#bc i always forget to log in here and do things
allisonlol · 1 year
HII !! could you do dazai, chuuya and fyodor with a s/o that forgot pretty much everything from their past/forgets a lot in the present due to trauma? if possible male reader, and if not gn works aswell! thank you :))
a/n: felt this req hard LOL
warnings: memory loss, past trauma (not elaborated on)
(Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor) With a S/O with Memory Loss From Trauma
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i feel like dazai can relate in some ways because he too has immense trauma but instead of forgetting it, he remembers it too well
therefore in a way he's grateful that ur brain is blocking those memories so u don't have to remember the pain
dazai had noticed your forgetful behavior the second he met you, and had already categorized it as due to trauma in your past
honestly finds your forgetfulness adorable but it also enrages him bc someone hurt you enough to cause it
simply does not comment on any of this though. if you mention that you forgot something that happened literally yesterday he'll simply smile at you (is that a hint of sadness in his expression?) and reassure u that it's okay
will text u updates throughout the day to make sure u aren't forgetting anything
pictures pictures pictures!!!! literally photographs everything u guys do together so you can always look back to remember :)
but unbeknownst to you, dazai will secretly do some deep digging into your past to find out exactly what happened and who to get revenge on <3
^trust me when i say they will deeply regret everything they had ever done to you
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it's canon that chuuya can't remember what... the first 7 years of his life? so he totally understands
he won't question u at all abt the reasonings for your memory loss unless u wanted to talk abt it
does get worried abt your current forgetfulness though. with a job as strenuous as being in the mafia, having a good memory is important
^if any of the higher ups knew you weren't "sufficient enough" in that department, despite your other strengths, you would be disposed of
this added stress doesn't help you at all but chuuya does his best to keep you safe
^having a boyfriend who is also your executive is very useful in this aspect
leaves little notes and reminders on your desk so u won't forget anything important
hell, chuuya will even fill out reports for you if u were having trouble remembering the events that took place
i feel like he would also pay very close attention to everything u guys do together so, if you forgot, he would be able to tell you all about it
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another one who categorized your memory loss as due to trauma the second he met you
unlike the others tho, he will question u about it
if you’re honest with him & say that it’s due to traumatic events, he’ll ask if you want him to do anything about it for you (in other words, find and eliminate the ones who caused it 😊)
^if you say no to this, he’ll nod and agree with u but secretly hunt them down on his own
however if you lie to fyodor and say that you’re just forgetful (not due to trauma) he’ll frown & keep asking probing questions until he gets the truth out of u
has he heard of privacy? like damn
^its out of love tho. not saying it’s right but fyodor shows his care by learning as much abt u as possible. he needs to know everything, good or bad
finds your current forgetfulness adorable, albeit irritating at times (remember who we’re talking abt here)
if you forgot an event or important piece of information he will get slightly annoyed with you & might say some insensitive things 😬
^tho once he sees that he’s upset you, fyodor will usually sigh and apologize
recommends u keep a journal for reminders, however he also logs all events that u do alone or together so you won’t forget in the future
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert @beandaifuku @stygianoir @sonder-paradise @dreaming-of-ambedo @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @irethepotato @serenareiss @thescrunkly @ashthemadwriter @mrsdostoevsky @creamygojo @disa-ster
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cyberkitty1 · 2 months
Ken sato brainrot is real and im here for that, i saw that request are open, and i want to make one if thats okay? Bassically hcs o of kenji with a high school friend reader that is a very shy/meek person, they where inseparable as kids and kenji was always very protective of reader, even in their high school years when reader started dating a very cuestionable guy that ended up being a cheater with her toxic ex best friend(that send her a lot of hatefull texts and calls with threats and slut shaming comments bc she wanted to date her boyfriend), due this reader moved on to japan when she and kenji where teenagers and they keep contact by texts and zoom calls.
When kenji comes to japan is determinate to make reader officially his girl, it can include headcanons of them as a couple!
If this is to much you are free to not do this request! I dont wanna bother you
hey babes! not too much at all!! i havnt been active at all lately and quite frankly i don’t want to work on my long fic so this will be my break! ^^ and sorry i did tweak it a little im sorry 😞
warning: lowercase intended, slightly proofread!
- your moms were great friends and throughout their pregnancies hung out with each other day in and day out.
- he was older by about 2-3 months. from the moment you were born you guys could not be taken apart. you bathed together, ate together, took naps together when i say everything i mean everything! you both urged to have birthdays together at some point.
- you both had so much love for either obviously not in a romantic way, but in a way that just being in eachothers presence is enough.
- once he knew he wanted to do baseball you’d practice with him for fun, granted he was lightyears ahead of you in technique he still likes tossing it back and forth and talking about drama in your classes.
- as you both got older you did find out your interests but that didn’t tarnish your relationship considering you had multiple classes together plus lunch plus going to and from school together.
- that is until you get a boyfriend. one of kens teammates. he was notorious for being with half the girls in your grade. you had a very small friend group but you knew who he was, but alas you still fell for him. 
- you were together for about 4 months ken felt as if it were an eternity, time and time again he tells you his dating history and each time you’d hush him giving him and give horrible excuses.
- things were going ok up until you saw him acting a bit different, you weren’t one to meddle in others business but you knew he was hiding something. you check his phone and see a plethora of text messages and call logs of him and another girl he told you at the beginning “not to worry about”.
- the only person you could think of to offer you comfort is ken. walking if not running to his house a little under a mile away. he answers the door seeing you in your disheveled state and already knows what has happened.
- he could only hug you and listen to you sob. after about an hour you explain and he listens using tissues to get your tears and letting you blow your nose. you ended up staying the night having his mom call yours and let her know.
- by the next day you were feeling better but your eyes were so swollen your parents let you stay home, of course ken begged his parents to let him stay as well but he did have a test and practice so they ultimately refused.
- of course after ending all his tasks he made his way to your house to see you, you were still sad but a weight felt lifted off your shoulders. he was able to distract you further making you forget what you were sad about in the first place.
- once you were done with highschool you both move on to bigger and better things him continuing to pursue baseball and you going into nursing. at this point it’s the only thing you’re putting your energy into considering you lost contact with all friends in high school.
- but in college you were still working in groups with others so you didn’t mind too much and while you were living your life obviously he was too, getting scouted and making his dream team honestly doing everything he had wanted to do.
- another time skip, you’ve graduated officially but getting your doctorate is in the picture. he’s still doing baseball, you guys dont really talk anymore and he really really doesn’t like it. but he doesn’t know what to do, how to fix it. he really misses how things were and deeply loves you and can only reminisce on everything that you guys have done together.
- that is until after a battle he ends up at your doorstep not battered but still a bit hurt, all he could do during the fight was think of you, this was his breaking point.
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no-where-new-hero · 10 months
omg I need your thoughts on the terminally o line author culture bc ngl it makes my eye TWITCH, there are authors I deliberately avoid even tho I've heard their stuff is good bc they're like that 🙈
HHHHH oh good lord, okay, from how I see it, there are two angles on this, both aggravating and sad: the official decree one and the spontaneous ecosystem one.
The officious one is that the nature of publishing nowadays demands an author have an online presence. You need Twitter/X. You need to let every potential reader know your book is coming out. You need engagement through reviews and pre-orders incentives (if you buy now you’ll get a special keychain!!) and word of mouth assurances from your peers that yes your book is as cool as you say it is. You need a newsletter with links (more buying! more voting on lists that are simply popularity contests!) and promises you’re still working on the next thing, don’t forget about me in the morass of everyone else doing the same thing. You need an Instagram and TikTok now to post pretty pictures and videos because one or two authors made it big off this kind of promotion and now everyone thinks it’s the ticket to the bestseller list (sadly, it seems to be working). You need an OnlyFans (a joke but I do recall a twt spat that was a joke/not joke about how rupi kaur will always be more beautiful than her critics and people who took issue with the conflation of beauty with talent). At the end of all this, you’re basically an influencer, a content creator creating content for the content you should be focusing on creating, the finished novel. And the novel itself seems to be disappearing behind the masks used to promote it (fanfic-style tropes, moodboards, playlists, memes) until I now no longer trust the book that I’ll pick up to have any resemblance to the enticements that brought me here. I’ve seen an author or two complain about the stress all this self-promotion generates, but it’s become such an entrenched part of the industry, I think people just accept it. And thus spend too much time online hoping that if they tweet just a little more, produce just one more reel, maybe that’ll be the difference between a sale and no sale.
The other side of this, distinct but obviously connected, is the ecosystem created by this panic of being perpetually visible coupled with the fact that so many of the new authors came of age during the rise of internet fandom culture. That opinionated community mindset that blurs the line between anonymity and friendship is the lens they bring to their own work. I mean, it makes sense I suppose—if you love yelling about characters and words, why wouldn’t you do that once you start to produce your own? This really came home to me hearing about that reviewbombgate “scandal” and how people involved were in reylo circles and that was used to provide receipts. You’re interacting with your readers and peers about your intimate work but they are also all strangers. They will not always give you the benefit of the doubt, and now—as opposed to the past when maybe the worst that could happen was a handful of bad reviews in newspapers—you will either be tagged in hate reviews, sub-tweeted, explicitly called out, demanded to atone for your sins. It’s no longer the morality of consumption but the morality of production. Of course, the easy answer is just log-off, touch some grass. But that can work only when you and everyone else are separated by anonymous accounts or when you have no platform to maintain. As an author trying to make your livelihood from this, suddenly it’s do or die. We’re in a strange moment of authorship bringing the Internet’s echo-chamber and claustrophobic into the real world (this is a lie: publishing now is no longer the real world. But it looks like it) and thus you can kind of no longer escape things.
