Society’s Rules
The alarm sounded and Mrs. Donnie woke at exactly 6am. She went to the bathroom and showered. As always she was done by 6:15. She dressed in a silk morning gown and went downstairs to prep breakfast. This included setting the table, juicing oranges, getting out pot/spans, preheating ovens and fetching her husbands paper.
At 6:45 she returned to the main bathroom and groomed. She plucked brows, removed curlers, styled hair, applied makeup and shaved legs if needed. Switching to a house dress once she was done. By 7:15 she was ready to make breakfast. At 7:30 she prepped showers and woke up her husband and three kids. While they ate she made their lunches.
Her kids boarded the bus at 7:45 and her husband left for work at 8am. She then ate her breakfast and began cleaning up. By 9am she was usually done. Once breakfast was done she started cleaning the house. Shelves were dusted, toilets scrubbed, floors vacuumed sinks bleached and windows print free. This was usually done by 1pm.
After housework was done she checked the weather. Nothing but rain for the next three days. After laying out the rain mat by the door she set down and read The Dutiful Wife Guide. Flipping it open she started at The Rules of Wifehood.
A wife must always appear neat and unfrazzled.
A wife must never wear home clothes outside or outing clothes at home.
A wife must always serve her husband first. The will of the husband is the will of the wife.
A wife’s job is to please her husband.
A wife’s place is to tend to the home and children.
A wife’s purpose is to raise a family
A wife who can’t conceive can’t be a wife
A wife must always get her husband’s approval when going out
A wife may only be attracted to her husband
A wife may only speak if asked to by her husband or to bring up issues of the house.
Once she finished going over the rules she started dinner. Tonight she was making her husband’s favorite, pot roast. Reaching into the fridge she pulled out, four carrots, three stocks of celery and the beef. From the pantry, she grabbed one large onion and two decent potatoes. She rinsed the potatoes, carrots, celery and set to work dicing them. Once they were done she peeled the onion and chopped it up as well. The vegetables were nestled around the roast, water was added until about halfway up and set to slow cook on 300 for the next five hours.
At 3pm the kids return from school. She makes them a light snack of PB&J and sends them to their rooms to do homework. The oldest child, a daughter named Millie, announced that she had something she wanted to say at dinner. She wrote it on the schedule and sent her upstairs with the others.
At 5pm the roast was ready. At 6pm her husband returned and they sit down to eat. Each of the kids goes over their day at school then her husband complains about work. They eat in silence for a few minutes then Millie speaks up.
“My family I have an announcement. I know what I’m about to say may come as a shock.” she pauses as there is a knock at the door. The couple looks at each other as unannounced company past 5pm is a taboo.
Her husband got up and answered the door. He plastered on a fake smile and motioned for the others to as well. Two counselors from the Good Church walked in. The female wore a white cardigan with a tight black knee length skirt. The male a three-piece suit.
“Hi I’m Laura and this is my partner Craig. We are here to discuss a disturbing incident involving your daughter Millie.” The female explained in a high pitched chirp. Millie tried to slink under the table as her siblings slid their chairs away from her.
“What happened exactly?” her husband kept his tone polite but authoritative.
“Well..” the male started. “..she was caught fighting with one of her fellow students. When asked why she said he was being mean to her friend Trixie.”
“Who is Trixie I thought Dominique was her friend?” the father asked.
“As far as I knew there was only Dominique and Katie. She has stayed at their house several times” she answered. She motioned for the other two kids to head upstairs. Millie only sunk lower into her chair.
“You see that’s what we thought as well but when asked they said they never spoke to her before,” Laura explained. “We asked about that but their parents never met her.”
The four adults turned toward the twelve year old. She looked terrified but pulled herself together. Standing up she faced them with all the courage she could muster. Her hands shaking she confessed.
“Trixie is my friend from school. She lives at a sanctuary and has two daddies. I fought Rachel cause she was telling her that she should kill herself cause she has offended God. I don’t believe that God would want that.” She stood there and looked them both straight in the eyes as her entire body shook. “When I was supposed to be at Katie’s or Dominique’s I was at Trixie’s learning acceptance.”
