whimpering, so spent from the activities of the day. he holds you tight, and you trace shapes and letters on his chest as he tries to guess them.
when he finally falls asleep, you pull yourself off him and admire the soft, kind boy beside you. you trace the scar on his face, and lean up to kiss the corner of his mouth. he doesn’t so much as stir in his sleep, and you catch yourself tracing three letters on his chest: I, L, Y.
luke is clueless of this as he sleeps, which you thank the gods for. love was never something you thought you would experience, but this surely had to be it, right? this was something so spectacular and ground shaking to you.
there were parts of yourself that he knew of that you would never tell anyone. you were fucked, you knew this the first time he made you cum. all of that pent up tension was more than sexual frustration, it was desire and blooming feelings you tried to hide from the moment you met him.
no one matches the feeling in your chest when he smiles. no one matches the butterflies in your belly when he pays you attention. no one ever has and ever will receive the same love you give luke, and maybe this is the moment where you finally will accept that it’s okay to love the son of hermes.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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nìfnu [nɪ.ˈfnu] adv. silently
Anonymous Request: Can I have a story where it’s Ao’nung x Metkayina Reader who’s deaf and a sweetheart. When the Sullys arrive she doesn’t really interact with them so when they see Ao’nung being kind and protective towards her it they feel confused? Just pure fluff.
Lo'ak leans over and nudges his older sister, Kiri, forcefully on the arm.
"Ouch!" she yelps. "What, Lo'ak?"
He points, and she follows the line from his finger. It leads her eyes to Ao'nung, just a few paces down the beach from them, and he's with a Metkayina girl that Kiri doesn't recognize. She's tall, nearly as tall as Ao'nung, with her long hair pulled back into one large, thick braid. She wears a thin, shiny net over her shoulders, and Kiri notes how pretty it is. It glimmers in the sun. Kiri also notes how, even though Ao'nung and this girl are above walker, they are using the hand-speak to communicate.
"That girl. Neteyam tried to talk to her earlier, but she ignored him. And there she is, being so nice to Ao'nung. Who's an asshole."
Kiri elbows her sibling. "To you, he is. He looks like he's being perfectly friendly to that girl. And, I mean, she's very pretty."
"Why are they using the hand speak? They're not in the water."
Kiri shrugs. "How should I know? Stop elbowing me when you want something, Lo'ak. It hurts."
He groans and rolls his eyes, and turns his attention back to Ao'nung and the girl who rejected Neteyam.
"How are they adjusting?" I sign to Ao'nung, who shrugs and rolls his eyes. It's no secret that he resents having to teach the newcomers their ways, but I think it's nice. Ao'nung needs to humble himself sometimes, be more like his kind little sister.
"They are slow," Ao'nung signs in return. "I don't want to teach them. It's a waste of my time."
I reach out, pushing on his arm a little. "They seem sweet to me, especially the little one. Try to have patience with them. I would offer to help, but they don't know how to talk to me."
"Yet," he replies, and I smile.
Neteyam asks Tsireya about the girl, Y/N, the next day. He's noticed that she only uses hand-speak as well, and wonders.
"She can't hear," Tsireya says. "She's only spoken that way her whole life."
Neteyam could smack himself. He'd taken her silence as harsh rejection, when really, she just wasn't able to respond to him.
"Oh!" he exclaims. "She's, uh, really beautiful."
Tsireya laughs and smiles. "She is, but I wouldn't trouble yourself. Ao'nung has been in love with her for years." She throws a glance to her brother over her shoulder, but he's too busy making fun of Lo'ak to hear.
"Ao'nung?" Neteyam replies hardly, and Tsireya laughs even harder.
"I know. He has a soft spot for her, and her for him. If you want to compete, you'll have to learn hand-speak."
Neteyam shakes his head. She's beautiful, but not worth getting in a fight with the chief's son over. He'll just have to admire her from afar.
Though I can't speak, I am very proficient in reading lips. This helps me observe conversations from far away; as long as I have a clear view of someone's face, I can usually figure out what they're saying.
"Ao'nung has been in love with her for years."
