#be mad at tkkrs not the members
stormblessed95 · 2 months
Hey storm I’ve just realised I’ve never seen you mention your pronouns would you be able to tell me.
But that’s not why I’m writing, whenever you post you always approach things so sensibly and with a firm ot7 mindset and so I do most time. But I wanted to ask do you think itd be inappropriate to assume that in this moment tae is posting jk to get attention or some type of reaction? ive always believed that some jkkrs were always just making such a big deal about things with tae and his posts about jk. but this time i got to pondering a little bit because that trip is over a year old, its a day before the travel vlog trailer, he seems to be the only member active and not posting/supporting jms album which i totally understand we dk everything behind closed doors but couldn’t he do both? it seems like he’s tryna boast and hell so would i and i guess for u to ask smn to travel across the world bc u miss them and they do it is alot or maybe we’re making it out to be a bigger deal than it is. i would do it for my bsf and especially if i had that kind of time and money. i guess what makes it such a talked about thing is the texts he put on firstly regarding the compliment and secondly the way he phrased the gesture to seem.
My pronouns are she/her 💜
Now that the first tracking week is over and because you asked fairly nicely, I'm willing to talk about this very briefly.
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His photo book Type 1 was dropping for preorder in the next few days when he posted this. These are all photos from when he was filming/doing photoshoots FOR THAT. He was clearly doing a photo dump on insta as slight promotion and posting photos FROM that time from his phone gallery. JK was all of two photo and only even posted to his stories and it's from when they went skydiving together DURING that same time frame as the rest, which is sooo cool and absolutely worth sharing about.
I don't think this was anything other than a "I have some time on my phone, I have this thing coming out, let me scroll back through those memories and do a little photo dump from that time" and that's all. People can feel however they are going to feel about him not posting for Muse, I get it. But I will never understand the taekook hate. And I'm positive that the reason people are always so fired up about it is because of how vile and awful tkkrs are to deal with. And they want it to be Tae's problem so bad. When it's not and never will be. But that's a different problem. Not only that, but clearly he had his other friends there too. He was clearly making this a fun trip for himself before military service as well as shooting for Type 1. Good for him! I'm glad he had fun with people he cares about and it wasn't ALL work!
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chevelleneech · 1 month
Sorry, but as a person who reacts to literally all BTS content, saying you might keep AYS a Patreon exclusive because of “toxic comments and shipper comments” is some serious cry baby shit.
If you can withstand people being anssholes about solo music, the company supposedly hating all the members, or whatever else, you should be able to handle people being mad about their ship not sailing. Because news flash, it is almost exclusively Tkkrs in people’s comment sections whining about how V and JK get along so well and Jimin isn’t being nice to him or saying the editing is why it seems like Jimin and JK are closer.
And I’m not trying to sound like a bitch, but given we’re also seeing Tkkrs try and flood their show with negative reviews, it just pisses me off that the typical reactors are caving too and acting like Jimin and Jungkook can’t be their full selves in a show that is meant to showcase them having fun together. You got people editing out their moments, only posting minute long reactions, or saying they might move their reactions entirely.
This fandom is so weak when it comes to Jikook, and it’s beyond the point of being a coincidence. The reason is because the whole fandom is aware of just how couple-like Jimin and Jungkook come across, but no one wants to be the one to stand on that shit.
Do we know for a fact if they’re dating? No, obviously not, but clearly everyone is thinking it at this point, and are scared of being the first reactor to say so without care that others may disagree. It’s honestly the same as what happened when JK posted Jimin’s birthday video. The whole fandom damn near paused, because it was very flirtatious, then you had people trying to pivot and say “JK was flirting with fans! He knew we’d see it!”
Get fucking real. Jungkook sucked on Jimin’s ear. He let Jimin bite on his neck. He spent hours draped over Jimin’s bed over the years, just because he wanted to be in his space. He acted like a lost puppy when Jimin was busy and wouldn’t call him enough. He chose to go on multiple travel vacations with him, just because they hadn’t hung out much, after spending years attached at the hip. He cuddled Jimin and smacked his ass in bed.
Point is, they have a Thing. What type of Thing? We can’t say, but it’s not platonic and the fandom knows it, and everyone is tiptoeing around it because Tkkrs are dickheads who harass people for no reason.
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jikookuntold · 9 months
A Word With Jikookers
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.” Gustav Le Bon, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
You might have known that most of my posts go under categories like analysis and reviews, and I usually don't address hates and haters in this blog except a few times that I had to respond to some anonymous asks, which is now turned off.
I'm aware that no Jikooker likes to be policed by other Jikookers, I hate that too. I hate woke Jikookers so much, and this is not about policing you guys or telling you what to post about. But, as someone who reads tweets on army Twitter on a daily basis and follows almost every drama between shippers, I'm aware that antis sound so bold and brave recently for no specific reason, and this is expectantly triggering most Jikookers to fight back.
Haters get hit tweets by "comparing" moments, shading members, bringing back their old and frequently debunked theories, and fabricating the dumbest stuff to give themselves some sense of winning against the loud and clear truth of Jikook. If there was any competition, they had lost it many times since 2017, but this breed is not going to admit their defeat, and you can never convince them no matter how strong your logic and evidence are. 
I did that a few times, yes. I convinced several hardcore Taekookers that their ship is not real, and if there is one duo in BTS that might be romantically involved, it's Jikook. They admitted that to me after facing the evidence and facts that were hidden from them, but it didn't last long. Just a few days of interacting with their Tkkr fellas was enough to get brainwashed by more appealing theories and call me a liar and manipulator lol. This chain will never break, looking at the community of shippers in 1D made me sure about that.
