#bc I love my new town and program I really do but it takes me a long time to feel settled anywhere
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years ago
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#hello to anyone who happens to b interested in the saga of my life... also maybe the irl person i gave my url to... hopefully my blog#didnt freak her out too much lol. anyway so its been a busy week? 2 weeks? month? year? life? its been a lot. my parents helped me move#across the country from the desert to somewhere that's beautiful and green. my dad is so jealous of me lol its so so so pretty and theres s#so much to do. will i do any of it? that remains to be seen but im gonna try to be better about that sort of thing. try to get some help#with the thoughts in my head that keep me from doing and enjoying most things. its weird like im decorating my new room which i love. the#location and living situation seem ideal and i really hope i can stay here all 5 years of my program but i was picking a lot of bright#colors and now it feel uncomfortable. like if i wear things that r too bright or my room is too bright without dark contrast it feel weird#like if im wearing it it kinda makes me feel sick. idk what thats abt. anyway. ill try to heal my brain and im just so happy to b out of the#southwest. i was so so so excited when we were leaving thr city and even more so when we left the state. i cant believe im here. in December#it felt like a million years away and i really truely could not fathom how i was gonna survive that long. my thoughts were so distorted. but#i did and here i am. and in like a month i should b starting my phd program and my parents were telling me how excited ppl r for me and#jealous of where im living and im glad. im glad they're excited. i think i am too but its under a layer of: if i get excited it wont happen#im not allowed to b excited or it wont happen. which is irrational but ya kno. anyway so that's yeah. im so happy to have a fresh start and#the town seems super cool. a liberal blip in a sea of... not that so theyre very visibly pride forward haha and i think itll b way easier#for me to get around without driving. and im gonna try to make friends. i need someone to tell me where to get tattoos haha. so yea im happy#but exhausted and i dont wanna go back to work and so so greatful to my parents for being wonderful ppl idk how bc both of them had fucked#up childhoods. like my mum will say the saddest shit and im like bro this is y i don't wanna talk to my grandma fuck her and my dads parents#r so fucked. like my nana is the reason im so fucking control freaked out but i kno i have issues and she has no insight and thinks shes#better than everyone. anyway hopefully i can get back to drawing a posting more now. ive been drawing it its been in a sketch book#like an actual sketch book for sketching big ideas thst r gonna take fucking forever to draw 😭#so that's all. just uprooted my whole life. thats all. but in a good way :-]#unrelated
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mrs-elijah-wood · 2 months ago
Man I knew 2024 was bad but I didn’t realize how barren and dire most of that shit was. I just went back and watched my 2023 video and the difference is night and day.
Also I made a second a day video this year and I was uncharacteristically diligent—I have something for literally every single day.
However, that being said, that means I have an eight minute video that’s mostly live photos of my two cats, small creatures I see out in nature, and zero-context soundbites from Snapchat vids I sent my friends
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years ago
Davey and Santa Fe- i’m very curious
this same ask was sent to asper so go read that bc it hurt so good
and where asper talked abt a little bit of canon era dreaming, i’m gonna talk about modern au reality!
i genuinely think that davey, though strong willed and generally confident in himself, would also be the kind of person to push away what he wants in favor of letting his partner’s dreams come true first. he’s willing to compromise and give away his entire life for jack, because he loves jack, and he wants jack to be happy because happiness doesn’t come easily for jack kelly and i think this would culminate in jack and davey moving to Santa Fe after graduating college.
and for the first month, it’s lovely. most of their time is spent fixing up the house, but they go exploring in the beautiful nature surrounding the town and find little shops and restaurants they like. jack is able to start selling prints of his original paintings and he gains traction doing commissions so it’s all really lovely, and davey finds work as an eighth grade reading teacher, and things are good and fine and davey definitely isn’t miserable. totally not.
because he can’t be miserable, this is jack’s dream, always has been, and he’s wants to support it- but davey is so far away from the friends and family he relied on, and santa fe is hit, which seems like a little thing to complain about but if davey’s environment isn’t comfortable then he isn’t comfortable and it makes him feel awful.
awful, because he’s supposed to be supporting jack’s dream of a house and a yard and a dog in New Mexico, when his own dream has always been a studio apartment and a rooftop garden and a cat in New York.
i think jack notices the shift around the three month mark. davey comes home from work and, instead of laying on the couch in jack’s sunlit painting room, he lays in bed in a dark bedroom. on weekends, davey doesn’t really feel like going anywhere, and when they *do* go out and explore, davey is having to force himself to have fun and jack can tell.
the breaking point is jack walking into their dark bedroom- the blackout curtains are drawn and not even the lamp is on- and seeing davey there, sitting up in bed and wiping tears from his eyes. he’s not freaking out, he’s not uncontrollably crying- he’s just resigned, and to jack, that’s even worse.
so, he sits, and they talk. davey tells jack he hates it here, in more elegant terms. jack tells davey this is all he’s ever wanted. and david says, i know, you’re flourishing here, and i don’t want to ruin that for you. i love you so much. i won’t be able to live with myself if i take you away from this. and jack says, but what about you? your happiness matters to me.
the idea i have in my brain is a break up. one neither of them want, because they’ve been together for nearly three years, but one that’s needed until they figure this out. and david knows it’s his fault for not speaking up and saying he doesn’t want to move, and jack knows it’s his fault for blindly dragging david out here.
because jack’s dream is a place, but davey’s dream is jack, and it doesn’t work for either of them yet.
davey moves back to new york over winter break, and starts a master’s program at NYU Steinhardt.
jack moves back to new york four years later, because he feels antsy and needs to go home.
he invites david out to dinner when he gets back. david agrees. they greet each other like old friends, and the rest is history.
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ipromiseimawriter · 1 year ago
From your WIP list, I'd love to hear more about destiel theatre bitches AU, it sounds so fun!
:')))) firstly, thank you again for tagging me; and second, oh bOY here we go (it's an honor tyty)
so I've got less for this rn but I feel like I'm always kinda chipping at it lately. it's insanely self-indulgent (i did my degrees in theatre and simply think the inner dynamics of a theatre program are so funny), and i could not help but immediately latch onto the idea of Dean as a tech theatre professor who heads the scene shop (aka where they build sets and do all that jazz) (a job that in this AU, Bobby used to do, before taking a step back and (almost) retiring). (he probably also loves to act a lil <3)
figuring out where Castiel went was a little trickier, but then it occurred to me to try him on as like -- a directing (and likely also theatre history?) professor. someone who's downright good at taking charge of a situation, knows and cares about the Lore, and he absolutely would have the most batshit taste in plays. time to get these crazy Kansas kids to do some absurdism. he's new to the department (a recommendation from dear friend Meg, an acting professor) and is gonna be a shitstarter <333
from my immensely unhelpful notes doc:
The premise is just gonna be like - a really fucking chaotic school year. I just love mess. Dean and Cas are gonna get put in charge of shit together and it’s gonna be a mess, they’re gonna be best friends and fall in love and be SO STUPID ABOUT IT. agonizing. clown town usa.
in a more concise way: i imagined that they get paired up to work on their first production of the season together and it's just. a madhouse. naturally bc they're them, they end up getting on like a house on fire while also playing in the space of we both kinda need to have control that's p familiar to their dynamic. lots of push and pull. shenanigans, even. best friends but Watch Out. teacher4teacher AU with sexual tension to the nth degree.
so many of the supporting characters get to round out the faculty and staff (Charlie in particular here is a favorite, as one of Dean's tech theatre compatriots) (along with Sam who starts on the outside but is a fervent supporter), and even the students. Jack, Claire, and Kevin, among a few others are definitely witnesses to this chaos. yes they are taking bets on it
also Chuck is the dean (lol) of their little corner of school, and his whole secret life as Carver Edlund will definitely have a role to play in this somewhere that I am trying to finalize.
also writing this out really helped encourage the process, thank you ahhhhhh <3
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glassbugs · 1 month ago
Replying to the Jersey discourse,
I mean it makes sense?? I’ve never been to the south (Virginia’s the closest bc I went hiking there once) but ik people use “bless your heart” there or something like that in a back-handed sense. I guess it’s also bc the people here in NYC prefer curse words over back-handed compliments, and by a lot. You just expect it. Even small talk or jokes, casual convos or just being nice might include a curse word or two. Nothing malicious behind it, it’s just part of the program. Jersey curses a lot, too!
Thank you, I HATE Jersey sm but I love him more than I hate Jersey so I forgive his dorky little self for being born there. Also I forgot Oklahoma exists. Oops
IIRC Glass Shard Beach is based on Atlantic City(? Or a different costal Jersey city/town) and it is AWFUL there. It’s literally just overpriced food, saltwater taffy, a packed beach, packed boardwalk, old people spending their retirement money in casinos, and a bunch of tourist traps. I guess that’s where Stan got his inspiration from lmfao
I guess I just thought “pet” was some weird little nickname because he is a weird little man if we’re being honest here,,, (the only two big things are his dick and his ego) hmm. He gets a little worse each time I revisit ITWS bc he’s almost always doing something awful. The baby-trapping plan alone was horrific and he pulled out the old puppy-dog eyes when met with resistance (the whole “don’t you want to do this for me” excuse). Also literally training a vulnerable stranger into a perfect little housewife was so disgustingly sick (it was an AMAZING plot line though!!). I will say it’s a testament to how wonderfully written your stories are, bc I always find something new when I reread them!!! And please forgive my yap session!!!
