#basically lol. but it’s summer and i’m not busy all the time now so i’m back !!!!!! he lives !!!!
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featherfangart · 3 days ago
Hi las!
I thought your vash cosplay was so neat at dokomi last year and I am planning to do one myself this year. I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of wig and where you got yours from (as you are also from europe). I have never used a wig without bangs that I couldn’t just put on as is, let alone styled one. I have no idea what to look out for or where to start and yours looks do nice both in form and color so I figured maybe you had me a tip?
It would just be blonde anyway since I’m doing the post july/jeneora rock under suit because packing myself in tons of leather, belts and eva during peak summer is a great idea greatly appreciate if you have any tips for me and thank you!
I'm SO SORRY It took me literal weeks to reply. I haven't been this busy in-- almost a year. BUT.
Thank you so much! Glad you like my Vash costume. n_n Alright THE WIG ✨
I got my wig from Ardawigs EU branch. I tried them once and their hair is a great quality, very easy and nice to style. Holds the shape like a rock.
They're super pricey, but I usually run on a lot of leftovers from other costumes (fabrics, materials), pants and base boots from thriftstores/vinted, try to save wherever else I can. And I usually only buy wigs once in a blue moon. I got burnt so many times buying cheap ebay wigs which often ended up in a trashbin, bc they were just SO low quality and there was nothing I could do with them.
Unfortunately, Arda EU is closed now and taking a look at their site, they don't plan to reopen any time soon. =/
Which... is very unfortunate, bc adding customs fee on top the wig itself being pricy + shipping + tax and everything. Blergh.
Most of my friends get wigs from Aliexpress now.
In any case - the US shop is here. I think I have Cady in Champagne.
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So that is not very helpful...
What I can advise you on
You'll most probably need a FRONT LACE WIG (the type you see in the picture). Considering Vash's hair is styled back and up, you'll need a wig with a nice front, so the ribbon/band isn't showing once the hair/bangs are up. You can either get the hairline done by adding more hair to the front (basically you sew it on, hair by hair, time consuming, but much better looking) or you can cut the line so you like it (I do that). Here's a video on cutting the front lace and wearing the wig. I'm honestly not too satisfied with the front of my wig, but I have a personal problem with never being satisfied with my wigs in general. Ever.
For the SPIKES (and general styling) here's a video I used back when I first started spiking up my wigs (good lord, first Cloud Strife wig was five years ago). It covers literally all the techniques I use for styling. I'm not great at it, but It helped me get by. ❤️
And for the UNDERCUT (if you decided to do it later). Being the lazy ass I am, instead of sewing on half of the black wig like I SHOULD, since I have Trimax version, but... an undercut instead bc... I had a leftover piece of my 1,5 USD fur fabric from when I was making TriStamp wig earlier (see? saving where I can lol) and was like, heck, I can use this. Here's the video I used to figure out what the hell am I supposed to do.
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I hope this helps at least a little bit. ❤️ I know my wig looks okay-ish from a distance, it's a gd mess up close. As my cosplayer friends say - you never look at the costumes too close. ❤️
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crushcrushcrush-mp3 · 9 months ago
ICARUS HIIIII i feel like i havent talked to you in so long!!! waving enthusaistically HIII <333
omg starry hiiiiiiii !!!!!! yes it’s been so long i’ve missed u :’)) waving back aggressively :) how r u??
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evansbby · 2 years ago
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bestfriend!Ari Levinson x naive!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: HEAVY SOMNO, dark!Ari, smutt, daddy!kink, non-con, 18+ only, minors dni.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Your best friend, Ari, wants to fuck you. And he doesn’t care if you’re awake or asleep...
𝐀/𝐍: SUPER DARK. Please, if you don’t like, don’t read! The whole thing is basically somno, and this is a dark fic! Please beware of that. Apart from that, enjoy! Also, this is completely unedited lol please be kind.
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“Ow! Ari! I told you; my boyfriend won’t like it if you do that!”
“What? This?”
Ari plants his lips against the nape of your bare neck, giving the sensitive skin a hearty suck. His fingers dance down your body, digging into your ribs and making you giggle and squirm on top of him.
“Stop! It hurts!”
“Oh yeah? Why are you laughing, then?” He tickles you harder, holding you tightly in his arms lest you try to escape. You’re too busy laughing your head off to notice his lips press against your skin once more, his tongue lathering at the hickey he’s just given you. And then he sucks again, so hard that your laughter is cut short and you gasp, feeling like your sensitive skin is going to break as he continues to suction it.
“Nooo, Ari, please! Steve won’t like that! He’ll get the wrong idea!”
Ari draws back and smirks, “Please. We’ve been best friends longer than you’ve been going out with Steve. And best friends are allowed to cuddle every now and then, I’m sure your tool of a boyfriend will understand that.”
“Hey! Don’t call him a tool!” You smack Ari on the chest but all he does is grab both your wrists with one hand, his other one snaking down to tickle you some more. You scream and laugh, trying to break free but he’s way too strong as he pins you down on the sofa, climbing on top of you and continuing to attack your ribs with his fingers.
Ari had been your best friend for years – ever since high school, to be exact. He was big and protective and strong and confident, making you feel safe whenever you were around him. He was also goofy and fun and kind, but he usually reserved those personality traits for when the two of you were alone. Everyone else knew him as Ari Levinson, the football star with huge prospects – the NFL’s newest recruit, in fact – and a man with a dangerous streak in him.
But you knew him as just Ari, the boy you’d grown up with. The one who you’d watched funny movies with till the two of you peed your pants laughing, the one who’d always helped you study for all your tests. The one who you’d shared so many of your firsts with. Your first time on a plane had been with Ari when the two of you had jetted off to Bali (a graduation present from his parents). Your first-time smoking weed had also been with Ari (he’d laughed and assured you that the police were not going to lock you up for smoking a joint).
Even your first kiss had been with Ari. (“Don’t worry, I’m just going to show you how to do it.” Ari had assured you, “No strings attached, baby. I don’t wanna jeopardise our friendship, it’s the most important thing in the world to me.”) And show you he had, and you still remember his soft lips on yours, like a warm pillow working against your mouth. His breathless whispers against you, coaxing you to use your tongue, and his big hands holding you close to him, almost like he never wanted to let you go.
You’d kissed many guys since then, but Ari didn’t know about all of them. He seemed to grow upset and irritated any time you mentioned going on a date with anyone, let alone kissing and making out and all that other stuff. All of which you’d done with Steve, your current boyfriend. In fact, Steve had taken your virginity this past summer – but Ari didn’t have to know that. It had taken him weeks to accept that Steve was your boyfriend, you knew it would take him another year to process that you’d given your virginity to Steve too.
But Ari was just protective, you always reasoned to yourself. And there was nothing wrong with that. In fact, you liked how secure he made you feel and how he was always there for you. How he always dropped everything for you, even with the bazillions of girls who were after him. (Ari, with his rugged good looks, was always popular with the ladies. But being an NFL star boosted his popularity even more – he had supermodels regularly going in and out of his house. You could confirm, you’d run into one or two a few times).
“Hello? You still there?” Ari bounces you in his lap to get your attention. “It’s no fun torturing you when you don’t give me a reaction.”
“Sorry, I was just thinking.”
He nudges your nose with his and shoots you his winning smile, the one that makes his blue eyes sparkle. “I’m the one who does the thinking, remember? You just look pretty.”
You blink, “Steve says he likes it when I space out. He wants me to write all my thoughts down so he can turn them into poetry.”
Ari rolls his eyes, “He sounds like a douche.”
You smack his hard chest once more. “He’s not. If you just agreed to meet him once, you’d like him just as much as I do.”
“I doubt it.”
You bat his chest again.
“Ow! Okay, okay, I’d like him! Now can we stop talking about Steve when it’s you and me time?” Ari huffs, giving you a squeeze. “I finally got you all to myself for the weekend and all you want to do is talk about Steve.”
“Aww, I’m sorry, Ari. What do you want to do?”
The two of you end up putting on a movie and cuddling on the couch. It’s raining cats and dogs outside, but the steady pitter-patter of the water droplets against the window creates an oddly calming atmosphere. Inside, you feel toasty warm in Ari’s embrace, the big brunette holding you tightly against his chest as he spoons you and all you can hear is the movie mixed in with the crackling of the fireplace and your best friend’s steady breathing against your neck.
“I always get sleepy when we cuddle.” You yawn, giggling when his lips find your neck again. Cuddling with Ari was always fun – the two of you had been doing it for years. Ari had told you that all best friends cuddle like this, where the two of you are so close that you can feel every part of him. Even his hard crotch as it nestles against your ass, and every few seconds he shuffles or grabs your hips and moves you up and down. But he probably doesn’t realise what he’s doing, or that you can feel him getting… excited. He probably doesn’t mean to get excited anyways.
You sometimes get excited while cuddling with Ari too. Excited down there. But you’re too shy and embarrassed to ever tell him. You’re meant to just be best friends with him, for Godsakes! Nothing more!
“Mm, sweetheart?” He mumbles against your neck, where his tongue is currently licking over a spot that he’s been sucking for a while now.
“I know you said that all best friends give each other hickeys while cuddling, but I don’t think Steve would like it if he saw these.”
Ari groans, not letting up at all as he continues to suck at the one spot on your neck. In fact, you feel his teeth graze against your sensitive skin and you gasp when he bites down. Not too hard, but enough to make the mark even more prominent. God, you’d need a lot of makeup to cover that up – you knew without even looking at it.
“There you go again, talking about Steve when it’s meant to be us time. Now shh, I’m trying to relax and watch the movie. You should try and do the same.”
You do try, feeling your eyelids grow heavy as you watch the movie play out on the television. The pitter-patter of the rain outside makes you feel even sleepier, so much so that you barely even register it when you feel Ari’s hands slip under your tank top. He did that sometimes, claiming that his hands got cold very easily and he needed the warmth of your bare skin to heat them back up – which was totally understandable. His palms always felt warm against you, however, but you knew that Ari knew best.
“Is this the new bra I got you?”
You yelp when you feel his hands cup your breasts over the material of your bra, giving them a few squeezes that have you involuntarily pressing your thighs together.
His hands don’t move, instead he squeezes your breasts harder, and your face grows hot as your nipples stiffen, poking through the lace material and straight against his palm.
“Well? Is it?”
“Yes, it is.” You answer, stifling a yawn and deciding you’re too tired to fight him off you. He was just feeling extra touchy – he as like that sometimes. It was purely platonic and didn’t mean a thing. And it’s not like he was feeling you up, he was probably just trying to detect the material of the bra. It was one of the few (about twelve) lingerie sets from Victoria’s Secret that Ari had had delivered to your apartment a few days ago. He was always surprising you with gifts, it was actually very sweet of him.
“Good. I like it when you wear things I bought for you.”
“Mmhmm.” You’re feeling drowsier and drowsier, and it’s so comfy being in Ari’s strong arms as they hold you in place against his chest. Cuddling with Ari really was the best, and it just made you so sleepy…
“Go to sleep, baby.” Ari croons in your ear, giving you another tight squeeze. “I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Ari watches you drift off in his arms, his boner unbearably hard as he digs it into your ass. Fuck, you had the world’s cutest little bubble butt, and the way it was currently nestled against his dick was making him so fucking horny, it was unreal.
In fact, he was so riled up that everything you did tonight was making him horny. From the way you pranced around your apartment in those tight grey legging that made your ass pop, bending down to pick up God knows what and giving him an eyeful of your backside, making his palms itch to give it a slap or two. He’d gotten away with it in the past, various times while the two of you play-wrestled. And he’d just blame it on the innocent “rough-housing” as he’d smack your ass quickly in succession, loving how you’d squeal and dig your face into his chest in embarrassment. (Or pleasure, because Ari knew you secretly liked it).
