#bc my back looks jacked
pokeberry5 · 1 year
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thug beatdown round 2: electric boogaloo
(extras, cw flashing gif:)
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the fit:
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rosiesriiveters · 6 months
Keep thinking of Buck and Bucky's perception of Rosie through their eyes. When they meet him, Rosie's a great pilot, has been training gunners for ages and knows his way around a plane well - but has yet to see any combat. He's that wide-eyed kind of hopeful that he can make a difference.
When they meet him again by the end of the series, Rosie's gone on to fly 52 missions. He's well and truly past his first tour, and well into his second. The rest of the 100th adore him and respect him as a leader; and Rosie adores them all right back.
Despite all of that, Rosie still seems like the same person - undemonstrative, and a little more heaviness to his shoulders perhaps, but that wide-eyed hope that I can make a difference hasn't faded.
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#tropius#HE SO APPY!!! FUCK!!! HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS ONE#i've never looked at tropius up close before i didn't even know they had a little helmet and shit. this is WONDERFUL. they're SO appy#i hope you all appreciate this as much as i do because this is very good. i don't even know anything about tropius. jack SHIT. except that#they're so appy. and i will accept this. i gotta work but i've been too busy thinking abt how appy they are#i also started the process of remaking my main blog. bc it just had a lot of posts on it all the way back to way back in my past#and i felt like it was weighing the whole blog down and making me not want to use it. and that blog needed some housekeeping for me to want#to associate myself with it. so i'm currently in the process of coming up with a new URL before i start really renovating#so the hunt for miss ffp starts anew or something. unless i've lazily replied to you in a comment once and you remember my url#i've done that to a few of you. demifiendcruithne is one. shoutouts to you demifiendcruithne you're the best#then there was that one who assumed i use windows. despite recognizing that i'm “rather techy.” yuck!#had to respond to that one to clear up any suspicion that i might be a windows user. this is all totally unrelated and also will be#totally irrelevant by the time this post gets up anyway. hopefully. y'know if i haven't come up with a new url by then then#i mean. that's my fault. but this isn't gonna post until july 23rd. 10 days from today. so. hopefully!#see you all then
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takiki16 · 4 months
Jack Aubrey, walking past the men who framed him for a crime, ruined his life and career, and directly caused his public humiliation in the pillory: “I wouldn’t kick him if I had the chance. I feel contempt and nothing more. I have my job back.”
Stephen Maturin, already planning how he is going to slit Wray’s throat in a dark alley and dissect his body while roasting his personality with a fellow anatomist: “me neither, my soul.”
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please do not trace, colour, or otherwise add to or copy my art thank you 🩷
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
Shout out to waking up at 6am and giving yourself an absolutely jacked haircut lol
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taraxacum-vulpes · 11 days
why is everyone pretending like cyberpunk edgerunners is good. the writing is so bad i hate it
#i'm rewatching it for the third time 😋#i remember seeing a post i think from demilypyro abt how 2077 was a shitty game that everyone forgot how bad it was because of the anime#and the anime is terrible#all of the reviews online call the ending sad but it's literally just 🧍‍♂️ okay so. big whoop.#which would've been great for like to explore the futility of doing jack shit in this world bc it can be taken from you like that#they did a good job of this in the first 6 episodes before the timeskip#but the timeskip ruins everything#and u have to balance how unsatisfying that kind of thing is w the reality of that's just how it is#but NO#it's SAD because EVERYONE DIED#we didn't get a chance to slow down with the characters and get an update post timeskip#and the timeskip negates everything interesting about lucy (my fave 4evr)#and it changes her from a strong independent character that's scary good at her job because she was a lab baby and trained since birth and#an archetype of character i like in cyberpunk (a character that looks sexy without sexualising themself or getting sexualized by others)#(and in context most people wear something similarly revealing regardless of gender or presentation and modesty is the outlier)#wait i take that back she does flirt with david in her introduction scene. but i think it was done tastefully to show that she's confident#in herself and her abilities. and not in like an i'm hot do what i want way. we see her in the same episode being genuine and vulnerable#on multiple occasions. and then it reveals she was just buying time for her group to ambush him#she's a really interesting and cool character guys i swear#but the timeskip takes that and turns her into a stay at home expecting mother damsel in distress wanting to settle down and start a family#and the domesticity is so disturbing bc its like. i guess she wants to leave the edgerunner life behind to live on the moon.#BUT THAT'S SO MUCH DIFFERENT THAN WHAT THEY DID HERE#she doesn't pass the bechdel test anymore suddenly. who is she#they mischaracterised my blorbo so bad#it's like their writing budget got slashed mid show.
