#bask in your perceived glory WHEN that time comes
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bylers when over 350k people don’t have the exact same thoughts and opinions as them
#byler#stranger things#byler tumblr#i know some of us have been singled out or humiliated by others on here insisting we’re delusional for our theories#and so you compensate by doubling down and telling everyone else their theories are actually headcanons and yours aren’t#or maybe you are someone on the other end who is fed up with bylers reaching and are sick of group think having a place here#some advice: just let the show be whatever YOU want it to be#if you think everything you analyzed is right and everyone else is wrong#congrats#you are as pathetic as the rest of the fans who think the exact opposite and also think they're right and you're wrong#we are one of over 350k ppl with differing opinions and thoughts and experiences guiding us to coming to the conclusions we do#i don't mind ppl giving different perspectives to things even if it goes against my analysis (just don't be an asshole about it)#i have changed my mind about certain aspects of the show bc of this and i have changed other peoples' minds as well#without all of us being able to say what we think we would not have near the evidence we do now#but what comes with over 350k people in one space also comes with some semblance majority that feels a certain way about certain things#it's never going to be perfectly even across the board#what is believed and what is agreed upon will always be shifting as different people say their peace and as the show itself progresses#and hell even if you're the 3% that feels a certain way about something and think the other 97% are setting themselves up for disappointmen#bask in your perceived glory WHEN that time comes#but in the mean time... me personally?#i think it would be quite embarrassing if i devoted my time on here to telling everyone else their theories are wrong and mine are right#only to end up being the one that was wrong#let ppl set themselves up for disappointment#save the celebration for when you actually secure that win#for now#id rather be on here discussing my theories/reading others' theories that aren't rooted in tearing everyone else's down to feel superior#all of this is to say it is never worth making ppl feel like shit over a fucking tv show… I’ll never get that#and this is coming from someone who has no (current) plans to say i told you so (not even to that redditor that has a 2 year timer)#bc until s5 comes out...#crazy together
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"The Man of the Whale." From Surah 21, Anbya, "On Her Grapes."
The accounts in the Quran do not recount historical details like the weather or the conditions at the time or the coming and going of politicians. We know very little about the signs of development that were present at the time Muhammad took an offset of the thoughts within Jibril's surrogate consciousness. Thus we can only surmise why we are reading them now at this time and make our own comparisons and try to understand the reasons why.
The Saudi Arabian masters that continued to process the dictation of the Quran concluded it is in the shape not of a spiral staircase like the Torah but a chambered nautilus that gets more concise, more pointed as it reaches the apex. And we must conclude the Organism inside is this thing called Jibril, "the latent phenomenal reality" that is trying to reach the light at the top.
This being came to Muhammad in the Kahf to prepare his heart to lead mankind out of a war...one we are still fighting for the sake of our lives even though God sent this radiant being Jibril to Mo 1400 years ago. Why not? Because we still cannot climb high enough to find the point of this reality.
For this the Surah says we can as yet turn to the prophets:
21: 85-88:
And ˹remember˺ Ishmael, Enoch, and Ⱬul-Kifl.1 They were all steadfast.
We admitted them into Our mercy, for they were truly of the righteous.
And ˹remember˺ when the Man of the Whale stormed off ˹from his city˺ in a rage, thinking We would not restrain him.1 Then in the ˹veils of˺ darkness2 he cried out, “There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except You. Glory be to You! I have certainly done wrong.”
So We answered his prayer and rescued him from anguish. And so do We save the ˹true˺ believers.
The story of Jonah the "dove" that got caught in the body of a whale is legend because it represents a mankind that is far out of his depth.
"The Book of Jonah, read in its entirety during the Yom Kippur afternoon services, is the story of your life. This is what the Kabbalah says.1
"The Zohar , the Holy One says that this is the real story of your life.
You are Jonah. The real you, for “Jonah”—in Kabbalistic parlance—is another name for the soul. Hence, the story of Jonah is the story of a soul’s journey here on earth. Thus, on Yom Kippur, as we examine our lives and consider our purpose in this world, we remember the historical Jonah whose real-life narrative symbolizes our spiritual odyssey.
Your story begins at birth. A soul from on high is plunged into an earthly body. Before its descent, the soul lived an angel-like existence, basking in a glow of spirituality, intimately bound to its Creator. But the soul must leave its home. It is confined to a material vessel, its senses overwhelmed by the brash stimuli of this world. “Jonah,” the soul, “boards the ship,” the body. And where does this ship take its passenger? “Away from the presence of G‑d.” Indeed, the very name of Jonah—closely related to a Hebrew word meaning “aggrieved”—alludes to the unique frustration of the soul confined to the body.
The soul, Jonah, the hapless passenger, has traveled far away from G‑d. Yet, where can one go and be far from the One? Where is it that the Omnipresent cannot be found? Has the soul—upon entering this coarse, physical realm—really left G‑d behind? Just as G‑d was with Jonah at the moment of his first prophecy in the Holy Land, so too was G‑d with Jonah as he languished on the high seas.
And yet, we, like Jonah, delude ourselves into thinking that our journey to this earth has somehow taken us “out of range” of our relationship with G‑d. Like Jonah, we take this perceived distance as an indication that we have somehow been dismissed from our mission. But no; the soul does not escape G‑d by coming down to this earth. To the contrary, it is an agent of G‑d, a representative of His will charged with imbuing sanctity into the mundane and perfecting an imperfect world."
As I say above reality is a passenger in this creation just like us, and it will respond to course correction. The Prophets Ishmael, Enoch, Zul Kifl and Jonah are the four directions we need to turn to get back on track to reality.
They are :
"Hear, respond, and demonstrate the unfolding of the self and reveal that reality which has been abandoned. This is how we reprieve from anguish the sole believers."
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Subtype Trait Structures: sx6
Doubtful and Insecure
Doubting is the preferred entertainment of this subtype. “To be or not to be” is Hamlet's dilemma, but E6 is not limited to doubting only on the existential plane. His doubtful thought expands everywhere: “To go or not to go? To speak or not to speak? To eat or not to eat? Now or later? Here or there?” And while waiting for an illumination that allows you to make the choice without running the risk of making mistakes, the person to whom you should speak is gone, the spaghetti is gone, and space and time take their course autonomously.
The interesting thing is that individuals of this character believe in their doubts. They think that to doubt is necessary to carry out a fair and effective action. Doubting is the fearful person's way of stopping time, with the illusion that “inaction will limit the damage.” Which? That's secondary: the damage is anywhere.
The sexual subtype does not tolerate much doubt, does not want to be in contact with the anxiety, frustration, and helplessness that come from inaction. So, when he can't take it anymore, he impulsively makes a decision: go, speak, risk your life (trying not to lose control). He remains with the doubt but at least discharges the accumulated tension. And then, like a good schizoid, he adopts an absolute position and represses one of the polarities of doubt; he assumes an aggressive and arrogant attitude to convince himself and others that this decision is the only thing that can be done.
Doubtful thinking is connected to insecurity, which he tries to hide for fear that if they see it, they will take advantage of him.
In their attempt to hide their fear, the counterphobic E6 may venture into reckless, even dangerous, actions. The myth of him is the hero who, “without blemish and without fear,” goes into danger. And he also defies danger.
However, his adventuring is always controlled: his ability to quickly perceive dangerous areas and the possibilities of finding a way out helps him. He knows how to calculate risk margins very well.
He can be reckless when he comes across people who are having a hard time and need protection. The contrast with the weak instills in him a kind of courage that leads him to face really dangerous situations. Other times recklessness is a solitary experience, such as speeding or failing to follow safety rules.
The deep motivation is to maintain the image of a strong person who does not give in to fear. Sensing the risk, he increases the inner excitement that feeds the idea of being strong.
“In the early 1990s there were quite a few neo-Nazi attacks in Germany. One afternoon I saw a bald boy attacking a Turkish woman in the heart of the city. With high adrenaline and without measuring the situation I ran towards them, I grabbed the man from behind, pulling him with all my strength and verbally reprimanding him. The surprised boy let go of the woman and I lived a moment of glory: the victorious defender of the defenseless... Until I turned around and saw a few more shaved heads a short distance away. The fright paralyzed me for a few moments until realizing that there were many people around me, I took a step towards the neo-Nazis, shouting that I was not afraid of them, that the others present were going to help us. I caused such a scandal that the group preferred to withdraw. Only then did I panic and I was left shaking, while simultaneously basking in the satisfaction of having won another fair fight.” (M.)
It is a constant attitude, as if in the challenge he found the energy that allows him to face difficult situations, tests that can confirm that he is capable. Also in the professional field his successes are based on the challenge. Being a “reactive” character, he achieves goals thanks to his willingness to prove that he can do it or that he is worth it. The challenge helps him combat his low self-esteem, thus preventing a correct analysis of his possibilities.
It is quite a common experience for counterphobic E6s to have no real sense of time, as if they don't want to be bound by restrictions or can't stand limits to their actions or desires. Meeting a deadline at the last minute increases the level of anxiety and this allows you to overcome your hesitant and cowardly inertia, thus managing to act.
“On the first day of secondary school, the Literature teacher said in an authoritative and threatening tone that surely half the class would have dropped out before the middle of the year “because the classical high school is not suitable for ignorant and low-level people like most of you.” I remember the rage, the fear of being inadequate, and immediately the phrase that came up inside me: “We'll see which one wins!” It was that energy that allowed me to continue to the end of a tough school.” (G.)
The challenge can be dialectical and elaborate, in a desire to devalue the other by using his repressed rage and his competitive attitude.
Mistrust and control are inseparable: everything should go according to plan because there is no trust in the flow of life. Neither is there trust in the other, nor in his capacity, nor in his intentions, to accompany him on the path.
This feeling is especially intense with people whose proposals are perceived by the sexual E6 as part of a manipulative strategy, or emotional people with another range of interests, or who hold power and, of course, are perceived as possible exploiters. But he sees everything through the filter of mistrust. And follow the labyrinth of obsessive thoughts, bordering on the paranoid, trying to decipher reality to decide the action. And when the ghost of mistrust takes power, definitively and without restraint, the counterphobic launches, accusingly, on the attack.
We have already discussed the state of anxiety typical of every Six character. An anxiety linked to the primary anguish of being destroyed and annihilated. The force, passion of this subtype, seeks to calm this anguish, and anxiety is the only accessible emotional state. Direct contact with fear, which anxiety hides, would be uncontrollable and would destroy the narcissistic image of a strong person that sustains the psychic structure of the counterphobic. And the same, contact with pain or sadness, expressions of an annihilating fragility.
