#based on a true experience (almost died)
maskedchip · 1 year
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cl0ckworkqueerness · 9 months
trans women are not listened to because any connection to femininity makes their viewpoints "less valuable" by misogynists
trans men are not listened to because any connection to femininity (even in the past) makes their viewpoints "less valuable" by misogynists
trans women are demonized because any connection to masculinity (even in the past) makes them "dangerous and predatory" by radfems
trans men are demonized because any connection to masculinity makes them "dangerous and traitorous" (or infantilized for being "corrupted") by radfems
nonbinary people are forced into one of these two categories because of what either of these groups perceive their "true sex" as, regardless of whether or not it's true, because "Only Two Genders" and "We Can Always Tell" (nevermind the fact that gender is unquantifiable and they can almost never reliably tell in my experience lmao) and then completely dismissed as "not real", "faking it", "dangerous", or "confused"
all forms of transphobia joined at the hip, and exist because of the same root problem: gender/bioessentialism. there are different types affecting different groups of people, and those types are separate with different consequences, but it's all the same motivation: the upholding of the strict, sex-based gender binary, which not only ignores trans people but forces intersex people into categories that often do not fit them
so when a fellow trans person tries to recreate or uphold what they were fed by a society largely created by those who wish to see them dead, my heart hurts a little for them. it's a poisonous idea that has spread like wildfire, and the only way to stop it is to construct a fireproof home, not to build a shack of wood and pray the embers have died. they haven't. they never have, and they never will so long as flammable homes keep burning down
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Yandere Buddy Daddies x Delinquent Teen Reader (1)
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You’re home was on the streets 
Practically abandoned by your parents, you relied on one of the local gangs for your family
Working to join them for some semblance of protection against the world
And as it would happen it helped 
Despite your teachers and guardian-having friends warning otherwise
Thanks to them you were eating
A far cry from what you were left to before
But past aside your doing well 
Gaining experience and becoming more of an asset to the gang before your saddled with an unlikely obstacle
“Hi there! My name’s Miri, what’s your name?”
Suddenly this bubbly smiley kid is following you around
Somehow finding you in dark alleyways and shadows of buildings 
This kid just won’t leave you alone 
No matter how much you reprimand, sneer, or blatantly insult this kid 
“Kid! Didn’t I tell you to kick rocks? Now if you don’t leave I’ll steal your shoes.”
“W-what, don’t take my shoes my papas got them for me!”
“Then. Leave. Me. Alone.”
she just won’t leave you alone and it all comes to a head when she approaches you when your with your friends
“Well well look at this little tyke!”
“Oh my gosh, they're so small! (Y/n) I didn’t know you had a baby sister!”
“I don’t.”
“Yeah! My name’s Miri.”
And despite your protests they all invite pressure Miri to join you all on a…midnight stroll
Along a train track
It goes as expected and your crew successfully go along the train track until you hear the dreaded sound of the train
And as it would have it Miri’s shoes get caught
“Is everyone off the tracks?”
“Whooo that was close!”
“Where’s Miri?”
Your group resigns to stand by and watch horrified as she struggles with the track and the oncoming train approaches 
Way too close to the train you’re able to yank Miri from the tracks narrowly missing the train hurling by
“Whoa that was clo–”
“See what happens?”
“What? What are you talk–”
“See what happens when you hang around me?!”
“W-what but I love be–”
“You! Almost died! Can’t you see?! You don’t belong here so GO! Go home before you really get hurt.”
She goes home that day with tears in her eyes
While you wordlessly turn back to your group to head back to base
hoping that you don’t see her ever again
For awhile you don’t and things are back to normal
And while you’re spray painting the gang’s sign on a wall a burly woman knocks you to the ground
“Hey watch it, punk!”
“You wanna go pipsqueak!”
Apparently she was from a rival gang, looking to contest this area
Sending a quick call to your team, you prepare to fight this lady 
Narrowly ducking her first punch 
You throw your own 
Standing victorious as she buckles 
But you too would fall to your knees
after a whopping hit in the back of your head
It was an ambush 
And easily you found yourself at their mercy 
Only being released when you hear the separate thuds and the released grip from your arms
“What the–ooomf!”
Your original attacker is silenced by a guy with blonde hair 
Who punches them into a headlock before pulling a gun with silencer
Before you could stop him he pulled the trigger, nonchalantly reaching to the sky in a stretch
“Ah man after so long it seems I’ve still got it!” 
You shakily stand holding your arm that stings in pain
You try to limp away while he continues flexing 
But he notices
“Ah ah! (Y/n) don’t run away!”
You sneered, “How do you know my name?”
“Uh…not important. But look, you need to come home with me! Miri misses-”
“Ugh are you Miri’s daddy or something?”
“Papa actually–” “Look old man, what I said to your kid is true. She needs to stay far away from me and you know what? Maybe you should try watching her better.”
“We did. And we were.”
The tired voice was right above you 
Close enough to your back that you could now register the warmth teeming off them
You jump, despite the pain you back away against the brick wall
The man that spoke had black hair pulled back to reveal a pale guy with a grave look on his face
“Ah-! What he means is: we’ve been watching after you and Mirin. And we’ve decided that we’re going to be the papas you need!”
“Ahem we’ve decided–” “You're coming with us.”
“What?! Huh?!”
“Rei! You can’t just say that they're not going to understand!” 
“They’ll understand better when we get them home.”
“No no but there’s a method for these things and with someone of their age–”
The blonde kept talking to the one identified as Rei seemingly dividing their attention
You took the chance to limp as far as you could away reaching into your pocket to retrieve your last line of defense
“That’s enough of that.”
In a flash of black your pocket knife was out of your hand
Briefly squealing in pain at the pressure point being hit near your neck
Slumping into Rei’s arms he moved to cradle you rolling his eyes at Kazuki’s musings
“Rei!? They obviously weren’t ready!”
“They would’ve never been ready.”
“But we did the whole save-them-be-the-saviors-routine!” 
“Does it really matter now that we have them?”
“...Mmmm….Mmmmm!...I still would’ve preferred my way.”
The sounds of tires screeching and the sound of modded engines coming to halt
Had them both perking up
“Oh! Those bad influences actually came!”
“That was unexpected. The broken brakes should have kept them busy.”
“Now here’s the question: do we handle them now or later?”
“Did you throw your back out yet?”
“Hah! Not yet, yours?”
“Then I say we give ‘em a show!”
When you next awake 
You’re in a well furnished room
All patched up and nursing a sling for your arm
Immediately you get up finding yourself at the top of the stairs before you spotted them
“Hiii (Y/n)!!!” “Ah, good morning (Y/n) did you sleep well?”
There words don’t reach you as you register the blonde man from before and the little girl who’d been following you around
Why were they acting so calm?
They kidnapped you!
And the little girl was in on it too?
“Welp, we're heading out for preschool.”
 “Yup bye (Y/n) later I can’t wait to cele–mmmf!”
The blonde’s hand goes over her mouth sending her to get her shoes before waving to you
“I’ll be back soon! Breakfast is on the counter!” 
Not long after they disappeared from sight you heard the slam of the door
Good now you can–
“Going to have breakfeast?”
Once again that voice rang from behind you
Turning to see the same man with the grave face but this time with scruffier-relaxed look to him
His eyes were still intense and they held you in place all the way to the kitchen 
While eating some regretfully delicious french toast with Rei watching diligently 
Guess this was your life now…the newest unwilling addition to the family
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nthspecialll · 4 months
Dutch Van Der Linde as the saviour and his early crime life.
Dutch Van Der Linde and his early life beyond the fact that his father died in the war and he ran away from his mother at the age of 15 is a mystery to us as players, however due to the fact he prefered a life of petty crime we assume that his mother was a terrible person, something that might not be true.
Unlike the majority of the gang Dutch does not have evidence of a terrible childhood, he was not orphaned, he was not fleeing from the government, he did not fear for his life and we cannot say that his mother was abusive, almost quite the contrary.
In Dutch's own words, he ran away because he and his mother "did not see eye to eye," and while this can indicate abuse the fact he follows up with "I was not always an obedient child" very much makes it seem like it was his own fault. He continues to talk about how they both loved one another in their own ways, meaning he ran away not because he had to but because he wanted to, especially as the reasons he was "not an obedient child" could very well be because he was young and rebellious.