It's not that they are trying to convince you (us, Jikookers), they are trying to convince themselves, the newcomers who have no clue about what goes on, the Tkkrs with some brain cells left who start to lose faith, and any weak mind out there is their target. It's already a lost battle for them, and they know it well. All they want is fewer losses.
But it's not just that, besides their attempts to keep their community big and in the majority, they are doing their best not to let you feel satisfied or winning (in the competition they made inside their minds). You need to knw that this is a mental war against Jikookers, and it's not just done by Tkkrs, all the breeds of Jikook-antis are on it these days, that's why I'm addressing them as antis and not just Tkkrs. For example, the other day, a JJK akgae tweeted something like 'jikookers are mad because JK likes girls', but in the quotes and replies, she had admitted that she was annoyed by Jikookers celebrating Jikook's new military photos. 
It's clear who is mad here. They deliberately and blatantly lie and project to belittle you, trigger you, and reach some level of satisfaction by affecting you mentally. So, don't let that happen, don't give them what they want. I already said there's no battle or competition, but don't let them win this mental war against you.
Why So Serious?
Joost Meerloo, in his famous book 'The Rape of the Mind,' says: “Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot, it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal than logic and reason. While the people are still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault  with another.” Although we are not fighting a totalitarian regime lol, this is the exact reason that arguing with antis is pointless. They use 'theories' to debunk the 'moments', and call the real moments 'delusional and fake' while celebrating total lies.
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Debunking lies is necessary, and everyone should do that as long as they are armed with perfect and mouth-shutting evidence. Otherwise, you should avoid it because nothing is more damaging than doing a bad defense. And these debunkings and defendings don't have to turn into arguments.
Joost Meerloo, in the same book, talks about a solution: “We must learn to treat the demagogue and aspirant dictators in our midst with the weapon of ridicule. The demagogue himself is almost incapable of humor of any sort, and if we treat him with humor, he will begin to collapse.”
Yes, you can debunk, correct, educate, and even argue in an unserious manner. Shipping is not that serious, anyway. Good humor is not insulting, we don't want to drag down or set anyone up. Spreading facts and truth positively and debunking lies with humor and ridicule is all we need to do instead of endless fights and anxious clapbacks.
This post was supposed to be a word, but it turned out as a long and boring essay of information that I'm sure most of you already heard so many times. But it doesn't hurt if we get reminded sometimes to think more deeply and get a better view on what we are dealing with.
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dearweirdme · 13 days
The collective desperation is really showing today. Everyone trying to use Tae going to see Hyoshin as some sort of gotcha for why Taekook can't be together is confusing me so bad. Because if they're Jikookers, their same arguments can easily be applied to their own ship (we don't see enough of their lives, they don't do things with each other that are exclusive to them, etc.) And if they're non-shippers, then literally whyyyyy are they so pressed about what Taekookers believe about Taekook's relationship and why we believe it? They're so mad, like genuinely so annoyed, that we could possibly have come to the conclusion that Taekook are likely in a romantic relationship, and they're trying so hard to belittle our reasoning for it -- but why care at all, unless they see it too and they're so desperate not to that they have to denigrate it and lash out at us?
Honestly the more we do see, and the more fandom reacts, the more it seems to me like more people see the difference than they let on, and it must genuinely upset them so much. But that's a them problem. If they'd rather hate and belittle the bond Taekook have, they're only depriving themselves of joy, because Taekook themselves have made it clear that they aren't bothered by the opinions of those who don't see them and love them as they are. And BTS have made it clear that they love and support Taekook exactly that way. These people are only setting themselves up for disappointment in the long run, just like those who have insisted on denigrating and belitting NJ are disappointed to see that Jungkook does not agree with them today. The members are limited in what they can show us, and it's true we see a small portion of their lives only, but they do show us their genuine selves. Anyone missing that is doing just that -- missing out.
Hi anon!
It’s so funny how all this comes once again right after we see some tkkry. It triggers people so much. I think a lot has to do with just wanting to put Tkkrs in their place.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
Hey Peach, I hope you don’t mind if I chime in to this separation discourse. It is something that is widely believed in the taekook community and I think this is partly because some tkkrs were trying to find ways to make sense of things when they started seeing less taekook moments on official content and also because people tend to focus on facial expressions (especially Tae’s) forgetting that the man has a natural resting bitch face and a very natural “mad” face. I don’t believe that the company has ever separated taekook as a majority of taekookers believe and this is for a number of reasons.
If taekook are in a relationship, why would they have to wait for the staff to separate them? Being in a closeted relationship in a country like SK is not something that anyone would want to readily let other people know about and while I understand that people could slip up, I think always being infront of the cameras with more than a dozen staff will give one a natural awareness and make them to almost always be concious of the fact that they have something to protect or hide. I don’t think the staff would have needed to constantly separate taekook on camera because Taekook themselves would have been mostly careful to make sure they weren’t doing anything that could give them away.
Another thing is, why would they staff wait to separate them infront of the camera where all can see? Even if they had to separate them infront of the camera why would they leave the footage of them being separated on camera in the footage instead of just editing it out? I mean the staff cannot be that careless right and if you really think about it, how desperate do you think taekook were to expose their relationship to the whole world that even the staff had to intervene? Taekook may be in love and all but I don’t think they lack self control that much that the staff needed to intervene to make sure they weren’t outing themselves.