The paranoid attitude of people with this character is linked to their favorite defense mechanism: projection. The parts of himself considered intolerable and ego-dystonic are attributed to the other, in the firm belief that he is dangerous. He mentally repeats each of his gestures and looks, and attributes to them meanings consistent with the basic presupposition: he is an enemy and he is conspiring against him.
Thought is disconnected from reality, and fantasy is no longer just something possible but a confirmed reality (obviously verified only at the level of your thought). The state of confusion between reality and thoughts is such that he believes in them as if they were “facts,” concrete data, and proven truths. The perception of being attacked becomes a reality from which it is necessary to defend oneself. The counterphobic, then, is always on the alert.
Waiting is wasting precious time during which something irreparable may happen. So trigger a defensive attack: “eliminate the enemy before he eliminates me.”
According to Claudio Naranjo, the sexual E6 has learned to defend himself against paranoid fantasies through intimidation. Aggression and fear create a vicious circle.
“After much thought, he expressed a categorical judgment about others, labeling them as people I should take care of and keep at a certain distance, looking at them from afar. This detachment created distrust and suspicion, to the point that at one time I seemed to hear others while they were talking about me.” (B)
Because of his deep distrust of others, it is difficult for him to believe in human kindness and sincerity. No one is good and trustworthy until proven otherwise. And he expresses this certainty with irony and sarcasm, with acid criticism.
Friends don't give each other enough, partners are constantly judged, colleagues don't measure up professionally, and bosses don't deserve their jobs. He finds it hard to believe that the other's feelings are authentic: he expresses them as part of a manipulative strategy with hidden intentions, which he will try to expose.
Since deep down the sexual E6 does not expect anything positive from relationships or love, he takes refuge in cynicism, which gives him the strength to overcome the prospect of living with such coldness, by preventing him from feeling the sadness that it implies.
“‘Believe in good feelings, in the expression of joy, always ready in enthusiasm, in the good faith of others.’ I was ready to snark sarcastically when I saw those feelings. With cynicism I confirmed the idea that there was nothing good in the world.” (B.)
In addition to being useful to defend against emotions, cynicism is also the mask of imperturbability that hides your difficulty in surrendering to feelings and relationships. Not to mention his belief that someone who is possessed by sentimentality is unintelligent or psychically unstable.
“Cynicism has “saved” my life several times, but the bitter taste it left in my mouth convinced me that it's best to abandon it in favor of a little sweetness. It's always been self-defense anyway: it makes them lose interest in hurting you.” (C.)
The counterphobic E6 does not realize that cynicism puts a distance in relationships, and also between what he feels and what he thinks, that makes him an unattractive person. Nobody likes to hug a pretentious block of ice.
“Friends, and even some partners, told me that I was cynical. I did not understand the meaning, but it deeply hurt me that they thought that of me. It seemed to me that I was a person who knew how to see the reality behind the lies, while the others were blind maudlins.”
Defensive Accuser
We have already talked about accusation as a cognitive distortion of the sexual E6, with which he attributes to the other parts of himself that he cannot sustain (aggressiveness and guilt). To protect himself from the alleged threats, he closes his space or with an armor that intimidates and shields him from too intense feelings.
He is very sensitive to invasion (physical or psychological) of his territory, like E5. The difference is that the E5 withdraws into his inner strength, the counterphobic hardens his body so that the muscles form a wall, and he defends himself by accusing and holding the other responsible for his own limits.
Faced with the conflict that he senses (and that he himself generates by making an enemy of someone emotionally important, to whom he has attributed a kind of authority), the sexual E6 reacts by automatically accusing a priori, without dialogue. The first thing he feels is the accusation of the other, an attack or some kind of offense that he does not question, that he does not compare with reality. The feeling of not being recognized prevails, that he is being partially evaluated and that the best parts of him remain in the shadows because the other does not want to see them. It is an injustice!
This character is aggressive and angry, but in intimate relationships he expresses his anger with great difficulty. It is easier to hear him yell and threaten in non-significant relationships, where he feels he is at risk of retaliation or rejection. Many counterphobic E6s say they are bellicose and rebellious at a social level, situations in which they feel supported by an ideal that justifies their opposition behavior.
Many say they have experienced a great ambivalence between behavior at home and abroad. At home, subject to the persecutor; in social relationships, persecutors who need to be seen as strong and determined. Much of the anger discharges in the competition (intellectual or sports). In intimate relationships, anger and resentment turn into an aggressive attitude, abrupt gestures, and ironic words. The look is usually threatening and the eyes take on a forceful shape: round and bulging, which attack. The way of walking is fast and well rooted, although the stiff neck and shoulders betray the intention to control fear, ambushed in bravado.
“I am aggressive only in the dialectic phase, if I feel a threat to my personal integrity. I have never fought with anyone (for fear of losing, but especially of hurting...). My real aggressiveness was in the posture and in the look, which carried a sign: “Attention! I bite.” But inside I knew, and I know very well, that it was to protect my weakness.” (C.)
Aggressiveness is a way of being that you are often unaware of because it is not a precise mood but background music.
“I was very surprised when they told me I was aggressive. Inside me I was much more in touch with worry and shyness.” (G.)
The typical counterphobic E6’s outburst of rage is a “reactive” gesture, responding to the other's anger, disgrace, or accusation. But it can also be a reply to someone who does not think like him, since it is unacceptable for him not to be right. Then the dialogue becomes hard; the tone, high; the other's words must be cut off. There is no time to lose because everything becomes dangerous and the opponent should not be given the option to go on the attack.
“It took me a long time to realize my habit of interrupting someone who was speaking to me. In my house everyone talks interrupting; each dialogue is a war between people who never feel heard, who are never sure of having a recognized place. I understood that for me, interrupting or raising the tone hides a cry: ‘I also exist!’” (G.)
Being a coward is his Achilles heel, the most infamous experience. The aggressive tone and appearance serve to hide, from himself and from the world, that, in fact, we are dealing with a great “cagón” (shithead).
In intimate relationships, they sign a tacit non-aggression pact. When the Sexual E6 decides to accept the other in his intimacy, he is very loyal; sometimes of a blind and inexplicable loyalty.
On the other hand, he secretly “demands” a loyalty that is not so clear to the other. The speech, below, becomes: “I accept you (apparently) as you are, I don't attack you, and you don't attack me, you leave me alone, you let me go to my ball, and you don't discover my weak points. You don't question me.”
It is an acceptance in appearance, since when he discovers that the other is not as faithful as he supposed, he ends the relationship without feeling much, as if it were the breaking of an agreement in a negotiation, with an objective, cold, and rational attitude. This behavior is very similar to that of an E8, but this one has an experience of possession of the other, while what the E6 wants is a non-threat pact.
In short, the sexual E6, after his supposed autonomy, hides from a tendency to merge with the other, from whom he hopes not to be mistreated, as happened to him as a child, and who also shares his ideas. Intellectual harmony becomes a unit of measure for the level of friendship and love, and a pact of loyalty. It is almost impossible to think of a love story that does not include appreciation of the other's ideas; as if eroticism were more connected with intellectual enthusiasm than with the pleasure of the body.
In the relationship with authority, intellectual affinity is fundamental in deciding to what extent to obey and follow a leader. It shifts to the person with authority the need for a guide to indicate which path to follow and help them make sense of events. It must be an authority that, through ideals, conveys a justification for continuing to live. The loving and warm relationship that the father and mother lacked is replaced by collaboration, loyalty to a common project, intellectual passion, and the sublimation of ideals. The sexual E6 is constantly looking for a “father.” The superior authority becomes a myth, while claiming from subordinates the same adherence, the same rigid ethical coherence.
“I had deeply rooted ideas, with convictions that prevented me from seeing the nuances and that kept me rigid, unable to reach an understanding, without any possibility of changing concepts. They reinforced my idea of always being right, of loyalty to the given word and of honesty in intentions. With these principles I thought I would strengthen myself, because leaning on them I seemed to know where I was going and what I wanted to laugh at myself and at others. Putting them into practice, he seemed to have the appearance of a serious, responsible, competent person.” (B.)
Critical and Authoritarian
All people with an E6 character are hypercritical. In the contraphobic it is a very evident characteristic, which demonstrates his narcissistic desire to be the best, the one who should be approved in his own right, the one who has all the qualities to carry out a task or occupy a certain position.
“What could be easier and more beautiful than accusing others of a defeat? Destroying the other provokes in me a great feeling of power.” (C.)
But this narcissistic self-image does not allow him to expose himself, as for example happens with an E1 character, because the fear of being punished (castrated) prevails as soon as he opposes and adopts an explicit superior attitude. Therefore, he cultivates this conviction within himself, expressing it with criticism, sometimes in a hidden way, creating alliances and analyzing where the other is wrong.
In the case of occupying a position of authority, ambivalence causes criticism to manifest itself in the inability to trust others and to allow each one to act according to their own way. Authoritarian control is even more evident when collaborating with someone “unintelligent” (who is motivated by emotion and not by thought): “incapable.” The sexual E6 is so convinced that he knows how to do everything that he fails to have confidence in the path or in the creativity of others.
“I have had a hard time cultivating patience with my students. Whenever I saw that something was wrong or that there was no clear thought behind it, I began to feel bad; physical intolerance. I felt compelled to intervene as if I had to save a child from a fire. I projected onto the other my experience of not being able to make a mistake, the catastrophic vision of the effects of an error.” (G.)
When he criticizes, the counterphobic easily becomes a persecutor, intimidating those around him with uncontested, stony criticism, and a vehement tone. Thus he combats the unbearable feeling of impotence.
We want to emphasize here the oppositional character of the sexual E6. His rebellion is impregnated with fear of punishment, unlike the E8, who enjoys his desire to do what he wants and does not care about the feelings of the other and what he does, he does not allow himself to be limited and is ready for anything. In his rebellion, the counterphobic continues to feel anxiety, although he may enjoy not respecting either his prosecutor or the rules. He even finds great satisfaction in the transgression, but he will continue to watch carefully what the other's reactions may be. He will oscillate between the pride of his strong image and the fear of having committed something irreparable that will lead to rejection.
Theirs is a rebellion linked to the ideal of the hero: one who challenges the world for a just cause, willing to lose his life to save others.
Observant and Inhibited
The sexual E6 explores the world cautiously. Although it is the most active of the subtypes, it limits itself, circumscribes the field of curiosity and prefers to move in already explored terrain. He is capable of dreaming of great trips to the ends of the world, but he is satisfied with having glimpsed them; then he comes back satisfied that he had stuck his head out, and frustrated that he hadn't involved his whole body.
“Observe to confirm what I think, observe as control of the situation, always alert, observe to assess the convenience of being in a place or with someone.” (B.)
