#baseball player!joel
kedsandtubesocks · 3 months
game changer
MLB pitcher!Joel Miller x F!Reader
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summary: back from your first semester of grad school your parents lovingly drag you out to celebrate with an old family friend - but what unfolds there (and after) cracks you wide open
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI, no outbreak/modern AU & Joel has both his daughters, dad’s friend!Joel, unspecified age gap (reader’s age is not mentioned but is a drinking aged adult & Joel is in his early 50’s), light use of gendered language, yearning & flirting, some light angst, brief alcohol consumption, masturbation (f), smutty thoughts, heavy makeout, spicy themes, allusions to smut (p in v), Joel’s dirty talk, one use of “good girl,” one light ass smack, reserved but soft!Joel, start of secret relationship, lots of baseball talk
word count: 9.1k (I’m sorry)
a/n: i know, i know another non-typical AU for Joel but I blame my sports girlie heart & baseball season so here we are lol big thank you to @swiftispunk for always putting up with my sports ramblings LMAO im so sorry Han ily, special thanks to @burntheedges @undercoverpena @tightjeansjavi @msjarvis because this truly wouldn’t be here without y’all - you don’t know how much you babes mean to me & I can’t thank y’all enough…now to you, if you’re reading this too I also can’t thank you enough ♡
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You barely have any solid memories of Joel Miller, even if he was your dad’s oldest friend. And if you were being honest, you remember his brother Tommy more who smiled so warmly and seemed to radiate warmth.
Now you stand before Joel Miller’s face on the side of the Globe Life field along with the rest of the Texas Rangers professional baseball team.
It’s a cool evening in Arlington. Everyone seems to bask in the weather that feels perfect for a night of baseball.
Home from your first grad school semester, you didn’t think you’d be going to a game. But your parents explained how good the tickets were, and that even if you didn’t care about the game, you could just enjoy the stadium. So with the promise of free food and a nice night out, you were sold.
Now you’re here.
“Yesterday Joel said to head to the side entrance, that’s where we can check in.” Your dad eagerly explains and stunned you simply follow along like a confused duckling.
The sea of jerseys sweeps you into a sports wave until you’re deposited in a new space. Your jaw almost drops.
The VIP suites sit at the very side edge of the field, and it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen.
The seats are incredible. Everything feels deluxe but comfortable. Someone calls out to your mom, and soon enough the rest of the Miller family approaches.
Tommy’s married now and his wife Maria is lovely, so is their baby. Joel’s daughters, Sarah and Ellie, are older. Time sucker punches you in the gut seeing how much time has passed, but you warmly greet everyone. You realize how long it really has been since you saw any of them.
You greet everyone warmly and appreciate all their surprised welcome seeing you back.
“Joel’s glad y’all were finally able to make it. Been talking about it since yesterday.” Tommy explains.
“Yeah us too! Just worked out that we all could come out and enjoy this with someone back home now.” You mom teases, but it’s warm.
Even though you were cities away, the new workload just kept you so busy.
You’re grateful to be here too. Even though your mind still swirls trying to grasp all of this.
You knew your dad’s friend made it big as a professional baseball player. Joel and his family left Austin to move to Arlington after he signed for the Rangers. So you rarely saw them. But with your mom’s job recently relocating here, your dad talked non stop about maybe seeing more of the games. It never really clicked that your family knew a professional sports athlete. Plus you never cared too much for sports to even look more into it.
Now as the game starts with a wild explosive and electric opening, you feel like you’ve slipped into another reality.
Then Joel’s entrance arrives, and your heart jumps out of your chest. The stadium erupts in a wild frenzy. The music for his arrival is western themed, grand and epic.
“All of this is because the league calls him Cowboy Miller.” Your dad explains.
The nickname was given to him not just because of his very southern twang, but Joel’s cold demeanor on the mound along with his wild style of pitching. All this led to him being deemed a Cowboy.
You understand why.
A serious air of power radiates from Joel while he approaches the mound.
Wearing a jersey with the number two on it, he’s older, more distinguished than the last time you remember him. Grays pepper his beard and the shadow of his baseball cap highlights the wrinkles flowing across his face.
He’s handsome, utterly gorgeous. His shoulders look broad, pure striking mountains, in his white jersey.
It’s like your mind finally registers and settles into the reality he’s a man, a full grown and incredible man.
And he really is incredible.
Even though he’s older for a pitcher, he still possesses dazzling talent. You even clap loudly when he strikes one of the batters out.
Your eyes never leave him. Joel sternly staring down the batter is terrifying. His legs look strong as he whips the ball fast to the home plate. Your eyes can’t help but flicker to his ass when he walks back to the dugout.
He’s gorgeous.
But cold reality crashes into you when your dad brightly yells. Joel is your dad’s friend, and that thought sours the bubbling feelings in your chest.
So you try focusing on the game, which actually turns out to be rather fun. The vibe of the stadium, along with the atmosphere of the game itself, is easy to melt into.
At one point someone gets a hit off Joel and he has to run to cover first. He’s surprisingly fast. Seeing him catch the ball, get the out, is so impressive and hot as fuck.
After that the Rangers switch pitchers.
As he leaves the mound, the stadium cheers at Joel’s exit. Very politely he nods, raising his hand in a quick goodbye to everyone. Then he scans the crowd.
It’s admirable seeing how he instantly finds where his family is. Joel’s roughed face melts soft with a small crooked grin hearing the applause they give him. He even spots your dad proudly cheering.
Joel’s eyes then lock with yours. Still walking towards the dugout, his face stays on you while his focus narrows in a cloudy confusion like he’s trying to recognize you.
Then his eyes go wide as realization sinks in.
You weakly grin back. It’s all you can do before Joel is fully gone from your line sight. Your heart thumps erratically within its cage.
The Rangers unfortunately lose by three. Once the game ends, you decide to swing by the merch store.
“Guess the game made you a fan huh?” You mom perks up noticing you eyeing the jerseys.
You shrug easily with an eased grin.
After this the Rangers have a five game stretch at home.
You only know because after the game you check for all things about the team, about Joel. You haven’t brought yourself to look at any videos of Joel yet. But you did discover from the team's instagram that he has one too.
Early the next morning, still lounging in bed, you scroll through Joel’s instagram page. It seems very professional, like it’s run by a social media manager primarily using it to promote Joel without being too personal.
You’re not paying attention, still a bit too focused on your phone, when a knock comes at the door.
Your face scrunches up confused. Then terror sucker punches you when you see who’s at the door.
No way.
