#basil is not an absol
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vaguekiwi · 1 year ago
It's your turn for the 50s au!! Until I found you by Stephen Sanchez (the vibes of this song 😭)
Georgia, wrap me up in all your- I want you in my arms Oh, let me hold you I'll never let you go again like I did Oh, I used to say
"I would never fall in love again until I found her" I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her I found you
Georgia, pulled me in I asked to love her once again You fell, I caught you I'll never let you go again like I did
Oh, I used to say "I would never fall in love again until I found her" I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her I found you
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Until I Found You
(Read on Ao3)
They drank stovetop coffee as evening twisted into night.
Their days were languid now, stretching west from Michigan to California and then around southeast again.
The raid happened in the fuzzy green lines between Georgia and North Carolina, in a basement that smelt of old ale and ripe beets. Dim lights promised anonymity, at least at first, and Tony’s lips were gentle on Peter’s collarbone, hands supple on his waist.
Then shouting. Then screaming. Then shoving.
Then blinding lights and police gear and a shot went off. The crowd scattered. Tony grabbed Peter’s arm and shoved him down, voice harsher than Peter had ever heard.
“Stay down there!”
“Shut up!”
The words were cruel but the intention was one of defence. Protection. Some way to hold onto beautiful moments stolen in darkness.
Peter tried to stand. Tried to catch Tony’s arm before it was snatched away. Tried to cry out for him to stay. But something struck him and he fell again, panicked and dizzy. He heard metal clicking and gruff voices, and ashamed as he would later be to admit it, he huddled amidst the wreckage of the club. Wrapped his arms around his knees and waited, listened.
The police sounded like the brothers. Peter’s ears rang with unpleasant nostalgia, and he hid there until the commotion had died down. Until the grunts and swears and slurs had left them far behind. Until only dust motes hung suspended in the garish air of the cellar.
He fell asleep there, wedged in a tight space in a Georgia cellar, nerves cooking his veins from the inside out. Not even the stovetop coffee helped ward off the exhaustion that eventually collapsed over him.
He woke confused. Not seated but stretched out. Not cold but warm. Not in the deep light of night but in the grey glow of waking hours.
“Awake, then?”
A gruff voice. Not the police nor the brothers — and what a foolish fear, that it would ever be the brothers, so many miles away and no doubt not even caring for their fate. Peter opened his eyes and found he was lying down.
He recognised the bartender from last night. Enormous and blonde, hair grown long down to his shoulders. He surveyed Peter with a grim interest, as if not pleased he was there but happy enough that he had woken up.
“Best move on as soon as you can, son.”
Peter sat up. The cellar looked different in the light of day. The edges were less fuzzy and the wood was light instead of dark, hazelnut and sepia instead of mahogany.
“The man-“ Peter’s voice tapered off, vocal cords raw against his throat. He paused.
“The man I was with-“
“Long gone, now.” The bartender shrugged and resumed his self-appointed task to clean the broken glass from the raid. “They’ll have taken the boys they rounded up down to Atlanta.”
Perhaps that shouldn’t have come as such a surprise to Peter, but Atlanta felt so far from the edge of the state where they currently cowered. Traversing deeper into Georgia had never been the plan, but if that’s where Tony was, if that’s where he’d been stolen away to…
“Coffee?” The man asked, and it brought a sour taste to Peter’s mouth. Still able to taste their brew from last night. He shook his head.
“Best move on then, son.”
“But my friend—“
He snorted, “Find a new one.”
Peter shook his head and finally summoned the courage to stand. There was no find a new one. No cut your losses. No moving on.
“I’m going to Atlanta,” He said, though it came out as more of a cough as he stumbled his way to the door.
The man didn’t answer, and Peter made his way outside with lurching lopes. He emerged to empty fields and a sun too bright in Tony’s absence.
How was he possibly supposed to get to Atlanta? 
The car was parked where they’d left it. An aged corvette, the sight of which sent an immediate pang to Peter’s chest. The windows were smashed and one mirror was broken off, hanging by a tenuous metal thread. A slur was painted in mud along the side of the door. Peter’s hands shook as he tore through the backseat looking for remnants of their life together.
Everything had been ransacked. Aside from a couple shirts and a bent toothbrush, there was nothing of value for Peter to hang onto. More importantly, though, there was nothing of memory. Nothing to look or smell or taste like Tony in the wake of his absence.