We gotta be kinda nice in our shit talking because even if Deborah from the PTA is a major bitch she has the potato salad game on lock down and you don't wanna be on vocally bad terms with someone and still eat their stuff at the potlucks or w/e it just looks bad
The only references I have to Jersey besides Gravity Falls is Jersey Shore and that one episode from it's always sunny and Philadelphia lmao. Like I would love to visit just one time in my life to say that I did it but hoh boy. The accent is fun tho--
but you, freshly disowned Stan taking inspo from the shady tourist traps back home breaks my heart for some reason like baby no--
God I love that weird little man sm- There were plenty of little pet names sprinkled in (mostly because it was the most convenient way of avoiding using (Y/N)) but 'Pet' feels demeaning but also sweet enough that you really wouldn't think twice about it when you're looking at him through rose tinted glasses lmao--
AlsothankyousomuchaaaaAAAAAAA 😭💕💖💘
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thetorturedbolter · 1 year ago
i’m not sure :’) i guess maybe i have a rough idea? i’d love to work in the entertainment industry (like film or books) and maybe have a marketing or pr job? im taking more practical courses in january, which will be filmmaking and editing so hopefully by the end of this school year ill have a better idea of which direction i want to go in!
ah that’s so cool!! if you ever do end up doing a postgrad here let me know lol ill probably be doing one too 😭 it’s cliché but id love to do mine in london, it’s such a gorgeous city! are you studying anything specific in marine biology? like choosing an area of focus or just doing everything? do you know what you’d like to do after you graduate? x
yay im happy to hear that!! <33
i’m still looking with a few of my current flatmates. it’s rlly hard to find something bc it’s just a small town and there’s so many students 😭 i might just end up on campus again or in student dorms off campus instead of a house / apartment
I KNOW RIGHT!!!!!! im paying 9000 pounds for this year and they can’t even give us a proper shower head, a dishwasher, or a dish rack. and we have to PAY for laundry which is like 2.70 pounds for the washer and another 2.30 for the dryer. RIDICULOUS 😭
also im so sorry for responding so late, i just saw the notification that you answered my ask, my apologies xx
that’s so cool!! i don’t know much about media as a career but i imagine that it’s quite a broad field. but i hope you find something you want to do, i’m sure you’ll be great at whatever you choose!
i adore london! the trip we took there earlier in the year was one of my favourite experiences i’ve ever had, i completely fell in love with the city. i really hope i end up doing my postgrad there but i was planning on going to plymouth first, they have one of the best marine biology programs in the world. i’m doing a bit of everything but right now i want to work in turtle or penguin conservation. i already have a bit of experience because the aquarium where i work has a great program in both of those fields so i guess i’ll decide once i have more experience working with the animals
the way things are going i’m probably also gonna live on campus 😭 it’s not necessarily a bad thing but dorms on campus literally cost almost half of the school fees, it’s insane. and they’re definitely not worth that much money!! and like you said, all of the student accommodation makes you pay for your laundry and some of the places even make you bring your own kitchen appliances?? like what first year student is gonna own a microwave??? but i’m not done looking yet so there’s still hope lol. have you found a new place yet?
also, i’m so so so sorry that i took so long to reply , finals have been kicking my ass 😭😭
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mrnightingale · 2 months ago
Omg I can't believe someone tagged me in one of these things??? But I love it, thanks to @sad-grandfather-clock , I absolutely love your blog name.
Last song: Ghost Town by The Specials. Yep, I started listening to Ska bc of Charles Rowland. I've always been rather secretive w the music I like bc my mom has a pretty limited music taste, so you can imagine my surprise when this started playing and my grandma said out loud how much she loved the song. She heard it on the radio on one of those programs that play music according the decade. She really is one of those "I like everything" people, I love her.
Favorite colour: more than colour, I have a specific shade I like of every single colour, but, gray ofc, and the greyish turquoise of George Rexstrew's eyes (like my blog colours). And military green, brown, dark red, magenta, and lavender.
Last book: can't remember, it's been ages (a week) since I read... But probably the poetry anthology by Becquer I gifted myself for Xmas. And if we count comics online, the Sandman and The Glass Scientists.
Last movie: Descendants 4 bc I felt nostalgic and haven't seen it yet and... It's... Different. It is the same descendants as the other movies, but it doesn't feel quite right, I would have changed a few things, like the outfits and the songs distribution along the movie but OMG MONTY IS CAPTAIN HOOK THAT BOY IS SUCH A TWINK LIVE LAUGH LOVE JOSHUA COLLEY.
Last tv show: Like I wasn't screaming it, Doctor Who xd. I'm binge watching the new series and when I finish I'm starting with classic Who. And House MD bc I'm watching it with my grandma. But I love all the ppl who said Cunk on Earth or The Good Place, they're really good, y'all should watch them.
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet ofc, I have the worst sweet tooth ever, but for bakery stuff rather than sweets, and bittersweet/acid-sweet.
Last thing I searched online: "Bingle Bongle Dingle Dangle" ...well, that's before the last one, which is "findhorn case 31.08.18 film where to watch" (a short movie with George Rexstrew I haven't seen yet, if someone knows where I can watch it thank you very much).
Current obsession: Dead Boy Detectives, David Tennant as usual, punk and ballet. Like, really, my YT feed is full of ballet stuff and my Pinterest is full of cool outfits w tons of safety pins and buttons and patches, I'm want to do a battle jacket but I don't have a jacket yet, lol, I had a jean vest but I gave it to my bf bc he looked like a JoJo's character wearing it. In my opinion it was a pretty good gift.
Looking forward to: get a job, buy a jacket and, yk, take care of myself. In two months is my 18 bday and I'm still don't have the appropriate mindset, sooooo, yep. I just started journaling, see if I can keep a routine w ballet, writing and piano, workout a little. But who knows.
Ten people I'd like to know better: I don't know if I'll get to 10, if they'll do it or how much do they want to share, most of them aren't even mutuals but artists I like, but, yk, just ppl I think are nice and I'm curious about: @majorlb @alterego77 @edwinspaynes @idliketobeatree @read-write-thrive @agerblade @ouchmyghostskin @tragedy-machine @fan-a-tink @kisolvetica @asidian
10 People I'd Like to Know Better
Thanks for the tags @gaiaseyes451 and @beerok23!💜!💜
last song: Gloria by the Lumineers
favourite colour: Red, like a deep luscious red that you know would taste good if you licked it. Don't act innocent, you know exactly what I mean by that. Red is a color that you just know tastes good.
last book: I am currently trying to read the Witcher series (per @lickthecowhappy's suggestion) so I am at the start of the Last Wish
last movie: Moana 2 (I have young kidsssss)
last TV show: My oldest is almost 10 which means she stays up late. Which also means I have so little time to watch adult things. So we've been watching the Office with her. I think I want to watch the Good Place with her next tho (I've never watched it!)
sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet followed very, very closely by spicy. Habanero maple syrup is one of my favorite things on the planet.
last thing i searched online: How to explain a 10 year career hiatus in a cover letter (looking to return to work since having kids. It's been an interesting experience so far).
current obsession: Have not moved on from Good Omens, but recently realized that my obsession may be more in my own little connected universe of fics that I wrote rather than the actual canon at this point😳. I'm sure once we get that first glimpse of red and white hair that will change very quickly.
looking forward to: Going back to work and having a more established adult life again, honestly. I've been so lucky to be home with my kids while they are young, but I am ready. And figuring out how my newfound passion for writing is going to fit into that new life of mine. Another big year of change over here for me, and I am eagerly looking forward to how the growing pains are going to make way for something beautiful beyond.
ten people i’d like to know better:
@addledmongoose, @di-42, @afrenchwriter, @haemey, @eybefioro, @alwaystuesday, @katspause, @alphacentaurinebula, @shadesofecclescakes, @ochre-sunflower and whoever wants to do it (but also feel free to ignore!)
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spinosworks · 3 years ago
Tell me more about only freaks go to gotham for a fieldtrip!
rjdjd HHAA okay so-
ive always thought that people going to gotham for field trip fics was just??? so dumb and silly. love how certain ppl can execute that in fics but the thought of ppl going to Crime Town USA for enrichment is hilarious to me.
then i started thinking 'huh, i bet amity parkers would be that crazy' and did some more thinking. i started cobbling together different aus that have been floating around the phandom until i got this monstrosity: the guardian spirit field trip au (those posts are just some stepping points for those who don't know. its one of my fave aus)
the casper high field trips had steadily been to more and more dangerous places (or at least activities that most people would be too scared to do bc of the high chance of death). the final straw was when students asked if they could go to gotham and the staff didn't see anything wrong with it. after all, why worry when phantom was just a prayer away?
the effects of phantoms protection has left a lot of amity citizens a bit more blasé abt these things but they care. they leave letters from their travels and gifts for phantom. they're still new to having someone be able to save them if they needed it
danny on the other hand has slowly been getting a bit more unstable. he's a bit too keyed into his obsession right now and needs help managing it. when he hears about the trip to gotham, he's actually relieved.
'batman is a guardian spirit too,' he thinks to himself with a relieved sigh, 'batman will know how to handle this, the paranoia'
TOO BAD BATMAN IS JUST SOME GUY HAHAHA (that's mean of me sorry)
anyways, danny is one of the people who is out here advocating to staff how educational and safe the trip to gotham will be. he's fighting tooth and nail to get the trip approved. it's true that he could fly to gotham and just ask, but getting an alibi and a place to rest while there would take a huge load off of his shoulders.
when the trip is finally approved, danny (and a lot of other people) are ecstatic. that is, until the conditions.
no reanimating your lunch with street ectoplasm ("we're serious about this, the next person to do so gets suspended")
no going anywhere without your phantom necklaces
no students with grades less than a C average for the past grading period
danny is devastated. his grades had been on the rise but with the added sensory hell that is being able to tell when the people you protect get hurt, he hasn't been studying as well as he could.
as the rest of casper high's students heads out to gotham, arms loaded high with phantom merchandise and promises to send back gifts for their resident hero. danny can only watch as he realizes he sent his people into gotham alone.
gotham on the other hand, are not ready for the almost cult like mentality of amity parkers teen population. gothamites think phantom is just some hero who got a really big head. and an entire school group heading to *gotham* of a places for a fun weekend getaway? they don't know what's in the water up in amity but it sounds like it's going to get someone killed.
the bats think it's suspicious and try to look into it. extending an invitation to tour one of the many wayne facilities/programs wouldnt be too out of place would it? either way it would be good for them, keeping clueless civilians who don't seem to care about the danger they're in out of harms way is just part of the job. (they just wish that getting information that made sense from them was that easy)
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tagged by @fragiledewdrop ^-^
Rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well, I have the same name as my great-grandmother. I’m not exactly named after her, but I suppose the name sounded nice to my mom.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don’t remember lol. Unless tearing up because of a cold counts.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. I’ll never have kids but I intend to dote on my nephew and niece as much as I can :)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really. On the internet a little bit, offline no.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I don’t know? I try to register their features as much as I can, because I’m face blind, so I focus on the distinctive things, like hair, glasses etc. (It doesn’t work.)