Opening the door Joel stares at you, but this time wearing striking thick black rimmed glasses. They make him incredibly distinguished. Instead of seeming like a professional baseball player you’re reminded of a studious professor. And without a baseball cap on, you’re given sight of his soft glorious curls and the light gray streaks dancing among them.
He’s knockout beautiful.
Of course, you’re still in your mismatched lounge clothes and barely look like you’ve left bed.
He says your name, greeting you with a curt nod. You swiftly greet him with an awkward hello.
“Are you going for like a Clark Kent thing?” You blurt before you can stop yourself.
Joel’s face scrunches up as he sighs.
“Gotta take a break from my contacts s’all.” He admits with a grumpy reply.
But it’s his thick twang, the familiar southern accent - that sweeps you breathless.
“How do they even let you pitch?” You lightly tease, and
Joel rolls his eyes.
“Good to see ya too.” He rumbles, finally greeting you.
Now realizing he’s still standing in your doorway, you let him in.
Joel explains how he wanted to come by, visit your folks, catch up, and thank them for getting to stop by.
You’re the one early thanking him.
“The tickets were incredible. And you did amazing the other night.” You add sincerely.
“Oh, yeah thanks. Glad we won.” Joel nods.
“So they let you just roam around?” You ask slightly stunned still seeing him here in your family kitchen.
Joel scoffs. “Ain’t gotta be at the stadium till later.”
“So, was uh…surprised to see ya at the game.” His tone now reeks of trying to just make small talk.
Weakly you grin back explaining it was a nice change from your days on campus.
“So…back from school, huh.” That awkward thick small talk tone of his gets worse especially as he asks how’s it going and what you’re doing.
For being a talented professional pitcher, right now he simply seems like just some guy…
Just your dad’s pal.
The thought brings a strange acidic taste in your mouth.
You explain school is going good and how you’re here just visiting until the next semester starts up again.
Politely he asks what you’re going to school for. You tell him about your program, explaining all the classes you’re taking and even about the undergrad classes you help TA for.
Joel nods, quiet. You wonder if this sounds boring to a man who professionally plays baseball everyday.
“You’re damn smart.” He then whistles low, and his compliment jumpstarts your heart.
“Haven’t read a book since… shit can’t even remember when.” Joel muses.
“What? They don’t have you take baseball quizzes for pitching?” You joke, but it falls flat. Joel just gives you a dull look.
However his lips twitch faintly, like he’s fighting a grin, and it makes you grin.
“Though, I’ve heard you could maybe work on your slider pitch.” You add.
From the clips you’ve seen and the comments you’ve read, that's the one thing others have commented on, along with how unbearably handsome he is. ESPN even named him one of sports top most eligible bachelors.
“Oh?” Joel’s eyebrows rise up fast. Crossing his hands over his chest, Joel turns towards you more.
“Suddenly you’re a sports analyst now, huh?” The way his voice perks up confidently, matching your edge of playfulness, causes something to get stuck in your throat.
“Y’gonna start telling me how to pitch too? Just like your old man used to.” Joel adds still with that same tone and even chuckles.
But his words slice through you. Swallowing hard, you steel yourself tight.
Thankfully the sound of the front door unlocking arrives. Your parents are home.
“You’re fantastic, Joel. Glad I got to see it live.” You tell him earnestly looking him straight in the eye, as if to stare him down and remind him unwavering you’re a grown adult. Even if you’re in lounge shorts and holey t-shirt, you try holding your head high with as much grace as you can.
With that you head to tell your parents Joel is here then quietly slip back to your room.
Eventually your mom knocks on your door and pops her head in.
“There’s another game tonight. Wanna go?” She offers.
You decline, explaining you want to rest and catch up with a few shows you’ve been neglecting. Thankfully neither of your parents pressure you to join them.
With the house to yourself, you now search for as many videos of Joel you can.
Even slowly starting to understand baseball at a base level, you realize Joel ‘Cowboy’ Miller really is spectacular. You hear about his time playing for The University of Texas and how adored he is by his alma mater.
Then heat crawls up your chest when you see clips of him drenched in sweat, heavily breathing, or even licking his lingers to help with the ball grip.
You quickly turn the videos off before you get yourself worked up.
This has to be just a simple infatuated infestation. You simply need to try to shake it off.
The last home game the Rangers play the Minnesota Twins and Joel isn’t pitching. You again decide to sit this game out. You just have to detox yourself of Joel Miller.
Until you’re invited to a dinner cookout at his home. You thought about maybe playing sick, but with how hungry you are, you see this just as an opportunity to get a nice meal.
Your dad casually mentions Joel’s house has a pool, a nice bonus. He just forgot to mention how huge the Miller house would be.
Though gorgeously grand, it’s still surprisingly cozy. In the backyard you spot Joel at the grill and it makes your head spin. The weathered old burnt orange Texas longhorn shirt he wears looks cozy and casual, sits on him beautifully highlighting his shoulders.
You slip into the pool hoping it will cool you off. But your eyes always find Joel who now laughs with your dad.
Joel’s eyes suddenly flicker to yours, catching you staring red handed. Immediately you sink back into the water.
There’s more people here than expected and you feel a bit out of place. After drying off, you decide to head inside for a drink.
The soft Texas evening illuminates the home in a gentle glow. The music from outside floats in a soft hum making the room feel like it’s underwater.
Ellie told you the house was free for you to roam and from the quick tour she gave, you caught a glimpse of something you want to see more.
So letting yourself maybe take another peek, you walk back to the small alcove carved in the wall. It’s honestly a rather quiet achievement exhibition compared to other grand trophy rooms you’ve imagined.
There are honestly more pictures of Sarah and Ellie, along with Tommy and the rest of the Miller clan, decorating the main hallway of the house. All of it suits Joel.
His UT longhorn jersey is framed on the wall. There are a few awards clustered together, a couple of magazine covers where he looks so dashing in his uniform.
But what makes your heart float are the framed drawings of Joel with a baseball on the mound that range from adorable scribbles to a rather good pencil sketch. These had to be Ellie and Sarah’s work.
“If you’re thinkin’ about stealin’ somethin’ maybe go for the jersey. I can always get another one.”
Joel’s drawl trickles out, and you almost jump out of your skin. Turning to the side he walks to where you are. You hate how exposed you feel just being caught in his gaze and also obviously browsing in his home.
“Nah, I was hoping for a World Series ring to steal and sell but.” You shrug playful, knowing now he’s gone to the Series but never won.
Joel makes a low hissing sound like he’s injured.
“Damn, y’hit low.” He chuckles low.
You grin triumphantly.
“Don’t worry. You’ll get a ring someday.” You say simply.
