lacebird · 9 months
okay time to do another character battle
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reblog for larger sample size!
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triposzt · 1 year
The Dreadnoughts - Roll and Go (2022) / Green Willow (2023) double album review
For the first English post of this blog, why not make a review of my new favourite band's last two albums? It's a bit late, I know, I originally wanted to make one about "Roll and Go", but never got around to do it, so when I heard that a new album is coming out this year, I thought "hey, now is the time to combine the two reviews into one post!" And I'm still freakin' late with this again!
But anyway, let's start the story from the beginning.
At least a decade ago, the first two songs I've heard from The Dreadnoughts were "Sleep Is For The Weak" and "Randy-Dandy-Oh" - no idea whether I found them randomly or someone showed them to me, but I liked both… and then kinda forgot to listen to any of their other songs for a while 😄 Then, fast-forward to approximately early 2020, when at work I was browsing for music, listened to one of the previously mentioned two and through the "related songs" links, found "Gintlemen's Club" (unsurprisingly from the same 2011 album "Polka's Not Dead")…and BAM! Immediately I was like "This is awesome, why haven't I listened to them for ages? Let's discover more!" And I did… and that's why I was anticipating the 2022 spring release of the new album Roll and Go even more. Let's see how it turned out:
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ROLL AND GO (release date: June 24, 2022)
1 - Cider Jar [7/10] Hold up, a booze-infused version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"? That's ridiculously brilliant! 😃 Cider Jar serves as a short intro to the album and the closing "arr-oh-arr" just flows right on to the next track, which…
2 - Cider Holiday [7.5/10] …was the first track released from the album and in all honesty, did not hit me in the sweet spot back then, but has grown on me since. The prose-like bridge part gives it a unique flavour, and speaking of flavour, the song itself just makes me wanna drink cider or visit the West Country. Or both, preferably.
3 - The Rodney Rocket [8/10] You never know where artists can find an inspiration for a song. Sometimes, it might be a video about an old alcoholic Canadian fella having fun with some snowy extreme sports in Rodney, Ontario 😁 The Rodney Rocket is easy to sing (mostly due to its percussion-heavy background and the L-C-B-O chant in the chorus), plus the tempo changes well along with the story - the silly-sounding words in the lyrics (dickered, hullabaloo) and a callback to "Fire Marshal Willy" are just the icing on the cake. What's not to like?
4 - Problem [10/10] Second track to come out as a single and I instantly loved it. Somehow it's just perfect: the repeating "Problem" at the end of lines, occasionally replaced by various - and hilarious! - sound effects, both the beat and the inserted Polish lyrics obviously referencing Sleep Is For the Weak, the backstory of the song, it all just culminates in this masterpiece. The music video is weird enough, although it does not reach such heights, but anyway, who the fuck cares, we are here to listen to songs, not watch them. Problem?
5 - Brisbane Harbour [8.5/10] A worthy continuation of true sea shanties like "Whup! Jamboree" and "Eliza Lee", and one which surely makes any listener's fingers and feet tap to the rhythm.
6 - Battleford 1885 [8/10] The shortest "normal" track on the album, and its title was intriguing to me when I first saw it - turns out, music can be educational (duh), because Battleford 1885 sheds some light on a tragic event of indigenous people in Canada (here's the post about the background of the song). Oh, and the ascending drum in the background of the bridge is just… *chef's kiss*
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7 - The Storm [9/10] Beautiful, just beautiful, equally eerie and empowering, with an instrumental break inspired by Greek bouzouki tunes. If the previous song was about the story of oppressed people rising up against their masters, then this one puts you right in those people's mindset. Well done. And I'll be forever grateful for the Substack post about The Storm for introducing Smokey Bastard's "Baba Yaga" to me, I fell in love at first listening.
8 - Vicki's Polka [7.5/10] Judging by the title only, I thought this was going to be the obligatory instrumental track, but then again, I might have been misled by "Clavdia's Waltz". Instead, Vicki's Polka is rather a love story spanning decades, featuring references to the band's 2010 hit "Polka Never Dies" and the popular folk song "Who Stole the Keeshka?". Assisted by some top folk musicians, the bounciness of this true polka track slows down only near the end, when it's time to say goodbye to the titular Vicki, sadly taken away by the Covid-19 pandemic. Goddamnit, 2020.
9 - Scrumpy-O [8/10] You've been listening to the songs of the album in order and you're missing the amount of alcohol in the lyrics for a while? Worry not, Scrumpy-O definitely has your back. Just grab some locally made and/or rough cider (that's what "scrumpy" means), learn the words to the chorus, and raise your bottle to the sky!
