that-one-weird-cloud0 · 6 months
Danny, dating one of the batfam:
Bat: *sighs dramatically while looking out the window* if only my boyfriend loved me
Danny, confused as they just had a conversation about who Danny’s favorite Gotham hero was: ??? I love you 🥺
Bat: *glances back at Danny* uggghhhhhhh if only my boyfriend loved me… 😪
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britcision · 2 years
Hi, I have an idea for a fic and I wanna share cause you have good ideas too.
Danny's parents find out, it doesn't go well, maybe they don't try to hunt him down in human form but they don't really accept it either so Danny is forced to leave the home, even amity. He's nervous and afraid and somehow ends up in Gotham and tries to make the best for himself.
Gets a shitty apartment, somehow finds some kinda company that takes pity on him and offers him a shitty minimum wage job and life is a little shit.
But slowly Danny learns and grows, he meets one of the bat kids and they become friends as civilians, idk which one, fill it in.
He complains about not being able to see the stars in Gotham cause of the permanent gloom and clouds. So the batkid that was his friend gets him some of those glow in the dark stars, they have a fun evening sticking them on the ceiling with Danny making them into accurate constellations (maybe even drawing the lines between them)
And that is symbolic for Danny getting to heal, getting to sort out his life. Jazz keeps contact with him and says their parents have been thinking a lot.
His job gives him a raise or just a different position that isn't so god awful
Danny feels happy again, after a while
Fucking yessss this is so beautiful and I love it! Maybe his batfriend helps him get a position at WE, where he can use his engineering knowledge and love of space
And I do think it’s super important that the first time his parents want to reach out, Danny gets to decide if he’s ready to hear it
There’s this idea you should just accept an apology whenever someone wants to give it and be happy you got one, but
They’re the ones who fucked up and need to be sorry, and you’re allowed to just say “that’s great, I appreciate hearing it, but I’m not ready to talk to them yet”, or “now’s not a good time”
Or even just “fuck off” - you don’t have to take it
But a genuine apology has to be done at the recipient’s schedule, and I think Jazz would reinforce Danny’s boundaries with a tank if needed
And maybe when Danny’s ready, he can cuddle up with his batfriend and ask them to come home with him, as moral support and a way out if things get bad :3
But like, not for any holidays. Holidays in Amity Park are still sus, and maybe the Fenton parents have fun family videos they can show batfriend about why
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maofi · 2 years
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The Batman was on tv yesterday and I just thought of this during the scene after they captured the riddler and were checking his place out.
Also I used google translate for the Spanish, he should be saying “His name is Bartholomew.”
The bat in question:
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highlordofkrypton · 6 months
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the justice league’s moms’ book club’s guide to vampire slaying, a martha kent, alfred pennyworth, atlanna & hippolyta fanfic
Chapter 8 - Everyone Needs a Batfriend
The conversation comes to a lull; Martha’s absence is felt, even for just a couple of moments. None of them are foolish enough to think that Martha would be alarmed over damned teenagers . No, she is a woman of experience who leads this farm with great care. Atlanna keeps eating, but Hippolyta keeps glancing out the window while chewing on her fork, thoughtfully.
“I should—,” the Amazon queen starts, but a gentle alarm blares in her sensitive ears.
Alfred looks at his watch with a frown and gets up. Hippolyta follows suit. Earlier in the evening, he had arrived with the food in their travel carriers, an overnight bag should the evening run long and a neat suitcase that simply didn’t suit the event. He unbuckles the suitcase, revealing the laptop encrusted within. The screen reads ‘ perimeter breach ’ as his slender fingers soar across the keyboard.
“I will fetch Martha,” Hippolyta decides, after perching over his shoulder for a moment. All she needs to know is that someone has invaded her friend’s territory and she will move to defend it.
“Wait,” Alfred says, even but stern. Hippolyta waits for no man. He unhooks a headset and speaks into it. “Martha, can you hear me?” 
And that is reason enough to give Hippolyta pause.