6. What’s your eye colour?
Brown. I’ve got a classic mediterranean complexion, but not too hardcore.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings...
8. Any special talents?
I’m good at cooking, especially risotto. And I’m good at learning languages too, although for me it’s just a casual hobby.
9. Where were you born?
Hospital in a small town in the province of Milan. I suppose it was alright, I was very bad at being a fetus and almost got myself killed in utero, as one does.
10. What are your hobbies?
Mostly being on tumblr, writing fic, taking walks. For this year I have a new year resolution to read more books (depression a while ago killed my ability to read books, I’m trying to recover that. Last year I read a few, this year I’m aiming at one a month or so.)
11. Have you any pets?
Black and white cat called Micio. Sweetest old guy ever.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I tried a few as a kid and hated all of them. Karate as a teen I liked but I had undiagnosed branchial problems that made it difficult for me so I stopped after a couple years, also high school was taking most of my energy lol. I did pilates both as a teen and in my early twenties but I interrupted that bc of depression. Now I just walk and ride my bike.
13. How tall are you?
Something between 160 and 165, I think?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I loved many. I was a super big nerd in school. Honorable mention to philosophy because that’s the one I decided to pursue in university, but also italian and greek and maths... Physics and chemistry I struggled with a little, but it was still satisfying when I understood what the hell I was doing.
15. Dream job?
Having one of those tv programs where the host goes around the world and visits places and eats local food. I ain’t going to go that but you said dream, so.
I tag you, random citizen! (aka consider yourself tagged if you want to do this.)
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years ago
From the ground up
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Alright y’all, a little switch up from the normally scheduled 10 things programming. But this is 8 pages of fluff that was requested based on the Dan + Shay song From the Ground Up.
This is also very inspired by my grandparents who knew each other for 85 years, were married for 66, had 4 children, 13 grandchildren, and currently 10 great grandchildren, so here’s also their story, but it fits with the song, so why not?
Hope you like it! ______________________
Five Years Old
The snow was falling, all the neighborhood boys were gathering in his front yard to start playing. You two had always been friends, meeting when you were three years old and in the same preschool class. You watched from your bedroom window as the boys started throwing snowballs at each other, something you loved doing with your younger brother. You put on all the winter clothing you can find, running downstairs to beg your mom to go across the street to the Jost’s house to play with the boys. 
“Have fun sweetie!” your mom calls once you finally wear her down and convince her that you’ll come in as soon as she calls you in for dinner.
Running as fast as your legs can carry you, more and more children aggregating in their yard, it was an all out war between the guys and girls, snowballs flying. The girls were getting pelted, you coming in and throwing snowballs left and right at any boy who stood in your way. One by one, they surrender, until you were the last one standing. You were the almighty five year old, the winner of the snowball fight. 
Someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around to see who it is only to be met with a snowball to the face. The boys around you were laughing as Tyson stood in front of you with a smirk. You wipe the snow off, staring at him for a minute while the girls stayed silent behind you. The snow was still following, a crown of water droplets forming on around his face as the melted snow clinged to his hair. It wasn’t a crush yet, because you didn’t know what that was. But it was something. 
The next thing you know, you’ve tackled him down in the snow, grabbing some off the ground and shoving it back in his face. The kids gather around the two of you, watching Tyson struggle to push you off of him, not succeeding until you hear your mom calling your name from across the street.
“Bye, Tyson!” you jump up, running back inside, leaving all the rest of the kids standing there, looking at Tyson’s wet hair, cold red face, and snow covered back while he watched you run and disappear behind your front door. 
 Seventeen Years Old
“What do you mean that’s when you knew?” you ask him, his laugh coming through the other end of the phone.
“Any girl who wasn’t afraid of beating up a guy who was bigger than her and actually does it well is the girl for me,” he says, referencing the snowball fight all those years ago. “You didn’t care what other guys thought of you: you got hit unfairly and I paid the consequence.”
“Well, yeah, you think I was going to let you get away with that? Also, we were the same size, you were pretty small then” you tease him. “It’s so corny that you fell in love with me when we were five years old.”
“What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic when it comes to you,” he says, “There’s no one who I would want to be with other than you. The distance thing doesn’t even seem like it’s going to be bad knowing that you’re the one I’m doing it with.”
You feel your insides flutter at his words, wishing that he was there with you now. You two had been together for as long as your moms let you date, spending every moment together that you could. He was your best friend first, your boyfriend second, your forever third. “How are you feeling about going to North Dakota in a few months?” you ask him.
He lets out a long, slightly shaky sigh, “Excited? Nervous?” he tells you, his voice going up at the end of each, “Terrified.” 
“It’s a new experience, that’s natural,” you try to reassure him. “You’ve never really done this sort of thing before.”
“Aren’t you nervous about going all the way to Massachusetts?” 
Part of you was, part of you wasn’t. You were scared to be away from Tyson, but part of you knew that you would always find your way back to each other, even with the distance between Chestnut Hill and Grand Forks. “About being that far away from home? No, not really.”
“What about being that far away from me?” you hear him squeak out on the other end, barely loud enough for you to really hear the pain that was in his voice.
“I’m not nervous,” you whisper, wishing you could be there with him to physically comfort him, “We’re going to be just fine.”
“How do you know?”
You take a deep breath, knowing that he was going to cry a little if he weren’t already. “We have been best friends since I beat you up that day. No matter what, you’re going to be my best friend. No matter what, I’m going to love you. I don’t care if you’re at UND and I’m at BC. You could go to Sweden and I could end up in New Zealand and I will still always love you.”
You hear him laugh a little, a sniffle followed immediately after. You didn’t need to see his face to know that his nose was red, the goofy grin of his trying to hide the fear that would surely be covering his face. 
“Hey, meet me by the gazebo in thirty minutes, ok?” he finally says after what felt like forever sitting there in silence.
“Sure,” you tell him, your phone beeping as a signal that he had hung up. You had no idea what he had planned, but you did as you were told, grabbing your jacket and making your way to meet Tyson. You get there to find him pacing back and forth under the moonlight that was shining down on him. “Hey, babe,” you say, him pulling you in tight for a kiss. 
Even though it was summer, the night time brought a cool breeze that sent a shiver through your body even with the jacket on. Tyson takes off his jacket, his favorite one with his name on his back, handing it to you, a smile on his face as he watched you pull it over your head. “So, what are we doing here?”
“This is going to sound crazy,” he starts, knowing that would concern you a little, “but hear me out first. You’re confident that we’ll stay together even being in North Dakota and Massachusetts, but I want to put in stone. Or, I guess, wood,” he says, gesturing to the gazebo. 
“What are you talking about?”
“People carve their initials in the wood here all the time. Why don’t we do that, too?” 
You smile at him, bending down next to him to watch him carve TJ + YFI/YLI enclosed in a crude heart, next to others that had looked like they had been there for years. “I wonder who all these people are?” you ask, carefully tracing your finger over one that said MR+MD. “I wonder if they’re all still together.”
“Don’t matter,” Tyson shrugs, looking at the way the moonlight dances off your skin, “We’re still together, and I have a feeling we’re going to last.” 
 Eighteen Years Old
Tyson had no idea you would be there. The College Hockey Showdown was that weekend at Madison Square Garden, the Boston College Eagles playing against the North Dakota Fighting Eagles. One of your roommates was from a small town in southern Connecticut, half an hour outside of the city, so you convinced her to go with you and spend the weekend down there instead of driving the four hours back to Chestnut Hill after the game. 
“So, which one is he?” Julie asks as the guys skated onto the ice. 
You were in the only section that led you to be surrounded by a sea of maroon and gold, feeling weirdly out of place not wearing team colors but the jacket Tyson gave you that night at the gazebo, which you ended up stealing from him, instead. “Number 17, the curly-haired one,” you point to him as he talks with one of his teammates, his helmet off, making it much easier to see his face.
Tyson had been telling you how nervous the team was about this game: Brock was injured, Trevor was two days shy of a 730 day scoring drought, and the team hadn’t beaten Boston College in 11 years. Not to mention, UND and BC were the two winningest college programs since the 06-07 season, UND having a slight edge over BC, putting that much more pressure on the guys to win this game to help make the gap a little wider. Tyson only rambled off stats about the other team when he was worried about a game against them. It was the first time you would ever be rooting against the college team you had come to love, and only because it involved the boy you love. 
“Does he know you’re here?” she asks you, trying to figure out why he wasn’t looking up in the stands for you. When you shake your head no, she picks you up out of your seat, annoying the other Boston College fans while the ones behind you got a good look at the four letters scrawled across your back. “Tyson!” she starts screaming, shaking you in hopes that you would join in with her.
You roll your eyes, knowing that he would be able to hear his name being called once you joined in. You were waiting to see the look on his face when he finally realized you were at the game, so you scream along with her. He hears his name, confused as to where it’s coming from. He looks around the arena, taking what felt like forever to find you. His jaw drops when he sees you, a smile on his face as he frantically waves back at you. He nudges his teammate next to him, pointing up to you. You couldn’t tell what he was saying, but from the joy that covered his face he was excited that you would get to see him play. 
The first period goes by, no scoring, not much of anything. The second period was starting, and the blank score on both sides was making you nervous. One of Tyson’s teammates passed him the puck, Tyson taking the opportunity to shoot and scoring his sixth goal of the year. The Garden went crazy, you and Julie the only two in the small section of Boston College fans joining most of the crowd, Tyson pointing right up to you when he skated to the bench. UND went on the power play, his teammate passing him the puck again. At the dot, he fired it past the BC goalie, putting his team up 2-0.
You were overjoyed by Tyson’s game, getting to see him be named first star of the game that UND won 4-3. You manage to sneak your way down to where the boys are, Tyson somehow convincing someone who worked there to let you in once you gave them your name. You saw Tyson giving an interview, the guys passing by him and patting him on the shoulders while he talked. You didn’t hear what they asked him, but you could help but admire him. “That’s part of hockey. There’s going to be momentum swings. We really had to bounce back, but that just shows our character in our team. We’re all warriors in there and I think we proved it tonight.”