This example that you posted of one of the most popular moments of the company “separating” taekook that almost all taekookers believe in but the funniest part is anyone who has watched that video in full knows that taekook never got separated at all lol.
This a link to the full video and about 22 minutes in, when all the guys are standing together, Jimin says that about 750 000 Armys are still logged in and then Jungkook momentarily leaves tae’s side to look at the screen and then immediately comes back. Then he just stands there listening to what the members are saying and then moments later, Joon pushes Jk closer to Tae, I guess because he wanted them all standing close to each other and that is when Jk starts playfully tapping on Tae’s chest. As for Tae’s face, his face was just his normal resting face which I guess so many fans haven’t gotten used to yet and that is why so many times they think Tae is mad even though that is just his resting face. So even though there was absolutely no separation here, so many taekookers still believe there was and that is unfortunately because very few people care to search for the entire video to get all the context. Watching just that small edited clip would give anyone the impression that they were separated while watching the full thing would show you that they were not. Besides, if they were indeed separated then why was Jk still standing close to Tae and why would Namjoon pushed Jk closer to Tae? Wouldn’t they also know and understand the benefits of their relationship not being exposed?
This is another video people use as proof of taekook being separated on camera. About 38 minutes in, we see Tae walking behind Jk with his hands on him and then he glances at the camera for a sec and then lets go of Jk and walks away. This moment again to so many people is taekook getting separated but I don’t think they were because before this moment, at around 37:30 Tae still had his arms around Jk and there are so many moments where they stood together or Tae had his arms around Jk. Why would the staff allow all those other times and then go to separate them that one time? Also, why would they leave the clip of them getting separated in the official content? It doesn’t make sense to me to believe they were separated in that one clip when there is several other moments of them being glued together in the exact same video.
This reminds of that grammy nomination video from 2020 where we got so many cute taekook moments like Tae feeding Jk, them being all goofy and silly together and even them eating together and they were acting the focus of the camera but that one moment where it looked like there was a cut after Namjoon hugged Jk and it looked like Jk was going to hug Tae, taekookers went feral talking about how the company was cutting taekook moments like come on. We literally just saw almost a 7 minute long video of filled with lots of taekook being the literal focus of the video but everyone still claimed that the company cut taekook moment lol
I don’t think the company separates or ever really separated taekook and most of the videos people use to prove those moments are taken out of context. One thing that I realized is that, anyone can always find “proof” of something if they looked for it hard enough and are able to twist context. I also never understood why the company had been villainized so much when it comes to Taekook because if at all the tried to hide taekook as some people claim then wouldn’t that be for the good of taekook themselves? Wouldn’t that also be for the good of the group as a whole and wouldn’t also be something that taekook themselves would have wanted to make sure themselves and their careers as idols were not distroyed? I feel like many people hate the company and blame them for lack of taekook moments out of selfishness because it was never about the wellbeing of the people involved for these type of fans but more about having moments to gush about or use in ship wars with opponent shippers because I think anyone who really loves taekook as people and cares about them would never be upset that they or the company choose to hide their relationship os they don’t get into trouble. People also claim that the company pushed Jikook as a ship to hide taekook but if that were true then isn’t it a good thing? What does it matter if jikook is pushed if that means that taekook could get to be together without worrying much about their relationship beijg a danger to themselves or to their members and loved ones? I mean that logic of the company using one ship to hide another never made sense to me because why use another fake ship containing a real queer person to hide the relationship of the real queer person you are using in the fake ship? Yes they will find nothing if they looked into Jikook what happens if they decided to look into Jungkook himself? Why didn’t the company just push Yoonmin, or Vmin? Those were much more popular ships than Jikook back then so what was it about Jikook that was so appealing to push even though many people back then actually believed that jikook didn’t get along? I think that when you really take the time and look into alot of these theories and then watch alot of content from the past, alot of these theories end of not making any sense at all. It’s like people saying that the company hides taekook moments just because they notice a cut at a part that looks like Tae or Jk are moving close to each other but this same company gives us multiple clips of taekook cuddling in bed (BV, ITS, Bangtan bombs etc) of Jk sitting inbetween tae’s legs, or Tae rubbing Jk’s bare laps. I mean, what could be more revealing about TK just walking close to each other than literally showing us the two cuddling in bed? Or the same way the taekookers have complained about the company using certain suggestive subtitles for Jikook even though the company has literally done the exact same thing for taekook and other ships. Like for example that run bts episode from 2020 when taekook were playing with slime and the subtitle was “lovey-dovey world of these two only” with two hearts or that bantan bomb where Tae was looking at Jk with heart eyes and the subtitles were “Boy in love with the maknae”. Same way there are tons of subtitles referring to Jikook as bros, or saying something like “he loves his little bro so much” or “two brothers from Busan”. These are things that happen with all duos but for some reason, taekookers tend to onlu focus on subtitles that they could get mad about even though there’s tons of subtitles reffering to jikook too as bros and subtitles that could be suggestive about taekook.
I took my time in looking into some of these theories and I found out that so many of them are taken out of context or people just only focus on what they want to focus on.
Thoughts anyone? Would be good to have a longer tenured army opinion. I believe it's pretty agreed there was a noticeable downtick in Taekook content for some years, right?
(My issues with the company are their isolation of Tae and I believe in the course of isolating him, they've made certain efforts to downplay Taekook.
If you don't believe the ITS conversation was scripted - I do and am more convinced since AYS - then they still aired a conversation about Tae's mental health that painted depression as distant and awkward and I think that's shitty too. And I don't blame JK for it because frankly I don't believe they were that distant. I just don't really think the company has best interests at heart always.)