A pale face rises onto the slanted rooftop, appearing in the barn’s only window. She’s too late. Even if she were close enough, she would have to reach out to pull the swinging doors inward. It’s an immense demand for her to process her impending end and what exactly stands before her. Half-man and half-corpse, the thing smiles at her. She hadn’t seen it from afar, but it’s teeth—it’s teeth are like a shark’s, jutting in every which way, and nothing more than sharp pointed tips. It would shred her to pieces in seconds. 
She prays to God that her hard head and her pitchfork is enough to buy her one more day, one more minute or one more second on His green earth. With grace and with the power of miracle, He answers.
A metal grid slides down over the opening, moments before the thing can lunge at her. Its shrieks reverberate against the barn, and slithers down her spine, making Martha shiver. It bangs, and bangs, and bangs itself against the reinforced window. It wants in.
“Hello? Martha, are you safe?”
“Oh thank God,” she breathes, falling to her knees on Clark’s worn rug. Her heart is going to fall right out of her chest, she knows it.
“Alfred will do,” and she can hear the smile across the speakers.
“Is this what you boys were doing when you were repairing the farm?”
“This and more.”
“I should have known,” she ‘tsks’, but Martha is eternally grateful for Alfred and Bruce’s caution. It’s unfair to put all the responsibility on Clark to listen to everyone in the world at the same time. He’s got enough on his plate, and she’ll worry about the aftermath of this attack once they survive it.
“Martha, what have the teenagers done?” Hippolyta’s voice crackles from holding the microphone too close.
“ That was attached to my head.” Alfred complains.
“It wasn’t teenagers. I don’t know what it was? It was… It looked like a man, but something was wrong with his face?” It’s the best she can do under the circumstances. Martha needs a moment to  breathe, and then another one to process.
“I will fetch you and slay that man.”
“No, I’ve got it,” Atlanna chimes in. “Do you have weapons here?”
“There are knives in the kitchen drawers.”
“There is no need.” There’s a sound of a mild struggle as Alfred snatches back his headset, and his voice comes through a lot clearer. “I’ve opened a latch beneath the barn, you should see it next to Clark’s ship . Follow the tunnel and it will lead you straight to us. You… may have to crawl.”
“Alfred,” Martha snaps. The boys may have shown forward thinking in locking the barn down and providing her with an escape route, but they did not factor in her hate for closed spaces. “I can’t leave the animals. What if it gets in?” Even if she didn’t mind the tight space, her animals are important to her. 
“The barn is reinforced all around, not just the entrances, with a steel and nth metal synthetic. If it gets in, it’d have to be as strong as Clark.”
“And do not think that this will not go unpunished. Atlanna and I will hunt down these creatures for daring to cross your territory.”
The promise of violence is not reassuring, but the thought that she isn’t alone calms her. Martha sighs and starts heading down to the ground floor. She drops into the hidden space carved into the barn’s floor made to hide Clark’s ship—the one he arrived in as a child. Were she as technologically savvy as Alfred, perhaps she would have tried to fly this out of the barn and used it against her enemy, but that thought is so far beyond her reality, she abandons it as soon as it pops into her mind. Martha makes sure to close the entrance above her, in case it tries to follow.
With the flashlight, she spots the tunnel, lit up from the inside. At least, she won’t be trapped in a dark enclosed space. Martha climbs in and finds that the tunnel is also made for someone much larger than her to fit through. It’s… not as bad as she thought. The door slides closed behind her and she starts moving.
“You’re doing great. You’ll be back in no time.” Alfred encourages her over the intercom.
“Thanks, Al.”
The crawl feels eternal and much longer than her walk towards the barn. The metal yields to her weight in some places, making a loud echoing sound that makes her jump. Otherwise, it’s too quiet. Martha stops about halfway through to take a break. It’s hard on her knees and now that she knows she (and her animals) are safe, she figures she earned it.
It starts slow.
A distant scratch, scratch, scratch reminiscent of Krypto playing in the yard when he isn’t stationed at the Fortress, or the Watchtower, or wherever Bruce isn’t that day. Martha wouldn’t have heard it over the sound of her breathing. 
“Alfred, how deep are these tunnels?”
“Approximately six feet, why?”
“It’s digging.”
The tunnel is plunged into darkness, leaving Martha alone with her panic. She doesn’t wait for instruction, she turns towards the house and crawls as fast as she can.