What makes this even worse is that Dutch mentions having had a price on his head for fifteen years while he actually has been on the run for 29 as he is 44, this means for 14 years he committed crimes, did not have a price on his head, and had the choice to turn back to a "regular life." Now he might just have said 15 as a "about this many years but not the exact" but you don't get it wrong by 14 years.
Dutch mentions that he did not know that his mother was burried in Blackwater but was only told a few years later by an uncle. His mother died in 1881 (her grave can be found), he met Hosea in 1876, met Arthur in 1877 and had been on the run since 1870, meaning he was still in contact with his family at least in 1884, seven years after meeting Arthur.
Milton talks about Dutch being a Messiah, a savior for the people, and Dutch keeps saying "we" this and "we" that but the truth is he is nothing like them, Dutch chose his situation and had many chances to turn back but didn't, while the others in one way or another was forced into it. He also has many advantages, such as being in contact with his family, something which a character like Javier is forced not to and we only see one other character cannonically do, Pearson. Not only that but Dutch often reinforce his role as a boss by having his own tent, having expensive clothing, telling Molly that she doesn't need to work for the mere fact that she is his girl. He does not need to do this, everyone is already loyal to him, yet he does it for nothing more than to serve his own ego.
Now some would say he ran away to make a better world, but there is something wrong with that theory.
Dutch's favorite author is Evelyn Miller who is based on the real romantic/transcendentalist writer Henry David Thoreau. Romanticism is a philosophy that dislikes the wealthy and the industrialization and wants people to embrace a more "authentic" life, which is why Thoreau as a more wealthy man wanted to do an experiment for two years where he moved into a cabin. He wanted to, for the experience of it, live in the woods, such as Dutch did not run away from his possible rich life because he needed to but for the experience of it.
Dutch did not spoil his chance at a normal life for love, he didn't spoil it for "a better world," he didn't spoil it for necessity, he spoiled it for fun, for the experience.
Imagine being Javier, hearing the man who claimed to understand you, say that he still is in touch with his family while you don't know if your sister is even alive. Imagine being Arthur, hearing the man who claimed to understand you, say that he chose a life of crime as an experience while you were forced into it to survive and now hate yourself for it. Imagine being Charles, hearing the man who claimed to understand you, say he chose to hurt for fun while you wish you had another way.
Based on conversations I had with @werewolfarthurmorganenjoyer and @heavenlymorals.
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batmanschmatman · 8 months
Book Rec: Coming Out Under Fire, by Allan Bérubé
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Occasionally I see some discourse on Tumblr from folks in the HBO War fandom or different historical/history adjacent fandoms about how there weren’t that many members of the queer community involved in WWII, and I’d really like to point them and everyone else with an interest in queer history to this wonderful book. Originally published in 1990, Coming Out Under Fire gets into all the different ways queer folks DID participate in the war. It’s from an American perspective, so if you’re looking for other Allied experiences, unfortunately there won’t be much here for you, but it’s exceptionally well researched, and crucially a lot of the content comes from interviews with surviving servicemembers. There’s also a documentary based on the book, which came out a few years later and includes video interviews with some of the folks included in the text.
One of Bérubé’s main points in his introduction – and for writing the book in the first place – is the American government, history textbooks, Hollywood, etc. is able to paint the WWII-era military as an almost entirely straight military force because many queer people who participated in the war effort were silenced during their lifetimes, and were unable or unwilling to reveal their true identities. Some of this was from societal pressure – the post war period saw a huge surge in homophobic rhetoric and persecution in the name of fighting Communism, not to mention the ever present heteronormative pressure to get married and have kids – but also because so many queer veterans died during the AIDS epidemic. Bérubé was inspired to preserve the voices of those who were still with us and shed a light on some of the folks we lost. (Note that this was also an intensely personal issue for Bérubé, who lost friends and his partner to AIDS and thus saw first hand how devastating this was to the community in terms of robbing us of our loved ones, friends, elders, and history itself.)
In the book, Bérubé makes the point over and over again that queer people were involved at basically every level in the American military during the war. There’s stories about guys lying when asked “Do you like girls?” during enlistment, lesbians in the Women’s Army Corps being brought to trial for fraternizing, drag shows in POW camps and in reserve, front line combat veterans discussing losing romantic partners to enemy fire or coming out to foxhole buddies, who were supportive allies rather than hateful. One of my favorite stories that’s always stuck out to me is a guy who came home and decided to come out to his elderly mother, who was fully accepting and supportive of her son’s sexuality. I see so many people speaking in absolutes that there’s NO WAY you could come out to your family and be accepted in the past, and while that was certainly true for so many people, it’s also not an absolute truth.
Please note I am NOT giving blanket permission to make assumptions about real-life people’s sexualities or identities, nor am I saying Band of Brothers fics where half the company is dating each other are historically accurate, but it’s really sad to see folks on here (unknowingly, hopefully) perpetuating the myth that there really weren’t that many queer folks in the military during WWII. We were there, we just couldn’t be out the way we might have liked to be. After the war, the Red Scare, societal pressure, and a literal epidemic silenced countless members of the community about their time in the service. There’s no way to know how many people who fought on Guadalcanal or worked at stateside bases or sorted mail in France were queer, but it’s a lot more than you were led to believe.
As a member of the community and a historian (brief resume: MA in Public History, BA in American History, have published stuff and created exhibits for dozens of museums), I just want to remind folks that we have always been here, and our lives weren’t always miserable and tragic when we came out to people or decided to live as authentically as we could get away with. It’s not completely historically inaccurate to write fic or original fiction where your queer characters can come out to their families and not be shunned, or live with their partners and not be immediately murdered. Being queer wasn’t invented at Stonewall.
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blackberrywars · 1 year
♥️Lambert/Aiden Fic Reclist!♥️
For anybody and everybody interested in Lambert, Aiden, and/or their relationship! I've been obsessed with these two since the start of the pandemic, and they inspired me to start writing my own fic, so making a reclist has always been an idea in the back of my head. Plus, it's come to my attention that the tag can get crowded sometimes, so, Laiden fans, this one's for you.
Parameters: I've decided to divide my recs based on common story types that explore Laiden both in and out of canon. Other ships are allowed, but the focus is Lambert/Aiden. Additionally, I put a cap on 3 fics max per author. These are not arranged in any particular order beyond the categories.
♥️Lambert's Revenge/Aiden's Death or Return♥️
(i know dead people, and you are not dead) by @brighteyedjill (Explicit/5,940/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Lambert finds Aiden after ten years of torture, maimed and broken. They retire and learn each other once again, mind, body, and soul.
I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory by CamilleDuDemon (Mature/2,327/Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death)
Aiden dies on a beautiful sunny day, while Lambert waits for him in their usual meeting place. Witchers cannot love and witchers never die in their beds. If only neither of those were true.
No Grave by @blackberrywars (Mature/2293/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A shameless self-rec, because I'm very proud of this fic. To the tune of Hozier’s Work Song, Aiden crawls from her almost-grave, determined to see her baby wolf again.
Fair Trade by Anoke (Mature/40,373/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Karadin sells Aiden to a mage, and he becomes an experiment, trapped in his own head while searching for a way out. It's a series, and this is the part where shit gets ugly.
Very Dark Magic by @bomberqueen17 (Mature/23,683/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden is once more getting tortured and mind-controlled by a mage, but luckily enough and via the power of psychic beams, Keira and Lambert find him. And Lambert's pissed.
Roses Fall but the Thorns Remain by @t4tlambert (Teen/1,458/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert holds Aiden's medallion in his hands, and he knows what it means. He pays for the privilege of having this last piece of his lover, and falls apart for just a moment.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down by @t4tlambert (Teen/14,414/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A fellow Hozier-lyric-title user. Aiden crawls out of his grave and is found by Eskel, who begrudgingly decides to not piss off his little brother and does his best to keep his Cat alive.
Fortunes of the Fearless by @tumbleweedtech (Teen/627/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert is a vicious bastard, and Aiden is lucky enough to be around to appreciate it, even if Lambert's victim is long dead and drowned.
Survival by @kitdubhran (Teen/1,278/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden wakes up in enough pain that he kind of wishes he hadn't. But he does wake up. And we all know who he's gonna go find.