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reflectionlike · 21 days
Love me some bitter YoonMiners finally dropping their masks pretending like they care about JM and coming out as MYGs. Stay authentic and honest babies, if you were this adamant and calculated about not giving Jimin this record, you probabaly didn’t give enough fucks about him before. Like you are not gonna convince me that you, a full fledged adult word vomiting all over your feed saying shit like “have fun streaming from your hundred accounts” “we listen to Yoongi because we like his music” while probabaly wiping tears and snot, were actively streaming for Jimin before. You clearly have a preference. Come on, it’s 2024, why fake stanning someone? You can’t pay me enough money to pretend like I stan SUGA. It should be easy. No need to go through this scrutiny. Just let it go. Be a solo.
I hate all ships, but something about YoonMiners (prolly the fact that they are taekookers) really set me off. You can read Y/N smut you know, you don’t also have to project your self hatred and insert Jimin. Anyway, Jimin will outdo SUGA any day, stay mad about it. You can give SUGA the exact same tools Jimin has been given and he will still come up with one third of JM’s streams.
Sorry this is vindication.
Everything that makes Yoongi solos, yoonminers and diet rap line stans cry it’s a win for me.
Imagine shipping and pretending to stan someone you don’t like because it allows you to brag and belong. Armys/shippers extreme fear to become solos is deeply rooted in the sense of self importance that they gain belonging to “the biggest fandom in the world”. You take away that from their personalities and it’s just another loser out there in the world. Not to mention a lot of them are Yoonminers because they are Tkkrs, it’s funny.
I never felt like a full fledged army back in the day because there were always members that I couldn’t care less about. Not hate, just meh. It’s time to pray for honesty 🕯️
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Another entry. Firstly, Still With Me? Did JK release a new song that I didn’t know about? Secondly, I would rather speculate that a song is about someone then a hand gesture that a lot of people do.
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I saw them coming at us for paying attention to numbers and 11/08 even though that's way more real than whatever tf this is. Like... aren't they embarrassed????
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Anyway guys, I have an announcement to make.
Attention please!
Thank u ☺☺
Okay so I've been getting alot of frustrated asks mad at tkkrs and antis on twitter, right? Unfortunately I tend not to post them because I don't wanna bring too much negativity on this blog. Especially when some of those things are vile AF. Anyway, the point of this post is, My friends and I are in a Jikook discord and a few of us do this thing on twitter where we fight antis and shit especially when they come to Jikook spaces.
As we know recently a big Jikook account with 15k followers was attacked the other day for liking a post from an anti. But she had no idea that person was one. She just liked the post coz it was Jikook related. It's an easy mistake to make, really. She tried apologising and explaining she'd blocked the anti but these assholes didn't listen. They went though her profile and started commenting under all her regular, normal tweets that she was an anti and should be ashamed of herself or whatever. They were determined to give her no peace whatsoever.
When called out themselves, one account shamelessly said that they were antis and proud. That they didn't pretend that they don't hate Jimin. This really made me mad. It's not the first time they've been quite proud of the Jimin hate they partake in. Tkk accounts will gets thousand of likes on a post hating on Jimin and this ain't right. An anon sent in an ask venting about us being cowards and I agree. They attack Jikookers and these jkkrs end up deleting their Jikook posts. THIS SHIT AIN'T RIGHT!!! Its not.
They do this thing where they move in balk. My friends and I tried to back this account up. Encouraged her not to let them get to her. But it dont matter that 5 people are on your side if 30 people are telling you to kill yourself its just... /sigh/
This account is still running. But they had to unfollow everyone they follow and start from scratch. This ain't right guys. Its just not fair no matter how u look at it. I think we need to start giving tkkrs the same energy they give us.
Simply ignoring them is NOT working. We don't go to them, they come to us. I think its time Jikookers fought fire with fire. Which is why I'm making this post. A few of us had the idea to create a Jikook fighting discord.
If you are reading this and are tired of taking shit lying down. If you have wanted to fight these people but you were worried that you are just one person and won't make a difference. If you see the Jimin hate and wish there was something you could do about it, I come with an offer. Fuck tkkrs. Fuck antis. Fuck solos and fuck ot7 accounts that call out the vermin but then delete their tweets when they start to loose followers. Fuck all these people. Lets do something about this, ourselves.
Tkkrs are the ones causing chain reactions. If they didn't attack Jimin, Jimin solos wouldn't attack V and JK. (Yesterday I saw an art of JK with a dirty diaper and I just...🤮) If they shipped in peace and didn't attack Jimin literally all this shit wouldn't be happening.
I say we give them a taste of their own medicine. So if you see this post and you agree that enough is enough, then come join us here.
If you can't join then spread the word. Time to defend Kookmin and Koominers. Fuck this shit. The vermin have ran rampant for long enough. Photoshopping Jimin getting blown by band pd wasn't enough. Now they're editing him into porn. Guys, they've go10 too comfortable. Let's do something!
1) Create a separate twitter account before you join us. Safer not to use your main
2) ONLY Jikookers allowed in this discord. If you are not one of us we will know.
See you soon. I hope some of you consider. This shit has to stop. Kookminers assemble!!
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Bless 💜
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jkftkth · 1 month
Saw these words on twitter 👀
"If you’re going to get yourself worked up over that travel show I need you to actually pay attention to what’s being said and who’s saying it because the person kths are mad at isn’t the one they should be mad at."