“Well that’s all we needed to know.” Laura chirped. She pulled out and latched a bronze bracelet around the girl's wrist. “If you were an adult it’d be silver but since it was only a few minor bruises bronze for supporting her. After three months of counseling it will be removed. See you tomorrow.” With that they left.
“Explain. Now. Girl.” her husband barked.
Millie sat down and through tears explained all that happened. How the other girls were mean and kept calling him an extremist after what happened with Lucielle. How only Trixie accepted her and his reputation and how Luci used to pass notes back and forth through her. She even explained how during the two week sleepover at Katie’s she was at Lucielle’s wearing black lace and coloring her hair bright blue with chalk.
Her father was furious. He started yelling claiming she betrayed him just like her older sister.Her mom broke down into tears demanding to know where she went wrong. Her siblings could be heard upstairs muttering about how this would kill their reputation.
Once he calmed down she started shaking. She remembered what happened to Lucielle, or Luci as she preferred. Tears in her eyes she remained silent as her father grabbed her arm and drug her to the car.
Mrs. Donnie pulled herself together once they were gone. She cleaned up after dinner and tucked the two kids into bed as it was 8pm. She then went into Millie’s room and packed her things just as she had for Lucielle. Her bathroom was cleared out and her clothes neatly folded in a case. All her toys were put into a box along with her pink butterfly bedding. By 9:30pm it was as if the room had never been used.
She picked up the dutiful wife guide and turned to where she left off. She recited the rules until he returned.
The Husband is the king of the castle, what he says goes
It is the husband’s right to do as he will to the kids so long as it isn’t in sin
It is the duty of the wife to follow the will of the husband
The Husband’s decision is final and may not be challenged
All unmarried children are the property of the husband
A wife may never challenge or question the Husband
When they returned at midnight she didn’t question where they went for she already knew. When her daughter lay crying in her barren bed she offered no comfort as it was her husband’s will. When her daughter went downstairs and left her bag of clothes in one hand and a map in the other she didn’t follow. As the rain fell in sheets and thunder boomed she didn’t worry. For as her husband wished the child was no longer hers.
She cleaned up her house and put the rest of the girl’s belongings in boxes in the garage. If she didn’t claim them in a week they’d be thrown out. Once finished she showered, put on her nightgown, set the alarm and curled up next to her husband to sleep.
Howl woke up to someone knocking on the door. She looked at the clock and was only more confused as it was only 2 am. Groggily she got up and got dressed. She answered the door in her pajamas, shirt buttoned cockeyed and her a tangled mess.
“Hello welcome to Rainbow Road Please come in.” The cold rain pelted her in the face waking her up instantly. Even more confused she looked down at the soggy shivering mess before her.
“Hi I’m M.m.millie, T.trixie’s friend. S.s.sorry to incon...inconvenience you b.b.but I am in n.n.need of a home. I h.h.have only twenty dollars to my n.n.name but I’ll get a job.” The little bundle squeaked.
Howl gathered the kid to her chest and carried her to the common room sofa. She was soaked to the bone and shaking badly. It was unknown if it was from crying or the cold. Howl started combing her over for injuries. It was when she screeched that she stopped to look at her shoulder. Sure enough there was a bloody rose tattoo. Great the mark of the Goth.
“Would you like some cocoa or chocolate cake? How about both while we talk.” she asked gently. “I’ll even tend to your new tattoo. It needs to be covered. Ok?” The little bundle nodded.
“D.d.do you ha.ha.have any d.d.d.dry clothes I can b.b.borrow?” Her shaking was getting worse.
“Sure they might be a bit big but let’s get you warm and changed.” She took her upstairs and ran a hot bath. She put Neosporin and a bandage on the tattoo and set her in the bath. Once she stopped shaking she took her out, dried her off and gave her one of her flannel night shirts. It was way too big but comfy.
Pulling one of the lounge chairs into one of the kitchens many openings she tucked the girl in while she made cocoa. She didn’t push or pry she just let her process at her own pace. Getting kicked out was hard, getting thrown out at twelve was worse.
“Is it okay if I stay here awhile?” The little girl asked.
“Sure Millie no worries. I know your older sister lives in Gothic Manor but it’s not really kid friendly. If you want you can stay with Nat’s mom Charlene for as long as you like.” She paused to offer her food.