♥️Getting Together & Being Together♥️
Intent by tnico (Teen/18,551/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert does everything in his crotchety (open to interpretation) power to get Aiden to reveal his devious plans and fuck off, except all he wants is to be by Lambert's side. Incredible characterization, funny as hell, and awesome research footnotes.
Bad Blood (Runs True) by @fairytrashmother (Teen/8,368/No Archive Warnings Apply)
The Tournament never happened, and the Cats and Wolves are actually trying to make peace. A young pup and a young kit might just solve their problems
Silver for Monsters by @crimsonherbarium (Explicit/108,559/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
A canon-compliant look at the development of Laiden with awesome cover art and plenty of angst in later chapters. Lambert is slow to trust, so the burn follows thus.
Lacebound by @heronfem (Mature/39,391/Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Lambert and Aiden as young witchers in winter, lacebound by the fucked-up system they live in, and soon, lacebound to each other. Extremely nuanced politics, people, and circumstances, but also something like a college AU, if Bombs 101 was a class
Denial by tnico (Teen/16,989/No Archive Warnings Apply)
This fic quite possibly wins the award for bitchiest Lambert dialogue in existence, and no one loves it more than me and Aiden. They go a-curse-breakin' and have a grand old time together. More awesome research footnotes
Therapeutic Effects by @laurelnose (Teen/900/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert finds Aiden purring himself back to health, and it's mad cute (but also hilarious because Lambert is Lambert)
Fuck Off: A Love Story (In 5+1 Parts) by @skaldingrayne (Mature/17,080/Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Despite all his efforts to appear the contrary, Lambert is just a bit too noble (and then a bit too horny and a bit too in love) to let this mangy Cat die by his own stupidity. He's still gonna bitch about it tho.
i won't say i'm in **** by @purpurred (Mature/5,848/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Keira arranges for a Cat to fulfill one of Lambert's more private fantasies, and Lambert takes it in the worst way possible. That doesn't mean he can stop thinking about the way Aiden held a poisoned knife to his throat.
ease me of its fever by @inexplicifics (Mature/5,226/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Omega Lambert has spent so many years saying absolutely-the-fuck-not-i'll-rip-your-cock-off that it's more than a little difficult to say yes. Aiden is so, so patient.
mountains that are stacked with fear by @xianvar (Mature/11,171/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert, being Lambert, assumes the beautiful love confession he found in Aiden's bag was actually a prank, and lashes out accordingly. He gets his shit together, and his Cat, eventually.
♥️Meeting the Family♥️
Lambert's two orens' man by Ledgea (Teen/1,861/No Archive Warnings Apply)
One part in an incredible series about the slow development of Aiden and Lambert, but it's just a fun bit of Eskel getting to see his baby brother happy
Hide and seek by Ledgea (Mature/6,617/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert sneaks Aiden into Kaer Morhen, and his whole cohort of bastard pups work hard to cover his ass while causing as many problems as witcherly possible; part 1 of 3
a promise to keep by @all-hail-the-witcher (Teen/983/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Tooth-rotting fluff of Aiden in Kaer Morhen, appreciating the effects of good, regular meals on Lambert's physique. Cutagen biscuits are made.
Winter with the Caravan by @damnbert (Teen/14,229/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert goes home with Aiden for a while, and all the other Cats take the opportunity to take the absolute piss out of them both (and maybe do a little matchmaking on the side)
Lambert's Family by @freudensteins-monster (Teen/5,901/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert hides his biological family until he finally feels safe enough not to. They might be growing up around him, but they still welcome him home every year, and they welcome the Wolves and Cats too.
Did he who made the Lamb make thee? by @tumbleweedtech (General Audiences/1,461/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Being the (asshole) older brothers that they are, Geralt and Eskel constantly rib Lambert about being the littlest wolf, and that his mysterious cat must be pint-sized to match. Lambert is happy to prove them wrong.
♥️Good Old Fashioned Smut♥️
wild green wonder by elizabethgee (Explicit/42,554/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Laiden smut in just about every configuration you can think. Sweet and tender, rough and wild, this one has it all. If you like a dom!Aiden and repressed sub!Lambert, this is stellar
Lambert's (Not-So) Mysterious Vial of Oil by @on-a-lucky-tide (Explicit/11,291/No Archive Warnings Apply)
The Lambert-kicks-ass-at-alchemy headcanon applied to sex. He receives (heh), and then passes his glorious knowledge of lube onto a his student, Aiden
Sweeter Than Pride by @blackberrywars (Explicit/2524/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Another self-rec for the f/f lovers. Lambert is a sweet brat and earns herself a spanking so good she cries. Aiden freaks out a little, but after it all, they fall asleep spooned together
An Evening of Frippery by @bard-llama (Explicit/3,105/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert being a power bottom whose gender is "mind your fucking business," but who nonetheless looks fantastic with his exquisitely tailored skirts hiked to his waist
I Like how the day sounds through this new song by Lynge (Explicit/9,222/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Some porn with plot where Aiden forces Lambert to confess to petty theft and also his deep and abiding romantic feelings (in that order).
Problem by elizabethgee (Explicit/1,977/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
In a fic I've just now realized has the exact same premise as one of my wips, Aiden is obsessed with Lambert's thick ass thighs and will do anything to ride them
Cut You Clean by GreenBird (Explicit/4,203/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert loses a bet and has to let Aiden shave him. It has some... interesting effects on him.
Thicker than Water (and Other Poetic Bullshit) by @kushielsmercy (Explicit/2,835/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A mini-character study of Aiden and Lambert through the lens of some filthy blood-play. They're both far more possessive and codependent than they'd want to admit.
Puppies Don't Talk by @damnbert (Explict/8,725/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Very kink-heavy fic of Lambert going fully into subspace and getting to be taken care of for a while. He can't bring himself to really ask for what he wants, but puppies don't talk anyway.
all dressed up (with no place to go) by @childoffantasy (Explicit/6,707/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert fulfills the redhead contract of wearing green and killing it dead, and there's just enough room under his pretty skirt for Aiden to crawl right up it
Thief's Reward by @inexplicifics (Explicit/1,592/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Maybe Lambert shouldn't reward this handsome Cat for stealing his kill, but it's been awhile, and he might as well get something out of the bargain (it's orgasms. and 60% of the corpse profits)
Dichotomy by @tantumuna (Explicit/25,054/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Extremely kink-heavy fic where Aiden and Lambert switch to see whose methods can get Aiden pregnant the fastest.
Kneel For Me by @alllthequeenshorses (Explicit/2,269/No Archive Warning Apply)
Lambert can only really let go with Aiden, and as soon as he can, it's a freefall. Aiden's there to hold him tight. It's some kinky reunion smut, come get a helping.
Catch and Release by @top-notch-swords (Explicit/9,570/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden is deeply possessive and more than willing to manipulate the situation to remind Lambert exactly who he belongs to. Filthy alley sex and a little codependency that they should probably talk about but actually just fuck about
♥️One-Shot Roulette♥️
A Logical Conclusion by @heronfem (Mature/18,674/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Essentially the thesis of Laiden shippers, seeing Lambert's prickly ass and knowing the only logical conclusion is that he must have loved Aiden very deeply, even across space, time, and AUs
Wheel of the Year by @crimsonherbarium (Explicit/20,717/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A series of Lambert and Aiden celebrating the holidays on the outskirts of society, but finding twice the joy for it. Lots of smut, but also sweetness and angst.
You and I (and what we get up to) by @iwillpooponthefloor (Explicit/19,396/No Archive Warnings Apply)
ABCs of Laiden that focus on them as a team of two. They pull off contracts, schemes, and each other, from time to time.
Purr For Me by @round--robin (Explicit/8,407/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A whole bunch of short and sweet snapshots into Laiden. I couldn't put them on this list, but Robin has a lot of other fics combining Laiden with other ships.
♥️Modern AUs♥️
A Beginners Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code For Fun and Profit by @heronfem (Mature/167,193/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Lambert and Aiden get accidentally married and decide to make it work for the tax benefits. And then they fall in love. And work through trauma. And get a cat. And it's gorgeously written.
What Happens at Waffle House by Anoke (Teen/1,993/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
The rituals are intricate, and Lambert's sometimes involve mutual combat with the Waffle House line cook. Somehow, the feral gremlin gets a date out of it.
