#bbc merlin masterlist
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2024 Masterlist
And that's a wrap, everyone! With 27 incredible fills, this year's round of the Rare Pair Fest concludes, and I want to say a massive thank you to all the writers, artists, readers, and cheerleaders! <3
You can find all fills in the AO3 Collection, and also listed beneath the cut. Enjoy!
Title: like diamonds we are cut with our own dust AO3 username: SlantedKnitting | @slantedknitting Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 5,068 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Elyan Up to 10 tags: canon era, Merlin’s magic is horny
Merlin’s magic has always been sensitive to iron. When he moves to Camelot, iron becomes harder to avoid. Especially when the local blacksmith is the most beautiful man Merlin has ever seen.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59524846
Title: Yet Another Super Psycho Love Story AO3 username: merthurianlegends | @samwinjester Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: video & fic (794 words) Pairing/main characters: Gaius/Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (implied) Up to 10 tags: Video, BBC Merlin Rare Pair Fest 2024 (Merlin), Grumpy Old Men, GILF action, GILF, Old Friends, Friends to Lovers, Possession, Spells & Enchantments, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Uther's bewitchment didn't quite go away, and then mister loose tongue licky-licky caught the King's eye. Maybe there's a kiss in the throne room. Maybe they run a ponzi scheme together. Maybe the goblin sees it as a perfect opportunity to get the ultimate gold (Uther's crown). The possibilities are limitless.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59889388
Title: More Than Being Unknown AO3 username: solsprite | @jayprobably Rating: T Warnings: mild violence, internalised transphobia Medium/Word Count: 4,535 words Pairing/main characters: Leon/Merlin Up to 10 tags: trans!Merlin, trans character by trans author, everyone in Camelot is emotionally constipated, angst with a happy ending, first kiss
“Please just—don’t tell Arthur. I’ll go. I’ll leave Camelot as soon as I can, but let me take my secrets with me. Let me say my goodbyes.” “Merlin.” Leon’s always steady voice sounds devastated, and it takes Merlin by surprise. The sheer depth of concern in it is the complete opposite of the reaction he was expecting and he finds he has to look away for a moment to collect himself. “I won’t tell a soul,” Leon continues, despite the fact Merlin can’t even meet his eyes. Sincerity bleeds into his words, the raw emotion from a moment ago seemingly in check, though when Merlin forces himself to look at Leon again, worry is etched clearly on his face. “Nobody is going to make you leave Camelot. I’m just so very sorry you’ve been carrying this alone for so long.”
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59918920
Title: Kiss me on the mouth and set me free AO3 username: GuiltyScarl3t | @guiltyscarlet Rating: M Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: 1,350 Pairing/main characters: Lancelot/Arthur Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Episode: The Darkest Hour, Episode: Lancelot du Lac, Canon Divergence, Shade Lancelot, Mind Control, Assassination Attempt, Hurt No Comfort, Ambiguous/Open Ending
Set in Lancelot du Lac. "These doe eyes, which have been haunting his nights since Samhain— long before that if he’s being honest—meet his own and steal his breath." or Lancelot returns months after Samhain
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcm_rare_pair_fest_2024/works/59982856
Title: AVALON VOICES AO3 username: be_my_druidess | @the-king-and-the-druidess Rating: T Warnings: Creator chose not use Archive warnings Medium/Word Count: Fanfic/11,039 Pairing/Main Characters: Mordred/Morgana; Morgana, Mordred, Catrina Tregor, Uther Pendragon Tags: Modern Setting, Reincarnation, Arthur Pendragon returns, Heavy angst, Mental health issues, Romance, Morgana-centic, Wicca, Good Mordred, Mental institutions
Unable to cope with the loss of her brother and problems with her father and stepmother, Morgana ends up in the Avalon Mental Hospital. She leaves it with the desire to become a witch. Through strange visions, fears and nightmares, she tries to find her way and find out the truth about what is happening to her. This leads her to Mordred, a neo-druid and manager of a Wiccan bookstore.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60021823
Title: Courage Was The Key AO3 username:RangerJedi67 | @wanderingjedihistorian Rating: Gen Warnings: None Apply Medium/Word Count: 4,337 Pairing/main characters: Leon/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Canon divergence, Siblings Arthur & Morgana, Background Arthur/Gwen, Leon & Arthur friendship, Suspicious Arthur, Protective Gwen, Determined Morgana, Competent Leon
“Sir Leon and I wish to marry.” Morgana stood to her full height, carrying herself with surety and courage. Arthur respected that. Her words, however, confused him. Why did she and Leon wish to marry? “You what?” Uther said, tone just this side of incredulous. Squaring her shoulders, clearly preparing to dig her heels in for a fight, Morgana stared right back at him. “I wish to marry Sir Leon,” Morgana repeated. “I will marry him.”
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60028777
Title: Caged Prince AO3 username: cynthia1314 | @cynthia39100 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Medium/Word Count: fic/11869 words Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Gwaine, (one-sided) Arthur/Cenred Up to 10 tags: Arthur Whump, Essetir Knight Gwaine, Hurt/Comfort, Explicit Non-Con Content, Referenced Drug Use, Hopeful Ending
Arthur was forced to marry the enemy king Cenred in order to stop a war. Gwaine, never lost his father, is a reluctant knight of Essetir. Knowing the danger they're in, the two of them still fall for each other.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60030565/chapters/153162175
Title: Conium maculatum AO3 username: twistedshipper | @twistedshipper Rating: Mature Warnings: Chose not to warn Medium/Word Count: Fic,5,933 words Pairing/main characters: Morgana & Morgause Up to 10 tags: Post-series 2, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, The Dark Tower, Witchcraft, The Old Religion, Sister-Sister Relationships, Poison, Dissociative Identity Disorder
When Morgause's plans to overthrow the mad King Uther come to ruin and all on account of a young boy and a flask of poison hemlock, she whisks Morgana away to the Isle of the Blessed whereby to bring her back from the brink of death, and from there to the Dark Tower to subject her to the hallucinogenic mandrake root in order to win her over to her side once and for all. All goes according to plan, and Morgause is more certain than ever of her sister's loyalty to her and her cause, except what if what she brought back is not entirely the Morgana she once held dear and loved?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60034450
Title: sweet like honey AO3 username: kairennart (personaje) | @kairennart Rating: Mature Warnings: Choose Not To Use Warnings Medium/Word Count: Digital art Pairing/main characters: Lancelot/Arthur Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Shade Lancelot
Lancelot's lips don't leave Arthur's as he slides his hand under the pillow and grabs the dagger. He sits up, feeling the way Arthur shifts underneath him, and with both hands drives the dagger to his King's chest.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60072397
Title: The Talking Treatment AO3 username: PierrotPatroclus | @pierrotpatroclus Rating: Gen Warnings: None Apply Medium/Word Count: 3663 Pairing/main characters: Leon/Gwaine Up to 10 tags: Childhood friends, soulmate au, miscommunication
They've been friends forever, but an offhand comment at a bar causes a complete re-evaluation
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60049156
Title: Figures On An Urn AO3 username: Ynnealay | @thefollow-spot Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 2,041 words Pairing/main characters: Leon & Arthur Up to 10 tags: Some angst, Relationship Study, Character Study, Druid Raids, One Shot
Arthur is shaken in the aftermath of his first Druid raid. Leon is there for him.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60053725
Title: keep the windows open A03 Username: Sage_Owl Rating: teen and up audiences Warnings: no archive warnings apply Medium/word count: fic/4,806 Pairing/main characters: Ygraine/Nimueh Up to 10 tags: modern era, soulmate-identifying marks, college, weddings, not actually unrequited love, arranged marriage, first kiss, getting together, happy ending, everyone hates Uther Pendragon
Nimueh knows she can't ever have Ygraine in the way she wants- but that doesn't mean she's willing to lose her, either.
A03 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60055756/
Title: The Mirrhe sweete bleeding, the Ash for nothing ill AO3 username: Zorbo_Jorks | @zorbojorks Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Fic/ 1300 words Pairing/main characters: Elena/Mithian; Elena, Mithian Up to 10 tags: First Meetings, Feasts & Banquets, Pre-Relationship, Post-Season/Series 3, Cute and Happy, Horse Talk, Bonding over Horses
It has been months since Elena has been freed of her changeling curse, and to say the adjustment to normal princess-hood has been easy would be a flat-out lie. She is still the same clumsy, blustering young woman she ever was, only now she is aware of how embarrassing that can be for her. Especially when her father is hosting a feast for delegates of neighboring kingdoms. Even more so when one of those delegates is Princess Mithian of Nemeth, who has the keen ability to fluster Elena with just a look and a smile. Oh, how can she possibly make it through the evening?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60066730
Title: but, baby, i'm a rebel AO3 username: insane_faclon | @insane-ohwhyfandoms Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Fic, 1.8k Pairing/main characters: Elyan/Morgana Up to 10 tags: AU - High School, Party, Underage Drinking, Sexual Harassment by Cenred, Kissing
Morgana's crushing hard on her best friend's older brother. It's a problem.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60069466
Title: [ART] My Pet AO3 username: Mischel | @magicalmischel Rating: M Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: art Pairing/main characters: Morgana/Freya Up to 10 tags: digital art, light dom/sub, cat ears, bamf morgana, suggestive themes, canon divergence
Merlin isn't the one who found and rescued Freya. Morgana is.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60077356
Title: Learning to Stay AO3 username: SlantedKnitting | @slantedknitting Rating: Mature Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 5.5k Pairing/main characters: Elyan/Gwaine Up to 10 tags: canon era, Elyan has magic
Elyan has always had a hard time staying in one place. Thoughts of leaving always tempt him, even when he’s settled in Camelot as a knight. It doesn’t help that he always has to hide who he is and hide his magic. Then he and Gwaine grow close, too close, and maybe Elyan has a reason to stay put this time. Until Gwaine discovers his secret, and all Elyan wants to do is leave. Again.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60069850
Title: Merlin's knight in muddy armour. AO3 username: ohmerthurcharm | @oh-merthur-charm Rating: Mature Warnings: Angst Medium/Word Count: 1,244 Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Merlin's magic revealed, angst, kissing, crying, escape, bathing/washing, affection, hopeful ending.