“Cake? Ice cream? Both? They’re chocolate.” Howl offered her a slice of chaotic looking confection.
“Umm. not to be rude but I’ve never had chocolate. Father always said it was the Devil’s invention.” She took the plate and stared at it like one would a spider in the bathroom.
“Okay Millie there is only one thing you need to know about this place at your age. Chocolate is life. Trust me, try it.” She offered her a bite of Triple Chocolate Crunch ice cream. The kid’s eyes went wide as she grabbed the container and made for the couch. Howl laughed and followed her with the cake.
They ate in silence for a bit before Millie spoke up again. “Can I still go to school?” she asked.
Howl responded. “If you want we have a school inside if you’d prefer so you don’t have to see Laura tomorrow.”
“No.” she said sleepily. “I want to still be friends with Trixie and see my siblings. School is the only place I can see them now. If they come here they’ll get in trouble.” she started to nod off.
“Why’s that honey?” Howl asked. She tucked a green throw around her and gave her a few of the animal pillows from the chairs.
“Cause it’s Society’s rules. Mom has to obey daddy as do my brothers. Daddy hates what they call the unnaturals. So mommy and them have to as well. But at school they have to interact with everyone regardless of that so we can still talk.” She closed her eyes and barely finished her last sentence before she fell asleep “I wonder if mommy misses me, she didn’t miss Luci or Grace.” Â
Howl held her hand as tears drifted down her cheeks. This is the second kid this week. She studied the bronze bracelet on her wrist. Trixie told her what happened when she came home today. She figured her parents would throw her out which is why they lied to her when she came over those few times.
Howl wiped her eyes and moved Millie to the guest room. Checking the clock and realizing it was only 5am she set an alarm for 7am and left a note for Nami with an address to get her things. She loaded Millies clothes into the washer as the rain pierced through the bag. Unable to sleep she called up Charlene who burst into tears and woke Nat. The three made plans to set up her guest room, in the meantime she’d stay with Howl.
The alarm sounded and Mrs. Donnie woke at exactly 6am. She went to the bathroom and showered. As always she was done by 6:15. She dressed in a silk morning gown and went downstairs to prep breakfast. This included setting the table, juicing oranges, getting out pot/spans, preheating ovens and fetching her husbands paper.
At 6:45 she returned to the main bathroom and groomed. She plucked brows, removed curlers, styled hair, applied makeup and shaved legs if needed. Switching to a house dress once she was done. By 7:15 she was ready to make breakfast. At 7:30 she prepped showers and woke up her husband and two kids. While they ate she made their lunches.
“Have a good day at school.” She called to her oldest, a boy named Tom. The other boy, Tim asked about Millie only to be smacked by Tom.
“We don’t talk about it.” he hissed at his younger brother on the bus.
“But why?” Tim asked.
“Cause those are the rules. Which is why we gotta be different once we grow up. But only after cause if not we get Lucied.” Tom explained
“Okay.” responded his brother. The nine year old had a lot to learn.
Once they were on the bus she walked into the garage. She reached into the box labeled Millie and pulled out her favorite stuffed tiger. She tied a blue ribbon around its neck that said Millie. She then placed it in a box labeled wedding that they kept on the top shelf in the garage.
It settled in next to two others. One was a pink cow with red ribbon that said Lucielle and a parrot with a black ribbon that said Grace. Around the middle of the bird was a black and gold banded bracelet. Beneath was a photo of a happy family of seven. A smiling mom, a cheerful dad, twin girls, another little girl and two little boys. On the back it read: The Donnie family, Mr. & Mrs Donnie, twins Grace and Lucille, little Millie and the boys Tommy and Timothy.
She set the notice of misbehavior next to two others. One for a Lucille which cited her transgression as “Crazy hair color” and one for a Grace which cited “used the incorrect pronoun when referring to herself” as her transgression.
“A wife must always obey her husband. Her husband’s rule is law and his will is the will of the house. Whatever the husband decides must be obeyed. Children are the property of the husband and he may treat them as he pleases so long as it isn’t sinful. Should the husband decide to purge the world of his children a wife’s job is to aid. His rule is law and his will the will of heaven.” She whispered as she pulled Millies social and birth certificate from the box.