It is almost impossible to believe that the counterphobic is shy, but it is something that he has lived with since his childhood, and that for many represents hell. It's like having an infectious disease with fear that everyone will find out. Obviously, being shy clashes with the heroic and strong image you want to give to the world. Despite your efforts to hide it, shyness is always there like a devouring monster.
“At the age of twenty-six I had to present my first paper before a congress. She was obviously happy and wouldn't have backed down even with an earthquake. Ten minutes before I went up to the box, my neck, chest, and arms were covered in red spots. He was terribly embarrassed that they would see each other. Since then, I have had this kind of reaction every time I had to expose myself in public. I learned to dress so that those parts of the body would not be seen. Two years later, on a similar occasion, exhausted, I spoke to the director of the school where she worked as a teacher and he told me: “Don't worry, it's just the narcissistic need to be perfect.” The arrow had hit the target: the symptom disappeared.” (G.)
Shyness is connected with the deep feeling of inadequacy, with the constant fear of being ridiculous. The humiliation experienced during childhood and the lack of basic trust left an insecurity installed in the body. Like a soldier who appears alone in the enemy camp, he tries to be invisible so that they don't kill him.
This experience is similar to that of an E3, with the profound difference that a Vanity character bids to be seen, in his desire for a relationship with the other, while the E6 prefers to be “left alone,” taking away value to relational need.
Afraid of Tenderness
The counterphobic instinctively seeks sexual intimacy, as if the intensity of these encounters were enough to satisfy their need for human contact. He has no difficulty in surrendering to the sexual act, which he tries to differentiate from the emotional. Always distinguish in relationships what is only sexual and does not imply love. In a kind of double life; in the face of a discreet, shy, almost straight and normative behavior, he is a collector of experiences: he seeks to feel something deeper, again and again, impulsively, whenever the opportunity arises, without success.
“Atrocious situations followed one another: from the way I gave my virginity to a stranger I never wanted to hear from again (for me it was a procedure that had to be done sooner rather than later, stripped of tenderness), to the sexual encounters, so many as possible, in search of orgasm, to which it was difficult, and sometimes impossible, to surrender.” (R.)
He does not want the other to realize that he likes or desires him, because that would be putting himself in his hands, allowing him to do what he wants with him. The tenderness can be a space of no control and he does not allow himself to take off his armor. Just as he has not been able to rest peacefully in mom's arms, he cannot give himself over to loving effusions either.
“If I liked a man, I preferred to show that he did not interest me at all. It was better to give up than to endure the shame and the risk of being ridiculed. I always imagined this thought in the other: ‘But who does he think he is to believe that I could like him!’” (G.)
This experience has to do with the lack of references, or criteria. The sexual E6 has not had a model. Or, in which there was, he does not trust and, therefore, has moved away from him. But there is no confidence in his own signals either, because he grew up doubting them, with messages of the type: “you don't know,” “they won't love you,” “they will cheat on you,” “they will tease you”; and fundamentally, because he doubted the reality he was observing;
“Could that be true? Really? Wouldn't I be wrong thinking what I thought?”
So, in an uncomfortable situation, she tries to take the pulse of the environment, quickly see what the others do, if they accept or reject her, as a test before making her own decision. But she is left evaluating all the factors without making any decision. In this wait he can endure very difficult situations. It might seem like an adaptation; actually it is an anesthesia; inside himself he knows perfectly well that he does not want what is happening, but it is impossible for him to move until the “certainty” arrives. At the same time he measures his strength by enduring hardships, psychic and physical weights, to later feel satisfied that he has not fallen.
“Putting up with an uncomfortable situation is staying “waiting” for the other to see that I'm right, that I'm right... and to do what I think is necessary. If I don't receive a signal, I tend to repeat it several times, as if to listen to myself and stay calm so that what I'm saying is clear.” (R.)
He likes to look triumphant. It is a victory over oneself: over that “oneself” that, deep down, knows that it is injured in its integrity. And under the pressure of needing a constant demonstration or reliable proof of what he is capable of; that is, that he is able to get out without harm, without pain, whether physical or emotional.
It is not enough for him to prove something to himself introspectively, in silence. For it to acquire validity, for it to be real to itself, the sexual E6 needs to show it, say it out loud, explain the battle…
This results in bragging, that fearless attitude that hides the inner insecurity for which you need to explain yourself over and over again, checking that there is no criticism, that there is acceptance. And there is also, deep down, a need to justify oneself.
Of course, he only needs to share it with those closest to him, with those who will not question him, who will accept his bravado and agree with him, which will validate him and allow him to feel moral superiority.
This is a trait that most sexual E6 recognize. By “honest” they mean that they do not tolerate any hypocrisy, falsehood, or deception. Even telling a lie is impossible. The honesty that he seeks ensures that he who fights for himself and for others is also correct, consistent and, therefore, worthy part of his ideal of a hero without blemish and without fear, justice and the rescue of the oppressed. And it is a way of going against the enemies: the exploiters, the powerful and those who abuse power, even people who have money because how can you have money if you are honest?
The ambition of the sexual E6 is camouflaged as idealism, by the pretense of wanting success or power at the service of justice and honesty. The idealization of himself as righteous justifies his desire to be recognized as the best, or perhaps the only one, in competition with others, whom he likes to look at as fools or people who are not up to the task (whatever they are).
Obviously, fear does not allow us to live this competition openly and visibly, which it condemns as immoral or selfish. So in this field, too, the counterphobic E6 will advance with one accusing finger and the other timid hand. He will continue to feel that a persecutor is going to come and punish him for being competitive and castrate him for being ambitious. There remains a feeling of frustration and rage against those who do not allow him (according to him) to raise his head, and also of guilt for wanting to raise it so much.
Source: PDB Wiki
#personality theory#personality types#typology#enneagram#enneagram subtypes#instinctual variants#enneagram 6#type 6#6w5#6w7#sx6#entj#istp
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“My energy is radiant and magnetic.”
Our aura is the outward projection of our energy system. When we do deep spiritual work, face our own darkness, dedicate ourselves to our spiritual practice, and participate in our own wellness, it becomes radiant with light and those around us
see beyond our self‑perceived flaws and tune directly in to who we truly are.
Right now, your aura is radiant. You are in a sacred space. You have dedicated much time, effort, and energy to reclaiming your wholeness. You have faced your shadow. You have been dedicated to your own healing. You have chosen to remember the light of your soul.
Currently, the doors of opportunity are swinging open for you. Any exciting new invitations, connections, and inspirations that are coming through are divinely guided. This is the time to bask in the glory of your gifts and to express your most authentic self. Your energy field is magnetic and it’s attracting people, places, situations, opportunities, ideas, connections, and angels that will lead you toward the fulfilment of your highest and greatest good.
DECK: Raise Your Vibration Oracle
ARTIST: Ari Wisner
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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Fantasy Thundershield Concept - Steve's a water spirit of a secluded spring deep in the forest. Humans almost never wander far enough into the forest to find his domain, so he's never had much interaction with them, or even seen them up close.
One day, a travelling knight named Thor passes through the area, weary from his long journey. Upon seeing the spring, he decides he can afford a little time to bathe and relax, stripping off before he slips into the water with a sigh of relief. With the coolness of the water easing the aches in his muscles, it doesn't take long for him to drift off to sleep seated on a shallow rock shelf at the pool's edge.
Little does he know Steve's been watching him with fascination this whole time, unable to tear his eyes away from this handsome stranger. Once Thor's asleep, he creeps closer through the water to get a better look, running his hands over Thor's body and hard muscles in curiosity. Thor's cock takes up a lot of Steve's attention, especially as it begins to lengthen and harden in his hands.
Meanwhile, Thor thinks he's been having a very pleasant dream, moaning and growling softly in his sleep under Steve's ministrations. Until he awakens to find this lithe, beautiful spirit straddling his hips and staring at him with those beautiful blue eyes, his bare ass pressed right up against Thor's erection. Lost in each other's eyes, it seems only natural that Thor shift his hips ever so slightly. Just at the right angle to slowly push his cock up into his companion's ass, their moans filling the still air as Thor takes Steve in his arms properly and draws him out into the deeper waters to continue their union.
Ooo this is such a delicious idea and it's so different from lots of fantasy AUs!
Thor is probably a knight or prince out on a quest to slay a monster or something. It's as much for glory as it is to help people who are being threatened by it. Instead of finding monster, though, he gets hopelessly lost in the forest while searching for it.
The spring is fueled by a nearby volcano so that it's always pleasantly warm, even in the dead of winter. It also contains several minerals that are good for the human skin. Additionally, since it has the blessing of a water spirit, the water contains magical properties that heal the wounds of those who drink or bathe in the waters, as long as they pose no threat to the spring or the environment around it.
Thor, being a human, has no clue about this, of course. All he knows is that the troll that was threatening people who live at the foot of the mountain is nowhere to be found. He's yet to find the cave where the mountain troll is supposed to dwell. Still, it’s been two days and nights of travel. Thor’s beginning to believe that the troll has either moved on or that the villagers were simply mistaken about what happened to their missing friends.
In the failing light of the third day, Thor happens upon the hidden spring. Steam is rising gently from the water and Thor sees an opportunity to relieve his sore muscles. It would even be a good place to rest for the night if he could manage to find some food in the traps he’d set up earlier.
He quietly strips out of his clothing and armor and tests the water gingerly with his foot. It’s pleasantly hot, but not so hot that it hurt to touch it. He sighs luxuriantly as he lets himself sink into the water. He sits on one of the rocks in the pool that’s the perfect height for him. It lets him lounge in the pool, the water rising up to his shoulders.
Unbeknownst to Thor, Steve was idling his day away in the spring. It comes from an underground river and he’s spent his whole life, however long it’s been, exploring it and the surrounding mountain. The spring is his home and he prefers to keep it hidden, especially from humans.
This one, however, found it on accident. Steve is almost insulted that someone has come into his home without so much as a “by your leave,” but the stranger’s beauty stills his tongue. the man is built like a mountain lion, all corded muscle and long limbs. The grime that washes away from his skin reveals its glowing tan and his hair is long and golden.
It doesn’t take long for the human to fall asleep in the healing waters. As soon as Steve is sure that he is, in fact, sleeping, he rises from the depths where he had been watching the stranger.
Steve’s not a complete recluse. He has met other spirits. The creature that the village at the foot of the mountain calls a troll is actually a spirit of a cluster of rocks at the top of the mountain. He wasn’t very bright, though. Probably why he said his name was “Brock,” because the name was similar to what he was. There were other spirits. Bucky, the spirit of the pine forest that covered the mountains here, was much more well traveled than Steve, and he said humans weren’t very interesting. They fought and quarreled and they cut down his precious trees.