But of course that's all we're legally allowed say or else we'll be contravening Army by law 16, section 2.0, or something.
yeah i guess we have to talk in code or something to express our feelings about that convo because jk’s reply had literally nothing shady to it and as a stand-alone would’ve even been perceived as sweet.
i don’t know wtf kths are on but half of them are ex tkkrs anyway so i guess that’s where their bitterness is coming from. absolutely pathetic they’re parroting a talking point from a group of shippers who have inflicted so much vile hate onto taehyung as the objective truth when the reality is taehyung saw the show as just another BV/ITS, so had no problem mentioning any member, whereas someone else for whatever reason felt it was important to make the distinction of why it’s “sooo different” to anything else - probably because of how it was intended to be marketed - but delivered it in such an unnatural way it didn’t land right for a lot of the audience.
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mrspark7777777 · 10 months
Please he's making sure none of his minions will leave him.. and they'll be still up with all their theories and clout when he comes back in 2025 lol. This is not me who said this but his minions themselves.. they said whenever they reconsider about tkk, Tae will appear and leave some crumbs and signs for them to keep believing in tkk. He said he saw army working about the division he joined so he obviously saw cult being sad and mad over jkk's enlistmet too.. so he had to feed his fans. Who cares whether Jimin will be harassed for forcing JK to be in same unit as him? Definitely not Tae.
Jk *may* have given consent to post the ss... but I don't believe tho.. coz he was SO ADAMANT about not showing his head in last 2 lives. It was his place to show not Tae's nor any other member's. It wasn't even a selfie they took with intention of posting but a fucking screenshot of video call he maynot even knew Tae took. But ofcourse some people just lack boundaries or understanding.. they thinks everything is 'joke' and go on and post things without your permission. If feeding cult wasn't his point he would've posted something.. atleast an old selfie with jimin wishing him all the best..but he didn't do that right? Same with Bam too.. he didn't posted with his own dog but bam ? 🤣🤣 he's laughable atp.
But apparently only Jimin is fanservice king who's mia most of the time, when the real fanservice king is hidden in the plainsight and always defended by major chunk of this Fandom no matter what he does. Btw someone tell him feeding tkkrs wont make his songs chart highly nor make album hit. It will only have China fb mass buying and Thailand streaming farm.. not the real popularity where stans from other kpop fandoms also knows your songs lol.
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Lord have mercy. I saw that pic and decided I had had enough Internet for the day and went to bed. Woke up and realised I wasn't dreaming. It actually happened. 😤
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causesciencethatswhy · 2 months
Your boys seem a bit worried about the content that's going to come out on the travel show.
"your boys" for someone that seems so concerned about what might happen to jimin, you don't wanna claim him... interesting 😐
We saw what happened when they travelled to Japan, solos tried to get him into trouble with Korea's Ministry of Defence by "outing" him.
that happened before they were leaving for japan though....
jjks got wind of jikook enlisting together (i think at that point they only thought that jikook were going to enlist on the same day and maybe train at the same place, then separate after, not anything to do with the buddy system yet 😬)
I wish Jikook come across as just a pair of buddies on that travel show. Better to deal with Taekookers bragging about how Jikook "is like brothers" than to deal with antis targetting Jimin and branding him as a sexual predator
you people always want jikook to sacrifice their bond to appease vile dumbasses that don't know how to act when jikook so much as STAND NEXT TO EACH OTHER
jikook could do nothing but be platonic besties during the show and freaks would be out here claiming all kinds of deranged bs
jk wasn't sure about going to *insert place* clearly he was forced by jjmin, bpd was holding jk at gun point during the entire show, jimin harassed jk when touching him for half a second, jk rolled his eyes for slightly while jimin was talking he clearly hates him and can't stand to do this gay fanservice, jimin and jk talked to another bts member while traveling clearly jimin isn't interesting enough, jk looked at some random background npc for two seconds clearly that's his new best friend/love interest, see how jk wasn't standing next to jimin for five seconds clearly he can't stand that leech....
i could go on and on anon 😐
Oof anon I didn't want to say all this when I first saw that ask cause I thought they might have been genuinely worried but when you put it that way,,,,
But yes, either way it's very unnecessary and odd to wish jikook censor themselves just to not make tkkrs or solos mad.
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akookminsupporter · 10 months
Please he's making sure none of his minions will leave him.. and they'll be still up with all their theories and clout when he comes back in 2025 lol. This is not me who said this but his minions themselves.. they said whenever they reconsider about tkk, Tae will appear and leave some crumbs and signs for them to keep believing in tkk. He said he saw army working about the division he joined so he obviously saw cult being sad and mad over jkk's enlistmet too.. so he had to feed his fans. Who cares whether Jimin will be harassed for forcing JK to be in same unit as him? Definitely not Tae.
Jk *may* have given consent to post the ss... but I don't believe tho.. coz he was SO ADAMANT about not showing his head in last 2 lives. It was his place to show not Tae's nor any other member's. It wasn't even a selfie they took with intention of posting but a fucking screenshot of video call he maynot even knew Tae took. But ofcourse some people just lack boundaries or understanding.. they thinks everything is 'joke' and go on and post things without your permission. If feeding cult wasn't his point he would've posted something.. atleast an old selfie with jimin wishing him all the best..but he didn't do that right? Same with Bam too.. he didn't posted with his own dog but bam ? 🤣🤣 he's laughable atp.
But apparently only Jimin is fanservice king who's mia most of the time, when the real fanservice king is hidden in the plainsight and always defended by major chunk of this Fandom no matter what he does. Btw someone tell him feeding tkkrs wont make his songs chart highly nor make album hit. It will only have China fb mass buying and Thailand streaming farm.. not the real popularity where stans from other kpop fandoms also knows your songs lol.