Before Alfred can answer, the lights cut out. He tries to get the remote generator started, but it must be out of gas or… what they’re dealing with is an intelligent being that would think to cut off access to both the generator and the solar powered back-up system (to the back-up). 
“I am going after her.”
“She’s coming to us, there isn’t a need to go after her.”
“There is a need to teach invaders a lesson.” Atlanna agrees with Hippolyta, though she has long outgrown violence-as-a-solution. Not with Orm always trying to challenge his brother at every turn, and every other week. She pulls open the kitchen drawers, tossing Hippolyta the knives by the hilt and keeps the forks for herself.
“The forks, really?” Alfred cocks a slender brow.
“They’re better balanced,” she shrugs. She also plucks a loaded baked potato and stuffs in her mouth. In her experience, in surprise combat, the food usually gets ruined. It’s no wonder Arthur has a monstrous appetite, he gets it from his mother. There’s also no better time to eat than before battle, she’ll need the energy.
Hippolyta pulls open the front door and there stands a tall man, clad in worn black clothing. His mouth is stained red, and without the lights, it appears dark on his face. He raises a clawed hand, wiggling his fingers in a mocking greeting. Oh, she’ll give him a proper greeting. Her punch happens in a flash with little to no tell, a sign of her millenia of training and the monstrous man catches her strike in his palm.
“My turn,” it slurs, words caught in its fangs.
He slams his palm into her chest so hard, she flies back across the living room and into the wall. It’s not enough to deter her, only surprise her. There aren’t many creatures left that can stand toe-to-to with an Amazon; there aren’t many creatures Hippolyta cares to know that can withstand a direct blow from her. To think, she was being nice.
The laptop is no use, so Alfred shuts it as he skips over Hippolyta as she pulls herself out of her hole in the wall. “Well, best of luck, ladies.” He smiles and dashes up the stairs, a man on a mission.
Atlanna wastes no time, launching her forks at him. She throws them with enough strength that they embed into his shoulder, but he doesn’t bleed. Interesting. She hops over the kitchen island, sliding across it and sending the desserts clattering to the floor. See? The food is always the first to get ruined.
The grin on her face and Hippolyta’s signals that they aren’t worried or afraid; it’s been a long time since they’ve been able to engage in a killing dance. The improvised weapons and unknown enemy makes this even more fun.
Alfred does not flee. He never has and he never will. What he does is trust in the ability of his peers to defend themselves while he executes his own part of the (unspoken) plan. While he has always openly commented on Bruce’s unnecessary paranoia, there is a reason he indulges his son. More often than not, Bruce is right. 
The best vantage point in the house is the attic, an unofficial third floor to a two-story house. He pulls one of the old boxes marked ‘Old Christmas Tree’ and digs out a case at the bottom. Alfred positions the rifle at the circular attic window. He cycles through the different scope settings, noting that the infrared does not pick up on the creature digging for Martha.
Deep breath in, old pal.
And on the exhale, he fires his first shot. 
The creature releases an ear shattering screech, but he calmly puts on bat-ear-muffs. The gun was never for Bruce’s use, just a simple anticipation that Alfred would be spending more time here. He gives the monster no reprieve, firing three more bullets to buy his friend time to complete her journey and yet, his target does not die. He doesn’t even think he’s bloody slowing it.
The thing snaps its head towards Alfred, and this time its scream sounds more like a war cry. Out of the stalks, several more of those things swarm and begin to race towards the farmhouse. 
“Well, at least the animals are safe,” he mumbles to himself, hauling ass downstairs to politely inform her highnesses that he has made a very slight miscalculation.
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violant-apologia · 5 months
When he’s finished, he quickly studies his image for further imperfections. Finding none, he turns to leave— but something is off. His reflection is smiling. As the Apologist’s brow furrows his reflection’s smile just widens. Soon it shows teeth: teeth longer than Briar’s, teeth the shape of a Curator’s, teeth jammed into a jaw where they don’t belong.
toothsome is done! we've got:
the apologist! + secret apologist surname drop
parabolan reflections
JC's in it for a bit too (but it's really short honestly i wouldn't read it just for him)
mr stones!
awkward flirting between briar and his big furry batfriend
so uh. read if you like any of those. (and don't read if you don't like teeth)
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what-ails-you · 3 months
funny lil idea
Batjokes, but calling each other boyfriend is too vanilla.
instead they use batfriend, and joyfriend.
