#batman arkham knight spoilers
sparkleofstardust · 4 months
so it turns out that you get a different dialogue when you finish the two face sidequest after the main story
what an interesting way to address the different facets of bruce wayne and batman. and to see how confident harvey is in his assessment of what the "real" face is. makes you really wonder how well harvey and bruce truly knew each other
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mentatss · 1 year
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batman: arkham knight | 4/4
i freaking love the progression of his cape throughout the game, esp in the 2nd pic how u can see it
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finzphoenix · 3 months
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OMGOMGOMG; ARKHAMVERSE SCARECROW FACE REVEAL?!!! 😳😳😳 He's got the glasses, he's got the nose, the tired eyes, he's got the stitched gas mask, he's walking away from a fear toxined builduing like a badass - he's perfect?? 🔥🔥🔥
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Arkham Knight AU were everything is the same except The Arkham Knight isn't Jason
It's Stephanie
Because unlike Jason Stephanie was actually left to die by Bruce
The line "How long did you wait before replacing me? A month? A week?! I trusted you! And you left me to die!" is so much more tragic coming from Steph because unlike Jason it's true
Bruce didn't want to replace Jason Tim just kinda forced himself into Bruce's life whereas he only made Steph Robin to piss off Tim and didn't even bother saving her from Black Mask and didn't even respect her enough to take off his mask as she died
Her being The Arkham Knight would fit so well
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 month
Batman: Caped Crusader might just have the most underwhelming Two-Face design in all of media. I mean, look at this:
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Yeah, it looks messed up, but compare it to other Two-Faces in the past:
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Not only do the colors help show the DIVIDE of the character's features, but they really went all out in showing how grotesque Two-Face can get. Even in the golden age, which the show bases most of its design influence on, looks better than Caped Crusader's design.
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It's not grotesque, but there's still a sense that it's a man's features split in two. But in Caped Crusader, the features blend together too much you can't really see that divide. It's just so...disappointing.
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mottemort · 1 year
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventure Jason Todd - Arkham Knight fanart/edit
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purpleofmadness · 6 days
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Arkham bat family, but if it was epic.
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molloh · 7 months
I really don't know if I'm being paranoid or smth (very likely I am) but is it just me who noticed this when playing arkham knight?
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They way they both asked "Batman is that you?" when they're both clearly injured (don't know a better way to put it lol)
OH and then the way batman also says this to both of them
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Like- my heart is aching now :( I just wanna make sure someone else noticed this or if I'm the first
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
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someone wouldn't listen to his riddles
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savingthegeneration · 7 months
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Gotham needs something more, something worse…to defend her. She needs a new myth, a legend more powerful than I can be right now. A legend that can only rise from the ashes of the Batman.
Batman: Arkham Knight (2015) dev. Rocksteady Studios
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sparkleofstardust · 4 months
ahahaha. ouch
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arkhamasyl-m · 10 months
Thinking about the missed potential in Arkham Knight with the Joker stuff. Like the main antagonist is this guy who was tortured by the Joker for years, and is completely traumatised by him even long after his death. Then over here we have his Dad, who is literally becoming the Joker. Not once did Joker take control of Batman, while he was with Jason.
Imagine if there was a scene where Batman started acting like the Joker, mannerisms and all, while he was fighting Jason, or fighting somebody with Jason watching. Imagine seeing this guy you have a love-hate relationship with, but ultimately he’s still your father, but while you are trying to avenge yourself and secretly wanting to reconcile with him, he starts becoming the man who tortured you. Maybe he would be one of the few characters to notice Batman acting weird, and he would recognise the body language as the Joker’s, leading to emotional drama…
But alas, this never happened because it seems the Arkham Knight/Scarecrow stuff is completely separated from the Joker blood stuff, which is unfortunate.
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finzphoenix · 6 months
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frootertooter · 3 months
Really really long ass rant/ slight analysis? (I dunno what to call this) about Arkhamverse Scarecrow's progression, design, and Rocksteady's environmental storytelling:
I seriously love the world building/design/environmental storytelling around him so damn much- Especially with Arkham Shadows coming out (they better put some cool ass Scarecrow sequences in it since it's in VR), you get to see how he started out as just a guy in a stitched up gas mask. Professor Jonathan Crane in the fullest
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Nothing over the top yet (might change, Shadows isn't out yet), until then we hit Arkham Asylum- This game shows us 2 Scarecrow costumes. The one presumably before his incarceration, and the one he wears while inside the asylum.