The reporter leaves, Tyson turning towards him. He was sweaty, disgusting, smelly, and all of that combined wasn’t enough to stop you from running into his arms as he picked you up in his arms and kissed you for the first time since the day you left. “I can’t believe you’re here!” he practically screams when he puts you down, kissing you again. 
“I wanted to surprise you,” you tell him as he goes on about how excited he was that you were there. 
“I think you’re a good luck charm,” he says, leading you out of the way from some of the other guys walking around the hallway and plopping you down on the floor. “Hey, I’ve been thinking,” he starts, his voice shaking.
You knew he was nervous by the sound of his voice. You gently squeeze his hand, the smile on his face growing bigger, “Yeah?”
“When you graduate, wherever I’m playing, or even if I’m not, I wanna be living with you.”
“Are you asking me to move in with you after graduation?” you ask him, his sweaty curls moving with his head. “You think we’ll still be together in three and a half years?” 
He swallows, looking down at your hands intertwined, sitting on his thigh, “I can’t imagine my life any other way. It’s written on the ground of the gazebo.” 
 Twenty Two Years Old
You and Tyson were going home for the wedding of one of your cousins. You had been living together for a year now in Colorado, Tyson enjoying his fourth season in the league.
“Hey, can we make a quick pit stop before we head to the reception?” Tyson asks you when you get into the car. Your cousins, Lisa and Brendan get in the back seat, Tyson being deemed the designated driver for the night. You swear you see them smile at each other before looking back at the two of you.
“Yeah, sure, is that alright with you guys?” you ask them, making eye contact through the rearview mirror. They both nod, the four of you talking about the ceremony the entire way to wherever Tyson was taking you. His hands were shaking like he was nervous.
You pull into the park that was down the street from where you grew up. “Come on,” he says, rushing around the car to open the door for you and drag you through the grounds. Lisa and Brendan follow, keeping their distance as Tyson sprinted towards the gazebo. 
“We haven’t been here since that night before we left for college,” you observe, looking out over the water that surrounded part of the structure. “Do you think our initials are still here?” you ask him, turning around to find him already on the ground. 
“Yeah, right here,” he says, tracing his finger over your initials. He reaches up to pull you down next to him. “Did I ever tell you that my mom's best friend carved hers and her boyfriend's initials here, too?” 
“No, do you know which one’s they are?”
He points to the ones by your knees, the same ones you had admired the night Tyson carved you there, MR and MD. “Matthias and Marianne. They’re probably the happiest couple I’ve ever seen.” 
You stand back up, not wanting so much of your dress to be on the ground. You look for Lisa and Brendan, who are nowhere in sight. “Hey, where did-” you start, only to be cut off but what you saw in front of you. 
Tyson shifted himself to one knee, a small box in his hands with the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen. “I know it’s kind of shitty to be doing this the day of someone else's wedding, but this is the only time I knew we would be here where we first promised to be with each other forever,” he says. You can feel tears welling up in your eyes, suddenly thankful that you had brought makeup with you in your bag for touch ups. “You told me that night that no matter where in the world we were, we would always be together. I want to be together forever. I want to grow old with you, have a family with you, be the father to your children that I never got and be the man your dad always wanted you to end up with. I want to hold you close, protect you, love you. I want to be your husband. Y/N, will you marry me?” he asks, the tears falling down your face. 
You shake your head yes, unable to let out more than a happy sob as he slips the ring on your finger, finally hearing Lisa and Brendan screaming as you take Tysons face in your hands and kiss him. 
 Twenty Four Years Old
You stood in the pink room, trying to rock your little girl to sleep. Tyson should be home at any minute from the road trip, but Viviana had been fussy the entire day. All you wanted was for her to go to sleep so you could go to sleep.
“I’m home,” you hear Tyson call from the doorway of your house, praying that he doesn’t come in yelling while you cradle your ten-month-old daughter in your arms. He appears in the doorway to her room, dropping his bag and tip-toeing up to you. He rubs your arms, kissing you on the cheek before pulling you close to him. He rests his chin on your shoulder, looking down at Viviana. “Can you believe how big she’s gotten?” he whispers to you as she finally nods off to sleep. 
You lay her down in her crib, Tyson standing back and admiring how gentle you were with her. He hugs you from behind again, the two of you taking a moment to just look at your daughter. You lead him out of the room, closing her door carefully. “She is so beautiful,” you gush about your daughter even though she was the reason you were perpetually exhuasted.
Tyson hugs you, finally getting the chance to kiss you hello. “She takes after you. The room, though, is very pink.” You can’t help but laugh at the same observation he makes whenever he goes into her room. As soon as you found out you were having a girl, Tyson went overboard, buying every dress he could, little bows, cute socks, anything that looked like it was made for a girl, regardless of color or if it actually conformed to the gender construct, he bought, or convinced his teammates to buy for him so you couldn’t get mad at him for coming home with yet another Avalanche related baby item. 
  “I was nine months pregnant when you painted that, you know it’s your fault.” The two of you go to your own bedroom, you ready to crawl in bed even though it was the middle of the afternoon. “If she wakes up, can you take care of her?” you ask him, climbing under the sheets. 
“Yeah, but before you go to sleep, I think we need to talk.” You look at him, knowing that sentence typically comes with bad news, but Tyson’s face said otherwise. “I know Viviana isn’t even a year old yet, and I know we said we would wait until she was, but I think I’m ready to try for another kid now,” he says, “Only if you are, too, of course.” 
You look away from him, a picture of you and him looking down at Viviana right after she was born sitting in the frame on your bedside table. You knew Tyson wanted a big family, you wanted one with him. It was an easy decision: “Can we wait until after I get some sleep?” 
The smile on his face grows, excited that you were going to be trying for a bigger family. He plants a soft, sweet kiss on your head as you gently fall to sleep.
 Thirty Four Years Old
“Viviana Abigale, come down here!” you call to the birthday girl as your friends and family started showing up at your house. “Tyson, I think Cale and Gabe are here,” you say to your husband, hearing voices of his teammates carrying through your house indicating that Tyson had left the front door open for anyone to just walk in. 
You hear your kids running through the house, three sets of feet pounding against the floor as everyone started to show up with gifts and more food. 
It was Vivi’s tenth birthday, and Tyson insisted that you have a party to celebrate your oldest child turning double-digits. Part of you thought he just wanted to show off the house now that it was finally put back together after you had it redone, but he did more of the work in preparing. You were worried that would mean having a similar party with Alexander turned ten in two years, or when Jimmy did in four. Anything to have a party to celebrate your family, Tyson was the first to suggest you make it happen. 
Soon, your house and yard were filled with everyone you loved, laughing, eating, the kids playing. You watched as Alexander chased Jimmy with one of the hockey sticks Tyson’s mom had kept from when he was little. Tyson must have seen the anxious look on your face, “Don’t worry, he won’t do anything. Alexander is harmless.” You both laugh as he hands you a glass of wine, you swirling around in the glass instead of taking a sip. 
“Want to go inside?” you ask him, taking his hand. You set the class down on the counter, Tyson showing a look of confusion by the untouched glass. You lead him to the wall underneath the stairs, looking at all the pictures that were there. The latest school pictures of your three children, a picture of you and Tyson on your wedding day, a picture of the two of you that your mom took when you went to the school dance together when you were in your first year of high school. “God, do you remember that night?”
“I only remember what I was wearing because of that picture and that I wanted to dance only with you,” he says, wrapping his arms around you.
“You were fourteen, there’s no way that’s what you were thinking of,” you tease him. “You danced with me once that night and spent the rest of the night leaning against the wall with the rest of the boys.”
“I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you!” he argues back, his face turning red with the embarrassment he didn’t want.
You laugh, giving him a quick kiss, “I beat you up when we were five. Nothing you could do in front of me could be more embarrassing than that.” 
The two of you stand there for a little while longer, staring at the pictures that were on the wall of your family. “Hey, Tys?”
“When we first got married, how many kids did you think we would have?” 
He stops and thinks, knowing that he never explicitly told you, letting you decide how many you ultimately had. “I always wanted four.”
“Are you mad that we only have three?”
He looks at you. “Mad? Of course not.” How could he be mad that you gave him the three most beautiful children he could have asked for. They looked more like you than they did like him, but they definitely had his childish antics down to a t. 
“Would you be mad if we had a fourth?”
“Again, of course not,” he says, confused by what you were trying to say. You smile at him, it finally clicking. “You’re-?” he starts, unable to figure out how to express his joy with words. You nod, him pulling you in for a tight hug. “Holy shit!” he screams, “Holy shit, are you serious?”
“There are children, Tys!” you say, laughing as you cover his mouth. 
“We’re having another kid,” he says, his eyes lighting up. 
“We’re having another kid.”
 Fifty One Years Old
“Lucas!” you call to your youngest son, knowing he was the only other person in the house with you. You were trying to make dinner, one of Tyson’s favorite meals for his birthday.
“Yeah, Mom?” your sixteen year old says, not looking up from his phone as he walks into the kitchen.
Your hands were covered with raw meat, mixing everything up to prepare the stuffed burgers. “Can you run to the store and get me another onion?”
Lucas groans, in a typical teenage fashion. “Dad is already at the store getting you basil, can’t you just call him to get it?”
“No, because this is his phone,” you tell him, hitting the screen with your elbow so it doesn’t lock on you since that’s where the recipe is. “And it was parsley. The keys are by the door, there’s cash in my wallet, and yes I expect the receipt and know how much I had to start with,” you say to him.
He rolls his eyes at you, leaving for the store anyway. Lucas drives to the store, muttering to himself that you would send him out when Dad was already there. He laughs as he pulls in next to Dad’s car, knowing that he was bound to run into him while he was there. He wanders through the store, not looking for the onion in the slightest in hopes to find his father and tell him to get it so he can get home and go back to the game he was on with his friends. 
Lucas finds Tyson in the spice aisle, standing there with two small bottles in his hands, one parsley, one basil. “She wanted parsley,” he says, startling his dad. 