Joker may also just call Batman his husband, despite not (yet) being married.
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mistergreatbones · 8 months
Petition to start a “batfriend” category alongside the batfam. Batfam still encompasses the main “cast” of bats (Bruce, Dick, Jay, Tim, Babs, etc.) and their less popular allies (Harper Row, Helena, Jean-Paul, the Outsiders, etc.) while “batfriend” is people with either their own mythos (Diana, Roy, Harley, Dinah, the Kents, etc.) or are strictly supporting characters without any/very little of their own books (Maps Mizoguchi, Leslie Thompskin, Dana Harlowe, We Are Robin kids, etc.)
Obviously it’s subjective and this will probably create more problems but i still think it would be a better system
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mandareeboo · 1 year
Fanfic Preview: "Diamonds really are the way to an enby's heart" Chapter Three
Title: Diamonds really are the way to an enby’s heart
Summary: Double Trouble finds a great profit- and friend- in Entrapta. But they can’t help but wonder what she’s really planning, tinkering away on machines that get bigger and… rounder.
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Mermista perks up, opening her mouth to greet her friend. She stares at Double Trouble. "Entrapta?" she gets out finally. "Why are they with you?"
"I'm her plus one." Double Trouble grabbed her shoulders with a smile that was just a skoosh bit sinister. "You said she shouldn't bring her emo batfriend. Who else was she supposed to take with but her new bestie?"
Entrapta's smile was bright. "I've never been a bestie before!"
"They," Mermista says, "Are no one's friend."
She blinked. "They just said I was their bestie."
Perfuma claps her hands together in an attempt to look appeasing. Double Trouble privately thought she looked constipated. "What Mermista means is... Double Trouble is... how to put this..."
"They work for tips," Scorpia offered, but waved eagerly to Double Trouble. She and them had gotten along fairly well. "How's business?"
"Booming," they said agreeably, licking an eyelid.
"Entrapta," wheezed Glimmer. "We're just a bit worried they might be using you. For something."
"Like info on my kingdom?" Mermista added, eyebrows raised.
"Oh!" Entrapta said, clapping her hands. "Not to worry. Double Trouble's helping me with a new experiment, and I paid in advance. This is just some overtime I asked of them for the clothes."
"They're very nice," they tacked on. "Real flowy, you know? Could store a lot of valuables in this."
Adora, looking this close to an anxiety meltdown, coughed into her fist and turned to lean on the wall. Bow patted her shoulder sympathetically.
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dollipauper · 2 years
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psychologeek · 2 years
You, Jumbler!! Any batfans? (Tag your Jewish batfriends :) )
May I present to you prompt (i got kinda tired in the middle. So good luck 🤞)
Once upon a time there was a man who had four (or eight, or twelve) sons and as many daughters.
And his children were strong and brave, and each had their own talent: one was talented in the art of war, one was smarter then any man. Another good in judgement, and another a great marchent.
(yada yada yada)
Anyway, there was a little Shit kid that was smart and lack of tact.
His siblings includ: an overprotective tired that just want everyone to be happy ; a happy-to-fight that could summon a magic sword* ; a favoured child ; and more
Unfortunately, being a smartass and one of the youngest, while telling ppl you are better than them, doesn't really make them like you.
Hence - one day, some of the siblings come back with their brother's teared and bloody dress:
"father!", They cried, "look what we found!"
And their father cried, for he knew his loved child's dress. And he grieved, for he knew his son was long gone.
"a beast killed him", he said, "a beast ate my son". And he grieved for many years, and he never let his youngest out of his sight, and there was no comforting him.
(unknowingly, his brothers sold him as a slave. And he learn a lot, and rose up for he was clever and all who met him sang his praise).
Years later, and the bad days came. Hunger and plague and death haunted the land.
So said the father: go search for food, assistance, for any help we could get.
And so they went
(things, they come to the land where the Brother is now the Vazir - second to the king/ruler/etc.)