And now here you were, cute little you practically unconscious in his arms. Wearing the pretty pink lace bra that he’d bought for you and cuddling up close to his chest. Unknowingly, you rub your butt against his crotch, making him groan in frustration. Goddamit, did you have to be so fucking hot? In your sexy leggings and your tight tank top that just about left nothing to the imagination. Not to mention how cute and innocent you were, and so much smaller than him, so much weaker than him…
“Fuck, baby, you’d run for the hills if you knew the thoughts I was thinking.” Ari tells you, giving your breasts another squeeze.
“What?” You mumble, but it seems like you’re halfway in dreamland. Which is exactly what Ari wants, because fuck it. He’s done waiting around for you, picturing you when he jacks off. He’s been doing that for years now, because he cums the hardest when he pictures you. All sweet and innocent, getting fucked by him in various positions. Crying because his cock is so big as it violates you, tears you open and claims you as he fucks you deep and hard, till you can feel him up in your womb. Till you’re screaming his name, telling him that he’s your daddy, telling him you’ll do anything for him.
Ari still remembers the first time you’d made him cum. You hadn’t been aware of it, but the way you’d bounced up and down on his lap, excited about some silly thing or the other, he couldn’t really remember. But what he does remember is busting a nut hard, your breasts pushed up prettily against his chest and your butt rubbing against his boner, practically milking his cock as he came in his pants. He’d had a taste of heaven that night, and that was years ago. He’d been sneaking more tastes ever since.
“But never the real thing,” Ari sighs to himself, his thumbs hooking under the waistband of your leggings. “I still haven’t been inside that tight snatch of yours, sweetheart. Isn’t that sad?”
You mumble something incoherent, clearly still half asleep. And Ari’s too horny to care, trying his luck by snapping the waistband of your leggings against your skin, licking his lips when you don’t stir.
“No panties, huh?” He teases you, slipping a hand down your leggings to cup your butt cheek and give it a hefty squeeze. “It’s like you’re begging me to fuck you, sweetheart. I wonder what Steve would think?”
God, Ari hates Steve. Hates him with a blind fury. He hates that the idiot blonde has weaselled his way into your life. Ari turned his back for one second (he was in the NFL, so football took up 90% of his time) and Steve just scooped you up before Ari could talk you out of it. He’s never officially met Steve, but he’s seen him. Seen him holding hands with you. Kissing you. Taking you out on dates. And Ari hates him for it.
Most of all, Ari hates that you let Steve fuck you.
“Oh, you think I don’t know that you’ve been a naughty girl?” Ari coos, chucking your chin and smirking when you pout in your sleep. He strokes your face with one hand, the other one still firmly cupping your bare ass from under your leggings. “My little baby girl, giving herself to another man. Let me tell you, baby, I was furious when I found out. I almost went over to Steve’s apartment and killed him with my bare hands.”
“But you’d hate me if I did that.” Ari sighs, pinching your cheek lightly. He licks his lips, lifting your tank top up till it rests above your chest, before pushing the cups of your bra down to your ribs. Your breasts spill out attractively, and Ari feels a thrill go straight down to his crotch. “I should’ve been the only one who ever got to see you naked. I mean, remember all those showers we took together?”
Ari had persuaded you on multiple occasions to shower with him in order to conserve water. Oh yes, he’d managed to convince you that he was all about saving the environment, and water conservation was number one on his list. And you hadn’t seemed to mind, giggling and washing his hair for him, not noticing how his eyes remained glued to your hot, soapy body, how his fingers itched to grab your hips, bend you over and fuck the living daylights out of you…
“But you just had to let Steve fuck you, didn’t you? Before I even got the chance.” He can’t help but dip his head down, latching his mouth on your bare nipple. God, he’d touched and fondled you over the years, but nothing like this. He tries to keep his excitement at bay but he can’t help but suckle the stiff peak of your nipple, growing hornier than ever as he keeps from suctioning your whole breast into his mouth, his one hand fondling your body while the other slips down to undo his fly and take his dick out.
“Mm, Ari… Is that you?” You murmur, sounding surprisingly eloquent for someone who’s meant to be asleep. But you’re indeed still asleep, softly snoring while Ari continues to have his way with you. He releases your nipple with a pop, gently turning you over so that you’re lying on your stomach, your cheek pressed against the arm rest of the couch.
“Now sweetheart, I’ll show you what it’s like to be with a real man. And I’ll make sure you remember it, even if you do think it’s all just a dream.”
He wastes not in slipping your leggings down to your knees, hungry eyes drinking in your cute, bare ass. He gives it a little smack, hands itching to hit you harder but he knows you’d wake up. And then how would he explain himself? Well, he could probably think of something (“I was just giving you a full-body massage, sweetheart. Your muscles seemed tense.”) You’d definitely believe it, since you were gullible enough to believe all the flimsy lies he’d been telling you for the past few years.
Ari presses a soft kiss to your butt, simultaneously grabbing a handful of your cheek and giving it a lewd jiggle. God, you were so sexy, lying down so nice for him as he violated your body. Well, it wasn’t a violation because he owned you. He’d owned you since the day he met you, and no sorry ass loser by the name of Steve Rogers was going to take you away from him. Steve may have gotten to pop your cherry, but Ari was going to make sure that that never happened again. The only dick you’d remember the feel of would be Ari’s, and that was a promise he was making to himself and to you. (If you were conscious right now, that is).
“You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever seen in my life.” Ari breathes, one hand on your hip and the other on his cock as he drags the tip of it up and down your ass. Tracing it over your butt cheek and smearing his precum all over the skin before he grabs and spreads your ass, pressing his dick between your crack and rubbing it up and down. “God, fuck, baby, I can’t believe you’re finally letting me do this.”
He spits, his saliva dripping down your ass crack and gathering in your puckered hole, making him grin. He’d fuck you there one day too – but you’d need to be awake and aware for that. There was no way he was stuffing his big dick inside your virgin ass while you were asleep.
“Ari? Feel kinda wet…” You mumble, trying to turn over but he presses his hand in the small of your back to keep you in place.
“You’re just dreaming, baby.” He tells you, stroking your hair to lull you back to sleep. “It’s raining outside, and so you’re dreaming of rain. That’s why you feel wet, sweetie.”
“Ohhhh, makes sense…” You answer, and Ari can’t believe his luck that you’re still asleep. Or not fully conscious… Same difference.
He spreads your ass cheeks wider, placing a pillow under your hips to prop you up. And then his eyes drink in your glistening pussy. And now he understands why you were mumbling about being feeling wet…
“Naughty little baby pussy, getting all wet just because daddy’s playing with your ass.” Ari scolds, talking to your pussy and not you. He itches to spread your wet folds with his fingers and give you a hard slap right on your bundle of nerves. But he knows the jolt from something like that might wake you up.
You’ve soaked the couch cushion underneath you, and that’s hen Ari knows you’re ready. Well, you’ll never truly be ready for his dick. Ari knows he’s bigger than average – enough girls have told him so. But none of those girls are you. He’s not in love with them like he is with you, all those supermodels and actresses are just placeholders until he settles down with you. Makes you his wife and fucks you good every single day.
“I can’t believe you’re asleep for our first time.” Ari whispers, gliding the tip of his dick up and down your slick folds. “I mean, I think it’s kind of hot, but that’s not the point. You weren’t asleep when you let Steve fuck you, were you?”
A spark of anger courses through his veins just then, and he can’t help but reprimand you by smacking your ass hard. And all you do is whimper in your sleep, his naughty little girl.
“I bet he didn’t even make you cum.” Ari breathes, mounting you and angling your hips upwards. “Not like how I will. And you know why? Because I’m your daddy and I know your body better than anyone.”
Ari still remembers the first time he made you call him daddy. It was during a game of truth or dare, and he’d dared you to call him daddy for the rest of the night. And fuck, you had done it. And his dick had grew harder and harder through the course of the night, as you addressed him as daddy all cutely, pouting those pretty lips of yours and blinking up at him innocently. Fuck, you had no idea how much of an effect you had on him. Even when he was fucking all those models, he’d imagine they were you. He chose the ones that looked like you, and sometimes he’d even call them by your name. They were too fucked out to notice, and it’s not like Ari cared about their feelings.
No, Ari only cared about you.
It feels like heaven as he slowly eases his dick inside you. You’re so wet and warm, your walls hugging his huge dick as if he’s being encased in warm velvet. God, this is everything he’d ever dreamed of, and he doesn’t even care that he isn’t the first one to fuck you. He supposes he could forgive you for that, because you’re his baby and he loves you.
“Nnngh, Ari…” You moan in your sleep before your body goes stiff with alertness, “Wh-What’re you doing?”
“Shhh, baby, go back to sleep. It’s just a dream.” Ari manages to coax you, despite the fact that your little snatch is squeezing his dick so good and he’s not even halfway inside of you but it’s such a goddamn tight fit and he knows that if you were awake right now you’d be crying from discomfort.
“Just a dream?” You murmur, before your body jolts and you let out another moan, “Mmm, Ari, so full…”
“Oh, baby, I’m gonna tear you in half.” Ari promises you, resisting the urge to drive his big dick all the way inside you from the get-go. No, you’re his baby, his princess, his best friend, and the love of his life. He has to be gentle with you – at first, at least. He doesn’t want to split you open and make you bleed. Well, he does, but there’s plenty of time to do that in the future.
He pushes his dick further into you, pinning your body in place as you squirm from the sheer size of him.
“I’m already fucking you better than that asshole boyfriend of yours ever did, huh?”
“Mmhm, yess….”
“Damn straight. I bet his cock ain’t as big as mine, huh?”
“Oh, Ari… Nooo.”
It’s a marvel that you’re asleep yet answering his questions, but he figures you think it’s all just a dirty little dream you’re having. He begins to rock his hips harder, still having trouble stuffing his whole length inside your tight pussy. Not to mention, your walls are hugging him like a vice, and he resists the urge to bust a nut every time he looks down to where you both meet.
“Call me daddy, sweetie. Like how you did that night we played truth or dare.”
“Yeah, just like that. God, I love how well you take instructions even when you’re asleep. You’re so perfect for me, sweetheart. I need to move you into my house soon. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Being an NFL player’s girlfriend? Getting fucked by me every single night till you can’t walk straight ever again. That’s just half of what I plan to do to you.”
Finally, finally, Ari bottoms out inside you, his heavy balls slapping against your pussy as he shudders with relief. You’re moaning sleepily underneath him but all he can focus on is the delicious squeeze of your walls against his thick dick, and how well you’ve taken him.
“Good girl.” Ari praises you, giving your ass another hard squeeze. “Taking your best friend’s dick so well, aren’t you? Or should I say, your daddy’s dick?”
“Daddy…” You mumble as if on cue.
“Damn right.”
Ari fucks you hard. Well, as hard as he can while still ensuring you remain asleep. He keeps a steady pace, unable to bite back his own moans of pleasure at the fact that he’s finally fucking you. And you look so pretty, your soft body underneath him, tensing and clenching around him like it’s your job to take his daddy dick in your little fuckhole.
He grabs a handful of your hair, tugging your head to the side and spitting down on your cheek. Loving how your nose scrunches up all cutely before he reaches out to smear his saliva all over your face, making you look as slutty as possible. Slutty just for him, because after tonight, no other man would ever have you like this. Or have you at all, for that matter.
