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arthistoryanimalia · 16 days ago
#FrogFriday 🐸:
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Basketwork Box with Monstrous Pearl in the Form of a Frog Vienna (?), early 18th c. Gilded silver & baroque pearl, H 4.4 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna Kunstkammer, 1100
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tabrisofmars · 2 years ago
Wednesday: Attention allies! Enid bested me in a contest of wits
Enid: I won at Scrabble
Wednesday: Now I must fulfill our dark bargain
Enid: she agreed to say out loud what I wrote
Wednesday opens a sealed envelope and reads: Enid is the sharpest knife in the drawer and I am just a…
Wednesday squints: bottom?
All the Nightshades:
Enid: Bent spoon! I wrote bent spoon!
Divina: How bad is your handwriting?!?
Wednesday: Is this some form of insult?
Yoko: lemme tell her, lemme tell huur
Divina puts a hand over Yoko’s mouth
Enid: look at the time. I have basketwork I mean homeball. Um basketball homework. eerrr bye
Enid runs as Bianca starts losing her shit
Eugene: I don't understand what's wrong
Ajax: Brah, ask one of your moms
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saltminerising · 1 year ago
bugged aura opal was too bright. hurt my eyeballs and i’m glad it’s fixed. same with blend, it was too abrupt before! and i love that wicker and woven actually look like basketwork now.
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miodzio102 · 2 years ago
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Project for a small glamping house "The Wicker Nest"
Now for something completely different - An Architecture project, while this might seem rather random coming from me, I had reasons for making it, and You will never discover them You crazy nosey gnomes. The project has it all: plans, cross sections, maps, photos of a 1:33 scale model with janky backgrounds I totally didn't photoshop and plenty of other fireworks. The whole project was obviously inspired by wicker basketwork - not mushrooms. I if hear anyone else call it a mushroom I think I'm gonna snap, don't try me.
Thought for the day: "Don't go digging for fossils on the moon - You just might find them." - (Me)
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xserpx · 5 months ago
‘We are nothing alike.’
‘You see my point exactly! We are entire opposites, like earth and air, yet we are both . . . missing something . . . that others take for granted. Some part of that machinery that makes a man fit into society. But we each miss different cogs on the wheel. Enough that we may make, perhaps, between the two of us, one half-decent human.’
‘One whole from two halves.’
‘An extraordinary whole, even! I have never been a reliable man – no, no, don’t try to deny it.’ Friendly had not. ‘But you, my friend, are constant, clear-sighted, single-minded. You are . . . honest enough . . . to make me more honest.’
‘I’ve spent most of my life in prison.’
‘Where you did more to spread honesty among Styria’s most dangerous convicts than all the magistrates in the land, I do not doubt!’ Cosca slapped Friendly on his shoulder. ‘Honest men are so very rare, they are often mistaken for criminals, for rebels, for madmen. What were your crimes, anyway, but to be different?’
‘Robbery the first time, and I served seven years. When they caught me again there were eighty-four counts, with fourteen murders.’
Cosca cocked an eyebrow. ‘But were you truly guilty?’
He frowned for a moment, then waved it away. ‘Nobody’s perfect. Let’s leave the past behind us.’ He gave his feather a final flick, jammed his hat onto his head at its accustomed rakish angle. ‘How do I look?’
Black pointed knee-boots set with huge golden spurs in the likeness of bull’s heads. Breastplate of black steel with golden adornments. Black velvet sleeves slashed with yellow silk, cuffs of Sipanese lace hanging at the wrists. A sword with flamboyant gilded basketwork and matching dagger, slung ridiculously low. An enormous hat, its yellow feather threatening to brush the ceiling. ‘Like a pimp who lost his mind in a military tailor’s.’
Cosca broke out in a radiant grin. ‘Precisely the look I was aiming at!’
— Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie
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oaresearchpaper · 11 months ago
Marantaceae in Central Gabon: Identification and Marketing
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The forests of the Congo Basin cover an area of 200 million hectares, of which just over 10% is in Gabon. In this country, crop products and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are abundant because of its favourable climate. There is significant biodiversity and great potential for non-timber forest products. This study is interested in the identification and the supply chain of the Marantaceae, one of these NTFPs of plant origin in central Gabon, whose exploitation is national. Through a survey of the main actors in the sector and field visits in the locality of Bifoun, it emerges the existence of three large groups of exploited marantaceae, whose harvest and transport are mainly done by women, in various containers. The storage of this NTFPs does not exceed four days, with the risk of losing its commercial value due to drying out. The uses of this resource are multiple: processing cassava, cooking food, making handicrafts, etc. The income it provides to producers is mainly use towards small family expenses but helps to monetize the rural world. The difficulties inherent in the distance from harvesting points, the low price of the product and the impossibility of long-term storage of the marantaceae leaves constitute a brake on the development of this activity. It would therefore be wise to envisage the domestication of the species listed for a sustainable use of this plant genetic resource.