All I have to say is that I choose to believe that he warned Jungkook that he was going to post that screenshot and that Jungkook had no problem with it because as you said, he didn't want to show us his shaved head. Not even in the last wlive he did alone. This reminded me a bit of when we saw Hobi with his shaved head.
I understand what you're saying. I don't know if this is the best time to have this conversation but I get what you're saying.
As for the subgroup, hopefully this will be enough for them to leave us alone tomorrow.
Anon, the last part was completely unnecessary. There was no need to mention that and I think you really showed your intentions. But okay.
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V is acting up again. Go ahead, make me feel better. Why he doing this? Whats your take? I'm sure there was other funny posts about other members too. Why JK Madam Sky? Why is it always JK? Tell me quickly
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Why hello there. Fancy seeing you here. I'll probably make you feel worse, ok?
I avoid talking about him, Shaz, because he gets me mad. I try to not post the asks I get about him because I don't want to instill hate and I agree with the stuff people send.
But you are asking and now Im all worked up because of the crap tkkrs spew towards Jimin.
My take? Sigh... Tae sucks.
Why is he doing this? Because he loves the attention, he is insecure, and he wants all the support.
Why Jk? Because tAeKOoK iS rEaL and he knows that internationally taekook is it. Not in Korea, where people know better and can't be fooled by mistranslations, cultural differences such as skinship, and have seen Jikook stuff we haven't seen.
You know what? Imma go spam his weverse hashtag with pics of him and Jennie to see if he likes any of those.
The tkkrs are now saying that Tae came to clear the rumors. He ALWAYS let's them know that things are ok between Kookie and him. And these stupid followers are the ones who come hating on Jimin the moment he breathes.
Whats your take, Shaz? You ok with Tae's antics? Let me head over to your blog.
Thanks for stopping by, dear. Hope we meet again with better news.
Here is a picture of Jimin because he gives me life and I need it today:
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chevelleneech · 18 days
This thing frustrates me sooooo much so I'm just trying to not go to places where i know I'll see shit you know? I'm in my delulu land where i can be like "if i don't see it then it's not there" when i know it's happening there but still.
I was just thinking about how all jimin and jungkook watch YouTube like that's there go to app for yrs, jk is on tiktok as well where the whole army side is again infected with Tkkrs just like YT as well and jm used to have tikto atleast during covid (as we saw on his phone during BTS's last doc where we saw his home for the first time, he could still be having) and both of them watch members related stuff and Army's made videos as well so out if frustration I'm like They all see it , they see what's been said in those video and how they're portrayed and if they're not giving shits about it is it really worth that we keep fighting these loosers? No. So ig from now on I'm just gonna let ppl think whatever they want of jimin-jungkook's friendship if ppl want to believe they hate e/o so be it, if they think jungkook is forced then so be it.
I remember well that one time when tkklives acct was taken (like Locked or smtg) and then later it was given back to her by BH with a fatass pop-up that the channel doens't cross any boundaries or wtv and she said that BH was quite good to her as in that they didn't take down her acct or shit like that. The point is if people with power who can actually do something about these things don't care is it really worth it that we give it this much attention? Jikook thinks their Fandom loves them when it hates them together so let it be.
This was just my frustrated rant tbh. After yrs of seeing the same shit happening and getting mad over things i can't do anything about I'm just gonna take a step back and let things be. There's no hope for the betterment of this Fandom They're gonna say jikook fanservice for the rest of BTS's existence and there's no turning back there. And given how both jm and jk are private and don't post their personal things online everyone is gonna keep questioning it saying they don't meet apart from work while others who post are gonna be called closest the same that happened in 2023. Although it's been happening since before 2023 but it's just gonna get worse so I'm gonna let people handle it who can actually do something about it.
I sacrificed my algorithm to watch a Tkklives video real quick, not the entire thing, but a portion to see if anything has changed from when I first got into the fandom and wanted to see what a the drama was about once I knew Tkk vs Jikook was a thing.
Anyway, from the 5 minutes I just watched, it doesn’t seem like much has changed. She slows down clips and makes up her own ideas about what’s going on, and people believe it. So if that’s all she’s been doing and continues to do, there is nothing the company can do about that. Not to mention, people keep saying Big Hit said she can keep going, and aside from me never seeing proof of that being true, I would imagine her not living in SK makes it tough to sue her anyway.
She posts elaborate fantasy edits, creating a story out of footage millions of other people have made YouTube edits with. Granted she’s annoying and has stirred a plethora of drama within the fandom, but she’s not doing anything illegal from how it currently looks. So it’s. It even really that a delusional fan is creating and spreading her own conclusions, it must that Tae unfortunately has the most toxic fans out of the members, and majority of them ship Tkk.
His fans also happen to be the most vocal, even if he’s not the most popular, so they tend to cause the most chaos. In any case, I’m not trying to change anything nor argue with people who have sewn their ears shut. It’s just irritating to see a guy who seemingly wants to get to know BTS as people and artists be led astray, over a ship and fandom drama he has no idea about. They’re using his naïvety to manipulate his opinions of the members and the company (the latter which don’t even need help these days), but the second someone suggests a Jikook video for Frankie to watch so he can fully understand that Jimin and Jungkook do essentially live in a bubble when together, and outside parties often come across as third wheels without it being a big deal, that person will be spammed with harassment and be considered a necessary block. Which Frankie would like adhere to, because he is unaware that Tkkrs hate Jimin and his friendship with JK.