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kelseywrestling · 10 months
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SmackDown (December, 15, 2023)
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merevide · 10 months
pls in my theatre class we have to compare a modern character in tv/film to a greek tragedy and then explain how they fit into the greek tragedy narrative…and ofc i thought of yellowjackets the problem is IDK WHICH CHARACTER TO PICK LMAO
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moe-broey · 1 year
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LIKE........ @ the prev post about armor flexibility.... Is That Why They Look Like That??????? 👁️👁️
Something else fascinating I found actually when I was comparing the Askr trio (knowing Alfonse and Sharena largely match, just a few differences here and there), wanting to get a better look at Anna...
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SHE HAS BIG ASS BOOTS?!????? I. COMPLETELY FORGOR ....... it gives her a real sturdy look though. Hm.... (Thinking about what this means for characterization/how I'd draw her, esp w my initial impressions kind of. Being the opposite of this LMFAOOO oops 😥)
#feh#art ref#also something funny is actually looking directly at the official art for alfonse and sharena#and seeing that they do differ in little ways like that (didn't include the full boots cause i wanted to focus on the shoes)#i just. made simplified designs of them. made them twinnies. and never looked back LMFAOOOOO#and really it does go back to that OLD old gravity falls art i did where i completely redesigned their outfits#bc i think i was still somewhat new at drawing them and bc it was a whole comic i. couldn't draw the armor. That Much.#and in that design i gave them over the knee stockings. and that just stuck. in no way do either of them have that#in canon SHKSHDKSJSK (MAYBE w how alfonse's clothes are layered. that little bunched up cloth at the knees.#but even then that's still white fabric. whereas i like giving them both red socks. extrapolating from#sharena's boot/thigh window design i really couldn't make heads or tails of back in the day LMFAOOO)#also i will say. it is an extremely funny experience to have fe as a special interest. and to have history be one of my worst subjects.#i know jack shit and fuck all. on a surface level typically i would have little interest in this sort of thing. i love these guys though!!!!#and bc i love these guys and bc i'm an artist. i am studying the most oddly specific shit you wouldn't fucking believe#from clothing (a keen interest of mine actually) to infrastructure (i hate this.) to weapons (v superficial i just think its neat!)#to. horses. even. (i respect horses as beautiful and large creatures but i'm convinced they sense fear and i don't want#to fuck everything up bc this beast is like three times my size and i am. a little nervous. cool beast though!)#what being on the autism spectrum does to a motherfucker.#fe alfonse#sharena#fe anna
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the-acid-pear · 3 months
I am soooo close to figuring out purps I swear to god
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detectim · 23 days
saw a post talking about t.im as a 'nepo baby latchkey kid' and .... that's it that's him-
i think it was on the blog that i deleted a while back but i've always seen jack and janet d.rake in their late 30s / early 40s when they have tim, and only really having him because it's the societally acceptable thing to do. all their friends have kids already, and they need someone to pass things along to when they die, right? do they hate him? no. are they neglecting him on purpose? no. but are they good parents / do they put in any effort to parent responsibly? ALSO NO. <3
i definitely see the d.rakes viewing their parenting style as totally fine because 'what kid wouldn't want all this stuff? he's set for life!' janet stays with him when he's a baby, and they ship him off to the boarding school all their friends sent their kids to as soon as he's old enough. if his parents are gone on business trips during school breaks (really common), he's usually staying over at a friend's house or just vibing on his own at their estate when he's "old enough" (i wanna say 10-11 is when they start leaving him on his own, so he has time to go fan-stalk batman and the robins... but STILL TOO YOUNG).
t.im never sees it as a problem because that's how he was raised, he never really knew anything else. he treasures the time that he DOES get to spend with both his parents (going out to sporting events becomes something he's really into because he knows he can get them to go with him even if they'll spend most of the night talking business), but he's SO USED to being a latchkey kid and being left to his own devices that the mindset stays with him forever.
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heartbeetz · 7 months
I NEED to get back into oc f/os. I just remembered my old casino themed anthro shark guy. He never got a solid enough ref sheet (or lore, really) for me to feel comfortable making him one of my f/os but maybe I should remedy that at some point. Big Jack.........