Arthur is saved by Merlin publicly just before he gets seriously injured. The problem? His magic was revealed by his daring attempt in saving his King's life. Now he is on the run, with two pairs of footprints being tracked by the King and his men. Merlin has help and it is Sir Gwaine himself. Prompt: Gwaine has always been Merlin’s knight. By: HadrianPeverellBlack. This is for the Rare pair fest 2024.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60070792
Title: The Green Duvet AO3 Username: pyjamacryptid | @pyjamacryptid Rating: Gen Warnings: Major Character Death Medium/Word Count: Fanfiction / 2,292 Words Pairing/Main Characters: Gwen & Gwaine, Elyan & Gwen, Elyan/Gwaine Up to 10 Tags: Merlin (TV) Season/Series 05, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Canonical Character Death, Relationship Reveal
Gwen, finally released from Morgana’s curse, finds herself with a lot of mourning to catch up on. Gwaine, mourning more than he lets anyone know, finds Gwen in Elyan’s room. They talk and, maybe, begin to heal.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60070741
Title: Saw You In A Dream AO3 username: lavender_spice | @lesbianlefay Rating: G Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 1.9k Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Role Reversal AU, First Meeting
When Morgana met a mysterious girl on her first day in the castle, she had no idea how much her life was about to change.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60077800
Title: to hold our destiny AO3 Username: fictified | @fictivecircle Rating: g Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 1,778 words Pairing/Main Characters: Iseldir/Leon Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Modern Camelot, First Responder Leon, Iseldir makes coffee as well as moves, but this is really just very soft, First Meetings
Iseldir serves the coffee; Leon comes back for more.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60123463
Title: You Should Never Know (How Easy You Are To Need) AO3 username: BeBraveDearHeart | @bebravedearheart Rating: M Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Fanfiction - 8,374 words Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Lancelot Up to 10 tags: pining, closeted Arthur Pendragon, canon compliant, Arthur Pendragon Needs A Hug, Arthur Pendragon Is Bad At Feelings, Lancelot is so bloody sincere, Goodbyes
"Arthur waited on the training field in full armour, his surcoat pristine with the Pendragon crest sewn on in shimmering thread by Guinevere (by far the best seamstress in Camelot). He held his head high and proud, shoulders back, spine straight and drawn up to his full height. He looked resplendent, and knew as much by the second and third glances that came his way from nobles and servants alike as he strode the corridors, then the grounds. Suitably intimidating then. After all, he needed the best; he wasn’t going to go any easier on Merlin’s friend just because that was who it was. The man that walked up to him gave Arthur pause. He wore chainmail and a surcoat dyed a shade of orange that ought to look garish and unprofessional, yet somehow complemented the would-be knight’s dark complexion. His deep-brown eyes and hair to match fell just above his shoulders, and his chin was shadowed with stubble kept neat. He stood half an inch shorter than Arthur, though held himself with quiet confidence. The angles of his face were statuesque and they captivated Arthur as much as any fine piece of art."
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60151489
Title: Sorting Out Shenanigans AO3 username: 429_CarCrash | @carcrash429 Rating: Gen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 549 Pairing/main characters: Gwen & Gwaine Up to 10 tags: slice of life, behind the scenes, Episode: s04e06 A Servant of Two Masters (Merlin), Chaotic Besties
It’s good to have a friend to check in with when something is afoot in the castle.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60250057
Title: Rogue Resonance AO3 username: Pearl09 | @pearlll09 Rating: T Warnings: No archive warnings, but violence Medium/Word Count: Fic: 11k, art: 3 pieces! Pairing/main characters: Morgwen Up to 10 tags: Cyberpunk AU, Dystopia AU, Double Agents, Falling in love, getting together, codenames
Morgana has a plan to infiltrate the rebels, who have been causing chaos in the city. She hopes to gather important information Arthur and Uther can use to break the group down, but doesn't know that the rebels are actually doing more for the city than Uther ever has. Can she truly pick a side without being seen as a traitor by both groups?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60667987/chapters/154915444
Title: friends are the ones who are there at the end AO3 username: Shana_Rose | @shana-rosee Rating: T Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 3,725 Pairing/main characters: Mithian & Arthur Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Childhood Friends, Male-Female Friendship, Platonic Relationships, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bisexuality, 5+1 Things
The moment she opened the door Mithian knew something was wrong. Arthur was breathing heavily on his bike, holding a bag close to his chest. “Arthur? What’s wrong?” Arthur climbed off his bike and looked around before opening the bag.' She gasped, it was full of broken glass! “My dad says we’re not supposed to touch broken glass Arthur!” - Five times Mithian helps Arthur out, and the one time, he returns the favour.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60842395
Title: Turn and face the strange (Changes) AO3 username: Salamandair | @salamandair Rating: Teen+ Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 19k Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Gwaine Up to 10 tags: Modern AU, Fake Dating, Pining Arthur, Happy Ending
Against his better judgement, even though he has unrequited feelings for him, Arthur agrees to accompany Gwaine to his family’s for the weekend as his fake boyfriend. It was just for a weekend, it wasn’t a big deal. Right?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60917116/chapters/155609077
Title: Finally I know you AO3 username: Fighting_for_Creativity Rating: Teen and up Warnings: no archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: Fanfic, 1,863 Pairing/main characters: Percival/ Gwaine, Percival, Gwaine Up to 10 tags: Post-Canon, story of healing, getting to know your beau, Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, having lived with druids Percival, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Feelings
The war was over. The loss was great. Percival could not lose Gwaine too, and thankfully he didn't have to. Both men have lived through hell, and it takes time to recover from that. Thankfully, they both got it and arms they could hide from the world from in.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60895162
Title: and underneath all that, it's you AO3 username: The_Questing_Beast | @ummyesisthisjasongrace Rating: General Audiences Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 1787 words Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Leon, Leon, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan Up to 10 tags: Canon Era, leon is an emotional mess, emotionally repressed, repressed feelings concealed by sense of duty, Gwaine's a little shit (canon), The Rising Sun, Knight Shenanigans (sort of)
One thing was for sure: he would never - ever - listen to Gwaine again. Why he had ever let himself be persuaded that this would be a good idea in the first place seemed incomprehensible to him now. It must have been a temporary mental derangement on his part, otherwise he would never have agreed to come along when Gwaine had invited all the Knights into the Rising Sun after training. So there he was now, crammed on a bench between Elyan and Gwaine, taking a sip of his second jug of ale because no, of course the others wouldn’t let him leave after just one. Still it didn't seem to be enough just yet. Or: Leon is almost as emotionally constipated as Arthur, but Gwaine knows what lies behind his dutiful exterior and tries to tickle it out of him.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/60941803
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Merlin Masterlist
as always, if you want to read everything i've written about this, including match ups and all, click here
Going Swimming
Where's Gwaine?
Scaredy Cat
Older Brother Gwaine Headcanons
You Feel Like Home
Can You Play With My Hair?
That Nervous
Mage Headcanons
If Lancelot Survived Headcanons
Chronic Pain Headcanons
Safe and Sound
Dating Morgana Headcanons
Dating Merlin Headcanons
Merlin in Love Headcanons
Headcanons #1
Dating Percival Headcanons
Headcanons #1
#merlin#bbc merlin#masterlist#nav#gwaine x reader#sir gwaine x reader#arthur pendragon x reader#morgana pendragon x reader#sir percival x reader#percival x reader#merlin x reader#leon x reader#sir leon x reader#lancelot x reader#sir lancelot x reader
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Greetings and Salutations, fellow stressed out readers and frustrated writers! Here is the masterlist of all my works. I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading them and credits to the owners of the photos I use for my posts. To those who sent a request before, I would like to formally apologize for not being able to comply to them. I tried, but I can't. I learned that it disrupts my ability to write comfortably. I may or may not use your requests as an inspiration for my future posts. Thank you! ☺️
✨ Dating Clovis | General headcanons of dating the son of Hypnos.
✨ Let's Break Up (I) | You try to do the break up prank on your boyfriend (Jason Grace, Percy Jackson & Nico Di Angelo).
✨ Let's Break Up (II) | You try to do the break up prank on your boyfriend (Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang & Will Solace).
✨ Phobia | Your phobia relates to your boyfriend's gifted godly abilities (Jason Grace, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang & Nico Di Angelo).
✨ You Like... Who? | You tell your sister that you're in love with Octavian (Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque & Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano).
✨ Chiron's Secret | Percy finds something particularly odd in Chiron's office.