Which, from an outside perspective is always going to be difficult to explain, because the actual status of JM and JK’s relationship is irrelevant. Them dating or not does not mean anything to the overall fact of the situation. It’s simple that Tkkrs hate the very possibility of them meaning anything to each other, because they want Tae and JK to mean everything to one another at all times. It’s why Tkkrs struggle to accept even the smallest Jikook moments. JK can’t wish Jimin a happy birthday without Tkkrs claiming he was forced by the company to say something. Jungkoom can’t look at his cellphone even though JM and Tae can, without it meaning he’s bored out of his mind without Tae around to entertain him.
So how do you explain to someone who is 100% unaware of this chaos, that he’s being lied to? There is sensible way to tell Frankie Biggz that the people who harassed him only did so, because they don’t like they he misunderstood Tae’s natural “bitchy” personality, due to him simply not knowing Tae well enough to know that’s just how he is? How do you explain to him that AYS wasn’t written with the intent to make Tae seem like a third wheel, but that Jimin and Jungkook themselves are more than aware that they tend to push people into third wheel territory when with them, because they build a bubble around themselves when together?
You can’t explain that. It has to be observed, but when Tkkrs are able to get ahead of that learning curve, and plant seeds of doubt and convince people that Tae is a victim of a mean company and JM and JK are victims of a script… there’s nothing else that can be done.
I do hope he continues to watch more official content and comes to realize Tae is sort of meh about things, because that’s just who he is. He makes snarky comments and likes to chill out on his own, but he’s also very extroverted and livens up a party when he wants to. I also hope he is able to learn who Jimin and Jungkook are, and understand that it would be impossible to script their friendship for 12 years. But who knows. Hell either fall down the Tkk lies rabbit hole, or see the light. Either way, I am still annoyed Tkkrs got to him so fast.
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parkminijiminie · 11 months
Why can't they once be like normal frnds and talk about e/o without giggling and shit? why they always giggly mess when they're together?
You know what? Now i actually want that jkk live cause i wanna see exactly how they act especially jk cause i know jm is pretty good with his expression and things prepared it's jk who looks mess around jm.
No but listen like i honestly don't get how and why they're always like this when they're together on cam? I remember the 2021 jm's birthday live so even then jk did went to jm he was still like i have to go and workout but jm was like noooo and then came hobi and jk suddenly forgot he has workout to do? And I'm specifically talking about 2021 cause if i had mentioned something recent people would be like"well Maybe Because they don't spend time together so they're awkward" that's why I'm using this from 2021 where everything was going perfectly fine and THIS still happened so what I'm saying is WHY? Why is it hard for them to be infront of cam like normal frnds do, like they always do with other members?
Also as you mentioned in your post earlier that it's not jk's fault that people hates jm i agree with that cause belive me if it was jm going to jk's suchwita he would have been called names but since it's tae tkkrs would eat up the supposed "company content" had it been jm whom jk said "don't come we're in the middle of shooting" they would have made a big deal just like they did when jk jokingly said No to jm when he went to jm's practice.
Thing is tkkrs hates jm with passion so they will always always find something to shit on him. Jk just only described things how it went. Just like how he also mentioned that he went with tae and his frnds to skii and literally stayed behind alone no one was with him later cause everyone went home but he alone stayed cause he was enjoying it too much. Now had it been jkk they would have said "yes they went with frnds and jk was even alone at the end Omega mimi left with his frnds and didn't even stopped for his boyfriend" like believe me anon they will always find a way. But since it's tkk they ignored the whole last part of that thing where jk said he alone stayed behind.
Been here for 4+ yrs and i can give you the exact line/dialogue tkkrs would pull out of they asses for everything jkk does. It's just repetitive and nothing new.
And yes before getting mad at jk remember that he's the only one who has quite literally mentioned jm all the time, asking him for lives, watching his content like remove those moments and see what are the things you're left with.
Also stop seeing jm and jk as someone who's content provider. Take whatever they give you with love or leave that's the only option.
Preach, Anon, preach!!! 1000% this! Especially the part that JK and JM aren't content creators. After all, their job isn't shipping, it is just a side effect of their job. By now, all of them are simply living their life and all of us should just take what we are given.
Anyway, as a fan of BTS for 7+ years, I am so used to taekookers' antics that I don't even need to read their posts. When smth happens involving either JK, Tae, or JM, separately or as a pair, I immediately know what their narrative would be. They are deranged and completely predictable, but unfortunately, far from harmless..
Anyway, I have no idea why Jikook are the way they are. They are very confusing to me, especially nowadays. The chemistry they have with each other is so strong. Their interactions are always so charged and so different that with other ships, especially on Jungkook's part. Is it just how they are as friends? What type of friendship is even that? If they have partners, how are two people standing this shit? Why, just why why why why are they always so awkward when they have been friends for more than a decade now?
What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall during an off-camera Jikook interaction..
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dearweirdme · 13 days
Seeing Jungkook publicly stand up to support NJ just made me realize that he is and has always been able to stand up for himself and his loved ones.
Taehyung and Jungkook are arguably the most rebellious members of the group so don’t you think that it is a bit unreasonable to continue with the narrative that they both have forced to do things they didn’t really want to do? Jungkook knew exactly what this whole thing would look like. He knew the media was gonna jump on his words and use it to attack his company and maybe even his members and himself yet he didn’t care as he just wanted to defend those girls yet some tkkrs things that this same person has spent years being oppressed by the company? It only took him a few months (while enlisted) to do what he did so what sense does it make to continue to believe that he willingly read scripts or allowed the company twist his words when it came to his bond with Taehyung?