But they don't now him. It has been years, and last they saw him, the brother was a child (beaten to the ground, drugged away by traffickers).
(he make them bring the youngest, fraim him for trying to steal something expensive. Tell them the thief have to stay with him, as a slave. They get pissed, Staby get his hair-sword rise up)
and so the Vazir said: "all men should leave this place!".
(and the brothers fear)
And then he face them, and tell: "I know your brother, the one you sold so many years ago. He did well, and got a high position in our king's place. All I did? Was trying to see if the youngest is safe."
(and they are shocked, and confused, and happy and mostly scared. Because the Vazir said their brother is an important man, now. He can pay them back for all they did.)
And so called the Vazir: "Yosef!". But there wasn't any answer.
And he called again: "Yosef!". And again, nothing happened.
And as he seemed to call for the third time, he got up from his throne and approached them. And his words weren't loud, but quiet as he said:
"i am the brother you sold".
(and they tell, the cry from this room was heard on the other side of the land).
* "(Yehuda) had one bristle upon his chest, and when he became angry it would pierce (his shield).."
(It's actually an interesting Midrash, especially if you think of young Damian/post-pit Jason )
I think you may like it: @a-witch-in-endor @batfamincorrect @
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The batfriends!
The batfriends!!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 11 months
Bf: Batfriend
by orangetornado John's slip up leads to him and Bruce pretending to be boyfriends Words: 1176, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman: The Telltale Series (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, John Doe (Telltale), Tiffany Fox Relationships: John Doe/Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU)/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fluff, Misunderstandings, Cute via https://ift.tt/ITk78UK
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esonetwork · 1 year
The Earth Station DCU Episode 343 – Superman & Lois Season 3 Finale
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-dcu-episode-343-superman-lois-season-3-finale/
The Earth Station DCU Episode 343 – Superman & Lois Season 3 Finale
This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs review the season 3 final of Superman & Lois! Damien Wayne takes Jay Nakamura captive to prove to Superman that Jon Kent has joined Batman’s insurrection in Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #5. Deadman discovers a villain known as Insomnia who is invading dreams searching for the Nightmare Stone in Knight Terrors: First Blood #1. Batman must face his own nightmare as he is transported back to the night his parents were killed in Knight Terrors: Batman #1. Black Adam befriends a cat and then must deal with the Egyptian God Sorbek who is hellbent on eating his family in Knight Terrors: Black Adam #1. Poison Ivy discovers she has a pastel home with Harley and Batfriend is her next door neighbor in
Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #1. When Ravager comes across a doppleganger of herself, she is duped into trusting her in Knight Terrors: Ravager #1. When Batman slips off a roof and dies, Joker decides to hang up his criminal way and join corporate America in Knight Terrors: The Joker #1. All this plus, DC News, DC TV, Shout Outs, and much, much more!
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open
0:01:11 DC News
0:13:10 Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #5
0:16:32 Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
0:26:58 Knight Terrors: Batman #1
0:32:22 Knight Terrors: Black Adam #1
0:38:52 Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #1
0:44:40 Knight Terrors: Ravager #1
0:48:42 Knight Terrors: The Joker #1
0:56:38 Superman & Lois S3 Ep13 – What Kills You Only Makes You Stronger
1:06:34 Show Close
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #5
Knight Terrors: First Blood #1
Knight Terrors: Batman #1
Knight Terrors: Black Adam #1
Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #1
Knight Terrors: Ravager #1
Knight Terrors: The Joker #1
Earth Station DCU Website
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If you would like to leave feedback, comment on the show, or would like us to give you a shout out, please call the ESDCU feedback line at (317) 455-8411 or feel free to email us @ [email protected]
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zainclaw · 2 years
🦇 Christmas lights was fantastic. They just love each other so much it was so sweet.
Aww, thank you so much Batfriend 🥰
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dikfingro · 3 years
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Compliments I
Batman (Bruce Wayne) praising his friends/allies/partners/family :
Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Timothy Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne
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lizartgurl · 5 years
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Luke, his girlfriend, his best friend, and her cousin are the richest kids in Gotham. They're also its only hope for surviving the imminent doomsday threat.
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