“Tell me you love my daddy dick.” He repositions himself till he’s lying over you, his body pinning yours down and his chest against your back, his hips pistoning in and out of you at a steady pace. He licks the shell of your ear lewdly before nibbling on your earlobe, “Tell me you love it when daddy fucks you with his big daddy dick.”
“L-Luh your dick!”
“My what?” He slaps your ass, doing it hard even though he knows he’s pushing his luck.
“Love daddy’s dick.” You murmur dutifully, and Ari can’t believe you actually said it. A part of him wonders if it’s all an act and if you’re awake, but one look at your unconscious face, albeit sweaty and breathing hard, confirms you’re still out of it.
“Fuck, baby. Daddy can’t hold on much longer, your baby pussy is just too sweet.” Ari tells you, feeling his thrusts get faster and faster as he chases his release. But before he can even think of what’s happening next, he feels you clench around him hard.
“Nngh! Daddy!” You whimper and your body quivers and tries to toss and turn except he holds you in place, watching in awe as you cum. You squeeze his dick so tight he forgets to breathe momentarily, just watching your sweet cream squirt out of you as if you’re being paid to squirt all over him. He forgets about his own pleasure for a second, hand sneaking down and fingers finding your clit. You jolt in his arms, whimpering and moaning underneath him as he rubs your button, pinching it cruelly before slapping it. Alternating between circling and rubbing, and does he imagine it or are you humping up against his hand as he does it?
You let out the cutest squeak in the world before you cum once more, and it’s enough to tip Ari over the edge too. He grips you so hard, he knows it’ll leave bruises on your skin. But he doesn’t care, his dick explodes as he releases his heavy load inside you, not caring that he isn’t wearing a condom. Not caring that you’re not on the pill (he knows, because he makes it his business to know everything about you). The idea of getting you pregnant doesn’t deter him at all, despite the fact that he’s at the start of his NFL career. That doesn’t matter, being a football player’s pregnant wife is a look that would suit you well.
And the idea of you pregnant with his baby gets Ari hard all over again.
“Look what you’ve done, sweetie.” Ari tsk-tsks, “You’ve got daddy hard again.” He strokes your hair back, wiping the sweat off your face as you breathe hard underneath him, miraculously still asleep. “But don’t worry, I’ll give you a chance to catch your breath before I fuck you again.”
He lays on top of you, breathing hard with his dick still lodged inside you, stroking your hair and cuddling you close. And that’s when your eyes flutter open.
“Ari? What’s going on? Why do I feel so…so…”
“Shhh, baby, it’s just a dream.”
“It is?”
He sits up, fishing out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lighting one before taking a long drag, looking down at your spent body that he’s just used and feeling extremely proud of himself. “Of course. Go back to sleep, sweetheart. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
“Mmm,” The claws of sleep already have you closing your eyes again, and you snuggle up closer to him, a look of serenity on your face as if you haven’t just been fucked and filled with his cum. Cigarette between his lips, Ari offers you his thumb, smirking when you immediately encase it between your lips, sucking on it like it’s a lollypop.
“Love you, Ari. Thank you for always taking care of me.”
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thebearer · 2 years ago
hi e! back again with more carmy shit because i love the way you did my little blurb justice 🥰. i literally just envisioned sydney minding her own business and just recklessly placing carmy in the hot seat cause she knew his ass was gon get it 😂. i’m all in for more dom!carmy so i’d love to keep the idea going that his s/o works for/with/alongside him at the bear with a touch of her giving him her two cents? a little bit of sass to just remind who he’s dealing with 😩. maybe this time around he slipped up on something major (a birthday, anniversary, or something that overall was important to the reader and he put it off because in his mind the bear comes first). she’s been slowly driving him crazy with that silent treatment she’s been doing for the last few days and her less than a few syllabled words when he doesn’t remind her how irked he made her 😂; she’s not mad anymore just disappointed. and anyway basically in a prep for preordered to go’s on lunch rush he’s reading back orders to her and she completely writes him off. i can see him being like exactly how he when he’s not getting when he needs from his staff during a frenzy and flipping tf out. like you know when he repeats himself a second time as if you didn’t hear him the first he means it 😂. tysm in advance! please feel free to do whatever you’d like. i’m writing this at 6 in the morning so many ideas are coming into the fold. i hope you have a great day - 🥣.
ok i did sorta a different-ish take. same idea but i don't write the reader as a chef bc quite honestly i can't relate lmao i'm a horrendous cook lol. but silent treatment yes!! reader works at the bear but not a chef.
"Does anyone know where the extra napkins are? Mindy needs to be settin' tables." Carmen huffed, slamming the empty crate back in the back stock.
"That would be your missus' domain." Richie snickers, elbowing Fak lightly. "Guess you better go ask her, Cousin."
"Yeah? Fuck off. Thought it was your fuckin' job." Carmen grumbled, running a hand through his hair.
"Me? Fuck no, Cousin. You know who's job it is, c'mon." Richie grinned. "It's your wife, Carm. What? Scared to talk to your wife?"
Carmen sneered, huffing in annoyance, but the truth was... yes, he was a little scared. Especially with how furious you were at him. Carmen was a chronic over worker, barely taking time for himself. It was a constant fight between the two of you, one he'd gotten better at, but still struggled finding that balance. Which normally, you'd be more forgiving about.
Except it was your anniversary.
Carmen left you waiting at home, dressed up with a new lingerie set that he painfully didn't get to enjoy. By the time he got off, taking his time to clean the kitchen, prep for tomorrow's crowd, he looked at his phone and saw your texts and calls, his heart dropping.
You'd been giving him the cold shoulder since then, furious and hurt- or so he assumed, you wouldn't say anything.
Richie found the entire thing hilarious when Carmen told him. "You forgot your fuckin' anniversary? You jagoff, holy shit."
Carmen found it less than amusing. The tension in the restaurant was thick because of the two of you. Everyone teetering around you, but especially Carmen, he was more on edge now.
Pushing the door open to the office, Carmen ducked his head in, seeing you at his desk- your desk, technically, you used it more. "Hey, honey," Carmen's voice was soft, a sweet hum that had your spine straightening. He flinched lightly, stepping towards you. "D'you know where the extra napkins are?"
You didn't reply, simply typing on your laptop, editing a video for the social media page about the upcoming summer specials.
Carmen blinked, barking out your name in a much harsher than he meant to, but it seemed to work. Kinda. Your head whipped around, eyes in a burning glare when they met his, but your lips were still pressed together.
Carmen through his hands out in exasperation. "Are you bein' fuckin' serious with me?"
Richie made his way towards the table where Tina was doing prep, craning his neck to watch. Your lips twisted, glaring harshly at Carmen. Carmen huffed, a hand running over his forehead. "What do you want from me, huh? What? You're just never gonna speak to me again? I forgot, ok? I didn't mean to, I just fuckin' forgot! I was at work!"
You glared at him, feeling Richie's amused gaze from over Carmen's shoulder, the rest of the staff pretending to be busy to hear. "Shut the door." You snapped.
Carmen flinched, shocked. "What-"
"Shut the fuckin' door, now." You snapped, slamming your laptop, turning to face him. Carmen pressed the door shut, ignoring Richie's whines of "c'mon, Cousin, it was just gettin' good!".
The two of you stared, neither being the first to talk, not wanting to break. You huffed, rolling your eyes in annoyance. "You wanted to talk, talk, Carmen. I've got shit to do."
"Hey," Carmen's eyes flashed at you, his tone hard with an edge of warning. "You better watch your-"
"-No, you better watch your mouth with me. Watch what you say to me, Berzatto." You snapped, pointing a finger at him. "This isn't a fuckin' game, alright? I'm mad at you. Actually fuckin' mad at you."
Carmen's stomach turned, swallowing the guilt rising with the bile in his throat. "I... I'm sorry-"
"-Sorry isn't going to work this time, Carmen. It's always sorry. Always I didn't fuckin' mean to, I got busy." You snapped, arms wrapping over your torso. "You always do this, but our anniversary? You forgot our anniversary?"
"No, I didn't forget." Carmen ran a hand down his face. "I got you flowers and-and the bracelet-"
"-And that was very nice, Carmen, but you weren't there." You snapped, the finality in his tone making his rebuttal dissolve in his mouth. The hurt in your eyes, rounding and pitiful, soft and pleading with him. You were angry, but you were hurt, too.
His shoulders deflated, breath leaving his lungs. "You're right," Carmen nodded slowly. "No, you're-you're right, and-and-and I'm... Fuck, I'm so sorry, baby." Carmen said sincerely, eyes shining with sincerity. "I... I got caught up and I-I shouldn't have even been working that day, I just..."
"I know." You muttered, looking down at the desk, a framed picture of the two of you in Copenhagen at your wedding ceremony. Carmen in his suit, you in your dress, happy and smiling with the breathtaking scenery behind you.
Carmen could feel the guilt growing in his chest, palms sweating and heart racing, the panic to fix it- to do something. "How much longer do you have?" Carmen asked, nodding towards your laptop.
"Just a few more things to edit." You looked at your paused work. "Why?"
"Let me... Let me make it right." Carmen sighed, shaking hands fumbling towards his apron.
"Carmen, you can't leave-"
"-Yeah, yeah, I can." Carmen nodded, pulling the door out and calling for Sydney. "Can you cover tonight, Chef?"
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I can." Sydney nodded.
"I got it too, Cousin-" Carmen shut the door before he could hear Richie's full comment, sure something smart ass would be included.
"Let's go out." Carmen looked at you. "A make up. Please?"
You folded your arms, pouting lightly. "'m not dressed for going out."
"What're you talkin' about? You look beautiful, c'mon." Carmen shook his head lightly at you, shoving his clothes into his bag, pulling out his spare.
You tried not to drool at the sight of his chest. You'd missed him, you really had. It was a shame the lingerie went to waste.
Carmen pulled you out of the restaurant, hand on your waist, holding you close to his side. It wasn't the fancy reservations you'd planned, no Michelin star restaurants with expensive wine. No, instead, he took you to some a rooftop restaurant, one with the vibey aesthetic you always cooed at on Instagram. Sitting and sharing pretzels and greasy food, snuggled into Carmen's side while he ordered dessert. Giggling when he fed you the brownie sundae, tilting your head back with his fingers cradling your jaw lightly. It was simple, romantic, and fun. Made your heart swell, clinging to him the whole way home.
And when you got home? Carmen was in heaven. Letting you show him what he missed a few days earlier.
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asordinaryppl · 6 months ago
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 29: Re:Formative Experience
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Taichi: “I’m baaack! Nii-chan, Luciano, I brought my friend!”
Juza: “Friend?”
Azami: “Hello.”
Taichi: “This is Angelo! We work at the factory together!”
Banri: “Angelo?”
Juza: “... Hey.”
Banri: “What’s your last name?”
Azami: “Hm? It’s Montare.”
Banri: “... We’re takin’ that job.”
Juza: “You serious?”
Banri: “We ain’t gonna leave Benjamin’s friend like this, are we?”
Taichi: “Something wrong?”
Juza: “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Izumi: Let’s stop here. We’ll continue at 1 after a lunch break.
Taichi: Playin’ Picaresque after so long is so fun~!
Sakyo: Right. It’s kinda like meeting old comrades again.
Omi: I get what you mean.
Juza: Feels like I’m back at MANKAI Company. In lots of ways.
Azami: This is our starting point, after all.
Banri: Looks like we had no reason to worry ‘bout burning out.
Izumi: Right. Everyone’s having fun. Also, ticket sales are going well.
Izumi: Just like with Spring and Summer, Masumi-kun has been helping with promotions.