Will the average reader who isn’t aware of all these machinations care about reviewbombgate? Would a reader browsing at Target think about the controversies around Lightlark? Very likely not. But the impression I’m getting more and more is that the average reader isn’t the one buying all the books. Or shall we say—a bestseller’s status relies on bookstore stock. Bookstore stock is only huge when they know a book will be a good investment. They’ll only know a book is a good investment if it and its author has street cred based on booktokkers, bookstagram, bloggers and reviewers (have you noticed how many books out these last maybe 1-3 years have these kinds of accounts thanked in the acknowledgments? Yeah), and THESE are also chronically online people who will Know. And decide the cast of fate.
Honestly, @batrachised, I see why you avoid these kinds of writers, though I wonder how long it’ll be before the disease becomes epidemic.
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anonymityisfunwriter · 7 months
The Birds and The Bees
A.N. I don't usually do many author's notes in Tumblr, but never, never, not once, has a fic ever been so requested, by so many different people, that I feel like I have to.
@i-love-mommy-wanda "Being that she stayed in a room most of her life- just hear me out- a oneshot - of Sam giving her the" TALK!" like birds and bees and where baby's come from I think that would be funny" @/thequeeranarchist "I don't know if you take requests, but I thought about if someone had to explain the birds and the bees to sunshine considering she probably never had been told about it. Idk, I thought about sunshine and Bucky's first time together too, but I don't know your comfortability with what you write and what you don't. And grumpy x sunshine is officially my favourite trope now bc of this series."
I don't even - I just don't even know what to say. (Please note, that as I write this, I'm quite literally giggling to myself and have quite literally reverted to my awkward 16 year old self) I get requests somewhat regularly, but this, this is the most requested topic. You guys just really wanted to know about this.
Listen, here's the thing, reading second hand embarrassment is one thing. WRITING IT? I was in physical pain, but the scene wasn't going to write itself. I tried, it really didn't write itself.
But I did it. Because I love you guys. And now, it'll be another 5 to 7 business days before I can log back on.
P.S. I know there's other people who requested it too, but I can't find the requests, but please know I didn't forget about you!
Anon's 1K Celebration
Pairing: Grumpy!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Reader Summary: Falling in love is easy, as natural as breathing, so why is talking about it so embarrassing?
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"Sam," you frantically call from the doorway, clutching your racing heart, "I think I'm dying."
"What? Why? What happened?" Sam rushes out, frantically searching you for signs of duress.
You double over, hands clutching your sides, "Well, I'm not sure, but I did Google it and I think I'm having a heart attack."
Sam takes a long sigh, resting his hands on his hips in mild exasperation. At least he knew you weren't actually dying. "And why do you think you're having a heart attack?"
"I just," you dramatically clutch your chest, finally standing upright, "My heart feels like it's in my stomach, and- and I'm all sweaty, and fluttery. And I want to curl up into a little ball and die, but maybe also listen to every Taylor Swift song ever written."
"Well, that was," Sam clears his throat, "That was very descriptive."
You flop down on your couch and groan into one of the cushions, "Just leave me here to die."
"You're not dying."
You lift your head to glare at him, "You don't know."
"I do know," Sam insists. "You're a healthy, 25 year old woman, the chances of you having a heart attack are almost zero."
"But not zero," you point out.
Sam sighs, grabbing your hand and pulling you up off the couch, "You're not dying, and you're not having a heart attack."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"If you're wrong, I'll haunt you."
"I'll take my chances," Sam playfully rolls his eyes, "So what were you doing right before you thought you were having a heart attack?"
"I-" you clear your throat, a furious blush warming your entire face, "I don't want to tell you."
He should've known something was wrong right from the get go. You were always so open, so honest about everything. You weren't raised under the same social contract, or any social contract, and you were still learning basic social norms and customs. For better or worse, you were the most honest and open person Sam had ever known.
So for you to be this flustered, this shy and jittery, it had to be something pretty important.
He should've left it at that. He really should've left it at that. But no, like the concerned friend he was, he pressed the topic even more.
He gently nudges your shoulder, taking a seat beside you, "I can't help you if you don't tell me."
You abruptly stand up, awkwardly chuckling. You inch away from him, jutting your thumb back to your room, "You know, now that I think about it, I'm all better, heart attack healed. Good talk, thanks, Sam."
"Come on, just tell me," Sam cajoles, patting the seat beside him. "We tell each other everything."
"I was on the phone."
"Okay..." Sam could count on one hand the number of people that had any means to communicate with you. Hell, he could count exactly how many people had knowledge of your existence with both hands.
It takes Sam a second to realize that he's too lost in his worry to actually hear what you're telling him, "... so Bucky told me we could practice-"
He already doesn't like where this is going. "Practice what?"
"Texting, Sam." You quirk an eyebrow at him, "Are you even listening to me?"
Sam suspiciously nods, settling back into the couch, "Right."
"And we've sort of been texting each other."
"Uh-huh," Sam nods along, though he gets the distinct feeling that he won't like where this is going. Not in the slightest. He physically braces himself as he asks his next question, "So, um, what were you guys talking about?"
You timidly shrug, twisting and untwisting your fingers, "Just stuff."
"Stuff?" Sam dubiously repeats. "Talking about stuff made you think you were having a heart attack?"
"Yes..." It's clear to him that you're lying through your teeth. It's clear that this is as weird for him as it is for you. You clap your hands down on your lap, abruptly standing with up a fierce blush painting your face, "You know what? I completely forgot I have to water my plants!"
"I know you're lying!" Sam calls after you as you scramble away.
"No, I'm not!" you shout over your shoulder. "I'll be back! Maybe! Probably! Definitely at some point!"
This wasn't the first time something like this happened, a strange, slightly uncomfortable situation happening.
This whole living arrangement with you and Sam would probably be called a strange, slightly uncomfortable situation by most people. Most of the time, Sam was able to handle these things on his own.
Having grown up with a younger sister, Sam was fairly comfortable talking about and dealing with certain things. That did not mean he was even remotely prepared or even qualified to explain those things to you.
The first time it happened was about a month into living with each other.
It was just cramps. Until it wasn't.
He phoned it in to Maria Hill.
Crisis averted. Mostly.
Because a couple of months later, another of those awkward situations arose.
The second time was an awkward encounter with a barista at your local cafe.
Apparently, getting breakfast and coffee with a person of the opposite sex first thing in the morning day in and out meant that people could just assume the nature of your relationship. And it wouldn’t have been the most ridiculous assumption if it weren’t for the fact that it absolutely was the most ridiculous assumption.
Sam was just thankful that he was as certain of your feelings as he was of his own.
He'd handled that situation fairly well on his own, even if it did take several days for you two to be within five feet of each other.
And now here he was again. Sitting all alone in your living room, wondering what the hell he was supposed to do with this. And that's when he sees it. The scene of the crime sat right before him, right on the coffee table. Your phone. 
"You forgot your-" He stops himself from finishing that sentence. Because this wasn't your run of the mill awkward situation, no, this was worse. A lot worse than some nosey barista. So much worse that he thinks about doing something stupid. An overprotective, older brother sort of stupid. He tries to rationalize it, after all, you’d left the phone right there. Right there. Right in front of him. Within his reach. What kind of handler would he even be if he wasn’t keeping a close eye on you?
“No.” Sam suddenly changes his mind, softly muttering to himself, “That is an invasion of privacy. What kind of friend-“
And before he even knows it, your phone is in his hand. And he’s clicking on your messages.
And he’s reading your texts to Bucky.
JBB: What does 'lol' mean? You: It's either lots of love or laugh out loud. Idk. JBB: What does that mean? The idk? You: I don't know. JBB: I'll ask. You: No, it means I don't know. JBB: Oh. JBB: I know you can't see me, but I'm frowning right now. You: You make me laugh. JBB: I like making you laugh. JBB: But if you tell anyone that, I'll deny it. You: lol JBB: Which version of lol was that? Lots of love or laughing out loud? You: That’s for me to know. JBB: And for me to find out? You: lol
"That was smooth as hell," Sam mutters to himself. Sam has to stop at that point. He can’t read any more. He scoffs to himself, “She’s been out a year and flirts better than I do.”
There’s a part of him that’s a little mad. Mostly about your shockingly incredible ability to flirt.
But it also grates on that older brother nerve. The same one Sarah used to love to poke and prod at when they were younger.
He's still sort of in his right mind. At least enough to know that he's out of his element with this one. There’s no way that he can approach you about this. Especially not after reading through your messages.
What even was this? Was it just harmless flirting? Was it you just trying to get out there and socialize with the few people you were allowed contact with?
Or were there feelings there? And, if there were feeling, what kind of feelings?
He rapidly shakes his head trying to rid himself of the idea. That was not an image he needed in his head.
Sam decides in that very moment, this is too far out of his league. He can't handle this. An while might not be able to handle this, he knew someone who could, someone much more qualified than he was. He dials her number right away. She answers on the third ring. 
"I need your help," Sam sharply whispers into his phone.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"There is flirting happening over here!"
Maria sighs in relief, "Oh, good, I thought there was a real problem happening."
"Did you not hear me? Flirting, Maria! Flirting!"
"Do you know what flirting leads to?" Sam wildly questions. 
"It leads to... other things - I don't know! And that's why I need your help! I can't deal with this!"