All those wonders sit in wait for us by Theladyknight23 (Teen/14,847/No Archive Warnings Apply)
My fellow fem!Laiden crusader with a delightful modern take on witchers as a combination between truckers and pest control workers. Americana themes and the best additional tag ever: "love is like bread."
The Bark that's to Your Bite by @theimpressionablelizard (Explicit/12,976/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Where Lambert is Deadpool pre-mutation and he falls in bounty hunter love with Aiden, who I personally imagine looks like Dev Patel from the Green Knight. A little romance, a little co-worker wolves, and lots of swearing.
Three Cats Walk Into A Bar by @halehathnofury (Teen/2,607/No Archive Warnings Apply
Inspired by the lovely @whyzowl's art, it's the Wolves + Ciri dressing Lambert up to get him laid, and Aiden taking the bait.
Helpless, Feckless, Far Too Young by @keirametzbrassknuckles (Mature/14,605/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
The Wolves are a traveling group after a death in the family, and Lambert is so fucking sick of them acting like nothing is wrong. He meets Aiden, and they get on like a fairgound on faire. Written by my personal mistress of angst.
Once, Again by @brighteyedjill (Mature/4,521/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Aiden has to save Lambert in a time loop without explaining anything, but we all know Lambert doesn't trust easy. Sometimes the simplest solution is the right one.
The Art of Living by Ledgea (Explicit/25,636/Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings)
Lambert loving people as the story of an art gallery, a skill honed from his cohort to his brothers to Aiden, The Damn Cat, when he makes his appearance.
Fields of color by @witcherscrane (Mature/2,057/Major Character Death)
In the wake of Aiden's death, Lambert follows a beautiful illusion with a smile on his face. His brothers help him find rest.
Give Us A Smile by @etcorsolus (Mature/2,945/No Archive Warnings Apply)
A 5+1 of Aiden making Lambert smile. Textual adaptation of that one post "look at you! you're so handsome when you're not being a bitch."
The Basics by @kushielsmercy (Mature/375/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden gets possessed, and Lambert has a choice to make. Ambiguous ending.
Ashes in His Mouth by Faetality (Mature/3,924/Graphic Depictions of Violence)
Fear makes humans cruel. It makes them not care who gets tied to the stake, so long as they can breathe easy while the victim drowns in smoke. Or, Lambert suffers, and Aiden watches.
remember me as i was not as i am by @all-hail-the-witcher (Explicit/40,248/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Aiden has been dead for a very long time, long enough that Lambert has long since forgotten his face. It's just in time for a beautiful man with green eyes to break in through his window and ask for his services.
Deafening Silence by @wolf-and-bard (Explicit/13,230/No Archive Warnings Apply)
Destiny is a stubborn bitch, but it hasn't Lambert, who doesn't give a rat's ass that he's never meant to see Aiden again.
A Spot of Blood by MsThunderFrost (Explicit/3,440, No Archive Warnings Apply)
How the phrase "Pops didn't raise a quitter" turns into a "sex sent me to the ER" story for Lambert, because he's a stubborn bastard who would rather injure himself than communicate.
Let me say a few things outright, because I want zero drama.
This reclist is for the benefit of Laiden fans, and is not meant as a criticism of any other ship or fic.
The fics chosen for this reclist are only ones I have read. It is by no means comprehensive, and definitely favors older fics, since that was when I was deepest in the fandom.
I actually had to cut this short because I hit some kind of content block limit, which. Oh welp. If anyone wants me to remove their fic from this list for any reason, PM me and I'll do it asap
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My FF7R Part 3 theory
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*spoilers for FF7, FF7 Rebirth, etc*
So... this theory is based off the 'Cloud snapped and thinks he saved Aerith' theory. TL;DR due to all the extra mind screwing Sephiroth has done this time around, Cloud couldn't take Aerith's death so he's convinced himself that she's totally fine and that he totally saved her!
Anyways, let me ask you this. What exactly caused Sephiroth to lose in FF7? He was extremely close to achieving his goal but he made a mistake that cost him greatly.
He underestimated Cloud.
Remember back then Sephiroth wasn't NEARLY as obsessed with Cloud as he is now. He didn't really think much of Cloud apart from a puppet. But Cloud to Sephiroth wasn't any different from black robed Sephiroth clones. Yeah Cloud killed him, but he was just a lowly Infantryman.
Cloud was a pawn on the board he exploited, not his foil and his obsession.
So in the OG, once Cloud had fulfilled his purpose and gave Sephiroth the Black Materia, it makes sense that Sephiroth left Cloud to drown the Lifestream when the WEAPONS woke up. Sephiroth just threw him away like a broken toy not worth thinking about.
And that's where he went wrong.
Cloud washing up in Mideel, Tifa helping him piece together his memories, Cloud regaining his true self, these things led to Cloud being strong enough to face and kill Sephiroth. Cloud had proven himself more than a puppet and Sephiroth lost because of this arrogance.
So that's why Sephiroth in Remake and Rebirth keeps hounding Cloud and making him have way more mental breaks than he did in OG.
That's why Sephiroth wants Tifa dead too because to a lesser extent he underestimated her too. He used Tifa to break Cloud in the Northern Crater by showing the accurate memories. But he didn't expect her to piece together Cloud's mind. Tifa can help Cloud be stable therefore it would better for Sephiroth if she died.
But yeah Sephiroth is trying to break Cloud and make him be more of a puppet this time. For example, Sephiroth hijacks Cloud's 'inner Cloud' moments in Remake. Instead of being warned of the Reactor, Cloud sees a feather. Cloud talking to himself about scraping his knees falling down a great height gets interrupted by Sephiroth. And in Rebirth these 'inner Cloud' moments are not even there. The dream in Junon and us playing as kid inner Cloud as the body gives Sephiroth the Black Materia are absent.
Cloud in Rebirth starts to take some of Sephiroth's fighting stances and word for word sentences as well when he's supposed to be impersonating Zack.
(Also if you ask "Well why doesn't Sephiroth make Cloud stab himself so that Cloud can't stop him?" Remember that Sephiroth in AC goes out of his way to torment Cloud and give him Despair. If Cloud lost the fight you can bet he wouldn't of just killed Cloud. He would make Cloud watch him kill everything and everyone he cherishes because Sephiroth is petty like that. Sephiroth would make Cloud suffer forever if he could. That's why he saved Cloud's life in the swamp.)
And if you don't believe me that Sephiroth constantly harassing and messing with Cloud's head isn't making Cloud more mentally damaged, then replay/rewatch the differences in the OG and Rebirth post Temple of the Ancients. In the OG Cloud is self-aware and terrified that Sephiroth can control him and almost doesn't go after Aerith because he's scared of learning the truth of himself.
Rebirth Cloud does not do these things. He just... doesn't acknowledge what happened. When Yuffie asks how did Sephiroth get the Black Materia if he didn't beat up Cloud and he just goes "Uh..." and Yuffie rambles on and Cloud just ends up agreeing that Sephiroth totally beat the hell out of him. And when Tifa asked Cloud to let her know if he starts thinking weird thoughts and he asks her what she means. She gives the example of thinking she's not real and he apologises but- CLOUD YOU JUST WENT THROUGH A DEGRADING AND AWFUL EXPERIENCE OF SEPHIROTH MAKING YOU A PATHETIC PUPPET DESPERATE FOR THE BLACK MATERIA! HOW DO YOU NOT THINK 'Oh hey maybe that counts as weird thoughts'.
Which all results in Cloud blocking out that Aerith is dead because Cloud's now more insane.
Sephiroth has his claws deep in Cloud's brain.
But what is this all leading up to?
Here's where I go into pure theory and speculation.
At the Northern Crater, Sephiroth will not only show the truth of Nibelheim, but also Aerith's death and shatter Cloud's mind.
Sephiroth isn't going to let Cloud be washed away and he isn't going to let Tifa fix his brain. He's going keep his puppet with him. Sephiroth will put up that barrier around the Crater to defend himself from the WEAPONS and Shin-ra, and make sure Cloud's on the other side of barrier this time.
So when the barrier and the party goes in to fight Sephiroth, they will be forced to fight Puppet Cloud.
I call this 'The Puppet Cloud Boss Fight Theory' btw.