Nami and officer Daniels stopped by at 2pm to pick up Millies things. He looked for signs of abuse but never checked the box labeled wedding as those were sacred to the Good Church and he had no warrant nor did she have a gold or black bracelet. Since her husband wasn’t home they couldn’t search him or his office.
Suspicious but with no other options Nami packed up her things and left. They watched as her tail lights faded into the rainy afternoon. Daniels looked at the woman who has, as far as records indicate, banished three kids now.
“Can you answer a question for me?” he asked.
The women nodded. “As long as it pertains to the house.” She responded.
“How can you just cut off three kids that you gave birth to. You treat them like they don’t exist. She just left last night yet there are no photos or any sign she was here.” he’d be the first to admit his tone was rough.
The answer she gave he swears will haunt him for the rest of his life. Her tone nauseated him and the smile she gave chilled him to his bones. The irony wasn’t lost on him as he left The Sacred Path housing community. It was why cops were forbidden from joining the Good Church.
“It’s society’s rules officer. Those that don’t belong don’t exist. Those that don’t exist can never have been. My daughters were just a lie I constructed as they no longer belong therefore never existed. This is the will of my husband and therefore the will of the house.” She chirped at him. There was no sign of guilt or remorse in her eyes. She waved as he left and walked back inside as if nothing unusual had occurred.
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How does it work? do you inflate it? Is it just really vacuum packed foam? Magic?
amazon bring me….my child
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Welcoming the New Guys
Katherine sat at her desk staring at the couple before her. The look of disgust in her mud brown eyes couldn’t have been stronger. Her oak-colored hair was pulled back into a stiff tight bun and not a single hair was out of place. Her pursed lips were highlighted in a nauseatingly pink lipstick that while complementing her blush and liner was applied way to heavily. She wore a light blue business suit whose tight pencil skirt somehow managed to be professional, feminine and double as a restraint at the same time. Her silver heels were about three inches long and pencil thin. Somehow she managed to sit crossed legged in the pink low back chair as she studied the screen before her. Her hands clutching the golden cross on her necklace.
“I see,” she said her voice a judgemental chirp. “According to our records, you served three months in Saint Margarets prison rehab.” The couple across from her shifted uncomfortably.
“Yes.” The smaller of the two squeaked. Her partner put a supportive hand on her shoulder. This wasn’t the first time the two women had to face a sex counselor. It was just a fact of living in this day and age. The smaller woman was dressed like a plaid watermelon. She wore a pair of light green sneakers, pink and green plaid pants, a pink long-sleeved shirt and a pink and green plaid vest. Her hair was in a pixie cut and currently dyed lime green. Her liquid honey eyes watched the counselor's pink manicured nails twist the cross around.
“I see so this is the second time then for both of you. I assume at this point you are aware that same-sex relationships outside of an approved sanctuary is against the law of our Lord.” She turned toward the larger female. Dressed head to toe in black, leather and spikes she had the air of someone who couldn’t care less about her opinion and the build of a marine.
The two females looked at each other. Neither had told their parents yet but this was their third strike. They nodded in agreement it was time. So long outside world, hello prison.
“Good then. Here is a list of approved Sanctuaries in your area. Honestly, I recommend Peter’s Palace but it’s your choice. Choose wisely cause it’s your final one.” She handed them a sheet of paper that had three names on it. “Or if you are up to moving here is your login code for the country database.” She scribbled down a collection of barely legible letters and handed them the paper.
“Good luck ladies.” her voice was anything but reassuring.
Skye was waiting outside the main gate of the Rainbow Road Sanctuary. When she asked Nat to redesign the old cast iron gate this isn’t what she had in mind. Sure the old version was more “Alcatraz chic” but this wasn’t much better.
“Umm Nat I’m not one to judge but what is this?” She looked at the colorful chaos before her. “Is that a unicorn?”
“Honey it just screams open-mindedness.” He clapped his hands together and looked at her with those puppy dog eyes.
“It’s screaming alright just not sure what exactly.” King walked over careful to stay on the rainbow brick driveway. He was wearing his usual black leather speedo thing and spiked black harness, a leather whip was strapped to his side.
