#battle of the labrynth
shiftereris · 2 years
KELI MADE A REAPPEARENCE!!! WOOO!! I haven’t sen her since Battle of The Labrynth!!
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blurglesmurfklaine · 1 year
feel like Percy would have Annabeth as “tumor baby” in his contacts
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whynotimtired · 2 years
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sl33py-g4m3r · 4 months
Chaotic Labyrinth - 2 - Battle Theme Medley ~ Megami Tensei Series
Music to cleanse the unclean ones to?
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theamazingmaddyas · 5 months
Apollo Cabin Camper headcanons
Lee was an avid writer, and was planning to go for a Creative Writing before he, you know, kicked the bucket. Michael and Will ended up posthumously publishing his diary as a fiction story (because monsters and all) so that he could have his dream of being a published author. Nico brought Lee a copy in the Underworld.
Michael would only ever call his younger siblings his "little siblings" despite the fact that most of them passed him in height at like 9 or 10.
Will has Michael and Lee's names tattooed on his wrist in their handwriting, as well as a quote from one of Lee's poems on his forearm.
Kayla's known she was a demigod since she was really young, since her father had to explain why she has no mother. Darren could see through the mist, and would just shoot the monsters that came because of Kayla's stronger sent.
Kayla was brought to camp by Hedge when he was in Toronto in TLO (is this a common hc? I feel like it should be)
Austin could play any instrument, except the kazoo. For some reason, he sucked at playing the kazoo.
Jerry's accent was so strong his first summer at camp no one could understand him except for the other internationals.
Yan would hide in the armory with their book so that they didn't have to do sword-fighting or archery practice
Gracie would make rainbow loom bracelets for literally everyone. Even though she came to camp after the Battle of Manhattan and the Battle of the Labrynth, she still made bracelets for her deceased siblings based on Will, Kayla, and Austin's description of them.
Will was protective of the chariot in TLH not because he cared about it, but because Michael cared about it
Lee was born in Connecticut, but lived practically his whole life in NYC, and Michael was from Maine.
The cabin has a world map with push pins indicating where everyone is from. Every camper has also signed the wall around it on the day they were claimed, so there's well over a thousand names by the time PJO takes place.
Cabin 7 has a music room in it's basement, that has every single instrument you can imagine. (Austin is banned from playing the kazoo of course)
The only way the cabin can be cleaned is if It's A Hard Knock Life (Broadway version) (and the reprise as well) are playing. The youngest kid sings at Molly, and they play rock paper scissor to figure out who jumps in the laundry basket like Annie (one time Michael accidently fell asleep and was brought to the laundry room by the harpies. He did not let Lee hear the end of it) (The same thing almost happened to Gracie, but Will found her before the harpies could)
It's tradition that the last day of camp the younger campers write a song for their counselor and play it before bed. There's a binder of all the lyrics of every song dated back to the 1940s on the shelf, when the tradition was started
I'm not even sorry about how many there are, I'm just a tad bit obsessed with Cabin 7 (as indicative of my ao3 fics dedicated to them all)
(Octavian's a legacy and I'm only 150 pages into my reread of Son of Neptune, I can't remember if there are any canon Apollo kids barring Octavian's ancestors.)
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ihadnoideawhattoput · 3 months
PERCABETH headcancon
ok ok ok I haven’t seen anyone else say this and I have to get it out of head. But in the last Olympian what percy asks annabeth for a kiss for good luck and she says comeback alive and we’ll see. I like the think that’s because in battle of the labrynth or how ever it’s spelt when she kissed him before the volcano blew and then disappeared and Percy went to Calypsos island annabeth thought he died.
so when she says come back alive and we’ll see it’s because she is worried when ever she kisses him he might die.
but that’s just me being delulu
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ashthenerdtheythem · 8 months
Dionysus had so much trauma. He was gaslight about his gender for the start of his life, Hera drove his parents past the brink of sanity, he's lost so many kids and he's seen as "the drunk" He is the most human of the gods, maybe because he started off as a human. He played an active role in rasing his kids, he directly disobeyed Zeus' orders after the battle of the Labrynth because his son, his baby had just been murdered, and he had 1 child left and Zeus be fucked, he was going to make sure that he's okay. He has been traumatised so much and he didn't know how to deal with it so he makes sure that this generation deals with it safely, he makes sure that Nico eats, because he is a child that needs to grow and it is so important for his health, and he makes sure that it doesn't fall to Will, because even though he pretends that he's okay, Will is far from it, and Dionysus helps him without pushing it, he takes some of the weight of off his shoulders, he sits him down for talks when he's overwhelmed by everything with the infirmary, and his dad and the new campers, because he gives a fuck. He may be brash and a bit of a dick, but he isn't going to let another child be traumatised the way that he was, and he's going to try his hardest to keep these kids stable, he might not get your name right (because he has to *try* to distance himself or he will fall apart because he can't watch another child he cares about die) but he will talk you through a panic attack, give you a drink and he will make sure that nobody pressures you to act like a human again until you feel ready.