"You can't call me over for things like this."
"I thought you said you were happy to help!"
"I was! I am, but you're supposed to be keeping a low profile. Having me walk in and out of your front door in broad daylight is not low profile."
"So then come in through the backdoor!" Sam pleads. 
"Sam," Maria deadpans.
"I know, I know, you're right."
"I know it's a little... uncomfortable, but you just have to deal. Nick wouldn't have picked you if he thought even for a second that you couldn't handle this. It might be a little weird at first, but you've got this."
And he used to be sure that he could.
He used to be great at this job. Catching you up on pop culture? No one better than Sam. Healthy dialogue? Second nature to Sam. Ability to keep you safe? He was doing a damned good job at it if he could say so himself.
Then came the Bucky of it all.
Bucky fucking Barnes.
Sam had half a mind to kick Bucky's ass for making you feel... whatever you were feeling.
Sam's only saving grace was that you'd pretty much become self sufficient in most areas of your life when Bucky came into the picture a few months ago. Since then, things were different. You were different. At first, Sam was sure it was just the excitement and thrill of having a new friend.
He could kill Bucky for making your life more complicated. For making his life more complicated.
Bucky fucking Barnes.
He's so lost in his plot to murder Bucky Barnes that he almost doesn't realize it when you shuffle back into the living room. "Sam?"
Sam's head snaps up, "Huh?"
"I said what are you doing?"
"Um... Just thinking."
"What's going on with you and Bucky?" Sam abrasively blurts out. 
Your eyes blow wide. "What?"
"Sorry, what I meant to say was - what's going on with you and Bucky?" Sam demands with equal fervor. 
"Nothing!" you exclaim. 
"Well, I know you're lying!"
"I'm not lying!" you insist.
"I saw you two flirting over text!"
"You read our texts?" Your eyes snap over to the coffee table where you left your phone. Sure enough, it's upright and in a completely different spot. "Are you crazy?"
"No, no, I am not crazy because you two are over there flirting and- and- and flirting and I'm not ready to be an uncle again!"
Both your hands cover your flaming face as you turn to leave the room again, "Oh my God!"
Sam reaches out, grabbing your arm to guide you back to the conversation that he knew deep down just had to happen, "No, no, we are going to sit and we are going to talk about this."
"About what?!" you shriek. 
"About this! You know this. The flirting. Dating. Other things. You know what so please don't make me say it," Sam pleads with you, looking every bit as awkward as you feel. 
"No, I don't, so no, we're not!"
"You not knowing is the literal reason we have to talk about this!" Sam rants. 
You turn to try to leave again, "I'm leaving."
Sam wedges himself in the doorway, physically blocking you from leaving, "Oh, no, you're not."
You try to squeeze past him, "Oh, yes, I am."
"No, you're not!"
"Why not?"
"Because we have to talk about this."
"Why?" you exclaim with a particularly shrill tone.
"I don't know!" Sam throws his hands up. "But we are. And we are going to hate every single second of it. And then we never have to talk about it ever again."
"You swear?"
"I swear," Sam promises, raising his right hand. He gestures to the couch, "If you sit and we have the talk, we will never speak of it again."
"Fine," you grumble under your breath, huffing as you slump onto to the couch. 
So you sat.
And you listened.
And you did your best not to cringe at what Sam was telling you. And then it was over. The silence palpable. Your face burning with embarrassment. Sam's face burning with embarrassment. But it was over. It was all said and done. 
You both sit on the couch with your hands in your lap, several feet away from each other, not even looking at each other but staring at the turned off television before you. After many, many long minutes of sitting in awkward silence, you turn to Sam with a questioning look, "Sam?"
"Do you think we know too much about each other?"
"Definitely starting to."
"Glad we're on the same page."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Grumpy Sunshine Series Anon's 1K Celebration
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez@ludicbouquetfromearth@matchat3a@famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff@valoraxx@blue786sworld@buckyandgeraltsupremacy@geminigengar@ansaturn@ecolle@lexhalstead3@ybflkmj@mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112@thegirlnextdoorssister@toomanyfanficsbruh@moonlightreader649@breathtaking-cynthia@mirikusashes@beans-and-toast@niyahcoca@katiechikin@elxvrr@antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy@krissydclayton93@buckysbarne@deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic@whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy
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thisdreamplace · 2 years
hi. i wish i had the courage to come off anon but im not comfortable with it. but i just had a good cry while scrolling through your blog. thank you. honestly, life has been so sad for years. in 2020, i found out about the law. life has been rough & i just want softness. all of these rules that have been thrown at me do not make me feel good. i’m even afraid to type this at this point bc it may “mess up my manifestation”. but all this forcing is not worth it. does anyone ever stop and say “is all this worth it”? not about being god but all the rules & methods & techniques. does anyone ever want to live in peace? i feel like all of it isn’t peace. at least for me. in my head, god is stress free. but i can’t even wake up or go to sleep without the constant thought of negativity. i wake up “man, my 3d is still this way ugh, let me ignore & force these affirmations down my throat” and repeat the next day. i haven’t enjoy my life for 2 years. is anyone not tired like me??? 😭 it’s all supposed to be simple. i’m not the type to repeat forced affirmation & analyze every damn thing. i just want to eat ice cream & chill. lol. after scrolling through your blog, i see it’s ok. it’s okay to do whatever feels right for me. i hate that i had to see your blog to understand that. i wish i believed in myself the way i believed in others. i was already thinking i should just do my own thing but i didn’t trust it. i had to see a blog say it. 🥲 no more of that tho. i trust me. if we think about it, someone had to discover this law themselves. who’s to say we can’t just come up with something our self. there is no limit. blogs & loa related people don’t resonate with me anymore (no hate at all, i’ve just evolved in some way). i believe the true feeling is what brings you peace within. what truly resonates with me is creating my own thing. so that’s what i’ll do. so this is my official goodbye to the community.
ty beautiful blog that i just so happened to come across a second ago. 😂💞
hi <3
awe anon. tbh i think a lot of people are tired. i think its morseo frightening to let it all go though. the scary thing is once you learn about this law, there is no turning back. there is always that voice bugging you that says, "you caused this, its your fault, change it ! fix it now !" the sort of peace our past ignorance used to bring is no longer an option. we cant forget everything we know. but how can we move forward from here, branching off with all we know now ? its honestly terrifying when you put so much time and energy and faith into this for so long.
its actually very beautiful that this blog gave you a sense of light ! i love that ! this is literally why i love people and interaction and experiences. because we can move forward and grow in such positive ways thanks to the light of someone else ! thats literally so beautiful to me ! its why we are here together !!! omg
i'm glad that youre finally setting urself free. take it moment by moment n be patient with yourself as you find what feels best, and learn what its like to really listen to yourself. i remember during my break how i went throught this process and i told one of my friends it felt like i was literally recovering from addiction. bc thats essentially what its become for many. logging into whatever platform everyday, getting their daily high from all the motivational content and success stories, just to crash again later when the world just isnt seemingly bending to their will like the top accounts promised. its really an addicting doomloop. so take it easy and be okay with wherever you are at a moment.
if u ever feel comfortable to come off anon, i would love to be friends <3 sending all the love and sunshine to u on ur new journey ! xo
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last-c2usade · 1 year
Mun's name is Mal! 22. Pronouns are he/him. only. Copying my bestie's profile to a T btw so if you recognize this yeah. you recognize it.
so some facts!
i'm in psychology and i have an issue where i really enjoy writing my characters super realistically and i'll be a nuisance about their psychology and reasoning for why they do what they do
i love shitty fictional people. i mean it. the shittier the better. be wary of this. when i mean shitty i mean SHITTY terrible awful people
im EXTREMELY good at forgetting to keep up with shit. i dont even read webcomics anymore coz if shit takes too long to update i lose interest. if this blog dies its coz i forgor
i try to be friendly and nice! you can talk to me about movies and writing and psychology. i'll try not to infodump on you but um. if allowed i WILL
please for the love of god, i appreciate you, i empathize, etc, but do not traumadump on me without asking. i will feel too bad to say stop/no bc i dont know you well enough to tell you know and i WILL ghost you
Main guy here is S. Adamantine! He prefers you call him that. Alien, ex-member of the court. Has a huge ego he's trying to work on. Extremely patient, clingy, a little neurotic (I say this as lovingly as possible. it's true tho. he's like me. we're both fucked in the head). Loves books! Loves bikes and mechanics (don't mention it's a lowblood thing or he'll Have you), kinda' shy! Awkward as fuck.
pronouns are HE/HIM only
>types like this! usually with p2ope2 g2amma2. likes to think his qui2k is a sign of cultu2ed thinking<
Rules and Things to keep in mind!
tags are! #((ooc for ooc stuff, #>pix< for ic pictures, #logs. for written stuff, and #>dia2y< for any talk posts mars makes ic
i tag for tws/anything general i might find sus but thats about it other than the above!
if you wanna' talk about anything, message me on @theymakemedreamyourdreams ! you can also ask for my discord
open for shipping! though he's a little iffy on romance. ping me n we can discuss!
open for anyone! you MUST BE 18+ tho
can also dm this account for ic dms!
dont think i wanna' do m!as! but feel free to ask and i'll see!
gifts are ok! welcome even
nsfw comments allowed!!
both ocs and canon for any fandom is okay! keep in mind, he's troll and WILL be mean towards aliens
keep ooc and ic SEPARATE! i dont condone any of the sus shit my guys may be up to btw! ada is a little more well-behaved, but his opinions do not reflect mine.
open for plot! i like plotting. i also like rps. i may forget about them. or lose interest. but schemes are always welcome! (i may be picky)
ada is kinky as shit. he can get REALLY nsfw if you let him. fair warning
i LOVE dark plots and dark shit. and realistically terrible people. i love serial killers and nsfw shit and guns and fictional gun violence a lot of dark stuff. and angst. just fair warning!
lemme know if you want certain things tagged!
feel free to remind me about open threads / plots / etc! i am prone to ghosting if i lose interest tho
feel free to lemme know if im doing something unintentionally incorrect btw! i may be unaware of shit
i block deliberately. if something makes me uncomfortable and i feel left out of shit or whatever, i'll block to keep myself contained! i dont want anything to do with drama!!
i like to say swear words like fuck shit cunt piss bitch. adamantine does too
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lgcbyungho · 2 years
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          ↳ do not touch my phone...it’s mine !