Then there was Peggy, the spirit of the ice that covered the top of the mountains. She had a much more gracious view of humans. She said they were warm and kind, the food they made was delicious, and though they struggled to survive, they also found time to frolic and enjoy life.
Steve wasn’t sure what to think, but he’d never thought to venture too far from his spring or the river that ran through the mountains. If he followed it, he might run into humans eventually, but he preferred this spring. So this was the first time he’d ever seen one a human up close. What surprised him most was that neither Bucky nor Peggy had told him how attractive they were. As he neared the sleeping human, he began to touch him. He felt the strong muscles beneath his skin. He ran his hands over the rolling expanses, letting his fingers follow the mountains and valleys that formed on the man’s body.
Were they all like this? If so, perhaps there was some reason to seek the humans out on occasion like Peggy did.
Then, of course, Steve arrived at the human’s cock. it was the most fascinating thing about him, so far. At first, it had been soft. Impressive, but soft. The longer Steve spent feeling the man’s body, the longer and harder it became. This was another thing neither of his friends mentioned. He stared at it in fascination. It was true that his body looked like a human’s but he had never actually thought much about it.
He lets instinct take over. It always seemed to work in the past. Where the instinct came from, Steve couldn’t say, but he climbed into the man’s lap and lined up his cock to his hole. As he began to sink down on it, he moaned as the thick cock stretched him open. The sound caused the man’s eyes to open. They looked at each other for a while. Steve’s hands were braced on the man’s chest. A moment later, the human put his hands on Steve’s hips and began thrusting up. Steve moaned and Thor captured his mouth with his own in some kind of strange human ritual. It’s not unpleasant, but it is a bit strange.
Steve soon got the hang of this strange human ritual. Their tongues slid against each other as the human thrust up into him. It was the greatest pleasure that Steve had ever felt. The longer the human thrusts into him, the greater his pleasure grows. Steve can’t help but moan. His moans grow louder and louder. The human’s cock goes so deeply into Steve’s body that Steve can practically feel him in the depths of his very soul. He can’t get enough of it.
The human comes with a loud growl. Steve feels the hot liquid fill his ass. A moment later, Steve himself is pushed over the edge with pleasure and it bursts from him. It’s a feeling he’s never experienced before. The whole spring seems to resound with the waves of his pleasure as his entire being practically glows with it.
As soon as it’s done, he gasps and looks into the human’s eyes. He looks back into Steve’s with a warm smile.
“I must be dreaming,” the human says. “But in case I am not, my name is Thor.”
“You’re not dreaming,” Steve says. “My name is Steve.”
Thor pulls Steve into another one of those human mouth rituals. Steve is more than happy to allow it to happen. He has no idea how long the two of them bask in the pleasure they give each other. Spirits perceive time differently from humans, after all. All he knows is that when they finally stop to really rest, Thor’s armor is covered in rust and his clothes have been claimed by the earth. Thor doesn’t seem to care, though. He finds a nearby cave with a pool in it that’s connected to Steve’s river and makes his home there.
Down the mountain in human society, there are tales of a valiant knight who tragically ventured up the mountain in search of a troll. Some stories say it was a manticore or a chimera or a dragon, but all stories say that he never returned. The village packed up and left in search of a less spiritual mountain. Meanwhile, Thor and Steve live out their long years together. He meets Peggy and Bucky and other spirits as he travels the mountain range with his lover. What exactly happened to him to make it possible for him to live so long is unknown to him, but Steve and his friends take to calling him the spirit of the mountain. He never really considers returning to the world of humans. He prefers to spend his days and nights, years and decades and centuries, in the arms of the precious water spirit who captured his heart.
#cinderellasfella#thundershield#ask#thor#steve rogers#thor x pre-serum steve#fantasy AU#water spirit Steve#lemons
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Relationship Headcannons
Vice Dorm Leaders pt.1
Trey Clover
Since Trey is a rather sociable person, you were probably drawn to his personality and became friends before either of you considered dating each other. Trey could have met you at any point in his life since he is much more of a welcoming and accepting person than many of the other students; however, this does not mean that he would open up to anyone without them even trying to get to know him. You have to put an effort into getting closer as a friend, and if you want to go even further with him, then you have to consider his feelings and take your time. He will probably realize that he likes you first, but it’s more of a fifty-fifty shot of who realizes first with him. His confession will be something short and sweet, and maybe he’ll bake you your favorite cake or dessert.
At the beginning of the relationship, Trey will put all of his attention onto your wants whether it is him spoiling you and giving you whatever you want and treating you like a princess or never talking or receiving affection in the relationship. Just remember that communication is important, and Trey needs to be told that he can’t ignore the problems in your relationship and you to make you feel comfortable. You also need to voice how the relationship is going to work in order to get onto the same page and make the relationship flow.
Once a common sense of communication is set up,Trey will voice all of his needs and desires such as his need for physical affection and words of affirmation from you. Trey loves to have your hand in his in public just because it gives him a sense of safety that you, the most important person in his life, are right by his side encouraging him through everything that he does. He loves cheek kisses from you just like he loves giving forehead kisses to you and seeing your reaction to them. He enjoys cuddling with you anytime, but he does not need the daily one unlike he needs your everyday-cheek-kiss.
Dates are usually small cute ones sometimes at home and sometimes in the city. When at home the dates consist of little movie marathons and cuddle sessions while also baking dinner and desserts. He loves to bake with you no matter if you know how to or don’t; he just enjoys basking in your presence while baking. Outside of your cuddling and movie nights, he loves to just go anywhere with you. It could be just window shopping or it could be to a cute little bakery or maybe even a place like laser tag if those even exist; it really does not matter to him. He just adores seeing you find comfort in all of the little outings. He would rather you be comfortable than bring you any place too expensive or too crowded.
He just really loves protecting you and making sure that you feel well at all points and times. If you ever feel insecure or feel sad please go tell him, he literally is there for you to vent out all of your frustrations too. Good luck getting him off of people who upset you or insult you; he is not going down without a fight. He just wants to protect you and make you feel loved in this world.
Fights will usually happen when he has ignored something wrong in your relationship which can span from just general miscommunication to maybe a problem with your insecurities. That means that fights only occur when something absolutely horrendous takes place in the middle of your relationship. Otherwise, fights won’t happen simply because you two have developed your communication skills as you go along with your relationship.
Trey will not care if you give others more attention from him because he knows that you will always come running back to his arms. This, however, does not mean that giving him reassurance will hurt; maybe if you give him a kiss or call him a pet name in front of someone who is showing signs of affection toward you he may be especially smitten and happy that day.
In conclusion, this honey will take care of anything you need but just remember to take care of him.
Ruggie Bucchi
This sweetheart is another rather sociable person; however, he is going to like you more if you are someone who helps him get through tough times or through problems that need to be faced together, especially at the beginning. Generally, Ruggie just wants someone who supports him, and you do just that, and your relationship starts because your friendship was based on mutual help and comfort. It really does not matter at what point and time in his life that you two meet because he personally will get close to you if you learn to understand him and want to help him. He will not notice that he has feelings for you until someone points it out simply because he perceives your relationship to be mutually beneficial and not something where he wants to give you everything. Btw, he does want to give you everything. His confession will be short and sweet and knowing him something that can be taken as a confession but also cannot. Good luck saying anything before he runs away.
Once you two are in the relationship, nothing is gonna change except he might find more time in his schedule to help you out. He still wants the best for you, and now as your boyfriend he wants to make sure that you receive only his best. He will help you get whatever you want within reason, so please do not all of a sudden ask for the most expensive thing on the planet. He also loves to get you little items that he uses to appreciate all that you do to help him. The items can range from a bag of your favorite chips to maybe a cute bracelet that one of the kids made. He may not be able to afford much, but he still tries his best to give you some of the best things.
He loves your physical affection. Please hug him and kiss him and treat him right. He really wants to bask in your glory and all of your kisses literally any time of day. He also loves to steal kisses at the weirdest and worst times; for example, one time he stole one while you were at NRC in the hallways while Professor Crewel was walking by. Good luck explaining to him why Ruggie not only did PDA in school but also tripped you and ran away. He loves public affection only if you react to it though; he loves to surprise you and others with his affections so please react to it. Also he loves cuddle times with you because he is simply existing with you in his arms or him in yours; it really doesn't matter to him.
Dates are mostly at home or chores that he or you have to complete whether it be getting a certain lion places or washing the clothes and cooking meals. Chores are ten times better with his partner in crime. He also really enjoys relaxing with you because it happens so rarely that the time has to be taken as a great gift that he wants to spend it with you; during which, you two run around the house embarrassing each other even while making a fool of yourself. He really just enjoys the little moments with you.
Pranks either with you or on you are his favorite because your reaction to either make his day. He loves for you to join in his mischief because of how you laugh at the person’s misery and because of how excited you are to prank people and join in with him. However, do tell him if his pranks are getting a little out of hand because he will listen to you.
Fights won’t happen with him simply because he doesn't want to fight you. If you want him to do something then he will with no problems. However, if he gets mad at you it is most likely going to be more of a scolding than a fight. He will only ever get mad at you if it is something concerning your safety or well-being. Don’t yell at this puppy ever; he only wants the best for you.
Try not to put your attention on anyone else. Since he has finally found someone who he wants to give everything to, he really doesn't want you to give your everything to random people. If the little sweetheart sees you giving someone more attention than he gets, he will pout and even pull a couple pranks on said person, but he really won’t bring it up to you. He does, however, love it when you finally realize that he wants you attention because you just spend most of the day by his side.
This prankster loves to have you by his side and will do anything he can for you; basically, you have him wrapped around your finger.
Jade Leech
This sly baby probably meets you through his shady work with Azul. You were probably either a customer of the lounge or someone he was trying to make a deal with, and one way or another you interested him. You probably had a very different reaction to what he was or what was forced upon you in order to get him involved. However, his amusement and interest does not mean at first that he will help you. He will watch over and get closer to you the more you see him and come to the lounge; he just wants to know how you tick. Honestly, he will not become friends with you because he skips that stage to go to the crush stage. You will be the first one to realize that you like him because he always comes to talk to you and asks your opinion on all sorts of stuff that now you desire his presence and his curiosity. If he does realize and confess the situation, he will be very out of his environment and may even blush slightly if you look closely; his suave mask may break a little to show his true emotions with you.
The beginning of the relationship will be a little rough because he has never been in a relationship or really even thought about being in a relationship. He will try to appease you in the relationship by appearing as a gentleman when all he really wants to do is hug you and ask you all sorts of questions. Please communicate with him; he sucks at it the most out of the entire school because he wants to please you and show you how amazing he is which just strokes his ego.