#his name is Jasper Roulette but everyone calls him Big Jack#he's a ''professional'' underground gambler and great white 'card shark'#insists he's an ex crime boss but won't tell anyone what that entailed#well... he WILL. but it's a different story every time. always a lie and often over the top#nobody knows for sure if any of it's true or not. but pretty much everyone either 100% believes it or is too scared to contest it#bc his persona around other casino goers is this rough and tough type guy and he has the looks and talk to back it up#really though even IF it's true he's pretty harmless now. his whole thing is ''yeah I used to do that but I'm turning my life around''#which others are skeptical about but is mostly true. he's kinda just chilling#he's a cheat and a showoff and an asshole but he's more intimidating than he is dangerous#and he has way more money than he cares to do anything with (where he got it who's to say) so he doesn't mind just handing it out#he was the first character I made for a little game / visual novel I wanted to make at one point but ended up giving up on#it was just about sharks in an underground casino#the idea was you could play little mini games and have conversations with them#and if you made the conversation go in the ''right'' direction there'd be little collectibles that opened new paths#but it never went anywhere other than some ideas and a very rough drawing of Big Jack (which actually came first lol)#unfortunately I designed him IMMEDIATELY before I got super into Sparker as one of my f/os so he got swept under the rug real bad#sorry sharky 😔#roz posts
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starlooove · 2 months
The Jackie lives au in my head
#listen i saw that scene where he literally rammed a man into a wall and haven’t been the same since#guys IK Jackie’s seen as like bumbling or whatever but if he survived I think he would’ve been a big player 😩#like in my mind#let’s ignore Johnny for now guys#Bc Uhm. I refuse to let Jackie die yet so I’m still doing Regina gigs so I still don’t know shit about Johnny so#let’s ignore all that#i think if Jackie had survived#well let’s start from the start#in MMMMYYYY mind#my v had prev affiliations w/ the voodoo boys which left him a proficient netrunner and hacker#this means my boy absolutely hacked delamain to get to a ripperdoc - not just any VIIICCCC#he obvi patches Jackie up and Uhm. let’s say v got coma Injured#to account for lost time bc I’m not creative#ooh or maybe v did die and the whole enneagram thing still happened it was just like. shortened#a few days on Vic’s table as opposed to a few weeks in the dump#idc point is v wakes up and Jack is like a biiig deal#not quite MAJOR leagues bc their faces are plastered everywhere#and ppl wanna lie low till that heat dies down#but like. jackie def killed the FUCK outta dex deshawn#and after mamá Welles grounded him he got to steppin#grieving his dear friend V and making him an honorary ofrenda till the asshole wakes up sad#Uhm actually. bring Johnny back so the story can progress idk Idgaf anymore#i think Jackie would take his own life a lot more seriously after this and be like. a lot less chill#he never wants to see that look on his mamis face again#interesting dynamic where it’s v trying to get Jackie to relax now 😩#will they ever strike a balance?#well no bc my v blows up arasaka tower#WAIT but if Jackie lives maybe he doesn’t idk…read a fix where they co-owned the afterlife and yeah!#idc#can u tell Im dreading continuing the story
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maydayprkr · 5 months
I think I'm going to cut my own hair eventually
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alessandramortt · 3 months
cannot believe the thing that finally gets me to romantically ship furymax is, of all things, my issues with furyjack sjdhskdjd so on brand for me tho
#dont get me wrong furiosa and jack loved each other. in whichever few or many different ways#but like. its like comparing a leaf to a tree. or a seed to a tree.#it was trying SO HARD to be half of what furymax was it would be funny if it wasnt so blown out of proportion#just the seamless teamwork and silent understanding and (manufactured by circumstances) slow trust build up#the two ppl whove been thru so much and have a extraordinarily hard time letting anyone in#learning to trust each other. going from trying to kill each other to giving so much of thenselves to keep the other alive!#like it was so obvious hats what miller intended with furyjack he tried SO HARD#but it was Too Much. back to back 5 sec long shots of them furiosa abd jack looking at each other#like see? SEE? theyre seizing each other up! theyre communicating! theyre gonna eventually work together! SEEEEE??? lmao#and then jacks entire backstory and motivation is one (1) line#and their time together all that trust build up? a single fucking cut#with furymax it was the whole fucking film (it was relatively quick but so well done. just the necessary lingering shots but the rest was#body language and visual storytelling and so well done#maybe bc it wasnt intended to be anything romantic which was absolutely the best fucking choice#probs to tom burke for getting it mostly right. them being romantic only when theyre actually safe is also my preferred version#if it had to happen at all#bc boy dont get the started on the power dynamics and the way his inclusion was a nice lil way to Not have to deal with ppl and joe just#accepting a woman in any position of power at all. and how it kinda takes away from her having probably clawed her way there#also. you cant compete with tom hardys* lips sorry burke#furiosa#furymax#maxiosa#max rockatansky#anti furyjack#more like#furyjack critical#why am i like this tho 😫#i want to like them so bad#furiosa a mad max saga#mad max fury road
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