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tillytimeblog · 6 months
if the sea of monsters was the book where i thought the ending was mostly good vibes, the battle of the labrynth is the opposite. i mean all of percy’s friends are going through something personally traumatic/devastating at some point. some of these things get resolved, and some…don’t.
tyson meets his hero, but briares is a shell of himself and even when tyson risks his life to save briares, briares still has given up all hope and just walks out on tyson and the rest of the group. plus tyson finds out the rest of the hundred handed ones have faded into nothingness. we don’t really get much insight into tyson but you can tell it’s constantly on his mind because a lot happens between meeting briares and meeting hephaestus yet tyson feels that is the one very important thing he has to talk about.
clarisse had found chris, driven to madness by minos in the labrynth, and can do nothing but watch him slowly deteriorate worse and worse. we only get a glimpse of chris’s condition but it’s obvious it’s bad, which makes seeing clarisse’s private care for him and her softest side for the first time hurt all the more. clarisse is another person we don’t get much insight to at all, but we know her own experiences in the labrynth plus what happened to chris was enough to make her storm out of the council and swear off the labrynth forever, plus make percy promise to kill daedalus on sight.
rachel only really shows up towards the end, but being thrown into the deep end in the world of monsters getting held captive by swordpoint in the arena plus witnessing pan’s death as the daughter of a huge land developing father is obviously a lot to handle for her. plus she is totally aware of the impact she is having on percy and annabeth’s relationship (way more than percy does) and she clearly doesn’t want to make things rough for them at all, yet she still leaves needing reassurance from percy and a agreement to stay in touch, almost like a lifeline. percy was her sole introduction to the whole truth about the world of monsters after all.
speaking of pan…poor grover, man. his whole life’s ambition was to find pan and save the wild, and he arrives just in time to see the very end of pan’s life. honestly, grover gets a lot of development we only see a glimpse of too. he gets a girlfriend (juniper rocks btw), he spends months out searching, he stands up to the council of cloven elders multiple times, and he takes up the burden of saving the wild upon himself and any satyrs or others willing to listen to him. annabeth says it best when she says grover is growing up, he really is the most mature of the group and he shows it by chanelling his grief into more productivity than anyone else
nico is dealing with his sister’s death very poorly, seeking solace in the worst places (minos) and placing blame where it shouldn’t go. he’s just so, so angry and distraught on the outside and the inside, for numerous reasons. there’s really isn’t a lot to say about him that isn’t already said in the book tbh, nico gets a lot of attention because nico is the number one thing on percy’s mind besides the quest since he feels responsible for nico running away. so we get a lot of explicit nico content as opposed to implicit content for tyson/clarisse/grover. i will say that nico being convinced by minos into going back into the maze specifically to save percy, only to be tricked and captured, hurts much more knowing what we learn about nico much later on
and then there’s annabeth. man, she just has it so, so rough and it hurts so much to read all the different ways life has it in for her. she’s chosen to lead her first quest, the thing she’s wanted to do since she was seven, and everything about it is just terrible. we don’t know this until the next book but luke has already recently visited her and offered for them to run away together, and she turned him down. then she meets janus and is offered to make a choice, which definitely reminds her of the choice she made to leave luke behind. she gets her prophecy and the last line is ‘lose a love to worse than death.’ she’s so shaken by this and doesn’t tell anyone about it, not before or during or after the quest until the very end of summer when she tells percy. she chooses to travel in a group of four knowing it’s unlucky because she really needs the comfort of all the people who care about her. and then she loses them all in the span of like, an hour. tyson and grover split from annabeth and percy even though annabeth is insistent splitting up is a bad idea, then percy blows himself and a volcano up right after annabeth kisses him for real for the first time. she has no one left, and she feels like she has failed. all she can do is go back to camp half blood and cry and wait. for two whole weeks!! for two weeks she probably thought that all three of the people she had left in the world had died because they came with her on the quest!!! or percy at the very least, since grover and tyson could just be stuck in the maze. but percy is absolutely presumed dead, since he ends up crashing his own funeral. annabeth gets to be happy the guy she kissed is back for all of maybe five minutes, because she first realizes he was stranded with calypso and then he tells her his plan to navigate the maze is to call up the cute mortal girl he barely knows so she can do the thing annabeth, daughter of athena, couldn’t. nice going percy. how do you not realize why annabeth is mad at you, dude? anyways, after all that…luke becomes host to kronos. which he warned annabeth about. which wouldn’t have happened had annabeth chose to run away with him and escape his destiny. and because of that choice to not run away again, the guy who was her family after she ran away originally is gone for good. and then what does she do after telling percy the final line of her prophecy, and making enemies with hera? she runs away. before percy has the chance to say something and try to bridge the distance between them. why? we don’t know for sure since it’s percy’s pov and not hers. maybe it’s because they haven’t been able to talk about luke all summer. maybe it’s because percy told rachel he’d like to keep in touch. maybe her heart couldn’t bear to hear him say anything about luke, or rachel, or the two of them. or maybe it’s because she had already read the great prophecy years ago, and knew no matter what he could say or promise, percy was fated to die a year from now anyway.