Give him time to adjust to your relationship; he needs to think about what he wants to do and how he needs to listen to you. Lowkey he adores you, but you will never be able to tell. It will be very awkward because of how distant he is from you, but if you take your time and get to know him and enjoy his presence, everything will work out.
He does not mind affection in public, but he adores your little kisses that you give to him wherever. He finds the action so sickeningly sweet that he just cannot refuse you; he can really feel your affection through those tiny little affections of yours. He also loves to cuddle you since he gets to feel your body which is so different from his normal body; he also uses that as an excuse to cuddle when he really just likes your body against him because of the heat you emit. He does love when you hug him from behind because it feels so different than how he normally holds you.
Dates usually revolve around his work at the lounge and the ocean. He enjoys you helping out at the lounge especially when you are helping him with anything; he really just wants you to work with him and stay by him no matter what. You two can be doing anything at the lounge: cooking, making drinks, scolding Floyd, and maybe even serving people. Even if it is work that is your date, he just adores spending time with you and even getting to know more about you by watching your habits and reactions to everything. Next, the ocean is his sanctuary and his home, so you two will go there from time to time to swim and enjoy yourselves and take a break if someone does not come along. He is very excited that he is able to bring you to his home and show you it since he finally grasps how important you are in his life.
You two do not normally fight, so it has to be a big problem for either of you to get mad at it. After the beginning of the relationship, where you two struggled at communication, you have learned to tell each other if there is anything that you are uncomfortable with or do not like. No fights would ever occur from something small or petty between you two.
He finds that when he sees you with others giving them affections he gets very territorial and protective; the person could literally not even be close to a threat to him but he would still get worried because you mean so much to him. He really doesn't care if you give your friends or someone he trusts affection because he knows they have no interest in taking you away from him; however, at the hint of something close to that he is by your side making sure they get the hint.
This protective baby wants you to lean on him for support and always be by his side enjoying everything that happens in your lives.
Have a nice day, and sorry this came out so late!
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#trey clover#ruggie bucchi#jade leech#twst#twst headcanons
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TASK 001: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” Members, say hello to FAIM’s first task! Tasks are, well, tasks written with the express purpose of fleshing out your character a little more and the world that they occupy. They’re not required to be finished by any means -- less a requirement, and more a way for you to get to know your muse a little bit better! In Val Faim, how a person presents themselves can be different from who they actually are. It is a core, fundamental concept to survival in a city of several thousand masks. For this task, I’d like you to write a little bit about how your character perceives themselves when they are alone. How do they feel about themselves, their accomplishments, their skills, their family, the friends and allies they’ve made? Are they comfortable in their own skin? If they aren’t, when did that discomfort begin? How does who they feel they are match up with how they present themselves? Does your character acknowledge that the way they are and the way they present themselves is different, or are they of the concrete belief that they are the same all around? This task can be explored in any means you’d like -- a playlist, a drabble, a meta, a set of headcanons, whatever you feel fits best. There are no limitations or anything I’m looking for, and once again, this task is NOT required to be finished, nor does it need to be completed by any certain time -- I’m just excited to see what you all come up with! When you’ve completed your task, be sure to tag it as FAIMTASK so everyone can look at it and bask in its glory. If you have any questions, put them in the Discord channel, but most importantly, have fun! <3
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On Worshipping Cthonic Deities
This post is made in partnership with @asklepiad-apollon discussing our own experience in working primarily with Ouranic or Cthonic Greek Gods. I’m honored to work with such an experienced and reputable Hellenic polytheist on a topic so dear to my heart, and I’m even more blessed to be able to call him my friend.
As a disclaimer, most if not all of this post is completely UPG. This is practically all opinion and experience in my devotion and practice. Do not take any of this as fact. If it helps you, wonderful, if it doesn't sound right to you, that's perfectly fine.
My experience working with the divine has always centered heavily around why I am here. I have always believed I exist for some purpose, whether it is bestowed to me by a divine force or is a result of the innate abilities of my soul. This has been a belief that has sustained me and driven me to learn and grow throughout my life. I was born into Methodism, which is a branch of Christianity. From there I started to explore Wicca but quickly found it did not fit me. I then turned to popular pagan gods, specifically Norse, Roman, and Greek gods. More time passed and I found that no matter who I attempted to worship or do work with, the one deity I always came back to was Hades.
My focus as a divinator and as a magical practitioner has primarily focused on life lessons, dealing with trauma, spirit work, and accepting the passage of time and death. I firmly believe that death is what gives life meaning. The power of the spirit is beyond measure, our soul is what contains all the lessons we have learned over our life/lives. Learning is what I believe to be everyone's basic life purpose, without delving into innate talents or soul passions. Hades has always been a deity I have been interested in. I have come to associate him not only with the judgement of souls, but with family, balance, morality, and learning from trauma.
Although I work with Ouranic deities, my practice primarily focuses on working with the earth. Working with spirits. Working with the dead and dying, with spirits from other dimensions, and with the parts of me that live and die throughout each cycle in my life. There are many reasons I think my relationship with Hades is the strongest of any deity I've worked with. I think a lot of it comes down to how I perceive the Cthonic gods, as I also work with Persephone and their son Zagreus.
When I look at the Cthonic gods versus the Ouranic gods, I see one major difference. I see a difference in their experience with and comprehension of the weight of mortality. The Ouranic deities live in Olympus, where there is no death. It is not to say that they do not experience grief or loss. But in much of the lore where the Ouranic deities experience grief over death, those deaths occur on Earth. It is foreign to them, and they try to evade it, but they cannot, and it is of great pain to them. The weight of time in the world of humans is not normal for Ouranic deities.
With Cthonic gods it is much different. Their work is of the earth or below it. Everything they do has something to do with the cycle of time, be it with creating new life in the spring, reigning over the harvest, judging the souls of the departed, working with spirits, and even experiencing death themselves. Everything regarding the earth has a level of mortality to it. Fruits, Flowers, People, all finite. The Cthonic gods regularly work with people and things that do not last, that rot and die, they have a very real comprehension about how their work is infinite and yet strangely temporary. Working so closely with the human experience almost requires an understanding of how imperative the usage of time is to human experience. How material items are so valuable because they alter the human experience in such a limited span of time.
Concepts such as balance, morality, death, afterlife, prosperity, life, emotions, all these things are very important when I consider Cthonic deities. Because they are such important concepts to humans. When I make offerings to Hades, I find that when I offer acts that require time, or when I spend time with him, those are the acts he seems to appreciate most. I gander it is because he understands that regardless of whether I get to reincarnate, that is time I have permanently lost. I no longer have that time. I am moving ever closer to my last day on earth.
I have spent time saving a baby vulture. I have spent time tending gardens in the name of Hades, Persephone, and his children. I have spent time asking him for guidance through divination. Spending mealtime quietly speaking with him. Writing prayers and poems for him. Learning about death magic. Researching him. Researching philosophy and trying to better myself in his name. Making a more balanced and fair life that I feel he might be proud of. He knows that this is time I can never get back, and I often feel most satisfied after doing things for him that require even a small amount of time. I feel it is because he understands what it truly means to sacrifice your time to someone else because you adore them.
Worshiping the Gods of Olympus is to shout and revel in the land of the immortals. It is to bask in the glory of infinite light and divinity, to paint our spirits in gold and cry their holy names, never to be forgotten.
Worshiping the Gods of Earth is to hear their whispers in a land we are afraid of being taken from and buried in. It is to cry to them for answers to questions maybe no other god can answer. And they reassure us that even if we can find no light at all, they will always walk with us through the dark.
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Full Moon in Libra (March 20th): Passion Fruit
Aries - The Sun will rejuvenate you as you finally feel awakened. Aries Season is almost here and you can feeeeeeel the energy empowering you. With that, you will also experience a new outlook which the Full Moon will present to you. The overall theme for you would be to find harmony and balance between nourishing your independent side and not letting others take you for granted. The Full Moon in your sister sign will remind you that partnerships are lovely, but you cannot allow yourself to become consumed by people that do not want the best for you.
Taurus – You want to work for the money and you will get that paper when you put the effort needed. Saturn and Pluto are teaching you patience and diligence, not that you are afraid of anything that involves taking your time. Take advantage of what this Full Moon will bring. Perfect your craft, keep going and if you are discouraged, keep working at it. Patience is a virtue, so stop being impatient. The effort you put in now will become a huge reward for you.
Gemini – Libra’s Full Moon is going to be an interesting one for you, Gemini. You will feel motivated to conquer the world and initiate some projects. This is the time to appreciate the wonderful gifts that life has provided to you (even if you do not see them now). If you are feeling bummed, seek friends or family, anyone that makes you feel happy. Or better yet, do fun activities by yourself. This is a period of self discovery for you and lots of love. Aries Season will bring lots of excitement to you.
Cancer – This Full Moon, you will be inspired to work harder, play harder and just reward yourself for all you have accomplished so far. This is your moment and you are unapologetic. Home to you will be either in your physical home or your heart. Cancers will showcase their strengths and power as they navigate through the hardships that they have faced and appreciate the triumphs and successes. The next chapter in your life is in your hands, take control of your destiny.
Leo – Aries Season will inspire you to take a leap and have fun. After all, this is the month of Spring Break and the dark and gloomy winter season comes to an end. Leo loves and lives for the party, so it is not surprising that you will find ways to thrive and relax this season. Even if you are not able to literally travel, you will be a riot to be around. Your charm will attract many to you as this Full Moon makes you even more charismatic and alluring.
Virgo – You have a vision and this season, you will continue to plan on that vision. Lucky for you, the Full Moon will allow for you to get those financial goals happening. The process may be tough, but you are not afraid of challenges. Focusing on new hobbies might help ease some of the pressures you may be feeling. Settling debts, planning for the future and refining your goals will take precedent for you now. You must also remember not to obsess and to remain calm.
Libra – With the Full Moon in your house of self, you will be focused on your identity and how those perceive you. The year could have felt overwhelming so far because everything has been out of sync for you with so many squares to your ascendant by Pluto and Saturn. Thankfully, this transit will allow for you to feel focused and ready to take on what is next. Pamper yourself, flatter yourself and believe in what you are capable of because the spotlight is on you.
Scorpio – Consider this transit the perfect time to focus on you. Scorpio, you might consider taking a break from the world or seeking those people who you are no longer in contact (that you actually like!). With this transit, you have to learn to handle the pressures people might put on you, either friends or co-workers. Finding a balance is key. Work can become an outlet to release some of the stress you might be feeling, but you will be shining there through all of Aries Season.
