#had to make gifs if no one else did bc good LORD
kelseywrestling · 10 months
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SmackDown (December, 15, 2023)
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yaymiyas · 7 months
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warning: female reader, his name is saer…just so you can follow a bit lol, isekai lol
a/n: it’s structured a bit differently than my other introductions, do note that yes this is x reader but you had gotten isekai’d into a novel so….i do say her name but…..you’re also you…..if that makes sense, also he is hardly in it but its like….an introduction to the story bc its…an isekai and i needed to layout how i wanted everything to be
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its not like you didn’t realize something was up. bright white lights blind you right when you open your eyes. maids coming in and out, calling you ‘miss’ and telling you not to sit up because ‘it will harm you even more’. granted, you were very thankful for their words because, around ten minutes before they came in, you attempted to sit up and gave yourself a headache. even though nobody was explaining anything, you remained quiet, trying to gather as much information from the surrounding maids as possible. the red-haired one with tight curls and an everlasting smile was amanda. she seemed to like you much, more than the other two, and tended to you more carefully. maybe she was your personal maid,or maybe she was just good at her job, but she never let up and called you your ‘name’.
admittedly, none of the other two maids called you your ‘name’ either. it was all just ma’am or miss from them. you just expected a hint of your identity from amanda, based solely on her care for you. selfish? maybe but you needed more hints. the other maids are named cynthia and tilly. the former of the two had long black hair slicked into a low bun, with a small maids hair on top to finish the look. it was a cute detail, if you must say, since the other two didn’t wear them. cynthia hardly spoke above a shout, coming off as more soft-spoken than the other two. she wasn’t really rude, nor did she have an attitude while tending to you, but she wore an expression of indifference that made you think she would rather do anything else.
tilly, on the other hand, was more bold than the other two. still not outwardly rude, but she tested your patience a few times. the main one that got to you though, was when she was rubbing your face. while she was washing off your face with the washcloth, she rubbed against your cheeks too hard, and upon this ‘realization’ she gave you a malevolent grin. her thin lips formed an o shape, mimicking the action of saying ‘oops’. luckily, it seemed as if amanda and cynthia didn’t really care for this ‘prank’ of hers. they both scoffed in disgust, continuing to pick out outfits for me to wear for the day ahead.
a soft but stern knock was heard at the door, revealing a man with black slick back hair and yellow eyes to put the look all together. he reminded you of those webtoon male leads that were cold but female audiences loved. being a sucker for those types, you raised your neck up, making sure to keep your body in the same supine position. the man standing at the foot of your bed looked down at you with an expression that you couldn’t read. an expression that wasn’t scary but wasnt welcoming. tapping along the footboard of the bed, he let out a low sigh out that resembled a growl and turned around to leave. tilly, amanda, and cynthia didn’t acknowledge the man. neither did he to them. the only thing that could resemble an interaction between the four of them was when tilly and amanda gave small bows and the slight side eye cynthia gave before going back inside your closet to look for something.
thats a new one.
“lord saer would like you to have breakfast with him today.”
lifting your head enough to turn your focus towards amanda, you started to guess your facial expression was a bit too expressive because amanda started to giggle. the pain in your body wasn’t really high; it was more the numbness that bothered you. moving your neck and head didn’t really take much strength, it was attempting to move your legs that was the problem. walking towards you in a shift movement, amanda placed the rich, deep purple hair piece down on top of the dress set she had picked out for you. upon arrival, she softly removed your blanket and shifted your body into a sitting position. you felt like a doll.
“okay now miss, i will be lifting you up to wash you now.”
placing her right arm underneath the backs of your knees and her left arm supporting your neck, she quickly moved you to the area you’re assuming was the bathroom. the door to the large room was already open, since once she had lifted you up, cynthia had pushed the door open and walked in herself. the room was massive, twice the size of a normal person’s kitchen. the walls and floor tiles were both the same shade of pale pink, matching the sleeping set you had on. amanda sat you down in a chair and started to strip you down. while she was doing that, the other was running the bath water and testing if it was safe enough. every time the water was a bit too hot or too cold, you saw cynthia’s eyes squeeze shut.
“alright madam edina,”
cynthia sighed, standing up from the clam shaped tub.
“it’s all set for you. please do not make it hard as you have always done.”
not sparing you even a small look, she and amanda were already picking you up and guiding you into the tub. quietly instructing you to lay back, wet, cold liquid found its way both on your scalp and on your legs. edina? are you sure thats what she said? the only edina you knew of was the villainess from the hit novel “obsession falls”. you never really read the book, but you knew of the characters and the content that surrounded it. it was rather controversial for how obsessive and dangerous the male lead was. he had stalked the female lead for years, and it didn’t stop once he got married. with a wife so dismissive and uninterested, the male lead was given all the time in the world to go hunt his prey.
unfortunately for him, once edina randomly started to care about what her husband was doing during the day he had to slowly stop. losing the love of his life to the second male lead, alastair. due to this very random string of events, saer had grown irritated by the events his wife was clumsily stringing together. he then decided to take care of his wife, edina. the night before he was to go and kill alastair, he had poisoned the dinner he had helped make for his wife. from your memory, this was one of the few times in years he had asked his wife to sit at the table and eat with him. she would usually just take her food into her room separately. this night, edina came into the dining room with her most expensive jewelry and dress. she thought this was the night her husband was going to admit his faults and leave the female lead for her. however, what actually ended up happening was that the moment she took a bite out of her steak, her vision went black and her head banged on the table.
focusing on the soft brushes of your hair, you start to put the pieces together. you don’t remember the faces of any of the characters in the story, you just remember the basic blot and conflict. if what cynthia said was true, that you are in fact edina tudor gwynn then that means the reasoning for your stiff body was because of your ‘husband’ trying to kill you. sharply sucking in some air, you seek strength within your legs. even though the lower half of your body was still partially numbed, the feeling of pins and needles filled the tip of your toes to the back of your knees. not wanting to cause much of a scene, even though you were sure she wouldn’t care much, you looked up to check to see if your maid was paying you any mind. cynthia was too focused on rinsing your body, while amanda stopped brushing your hair to grab towels for you.
it was amazing how you could even get that out. due to the affects of the poison, your throat had become overly dry and it hurt you to even swallow. that was mainly one of the reasons as to why you hardly spoke to them this morning. stopping in her tracks, she lazily turned her head into your direction. the woman didn’t have much of any emotion on her face. her eyelids halfway down, making it appear that she was tired or just bored. her lips were in a thin line. you had hardly seen her smile or really speak, so you started to believe this was just how her resting face looked like.
“why did he poison me?”
tilting her head a bit, cynthia’s facial expression changed. it was as if your question intrigued her. her low eyelids raised a bit, along side her eyebrows, as she tried to tame the smile that was creeping on her thin lips. this was the most expressive you have ever seen her. she began to part her lips when amanda came back through the door with the towels.
“perhaps this conversation will need to be revisited, my lady.”
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khaosrealms · 1 year
I love the Syzoth X Princess!Reader so much I can't even- ❤️❤️❤️ Is it alright if I request something similar but with the Lin Kuei trio? Syzoth falling in love with Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Smoke's younger sister? I imagine her joining the Outworld investigation bc "Lord Liu Kang, you're sending two of the least stealthiest people in our group for a covert op? With all respect, why in the world did you think this was a good idea?" Basically pressuring the local demi-god into letting her tag along, and the mission going to hell anyway. Super-ninja be damned, the chaos cannot be contained. I also imagine Johnny isn't going to let that fact go anytime soon.
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a/n: of course it is alright to ask for such a request, that is why i’m here! thank you so much for sending the ask— i am happy to respond 💚
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- Perhaps it comes with the territory of being the sole sister of a family of boys. A sense of responsibility likened to that of a mother coordinating a group of toddlers. Younger than your brothers you may be, but hardly inept and hardly easily swayed enough to be told by your Lord when your presence is unneeded. What else was he to expect, when you spent the many of your living years upon Outworld’s soil doing everything in your power to prevent your brothers from slaughtering one another where they stood? If there was anyone more capable of investigating Outworld with discretion, it is you.
“Look at them, my Lord.” You utter, gazing upon his champions. A cabbage farmer, a former yakuza, a deadbeat stage fool. Men who can hardly so much as breathe before taking a bite at one another’s necks. Well, at the very least— with Kung Lao, it was more to take a nip at your own. Easier to control. “If it is recognition you fear, you know you may trust me to remain hidden much better than these… Earthrealmers you have chosen.” You do not miss the gasp of insult that escapes Johnny’s lips; rather, you choose ignorance. Searching for answers in Liu Kang’s glowing eyes. Yet nothing speaks, so it is words you are forced to accept. Words that come in what you imagine is a form of sigh from your Lord’s lips. “No one is to know that you are Lin Kuei.”
- And also, perhaps, you should have simply chosen to let the Earthrealmers suffer their own given fate. The bickering, the clumsy coordination, Tarkat, Shang Tsung, by god, Kenshi’s own eyes. By the time that you awake in a cell, dank and filthy with the smell of corpses and gore, you feel as if that day, you’d been better suited to remaining at home. Continuing your daily training as you’d had for years on end. But instead, waking with an ache in your head so deep it rushes to your spine and forces you up, you realize you no longer had that privilege. Here, instead, you were residing within Shang Tsung’s true laboratory— soon to be faced with the horror of being taken apart and made into whatever greeted your eyes through the cell’s bars.
- You’d been the second in the cell to awake, after Kenshi, woken by virtue of true and utter pain, gouged of his sight; and Baraka, awake since his capture, there to fill the hours alongside you both while you stew in your fate. You’d learned from the former merchant that your jailer had passed prior to your awakening. And now, all five of you await for his return, well— some of you. Johnny and Kung Lao were deep sleepers, it seemed. For now, the ones in the waking world, Baraka, Kenshi, and yourself, filled the rancid air with words. Jailer, you wondered. A chance to flee, bars wide enough to wrench a hand through, threaten for freedom. Options, all waiting for you to spring upon the man who chose to align himself with Shang Tsung and would die for his choice.
- Nearly, you do it. When Johnny finally rouses, stumbling to Kenshi’s side, your jailer appears. Dressed in green, red fabric tied around his bicep, and a tattooed arm that reaches in just enough to be held and twisted around. But it is Baraka who makes the first move, his word that gives you enough pause to listen and discover the true nature of your jailer. Not a herald for Shang Tsung’s cause— a slave to it. His family in the clutches of a man who would slaughter them if so much as a whisper of betrayal left him. A shapeshifter, a Zaterran. Syzoth, a name you only learn due to Shang Tsung’s arrival after fighting the hoards of his creations. A sorcerer who revealed your jailer’s only purpose for remaining in enslavement was a lie. His family dead “many moons ago”. Suffering for no cause but for Shang Tsung’s cruel ambition. Here to die alongside the five of you; suffocating in toxins.
“I should’ve simply stayed with my brothers.” You can’t seem to get the rancid smell of Shang Tsung’s labratory out from your lungs; no matter how hard you breathe in the air of Outerworld. Johnny cackling out a laugh. And too, that smell sitting in the newfound companion of Syzoth. But rather, more so— the scent of despair. Enough to give you pause; to bite back Bi-Han’s insults and instead lean towards Kuai Liang’s guidance. “…He will get what he is due.” A momentary sentiment, but you can see his eyes flicker. Heard, even in the abyss of his mourning. “I am sorry, for your grave loss.” For a moment, he reminds you of Tomas. A sort of kindness in a place where it should have no place coexisting. “Thank you.” “Thank me once we get what you are owed.”
- From that time forth, an agreement formed between you both. To seize the moment, to make Shang Tsung fear the hour for which his own actions would smite him, and you would be there— to assist in that vengeance. A blood pact, almost; shaken hands on even. A source of comedy for Johnny, who found nothing but delight of the thought of the ‘big bad serious ninja’ actually shaking someone’s hand. Syzoth simply shared in your confusion. A mutual link of attitude towards the odd Earthrealmer. If a bit more lenient of his callousness than yourself.
- In Syzoth, you suppose what you find is a… reasoning for balance. You’d cared for your family, always, yes— but you never considered what truly was at stake had someone taken them away. If, like your father, all those you loved were slaughtered. Would you still find the determination to keep going once they were gone? Would you still fair with that kindness he holds when the two of you speak during the night? Still passionate about living beyond vengeance against Shang Tsung— enough to laugh with the Earthrealmers where you failed to join. Too set in Lin Kuei ways; the silence of it, the tight grip of it that these days Bi-Han holds over it as grandmaster. You’d never considered it before. That it was possible you could be swayed. That it would be a Zaterran who would make you question the way of the Lin Kuei as it was.
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berrypass-de-murdler · 2 months
79. Murder at the Movies
I'm currently very sad because
a) my depressive streak is not ending nor getting better
It says she was delivered and she was in the mailbox and she is not there. And now we have to complain about a missing package.
And of all the packages to go missing, it's the one with something completely irreplaceable.
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Here's the draft for Pearl, AGE, designed by Fletch. She is a vaporer moth, a species in which females lack wings, although she has a more ant/spider-like face. She speaks in an Australian accent that is so thick, she's nearly completely unintelligible. This is just a draft, Fletch will make her full official artwork eventually.
Logico decides to see a movie, bc this season is about movies.
LOGICO: Even though all murder movies are actually BAD. Unless I’m in it. 
The usher is dead!
LOGICO: Well, that’s more entertaining than the movie would have been.
Unfortunately, Blaxton, Smoky, and that Dusty idiot from one season one episode had the same idea. And some insect lady named Pearl, American Guild of Editors.
Suspect time.
BLAXTON: I’m sorry, I HAVE to get my movie made! I can’t live without it, and I couldn’t have anyone in the way! LOGICO: That was the earliest confession we’ve ever had. BLAXTON: I’m not confessing to the MURDER, what the fuck! I’m talking about my obviously poisoned popcorn!
He inhales some and passes out. Even though he's a puppet. Pearl slides a dagger into her purse.
LOGICO: Why do you have a dagger, unless you killed a person. PEARL: I’MOY SELF-EFFENSE DAGG’UH! ‘CASE A PRICK!
Smoky launders in the corner.
SMOKY: I wish I could kill. It seems like everyone else has done it but me. Am I just not strong enough? I know I’m big enough. I can do it… can’t I? Oh father, oh father, why have the stars gone by? Oh father, oh father, why- LOGICO: WELL, that’s enough.