“Sound sure about that.” He replies.
“Cause it’s true.” You nod. “You’re pretty great.”
Even with your limited knowledge of baseball, it’s easy to see how great he is. Joel is incredibly talented, a shining star stitched in accomplishment. Yet you can tell hasn’t let it go to his head. He’s anchored by his loved ones, and it’s admirable. You even tell him that.
“I…thanks.” He stumbles for a moment, deep dark eyes a bit cloudy as he searches your face with his voice thick and rumbled.
“What game has been your favorite?” You suddenly ask, wanting to know more about him.
His eyebrows furrow and his deep eyes glaze over a bit distant, creating a face of thought that looks adorable.
Then he nods with a soft grin remembering.
“One of the first games the girls gotta go to.” He paints a picture of seeing his daughters, sitting with their uncle Tommy, wearing too large adorable Texas Rangers jerseys.
“One of the best games I ever played.” He adds gently.
He really is a rare beauty of a man with a gilded heart of gold.
“And you? Your folks talk about ya nonstop. Tell me about grad school. And none of that simple ‘it’s good’ crap.” The quick playful mimic he does of your voice makes you laugh warm and bright.
So you tell him about your favorite moments from lecture and the fondness you have for simply embracing subjects you love so much.
Joel stares fully focused on you. You swear his eyes twinkle like stars might be sowed right in his deep earth depths.
He opens his mouth, eager to continue the conversation. Until the kitchen comes alive with more people entering inside. The bubble breaks, but electricity still brews under your skin.
The next day the Rangers have a game at Globe Life Field you go.
Even if Joel isn’t pitching, you want to experience this world he loves so much. You’re however surprised to find Joel is starting.
Your dad explains how one of the pitchers planned for today had to rest. So Joel will simply be the opener before the rest of the bullpen steps in.
Your heart doesn’t rage wildly as it did like seeing him the first time. Now you feel almost drawn to Joel. You focus on his stance on the mound, so disciplined and almost hauntingly serious.
The Arizona Diamondbacks batter hits the ball solid. It flies straight at Joel, and fear sinks its fangs into you.
Until with fast reflexes Cowboy Miller catches the ball eased. You and the stadium erupt wild.
The Rangers win one to four. On the high of the game, you head to the jerseys again in the shop.
“You should get one!” Your mom urges.
Your fingers itch, almost begging you to grab the jersey that says Miller on it. But something continues to hold you back.
On the drive back home, you now see all the great reaction clips and memes of the game. There's a particular one of Joel catching the ball that includes a great western music overlay, like he’s a hero in an old cowboy movie.
Feeling brave, you send the reel to his Instagram profile. You even add underneath the message “now you just gotta work on that slider pitch.”
You send it. Think, hell at worst the poor social media manager will see it and not even give it the time or day. He must get so many messages anyway.
When you get home, you see the message has been read.
But also, a new profile has followed you.
The profile also sent you a message.
JM_8712: ain’t nothing wrong with my slider
No way.
This can’t be who you think it is. You message back saying this possibly can’t be the real Joel Miller because he doesn’t seem like the type to even know how to send a gif.
JM_8712: think ur so funny huh
The account sends a simple gif of someone rolling their eyes.
Then another message flies in.
JM_8712: ur dad get those damn nachos he kept bitchin about with Tommy?
It feels like one of Joel’s changeup pitches knocks you out.
Because it’s really him messaging you. When you even go to double check the blank profile just to make sure, it barely follows more than twenty people and you spot Ellie and Sarah’s accounts among those profiles.
Warmth unfolds from your chest, dangerous and electric. This is Joel’s personal private account.
Unknowingly this all kicks off something you never thought would have ever started. You and Joel start talking.
The messages flow between you and him, back and forth, at first just talking about the games. Then, when the Rangers leave to travel, the messaging increases.
Joel sends you pictures of the places he travels, the food he eats, the vacant stadiums he gets to enjoy.
You devour it all with a greedy eagerness. However it dawns on you that you’re sliding down a slope too slippery to stop.
For the rest of the summer you earnestly check your messages on the app.
One evening, on a stormy delayed game against the Dodgers, your messages don’t send through. The weather is getting worse in Los Angeles.
“They’re gonna reschedule the game. Storm’s not letting up.” Your dad comments glumly.
You just hope Joel is alright.
Instagram finally alerts you of a message and your heart jumps.
JM_8712: sorry connections shit
Then he simply sends you his phone number.
You wonder if you’re seeing things.
Trying to keep calm you text the number a simple message asking if he’s alright.
When your text alert chimes, it rattles your brain.
Yeah im good thanks
Then another message follows. It’s a photo from the locker, bags packed like he’s ready to leave.
Looks like room service for tonight
It’s Joel. You’re texting Joel right now.
It feels like a step deeper into a current you never want to leave.
Texting seems to shift the energy between you and him, a transmutation you never could have imagined.
You text Joel good morning and he tells you good night. You and him bond over a love of music. He’s got incredible taste while also complimenting yours. You stay up late on game days when pitched and now feel your throat dry up knowing you’re getting to know the man on the mound.
The desire brewing more for Joel mixes with the summer heat and melts the days away. Soon enough summer dwindles away, and your new semester approaches.
The drive back to your apartment is a good couple of hours. Funny enough Joel is also traveling today for a game. Stopping for gas midway, your phone goes off.
You think at first it must be one of your parents.
But instead it’s Joel.
You scramble to answer.
“Hey,” his voice sounds incredibly richer and deep on the phone.
“Y’doin’ alright?” Joel asks hesitant.
That catches you off guard.
“Oh yeah, just finished putting in gas actually. Why, what’s up?” You relax more into the conversation now curious to why he called asking that.
Joel sighs.
“Sorry I just…your last text uh, it just got me worried.”
Now you’re really curious about what you texted him. It had been half an incomplete response you sent. Even from your side it seemed abrupted and strange.
Sighing, you apologize that you didn’t even realize you had done that. In the rush of wanting to get out on the road you must have just sent the text.
But it suddenly hits you. Joel called because he was worried. That thought rips into you with a ferocious rawness.
“Okay yeah,” Joel says a bit clumsily. “I’ll…let you go.”
“No, it’s okay.” You quickly reassure him. “How’s the traveling going?”
“Good, just finished rewatching one of the inflight movies.”
“Please tell me it was Field of Dreams.” You tease him with the iconic baseball film as you head back on the road. Just now with Joel on the phone.
On speaker, Joel scoffs echoing in your car all around you. You realize this might be a bad decision trying to stay focused driving while also talking to him.
“Funny.” His thick drawl is dry but so softly teasing just below the surface.