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booksandpaperss · 9 months
this episode had so much of it's essence from the later books. percy saving annabeth from drowning was an echo the siren scene in sea of monsters. annabeth's "he is alive, I know it" had so much titan's curse energy. the percabeth hug when annabeth and grover found percy alive felt like their hug from battle of the labrynth. annabeth's speech to hephaestus about wanting to be different from the gods and hephaestus telling her he does too felt very last olympian. need i go on
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spr1g4t1t0 · 6 months
actual pjo brainrot
like a week ago, i said to my friend "im about to read percy jackson for the first time, im going to be insufferable sorry in advance" AND GUESS WHAT? IM SO INSUFFERABLE AND IM NOT EVEN DONE WITH THE BATTLE OF THE LABRYNTH YET. i fear my attatchment to medias to the point of insufferability is my fatal flaw
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 months
your blog layout reminds me of that one video that's like the nerd vs geek rap battle overlaid on the labrynth by miracle musical . . are oyu a nerd or a geek
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master List - 43.0
January 2023, 1st thru 20th
Amazoness Golden Whip Master
Amazoness Pet Liger King
Amazoness Secret Arts
Amazoness Silver Sword Master
Amazoness Spiritualist
Amazoness War Chief
Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti
Baku the Beast Ninja
Bayerock Dragon
Black Feather Whirlwind
Black Shadow Squall
Blackwing - Boreastorm the Wicked Wind
Blackwing - Chinook the Snow Blast
Blackwing - Shamal the Sandstorm
Blackwing - Sudri the Phantom Glimmer
Blackwing - Twin Shadow
Blackwing - Vata the Emblem of Wandering
Blackwing - Zonda the Dusk
Black-Winged Assault Dragon
Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous
Branded Beast
Branded Regained
Bystial Druiswurm
Bystial Magnamhut
Bystial Saronir
Celestial Apparatus Tesea
Cucumber Horse
Curse of Aramatir
Decisive Battle of Golgonda
Destructive Daruma Karma Cannon
Dinomight Powerload, the Dracoslayer
Donner, Dagger Fur Hire
Dragonic Pendulum
Freki the Runick Fangs
Ghoti Cosmos
Ghoti Fury
Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti
Han-Shi Kyudo Spirit
Ignis Phoenix, the Dracoslayer
Infernalqueen Salmon
Ixeep, Omen of the Ghoti
Kagero the Cannon Ninja
Kashtira Birth
Kashtira Fenrir
Kashtira Ogre
Kashtira Preparations
Kashtira Shangri-Ira
Kashtira Unicorn
Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle
Laughing Puffin
Majesty Pegasus, the Dracoslayer
Meizen the Battle Ninja
Mereologic Aggregator
Muckraker From the Underworld
Naturia Blessing
Naturia Camellia
Naturia Mole Cricket
Ninjistu Art Notebook of Mystery
Ninjitsu Art of Dancing Leaves
Ninjistu Art Tool - Iron Digger
Original Bamboo Sword
Prediction Princess Bibliomuse
Prediction Princess Tarotreith
Psychic Rover
Rex, Freight Fur Hire
Scareclaw Decline
Scareclaw Twinsaw
Shamisen Samsara Sorrowcat
Silent Wolf Calupo
Simul Archfiends
Snopios, Shade of the Ghoti
Soul Scissors
Spright Double Cross
Spright Sprind
Stars Align across the Milky Way
Tearlaments Grief
Tearlaments Heartbeat
Tearlaments Rulkallos
Tearlaments Scream
Terrors in the Hidden City
The Bystial Alba Los
The Bystial Lubellion
The Great Noodle Inversion
Tilting Entrainment
Tobari the Sky Ninja
Tri-Brigade Showdown
Turbo-Tainted Hot Rod GT19
Underworld Ritual of Prediction
Vaylantz Wakening - Solo Activation
Vera the Vernusylph Goddess
Vernusylph in Full Bloom
Vernusylph of the Misting Seedlings
Wollow, Founder of the Drudge Dragons
Worldsea Dragon Zealantis
Yorishiro of the Aqua
Zalamander Catalyzer
Zep, Ruby of the Ghoti
Agido the Ancient Sentinel
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amratsu · 1 year
I know I talk about lab a lot but. yugioh is SO GOOD at translating completely different things into its gameplay. labrynth would be so easy to make into a dungeon crawler.
the furniture alerts the rest of the mansion and sets up a big event if you don't stop them. cooclock jumpscares tyou and makes it seem like the next thing to hit you came out of nowhere. archfiend is the combat boss so they bring in the combat tricks, and scales to your level. the servants need to be handled quickly or they set up everything else in the mansion for you. not combat threats but more like level themes, but if you leave them alive they'll also make your life miserable. devil's choice.