“alright let’s get to this” byungho said with a big smile “beside I have nothing to hide on this phone. what do you want to know?”
q: what are the top 5 most used apps on your phone?
“the most use app, isn’t that kkt for majority of us?” the most common form of communication in korea. though he had everyones number he still prefer to use the kkt over regular text messages. “tiktok, youtube...you know just enjoy watching things on.” byungho looked at his phone “does the camera count? I mean I use that frequently.” he said with a shrug, who didn’t use their camera app almost everyday? that’s the question. “oh, and recently i’ve been playing pokemon unit!” he said with a smile. “it’s really fun. and if you know you know I have a pikachu collection so you can say pokemon is my first love.”
q: what is the most random note in the notes app?
who uses the note app? byungho question. scrolling through his phone, byungho found the note app and open it. “I dont even open this.” he laugh looking at the empty note pages. “and If I do use it then I probably deleted whatever that was hidden in here.” turning his phone he showed that his note app was indeed empty. “I dont use this at all.” he said “if someone have a good reason to use this I need to know.”
q: what was the last message or call you’ve received and who was is from?
“well arent we a little nosey.” looking at his call log, it was pretty obvious that it was his mother. byungho would lie if he didn’t admit that “my mother and I talk almost every day. every hour if we could.” to be the only boy in the family came with favoritism. “my mother and I are really close. you can say she’s like my best friend.” byungho laugh looking at the contact on his phone, if only he called her right now. “the last text message was from daeho, you know the guy in type zero.” he said with a shrug it was no big deal. “honestly, daeho and jinseo are the one that gives me a headache but for some reason they always appear in my messages.” but lets be honest, its byungho that usually text the two. 
q: what were the last 5 songs that you’ve listened to?
“I don’t listen to music everyday.” not too shocking right since he mostly focus on studying. music would be a distraction to his study as he would want to sing instead of focusing on what he needs to focus on. “I love love IU, so you can bet she’s on this list.” he laugh “it’s celebrity and eight that’s been on repeat. then we can’t forget taeyong stress, and why.” and the last one should be no surprise “crystallis butterfly! man I can’t for fabula comeback”
q: what were the 5 most recent online searches?
“I think the first one, is future dream. future dream is over and i’m curious to see what the public opinion on it was.” more so he was curious about if there was any opinion on him. “then I also search up newies.” though his role was small byungho still wanted to give his role the best role. “then theres also , crystallis...i’m just a fan of girl groups okay.” or maybe there was more to it but him and soyoun were just friends. “I also search up, pikachu limited edition, to continue building my collection - a collection my father started and last I was searching for new shoes.”
q: what are your contact names for the actors and models that you know?
jinyoung ⇢ my favorite 💕 younggie ( bc obviously he’s the best and the most handsome) jinseo ⇢ the other jin ( the unimportant jin brother) minjae ⇢ yoon minjae ( im not that creative)
mun note: he needs more actor/model friends since a lot of them dropped...pls plot with us :)
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mommyashtoreth · 4 months
do you have any fic recs (besides your own, ik theyre good) because i know you surely have impeccable taste
GREAT question I've actually been hoping to get an ask like this recently lol. Uhh full disclosure most of the fic I read is porn, most of it being Weird Porn, mostly bc gomens is just So fucking popular that finding fic for it is kind of a slog and I can only find manageable amounts of fic to work through by looking for weird porn. I'm gonna try to NOT post just nsfw art also I can actually read I'll give you words
Okay this is SO basic I'm sure all of you are huge oopsieheads but like this was The First Fan Thing I actually got invested in which is a big deal for me because I got shit to do in my life. I have just, like, massive appreciation for how so much of the dialogue is carried over. Angelcrowley WOULD still say Well that went down like a lead balloon. And no one seems to realize this but this comic does. Big fan
Alright I've lulled you in far enough this one is porn. And it is REALLY good porn like mindblowingly good porn. I love when people work within the fantasy setting and actually do something interesting with it, and having them throw each other across the room for sex purposes is awesome I mean it. Also long live male pussy
Gotta log in for these sorry but this is a series I've become kind of obsessed with oops. I cannot get ENOUGH of "what if Aziraphale was also girlmoding at the Dowling residence" it's what we should've had all along I'm sorry. I love you women, I love you lesbians, I love you Nanny Ashtoreth always and forever. Also like these are FUNNY which is weirdly hard for me to find? Like lest you forget gomens is a comedy and these are comedy characters. There's just a lot of fun cute and yeah hot sexy stuff in these. I haven't finished the second part of the series yet but I Do think Crowley gets clocked which DOES suck and IS bad but also is extremely funny I'm sorry. Everyone hated her for being a clocky broad it's inescapable. I need to have straight-passing nonbinary sex with her so bad
HERE is the like "weirdest" porn I'll share in this post. It is, yet again, "what if Aziraphale was also in girlmode and then she and Crowley had a bunch of freaknasty sex." Every work in the series also comes with art, which contains, if I may be so blunt, some of the most lusciously rendered angel pussy I have ever come across in my travels. If you're into any of the kinks listed (mostly discipline stuff) it's good. It's really good. I'm sure no one knows this about me but vaguely "domestic," disciplinary dom girlcrowley? Very good. Huge fan
Aaaand that's my library for now unfortunately. Can't really think of anything else rn sorry </3 I am always open to fic recs btw, like I said it's hard for me to find stuff on my own. I'm especially partial to well-written girlmode stuff (not too much cisgender nonsense, basically) and stuff that's like actually funny. I love banter, I love jokes, I think that's like the number one way to show understanding of the source material. Also it's fun for me. So if anyone has any recs u know where to find me
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bapswaffle · 2 years
March 16, 2023
Hello. Here I am :) I think that was funny (regarding my last check in). I should be sleeping I have work tomorrow at Thornton but 🧍🏻‍♀️ here I am. I saw a few notes from my note in my phone and I thought what had happened also on my tumblr. Just an update, it’s funny how I mentioned schooling and carrington last post; well… that didn’t go well. Sometimes things happen for a reason and maybe I’m just not destined to do dental hygiene. All in all, sometimes things jsut don’t go according to plans. On my family, father dearest isn’t doing so well with his foot and hopefully things look up in the next few months for us. Last post, it was going all good and here we are first few months of 2023 and it’s not as good as 2022! As u can tell 2022 was really nice until it ended, but also mommy is doing okay with treatment just not how it was before.. but it’s okay everything will be okay! :) ate finally got together w the boy from gens👹 LMFAOOO, it’s so funny how 2022 is missing from these posts. I should’ve updated the tea 😭 but it’s all good. Robert is single and I’m unsure how his love life is going to go. Hopefully everything turns out good. Like I always expect, since we aren’t doing so well right now, it can only get better (hopefully!) maybe we can go to Disneyland this may 🥺 was going to go to edc but tbh that’s a lot of work :/ we don’t even have shuttles and stuff and hotels and 👹👹👹👹 so much work truly. Just quickly updating bc I honestly don’t even have time to sleep if I keep typing this :( but also the dog is still here, more gremlin and getting older :(((( she’s 10 now and she’s 16 pounds at her last vet. Hopefully we can see her live until she’s 16+ 🥺 and my boyfriend. Eric… Eric Eric 👹 as usual he’s still pretty good, love him a lot 🤭 can’t really live without him ❤️ o o o o o I finally got my license 🧌 LOL. Anyways thank u past me and future me for logging into tumblr to update life. Sometimes I just need a little bit of reminding. Also to compare me from before and current me. One day I’ll look back at this and be like “oh ur wrong” or truthfully I would love to say “wow I’m glad everything got better” fingers crossed, who even knows what if I get lucky 🤭 I’m in a good mood even though life is hard. But yk there’s a rainbow always after the rain 🧍🏻‍♀️ btw I got a little more in touch with my language and more fob after working at the dental offices 😭. Bro I keep forgetting I can edit this: I posted it and now I deleted the other one just so that I put it here… since I did it twice after this og one was posted… I’m trying to change my header but idk if it changed or not… OMG I forgot I kinda cut off Tania 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️I only kept that header bc I thought I looked kinda cute in my arena days 😭 just changed it to me and ate bc yk what? It’s nice :) it’s nice to have a sister that loves me and that I live a lot! :)) I think to prevent this type of eh feeling, I’ll just change it whenever I think I got a cute photo to use on it!!! :) and that header was needed to be changed a long time ago 😭. ALSO ANOTHER UPDATE: bro I’m a little obsessed w my little doll…..
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hey help me out and take this poll??
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⚠️ (minor spoiler alert for ch20 i guess?)