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Non-timber forest products (NTFPs), through their multiple uses, contribute to the subsistence of populations and provide them with income (Shankar et al., 2001; Walter, 2001; Mbolo et al., 2002; Biloso & Lejoly, 2006; Vermeulen et al., 2009). The use of various categories of non-timber forest products is sometimes the only source of income for some rural populations (Nguenang et al., 2010; Thiombiano et al., 2010; Ngoya-Kessy, 2011). In recent years, NTFPs have considerably aroused interest worldwide as it contribution to household economy and food security is increasingly recognized (Lescuyer, 2010; Loubelo, 2012), as well as to the achievement of environmental objectives such as the conservation of plant biodiversity (Arnold & Ruiz, 2001; Doucet, 2006; Tchatat & Ndoye, 2006). According to the abovementioned authors and Lehoux and Chakib (2012), these products play a role in terms of food, economic value and their usage for divers purposes (Sunderland et al., 2003; Tchiegang & Mbougueng, 2005; Betti & Lejoly, 2010; Priso et al., 2011). 
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According to Tchatat and Ndoye (2006), the question of reasonable management of NTFPs is of great importance in meeting sustainable development objective. Vermeulen et al. (2009) point out the need to know the techniques used for the exploitation of plant genetic resources on the one hand, and the promotion of the domestication of these resources in their different regions, on the other hand. Plants of the Marantaceae family are mainly distributed across the ecologies of tropical America and Africa (Cabezas et al., 2005; Tchatat & Ndoye, 2006).
These are monocotyledons with fairly significant genetic variability, which offers many uses to the populations. For example, the use of Haumania liebrechtsiana (De Wild. & T. Durand) is preferred over other Marantaceae because of its flexible stem used for building huts, basketwork and making fishing vessels. The bevelled pieces of internodes are also used to build cages for rat traps. The stem rings can be made and used to hold bundles of wood and leaves (Tchatat & Ndoye, 2006). According to the same authors, the stems of Hypselodelphys violacea (Ridl.) are also used for traps making. The rings formed with these stems are used to hold together bundles of wood and leaves. The strips detached from the petiole of Marantochloa manii (Benth.) are used in basketry, in cooking as ties for cassava sticks and various packets of food, as well as ties for bundles Marantaceae leaves. 
According to Ndouano & Ada-Ntoutoume (2002), the leaves of Megaphrynium macrostachyum (Benth.) were used as vegetable roof tiles to cover huts or waterproof clothing. However, the most prominent use of those leaves is for food packaging (e.g., cassava sticks) as well as food storage and food cooking of various types of food products. The cortical strips of the petioles (free from the pith) are used for weaving fishing tools, but also as ties to fix the leaves on the roofs or consolidate bundles. The short leaves of Sarcophrynium brachystachys (Benth.) are widely used by women for wrapping short cassava sticks.
The aim of this present study is twofold: firstly, to identify the species of Marantaceae exploited by the peasants in the central Gabon, and secondly laying the foundations of the domestication of this perishable resource. This study is therefore of multiple interest, from a social, economic, ecological and scientific standpoint.
Source : Identification and marketing of Marantaceae in the Ndjolé area, in central Gabon
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whatwecherish · 2 years ago
Handwoven Bantu Sipatsi Bag
We love the BANTU basket bag. African traditional knowledge mixed with modern design. Each piece is made by local women, using the traditional Sipatsi weaving technique that combines basketwork and geometry symbols from the Tonga culture to brilliant effect. Handcrafted with natural ilala palm fiber in different patterns and colors. Finished with leather straps. Woven in rural Mozambique- https://whatwecherish.com/shop/handwoven-bantu-sipatsi-bag/
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babygirlvanitas · 2 years ago
Basalt n. A dark volcanic rock.  basaltic adj. [latin basaltes from greek]
Base1 —n. 1 a part supporting from beneath or serving as a foundation. B notional support or foundation (power base). 2 principle or starting-point. 3 esp. Mil. Headquarters. 4 main or important ingredient. 5 number in terms of which other numbers or logarithms are expressed. 6 substance capable of combining with an acid to form a salt. 7 baseball etc. Each of the four stations on a pitch. —v. (-sing) 1 (usu. Foll. By on, upon) found or establish (a theory, hope, etc.). 2 station (troops based in malta). [greek basis stepping]
Base2 adj. 1 cowardly, despicable. 2 menial. 3 alloyed (base coin). 4 (of a metal) low in value. [latin bassus]
Baseball n. 1 game played esp. In the us with a circuit of four bases which batsmen must complete. 2 ball used in this.
