brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
Ok, random hc. Whenever Bruce pisses Tim or Barbara off they hack the watchtower speakers and blast random music.
Imagine: Tim and Bruce got into a fight over something that happened on patrol, Tim holds onto that anger until the next day when Bruce goes to a JL meeting on the watchtower. Suddenly while Bruce is explaining something about an upcoming mission the speakers start playing the bad touch by bloodhound gang, and all Bruce can do is sigh.
Or, alternatively, when Bruce isn't showing emotions as he should be(Lecturing a member of the league instead of expressing his worry) Careless whisper just starts blasting
Absolutely. The idea of Tim and Babs inducing emotional regulation and communication from Bruce via songs is hilarious. The whole family getting in on it (but in their respective ways: Alfred making the bed up a certain way when Bruce should apologize) would be great.
Honestly, I love this idea that the kids express their anger or frustration with Bruce. Although they aren't directly saying stuff like "I'm hurt that you did xyz," it's still a healthy expression of emotions. They aren't yelling or physically retaliating. They are just annoying the shit out of him.
Bruce knows when a specific kid is annoyed with him too.
He knows that if any of his vehicles have been tampered with, Jason is pissed.
Computers can be Tim or Babs, but WE being messed with is Tim (the teen will call Lucius to assign Bruce 7am meetings). Babs will change Bruce's gear (the last time she changed his grappling hook to be neon orange in color).
Dick can rope Alfred into it, but laundry not being done is 100% Alfred's ire. Dick will also mess with Bruce's JL meetings (the last time he changed Bruce's slide show presentation. He was honestly impressed that Bruce kept a straight face with all the glitter and unicorns on the slides).
Duke will put things away incorrectly so Bruce will have to hunt for the item he needs. If he's really really angry, the batmobile ends up in the harbor.
Steph will outright steal the batcowl if she's mad. Bruce doesn't get his vigilante anger management if he's being a jerk.
Damian will leave the Manor if he's upset, and Robin will patrol with Nightwing (or Red Hood if Damian is really mad). Bruce might not see him for a few weeks if he doesn't apologize.
Cass is the only kid to outright glare at Bruce until he apologizes. She doesn't resort to subtle gestures. Bruce will instantly cave and apologize when she does this.
I like the idea of the kids subtly nudging Bruce to express his emotions (or outright declaring he needs to go about something differently). They also just like embarrassing him in front of the JL or Rogues.
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lollipencil · 2 months
ITPM: What If...Khonshu sensed Jason's Resurrection?
Thought this would be an interesting idea. Hey @harleyification, fancy some tears?
Enjoy and be gentle ---
It was a calm night. Always an omen in Gotham. It was like the rogues saw stillness as a threat to eradicate whenever it occured. So Jake knew to make the most of it while it lasted.
He sighed into the steam from his coffee.
Six months. It had been six months since Jason's murder, and they were only just becoming ok again. Steven had spent an evening doing something which seemed to help, Ian Doescher's Star Wars books had drawn Marc back up from deep within, and Jake.
Well, Jake found his peace at Jason's graveside. At listening to the birds singing and imagining that maybe, Jason was with them, flying despite the Joker's best efforts.
The coffee burned his tongue as Jake took a sip. And the stillness broke. "My sons!" Khonshu was suddenly by their side, "Jason's grave-!" Jake didn't think; the coffee went straight into the nearest bin and he just barely dipped into the darkness of the alleyway before summoning the suit, and soaring into the night.
Rage muffled everything else. Who dared, dared to do something to Jason after everything he'd been through? They had better hope that Bruce got there first, because Jake was not feeling like keeping to Batman's One Rule tonight.
Touchdown at the graveyard revealed nothing. No one was there, everything was as it should be. "Khonshu, what-?" "Shh, listen," Khonshu urged, standing by Jason's grave. Scraping. Knocking. Panting. Underneath the dirt.
Breath seemed to evade the body's lungs. A moment passed, and then Jake was on his hands and knees clawing at the earth.
Steven and Marc were awake, but their questions were like static to Jake. He just kept digging. Halfway through, the sound of splintering wood spiked right through all three of them. And the dirt shifted down. Jake's digging grew even faster and, before long, a hand emerged. "How?" Steven gasped almost silently as the hand grasped Jake's forearm. Jake didn't answer, he just pulled.
Jason Todd-Wayne flopped against their chest, and breathed. Their head was completely silent, the only sound was the air filling and leaving Jason's lungs. Jake's arms went numb. The one holding Jason tight became a suit jacket and glove, while the other a mix of bandages and bronze crescents. Marc's hand slowly and carefully drifted to Jason's neck.