That means the only person who could have done it was Dusty! Or, y’know, someone’s lying. Logico shivers as he thinks of what he has to do next…
IRRATINO: Logico, it’s good to hear from you. LOGICO: STOP IT! Your soft voice is making me agile. IRRATINO: I think, if you look, you’ll find a chip of actual bone was discovered in the lobby. Or at least I did when I was remote viewing from house arrest. LOGICO: You’re watching me? IRRATINO: Yea… LOGICO: EVERYWHERE?!? IRRATINO: …no?...
Logico pouts. So gay! <3 Turns out he didn’t even need to admire his goat, because Dusty really DID do it. Honesty pays, kids!
DUSTY: We were watching the movie, and he told me about his idea for a mystery film, and it was so good, I had to have it! So I killed him, yeah! But now I have his idea, and if they don’t let me make the movie, then I won’t share it with everyone, and only I will enjoy it! LOGICO: Literally everyone hates you. PEARL: WEH NAW, OY-KEN GE’A BEYA SATE DEN EH? BLAXTON: And I can make my movie! SMOKY: And I can kill my first person!
So it all worked out after all.
The end!
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I cried drawing this I'm so fucking sad right now
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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ssamorganhotchner · 2 years
Hola!! Barging in to rant about Hotch, as usual. Today's fixation: his hair.
One thing about our TG, he's gonna serve dark haired goodness effortlessly. 🤤it's dark, shiny and thick, hmm imagine running your hands through it😻
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let's take it further shall we, let's talk about the hair on his arms and the top of his hands🤤🤤lord knows how (and why?) it brings me a warm sense of comfort (is it comfort or is something else chile😉), we once even got a glimpse of his armpit hairs😭 even THAT did something to me, this is neither ok nor normal, but we take it in stride, all things go for our fictional man😻
LASTLY, we have the brief moment he had a beard, me personally- i dreaded that episode because i knew what it would do to me😭😭after that it was official, i was a goner, hopelessly obsessed 🤩😫
i could sit and talk (thirst) about this man all day whewww LORD
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First and foremost I just wanna say that your asks are phenomenal and I HIGHLY adore you💕
The fluff??? His hair oh my god. TG has some of the best hair I have ever seen on a man, ever. It’s so shiny (like you said), so thick, and just freaking gorgeous! I’ve never wanted to run my hands through his hair so bad in my life
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He has like three little hairs and that’s it 😩😩 (the chest hair that he did have in the movie psycho beach party was makeup) but the hair on his stomach?? Ya know…. The lower part? 🙈🤤🤤 HAKAKXHSK JESUS FUCK this man makes me so feral I can’t breathe 😩
don’t even get me started on this man’s hairy fingers, arms, and legs because LOOK AT THEM 😩🤤
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the thoughts are not in any way shape or form safe for work 🥴
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Why oh why did you do this to me before bed bc now it’s all I’m gonna think about 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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rubbersoles19 · 1 year
What is your opinion about Launchpad? Speaking of the character himself... Both in the old series in which he appears and in his version from DT 17.
(I'm sorry if the question for you is too personal or if it irritates you, I was really curious when you gave your opinion about Drake and Gosalyn earlier...)
Oh boy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Launchpad is complicated. The reason he's complicated is because I love him so much, and yet I cannot wrap my head around him.
The OG Launchpad was just wonderful. He was faithful, all heart, occasionally petty, endlessly optimistic, a scaredy cat, and never ever wanted to hurt anyone's feelings. He was incredibly emotionally intelligent while sometimes being kinda clueless, he was logical, he was baffled, and he cared about everyone so freaking much. Launchpad was, without a doubt, the heart of the family. He soothed hurt feelings, looked out for the over looked, tried to steer people in the right direction, and was always ready with a comforting word or a little encouragement. He called Drake out on his nonsense, tried to talk some logic into Gosalyn, and made sure Honker knew he was loved. I can't imagine the back pain the big lug had from carrying all of the emotional maturity in the show. I'm even okay with Launchpad being a terrible pilot, because at the same time he's a Remarkable pilot, and again, being intelligent isn't his strength. But that doesn't stand in his way of being a rounded, well written character.
AND THEN DUCKTALES WENT AND MADE HIM A FREAKING IDIOT. Seriously I can Not STAND DT Launchpad. OG Launchpad (yes, I realize that there was Another Launchpad before DWD Launchpad, but I've never seen the Original DuckTales so it doesn't count) was never the brightest bulb in the box, but he was Grounded. While Drake, Gosalyn, Honker, and pretty much everyone else had their personalities blown out of proportion for comedic effect, Launchpad was the stable, consistent one. He wasn't out there putting clues together to solve the weekly mystery - though he did help! - but good Lord he wasn't licking his hands to make sure they weren't waffles. Again, I haven't seen every DT episode, but I have seen the first season and the finale (which I have opinions on, to no one's surprise) and I know they "tried" to give Launchpad some sort of arc where he, IDK, proves he's a still worth something even tho he's a useless moron, but it just didn't stick. Maybe they shouldn't have made him a stupid lump from the beginning. In order to make all of their other main characters shine, they took a big dump onto poor Launchpad. The original beating heart of the family got reduced to being Dumb for a few cheap gags that weren't even funny. This version of LP suffers all the more for being a terrible pilot bc he has no other redeeming traits. Sure, they tried to keep him optimistic and caring, but it's totally over shadowed to me by how SIMPLE he is, both mentally and as a character. It's terrible writing.
Anyway, the reason Launchpad is so hard for me to write is because on one hand, I get him. But on the other hand, he emphasizes the parts of writing that I'm not good at: the emotionally empathetic characters. I myself am a puzzle solver, so I like writing characters who are solving puzzles, and Launchpad isn't the one really doing that all that often. He's the emotionally smart one and I am... not that.
So in the end, I love Launchpad. I think Darkwing balanced him extremely well, and never had to pull gimmicks with him in order to avoid sidelining him behind their "main characters." In fact, he was a main character. I adore Launchpad for who he was, not what DT did to him, but I still struggle to write him, through no fault of his own. He's just very unlike me. But that's why I love him.
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dolce-peach · 2 years
soft and honeyed
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pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
summary: you and obi-wan are frequent battle partners during the clone wars. after a battle, the two of you head back to the jedi temple for some much needed rest -- and a much needed bath.
warnings: just obi being soft, implied nudity but nothing too graphic sorry
a/n: my obi-wan obsession has resurfaced 😆 pls enjoy this lil blurb of fluff and comfort bc THE MAN NEEDS IT 🥺😭 also feel free to leave some requests if you want, as i'm literally drowning in my obi feels LMAO 🥲
permanent taglist: @kaitlynmalikisnotonfire @just-another-loki-fangirl
** TO MAKE A REQUEST -- please check the status in my bio **
You sat down heavily in your seat, a sigh surfacing as you sank into the mostly unforgiving cushion, but to you, it was the most comfort you had in weeks. Feeling the cool air of the cruiser’s interior as it sped through cold space, you quickly realized you were so used to the planet's rather warm and humid atmosphere.
A familiar presence settled in the seat beside you. Obi-Wan. You glanced over to see his eyes closed with exhaustion.
He was a determined fighter, often pushing his energy past the limit. It was often your job to make sure he didn’t overwork himself, but you didn’t mind. Something about you mothering him was like therapy for you.
“Get some rest,” he said, his eyes still closed.
You smiled, fixing your gaze on the grey ceiling. “Watching you rest is good enough for me. Besides, I don’t sleep well in space.”
He chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll sleep for days when we get back to the temple.”
“That’s if we’re not shipped off somewhere else,” you lamented. “Do you think home has changed?”
You could almost feel his brow furrow. “Changed? In the course of a few weeks?” he said. “I doubt it. Home could actually do with some change. I bet they still haven’t fixed the flood in the ladies’ bathroom.”
Groaning, you elbowed him. “All I want is a bath. If it’s still flooded, I’m blaming you.”
It was light banter like this that got you through those weeks, and even the battles before that. It seemed like only yesterday the two of you were made Jedi knights and quickly charged head on into a war no one was ready for.
Not that you weren’t ready. You had been ready to face the trials for a while, but because nearly the entirety of the Jedi Temple seemed to be recruited, you felt unsteady suddenly being knighted. You were sure Obi-Wan felt the same, defeating a Sith lord and then being burdened with the responsibility of a Padawan.
The two of you heavily relied on each other to watch each other’s backs, and keep each other sane. Being engulfed in battles all the time was enough to make your head spin. The sound of blasters that always seemed to frighten you became white noise.
When you finally arrived back at the temple to debrief with the Council, you felt yourself relax a little as you walked through the halls. But at the thought of standing in a meeting room for at least an hour, you sighed.
The work was never done.
“Do we have to go see the Council?” you rhetorically asked grumpily. “Can’t we just meet tomorrow?”
Obi-Wan gave you a nod. “You can go wash up. I’ll give the report.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
He sighed. “Well, you did save my life at the end there...again.”
“I suppose I did,” you laughed. “That makes five, I believe.”
Rubbing his beard in thought, he smiled, his blue eyes twinkling. “Right. Five.”
You flashed a wide grin. “Well...if you insist on debriefing with the Council alone, then I guess I’ll get a head start on some much needed rest.” You playfully saluted. “See you around, General.”
The Jedi master nodded, his funny crooked grin appearing through his beard as he echoed the greeting. “General.”
Excitement filled you as you sped through the halls to your room to gather some things for a bath. It was a silly thing to be thrilled over, but if there was one thing you learned, take advantage of the tiny joys while you can.
And you knew you were going to enjoy it.
Humming while you practically skipped to the communal bathroom, you stopped dead in your tracks as you felt still water beneath your bare feet. You lifted your gaze to see the sunlight falling through the windows, reflecting on the water that covered the large tub and the floor surrounding it.
You could almost hear Obi-Wan’s laughter as you stood there, frozen and dejected.
You made a mental note to strangle him later.
With another heavy sigh, you walked out across the hall to the men’s room, fuming. You couldn’t care less if anyone was in the room. To your pleasant surprise, there wasn’t a single soul.
It wasn’t long before you filled the tub with scalding water and plenty of bubbles.
Sinking into the bath was by far the best feeling in your life. You wasted no time scrubbing layers of dirt and grime from your skin before you closed your eyes and lay in the tub, letting the steam fog the air.
“So I take it the other room’s still flooded.”
As you opened your eyes, Obi-Wan stood above you. “You and I both know that I desperately need this bath.” You crinkled your nose in annoyance. “Don’t forget, I still blame you.”
“Oh, I know,” he mused.
To your surprise, he began to undo his belt before shrugging off his robes, revealing his rather lean figure. He’d always been a rather conservative person ever since he was a youngling, but you guessed that living together in the most unpredictable circumstances made him more comfortable around you.
Scars carved his shoulders like constellations, including some new flesh wounds from flying shrapnel and rogue bullets. You admired his torso for another moment before closing your eyes, letting the heat of the water soak through your skin.
You could hear him shuffle and kick his boots off before joining you in the tub with a quiet splash.
Looking over, you saw him sink further into the water with a groan. “Too hot?” you asked.
He shook his head with a content smile. “It’s perfect.”
You smiled, gathering your robes. “I’ll leave you to it, then. The Council would have a fit if they knew I was in here.”
“Let them,” Obi-Wan replied, preoccupied with bubbles. “Just stay and rest. You deserve it.” He flashed a quick wink. “It’s not like anything’s going on.”
“Who are you, and what have you done with Obi-Wan Kenobi?” you laughed. You hesitated before settling back in the water again. “Speaking of the Council, how was the meeting?”
His blue gaze flitted towards you. “Oh, nothing exciting. They seemed pleased,” he sighed. “They’re thinking of sending us elsewhere in a few days.”
“Of course,” you said, giving a bitter smile. “We’re in the middle of a war. We haven’t the time for anything else anymore.” You leaned your head against the edge of the tub, your gaze on the window above. “This was never supposed to happen. I mean look at us, we’re military leaders now.” You shook your head. “I wish it would just end soon.”
He inhaled deeply. “Me too.”
You turned back to look at him before you found yourself rubbing spots of dirt and grime away on his cheek. He seemed to melt into your touch, closing his eyes as your thumb found more marks on his forehead. Your touch was soothing and rhythmic.
You stifled a laugh, earning a small, somewhat annoyed, “What?”
“You’d think you rolled down a rocky hill into a pile of dirt, not battled thousands of droids,” you said, your thumb brushing over his brow to the top of his cheekbone. “You’re filthy, General.”
“I apologize for war not being more of a...civilized matter.”
Shaking your head, you began tracing his features with your fingers. The edges of his beard felt prickly under the pads of your fingers as you wiped away some bubbles.
“For what it’s worth, you’re doing the best you can,” you murmured.
His lips twitched into a thin smile. “You too.” His voice was soft and rather scratchy from yelling orders through explosions. “This will all be over soon, and we’ll all go back to living normal lives.”
“Normal,” you scoffed, nudging his bare shoulder. “We’re Jedi. We’re far from normal.”
His eyes followed your hands as you grabbed a sponge and your body scrub and began scrubbing his arms. He could feel your anxiety fading away with each scrub, almost like cleaning him was the therapy you needed.
He was infatuated with you, the way your skin glistened with steam. Your expression was relaxed and flushed from the heat, even more calm than when you slept. His head spun at the thought of smelling like you.
As he turned so you could scrub his back, massaging his muscles as you went, he couldn’t help but asking a question to fill the silence.
“Do you ever wish you weren’t a Jedi?”
Your motions stopped, and for a moment, panic made the blood drain from his face, thinking he asked the one question he shouldn’t have. When you continued, he let out a small breath.
“Sometimes,” you admitted softly. “But it’s honestly been so long, I can’t see myself doing anything else. After all, we were raised here.”
He knew how you felt.
He echoed your answer in his head. Sometimes.
Maybe in a different universe, you’d be happy in the countryside on a distant planet, far from the problems of the Republic. You’d eventually settle down with a family, children perhaps, or maybe you’d live your life alone with nothing but nature for company.
Or maybe you’d still be in the middle of all the action. You’d fight and fight until there was nothing left to fight for. Peace would prevail.
Sensing his mind in a haze, you leaned over his shoulder, gently pressing yourself into him. Your chin settled over his broad shoulder and collarbone, with his beard just missing your cheek. “What’re you thinking about?”
He stiffened at your touch before relaxing. “Hypotheticals.”
You let out a soft laugh, wrapping your arms around him. “As per usual.” He could feel you smiling as your lips brushed his skin. “Learn to quiet your mind, General. Those thoughts won’t do you any good.”