✨ Falling in Love With Leo Valdez | Title speaks for itself. reader is a daughter of Poseidon. Timeline is from the Lost Hero to the Mark of Athena.
✨ Second to None | You may be Percy's girlfriend, but not his first choice.
✨ The Price of Promos | Percy is obsessed with you, but people ship you with Jason. What's worse is you two take advantage of it on certain situations.
✨ Way Back Home | Visiting May Castellan after the Battle of Manhattan.
✨ Annabeth Meets A Spider ✨ Guinea Pig ✨ Luke's Origin Villain Story ✨ Literal Guardian Angel ✨ Speechless ✨ Solangelo's Argument ✨ The Lightning Food Thief
✨ Are You That Dense? | What do they do when their crush is oblivious of their feelings (Arthur Pendragon, Merlin & Morgana Pendragon).
✨ Comfort | What would your boyfriend do if you had a bad day at work/school (Modern! Gwaine, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon).
✨ Modern! Reader Gets Transported to Albion | Modern world! reader gets transported to Albion and meets Arthur and Merlin. Unbeknownst to you and the prince of Camelot, the three of you are soulmates.
✨ It's A Trap! | Prince Arthur uses reader to lure Merlin out whenever he is hiding from him.
✨ Adoption Papers ✨ Arthur meets Kilgharrah ✨ Arthur's Proposal ✨ Arthur & Merlin meets Mordred ✨ Barney ✨ Breakfast ✨ Burn For You ✨ Confession ✨ Distraction ✨ First & Third Husband ✨ Fuck, Marry, Kill ✨ Future Husband ✨ Kiss Me Again ✨ Lenient ✨ Morgana Helps Arthur Confess to Merlin ✨ Morgana's Meditation ✨ Parentage ✨ Poetry ✨ Trained to Kill ✨ We are Getting A Divorce ✨ Who Am I
✨ Dating Hort of Bloodbrook | General headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
#masterlist#percy jackson#pjo#heroes of olympus#hoo#bbc merlin#school of good and evil#sfgae#percy jackson and the olympians
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MERLINKTOBER 2024 MASTERLIST by artchael @merlinktober
#coming back with my masterlist 6 months later#artists on tumblr#artwork#art#portrait#fanart#merlin fanart#bbc merlin#merlin#merlin art#merlin bbc#merlinktober#merlinktober2024
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This is a working document and will be updated as quickly as I can. I’ve never made a masterlist ever so if yall have any tips PLS drop them for me…
NOTE: These are not the only franchises I’m interested in writing for, so if your interest isn’t listed below, send it to me anyway!!! Even if I’m not super familiar with it, I’ll do my darndest to make it happen for you 😚
nikolai lantsov:
c'mere, let me hold you
nothing yet!
matt murdock:
foreseen in shadows masterlist
nothing yet!
house of the dragon:
nothing yet!
game of thrones:
nothing yet!
the empyrean:
nothing yet!
#masterlist#hotd#matt murdock x reader#daredevil#the empyrean#fourth wing#grishaverse#shadow and bone#six of crows#nikolai lantsov x reader#kaz brekker x reader#liam mairi x reader#tasm!peter x reader#moon knight#steven grant#marc spector#jake lockley#peter parker#bbc merlin#acotar#azriel x reader#cassian x reader#rhysand x reader#lucien vanserra#bucky barnes x reader#marauders#harry potter#jace velaryon#jacearys velaryon#jace velaryon x reader
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Merlin Tarot Fest - Round 3 Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 3!! Please see the masterlist for the third round of the Merlin Tarot Fest below! All creations were posted July–September 2024.
“A Breath of Hope” by wistfulVulpine
Merlin/Arthur, General Audiences
“Queen, King, Knight” by kairennart
Gwen/Lancelot/Arthur, General Audiences
“Treat Me Warmly” by tansyuduri
Merlin/Arthur, Explicit, 10162 words
“The Sun and The Moon” by Vivirki
Merlin/Arthur, Mature, 1045 words
“The Value of a King” by HadrianPeverellBlack
Gwen & Morgana & Arthur, Teen +, 1361 words
“Through Paths Unknown” by PierrotPatroclus
Elyan & Gwen, General Audiences, 1383 words
Also big thanks to everyone who filled out the feedback form, it was great to hear you’re all having fun with the fest! Stay tuned to see a few minor updates to the process for our next round, based on your feedback.
#merlin tarot fest#merlin fests#merlin fanfic#merlin fanart#bbc merlin#tarot fest creations#round 3 masterlist#masterlist
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You can find my Dead Boy Detectives fanfics here.
KILL ME. PLEASE. | 1.1k words | merthur
Summary: Merlin doesn't want to go on living without Arthur and seeks a professional hitman to kill him. The killer is not what he expected.
Tags: Assassins & Hitmen, Modern Era, Reincarnation, Angst, Immortal Merlin, Merlin is Emrys
KISSABLE LIPS | 0.6k words | merthur, minor morgwen, Merlin & Morgana
Summary: “You’re both lovesick fools and I can’t stand it anymore.”
Or Morgana having enough of pining fools.
Tags: Humor, Pining Merlin, Idiots in Love, Good Morgana
THE OTHER MAN | 0.6k words | merthur
Summary: A druid tells Merlin that Arthur is cheating on him.
Tags: Humor, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Everyone Knows About Merlin’s Magic, married merthur
WISH GONE WRONG (OR NOT?) | 1.9k words | merthur, minor morgwen
Summary: Merlin and Arthur are given a wishing stone. Merlin wants nothing more than for Arthur to look at him the way he looks at Gwen. The wish comes true. But not in the way Merlin had imagined.
Tags: Bodyswap, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Everyone Knows About Merlin’s Magic
YOU DIDN’T WANT AN AUTOGRAPH? | 0.9k words | merthur
Summary: Merlin unexpectedly meets an actor who somehow looks familiar to him.
Tags: Reincarnation, Modern Era, Humor, Actor Arthur Pendragon
#bbc merlin#masterlist#my fanfiction#my fanfics#ao3#ao3 writer#merthur#morgwen#merlin#arthur pendragon#morgana pendragon#merlin fanfic
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BBC One Merlin Masterlist
Random posts
Arthur in Modern AU
Hella addicted
Merthur trope
Jegulus but imagine Merthur
Subtext of the show
Merthur relationship 50/50
The characters to Merlin
Arthur dying
Merlin doing something & writers reaction
Merlin but Merlin thinks Arthur knows
Knights disappearing one by one
Healing Arthur’s childhood trauma
Unexpected Sexual tension
I miss you
RB Incorrect Quotes
Merthur just have dinner with me
Arthur magic magnet & an magic repelling amulet
the best way to gain someone’s undying loyalty
Merthur one mad one enjoys peace
Camelot loving Merlin to pieces
Not good enough
#masterlists#masterlist#fangirl#headcanons#bbc merlin#arthur and merlin#merlin bbc#merlin#bbc arthur#bbc merthur#bbc gwen#bbc morgana#bbc mordred#emrys#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#king arthur
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Fall 2024 Fic Recs
Here's a list of all the awesome stuff I got to read this fall! I didn't manage to read as much as I wanted to, but the things I did get to read, I absolutely loved. Go check these out and give the authors some love! Fics under the cut!
Agent Carter
Jack Thompson x Reader
What Are The Odds? by @ghostofskywalker
When Jack travels out to LA to assist on a case, he certainly doesn't expect that the person he meets the night before would also be part of the SSR.
Untitled by @writeroutoftime
like a work rivals to lovers au where you run into jack and his family out and he has to awkwardly introduce the two of you? idk i just love socially awkward jack i think its so cute
Undercover Feelings by @writeroutoftime
you and jack don't like each other in the slightest. but when an undercover mission throws the two of you together, what will become of your relationship?
Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
Untitled by @auroracalisto
short fic between anthony and a poor reader using the line: "i beg you to stay, just 'til tomorrow."
The Hunger Games
Katniss Everdeen x Reader
A Moment's Reprieve by @ghostofskywalker
Your first gala after winning the Games is overwhelming. Katniss is there for you, and not just because the Capitol thinks you're in love.
Arthur Pendragon x Reader
snowball fights by @writeroutoftime
you, arthur, merlin, and the knights are walking in the courtyard when a snowball fight breaks out
Clint Barton x Reader
Sweet & Oblivious by @ghostofskywalker
Too nervous to act on your feelings towards your teammate, you've taken to leaving sweets in his room as a secret admirer. This time though, he's caught you red handed.
Loki x Reader
Landslide by @girl-next-door-writes
After a brutal mission leaves you battered and bruised, Loki’s protective side flares up as he confronts Tony for putting you at risk. Amidst the tension, Loki’s fear of losing you surfaces, and he reminds you just how much you mean to him.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
'Tis The Season by @ghostofskywalker
How early is too early to start putting up Halloween decorations? According to your girlfriend, never.
Star Wars
Captain Rex x Reader
May I Have This Dance? by @ghostofskywalker
Working as a bodyguard for the heir to a distant planet's throne was not something Rex had ever trained for, and neither was falling for the princess he had sworn to protect.
Commander Fox
The Surprising Side Effects of New Bacta by @ghostofskywalker
When the Republic sends you a new type of bacta, you realize it has some pretty strong side effects, including the ability to make the ever-stoic Commander Fox mindlessly confess his feelings to you.