Baseless adj. Unfounded, groundless.
Baseline n. 1 line used as a base or starting-point. 2 line marking each end of a tennis-court.
Basement n. Floor of a building below ground level.
Base rate n. Interest rate set by the bank of england, used as the basis for other banks' rates.
Bases pl. Of *base1, *basis.
Bash —v. 1 a strike bluntly or heavily. B (often foll. By up) colloq. Attack violently. C (often foll. By down, in, etc.) Damage or break by striking forcibly. 2 (foll. By into) collide with. —n. 1 heavy blow. 2 slang attempt. [imitative]
Bashful adj. Shy, diffident.  bashfully adv. [as *abashed]
Basic n. Computer programming language using familiar english words. [beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code]
Basic —adj. 1 serving as a base; fundamental. 2 a simplest or lowest in level (basic pay, needs). B vulgar (basic humour). —n. (usu. In pl.) Fundamental facts or principles.  basically adv.
Basic slag n. Fertilizer containing phosphates formed as a by-product in steel manufacture.
Basil n. Aromatic herb used as flavouring. [greek basilikos royal]
Basilica n. 1 ancient roman hall with an apse and colonnades, used as a lawcourt etc. 2 similar building as a christian church. [greek basilike (stoa) royal (portico)]
Basilisk n. 1 mythical reptile with lethal breath and glance. 2 small american crested lizard. [greek, diminutive of basileus king]
Basin n. 1 round open vessel for holding liquids or preparing food in. 2 = *wash-basin. 3 hollow depression. 4 sheltered mooring area. 5 round valley. 6 area drained by a river.  basinful n. (pl. -s). [medieval latin ba(s)cinus]
Basis n. (pl. Bases) 1 foundation or support. 2 main principle or ingredient (on a friendly basis). 3 starting-point for a discussion etc. [greek: related to *base1]
Bask v. 1 relax in warmth and light. 2 (foll. By in) revel in (basking in glory). [old norse: related to *bathe]
Basket n. 1 container made of interwoven cane, reed, wire, etc. 2 amount held by this. 3 the goal in basketball, or a goal scored. 4 econ. Group or range (of currencies). [french]
Basketball n. 1 game in which goals are scored by putting the ball through high nets. 2 ball used in this.
Basketry n. 1 art of weaving cane etc. 2 work so produced.
Basket weave n. Weave like wickerwork.
Basketwork n. = *basketry.
Basking shark n. Large shark which lies near the surface of the sea.
Basque —n. 1 member of a people of the western pyrenees. 2 their language. —adj. Of the basques or their language. [latin vasco]
Bas-relief n. Sculpture or carving with figures projecting slightly from the background. [french and italian]
Bass1 —n. 1 a lowest adult male singing voice. B singer with this voice. 2 instrument pitched lowest in its family. 3 colloq. Bass guitar or double-bass. 4 low-frequency output of a radio, record-player, etc. —adj. 1 lowest in musical pitch. 2 deep-sounding.  bassist n. (in sense 3). [from *base2 altered after italian basso]
Bass2 n. (pl. Same or -es) 1 common perch. 2 other spiny-finned fish of the perch family. [old english]
Bass clef n. Clef placing f below middle c on the second highest line of the staff.
Basset n. (in full basset-hound) sturdy hunting-dog with a long body and short legs. [french diminutive of bas low]
Bass guitar n. Electric guitar tuned as a double-bass.
Bassinet n. Child's wicker cradle, usu. Hooded. [french diminutive of bassin *basin]
Basso n. (pl. -s) singer with a bass voice. [italian, = *bass1]
Bassoon n. Bass instrument of the oboe family.  bassoonist n. [italian: related to *bass1]
Bast n. Fibre from the inner bark of a tree (esp. The lime). [old english]
Bastard often offens. —n. 1 person born of an unmarried mother. 2 slang a unpleasant or despicable person. B person of a specified kind (poor, lucky, bastard). 3 slang difficult or awkward thing. —attrib. Adj. 1 illegitimate by birth. 2 unauthorized, counterfeit, hybrid.  bastardy n. (in sense 1 of n.). [french from medieval latin]
Bastardize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 corrupt, debase. 2 declare (a person) illegitimate.