“I couldn’t remember what she said, so thank god you came,” he says, putting the basil back. “What did she send you to get?”
“An onion.” The two of them walk through the store, back to the produce that Lucas had already passed in hopes of getting out of there faster. “Hey, Dad?”
“Yeah, bud?” he asks, examining the pile of onions as he tried to figure out which one would be the one his wife would pick. 
“Mom has already sent you here four times this week, and now me twice. Why do you put up with it?” he asks, clearly annoyed.
Tyson laughs, picking up one of the onions and heading to check out. “I would do anything for her, no matter how ridiculous or how many times she asks me to do it.” He looks at his youngest son, the only one who looked more like him than you, “One day, hopefully, you’re going to find someone who you love more than anything on this Earth, and you would do anything in the world to make sure that they stay happy. This is part of what keeps your mother happy, so how could I not do it?”
 Eighty Eight Years Old
You look around from the head table, Tyson’s hand in yours as your entire family has overtaken the restaurant. Viviana and her husband had picked you up at your house, telling you that she was taking out to her home for an anniversary dinner. You were instead taken to your favorite restaurant, greeted but your children, your grandchildren, your brother and his family, Kacey and her family, everyone you cared about.
You sit there, listening to your children and some of your grandchildren talk about what it means to be in love. “Dad would drop everything if Mom asked him to do something. There was nothing too ridiculous that she could ask of him.”
“Growing up, it was the stolen looks, Dad looking at Mom with love filling his eyes and her not noticing, or Mom doing the same to Dad, neither of them ever looking at the same time.”
“Look around at everyone here: love between two people creates love between more. We wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for you.” 
Sixty five years.
Four children.
Thirteen grandchildren.
Currently five great grandchildren, two more on the way in a few months.
The perfect life, the perfect husband. 
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robinofinashiro · 4 years ago
request from anonymous: “hewwwoooo my favourite fanfic writer! i love ur ficssss so much. they keep me sane during this quarantine. may i request for a cute fic with porco and reiner chasing after the same girl (the reader)” 
note: i’m done with finals! you guys can send anything you’d like now! but sjksjksjk, i’m your fave??? but i went with the AU bc that’s what ppl have been asking for so i’m just assuming. 
request status: fully open!
pairing: porco galliard, reiner braun x fem! reader
you sat with Marcel as the two of you tried to cram for the same exam you had coming up. you were a year underneath him but you were in the honors program at the university so you almost had the same classes as he did. 
“between this exam and the project for Bio, I think my brain is going to combust,” you murmured to Marcel. he chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee, “well that and considering I heard my brother on Facetime with you until three in the morning, that could also contribute to your fatigue,” your face fell warm at the comment. 
you chucked a scrap piece of paper at hime, making him dodge it. you saw Reiner walking towards the two of you. you waved him over, his face instantly lighting up. 
“hey Braun, I thought you said you were going to skip coming to campus today?” you asked. he shook his head, sitting down next to you, almost immediately wrapping his arm around you, “nah, figured that if I didn’t come today, I wouldn’t see you until next Monday,” he mentioned. 
you saw Marcel’s face drop in slight annoyance before shaking it off. you couldn’t help but wonder what made him do that but decided not to pay too much attention. 
“that’s very flattering,” you murmured shyly. “so, what’s a cutie like yourself doing this Saturday,” he asked, “oh! I have plans with Marcel and Porco. they want to check out this restaurant a few towns over and Porco offered for me to come along,” you said excitedly. 
Reiner rolled his eyes, not happy about your plans, “why? were you planning on doing something?” you asked. Marcel immediately texted his brother to come down to the cafe. he hated to get into other peoples business, especially if it came to his hot headed brothers personal life but he knew more than anyone how you meant to him so he had to do the brother thing and notify him of Reiner’s intentions. 
“I was just wonderin’ if you wanted to come with Bertholdt, Annie, and I to ice skate, I wanted to take you as my plus one,” he stated. 
you thought for a moment. 
“well, what time are you guys planning on going? I can come after I’m done with Porco and Marcel!” you said excitedly. Reiner’s eyebrow raised as he saw Porco basically jetting down the stairs, “oh hey, Porco’s here!” you exclaimed 
Reiner remained silent, looking at the boy who was now glaring at him. the two of them continued to stare at each other, making you wonder why the air suddenly became thick. 
“uh, guys?” you said clapping your hands in front of their faces. they both instantly looked down at you, “sorry,” Reiner said bringing you to his side, “I was just thinking of something,” he spat.
Porco laughed sarcastically, “care to mention what is was, Braun?” he asked. you looked to Marcel for help, “guys, enough, let it go. Porco, you need to head home to grab your soccer gear,” Marcel said. 
the two of them brushed off the words as you placed your hand on Reiner’s shoulder, “hey, how about you come with me to class. I want to get there a bit early and I know your class is in the next hall,” you whispered, hoping they would finally end their stand off. 
“sure, I have no problem in walking you,” he said. Porco’s anger instantly rose, “I’ll come bring you lunch. I know how much you like the restaurant by my house,” you looked over to Porco, “you really don’t have too. you’re already paying for my dinner tomorrow so I can’t make you do that again,” you tried to say. 
Porco grabbed your hand, “for you, I’d do anything,” Marcel’s mouth dropped at the sudden declaration of love that was not normal coming out of his brother. Reiner on the other hand immediately retracted you from his grasp before taking your other hand, “lets go before you’re late,” he said. 
you gave Porco one final smile before walking away with Reiner. Marcel stared his brother in disbelief, not knowing what to do with what he just saw. “well, you gonna explain what I just saw?” he asked. 
Porco shook his head, “no,” and with that, he walked away. Marcel followed him, “listen, you know I’m the last to get in your business but this little competition over her has to stop. either one of you confesses and she accepts it before it goes to the shit and ends up dating someone else because of both of your immaturity,” Marcel lectured. 
“don’t you think I know that?” Porco retorted, “I’ve been fighting tooth and nail for her and I refuse to lose to Reiner of all people. plus, I heard from Pieck that she plans on choosing one of us soon so if it happens before she hangs out with Reiner on Saturday night then it’ll just be the cherry on top of it all.” 
Marcel rolled his eyes, brushing off his friend and brother immature attitude. 
Saturday morning finally came as you crawled out of bed. being that today was relatively the last day you had with both boys before you confessed to Reiner or Porco, you woke up with a feeling of nervousness in the pit of your stomach. 
“you ready for tonight?” Pieck said over Facetime. you shrugged, “kind of. I’m just nervous. regardless of who I actually like, the other is going to be so upset and I’m more than likely going to lose a friendship out of them,” you replied. 
she nodded understandingly, “well, do you know who really owns that heart of yours? one of them has to stand out more than the other,” she replied. “it’s hard. Reiner is such an amazing guy. he understands me in ways that Porco doesn’t. arguably, he’s been there a lot more than Porco has but Porco is just so different. he’s almost as if he’s the piece that I’m missing.” 
you growled, putting your head against the wall as she laughed, “listen, don’t stress yourself out. just see how today goes and if you happen to see that you like one more than the other, tell them right there,” you nodded as you saw Porco’s message telling you he was outside. 
you told Pieck goodbye before slipping on shoes and grabbing your bag. she could only hope that if you didn’t pick Porco, you let him down easy. she knew how Porco was, especially towards Reiner and didn’t want to be at the receiving end of the news if you told him no. 
“hey Marcel, Porco!” you said excitedly. Porco grabbed your hand softly as Marcel jokingly gagged, “be quiet. you’re just mad you don’t have anyone to be with,” Porco told him, “my date is meeting us there so fuck off,” Marcel countered.
the entire ride to the restaurant was you three just talking about whatever came up and because Porco sat in the back with you, he held your hand the entire time. every so often, he would rub your hand with his thumb making your face a bit warm. 
his grasp was very different in comparison to Reiner’s. Reiner’s hold was soft, almost like a delicate flower as Porco really held your hand as if it was the last time he’d ever get to hold it. 
“we’re here so get out my car,” Marcel said. you gave him the finger before hopping out of the so he could find parking. Porco held your hand, walking you to the small bench a bit away from the restaurant. you were confused as to why. 
“I want to talk to you about something,” he said grabbed your hand. you nodded for him to continue, “I know I’m basically fighting for you with Reiner. Ik know the two of you are close but I want you to know that I’d be the best option for you. I can give you the world and more,” he whispered before bringing you in for a kiss. 
he was lucky that the bench was so far from the restaurant as he slipped his hand on your thigh, pinching it softly. you moaned quietly at the movement but quickly enough moved back. 
“not here Porco and it’s not fair to Reiner and you know it.” 
he nodded as he let himself off you before getting up and giving you his hand. the two of you walked to the entrance of the restaurant, greeting Marcel’s date before walking in. 
after the dinner you walked to Marcel’s car, he had given Porco the key mentioning he’d get a ride back with his date. you sat in the passenger seat, holding his hand harder than you would be. 
the drive was eerily silent. he knew that you were now going to be with Reiner, essentially on a date with him and he had no control of what you did with him so the nervousness was bubbling up in his stomach. 
as he got the rink, he saw Reiner grabbing your pair of skates and paying for your ticket. he saw the way your face lit up at seeing him and a bit of sadness washed over him. 
“i’ll talk to you later?” you asked as he nodded. Porco kissed your hand softly before letting you out of the car and pulling out of the lot. 
you ran too Reiner, Annie, and Bertl, them saying hi almost instantly. Reiner handed you the skates as he patted the seat next to him. 
“here, I’ll tie your skates for you,” he offered, pulling your legs up. you smiled, “thank you Reiner,” you whispered. he slowly tied the skates before rubbing your legs softly, “you look amazing tonight,” he mentioned. 
you smiled, “stop, you’re just saying that,” your murmured shyly. he shook his head no, “i’m not. I’m glad you came out tonight and I want to show you that tonight is going to make up for whatever you didn’t enjoy today,” he added on. 
Reiner grabbed your hand, the one specifically Porco had kissed and brought you closer. this time, the kiss he had given you wasn’t as heated as Porco’s was. it was softer, more gentle, and nice. 