He turned, facing you. Instead of shying away, you kept your eye contact, brushing his long locks back.
“I can’t help it,” he joked lightly. “Perhaps I’m in need of some guidance from a well-seasoned Jedi.”
You smiled. “You’re looking right at one.”
As he watched your smile widen, he fell into your gaze again. He knew there was no such thing as luck, but he also knew he was the luckiest man alive to have you by his side.
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mx-pastelwriting · 3 years
hello there! Could I please request a twilight polyamory kings x reader on how’d they react when they realize their mate threatens to leave them because she doesn’t feel noticed or praised in the relationship bc they are always working and never with her
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Me and my unhealed abandonment issues loves this writing idea! <3
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Volturi Kings x GN!Reader
Summary: Request up top
Warning: Mate Threatens to Leave, Not Being Noticed or Praised, Heart broken, Tears, Sadness, Crying, Established Relationship
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You wake up with the sun on your face with the smell of warm tea on the nightstand. Looking around, hoping to see at least one of your mates, but Jane stood in the room waiting. She greeted you a "Morning" then poured your morning tea, something that Marcus or Aro always did.
Surprised not to have them by your side in the morning, you brush past and give a "Good morning," watching as she puts the teapot down on the nightstand. "The lords had an early trial this morning," she says with a sorry look before walking out for you to enjoy your tea. You look at it sitting there and decide to skip it with it not feeling the same. 'They could have left a note or a rose even' You thought to yourself while getting out of bed then making your way to the bathroom to change into your daily wear.
Finshing up and then into the hall, you walked closer to their courtroom, hearing the pleas of the vampire on trial. Sitting down back against the wall, you watch as Felix and Demetri look over, then go back to business. Looking at the vampire on trial, a pale man with red eyes. He looked scared. You listened carefully, wanting to know about the man's crimes. "Please, I didn't mean to hurt her." "I didn't kill her. It was a man with an axe. Please read my thoughts, please!" He cries out like an animal in its final moments.
You stand up, knowing that Aro would listen to you if you talked to him. Putting your hand on Aro's arm then looking into his red eyesyou tell him you feelings, he returned his gaze to the man and extended his hand. The man takes quickly grabbing with a gasp, Aro pulls his hand back seeing the truth in the man. "I see." He says then nods to Felix and Demetri. Closing your eyes hearing the man thanking you's as he was dragged away out of the big doors. Looking at Marcus and Caius, then back at Aro, you could see disappointment in their faces as they turned their attention to you.
"Tesoro mio"My Darling, Aro says, with worry in his eyes as he looks at you, "Why didn't you give that man a fair trial like you give everyone else?" You said while looking at him with an eyebrow raised not letting him have a chance to get another word in. He pushes you out lightly, wanting you out of the room. Turing around you plant your feet on the ground, wanting an explanation. 
You see Caius next to you, along with Marcus. "We didn't want him to get free as he likes to roam the streets looking for prey in the daytime. He is a liability." Holding your hand, Caius says, before you could say anything, "My lords, there is a problem in the gardens." A guard says from behind you. They vanished out of the room and into the gardens. You knew this would be a challenging day for you, as trying to get your mates attention was always so hard as their work filled up their days, but when you did, it was a rewarding experience.  - Throughout the day, you found ways to entertain yourself without them. You started to paint in the garden. You could hear footsteps coming from the hall. You peeked out of the door and saw one of your mates. "Marcus, look, I painted the new flower we put in the garden," you say, with excitement filling your tone. He smiles at you before looking over at the painting. "Oh, I see." He looks at your painting and then back at the flower. 
But instead of the usual kiss and "good job" that you would get if he wasn't in a hurry his face turned into confusion. "My dear, this isn't the same flower, see," he said, pointing out the flaws in the painting. He goes on about how you need to get better, you feel your heart break a bit. 
Even if he did tell you that something was off, he would never be this blunt with his words. "Oh okay, Thank you love," You say, turning back to the painting hearing as he left the room, 'Maybe he-' You cut your thoughts off not wanting to give him an excuse to treat you like that. Wipping the hot tears from your cheek then looking around your room "I'll come back later," you say before walking out of the room.
Finding yourself walking up to Caius's study room. You smile as you start to run up to the door. Opening it hoping that he will be able to make your sad feelings go away. Caius looked up then back down at his book, "Hello love, I-" "Please Y/N go spend time with Marcus. I'm sure he would love to see throughts of your painting more than me." He said it before you could finish your welcome. You nod and walk away, feeling even worse. 
Shutting the door behind you trying to stay silent. Walking around the corner, you see Aro walking down the hall, "Aro!" You say, trying to brighten up for him. He smiles and walks past you. You stand there confused then running back beside him, "I was thinking maybe we could have lunch together if you're not busy." You say this as you link your arm with his. He smiles at you as he pulls his arm back from you and says, "I'm sorry, I have too much work today. I'm sure Caius is up for lunch. I think he said something about 'walking with you in the garden'." Before you can respond to his lie, he runs off. You huff as you stand there, your heart pounding with tear ready to spill over. - You find yourself walking to Marcus's library. You always find something to cheer you up in there, whether it be a book or Marcus himself. You pushed the events that have been happening with your mates to the back of your head as much as you could before walking into the room. You look in to see Marcus standing in front of one of the many bookshelves in the room, his back facing you. He walks past you to the table with the books you had picked up and piled up yesterday. An idea popped into your head as you picked up the first book you saw.
You start to walk to Marcus almost skipping to him, and ask, "Can you read this to me?" You say, holding out the book. He looks at you for a second before looking back at the book. "Sorry love, I don't have time to read that." He says, and takes another look at it before laughing out, "You wanted me to read you a fairy tale book?" With an eyebrow raised, you feel tears welling up in your eyes from his words.
You thought as he always did, now chuckling to himself, "You've done it before." He ignores you. He takes another book off of the shelf and opens it. You walk away in pieces, making it to the doorway of your bedroom.
Opening your door then locking it you wasted no time letting your tears out, , you couldn't hold it back anymore. You could feel your love for them fade away. You had made your decision after the pain and embarrassment they had caused you and after ignoring you for so long.
Pushing yourself out of bed to your closet, where you found the suitcase you hadn't touched since you arrived. Unzipping it you threw what could fit in there while wiping your tears away then continuing. After you finished, you could feel the air leave your lungs as you saw all the lovely pictures of your mates and you with smiles planted on your faces. "We had no idea," you whispered, looking back at your actions that were taking place in front of your eyes.
Making your way out of the room that was once shared with you and your mates, all the happy moments flashing before your eyes. Wiping your last tears with a sigh as you made your way out the back through the garden. There was no use in facing them. They would only brush you off. You were irrelevant to them. Vision blurred by more tears streaming down your face; the thought of your mates thinking you're nothing more than the floor they walk on was too much for you to bear. 
Walking on your feet became more difficult as you saw the exit. All the love you gave them in the good days is nothing now. Looking back on the dates and kisses you shared with them as you finally step out of the garden that was once your favorite spot hurts you even more. You turn your back, not wanting to feel the pain of looking back. If only they made more time for you if only they showed their love a bit more. Surely they knew they were tearing you apart.
Making your way a bit farther, a pain in your chest starts, before you could turn your mates blurred in front of you making you step back and look down, not wanting meet their cold eyes. "Amore mio my love, why are you out here with-" "Don't!" You yell You hear cutting Aro's words cut off as he sees the state you are in. You made Aro speechless for the second time in your lifetime. You still remember the first time.
It was when you looked at him when he was talking to Carlisle that you were a friend of Bella's and came to play and hang with the Cullens. The Volturi came to pay a surprise visit before Aro could talk. You walked into his line of sight, and he stood there speechless. On another occasion, you would have smiled at the memory; but here you are broken and leaving him and the others.
"Tesoro mio" My Darling  You hear Caius, "Please just ignore me like you've been doing. It'll be easier for all of us. " You say, trying to hold your tears back. You look up to see their faces filled with worry and hurt. You look away once again. "We have hurt you," Marcus says, with a soft tone. 
Struggling now to hold your tears "That's fucking obvious isn't it" you scoff. "I thought that maybe you would give me at least a minute of your love or attention today, and the other days I've tried, but I can see that your work is far more important than me." You bite back "We didn't-" "Didn't notice, yeah, that's why I'm here leaving. I just hope maybe someone else will appreciate my love because none of you did." You yell, cutting off Aro. Your tears and sobs that were once suppressed came spilling out. If only they had loved you as much as they loved their work if only they had realized how much they had broken you.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Could i request a tachanka x reader where on a mission the reader takes a bullet for tachanka saving his life and almost dying in the process of it. And tachanka is just depressed in his dorm at rainbow gettung drunk and overworking himself because he was inlove with the reader and blames himself for them risking thier life and almost dying. And at some point reader visits him and comforts him telling the dude it wasn't his fault and that they love him and they did it bc of that?
(I had this scenario in my head bc of "All of us"- HBO)
hi anon!! yes you may absolutely request some love for our lord and savior Tachanka :3 tysm for being as descriptive as possible, i appreciate it so much!! i hope you enjoy this yayyy
Tachanka x Reader: Grazing Death
Trigger Warnings: Angst, near death experience (reader almost dies), graphic depictions of violence (reader is shot), blood, rampaging, alcoholism, self-blame, eventual fluff, recovery
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Making your way to the extraction point with a few of your fellow operators, you and Aleksandr stayed a bit behind to cover fire. “Glaz, any snipers in the area?!” you yell into your comms as you fire clean headshots into the enemies charging after you. “Negative. Everything is all clear, except for the enemies following you. Get to the rendezvous point while I help cover fire once Jäger pulls us over.” Timur said into your comms. “No need for cover fire when we have my Shumikha and my DP-27, братан. I’ll keep us safe.” Aleksandr said, yanking you behind a tree to get some cover. “Make sure you follow my tactical strategy and stay alive. The two of you are doing, so far, so good!” Marius said into your comms. “Not funny when you’re just hovering in the air, waiting for us!” you yell. “True, but it’s funny when you’re the one hanging from the gallows. Now hurry!” Timur yelled.
You looked over at Aleksandr and he quickly grabbed you by the straps of your equipment, pulling you with him as he began to run. “Keep going! I’ll play with these little soldiers a bit longer!” he yelled, slowing down a bit to fire a few grenades at the incoming enemies. You turned back to see what was doing and this would prove to be a fatal error. You decided to run back and get him, gripping tightly onto his arm. “You’re not dying here alone! Come on!” you yell. “What? No! Get to the others!” Aleksandr commanded. “Not without you!” you say. You then here what sounds like a grenade landing near the two of you, and you finally yank Aleksandr near some trees again. In an attempt to try and shield Aleksandr as you dived behind the tree, you were struck by several bullets. One grazed your right cheek, another hit your right shoulder blade, another hitting your right arm, and a final one lodging itself into your right leg.
You cry out in pain, falling on top of Aleksandr and now unable to get off him. “Y/N’s been hit! Someone come and get them up!” Timur said in everyone’s comms. “Merde! Oryx and I will get them! Everyone else, get to the rendezvous point!” Gustave yelled, as the two quickly turned around to get you. “Bring them to my helicopter instead of Jäger’s! We’ll treat them before getting back to base!” Mina yelled. Among the chatter, Aleksandr stared deeply into the wall of fire he had created for his enemies before looking back down at your bleeding form. His ears were ringing, trying to comprehend what was going on. The enemy, for the first time in the newly reformed Rainbow’s history, shot one of his teammates. Most importantly, they shot you.
The rookie, of all people they could’ve shot, was the one they had to shoot. The one Aleksandr finally felt he was getting close to.
Feeling an insurmountable rage consume him, blood boiling so hot it could have melted his Maska-1 right off his head, Aleksandr was hellbent on getting revenge. He made sure his DP-27 was loaded and ready to use, putting his Shumikha onto the ground before rushing through the fire and mowing down everyone in front of him. “Продолжай! Мне не терпится отправить ваши жалкие души в ад!” he yelled, slowly continuing forward on the surprised and unsuspecting enemy. “Sasha! What the fuck are you doing?!” Maxim yelled into the comms has he and Timur were now much more rushed as they delivered fire. “What I should have! These silly toy soldiers will pay for what they’ve done to Y/N!” Aleksandr yelled.
He was absolutely livid, wanting nothing more than to collect souls of the now damned and doomed enemy militia. They began to cower and run away, further adding to Aleksandr’s blinded rage. “Так быстро убегаешь?! Я думал, ты хочешь в нас стрелять! Вот почему ты стрелял в нашего новобранца, да?! Стреляй в меня следующим!” Aleksandr yelled, continuing to mow them down. “Oi! That’s enough! Get the bloody hell out of there, now Tachanka!” Mike yelled. Not satisfied with his revengebut still willing to follow orders, Aleksandr picked up his Shumikha and ran to the rendezvous point.
Once he had loaded himself into Marius’ helicopter, Mike gave the all clear to evacuate everyone. Aleksandr remained strapped in right between Saif, Maxim, and Timur. “Sasha, why the fuck did you risk that?” Timur asked, turning to glare at him. “If you were to be in my shoes and be the one responsible for it, you would understand. I wanted them to be safe, and I have their blood on my hands.” Aleksandr snapped quickly, turning down and looking at the younger operator. “No one is to speak with me.” he finished, silencing himself as he stared blankly at the floor of the inside of the helicopter. “Бля…” Maxim muttered softly.
The rest of the way back to base, Aleksandr remained silent and imposing as he continued to overthink about your current status. Once Marius landed, he saw Mina was landing directly onto the helipad connected to the infirmary to get you the care you desperately needed to keep your life. And for days, since then, Aleksandr kept himself locked away in his room. By Harry’s orders, he was to be kept a careful eye on due to his sudden bout of depression. He had once stored bottles of alcohol in the room he stayed at a week before and a week after a mission, and found himself drinking himself drunk enough to where he, Maxim, Shuhrat, and Timur had to hold him back from Ryad and Saif, the two most entrusted to watch over him seeing as how he tried to fight them.
Aleksandr would eventually come to overwork himself for days, only drinking water once he felt like or if he had ever gotten tired. The man was just worried and desperately needed to hear from you, from anyone tending to your health for that matter, because he had just now found out that the way he felt about you was not completely romantic. He, of all people, was the one left in the dark, and he was beginning to suspect it was on purpose. He just needed to know whether you were still alive or not, and he’d damn near kill himself if he found out you were dead. Aleksandr never acted in this way, and he was surprised that you having been shot affected him so much.