Lub dup, lub dup, lup dub.
Something deep inside uncurled. Jake didn't cry, but the breath he took felt deeper and fuller than he'd felt in months. Idly, Jason's hand lifted to trace the moon and bat on Jake's chest. Steven's arm shifted to hold Jason closer.
A thought, and Jake's cape moved, wrapping nice and snug around their precious cargo. Footsteps approached the grave, and Jake tore his eyes away.
Batman and Robin stood above. Disbelief and paused grief couldn't hide behind their masks. Robin jumped down, and placed his fingers to the side of Marc's. "...There's a pulse," Tim whispered, "He's alive."
Instantly, Bruce was there. His hands hovered uncertainly over the bundle in the system's mismatched arms. Jason didn't say a word. Instead, he turned his head to look at Bruce's cowl, and reached for it. Bruce lowered his head and let Jason latch onto an ear. A spark appeared in his vacant eyes. "Jason," Marc whimpered, and the tears finally flowed down Jake's cheeks. "We should get him back to the cave," Tim gently urged, "It's cold out here."
Bruce unbuckled the batcowl and let Jason press it into his chest, and helped support Jake's wobbly legs as they all climbed out. He didn't try to take Jason from them, and they were grateful. Marc and Jake traded places once seated in the Batmobile. "Heya Jay," Marc spoke softly, "I've got you. We've got you. You're going home."
As they raced through the streets, they could have sworn that Jason's lips twitched into the faintest smile.
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Lowkey obsessed with the fact that the Mockingbird mask Kate Bishop stole wears probably casts a shadow a lot like the shadow the bat-cowl casts which leads to a HILarious few months where nobody gets a good look at her so they're all convinced that Bruce adopted another child without telling them and she became Batgirl and he STILL didn't tell them, which leads to Operation: Bring Batgirl Home and the Batkids accidentally gaslighting Bruce because training and adopting a child, not telling them, and then forgetting all about her is CLASSIC Bruce.
Steph, Cass, Babs, and Kate (Kane) are all DEEPLY invested in O:BBH because she is a Sister of the Order of the Batcowl and she needs to know she's not alone!!!
Eventually they find out she's a bird not a bat and that's an entirely DIFFERENT group of people going "ah, yes, she is Ours" and that group is everyone who has ever been a Robin
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psalmsofpsychosis · 6 months
I will never get over the fact that Joker has once canonically been Martha Wayne and also Alfred (and Tim Joker Jr in the BTAS show, and Jason took on Joker's old Red Hood persona). And that batphobia seems to run in the family, only Thomas Wayne took the idea and shot far beyond the intended target, missing the core of what Batman is supposed to be, entirely.
BJFKAJLGAJDLSBFHSJFDBLS what do you mean Joker!Martha killed herself after finding out Bruce had become Batman as well in that other universe??? PLUS What do you mean GunBatman!Thomas tries to break and traumatize Bruce so bad that he will have no choice but to stop being a vigilante??? What do you mean Alfred commits unspeakable atrocities so Batman can have something to obsess over, only for him to come home and serve Bruce as a loyal butler/father/friend/monster/nemesis???? What do you mean Bruce carries Joker's living and talking head with him in an apocalyptic future and makes him Robin (as a joke?? I don't remember)???
I'm starting to believe Joker and Bruce a soulbound or destined to become each others bane of existence/only constant in their life, no matter who it is under the bleached skin or batcowl.
nonono Anon come back here, you mean like combining Batman and Joker as a concept, or combining Joker's head with Batman's body, because i'm—
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Like the answers! :D
1: if they were able to paint their faces, what would they paint? When I was little I got my face painted to look like Batman with the blue cowl 😂
2: do they do nostalgic kid stuff, like making noises in front of those plug in fans or play with those door stopper thingies?
3: are the duo the type to slide down a railing/stair banister? For slapstick comedy, I can see them accidentally fall sideways off of it or hitting the end piece crotch first XD
4: has there been a time where they accidentally spilt their pants or taking a energy beam blast, leaving them in their underwear? (Don’t know if this question is ok to answer, message me if this is ok)
5: what was their first cuss word? Either accidentally or purposely.
6: what’s your opinion on the tv show Superman & Lois? I have a few rewriting ideas that you might love ;)
1: the “twins” are much younger, like 8-10
2: the twins aren’t twins XD
3: the Jordan character is superboy Jon Kent who is a year younger. The Jonathan character is Chris Kent who pretty much a little of your version: blue heat vision, gets powers from moon, from the phantom zone (if it exists don’t remember)
4: the first season is about gangs somehow having kryptonian weapons, later it’s revealed it was brought from a wormhole from space similar to Chris’s arrival. The season finale reveals that Chris is a sleeper agent anytime he hears words similar to portals ( portal, dimension, phantom zone itself) for his father Zod.