“lets go before Bertl and Annie think something happened to us,” he joked, finally pulling away. 
the entire time you were with Reiner, he had you within close proximity almost the entire night. singing songs in your ear as they played through the loud speaker of the rink. ‘you were meant for me’ from the movie Singing in the Rain was specifically the song he was singing. 
your face had felt warm the entire time. you found it sweet that such an old song was what he chose and knew from heart. 
Bertholdt and Annie had left the two of you a while after skating. the two of them claiming they were cold but you knew it was more of the fact that they probably wanted to give you privacy. 
“we should get going before you catch a cold,” Reiner said finally taking his skates off on the bench. he once again helped out unlace the shoes before handing them to the worker and meeting you back on the bench. 
the two of you walked to his car, him opening the door for you. upon him getting in the car, you looked over to him and smiled before reaching over and giving him a kiss. he instantly returned it, happy that his car was parked in a section with not many people looking in. 
“wait, i can’t do this, i don’t want to get my hopes up,” Reiner said trying to pull back. you sighed knowing what you were about to say would be just like word vomit, “Reiner, it’s not getting your hopes up if I’m just waiting for you to ask me out,” you whispered. 
his eyes widened, realizing what you meant. “wait, are you saying?” he asked. you nodded shyly as he practically fist pumped the air in excitement, “I’m so happy to hear those words,” he said pulling you in for another kiss. 
you let him kiss you for a while before pulling away, “I need to get home. I should text Porco,” you told him. Reiner nodded as he finally pulled out the parking lot and making his way back to your dorm. the entire time you had texted Porco. 
“I’m sorry Porco.” 
as soon as he received the message, he knew what it meant. he felt his anger rising as his hands clenched in anger. Marcel was sitting beside him as Porco stood up from the couch, leaving his phone accidentally open. he peered down to the message and sighed. 
Marcel knew you had no intentions to upset him so badly but he just felt sad at seeing his brother so upset. 
you looked too Reiner and nervously smiled at him, “hey Reiner, do you think you can take me back to my dorm?” you asked. a part of him felt the shift in the air as you couldn’t really look at him anymore. 
Reiner was starting to connect the dots as you were silent through the drive home. you were holding his hand but not the way you would be and trying to make conversation but couldn’t keep it up. 
once you got back to your dorm building, you got out, Reiner walking you to the empty back entrance. you held his hand as you stood in front of him. “you don’t have to tell me, I can tell,” he told you, now holding both your hands, “i know but I feel so bad,” you murmured. 
Reiner shook his head no, “don’t. the world was meant for us just to be friends and as long as I’m able to be your friend, that’s all I ask,” you nodded as he placed on final kiss on the top of your head before giving you a small goodbye. 
you looked to your phone and texted Porco wondering if he could meet you at your dorm. you made your way to your room, kicking your shoes off and pulling on a hoodie and shorts. 
getting a response that he was downstairs, you walked down slowly, seeing him holding something in his hand. you opened the door as you stood in front of him and smiled. 
“how are you?” he asked softly, “fine, glad you wanted to meet me this late,” you responded. Porco laughed as he grabbed your hand, “always,” he replied. 
you pulled him in for a hug, surprising him a bit, “I hate to say it this way but I want you,” you managed to say. Porco’s mouth dropped a bit before he picked you up and spun you around, “seriously?” he asked. 
you nodded as he brought you down for a kiss. you wrapped your arms around his neck. the two of you remained that way before you finally pulled away and looked at him with a soft smile. 
“you have no idea how happy that makes me. can i just cuddle you for a while?” he asked. you nodded as you opened the door and let him practically let him carry you in. 
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clvmtines · 4 years ago
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welcome aboard, clementine martinez, student #2. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like alexa demie? according to our records, you hail from florida, usa, prefer she / her pronouns, are a cis woman, and are here to study creative writing. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your online lottery win — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + charming, + free-spirited, but also - restive. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the billiards room. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a casino chip carried around for luck from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hi friends! i’m very excited to be here. i’m jay (est, she/her) n i used to play astrid nyland a few months ago if anyone remembers bt i had to leave for personal reasons. i’m so glad to be back now that i hve life sorted and some free time for summer break <3 read on for some details abt this new muse of mine, clementine. 
01. biography !
so ! clementine was born in florida. & yes, her real name is clementine. her mom thot it was the cutest name idea ever. clementine mostly goes by clem. she comes from the town [redacted] in florida bcoz i am too lazy to look up a specific town <3 but alas ! it was swampy and humid and she lived in a trailer park. 
her parents got knocked up at nineteen. clem was born nine months after a particularly wild 1999 fourth of july. her birthday is march 26th and she’s an aries. 
(TW: addiction, child injury) clem’s dad was a gambling addict and petty criminal—he wld steal credit cards n whatnot. he wld gamble away diaper money n it would cause constant fighting until her dad finally left. her mom took this very hard n began drinking a bit too often, leaving clem to to make cereal for dinner n fend for herself. once clem tried to make hot dogs on the stove and spilled boiling water on herself. got a p bad burn on her arm/shoulder and still has a big scar.
the soundtrack of her childhood was cicadas buzzing and stray dogs barking. the sizzle and pop of natty light cans. turning up her ipod to max volume to drown out the sounds of her mother fighting with her new boyfriend.
throughout her upbringing, clem’s dad was always in and out of the picture. he’d blow into town when he hit it big. he’d take her on these little “adventures” like staying in a motel 6 n renting movies at block buster n ordering good pizza nt the dominos shit she ate with her mom lol. ofc he was charging it all to someone’s stolen credit card. he’d always promise to, like, take clem away. n clem was a daddy’s girl so she believed him. the last time it happened was her h.s. graduation. her mom didn’t show ( "overslept” after a bender ) but her dad did and surprised her n said everything wld be different. bt then he bailed on their plans for the next day n when she called his cell, the number was disconnected. tht was the defining “i’m done” moment. clem promised to never be disappointed by her father again.
(TW: racism) her mother has mexican ancestry and clem’s always been called her twin. but clem was raised in a predominately white area and honestly ?? it was really hard without her even realizing it. she’s still unpacking a lot of things today abt her youth that jst weren’t okay bt she thought were normal. like microaggressions, stereotypes, being fetishized by boys in high school. gross shit.
as a kid, clem was rumored to be really poor bc she wore tattered clothes n got free lunch at school. once she invited a friend to her house & the next day they told everyone it’s in a trailer park. that reputation—the “trailer park girl”—was really hard to shake. and clem got almost desperate to shake it. she was endlessly trying to set her old self on fire and emerge from the ashes like a phoenix.
eventually clem became more “popular”. in school she was, like, a straight b student. very average although super creative and quick-thinking. she always had street smarts. problem solving skills. independence. more of, like, practical intelligence as opposed to book smarts because academia bores her tbh. she was like why am i reading these overrated boring books by dead white men or learning abt polynomials when i know nothing abt how to pay a mortage or do taxes. like...she saw the american education system as bullshit and put in modest effort because she didn’t believe it deserved her sweat and tears. 
however, she entered the online lottery for the seas program on a whim and got in. so she’s studying creative writing now.
02. personality !
first thing you shld know abt clem is that she’s a compulsive liar essentially—she tells various stories to make her life seem better than what it was. to one person, she’s an heiress to a real estate company and grew up wealthy. to the next she was raised by nomadic hippies. some of her lies are small fibs while others are grandiose tales. she rarely talks about her actual upbringing. she hates talking abt her family or the v real trauma of growing up in a household where both parents struggled w/ addiction; the uncertainty, the broken promises, the fact that she had to grow up so soon and deal w/ so much. it wasn’t fair, and if she thinks about it too much, she feels this anger. anger at the universe. anger at her circumstances. she doesn’t know where to put this anger. she doesn’t know how to shrink it. so she avoids it.
despite her rough upbringing, though, clem is actually really sweet and kind. she’s adventurous, fun-loving, free-spirited, and bold. 
bt ! she can also be closed-off, competitive and restive. 
she’s seemingly tight with everyone? like she’s jst that girl who can get along with anyone tbh. 
in her spare time you can catch her tanning by the pool, hanging at the bar, playing pool ( which she learned from her dad ), and socializing. she’ll never say no to hanging out with people. 
she learned a lot from her little “adventures” with her dad, who was very good at conning others and often involved her in his dumb little scams. clem is suuuper good at pulling the ‘im baby 🥺’ card to get what she wants.
she can be a little selfish, because she grew up looking out for herself. 
stubborn and dogmatic as hell !!!
she doesn’t do too many relationships but when she does fall, i imagine she falls hard and fast. she refuses to be made a fool of, tho. when she gets vulnerable she flashes back to being a kid, waiting all day for her dad to show up only to have him bail on her. again. she hates that feeling. so if she, like, senses a shift in someone’s energy she’ll b like, “i’ll break up with u before u can do it to me” and the person wasn’t even tryna dump her lmao.
has a lot of sex. too much ?? sex?? mayb. but she’s v sex positive.
her personal style is v late 90s. hair clips, big scrunchies, neon, fur trim, crop and tube tops, hoop earrings, chokers, patterns, platform shoes, biodegradable glitter cuz it’s good fr the earth *winks*. clothes from o-mighty.......actually jst google o mighty, pull up the images and That is clem. she dresses like a bratz doll. she’s dedicated to the aesthetic.
03. headcanons !
her item brought from home is a hot pink poker chip from a casino. her dad gave it to her. he said it reminded him of her because of the color; he got it during one of his winning streaks and said it was lucky. she has a complicated relationship w/ her dad n doesn’t even speak to him anymore, bt she will never go anywhere without it.
she’s a smol bean—only 5′4
an astrology girl and she reads palms ! she absolutely makes astrology tik toks that people only watch because she’s hot. her flirting technique is to ask you to read your palm.
she doesn’t typically drink to get drunk. but she does love a good sugary cocktail. to her, a drink is like an accessory. a blue fishbowl by the pool, a jack and coke as she stands around a bar. usually she'll nurse the same beverage for a while. if you see her wasted it usually means she’s going thru it emotionally lol. the one thing she does do is drugs tho 
pretty much listens to exclusively female artists.
a bit of an activist. environmentalism, feminism and the like, she’s v outspoken. vegan for ethical reasons (TW: drugs) bt still does cocaine. she wears shirts with ‘my pussy my choice’ bedazzled on the front.
loves to rollerblade ! back home she didn’t have a car so she’d bike or rollerblade. now she still has her blades and she’ll use them when the ship docks. 