Poe Dameron
Droid Diagnostics by @ghostofskywalker
When BB-8 visits your workshop for a check-up, you finally get to meet the person that your favorite droid spends a lot of time telling you about.
Jedi!Peggy Carter x Reader
rival (n.) by @ghostofskywalker
rival (noun): one who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor.
#sophie reads#fic recs#fic rec masterlist#marvel#agent carter#star wars#bbc merlin#peggy carter#jack thompson#wanda maximoff#clint barton#arthur pendragon#poe dameron#captain rex#loki#the hunger games#katniss everdeen#commander fox#bridgerton#anthony bridgerton
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Finished fics ੈ✩‧₊˚

Authors favourite: 🌷
Smut: 🍓
Fluff: 🌞
Angst: 🌛
Fem reader: ✨
Male reader: 🪽
Fandoms I no longer write for: 🍂
Warning: please check my request terms before requesting as I no longer write for some fandoms, and I no longer write male reader fics, any previous requests you have sent may be slow to release!
Lockwood and co:
Marmalade and mischievous mornings🌞🌷✨
Thin walls 🍓🌞✨
Jack dawson x reader🌞✨🍓🌷
Bbc Merlin:
Merlin x reader 🍓🌞✨
Merlin x reader 🍓🌞✨
Morgana x reader 🍓🌞✨
Morgana x Merlins sibling reader pt 1 🌛🌞✨
Pt 2 🌛✨
Just hold me 🌛🌞✨🌷
The prince, the magician, and the physician 🌞🌛🌷
Teen wolf:
Stiles stilinski:
Movie night 🌞🌛✨
Scott McCall:
Movie night 🌞🌛✨
The albatross 🌛✨🌷
My babysitters a vampire:
Ethan Morgan x male reader 🌛🌞🪽
Narnia headcanons 🌞🌛🪽
ೃ⁀➷ fics/fandoms I don’t write for anymore ⁀➷
Xo kitty:
Do you see right through me 🌞🌛🌷✨
Outer banks:
Distraction 🌛✨
The middle:🍂
Axl heck x reader 🌞✨
Love and monsters: 🍂
Joel dawson x reader 🌛🌞✨
The green necklace 🌛🌞✨
Tfw x reader 🌛🌞✨
Fear street: 🍂
Sacrifice Simon kalivoda x reader 🌛✨
Marauders: 🍂
James potter x reader
Nothing is as clear as the clarity of death 🌛✨
#lockwood and co#anthony lockwood#anthony lockwood x reader#x reader#masterlist#lockwood and co smut#teen wolf x reader#teen wolf#stiles stilinski x reader smut#mbsav fanfiction#mbsav x reader#Ethan Morgan x reader#narnia x reader#peter pevensie x reader#edmund pevensie x reader#supernatural x reader#titanic x reader#Jack dawson#Jack dawson x reader#xo kitty x reader#kitty covey x reader#morgana pendragon x reader#bbc merlin x reader#bbc Merlin smut#morgana pendragon smut#merlin x reader#marauders x reader#James potter x reader#marauders#Harry Potter
364 notes
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Round 13 Masterlist

Apologies, a little bit of late housekeeping! Round #13 is now officially CLOSED and we will announce a new round in the future; however, if you find yourself inspired to create something for this or any of our previous rounds, we will be accepting submissions indefinitely! For more info on how to take part, check out our FAQ or send us an ask 🙂 In the meantime, you can find a list of Round #12 submissions below! ——— Title: The Cure All Creator: chaosgenes Rating: Explicit Length: 6,603 Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Warning(s): None Summary: Merlin accidentally enchants the wrong “sword”—and it’s irreversible. To make matters worse, a curse falls on Arthur—and there’s only one way to save him. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55667023 ——— If you have a moment, please remember to stop by and leave the creators some love! ❤︎
#bbc merlin#merlin#merlin fanfic#tavernfest#round 13#masterlist: round 13#theme: misfortunes misunderstandings & mistakes#merthur#pairing: merlin/arthur#fills: round 13
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With an amazing 36 works, the 2023 round of the Rare Pair Fest is now closed! Our lovely participants created for 21 different relationships, with Arthur/Gwen/Merlin snatching the first spot with 5 works, Merlin/Gwaine coming second with 4, and third place being shared by Gwen/Morgana, Gwaine/Percival, and Leon/Merlin, all with 3 works each.
The hugest thank you to everyone who left prompts, wrote fics, created art, read and shared and left some love, and last but not least to the Merlin Fic Book Club Server for hosting us on the Discord side of things. I was actually blown away by everyone's enthusiasm for this fest, and I can't wait for the second round <3
Until then, you can find all of this year's creations beneath the cut. Enjoy!!
All the love,
Mona (@queerofthedagger)
Title: can you understand me? Writer: sleepygecko Rating: Teen & Up Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 3,606 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Leon Up to 10 tags: Animal Transformation, Fluff, Magic Reveal, First Kiss
Leon wakes up in the forest as a dog with no memory of how he got there. Luckily Merlin stumbles upon him and is able to help.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcm_rare_pair_fest_2023/works/49873792
Title: Friendless Monster Writer: I_think_he_knows | @marlenemckinnonsuppremacy Rating: Teen and up audiences Warnings: No Archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: 4891 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Arthur/Gwen Up to 10 tags: Polygamy, miscomunications, Fluff, Angst, Love, Love Confessions
After years of peace in Camelot, Merlin is forced to reveal his magic to the two people he loves the most
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49932865/chapters/126062422
Title: fool's gold Artist: kairennart (Personaje) | @kairennart Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Apply Medium: Digital Art Pairing/main characters: Lancelot/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Fanart, Shade Lancelot, Episode: Lancelot du Lac.
Morgana and her knight.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51030379
Title: Love is a Banquet Writer: eachpeachpearplum | @eachpeachpearplume Rating: T Warnings: No archive warnings apply, alcohol mention Word Count: 2k Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Gwaine, pre-Merlin/Gwaine/Arthur Tags: fluff, canon era, jealous Arthur, hungover Arthur
When it comes toArthur, Gwaine does a lot of pretending for Merlin's sake: pretending he doesn't know how Merlin feels about Arthur, pretending he doesn't know how Arthur feels in return, pretending he doesn't want to punch Arthur in the face and shout at the pair of them to stop being stupid and snog already (Gwaine's planning on being involved in the snogging too, he'snot self-sacrificing enough to give Merlin up entirely, but he sort of thinks one of them has to make thefirst move.) Or: Arthur is jealous and hungover, Gwaine is exasperated and really struggling to be sympathetic, and Merlin's heart is big enough to share...
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51617992
Title: These Walls, Thy Sphere Writer: Zorbo_Jorks | @zorbojorks Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 6,111 Pairing/main characters: Balinor & Arthur Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Canon Divergence- Balinor Lives, Father-Son Relationship Dynamics, Developing Friendship, Post-Canon: The Last Dragonlord, Arthur's Changing Opinions on Magic
“And what of your son?” Arthur pressed. “He must want you in his life!” “I know he does,” Balinor sighed, expression odd and unreadable to Arthur, “but I missed the chance to be a father to him long ago. He is a grown man now, and I am no fit father in any case.” “You would be better than many!” Arthur scoffed, not realizing the emotion hiding in his words until they had left his lips. He screwed his mouth shut and glared at the table, feeling Balinor’s gaze heavy on him, weighed further by the realization that he was comparing the dragonlord to the king. ------------ Balinor did not die, and despite everything, the dragonlord's company begins to grow on Arthur.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49938067
Title: Apple Moon Writer: Winter__Moon | @the-king-and-the-druidess Rating: T Warnings: No Medium/Word Count: Fic, 1670 Pairing/main characters: Mordred/Morgana. Mordred, Morgana Up to 10 tags: Canon divergence, knife feeding, apples, UST, old religion, good!Morgana, dark!Morgana
The moon has two sides, just like Morgana and Mordred.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50346283/chapters/127191832
Title: Sweet violet and cherry blossom Writer: Skydragon05 | @skydragon05 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1528 Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Gwen/Elena Up to 10 tags: Fluff, Wedding, Polyamory, Established Relationship, Flowers, Canon Era, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Episode: s03e06 The Changeling (Merlin), Oneshot
There could hardly be more contrast between now and the last time Arthur had stood in this spot anticipating his imminent marriage. This time, not only was he the king, but he was also happy. Today he was here entirely by choice, and for love, and he knew the warmth he felt today was shared equally amongst both of his brides. Wedding oneshot for Merlin Rare-pair Fest 2023: Elena/Arthur/Guinevere
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51389851
Title: The Wild Goose Writer: littlegreyfish Rating: E Warnings: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: Fic/30,000 | Chapters: 5/6 Pairing/main characters: Balinor/Hunith Up to 10 tags: Hurt/comfort, Angst, Strangers to lovers, Injury recovery, Physical disability, Age difference, Character study, Canon era, Pre-canon, Canon compliant
Fleeing the slaughter of his people, the last dragonlord finds home with a peasant girl.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51400252
Title: [ART] Two of Us Artist: Mischel | @magicalmischel Rating: G Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: Art Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gwen Knows About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Gwen Has Magic (Merlin), BAMF Gwen (Merlin), BAMF Merlin (Merlin), Digital Art