Baste1 v. (-ting) 1 moisten (meat) with fat etc. During cooking. 2 beat, thrash. [origin unknown]
Baste2 v. (-ting) sew with large loose stitches, tack. [french from germanic]
Bastinado —n. Beating with a stick on the soles of the feet. —v. (-es, -ed) punish in this way. [spanish baston stick]
Bastion n. 1 projecting part of a fortification. 2 thing regarded as protecting (bastion of freedom). [italian bastire build]
Bat1 —n. 1 implement with a handle, used for hitting balls in games. 2 turn with this. 3 batsman. —v. (-tt-) 1 hit with or as with a bat. 2 take a turn at batting.  off one's own bat unprompted, unaided. [old english from french]
Bat2 n. Mouselike nocturnal flying mammal. [scandinavian]
Bat3 v. (-tt-)  not (or never) bat an eyelid colloq. Show no reaction or emotion. [var. Of obsolete bate flutter]
Batch —n. 1 group of things or persons considered or dealt with together; instalment. 2 loaves produced at one baking. 3 computing group of records processed as one unit. —v. Arrange or deal with in batches. [related to *bake]
Bated adj.  with bated breath very anxiously. [as *abate]
Bath —n. (pl. -s) 1 a (usu. Plumbed-in) container for sitting in and washing the body. B its contents. 2 act of washing in it (have a bath). 3 (usu. In pl.) Public building with baths or a swimming-pool. 4 a vessel containing liquid for immersing something, e.g. A film for developing. B its contents. —v. 1 wash (esp. A baby) in a bath. 2 take a bath. [old english]
Bath bun n. Round spiced bun with currants, often iced. [bath in s. England]
Bath chair n. Wheelchair for invalids.
Bath cube n. Cube of soluble substance for scenting or softening bath-water.
Bathe —v. (-thing) 1 immerse oneself in water, esp. To swim or wash oneself. 2 immerse in, wash, or treat with liquid. 3 (of sunlight etc.) Envelop. —n. Swim. [old english]
Bathhouse n. Public building with baths.
Bathing-costume n. (also bathing-suit) garment worn for swimming.
Bathos n. Lapse in mood from the sublime to the absurd or trivial; anticlimax.  bathetic adj. Bathotic adj. [greek, = depth]
Bathrobe n. Esp. Us dressing-gown, esp. Of towelling.
Bathroom n. 1 room with a bath, wash-basin, etc. 2 us room with a lavatory.
Bath salts n.pl. Soluble powder or crystals for scenting or softening bath-water.
Bathyscaphe n. Manned vessel for deep-sea diving. [greek bathus deep, skaphos ship]
Bathysphere n. Vessel for deep-sea observation. [greek bathus deep, *sphere]
Batik n. 1 method of dyeing textiles by applying wax to parts to be left uncoloured. 2 cloth so treated. [javanese, = painted]
Batiste n. Fine linen or cotton cloth. [french from baptiste, name of the first maker]
Batman n. Army officer's servant. [bat pack-saddle, from french]
Baton n. 1 thin stick for conducting an orchestra etc. 2 short stick passed on in a relay race. 3 stick carried by a drum major. 4 staff of office. [french from latin]
Baton round n. Rubber or plastic bullet.
Batrachian —n. Amphibian that discards its gills and tail, esp. A frog or toad. —adj. Of batrachians. [greek batrakhos frog]
Bats predic. Adj. Slang crazy. [originally pl. Of *bat2]
Batsman n. Person who bats, esp. In cricket.
Battalion n. 1 army unit usu. Of 300–1000 men. 2 large group with a common aim. [italian battaglia *battle]
Batten1 —n. 1 a long flat strip of squared timber. B horizontal strip of wood to which laths, tiles, etc., are fastened. 2 strip for securing tarpaulin over a ship's hatchway. —v. Strengthen or (often foll. By down) fasten with battens. [french: related to *batter1]
Batten2 v. (foll. By on) thrive at the expense of (another). [old norse]
Battenberg n. Oblong sponge cake, usu. Of two colours and covered with marzipan. [battenberg in germany]
Batter1 v. 1 a strike hard and repeatedly. B (often foll. By against, at, etc.) Pound insistently (batter at the door). 2 (often in passive) a subject to long-term violence (battered baby, wife). B criticize severely.  batterer n. [french battre beat: related to *battle]
Batter2 n. Mixture of flour, egg, and milk or water, used for pancakes etc. [french: related to *batter1]
Battered adj. Coated in batter and deep-fried.
Battering-ram n. Hist. Beam used in breaching fortifications.