Of course, no car keys.
Surrounded by fields with scraggly trees stabbing the sky in the distance, Peter hesitantly started to walk. He barely took in the sun enough to know he was going in the right direction.
He found the road and struck out south, hands slotted in his pockets and head wanting sorely for a hat he didn’t have. He missed the cool air of the Rockies and the crisp snows of Michigan, the air here seemed to want to suffocate him with its heat.
The bottom of one of Peter’s shoes was wearing thin — Tony had intended to buy replacements next time they got to a city — and soon a blister had worn its way into the sole of his foot.
Peter walked on top of the pain. He thought of Tony, shackled and possibly beaten in custody in a strange city.
“I’m coming for you, Tony.” Peter whispered softly against the blanket of heat, “I’m gonna find you.”
And when he did, he would never let go again. 
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fleabag-15 · 2 years ago
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omori pokemon au except i vaguely blocked it out in my head :P
i can map out the actual like . teams for everone in my head if theres interst but the main concept i had was under the hikikomori route when you spend all your time in the dream world or whatevah but it turns out its because of darkrai blah blah blah im mostly good at blocking out concepts vs whittling the details but yeah i can try to expand more if anyone wants me to
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askthepaldeanpassenger · 2 years ago
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((I didn’t end up posting yesterday as I normally plan to, but that’s cause I was working on this! Some long overdue fanart I’ve been wanting to do for a hot minute
When I was on my week break these helped me take some time just to Draw. These were all rly fun to do!!!
Brand “Windie” (She/Him) from @askshinyglaceon
Basil (He/Him) from @harmonia-university
??? the Ninetales (He/they/she) from @askcursedtales
Paige Booker (He/Him) from @ask-enchantingdelights
Destino (They/Them) from @ask-the-royal-absol
Willow (She/Her) from @ask-willowleafeon
If you want a transparent of your character I wouldn’t mind, just send me a message! You should all go check out these blogs if you haven’t already!))
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ferronite · 21 days ago
hiiii! So, I haven't even managed to answer your last ask yet (I'm exhausted, help), but I wanted to send you one more to answer, if it's not too much trouble-
My brain is working slower than a turtle, so I'm going to ask a simpler question that is basically the same as one you've already asked: Which Pokémon do you think best matches each of your 7 little creatures?
ended up doing teams, just for fun :)
-Jean: Ninetails, Meowstic, Escavalier, Cherrim, Serperior, Volcarona.
-Maria: Tsareena, Zoroark, Lurantis, Mimikyu, Liepard, Roserade.
-Kaylen: Eelektross, Vikavolt, Jolteon, Toxtricity, Scolipede, Malamar.
-Danny: Honchcrow, Armorouge, Krookadile, Beartic, Drapion, Avalugg.
-Sel: Scizor, Samurott (hisuian), Aegislash, Ceruledge, Salamence, Skarmory.
-Basil: Absol, Parasect, Cofagrigus, Lucario, Dusknoir, Gallade.
-Liv: Wigglytuff, Togekiss, Liligant, Leavanny, Gardevoir, Spiritomb.
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uncle-dusknoir · 10 months ago
[A video is uploaded! Dated for late in the night on Saturday.
... Though it's more of a voice log. The screen never varies from a feed of the night sky, the large waxing moon brightening the evening. Occasionally, a shiny Misdreavus wearing a King's Rock might bob overhead, or one of the three Shuppet Basil brought along, but that's not the important part of the video.
Instead, Basil's voice is heard, saying a word or maybe just finishing a sentence. (For ease of reading, her dialogue's in blue for this exchange.)
"... grounded?"
"That's it."
Sounds like... Derek @misdreavusmishap, maybe? His voice sounds off; as if he's trying to hold onto it, but it keeps drifting up into almost a more cartoon villain tone.
Zee of @ladyzee-oddityhunter responds:
"You or her?" Her voice is the furthest from the camera.
A beat.
Basil sucks in a breath; before asking, a bit hesitantly: "Derek. Can you tell me about your misdreavus again?"
"About what, specifically..?"
A beat. She had to think for a second.
"How did you meet the couple?"
"...I met them around the time I started my island trials. They er. Always floated around in our "backyard" so to say.. I thought I was special for being able to barely see them through their daytime camouflage at the time, which, I now realize is, likely quite common, and just. Started offering them scare-dates. kept them fed."
