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geekbroll · 6 years ago
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The Dark Knight Returns by Craig Bruyn @craig_bruyn - Colors by me. #batman #batmanfanart #superman #thedarkknightreturns #darkknightreturns #bvs #thedarkknight #darkknight #dccomics #dccomicsfanart #craigbruyn #batmanarmor #hulkbusterarmour #coloring #digitalcoloring #batmanvssuperman #batmanvssupermandawnofjustice #frankmiller (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoBOMVIhmw8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mpfb6vifjgvg
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maskentertainment-blog · 7 years ago
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#Barney #Snoopy #KungfuPanda #Hellokitty #Olaf #Princess Sophia #Elmo #jackpirate #angrybirds #Mickey #Minnie #Minnion #Ninjaturtle #Legoman #Minecraft #Winnepooh #Dora #Bunny@Rabbit #Santa #Pikachu pokemon #Spiderman #Ultraman #Darkvader #CaptainAmerica #Powerranger #Ironman #Optimusprimesmall #Bumblebeesmall #Batmanarmor #Optimuspremier #Bumblebeepremier (at Selangor)
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downtownfx-blog · 8 years ago
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The second update video for my Batman Armor is up on YouTube!!! The link is in the bio!!!! Enjoy!!! Josh Brown Downtown FX #batman #batmanvsuperman #dawnofjustice #batmanarmor #batfleck #cosplay #pepakura #dalidiy #dalilomo #theherotutorials #heroesworkshop #eviltedchannel #seanxieng #cosplaychris #itsjustcosplaybro #cosplayersdoitbest #downtownfx (at The Batcave)
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pedro-demetriou · 5 years ago
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🦇 2 0 1 6 🦇 #illustration #comicbooks #comics #illustratorsofinstagram #illustrationdaily #makersgonnamake #makersofinstagram  #artistsoninstagram #batmancartoon #batman #batmanandrobin #gotham #arkham #joker #dc #dcuniverse #dccomics #arkham #darkknight #bvs #batfleck #batmanarmor #darkknightreturns https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6DdMpBYAz/?igshid=1peh4y96fpfoe
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maak1780 · 7 years ago
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Gracias #papanoel por estos dos #funkopops exclusivos #miguelcocopixar #batmanarmored #coleccionables #funko (en Dorado)
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drawingdarius · 7 years ago
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#nycc2017 #batman #batmanarmored #cosplay (at Javits Center)
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sandrocoleciona · 7 years ago
Testando os spots na estante do Cavaleiro das trevas. #meusitens #minhasestatuas #minhasfiguras #minhaestante #minhacolecao #ironstudios #BatmanBlackCostume #batman #batmanstatue #thedarkknight #cavaleirodastrevas #batmanarmored #frankmiller #darkknightreturns (em São Luís, Brazil)
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kasin13 · 7 years ago
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#PS4 #ps4share #DC #Sony #DCUO #Comics #dcuonline #batmanarmor
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downtownfx-blog · 8 years ago
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If this is how it looks with the old and crappy looking armor, I cannot friggin wait until I have the new armor built. #batman #batmanvsuperman #dawnofjustice #batmanarmor #batfleck #papercraft #pepakura #dalidiy #dalilomo #theherotutorials #heroesworkshop #downtownfx (at The Batcave)
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thebatmanshelf · 7 years ago
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Funko Mystery Minis Batman V Superman: Batman (Armoured). #thebatmanshelf #batman #batmancollection #batmanfigure #batmanfan #batmaneverything #batmancollector #batmancollectibles #batmanactionfigure #batmanfunko #funkomysteryminis #batmanvsuperman #batmanvssuperman #bvs #batmanvsupermandawnofjustice #batmanarmored #armoredbatman
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sandrocoleciona · 8 years ago
“Ele trouxe a guerra até nós, Alfred!”. Estátua Battle Damaged Armored Batman da @ironstudios. #meusitens #batman #batmanarmored #ironstudios #BattleDamagedArmored Batman #batmancollection #bvs #batmanvsuperman #minhasestatuas #BatmanStatue #minhacolecao #minhaestante (em São Luís, Brazil)
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eahernandezart · 9 years ago
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I posted some images of the design process for this cover on my instagram (@eahernandez_art), but these are the final inks. Figure I'll eventually get to get some colors on this piece in the future, but for now I'm happy with just inks. This one took a while (the armor and all) but it was fun throughout.
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lunatiksart · 10 years ago
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My Armored Batman sketch from Batman vs superman
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downtownfx-blog · 7 years ago
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Hello all! Im still alive! Its been way too long since ive posed so i thought I'd leave you with some WIP Batman Armor pics! Most of these hace never been seen so you guys are in for a treat! Enjoy! . P.s.: I'm still working super hard on Iron Man, but I'm waiting until i have a bit more armir done to show it off. . . #batman #batmanvsuperman #dawnofjustice #Batfleck #batmanarmor #cosplay #Pepakura #heroesworkshop #theherotutorials #foamsiah #evilted #thebobrossoffoam #dalidiy #dalilomo #cosplaychris #cosplayersdoitbest #seanxieng #itsjustcosplaybro #cosplayersofinstagram #wip #downtownfx (at The Batcave)
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sandrocoleciona · 8 years ago
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Sim, você sangra!! Estátua Battle Damaged Armored Batman -Batman vs.Superman: Dawn of the Justice -1/10 Art Scale da @IronStudios. Edição limitada (sei lá quantas 1.000), produzida com base em referências originais do filme Batman vs Superman e do ator Ben Affleck que interpreta pela primeira vez o Homem-Morcego no cinema. #ironstudios #ArtScale #BatmanStatue #euquero #BatmanvsSuperman #BattleDamagedArmored Batman #batmanarmored #BatmanvsSupermanDawnoftheJustice #benaffleck #HomemMorcego #DCComics #Batman #FrankMiller #thedarkknightreturns
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