10 - Tuika [7/10] Now this is the instrumental track I thought Vicki's Polka was gonna be. The frequently changing speed of the song makes you imagine dancing arm-in-arm with someone at one moment, then jumping into a mosh pit at another. (P.s.: if anyone has an idea what the title means, let me know, I could only find a politician from American Samoa by this name.)
11 - Dusty Ground [9/10] One of my favourites from the album, a very well executed song. Listen to how the tempo decelerates almost into melancholy in the third verse and then turns back up for the last chorus, just fantastic. The lyrics… likewise. If I'm not mistaken, they are meant to convey the transience of life via a clever metaphor: the ever-thirsty ground, which swallows us up like water. Well, all right, I might have taken a peek at the origin story of the track ;)
12 - Bold Reilly [5.5/10] Honestly, out of the thirteen tracks, this is the song that resonated the least with me. I wouldn't say it's bad or anything, just… Too repetitive? Too slow? I don't know. Also, being "the worst song of a Dreadnoughts album" is still a pretty high level 😁 And it has a reference to Randy Dandy-Oh, nice!
13 - Roll and Go [8.5/10] For some reason, I classified the trio of The Storm, Dusty Ground, and this closing track as giving the same vibes - no idea why I feel the similarity, at the very least Dusty Ground is notably quicker. Anyway, all three songs are unique enough for me to love each of them. Roll and Go provides a fine closure to this wonderful album: the musical background resembles a marching band (here I am giving praise to the percussion section yet again 👏), the lyrics emanate the feeling of brotherhood, and the ending slowly fades with the promise of a "fine and lucky day". Amen to that!
Overall: this was easily the release of the year for me. Usually when I listen to an entire album for the first time, the tracks don't really have their own "identity" in the beginning, and the whole thing is just a raw, big mess. Not this time! A few tracks stood out instantly and I grew to love the rest even more. Roll and Go turning out to be that awesome, given the difficulties the band had to face while recording, just proves how talented these guys are. I'll be sure to mention this album when people ask me about my favourites. Verdict: 8.5/10
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GREEN WILLOW (release date: March 14, 2023)
1 - We Shepherds are the Best of Men [8/10] A proper start to the album, with a great rhythm and an even better chorus. Apparently, it's an older folk piece, which has a few versions with different lyrics, but The Dreadnoughts are the first "modern" band to cover it. And oh boy, they did it well! (One small caveat though: the grammar nazi inside me is so bothered by the "We drinks our liquor freely and pays before we go" part every time 😅)
2 - Hej Sokoły (Zal za Ukraina) [9.5/10] I see two great reasons why this track was chosen as the initial single of the album. Firstly, this song is an absolute earworm. I mean, so dangerously addictive, it can be stuck in your head for a day! Secondly, it's dedicated to the people fighting for Ukraine, and whoever has listened to The Dreadnoughts' songs knows that Eastern Europe has a special place in their pool of inpsirations. Accordingly, Hey Sokoły covers a popular old Polish-Ukrainian folk song, and frankly, I just can't ever get enough of Polish lyrics in the band's songs - no wonder the band fell in love with the suggestion of this cover. Highlight: as the last verse slows down and then builds up into the energetic last chorus… goosebumps, goosebumps every time.
3 - Rigs of the Time [7/10] It's like a good worker who does not yearn for promotion but is never in danger of getting laid off - not necessarily oustanding in his field, but someone who is trustworthy and does his job well. It has a message and a great chorus. You need tracks like this on your album. (Ironically, the song is about dishonest tradesmen, but still, that's the metaphor I chose. Also, the whole "blaming the rising prices on the war" thing is too real nowadays.)
4 - Roll the Old Chariot Along [8.5/10] This song is apparently covered by a few artists, but I don't recall hearing it before I listened to the album - only since then, but for that, the almighty Algorithm might be the one to "blame". Anyway, I remember instantly liking it upon the first listening and my opinion remains unchanged: what a fantastic and catchy tune! "And we'll all hang on behind!" (P.s.: Lads, there's a missing verse - and some other confusion - of the lyrics on the Bandcamp page.)
5 - The Foggy Dew [7/10] A classic Irish ballad, full of historical references (one of which could even be meant as a hint to "The Bay of Suvla"), so far it was only familiar to me because Dropkick Murphys used it as the opening instrumental for their shows (The Chieftains version to be exact). The lack of repeated parts and intricate rhythm of the verses makes it very difficult to sing along, but nevertheless it's a beautiful rendition.