03. wanted connections !
Friends, bffs, ride or dies, friends who are like siblings to her, maybe a friend with an unrequited crush on either side ??
an ex she dumped/cheated on/otherwise self sabotaged their relationship because she was afraid of vulnerability.
an ex friend who realized she lies a lot abt herself n felt betrayed. OH ! ESP if they opened up to her on many occasions abt intimate, personal stuff. imagine the betrayal they felt when they found that everything they thought they knew abt clem is a lie.
someone who she actually opens up to. a confidant. or, maybe, like, a stranger she drunkenly spilled her soul to and now she avoids them like the plague.
a rival. clem can be competitive.
her drug dealer 
someone she knows she shouldn’t hook up with and… does it anyways. like a friend’s ex or smthing. spicy <3
i welcome anything !
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what’s that? divorced mociet au for maximum angst? don’t mind if i do!
they meet in a local park, deceit probly says something like “Nature is so beautiful, it’s a shame man tries to own her” and patton is like “omg so deep take me”
they go on sum dates
patton dives head first into love and drags dee with him
pat wants to get married, dee is unsure, but want to make pat happy so he accepts
they adopt a 3 year old logan and 1 year old twins roman and remus
tensions rises as they have two distinct styles of parenting
a friend of patton gets pregent young and asks him to raise the baby (trans!remy for added angst maybe idk)
pat agrees without talking to dee
dee finds out and they have their 1st big fight
dee agrees to raise the babe but the tension has snapped and is poisening their relationship
lil babe virge joins the famILY
deceit goes “i’ve only know virgil for a hour but if anything happens to him i will kill everyone and then myself”
they divorce and there’s an ugly custody battle
dee: “you aren’t responble enough to raise children!!!”
pat: “my baaaaabbbiiiiieeeessss!!!”
Logan (5) and Roman (3) go with Patton
Remus (3) and Virgil (2) go with Deceit
Patton moves away to a new town and they break off contact
pat enrolls his sons in a K-12 school and they do really well
dee works long hours to support his sons
he puts remus in a public school, but remus doesn’t do well in school
he gets into fights and gets expelled
dee sends him to a new school
this happens alot
dee wants to keep remus and virge in the same school, so every time remus gets expelled, he moves both of them
they never stay in the same school for more than a year
this is very stressful for dee who eventually has to move around to keep up with remus’s school-switching
this is also super hard on virgil who never learns how to make friends
dee, who is always stressed and not always there, and remus, a fuck-up who couldn’t care less, become his contants
they move to a new town before virgil’s freshman year
virge and remus go to the local highschool
remus meets roman in their classes (surprise! they have ended up in the same town patton moved to earlier!!)
they don’t reconize either other (obv they were like 3)
remus chalenges roman to a fight durring lunch
virge is like “remus no” and remus is like “remus yes”
crowd gathers and roman wants to protect his pride
they fight and it gets bloody quick
roman’s older brother, logan (:O), comes rushing in and breaks it up
he reconizes remus and virge (he got good memory or sumn)
and leaves
Logan is surprised pikachu face
the whole school is buzzing with gossip of new kids und log and rom
virge skips class and hides in the liberary
logan finds him after school
logan: “bro i’m like ur older bro” virge: “wth no way bro” logan: “no no i got this picture with both of our now single parents in it” virge: “fuck dude that’s sum pretty solid evidence”
virge opens up a bit to lo
they go to the dention room together but!! patton is there (gasp) and virge is like “omg i can’t let him see me” and lo is like “ur tots right, i won’t say a word”
pat and boys leave and virge goes into dention room
but remus is gone????
suprise bitch he went home early- virge learns thru dee’s “wth are u!!” phone call
dee and boys have dinner, which doesn’t happen often
dee: “im so sorry we can’t have this more often” remus: “whatever ur cooking stinks” virge: *internal panic* cantlethimfindoutcantlethimfindout
back to pat- he’s not angry, roman, just disapointed. fighting=bad
everyone goes to be tired and upset except remus, bc he’s a bastard (look i love him, but he is a bastard)
next day is school day
people whisper about virge and reem in the hallways, but he indimidates them with his Insane Looks TM
Roman “”””forgives””””” Remus when the meet and remus shrugs and insluts his non-existent mother
logan is there and calmly reminds roman not to retaliiate
things go okay for a few weeks
virge is loney, remus is bastard, roman is trying so hard to not punch him in the face, and logan is a nerd
virge needs lo’s nerd skills to pass a test
lo teaches him at the school
ro joins one of their study sessions
at 1st he’s rude to virge but then he reliezes virge is not a bastard like remus
they become friends, an lo and virge tell ro ~The famILY Seceret~
later ro begs virge to join Drama Club
virge is like “nuuu” ro is like “pleassss” virge is like “...ok fine.”
they are doing a play version of The Parent Trap
Ro and virge gets the role of the twins 
rem makes fun of virge for his growing interest in the-ay-tar, but dee’s happy he’s putting himself out there and making friends
logan finds the play ironic lol
pat is excite!! and support!! for roman and his starring role
but then!! lo ro and virge Relieze both parents will Be There and See their Sons or Each Other
remus shows up like an eavesdropping bitch and is like “lol what if we dedicated it to them lol it be funny”
lo’s like “welp nothing we can do bout it now”
ro: “wait! what if u and remus took the other parent of the child on stage out of the theater so they only see their child!!”
lo: unrealilistic
virge panic tm
remus gives a ton of really bad ideas
everyone goes home with this big fat problem in their minds
remus starts dropping onimous hints about the play and dee is Concern
the day of the play comes
ro and virge decied that no matter what, the show must go on
they perform and do really well, breaking both their legs (jk)
(remus throws a tomato onto the stage at the climax lol)
after the show virge finds dee an ree in the crowd
dee is super quiet and looking around (he has the program in his hand)((the program with roman’s full name)) (((which would have patton’s last name)))((((u get it))))
virge panic pt 2, but remus saves the day (whaaa) by asking to go for icecream
dee agrees and they go for sum BR
BUT! ro lo and pat had the same idea!!
they’re in the same icecream parlor!
remus stiffs a laugh
dee cooly glances over to where the pat and boys are sitting before heading over to the country to order
virge quietly follows
lo notices them and nudges ro who abruptly stops talking and looks over at dee and boys, alerting pat of their prensence
flashes of grief on pat’s face
the table is quiet before ro awkwardly picks up the conversation where he left off
dee gets a table as far away from pat &co as possible
however, he looks up once and locks eyes with patton
both tables are quiet
dee breaks the eye contact and starts talking to his boys
patton smiles sadly at his icecream
“I thing we should go home kiddos.”
at home, lo explains everything
pat nods numbly and locks himself in his bedroom
logan comforts roman
at the ice cream, dee talks to virge and remus about the play until patton leave
“so do you know them?”
virge breaks down and admits everything
remus isn’t as much as a bastrad now
dee ods calmly and they eat ice cream in silence
they next day is saturday
virge stays in his room despite remus atempts to play 
remus also locks himself in his room
dee finds logan’s cell number in virgil’s backpack and calls him
surprisingly patton picks up
they talk for a while
they agree to keep the kids in the same school
“I miss you somethimes, dee.” a pause. “Your mistake.”
dee hangs up
he looks up to where virgil’s room is and sighs.
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years ago
For the title ask thing: “those who favor fire” and/or “jericho’s walls”
sure thing, thanks anon!
those who favor fire - i, had to check for a moment that this wasn't actually an episode title, because you've certainly got the vibe down 😂
i mean, caleb or keyleth, really, when fire comes up, you gotta give at least one to them
i think i'll go caleb for this one, because it's really making me want to do something blumendrei exploratory, and also, have been lowkey wanting to write something for a while in the aftermath of That Night? because god the whole dynamic there fascinates me
i think i’d probably start out with some of their past moments too, to actually cover the those who favor fire part more, and the actual dynamic between these three and what they were good at and like... i feel like when they were kids they had very much a, they’re all super smart kids, but within that niche, astrid was the main brains and ambition of the group, bren definitely had enough to be competitive but was the primary charisma of the three, and wulf was both the strength of the group and the emotional support, someone’s gotta be the backbone of this trio. and we know trent kept pushing for bren as the leader but he never wanted that position and always thought of astrid as the leader and then you’ve got that weird tension of astrid not knowing where exactly she stands here, and both her and wulf kinda following in that “well i guess bren’s the leader” thought bc he is good at it, and probably does end up taking the lead in more situations than he realises. (also plenty of their specific skills in that part bc i wanna know what the others’ preferred specialisations and schools of magic are, like we know bren back then was evocation, then switched to transmutation as caleb (which i have other thoughts on, see this post for a few of them, but mainly the fact that the evocation specialisation lets you choose who in the area of effect gets burned by your fire spells, whereas transmutation doesn’t, it just explodes and what happens happens), but also all we know of the others is that astrid favoured poison as a killing method, we don’t know much else about their actual magical skill sets)
so plenty of headcanons to go wild with there, and i’d wanna explore those to the extent of my imagination, so some scenes about both them before the academy and them during.
but then we get to That Night and it just, completely upsets the entire dynamic and i really wanna explore the perspective from the other two here? like... trent knew what they were doing, because he planned it, but they didn’t know that, at the time. they were doing it because they were ashamed, because they believed this was the only right thing to do and the only way to save face. with that amount of indoctrination? admitting they had traitor families would have been the worst possible thing they could do, because that could make them be seen as traitors by association. so the best way this night could go for them is to get it all done and out of the way and then come back to the academy like nothing happened. they’re skilled enough, practiced enough, that trent never has to find out.