It wasn’t until 3 weeks after the entire incident, where he felt like he was done. Aleksandr had passed out once again, either from drinking or from overworking himself, slumped against the wall like a dead body. The day you were finally taken out of the coma you were induced in to make sure you survived, you were happy to have managed to pull through such a thing. It was only for a moment, however, as you then became extremely upset. You got word from Maxim himself that Gustave forced Aleksandr to have to wait to see if you were okay, because he heard from Timur how he reacted to you being shot.
Maxim himself explained it as well, having witnessed it. How terrifying it was to see the jovial, older man suddenly snap and become a killing machine that didn’t want to stop but was forced to. How, if it weren’t for the rest of the Spetsnaz and Saif, he could have killed Ryad on the spot. You had to explain to everyone that he was just scared, and probably never saw someone like you nearly die and blame it on himself. And that’s when Timur told you everything else that had been happening, and you asked if anyone tried to stop him. “We all did, and nothing helped. But now that you’re awake, perhaps you can see for yourself to try and help him.” Timur said, uncrossing his arms and giving you a worried look. “Give me three days. I just woke up, but I’ll see for myself then.” you say.
Those three days came and passed quickly, and you felt yourself ready to see him. You were sat in a wheelchair gently, so as to hopefully not open any of your bullet holes, and wheeled over to Aleksandr’s room. “Wait. Do you really think that it’ll be safe to put Y/N in there with Aleksandr now? They just woke up three days ago.” Ryad said, standing his ground alongside Saif. “I want to see him myself. Now let me in, please.” you say, looking up at Ryad and Said. The two men gave each other a look before nodding and moving out of the way, Saif being the one to open the door up for you. “Need us to wheel you in, or do you want to go in yourself?” Shuhrat asked. “I’ll go in by myself. I want to be alone with him.” you say, keeping your eyes on Aleksandr’s slumped figure. “Go ahead. If anything goes wrong, you scream for us and we’ll get you out of there.” Saif said.
You nodded and carefully wheeled yourself into Aleksandr’s room. “Can you shut the door a bit? I don’t want the light to hurt his eyes or anything.” you say, looking back at them. Ryad nodded, pulling the door enough to be nearly closed, with just a small crack of light breaking through. You carefully got yourself out of your wheelchair, and crawled to sit in the small space Aleksandr’s legs were opened to. “Aleksandr…wake up…” you say softly, bringing your hands up to gently cup his face. He let out a soft growl at you, eyebrows knitting in his sleep. “Please Aleksandr…I’m right in front of you…it’s Y/N…” you plead, leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek before resting your forehead against his, eyes closed.
Feeling some movement coming from Aleksandr, you pull your face away from him, and his eyes widen. “Y/N…you’re…” Aleksandr said softly, staring at you. “I’m okay…and I’m right here with you…” you say softly. Aleksandr’s eyes then began to fill with tears, and he carefully wrapped his arms around you. “Those bastards left me in the dark…” he said softly. “I know, they told me about it…they also told me you kept yourself here on base and overworked yourself…where did these sudden self-destructive actions come from..?” you ask. “They came because it was my fault. If it wasn’t for me ordering you to continue running, you would have been fine. Life would have continued like normal, but I went and got you shot.” Aleksandr said. “Aleks…it wasn’t your fault…there was always going to be a probability that I would be shot in this field, and I signed up knowing that risk. The lives of others are more important than my own.” you say.
Aleksandr practically glared at you, a cold glint in his eyes, “And your life is important to mine. It was my fault, whether the chances exist or not, your life is just as important as everyone else’s.” he said. The two of you then remained silent for a moment, before you spoke back up, “If I’m going to be honest, I did it because I love you, you know. I honestly feel like you’re trying to say something more with you suddenly doing all these things, but I can’t understand…” you say sadly. “Then I’ll help you,” he said. Aleksandr then brought one of his hands up to the back of your head, pushing it forward and kissing you. Your eyes widened this time, stunned at the sudden action made by him. You'd been trying to push down your feelings for Aleksandr for a long time, but now that you knew he had feelings for you, you were more than happy to unbottle them. You found yourself kissing him back, and the two of you remained kissing each other until the need for air forced you to pull away.
“I love you…I never had my feelings in order when it came to you, and the timing is terrible…but I just needed you to know now that I have you back…” Aleksandr said softly. You gave him a soft smile, “And you’ll always have me…I won’t let myself be shot again…” you say softly. “Good…and I’ll be there to take any bullets for you, the way you did with me.” he said. “Just make sure you don’t die, okay? You’re officially not allowed to.” you joke. This made Aleksandr laugh, “Please, I’ve gotten this far without getting shot or killed. Few grazes, sure, but never shot.” he said, giving you a smile. “Good. I love you.” you say, kissing his forehead. “Я тебя люблю, Y/N.” he said, kissing you once again.
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ashdreams2023 · 3 years
Loki with baby fever with an s/o who's species can only give birth every 6~ish years. I think He'd play it cool but He'd be terrified bc if something happens to the baby, they won't have another chance for like 10 yrs 😬
But like, He'd try everything he could to take care of the birthgiver and the birthed I think hed be a good dad lol -🧑‍🚀
Loki having baby fever and being with a reader who takes long to get pregnant:
He didn’t notice it at first, the way he’ll react whenever he hears a baby laugh or make noises
Whenever he saw a toddler running around he’ll get this tug in his chest and he’ll want to play with them
When he had a chance to hold a baby he wouldn’t let it go, calming the baby is just fine with him
His eyes would sparkle whenever he made the baby laugh and his smile would grow as the baby played with his fingers
You saw all that and it just made you want to give him one so bad
And you did try, many times, over and over again but your kind didn’t produce children easily
So every time you didn’t make it, it just broke you and ur sucked even more because he was patient
Loki was patient, he never bugged you about it or made you feel any less because of it
And when it finally happened you broke down crying in his arms out of joy
"I know, I know, I’m so proud of you"
He searched everything, and I mean everything about pregnancy and your kind
The enter house was filled with pillows and your favorite candles were always lit, along with fridges just filled with all your favorite foods
Asked every person he knew was ever pregnant what pregnancy might be like and what he can do to help
Loki took great care of you
But it gets pretty annoying sometimes if you’re being honest
"No! I’ll get that for you" or "where are you going!?" "….the bathroom"
Shopping with him is an experience….
He wants to buy every little thing his eyes land on and if it’s green lord knows you won’t leave the store until he buys it
"Loki the baby will grow don’t go crazy!"
"Exactly! I wanna make sure they try as much of these as possible"
It all melts down though, when you see him playing around with other babies and just everything else doesn’t matter anymore
"What do you think they’ll look like?" He said, you’ll hum rubbing your stomach "I want them to have your pretty eyes"
When the time for delivery came he was sweating and holding your hand, he had to be kicked out the room
His heart raced when he heard your screams and all he wanted was for it to be over and both of you to be safe
Then the baby cried and the sun rose up
He saw you, fragile looking but ok, your baby in your arms
So tiny and had those big green eyes, while everything else was a spitting image of you
"You made it" he said fighting back tears "We made it" you said back
Loki is the greatest person to be your child’s father, no doubt.
"Thank you for, thank you so much" he kissed your forehead then the baby
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89evrs · 3 years
hi guys!! hope you enjoy this one :D
reader and harry are in a public but kind of price relationship, if that makes sense? reader is a model - the face claim is natalia castellar calvani
harrynotstyles is harry’s finsta!!
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liked by harrynotstyles,dovecameron, and 1,457,098 others.
yourinstagram i don’t even like beer idk why i’m smiling like that 😐
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↳ yourinstagram i did :D
user2 my lord you look so good
florencepugh Looking lovely!💓💓
↳ yourinstagram thank you sm!!
harrynotstyles an actual angel
harrynotstyles i love you so bad
↳ yourinstagram love you too ig…..
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liked by yourinstagram , niallhoran, and 1,345 others.
harrynotstyles we’re in a museum but the only art i’m looking at is her.
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yourinstagram awwwww faaaannnkkkssss 💞💞
yourinstagram that’s funny bc i was looking at YOU!! the whole time :D
user1 hey god ive seen what you’ve done for others…..
user2 is it just me or is she toxic 💀
↳ user3 definitely just you
tomholland2013 hope you had a fun day 👍
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liked by yoursister,tchalamet, and 890,436 others.
nextmodels Y N
pictured @yourinstagram by @yoursister for the cover of a small magazine. We shared this because this is Y/s/n’s debut as a magazine photographer!
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user1 just when i thought she couldn’t get more perfect
harrynotstyles THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!! LOVE U BABY
yoursister omg this photoshoot was so much fun!!
yourinstagram I LOVE THIS ONE SM
user2 she is literally a dream
user3 harry is so lucky WTAF
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liked by goldencherry,harrysgirlfriend, and 45,327 others.
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user2 this is literally pr. harry deserves someone who actually cares about him.
↳ user3 what the actual fuck is wrong w you??? he’s been happy in this relationship for like 2 years leave them be
yourinstagram i’m honestly so happy someone got his on video!!!! i didn’t get to take any pics at the airport so thank you :D
user6 actual babies!!!!! so cute!!!!!
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liked by harrystyles,annetwist, and 5,383,120 others.
yourinstagram sunshine boy ♡ i love you so much and i’m so glad i get to accompany you on this tour!!!
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harrystyles i love you xx
↳ yourinstagram i love you more!!!!!!!!!!!
harrystyles i guess i can say…baby you light up my world like no body else ;)
↳ yourinstagram shut UP HARRY
annetwist I’m so proud of him 💞
↳ yourinstagram me too!!
user2 🥺🥺🥺
user4 do you think they went to disney together 🥺🥺
user6 who tf does she think she is…doesn’t she know that harry is a private person…
↳ harrystyles i think if i had a problem with it i would tell her but thanks x
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
requesting once again bc i love ur writing :) “I always address you by your title or surname but you’re in peril so I lose my cool and call you by your first name” with erestor x elronds daughter!reader pls 🥺
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Erestor watched you, the daughter of his lord and his apprentice join your twin brothers in combat training.
He wasn’t too pleased in hearing how you wanted to skip today’s work within his study and go off gallivanting, that’s at least how the ever grumpy elf put it.
You called it something else:
“Master Erestor, I would like to spend the afternoon with my brothers.”
“Is that really necessary, m’lady?”
“My brothers will leave on patrol soon, I think they will be out hunting too. I would really like to spend time with them before they leave, please, Master Erestor.”
Erestor was forced to let you go for the afternoon, especially after your father suggested it was good idea too.
The ellon glared as you laughed in your attempt to try and swing the sword.
You seemed to be having a whole lot more fun than the afternoons in the library alongside himself. 
When he made you his apprentice, he had hoped to spend more time with you.
The lingering gazes and soft small smiles was starting to give away what he felt for you.
So in making you his apprentice, no one could suspect how the ellon had fallen for his lord’s daughter.
“M’lady, if you may accept, I would like to make you my apprentice in seeing how much you love learning and gaining as much as myself.”
“I would be honored, kind councilor.”
Some days he was beating himself up for it, for falling for a young elleth; you.
Other days, he was too entranced by your kindness and beauty to even let anything ruin his time with you.
Yes, you may have only spoken about the work related topics and history. 
But the ellon enjoyed hearing your opinions on anything and every thing. 
Hearing you speak and voicing your ideas so passionately, he had grown very fond of it.
He longed to hear what you had to say every day and fill his hears with a melody like no other in this world.
But today he was forced not to and it left the ellon more grumpy and snappy than usual. 
So much that someone left his study in tears only moments before, so he found himself here.
Where he could watch you and calm the fire burning inside him.
Why couldn’t combat training with your brothers be in the morning, rather than leave him alone to make this evening miserable; he was forced to yearn for you. 
Erestor scowled looking out into the fields. 
Maybe he should suggest combat training with you as well?
He was a warrior once, he still knew how to wield a sword.
He sighed and ran his hand over his face, then turned away.
But the sharp cry of pain made him freeze.
The ellon whipped himself around and ran to your aid.
He kneed to the ground and gathered your body into his arms.
“You fools!”
He shouted at your brothers.
“It’s not our fault, she fell backwards” Elladan said.
Elrohir quickly tried to examine your ankle, but Erestor pushed him away and carefully touched your skin.
He let out a string of curses as you whimpered in pain.
“I knew this was a bad idea.”
He picked you gently, careful not to move your ankle too much.
“I will heal, master Erestor” you whimpered.
“You are still young, you need proper care” he stated.
It was only once you were carefully bandaged up did Erestor’s anger subside.
You swore, he would have almost killed the healer because of every sign or sound of pain you made.
Erestor placed himself on the chair beside your bed the entire time you spoke with your father and brothers. 
Telling them you’re okay.
He almost scoffed at your brothers’ apology, still too annoyed, at himself rather than them.
Erestor should have kept watch, then he could probably have stopped this from happening and you wouldn't be in pain.
“Master Erestor, may I ask you something?”
You turned to immediately him when they left.
Receiving a nod of approval, you then continued.
“You always called me, m'lady or use my title” you said.
You had frown your face and it confused him.
“Of course, m'lady.”
“Until earlier today, you said my name. You called me by my name.”
Erestor blinked, shocked as he slowly started to remember.
“Forgive me, m'lady.”
There was a reason why Erestor never said or called you by your name— even though being your father's closest and mosr trusted friend and advisor he was allowed to—he still didn't.
“No, it was nice. I was only hoping you would call me by my name again. It's always m'lady, lady of imladris, my lord's child! Is it so much to ask for you to simply call me by my name?”
When you suddenly started crying, the ellon panicked.
He didn't know what to do.
“My l-”
He stopped himself from calling you by your title.
Gently he leaned forward and wiped away your tears.
He sighed, angry at himself for making you cry.
“See? It's ok. I like it when you call me by my name. Why haven't you done that before, mas- Erestor...”
It was hard for him to keep it hidden for longer and he hated lying to you.
His hands came to cup your face.
He couldn't stop himself.
“The reason why I couldn't say your name was because I was afraid that's what— it would take for for you to realize that—I'm in love with you” he gulped.
He sighed and looked down.
“Didn't you teach me not to keep things hidden, it will only hurt...”
“Yes” he whispered.
Erestor was shamed he betrayed his own teachings.
“Forgive me.”
“Then, Erestor, will you forgive me too?”
“For what, Y/N?”
You smiled when he said your name.
“For hiding it from you too– of how my hearts is yearning for your love.”