But yeah they will be forced to fight their mind broken friend. (Bonus points if Cloud's theme plays as a boss fight remix. Also bonus bonus points if Cloud at one stage of the fight gets a bat wing on his left KH Style.)
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The fight will end with Cloud being pushed into the Lifestream (by Tifa probably to mirror Clpud doing that in Rebirth) and then Cloud washes up in Mideel all make poisoned.
Maybe instead of that WEAPON attacking Mideel it's Sephiroth trying to stop history from repeating. OOO or maybe Sephiroth fights that WEAPON!
But either way Tifa and Cloud end up in the Lifestream.
Maybe one of the reasons Zack is here from another world or whatever is because the damage to Cloud's psyche is too much now for just Tifa to fix alone and Zack and Tifa go through a buddy road trip through Cloud's mind. Or maybe Zack will being having a boss fight with Sephiroth in the background to stop him from interfering.
And that's the theory! Maybe later I will figure out how the empty materia is involved or all the wacky worlds stuff. But that's my theory for now.
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nix-moon · 16 days
✮⋆˙✮ V𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔫'𝔰 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔫 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥 ✮⋆˙✮
(𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙)
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I'll start by saying that this is my personal analysis based on nothing more than my own experience watching "The Dragon Prince". Anyway, long text ahead!
•°•°•°•°• ☆ °•°•°•°•°• ☆ °•°•°•°•°•
I really like how Viren's story was built throughout The Dragon Prince/Mystery of Aaravos. I enjoy villain narratives that bring some elements which, in my opinion, give the character development a little bit more of a "real humanity" you know?
Like for example, a character that makes mistakes, regrets them, and then go and do something totally apposed to their beliefs, take hypocritical actions, such as humans do all the time! I love when the idea of a perfect character falls apart, showing contradiction.
I think TDP brings that to the table all the time buuut talking about Viren I think it makes total sense that he used dark magic again after giving it up on previous seasons, exactly because of contradiction in actions, because things change and so does the circumstances and his whole beliefs/regrets.
Another thing, and this might be totally MY gone-too-far analysis, I feel like there's a lot of attention to detail and symbolism in Viren's relation with dark magic, which is basically, you know, the main "element" that makes him a villain somehow. Whether this was on purpose or not, I'd like to point out some of my observations towards this:
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Dark Magic and Viren's ascension and fall ᯓ★
Viren's plot started and ended with dark magic. As his "villain era" started when he used it to cure Soren, as shown on season 6, he also died from its use. TWICE if you think about it, because the turning of events in previous seasons were mostly led, in my opinion, by the fact that Viren, being someone very ambitious (thinking that he would to anything to get what he wants, either the cure of his son or power) found in dark magic the instrument he needed to materialize his desires.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃⋆ Someone who was served, someone who claims to be a server ᯓ★
Before dying, king Harrow "humbled" Viren by pointing out his place as a servent of Katolis, which wasn't taken so seriously by the High Mage at that time. In my opinion, we was already taken by the idea of getting almost everything he wanted from dark magic, or, being served, since magic creatures were literally serving to his purposes. As his journey continues in the "after-resurrection" times and he starts to be more reflexive, he comes to a point where he, himself, goes back to the place he sort of turned his back to (Katolis) claiming not mercy, not forgiveness, but that he is a servent of that kingdom. ~CHILLS~. This is one of my favorite moments by far! It shows to me a true redemption, where the character isn't looking to a scenario of "feeling better" about the things he did and regretted, he is actually assuming the weight of his mistakes and willing to pay the price.
I understand that people wanted some sort of reconciliation between him and Soren, or some kind of gathering with Claudia, but I like the way things went in the story by far. I'm glad Soren didn't get that letter, because to me it brought even more real-life aspects to the narrative: where you may not be ready to say some things and back up, where there's angst, where forgiveness is so hard to achieve when someone you love takes a path that hurts you so bad! Soren goes to see Viren on the dungeons, and then doesn't want it anymore, he is fighting contradictions of feelings he doesn't even know how to name - is there something more human than that? Being confused and wanting to do AND not do something at the same time?
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ The heart: corruption and salvation ᯓ★
The last topic leads me to this one: the heart. During the series, we constantly see the narrative of the "corruption by dark magic", the "it will consume you inside", and at some point the heart is used as the main corrupted "element", let's say, which is already symbolic enough for me to think about. BUT WAIT!
Not only Viren was corrupted by dark magic, which means his heart was taken, but it was his heart that "saved" Katolis. That old heart, broken by the idea of losing his child, broken by his wife reaction to his use of dark magic, and then consumed by it, stopped by it more than once, who was used in a spell made not anymore by the High Mage Viren, but by the humbled servent of the kingdom.
And more: Soren wanted him to take his heart. In his place, Viren decided to take his own, even though he had to use dark magic again, even if he would die doing it.
This is why it makes sense to me he did it again. This time, he wasn't doing it for him, he was doing it for his son, like he did before. In the beginning, he used dark magic to save his son, and in his last moments, he did it for his son once again, and the way this was so beautifully built trough the narrative makes me actually feel butterflies in my stomach and scream cry throw up.
I love this FUCKING show so much.
That was my super-freaky-super-long analysis of a fictional character. If you read all of this... Go get a life. JK, I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think! ᯓ★
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shadow4-1 · 4 months
Hi lovely. I was wondering if your funeral director story based off of you or someone you know? I was just curious since you state that it's based off of a true story in the beginning and was wondering if it's from the story of a director or the story of someone, who in the military, went through that.
Completely okay if you don't answer this, I fully respect your choice of privacy.
Hi, so here's a lil' backstory about me. I'm actually a funeral director/embalmer in training!
I'm about to graduate with my degree in 3 days. I've been under the tutelage of a trio of FDs/Embalmers who have each been in the industry for 30 years plus! The events I've written about (or may write about) haven't happened explicitly to me but to my teachers. I've had a few...interesting run ins with families though! So I can guarantee most of what I pull from is fact! (In the case of the most recent fic, yes that happened to one of my teachers. She told me about how she had to hold a veteran as he cried at the signt of his only son's urn who'd died in Iraq. Sad story, but real unfortunately.)
As for my other fics labeled with the "based on a true story" they are also pulled from my actual life (ie. something I've experienced or seen) or something an older family member/friend has told to me. (I don't usually disclose the actual story I've based my writings on unless someone asks 'cause I don't really know how to format it within my posts without it being immersion breaking.)
I'm 24 and almost all of my coworkers (I work at both a funeral home and a quilt shop part time) are 60 years older and above. I've asked them if it's okay to share their stories or write about their experiences. Their answers are always a resounding yes!
You'd be surprised how much knowledge (first hand accounts, etc) the older generation is willing to pass down if you're willing to listen!
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justanotherblogger · 8 months
I am still reeling from the final episode, and I am currently just thinking about Alastor and all his little ticks and phrases that could mean so much more.
So let's get started on some of my favorites!
Obvious spoilers ahead
Alastors fight with Adam. The biggest thing in the episode for Alastor. He seemed to be cocky and treat it as one of his regular murders during the day, not taking him that seriously.
He seemed to have overestimated himself in his abilities against the angelic army leader, and in consequence had his staff broken in half and in his shock at that, left himself wide open for another attack.
Why was he so cocky? He seemed to be so sure of himself against Adam, and so sure he could at least get a few good hits in.
I think this was because he used to something more powerful before his deal with whoever owns his soul now. He just fell back into muscle memory from before he lost most of his strength, thinking he could beat Adam without an angelic weapon, and was surprised that he couldn't hold up to levels of power he could've dealt with before he lost his own.
Like when he was shocked his staff got snapped in half by Adams shockwave. Could it take hits like that before? Has he fought Adam like that before? Is the reason he fell back into muscle memory because he hasn't had this level of threat since his fall/maybe the start of his 7 year absence or because this is how their fights used to go?
He also talked about how powerful a mortal soul could get if it took control of its own fate. This could be a reference to Charlie and the others fighting the extermination, or it could be about himself. If so, what did he choose to get this way? Was this a reference to his deal? Or maybe about his origins to get to where he is now?
Then when he did get hurt in the fight, he looked panicked and fled the scene. He didn't expect to get seriously hurt, at least that quickly from Adam, for whatever reason. Like he didn't expect something like this to happen, or he's just realizing how weak he's gotten since his last major scuffle.