Battery n. (pl. -ies) 1 usu. Portable container of an electrically charged cell or cells as a source of current. 2 (often attrib.) Series of cages for the intensive breeding and rearing of poultry or cattle. 3 set of similar units of equipment; series, sequence. 4 emplacement for heavy guns. 5 law unlawful physical violence against a person. [latin: related to *battle]
Battle —n. 1 prolonged fight between armed forces. 2 difficult struggle; contest (battle for supremacy; battle of wits). —v. (-ling) engage in battle; fight.  half the battle key to the success of an undertaking. [latin battuo beat]
Battleaxe n. 1 large axe used in ancient warfare. 2 colloq. Formidable older woman.
Battlebus n. Colloq. Bus used by a politician during an election campaign as a mobile centre of operations.
Battle-cruiser n. Hist. Warship of higher speed and lighter armour than a battleship.
Battle-cry n. Cry or slogan used in a battle or contest.
Battledore n. Hist. 1 (in full battledore and shuttlecock) game played with a shuttlecock and rackets. 2 racket used in this. [perhaps from provençal batedor beater]
Battledress n. Everyday uniform of a soldier.
Battlefield n. (also battleground) scene of a battle.
Battlement n. (usu. In pl.) Recessed parapet along the top of a wall, as part of a fortification. [french batailler fortify]
Battle royal n. 1 battle of many combatants; free fight. 2 heated argument.
Battleship n. Heavily armoured warship.
Batty adj. (-ier, -iest) slang crazy. [from *bat2]
Batwing attrib. Adj. (esp. Of a sleeve) shaped like a bat's wing.
Bauble n. Showy worthless trinket or toy. [french ba(u)bel toy]
Baulk (also balk) —v. 1 (often foll. By at) jib, hesitate. 2 a thwart, hinder. B disappoint. 3 miss, let slip (a chance etc.). —n. 1 hindrance; stumbling-block. 2 roughly-squared timber beam. [old english]
Bauxite n. Claylike mineral, the chief source of aluminium. [french from les baux in s. France]
Bawdy —adj. (-ier, -iest) humorously indecent. —n. Such talk or writing. [bawd brothel-keeper from french baudetrot]
Bawdy-house n. Brothel.
Bawl v. 1 speak or shout noisily. 2 weep loudly.  bawl out colloq. Reprimand angrily. [imitative]
Bay1 n. Broad curving inlet of the sea. [spanish bahia]
Bay2 n. 1 laurel with deep green leaves. 2 (in pl.) Bay wreath, for a victor or poet. [latin baca berry]
Bay3 n. 1 recess; alcove in a wall. 2 compartment (bomb bay). 3 area specially allocated (loading bay). [french baer gape]
Bay4 —adj. (esp. Of a horse) dark reddish-brown. —n. Bay horse. [latin badius]
Bay5 —v. Bark or howl loudly and plaintively. —n. Sound of this, esp. Of hounds in close pursuit.  at bay cornered, unable to escape. Keep at bay hold off (a pursuer). [french bayer to bark]
Bayberry n. (pl. -ies) fragrant n. American tree.
Bay-leaf n. Leaf of the bay-tree, used for flavouring.
Bayonet —n. 1 stabbing blade attachable to the muzzle of a rifle. 2 electrical fitting pushed into a socket and twisted. —v. (-t-) stab with bayonet. [french, perhaps from bayonne in sw france]
Bay rum n. Perfume distilled orig. From bayberry leaves in rum.
Bay window n. Window projecting outwards from a wall.
Bazaar n. 1 oriental market. 2 fund-raising sale of goods, esp. For charity. [persian]
Bazooka n. Anti-tank rocket-launcher. [origin unknown]
Bb abbr. Double-black (pencil-lead).
Bbc abbr. British broadcasting corporation.
Bc abbr. British columbia.
Bc abbr. Before christ.
Bcg abbr. Bacillus calmette-guérin, an anti-tuberculosis vaccine.
Bd abbr. Bachelor of divinity.
Bdellium n. 1 tree yielding resin. 2 this used in perfumes. [latin from greek]
Be symb. Beryllium.
Be v. (sing. Present am; are; is; past was; were; pres. Part. Being; past part. Been) 1 exist, live (i think, therefore i am; there is no god). 2 a occur; take place (dinner is at eight).
Bevel —n. 1 slope from the horizontal or vertical in carpentry etc.; sloping surface or edge. 2 tool for marking angles. —v. (-ll-; us -l-) 1 reduce (a square edge) to a sloping edge. 2 slope at an angle. [french]
Bevel gear n. Gear working another at an angle to it.
Beverage n. Formal drink. [latin bibo drink]
Bevy n. (pl. -ies) company (of quails, larks, women, etc.). [origin unknown]
Bewail v. Lament; wail over.