Izumi: Since there’s been a lot of articles about Taichi-kun and Azami-kun online, he asked the sites involved to include a link to the streaming ticket distributor…
Izumi: Sakyo-san’s guest performance as a voice actor, and Banri-kun and Juza-kun’s performance with Hyakka were also promoted a lot.
Izumi: We’ve had more sales thanks to those promotions.
Sakyo: Usui’s promotional skills have been gradually improvin'.
Izumi: He’s grown to be quite reliable, hasn’t he?
Izumi: (All that’s left is for the performance to be succesful…)
Banri: Everyone’s expectations are higher ‘cause of that, so we gotta give it our all.
Juza: You don’t hafta tell us twice.
Taichi: Now that we’ve broken out of our shells, there’s nothing that could stand in our way!
Omi: Right. We’ll be fine.
Azami: We’ll crush it.
Izumi: (As far as I can tell from the practice sessions we’ve been having, everyone’s got so much more fire in them than they used to.)
Izumi: (They respect each other’s growth, and that’s why their feelings of not wanting to lose to one another are so palpable.)
Banri: By the way, Omi, did ya start re-studying action scenes from the ground up in preparation for the second workshop?
Omi: The first workshop made me realize just how important the basics are, and I can’t say I know them well enough to teach them to anyone just yet.
Azami: The second workshop’s next week, yeah?
Omi: Yeah. Keiku’s coming again too.
Sakyo: Didn’t think he’d start workin’ as a live-in part-timer in Gentiana just like that.
Omi: Zen-san also contacted his parents.
Juza: What a caring guy.
Sakyo: Lots of first gen are like that.
Taichi: Is he gonna join the show’s cast too?
Omi: I think he’s been taking some lessons as a performer when he’s not busy with school or helping out at the store.
Omi: I think it’s because he saw the play, but he said he wants to learn from Banri and Juza.
Banri: Sure hope he won’t start kickin’ with no warning again.
Omi: You don’t have to worry about that. It seems he’s become seriously interested in theater thanks to you two.
Omi: We’ll be starting the Second Action Workshop anytime now, so please gather here.
Keiku: …
Towa: Ah, you were here last time too! Do you remember me?
Keiku: Nop.
Towa: I’m Towa! With the To from peach, and the wa from peace!
Keiku: …
Towa: I asked you last time too, but are you an actor?
Keiku: … I was just interested in people that fight it out on stage.
Towa: Ahaha, you mean like sword fights? I’m a fan of MANKAI Company! I like everyone, but Masumi-kun’s my biggest fav!
Towa: I saw the Spring Troupe’s performance live a while ago and got SO moved that I wanted to try acting myself and made my own troupe!
Towa: I haven’t been on stage yet, so I’m not actually an actor, more like an aspiring actor. But that’s why I look up to the Autumn Troupe’s sword fighting so much–
Keiku: Yapper, LOL.
Towa: …
Towa: Haaaave we met before? Not during the first workshop, but before that��
Towa: This doesn’t feel like our first meeting.
Keiku: (... He’s gotta be.)
Towa: Do you know me?
Keiku: Nop.
Omi: That concludes our second action workshop. Thank you for attending.
Keiku: …
Banri: You’ve got a knack for this, dude. You’re comin’ to see our performance, yeah?
Keiku: Heard you’ll be fightin’ again, so.
Banri: It ain’t a fight… is what I’d like to say. But I guess you could call it a fight where no one gets hurt.
Banri: I’ll give you a formative experience, and you will come and watch.
Keiku: … A formative experience?
Banri: Ohhh, these are kinda nostalgic, but also cooler than last time.
Sakyo: These are costumes Rurikawa could only make because of who he is today.
Taichi: A-chan’s makeup also plays a huge part!
Azami: Duh.
Juza: I’ll surpass my past self with this costume and makeup.
Omi: You all seem pretty fired up.
Sakyo: You got any words for us, Boss?
Banri: … Each of us overcame our own pain and became greater actors than we used to be.
Banri: The day I handed y’all the script, I was a little worried about whether we’d be able to create something that surpasses our impulses and formative experiences from back then.
Banri: But I’m sure now. We can definitely surpass our past selves.
Banri: We’ll recreate even our formative experiences, and turn them into formative experiences for everyone watchin’. That’s the kind of opening day performance we gotta put on.
Banri: —— Autumn Troupe, huddle!
Banri: We’re definitely surpassin’ who we used to be back then!
Juza: Yeah!
Taichi: Yeeaaah!
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moonieandi · 5 months ago
I NEED YOUR HELP- lol- sorry that’s such an interesting way to start an ask ‘I NeEd YoUR HelP?!?’ Haha- anyway- I’m thinking about writing a Stanley x reader! Kinda like what you’re doing but different- now I would totally give you more info on that except like- then it would give it away lol. All I really need help with is A.) how do you write Stanley as well as you do?! And B.) how do you normally start a story- I’ve been having a hard time with intros lately.
Also! you don’t have to help me out! Don’t feel pressured! I’m just asking bc I love your snapshots I think they are literally the bestest!! And I wanna be able to help readers feel that way when I write too!! I hope you are still taking care of yourself! Drink lots of water! Eat lots of snap peas! (They are the BEST-) and most importantly sleep well! I know you’re busy so make sure you take time for you! Have a safe and successful move too!
HI! HELLO! I'm so sorry I couldn't answer you right away, one bc I was so busy up until LEGIT JUST THIS VERY MOMENT, and two because I want to help anyway I can, and want my answer to actually be fleshed out!
Firstly, omg so sweet of you that you want my help <3 I'm so happy you reached out and SUPER excited to give you some insight! I encourage anyone who wants to write TO write, it's a great creative outlet (and also I love any and all Stan content hehe)- so:
A.) i. Stanley is based in my head off of my own fantastical characterization of him (which I'll get to in a moment), and also the character we know from the actual show OBVIOUSLY. I started by, of course, rewatching the show. Because I wanted to, and to also take note of his character in each episode. This consisted of getting some basic information about him from anything from his fear of heights to his terrible (great) sense of humor. The clear drive from Stanley is his deep love of family, and general familial bonds (Soos and Wendy). He takes "odd ones out" under his wing on the regular, because HE is an odd one out. People who don't ordinarily fit in are his bread and butter (and also his general sales pitch). He appreciates the oddities in people, in contrast to his brothers interest in ACTUAL oddities. He goes out of his way to keep these bonds, especially with these kids he's not-so-randomly taken under his wing (that he more than likely took in for the summer, trying to reconnect with family and therefore Ford in anyway he could). This tells me he's also a caring man, a weirdly desperate man, and more considerate than people on a surface level may give him credit for. Now this characterization maayyyy be a stretch but that's where the fun comes in!! YOU get to interpret these little things in any way you like, maybe he has a weird relationship with tangerines, maybe he can't keep eye contact on a date for a particular reason- and those situations can just flesh him out more!
ii. NOW the ""romantic"" side of things are of course skimmed from the romance I know from other media (and of course my own lovelife). I take this characterization of him, and find another characters I know and love to MAKE writing him in these situations easier- seeing as we do never see him IN these actual romantic stations (outside of the dating sim and that one failed date- WHICH can also play a role in how you write him romantically!) Stan reminds me of the suaveness and shyness of men in 90's romcoms: surprisingly well-meaning but stupidly flustered. I'd say Brenden Fraiser in his early romcom's come across like this or even Bill Pullman in While You Were Sleeping. It encompasses some of what I believe Stan to be in general: weirdly shy, unable to come out with it, flippantly sweet, sarcastic, and stupidly endearing. I also get general influence from more recent reference(s), the main one being Nick Miller from New Girl. I don't think I need to explain myself with that one. ALSO if you don't understand any of these references I apologize- but I very much encourage you to find your own references in ANY form of media! I even find myself inspired by art at times!
B.) Intro's are hard!! It feels like the hardest part at times. You need to hook the reader, engage them quickly, and have them come back curious!! I will reassure you with one thing: intro's do NOT have to be long! I'd encourage you to keep the intro sweet and simple with not tooooooo many details! don't over-explain to the reader, it may discourage them from continuing (in my opinion!). I take the "shoot first and ask questions later" approach. Throw the reader into a scene giving context clues to where in the story's timeline we are being thrown into. Flash forward and then back into the future! Start on an action scene- hell have the opening scene being two significant characters meeting! it's completely up to you, but I am reassuring you it doesn't have to be long, and DON'T make it too complicated! Complicate things later, grab the reader in the first chapter, and then explain some things later on! Let me also assure you: you do NOT have to write your story backwards, and you don't have to have a finite and "final" story ready to go. Have point A be the beginning and point B be the end and YOU make the trail from A to B!
And above all HAVE FUN!
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extralively · 4 months ago
School Stories: Crush
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Gojo Satoru/Original Female Character Pre-Relationship, Bickering, Teenage crush, Obliviousness 2372 words Also posted on AO3 Summary: Suguru comes to the conclusion that Satoru might have developed a little crush on a certain someone...
Honestly, I had the first part of this written for soooo long but I just hadn't been able to finish writing it for some reason (ʃᵕ̩̩ ᵕ̩̩) I did end up sort of finishing it now, though it's shorter than I had initially planned, but alas. Should still be fun! Hopefully!
(Also, you may notice in this story that I mention a little something about how Gojo and Geto met that is actually all my own personal headcanon lmao. I don't think there's anything in the manga that necessarily contradicts this, but let me know otherwise! Basically, my headcanon is that they actually met a couple of years pre-Jujutsu Tech by running into each other, and Gojo immediately saw Geto's potential with his Six Eyes and started bugging him about it. So Gojo was the one who recruited Geto to become a sorcerer, and they eventually started spending a lot of time together and became friends, then ended up joining Jujutsu Tech together.
...idk I just like the idea that they knew each other for longer before everything went to shit, it hurts more lol)
Anyway, enjoy this silly little fic!
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It all started when Suguru came back to school from this one spring break.
...Well, okay, maybe it didn’t exactly start right then, but it sure got him noticing it more.
There were still a couple of days left in spring break before the new school year started, but Suguru had already come back to the school after spending time with his family. And as much as being with his family was nice and all... he was just really glad to be back in Jujutsu Tech.
So his first order of the day was to find Satoru so they could catch up—but the problem was that Satoru wasn’t at the dorms, and Suguru couldn’t sense him anywhere on school grounds. Well, Suguru had actually come back a little earlier this time around, and he hadn’t really let Satoru know in advance, so he simply pulled out his phone to text his white-haired friend and see what he was up to.
Suguru: I just got back Suguru: where u at
Suguru started making himself comfortable in his room, waiting for a reply. A couple of minutes later, his phone pinged with a text message.
Satoru: out
Suguru snorted—well, no shit. Satoru had too much energy to stay cooped up for long, so Suguru regularly received updates from his friend’s random outings—‘Suguru, I just bought new glasses,’ or ‘Suguru, they’ve got new Digimon figurines for sale,’ or ‘Suguru, I just got a girl’s number, and she has a friend!!’
...But, most often these days, Satoru’s messages seemed to revolve around one subject in particular.
‘Suguru, Wakatsuki and I went shopping, I got you a hat,’ he would text. Or ‘Suguru, Wakatsuki won’t let me pick out her karaoke songs,’ or ‘Suguru, Wakatsuki just fell asleep in my room watching a movie what do I do??’
If Satoru and Wakatsuki had unexpectedly spent a lot of time together last summer, it seemed that they were intent on doing the exact same thing whenever school went on break. And judging by how long Satoru had taken to answer his latest message, Suguru guessed the other boy was pretty busy right now.
Suguru: you out on a date
There was a pause before the next message came along.
Satoru: I’m with Wakatsuki
Suguru snorted.
Suguru: on a date
The next reply came hilariously quickly.