Now, in the radio tower scene. He's seen having a sort of mental breakdown. How he almost died a 'pathetic' death defending the hotel and everyone in it. He seems very distraught at how he almost died.
I did see someone analyze this as Alastors fear of death, and I agree partially with that. Alastor did seem to be caught up in almost dieing to Adam. But I don't think it was because he was about to die in general, but because he would die like that.
We saw how he mocked it in the "Alastor Altruist died for his friends." in his snipbit. I think it was about how he's realizing his situation in full now. What he's been forced into is taking more of an effect than he thought it would at the hotel, as he ranted about a possible back door in the deal that tied him to the hotel and took his power.
This makes me think that Alastors true power has been (hazbin, hehe) taken or suppressed by the deal maker, with them owning his soul, and he's not used to being this weak against slightly stronger opponents, as he definitely has battle experience based on his fighting style with Adam.
Now, for who owns Alastors soul, there are 3 that I've been interested in from different posts on here and actual show hints.
Additionally, his mouth was totally stitched up in his demonic form when making the deal with Charlie. Maybe this was so he is forced to keep his smiling persona up at all times, and maybe to keep him from spilling anything about the deal or where he was for the last 7 years.
Anyways, first off is obviously Lilith. As I have explained in my previous ramble, Lilith probably took Alastor in from a lethal experience, either manipulating or threatening him to join her deal.
I think a plausible reason for this now is to look after Charlie and her hotel. She's currently in heaven, and had a deal with Lute or the angel army about the extermination. She most likely can't leave, which is why she's been gone for the past 7 years with no contact in hell.
She probably chose Alastor because of his reputation and power, but limited it so he couldn't do any lasting damage to the hotel or daughter just in case, since he can theoretically hurt angels.
The second popular option is Eve, or Roo, as everyone's calling her. She was the root of all evil and was a big villain in Vivs' previous work that Hazbin Hotel was based on.
We haven't seen her yet, other than the storybook appearance in the first episode. We don't have much info about her, so I can't really draw any parallels just yet between her and Alastor.
The last one is a bit of a stretch, and I didn't think of this until I saw another post about him: Lucifer
I could see where this would go, to be honest. We see his beef with Lucifer immediately during episode 5, and how Alastor takes any opportunity ro rile him up.
Lucifer could've made a deal with Alastor during his depression funk, causing him to not exactly remember Alastor in good detail with all the other deals he probably made during that time.
Alastor most likely resents him for what his deal did to him if Lucifer was the deal maker, trapping Alastor at the hotel to protect Charlie, and Lucifer just doesn't remember crap from that time and is very confused.
This one is the least likely out of the rest and kind of crack-ish, but was kinda fun to entertain and make a bit of sense on.
These are the theories I have so far on Alastor in Hazbin Hotel from the final episodes. I love this guy's lore, and I am desperate for more about his origins and powers.
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Idk if you still write for Danganronpa, but i have a idea
What about Yandere remnants of despair with a darling that they thought that died, like after they got brainwashed darling went missing, but after some time they discover that they actually are alive and now works for the future foundation!
Bonus: They are now dating another member of the future foundation and darling is/acts like Tsumugi Shirogane(without the despair and mastermind thing, so darling is just a silly little person who cosplays and is the ultimate former cosplayer! You can ignore this part!)
Thanks for reading! Really, thank you so much! <333
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Found Again | Yandere Danganronpa
Since your class had turned to the remnants of despair the best thing you could do was pretend. Playing the part of a fellow brain-washed remnant before you could slip away to instead aid the future foundation. Now move on with your life it’s a shame that you seemed to be a poignant point in their fall to despair and now that they know you’re alive things are going to change:
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Sonia Nevermind
“What's this…how could you….how dare you take my sunshine?!”
Released from the brainwashing of the Ultimate Despair and returned to normal
During the rescue of those in future foundation finding you walking around and directing others
It’s horrifying because you are hers
So why do you have a ring on your finger
A small stupid ring that isn’t half the size of what she would have given you
She might take advantage of the chaos to convince you to come with her
Surely you wouldn’t mind helping her acclimate to a proper and hopeful life
Whoever gave you this useless ring shouldn’t need you
“Come on (Y/n)I Don’t you remember?! You are my sunshine! I need you to be good!”
Should she find out while still in the throes of despair, it’s a little bit of the same
“So my loyal subjects your king has been abducted and brainwashed by those unhopeful rats! Come my subjects! On my order burn down the future foundation and retrieve my King!”
As a princess turned Queen having the whole kingdom behind her in her rule of despair is incredibly helpful
Immediately informing the moles that lure you from your partner and subdue you
Bringing you to her kingdom in Novoselic
“There my King is in their rightful place….NOW~SHALL WE PRACTICE THE PUNISHMENT OF YOUR ABDUCTERS!?”
She’s still a remnant of despair 
Remnant of despair who delighted and yearned when she found evidence of your death
A remnant of despair who continues to swoon at the way your face morphs into fear
“There~ that is a face I will torture for to fill this Queen with despair.” 
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Nagito Komaeda
“Ah~To think my one true hope would be alive!”
He’s so so so happy you are even alive
He remembers the despair he was thrilling himself with and your supposed death definitely added to that
So him being able to experience this blossom of hope when in the process of saying so
He’s ecstatic 
Actually he abandons helping the future foundation to devise a plan—based on his luck—to get you on the ship with the rest of his class
He knows with his luck he’ll be able to pull it off
Though he’s certain there will be a death somewhere
But as long as it's not you, he doesn’t care 
Your back~and you’ll be his again
As a remnant of despair through his eagerness to have you knows no bounds
He almost doesn’t believe it
He doesn’t believe it
“I’ll believe it when I feel the despair of finding their body.”
It’s too hard to fool him
Likely you never did 
Him being constantly on the hunt to see your despair as he breaks your legs and does whatever he can to keep you in the pits of despair
And right by his side
He so dearly made his dear Junko a part of him is it insane he’d want to do the same
“My Despair! I’ve found you!” 
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Gundham Tanaka
“My Divas, please aid me in apprehending our fallen star!”
It’s fate that he should find you again
That he should have you again+
It was devastating waking up to find after his execution that he wasn’t reunited with you
But now he has
“Will you please just help the founders? I’m not your ‘star’ anymore.”
“How could you not be? Now that I’ve seen you, you’re burning so beautifully!”
“I’ve…found someone else Gundham.”
“....I see.”
He’ll understand liar
He’ll get back on his ship and leave you behind an act
He’ll let you live out your life alongside someone new wrong
The minute you’re around any large wildlife or swarm it’s over
They’ll do their dear Ultimate Breeder a fan by bringing you to him 
Switching off with others when it comes to water or islands
Eventually plopping you on the beach where he happily welcomes you
Commending their loyalty, he claims they did this without his judgment
“Their loyalty betrays my Star’s wishes, I’m sorry.But please for our class’ safety, you’ll stay with me us.”
As for the Remnant of Despair, it’s a miracle you even made it out
The animals are so much more vigilant 
Prepared to cripple you and drag you back to his side the second you step away
He is very intense about including you in his reshaping of the world
After all who wouldn’t be eager to share in the ritualistic sacrificing of those for despair
“It is I Gundham Tanaka! And my Star and I will be the ones to usher in this glorious revelry that is disastrous despair!”
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rubyuji · 4 months
Enough for Me (Moon Junhui) 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪‧₊🪼˚‧ ✧𓍢ִִ໋˚.
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Genre: Angst, Comfort
Warnings: Heavy mentions of depression and being suicidal, gaslighting (not from Jun or the reader though), a death of a loved one being mentioned, A LOT of long dialogue and cursing.
Synopsis: No one could handle you and you seemed to be the problem because everyone had always walked out on you. Not in Jun’s case though.
Note: Reworked, I apologize for how this is all loosely based on a true story (not adding too many details as to how) but I swear none of the idols mentioned as mean friends supposedly act like this in person in the story. As always, happy reading and don’t forget to support me by liking + reblogging my works! If you’re ever in a bad place, don’t be afraid to reach out.