Beware v. (only in imper. Or infin.; often foll. By of) be cautious (of) (beware of the dog; beware the ides of march). [from *be, ware cautious]
Bewilder v. Perplex, confuse.  bewildering adj. Bewilderment n. [from *be-, obsolete wilder lose one's way]
Bewitch v. 1 enchant. 2 cast a spell on.
Beyond —prep. 1 at or to the further side of. 2 outside the scope or understanding of (beyond repair; it is beyond me). 3 more than. —adv. 1 at or to the further side. 2 further on. —n. (prec. By the) the unknown after death. [old english: related to *by, *yon]
Bezel n. 1 sloped edge of a chisel. 2 oblique faces of a cut gem. 3 groove holding a watch-glass or gem. [french]
Bezique n. Card-game for two. [french]
B.f. Abbr. 1 colloq. Bloody fool. 2 brought forward.
Bhang n. Indian hemp used as a narcotic. [portuguese from sanskrit]
B.h.p. Abbr. Brake horsepower.
Bi symb. Bismuth.
Bi- comb. Form forming nouns, adjectives, and verbs, meaning: 1 division into two (biplane; bisect). 2 a occurring twice in every one or once in every two (bi-weekly). B lasting for two (biennial). 3 chem. Substance having a double proportion of what is indicated by the simple word (bicarbonate). 4 bot. & zool. Having divided parts which are themselves similarly divided (bipinnate). [latin]
Biannual adj. Occurring etc. Twice a year.
Bias —n. 1 (often foll. By towards, against) predisposition or prejudice. 2 statistics distortion of a statistical result due to a neglected factor. 3 edge cut obliquely across the weave of a fabric. 4 sport a irregular shape given to a bowl. B oblique course this causes it to run. —v. (-s- or -ss-) 1 (esp. As biased adj.) Influence (usu. Unfairly); prejudice. 2 give a bias to.  on the bias obliquely, diagonally. [french]
Bias binding n. Strip of fabric cut obliquely and used to bind edges.
Biathlon n. Athletic contest in skiing and shooting or cycling and running. [from *bi-, after *pentathlon]
Bib n. 1 piece of cloth etc. Fastened round a child's neck while eating. 2 top front part of an apron, dungarees, etc. [origin uncertain]
Bib-cock n. Tap with a bent nozzle. [perhaps from *bib]
Bible n. 1 a (prec. By the) christian scriptures of old and new testaments. B (bible) copy of these. 2 (bible) colloq. Authoritative book.  biblical adj. [greek biblia books]
Bible-bashing n. (also bible-thumping) slang aggressive fundamentalist preaching.  bible-basher n. (also -thumper).
Bibliography n. (pl. -ies) 1 list of books on a specific subject, by a particular author, etc.; book containing this. 2 the study of books, their authorship, editions, etc.  bibliographer n. Bibliographical adj. [greek: related to *bible]
Bibliophile n. Lover or collector of books.
Bibulous adj. Tending to drink alcohol. [latin bibo drink]
Bicameral adj. (of a legislative body) having two chambers. [from *bi-, latin camera chamber]
Bicarb n. Colloq. = *bicarbonate 2. [abbreviation]
Bicarbonate n. 1 any acid salt of carbonic acid. 2 (in full bicarbonate of soda) sodium bicarbonate used as an antacid or in baking-powder.
Bicentenary n. (pl. -ies) 1 two-hundredth anniversary. 2 celebration of this.
Bicentennial esp. Us —n. Bicentenary. —adj. Occurring every two hundred years.
Biceps n. (pl. Same) muscle with two heads or attachments, esp. That bending the elbow. [latin caput head]
Bicker v. Argue pettily. [origin unknown]
bc, before christ !
amazing !!!
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leanstooneside · 2 years ago
Out of sight, out of mind
◊ trace of alcohol
◊ basketwork of braids
◊ CONSERVATRIX of Milésien
◊ glow of porcelain
◊ esteem of self
◊ cultivation Of Pierian
◊ loss of time
◊ opening Pages of Reinach
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alfamashop · 3 years ago
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#Cestaria Portuguesa #AlfamaShop nice & uniques #Portuguese #Souvenirs #FindUs in #Alfama #Lisboa #Basketwork these and many many more #Vintage #Toys VisitUs #VisitLisboa #VisitPortugal (em Rua dos Remédios - Alfama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CShLDmTM50h/?utm_medium=tumblr
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omarhandmade · 4 years ago
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Useful Decor Ideas for spring.. Round woven palm leaf basketwork from Egypt @omarhandmade . . . #omarhandmade #basketwork #bohodecor #bohemiandecor #wovenbaskets #minimaldecor #tribaldecor #strawbasket #sisalbasket #braidedbasket #homedecor #spring #etsyseller #round #walldecor #wallart #decal #mandala #mexicanbasket #primitivedecor #farmhouse #cottage #natural #springdecoratio #mothersday #homeinspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/COZxMuMLNfH/?igshid=1h0ayf2xeoigs
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fikafikasworld · 5 years ago
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Basket work items in stock Now! @ifyoufeelhappyclapyourhand 💛 #homedecor #basketwork #wovenbasket #ifyoufeelhappyclapyourhandshop (at CLAP-CLAP) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiVwf2jkUe/?igshid=14an51wrz13qm
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petermorwood · 5 years ago
This is a Rolls-Royce 40/50hp Phantom I Brougham de Ville with coachwork by Charles Clark & Son Ltd, Wolverhampton, bought by the financial director of Woolworths (remember them?) for his wife. More information here, and in a 2-year-old post here.