Sagittarius – For those Sagittarius that are basking in the glory of Jupiter being in their sign, I have some good news for you, the party is still going. Use the boost of optimism to seek more friends, meet new people and get ahead with your plans. Even when you might feel defeated, you know you are still invincible. With Aries Season entering, you will bask in more connections and a flood of insight as you work on things you may have abandoned before but now feel inspired to finish them now.
Capricorn – The Full Moon in Libra will help motivate you and you probably feel like you needed a little push, especially after the tough conjunctions to Saturn and Pluto on your ascendant. You are weathering the storm, Capricorn, so this Full Moon will be a blessing in disguise as your career house lights up for the next six months. Conflicts relating to your career goals and paths will be smoothed out for you. There will be enlightening moments as you plot your next big move to more success. Remember to think happy thoughts.
Aquarius – The Full Moon will make a trine to your Ascendant, allowing for you to feel alive once more since your birthday season has just passed us by. As Aries Season comes with fiery energy burning through, you will feel ignited by the smooth aspect of this new phase. Get ready to be the show stopper in the social circles. Your mind is vibrating, your words are precious, and the world will be captivated by you. Keep that energy going for the next six months, Aquarius!
Pisces – With the Full Moon in Libra, you now may focus on being more strategic and taking more control of your inner sanctum. This is the perfect time to consider removing things that are no longer serving you when it comes to achieving your goals. If you need to study and plan more, go for it. If you need to regain most of the energy you have lost, meditate. Put your plans into motion now because the impact of the Full Moon will continue for the majority of the year.
#Astrology#Aries#Taurus#Gemini#Cancer#Leo#Virgo#Libra#Scorpio#Sagittarius#Capricorn#Aqiarius#Pisces#Full Moon
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Someone thought I was a boy until I spoke today :D
I was at speedway with my boyfriend getting drinks when he started having a conversation with this guy about Gears of War or something and he said excuse me sir to me so he could grab a cup and I said nothing but was ecstatic about it!!
So they kept talking and eventually I joined in and he said "oh sorry I thought you were a guy this whole time because of your hair" like of course my voice has to be super high pitched and a dead giveaway.. I should've just kept my mouth shut and just basked in the glory of being a "him " to someone.
But either way I'm super happy about it because I was just having a conversation about how badly I need to get a haircut again because it starts making me feel dysphoric once the length gets to a certain point and this dude comes and tells me my hair made him perceive me as male...
#transgender#trans#ftm#nonbinary#genderqueer#transmasc#adrogony#lgbtq#lgbt#gay#love is love#personal#kitts mind#pride#adrogynous#dysphoria#dysphoric#alternative#alt#text post#they/them#he/him#nb
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Date of Rulership: 24th July-23rd August; Polarity: Positive, male; Quality: Fixed; Ruling planet: Sun; Element: Fire; Body part: Heart and back; Colour: Gold; Gemstone: Ruby; Metal: Gold.
We have thus far discerned that the dissimilar archetypes stretching from Aries to Cancer contribute vital components to the anatomy of one’s Self. These lay the foundations for a an ego successfully purged of carnal qualities like evil and envy and now confident enough in its spiritual and psychic grounding to begin a lifelong ascent along the socio-political tiers of culture. Unlike the cardinal sign of Aries, in which the mediating element of fire was unrestrained and potentially self-destructive, the steadier and constant fixed flames associated with Leo facilitate temperatures that enable the inner being to commune freely with its external environment and to attain recognition without ever suffering comprehensive changes to its inner hardware.
As an astrological sign, Leo is unique in that it is the only one ruled by the vivifying stellar body of entire solar system, the sun. When we think of the sun we think of heat, light, and flame, the protagonists of the evolution of life on earth, but we also think of intangible characteristics qualitatively connected to it–brilliance, radiance, endurance, self-assurance, self-adulation, nobility, youthful vivacity, and cheerfulness. Individuals who incarnate under the stellar arrangement of this sign are often unified by these as well as an uninhibited sense of freedom, the feeling that the world is their personal fiefdom and that all other beings in it are merely co-conspirators in an inevitable cosmic situation where Leo the Lion reigns supreme. The psyche of Leo resembles that of its totemic animal in many respects. Lions are communal creatures that live in groups called prides and adhere strictly to a hierarchical system where the leader and “king” is almost always the strongest male. Similarly, all Leos encompass an innate inclination towards socialization, community, and relating to others in the context of an imposed pecking order. Unlike buffaloes, gazelles, and the more placid and peace-loving herbivores of the vast savannah, lions are authoritative carnivores that are acutely aware of their own herculean strength and acumen when it comes to hunting. This is why lions are ambitious aggressors, actively chasing down and tackling prey substantially larger than they. The Leo functions in more or less the same manner; it will often tackle complex problems and issues that are seemingly beyond human comprehension and gamble on dreams and aspirations that exceed all its wildest expectations. If it meets with success, the Lion’s already established sense of inner pride and dignity are strengthened tenfold; alternatively, an unfavourable result usually dampens its self-confidence and may spur a personal crisis involving retrograde steps like introversion and burnout.
For time immemorial, we have perceived courage, impetuosity, and strong-will to be indigenous to their mode of being; these qualities also define the archetype of Leo. In the polar realm of cat and mouse, the lion’s strong sense of anticipation determines the rate of its success. The soul of Leo works on much the same premises; it has already formulated a detailed plan on how it will ascend the pecking order long before the optimistic fires of ambition have begun to warm and feed its own heart. As the top dog of the animal kingdom, Lions are rarely, if ever harassed by other creatures, and bide much their time outwardly expressing the many benefits of their privileged rank. One might catch sight of a pride of lions either wallowing in the dirt, tussling about with other members playfully, or undertaking hedonistic deeds like sun basking, daydreaming and oversleeping. Leos mimic their totemic counterparts and usually reflect these in their own behavioural patterns and habits. Despite their grace of movement and overall nobility, lions do exhibit some unflattering traits; they often quarrel with one another for the most scrumptious part of a kill, food scraps and breeding rights. Male lions who have just taken over a pride will put to practice their narcissistic sense of self-adoration by actively hunting out and killing cubs fathered by other males. Many afflicted Leos will often express the exact same sentiment via more socially conventional and acceptable means by unconsciously grovelling in pools of arrogance or using their privileged rank to belittle or demote others. In such instances, the larger-than-life persona that Leo usually emanates inverts and becomes a stereotypical self-loving and egotistical one in which its own little world is far more profound and significant than the majesty that is the greater cosmos and the Godhead itself. When mountains of first-rate arrogance and fanaticism like these prop up, the other archetypes of the zodiac battle fiercely to raze them to the ground and knock some humility back into the Lion.
“Ready or not, here I come,” roars the laughter-loving lion from the den. “The best way to live your life folks is by retaining your childhood vitality and following your heart, and what more could any heart want than raw adventure, pleasure, love, and an occasional stroke of the ego! We’re all born into a world that teaches us about fatalism and free will. I’m a firm believer in the notion of free will. A smart man or woman won’t wait for serendipity to come knocking on the door, but will walk right through it into the greater world and clear a paved road amongst the overwhelming chaotic vibrations and the cosmic noise. I’m a firm advocate of that book by Rhonda Byrne, The Secret. Optimistic and enthusiastic thoughts and actions result in fortuitous conditions that will serve as stepping stones to the mount of the heavens, to the highest strata of society, and even to a winning ticket for next week’s Tatts Lotto draw. It’s all about self-empowerment, self-respect, and fashioning a genuine personality with which to confront the world guys and girls. I’m definitely an idealist, and a bit of a control-freak too. Know who you are, what you are, and what you want; be sure of yourself, your own footing, and don’t let anyone or anything deter or dissuade you from pursuing your long-term goals and ambitions.
Remember to laugh and crack a few jokes along the way as well. We need to able to laugh at ourselves, at our misfortunes, at our problems and miseries, otherwise we become too entrenched in the lamentable fate of the human condition. Some say that I’m full of myself and that the only thing that concerns me is self-love and personal satisfaction. While it is true that I like to stand out and do at times appropriate others for my own visibility and self-promotion, nobody should ever dare to call me heartless or selfish; I do, contrary to what others believe about me, let others bask in their moment of glory and give my all for those who steal my heart. Reputation is of upmost importance; for me, there is no value in a privileged rank if it is attained through dishonest or questionable means and plagued by infamy. Know for a fact that I’m fiercely competitive and ambitious, and will use all the resources that become available to me, my intuition, and my talents to attain exactly what I want.”
People born under this sign are usually animated, extroverted types that enjoy writing and composing a show, along with being the star of that show. All of us carry an inherent need for validation in a world which is moving at a million miles per minute and eternally threatening to leave us behind, but this need appears to be a lot more prevalent and obvious in the composition of Leo. Leos want to be looked at, admired, worshipped, loved, liked, and accepted by others, and will do everything in their power to ensure this comes to pass. Leos are exactly like their mediating celestial constituent when it comes to making a statement; the higher up along the ladder of success they go, the more translucent they become. Leo types are also highly inventive and imaginative and must seek out appropriate outlets for their creative urges. The occupations that best enable unrestricted expression of its principal traits belong to the sphere of the performing arts–film, theatre, dance, circus acts, and so forth. Hence Leo is best at home on the stage and silver screen, eliciting waves of emotion and veneration from audiences that are attentive and receptive to their projects. Its sense of individuality is unshakable and indestructible; those born beneath the aegis of Leo remain true to views and values integral to its integrity, self-worth, pride and deference, and will never compromise them for the sake of fitting into society.
There are two symbols associated with Leo the Lion. The first is the animal totem, the lion, which has been used to represent the zodiacal constellation from the earliest of times. In Babylonian tradition, the lion was called “Urgula” and perceived to be feminine. One of its many epithets was “Great Light”, an allusion to its subordination to the ethereal powers of that great light in our heavens, the sun. In ancient Egypt, the constellation was called “Horakthiis”. In the northern hemisphere, the stars of Leo rise heliacally over the horizon during the pinnacle of summer. This is why the frontispiece of innumerable fountains in Egypt and in southern Europe were carved to look like lions. People made an unconscious connection between the wheel of heaven and the deluge of waters connected with great rivers like the Nile which seemed to reach a crescendo when the former turned to reveal the stars of Leo along the horizon. As symbols of strength, leadership, and power, the iconography was soon adopted by emperors, kings, and other people in privileged positions of authority as symbolic inferences of the aforementioned qualities. The Tarot also assimilated this zodiacal sign into its hidden knowledge system under the tutelage of the Strength card, borrowing the image of a woman taming a lion directly from the Denderah Zodiac. Perhaps the most famous depiction of Leo in the Western world was championed by the Venetians, who used the image as part of a winged insignia (the Lion of St. Mark) that graces countless castles, fortresses, and statues commissioned during the High Middle Ages.