Gwen/Merlin or Gwen & Merlin fanart for Rare Pair Fest 2023. Prompt: AU where Gwen has magic
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51388438
Title: left unattended Writer: Sage_Owl Rating: Mature Warnings: None Medium/word count: Fic/4,078 Pairing/main characters: Leon/Lancelot Up to 10 tags: Canon Divergence, Time Skips, Character Study, Wings, Mild Smut, Magic, Loneliness, Mythical Creatures, King Arthur Pendragon
It started as a way to escape. No, that wasn’t right. It started because he was drunk.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51328009
Title: Something for the pain Writer: Ace_Teagirl | @aroaceteagirl Rating: Gen Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: fic 11,960 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin & Mordred Up to 10 tags: Canon era; Canon divergence; Child Mordred; Past child abuse
“Who is this?” Gaius finally asked. Merlin yelped in surprise as he turned fast enough to almost lose his balance and stumble. The purse of Gaius’ lips and the raised eyebrows told Merlin his mentor was struggling not to laugh at the display. Merlin wouldn’t admit it, but he appreciated it. “I found him on the street, I think he’s a druid. He can use mindspeech, but he can’t or won’t speak to me. I don’t really know who he is or where he’s from, but he needs help, Gaius. I couldn’t just let him freeze and starve out there. It’s just for a few days, I promise –” Or Merlin finds Mordred on the street on a cold and rainy night and decides to take him in. He starts teaching the boy how to control his magic and Mordred soon becomes Merlin's ward.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcm_rare_pair_fest_2023/works/51374515
Title: distance your emotions Writer: Ceewelsh | @mayonnaisetoffees Rating: M Warnings: Major Character Death Medium/Word Count: Fic/1779 Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Merlin/Arthur also involved Leon, Morgana and Elyan Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Order 66, Angst
The world seemed to be heading for a tipping point, and Arthur could only hope it would be for the better. Perhaps soon the war would be over. Once the galaxy was safe… Maybe then he would be free to leave the Jedi Order and live out his days with Gwen and Merlin. Meeting them, training with them, their bond was unmistakable. It was not the Jedi way, but not every life is built for the Order. Arthur knew that, now. His duty came first, protecting those who needed it was more important than his feelings. But maybe once there was peace, it wouldn’t feel like such a betrayal to leave.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385720
Title: A meeting most needed. Writer: ohmerthurcharm Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Mild blood, mention of death of minor character. Medium/Word Count: 4474 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Oswald/Ethan Up to 10 tags: Threesome, knife kink, Don/sub undertones, What if, Fix it fic
What if Sir Oswald and Sir Ethan did not die? They travel to Camelot, mourning the loss of their Manservant. Merlin's warmth is a welcome to their tired minds, Arthur tells Merlin to give them a good time and he shall deliver.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51031120
Title: Unforgettable Knight Writer: RedLlamas | @brayinghorses Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-con Word count: 2,291 Pairing/Main characters: Leon/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Unreliable Narrator, The Rising Sun Tavern (Merlin), Light Petting, Licking, Rough Sex
Leon's on his night off, and when he spots Merlin from across the tavern, decides to assert his place as Prince Arthur's head knight.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51346480
Title: Reunions Artist: Nebula5030 Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: Art Pairing/main characters: Elyan/Gwaine Up to 10 tags: Canon Era, Established Relationship, Scars, Amnesia, Reunions, Implied hair cutting in a medical context, aka Short Hair Gwaine
Elyan thought he had lost Gwaine months ago, after he had vanished from the citadel and never returned. Imagine his surprise when, on a border patrol only a day's ride from Camelot, he spots a familiar face working the farmlands...
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51353260
Title: Cross your heart and hope to bi Writer: I_think_he_knows | @marlenemckinnonsupremacy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: 13744 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Gwen/Arthur Up to 10 tags: Lacrosse , Polyamory, Alternate Universe - College/University, arthur is a jock, gwen is a jock, they're both jocks, merlin loves jocks
Modern college/university au. Gwen and Arthur are dating, they're both seniors & jocks (lacrosse), Merlin is the freshman assigned to tutor them to pass some advanced class or they can't play
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50458846
Title: Through The Trees Writer: lavender_spice | @lesbianlefay Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Medium/Word Count: 2.7k Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Morgana, Temporary Gwen/Lancelot, Implied Gwen/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Jennifer's Body AU, Horror, Succubi, Jealous Morgana, Possessive Morgana, Murder, Dry Humping
If Gwen Smith knows one thing in her life, it's this: Morgana Pendragon is evil. Not teenage girl evil, mind you. Actually evil. Murderous, flesh-eating seductress evil.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51392029
Title: A Lifetime of Promises Writer: eachpeachpearplum | @eachpeachpearplume Rating: M Warnings: No archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: fic, ~50k | Chapter 8/14 Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Merlin/Percival, established Gwaine/Percival, past Gwaine/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Modern AU, polyamory negotiations, fluff, slow burn (for the poly ship), falling back in love, hurt/comfort
When Gwaine bumps into his ex, Merlin, in the pub one night, he doesn't realise quite how much it's going to change his and Percival's lives.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52010989
Title: fade away never Writer: SlantedKnitting | @slantedknitting Rating: General Audiences Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 1,186 words Pairing/main characters: Leon/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Regency Era, Queerplatonic Relationship, Immortal Leon, Immortal Merlin, Ballroom Dancing
Leon and Merlin attend a ball.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51031786
Title: [ART] Still Yours Artist: Mischel | @magicalmischel Rating: G Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: 0 Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Digital Art, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Angel Gwen (Merlin), Hugs, Wings, Fallen Angel Morgana (Merlin), Demon Morgana (Merlin)
Morgana/Gwen fanart for Rare Pair Fest 2023. Prompt: Angels and Demons au. They were together when they were angels. Then Morgana fell.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51384040
Title: The Shop at the Corner's End Writer: Cassius_theCorrupterofSouls | @twistedshipper Rating: M Warnings: Creator chose not to use Archive warnings Medium/Word Count: 12,456 Pairing/main characters: Morgana/Mordred Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Enemies to Lovers, Witchcraft, Wicca, Autumn, Halloween
Drawn towards a local occult shop that lies on her route to school, Morgana Pendragon takes it upon herself one Saturday afternoon in September to visit the store, hoping to purchase with her meager allowance a book or two on witchcraft, a practice she has been secretly reading up on online but has no hands-on experience with due to her father's no "nonsense" stance on all things supernatural. Entering the shop, she finds it to be as magical and sublime as her expectations, but what she doesn't expect is the confrontation she is about to have with one of its employees, a young man by the name of Mordred, who may just possess the secret to helping her realize her dreams of forging her own path and become more certain of herself in the process. Or, based on the prompt: Modern AU. Mordred works in an esoteric Wicca bookshop. Curious, Morgana visits the shop secretly because her conservative and stern father doesn't like her "unscientific, silly" hobbies. Romance, initial dislike for each other, find themselves drawn together.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51253924
Title: golden thread (clasped weft woven) Writer: AgapantoBlu | @agapantoblu Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 20.766 words Pairing/main characters: Freya/Merlin; Arthur Pendragon. Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Freya Lives, Magic Revealed, Implied/Referenced Torture (though it’s just in dreams), Nightmares, It’s hard to live your cottagecore fantasies when destiny won’t stop banging at the door.
“It was so close. They barely made it out of Camelot and even then, Merlin was ready to watch her die. He'd held her and cried and screamed and begged whatever force had made him, every ounce of his magic, to please. Just not her. Not at Arthur's hand. Fate must have worried about the latter more than the first, but the waters had risen nonetheless, and the waves had washed away the blood and the wound alike. Merlin had been hit with a strange feeling of melancholy and sorrow and the weird relaxation that happens when a pull that seemed unnoticeable before suddenly stops. Just like that, Camelot didn't seem so enthralling anymore, and Arthur's actions not so easily pardoned."