The ellon blinked he couldn't believe his own ears.
“Yes, I'm now love with you, Master Erestor... or just Erestor.”
You giggled awkwardly.
“Are you sure?”
You leaned in and kissed his lips.
Erestor happily returned it.
“Why did you say my name?”
You asked after pulling away.
“You were in danger and I— I'm guessing my worry and love came out all at once and I couldn't help myself.”
You smiled and nodded.
He pulled you into another chaste.
“But now, I'm no longer feel troubled I did.”
“I love you, Erestor.”
“As I love you, Y/N, meleth nin.”
Tara's taglist: @middleearthsweetheart
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kpostedsum · 3 years
daddy issues; D.M
summary: you and draco bond over issues in 6th year
word count: 2.4k
warnings: err angst, comfort, illusions to sex
song: daddy issues (the remix) - the neighbourhood
a/n: i tried not to make it stereotypical bc i didn’t wanna make it seem all “i like older men lol”, probably my fav fic i’ve written, also arent these anime gifs so cute
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Take you like a drug
I taste you on my tongue
Tongues battling for dominance, bodies rubbing against each other searching for a feeling. It’s become routine now, a different person in your dorm swallowing a new pill, entangling limbs with someone just to feel something.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
It was a constant cycle, putting yourself out there seeking the male attention you crave, seeking validation, constant reassurance and trusting too easily. That’s how you ended up with a different guy who always in the end leaves. You trusted too easily and people took advantage of how trusting and naive you are just for a quick shag.
You wished it wasn’t like this but that’s all you knew, wanting to be the best version of yourself for someone just to feel needed, no matter if the person was good or bad for you. You didn’t care, you wanted love from anyone you could get it from even if it just hurt you more.
You’re familiar with the absence, something stable made you feel a bit wary. It wasn’t something you were used to. Your father wasn’t the most present in your life, and even though he's there, he's never really there.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
You always wondered where you went wrong, he preferred your siblings over you and doesn't pay you a piece of his mind. Constantly going out of your way to get his attention whether it was academically or acting a certain way just to get some sort of reaction. But he was too preoccupied with his other children, even if they were from your mom or his affairs.
That’s how you found yourself right now sitting in the astronomy tower past curfew watching the rain fall, trying to clear your head while humming softly to yourself to keep yourself distracted.
You hear distant chattering from below and quickly get up from where you were sitting and make your way to your dorm unnoticed by anyone.
Except one person, Draco Malfoy.
I tried to write your name in the rain
But the rain never came
So I made with the sun
The shade
Always comes at the worst time
He’s seen you before, you’re known around Hogwarts for how you put yourself out there and how ‘desperate’ you are for some affection. He almost feels bad for you, but he’s in no place to judge. With his dad in Azkaban Draco had so much more to worry about, like his task and how he can succeed. But there was something about you that intrigued him that he couldn't ignore.
He saw you again in transfiguration the next day and noticed a few hickeys littering your neck that you had tried to cover but it didn’t work. He wondered why you gave yourself up to so many people, but once again he was in no place to judge. He noticed the way your tongue would stick out when you focused extra hard, the way your hands would tighten around your quill when you got a question wrong and your face.
The same face that many boys including the older years would fawn over, the face that entranced and attracted many, the face of someone who would do anything for someone for some affection and the face of someone who seeked out all the wrong things.
You ask me what I'm thinking about
I tell you that I'm thinking about
Whatever you're thinking about
Tell me something that I'll forget
And you might have to tell me again
It's crazy what you'll do for a friend
You walk out of transfiguration on your way to the owlery to send a letter to your parents and feel eyes watching you everywhere. You like it, the attention, it’s something that you thrived in, but you couldn’t help but feel a new set of eyes on you.
Once you reached the owlery you realized you weren't the only one there, Draco Malfoy was also there sending a letter to who you assumed was his mother.
“y/n, right?” he asked, trying to spark a conversation.
“Yea, listen i’m sorry about what happened with your father i know you really looked up--”
“Dont worry about it, he wasn’t as good an influence as I made him out to be,” he sighed, looking away.
“My dad isn’t the best either if i’m being honest, i guess we’re in the same boat” you let out a light chuckle.
And that’s how you found yourself hanging out with draco malfoy bonding over your shared issues.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues
It’s been weeks since you two started hanging out since the interaction in the owlery and have been getting closer ever since. You both sat down together in the astronomy tower, backed against the wall as the cool wind blew against your faces. The aura between you two was calm, a comfortable silence.
“So tell me about your dad, how is it with him in Azkaban?” you asked, tilting your head towards him.
“Mother’s not taking it well” he frowned. “I can’t even say potter’s wrong for getting him locked up because he deserves it. All my life he praised the dark lord and taught me to be selfish and always defend my blood, but he was never there for me when I needed him. I would have done everything just to hear ‘i’m proud of you’ but it never came. It’s worse now because mother’s all alone. I wish I could have stayed with her” he sighed looking out the tower watching the stars twinkle.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been much quieter this year as well, you stopped making fun of people. It’s not that nice on the receiving end huh?” you said with a teasing look on your face.
He shook his head at you scooting closer to you, it’s like the demeanor between you two have changed over the past few weeks. You found yourself pining over him rather than being in someone's bed. But this is how the cycle always goes, you get attached and they leave, you couldn’t help but hope this wasn’t the situation this time.
“Tell me about your father”
Daddy stuck around but he wasn't present
Cheated on your mom but she never left him
First I didn't get it, now I understand
He broke her heart, left money in her hand
So everything got paid for
She made sure you and your brother had way more
Than she ever had growing up
And when you told me the whole story I felt like throwing up
“ I don't know if i’d even call him my father at this point, he doesn't want me.” you sighed. “He's been cheating on my mum for years now and she still won't leave him because she thinks they can work it out. He’s had affairs with different pureblood women and has children with them. But what hurts the most is how he treats them as his own children and treats me as if I don't exist” you said, looking down as tears pooled your eyes.
Draco moved closer to you and brought his arm around your shoulders for a sense of comfort and waited for you to catch your breath so you can continue.
“I just want him to love me” you cried. “I go out my way to try and get his attention with my school work but it never works. That's why I get along with so many guys. I seek the validation, the comfort and the reassurance that I can get from him from others and I am so tired of it. I just want him to want me draco.” tears slipping out your eyes as you looked up at him, you’ve never confessed this to anyone before.
“Everyone always leaves, please don't leave me” you cried
“I’m not going anywhere” he turned his face towards you, leaning forward cautiously as if you were made of glass.
You leaned forward, wanting the exact same thing. Both very hesitant he gently pressed his soft lips against yours and they moved together in sequence, only taking a break to go back to his dorm and to breathe, limbs tangled together for the rest of the night until the sun rose.
I can see it on your face it was rough left a bad taste on your tongue
And she didn't even take any drug
She would rain all day
Couldn't wait for her son to shine
And you made it shine
There when she cried, you saved her life
It's been a week since that night in the astronomy tower and draco had already been avoiding you. It’s humiliating, but you should have known. You thought the ‘bond’ you had with him would last, it felt so genuine this time. So real.
You’d see him around the halls snogging pansy on your way back to the ravenclaw tower, lowering your head down so he wouldn’t be able to see you so you could get by quickly and unnoticed.
But he saw you.
He stared you right down in your teary eyes as he made out with pansy. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal, for someone who promised he wouldn’t leave you like everyone else, he did the exact same.
You did the only thing you knew of, you ran.
I keep on trying to let you go
I'm dying to let you know
How I'm getting on
I didn't cry when you left at first
But now that you're dead it hurts
This time I gotta know
Where did my daddy go?
I'm not entirely here
Half of me has disappeared
Draco followed you to the girls lavatory, hearing your shallow cries coming from one of the stalls. He approached the stall you were in trying not to make too much noise so he doesn't startle you.
He felt awful.
He promised he would never leave you, after you both poured your hearts out to each other but he still left. He had too, he was putting you in danger just by being with him. If Voldemort ever found out about you and hurt you he wouldn't be able to live with himself, that's why he took it upon himself to hurt you first.
“y/n are you in here?” he called out even though he knew the answer.
You recognized that familiar voice anywhere. “What do you want draco?” you said, trying to make it seem as if you weren’t just crying.
“I want to talk to you, please”
“No,” you said getting up and pushing yourself out of the stall. “You don't get to just throw me away after I told you everything and just come back into my life like nothing ever happened. Just go away, that's all you guys are good for” you spat.
“Just listen to me, it was to keep you safe. I didn;t want to but i couldn't bear seeing you hurt” he tried to explain.
“Safe?” you laughed. “ and what exactly do i need saving from, malfoy.”
“From me” he said as he pulled up his sleeve revealing his dark mark to you. Your body instantly tensed, you knew he was having problems and his family was involved with the dark lord but you never knew it was like this.
“Draco i-” you tried to say something but the words were stuck in your throat. He stood there looking at you desperately like he was waiting for you to tell him everything was okay, you wanted to be there for him but you didn’t know what to do. You trusted him with everything but he couldn't trust you with this? You thought the bond you had made would have made him trust you in the slightest, but clearly it's always you who’s more trusting.
“Why didn't you tell me?” you managed to say, your voice hoarse.
“I thought you’d leave me, you were the only good thing i had. Please don't leave me” he begged, salty tears escaping his eyes and running down his cheeks as he looked at you with desperation.
“So you thought pushing me away by snogging pansy was better?” you yelled, as he continued to look at you slightly taken aback by your lashing out.
“You know what, go ahead and cry little boy. You know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through. You gotta let it out soon, just let it out” you taunted walking closer to him looking straight into his teary eyes.
“This time I'll be the one that leaves.” and with that you were gone.
Go ahead and cry, little girl
Nobody does it like you do
I know how much it matters to you
I know that you got daddy issues
And if you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
It’s been months since that night in the girls lavatory, and you missed him. You wanted to visit him in the hospital wing once you heard what happened with Harry Potter, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. He left you, and you were tired of always going back to people who just hurt you.
Now here you were at the battle of Hogwarts, standing with everyone while Voldemort and his death eaters stood across from you all.
“Draco, draco come here” you heard narcissa call from across the scene. He looked hesitant, as if he was waiting for someone to stop him but no one did. So he started walking over to his parents.
But you grabbed his hand.
“Stay please” you whispered looking up into his eyes.
He looked back at his parents and back at you like he was contemplating his answer.
“I’ll stay”
If you were my little girl
I'd do whatever I could do
I'd run away and hide with you
I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too
tagging fun ppl nd ppl who interacted (so srry if u don’t wanna be tagged)
@hellohellook @astoria-malfcy @justfangirlthingies @sfdlm @falling-loki @notvasi @gwlvr @malfoytookmyheart
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
had this idea just now while on the train and needed to share. royal!au where void and stiles are twins (so no possession etc. kinda like in sits) and princes then a servant girl accidentally hurts void twin when helping him clean up a cut or sum and she gets scared but instead of yelling like she thought he laughs and they start spending time together and fall in love but they have to keep it a secret bc hes a prince and she's a servant
ur an angel
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ever fallen in love | prince!noah
bullet count; over 500. enjoy.
summary; prince noah falls for a kitchen maid.
notes; the original prince noah post! yay!
warnings; vague mentions of illness, that's about it.
listen it’s literally 500 bullet points long just accept it y’all
stiles typically being known as the 'friendly' prince
because he's so chatty, he loves talking and doing public events and speeches
but because stiles is always the one talking and accepting gifts etc, noah quickly got a reputation
and he didn't really do anything to deserve that
a few scowls and bad days, and one snap at a gardener who removed his flowers from his mother's grave after her death, and suddenly he's 'the dark prince'
and you? you're just one of the kitchen maids
not a very well known one, either
you just pour drinks and clean up the messes, and help lay out the tables
you don't even get to cook for the royal family
so that's how the first real meeting goes
you're pouring drinks for the princes, and you're a little distracted
because did prince noah get a new ring? it's pretty. really pretty. it's so beautifully done, it probably cost more than your entire wages for the year, an- oh fuck
you pour the wine a little too much, and it drips over the sides
of course, noah isn't exactly used to having wine poured on him, that was kind of a shock
and he drops the glass
it shatters everywhere
your apron and the bottom of your dress are covered in red wine
your only presentable dress
the one you have to wear when you actually leave the kitchen to serve
not likely that you'll be doing that again anytime soon, now, though
"oh, no, I am so sorry, m'lord"
"it's okay, it's just wine."
and he leans down to help pick up the pieces
"you don't have to do that, m'lord, really, it's my fault and-"
trying to take the shards of glass from his hands, only to catch on against his finger, and cut him a little
"oh, god, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to, really, it was an accident an-"
"it's just a cut, I've had far worse."
and the look on his face says it all.
like he knows what you were expecting of him, and he knows what everyone was thinking
you're braced to be shouted at, to be fired on the spot, possibly even arrested for harming a royal
but now he's just staring at you with worried eyes because you know you're about to cry
but you can't even find words
"I'm truly sorry, m'lord."
and then you leave, and you send one of the other maids out to finish cleaning, and you take your shouting at silently
because you know you fucked up
and that night, long after everyone else is in bed, you're still up
scrubbing in cold water at the hem of your dress trying to get it clean
it's the only one you have, and you can't afford another good dress
if you can't fix it, then that means no more crowning ceremonies, no more serving the family, no more anything, because you'll just have aprons and rags
"you know, I never got your name."
"fuck! you scared me- oh, I mean, sorry, m'lord, is there anything I can help you with?"
now you're definitely gonna be arrested
because you swore at one of the damn princes
"you don't have to call me 'lord', that makes me feel old. you can just call me noah."
"sorry, prince noah."
"no, just noah. no titles."
"I don't think that's very appropriate, m'lord."
watching him frown again as he lights a few more candles, as opposed to the two you'd been using.
"what are you doing?"
"laundry, m'lord."
"at heaven knows what time, in cold water?"
"trying to get the wine stains out, m'lord. I can't get hot water, because that would require lighting a fire, and I don't have permission for that."
"your hands must be freezing, though?"
and then he takes your hands, and he's drying them off on a towel
you really don't know what to say or do
"why didn't you just wait until laundry day?"
"s'my only good dress, if the stain sets, I'll not have another."
"well, I think you should go to bed, or you're going to be exhausted."
"but m'lord-"
"princes orders."
and you really can't do anything now, but your dress is going to be ruined
when you get up to finish it the next day, the wine is mostly gone
but there's a faint rim around the bottom where it was, and some faded stains
"if you've not got a dress, you're not serving the family."
