#batfamily headcanon is that Bruce is sullen and emo but he loves his family
gothamite-rambler · 3 days
Bruce Wayne sends a text to all his sons (including Duke). The text message read: Clark and Diana are busy for once, want to get chicken wings together??
The batsons are sure this has a double meaning, but what? They aren't in the same areas either, but Bruce knew they were in Gotham.
Dick: Has he been kidnapped?
Tim: This has gotta be code for something.
Damian: Has the day arrived, he's lost his mind? Oh God! No!
Jason: Is he about to kill himself?!
Duke: Whoo party! I've always wanted this and my new fam?!
He sends the address a few minutes later with this part: Sorry, forgot to saw what wing place. They're on me and you can get dessert.
Dick: Get dessert?!
Tim: Am I on trouble?
Damian: What does that mean?!
Jason: This has got to be a suicidr last meal.
Duke: Dessert too? Yes! Although... I hope this means he's doing better mentally.
The men all make it to the wing restaurant where Bruce is waiting for them while reading a book on how to handle clinical depression as man. He sees them and is happy. They all sit there, the wings arrive, but they're confused.
Duke (speaking up while eating incredibly spicy wings): I'll ask, Bruce what gives why did you invite us here? I'm not complaining, but suicide and them worrying if they're in trouble came up a lot on the text thread we had.
Bruce: What I'm not suicidal... I'm insanely depressed but I mean that comes with this job and this life but no I'm not suicidal and none of you are in trouble I just wanted to have a fun dinner with you guys.
Jason: Did you find out you have a tumor or something?
Duke: I think I get it you've been feeling kind of lonely lately and you just wanted to spend time with your boys me included thanks for that and so you invited us out to your usual wing party that you have with Clark and Diana. There's no deeper meaning here you just fell lonely it's cool dude we understand. Right, guys?
Duke kicks Dick under the table for him to speak up.
Dick: He's right but for just surprised that she wanted to do it.
Bruce nods.
Bruce: I feel like we've never had a moment like this and I just wanted to hang out with the guys Barbara, Stephanie and Cass will get on my case about this later but I... Love all of you. There I said it, you guys can quote me on that I won't deny it.
Tim (shrugging): Okay... Um thanks dad. Wow this feels kind of weird we really haven't done this in a while.
Jason: Yeah.
Damian: You even got me cauliflower wings cause remembered I'm vegetarian?
Bruce: Of course why do you think I got you all the specific flavors you wanted? That's how well I know all of you so eat up and again if you guys want dessert we can get that too.
Duke: Thanks, man.
Dick: Yeah, thanks dad. We love you too.
Bruce: Then I'm doing something right.
With that they eat their chicken (and cauliflower) wings and have a good night.
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