WC: 1.5k
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“Listen Y/n, I think it’s seriously immature of you to constantly delete your messages after you vent about something. Do you not think we care? You’re almost guilt-tripping us in a way, and it’s not like we constantly have time to respond to you, we have important things to take care of outside of our friendship,” Your friend, Jungkook, grits his teeth.
You stood still, shell-shocked at what had just come out of his mouth. Throughout the times you needed your friends most, they were never there for you, and now that your grandmother died they decide to drop a bomb on you? It hadn’t even been a day since she had passed.
“Jungkook, I don’t want to argue with you so as an explanation, I don’t delete my messages as a form of guilt-tripping. It just hurts my head and clogs my brain to see them in our group chat. Seeing how no replies with it just being there makes me feel even worse like I’m bringing the mood down, so I delete them because I also consider how you guys would feel,” you reply quietly, completely avoiding eye contact with everyone else as you play with your hands nervously.
“Honestly Y/n, we’re not the best at comforting but we can always listen to you. You just make it seem as though we could care less,” Nana says harshly.
Why were they doing this to you? You had a lot going through your mind and things were slowly escalating into an argument, but you were cornered, it was just you against everyone else it seemed.
“Y/n, we care about you ok? I don’t want you talking about killing yourself or that suicidal shit because I care about you. God, stop acting like a depressed piece of shit,” Jungkook continued to press on.
“I always consider how you guys would feel because I get you’re always so busy with class, but do I beg for you guys to listen? No, because I always put you all before me! Just let me be selfish for once. I do not wish for you guys to experience the pain I’m feeling,” You blew up but immediately kept yourself grounded by slouching beside Eunwoo on the couch.
“Guys, can you give Y/n a break? Fucks sake, someone in her family just DIED and there is still school to think about. Do you not realize that losing a close loved one is a lot to take in? Leave Y/n alone and let things work on their own because there can only be so much on someone’s plate,” Eunwoo sighed, clearly agitated at how your friends were acting like complete idiots by arguing with you at the worst possible moment.
“Y/n, you’ve always been the same, you wanna die right now? Fine, and you can have all the space you want, I don’t fucking care. At least come back when you’re mentally stable and respond normally will you?” You remained silent as everyone stared you down. If looks could kill, you’d be shot from every direction.
You were so close to breaking down that you simply ran out of the apartment and didn’t look back once.
You were grateful that at least Eunwoo cared but right now you needed to find solace in someone else who cared about how you felt about all this rather than how they felt. That’s when your feet led you to the apartment below yours, it was Jun’s.
You bring your hand to knock on the door, but it swings open before you can even land your knuckles on the wood to make the sound. Were you that loud?
On the other side stood a worried-looking Jun, the man immediately rushing you inside and leading you to his couch where he held you in a tight embrace.
That was the last thing you needed before you cracked, and suddenly all the tears you held in are streaming down your face.
“What happened? I heard about your grandmother and went to check on you but you were with your friends so I came back, thinking they were comforting you. Yet you’re here crying?” Jun was confused.
He heard your friends through the apartment door talking to you, deciding to come back once they were gone, but you beat him to it after he heard the pattering of feet down the hall.
You wipe your tears and smile off the intense pain you were feeling, disregarding it as nothing when you were really at your full capacity with everything going on.
You had a lot to think about, your family, how you were going to cope with everything. It was all too much, everything happening in less than a day.
“Jun, they were just agitated with me because I acted immaturely. I’ll spare you the details for now, but I deleted my vent messages in our group chat, they got mad and I gave them an explanation but then they go and gaslight me, which is all too much to handle,” You blabbered while Jun listened intently.
“Y/n, why would you let this happen? I remember you mentioning their lack of response towards you and how you never complained once, but then they go and do this. You don’t deserve any of the pain they caused,” he replies in a whisper, before bringing you into another hug that you desperately needed.
“It’s a lot, Jungkook told me to stop acting like a depressed piece of shit, immediately bringing up my past of being suicidal, then Nana acts like she did so much for me when they were never there. At least Eunwoo cared,” you muttered the last part to yourself, but Jun caught it and chuckled.
“Well, of course, he’s Eunwoo. Not a man of many words but always has the right ones when needed, I’m glad he stood up for you,” Jun then got up and handed you a blanket he found on the loveseat in his living room.
He hands you the blanket and you take it with a grateful smile. You’ve been through a lot today, and having someone finally care about you made you feel comfortable to be a bit vulnerable for even just a moment. Jun just felt like home to you.
“Y/n, they were shit friends towards you ok? They’re just mad because they’ve finally realized their mistakes and now that you’re putting yourself first, they think you’re being selfish,” he poked your cheek and you almost laughed through your tears, before Jun continued to speak.
“Listen, you are the most selfless person I know, you care so much about everyone else that you’ve reached a point where you pleased them too much, that now you can’t even do the bare minimum for yourself,” You take in his words and tears stream down your face again.
Had you been too lax? You never even thought of putting yourself first in anything, always opting to make everyone happy because you thought that it was enough for you.
“Everything I do isn’t enough, there’s always a problem with me. Everyone just leaves me Jun, I’m so tired of it all,” you huff out in frustration.
Jun’s brows knit and he pulls you even closer than you thought possible, almost flustering you, but he continues to comfort you.
His heart cracked at the sight of you, you looked so tired, exhausted, and devoid of life. It hurt Jun to see you that way when you’ve been hiding it for the longest time.
“You’ve suffered enough Y/n, let everything work by itself. To me, everything you do is enough, it’s enough for me ok? You were there for me during the times I needed someone, you kept me sane and comforted me even when you weren’t doing well by yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over something that isn’t your fault,” You nod and wipe your tears.
You knew what he meant. Jun had it just as hard as you are having it now, and you made sure he knew he was heard and had a shoulder to cry on.
It wasn’t just him either, you always made way to listen to everyone and tried your best to comfort them in any way you could.
“You know, you always make everyone feel heard, you’re just an amazing person, Y/n. Don’t ever think one bit that you aren’t enough when you would do so much more for everyone, and I’m glad you come to us because we do more than what those other friends of yours could,” Jun stared at the photo of you, along with his other friends on the wall.
Since your friends were never available, you felt happy to reach out to Jun and his other friends, Wonwoo, Soonyoung, Jihoon, and Minghao, when you needed a listening ear.
They all made you feel safe and secure during the times you had to stay strong for your grandmother, and even if they weren’t the best at comforting sometimes, they still tried, way more than anyone could bring themselves to.
“Thank you Jun, I feel much better now, even for a moment. Can we watch a movie or something with the other guys? I wanna get my mind off things for a while,” You ask softly.
Your eyes were still glassed over but your tears already dried. Jun nods at your request and immediately runs to order food and call the others.
Honestly, you couldn’t ask for anything better, because even if life is shitty, you get stronger and the pain is only temporary.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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ace-touya · 1 year
Touya Todoroki has BPD.
The scene where he cries to Natsuo looks like what is called ‘splitting’ in borderline personality disorder. Splitting is a defence mechanism against the heightened fear of abandonment that borderlines have. Due to black and white thinking, people with borderline personality disorder are very sensitive to rejection - whether it is real or perceived.
When Natsuo expresses that he’d rather Touya ‘bother Fuyumi’, Touya sees this as Natsuo hating him, seeing him as a burden, and wanting nothing to do with him. In truth, Natsuo is just a child who wants to sleep (I will come for anyone who calls him a bad brother).
Borderline relationships are based on idolisation and devaluing - we either see people as completely good and perfect, or as terrible and evil. These switches in views can be rapid and don’t always have an obvious trigger, or logical reasoning. I believe that for Touya, this is most obvious with how he behaves around Enji. I think as a child, he split on Enji a lot, which is why he flip-flopped between hating him and wanting his attention.
Adding to this, it’s likely that Enji was Touya’s favourite person growing up. In borderline personality disorder, a favourite person is someone who the borderline idealises, is strongly dependent on, and constantly seeks approval from, feeling emotionally distressed without their validation. All borderline relationships are intense and unstable, but FPs even more so. There’s a lot more to it, but that’s the very basic gist, and if it doesn’t scream Touya, then I don’t know what does.
Another symptom of BPD that he clearly has is emotional dysregulation. As a child, we See Touya crying whenever he feels strong emotions (happiness, fear, anger) and this is almost all the time. As an adult, Dabi still can’t regulate his emotions, is prone to emotional outbursts, and grins when he’s grieving. Dabi as an adult also presents with an emotional numbness most of the time, which is common for people with BPD.