“Was some new movie Sarah told me to watch but…fell asleep.” Joel admits low.
Thinking of him asleep on the plane clutches at something warm and deep in you.
Yes you can admit how badly you want Joel, how you picture what his calloused fingers would feel like on you, in you. But you also are finding yourself aching for more now…
Like falling asleep beside him while watching a movie, or sharing a meal with him and teasing him over his dry sense of humor.
It’s dangerous falling deeper like this.
Especially now in a blink you realize you’ve been talking to Joel this entire drive to your apartment.
“Shit sorry.” He realizes it when he sees the time. “Y’should’ve told me to fuck off. Don’t gotta waste your time talkin’ to some old ass like me.”
He rarely comments on his age, and his words sink hard into your gut.
“Trust me… I’m glad I get to talk to you.” You truthfully tell him.
“You’re the one who probably has better things to do than talk to me.” You add slightly dejected. The words even sting your lips.
“Like watching Field of Dreams.” You quickly add some light humor trying to dispel your heartache leaking in.
Joel snorts.
“Definitely would rather chat with you than watch that.” Joel mutters, but his world electrifies your skin.
“I’m flattered knowing I can beat Kevin Costner.” You joke. When he snorts amused, warmth fills you to the brim.
Someone in the distance calls out to Joel, and you know your time with him is limited. It’s confirmed when he sighs.
“Gonna be landing soon. Ya make it to your place okay?” He asks.
“I did, thank you. And thanks for keeping me company on the drive.” You smile to yourself.
“Don’t mention it. Uh, glad you made it back safe.” Joel replies and his words make you melt.
You say his name quick.
“Can you just… Text me when you make it to the hotel?” Just to know he’s safe. It’s simple, but it feels as if the words weigh a ton.
A moment passes.
“Yeah, will do.” Joel agrees.
He doesn’t text you. Instead Joel calls you when he gets to the hotel.
“Saw a full on fuckin’ fight at the airport when we landed.” Joel rambles immediately, and you learn how much of a secret gossip he is. While Joel breaks down all the details of what he saw, you realize he wanted to tell you about this.
A light burst in your chest because you want to tell Joel everything too.
And when your next semester starts, you tell him all you can.
The texting stays but evolves into more frequent phone calls. Joel listens to you with a gruff saint’s patience. He faintly picks up the names of your professors, even the name of your roommate. At one point he even stays on the phone with you when you cook dinner.
Joel calls during the stretch of waiting at the airports, a few times after games. Sometimes he rants about his teammates, sighs about his frustrations when they lose or when he ends up not doing well on the mound.
While every inch in your body still hums for Joel, it’s steady now - like you’re slowly accepting these emotions fully into your bloodstream and part of your existence.
You adore Joel, maybe more than you want to admit.
During a rare night out with your friends from class, feeling nice in your favorite outfit, courage courses through you. After posting a few photos from your night out, you also post a rather nice selfie.
You pray Joel sees it. Then you get a bit tipsy, and it takes all your willpower not to text Joel.
But the alcohol burns in you. Once you’re back at your apartment, in the safety of your room, you pull up your favorite video.
It’s a spring training video the Rangers made of the team preparing for the upcoming season. The video ranged from showing the guys on the field practicing, to them in the weight room.
There’s a nice small segment just on Cowboy Joel Miller. Specifically he’s training with a few weights and when you first saw it, your throat got so dry.
Joel is drenched in sweat. The simple worn navy blue shirt sticks to his body, highlighting the tone of his arms and width of his shoulders. Curls wet with sweat stick to his forehead. His concentrated face is sinful.
But not as hot as the sounds he makes.
The grunts, the soft growls, the exhales he gives lifting the weights… they drench your thoughts with images of him fucking.
You’ve never done this before, never gotten off on his videos. You never wanted to fall this far.
But it’s so hard when your body feels molten, so wet hearing with his groans directly in your ears. Your fingers trail down to relieve the throbbing wet ache between your legs.
Imagining Joel’s sweaty gorgeous body pressed against yours, picturing his thicker fingers in you, getting to taste him on your tongue - you come incredibly fast.
The next morning a text and a somber guilt wait for you.
Joel of course had messaged you.
Looks like you had fun last night
So he did see your pictures. A blistering heat crawls in your throat.
But reality sinks in fast. You got off to Joel. You don’t want to feel guilty. You reason there’s probably others who have maybe done it. But it does quietly eat at you.
So much that you don’t even reply to Joel for the whole day trying to sort your mind out. He’s the one that eventually calls you.
“Y’go out on a date or somethin’?” Joel asks about the night out, and your mind sputters to a halt.
“Oh uh, no. Just went out with some friends in class.”
“Oh.” He replies quick. “Well, looked like fun.”
You agree and thank him.
“But yeah, no dates for me.” You weakly laugh.
“Yeah? Any reason why?” Joel presses.
Because you’re partially head over heels for him, but you can’t admit that yet.
“No one’s asked me recently that’s all.” You reply simply. You’ve done the dating apps, had the headache mess of ghosting and awkward dates.
Joel snorts. “Pretty thing like you? Hard to imagine.”
His words, like a change up ball that drops wildly in the air, disorient you.
“Trust me, it’s real.” You dryly reply.
“And you? You must be seeing some famous celebrity in secret huh?” You teasingly ask.
You’ve seen the ESPN clips of the beautiful reporters flirting with him, cooing at how handsome he is. He probably could snag a supermodel or other famous person.
Joel barks a hollow laugh of a thing.
“No, none of that.” He answers.
“Ain’t not time for that or…mainly…haven’t found anyone who’s got the patience for me.”
Your heart sinks.
“Wait, what do you mean?” You quietly press.
He sighs.
“M’ older, a single dad. My schedule ain’t perfect. And those that have tried to uh… pursue something haven’t always had the best intentions.”
His voice trails off somber. You wonder how many just wanted him for his money or fame.
A grim cloud seems to settle above you.
“You’re a great guy Joel, an incredible one.” You earnestly tell him. “Those who can’t see it don’t deserve you.”
“And I have to say it but…you’re a real catch.” You go for the obvious baseball pun.
Joel’s chuckle is a beautiful low gruff treasure.
“That was bad.” You can almost picture him shaking his head. “But thanks…same uh, same goes for you. You’re smart, gorgeous. Someone will come around to see you’re worth it.”
You’re drowning in his words. They feel too much.
He ends up having to quickly end the call with his manager calling, and you’re thankful for it. Because this blooming rawness in you feels like it’s getting too much, yet not enough.