More importantly he could defend and openly stand up against young artists being dragged into company fights but all these years you truly believe that he sat there and simply obeyed while bighit separated or tried potraying him and Tae as awkward? If he could be this assertive then why didn’t he stand up against the company for his friendship and relationship with Taehyung all these years?
Hi anon!
In my opinion, there are many things wrong with this line if thinking.
First of all, you cannot compare this instance of Jk speaking out on behalf of Nj’s to him possibly having been able to speak out on his relationship with Tae. If we’re correct, Tae and Jk are closeted. Not because they want to be, but because either society or the company (probably both) make them stay closeted. Him speaking out on that would mean he’d out himself and Tae and that would have a long lasting effect on how people see and treat them. Jk has stood up for his friendship with Tae.. just by showing how close they are constantly. Jk has spoken out on a lot of things last year. This post he made today will not affect his career at all. At most he will get a strong talking to from Hybe, but that will be literally all. It’s an incident and will have no affect on his long lasting career. What was he supposed to say about Tae? People see them as friends already, and going beyond that is impossible.
You also mistakenly think that Jk’s influence and standing now is the same as it was years ago. Standing has to be built. When BTS was still working on getting to the top they had no room to voice their opinions like this. Losing the favor of the public or of Hybe would have had a damaging affect on their careers. That is different now imo. Should Hybe be so mad that they’d fire Jk over this, he would be signed with a new contract with another company a day later. Hybe needs Bts and Jk more than they need Hybe at this point. So Jk can use the weight he has gained over the years now to speak up on behalf of Nj’s who have not yet gained the status he has.
Jk can probably remember very well what it was like to have no power, so he uses his own for them now. It doesn’t mean he agrees with what Nj’s demands are, it doesn’t mean he thinks Mhj is right, it just means that he feels artists shouldn’t be used the way Mhj and Hybe now use NJ’s.
Don’t make this a Tkk thing, because it’s very different things in very different moments of time.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I have a big problem with ot7 army’s who act very very weird towards jimin and jungkook specifically when it’s both of them involved in something and I think it’s quite a problem too. Ot7 army’s insinuate anything to do with Jikook as shipping and it’s lowkey an insulting way to think because can’t you see their friendship outside of a sexual and romantic relationship, yk the funny thing about that is they ‘hate’ shipping the boys but they can’t see jimin and jungkook as just friends. It’s always about a ship with them and they can never let anyone enjoy the moment.
What triggered this thought was the response to this tweet where the interviewer asked a question where he mentions jimin and the response was so wholly negative and I get that he didn’t ask the best questions but if it was namjoon mentioned for example or maybe even taehyung I know and believe the response probably would’ve been entirely different. And adding onto that when the GMA host asked about jimin they were mad again? But like what do you honestly expect jimin was also in the country with jungkook so they’re gonna ask about the member he’s with. What really annoyed me was that I and the rest of the fandom were mad for different reasons I was annoyed because she outed that jimin was there and it wasn’t common knowledge but the rest were mad just simply because of the mentioning of his name….
I’ve seen it’s such a widespread thing amont majority of the fandom to diminish or ignore jimin and jungkooks bond or what they obviously have. I saw a popular tweet saying jimin could pull namjoon and I honestly believe that and the comments agreed and mentioned yoongi and taehyung a lot but not once jungkook… i questioned whether we’re seeing the same content because not one mention of jungkook THAT MAN IS WHIPPED for jimin😭it’s not even that big of a deal but it is since it’s such a popular thing. And also jimin went to nyc to support jungkook no army talked about it only jkkrs.
Sorry I’m just gonna have a rant about some other thing’s because this feels like a safe space.
I also wanted to talk about the lack of action against tkkrs especially by ot7 army’s. And I have watched this from once again a neutral point of view as someone who doesn’t indulge in shipping. Tkkrs legitimately run the fandom they make up at most 50% of it too. So wherever you go you will see atleast one taekooker and by now I would’ve thought they would decrease in numbers but they haven’t and they’re running wild. The YouTube videos they made of jimin, the tiktoks spreading mistranslations, the SA tweets they make about him and just all the verbal harassment as well as defamation. And when I see these things happen it’s a big big deal but it’s never talked about and the one time they did which was that one twitter space where this old lady was talking none of the accounts got banned 💀 and I had reported them each 20 times. They also had posts accusing jimin of harassing jungkook which are reportable but the account managed to stay up even after it got more than 1mil views on their hate tweet?. I don’t how the account still being up can be explained other than by the fact that barely anybody didn’t anything. And the grouping they do is outrageous
I get that some/quite a big of jikookers are bad but they have never done what tkkrs do and continue to do. They use it as deflection they say “all shippers” and never explicitly mention that literal cult.
And I used to follow this one army who had been exposed for being a jimin anti and friends with vile taekookers mind you they had 20k followers. This person liked tweets by vile jimin anti (not the anti ones themselves) and was in a gc with taekookers who while she was in there shat on Jimins name and hated him. And yet no ot7 army called them out only pjms and jikookers. They still have an extremely large following. As well people jumped to their defence even when they themselves had none??? But then I saw them giving hate too a jimin bias army who by the way had never been an anti but just didn’t post about other members as much. The energy is always directed in the wrong directions and I think it’s purposeful.
1. I'm an OT7 army and while there are quite a few of us doing what we can about tkkrs. The point is valid
2. I also saw that minimoni tweet and saw the lack of Jungkook mentioned 🤣 sigh
3. Rant posted
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