#batman sasha
vdragon-creations · 4 months
TMayNT Day 25: Your Turtlesona
Day 25 of @tmaynt Prompt: Your Turtlesona!
*breaths in deeply*
I think you fuckers know exactly what and who I'm about to gush over for a bit! Let 's do this shit! XD
So for those that are new to me and my content, Hi! And I'm not sorry for the lore dump I'm about to bash you over the head with! For those of you that ARE aware of me, heyyyy! I'm gunna hit you over the head with my lore once again!
This is Sasha The Cheetah!
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I guess you could call her a "Turtlesona", but I don't really see her as an extension of myself, so she's really just a Fan Character! One of the first ones I've ever made actually. If you wanna know more about her and her other versions (She has 11 for fuck sake!) I'll link her very own in depth post, along with the posts I made for Fortnite and Mutant Mayhem Specifically as well, since they came along later. The major Sasha Post, Mutant Mayhem, and Fortnite!
2003 Sasha (The one in front with the pointy crystal on her neck), was the first version I ever made. She started out VERY different then what she now, and when the Turtles Forever movie came out, that's when I started playing with the idea of more versions of her. And Well...you see where that led me!
Each version, while the same character, all have their own distinct personalities and goals. Their relationships with the turtles even differ in a few versions. Even their Backstories differ a lot, as in some, she's a mutated Cheetah, others she's a human turned into s mutant! Their powers and abilities are also vastly different from version to version! In some she has power over electricity and wind, others she's a healer, some only have the ability to cast magic, in some they have no powers what so ever, and in one in particular, SHE A LITERAL FUCKING GOD!
The core similarities tho at the heart of each one are:
She is a Cheetah. (Of some variant.)
She has a strong bond with Donnie. (Be that romantic or otherwise.)
Cares deeply for their motivations in life.
And with each version, I do my best to convey which version of the TMNT through how they are drawn! Now, of course, some of my own style will peek through in each one. But I do my best to make it easy to tell which Sasha goes with which set of turtles. And I've done my best to make each version fit with the lore and story that their version of the TMNT goes by. (In some cases not enough is known, so I'll play with it a bit in those cases.)I've even thought about Voices for each one, currently still working on that post. (It's a monster of a post, but I'm hoping it will be worth it.)
I could keep going for hours, but. I don't wanna waste more of your time then I already have! Thank you for your time! And I hope you like my cheeb baby! She's my pride and joy, and i hope you at least found her interesting! (And if you checked out her other posts, uhhhh, let me know what you think. you know....if you want. X3)
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sunriseovergotham · 4 months
characters have to be a little bit awful in ways that you cant defend. its good for the ecosystem. your honor he did do that. He did in fact do that
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mrdogface · 9 days
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jayladfanpage · 3 months
What do you think is the most important trait for Jason? This is totally the first time I've ever asked you this question
Yep totally the first time. I didnt accidentally delete the first ask at all
Anyway the answer is his hypocrisy.
Now, I know I talk a lot about Jason's love and his fears and stuff, but I think all of his everything can be better understood through his hipocrisy and his actions vs his words. Here's some instances that stick out to me:
• Sasha/Scarlet from Batman and Robin (2009)
One of Jason's Most Hated Things is the concept of child sidekicks. He hates that shit so much. However, he literally kidnaps a child from a mental health facility to make her his sidekick.
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[Batman and Robin Vol.1 #3]
(While Morrison's Jason is... far from good, the concept of Sasha is one of my absolute favorites, so we're talking about it.)
Jason preaches about Batman being morally wrong for having another Robin after his death, and yet he takes Sasha with him to bloody, disgusting massacres he commits, and encourages her to participate in his "branding," exposing her to the violence of his beliefs.
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[Batman and Robin (2009) #4]
BUT!! It's important to note that Jason cares about Sasha a lot. To the point where he's willing to work with Dick and Damian to get her to safety (aka, with him).
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[Batman and Robin (2009) #25]
He actively teaches her violence and hatred and these very polarizing beliefs, and he does that because he loves her.