“Hey, at least I included your kink in my fabulous mural. Although Sister Margaret was happy since she thought you were the devil punishing a drag queen.” He pointed over towards a section showing a monkey in bondage gear chasing a peacock. “Cause we all know you are so into the Painted Peacock owner.”
“Nat lay off of king, please. King, you need to get to work. I need to get to the main office and Nat please ensure everyone is on their best behavior today we have a pair of lovely ladies taking a tour today. They are checking out Randy’s Rodeo first so make sure your mom is in her office in about an hour.” She took one last look at the newly painted front gate. The old cast iron was now a bright golden color. A large rainbow featured a variety of animals real and mythical making their way down it toting their respective flags being led by a fabulous unicorn. Yep, that’s Nat for you, never what you want but probably what you need.
Laughing she made her way up the quarter-mile long driveway. He even painted the brick road leading up to the main clubhouse. Wait, she stopped to double check it. Nope, not painted. He actually located someone who makes colored bricks and redid the entire driveway. Well, now it’s an actual rainbow road. Hopping into the sole method of travel inside its gates she started the electric golf cart and scooted off.
The main clubhouse was a two-story brick building. The first floor served as her office, the main gathering hall, housed the indoor heated pool and where they hosted amateur drag shows on the last Saturday of every month. The second floor was where Skye, her two sisters, Rose and Raine, and their mom Pheonix lived.
When you first walk in it opens into what most people describe as a giant living room. The entire place was decorated in caribbean pastels. Sky blue walls with beach and forest murals gave it an open feel. Light grass green tile could be found throughout. Wooden benches were placed around a fireplace instead of sofas. Some were decorated with faux moss and fungus.
It looked like a scene from a kids book. Nat’s great-grandfather was inspired by a camping trip he took to Long Key State Park back in 2095. He was commissioned to design the place two years later by Solar Hellion Skye’s grandfather. He jumped all over the opportunity to build a place where he and his partner could live in peace.
Heading to the right and down the hall lined with mushroom lamps takes you to the bathroom/changing rooms and indoor Pool.  It looked like the mermaid’s grotto from the Peter Pan movie. Faux willow branches hung from parts of the ceiling as carved trunks doubled as a towel rack.  In the center of the pool sat a fountain in the form of a mermaid bathing under a waterfall. Yeah, extravagance runs in his genetics.
The true gem, however, was on the other side of the sliding doors that doubled as walls in the pool room. On warm sunny days like these, they are left open creating the illusion of a never-ending room. They opened onto a large stone patio that housed a giant summer kitchen featuring three large grills, one smoker, and a three compartment sink. A mini fridge and chest freezer stored in the indoor common room could be moved outside during special events.
Heading to the left from the living room took you to the common space. A two-story cafe that held a stage used for everything from kid plays to amateur drag shows. Every Saturday they have comedy night and Sunday is half price drinks. Raine had overseen six weddings there so far and a seventh was planned in the fall. The old wood furnishings and fake birds gave it a strange beachy feel that many found comforting. At the far end was the stairs to the second tier.
Heading straight through that first room led to the offices and stairway to the second story. She headed upstairs to change into her work clothes. The ladies would be here any moment and she wanted to make a good impression.
Once changed Skye headed back to the main gate. It was 7pm and they’d be here any second. Sure enough, a bus from Saint Pauls Retrainers pulled up. Out stepped two women. One obviously distressed, the other on the verge of murder.
The upset one was very pixie like, dressed in an ankle length lime green dress and her, also lime, hair pulled back into a bun. She also wore a pair of silver heels she obviously wasn’t used to and a green sweater. Her eyes were red and puffy obviously from crying so much. No doubt Sharon was their counselor.
The other one however was dressed in a similar get up only with purple hair and a black dress. She was much taller than the other and built like a bear. A silver bracelet on her left wrist told Skye all she needed to know. Her and this woman would get along well.
“As you can guess our gate says it all but if you have any questions I’ll be happy to help.” She gestured toward the rainbow monstrosity behind her. Yeah thank Nat for his in your face style.