The second symbol, an astrological shorthand for the zodiacal sign, encompasses only the curved tail of the totemic animal. This may symbolise the lion’s mane, a physical characteristic that evokes regal qualities like strength, heroism, and governance. On the other hand it may be a stand in for the heart, a body part over which the sign rules. Most of us will be familiar with the notion that the human heart is a synonym for courage, truth, and unconditional love. From this esoteric perspective, the abbreviated glyph might also be interpreted as a pictogram expressing only these specific aspects of the archetype.

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5 Little Known Places That Every Traveler Should Visit
Description: Discover unknown travel destinations and how to travel for free. Delve into this article which presents you with amazing locations from all around the world and chooses your favorite destinations. Read everything you need to know!
Traveling is an activity that will provide every person with a huge amount of confidence, knowledge, and experience. It can also be an excellent deviation from the day-to-day mundane life, which can only serve to increase the stress levels. If the person is a seasoned explorer or they are traveling just for the sake of fun, it is ideal to plan out the travel in such a way that it manages to cover some of the incredible and stunning places in the world. Every traveler will be going to see the commonly explored regions, which usually attract a huge number of tourists throughout the year, of the world.
However, traveling can become even more fun when the individual knows about the best places to visit which are not thronged by tourists. After identifying such a destination, it is important to pack the travel bag and head out exploring the world. Here are some of the six places that do not get a lot of attention but is still a must-visit for every wanderlust.
Turkmenistan’s Door to Hell
Turkmenistan may not be everyone’s cup of tea when it comes to thinking about a travel destination. However, it has one element that makes it a must visit for the traveler. The Darvaza gas crater – or ‘Door to Hell’ as it is popularly known – is a large crater located in the Ahal Province of Turkmenistan. It is a natural gas field but it collapsed into a crater a few decades ago. In order to prevent the escape of methane gas, geologists intentionally set fire to the place but it has not stopped burning since 1971. It is quite a popular destination amongst the serious travelers and more than 50,000 have visited the site in the last five years.
It is extremely dangerous to go near the crater due to the intense heat and 2014 was the first time a human set foot at the bottom. Explorer George Kourounis was able to place his feet on the bottom after being well protected with thermal insulation. He ended up collecting samples of microorganisms from the bottom.
The fact that the crater has been burning non-stop for more than 40 years has made it a must-visit tourist destination in the world.
Spitsbergen’s Pyramiden
Spitsbergen happens to be an archipelago that is located in Norway high up in the Arctic Circle and it is difficult to spot on a travel map. It is one of the closest destinations to the North Pole. Unsurprisingly, it is a very remote destination and visitors are likely to encounter more polar bears than people. However, Russians used to live in this place not too long ago when it was a mining town. However, it has been deserted since the early 1990s. Today, only a few scientists and Russian guides are capable of living there and continuing their research. Few tourists do make it up to this place in order to witness the reminiscent of a proper Arctic town.
Unlike many of the travel destinations that can be visited throughout the year, it should be remembered that Pyramiden is accessible only during high season. Once the peak season goes away, it is almost impossible to access Pyramiden through a boat. Now, the likes of a snowmobile become the only source of travel. It is certainly not one of the places to travel alone.
A strong reason to visit Pyramiden is to experience the Arctic ghost town in its full glory. It is possible to explore all the abandoned buildings but one needs to just keep an eye out for the polar bears.
Pacific’s Vanuatu Island
The Pacific is the home to numerous islands, which offers spectacular tourist destinations. There are a lot of archipelagos that attracts thousands of tourists every year, but this in itself spoils the beauty of the same. This destination, however, has the potential to offer more than just any tourist resorts or cruise destination, according to travel blogs. An ideal archipelago should come with a deep blue ocean, excellent weather, and deserted beaches. Even though Vanuatu island happens to possess all these features in great abundance, it is not thronging with a lot of tourists. Since it is listed as an endangered country due to natural hazards like volcanoes, earthquakes, and tropical storms, it is least frequented by travelers.
Even though there is a risk of natural hazards, it also results in a paradise that tourists can enjoy as if it was one of their own. Any tourist who wants to have that feeling of excitement at the back of their mind must visit Vanuatu Island. There are few places in the world where one can stare at a potential volcano eruption whilst still basking in the deep blue ocean. It is also possible to stare into a crater filled with magma or snorkel in deep blue oceans.
Bhutan’s Tiger’s Nest Monastery
Bhutan is famous for a load of monasteries that are dotted around this country. However, there is one monastery that is iconic than the rest – Tiger’s Nest. It is one of the best places to travel when young due to its location. This structure is situated on a cliff near the Paro Valley. There is a huge deal of tradition and history that is associated with the country and the various monasteries, but there is not much to come out of Tiger’s Nest – due to its difficult location. It is possible to get some amazing views of the mountains and forests around. Every visitor is allowed inside the monastery but reaching it is actually one of the most difficult tasks. One needs to hike for around five hours through extremely dense forests and also climb over a waterfall in order to reach the monastery.
Bhutan is located high in the Himalayas and it is widely perceived that the people in this country are among the happiest. The Kingdom of Bhutan has a philosophy index that is used to measure the happiness of its citizens. Bhutan is also famous for never having been colonized in history and this makes it very authentic in terms of culture and tradition. It is not surprising that Bhutan is not one of the unknown travel destinations but not many people know about the Tiger’s Nest. The trek and the hardship required in order to reach the monastery may be immense, but it will be well worth the journey. Since it is not meant for every individual, it also happens to be quite an expensive trek.
Tuvalu is certainly not one of the destinations that will come to the mind when thinking of how to travel for free. It is because this remote island in the Pacific Ocean can be a haven for nature lovers with its pristine waters and uncluttered beauty. However, it is slowly disappearing off the radar due to global warming, which is having a major impact on such beautiful nations. The warming climate has led to a significant decline in the ability to habitat this island. Sea levels have risen a lot in recent years and this has affected the inhabitants of Tuvalu, who are forced to undergo drastic measures in order to save their livelihood and homes.
Unknown Travel Destinations Are Amazing
There are a number of places that have been marked in danger due to global warming. Even Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is not immune to the warming of our planet. The low-lying countries like Bangladesh still have the ability to tide over a few decades before they get trapped in the system of rising sea levels, but the same cannot be said about Tuvalu, which is already facing a major fight just to keep away the sea waters. It may well become the first country in the world to drown. As a result, it happens to be a must-have in the grand circle travel plans before the island is gone for good. Even though it may be just like every other Pacific island with white sand and deep blue waters, the history associated with the island along with the likelihood of not witnessing the same in the next few years certainly makes it a valuable addition in the small travel trailers.
All the six places are must visit for a traveler who is looking to get in the off-beaten path and visit some of the lesser-known destinations in the world.
Author`s bio:
Charles is a freelance writer and webmaster of essaywritersite.com. His main hobby is to visit little-known places in different parts of the world and share his impressions with others.
The post 5 Little Known Places That Every Traveler Should Visit appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.
from Montem Outdoor Gear https://montemlife.com/5-little-known-places-that-every-traveler-should-visit/
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What Color You Prefer Reveals About Your Intimacy Style

Did you know that the color someone wears can reveal a lot about the psychology behind his or her personality traits and sexual preferences? What Color You Prefer Reveals About Your Intimacy Style Yes, according to color psychology, the color of your favorite clothes reveals not only your basic personality but also your sexual personality!
Look for your favorite color below to find out what color psychology reveals about your intimacy style:

What Color You Prefer Reveals About Your Intimacy Style 1. Red Red is energizing and exciting, a call to action for lovers who like to initiate and engage fully. It evokes feelings of confidence and passion, as well as a desire for food or sex. Red lovers are easily aroused, and once ignited, the sexual spark can last for hours. Natural explorers and red lovers can be impulsive and unconcerned with details, so make sure your sex is safe and consensual! 2. Black Are you dressed entirely in black? Perhaps you prefer kinky sex. Black is associated with mystery and hidden charms, but also with hidden agendas. Many black clothing fans are masochistic or sadistic in nature, and they enjoy the dynamic of serious power play in the bedroom. Do you feel more wild when you put on a pair of black leather pants or boots? Although black is perceived as powerful and unfriendly, it also exudes sophistication and elegance, making it a popular choice for high society events. It creates a barrier between us and the outside world, allowing us to keep our secrets safe. 3. Gray Gray suggests a lack of emotion. People who prefer gray aren't sure what they get excited about because they can't commit to the mystery of black or the illumination of white. It's a solid, stable color that encourages logic and reason over passion. Men who wear gray may view sex as a way to relieve tension, whereas women may view sex as a way to procreate or accommodate their partner. While gray can be formal and elegant, it is not glamorous or attention-grabbing. Gray wearers who are conservative and self-sufficient may become lonely as a result of shutting down their emotions in new relationships. 4. Blue People who love blue are affectionate and exude inner peace. They are sensitive to their partners' needs and are invested in turning love into fine art. Blue lovers are 'givers' who like to build strong relationships and bask in the glory of a successful union, with honesty, trust, and loyalty as defining qualities. They are not quick to judge or change, and they may need expert advice and time to think things through (such as a new sexual request or fantasy), but when they commit, they go all the way with a passion that is much deeper than lust. 5. Pink Pink is all about unconditional love, romance, and intimate caring, combining the passion of red with the purity of white. can relieve anger, aggression, and resentment, but it also connotes naivety and inexperience, which is why it becomes subversive and twice as sexy when paired with a stronger color like black. lovers embrace sensuality and are likely to indulge their bodies with massages or baths, inviting you to join them on their journey of self-love and nurturing. lovers will not rest until each partner is satisfied. Sex can be wild, but it is always fulfilling. 6. Orange Orange is upbeat and enthusiastic, emphasizing the intuition and "gut feelings" that we all have. Wearers of orange are highly adventurous and extroverted, and they not only have sexual fantasies, but they make those fantasies come true! Orange, while impulsive and risk-taking, also represents great communication and a positive attitude. Someone who adores the color orange will engage in conversation with you and steer it in exciting new directions until you're both undressed. Expect an assertive, intuitive lover who values foreplay as much as sex and is willing to engage in 'naughty' behavior if the urge arises. 7. Yellow Yellow is a creative and independent color, ideal for people who enjoy new and exciting ideas, such as new sexual positions, sexual fantasies, or sex outside. Complications frequently accompany yellow, whether it's the need for another sexual partner or another 'appetite' demanding attention. Satisfying the yellow personality requires a lot of spontaneity (think quickies!) and creating new relationship patterns to keep things interesting. 8. Purple Purple and violet lovers have the energetic qualities of red combined with the trusting stamina of blue, giving them a strong charismatic pull. Highly sensitive and compassionate, they indulge bodily desires frequently and with a wide range of intensity, so expect a lover who enjoys a quickie just as much as a big production. Purple lovers are great candidates for sexual fantasy and role play, getting caught up in everything from the sexy story to the details of the costumes. Remember their desire to stand out in a crowd and be rewarded for their uniqueness. 9. Green Green wearers strike a balance between yellow's mental clarity and blue's emotional depth. They know what kind of partner they want and are ready to commit fully when they find it. They enjoy watching others and find voyeuristic fantasies extremely erotic, sometimes in groups, as green lovers are also known to be excellent hosts who value prosperity and abundance. Read the full article
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“My energy is radiant and magnetic.”