• Jason's idea of a criminal in Beast World
We all know Jason's backstory. We all know he stole the tires of the Batmobile and that's how he met Bruce. That story implies that Jason committed a lot of petty theft before he got picked up by Bruce, and it was his main source of income.
In UTRH, it's talked about how Jason belives that Bruce isn't effective against the "dress-ups" because they know he won't kill them, implying that Jason kills to scare said dress-ups, the bigger fish.
However, in the Scavengers story, we get this speech bubble:
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[Beast World: Gotham: Scavengers (2024)]
Jason, as a child, is willing to do what he needs to survive, and yet kills other people who are doing the exact same thing. He talks about hunting down the bigger fish but we never get to see him actually do that at any point. (Seriously, the only Rogue I can remember him killing is Captain Nazi. Which was 8 years ago.) Instead, we get canon confirmation that he harms the little guy, the ones who are just trying to get by.
• Robin vs Red Hood and sex work
When Jason is Robin, we see him hurt pimps and (maybe) kill Felipe Garzonas for sexually assaulting women. He's pretty strongly against the abuse that comes with sex work.
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[Batman (1940) #422 and #424]
But in UTRH, it's stated that Jason literally becomes a pimp.
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[Under The Red Hood (2006)]
There's nothing to indicate that he treats his girls any better or any worse than other pimps in Gotham, but the fact he becomes a pimp at all is enough to prove my point.
(That panel is also the best way to show my... mild distaste for utrh)
There are definitely plenty more instances of things like this but those were the first to come to mind. Hope the answer is satisfactory!!
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soranatus · 1 year
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“Good job ya jerks, you broke EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY!”
Ryan Barr’s illustrated poster for Free Comic Book Day!
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multi-fandom-enjoyer · 5 months
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Bruce lands in front of Barry, Kara, and Y/n, who were all crowded around each other.
Bruce: What happened. Where's the emergency?
Y/n: There is none. We knew you wouldn't come unless you thought there was one.
Kara: We just wanted to show you this...
She moves a curtan out of the way to show him a "Happy Bat(man) Appreciation Day!" banner.
Bruce: W-wow, thank you.
Y/n: You're welcome. We thought it was the least we could do after we missed International Batman Day.
Kara smiled and lightly nudged you in the ribs as Barry began talking to Bruce.
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iris-echos · 3 months
Guys i need a quote for a thing does anyone have an iconic/funny quote (it needs to be school appropriate tho) from anyone in the batfam, the magnus archives, welcome to nightvale, dungeons and daddies, or any of my other fandoms if you now what they are
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seilnakyle · 4 months
Babs rescuing Bruce from awkward social interactions at galas is one of my fave things
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how has no one made an AU fic of the Batfamily as drag queens with Bruce as the House Mother. can you IMAGINE. "The Legendary House of Wayne" oh i'm SICK. Alfred never really considering himself a part of the House because he doesn't do drag but he did raise Bruce, Cass as a completely silent drag queen/king called Hush or something, Steph who also doesn't do drag and also isn't officially a part of the House but Bruce still sees her as a daughter(ie he was still the one to teach her how to do makeup and style outfits and such just like his drag daughters), Bruce viewing Jason searching for his birth mother as a rejection of the House, DAMIAN still being Bruce's only biological child who has no idea where he fits in the family and doesn't understand House structure, Dick being so lost and angry and never wanting someone to replace his parents but accepting Bruce as his drag mother but not "real mother", leading to painful misunderstandings, DUKE originally having two loving, supportive parents and only knowing the House because he's friends with Tim/Steph/Cass, coming to live with Bruce after his parents are hospitalized, and the emotional moment of him becoming Bruce's drag daughter 🥹
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cutebat · 2 months
Decided to draw Noelle and Sasha from the neglected batfam series, even though nobody asked
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(This is them in another universe)
And yes, they are part of my Batgirl series.
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mcudc616 · 3 months
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supergirl || the flash (2023)
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vdragon-creations · 2 years
Two sides of the same coin!