That's what Tsireya said, and though she was smiling, it didn't seem as if she was joking. I dropped the plate of fruit I was carrying when she said it.
Is it true? Has Ao'nung been in love with me, and I haven't noticed?
Fruit is scattered all around my feet, and I bend over to begin gathering it again, every interaction I've had with Ao'nung recently playing over in my mind. If Tsireya is right, maybe I have been blind.
Ao'nung has always been kind, and patient and gentle with me. I knew he wasn't like that with many people, but I thought it was most likely out of pity for my condition - not out of love of affection.
A hand reaches out, picking up fruit and dropping it into my basket, and I look up to see Ao'nung himself.
Feeling flustered, I stand up, kicking the fruit basket once again, undoing all my work.
"Are you okay?" Ao'nung signs. I tuck my hair behind my ears, feeling a little speechless. "Y/N, what's wrong?"
"Tsireya," I sign, "she told the new boy, the oldest one, that you are in love with me. Is she just teasing him, because he thinks I'm pretty?"
"He said he thinks you're pretty?" Ao'nung signs back, quickly and furiously, glancing over his shoulder at where his sister still sits with the newcomers.
I shove his shoulder. "Yes! Answer my question."
"Well... come with me." Ao'nung reaches out, grabbing my hand and therefore silencing me, and pulls me away from the beach. We move through many huts, past the fires, and to the edge of the beach, where the sparse forest and rocks begin. Here, we are alone.
"Ao'nung!" I exclaim, breathless. "What's going on?"
He rubs his forehead. "I had a plan, to tell you. It wasn't going to be like this. I'm going to kill Tsireya."
I stand, silent, waiting for him to finish. My heart is beating out of my chest, and my palms are shaking; I'm not sure I could speak, even if I wanted to.
"For a long time, I have loved you, Y/N. I have tried to be more... understanding, and gentle, the way you deserve. But it's hard for me. I wanted to be better, before I told you. Before I asked you to be my mate."
Unable to control myself, I gasp, and bring my hands up to my mouth.
Me, the mate to the next Olo'eyktan? It's unimaginable.
"Your parents approve the match?" I ask.
Ao'nung smiles at me softly. "Of course. When I told them how much I love you, they couldn't object. They believe you will make a wonderful Tsahik, because you are so kind and understanding. My mother will teach you everything you need to know - if you want."
That thought alone is a little overwhelming, since Ronal can be so intimidating, but I also imagine she can be a good teacher.
And really, that doesn't matter. What matters is the way I feel when I'm with Ao'nung; special, adored, loved, doted upon. I feel safe with Ao'nung. I feel seen and most importantly, heard.
"I would be proud to be your mate, Ao'nung. So proud. Of course, I love you."
The smile that spreads across his face transforms Ao'nung from the sullen, anxious, grouchy man most have come to know him as. It turns him into the carefree, light and happy man he is when the two of us are together.
I am proud to make him smile like that. I promise myself then, to make him smile like that every day, for the rest of our lives.
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itsnevercasual · 4 months
clarisse x reader where y/n had been noticing clarisse like getting distant( like not holding her hand for more then 4 seconds just small stuff that only y/n notices😭) and then the day percy breaks her spear she's mad and y/n trys calming her down but clarisse just yells at her about how clingy she is and to leave her alone and basically she regrets it and apologizes multiple times and after like a week y/n forgives her and it's cute (I NEEDDDD THE PLAYING HARD TO GET PLS I HATE WHEN SHE FORGIVES HER EASILY)
I Miss You, I'm Sorry
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pairing: clarisse x apollo!reader
summary: clarisse is distant and cold, and y/n is officially done.
warnings: none?? i don't think?
you'd been with clarisse for around three years now. at first, a lot of people were confused. clarisse was, essentially, one big ball of anger, and you were a ball of sunshine. after a while, though, it made sense. you balanced each other out. plus, clarisse was a lot softer with you.
but recently, clarisse had been acting different. ever since percy jackson came to camp, actually. she was a lot more angry. and perhaps it was because you'd welcomed him to camp and generally tried to be nice to him. you couldn't help it, he reminded you of your brother, who had a mortal dad and stayed at home with your mom.
when you'd sneak to the ares table during meals, she'd hardly acknowledge you. when you tried to hold her hand, she'd let you, for all of six seconds. you weren't sure why. you hadn't done anything to personally anger her, had you?
you must have. because even as the two of you got ready for capture the flag, she ignored you.