Furthermore, people with borderline personality disorder also have an unclear or shifting self image. This means that they may not know who they are in any meaningful way, or their view of themselves may change drastically. Both of these are true for Touya. Dabi said “as a kid I didn’t know why I existed” in the dub, and I don’t know if that is the direct translation from the sub but I’ll use it as evidence anyway. [manga spoilers: “Touya has died, Dabi is born” is an example of shifting self image]
BPD usually develops in childhood as a result of trauma. The neglect that Touya faced as a child definitely makes sense as a cause for the fear of abandonment, lack of emotional control, and unstable attachments that Touya experiences throughout his life.
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dammarchy211 · 1 year
It isn’t true!
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I am not the ghost!
Without a soul!
come! Listen to my heart!
You here it beat…
(Preface for pronouns, Dart is transfem)
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Introduction of both this au’s villains, and more Dart lore! This is for the au we’re Raz is 20 btw.
Firstly, Agatha was working on her reanimated dead in secret, her company makes toxin based weapons basically but they're still not Really doing anything illegal that people know about. The reason people started finding out is that she was dumping "unsuccessful" ones out of the drainage pipes in her factory and they began walking around and terrorizing people. Lili, Raz, Dogen, n Kitty were sent to the city her company's in (dubiously New York City) to sleuth out what was going on! They don't immediately figure out it's her, Dex gets wrapped up into it because of the zombies using C.R.I.M.E. tech. Agatha tried to be super friendly n sponsoring the psychonauts agents at first in order to lead them in the wrong direction ! Kinda a mix between Syndrome and Mirage from the Incredibles plot wise.
She eventually reanimates Dante, but noott very well. All of Agatha's zombies r basically puppeted around by mechanical parts and some psychic tech. Dante is only conscious after she reanimates him too bc he had his brain stored when he died! Agatha's reanimated dead are also reanimated a while after death, whereas Dart was reanimated almost immediately so Dante is practically falling apart compared to her. Dante is definitely not the main villain, and Really does care about Dart, especially since he went through so much effort to keep her alive after he died, but Agatha reanimates him so they can rediscover that same method that worked with dart. Which might become a conflict of interest between Agatha n Dante in the future.
When Dante was alive, he did actually Try to parent Dart, but so much of his time was iust devoted to his experiments and work and cult stuff and holing himself up in his office that they were distant regardless. I mean Dart was kind of just an experiment that he didn't even think would work and he got attached too- there were a good 3 or so years that Dante was sick and dying (probably harmful material exposure let's be honest) and they just Didn't talk about it. They both knew but they didn't discuss stuff like that. I mean they had heart to hearts sometimes but the last time Dart really saw him before he died was kinda 'you're dying and we both know it'. Even when Dante was alive, Dart was really trying to run away from anything ‘supernatural’ or ‘weird’ or dangerous and just live a normal life. That’s kind of why she started going to whispering rock, but after the brain snatching incident she just hid in the outhouse the whole time and then stopped going after.
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lightyaoigami · 3 months
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welcome to my long promised grief media master post! my credentials: card carrying member of the dead dads club. i chose the books, tv, and movies based on vibes alone and i was guided by divine vision. possible spoilers below the cut.
Catcher in the Rye
I was only thirteen, and they were going to have me psychoanalyzed and all, because I broke all the windows in the garage. I don’t blame them. I really don’t. I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. It was a very stupid thing to do, I’ll admit, but I hardly didn’t even know I was doing it and you didn’t know Allie.
The Goldfinch
And what would I do? Part of me was immobile, stunned with despair, like those rats that lose hope in laboratory experiments and lie down in the maze to starve. I tried to pull my thoughts together. For a while, it had almost seemed that if I sat still enough, and waited, things might straighten themselves out somehow. Objects in the apartment wobbled with my fatigue: halos shimmered around the table lamp; the stripe of the wallpaper seemed to vibrate.
Hard Boiled and Hard Luck
Sometimes you go back again to the place you’ve just come from, stop and close your eyes, and realize that not a second has passed, and time just leaves you there, stranded, in the darkness.
The Fellowship of the Ring
I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.
The Stranger
 At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it. 
Life of Pi
I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart.
TV Shows
the grief and loss show of all time. 10/10. don't look it up just watch.
i like this show because it depicts someone whose life just sucks after their dad dies. like she just becomes a worse person with a more unhappy life. real!
Never Have I Ever
people hate this show because the main character is a nasty little pill but i hate to tell you that that is literally what happens when you lose a loved one unexpectedly and traumatically. sorry.
Eternal Sunshine
captures the surreal nature of forgetting someone you love(d) and knowing exactly what's happening despite being powerless to stop it.
truly beautiful and moving film about the utter listlessness of life after loss. if you have ever felt unmoored, this movie is for you. one of the most beautiful soundtracks ever, too.
The Farewell
people were weird about this movie but the final scene where billie is being driven away from her nainai's house is one of the realest things i can remember seeing in a recent movie.
Disco Elysium
just play it. don't look anything up about it just play it immediately.
Life is Strange
people found the dialogue in this stilted but this scene (spoilers) is so true to life especially for the early 2010s.
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for unknown reasons this panel of calvin mourning a raccoon that he found is the ultimate expression of grief - the horror and resignation and dissonance are captured so well in his sunken eyes. i think about this all the time.
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rolliepollieworld · 5 months
wait.. it was about women the whole time? YUPP!!
Welcome to my Black Christmas Theory… The Foundation.
I have a lot of thoughts about Black Christmas id like to post about, but it takes a lot of preconceived notions you’d need to hear me ramble to know about. So I thought this would be a good place to start!
(p.s. it’s okay to disagree! I’m just one person with one interpretation ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶)
Black Christmas, from the house itself, down to the deaths, represents repressive womanhood and the harmful effects of patriarchy. This is most obviously represented in Jess, Barb, and the House Mother.
As a whole, a sorority is a dorm on college campuses specifically tailored to women and feminine individuals to keep costs low and create a support system. By Billy slinking around this space, carving out a place for himself and reclaiming it, He actively acts out as a metaphor for doubt and guilt in the body. He's perceived as sexual, garish, and loud, everything women in society are told not to be. He is not only unwelcome for his phone calls, but the dis-order he represents in the girls lives during a “perfect” time of year.
Many women in the movie chase or project a certain image around others. Barb is a great example of this phenomenon. She projects a rebellious independence, with her drug habits, and snaps at other women for being prudes or hussies. She can't even stand to hold a conversation with her mother. But is defined for her otherness compared to other women in the movie. She pushes others away, but still wants to be seen. She dies getting stabbed over and over, being called a name that isn't her own while her screams are drowned out by caroling. She dies the same way she carried herself in life…fundamentally alone.
This is also true for the House Mother who has to project this image of purity while in front of Clare's father. She covers up explicit imagery, and looks bashful when almost caught cussing, completely codeswitching in front of this traditional, christian man. While she is more relaxed in front of the other girls, she also hides her serious alcohol problem, sneaking a sip whenever possible. She is hooked in the chest in the attic, her body remaining with the other forgotten and unfamiliar items.
While this is less obvious for characters like Jess or Phyllis, it still remains that all of them have a portion of themselves that they'd rather not have apart from them. It's only with Jess’ pregnancy that she is able to accept it and overcome it. By standing up to Peter, A quite literal representation of mainstream patriarchal views and lack of respect for feminine autonomy, based on this theory. This isn't without a fight of course.
The women in this movie are simply people, while not all, many are forced to perform femininity in a way that isn't true to themselves to uphold the patriarchy. They judge while being a reflection of themselves. To me, that's what makes Black Christmas not only a deep narrative, but a feminist movie. All characters have a part of themselves that they have to hide or hate, a direct metaphor for Billys presents inside the house itself, as well as the greater social commentary of performing femininity that a lot of women have to go through.
Understanding this theory is the main foundation for a lot of my other thoughts about Black Christmas, including but not limited to: The sorority house being Billy's childhood home, the intentional use of eye contact and clothing in the film, and how Billy can represent the lesbian experience. But that's just a theory, a Black Christmas theory.
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