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51364060
Title: her sorrowless salt self Writer: greenforsnow | @m-b-w Rating: T Warnings: no archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: fic, 6k Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Pirate Morgana, Mermaid Gwen, getting together
Morgana looks for freedom in the ocean; she finds Gwen.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51389305
Title: Save a Horse, ride a Knight Writer: Laevateinn Rating: T Warnings: N/A Medium/Word Count: 1k Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Percival Up to 10 tags: Canon Divergence, Gwaine admitted he was of noble blood, Percival came to Camelot to work, Tournament, Favours, Gwaine is oblivious
Imagine a world where Gwaine admitted being of noble blood and stayed as a knight, long before he actually does in the show. What if, in that world, he and the other Knights of the Round Table had met differently? What if Percival, for example, had decided to travel to Camelot and work there? Where he would have met Gwaine, and worked with him? Surely, these two can stay professional, or simply friends, right?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51384994
Title: the gold and the rust Writer: Shana_Rose | @shana-rosee Rating: T Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 1,176 Pairing/main characters: Mergwenthur Up to 10 tags: Mergwenthur, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Battle of Camlann, Hurt Arthur Pendragon, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, POV Merlin, Sleepy Cuddles
The bright light of early morning hit aggressively against his eyes. Merlin winced, scrunching his eyes in hopes of the light going away. He pressed his head further into his arm, resting on top of the soft sheets of the bed. His back was aching from sleeping in a chair. Just as he wondered why he would sleep in such an uncomfortable position, he bolted up. His breath caught in his throat as he turned his head towards the head of the bed. - Arthur survives Camlann.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51432988
Title: Jealous of him, I want to be yours Writer: HadrianPeverellBlack | @evadne01 Rating: General Warnings: N/A Medium/Word Count: fic/ 1,891 Pairing/main characters: Merlin/Gwaine, Merlin/Lancelot, Gwaine/Merlin/Lancelot Up to 10 tags: POV Gwaine, Protective Gwaine, Protective Lancelot, Supportive Lancelot, Supportive Gwaine, Powerful Merlin, Jealous Gwaine, Pining Gwaine, Post-Season/series 03, Pre Season/Series 04
Gwaine is jealous. Not of Arthur, because even if he and Merlin are basically joined at the hip, it's obvious that the royal numpty has no idea about Merlin's magic. No, Gwaine is jealous of Lancelot, because he's the only one who does know.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51174415
Title: The Best Way to Cover Something Up… Writer: sleepygecko Rating: General Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: Fic/1999 words Pairing/main characters: Merlin & Mordred & Morgana Up to 10 tags: Child Mordred, Mordred moves to Camelot
When Merlin helps the little Druid boy escape the guards, they flee to Morgana’s chambers. Together, they come up with an epic sob story to cover up the boy’s sudden appearance, something so emotional that Arthur “emotionally dysfunctional” Pendragon won’t look too closely at. Welcome to Camelot, Mordred of Ealdor.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51462367
Title: Stolen Moments Writer: Lemon_pH Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Medium/Word Count: 2,5k (2544) Pairing/main characters: Gaius/Uther Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Canon Era, Merlin/Arthur is a background, Hurt/Comfort
Those are just moments in the vast fabric of life. But we cherish them, keep them close to our hearts, Because at the end, they're all that we have of each other.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51023428
Title: powerful Writer: I_think_he_knows | @marlenemckinnonsuppremacy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Medium/Word Count: 1127 words Pairing/main characters: Gwen/Arthur/Merlin Up to 10 tags: BAMF Merlin, Merlin is powerful and everyone knows it, BDSM, Smut,
Gwen has always felt Merlin has a powerful vibe about him, which she finds very sexy. When she marries Arthur, upon finding out they are both attracted to him, they invite him to their bed or to be their partner. Gwen tells them about a fantasy she’s had since they were all younger: Merlin taking her, and claiming her as Arthur watches, tied up and unable to do anything about it or pleasure himself.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51062878
Title: smooth sailin’ Writer: masculinepeacock | @masculinepeacock Rating: T+ Warnings: none Word Count: 1.6k Pairing/Main character; Percival/Gwaine Up to 10 Tags; romcom elements, teachers, winter fair, gwen is mentioned, open ended
Percival meets Gwaine at a winter fair and the two hit it off. Is this destined to be a one off, or something more?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51381598#main
Title: A Disrupted Destiny Writer: sillydegu | @sillydegu Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Medium/Word Count: 11 874 Pairing/main characters: Gwaine/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gwaine knows about Merlin's magic, Merlin's magic revealed, Episode: s03e04 Gwaine (Merlin), Angst with a happy ending, Gwaine being Gwaine
3x04 AU. Uther is not convinced by Arthur, and sentences Gwaine to death anyway. Merlin uses his magic to break Gwaine out of the dungeons, revealing it to Uther in the process. The two of them go on the run together, and fall in love on the way.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51257899
Title: Knighting Writer: cynthia1314 | @cynthia39100 Rating: Gen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Medium/Word Count: 4670 Pairing/main characters: Lancelot / Arthur Pendragon Up to 10 tags: Episode: s01e05 Lancelot (Merlin), Episode: s03e12-13 The Coming of Arthur (Merlin)
Arthur is finally king, free to knight whoever he chooses. Lancelot pledges his life, honour and devotion to him. (Prompt by kairennart)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51135934
Title: all the devils are here Writer: litinthyheart | @lit-in-thy-heart Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death Medium/Word Count: 21,000 Pairing/main characters: Lancelot/Merlin Up to 10 tags: Enemies to Lovers, Fae Merlin, POV Lancelot, BAMF Merlin, Execution, Restraints, Intimacy, Internal Conflict
In light of half of Camelot's knights being killed in a dragon attack, Uther Pendragon has been forced to broaden the eligibility criteria. Lancelot, who has wanted to be a knight all of his life, is given a quest to prove his worth as a final test before he is knighted. He must kill the leader of the Unseelie Court, Emrys.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51551500/chapters/130293436
Title: Siblings and Soulmates Writer: Merthurallure | @merthurallure Rating: Explicit Warnings: Incest Medium/Word Count: 1 397 words/fic Pairing/main characters: Arthur/Morgana Up to 10 tags: sibling incest, first time, canon era, PWP
Morgana and Arthur enjoy their first time together
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51564880
Title: Matters of the Heart Writer: The_Questing_Beast | @ummyesisthisjasongrace Rating: General Audiences Warnings: none Medium/Word Count: Fanfiction; 11,313 words Pairing/main characters: Mithian/Morgana Up to 10 tags: Canon Era, Canon Compliant, Arranged Marriage, Slow Burn, Good Morgana, Initial Mithian/Arthur, Fluff and Angst, Mithian really said 'thank god you introduced me to your sister'
It's all quite simple, really - marry the King of Camelot, fulfil her duty to her father and her country, become Queen. Or at least that's what Mithian thinks when she arrives in Camelot for the first time. However, things get complicated when the King's half-sister, the Lady Morgana, catches her eye instead. Turns out that no one, not even a Princess, has a say in matters of the heart.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51938515/chapters/131336134
Title: grief, sins, mountain hymns Writer: ashamedbliss Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Word Count: 36k | Chapter 6/6 Pairing/main characters: Arwaine, with past Arwen and past Gwainecelot Up to 10 tags: Western AU, Farm/Ranch AU, Bandits & Outlaws, Grief/Mourning, Loss, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
1899, Colorado. Five years after the death of his wife Guinevere, Arthur's life on the ranch is mundane but happy, his days practising medicine long behind him. Enter Gwaine, an outlaw determined to seek his redemption, in need of a doctor to patch his wounds and an honest day's work.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52082701
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How We Begin Fest: Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who participated and cheered during our fest! How We Begin is now wrapped up and you can find the complete masterlist of entries below:
►For Once by Excited_Insomniac rated T, 3321 words summary: A series of moments between Leon and Gwen, from their first meeting as children to just after the Battle of Camlann. Canon compliant.
►Eyes Aglow, Wailing by Zorbo_Jorks rated G, 811 words summary: Merlin’s first day in the world was one only Hunith and two other women in Ealdor knew with any truth. She had made sure of it— swore Elfrida and Wynn to secrecy between groans as soon as she saw the candleholder begin to float beside her head. | In which Hunith's son makes an unexpectedly magical entrance into the world.
►Gwaine & Lancelot first meeting by guiltyscarlet art
►Ygraine & Nimueh first meeting by guiltyscarlet art
►What We Become Together Is Greater Than Us Both by thesongistheriver rated T, 5024 words summary: "My mother was a maid in Sir Leon's household. We grew up together." --- Sometimes, friendship sets you on the path to your future.
►Orders, curly hair and fake nobles ~ how Leon and Gwaine met by HadrianPeverellBlack rated G, 656 words summary: The Knights learn how Leon and Gwaine first met. Gwaine is still insulted for that meeting.
►A gift and a lady ~ how Gwen and Morgana met by HadrianPeverellBlack rated G, 877 words summary: Gwen and Morgana first meeting
►Of Princes and Pitchforks by s0mmerspr0ssen rated E, 6259 words summary: Arthur meets an insolent stablehand, and they end up tumbling in the hay.
►Yet When the Other Far Doth Roam by Zorbo_Jorks rated M, 10137 words summary: “Sorry,” Elyan breathed, eyes flicking to the third of their company. His thoughts froze right there, and he barely registered it when Arthur asked what had happened. He stared into light brown eyes that were just as surprised as he felt and wondered if Gwaine’s heart hurt to see him as well. | They meet in a tavern and fall together quickly, splitting disastrously some brief months after. Reunited by chance amid the scourge of Camelot by Morgause's immortal army, Elyan grapples with his lingering hurt and feelings for Gwaine. As they fight for Arthur's kingdom, they reacquaint themselves and tentatively begin to heal what had been broken. ►You're so young, that's your fault, there's so much you have to know by PapySanzo89 rated G, 3986 words summary: The first time Arthur sees Morgana they both find themselves in the throne room packed with people applauding the king for his good heart in accepting a girl orphaned by her mother and father. Arthur doesn’t know how to feel about this. Arthur and Morgana's first meeting. ►An impressive show of strength by where_the_kissing_never_stops rated G, 1415 words summary: An interpretation of how Percival met Lancelot. ►How We Begin: Revenge Path by GuiltyScarl3t not rated, WIP summary: In a world where Balinor never left Hunith, raising their son together and changing places frequently, tragedy strikes early. Follow Merlin as he meets different people and bids his time to enact his revenge. ►Treason or Loyalty (Or Maybe Both) by reelin_writer rated G, 948 words summary: “I’ll give you a tip,” he said quietly. The sound of polishing stopped, and Leon heard Merlin look up. “When you meet a nobleman,” Leon said, turning around, “don’t introduce yourself.” A canon compliant first meeting between Leon and Merlin, set just after S1E4 "The Poisoned Chalice."