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you know..... it's pretty ironic that i'm just finishing chapter 20 now, nearly a year after starting obey me.... so i quite literally finally made my final pact with lucifer towards the end of the exchange student time period.... funny how some things work out, huh? 👁👁;
#im so used to being behind in the story bc of always getting distracted by events or just not playing much besides dailies bc of uni#that now is when im finally kind of struggling again with the lessons#just barely getting to the 3* at the very last second.. so im assuming from 21 on i'll be lucky to pass w/ 2*.. or to even pass at all lol💀#i havent even started on lucifer's bday event yet ironically enough 😪#i just don't normally bother with the bday ones besides maybe the one you get from the to-do tasks thing#i didn't get the one for the twins tho bc like i mentioned back then.. it was just way too much work since it was double the effort#and i was drowning in assignments and exams so.. yeah i had to take a break from the game lmao;;;#which sucks bc i rly like the twins but.. priorities man priorities.#i alr let my grades nearly suffer in the past bc of genshin (and did long ago bc of overwatch or pkmn) so..#can't be going around making those rookie mistakes again. esp not with grad school looming so much closer now 😩#but anyway no one asked for my life story in these tags we're all just here to laugh cry simp and sin ..probably. idk#i forget when exactly i started playing though so im unsure as to when my anniversary of sorts would be.....#is there a login thing to check? but i can't rly rely on that bc i once spent like 2 months not logging in (bc of.. you guessed it) so ://#someday i'll figure it out i guess;;; just gonna spitball and say its prob been like 300 days or smth idk#my post 📫#l'hôtel.obeyme#aerin.txt#aerin.tagspeak#aerin.tagrambles
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merakiui · 3 years
cant get the self aware genshin au out my head now
and now this is keeping me up at night but im not complaning
so ill just,,,, leave this shir
(you can add more btw bfhdhdh)
-i legit started playing genshin when a friend of mine showed me an image of kaeyas,, chest window, wonder how he would react
-i usually play genshin now more to destress,, and i cry a lot more frequently recently,, how would some characters (like venti, scara, chongyun, childe,,, or any chara) to player having a mental breakdown while shakily logging in genshin, just to see their fav/comfort characs to make the pain less unbearable
- imagine if player is doing homework but having difficulty doing so and playing genshin, but to see that some characters greets them with lesson guides to tutor (who are knowlegeable in certain areas helping them)
i.e. albedo or sucrose helping with science and alchemy/chemistry
Xingqiu with english/literature and helps doing your essays
or lisa with history,,, any business associated characters like ningguang/yanfei/diluc/ayaka/hu tao etc. teaching you useful finance advice
-how would fatui characters like childe, scara or signora react to player eanting to jointhe fatui bc they think theyre rlly cool (and can relate somehow)
-this is a more recent one but how would chongyun react to player getting flustered and screaming with his drummer attire (original source and context: https://youtu.be/uryVPEEFYY4 )
ok this is getting long so ill pause there but yes,,, aaaaa theres food for thought
(new here btw ghfhgf)
anyways sorry if this is too overwhelming,, hope u enjoy it tho GSGFSG
Oooh, lots of thoughts!!! :D
I think Kaeya would be very smug knowing he was the one who got you to play Genshin (or more specifically, it was his chest window that enticed you into playing). He’ll always find little ways to bring it up so that you won’t forget. Always reminding you and feels pride knowing that he was the first character you saw and appreciated. You have good taste!
I know all of the self-aware Genshin characters would want to comfort you the moment they realized you weren’t doing well! As soon as you log in your favorite characters are there for you, doing whatever they can to make things a little less hard for you. They’ll make sure your commissions are near the teleport waypoints, they’ll make sure you get the best artifacts, and if you’re pulling on a banner they’ll try to make it so that you get either constellations for them or the featured character. They want to brighten your day and mood, even if it’s just for a little bit. A little goes a long way and they hope that the next time they see you you’ll have a smile on your face. If not then they’re very willing to help you through whatever’s bothering you to the best of their abilities!
Homework help!!! They are so ready to help you with your studies, especially if it’s a subject they excel in. Lisa would giggle about how she’s become your little helper as she helps you study history. Albedo and Sucrose are working together to help you through a lab report and Xingqiu is especially eager to assist you when it comes to literature or anything that has to do with reading or writing. Zhongli is very knowledgeable, but be careful when you get his help. Once he starts talking, he won’t stop unless you tell him to do that so you can catch up. He’ll definitely slow his pace if you ask and won’t be offended. Overall, they just want you to get the best possible marks on your assignments, so they’re very serious about helping you.
I think the Fatui Harbingers would like it if you joined. Of course Childe would warn you and tell you that as neat as it sounds to you it’s still a job that deals with all sorts of dark and terrible things. It’s seen as a villainous organization for a reason. He wouldn’t exactly mind if you joined, but he wouldn’t recommend it. Let him do all of the dirty work for the Fatui. As long as you’re willing to cheer him on in his next fight, that’s all he needs! But Signora would enjoy it. She’d appreciate the company, as would Scaramouche and Dottore (though they won’t admit to it).
SWEET, PRECIOUS CHONGYUN!!! >_< He’s so surprised that the reception was so warm and positive. He’s already getting flustered when he hears about it and listens to all of the compliments you give him. He’s got two popsicles in either hand so that he doesn’t lose control completely. It’s a little embarrassing to be in the spotlight like this, but he’s happy that you like his outfit. And as long as you’re happy then he’s happy! He secretly replays the things you said to him in his head before he sleeps because they make him feel loved and appreciated. :D
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dailypokemoncrochet · 2 years
Maybe I'm overly rejection sensitive, but I look at this spreadsheet of which social medias I've posted my crochets to and it's so funny to me that Imgur is noticeably barren and I didn't even bother with Ravelry
I made the list back when I was trying to suss out where I could get the best feedback from (Tumblr obvs lmao) and in Imgur I got routinely downvoted early on, and Ravelry was stuck up about me wanting to post some patterns. So I very quickly stopped posting on either of those.
Tumblr so far has been best for me because I'm more consistent here and this is what I consider my "main" platform. The most complete showing of my art as well as other personal tidbits (blogger lore) and misc pokemon and crochet and blog thoughts and rambles.
Reddit has been mostly good (I'm love hating the new post insights because I am fascinated with all these numbers (thousands of views?? Invisible) and I want to know WHO is downvoting and making the upvote rate 97%) (and I am salty and jealous that other people's work reach tens of thousands of views more easily than mine (but that's a me issue not reddit))
Twitter is okay? I keep trying to structure it like Tumblr which really doesn't work and also it feels so much more VISIBLE and PUBLIC and kinda scares me. But there's a handful of people who I think only know me through there and consistently like my art so I'm still there for them ♥️. One thing I like about Twitter is that I can "log" all of my crochets in one Twitter thread and it doesn't get obscenely long like it would in Tumblr so I confidently know that I have crocheted # of Pokemon and on which days
Facebook has real people some of whom I know irl and I feel weird about all of that so I haven't refilled its scheduled queue in..a while
Instagram I love for the focus on just my art but I do not like the platform itself or the way tagging works there. Also somehow there's always a bot promoting themselves on my stuff how rude. I forget it exists until my mom says something (she got an Instagram just to follow me) and then I'll post a random thing.
Does Patreon count? I post like 4 things consistently on a monthly basis because I don't want to flood anyone (who actually pay for the content?? Wild. Love it) with notifs (bc then I lose the money!!). But it's very different from the other places because people interact with the polls there, they get patterns, I put all the photos into neat collages. It's so disorganized as a platform tho and difficult to work with. I'm always yoyoing about if I want to continue it or not (pros: dollars! polls where patrons can engage anonymously and directly! ) (cons: connect all the dots bc I don't want to: hustle culture, monetizing hobbies, work for a living, paywalling content, clunky ui)
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chouchen · 2 years
Okay so first of all i am so sorry for anyone whos dash was flooded with the insanity i sent, i knew it was log as hell, but i just opened it on phone and i am slightly embarrassed! Maybe it should be tagged long post or something bc holy shit hh
Okay, so about chars in gacha: there are more types of chars than in genshin. Genshin only has 4 and 5 stars, while honkai has B, A, S ranks and also SP valks (which ill get to) B ranks are your starter valks, A ranks are 4 stars, S ranks are 5 stars, and SP valks are like... More farmable? They are made to rank up, it actually unlocks a lot of skills they have, and its relatively easy to do so. Also, contrary to genshin, another good thing about this games gacha for chars, is the fact that anything that isnt a '5 star', so an S rank, is completely free. You can farm for them on stages, or buy their fragments, or even get them from events when they first come out! Youll probably see that soon with the new valk, she's gonna be an SP valk, and youll get her just by playing her event, just like every other new not S rank valk that's ever come out. You'll also be able to buy her fragments and stuff, as she is an SP valk, and is made to be ranked up. So, any valk you get from gacha that isn't an S rank will not be limited. They will be available at some point in the story stages, or the shop, or in many other gachas for other characters ( but its best not to pull for them then, yeah? Theyre literally free, dont pull on an S ranker you already have to get an A rank, its not that shitty here, farm for them instead) so, thats about that i think. In conclusion, any char that isnt an S rank is fully free (esp as they come out) and available to rank up.