You could almost hear a bit of a smile coming into Derek's voice.
"And eventually they decided that was good enough. And felt safe enough to evolve in my vicinity."
"Scare dates..." Basil replied with a laugh that slipped into more of a giggle. "Hmh. We would have been friends as kids, i think. But i was usually the one scaring the other kids..."
As the conversation continues, she sounds slightly more comfortable. There's still that slight bit of hesitation; as if she doesn't know if she even SHOULD be talking; but she still does.
"I imagine it was a word-of-mouth thing afterwards... the two of the vouching for you to the mass haunts of other misdreavus?"
The lighter tone carries over to Derek's voice; "hmhm, right, I was an easy source of food, so naturally they'd want to share with the rest of each other. I ah... ... hate to admit it, but I wasn't exactly the toughest fear source then, either," he laughed, and thought for a moment. "... we might've. I feel like we share enough interests."
"Fed off you as a kid so much that they feel bad about doing so now," she replied. You could almost hear her grinning. "Makes enough sense, though. Little kids are easy to scare, no... what's the.... object permanence, i think. No life experience."
The camera jostles as she adjusts her position slightly. She's gone from trying to satiate a wild animal to just having a conversation with her (slightly more dangerous than usual) friend.
"Reminds me of when i was in middle school... one time i found this big ass pelipper skeleton in the woods, took one of my friends at the time to see it. Screamed loud enough you could hear it back in Undella, i had to write her an apology. even though she said yes when I asked if she wanted to see..."
"Oh my," Derek laughed; "... I think I've only seen diagrams of Pelipper skeletons. I would've wanted to see, I believe." He sounds like he's starting to tire.
(An offended little "chwaw??" sound chirps out from what might be @pokeglitchden Simon's Pelipper, Gilligan.)
Basil keeps talking. It's about the only thing she can do.
"I don't doubt i'd be able to find another one back on that route... route thirteen, Unova. Right above Undella Town. The wild Absol hunted them down sometimes, but i think they preferred the wild swellow. less of a... watery taste, if i had to guess."
A beat of thought, just for half a moment.
"Maybe sometime after this all clears up, we could visit. It's not Alola, but it is a lot warmer on the east coast of Unova during summer than Icirrus, tucked in the mountains. Sometimes there'd be a swarm of shuppet around there, too. Wonder if that was foreshadowing anything."
A long beat as Basil waits for Derek to respond. When he does, he sounds like he's on the verge of falling asleep.
"... yeah, I would imagine Absol likely wouldn't...
appreciate the decreased savor..."
The silence is heavy as Derek, presumably, drifts away into sleep.
"... G'night, Derek."
There's finally some movement in the video as Basil's skirt swings over the camera; looks like she's standing up. She stands there, still, for a moment as Simon's voice chimes in.
"Right... We'll... fix this tomorrow."
The video ends as Basil steps above the camera, headed off... somewhere.]
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ask-guardian-gallade · 11 months ago
*Destino approaches Romeo, body pillow firmly in their grasp.*
Destino: Oh, I do so hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don't know if anyone is going to be courageous enough to tell you. Well, if it's a burden I have to bear, then I must do so. That dressing robe. It looks atrocious. Did you really think blue was a good look on you? Did no one tell you this was a sleepover and not a circus? Enough about your awful fashion sense, I overheard something about food. Specifically you bringing food. Have you actually brought something decent or is it shit like your outfit?
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*After the Absol finished speaking, The Gallade's nerve was strucked. Romeo remembers that he's in a party, better not to make a scene. He then cools down a bit and responds to Destino's comment.
Romeo: Destino...Primey...What is your damage? I just came here to have a good time and here you are being the party pooper. And your not even in your PJ's and yet you chose this time to criticize me? I like wearing this robe okay. it's really comfy and I just hate wearing pants. And fine, your hungry? Buffy brought pizza from her job. Hopefully for my sake, you'll enjoy it ya royal dingus.
*He then grab one of the pizza boxes and offer Destino one of the pizza pies.*
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Romeo: It's got tomatoes, basil and the cheese is made of mozzarella. And try not to say something negative when Buffy is around. She isn't the type of Mon that can control her anger.
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sage-the-exorcist · 2 years ago
Heyo! Well, my cousin is apparently here, so I figured I’d give this a shot!