It’s called “the Phantom of Love” because of it being such an impressive gift and because of all the cherubs and cupids in the decoration, NOT because of any excessive nookie that went on inside.
I’m fairly sure it’s the car Ian Fleming had in mind when he described this one in “From Russia With Love”...
“…an old black basketwork Rolls-Royce coupé-de-ville that Bond guessed must have been built for some millionaire of the ’20s.”
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Those yellow panels are what’s meant by “basketwork”. It’s sometimes assumed to be a decal, as on this 1960s Renault 4 Parisienne...
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...or a painted design like this Mini owned by Peter Sellers, where the “basketwork” was painted by a retired heraldic (?) artist...
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...but the giveaway of decals and paint is the way light reflects from their featureless surface. Real basketwork is an actual 3D appliqué of woven tape then many, many coats of lacquer.
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Unlike paint or decals, this basketwork not only reflects light differently to the surface under it, but can be seen and felt (far left of image)...
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I’m guessing basketwork was popular on cars like the Rolls because it was (1) different from paint; (2) more fiddly than paint, thus more time-consuming for a craftsman to do, thus obviously more expensive; (3) not tastelessly expensive like using gold leaf instead of chrome for the brightwork.
The rest of the Rolls exterior looks like this:
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...and I bet there was a set of matching luggage. If 1960s Renault could do it...
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...1920s Rolls-Royce probably got there first.
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Inside a 1926 Rolls Royce
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sophiajns · 4 years ago
Export Of Basketwork (Hs Code 460219) From India
Market Reports on India Provides the Trending Market Research Report on“A Report On Selecting The Best Suitable Market For The Export Of Basketwork (Hs Code 460219) From India”under Food & Beverage category. The report offers a collection of superior market research, market analysis, competitive intelligence and Market reports.
Export Of Basketwork
This thesis aims to understand the gradually growing market and the concept regarding the growing demand. By gaining knowledge of these concepts, it can determine the right target countries for Basketwork (HS 460219). In this report, a countries basket is also developed which enables an exporter to make the right policy while deciding to select the best suitable market to establish their brand for a sustainable long-term business. Request a free sample copy of India Basketwork export Market Report http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/marketreports/sample/reports/2185606
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Report Scope:
The scope of the report endeavours to select the best suitable market for a long-term business in international trading. This report enables businesses in this domain to address preferences, trends and export opportunities for Basketwork (HS 460219). The report is created by researching and conducting analysis using secondary data. The market with sudden fluctuations in trade and requirements is certainly not good for a long-term business perspective. Through this report, we have tried to evaluate which market is growing gradually & various parameters are considered for a long-term business opportunity in various markets. The report defines the market parameters in terms of size, growth, structure, etc. In the light of studying the market behaviour of various forces like exporters, importers, countries, products, etc. this report acts as a guideline for exporters planning to establish their brand in the prospective market. Having said that, some areas of research could not be taken into account and this report has stayed away from taken points like uncertain political scenario rising, natural calamity, disaster or any other such acts of God into account, etc.
Research Coverage:
The report is divided into three modules. In all the three modules a comparative study is carried out to find the best suitable market for the export. For the convenience of the policymakers, a countries basket is also being developed which enables them to make the right policy for the export of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India.
The report provides insights on the following:
This report provides the information that the product has undertaken for export is good for new exporters or not, in other words, how much the product is competitive.
A result has also been carried out in the report that the market of Basketwork (HS 460219) is dispersed or it is concentrated on fewer markets of the world.
Considering the export data of the last 15 years a comparative study has been done to find out the biggest importer in word, biggest exporter in the world and biggest importer for Basketwork (HS 460219) of India in the world in recent years.