"I know, matron."
spending your day in the kitchens instead, scooping and shovelling coals into the fire
and you get a chance to leave when you're told to go and prepare the sitting room for after dinner
you're in the middle of lighting fires and laying out brandy glasses when someone comes in
"I'm almost done, I just need the dessert cutlery an-"
"I don't have that."
almost dropping another glass in your shock.
"prince noah, how can I help you?"
and you know you look a mess, he's just standing there stoically, staring at you for a second as you try to wipe your cheeks.
and then he smiles, and he's taking a step closer
"you just smeared coal on your cheek."
feeling so embarrassed about it, but he isn't laughing, just smiling
and he wipes it away gently with his thumb
"I have something for you. when do you finish your tasks for the day?"
"when you go to bed, m'lord."
and he would just click his tongue and hum a little at that
"well, then, who do I have to talk to in order to steal you away for a few moments?"
honestly not knowing what to do with yourself
“I-uh-the matron, m’lord.”
who makes her entrance with-
“have you finished, yet? the family is on their way, you can’t be out here, an- prince noah, I apologise for her, she shouldn’t be here.”
feeling embarrassed that someone is actually apologising for your presence
“no apologies necessary, I was bothering her. we still need dessert cutlery, but I need to borrow, uh-”
and now he’s embarrassed, and his cheeks kind of get a little pink as he looks at you
“the kitchen maid, m’lord?”
“her name, matron?”
“her name? (Y/N).”
“I need to borrow (Y/N), for just a few moments.”
and you see parts of the palace you’ve never seen before
because you’re just a kitchen maid, you know the dining room, the kitchens and the living rooms, and the staff entrances and pathways
you’re honestly worrying about whether you’ve got coal on your shoes and you’re ruining the expensive rugs
“I felt bad for ruining your good dress.”
“it was my fault, m’lord, I was distracted.”
“but I dropped the glass, and so I wanted to fix it.”
taking you to what seems like another living room
less brandy, more books, and a smaller fireplace
it’s more cosy than the after dinner living area
he gives you a box, and you already know what it is
opening the box to the most beautiful, deep blue dress you’ve ever seen
it’s got silk, its got lace, long hems and a corset bodice and sleeves that hook over your middle finger to create the elegant point on the back of your hand
“oh, wow... this makes my last good dress look like rags now.”
“do you like it?”
“it’s got the royal colours woven in. it’s your royal colour.”
when you look closer you can see them, all the shades of blue within it.
it’s got laces that are the same shade of baby blue as stiles’ carriage, and stitches the navy shade of the king, and the rest of it is the vibrant shade of deep blue that is noah’s colour.”
“well- yes. I thought it might look nice on you.”
“I love it, but I can’t accept it.”
“why not?”
“this dress probably cost more than I’d earn in years, I can’t afford that.”
“you don’t pay for gifts, (Y/N).”
hesitating, but he’s staring at you with wide pretty eyes and he pushes the box a little closer and you can’t really say no
“thank you, prince noah.”
“Well, I guess that’s better than ‘lord’. it’s progress.”
and then he’s giving you this little smile, and he says you can take it to put in your chambers
and he’ll go back to dinner
after that, there is almost something like friendship
you’d never dare to actually suggest you were friends with one of the princes, but it was nice
he’d smile at you when he saw you in the corridors, and sometimes he would even find time to exchange a few short words, between his royal duties and when you were alone
despite the looks you would always get from anybody passing by, wondering why a kitchen maid was talking to a prince
“you know, when I bought you a dress, it was with hopes that you’d wear it, so I could see you outside of the kitchens, again.”
almost dropping another glass as you were setting up the after-dinner room for desserts and brandy
“you have to stop scaring me like that. you’re unsettling good at sneaking around.”
you’re really not sure where the idea to chastise a prince - even jokingly - came from, but-
“it has it’s benefits.”
oh. oh, it’s okay. alright, then.
“well, the dress you bought is far too nice for simply serving dinner in, I’m saving it for a special occasion.”
“so, what you’re saying, is that if I want to see you again, I’m just going to have to buy you another, moderately less lavish gown?”
“I guess so, prince noah.”
“done. tell me which one?”
“I was joking, m’lo-”
“I was not.”
and now you’re just kind of staring at one another.
“if I were to skip brandy a desserts and go for a walk in the gardens, would you come with me?”
“I can’t, I have to wash the pots from dinner, and relay the table for breakfast.”
“I see.”
and he looks so disappointed, and you really don’t know why
“besides, m’lord, I’m not allowed in the royal gardens.”
“unless you’re with a royal.”
“I didn’t know you knew that.”
“I know all the legislature for my kingdom, it’s actually my job to know it, as one of the princes, and all.”
finishing laying out the glasses, and you can’t help but smile at his joke
“I am so sorry, my prince, is (Y/N) bothering you, again?”
trying not to physically scowl at the matron when she comes in
you swear, she hates you
“she has never bothered me. I think I find myself bothering her, actually.”
“no, of course not, m-”
“(Y/N) seems quite unwell. it must be the heat from the kitchens, she doesn’t look to well. I rather think she needs a breath of fresh air, don’t you agree?”
“oh, yes, of course, my prince, I’ll-”
“I think I could take some company in the gardens. You wouldn’t mind, would you, (Y/N)?”
and then you’re being offered an arm
no man has ever offered his arm to you to walk and now the prince is
and you feel embarrassed when you wipe your hands on the apron of your dress, and take his arm
but it does make you feel good when you watch the shock on your matrons face as you walk past her
walking the whole of the gardens with the prince
and it’s beautiful
there’s so many pretty flowers, and trees full of birds and blossom, and you take quite a pause to sit on a bench on one of the bridges that crosses the water
and it’s actually sunset by the time you’re making it back to palace
and you walk through the front entrance
with doors opened by guards who stare at you suspiciously
and you’re pretty sure it’s the best day of your life
“brother! you missed brandy. father did a puzzle. it was terribly boring. who’s this?”
and you curtesy, because you’ve never spoken to the other prince either
“no, wait, I know you. you’re the maid, with the spilled wine. my brother dragged my dress shopping for you, it was a very pretty dress.”
“it was, m’lord.”
“stiles, please. anybody who gets my brother to skip brandy and puzzles deserves a first name.”
“yes, prince stiles.”
“oh, so him you’ll call by his name?”
“I like you. as does my brother. it was lovely to meet you, you must excuse me, I need to make sure my father makes it to his bed.”
and then the other prince is leaving, and you’re alone again
and prince noah walks you right to the door of the staff entrance
“thank you for today, it was the best day of my life.”
“was it really?”
“then next time I’ll have to do better than just a simple walk.”
and he kisses your knuckles before bidding you goodnight
you don’t see much of noah the next day, or the day after, but you do on the third day
“you’re serving dinner today.”
“I am? matron, I don’t have a nice dress.”
“well, one was delivered for you. you must be getting a higher wage than I thought.”
it’s a very pretty dress, a simple white cloth with a few blue embellishments, all in the princes own shade of blue, sewn as pretty flowers into the hem
“i like your new dress.” he’d whisper as you pour him wine, and he’d smirk into his cup when you scoff under your breath
“yes, well, it was quite the surprise... thank you, prince noah.”
and you serve dinner the next day, and the day after that, too
until it starts to become something regular
after a couple of weeks, another dress happens to make itself known, one with red detailing on a pink fabric
and you’re not sure if you have enough drawer space for them both, so you keep one in a box while the other is being used
“do you like to read?”
“I do, my mother taught me before she died.”
you’re not as shocked by his presence this time, you’d expected it, from the way he’d let his eyes follow you throughout dinner, 
talking in broken sentences whenever he could, without getting you into trouble
“as did mine. what is your favourite book?”
“I don’t have one. I just read whatever I can, when I see it. sometimes, when the matron takes me to town to buy supplies, I can see the newspaper and read about the world.”
“would you like to read my favourite book with me? it’s warm weather the sun is out, I was thinking about walking through the gardens and reading on the benches.”
“I don’t think matron wo-”
“I already spoke to your matron. you’re all mine, if you’ll have me?”
“I think I’d like that, let me just finish the cutlery.”
watching as prince noah hands you all the correct pieces as you lay the table
and then he offers you his arm again, and you walk again
he reads to you a little bit, and you read to him
you’re not as good at reading as he is, but he has patience, and he never judges you
at then end of the night, he walks you to the staff entrance again
and he lets you take the book, and tells you that when you finish reading it, it’ll give you an excuse to see him again
taking it with you to bed, with a candle, and trying to be quiet, but someone was waiting for you
“you need to be careful. there are stars in your eyes. he’s a prince, and you’re a kitchen maid, remember that, before you spend your life with a broken heart, serving a new queen one day when he becomes king, and your dalliance together becomes nothing to him.”
and it almost hurts
because you never expected anything, but it’s true
whatever kind of bond is forming would one day be shattered
but it’s not tonight
tonight, you have a book, and a new dress, and a warm feeling
reading the book in three days, and giving it back to him
telling him how much you enjoyed it, and all of your favourite parts
watching his face light up when you do, and he speaks more than you’ve ever heard him talk when he talks to you about the book
so much so you loose track of time, and prince stiles is the one who comes to find his brother for dinner
and he smirks the whole time he does, in a way that makes you as embarrassed as prince noah is to have been caught by the younger prince chatting away
being given another book by the end of the week
which you read bits of together, and bits of alone
but he always asks you what you thought of them, and it always makes him happy to hear your thoughts
that goes on throughout the whole of the spring and summer
sharing books and talking about them, while taking walks around the gardens
when the weather starts getting a little colder, you find noah often offering you his jacket
before a coat, unlike one you’ve ever owned, shows up in a box much like your dress boxes
when the leaves start to fall from the trees, debutant season rolls around
and both princes are expected to make an appearance, as they are every year, in honour of all the young ladies and gentleman coming of age
“have you ever been to the capital?”
“have you ever been to the cellar?”
“okay, snarky.”
this conversation taking place on one of your walks, which at some point, seemed to have become expected, because your chores after dinner had faded away, and your mornings had become earlier instead
“I only ask, because it’s debutant season, which means my family goes to the capital for several days.”
“I’m aware, so all the pretty young ladies in their fancy dresses can hope you’ll ask them to dance, and win your heart, and become a queen some day.”
“that’s not what it’s for.” simply raising an eyebrow at him. “well, that’s not all that it is for.”
“for me, it means deep cleaning everything, and scrubbing the palace top to bottom, while preparing for winter.”
“this year, I’m hoping it’ll be something different for you. I would like you to accompany us.”
“that’s not my place, prince noah.”
“we choose whichever staff we’d like, and I would like you.”
“I’m not a guard, or a footman, or even a chamber maid. what purpose could I possibly serve?”
“you’d be my friend. these things can be awfully lonely when you’re not looking to get married, you know.”
going on a train
to the capital
and it’s crazy
admittedly, for the most part, you don’t actually see noah
he rides the first class train, and he rides in a different carriage, and stays in a different hotel to you
he’s trailed around the upper classes and introduced, and you sit with other staff of other families and stay quiet
but he always catches your eye, and smiles, and finds time to get small conversations in when he can
the first time you’re actually with the royal family is when they attend the debutant ball
and you’re all expected to arrive together
of course, he is introduced, one of the very last names, as he’s a royal, not just a debutant
you’re in the crowd, and his eyes quite literally light up
and he smiles when he walks down the steps and he keeps staring even as he’s shaking hands and making polite conversation
when mingling comes, he makes his way to you
“you’re wearing the dress I bought for you. with my colours.”
“this seemed like the most special occasion I’d ever see, and this is the most special dress I have ever owned, it was only appropriate.”
“you look beautiful.”
letting him mingle a little more
actually getting the courage to talk to some people, and see what life was like around the country for others, in places you’ve ever been to
prince noah finding you again
“would you like to dance with me?”
feeling like you can’t breathe
like the corset is suddenly too tight, or your hair might fall from the updo that took you hours, or maybe that the room just got a lot smaller-
“I would love to, my prince, but I can’t-”
“you can. nobody can stop you, I asked you, an-”
“no, I mean, I can’t dance. I don’t know how to. I was never taught. all these girls, they’re so elegant and they were taught to dance and I was taught to light fires and-”
“you’re panicking. stop panicking. we won’t dance, it’s okay. lets go somewhere else instead.”
taking his arm and letting him guide you through the halls
to a really big library
not as big as the palace one, you’re sure, but it’s big.
reading together for a while, and it’s so much more comfortable
letting your hair down, literally
and just relaxing
chatting late into the night until the candles all burn down, and the ball is long since over
and you both have to sneak through the halls to keep quiet and get to your rooms
and he walks you right to your door this time
and kisses your cheek when he lets you go
and things pretty much go back to normal when you get back
but the smiles are softer and his arm folds to bring you a little closer when you go for walks
snow starting to come around and it crunches when you walk in it
but then you don’t see noah for your walks for a couple of days
and he’s quieter during meal times
after almost a week of no interaction, you find out why
your matron telling you that you won’t be doing your regular chores today
you’ve been requested elsewhere
it’s prince stiles that comes to find you, and escorts you through the halls
to the upper levels where you’ve never been
“my brother, he’s not very well, but he keeps talking about you. I think you should be the one to look after him.”
and noah is not well at all
he’s got a fever and a cough and he’s very sniffly
smiling despite it when he sees you
“I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, I actually had to do my chores when you weren’t there to whisk me away.”
his laughs turning into a coughing fit
getting a cloth and some cold water mopping sweat fro his forehead
basically doting on him for two days straight
hand-making soup and food for him when he fell asleep
lighting the fire in his room to keep him warm
tidying up and swapping the sheets when he was bathing
reading to him to help him fall asleep
pushing hair back out of his face
on the last evening, when he is clearly doing considerably better, thanks to doctors and medicines and soups, you’re reading to him again
“can you sit next to me?”