Satoru: no
Suguru snickered to himself.
Suguru: if you say so
Honestly, how had they even gotten here in the first place?
Last summer, Suguru had gone back home fully expecting Satoru to do the same—that the other boy would be heading back to the Gojo Estate during break. But then a few days after he’d arrived at his parents’ house, Suguru had discovered that Satoru had not, in fact, left school at all. After some prodding, the white-haired teenager had claimed he would much rather stay there than be forced to handle his family’s nagging face-to-face again, and had even rejected the idea to come stay with Suguru instead.
And that had worried Suguru a bit. Satoru, left all by himself at the school with no one around to rein him in?
A recipe for disaster.
Even worse was when he’d found out that Wakatsuki had also not left the school for some reason, and considering how she and Satoru had constantly been at each other’s throats during the first half of the school year...
A recipe for an even worse disaster.
Suguru had tried to assuage his fears by telling himself that Yaga would still be around, and that their sensei had actually developed a knack for keeping those two from throttling each other. But still, Suguru kept offering Satoru to join him during that summer, which Satoru continued to refuse; in the few times Suguru had brought his white-haired friend to meet his parents... it hadn’t turned out very well. Satoru was too different, too alien to get along with Suguru’s very normal parents, the small town they lived in too tiny and boring to hold Gojo Satoru for long.
So Satoru had stayed at the school all throughout the past summer, but at least he had promised to keep Suguru up to date with frequent text updates. That had provided some semblance of comfort to Suguru as he kept receiving reassurances that Satoru hadn’t blown up the entire school from sheer boredom, but then...
‘ugh, Yaga is sending me on a mission with Wakatsuki of all people,’ Satoru had texted him at one point. ‘I don’t need all the dead weight.’
‘Satoru,’ Suguru had replied. ‘Play nice.’
Suguru had been... a little worried. Mostly about Wakatsuki, because Satoru didn’t exactly know the meaning of the word moderation and Wakatsuki herself held no qualms about provoking one of the strongest sorcerers of the modern age despite their, ahem, differences in strength. And as Satoru’s texts complaining about the mission eventually ceased after half a day or so, Suguru had only ended up even more worried about what might have happened when those two were finally left alone with each other.
Really, Suguru had expected the worst.
But then a day later, Satoru had finally texted him back saying that the mission was done—and yes, Wakatsuki was still alive.
So that had been a relief. Satoru hadn’t accidentally squashed Wakatsuki while fighting, and those two had managed to survive being alone with each other for longer than Suguru had ever thought possible.
And as it turned out, they had done more than just survive being around each other, but Suguru would only come to understand what that meant after he’d returned from that year’s summer break. Because as he stayed with his parents during summer, Suguru had only vaguely started to notice that Satoru’s messages were slowing down as the days went on, almost like the other boy had found something to actually occupy his time with on a regular basis.
That something? Wakatsuki herself. And when Suguru finally returned from summer break, he’d been shell shocked to enter Satoru’s room to find them both there, watching a movie together.
So, something had happened during that summer, something that had eventually led to Satoru and Wakatsuki agreeing on some sort of truce between themselves. And that truce quickly evolved as they eventually became friends—real, honest, constantly bickering, friends. A true miracle had happened last year, and when Satoru wasn’t spending time with Suguru, then he sure was spending time with her.
...Spending time with her in a strange way sometimes... and this spring break hadn’t been any different.
“...I’m gonna take it off,” a voice was heard out in the hallway, and Suguru perked up. It was a girl’s voice, a familiar one—and accompanying it was a very familiar cursed energy signature.
“No, you lost the bet,” Satoru’s voice was heard. Suguru jumped up to his feet, moving towards the door.
“I’ve been wearing it all day,” Wakatsuki said. “I’m done.”
“I’m taking it off—hey!”
“You’re going to wear it all the way to bed!”
“Says who?!”
“Says me!”
As Suguru popped his head out of his room, his eyes immediately spotted the two other teenagers standing in the middle of the hallway—and the ridiculous Digimon hat that Satoru had undoubtedly made Wakatsuki wear.
“You two look like you’re having fun,” Suguru greeted them with a grin.
“Yo, Suguru!” Satoru greeted back—as Wakatsuki sent the white-haired teenager a half-hearted glare. Her hands were raised up near her head, probably to take the silly hat off, but Satoru had both of her wrists held in his own hands to keep her from doing just that.
“Lemme go,” she grumbled, trying to pull her hands away—but Satoru was not budging. So she huffed, leaning backwards enough so she could raise a leg and half-heartedly kick Satoru’s side.
He still did not budge.
“Am I interrupting something?” Suguru asked, his smile turning sly.
Satoru seemed oblivious to what Suguru was trying to imply, so the other boy simply grinned some more. “Wakatsuki is just being a sore loser, that’s all.”
“I’ve kept my side of the agreement!” Wakatsuki called, and Satoru finally released her wrists. Wakatsuki did not waste any time grabbing the hat off her head and chucking it straight at Satoru’s face, then promptly rushing off to her own room. “Keep that Digimon freak away from me!”
It was hard to take her seriously when she stuck her tongue out at Satoru before closing herself inside her room, the Digimon hat harmlessly thudding against the wooden surface after Satoru had thrown it back at her.
Suguru snickered to himself.
...What a fun date it must have been...
“Satoru,” Suguru called, trying to contain his smirk. “You’re drooling.”
Satoru blinked, finally realizing he was staring.
Staring at what, in particular?
Wakatsuki stretching out her legs as they warmed up for class, of course. She had worn shorts today, probably due to the increasingly warm weather, and it wasn’t hard for Suguru to notice where Satoru’s eyes had been glued to, even behind his sunglasses.
“Shut up,” Satoru suddenly said with a huff, immediately turning around and starting to stretch out his arms despite not really needing to.
Also, the tips of his ears were definitely red.
Suguru snorted, and from the other side of the training grounds, his eyes met Shoko’s to exchange a knowing glance with her.
(It seemed that Wakatsuki hadn’t realized it either...)
“Satoru,” Suguru half-whispered, his smile turning devious. “Do you have a crush?”
Satoru still refused to turn around, just as his ears refused to stop shining red. “S-shut up. I do not.”
Oh, he totally did.
Suguru would have to admit that his previous teasing of Satoru over his, ahem, relationship with Wakatsuki had been mostly just that—teasing. It was kind of funny to think about how close those two had gotten despite the rocky start they’d had, and that they actually enjoyed spending all that time together now without complaint.
But to think that Satoru had developed an actual crush on her?
Wasn’t Wakatsuki the one Satoru had deemed a complete weakling on day one? And yet, now here he was, desperately trying to pretend he hadn’t just been ogling said weakling in the middle of jujutsu class because it turned out he had a crush.
...Honestly, how hadn’t Wakatsuki realized it yet? Satoru wasn’t exactly subtle, and they spent a lot of time together. Sure, Suguru himself had only just realized it... but he was pretty sure that, in the back of his mind, he’d known that for a while now.
It really was that obvious.
Throughout the years they’d known each other, Suguru had watched Satoru try to woo quite a few girls by now—and it was always a trainwreck. Satoru’s good looks were forced to the heavy lifting for him like 90% of the time, because when Satoru opened his mouth, he was as overly confident as he was a socially awkward mess. Suguru found it hard to miss whenever Satoru became interested in someone (he usually became three times as loud and obnoxious, for starters), though he’d have to say that Satoru’s arrogance usually covered up for his total inability to talk to other people like a normal human being—the Gojo clan’s fault, of course—so maybe it went unnoticed by everyone else.
...But also, Suguru thought Wakatsuki was smart.
Had she noticed it but was ignoring it? Suguru didn’t think so—given how those two were always bickering with each other, he didn’t think Wakatsuki would be able to act normally around him if she knew that Satoru kept ogling her in class.
But... did she maybe have a crush on him?
Suguru hummed to himself, thoughtful, as he watched Satoru try to get a rise out of the girl in question. Like a boy tugging on a girl’s pigtails to get her attention, almost predictably so—but what did Wakatsuki feel about it?
It was hard to tell, to be honest. Wakatsuki was a lot more guarded than Satoru was, and Suguru didn’t know her that well. Suguru knew that she enjoyed spending time with Satoru for sure, but how far did that go?
Suguru watched as Yaga scolded Satoru and Wakatsuki—Wakatsuki having been successfully riled up by the white-haired teenager. Then he snorted when Satoru turned around and Wakatsuki raised a leg to literally kick his butt, before scampering off to hide behind Shoko so Yaga wouldn’t scold them again.
...Suguru would not be opposed to playing matchmaker if needed to, actually. Satoru needed someone who could keep him grounded—someone who didn’t really care about his status of being Gojo Satoru, and someone who wouldn’t let his strength get to his head. Suguru himself was trying to do his part in that, and the Gojo Satoru he’d first run into those three and something years ago was certainly not the same Gojo Satoru that existed now.
‘You’re strong, actually,’ Satoru had told him back then, and even though it had technically been a compliment, Satoru’s tone of voice had made it sound like a backhanded compliment instead. ‘You should become a sorcerer.’
Satoru had definitely mellowed out a bit from the arrogant boy he’d first met back then, and Suguru had worked hard to steer him away from the asshole that the Gojo clan had raised him to be.
...So it was kind of funny that the other person helping with that now seemed to be someone on the exact opposite end of the spectrum of strength. The fact that Satoru had been able to overlook Wakatsuki’s ‘weakness’ spoke volumes to how much he’d grown, and the thought of those two getting together now amused Suguru to no end.
Maybe one day, once Suguru was sure that the crush was mutual. After all, he didn’t want to ruin the careful balance that had been struck between Satoru and Wakatsuki last year in case he was mistaken. Maybe it would be better to just leave them be and see where they ended up by themselves...
...for now. There would be plenty of time for some matchmaking later, after all.
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End notes: So that was that! I really need to continue writing the main story now halp
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jackfrombaskinrobbins · 2 years ago
matt murdock as your legal guardian headcanons :)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1.15k
request: yes / no
dynamic: matt murdock x teen!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page
a/n: ik this isn't a request, but it's something i think about a lot!! i had to get it out lol. i was originally gonna use a more aesthetic picture but then i found this & it was too cute not to include lol <3 also requests are still open! just send in an ask :)
taglist: @nutellani (fill out this form if you'd like to be included!)
first i’m gonna explain how matt murdock actually became your legal guardian.
because i just want to establish that lol
so your parents were involved with wilson fisk.
you had no idea about this of course, since you were very young when they were still involved in his business.
and btw when i say business i mean like his shady dealings
you were kind of left on your own a lot as a kid. you didn’t really mind it, and figured out how to entertain yourself.
however, when you were five years old, you returned home to find a truly awful crime scene.
you would learn much later in life that your parents had decided to report fisk, but before they were able to do so, he had them killed.
the perp was still there, and almost got you. however, a man with a black mask over his eyes was able to stop him for a second, yelling at you to run.
so you did. 
you ended up at an orphanage, but one day, a blind man came in looking to adopt.
you felt an immediate connection, and he adopted you when you were six. 
you’ve been inseparable ever since!!!
he told you all about your parents when you were older btw
anyways so now onto the fun stuff!!
one perk of living with matt is that your room is bomb.
bc his apartment is lowkey the coolest
if you like to visualise like i do, i imagine that your room is like next to the closet where he keeps the daredevil stuff
anyways it’s super cosy
and you also can basically see in the dark because even though it doesn’t matter if the lights are on, matt tells you to keep them off because then the electric bill will stay low 
you called him a cheapskate but he said that was rude :(
you still did it though #rebel 🥶🥶🥶
you guys bully each other all the time
it’s the way you bond :)
you go to the nelson & murdock offices after school or during the summers.
you have your own little desk there!
one time you said it was too distracting and so foggy bought a privacy folder for you LMAO
needless to say it didn’t help at all
most of the clients are really nice and they’ll ask you about school and life and stuff
you kind of put them at ease
you tried to talk to matt about him being kind of intimidating but he didn’t want to hear it.
and then foggy kept asking why you didn’t think HE was intimidating.