Joel’s compliments are sincere. But many feelings tangle you up. It hurts, like you’re stuck in a rose bush trying to get comfortable within the thorns.
Then, the universe decides to pull you away from Joel.
Classes kick up and the workload piles on. You’re exhausted. It even gets harder to reply to Joel as swiftly as you did. You even miss a few of his phone calls and don’t even call him back.
The days blur together.
Then, one morning you find a text waiting for you.
hope you’re alright
You want to cradle that message.
When you call Joel, it’s like not a day has passed between you and him. Your heart soars hearing his voice again.
“So uh…” Joel begins cautiously, and you’ve never heard him this nervous almost. “We’ll be heading your way into town soon.”
That’s right.
Caught up in the semester you completely forgot the team would be playing the Astros soon. Excitement immediately rises in you.
“Hope ya can come out and see us. And if ya do, let me know.” Joel suggests and you swear his voice sounds shy.
The minute the conversation ends, you try checking for tickets. But they’re a pretty penny. You jokingly circle the top section, the highest nosebleeds, and text him saying he needs to try and find you from here.
He texts back immediately.
Don’t worry about the tickets. Just head to will call and let them know you’re with me. Got it covered
That might be one of the hottest things you’ve ever read.
Game day can’t approach any faster. Your parents even mention the upcoming game when you call to check up.
“You should try to go!” Your dad urges, eager.
A part of you has wondered if Joel mentioned you to your dad. You’ve kept quiet, not saying a thing about whatever this is with Joel, and you now think so did Joel.
You take a small comfort in that.
When game day does arrive, you head to Minute Maid Park alone. Your closest friend and classmate couldn’t make it, and neither could your roommate. But for some reason, you’re slightly okay with being here by yourself.
At the ticket window, you nervously say that you’re here for Joel. Like if nothing they verify your name, and with an ease slide tickets your way.
Not just any tickets, but seats right by the Rangers dugout.
Still stunned, but now slightly lost, you can’t help but feel stranded in the stadium.
“You okay, sweetie?” A lovely voice comes and when you turn, you find a sweet older motherly woman. She wears a Texas Rangers jersey and another younger woman stands besides her in the same jersey. They both stare at you concerned.
“You lost?” The younger woman asks sympathetically.
It must be that obvious. The motherly older woman politely asks to check your tickets to point you in the right direction. She perks up.
“Aw look at that! You’re sitting close to us! Come on, we’ll show ya around!” She beams warmly.
“Wait, are you sure?” You ask worried.
“Oh of course,” the younger woman reassures you with a smile. “The stadium is so huge and besides, us Rangers fans gotta stick together.”
She then winks, noticing the Rangers shirt you bought and wore for the game.
You find out Malinda, the older woman, is the mother of the first baseman. And the other lady, Casey, is his wife.
Kindly, this sweet family adopts you, guiding you towards the section literally right besides the dugout on the other side of the net.
You’re stunned in shock yet again.
Even though your tickets are a few rows away from the two sweet ladies, they reassure you you’ll be fine sitting with them.
It’s beautiful and comforting.
“So, who are you here for?” Casey asks with a friendly gossip like whisper. “These seats are for friends and family, and I haven’t seen you around before.”
But then she quickly reassures you don’t have to explain if you don't want to.
You with a weak laugh you’re here to see Joel, adding that he’s a family friend. Her eyes go wide.
“Oh wow! And he warmed up today too so he might pitch!” She says excitedly.
Joel had texted you before the line up was confirmed that he would be warming up.
Don’t know if I’m gonna get put in but just in case
Even if he didn’t, you told him you just wanted to be there to support him.
With the Rangers being the visiting team, they bat first. You want to root for the guys to get a hit and get on base, but you also already selfishly want to see Joel.
Three outs come and the Rangers switch to take the field. No sign of Joel.
In fact he doesn’t show up until the fifth inning, and it happens so casually. Joel simply walks out from the dugout and takes your breath away.
The team wears their cobalt blue jerseys and the color flatters Joel marvelously.
It feels like seeing him for the first time all over again but through a deeper lens you can’t explain.
You clap and cheer with pride when he manages to strike out the first batter. Then the second.
Two strikeouts back to back.
Joel told you back in his younger days he struck out seven hitters in a row. Now for him to get two, much less strike out the third batter, is something to applaud and admire. And the Rangers fans here, including yourself, cheer loud when the team heads back for the next inning.
“Cowboy Miller in his golden age.” Someone off to the side whistles appreciatively.
You don’t fight the syrupy fondness swallowing you whole.
“It’s rare that a more…seasoned pitcher like Joel still is relied on,” your new friend Casey explains. “But it’s hard to see why not. Everyone’s been saying like he’s almost found a new groove and still has so much power.”
He’s a force you’re terribly in awe of.
Seeing the whip of how strong his body still pitches the ball with a dizzying speed, how handsome he looks under the baseball cap, you want to savor this as much as you can.
Joel manages to get two more strikes out in the second inning. Then by the seventh they get a hit off him but thankfully, no runs come in. Cowboy Miller ends the inning striking out the final batter. You, and the other Rangers fans present, erupt wild.
He did amazing.
Laser focused, locked in on the game, he doesn’t search the crowd or even glance up and you understand. The game gets intense when the Astros manage to hit a home run in the eight. In the end the Rangers win because of an error.
But it’s still a sweet victory.
You relish and warmly celebrate it with your co cheerleaders for the game that made you feel so welcomed with them. You’re about to head up and leave, start looking for an Uber ride home, when Malinda calls to you.
“Sweetie? Aren’t ya gonna wait with us and greet the guys!?” She asks with warm curious sweetness.
You can’t say no.
The commotion sweeps you into a neon coated excitement. There’s a special area sectioned off, almost in a backstage-like section that connects to the entry way for the visiting teams. You’re surprised at how many others wait here.
The team slowly trickles out of the locker room and into the hallway. You’re hilariously reminded of a class being let out.
Then the world then melts away when Joel walks out. Focused on his phone you almost want to call out to him, but your voice gets caught in your throat.
Putting his phone away Joel finally glances up and spots you.
Even with his baseball cap on, you see his eyes widen for a fraction. Your body reacts on its own moving towards him. But he also walks fiercely towards you.
The world blurs away for a moment and then without even thinking, you’re embracing him.
It happens so naturally you don’t even realize what you did until you blink and it’s like you’ve been thrown into cold water.
Panicking, you’re about to pull away until Joel’s arms slowly wrap around you.
“Good to see ya too.” He says low gruff but you’re taken out by the knees grateful your body doesn’t give out.