The small one looked up and gasped. Surely this couldn’t be true. The others said this place was a living hell. There is no way a sanctuary could actually be a safe haven. The taller one went from murder from pure amusement.
“So this is what Catholic hell looks like.” her tone seemed overly cautious. “What’s it called?”
“Yeah we’ve been called that before.” Skye laughed. “Unofficially, Dear Gods Why Nat Why You Know Sharon is Going to Call the Cops Again. But they call it Open Mindedness”.
“They?” the smaller one asked.
“Yeah Nat is asexual and a gender fluid hermaphrodite. If you ask depending on the day it’s short for Nathaniel and others it’s short for Natasha. When they leave Nat prefers he because men have more freedom. Nat is also our resident artist and does most of the detail work around here.”
“And you just accept this. No trying to change us or fix us.” They asked in unison. Skye motioned for them to step onto the first row of rainbow colored bricks. The bus took off leaving them in peace. Once they were further from the road she answered.
“Rainbow Road doesn’t work like most places do. It’d be easier for me to show you because as you’ve seen words are hollow.”
“Alright we’ll give it a shot. I’m Molly and this is my partner Isabell.” The one in black responded.
“I’m Skye and this place was started by my grandfather so he, his wife and his sisters in law could live in peace. We are an open minded group all we ask is that everyone is of age, consenting, no one comes to harm and that it be done in the designated areas. I know the last ones weird but we accept ALL KINDS here.” They pulled up to the main club house. She ran in only to come out a few seconds later.
“It’s early so I need my keys. We are an actual sanctuary so you will see a lot of people who don’t live here on property. This allows those stuck in the “Real” world a chance to escape. The property Itself is broken into two areas. The common ground which is an LGBTQ+ safe space featuring clubs, bars, cafes, gyms and other locations for people to gather and chill. It also has grocery stores and shops since some residents aren’t allowed or don’t feel safe leaving.” She gestured toward the right where they passed a small produce stand and florist.
“Not allowed to leave?” Isabell whispered her voice shaking.
“Yes those who have four plus strikes are banned from polite society” Skye scoffed “unless escorted by a member of the Good Church. Anything they can’t get in here me or Rose will do runs once a week to pick up. This includes medicines and other specialty items. We are hoping to get a few pharmacists, doctors and surgeons in so we can set up a clinic. But until then those who need them must leave which is why even here some things are frowned upon.” She explained.
“Ah so that’s how it’s done. Sorry but me and my girl are one of those banned pairs unless we get three or more months of counseling.” Molly admitted.
“Is cool I’m actually taking you to Nat’s mom Charlene. She is the resident psychologist and proud supporter of pet play, if you know what that is.” Her tone was pretty upbeat.
“Okay then. What’s the second area?” Molly asked.
“Second area is residential. Residents are divided by, what we call, their kink though you’d know it as their mental problem. Back to your earlier question, no we don’t try to fix you because you aren’t broken. We provide a space, or rather spaces, for you to do you.” She pulled up to a restaurant called the Pan Pan. Pulling out her keys she unlocked the door.
“I don’t know about you but it’s like 7:30 am and I haven’t had breakfast. You hungry.” She motioned for them to step inside. “I’ve heard that Saint Pauls Retrainers are big on withholding if you don’t meet their standards. Your hair is stunning so I’m thinking you haven’t eaten in a few days.” She watched Isabell nod slowly as she studied the menu. Molly was a little more hesitant. She was going to need a few weeks.
“One moment. Hey Rose, Laura, Fred I need you guys.” She called toward the kitchen. Three females popped their heads from behind a door. The shortest and roundest of the three came running over to hug her. Her hair was black and done up into two little buns at the top. Blue eyes shined with mischief as a cockeyed smile danced on her lips. Her uniform was a black knee length fluffy dress with a white apron that ended at her thigh. With it was a pair of black leggings and steel-toed non-slip boots. The other two had similar hairstyles but with black pants and long sleeved shirts and white vests. All in all they looked like pandas.
“Molly, Isabell this is my sister Rose and her partners Laura and Fred. Fred is male but the queen around here. Rose can make us a lovely breakfast before you open. These lovely ladies are thinking about moving here from Saint Pauls Retrainers in GA.”