“I am sitting next to you.” because you’ve pulled the chair from the corner right up next to his bed
but he’s patting the blankets next to him as he lays under them
“no, sit next to me.”
being nervous, because it’s entirely inappropriate
but you’ll be damned if you don’t want to
so you do
and he rolls over a little while you’re reading to him
he lays down and rests his head on your stomach and you play with his hair
and he falls asleep like that
and it hits you then and there that you’re in way too deep
because you liked the way it feels to be held by him, and you like seeing him when he’s not being proper, when he’s just himself, and reading books and going for walks, and shit, you like him
which is when you start to panic and pull away
because you’d gotten so used to him being there that you’d forgotten there was a time when he wasn’t
but there would inevitably be that one day again, and you weren’t so sure you were ready for that
finding things to do over the next few days so you can’t go on walks
and you haven’t finished the new book
it wasn’t that hard to find things to do
christmas was coming up and so that meant busy times
it meant big meals and parties and decorating the palace
and for a while, you thought the way you felt physically was just fro your distance
a guilt and pain from the way noah would look at you each time you turned down his walks or said you were busy
but it started to become obvious that it was more than that
something was wrong
you were sick
but you were a maid, and it was your job to work through it
but you could no longer serve meals or work in the kitchen
so you tried to do other work
you brought in boxes of decorations from the sheds outside after sorting through them all
and you cleaned the cellar and searched for the christmas wines and brandy over the regular ones
but that chill and damp only made it worse
and the first you realised it had simply gone from bad to a whole fucking lot of bad was when everything went black
you were carrying a a box of wreaths and ornaments from the shed and then nothing
waking up to a warm fire that had burned to ask long ago, and a lot of blankets, and a weight on your hand that was making it feel numb
pulling your hand back and shaking it out as you tried to get your bearings
a candle being lit seconds later and warm light spilling over the bed lightly
and a face you recognised well
“oh, my god, you’re awake. are you okay?”
“what happened?”
realising just how sore your throat was
fingers pushing your hair back out of your face lightly
little laughs that he let out that really weren’t amused but more relieved
“matron found you. said you’d been gone a while getting the wreaths, and she found you in the snow.”
and then he’s sniffling a little bit and he looks vulnerable, and when he puts a hand on your cheek, you don’t even question it
“you were so cold, and you were unconscious, and your lips were blue.”
and he brushes a finger over your lips and sniffles again
“you scared the shit out of me. it’s been three days. three days where I didn’t know if I’d get to see your pretty eyes again, or hear you talk about the fish in the stream, or feel my heart beat the way it does when you smile at me. don’t do that, okay? i was so damn scared..”
“why does it take one of us almost dying for you to call my by my name, huh? if I’d known that, I would have done something stupid a long time ago.”
and then he’s leaning in, and pressing a kiss to your forehead, and every bit of resistance you had towards staying away from him melts
because right now, you think you’d much rather live in the sweet moment than think about the heartbreak to come
“noah?” whispering his name again once he had settled his head back onto the edge of the bed, and you’re playing with his hair again
“when’s breakfast?”
“not sure. it’s the middle of the night, and your room doesn’t have a clock. are you hungry?”
“little bit.”
“let’s get you some food, then.”
letting him help you out of bed, his hands a lot stronger as he pulls you to your feet
you’re still a little shaky and weak
still holding your hands, and standing right before you once you’re standing
“you can let go now.”
“I don’t want to.”
and then his fingers slip between yours in a tighter grip, and he’s holding your hand
his thumb playing with yours all the way to the kitchen
“sit down, I’ll make you something.”
“you’ve never cooked a day in your life.”
“well, there’s bound to be a book around here somewhere. which one was that soup you made me in?”
“my head, because that’s my recipe.”
“you made that? I thought you didn’t cook.”
“I don’t cook for you, but I can cook for me. I don’t have enough experience to cook for royals.”
“that was the best soup I’ve ever had.”
rolling your eyes at him, but thanking him anyway
searching for some bread to eat while he looks around
because you know that he’s probably never been down in the kitchens before
“will you teach me?”
“teach you what?”
“to make that soup. or, to cook something in general, I guess. I’ve never thought about it before, but I’m a little embarrassed now. my mum knew how to cook when we were little.”
so, you show him how to make soup
and it’s a bit of a mess
because he can’t chop very well without almost taking off his fingers, and he keeps jumping when bubbles pop in the pan
but you make soup, and sit at the table together to eat
“will you teach me something, too?”
“whatever you’d like.”
“will you teach me how to dance?”
letting him pull you to your feet once again
your hand on his shoulder, his hand in yours, and his hand on your waist
and you swear his fingers are burning right through your sleep dress
stepping on his toes a couple times
quiet giggles as he hums tunes and twirls you around the kitchen
and afterwards, he walks you to your room, and falls asleep in the chair beside your bed again
holding hands on your walks now
which makes both of you blush a little at first
and noah showing up in the kitchens, to everybody’s shock and matrons almost heart attack
and asking her if he can stick around and learn a few things
teaching you to dance in quiet moments when he can
and christmas comes around
the trees are up and so are all of the decorations and invitations for the christmas party have gone out
it’s the christmas parade, and then it’s preparing the christmas food
and before you know it, you’re walking the grounds again the night before the christmas ball
and noah’s hand is wrapped around yours as you keep your coat tight
and when he leaves you that night, it’s with a lingering kiss to your forehead, and a squeeze of your hand
before his forehead is resting on yours again, and he’s hesitating
“I know I’m going to see you tomorrow, but I don’t think I’m ready to leave you just yet.”
“it’s only a few hours away.”
“and I always hate the hours when I’m not with you, because I’m only ever truly happy now in the hours that I am.”
his nose brushing against yours
before matron is coughing not-so-subtly from the end of the corridor, and shaking a set of keys
and noah leaves, and you go to bed
the day of the ball being absolute chaos
not seeing noah until you actually go to the ball
which all staff are invited to, because it’s a buffet style meal
royals and staff alike on christmas
there’s music and dancing and you’re laughing with the other kitchen maids, who are all wearing their best dresses too
and despite the ‘staff and royals together’ approach, the royas nomrally mingle with the upper classes, and the staff with one another’s houses
but then there’s noah
and he’s taking your hand and asking you to dance with him again
“your father is watching, noah.”
you’d whisper it, and he’d smirk a little, and rub his thumb over the back of your hand soothingly
“I know. I don’t care who’d watching. I want everyone to see how great of a dancer you’ve become, I want everyone to see you in your pretty blue dress of my colours, and besides, you think my father doesn’t know of you by now? he’s rathe eager to meet you, I’ve been holding him off.”
“why’s that? it’s an honour to meet the king, you know.” teasing him a little despite how nervous the mere idea makes you
and twirling a little among the others on the dance floor
“because I want you to myself a little while longer. I’m selfish like that. once he meets you, he’ll love you, and then he’ll want you to do puzzles and chat, and that’s less time for me.”
“I think you’ve forgotten I’m just a kitchen maid, noah.”
“you’re so much more than that, darling.”
meeting the king
feeling like you might sweat right through your dress
and even though you know he’s trying to help, when noah holds your hand it only makes you so much more nervous
“so, you’re the young woman my son can’t stop talking about? I hope you’ll join me for a puzzle, one day, I’d rather like to get to know you better.”
“told you.”
letting him walk you to your room afterwards
lingering stares and holding of hands and more brushes of noses after cheek kisses
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“it’s christmas day, noah. your family came from across the country, and I have a rather large dinner to cook, perhaps the day after.”
“please, just a couple of minutes?”
“find me after breakfast, that’ll be the least busy time.”
he does
he wastes no time, he catches you right after breakfast before you’ve even got back to the kitchens after stocking up the other fires
smirking a little as his hand lands on your cheek
“you’ve smeared coal on your cheek.”
letting him wipe it away, feeling kinda nostalgic about it
“merry christmas, darling.”
“merry christmas, noah.”
“I got you something.” handing you a little box from his pocket, and inside it is a beautiful necklace, with a dark blue gem shining in it. “do you like it?”
“it is the single most beautiful thing I have ever held.”
“well, that’s fitting, because it’s for the single most beautiful thing that I have ever held.”
swearing you heard a scoff somewhere, but it’s very busy, and it’s probably just background noise
letting him put it on for you, and blushing when he adjusts it to fall just right
“my present for you seems stupid, now.”
“you got me a present?” watching his whole expression go soft
“I baked you some cookies, they’re my favourites.”
“that’s so sweet.” and then his hand in yours, tugging you a few steps forwards, and to the left
and then he’s looking up
and you can feel him trembling a little with his nerves
and you realise why when you follow his gaze
“is that-”
mistletoe, hanging by a little piece of string from over one of the balconies and you were certain no member of staff had put that up
“are you going to-”
“yeah. I mean, I want to, if thats okay with you?”
warm and soft kisses
so nervous at first
just timid little pecks with his hand on your cheek
before his pulling you in and it’s a little more confident
a hand on your waist and holing on firmer
panting a little when he pulls away
and staring at one another with wide eyes
because that just changed everything, and you’re so scared
“what now?” your voice cracking when you whisper
“now-” he would lick his lips, and give you another brief kiss, before straightening out his dinner jacket “now I go to dinner with my family, and tell my father that I’m in love with you, and later, we meet in the library, and talk about this, while eating cookies.”
“seems like you have this all figured out.”
“I’m terrified. stiles gave me a pep talk.”
watching the mistletoe surreptitiously being pulled away back over the balcony by the owner of the scoff you’d heard
“but you’re worth it. I’m in love with you.”
“I love you too.”
“well, that makes things a lot easier, and a lot less scary. I’ll see you later.”
another kiss, and then he’s leaving, and your head is still spinning
stiles coming down the stairs a second later, with mistletoe on a string in his hand
“I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of one another now, I think it’s about time we went for a little walk and a chat, hm?”
getting a wink and a promise of a walk from stiles, before you’re going back to the kitchens
i don’t know how to end this but this is the end ok
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part 3 - zuko x fem!reader
I feel so much, I get carried away
part 2 | masterlist | part 4
a/n: enjoy the fluff in this chapter bc its not gonna last
once again for reference - this chapter takes place 2 years after the last one so y/n is 11 and zuko is 12
warning(s): eating/food, but otherwise its pure fluff
wc: 3.3k
chapter title comes from carried away by madison beer!
i ran out of kid zuko gifs so i had to make my own smh if you want something done you gotta do it yourself
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The young friendship only flourished after that fateful day. Zuko and Y/N began spending almost all of their freetime together between Y/N teaching him about her culture, their usual talking in the hallways, and finding ways to hang out together outside of her schedule. She was absolutely delighted to be teaching Zuko though, so she always made sure there was time for her self proclaimed academy.
Y/N was constantly busy around the castle, so in order to hang out they had started waking up extra early — the pair had become experts at sneaking around the castle with the first rays of the sun. The gardens were a favourite because of its availability, and of course, the turtleducks. It also gave Y/N a chance to bend outside of healing, something that they began to take advantage of as they got older.
Sparring sessions became a regular between them as a way for Y/N to get some practice with martial bending, Zuko to experience fighting against a waterbender, and just another way for them to spend time together. Of course, they had to keep it as quiet as possible to avoid alerting anyone of their presence, but that became the least of their worries over time.
They each pushed each other to be better, and with Y/N’s healing skills, they were able to walk away every morning without any injuries. But after discovering a very unfair advantage that the prince held, she decided that morning sparring just wasn’t enough.
(“Firebending gets stronger in the morning,” he had told her after a particularly brutal blast resulting in some emergency bending on Y/N’s part to extinguish a tree. “My teachers always say that we rise with the sun.”
“Well,” she had said with a smile. “We rise with the moon. You just signed yourself up for some late night sparring sessions.”)
Y/N had truly started to come into her own. It had been two years since her capture, and though she had in no way made peace with her life in the Fire Nation, she was trying to take advantage of it as much as she could. Even though she despised being at the beck and call of nobles and guards, she couldn’t deny the opportunities it gave her to hone her abilities. Her healing had improved tenfold and her martial bending wasn’t too shabby either. Between all of the time spent with Zuko and practicing her bending, she was able to distract herself from her dim reality.
But the world was a cruel, cruel place, no matter how much she tried to ignore it. It didn’t treat souls like Zuko and Y/N kindly, a fact that they would soon become aware of.
In the moment though, Y/N was more focused on not getting burnt.
She twirled to the side as a small flame shot past her, just barely managing to dodge it as she bent a stream of water out from the pond and sent it at Zuko. He turned it to steam as he blocked it with his own fire, which he then sent back at her with a combination of a punch and a kick. Y/N raised her hands and bent up a large wall of water from the pond, and with a small grunt on her part, sent it flying towards Zuko. He tried to conjure up his own fire shield in an effort to extinguish the water once more, but it was too little too late and he ended up getting knocked to the ground and completely drenched.
Y/N couldn’t stop the giggle that fell from her lips as Zuko wiped water off of his face, sputtering incoherently while he pushed himself up. “Did you really have to do that?” he complained.
“You know I do.” She grinned as she walked around the pond to his side, cracking her knuckles before she began to bend the water out of his clothes. “This was in the morning, too. Admit it, I’m getting better!”
He cracked a smile of his own. “You really are. I just wish that you getting better didn’t end up in me getting soaked every time.”
She bent the water she had extracted from his clothes back into the pond and held out her hand to help him up from the ground, which he took gratefully. “That just makes it more fun.”
As she helped pull him up, Y/N found herself more than a little transfixed. The rays of the rising sun shone down on him perfectly, and the smile still on his lips made her feel flutter bats in her stomach.
Y/N didn’t know when she had started seeing Zuko in a different light than usual. When his laughs became melodious, his smile like a ray of sunshine on its own, his company coveted. While she was usually able to trade verbal jabs with him without a second thought, doing her self-assigned job of keeping him humble, something had changed in the past year.
They grew steadily closer over the years after they had met, but one event in particular all but pushed Zuko into her arms.
Ursa’s banishment.
Of course, they didn’t know that she had been banished. No one aside from Ozai knew the true nature of her disappearance — to her children and the other inhabitants of the palace, it was just that. A disappearance.
It was suspicious, yes. All in the span of a day, Princess Ursa vanished, Fire Lord Azulon mysteriously perished, and Ozai took his place, but nothing could be done. It was a somber day for every servant — Ursa showed them a kindness that couldn’t be found anywhere else in the palace, and to rub salt in the wound, a man just as cruel as Azulon had risen to the throne.
Zuko was devastated. He had always been close with his mother, and the only thing she had given him before leaving was a short goodbye and a kiss. He was angry beyond belief at the abandonment, and that anger overshadowed his grief.
Y/N tried to help him, but he lashed out at her.
“Your mother is still here and she loves you! Mine left me like I was nothing. Don’t try and say you know how I feel.”
“But my father is gone. I do know how you feel Zuko, and I want to help you, but I can’t help you if you keep pushing me away.”
“…you don’t know anything.”
It hurt, but she knew he needed space. She gave it to him, letting him brew alone and take out his anger however necessary, but let him know that the door was open when he was ready to talk.