He smells of sweat, of the dirt on the field, and something sharply Joel, and it’s wonderful.
Quickly you draw yourself away to proudly tell him how amazing he did. Joel waves you off with a gruff noise as his eyes refuse to meet you, almost bashful.
It’s been so long since you’ve seen him this close, been in the same space as him. And it feels so different.
“Alright, dinner?” Someone says, and when you turn, you’re stunned to see it’s the team manager.
Guess this means you’ll be saying goodbye.
“Headin’ home?” Joel asks when he notices you staying back once everyone funnels outside.
“Uh yeah, gotta grab an Uber first. Didn’t wanna drive down here and deal with Houston traffic along with awful parking during a game.” You joke, and Joel snorts.
“Let me take ya back then.” He offers, and you almost drop your phone.
You scramble out reassuring Joel it’s fine.
“Besides, don’t you have dinner to go to?” And where would he even get a car to take you.
“S’fine. Would rather make sure you get home safe anyway.” He then tells you to hang tight then goes to grab one of the rental cars the team has on ready.
Because of course they do.
Your blood hums wild knowing Joel is taking you home, that you’re going to be alone with him. Even in this glimmering dusted dream you still want to tell Malinda and Casey goodbye and thanks for treating you so kindly.
You wish them well and even welcome their warm goodbye hug.
“Wish you could come to dinner!” Casey frowns.
“Maybe next time.” Her mother in law says bright.
Next time.
“Yes hope to see you at more games.” Casey grins and the possibility bubbles iridescent in you.
With a goodbye to them you wait for Joel. There are still a few others of the wives or girlfriends hanging around while the team sorts out where to go.
You haven’t turned to give them any attention. However something crawls on your skin like you’re hyper aware of being watched.
“Did you see how she hugged him? Probably just using him, poor Joel.” One of them whispers.
“She’s not even that pretty.” Another one giggles.
“Oh then you know he’s maybe just using her then! And if that’s the case then good for Joel.” The other replies with a searing joke that makes your stomach sick.
Joel returns, keys in his hand. “Ready to go?”
You weakly grin back.
You should be basking in this moment of finally getting to be alone with Joel, of getting to see him drive you around. Once in the car he took off his cap allowing you sight of his soft hair. The darkness of the car, the warmth of the city lights flickering by, all coat him glorious. Yet those comments from earlier fester poisonous and sour any hope of enjoying this.
You stay rather quiet while giving him directions to your place.
Joel however is surprisingly talkative.
“So you’ll have to give me recommendations of places to go around here.” His voice even sounds just traces softer, higher almost - like he’s happy being here.
And it kills you.
“Y’seem quiet, you okay?” He notices it of course, ever aware.
“Yeah, just a bit tired. Didn’t know the game would take that much outta me.” You lie.
Eventually you arrive at your apartment complex.
“Your place is nice.” Joel admires as he helps you out of the car like the Texan gentleman he is. He even follows you to your door.
You graciously thank him again for this night and for taking you home.
“You sure you’re okay?��� He asks again.
You walk a few steps away from him. The night all around is still quiet, feels soupy with how much hangs in you.
You refuse to cry about this, don’t want to get emotional. If anything, you deserve to treat this like an adult.
“Joel…” you start cautiously, already hating the way your voice wavers.
“Yeah?” His voice stays steady, unbothered, but his eyes furrowing say otherwise.
“What…what is this? What are we?” You ask as steady as you can, but your tone continues to crack.
Joel’s eyes brow furrow and his mouth closes, tightening his jaw.
“Just…good friends.” He replies simply, almost cold. “Just showing my pal’s daughter a nice night.”
There it is.
Your soul deflates. So all the times you’ve felt like this might be something, maybe it's just been you wishing it would be.
So salvaging whatever dignity left, you nod.
“Thanks again, Joel.” You reply briskly and return walking towards your door.
He says your name. It stops you dead in your tracks.
“Why? Why d’ya ask that?” He asks, pressing firm and hard.
You turn back to him, and a deep scowl is etched on his face.
“It doesn’t matter.” You answer.
“The fuck does that mean?” He snaps a bit sharp.
“It means what it means.” You fire back.
“Bullshit. Why did you ask that?” Joel growls out firmer.
“Even if I told you, it doesn’t matter.” You repeat.
“Stop sounding like a fuckin’ owl.” His voice rises hard and fast, like a hand slamming on the wall.
It startles you, makes your eyes water and something in you shakes. Mainly because you know this is beginning to taste like the end. The smallest trace of hope is dissipating right before you.
You blink back tears, and immediately Joel’s face falls.
“Honey, I’m sorry-”
Shaking your head, you cut him off. Not even the sweet pet name he effortlessly uses can shake you.
Through gritted teeth you tell him to go.
“Not when you’re this upset.” He urges.
Through tears a sad water laugh escapes you and Joel’s eyes go cloudy.
“I’m realizing…I’ll never be anything to you then just your friend's kid, huh?” Your voice is waterlogged and you can’t fight it.
“You are.” He states simple and straightforward.
You nod, swallowing back the heartache boiling over.
“Can’t be anythin’ more than that.” Joel adds through mutter.
“Why?” You now ask him. Under the amber light of your apartment’s hallway the most frustrated cloudy look hardens his face.
His eyes scan your face then he steps closer towards you
“Don’t act dumb, sweetheart.” His voice rips out low cruel, slightly harsh.
You’re not and you tell him that.
“I…” the words you’ve held locked up so fiercely in your heart now sneak out from their bars to escape.
“I’d give anything to be yours, Joel.” You croak barely realizing you even said that.
He inhales, and his face goes taunt.
You wait for the sharp reply, even brace for it.
Instead Joel swoops in, kisses you wild like a sudden storm, and presses you against the door of your apartment.
Greedily, you claw onto him not wanting to ever let this go, to let him go. Your mouth begs him more to invade and consume. And he does so with a steady hunger.
The clamor into your apartment is messy, but at one point Joel cautiously stops to look around.
“My roommate’s visiting family…” you reassure, kissing his neck and softly under the side of his jaw with delicate cautious lips.
“Just you and me.” You whisper soft.
Joel takes command the minute you lead him to your room.
“Thought about this. Fuck, think about ya all the damn time.” He growls against your neck as he slides your bra off and runs a callous hand over your chest.
“Fucked my fist that first night you went swimmin’ at m’house.” Joel’s words make you whine and then his lips lick against your skin trying to savor you.
“Me too.” You admit through a whimper. “Touched myself thinking of you.”
Joel freezes.
“Tell me,” he says rather calmly, deadly almost.