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6 - Twankidillo [7.5/10] "Half of you are going to hate it, it’s fucking weird." That's the premise I've read before I even listened to the song… and I didn't even mention the strange title. 😄 *1st listening*: They were right, what the hell is this? *2nd listening*: Okay, it IS weird, but certainly catchy… *3rd listening*: "Here's to old coal, and to young coal and to no coal at aaaaaaaaallll!" Yep, it grows on you. It's another cover of a traditional folk song (like all tracks except one), and if you haven't noticed, the lyrics also contain a reference to the album name. Yay!
7 - Spanish Ladies [7/10] Sorry guys, I have absolutely been in love with Sarah Blasko's version of this song for years, and I don't think anything can change that. To be fair though, this cover is more sea shanty-esque, if you close your eyes, you can almost visualize the crew hauling ropes or heaving the capstan around.
8 - The Unquiet Grave [8/10] Upon seeing the tracklist, this was the title that stood out the most for me - and damn, it did not disappoint, especially storywise. This tale of love beyond the grave has been sung for centuries, I haven't heard it before, but I must say that The Dreadnoughts have really managed to capture the appropriate eerie vibe which surely gives you the chills. (Bonus funfact for anyone who's familiar with the band's discography: this track was first intended for the 2017 album "Foreign Skies".)
9 - Apple Tree Wassail [8.5/10] Don't believe Google Translate saying "wassail" is an Arabic word, this catchy track is actually a blessing ritual for apple trees in hope of a good crop to make cider from… although the mental image in my head is stuck halfway between an orchard and a mosh pit due to the song's fast pace. Hell, I hope at some point I'll have the chance to hear it live and jump around like a maniac. (Please come to Hungary!) (P.s.: The "Let every man drink up his glass" line is possibly a callback to "Spanish Ladies", am I right?)
10 - Roll Northumbria (Loud Version, sometimes called "Heavy Version") [7.5/10] Green Willow features nine covers of traditional folk pieces and a reboot of one of the band's earlier songs… yep, this closing track is the reboot one. What I said previously about Spanish Ladies, can be applied here as well - I like the original so much that no newer cover can surpass that, even if it's from the same band. Also, I think the original's slow and dark vibe is more fitting to the topic of the song, but if there's one place where the heavy/loud version could be used, it's concerts. The final drum beats provide a great ending to the album.
Overall: When I first listened to the entire album, I thought "maybe Roll and Go set the bar too high", although my reception of Green Willow has improved well since then, as it can be seen in the ratings. A shorter collection of tracks than its predecessor, but it has a bit of everything from patriotic through silly to haunting, while covering well-known and lesser-known folk songs. I know an album a year would probably be too much to ask, so I'll just patiently wait for some fresh stuff from The Dreadnoughts! Verdict: 8/10
Thanks for reading! 😊
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aleksiann · 1 year
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2023 No. 14 “Battlefords Pride”
Acrylic on wooden plaque
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"FIVE WOMEN HELD AFTER NUDE MARCH," Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. July 10, 1933. Page 3. ---- Demonstration Staged By Doukhobors at Langham Sunday ---- DISROBE ON ROAD NEAR CEEPEE FERRY ---- MOUNTED POLICE ON PATROL OF DISTRICT ALL NIGHT TO PREVENT FIRES ---- Five women, members of the Sons of Freedom, dissenters from the orthodox Doukhobor faith, who yesterday evening disrobed when a parade was held from the farm of Fred Bondroff, near the Ceepee ferry, 35 miles north of here, were arrested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and held overnight in custody at Langham town hall.
CHANT HYMNS This morning numbers of the sect were reported to be in the town marching through the streets and singing hymns, in which they were joined by the women prisoners.
Authorities at noon were still endeavoring to get into touch with a police magistrate, in order to start a preliminary trial, if possible tomorrow morning.
Throughout the night patrols. toured the district west of Langham to guard against possible incendiary attempts at schools, which, it was thought, might be made in reprisal.
The names of the women are Mrs. Lena Popoff, aged about 50, Mrs. Peter Demoskoff, about 30, Polly Switchlichnoff, 21, Tena Makoff and Mabel Kudekoff, both 22. Throughout the night the five entertained or otherwise the residents of Langham with their singing, striking the organ effect of minor harmony which is peculiar to the sect.
EXPECTED DEMONSTRATION Residents of the town of Langham had expected a demonstration for several weeks. Following their weekly custom, a crowd of about 200, practically all of whom live in the settlements west of the town of Langham, had gathered for a community picnic and religious observance.