He did — he had apologized for what he said and she accepted, and Zuko ended up spilling every emotion he had to her over the next few weeks. She listened, offered advice when she could, and made Zuko feel a little bit less alone in the scheme of it all. It was a horrible experience, but it brought them closer together, and the prince was eternally thankful that he had a friend to help him through the ordeal.
The night that he came to her room, admitting that he was hurting and asking for her help — Y/N thinks that was the moment she fell for him. She cursed herself at the time for developing feelings for her only friend in the palace, but over time she learned to cover them up. She had to remember her place.
She understood her role, but it got harder and harder to keep up with it the more time she spent with Zuko — this moment was no exception.
“Yeah, yeah. I just hold back because I don’t want to burn you.”
“Liar!” she exclaimed, hitting him playfully on the shoulder. “You forget that I can heal myself if anything goes wrong. Besides, I know you’d never burn me. I trust you.”
Zuko smiled and smoothed his clothes back down, the only sign of their sparring session now gone. “Good, because I trust you too. No matter how many times you totally drench me.”
She snorted as she started to walk back to the palace. “Like I said, that just makes it more fun. And as fun as it has been completely crushing you in combat, duty calls.”
He sighed, giving a reluctant nod as he started to follow her — then his eyes lit up, and he grabbed her arm to stop them. “Wait, how much work do you have today?”
Y/N thought for a few seconds then shrugged. “Dunno, it varies. I got stuck working with Jaysa all this morning, so that’s going to take forever, I have my usual healing lessons with Master Rika after, and then I usually just end up going around with whatever else comes my way for the rest of the day.” She grinned and lowered her voice as if the subject of the matter could somehow hear her. “I’ve been working on a dress for my mother in secret because her birthday is coming up soon, so the free time I get between my shifts that isn’t spent with you has been going towards that.”
Zuko gaped. “You’re making her a dress all on your own, with no help? How?”
She held up her hands with a proud smile. “These things are good for waterbending, sewing, and hitting best friends.”
He gave her a sideways grin at that. “I’m your best friend?”
Y/N snickered and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, dummy. You’re like, the only person that likes me in this whole nation. Of course you’re my best friend.”
“Well…” he started. “Would a best friend like to break the rules even more tonight?”
Her eyes lit up in turn, completely betraying her excitement despite her attempt to look nonchalant about it. “That depends — what d’you have in mind?”
He grinned and leaned forward, dropping his voice to a whisper as he spoke in her ear. “So, after you finish work for the night, we…”
It was a struggle to get through all of her work after the plan that she and Zuko had formulated — sure, they broke the rules all the time. The basis of their entire friendship was breaking the rules, but this was going farther than they ever had before. Y/N wasn’t thinking about the consequences though, she was thinking about the journey — that was her first mistake.
She had rushed through all of her chores with Jaysa, hardly paid attention in her healing lessons, and made quick work of the rest of her day until she was finally able to meet up with Zuko at one of the various servant entrances that she had shown him.
“You’re finally here!” he exclaimed, his body buzzing with nervous energy. “I thought you were never gonna come.”
“Some of us actually have work to get done, mister crown prince,” she joked as she bumped his shoulder with hers. “But that doesn’t matter — let’s get going before someone catches us! I don’t want it to get too dark either.”
“It’s gonna be fine,” Zuko reassured. “My dad is in war meetings all day, no one is going to catch us. Now come on!”
Zuko pushed open the door, grabbed her hand, and began to pull her along. A laugh fell from her lips as they ran, unable to stop herself from casting a cautionary glance behind them as they got farther from the palace. Y/N tried to push her worries out of her mind — like she had told Zuko earlier, she trusted him.
That was her second mistake.
It was surprisingly easy to sneak past the guards around the wall and just as quick to get through Royal Caldera, and before Y/N knew it, they had arrived in the city.
It was nothing like she had ever seen before.
The village she had grown up in was miniscule compared to anything in the Fire Nation, and she was especially awestruck upon entering the city. As home to more middle class citizens than anything, it was a bustling marketplace filled with workers and nobles alike — if she hadn’t been preoccupied with the stars in her eyes, she would’ve been able to see the way Zuko was absolutely beaming at her.
“Come on!” he exclaimed, grabbing her hand once again as he began to walk — at a much more moderate pace than their run here — down the streets. “There’s so much here that I wanna show you. Have you ever been out here?”
She shook her head, allowing herself to gawk at her surroundings while they went down the street. “We aren’t really allowed to leave the palace since we’re technically still prisoners, just… ones that work. My mother always had to give her money to one of the other servants so that when they went out to buy their things, they could pick some stuff up for us as well. This is all totally new.”
Once again, a frown found its way onto Zuko’s face, but only for a split second before he pointed at a stall opposite to them. “Oh— there’s a fruit stand! Come on, you have to try this.”
Y/N let Zuko pull her over to the stand, looking at the array of fruits on display while Zuko conversed with the merchant. A few silver pieces later and they were walking away with a basket of produce — miraculously, the prince hadn’t been recognized, so she figured he wouldn’t need a disguise. Third mistake.
“Here,” he said, offering her a mango from the basket. “You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Fire Nation mango.”
She took the fruit from him and bit into it, her eyes immediately widening as she turned on Zuko. “Tui’s gills, this is delicious! You’re telling me that you people just have this on hand but we don’t get any of it?”
He shrugged and took a fig from the basket as Y/N wiped some juice off of her chin. “There’s a reason I’ve helped you break into the kitchens so many times. Now, where do you wanna go next?”
The pair spent the next couple of hours browsing the marketplace, enjoying their day on the Fire Lord’s coin. Zuko was more than happy to show Y/N parts of his culture after all she had taught him, and she was more than happy to experience it. They had been able to buy lanterns for the upcoming Festival of Szeto, purchase their own blends of tea leaves, and of course Zuko insisted on getting fire flakes and gummies.
(Y/N thought he was insane. Why in the world would the Fire Nation want to make food that hurt them on purpose? She was going to stick with her newfound love for mangoes.)
But Zuko hadn’t even brought her to the best part yet.
“Can I open my eyes now?” She asked, her anxious tone betraying her curiosity.
“Now you can.” Y/N was met with Zuko’s grin and as she focused on the stand in front of them, she had to make a conscious effort to not gape.
Zuko had brought her to a sewing stand with all the threads, fabrics, and silks that she could dream of in all kinds of colors. She immediately rushed forward, unable to stop herself from running her hands over and through each and every piece of material — she was in a seamstress’s heaven.
“I take that as a sign you like it?” Zuko asked happily.
“Oh, definitely,” she confirmed, still completely caught up in all the choices. “This is so much better than all the material we’re given to work with!”
“That’s why I brought you here. I thought you could get some stuff for yourself, and some stuff to help with the dress you’re making for your mom. I don’t really know how sewing works, but I thought that this was one way I could help.”
“That is so sweet of you!” she gushed. “Thank you so much — you should probably get around to some of the other stalls because I… I think I’m gonna be here for a while.”
Zuko laughed and fished out of a couple of golden pieces then set them in her hand. “That’s okay. I’ll meet you over by the steps; we can watch the sunset together.”
They nodded as parting gifts and each was enveloped in their tasks; Y/N beginning to ask the merchant questions about everything at their stand and Zuko off to entertain himself for a few more minutes.
Soon enough, Y/N had her own small bundle of silks and fabrics, her mind already going off in a million different ways of how she could incorporate it into the design. She found Zuko sitting on the steps and as she took her own seat next to him, he handed her another mango.
“Did you find everything you wanted?” She nodded and hummed gratefully as she accepted the fruit, taking a bite as her eyes fell on the skyline in front of them.
“I had a really great time today, Zuko. I really can’t thank you enough for taking me out here. I… I think I forgot what it was like to feel like this.”
“Like what?”
“...happy.” She paused for a second before allowing herself to meet his eyes. “All the time I spend with you in the palace… It’s one of the only times that I really do feel happy. And being out here today, getting to walk around where I wanted and buy things and just— I feel free, Zuko. And that means everything to me.”
She felt the heat rush to her cheeks and she turned away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go on like that—“
Zuko gently reached out for her hand, drawing her attention back to him and the soft smile on his face.
“Well… I care about you. You’re nice to me, and you take time out of your day to help me which you don’t have to do. This is just me trying to pay you back for all you’ve done to help me. We can do this more often — whenever my dad’s busy.”
Her own smile grew on her lips and she nodded as she laced her fingers with his. “I care about you too. And.. I’d like that.”
Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder and together, they watched the sunset over the city.
There was no place either of them would rather be.
Y/N and Zuko made their way back to the palace as quickly as they could after realizing how late it had gotten. Y/N was sure that she was going to get the talking-to of her life after what she had done, but she was almost giddy after what had just happened. She could deal with any of Kura’s consequences later — right now the only thought in her mind was the feeling of Zuko’s hand in hers.
The night had been nothing short of perfect. She had felt freer than ever before out there in the city with Zuko, and knowing that he reciprocated the feelings she had for him was enough to make her heart burst. She cared for him, and he cared for her.
Of course, there was that nagging question of how they would continue now that their friendship had morphed into something more, but once again — it was something she would deal with later. Her fourth and final mistake.
But as a guard turned the corner, Y/N realized she might not get the chance. She quickly let go of Zuko’s hand and tucked it under the bundle of fabric, hoping that the gesture of affection had been missed by the man.
If he had noticed, he showed no sign of it. He stopped in front of them, a gruff voice speaking from behind the mask with words that made her heart stop.
“Prince Zuko, the Fire Lord has requested an audience with you.”
haha OOPS
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
ehfar: @chandies-sideblog @persica27
atla: @marianne1806
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emmafreakecreations · 2 years
ACOWAR-First time reading
Feyre- I was laughing to myself when she was in the spring court thinking she was so smart and cunning. Literally everyone except Tamlin figured out she was up to something. Lucien knew right away she was up to something bc she was acting too dumb. I started laughing more when the twins revealed they were poisoning her. It was even better when she thought messing up the spring court was a great plan and then it backfired in her face. when ever Tamlin does something she is just like "ugh what a fool" (Tamlin allowing Hybern in to be a double agent) but then when someone else does the same thing she is just like "oh so brave" (Rhysand working with Amarantha). Like in first few pages or so in Tamlin says something about everyone being a mess inside and she rolls her eyes at that but then when one of the inner circle says something similar about everyone being broken inside, she's like so true. I know she is angry at him and couldn't believe that he would sell ppl out just to get her back but seriously your inner circle is not perfect either. I am also tired of constantly being like "oh Rhysand is allowing me to make a choice. He always gives me a choice.", oh so a man is giving you permission to make your own choice. sure that's feminism.
Tamlin- This man just needs a therapist to help work through some stuff. I can clearly see there is some good in him but he is really struggling with things and needs help but everyone keeps abandoning him which is making things worse. Tamlin went back to being book 1 Tamlin and I am tired of inconsistent characters. His rant during the High Lords meeting was so true and I could feel the anger and hurt through the pages from him. (granted calling Feyre a slut was uncalled for) He felt so betrayed and hurt by Feyre a person a loved. Why does everyone hate on him so much when clearly Beron is the worst out of all the high lords. Tamlin had to drag Beron's ass to the final battle. Tamlin also saved Feyre when she was rescuing her sister from Hybern's camp and I don't think it was to impress her I think it was out of love. He knows she won't return it but he does it anyways because he still loves her. He also could have just let Rhysand die but no he brought him back to life because he wanted Feyre to happy even if it wasn't with him. Why is no one talking about that? Tbh I would love to see a book about him healing and working through his stuff because I believe he is a good person its just his weaknesses and fears are holding him back, but i doubt that's going to happen bc clearly this fandom hates him and yet when the heroes do something awful they are forgiven.
Rhysand- I guess you are still cool, except for the part where you suggested having sex in the library which supposed to be a safe haven for survivors of s3xual assault. wtf. And I'm tired of you constantly sacrificing yourself and then when your friends are willing to do it you tell them they can't. WHAT ABOUT IT BEING THEIR CHOICE RHYSAND? YOU REALLY LOVE CHOICES.
Mor- Yes I do think you are an awful person. You lead on two guys for 500 years when you could have just told them you didn't see them in a romantic light only as friends. You didn't have to reveal you like women to them, but at least tell them you are not interested instead of sleeping around to say your not interested bc clearly Azriel didn't get the message bc he had hope that maybe someday you would see him in that way. And to top it all off you got irritated at Nesta and Cassian for getting closer when you aren't even interested in Cassian in that way. Also for being mean to nesta when the one thing she did was say she didn't like your dress.
Nesta-I love her and I don't like the hate she gets. All the inner circle at one point jokes about her being an uptight bitch but honestly I think I would be that way too in her situation. First off her childhood seems like it was awful and on top of that she has the pressure of being the eldest. Her sister gets taken by fairies, her sister later returns only to leave again and she might die and never see her again. Her sister returns now a fairy, Nesta thinking of the possibility of her being dead, and bring along with her total strangers and all of them fairies. Creatures she has been taught all her life to hate. Then gets kidnapped and goes into a cauldron and has a traumatic change into a fairy. Then she is taken to a house and kept there in near isolation not knowing where her one sister is and talking to people she doesn't know well. She is also blunt and as a person who is often blunt ppl don't like that bc you are saying the truth and they don't like that. I love that she has a tough exterior, reads romance novels, and is fiercely devoted to protecting her sisters and innocents. I also liked that discussion she had with Feyre and she said "but why do I have to train, why can't ppl fight for me." and then later she realizes why her sister fights and decides to join. Can't wait to read from her perspective.
Cassian- I love you keep doing what you are doing.
Lucien- I love you and I'm glad you were able to redeem yourself, but the glory of getting Vassa's army was taken away from you and given to a character who hasn't really been around and only actually doing something once he was wealthy again. So brave to go find Vassa too. Once he heard everything from Feyre he felt bad and wanted to help his friend and not fail her again. I did not appreciate the inner circle being mean to him at first, bc of course he is suspicious of you guys and of course he finds it disgusting that his friend is with a person he thinks is evil when that friend used to be with his best friend. Calm down. I appreciate that he keeps his distance from Elain too and talks to her gently and doesn't try to force anything.
I was excited to finally meet all of the high lords and the high lords meeting did not disappoint with drama. I enjoyed them preparing for war and getting allies and the battle themselves it brought me back to middle school when I read the ranger's apprentice series. Also the final battle reminded me of the final battle in lord of the rings with the surprise reinforcements showing up *chef's kiss*.
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