About ranking up in general. You can go from B all the way to SSS, right? It takes time, and is kinda hard to do sometimes. So, should you? Depends on who you wanna rank up. Anyone under S ranks is free to rank up bc their fragments are free to get, but not always worth it. Think of who you wanna use, who you should use, and act accordingly. I'll tell you, you should have everyone at least at S rank. S rank is the rank where they have most of their good/necessary skills unlocked, it should be the base (not for B ranks, the starter chars in this game are as useless as it gets) Which is why, if you get an S rank from gacha you should leave em like that! Unless you're rich and want your "5 star constellations", like a w-w-w-whale... Anyway, as I said, S ranks aren't free to rank up (most of the time) and take just as much to as in genshin, except its even more useless. There are some farmable S ranks in the store though! You can rank them up if you want! It usually helps more, as most of them are quite old by now, which is the reason they're in there, and need that to be useful still. But the ones that cost both of the purple things at once are still very much useful, and you should get them if you can! They're relatively new and very helpful! Another thing to talk about would be augmentations! Idk if you know about those yet, but some rly bad old suits were so bad and useless, that the devs basically remade them (which is sth im rly hoping genshins devs wanna do at some point too, its rly cool) Some battlesuits like rozalia, violet executer, the basic fu hua one i forget the name of and the long sworded mei i also forget the name of can be augmented, changing their entire kit, buffing them in a major way, and it even gives a new free skin if you get them to lvl 4 out of 6 aug lvls! Roza and VE are free in the store for that reason despite being S ranks, and can be upgraded, nay, should be upgraded to SS at least. They become kinda like SP valks. I like them though, they're some of my favourite battlesuits. And free! So if you ever need, lets say, a psy type lighting valk, and you dont have this games ei (HoT, surprisingly called Raiden Mei) look into getting Hawk of the Fog instead (the fu hua i mentioned). So in conclusion:
Any char that isn't an S rank you got from gacha is free to farm, and you should never pull on a supply just to get an A rank! That would be wasteful and dumb! But yeah, i get the genshin gacha has conditioned us to act this way ofc, but not in this game. Also, if forgot to mention, A ranks get their banners too, but why would you pull for them if they're free? If youre rich and cant wait for the event, i guess. But you dont have to pull on those, bc any A rank out there is free to grind for. And about ranking up in general: if its lower than S rank, go for it! If you use them a lot, go for even higher! If it starts off at S rank, maybe don't but who am I to say what you can and cant do. If you wanna do it just because, go for it i guess. Its gonna cost a lot for very little in return though. Exception from that rule is the farmable S ranks in the store! Rank em up however much you wish depending on who you use! And don't be afraid to get new chars by grinding for them either!!!! You'll have all A ranks that way sooner or later, and youll know what you want and who to rank up. Its free content, so why not right?
Oh also, i guess i should mention too, though ive already talked about it some: old characters are usually not worth it. And esp now, you should rly focus on getting the op new characters while theyre available, as youre still new, and while the story stages are real easy and even give you some characters instead of using your own sometimes, the abyss stuff gets real hard real fast, and practically impossible if you dont have the right type of damage on the right type of valk! And their gear, too. So, unless you wanna hold off on competitive crystal hunting, and focus on the story, you should think of who you wanna get first, and then who should get later. A little list of valks i have would be: Herrscher of Sentience (best valk in the entire game as far as physical damage and support goes from a single valk, also by far the most fun in my opinion, get her if you dont have her yet, she is indispensable and so much fun to use), roza or elysia from store for physical dps, HoT ((m)ei) or Mobius for lighting, N-EX or Herrscher of Reason for ice damage, Herrscher of Flamescion for fire, and then all the support for each of them from the store, such as starlit astrologos for physical, haxxer bronya for ice, fischl and rosemary for lightning, and phoenix for fire (or her counterpart i forget the name of (yin and yang lookin ass) but she's also from gacha only, so second best would be phoenix from the store)
Keep the questions coming and i will keep being a nerd!
ok so for example, i got the last "5 start" the blonde girl with a fucking HORSE ?? and i wondered if it was worth it to farm her fragments but now i sure won't and i'll keep farming for fischl !
this is me being annoying with more question but do you have any ideas for team comps ? i got the mecha bio psy stuff but valks also have light, ice and stuff and now i don't know what works on who @_@
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no bc thats what i was thinking! like harry writing matilda like for anders but he probably doesnt really believe that but anders would 100% feel it
“I need a fucking cigarette.”
It was Anders speaking, his voice echoing through the space around them. His words fell onto the pillows of lush trees surrounding them, his eyes squinting as a slit in the foliage allowed the sun to shine right onto his face. Harry looked over his shoulder at him, a smirk across his face that was covered in its own thin sheen of sweat. He thought to himself, looking at Anders in the flashes of light that snuck through the trees, that his friend looked really healthy today. And happy, too, despite the exaggerated grimace on his face.
“You don’t smoke.” Harry said plainly, “Y’wanna stop here? I have a banana you can have-“
Anders, without a response, collapsed onto a fallen log just off the path while Harry stood a few feet away digging in his bag for said banana.
“Maybe I should start smoking.” Anders gasped, fanning the front of his shirt. “Must be good if so many people are doing it.”
“I think that’s an awful idea.” Harry responded, sitting beside his friend. “S’not good for the voice.”
“What are you a fucking doctor?”
“Just a good friend, actually.”
Anders was in no mood for joking, surprisingly. “A good friend would want me to be happy. Don’t you want that for me? You want me to be happy?”
Harry answered in the form of an eye roll, one that said “yes, I do”. He thrust the banana into Anders chest, forcing him to take it, his way of silently adding “and healthy, too”. Anders rolled his eyes back at him but peeled the fruit anyway. Harry smiled and gave Anders a little pat on the leg, his way of adding (silently, again) “I love you”.
“It was your idea to do this anyway.” Harry reminded him, feeling strangely lighthearted today despite Anders grumbling. Harry hadn’t felt so light on his feet for months, but there must have been something about the way the tale end of winter felt around him that made him feel slightly more human today. “You’re the one who said it would be good for you to get your mind off things.”
“Yeah, well, I was wrong.” Anders clipped, standing up. “Let’s get this over with.”
And so began their routine of hiking, stopping on the same fallen log, and eating bananas. They went as often as they were able too, Anders always forgetting he hated it until they were half way through. After a few times around the woods, however, he’d managed to stop complaining so much and just push through.
They’d walk, talk about life, throw rocks in the pond they passed after the big, ugly tree with the hole in the trunk. (Harry knew how to skip rocks like he’d been trained all his life to do it, which annoyed Anders to no end). Harry usually kept the conversation evenly spread across the dirt trail and never let it get too heavy, leaving as much space as he could for Andy to fill however he wanted too. Normally his friend chose to fill said space with stories about Chicago or a dramatic retelling of a movie he’d watched recently. Sometimes he didn’t fill the space at all.
But today, today Anders did want to talk. Or, he didn’t really want to, but he ended up talking anyway.
It was really an accident how it all came up. He’d said one thing and Harry, being the active listener he was, asked him a question which only lead them deeper and deeper and deeper until finally, on the edge of that pond they always stopped at, Anders found himself sharing things he’d never really said out loud before.
“And then my mom called me, which was a whole fuckin thing…” Anders was saying, the tips of his sneakers sinking into the wet ground at the edge of the water. “And now I’m feeling all bad about not going home yet. But, I don’t know… I just don’t really want to yet.”
This is when Harry cracked the glass that held everything inside so compactly. “Why don’t you want to go home?”
Loaded fucking question, Anders thought. He shrugged. “Me and my folks don’t really get along.”
“Because of the rehab thing?”
“Because I was born.” Anders corrected. Harry turned to look at him, but Anders made a point not to look back. Instead he found a particularly smooth looking stone, tossing it just how Harry had taught him to make it skim across the murky surface. It still sank.
“Thought you said you and your mom talked a lot while you were in rehab?” Harry asked him, crossing his arms over his chest. Anders let out a laugh as chilly as the breeze coming off the water.
“You do anything you can think of when you’re in rehab.” He said. “I genuinely thought she’d make me feel better, but I was wrong every time. But, you know.. Desperate times call for desperate measures.”
Harry furrowed his brow. “Is calling you mom really a desperate measure?”
Another cold chuckle. “You’d understand if you knew her.”
“And your dad?”
Anders thought for a moment. “He’s okay. Just don’t know him very well.”
Silence, aside from the water rippling. Stones breaking the tension of the surface. Bushes shuttering.
“I’m sorry.” Harry said, because he felt like he should. Anders looked at him like he’d been struck, totally thrown off and somewhat offended.
“Why?” He asked Harry, giggling awkwardly. “That’s just how parents are, you know?”
“No.” Harry shook his head. He looked at Anders tentatively before turning away again. “It’s not.”
“Well that's how mine are, anyway. You know my mom wasn’t even surprised when I called her the first time when I was in rehab? It was like she'd been expecting it.” He said it like he was setting up for a punchline, because he was. “Getting myself locked up in there was probably the only time I’ve ever met my parents expectations. I became what they always expected me to be.”
Anders tossed another rock, but he didn’t even try to get it to skip. He threw it hard and far with the intention of it sinking. He threw one more for good measure.
“And I know I should just… you know, fucking do it… But I can’t.” Anders stood up, brushing the dirt off of his shorts. He looked expectantly at Harry, waiting for him to stand too. Harry hesitated. “I don’t really need my parents to tell me how disappointed they are in me. I can feel it from here. I’ll go see them eventually, just not yet.”
Harry stood, squinting his eyes a bit, using his hand to block the sun from his eyes. “And who says you have to go see them?”
Anders let out a laugh, taking the first few steps further down the trail. “They’re my parents. I’m gonna have to see them eventually.”
