#bat damian
multilingual batkids. they learn each others languages so they can mix and match. for example:
tim in french: have you figured out how we’re gonna tell b we’re not going to that gala yet?
damian in arabic: no i thought that was thomas’ job?
duke french: me? no jason said he’d do something
jason in arabic: hey don’t drag me into this!
dick in romani: i’m gonna kill him i really i am
steph in russian: who are we killing?
dick in english: ah! nobody! wait i didn’t know you spoke romani
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason in english: wait my greek is rusty say it again slowly
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason: …. you motherfucker
cass signing: nice drawing
damian in chinese: thank you
dick yelling at bruce about something he did
jason in spanish: what language is he speaking right now?
tim also in spanish: uh all of them i think
jason: does bruce even know-
tim: no he doesn’t
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 3 months
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"Robin brings light to the darkness" or something
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forgetfulsynapsid · 2 months
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Another picture of the BAT-family!!! Bruce will make them all fit under his wings if it’s the last thing he does.
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panakina · 7 months
I think it’d be funny if Dick and Jason, due to wearing bright yellow capes on the job for years, are capable of stealth to a frankly unhinged degree. They barely have to try anymore it’s so second nature. Dick can just completely disappear while in the loudest neon clothes imaginable. Jason is constantly startling people who don’t understand how they missed a guy the size of a fridge standing right there. Bruce is extremely grateful for his unbreakable poker face because they have both startled him by accident and would never ever let him live it down if they knew.
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itsdabatt · 19 days
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happy national impersonate your favorite vigilante day to those who celebrate
Part 2
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mantareidraws · 22 days
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Giving battinson the big birb hug he so desperately needs 🫂
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ccccchepushilo · 24 days
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I imagine alfred combed all the robins' hair in the middle section since they were kids (and they're still doing it) only damian's the only one who's been able to escape this fate
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inverted-typo · 1 month
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Ooh fancy pants rich McGee over here ✨
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notholaenas · 1 month
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the bite is a gift 🐺💉
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vespertilionis · 1 month
Dick: “Hey, Jason—Where did all this money come from?”
Jason: “From B.”
Dick: “He gave it to you? For what? Did you blackmail him?”
Jason: “No, he paid me, in exchange for very important pictures.”
Dick: “Oh, you got evidence for the case?”
Jason: “No, Damian’s baby pictures.”
Dick: “…How much?”
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we-r-robin · 2 months
Vicki Vale: Mr. Wayne are you Batman?
Bruce Wayne: What is a “Bat man?”
Vicki Vale: Mr. Drake are you Red Robin?
Tim Drake: Like the restaurant?
Vicki Vale: So Cassandra, are you Orphan?
Cassandra Cain: No I’m not an orphan. I have a dad.
Vicki Vale: Mr. Thomas are you Signal?
Duke Thomas: Am I what?
Vicki Vale: Are you the Bat Signal?
Duke Thomas: That is the stupidest question I’ve ever been asked.
Vicki Vale: Damian, are you Robin?
Damian Wayne: Tt, I am not a bird. Are you well, Ms. Vale? I’m concerned for your mental state.
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Headcanon that since Jason can’t go out with his family publicly, what he does instead is show up in random disguises.
Bruce is chatting up some socialites at a gala, talking about the joys of fatherhood and how rewarding it is. Meanwhile he made eye contact with Jason disguised as a waiter twenty minutes ago, and is currently trying to stop his eye from twitching.
Dick is speaking to a third grade class as a part of the Bludhaven Police department outreach program, except when he walks in Jason is sitting behind the teachers desk, playing the role of substitute.
Babs can’t help but stare when Jason hands her a coffee from behind the counter of her favorite coffee shop. (His name tag reads Peter, and for a second she thinks she’s actually lost it).
Tim walks into Wayne Towers one day and on his way in, he waves to his secretary- lo and behold Marjorie has been replaced by Jason. It takes him three hours to notice.
Cass walks into ballet class to discover her teacher had to take a sick day- his replacement is Jason in a beret who talks in a terrible French accent the entire class, only to drop it at the very end to talk in a thick New Jersey accent. Her entire class talks about it for weeks.
Stephanie hails a cab on her way home one night, only to find Jason driving. She’s not sure how he pulled it off or how he got a cab, but her mind is effectively blown.
Duke is on a school trip to the natural history museum, and when the tour guide introduces himself, Duke can’t help but role his eyes. Jason gives a surprisingly good tour, even throwing in some tidbits about a robbery that went down just last week that the Signal stopped.
Damian’s encounter happens when he’s with Jon in metropolis. He’s watching Jon play baseball, and when Jon steps up to bat, he can’t help but notice a the umpire looks a little familiar.
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luca-is-a-pengu · 1 month
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The real reason why none of the bat-boys are allowed in the kitchen
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goaheadandgetinthebog · 2 months
Several videos (independently) start circulating on the internet of the Waynes info dumping.
Bruce - the role of railways in westward expansion in the 1890s
Dick - clown eggs
Jason - tb and the New England vampires of the late 19th century, with reference to vampire literature
Cass - Paris sewer system
Tim - comparison of different camera lenses from different manufacturers, with model numbers
Duke - anti homeless architecture and how to remove it
Damian - cat declawing
After all this, a new meme forms.
'You must be this autistic to get adopted by Bruce Wayne.'
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blackbatest · 2 months
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my most controversial batman opinion to date
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sometimes i think about how funny it would be if bruce had a slight english accent as a result of alfred being the only adult in his life for most of his formative years. that or he just says british slang instead of english.
this either drives his children insane, or they think it’s the most hilarious thing ever.
Bruce: Can you pass the chips?
Dick: Sure, B. *passes over the potato chips*
Bruce: No, the chips.
Dick: ???? … yeah? here?
Bruce: NO! THE CHIPS! *gesturing wildly for the french fries*
Damian: Father, are you having a stroke?
Batman: Alright, this mission is very important. It is imperative that everything goes to schedule. (shh-edule)
*red robin and red hood snicker*
Batman: *glare* As I was saying, it all must go to shh-edule…
RR & RH : *uproariously laughter *
Batman: *harsher glare* Is something funny?
RR: Oh nothing, B, don’t worry.
RH: Absolutely nothing wrong, “left-tenant”
RR & RH: *dying of laughter *
Bruce: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Duke: … You sound like Alfred…
Bruce: *horrified look over coming him* … what
Cass: *furious nodding*
*Some time later, after B has been fished out of Gotham Harbor, which he jumped into after declaring that he “couldn’t turn into his father”*
Alfred: *reaching the end of a long rant about responsibility and making sure you are keeping yourself and others safe* And what do you have to say for yourself??
Bruce: *white as a sheet* … Sorry Alfie…
*Steph is heard furiously cackling in the background*
anyways i just thought this was fun
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