►Leon and Arthur first meeting by likeapaperplane art
►Destiny Quickens by s0mmerspr0ssen rated M, WIP summary: After a plague ravages Albion, an orphaned Merlin arrives in Camelot, where he falls in the hands of the criminal Kanen. Too afraid to use his magic, Merlin has no other choice but to join Kanen’s gang of child thieves and steal to survive. Ten months later, Prince Arthur returns from a mission to a crime-infested city and disarrayed court, with King Uther paralysed by grief over Morgana’s death. Determined to restore order, Arthur tackles the task of cleaning up the Lower Town, where he meets Merlin—only to learn that the problems in Camelot run far deeper than he had first thought… ►The Way I Am (Not Strong Enough To Be Your Man) by BeBraveDearHeart rated E, 13461 words summary: The sheer size of the first of the two men that walked in caught everybody’s eye but none more so than his. Leaning on the bar again and not hiding his appraisal, Gwaine cast his eye from long legs to broad shoulders and the arms to match, uncovered even in the cool of the evening outside. To threaten or entice, Gwaine couldn’t tell, but he knew which side of that line he was on. Written for the How We Begin fest, this is the story of Gwaine's first meetings with the people who would change his life. ►Arthur & Cenred first meeting by guiltyscarlet art ►making friends (and maybe enemies) by EachPeachPearPlum rated G, 1079 words summary: Percival never intended to get involved. He was there for a drink, and that was it. (Or: Percival makes a friend) ►The Rise and Fall of a Kingmaker by MayaPleiades rated M, WIP summary: In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom is seized by a young girl. Her name: Nimueh. Or: Nimueh’s story, from child to kingmaker to fugitive, told in a series of first meetings. ►How We Begin by Dylan_writes rated E, 5882 words summary: Percival meets Gwaine for the first time the day of his coming of age. Gwaine meets Percival for the first time as he joins the fight against Cenred's undead army and he doesn't understand why this beautiful men is acting so strange towards him. ►New Blooms by Sage_Owl rated G, 889 words summary: Ygraine takes a private stroll through the royal gardens, and is captivated by a new arrival. ►of mouthy manservants and prattish princes by egeria rated G, 2468 words summary: When a mouthy, obstinate boy comes to Camelot, Leon finally begins to see the future he's been fighting for. He'll just need to make sure said-boy doesn't get his head lopped off first.
►Timing of Fate by Salamandair rated T, WIP summary: What if Gwaine and Percival didn’t first meet at Camelot? What if they had a different first meeting? What if Gwaine wasn’t first saved by Merlin and Arthur, but by Percival? What if their first meeting led to something more? Would that first meeting change their destinies?
►For Him, For Her by Mischel rated G, 752 words summary: Three months after Ygraine’s death, Uther is finally ready to meet his son.
►Lovely by Mischel rated G, 1255 words summary: The first time that Gwen met Morgana, she was nervous. The first time that Morgana met Gwen, she knew she had found a friend.
►What if Hunith and Balinor met waaaaaay before the execution of sorcerors in Camelot? by monoisbored art
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Fandom Masterlist
Request are Open!
+ Series +
+ How To Train Your Dragon + Gravity Falls + Miraculous + My Student Spirit + Ever After High + Big Hero 6 + My Little Witch Academia + Slugterra + Winx + Tales of Acadia -Trollhunters - 3Below - Wizards + Avatar: The Last Airbender + 100% Wolf + Class of Titans + Danny Phantom + Angie and Her Friends
TV Show
+ Merlin + Sherlock + Descendants + Other
+ Sherlock Hound + The Vampire Dies in no Time + + Overlord + Ranma 1/2 + My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia + Bakuman + Fairy Tail + Spy Family + Sword Art Online + One Piece
+ Movies +
+ Epic + Rise of the Guardians + Treasure Planet
+ Howl's Moving Castle
Live Action
+ Harry Potter
+ Books +
+ The Cruel Prince
+ Genshin
#masterlist#fanfiction#fanfic#x reader#x male reader#gender neutral reader#male reader#httyd#gravity falls#miraculous ladybug#my student spirit#ever after high#big hero 6#big hero 6 the series#my little witch academia#slugterra#winx#tales of acadia#atla#100% wolf#danny phantom#bbc merlin#bbc sherlock#harry potter#sherlock hound#ranma 1/2#bnha#descendants#howls moving castle#rise of the gaurdians
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BBC Merlin Reverse Bang Masterlist
Thank you to all the fantastic artists and writers who participated in this round of the fest! Without further ado, here is the masterlist for the 2023-2024 BBC Merlin Reverse Bang!
So Familiar A Gleam
Artist: MerlinLikeThe Bird
Writer: Excited_Insomniac
Summary: They say the druid in the forest who guards the sword in the stone has never woken. Unchanging, no matter the season, no matter how many years go by; lost in a dream that will only be broken by the Once and Future King.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54501022
Artist: Papysanzo89
Writer: ironfamjam
Summary: “I’ll give you whatever you want,” the king says, shoulders drawn back, “just help me save my people.”
The sun strikes his face and for a moment, Arthur looks made of gold. Pretty, Emrys can’t help but think. But still just a man.
“Whatever I want?” Emrys’ smirk widens, “I want your pride. Now bow down to me and beg.”
When long-time immortal and full-time hater of humanity, the great Emrys himself, finds the newly crowned King Arthur at his doorstep asking for his help, he gets way more than he bargained for on their journey to revive Camelot’s old wards and save the kingdom from war. Unfortunately for him, he's going to make friends, fall in love, and become a hero whether he wants to or not.
Or, Merlin's been waiting centuries for something to believe in.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54417334
Dragon of the Dawn
Artist: LikeAPaperPlane
Writer: SlantedKnitting
Summary: To avoid war with the Druids, Arthur lifts the ban on magic in Camelot. As a sign of peace, the Druids gift him a dragon egg. Now Arthur must decide if it would be wise to bring a dragon into the world, or if his interest in the egg is only due to the handsome Dragonlord who wields the power to hatch it.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54702940
World Within a World
Artist: MerlinLikeTheBird
Writer: Sage_Owl
Summary: "Stories never really end. They can go on and on and on. It's just that sometimes, at a certain point, one stops telling them." ― Mary Norton, The Borrowers
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54609637
Touched by Magic / in time of daffodils
Artist: willoswmarika
Writer: archaeologist_d
Summary: “When you’re touched by magic, nothing’s ever quite the same again.” Charles de Lint.
Five people discover Merlin’s magic. Their reactions might vary, but sometimes, acknowledging it is the hardest thing of all.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54803929
Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54802045
All That Lies Between Us
Artist: MerlinLikeTheBird
Writer: thetreeofwillow
Summary: With a gasp, Arthur wakes.
He wakes to the warmth of the blankets around him, the sight of the stars above and Merlin’s hand grasping his. He wakes surrounded; by softness, by love, by light. Gasping in breaths, he wakes holding tightly onto Merlin’s hand, tethering himself to the word through that strong, sure grip.
He wakes and he’s not alone and everything's better.
He settles back down, his breath not quite steady yet, but getting there. He holds on tight to Merlin’s hand, looks up at the stars and lets himself drift back off to sleep, safe in the knowledge that he’s free.
Merlin and Arthur are held captive together for a month in the dark.
Back in Camelot now, the two face all they went through with the help of one another, their friends, and the night sky.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54826897
Till Death Do Us Part
Artist: Sunfall_of_Ennien
Writer: Pearl09
Summary: The battle of Camlann is now, and Arthur just manages to survive the battle thanks to the sacrifice of a sorcerer who had strangely taken Camelot's side. When he later learns out that sorcerer was a disguised Merlin, however, he's left to try and patch his broken world back together. Meanwhile, Merlin thought he was dead but instead wakes up in Cenred's prison, the man in question having rescued Merlin to try and force him to join his army.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54895198
Malediction Amplexus
Artist: griffonskies
Writer: Camelittle
Summary: Arthur is only trying to protect his idiot flat mate from a deranged person who claims to be a witch. But then she goes and blasts him with a "hug or die" curse. Not only does this force Arthur to swallow his pride and seek hugs from those who care from him, but also it turns his rationalist world view on its head. Despite all his best efforts to deny the fact, he's forced to confront the idea that maybe, just maybe, Merlin wasn't kidding about having magic after all.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54400465
Overhead Of The Aqua Blue
Artist: Dollopbrain
Writer: lavenderspice
Summary: Merlin is not in love with Arthur. Arthur is not in love with Merlin. It's as simple as that.
But then, an impulsive decision made in the heat of the moment changes everything between them. The casual, friendly touches turn into fleeting kisses and meetings in hidden alcoves.
It's not anything serious though. Merlin and Arthur are still definitely not in love.
Or are they?
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54988165
Light and Shadow
Artist: griffonskies
Writer: sacredraisincakes
Summary: "If love is light, then fear is its shadow." - LJ Vanier
Basking in the dawn of the golden age of Camelot, Arthur doesn't question anything when he is given the small token from Gwen and Lancelot's daughter. Why would he? He doesn't see anything wrong with the way his life is heading... Merlin, of course, questions everything, but the arrival of his mother with life changing news puts his questions aside for now.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55041709
Art: https://www.tumblr.com/griffcreations/747145662845616128/merlin-bbc-reverse-bang-202324-light-and-shadow
Guardian Angel
Artist: Mirayla
Writer: ClotpolePoet
Summary: Set in a world where magical abilities manifest wings proportions to their power, Merlin, Arthur and the knights are sent on a months-long mission by the king.