Harry followed Anders’ footsteps, brain chugging along slowly as his feet did the same. He grabbed Anders’ hand, stopping him.
“You know you don’t have to go home, right?” He asked his friend, letting his hand drop Anders’ before it got weird. Harry shrugged, as if indifferent to what was coming out of his own mouth. “If they’re not good to you then why should you have to?”
Anders was confused. It was written all over his face, leaves above them casting shadows on the furrow of his brow as they shuttered in the wind.
“They’re my parents, Harry.” He half laughed, shaking his head. “I can’t just never see them again.”
“I’m not saying that.” Harry defended. He was all too aware of how his shoes were sinking into the mud under his heels, emphasizing how still they were being. “I’m just saying you shouldn’t feel guilty for taking your time. For taking care of yourself, you know.”
Anders felt an embarassed smirk flicker on his face, but for some reason he pushed it away. His therapist was telling him to let himself ‘feel things’ instead of making jokes, and he tried his best in this moment under the canopy of trees to do that. To feel it. So instead of making a joke he said:
“I do feel guilty. For everything.”
And he meant it. Harry knew he meant it, too. Even the grass knew he meant it. The wind did too, sending a breeze across the back of Anders’ neck as if in an attempt to comfort him.
“You do realize that it isn’t normal, right? The way they treated you?” Harry felt his throat burn with honesty. “Even before you went to rehab. I know I don’t know them and it’s not my business but from what you’ve told me… It just doesn’t sound right.”
“Then why did they do it?” Anders answered quickly. He felt the air collapse out of his lungs as he said it, the words reaching his brain too late. He didn’t know why he was asking Harry this, but for some reason it felt like Harry could help. He always knew the answers to everything. “You know, I used to watch, like, tv shows and shit and I’d think to myself… Is that what a family is supposed to be like? I thought it was just Hollywood bullshit.” Anders wanted to laugh, but didn’t. “And come to find out, it wasn’t. Turns out, parents are supposed to like you. Be nice to you and shit.”
Anders waited for Harry’s response, but it didn’t come. He just gave him that look he always gave him.
“I want to hate them but I can’t.” Anders said. “And I’ve gone back and forth because I feel like I should hate them. If they were as bad as everyone says then why don’t I hate them? If they were so awful why can’t I just let it go?”
“Because they’re your parents.” Harry said.
“Right.” Anders chuckled dryly. “Some Fuckin’ parents. They couldn’t give two singular fucks about me and yet I spend all of my time wondering what I did wrong to make them hate me so much.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Must have.”
There was a splash behind them, some animal diving into the water. Anders could feel the ripples of the sound across the exposed skin of his arms and legs.
“I did everything right, Harry. I followed all of their rules. I went to fucking church in Sunday’s. I did everything they wanted me to.” Anders paused, sighing. “They don’t hate me because I’m an addict. I’m an addict because they hate me.”
“You don’t owe them anything, Andy. Nothing.” Harry said genuinely, crossing his arms. “You don’t have to keep searching for their approval. You can just… I don’t know. Just let it go.”
Anders nodded, chewing on his lower lip. He felt his chest burn a bit as he cooked up a response. “I want them to like me, Harry.”
“Well, I like you.” Harry said. He smiled to show he meant it. “I like you. And I’m proud of you. And I’m sorry that that happened to you, because you deserve to be taken care of. And to feel safe. They should’ve done that for you.”
Anders nodded, eyes a bit bleary. He believed what Harry said to him, but he struggled to take it to heart. If he accepted that fact that his parents didn’t do their job, that they didn’t give him the things he needed as a child, then what? It was easy to blame himself, to be angry at himself, to hate himself. But hating your parents was a totally different feeling. It was worse.
Without saying anything else, Harry wrapped his arms around Anders and gave him a firm squeeze. Suddenly all the jokes Anders had made about Harry and Y/N being his divorced parents seemed to make more sense. All this time Anders was just looking for someone to take care of him. To make him feel safe. To love him. He wanted to be cared for so badly he accepted it from anyone, from Jena who gave him almost as little attention as his parents did and Matt who provided for him in the form of buying him “the good weed”. He looked for it in all the girls he used to invite to his apartment. He looked for it in Christian, who swore he could help Anders. To take care of him.
The only people who had ever really cared about him were Harry and Y/N. Maybe that was why he tried so hard to fix them. To put them back together again.
And now, in the quiet of the woods, Anders thought about how Y/N had, technically, been the very first person to ever really love him. She loved him without conditions. Without making it seem like a chore. She loved him and he spent so many weeks and months pushing it away because he didn’t understand why it felt so different from the love he was used to. Even after she drove him to rehab, after she saved his life, after she spent nearly all her time looking out for him when no one else was… He still pushed her away. He felt guilty all over again that he was having this conversation with Harry and not her. He should’ve been telling her why he was fucked up like this. He owed her an explanation.
“I’m sorry.” Anders choked out, pulling himself away from Harry’s grip. He blinked hard a few times, looking up to see if he could see any clouds through the trees.
“You don’t have to be sorry.” Harry told him, giving his shoulder a little nudge. “Don’t have to be sorry.”
And they started walking again, talking a bit less this time. Anders thought more about his mom and dad, and about Y/N. He thought about little Anderson who tried so hard. He thought about teenage Anderson who cut his name in half and stopped sleeping at home. He thought about 23 year old Anders who finally had a family, even if it was cracked right down the middle. A family in pieces was better than nothing at all.
He thought about whether or not Y/N and Harry would ever work things out, feeling a bit selfish for hoping they would for his sake. It was hard splitting himself between them.
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HarryFan: OMG fit king
AndersFan23: where are the pictures of Anders? I’ve only seen pictures of Harry…
AndersGirl1: I know like is no one worried about him? He’s been MIA for months now?
Golden-Harry: he just got out of rehab
AndersFan23: we literally don’t know that though? Like that could be a rumor we probably shouldn’t speak for him..
Golden-Harry: yeah but why else would he have disappeared. Everyone knows he’s on drugs.
AndersFan23: He’s literally Harry’s best friend so maybe leave him alone thanks
KiwiThreeTimes: why are there no pictures of Anders?
HarryStan69: Funny how Harry hasn’t been spotted with YN for months now. Kind of funny tbh!
HarryFan3: it’s funny they broke up?? You’re weird for that
HarryStan69: they were never together so yeah it’s funny
HarryFan3: stay delusional
Lifetimes later, Anders was curled up in the Shangri-La Studio, half awake-half asleep while Harry fiddled with whatever the fuck he was doing.
“You’d think you’d be more excited to hear the new album I’m pouring my heart and soul into.” Harry mumbled, noticing Anders stirring. He sat up, rubbing at his eyes.
“Im stoked man.” Anders choked, clearing his throat. “HS3 at midnight, and all that.”
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. He turned to Anders in his rolly chair.
“You should just drop the date already and put everyone out of their misery.” Anders added, referring to the fans assumptions that HS3 would be out any day now when in reality it was still months away. Anders’ entire for you page on tik tok was full of theories and predictions about the album. (He was on Harry stan tik tok for some fucking reason, but he didn’t particularly mind that). He kept Harry filled in on the theories, despite Harry’s insistence that he didn’t want to know what people were saying.
“Can’t.” Harry said simply, taking a sip from Anders’ water bottle without asking like always. “I have, like, a whole thing planned.”
“A thing?”
“Yeah, like… There’s gonna be these doors, right?”
“And how does this relate to the album?”
Harry scoffed, throwing his hands up. “Let me finish a fucking sentence and I’ll tell you. So there’s gonna be these doors, right?”
Harry paused, rolling his eyes. “You know what. Forget it. You’ll see when the album comes out.”
Anders just giggled, putting his hands up in defeat. “That’s fine. I like the authentic fan experience. I’ll stay up to date on Tik Tok and all that.”
Harry rolled his eyes again but giggled softly. “You wanna hear a song?”
“Don’t I have to wait for the album?”
“Forget it.”
Anders sat up further. “Joking! Just joking!” He laughed. “Of course I want to hear it.”
Harry gave him a long look, trying to seem annoyed before spinning in his chair and pressing a few buttons. A guitar started playing.
“You were riding your bike to the sound of ‘Its No Big Deal’…”
“It’s pretty.” Anders said, laying himself back onto the couch and closing his eyes.
“Shh.” Harry’s scolded. “I want you to listen.”
So he did. He rested his hands on his chest and let the music lull him deeper into the cushions.
“You can throw a party full of everyone you love, and not invite your family...”
The wind was knocked out of him. His breathing stuttered for a second before he recovered. He kept his eyes closed, letting the song continue around him. He could feel Harry looking at him.
By the time the song finished, Anders had managed to wipe away most of his tears nonchalantly. He sat up, clearing his throat.
“So?” Harry asked, sounding more nervous than he usually did when he showed Anders a song he’d written. “What do you think?”
“It’s sick, bro.” Anders smiled tightly, nodding his head. “A lot of people are gonna like that one.”
It was quiet for a minute. Anders wondered if he looked like he’d been crying or if he had managed to get away with it.
“What about you?” Harry pressed further after a second. He looked kind of choked up, too, but maybe it was just the lighting. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it, man.” Anders said, standing to give Harry a hug. “I loved it.”
Harry accepted the affection, pulling away quickly before letting himself feel it too much. He cleared his throat.
“Do you remember that time, on that hike-“
“Yeah.” Anders cut him off, his throat closing a bit again. “Yeah, I do. Of course I do.”