5: the second season is about Zods invasion & at the end, Chris breaks free of the program due to his superfamily loves & for drama, snaps his neck like in man of steel, due to his “warrior blood”
@pin-crusher2000 Glad you do, now here’s some more of them lol
1) For Jake, I can see the aforementioned Batcowl around his eyes and forehead while for Chris on the other hand, he’d probably would get two matching blue dragons on each side of his cheeks and a House of El S logo on the space between his eyebrows, just being a bit experimental
2) I can see the Duo probably jump on the couch if they’re especially bored (though remembering to put it back together after they’re done), be a little silly and wacky with their Lego sets, have some soda drinking contests and maybe as established before roleplay as warriors from their planet’s past akin to say tag or hide and seek in a way.
3) Mostly likely Jake alone would be doing that since Chris can conversely can float down the stairs for funsies instead. As for comedic mishaps, Jake on his try did indeed accidentally fall off sideways upon making it to the bottom, thankfully he wasn’t badly hurt but now he knows to adjust his balance better afterwards.
4) Actually if they do sustain damage to their outfits, I envision it being for more dramatic and painful reasons than comedic ones, mainly a result of bad beat downs the Duo would get from supervillains on their similar power level. It’s actually more common for them to have their boots shredded off by massive energy blasts and explosions or missing one of two gloves after saving the day. So yeah, nothing too comedic on this case
5) Chris: “Oh hell”; accidentally when he was six and after hearing Lois say it so many times when things went wrong for her. He said it out loud during a time the family were watching Clark trying to fight back against Solaris The Tyrant Sun and it was going badly
Jake: “Son of a Dick!”; On purpose when he’s about five when trying to float of the ground because his powers hadn’t kicked in yet.
6) Oh I like it for what it is just fine but I’ll freely admit those rewrite ideas are REALLY something that they should go for one day. Especially the one of Chris being an unintentional sleep agent for Zod and later fighting back as a season finale. (Chefs Kiss)
I love that SO much XD
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frownyalfred · 1 year
i'm back. totally worth it. long ass teeth shaped like the ears of the batcowl helped. good luck charm so no hate for the next 5 days. wish I could do longer but alas. my powers are so limited.
5 days is a gift, thank you anon ❤️ hopefully I get my glasses back soon and I can type out the rest of my draft by the time it ends
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👔 What is your favorite piece of your F/O's clothes? (for any that you think it fits with!)
hehe I will never not take an opportunity to talk about Hugo's clothes. I've actually been working on a 'fashion' rundown for the shrine I'm building for him on my neocities which is just me having strong opinions about his outfits and how they have grown increasingly boring over the years (in line with what a psychologist archetype looks like becoming increasingly professional and corporate, rather than eccentric and erudite) and that saddens me.
But I mean other than his infamous round glasses, which are very sexy indeed (something about him having a penetrating gaze but refusing to be read easily, they obscure his gaze), my favourite is his smoking jacket(?) that he wears in prey. This entire outfit is just. mwah. it feels so fitting for the sleaziness of his private life but i think while it feels very Him, it's also a little bit performative, a little bit covetous of things he can't have. he'd love to be a playboy who gets all the women he wants (and men, but this hugo isn't advanced enough to have figured that out yet, despite the batcowl on his manikin lol), but he's also so egotistical and controlling that only an object he wholly manipulates and directs could ever please him. But, you know, an extreme psychological masochist can dream. I would 100% love to be clutching onto the bottom of it out of desperate hope for his affection or attention or pity. or all three. or undoing it for him so I can service him, just taking my time with it to feel the velvet and inhale the cigar scent.
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thank you for the ask!! 🥰
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flyguy · 21 days
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The McFarlanetoys Target Fall/Autumn Geekout reveals. Batwing, Batcowl, Animated Batman & more. 🗓️ Today ⏰ 9am ET ➡️ https://goto.target.com/geekout #geekout #ad #batman #actionfigures #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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removegooglereviews · 2 years
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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cleanupreputationuk · 2 years
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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reputationdamagefix · 2 years
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I got the Legendary variant on the drop! #FirstAppearance #HarleyQuinn #ComicBook #NFT #Batman #HarleyQuinnFA #BlockChain #Crypto #web3 #metaverse #batcowls
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