and they’ve had all this training building them up as the best of society, the elite, no one else can handle what they can handle. there’s a lot of pressure that comes with that ego, they cannot fail, it’s absolutely unthinkable
they may know in theory not everyone makes it through this program. but they never thought that would affect them
so what happens when the unthinkable happens? they’re already probably not handling themselves great, because the unthinkable already happened, in a sense, by finding out their parents are traitors and by killing them, that’s already stretched all of these kids to the limit, even if two of them kept their composure. but this, more than anything, is what really shatters that trio, because bren is the one who was made to be the leader, he’s the core of their group in several ways, and they know he can be just as ruthless and calculating as they are and he should have been able to handle this. but he doesn’t, and it flips their entire worldview on his head, and not only that, but he lashes out at them, he’s always had perfect control over fire and now it’s just raging and burning and sparing no one. and no one can solve this problem for them, they’ve gotta figure out what to do by themselves. seventeen and knowing you just killed your blood family, that all you have left is the people in front of you, and you have to subdue one of them so he doesn’t kill you or burn this entire town to the ground and there’s no one you can go to for help, because you can’t tell anyone you were here
and then what? how long do they wait before they give up on him getting over this? they’ve got a few days before their absence is noticed, probably, because they said they were heading home to visit, so now they’ve gotta find somewhere to hide and hope he snaps out of it soon. maybe it was just this breakdown, he had to get it out of his system, but he still did the same as they all did, he hasn’t failed yet, as long as he comes back to himself before they have to return, they can pretend like this never happened. astrid’s hurt and none of them are particularly good at healing but that can be fixed too, these things happen, they’ll think of some excuse. but the longer that goes on, the worse it starts to feel, and maybe there’s no way out of this after all. maybe you have to admit that things will never go back to normal, nothing is promised, and you have to look out for yourself and only yourself.
and i think those few days of loneliness and uncertainty and fear and still trying to cling to each other despite that would be, very fun to explore
jericho's walls - this could be any of these cagey fucks, but i'm feeling a beau vibe the most? actually you know what with the recent beauyasha let's make it about that. because god, walls of jericho is such a strong imagery when it comes to people and relationships and like... it’s about the violent breaking down of walls but also the freedom that comes with and especially with these two. they’ve both got so many walls up, beau with her childhood of neglect and mistrust of everyone and yasha who keeps trying but has been through so much loss already, who found love with zuala and molly and both of them died, who’s been twisted to other people’s wills too often, and struggles with making herself known
i think this as a fic would work best with a bunch of little scenes, some from canon, some not, of their slow careful dance around each other because while they can both be loud and brash in their flirting, neither wants to risk hurting the other
and then our finale is what i assume we’re bound to get eventually bc i think when you actually open those floodgates and break down those walls we’re gonna get everything at once
it’s a really interesting relationship the two of them have because it feels like they’re both still on a precipice, everyone knows at this point they’re both into each other, there’s no surprise about that, it’s a question of, when you put these two very brash and fighty girls together, do they break each other, build each other up, or smash through those walls to make something new together
[send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it]
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isadcrajade · 5 years ago
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💀 * [ barbie ferreira + cis female + she/her ] —— have you met isadora oliveira ? they are a twenty-one year old sophomore currently studying fashion design & merchandising. they live on keating house, and word around campus is that this aries is loyal + warm, as well as self-objectifying + obsequious. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. chocolate covered strawberries, gothic platforms, lingerie under leather jackets.
hiii bbies it’s me (gabby) finally here again to post this finalized, messy version of isa’s intro! she’s a brand new never-been-played muse of mine so it’s def bound to be a bit more scattered & less developed than ezra’s, but also much shorter? so i mean there’s a bonus lmao alright here we go:
so isadora (also known by many nicknames such as isa, izzy, iz, & dora the explora if ur trying to piss her off vgbjhksjs) was definitely not brought up in a world of prestige and recognition like the one she’s become so accustomed to in attending holloway university
growing up in the small town of lisbon, maine the only reality isa knew during her childhood was that of living as the only child of a woman who was (TW) both a compulsive liar & and compulsive hoarder. their house was floor to ceiling with things her mom collected as well as garbage built up over time- her condition had already driven isa’s father out of the house when she was just three years old, and she never had a relationship with him as a result
she was still fairly young when she realized the true severity of her own situation, just how abnormal it was compared to that of her friends. she missed out on so many rights of passage during her upbringing like birthday parties, sleepovers, etc. for much of her life her own living space / bedroom were just as bad off as the rest of the house, given her mom’s inability to keep from passing her hoarding tendencies onto her daughter. isa simply didn’t know any better at the time. to her, that was normal.
not only was her mom a compulsive liar & hoarder but she was also extremely neglectful, often leaving isa to her own devices in the dangerous environment they called home. as a result of this she (TW ED) developed harmful coping mechanisms surrounding food, regularly overeating to combat negative feelings of loneliness, and this went on from the time she was just a little girl all the way until she was in high school
high school was rough in many ways- she suffered depression, anxiety, experienced bullying at the hands of the more popular kids for her weight & her mother’s financial situation, and was all around extremely isolated from her peers- the only person she really had to depend on was her cousin (WC) . she had so much respect and envy for her cousin, they had more of a sisterly dynamic than anything, she was just so gorgeous and everything she did just seemed so effortless, to the point isa couldn’t help but idolize her and consider her a best friend. 
like, remember when spongebob said he hoped that by being in squidward’s presence some of his artistic ability would rub off onto him? that was deadass isa & (WC) in high school jhbksnjs my girl was so sure if she just spent enough time with her she’d inherit some of her pretty & cool
high school was also where she reached a turning point when it came to her home environment, able to put a name to her mom’s condition after years of struggling with her strained and toxic relationship with her mom, and ultimately changed the rest of her life. she stayed the night at (WC’s) one night and after she fell asleep, isa stayed up watching TLC- it was there that she first discovered the TV show ‘hoarding: buried alive’ and realized there was a name for her mother’s infliction- but more importantly, learned that there was help available for her condition
when she went home to excitedly tell her mother that she’d basically discovered a cure, a means to change everything for them... she certainly hadn’t been expecting the reaction that came: her mom, who’d always been so indifferent toward her, so lethargic and uninterested in what she had to say, was suddenly listening very clearly- and she was not happy. isa had never heard her mom scream like that, had never really heard her express any heightened emotion, but it was in that moment at 17 years old, just a few weeks away from her 18th birthday, that she realized what she needed to do. she had no choice but to make plans to leave her mom behind.
the final weeks leading up to the big day she was counting on as a turning point consisted of her cleaning out her own space, little by little, enough that she had somewhere to set up her secondhand laptop and webcam. blowing out the candles on her 18th birthday cake came with wishing for a whole new life, and she was determined to make that for herself by any means necessary.
(TW SEX WORK) isa spent half her 18th year in her room working as a successful camgirl, showing everything but her face, & of course always being careful not to dox herself. she eventually earned enough money to start buying herself nicer clothes, but it didn’t take her long to realize she wanted more from life than just rotting away in her hometown. she bought herself a higher quality webcam to keep making money... and a nice sewing machine, something she’d always dreamed of owning. 
all her life she’d been drawing and sketching as a means of escapism, it’d always been therapeutic to her to be creative and conjure up unique designs for outfits in her mind, drawing models in all shapes and sizes to represent her fantasy outfits. but she never felt like a visionary, even though anyone with an eye for fashion who got a look at her work could see that she had the natural talent and potential to be. 
isa had been an a straight-A student her whole life despite having almost no support at home from her mother growing up, and with plenty of encouragement from (cousin WC), she plucked up the courage and applied for holloway university, with ivory falls being far enough from her hometown of lisbon, but still in the same state so that she could go and see her mother from time to time (bc although their relationship is quite strained now, she still loves and worries about her)
the next summer she received her acceptance letter at holloway u for the coming fall semester, and the fact that she’d been able to make it into such a prestigious school made her feel so proud of herself that she completely underwent a massive arc of character development; evolving into someone so much more confident. realizing that plenty of people found her desirable as she continued to earn money through cam shows had been part of that transformation, but realizing she was talented enough to get accepted into the fashion design and merchandising program at her dream school had a completely different effect on her. 
( TW BODY IMAGE ISSUES ) isa decided that as she entered college, she was no longer going to be the meek, insecure girl constantly playing the role of the doting, loyal fat best friend to the ‘prettier main characters’ she’d always been sidekick to- she told herself that she was the main fucking character in her life from here on, and has spent her entire college experience up to this point just,, navigating as she figures out what that really means to her
still has a terrible underlying tendency to be overly-loyal and a bit obsessive with girls she closely befriends, if she has any kind of jealousy towards them. but ! is a lot more confident than she used to be, and it shows in the way she dresses and carries herself, as well as in her long-term goals (to transfer to FIDM for her final years of university)
( TW ED MENTION ) as a young adult, she’s mostly she’s replaced the compulsion to deal with her body image issues by using food to cope that she had as a teenager... by using sex to cope instead, so she’s definitely a bit promiscuous but does her best to keep that Her Own business 
personality-wise she has a massive heart & is loyal to a fault but is also wild AF & loves a good time! never rly dabbled in drugs until she got to college but since then has acquired an interest in trying everything under the sun, even if it’s just one and done. mostly though she just likes to get really drunk & stupid. used to feel like she was constantly living in her cousin’s shadow, & in some ways she still does, but she’s trying hard to make herself believe that she’s reached a place where she won’t be playing second fiddle to anyone, ever again
i’m gonna shut the hell up now & stop pretending i know this character better than i do bc i deadass do not jbhnjss like she’s literally brand new so lemme go head & leave plenty of room for development!
same story as ezra i’ll have a full connections page posted for her soon but in the meantime some ideas i have are: friends, frienemies, ex friends, high school bullies, classmates, old high school friends, people she gets fuckt up with on the reg, people she hooks up with on the reg (any gender, she’s bisexual / biromantic), someone she had a crush on in high school / has pined for from afar maybe?? someone who used to watch her cam shows?? someone she almost kinda dated but Not? someone who she hooked up with while they were dating someone else?? idk that’s what i have for now but there’ll be more where that came from <3 xoxo like this or hmu !
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alwaysanotherrainbow · 5 years ago
my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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