I adore drawing Batman Sasha so much! Both her identities are so much fun! Drawing her "Dancer's" outfit is always fun cause of the really pretty flow of the fabric, but I have to keep the references cause I always seem to forget something! Same with her Mirage outfit, but I will admit that the mask hiding the face sucks cause I love drawing expressions!
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Dating the Girl of Steel
Kara Zor El Headcanons
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On your world, you were the child of Diana Prince and Steve Trevor, a demi-demi god so to speak. Your mother sent you out with your sword and shield to protect the Earth from the arrival of Zod.
Didn’t take long for the Barrys to seek you out, you were more than happy to join them.
You met Kara when you helped the Barrys and Bruce free her.
You were the first kind hand to touch hers. Her hand immediately wrapped around yours. “You’re safe” you tried to reassure her.
You aided this makeshift Justice League, as Barry Prime called it, in the battle against Zod. In fact, it was you that saved Kara from Zod’s arm blade. You were struck in the shoulder but it allowed Kara an opening to kill Zod and send the Kryptonian army fleeing, saving the earth.
“I though i lost you” Kara whispered as she held you
“Not yet” you answered back with a smirk.
Kara was stuck like glue to you from that point on, even after Barry Prime went back to fix his timeline
You, Kara, Barry 2, and Bruce, meanwhile, began forming your own version of the Justice League, scouring the globe for other hidden meta humans. It’s still a work in progress but hey that’s being a team.
You and Kara train daily, both in the Batcave and in your personal quarters ;)
It took a long time for Kara to begin showing any emotion or affection. You didn’t blame her, it was hard for her, growing up in a Serbian prison cell that had no care for her.
You took your time with her, showing her little signs of love, gentle caresses of her hand, shoulder touches, little gifts for her. The little things that slowly brought her out of her shell.
Now that she’s free to show love, she can’t stop showing it to you. She jumps on your back, kisses your lips and neck whenever she can. She holds your hand any chance she can.
Kara loves going on dates with you when you’re not both busy saving the world.
She’ll take any sort of date. Library, dinner, movie, walking down the streets of Gotham.
One of her favorite things to do is take a nice warm shower with you. Something about you just holding her as the water cascades down your backs just makes her feel loved.
Barry, a little jealous, still cheers the two of you on, “your ship totally beeves!”
You and Kara still don’t know what that means.
“You’re like a power power couple!”
Bruce, while he may look disapprovingly on you, he actually approves.
Kara helps Barry hone his speed skill and slowly but surely become his universe’s fastest man alive.
Kara loves sleeping as the little spoon. Makes her feel safe to have your arms wrapped around her.
Energy? Kara can go for rounds in training. And many rounds in your room.
Bruce bought you and Kara an apartment in the best part of Gotham. And since he didn’t have kids of his own, Bruce got legal documents listing Kara as his adopted daughter. Makes it easier to get places for missions. Or so Bruce says.
After saving the world countless times, you and Kara decided to take a leap year, time to travel the world and just enjoy each other’s company.
It was during this trip that Kara officially met your parents on Themyscira. Diana took a liking to Kara immediately.
You and Kara found yourselves just loving to hike and enjoy the sights of your home island.
It was on one hike on Themyscira that Kara asked you an important question.
“My love,” she asks you uneasily, “if we ever have a baby boy, can we name him Kal?”
“Kal? After your cousin? I love it!” You gave her a little hug and kiss on the forehead, earning a giggle from the Maiden of Might.
You love Kara with all your being. You pledged your soul, your sword and shield to her.
“Is that your way of proposing?” She asks you with a giggle.
“Maybe it is”
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mrdogface · 9 days
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greg rucka GETS huntress and her always deadass correct reads on the batman family
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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New official character posters for The Flash (2023 movie)
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
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“When we first tagged you, we assumed you weren’t one of Batman’s agents. Stupid of us. There isn’t a vigilante in Gotham who doesn’t work for him, whether they know it or not.”
DC #775
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