“i mean come on y/n! have you SEEN this face? matt has a little baby face compared to mine!!”
you laughed so hard omg
matt calls you if he needs anything or if you need to tell him something, but you mostly just text foggy to keep them both updated
in my mind, foggy texts like five texts for one sentence
he uses every emoji twice
and every time he uses an abbreviation he always capitalizes it and puts the real meaning in parentheses next to it
here is an example
“hi y/n. hope your day is going well 😃😃 matt and i just won our case 😎😎 so we are going to go to josie’s tonight to celebrate!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳 let me know if you need anything from the store 🏬🏬 ok TTYL (TALK TO YOU LATER) OMG (OH MY GOSH) matt just fell LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD) 😱😱 gotta go ☹️☹️”
he’s so silly i love him
also matt collects records and cds.
he used to go with you to buy them and let you choose whatever you thought looked good
which is why you have everything from no doubt to frank sinatra to obscure french music
you always have music on at the apartment
like all the time
which brings me to my next point
matt never wanted you to have to see him as daredevil
but it wasn’t like the topic could be avoided.
so when he comes home with awful wounds and stuff, you help clean him up, just like he used to do for his father
and you’re damn good at it too. you have a very steady hand and no squeamish attitude at all. 
but similar to how the scotch used to help matt steady himself when he helped his father, music helps you steady yourself.
you’ll listen to soft & acoustic songs, and it helps ease you AND him.
usually you don’t talk about the things he does. but if he mentions something, you will
but usually it goes without any mention
in my mind, you and matt have a tradition of listening to baseball games on the radio together
you don’t really have a team you alaays root for, it changes year to year
but the two of you get really invested.
like you left the office early every time there’s a game so you can listen together.
or one time he and foggy were prepping a case and there was a game on so he wasn’t even focused HAH
i also think that even though josie’s is a bar, you’re allowed in
not only that, josie will let you behind the bar to make yourself a drink.
ok not like an alcoholic one but still
you have this one mixture of cranberry juice and ginger ale with a lime that you call the “y/n special” and foggy tried it and spit it out :(
josie and some of the regulars almost kicked him out LMAO it was so funny
ok also i have this very clear vision of something foggy does
so to preface this
it’s a rainy day
or just a generally gloomy day
and you and matt are home.
karen is over too.
maybe you’re reading a book and matt and karen are prepping a case or something
and then the door suddenly bursts open
matt isn’t surprised because he heard it coming obvi 
but it caught you off guard
you look over to the kitchen, where the perpetrator is completely covered by the GIGANTIC grocery bags he’s holding.
“oh no.” 
you say, and matt shakes his head. karen is already laughing
foggy drops the bags and exhales, a huge grin overtaking his face.
“we are” you and karen and matt say in unison, trying to hold back laughter
basically every time the littlest bit of winter rolls around, foggy will bring every ingredient known to man over to your and matt’s apartment and make chicken soup
you make fun of this tradition but it’s been going on since foggy and matt were in law school
and the soup is actually so good
you four always eat it together and it makes you so happy
your family, all together at one table :)
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mayakern · 2 years ago
Just jumping in here to add that support - it’s so difficult to find a well-fitting, comfortable skirt when you are fat and that difficulty goes up significantly when you want it to be ADORABLE too.
Ugh and shopping online is JUST as frustrating sometimes because not every size chart is made equal and not every size chart is made accurate. Shops will be like “we are plus-size 😏” and only go up to a 1x (😒) Sometimes I get stuff in the mail that SHOULD have fit but it doesn’t! And that’s so absolutely demoralizing when I already can’t shop at the average fucking store because of my size.
And then prices!!! I can afford it! $60 isn’t chump change for a lot of people - but it is so much more accessible then a lot of shit out there and I feel so fucking grateful that I can purchase what you lay out.
Especially because I love pastel fashion! And you actually have shit I can wear!!!! And it’s not just a basic skirt - (here hello it’s our 18th skirt in the same shade of mauve or plum 😬 just for you larger sized ppl lol) they’re GORGEOUS. They’re varied!!!! They’re different!!!!!!
I have eyed your skirts for such a long time and I finally just bought the beautiful ocean one and I feel SOOOO happy that I can wear something that cute and I feel CONFIDENT it’s going to fit even before it’s here and that I can afford it.
I get where people are coming from with natural fabrics I guess but I feel so protective of you every time that comes up as a consistent complaint because ugh you can’t solve every problem! You’re a small business that’s already doing what you can!
Every time I see this stuff roll across my dash, I’m like “shhh…. shhhh let me buy the pretty and affordable and inclusive skirts in peace, we understand, it’s not gonna happen right now, Maya’s already talked about this….omg look at the pretty waves take my money now.”
Sorry for all my swearing I just!!! You’re doing a good job!!! I swear all of it was just vehement enthusiasm for your good job. 💖💖💖 Thank you for what you do.
aw thank you this is incredibly sweet 🥺🥺
honestly i deal with this in my own life. i’ve been trying to find a cute and comfortable yellow crop top for a summer time version of my wario costume (which i usually wear a turtleneck for) and the shein/romwe/alieexpress listings have infected EVERYTHING making it so hard to search for anything bc all the listings will have a 3X option but then you’ll realize the 3X is, at most, a size 18 👹👹👹
obviously letter sizes mean NOTHING and we try not to use them too much in the store as your precise measurements will always give a MUCH better fit, but still that’s goddamn ridiculous
ANYWAY thank you for the kind words and i hope you love your skirt. also, as a general note, on the off chance one of our garments doesn’t fit you, especially if it is too small, we are always happy to do exchanges (if we have the appropriate size on hand) or returns. i would always rather people have a garment that fits and is comfortable or nothing, vs something they can’t wear.
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6leggedhorse · 1 month ago
TikTok is Getting Banned, Turbo Wind Storms, and 2 Days Without Power. What Can Go Wrong?
Everything can go wrong. Hi, it’s been a hot minute and I want to tell you why. Since December 2024 I didn’t post anything really except a couple times. The reason being is well I got busy and when you’re in school and internship and work and only have one day off at a time, you become exhausted. So jump cut to 2025 in January, for the first week I got married, it was a good time. I love the wedding got to go to a steakhouse after the ceremony! However, when you get married, it’s a very life altering decision. For that time before and a little bit after I was struggling mentally I experienced a traumatic marriage go down the shitter. That was not a fun experience and it made me fearful of being married, and I would always hear my mother tell me not to ever get married Well I did just that on 3 January.
So jump to a few days after being married towards the end of the first week or sometime around that time frame, we had severe Santa Ana winds come by in my area. Now, if you don’t know, now, you know I live in Southern California, where fires are really bad. I live in a fire risk area, and there have been times where I’ve had to nearly evacuate quite a few times because of how close the fire can get to my house. However, this was just high intense and winds and because of the direction they were going a.k.a. my general direction. Southern California Edison decided that it was a good idea to do a public safety power shut off and turn off our power for two days. Other areas in town had three days no power or about a week with no power grocery stores got busy restaurants got really busy, it was a hot mess.
My husband and I didn’t have any access to the Internet. We needed to rely on portable chargers and keeping our refrigerator and freezer and deep freezer closed that way the food wouldn’t go bad. luckily, none of our food, except for the milk went bad during the time of having no power, my brother-in-law brought his giant truck that is like a spaceship on the inside came by dropped it off for us and it turns out it’s a hybrid and we were able to like plug in our refrigerator and the heater in there. Something about a hybrid and having like a special port or something I don’t know. I just know that we were able to use it as like a temporary generator. We were able to regain power at 1 AM, but we still had a lot of advisories and warnings saying “Hey your power might get shut off so be ready.”
No, the big grand finale of why I’m posting. So if you’re not aware or if you live under a rock, TikTok is being banned in the United States. Basically at midnight tonight the app is going dark so if you try to open it, it’ll just be a dark screen cause TikTok is gonna pull the servers in the United States. So I rely on when the pandemic hit and during the pandemic, my parents were getting a divorce. That was one of the worst times of my life where I felt abandoned by my own mother and facing actual 20 years of trauma, was going to hit me right in the face. It is during that time in the summer of 2020 where I got diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder because of all of the crap my parents put me through. I don’t say this lightly but both my parents abuse me in different ways and it’s horrible to say that, but it is true. I don’t think Loki would want me to lie about the truth of my parents. lol.
At the end of the day, TikTok was my crutch. It got me through everything during that time and right around that time when I was using TikTok, I remember thinking to myself “ I’m bored, I wish something interesting would happento me today.” And before you know it, I got a Facebook messenger message from my husband at the time a stranger who wasn’t exactly a stranger. My husband and I we had English class together in our sophomore year of high school. And we did a project together where we had to take Kickstarter ideas and if you don’t know what Kickstarter is, it’s kinda like GoFundMe but like old school. We had to take an idea from Kickstarter like a product and we had to propose it as a business idea so he wasn’t really a stranger. He was just somebody I knew of didn’t you know what happened to him well, now I know because I married him. Lol. So now I am at a point where as I type this, I am going to get a fat dopamine crash.
I only have about four maybe three hours and 45 minutes worth of time of TikTok left. I know it sounds like I’m writing this out of the world is gonna end. You know when I’m gonna wake up and you have everything in my life destroyed. But that’s not true. I just know that everything is going to be fine and whatever is meant to be will be however I am going to suffer a bit. I will be sticking to my roots essentially so, I of course, never posted any videos on TikTok. I felt as though that if you post something on TikTok, it goes not just viral quickly, and you gain a lot of attention, but that attention is a double edge sword. So I just use my personal TikTok to look at memes learn about new books, music, movies, and shows things like that. But when I say back to my roots, I mean well Tumblr is one of them for sure. But another big part of my chronically online life as funny as it sounds was Wattpad.
I grew up riding Creepypasta fanfiction for quite a few years. I don’t know if any one of you have red creeper fanfiction, but this is ME simply outing myself on this. But my first account on Tumblr was whitemoontsles and I wrote a trilogy of yaoi romance between a marble hornets character, Masky and the character from Creepypasta Ticci Toby. I recall the first book being called ‘unlikely in love’ and I think the other one was something impossible. I don’t remember what exactly but I do know and recall the first story I wrote really well. That trilogy got so popular that the first book Garnered at 1.1 million views or a little over 1 million views. You don’t have to believe me you could take this with a grain of salt, but I am who I say I am.
Later, I eventually also wrote could be past boyfriend scenarios I know I wrote that that got pretty popular so with that being said, I did meet two people who I don’t really talk to you anymore, but they were really close online friends. One which read my Creepypasta boyfriend scenarios book, and her name I don’t wanna put her name out there because of something that happened, but she was a really close friend of mine. She lived in Australia, we were teenagers when we met or like middle schoolers. And we would Skype a lot that’s how we would talk and see each other because we were across the ocean. Eventually, something really bad happened to her, and it was so bad that she became afraid of being on the Internet because of this incident. I can’t really disclose what kind of incident it was because it’s violet, but it did put the fear of the gods in her for putting her information out there online.