Hi, I’m Sage Mistrest. 19, He/They, prns please! I’m Unovan, but I travel around from region to region! I’m an exorcist with the company of my team! My shiny Absol, Atelier, my Eelektross, Elvis, my Nidoqueen, Elizabeth, Tusky, my Walrein, Laura, my Lurantis, and Sherbet, my shiny Zoroark!
I have magic powers. Yes. Magic. Talismans, old gift from my mom, bla bla-anyways, I’m 5’11, I usually look like I rolled out of bed, black hair, red eyes, leather jacket and ripped jeans. I’ve got a lot of talismans and stuff on me. I have a cousin named Basil, who’s a little shithead but she’s older than me, but I get more bitches, so HA!
Anyways, glad to meet you all!
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w0lfyfl00f · 10 months ago
Sooooo out of boredom we decided to make a Pokémon team which would fit Basil with Pokémon meanings
First of Meganium given we wanted to give him a starter and that fit the most alternatively though Chesnaut
Leafeon is more plant stuff
Clefable and Gengar stand for the difference between Headspace Basil and Stranger
Diggersby is bc he’s often associated with bunnies and it’s a bunny that can garden!
And Absol stands for Stranger in eternity of both are things trying to help but look threatening so may be blamed for things they are trying to tell about or help with
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years ago
I don’t know why but I had a weird dream that you changes indigo’s fusion… like he was no longer part basil but something else.. I can’t remember what you changed it into but still it was weird
if i ever did decide to Change Indigo’s fusion, i have no idea what i would choose. Absol fits him so well. i guess if i had a choice, it’s be another dark type?
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ramlightly · 2 years ago
Curious Souls asked: I like to imagine Basil's Absol would have been strangely calm as he entered Hell, like just scratching its neck with its back paws calm
"Good news, bud, you're going to have literally have the best and worst experience of your life" 
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koffing-time · 2 years ago
(@untitledducklett) Bzzt! Hi Tix! We hope you're doing ok, Galadbain misses you!
Hi Libby!
Yeah, i'm doing all right, just a little stressed at the moment. Olivia has a lot to do at the Gym so i'm basically alone with the café rn, and she's also stressing a lot because of a ghost that's maybe probably haunting her apartment. Ngl it's kinda weird when your employee is at your place only off the clock lol.
But how about you guys? Is the new guy settling in all right? You know, the UD Absol?
and really, i have to make a trip to Kalos sometime. Idk when Cael has time for that, but i really wanna visit you guys at some point. Basil really wants to see Galadbain again, and i do too.
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sneasedtomeetyou · 2 years ago
[A package arrives, in it is a smallish compressed cube which upon popping open reveals a large Wevile plushie that had been vacuum sealed. It's almost comically large, several times the actual size of the pokemon. Along with those are several different Hoennian snack foods and a note]
Happy birthday Casi!
Well ok it's a day late, it took me a minute to find this thing unfortunately so I hope that's ok, hah. And don't worry, I made sure there were no onions or garlic in the snacks! I hope you had a great birthday and I hope this year is even better for you.
[Attached picture, presumably taken by Lissie. Casi is napping snuggled up with the giant Weavile plush. Napping by her side is Sneaks and the two baby Pokémon, a little pastel pink Sneasel and a dark furred Absol. The little Absol's eyes are covered by long fur, so it can only be presumed to be sleeping. Her horn has finally begun to peek out from the poofy fur on her head.]
These gifts are just perfect, Amy! I'm excited to try some of the snacks, but I admittedly made myself a bit nauseous eating too many sweets from other gifts, so I have to hold off a bit before trying them. Curse my sweet tooth, I suppose. Thank you for the thoughtful gifts, my beloved doppelganger.
For fun, I also have some pictures for when I was initially opening the package!
[As promised, a series of photos follow. Casi unpacks the box on what looks like her kitchen table. In the background of the shots a novelty sign is slightly visible imagery of pastries with text overlayed, though the text beyond "I'm a crepe, I'm a weirdough" is hard to discern. Bell floats nearby Casi's head, peeking over her shoulder.
When the plush Weavile is first pulled out of the package in its odd cube shape, Sneaks can be seen standing on a dining room chair so that he can sniff it.