“It’s not about that, or anything. But it’s…” Harry was embarassed for some reason, looking away. He brushed the tip of his nose. “I won’t put it out if you don’t want. It’s not about you or anything, but you know. I was just thinking about it.”
“You should put it out.” Anders was quick to say, shaking his head. “A lot of people are gonna like that one. It’s, uh… It’s really..” He stopped, chewing his lip before sighing. “It's gonna mean a lot, to whoever it’s about. And to the fans.”
Harry nodded, understanding. “I hope so.”
“It will, man.” Anders gave him another hug, kissing the side of his head and making Harry push him away with a giggle. “Trust me.”
Even if the song wasn’t about him like Harry kept saying, Harry was still right. Anders could start a family who loved him relentlessly, who would take care of him. And Anders had done that. He’d, after a lifetime of searching, found the people who gave him all the things he never had before. People who thought he was smart and kind and important and didn’t only like him because he was funny.
Truth be told, Anders hadn’t talked to his mom in months. He called his dad from time to time, and his dad had made an honest effort at putting together some of the pieces. Anders didn’t hate him anymore, not like he used to. After months of giving everything he had to fixing the whole fucked uo situation with his parents, he had slowly started accepting the fact that his mom would never be the person he needed her to be. And that was okay. Anders couldn’t change her just like she couldn’t change him. It hurt like a broken bone that never healed right, but he lived with it. And he didn’t feel guilty anymore that it didn’t work out. It wasn’t his fault.
He’d told his mom how he felt, not long after the last time he’d seen her. He’d called her and decided that if he was just honest, they could make it work. He poured his heart out to her, hours away in the same house she’d committed all her crimes against him.
And she didn’t want to hear it.
She said he was calling her a bad mother, that he was ungrateful, that he was projecting his own mistakes onto her.
“You can’t blame me because you decided to throw your life away, Anderson. Is this about that Jena girl?”
He didn’t have it in him to correct her, or tell her she was wrong. He didn’t tell her that she misunderstood him, because he knew at this point she was just choosing to misunderstand. So he told her he loved her and hung up, and they hadn’t spoken since.
So, yeah. Even if the song wasn’t about him, it still meant a lot. Probably more than Harry knew. And, when he thought about it, Anders couldn’t help getting choked up thinking about how many other people it would mean a lot to, too. All the other people out there who felt the way Anders had felt. Who were let down by the people they were supposed to trust. The people who continued on living their lives and getting older when it felt like they had so much behind them they were still holding on to.
Anders asked before he left that day to hear it one more time, and Harry agreed. He didn’t try to act tough this time and cried along to the choruses like it was the backing vocals to the track. He nodded his head silently and gave his friend another hug. His family. Someone who loved him.
As the song ended for a second time, Anders thought for a second that he could still feel his shoes sinking into the mud next to that log next to that lake he and Harry always used to walk beside. They hadn’t gone back to that trail for a long time, but Anders could still hear the rocks cutting through the surface of the water. He still couldn’t skip rocks after all this time, which made him chuckle to himself.
“What’s so funny?” Harry giggled softly. “It’s a serious song!”
“I know it is!” Anders chuckled again, wiping under his eyes. “I know it is. I was just thinking.”
“Bout what?”
“About how mad I used to be that you could skip rocks and I couldn’t.”
Harry smiled, looking almost a bit shy. He knew what Anders was thinking.
“We’ll keep practicing.” Harry said.
“Okay.” Anders said back.
And it was quiet again. Anders could still hear the way the trees would shush them along that trail. He heard the way the sticks would crack under his heels. He could still hear Harry’s voice, too, along the edge of that pond.
“You don’t have to be sorry.”
And for the first time in his life, he wasn’t. He was still growing up, but he wasn’t doing it on his own anymore. And he wasn’t sorry, either.
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
(Basically a friendly reminder series but it's now called Serotonin Booster bc I like it that way hehe)
Anywayssss here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Riders of Berk✨
ok im starting this from ep6 bc I wasn't sure if I wanted to do this but yk what why not
JUST REALIZED that whenever Astrid says to Hiccup "what took you so long" when she was stranded at sea in RTTE she was referring back to this one scene in ROB on ep6 when she saved hiccup from Alvin's arrows [Hiccup said the same thing] 😳😳
By the way, it's not really "dragon conqueror". It's "dragon trainer" 🤩
ALSO loved the way they named the typhoomerang🥺
DUDE JAHDHSJAJ stoick is such a kid lmao he really punched the thunderdrum like it was nothing lmaoo
Thunderdrum: *tries to bite Stoick's hand because he doesn't trust him yet*
Stoick: *punches the thunderdrum*
Hiccup: Hey,hey! Whoa, what happened to trust
Stoick: Talk to him! He's the one who tried to take off my hand!
OK BUT AWWW- the thunderdrum just saved stoick because stoick stood up for him and the purple one and then they did the hand thing 🥺🥺🥺
Stoick showing that he did listen to Hiccup and then Hiccup smiling🥴🥺
Hiccup looked so sad whenever he saw his portrait and realized that he was painted differently and the fact that stoick was like "it's you but bigger and stronger" and the other guy was like "that's the son of a chief" definitely did not make him feel better. The fact that sometimes he probably thinks that's he's not good enough and he has to live up to that kid in the portrait-
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That's him after... Tell me this isn't the saddest thing-💔
I completely forgot that "it's Viking tradition to call the runt of the litter a Hiccup"
Fireworms! 😁
Fun fact: Gronckle farts are strong enough to make people pass out
Stoick's thunderdrum's name is thornado🥴
Scauldrons eat blue Oleanders, these flowers are poisonous to other dragons tho
Snotlout was the one that found Heather's wrecked boat
I love how Astrid's so intuitive, she knew right away that Heather was kinda sus. It really shows the difference between her and Hiccup who always tries to look for the best in people. Both are good qualities to a certain point if you think about it...
Chicken! :D
"Why would you do that?!" JHDHSHA I LOVE HIM
"Ow! Why is it always violence with you?" "It's not violence. It's communication." Astrid after hitting Fishlegs
That one scene where Astrid is going to Outcast island as Heather on her own and Hiccup is all overprotective i-😩🥺
I really wish they had named and kept that monstrous nightmare that saved Astrid
Thawfest: festival to test strength, endurance, and courage
- The fact that Astrid could've won the log roll and axe throwing events if it hadn't been for fishlegs 🤦🏻‍♀️
- I love how Astrid always knows better
Why do I feel like tuff and ruff would definitely be children of Ares
Mildew annoys me sm
I love Mulch and Bucket and also how Stoick was willing to go against his people to protect Toothless. I think it shows the great qualities of a leader who doesn't let everyone do whatever they want.
- *wakes up from being hit with a lightning bolt to check on his leg* "At least I didn't lose another one."
Whispering death - boulder class, razor sharp teeth, incredibly strong and hunts from underground
The way Snotlout makes fun of the fact that Toothless can't fly bc of Hiccup pisses me tf off
Little moments between Hiccup and Astrid are the ones that get me 🥺🥰 like him getting on Stormfly before Astrid and then helping her up or him touching her shoulder and leaving his hand on there for just a sec to indicate the way 🥺🥺🥺
No because the way they're all running away from the Whispering Death in ep14 and Toothless finally appears and Astrid is like "TOOTHLESS!" like I always asked myself why they didnt show Hiccup's immediate reaction to Toothless coming back and defending them. I just love that they showed how Toothless is also important to Astrid.
Toothless looks cute/funny holding a boulder
Barf and Belch go through the worst lmao
Barf is Ruff's
Belch is Tuff's
Also why did I forget that Zippleback gas is kinda druggy
Dagur gives me Vector from Despicable me vibes
I really liked how Stoick was willing to go to war to save Barf And Belch in the Twinsanity ep, it really showed that he wouldn't only do it for Toothless (to protect Hiccup) but he'd do it for any dragon bc he's actually changed
Hiccup's acting was on point ✋🏼👏🏼🤩
Love how Hookfang won't take shii from Snotlout
LITERALLY JAHDHSHZHS Hiccup being hella done w Snotlout in ep16 is my new favorite thing.
Wow Toothless and Snotlout working together, never thought I'd see this duo
Breakneck Bog = Bermuda Triangle = The Sea of Monsters
Astrid hitting Tuff for pranking them is hilarious and Then RUFF ALSO HITTING TUFF TOO WHEN SHE WAS ALSO PART OF THE PRANK LMAO
Smothering Smoke Breaths - hide themselves in a veil of smoke, very territorial and they build their nests out of metallic objects to defend against attacks by bigger dragons
Changewings - able to change color of its skin to blend in with its surroundings.
I love how Astrid is just so direct lmao
The way the chabgewing just ruffled up tuffnut NAHSHDHHSHS
Baby Gustav 🥺🥺🥺🥺
"It's always the quiet ones that snap the loudest"
Granite is Meatlug's favorite 🥴
The way Astrid is so excited to show Hiccup her new achievement and the way she always knows when something is wrong... If this isn't true love i-🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hiccup was entrusted with Bork life's work
The Isle of night - an entire island filled with Night Furies!
Fishlegs lil giggle after he did the thunderdrum call😅🥴
Remember how I said that I thought Stoick would be the only person to get into a fist fight with a dragon? Well I was wrong... Snotlout just punched a Changewing and ig that's abt right
Hiccup just wanted Toothless to not be alone 🥺🥺🥺
The way we had to wait for 2 more shows and 2 movies to finally see another night fury
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