Corp. A. J. Stretton, in charge of the North Battleford sub-division criminal investigation branch, and Constable F. W. Paye of the Radisson detachment, R.C.M.P., were stationed at each end of a side road leading past the Bondroff farm when the crowd filed out, the women in the costume of Eve. Paye first saw them, and summoned the other officer, and the two immediately arrested the women, and forcing them to dress themselves, took them to Langham in their cars.
The men in the crowd thronged around the cars and clambered on the footboards, but failed to make any definite attempt at a rescue.
Motorists who passed through the town during the evening brought the first news to Saskatoon, the word having spread quickly in the town, where all of the women are well known.
INTELLIGENT WOMAN Mrs. Demoskoff, in particular, does considerable shopping in Langham, speaks very good English, and is held to be of high intelligence and to be leader of the feminist group in the Sons of Freedom.
The women were placed in the upstairs room of the town hall, and given food. Langham and the Ceepee ferry district come under the jurisdiction of the Radisson detachment, R.C.M.P., which is administered from North Battleford, and Saskatoon headquarters had no information on the occurrence.
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melwynmathias · 1 year
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byebyecockroach · 1 year
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cherryinsurance111 · 2 years
Saskatoon Insurance Agencies
It is critical to have the right insurance expert and advocate on your side. We can enlighten you about the particular risks you encounter by establishing a connection with you while also providing comprehensive insurance solutions to safeguard you from the unanticipated and plan for the foreseeable. Cherry insurance is the most reputed firm among the Saskatoon Insurance Agencies which serves its client in all expects, i.e., farm, auto, business, Wrla, church, and personal insurance.
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Saskatoon Pride has joined in solidarity with organizers in Regina, Prince Albert and North Battleford to exclude the Saskatchewan Party from participating in Pride events this month. In mid-May, Queen City Pride made this announcement after the Saskatchewan government passed Bill 137, also known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights, last October. In a public statement, Saskatoon Pride stated the Sask. Party and its members who stood up and answered ‘yea’ to Bill 137 are banned from the 2024 Pride parade and all other festival activities and events. “They are not allies to two-spirit, trans, or other queer people in this province,” Saskatoon Pride said. “How to move forward? Repeal Bill 137 and a wary conversation can begin.”
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garadinervi · 9 months
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Dilys Leman, How to Hang Eight Indians (at Once) at Battleford, in The Winter Count, Hugh MacLennan Poetry Series No. 30, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montréal, 2014, pp. 94-95
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graintrainbrain · 1 year
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Led by a pair of GP38-2Ws (CN 4796 and 4792), train W997 crosses Turtle Creek with a load of rails removed from the Turtleford subdivision, 08/03/2008. The subdivision used to run 77 miles from North Battleford to St. Walburg; today only 10 miles of track remain between North Battleford and Hamlin. Photo by Jeff Robertson
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indigodreams · 1 year
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Provincial Archives of Alberta
Harvesting cabbage on the J.H. Graves farm in North Battleford, SK
Provincial Archives of Alberta, P673.
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copperhawkthoughts · 1 year
Had a last minute crisis over the design for my Cad project, ordered a bunch more yarn from a little store in North Battleford, Sask., now patiently waiting for Canada Post. Meanwhile I have no crochet project and it is rapidly growing
i n t o l e r a b l e
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aleksiann · 2 years
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2023 No. 5 “Marlborough Evolution”
Acrylic on Canvas, 20X24 inches
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"RAIN BRINGS MUCH RELIEF," Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. April 30, 1934. Page 3 ---- North Saskatchewan, Alta. Favored, Dust Storm in South === Rain throughout Alberta, rain and sleet in Northern Saskatchewan, dust storms in Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba built Western Canada a varied weather map last night.
But the Weatherman had not overlooked Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba's plight. He promised rain even though it might be in ocсаsional showers and accompanied by snow.
BAD AT SOURIS Northern Saskatchewan and Northern Alberta received the heaviest precipitation. Saskatoon district anticipated a slight delay in seeding operations but reported the moisture welcome to farmers. Edmonton reported a steady rain tonight after intermittent showers while rain fell at night in Calgary.
Dust storms ruled in Southern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Scores of points reported heavy winds, whipping dust high and in some cases damaging early seeding. For the third day in succession, the Souris district of Manitoba was harried by dust storms.
Full extent of the damage has not yet been determined but in some instances reseeding is expected.
In Saskatoon and over a large area the intermittent showers brought trees into bloom during the day. As the day wore on buds became leaves and the grass became visibly greener. While rain fell from early morning at frequent intervals, in the evening snow and sleet fell to melt shortly afterwards.