As the plush is progressively fluffed up and free from its confines in another image, Basil the Meowscarada is shown to pick it up by its comically large arms and appears to be trying to dance with it.
The plush is almost at its proper sized now, though notably still wrinkled as it takes shape. It rests against the couch in Casi's living room. Hemlock is sitting next to it, though he looks a little confused by the plush's existence. Bell is also floating next to it with an expression that could not be more different than Hemlock's. The Shuppet looks positively overjoyed to have another plush to add to the collection she is known to hide amongst.]
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confettikitty-23 · 2 years ago
Hi! I'm Snowy/Confetti, an artist and animator. I am a minor
I'm most active on Instagram, but I use Tumblr (near) daily too.
My main obsessions/hyperfixations are Pokemon (whole life) Miitopia, Omori and my ocs. Expect to see ALOT of oc stuff.
I like Black Clover, Mario, Danganronpa, ttigraas, Demon Slayer, Undertale, Deltarune, Rhythm Heaven, Taiko no Tatsujin, Warriors, BNHA (I don't like the creator) Dr Stone, Wolfwalkers, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Jack Stauber, The Crane Wives and The Family Crest
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My pronouns are she/they (they/them pref) and I'm Bisexual, Genderdoe and I use Xenogenders :3 I am a Sunny & Basil kinnie*
My favorite Pokemon are Absol, Lycanroc, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Meowscarada and Samurott!! My favorite characters are Noelle (Black Clover) Basil (Omori) Nemona (Pokemon SV) Great Sage (Miitopia) Main Hero (Miitopia)
My tags are (inserted here on mobile give me like an hour)
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DNI if you're a bigot, are a TERF, are a pro/comshipper, support JK Rowling, are a fan of Alfred's Playhouse, fan of Dream/Are Dreamsexual (the ace one is fine) or make the sexual Vaporeon joke (wtf is wrong with you) Andrew Tate fans, or if you post only NSFW/Suggestive stuff
* by kinnie I mean synpath but people keep telling me both definitions are wrong so😭 ps I'm also a furry and a therian?!?! I'd say shocking but it's not really
(this will be updated randomly)
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vaguekiwi · 3 years ago
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@peterrparrkerr I apologise but I'm still thinking about this so here's a moodboard 😮‍💨
Dark academia boarding school Starker AU: read the full concept here! (TW for a simply rude amount of angst 😜)
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vaguekiwi · 2 years ago
@peterrparrkerr @snowstark that one fic we wrote together while drunk 👀
there is no tumblr algorithm except for the fact that if you put 5 hours of work into a post it will get 20 notes but if you put five minutes into a post with no tags that's completely nonsensical it'll get 10k.
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uncle-dusknoir · 1 year ago
[A video is attached! Thought it's mostly really an audio file; the phone lies staring at the kitchen ceiling, focusing itself on the old ceiling fan as it sloooowly creaks it's rotation.
Talking can be heard. The first voice is odd- crystal-clear as if it's beamed directly into the phone without any barrier between it. It's the cheerful voice of a middle-aged man.
"You know it would be fun! I'm sure everyone is more than excited to see you, Basil, and it's not like they'll be running LOW on food by any stretch of the imagination-"
The second voice is- who else?- Basil, who sounds tired.
"It's not about that."
A Shuppet floats across the screen.
"Wh- It's not like the travel would be difficult, you know. Jupetta's Teleport is more than strong enough to bring everyone to Undella, if not right in the middle of the-"
It settled on the fan blade, kicking off a bout of dust.
"It's not about that." There's an obvious angry tilt to her voice. She's trying to keep it subdued. "Besides, I already have the thing in the oven-"
"How long could it take to cook? Besides, you're not going to eat it- we could take it out and then go. Maybe your cousin's Absol would join the-"
"I'm not going," she hissed, trying to keep her voice subdued. A couple more Shuppet float across the room. "What the fuck is gonna happen if I do? You think they're just gonna-- what, ignore the fact that I haven't breathed at them since I was eighteen? Are they not gonna ask questions? Ask about you?"
There's a dull thud. Another Shuppet.
"What the fuck do you want me to tell them?"
A scrabbling sound. Suddenly, the curious snout of Mint the Sneasel fills the frame.
"Well- we could just explain-"
She sniffs at the screen, the sound almost hiding Basil's reply.
"Explain what? That I-"
The video cuts out.]
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