Your syrupy lust begins fading away when you realize what you said, what he asks for, and what your answer will be.
Your lips and eyes shut close.
Then Joel’s warm breath, like a ghost, crawls against up your chest and tickles against your ear now.
“Come on, honey,” his voice is utterly decadent with a plea. “Tell me, please.”
You swallow hard telling Joel you don't want him to get weirded out.
He hums against your neck already starting to suck a mark against your skin. Your eyes roll back, and the embarrassment is quickly fading away.
“Promise, I’ll be okay.” Joel reassures you with a mumble against your skin.
So with a shaky voice, you weakly admit how you touched yourself to videos of him.
He groans.
“Baby, oh fuck, fuckin - shit.” Joel sputters out hard, like he just got kicked in the gut, and you’re worried until his lips smash into yours.
He devours you.
You’re swept into a tangled dizzying frenzy. Your clothes practically get ripped off as do Joel’s while he clutches onto you and licks into your mouth.
“That’s my girl. Knew you’d be m’good girl.” He says almost drunk and you’re done for.
You fall into the chasm with no hopes of turning back. But you don’t want to.
Joel feels like a god carving open your universe. You want to consume him and want him to consume you. He becomes your center of gravity.
In the aftermath, you’re left basking in Joel’s warmth and never want to leave.
Even though you were in his arms, Joel had to sit up to take a call and now scrolls through his phone. Your fingers trace his beautiful back.
You’re thankful for all the soft lamps you bought that now melt him into a dreamlike glow.
He hums a gruff gentle noise that says he’s listening.
“I don’t…” you begin softly, then tell him your doubts. You don’t want him to think you’re simply using him for his status or money.
“Joel… you could quit or retire tomorrow and work with your brother as a contractor and I’d still always want you the way I want you.” Your deliciously aching limbs, the soft afterglow, all of it has you speaking soft and freely.
You never wanted Joel because of his fame or even because of the forbidden taste of him being friends with your dad. You wanted Joel for deeper reasons, some that have carved out a chasm in your heart.
You explain this all to him best as you can without rambling or sounding silly.
Joel sighs.
“Y’shouldn’t.” His voice is a hollow rumble. “I’m old, friends with your dad. We shouldn’t be doin’ this.”
Now a bitter venom spills in you.
You glare at his back, how his shoulders slump defeated while you sit up
“I'm an adult, Joel. And if that’s all you’re worried about then sorry it’s a shit reason.” You launch back.
Over his shoulder he glares at you.
“If…” you swallow hard. “If you’re the one who wants to leave, because i’m that young, or you really don't want this or don’t feel what I feel, then fine. At least tell me that.”
“But I care about you. And I want to make this, us, work.” You finish firmly, even with how much emotions clash in your chest.
Joel sighs again. His eyes face turns away now down downcasted.
“Didn’t wanna want you the way I do. You’re so bright, fucking’ smart and so g’damn gorgeous.” He softly admits.
A pause settles between him and you.
“Y’could be with someone younger, less complicated.” Joel admits low.
“Don’t want anyone younger or less complicated. Just want you.” You reassure with a soft steady mutter.
He goes quiet again.
“Used to not get bothered when I started leavin’ away games by myself. With Tommy married and the business booming, then the girls startin’ to have their own lives…I didn’t mind doing this alone.”
Underneath his words you catch it, his rusting loneliness.
“But then…these past few months…and now today seeing ya waitin’ for me…” he says clipped, like the rest of his words are caught in his throat and he can’t free them yet
Joel turns, and his eyes bore into you.
The silence stays as you stare unflinchingly back at him.
He doesn’t need to say anything else. You don’t think you have to either. Like a magnetic pull, it’s effortless moving towards him. Joel’s warm large calloused hand, seasoned from so many seasons of hard work, of pitching, cradles your face. You kiss him with every inch of your heart.
Even after spending the night, you’re surprised Joel hasn’t left yet. He even comments about figuring out lunch plans with you.
“You have another game today, Cowboy.” You comment.
The term makes his eyebrows rise, and the most coy smirk tugs his face making him look so charming.
“Got today off to rest, ya little shit.” It’s affectionate. “Besides my back ain’t what it use to be and after goin’ more rounds with ya this morning-”
In the middle of your living room you rush to kiss him.
The rest of the day unfolds like a dream drenched and stitched from every domestic fantasy you’ve ever had. Joel stands in your kitchen when you make him a quick lunch and you laugh apologizing that your fridge isn’t MLB diet certified. Joel steals your last saved snack after that joke.
Cuddled snug on the couch with him, you try watching a movie but Joel, so greedy and handsy, ends up fucking your brains out with his tongue.
When dinner rolls around, you order from your favorite local takeout place and Joel pays for everything. You ignore all the work you need to do for the week and don’t care. You’re here at this moment and want to stay crystalized in it for as long as you can.
But tomorrow is the last day before the team leaves to Miami to play the Marlins.
While showering with him, you wrap yourself against Joel’s back already dreading his leave. He seems to sense it too because his hands squeezes yours.
Against your shower wall he glides into you tender and slow, almost trying to draw out every inch of this.
Later that night, you try staying up but the day begins settling in. Your eyes flutter trying to fight sleep.
He mutters your name soft while his fingers run soft against your side.
“Hm?” You answer, trying hard to fight your tired eyes.
“Don’t want ya to think i’m ever using you, honey. You’re not just some young thing keepin’ me company.”
His words are simple, but they erupt so much in you.
Joel had been spooning you from behind, but now you immediately turn around to burrow your face against his chest. You reassure him and his arms tighten around you wonderful chains you wish never break.
But the next morning arrives.
“Gonna come to our last game here?” Joel asks while he packs up.
“Don’t know, I heard you guys still have that really old guy who might be pitching.” You say with a shrug.
His face frowns hard, but Joel moves to playfully smack your ass while you laugh. He quickly draws you in for another kiss.
You have class tomorrow and work you need to jump on, but you go to the game. Joel doesn’t play, but you don’t mind. Getting to hug him goodbye one last night in the shadow of the stadium is worth it.
“Text ya when we get to the airport.” Joel promises, secretly placing a soft kiss on your head.
That night when you get home you order not one, but two Joel Miller jerseys.
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joelsbeard · 4 months
definitely grabbing joel’s cute butt while he fucks you in missionary <3
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Batter Up
Baseball Player Joel Miller x Female Reader AU
18 Seasons Joel Miller has only ever known playing baseball for his hometown team, and they’ve just announced they’re not resigning him. He heads to a fancy hotel bar to drink alone and wallow. He doesn’t except to find you, the team owner’s daughter, there.  Golden Corral You've been keeping your budding relationship with Joel a secret, now back home in Texas to visit him, Joel takes you on a date to his favorite places.