North Battleford was favored with 12 hours of rain which saturated the city and district. With indications of a four-day halt in seeding operations, farmers of that district declared they would have preferred a further 10-day period of dry weather to complete seeding.
Through courtesy of Canadian National Telegraphs the following reports were received: Biggar, showers and snow flurries; Hanley, a heavy shower but not enough to lay the dust; Big River, cloudy, no rain or snow; Prince Albert, two inches of snow; Rama, a short shower in the evening; Aylsham, drizzling and turning to snow in the evening; Hafford, raining all afternoon; Girvin, bad wind storm and dust with showers at noon; Vonda, raining most of the day with snow in the evening; Dundurn, little rain; Elrose, hail in the evening.
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battle-of-alberta · 2 years
Would it have changed anything if Calgary had been chosen as the capital instead of Edmonton?
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This is a bit of a cop out but I want to spend some time to say that I don’t really engage in serious speculative history, this is not at all my specialty, and a hell of a lot of things would have to change in order for Calgary to be the capital. At the end of the day, the simplest answer is that Calgary would position itself even more like Western Toronto (tm) - Calvin’s whites would be whiter and Ed’s collar bluer.
That said, nearly everyone in (what is now) Alberta was interested in having the capital (with one notable exception) and four cities in particular actually made a little bit of effort towards it, but that’s another story... :)
Some more historical notes:
- I mentioned Swift Current as being in (modern) Saskatchewan; in this map the division between Alberta and Saskatchewan was more westerly than today. Both Medicine Hat and Swift Current actually fell within the district of Assiniboia.
- Battleford is starred on this map just because it was then capital of the North West Territory
- The ranchers in Calgary were more favourable to an East-to-West division of the prairies rather than North-to-South because the good ranch land was in the south (and they weren’t a fan of farmers putting up barbed wire around plots because it got in the way of the open range for grazing.)
- (That said with Wilfrid Laurier’s Liberals in power in Ottawa, no one gave a hoot about what ranchers in Calgary wanted, it didn’t matter if they were the biggest or the only city)
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byebyecockroach · 1 year
Identifying Different Types of Cockroaches & Knowing How to Exterminate Them Effectively!
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Cockroaches are unwelcome guests in any home or business. They are not only unsightly but also carry a variety of diseases and allergens. In Saskatchewan, where the climate is conducive to their survival, it's important to be able to identify different types of cockroaches and know how to exterminate them effectively. Whether you're dealing with Cockroach extermination Warman or in North Battleford, understanding these pests is the first step towards successful eradication.
Different Types of Cockroaches
One common species of cockroach found in Saskatchewan is the German cockroach (Blattella germanica). These roaches are light brown or tan in color and have two dark parallel stripes on their pronotum. They are notorious for their rapid reproduction and can quickly infest an area if left unchecked. German cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments such as kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, making them a common nuisance in households.
Another species to watch out for is the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). These cockroaches are larger in size, typically measuring around 1.5 inches in length. They are reddish-brown in color and have a distinct yellowish figure-eight pattern behind their head. American cockroaches are often found in dark and damp areas like basements and crawl spaces. They are known for their ability to fly, which can make their presence even more unsettling.
Cockroach Extermination
When it comes to effective cockroach extermination, professional cockroach pest control services are highly recommended. Cockroaches are resilient creatures that can survive in harsh conditions and reproduce rapidly, making DIY methods often ineffective. In Warman and North Battleford, there are reputable companies specializing in various types of cockroach extermination. These professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools to identify the specific species of cockroach infesting your property and implement targeted eradication methods.
Cockroach extermination typically involves a combination of methods, including baiting, trapping, and insecticide application. Professionals will strategically place baits and traps in areas where cockroaches are likely to frequent, such as near food sources and hiding spots. Insecticides may also be applied to eliminate the existing population and prevent future infestations. Additionally, these experts will provide recommendations for sanitation and prevention measures to minimize the risk of future cockroach problems.
To ensure the effectiveness of cockroach extermination, it's crucial to address the underlying causes that attract these pests. Cockroaches are attracted to food, water, and shelter, so maintaining cleanliness and practicing good hygiene is essential. Regularly clean up food spills, seal cracks, and crevices, and fix any plumbing leaks to eliminate potential water sources.
So, if you're dealing with any type of cockroach infestation, seeking professional help is highly recommended for these Pest control North Battleford and Warman. The experts at Bye Bye COCKROACH in Saskatchewan can accurately identify the species, implement targeted extermination methods, and provide recommendations for long-term prevention from these unwanted pests.
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