-ariana? she's the polite entry level servant. thematic. introduces you to the place so she searches for other lab things. does her job. -ariane? more charismatic. probably recruited other fiends to hang out in the labyrinth, that's why she can recruit any generic fiend. but she seems a little headstrong so she gives up something else to do so. -arias? she's the midboss, you have to handle her NOW or you get that shit dropped on you IMMEDIATELY, and she's CREATIVE, it doesn't have to be a lab trap. -I hope the next aria (arial? ariad?) is big and in your face. she looks like a kusogaki.
and lab herself. LAB.
standard lovely. you WILL experience her traps (cannot respond to traps with monster effects, she brings them back from grave), and they ARE fatal (no matter what the trap effect, someone fucking dies.) lady lab? battle mode? she's improvising. bringing in the new stuff. she fucking sprinted out of her inner chambers to fight you. this is her regalia, her sunday best, as long as she's in her element you gotta face her HEAD ON (can't be targeted or destroyed by card effects)
EVEN THE BACKLINE. welcome and big welcome? FOE encounter events. welcome just brings in what you're fighting, real simple, and if you fuck up again you're gonna have another encounter event, so it comes back. big welcome is laby coming in a bumping someone else out of the way for the fight cause she's just like that. farewelcome? you let it go off, you go home. BYE. you reset the traps too, idiot. set up is set up. barrage is when you're stupid unlucky and get an RNG double dip. and the field spell is just icing on top. it tells you exactly what this stratum will do to your face. the lady's inventions will kill you. and the generic stuff will call the rest of the fucking roster to finish you off.
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moss-sprouted · 1 year
huh i just realized
all of the boys from the prophecy of seven, have had near(or actual) death experiences as of trials of apollo
percy getting blown up in battle of the labrynth
leo actually dying and then getting revived in the blood of olympus
jason with both his sort of death in the lost hero and then his actual death in the burning maze
and frank's almost death in the tyrant's tomb
And all of them have been presumed dead and mourned, and its weird that the only one with two deaths is the only one still dead
where as im pretty sure with the girls, only hazel has died
i wonder if we ever get more from the argo crew,if annabeth or piper might have near death experiences too but,god i hope not
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foggyfanfic · 1 year
Love and Fury Master List
Fic Summary: When the goat herders daughter drops a plate of food in Pepa's lap then immediately asks Pepa's crush to dance, Bruno becomes determined to secure a sincere apology for his wronged sister. On the other hand, Leandra deeply regrets throwing food at Pepa, but when she saw the guy who raped her best friend putting something extra in Pepa's drink she panicked! It was the first thing she could think of to get Pepa out of there. She'll explain the situation to Bruno, she will, but right now he's the only thing keeping her safe from that creep. Pre-Movie AU, Some Darker Themes, No "on-screen" rape
Now on Ao3!
Word Count: 165k (not the chapter list, the fic)
Part 1:
1. Panic! At the Quinceanera
2. Bad Luck Bruno
3. A Careful Dance
4. Book Club
5. Silly Games
6. A Change of Scenery
7. A Gift Exchange
8. Sandcastles
9. Bad News
10. Battle Lines
11. Recasting
12. Uncomfortable Conversations
13. Planning and Fretting
14. Round One
15. Matter of Perspective
Part 2:
16. Round Two
17. Letting Off Steam
18. Round Three
19. Detective Bruno
20. The Gauntlet
21. Tease
22. Listening Ears
23. Poetry in Motion
24. Do or Die
25. The Morning After
Part 3:
26. Call to Action
27. Almost There
28. Can't Spell Party Without Trap
29. Fall Out Niño
30. Trials and...
31. Malidicion
32. The Queen and The Big Bad Wolf (just smut)
33. Tribulations
34. Happy Endings to Come (also pure smut Not anymore oops)
35. Rosalie's Revenge
36. Epilogue: Pepa's Party
Mirabel's Super Secret Adventure
The Jorge Situation
(Still Writing)
One Shots
Poorly Hidden Gems
Of Men and Yelling
Of Mothers and Mysteries
The Labrynth
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You ever think that in Battle of the Labrynth when Percy sacrificed himself Annabeth was reliving how she felt when Thalia did the same? Guilt and blaming herself and wondering if she was ever good enough in the first place? Just something to ponder
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