Rose took one look at the girls turned and drug her two accomplices into the kitchen. Their was the faint sound of excited squeaking, the clash of pans, a few slaps and an army of kitchen timers. Around half an hour later they returned with enough food for eight people.
“We got excited,” Fred said sheepishly. The six then sat down at one of the larger tables to eat. A Lot of what was on the table wasn’t on the menu. There were pancakes, sausage, biscuits, eggs both fried and scrambled, bacon, omelets and cereal. Oh and waffles, lots of waffles.
“So what brings you down here.” laura said in her best attempt at a southern drawl. Like Rose, her hair was black and in bear ears but originally it was a deep pine brown. Her amber eyes studied the pair cautiously.
“Same as most people I guess, fell in love with the WRONG person.” The wrong was put in air quotations. Isabell snorted in response which only got a light chuckle from Molly.
“If you don’t mind my asking..” Fred’s voice was hesitant. “..what about your parents?” He looked prepared to slip under the table and run. Rose and Laura traded concerned looks. They both knew his history, good and bad. It was Howl who spoke.
“Fred never really came out. They found out the first day they visited him here. Long story short I threw them and a brother off of a second story balcony. His other brother, Reese was cool about it. Gave me my first three dings and thanked me cause if I hadn’t he would’ve. Now he always wonders if that’s a normal thing.” She picked up bagel as sho spoke casually showing off a silver bracelet.
“Ha, same here except I punched both my dad and hers in the face. I could handle them attacking me but not my honey bunny.” Molly showed the two grooves on hers. After breakfast, the three left leaving Nami and crew to clean up.
They stopped by Sense8 where Queenie, King and Doggo were currently passed out in a bed hosting some plushy ties. Howl noped out of that one pretty quickly. Instead they headed to the painted Peacock. Vainglorious was cleaning up after the last few stragglers. They traded some greetings but for the most part he was busy wiping down tables.
After that a tour of the private residences. Their apartment was located on Pride way. Most were two story townhomes with screened in porches on both levels. Isabel was excited about the rooftop deck which had plenty of room for gardening. It was a two bedroom one and a half bath place with a large kitchen. The Patios overlooked the Neptuna lake.
After approving the apartment they headed to a pastel blue house on Ally way. Charlene and Nat were waiting in the living room with cookies. Howl introduced them, grabbed Nat and left them to their first session.
Charlene was a tiny pixie of a woman. Her hair was curly and red and eyes greener then new spring leaves. Her skin was pale but covered in freckles. She wore a patchwork floral dress and no shoes. She smiled revealing crooked white teeth. She motioned for them to sit.
“Now I know your counseling sessions have been way different in the past. So today I’m here to answer any questions you have about our community.” She took a drink from her cup and set it on a paint splattered table.
An hour later Howl came back and heard the three laughing. She knocked lightly on the open door and walked in. She immediately regretted it.
“That’s whenever Samuel showed up. She was holding this guy by his ankles from the balcony as her mom chanted drop him drop him, from below. I had to subdue Pheonix as Sam ran upstairs to wrangle the guy from her grasp. He barely managed to to but the damage was done. The cop who showed up, Officer Reeves, gave her the silver bracelet.”
“Am I intruding Ladies.” She said with a smile. They nodded no, barely stifling their laughter.
“Will you be staying with us?” she asked. They nodded yes the occasional giggle slipping through. “ Good then, Welcome Home.”
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Jesus himself could descend from heaven and bless me and I’d still question my abilities
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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Setting the Scene
The year is 2140 and conservatives rule the country. Crazy laws have been put in place that dictates every aspect of the citizens' lives. From how they dress to how they procreate. Everything must be approved by the good book.
There are exceptions to the rules. Sixty years after the rise of the new order a few open-minded congressmen banned together and passed the sanctuary law of 2090. This allowed small towns to be built that catered to the unholy behaviors that were banned.
While several of these sanctuaries exist in each state none is larger or more inclusive than the Rainbow Road Reserve. Located in Holopaw Fl at the end of old brick starts the boundaries of the safest place in the U.S. Open to all walks of life they only ask that everyone be of age, consenting, it is non-harmful and done only in specified areas. Aside from that anything goes.
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