"hey, claire?" you said, turning to her. you were just about the only one she let give her a nickname, and you'd settled on claire. "can you help me with my armor? i think it's crooked."
"you can do it yourself, i'm sure."
you frowned. she'd usually jump at the opportunity to help you- to touch you, to breathe the same air as you.
what did you do wrong?
you had one of your siblings fix it for you.
luke had outrun you with the flag when you heard a scream from the beach. you recognized it.
"clarisse!" you shouted, bolting towards the sound.
when you got there, you saw clarisse sitting before percy, her broken spear between them.
you ran to her side and helped her up as the other team began celebrating their win.
"claire, i am so sorry about your spear. we-- i can fix it! or i can have one of the athena kids do it! someone should know how, right? probably. yeah, we'll have them fix it, and it'll be-"
"can you just leave me alone?" clarisse snapped.
you froze. pulled your hands away, and retreated into yourself.
"oh," you said, clearing your throat.
"gods, you're just so clingy! i just need five minutes of peace."
that's when she seemed to realize she hurt your feelings. she sighed, her face softening, "y/n-"
"i'm gonna go."
"i didn't mean it like that-"
"yeah. i'm sure you didn't."
you crossed your arms as you walked away, resisting the urge to cry.
during dinner that night, clarisse came up to the apollo table.
"y/n?" she asked.
you kept pushing the food around your plate, ignoring her.
"y/n." she repeated.
she sighed.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean it-"
without saying anything, you stood up and walked off.
clarisse didn't follow.
you were sitting by the lake, your feet in the water. you heard someone come from behind, and you knew who it was.
you sighed.
“y/n..” she started.
“i’m not talking to you,” you stated. you crossed your arms and kicked your feet in the water.
“please, i’m sorry—“
“i don’t care. you really hurt my feelings, clarisse. you could’ve just told me you want space instead of acting like you hate me.”
“i don’t—“
“just go, clarisse.”
she sighed and didn’t fight you anymore.
clarisse had done what you asked for the past few days. she didn’t come up to you or try to apologize.
you were getting ready for bed, braiding your younger sister’s hair, when someone knocked on the cabin door.
assuming it was some late night check, you sighed.
“i’ll get it.”
you walked over to the door and opened it, and clarisse was standing there.
you didn’t even let her speak before you shut the door.
“who was that?” lee asked.
“no one,” you shrugged, sitting back on the bed and resuming the braids.
“why don’t you just talk to her?” percy asked you. you offered to help him train with the water as best as you could.
“because. i usually do, but she’s been rude to me for a few weeks now. i just wanna makes sure she knows i won’t put up with it.”
percy shrugged, “makes sense, i guess.”
even though you had a poker face around clarisse, it did make you sad every time you shut her down or pushed her away.
you just wanted your girlfriend back.
after dinner, you really just wanted to go to your cabin and sleep. however, when you opened the door, a bunch of candles were lit.
“what the—“
clarisse was standing next to your bed with a bouquet of flowers. they were your favorites— hibiscus. they didn’t grow anywhere near long island, so she must have gotten a demeter kid to get her some.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have snapped at you. i just.. i’ve worked my whole life at camp to be recognized by my dad, and percy gets all this fame and glory in a few weeks. it’s not an excuse, but i just.. wanted to explain myself,” she said, extending the flowers toward you.
you kept your arms crossed.
“i want to be around you all the time. i didn’t mean to act like i don’t wanna be with you, because i do. i mean.. besides, who else is able to calm me down?”
and that made you laugh, “nobody,” you took the flowers. “thank you for the flowers. no one’s ever gotten me these.”
she shrugged, “i figured it was about time you got your favorite flowers.”
you smiled and quickly turned to her.
“so.. we’re good?”
“we’re good,” you nod and plant your lips on hers.
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