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Inside the asylum, his costume is made of stitched up chunks of inmate uniforms, he's resourceful, he has a higher pitched, cackly voice at the time. He knows his way around the asylum and creates a makeshift secret lair within it. He also knows the doctors within, and uses his experience as a psychologist to trick them during the patient interviews. He even tricks the players when you first listen to the tapes, making you assume the person speaking is the interviewer, and not Scarecrow manipulating/ using the interview tapes as a means to experiment on the doctors. He's even hinted at to have possibly worked at, or with the asylum at some point before he became Scarecrow? (goon dialogue in Arkham Knight)
Favourite quote from the tapes: "I believe he is quite sane. Just evil"
His next change, like his Asylum design, was a result of him being forced to adapt. He gets mauled by Killer Croc in the sewers, barely surviving with his face ripped apart, leg broken, and presumably his throat torn.
Although not present in the second game, the environment of Arkham City shows that Scarecrow is planning on a comeback. There's his mask hidden away, a few goons of his scattered about, and cannisters of fear toxin that you can find in Riddler's rooms and Hush's lair. He's building up connections again, getting ready for the next game.
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^^ Using his masterline figure bc it's the only brightened detailed full body image I could find of him (even his in game character trophy has the brightness turned all the way down sobs)
His Arkham Knight design reveals just how much damage Croc did to his body, and how much he's had to adapt. His left leg now has to wear a brace, giving himself a notable squeaking and clacking noise whenever he walks. His right eye is now glassy since he was blinded by the attack, and much of his nose had now been ripped off. So much of his mouth was ripped apart that he can't even close it anymore. Because of his adaptability however, he uses it all to his advantage. As hinted by conversations in game, Crane likely purposefully had his facial reconstruction surgery make himself look like his Asylum costume's mask-
The gas canisters attached to his face and the tubes attached to his throat is likely is what changed his voice into a low gravely tone. His skin now looks like ripped/stitched together cloth, with string tying his lower jaw to the top (don't ask me how he talks with no lips)- He now walks, talks, and acts menacingly, a far cry from his more cartoonish acts in the Asylum.
Yet despite that, he still draws back to his knowledge and familiarity from his Asylum days in Knight. Using his psychologist background, he appeals and teams with every supervillain he can in Gotham, just as the Joker had done back then. He builds his base at the Asylum, bringing Batman over in restraints and ending the game franchise where it had all started.
God I just- he's so cool, I love the world building in the Arkham games, I love the map designs, the character changes, etc. Rocksteady did such a good job at environmental storytelling
Even the foreshadowing bit with Scarecrow's speech on the blimp in Arkham Knight blew me away ksdkfd- "What can you see? A city engulfed in fear? Betrayed by those you trust the most? Your darkest secrets revealed?" He did all that, he tore Batman's legend apart, but even then it didn't break the bat :')
Ofc I still have my issues with Arkham Knight's story (WHY WAS THERE NO SCARECROW BOSS FIGHT...) but overall the series' progression based, environmental storytelling imo is phenomenal
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mrsegbert · 5 months
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Arkhamverse!Batjokes moodboards!
Been wanting to make moodboards for (almost) every rendition of Batjokes for some time now, and what better day to release the first batch than their anniversary?
Plus, a bonus City one based off the monochrome theme the cover and posters had
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I’ve been thinking with this gotham war arc, and the last catwoman issue when bruce apparently did something unknown to jason, and you know the cyclical way of comics, specially the fact that jason seems to be the main focus (at least concerning the bat-sons) that I believe someone may die, with the whole “I’ll kill you” to jason and “my soldiers”, seriously what the hell was that? I get it bruce, you’re losing it, big time! But come on, this whole tough love/ no feelings, it gets tiresome for me sometimes, anywaaay….
Wouldn’t it be heartbreakingly poetic it, that by trying to protect him in his own twisted, at brink of a mental colapse kind of way, he ends up being the cause of jason death? A think about it, he spared said son killer in the name of his one rule, even at the cost of shanking him in the neck and his sanity, just for his first kill to be that son, who already die once, obviously all manipulated behind the curtain by zur-en-arrh
I don’t know, i just feel they’re dropping to many hints at something tragic coming or don’t mind me, i just got a thing for tragedy before the sunrise
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