In the first module of the report, the best suitable market is tried to find out doing a comparative study doing different indices calculation analysis which includes trade balance, growth, trade intensity, policy, tariff, price, etc.
In the second module, a comparative study has been done considering the ease of doing business, logistics, etc.
In the third module, a competitor benchmarking and market outlook results have been carried out and a comparative study has been done.
After passing through all the modules (value-wise & quantity-wise) the best suitable country for the export of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India has been put into rank in the country's basket.
The report provides market development trends for the export of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India in 2020 onwards.
Some facts and figures:
-The exporters of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India may face maximum competition in Belarus.
-In Iran, Islamic Republic of the exporters of India can have advantage of minimum tariff.
-It has been observed that the growth rate of export value - wise can be the best with Colombia.
-The best trade intensity value – wise for the export of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India is Qatar.
-The exporters from India can target 81 countries as a target market for the export of Basketwork (HS 460219).
-Passing through all the three modules the best suitable country for export of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India is present in the country basket available in the report.
Key Benefits:
-The report provides information about the most promising market for the future for the new entrants/market leaders. This report will help stakeholders to understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights to position their businesses better and to plan suitable go-to-market strategies. The report will also help the stakeholders to understand the pulse of the market and will provide them with information on key market drivers, challenges, and opportunities.
-This report provides an extensive analysis of the current trends and emerging estimations & dynamics in the export of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India.
-An in-depth analysis and estimations are done for the export of Basketwork (HS 460219) from India.
-Competitive analysis is done to find out the competitive scenario across the world's market.
-A comprehensive analysis of factors that drive and restrain the growth of the market is provided.
-For the export of Basketwork (HS 460219), an extensive analysis of the market is conducted by considering different factors and monitoring the top competitors for India within the market framework.
Reasons to Purchase this Report:
-Market  dynamics scenario, alongside growth opportunities of the markets in the years to come.
-Analyzing  recent trends to determine the outlook of the market.
-Identify commercial opportunities in the export of products undertaken.
-Country-level analysis integrating the demand forces to find the best suitable market for export.
-Value-wise and quantity-wise data are considered to find the market outlook for upcoming years for export.
-Major competitors including L1, L2, and L3 type of competitors are present in the report.
-A countries basket being developed in the report which includes the information of market outlook, competitors benchmarking, market size, overall score, and rank. This basket is also liided into three categories i.e. RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE and SUSPICIOUS countries basket respectively.
-The countries basket is liided into continents basket also.
Key Target Audience:
Potential investors
The study is beneficial in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for industry stakeholders like manufacturers, suppliers, etc., besides allowing them in strategizing investments and capitalizing on export opportunities.
Intended Audience:
This report will be useful to Industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to Basketwork (HS 460219) export, government bodies and other stakeholders to align their market-centric export strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the export.
Browse our full report with Table of Content : http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/marketreports/a-report-on-selecting-the-best-suitable-market-for-the-export-of-basketwork-hs-code-460219-from-india/2185606
About Market Reports on India:
Market Reports on India is an excellent source to obtain top quality market research reports that helps you to understand the business in the Indian market. We cover various industries, identifying and understanding key macro and micro-economic trends, insights and futuristic growth opportunities. To help achieve all this and more, Market Reports on India is the answer to all your business needs. Contact us at: Market Reports on India Tel: +91 22 27810772 / 27810773 Email: [email protected] Website: www.marketreportsonindia.com Follow us on: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn
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aic-african · 3 years ago
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Container, Kongo, 1700, Art Institute of Chicago: Arts of Africa
Basketwork boxes decorated with interlocking geometric patterns were produced in the Congolese region and adjacent Angola well into the 20th century. Such containers were used for the storage of luxury wares including raffia textiles and ivory accessories. Some were exported to Europe as early as the mid-17th century and became part of the collections of royals and wealthy aristocrats. Restricted gift of Jamee and Marshall Field; Pauline S. Armstrong Endowment Size: 34.9 × 55.9 × 26.7 cm (13 3/4 × 22 × 10 1/2 in.) Medium: Rattan, wood, and twine
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apesoformythoughts · 3 years ago
Anne: The Coming of the Immaculate
“At times prayer is wordless, but it fills the empty night as water fills a lake with its own meaning. I pray to break this body with a child, for my taut pelvis to open and ache its tight basketwork apart; to yield. Sometimes I sense God in the darkness—like a heavy leaning at the door—always with an inexplicable tenderness in how he does not burst in. Perhaps he would break me if he did,
so waits instead to pour into my own undoing— so just when I would moan, It’s done! that life did not go well, Perfection rests in me, and I expand, like wood ticking in the sun.”
— Sally Read: Dawn of this Hunger
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