Our aura is the outward projection of our energy system. When we do deep spiritual work, face our own darkness, dedicate ourselves to our spiritual practice, and participate in our own wellness, it becomes radiant with light and those around us
see beyond our self‑perceived flaws and tune directly in to who we truly are.
Right now, your aura is radiant. You are in a sacred space. You have dedicated much time, effort, and energy to reclaiming your wholeness. You have faced your shadow. You have been dedicated to your own healing. You have chosen to remember the light of your soul.
Currently, the doors of opportunity are swinging open for you. Any exciting new invitations, connections, and inspirations that are coming through are divinely guided. This is the time to bask in the glory of your gifts and to express your most authentic self. Your energy field is magnetic and it’s attracting people, places, situations, opportunities, ideas, connections, and angels that will lead you toward the fulfilment of your highest and greatest good.
DECK: Raise Your Vibration Oracle
ARTIST: Ari Wisner
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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Metric Coffee Nostalgia
My stomach's a little funny this morning. Probably the super spicy dry hot pot we ordered from Shang Noodle in Evanston last night. I had to make a pit-stop at the Southport Brown Line station on my way to work and figured I'd grab a coffee at Foxtrot. Maybe a snack, or two, while I'm there. It doesn't help that my vegan breakfast of plain yogurt, berries, and toast often doesn't soak up my morning glass of water appropriately. I'm not used to commuting downtown, to say the least.
In any case, all that's to share I got my Foxtrot coffee which is brewed with Metric beans. Gotta say, for all the weak cups of coffee I've had in Chicago, this great brew has me feeling more optimistic about today than I was the past few days. In fact, I've been pretty anxious since about last Thursday when something at work went south. If I'm feeling extra frustrated about the things around me it's because I need a good win right now and this coffee is doing just that, tbh.
It's giving me excellent coffee-breath, too. You know, the kind where you desperately need a stick of gum afterwards or a travel electric toothbrush handy. Really it's making me nostalgic, the most. It reminds me of my bass teacher, Jason, from Modern Music in Lisle. His small room always smelled like stale coffee. I can't remember a single time he didn't have a cup ready to go before our lesson. But from ages 13-18, that man showed me a wide gamut of music genres which paved the way for a lifetime of musical appreciation.
You see, I was such a musical elitist in high school that I really missed out on a lot of great things I wouldn't come to love until my adult years. Pop music. Dad rock. Heavy metal. Plenty of genres I just couldn't open my mind to because I was too busy listening to indie acts like Broken Social Scene, Feist, Alexisonfire, The Pillows, Badly Drawn Boy -- anything you probably hadn't really heard of at the time. But all that self-perceived "credit" is BS. Like what you like. Don't care about what others are digging. In fact, a girl I dated in high school (honestly, can we even call it dating in hs?) was into amazing music and she tried to introduce me to the world of glam rock and this underground 80s punk scene, but I was too stupid to realize how interesting it all was. To think I could have been enjoying "Let's Dance" nearly 15 years ago instead of just discovering it's brilliance in my late 20s. Her taste was basically the "Lost In Translation" soundtrack but edgier. And I was so closed off that I legit loved the "Lost" OST from day-one (to this day it's still incredibly evocative, imo) yet couldn't wrap my head around her aesthetic. And it was people like her. People like Jason. People like my father. Who were all trying their best to share their creative inspirations that eventually would lead to me having a great wealth of musical knowledge to fall back on when I was ready.
Those bass lessons were a god-send. While in the moment I didn't take them very seriously -- I'm sure Jason did not look forward to our sessions because I barely put in any effort. (Story of my life in high school.) But the lessons have since resonated years later. The musical culturation that took place gave me a foundation to genre-hop and explore at my will -- both for pleasure and in my creative endeavors. Sure, I still can't really get down with Lil Nas X or Slipknot, but I don't hate. I get how others can enjoy. I get their place in the world. I may look down on certain modern trends, but only because I pine for a different kind of sound to be mainstream. I wish others basked in the same glory I feel when I hear "Sussudio" by Phil Collins. We all got our thing.
But in any case, as the Internet becomes a giant toxic dumpster truck (as I wrote about at length last time), I just want to spread a word of compassion. Just remember people have a vast array from which they can choose to enjoy things and life's journey is long and winding. Maybe today you can't stand David Bowie. But maybe in 10 years you'll be like, "Man, I first heard 'Queen Bitch' at a party and had no clue it was so good." And you'll remember those moments fondly as long as you're open to them. The cool things we're introduced to don't always resonate when they pop up. Don't fret not joining the club sooner either. You're an interesting, engaged human being. You've got your current trends. You'll have even more later. Just don't forget it's not always about you. It's not always about me. It's about everyone enjoying things together. Life's a cornucopia. Break that baby, open.
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The popularity of the shaved head is on the rise. According to polls, bald men are perceived to be tidier, manlier, and even look more mature among others. But it is an entirely different situation when you are forced to don this look because you do not have a choice. Knowing that this is the reality of their situation, a lot of men suffering from male pattern baldness often find themselves secretly looking for the reasons and the culprit – testosterone has become one of the usual suspects.
If the aesthetics of having a shiny bald head is not your concern, then your well-being shouldn’t make you worry about the disappearance of the once glorious hair on your head. Hair loss in both men and women can not only be put down to genetics, but can also be an indicator of other potential illnesses that could be anything from hormonal imbalances to issues with nutrition. So, before deciding on what is the best treatment for you, it is necessary to understand the reasons for your hair loss.
In this article we will try best to explain the myths from the facts and educate you exactly on how testosterone can affect men afflicted with a hair loss condition.
Hair loss, or medically termed as alopecia, can come in many forms and is a result of a range of causes. Some are temporary, while others can be permanent. The most common of all hair loss is androgenic alopecia, or better known as male pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is evident in men, and will usually start after one has reached puberty and as a man ages.
But in general, hair loss happens when the hair follicles slowly shrinks and falls out and eventually the hair stops growing. This is by no means a threatening disease in itself, and is in fact a normal process of aging. But, hair loss can have a damaging psychological effect on the person who suffers from it. This is where treatments, like medications and hair transplant surgery, come in to reverse the damage.
To further understand the theory that testosterone causes hair loss, it would be better to equip yourself with the necessary facts. Androgen, which literally means “man-maker” in Greek, creates the traits that would essentially classify a human being as male. These include the deep voice, bigger muscle mass, and the strong bones that make a man. It is also acknowledged to stimulate red blood cell production by the bone marrow. Now give your androgen some steroids and you have testosterone, the most potent form of the androgen.
Basking in the glory of its power, it has been proven to have a great effect on male behaviour. An oversupply was determined as the culprit creating aggression in men. On the other end, it is the essential element for the male libido. Related to this is its function in penile erection and sexual performance. It all begins at puberty when testosterone stimulates the growth of the genitals. As the penis grows, the need to ejaculate and pro-create comes and testosterone is still there to help with sperm production. Expanding to the other parts of your body, it can actually act on the liver. High doses of testosterone may cause liver diseases and the production of bad cholesterol, while it lowers the amount of the good ones.
Already a power to reckon with, testosterone can turn into a bigger beast when it is converted into dihydrotestosterone or what is popularly known as DHT. This mutation of testosterone can terribly affect your skin and is the culprit for severe cases of acne and the growth of hair follicles on the chest and other parts of the body.
Coming from the lengthy evolution of androgen to DHT, we are now in the position to discuss male baldness with more authority and better understanding. After all, a receding hairline is always serious business for those afflicted with the condition. The desperation that comes with this probably started the old wives’ tale that guys who are balding have great libidos, a desperate attempt to turn a negative into a positive. However, the connection between male pattern baldness and testosterone levels is not that easy to understand.
Let’s start with the basics. Male pattern hair loss is primarily caused by three factors, namely genes, hormones, and age. Now, because nobody can stop the hands of time, hair loss is expected to start by about the age of 35, however can start in your 20’s.
For men who have inherited the gene, the hair follicles are overly sensitive to DHT and this would increase the chances of hair loss at a much earlier age. Everything starts when testosterone is converted into DHT. What it does is it shrinks the hair follicles that result in shorter and finer hair until hair stops growing completely. The hair follicles will remain dormant, however with the appropriate medical treatment, these hairs can be resurrected again and growth can be promoted.
There are some guys who were just born with naturally higher levels of testosterone, and the sad news is that most of the cases are actually hereditary. Studies have shown that guys with naturally lower levels of testosterone were less susceptible to hair loss, even after they were administered extra doses of the hormone. And now that we have discovered the truth and the false relationship between testosterone and balding, on we go to a solution that seems to be the only way to cope with receding hairlines successfully.
Guys who are not really that conscious about their appearance would be pretty sceptical with anything that contains the word “transplants,” even it that word is expected to change their lives forever
To allay these unfounded fears, a hair transplantation surgery involves the extraction of hair that is resistant to DHT and are generally taken from hair follicles from the donor site, usually the side or back of the head, using different techniques – FUT or FUE. The donor hairs are then surgically transplanted into the thinning or balding areas.
The number of grafts needed is usually determined by the hair type, quality, and color plus the size of the area where they will go to. This, along with the technique to be used, will be discussed with you by your hair restoration surgeon during a consultation.
After the surgery, expect the scalp to be a bit tender, which is easily managed with paracetamol, taken for the first few days. To protect the area, you would be made to wear a surgical dressing for a day or two. After three weeks, expect the transplanted hair to fall out before the new growth to happen after about 3 months. The final result will usually be evident a year after you had your procedure done.
If you are in Melbourne and looking for experienced and reliable hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Andrew Kim or Dr Mario Marzola of Medihair Transplant Clinic will provide you with hair restoration plans that is best suited for your specific needs, to give the most natural-looking hair regrowth.
Call us now or simply fill-out our inquiry form to schedule your consultation with us today!
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