Merlin struggles to find time to preen and care for his large wings during the journey, but when Arthur finds himself in danger, Merlin is forced to reveal them in order to save the prince and in doing so gets himself kidnapped and tortured.
Arthur and the knights are faced with saving Merlin from a deadly man whilst dealing with Merlin’s magic reveal revelation.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55075855
The Totality of Partial Impressions
Artist: OnePepperCorn
Writer: s0mmerspr0ssen
Summary: Arthur starts his first year at Camelot University hoping to elude his father’s influence. But Uther’s control persists and Arthur soon faces the same pressures he had hoped to escape. To make matters worse, his roommate proves to be a complete pain in the arse, though Merlin thinks the same about Arthur. Unfortunately, Arthur is not only infuriating but infuriatingly attractive, and Merlin cannot help but wonder if Arthur’s guarded looks convey a deeper meaning – one he’s too afraid to admit to.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54425791
The Other Side Of The Door
Artist: monoisbored
Writer: SaltedKiss
Summary: Arthur Pendragon chose to take on a fake name and major in History of Magic at Camelot University after finding out about the atrocities his father did to the magical community. He looked forward to learning more about magic users, but never expected to be attacked by an actual dragon the first time he met a sorcerer in person.
Starring: Cannonball Aithusa, Arthur "American Football Cosplayer " Pendragon & Merlin "Any excuse to take Arthur's shirt off" Emrys.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55103026
a single thread of fate (tied me to you)
Artist: azimuthal
Writer: remaymber
Summary: Merlin paused, took a deep breath, and a delicate, red band appeared in front of him, softly flowing in the breeze. It was wrapped around his wrist and then disappeared into the distance.
Merlin took it between his fingers, held it as he focused on the gentle pull he felt. With his eyes, he followed the faint thread into the distance and couldn’t help but wonder who might be awaiting him on the other side.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55104175
Art: https://www.tumblr.com/azi-muthal/747649862663864320/my-contribution-to-the-bbcmerlin-reversebang-this
Devouring Glory
Artist: Mirayla
Writer: gil-galadhwen
Summary: When a person with magic dies, where does their magic go?
Merlin has been feeling peculiar lately. The sun seems too bright and his skin feels unusually sensitive beneath his clothing. His magic seems to be growing too, in a way he’s unsure he can control. Like an unruly garden. Like he’s overflowing with it.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/54716203
Live for the hope of it all
Artist: Papysanzo89
Writer: MyKingdomComeUndone
Summary: At sixteen, during a hunt gone wrong, Arthur meets a strange boy in the woods—a boy who uses magic to save him, and goes by the name of Merlin. This is the story of an unlikely friendship, a friendship that ends up changing not only Arthur's life, but the future of all of Camelot.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/53840449
Up Pendragon Creek Without an Oar
Artist: eachpeachpearplum
Writer: Laurieonalark
Summary: When Agravaine betrays the Pendragons, they lose everything- their money, their property, their status, it's all gone. With nothing to their name, they are forced to relocate to the sleepy town of Ealdor, living in the rundown Camelot Bed and Breakfast. It's nothing like any of them were prepared for, but it may just be exactly what Arthur and Morgana need.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55276900
Towards the Stars
Artist: treasureguardingdragon
Writer: just_snakess
Summary: The year is 2372. When King Arthur finally returns, Merlin is on the other side of the solar system, and is helpless to prevent him being swept up by the government. Thus begins a journey across the solar system, crossing paths with crimelords, rebel leaders, and very, very old friends. Will it be enough to free Arthur? Or will the Once and Future King fall victim to a mysterious plot that threatens the very border between life and death?
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55300255
Learning to defy expectations
Artist: treasureguardingdragon
Writer: Ace_Teagirl
Summary: When Arthur gets sent away by Uther to secure a treaty between Camelot and Tir-Mor, what should have been a normal diplomatic trip turns into more than Arthur could have expected. Along the way, he learns valuable lessons about trust, friendship and the weight of duty.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55365187
Hide Yourself
Artist: ClotpolePoet
Writer: bang-the-smoke
Summary: When Merlin finds out about an assassination plot against Arthur that is set to happen sometime during the annual three-day masquerade ball that Camelot hosts, he is forced to enter the ball, disguised. How will he be able to save Arthur's life when the prince attempts to court him during the ball?
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55301731
All My Scars Are For Him
Artist: Dollopbrain
Writer: ApproachRoach
Summary: “I was here a week ago,” Arthur blurted out. “Before, it was a desert—it almost killed me. Now it’s a rainforest.” Arthur stated. “I’ve only ever heard about rainforests in tales about magic, and in those stories, the magic was dormant. Its only purpose was to keep the forest alive. Here, I can even feel the magic in the air. And if I’m honest, it feels a little like coming home. It feels safe.” He stated it so simply Merlin almost didn’t realise the magnitude of what he was admitting.
His admission, if he was anyone else, would have him hanged.
Arthur Pendreagon is a lot of things; he is his fathers son. Camelot’s Prince. The Captain of the Knights. Himself, is rarely one of them.
What if, for once, he was not the things he was supposed to be and was simply, himself? He confesses something he had never really thought much of and somehow everything else does not matter anymore. He is himself and that is all that is important, he is finally, who he is meant to be; the Golden Prince
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55073416
Four reasons to kill
Artist: wortvermis
Writer: Brechtjeeatscheese
Summary: George Brass has been killed.
Merlin is an undercover agent, it seems an afwull lot like the attack was meant for Uther Pendragon, CEO of Pendragon Inc. After some inspecting, Merlin can only come to one conclussion, his son, Athur Pendragon, has motive and oppurtunity, unfortunatly he has an alibi.
Merlin needs to go undercover in order to prove Arthur did it. What he didn't account for was that he would fall head over heels in love with Arthur. There is only one problem that rests, if Arthur didn't do it, then who did?
A tale about falling in love, hiding who you are, sacrificing everything for your job, and trying to catch a murderer while doing it all. No wonder Merlin is stressed and depressed.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55362367
Le Démoniste et Le Dragon
Artist: Pearl09
Writer: Salamandair
Summary: Merlin moves to Camelot after the death of his mother to help his Uncle Gaius in his Apothecary and to get a fresh start away from his small village where no one liked his magic.
In Camelot, however, most people hate magic too. But why? What happened here that made everyone hate magic so quickly? What is Gaius keeping from him?
When Merlin is forced to seek refuge in an abandoned mansion a month after his arrival due to being chased by magic hating men, he is thrust into a world that will turn his request for a ‘new start’ on its head.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55453966
Echoes of Magic and Nature
Writer: HadrianPeverellBlack
Summary: After the lands of Camelot lose their life, it seems that hope for the kingdom is lost for good.
That is until Prince Arthur decides that he would save his people.
But he will not make this journey alone. He will have allies, even in the most unthinkable places.
After all, to heal the wounds made by an impure heart, it is needed the purest of them all.
Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55790572
The Blue Butterflies Follow You (so do the moths)
Artist: zazrichor
Writer: Crimson_Fanfic_Writer_7
Summary: Arthur is fed up. He trusts Merlin with his life but he doesn’t think the same goes for Merlin. Merlin is hiding something, has been hiding something the entire time he has known him. It’s eating at him, it’s tainting their relationship in a subtle way he can’t even name.
Fortunately for him, there is a young druid who – even if not for the same reason – is fed up with Merlin’s lies as well. The young druid has grown up on stories of how the great Emrys will help the Once and Future King to unite the- blablabla yeah well WHEN is that going to happen though?! It’s been ten years, the oh so great master of magic could finally get a move on! Maybe he needs some incentive. Maybe he’s grown too accustomed to lying. Well, no more.
Fic & Art: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/bbcmerlinreversebang/works/55807864
You are Someone Else (I am still right here)
Artist: Stelle_Loves_Reading
Summary: “After Lancelot is gravely injured by a group of druid hunters, he’s found by the most unlikely of rescuers: the fearsome Monster of the Darkling Woods and her companion, Merlin, who really wishes she’d stop bringing him broken creatures to fix.”
Art: https://artstelle.tumblr.com/post/750041304120033280/you-are-someone-else-i-am-still-right-here-art
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November 24 Masterlist
Another round comes to a close, and as always, all my love and thanks to everyone who participates, reads, and supports!! <3
Drabble Challenge Winners! ✨
Silhouette by @the-king-and-the-druidess
[Merlin & Morgana]
"And the Truth?" by @insane-ohwhyfandoms
frozen by @the-king-and-the-druidess
"Untitled" (Waiting With) by @thefollow-spot
blink and you'll miss it by @known-concepts
[Arthur & Merlin]
mirage by @liviapeleia
Prompt: Silhouette
Rightful Place by @paceprompting
2. Remain by @thefollow-spot
Prompt: "And the truth?"
What If I'm Not Good Enough? by @treblemaker07
the sigil by @paceprompting
"And the truth?" by @personaje-fics
1. Return by @thefollow-spot
oh hush the noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing by @liviapeleia
[Gaius x Geoffrey | Fills the 'Frozen' Prompt as well]
Prompt: Frozen
Still by @classics-n-comedy
Statue! by @classics-n-comedy
Words Are Dead by @mightybog
Midwinter by @twistedshipper
[Morgana & Morgause]
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