We did have a falling out my father and still didn’t mean that I wanted to join the military, which is something at the end of the day. I know that’s something I didn’t want, but my father wanted to live vicariously through me. And that’s all because he didn’t get to go and he feels as though he wasted his time so he wanted to live through me. And I was so pressured into completing and getting a high score on the ASVAB that I would snap at her because I had so much pressure on me. My father was so insistent of me studying this as lab that he wanted me to study at 24 hours a day nonstop. Another point my father wanted me to study it for two hours a day or four hours a day. Which if you know anything about ADHD that’s kind of hard. At one point he wanted me to study the AVP a little bit after I got my wisdom teeth pulled, and when I was given pain medication that would make me sleepy and drool. This would obviously piss my mom off. My mom would later. Tell my dad off that you can’t have her study like that while she’s on medication just let her heal. Let her have time but my dad obviously didn’t understand that.
So I’m going back to Wattpad. I used to write a fanfiction; I also used to write assassin’s Creed stuff. Then also a little bit of Danganropa. No if you wanna ask well, do you have any of the original stories or manuscript saved? the answers no. I did not think about saving the creepy pasta fanfiction cause I thought they were embarrassing. So I sit here and I’m gonna tell you I’m writing another story to help cope with the loss of my main source of dopamine. I’m also gonna try and run this blog more often since I need a source of dopamine and one not a better way to just turn back to my original roots of just writing and cranking out things constantly. So to give you a synopsis of what I’m writing, I am writing about the TikTok ban and the legendary FBI agents and Chinese spies that spy on you while you use TikTok.
I have yet to release the title, but I have a part published already. If you can find it, fantastic. But if not, that’s OK too because I’m just barely starting out all over again. So back to the two friends that I gained out of Wattpad thing. I did gain another friend we hardly ever talk. She’s busy all the time and has a life now which is fine. I get it. You know I’m not offended. But the one from Australia really has me wondering if she is OK or if she’s even alive. So I’m just gonna put this out here and cast my net and see what happens who knows.
So if you go by the name Tahnee Saunders, and if you knew a girl on Wattpad also named Lux that lived/lives in Perth Australia, you have/had a husky named Xena, if your favorite creepy pasta is/was lost Silver (he’s that one creepy pasta with no arms and looks like a Pokémon handler), if you like Pokémon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 adaptation on Nickelodeon), if you just so happen to be white with red wavy hair(?), and if you have lived or currently live in Blackwater, QLD, Australia, and that your favorite Pokémon Eevee, also if you just so happen to be Tahnee, if I remember correctly, I sent you a package. It was your favorite Pokémon. It was a plushy and I wrote a letter to you and I had my dad drop it off at the post office and it made it to you and you got me like a koala and a kangaroo stuffed animal you tried sending it out to the states where I lived, but the ship had to turn around because of the storms and I never received it lol.
Also, if you recall any of the images down below, just so you know I’m still alive. A lot has changed since Gods knows when. I still haven’t forgotten what you like, you’re chill AF and I never stopped wondering what the hell happened to you. I also tried looking for you. So, if this person is you and you fit the description: I hope we can reconnect and catch up on the shenanigans so that has taken place since the last time we spoke up until now. If you don’t want to that’s OK I completely understand but I really wanna know if you’re OK and if you’re alive.
Me that all being said, I am going to set a schedule time to post on here and keep up with the witchy spooky stuff and of course Loki gets to be a part of it too! But if one of you guys just don’t happen to be from Australia, and you know someone of a similar description or whatever feel free to let me know or tell that person to hit me up and we’ll see where this goes. But for right now, this is the one post letting you guys know that I am in fact, alive not dead. Also, I got a notification saying that TikTok is officially banned as of this moment.
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palajae · 4 months ago
You are such an incredible writer ... honestly thank you for taking time out from your busy schedule and posting here ...I have read all of your works and girl let me tell you ...what did YOU DO TO BE THIS TALENTED 🫡😭....NO like I am not exaggerating.... it's so hard to find a good fic according to my taste and your fics are absolutely my type . THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING HERE ....school is def killing you ig cuz same girl I am in my last year and I am absolutely so done with myself...so let's suffer together...and hopefully you will get time in future to post here more . FIGHTING!!!💓💓
seeing this ask made me cry 😭😭 because honestly i don’t remember the last time i logged onto here let alone posted. first, i just wanted to thank you for your support since you are really hyping me up too much 🥹 mainly bc i think i have grown a lot but i definitely have a lot to work on lol. i’m always so so happy to hear from readers when they enjoy something i put so much work and effort into, especially because i genuinely love writing as well. when i first started on tumblr, it was during covid on an old blog of mine and i had no fucking clue what i was doing. but i made so many friends and had such a great time writing, even when it sucked ass lmao. that’s why even when i got wayy busier throughout the rest of high school i tried to keep it up (although my posting schedule was so inconsistent). i felt so pressured to keep up a consistent schedule and stay in touch with mutuals that it no longer became fun, so i started afresh with this blog. tumblr became just like a side quest where whenever i had a burst of inspiration, i would post and then log off lmao. looking back now, with this blog being 2 years old, i’m so grateful for the growth and love i received that i honestly did not expect.
now, i still love writing so much— i have so many wips and ideas but life is just lifing rn 😭😭 school and personal priorities has always been my main focus, and now in college i’m still figuring how to survive on a daily basis sondkend everyday is crazy for me so writing hasn’t even crossed my mind for a while. this doesn’t mean i’m leaving for good, especially because of school breaks and summer! i probably will return like once in a blue moon to post something i randomly get inspired by. but i’m never going to be consistently active on this account, and that’s okay. unfortunately i’m growing out of tumblr/writing in general, but it was and still is a great experience to reflect and look back on. i learned a lot and met some great people, but most of all, i was able to make others happy as well :)
sorry for the long ass response to your ask but i figured this was the best way to get an explanation out for everyone since i basically ghosted you guys for some time (im sorry pls forgive me) thank you again and good luck to you too!
i love you guys and hopefully see you soon <3
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why do you think byler is less popular than mlvn on instagram?
on tiktok, tumblr, twitter and pretty much all other platforms byler is the more popular ship, but for some reason mlvns is more popular on instagram.
This is a good question! I’m not sure there’s a definitive answer, but if I were to take a stab at it, maybe it has something to do with the age demographic/type of fan on each platform?
Tumblr is very gay platform, and it’s also a platform for theorizing, so it makes sense that Byler is more popular here. Mlvn just kinda exists right now. There’s not much to theorize about. Like if you really believe that the monologue fixed everything and Mike and El will live happily ever after, then okay. It makes sense why a lot of them believe Mlvn will get married young and have children, cause where else is for them to go? All the other ships have unfinished business, even Jopper, the ship that’s probably in the best place after S4. They still have to figure out how to work together as a couple with a blended family.
Byler is inherently exciting to Tumblr cause it’s all about theorizing and anticipation. And it’s queer. Age demographic-wise, it seems like Byler Tumblr is all over the map too: from millennials who’ve been through this before with other ships that turned out to be queerbait to Gen Z adults my age to younger Zoomers who are truly excited about a ship becoming canon for the first time. There’s probably some of Gen Alpha here too, as well as people from Gen X. This shows that Byler is exciting and appeals to a wide range of folks.
With TikTok, it’s a younger skewing platform, and fandom-wise, there’s an emphasis on edits as well as Byler theorizing. And honestly, Season 4 genuinely didn’t give Mlvns that much to work with when it comes to edits. I mean, Will is in most of the shots. And Mlvn theories don’t seem that exciting. The GA already sees Mlvn endgame as the foregone conclusion, and he monologued to her. What else is there to theorize about? Since TikTok is a newer platform, it seems like there’s just less Mlvn-loyalists making content there, and Byler shippers have just taken it over. This is in large part due to Stranger Things as a whole exploding in popularity during summer 2022 and a lot of people switching sides to Byler during that time. There was a lot of content to create. I also think to some extent angsty edits perform better. And Byler obviously has a lot of angst.
Twitter honestly seems like the biggest war zone to me, which is why I stay away from ST Twitter for the most part. There’s just a lot of petty fights and arguments. Clearly we have a strong presence there, as evidenced by us causing the whole Byler script fiasco in august 2022. Mlvns there seem to be the most toxic, and I’ve noticed they always have Regina George tendencies (a lot of them have PFPs of Millie, Regina George, Barbie, or Olivia Rodrigo for some reason). I don’t know if it’s true that there are more Bylers than Mlvns on Twitter, but if that is true, that’s once again because Byler is just more exciting lol.
I think Instagram is a weird creature overall. It’s older than TikTok, so the fandom presence was likely established in 2016 when Mlvn mania began. It’s not really algorithmically based in the same way (with clear trending topics), so I think it’s easier for people to just follow and interact with accounts they support. I’ve noticed that a lot of the Mlvn accounts are Fillie accounts or Fillie-adjacent accounts often run by young girls (but not always- there are older fans too).
They tend to overly romanticize Mlvn and genuinely see it as the height of romance, even denying that they have any problems whatsoever. And they tend to bombard ST comment sections with extremely overzealous pro-Mlvn stuff, sometimes bordering on bizarre. Maybe part of this is due to IG basically being Facebook for younger millennials/older Zoomers? I think it’s a substantially more normie and less queer space than Tumblr. It’s also picture-based, so Mlvns often post screenshots from the show and pictures of Finn and Millie.
And obviously reddit is pro-Mlvn to an extreme too, with Bylers basically been exiled to the Byler subreddit. But there it’s largely middle-aged men who can’t fathom their favorite nerdy 80s nostalgia show becoming “woke” and gay.
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clementines-writing-corner · 6 months ago
i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
Hello friends!
As I said in my last post, I’m back!! Many apologies for disappearing into thin air after the last full length post in January, things just got crazy with the Spring semester. I was taking my big Writing Seminar class for my History Major, and researching and writing my big final paper (which was required to be 22-25 pages long and which I turned in at 49 pages long of course). I simply did not have the time, space, or mental capacity to devote the level of effort required for developing my original story and for the upkeep of this blog. 
And even after the semester ended, I got sidetracked by starting an internship for my major as well as starting a new part time job over the summer and the pet project of creating a website for my Aunt’s small business. Unfortunately, writing for personal enjoyment fell to the wayside for me for over half a year. But now, with a new semester kicking off, I’m back! ᕱ__ᕱ
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Some of you may be thinking, but Clementine! It’s the start of a new semester, aren’t you going to still be too busy with college for this blog? Well…yes, I will be busy with college (and all the stuff I have to do to prep for my graduation in December)! But also no, I won’t be too busy for this blog. There are a multitude of reasons for this. For example, the fact that I’ve been cracking down on my procrastination habits over the past year and have been seeing some improvement, or the fact that I am only taking four classes this semester. But the main reason I will for sure have the time to devote to this blog and my personal creative writing again is thus: it’s become an assignment for one of my classes again! 
(Hello again, Professor M! You’ll be sick of me and my rambles by the end of the semester I promise. ᕱ__<)
I won’t bore y’all with the details but basically I’ll be picking up right where I left off with this blog, except this time I’m going to: 
#1 -  Try to be more active on this account that just my weekly posts for class. (I finally downloaded tumblr onto my phone so I should be able to partake in some doom scrolling on here as well as instagram lol.)
And #2 - For my posts that are for class, I’m going to try to have a little more focus that I did previously. As I’ve discussed here before, worldbuilding is extremely important to me, but it is also one of the parts I dread the most about developing my original story. So, I’m using my class assignment as an excuse to force myself to do at least a little something with world building and/or the development of my original story’s magic system every week.
But, as many of you know, the best laid plans often go awry, so strap in folks. It’s gonna get interesting. (But that’s the fun part after all! ᕱ__ᕱ) Hopefully, I’ll see y’all soon!
Dot your j’s and cross your t’s!
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
Also PS. I have a writing playlist that I've made (which I will share at some point) and the song that inspired it was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AUn3kNda0k
It's so beautiful and awesome and epic that I just had to share! That's all. ᕱ__ᕱ
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celestie0 · 8 months ago
Girl look this is gonna sound like a love confession bc maybe it is idk I’m obsessed with ur braincells in another life your definitely one of my best pookies 😔🫶
Like the way I FELL in love with kickoff was so uncalled for bc what business do I have being this invested in an athlete frat college au when I’m generally all for the domestic angsty husband wifey shit anyway now idk how to cope when it’s finished so pls take my hand in marriage and we can have pillow talk abt them 💍❤️ thank you.
genuinely ur writing is chefs kiss though 👌 (let me kiss ur hands 😗) and I love love love that u actually seem to have real knowledge on what u write about like the soccer games and the all the camera stuff it gives the story sm more substance
anyway penny for my thoughts 🤧 ?
This fanart on TikTok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYaQwJQo
ok so basically when I first started reading the fic and I was talking to my friend abt all the frat shenanigans (WHICH I LOVE BTW IM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS FRAT BOY TROPE NOW) we both related it to this one fanart: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYaCy7aX/
which then made a lot of sense bc it’s literally meant to be satosugu as frats (AAAAHHH 😫)
anyway so then I went on the account and discovered that first link right bc getos seggsy ass was the focus in the other one
and I just thought it was so fitting like the face is a bit off bc I think the darling artist is clearly a fellow geto girlie butttt the fit and stuff like yk how the insufferable man child was wearing fucking HO-HO glasses in the first chapter yeahh anyway hope u see it too and Imma do the good deed of passing word your fic onto the TikTok artist
forgot I was meant to be dot pointing
does anyone actually insert their name ? Idk I never have lol
love her
she usually ends up being my favourite character bc duh she’s girliepop
I struggle sm to read books bc like character names and stuff can throw me off so I prefer to dabble in GOOD fanfics every now and then (aka your masterpiece) or just indulge in smut when I’m ovulating 🙂‍↕️
ignore that
ummm so yeah I find books hard to get into since they start on a blank canvas and since I’m already obsessed with our marvellous blue eyed baby daddy fanfics are ideal cause they just build over that
anyway back to y/n I don’t actually remember what I was gonna say shes just bae
The slow burn holy shit especially the bed chapter like I kept going back and forth who’s gonna make a move only to fall asleep all bricked up at 2 AM 🥲
so well done
one random fav scene of mine is when he takes out the digimon credit card idk ur ideas and the way u write movement in scenes it just clicks for me
I like my shit my way. It’s all in my brain right these angst chronicles and I kinda just wanna see it written out bc I’m a lazy bitch and I cannot commit so I usually opt for like one shots or what not idk like “when he makes you cry” or “ when you use the safe word with them ft gojo, geto, toji” you know the gist of it
I have certain ideas in my head that I don’t like to compromise especially regarding y/n ig because I am her allegedly
but bro 😓
the way I folded for you omg 🙏
this deserves a list if it’s own lol but btw putting this out there I dont even except u to read through this shit I’m just in a yapping state of mind and I’ve come this far so ._. :
My first major red flag was the jeans
not my style okay I’d live my life in pretty little empire waistline lingerie night gowns if I could
First thought was “what in the white girl” butttt then my brain went “it’s giving Lana del Rey like when she was younger and was always seen by paparazzi just in a white tee and blue jeans + that one concert she did wearing jorts and a cute white top with hoop earring, chewing gum and smoking while singing summer time sadness like the absolute icon she is”
and bam I can fw it now 🤝
her hight is one thing I differ on tho cause I’m short so I blur my vision whenever u mention any kind of height or size related comparison with gojo bc ik it’s not accurate to me especially with that tree of a man and I want my moments too 😔
I just don’t see her like that okay she’s so above gojos lanky ass in canon verse
but thennn as always u came through with the descriptionsss 🔥
the denim skirt
the sorority glitter cheeksss
okay I’m starting to sound 𝓁𝑒𝓈𝒷𝒾𝒶𝓃 my apologies
The age differences
honestly this wasn’t that much if a discrepancy I just found it a bit funny like todo as his homeboy lol
but yuji was so cute and I’m all for dad gojo but you’ve opened my mind to big brother gojo and I don’t see what’s not to like about it
As for the rest of the characters
Loved yuji as the bouncer (I didn’t know what that even was, again love how u actually know what u write about)
and also just that tiny crumb of megs when readers taking pictures, I can totally picture him as a soccer player
nanami was so odd to imagine but I settled on teen nanami with the emo hair and such
I just love chosos existence in this fic thanks for that 😌
OKAYYYYY this length of yap sesh should land me in a psych ward I spent a good hour and a half on this I’d say
but yes it’s due time I professed my ever growing admiration for you (💍 🔪)
I will check out if you’ve given fic recs but again I’m into the marriage pregnancy type shi and I do love me a good college au now more than ever so if u may 🤲
cannot wait for the next chapter (can he please dick us down hard already your edge game is something else 🫠)
xoxo 💋
OH WOW FIRST OF ALL THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS ASK?? i appreciate the love for kickoff sm :”) even though it’s not something you usually read!! and yes 💯 to that fanart
haha i actually know close to nothing about soccer. i just ask chatgpt a bunch of questions about it when i write 🤣 but i know a tiny bit ab film photography cuz one of my close friends studied film in college :) i’m so happy those aspects stick out to you!!
HAHA pls the whole bed scene in ch8 was a lot of fun to write. i just love domestic lil convos between two people, and the lil digimon scene made me emotional to write bc it reminded me of how nerdy canon gojo is LOL (i miss him sm)
i’m glad you like yn too!! tbh she’s the center focus of the story in my eyes haha gojo is just a side character 💀 and wymmm my girlie is SHORT too 🤣 well idk how short you’re talking haha but in my head she’s 5’4 cuz that’s how tall i am lol
thank you sm for interacting so deeply with my silly lil story 😭💕 sorry if i didnt respond to all aspects of your ask but i read it all and was cheesing so hard plskdjdhd. so glad you’re looking forward to more!! also haha i saw your follow up ask too and YES gojo as a cat dad wasn’t something on my kickoff bingo card but alas here we are 🤣 much love from me 💕
alsooo i do have another series called “in holy matriphony” that is a fake marriage au gojo x reader :0 just mentioning that since you said you’re in the domestic marriage sorts of stuff. it’s kind of a silly n crack fic vibes tho LOL maybe not the serious angsty stuff but it’ll have angst for sure too :”) just if you’re interested bb!! <3
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mirananananan · 9 months ago
Hi! I love your "the better version of our past" series. Do you think you will write more for it?
omg hi!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much 🥹🫶🏼 sooooo basically i have been very busy and then that became compounded by a bit of writer’s block/drought (ideas literally ALWAYS welcome). I have maybe 3 wips for this series (one of them more an idea than a wip lol), and now that it’s summer and i’m free from work and grad school for about 8 more weeks, i’m really hoping to get some writing done! i know a lot of people follow me for that series, and i want to give the people what they want 🫡
here is a little snippet just for proof of life:
She never wandered too far, even though Joel told her she could play with the other kids if she wanted, and he felt something like a tug of shame every time he realized just how much relief it brought him to be able to look up every few minutes to see her just 20 feet away laying in the grass or lounging in a chair looking through a picture book, or sitting in Tess’ lap while she chatted with Maria.
The mountain air was fresh. If he closed his eyes and listened for it close enough in certain areas, he could hear the rush of the nearby stream, running into the river that led to the dam that powered this whole place. The springtime brought the chittering of the bugs and the chirping of the birds and a rustling of the new foliage.
They were as safe as they could possibly be. His little family was together. Ellie laughed and ate and played and learned and, most importantly, was loved. Tess was happy like he’d never seen her before, and carefree like he didn’t know she was capable of being.
It was all more than he could possibly ask for, and yet, he felt unsteady.
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thesingingrevolution · 9 months ago
the way winwin carefully scheduled his year around the wayv comeback but sm suddenly switched the comeback dates up on him and he ended up not being able to participate ... and THEN he cant make it to the versache event cus he has to talk all of this out w the company.
yunquis r so strong... i would not be able to deal fr. how do u do it???
first of all thanks for your message 🙇🏻‍♀️💌
personally, i felt so upset and disappointed when the news broke :( it was bad enough it was gonna be an ot5 comeback, but when it was revealed it was because sm changed their pre planned schedule it made me angry. i understand that winwin has other important activities and if it was his own choice to sit this one out, i would have respected his decision and happily supported the other five members. but the fact that he went out of his way to ensure his schedule would align and they couldn’t even respect that.. it made me really sad. as far as we know, there is no reason this comeback had to me moved up. they just did it. and i’ve never seen anything like it, how can a company not respect their artist in this incredibly basic way? it’s heartbreaking.
i wish winwin stays in nct because i truly love him and i love his friendships in the group and his contributions etc etc but stuff like this makes me wish more and more than he only does what he needs to do for his career and happiness, regardless of how we feel. these transgressions are too serious in my opinion, to the point that when wayv were promoting on my youth during the last few months of 2023 as a proper group it almost felt like a fever dream. a full group promoting a comeback together should not be a rare occurrence. it’s so so so sad and wayv as a whole deserve so much better. the fact that i felt absolutely no excitement over this cb and haven’t even looked at concept pics or listened to any songs says so much. i will eventually, but it hurts right now :( i will need some time to get over this. not the fault of any of the members, of course!!! will always love and wish then the best.
moreover i hate that this feeds into the idea that winwin doesn’t care about his group. it’s such a common sentiment in the (toxic/misinformed/immature) parts of the fandom. if anything, winwin’s actions and deliberate desire to partake in the cb tells us the EXACT OPPOSITE. if he didn’t care, he clearly wouldn’t have gone through the trouble. like you’ve said, it’s causing more issues for him. so why would he do it if he didn’t care? i’m glad some clarifying posts went semi viral, and there was a decent amount of outrage. rightfully so.
as for how i do it….. my friend,, it’s not easy. to be honest, i have had periods where it wasn’t good for me (last summer, for example, i had so much free time to dedicate to kpop and it started affecting my mental health when i saw my fav neglected and disrespected all the time). thankfully i am better now and have been for a long time, it’s really embarrassing to admit kpop can mess one up like that lol but i hope people can be honest about how they feel since it’s very real in my experience. i try not too think about it too much and keep busy with other things, i took a huge step back from stan twitter and i only follow a few yunqi accs who post updates/positivity and don’t engage in fanwars and spread aggression across the internet. as for his company, it’s a bit more complicated. i feel as though his potential has never been fully realized, which is sad for a seasoned idol so many years into his career. but it also gives him so much space to grow, every now and then i am so surprised by his incredible work in other areas, because he was held back so much. i am so glad there are people who recognize his potential <3
i also try to remember that even though i love nct and its a huge part of my life, it’s just music and no matter what happens things will be alright. we will always have the good times and memories and that makes me feel better when i get upset. lastly, i learned to primarily focus on my own friends and my own thoughts. just last night, i told a friend i love winwin the most and she said she likes him and that he suits me as a bias. all my irl kpop stan friends have been nothing but supportive and sweet. and in my own head, winwin is the best, i dont have to think about his company and random people online to hold that opinion, and at the end of the day my thoughts are the only ones that really matter when it comes to this.
i’m sorry this is so long hahahha, but hopefully it explains a little about how i feel about all this!! once again thank you for your message 💖
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