Guilty As Sin What if Joel did in fact write MINE on your upper thigh when the two of you sneak away from your friend's wedding?
Winter Rose It's cold and you're all alone in New York, Joel changes that. Five More Games You haven't seen your boyfriend in over two weeks, your longing for Joel interrupts a FaceTime session.
The Injured List Joel's just a baseball player and his back is killing him, good thing he has you to take care of him.
The All-Star Game This is not how Joel wanted to spend his All-Star Game, at least you make the best of it for him.
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kaijuno · 10 months
In light of Fall Out Boy’s GARBAGE cover of the song. Let’s learn about the original. Notice how they’re actually in chronological order instead of just random references 😒😒😒😒
Harry Truman was inaugurated as U.S. president after being elected in 1948 to his own term; previously he was sworn in following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He authorized the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II, on August 6 and August 9, 1945, respectively.
Doris Day enters the public spotlight with the films My Dream Is Yours and It’s a Great Feeling as well as popular songs like “It’s Magic”; divorces her second husband.
Red China: The Communist Party of China wins the Chinese Civil War, establishing the People’s Republic of China.
Johnnie Ray signs his first recording contract with Okeh Records, although he would not become popular for another two years.
South Pacific, the prize-winning musical, opens on Broadway on April 7.
Walter Winchell is an aggressive radio and newspaper journalist credited with inventing the gossip column.
Joe DiMaggio and the New York Yankees go to the World Series five times in the 1940s, winning four of them.
Joe McCarthy, the US Senator, gains national attention and begins his anti-communist crusade with his Lincoln Day speech.
Richard Nixon is first elected to the United States Senate.
Studebaker, a popular car company, begins its financial downfall.
Television is becoming widespread throughout Europe and North America.
North Korea and South Korea declare war after Northern forces stream south on June 25.
Marilyn Monroe soars in popularity with five new movies, including The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve, and attempts suicide after the death of friend Johnny Hyde who asked to marry her several times, but she refused respectfully. Monroe would later (1954) be married for a brief time to Joe DiMaggio (mentioned in the previous verse).
The Rosenbergs, Ethel and Julius, were convicted on March 29 for espionage.
H-Bomb is in the middle of its development as a nuclear weapon, announced in early 1950 and first tested in late 1952.
Sugar Ray Robinson, a champion welterweight boxer.
Panmunjom, the border village in Korea, is the location of truce talks between the parties of the Korean War.
Marlon Brando is nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in A Streetcar Named Desire.
The King and I, musical, opens on Broadway on March 29.
The Catcher in the Rye, a controversial novel by J. D. Salinger, is published.
Dwight D. Eisenhower is first elected as U.S. president, winning by a landslide margin of 442 to 89 electoral votes.
The vaccine for polio is privately tested by Jonas Salk.
England’s got a new queen: Queen Elizabeth II succeeds to the throne upon the death of her father, George VI, and is crowned the next year.
Rocky Marciano defeats Jersey Joe Walcott, becoming the world Heavyweight champion.
Liberace has a popular 1950s television show for his musical entertainment.
Santayana goodbye: George Santayana, philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist, dies on September 26.
Joseph Stalin dies on March 5, yielding his position as leader of the Soviet Union.
Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov succeeds Stalin for six months following his death. Malenkov had presided over Stalin’s purges of party “enemies”, but would be spared a similar fate by Nikita Khrushchev mentioned later in verse.
Gamal Abdel Nasser acts as the true power behind the new Egyptian nation as Muhammad Naguib’s minister of the interior.
Sergei Prokofiev, the composer, dies on March 5, the same day as Stalin.
Winthrop Rockefeller and his wife Barbara are involved in a highly publicized divorce, culminating in 1954 with a record-breaking $5.5 million settlement.
Roy Campanella, an African-American baseball catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, receives the National League’s Most Valuable Player award for the second time.
Communist bloc is a group of communist nations dominated by the Soviet Union at this time. Probably a reference to the Uprising of 1953 in East Germany.
Roy Cohn resigns as Joseph McCarthy’s chief counsel and enters private practice with the fall of McCarthy. He also worked to prosecute the Rosenbergs, mentioned earlier.
Juan Perón spends his last full year as President of Argentina before a September 1955 coup.
Arturo Toscanini is at the height of his fame as a conductor, performing regularly with the NBC Symphony Orchestra on national radio.
Dacron is an early artificial fiber made from the same plastic as polyester.
Dien Bien Phu falls. A village in North Vietnam falls to Viet Minh forces under Vo Nguyen Giap, leading to the creation of North Vietnam and South Vietnam as separate states.
“Rock Around the Clock” is a hit single released by Bill Haley & His Comets in May, spurring worldwide interest in rock and roll music.
Albert Einstein dies on April 18 at the age of 76.
James Dean achieves success with East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause, gets nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor, and dies in a car accident on September 30 at the age of 24.
Brooklyn’s got a winning team: The Brooklyn Dodgers win the World Series for the only time before their move to Los Angeles.
Davy Crockett is a Disney television miniseries about the legendary frontiersman of the same name. The show was a huge hit with young boys and inspired a short-lived “coonskin cap” craze.
Peter Pan is broadcast on TV live and in color from the 1954 version of the stage musical starring Mary Martin on March 7. Disney released an animated version the previous year.
Elvis Presley signs with RCA Records on November 21, beginning his pop career.
Disneyland opens on July 17, 1955 as Walt Disney’s first theme park.
Brigitte Bardot appears in her first mainstream film And God Created Woman and establishes an international reputation as a French “sex kitten”.
Budapest is the capital city of Hungary and site of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Alabama is the site of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which ultimately led to the removal of the last race laws in the USA. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr figure prominently.
Nikita Khrushchev makes his famous Secret Speech denouncing Stalin’s “cult of personality” on February 25.
Princess Grace Kelly releases her last film, High Society, and marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco.
Peyton Place, the best-selling novel by Grace Metalious, is published. Though mild compared to today’s prime time, it shocked the reserved values of the 1950s.
Trouble in the Suez: The Suez Crisis boils as Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal on October 29.
Little Rock, Arkansas is the site of an anti-integration standoff, as Governor Orval Faubus stops the Little Rock Nine from attending Little Rock Central High School and President Dwight D. Eisenhower deploys the 101st Airborne Division to counteract him.
Boris Pasternak, the Russian author, publishes his famous novel Doctor Zhivago.
Mickey Mantle is in the middle of his career as a famous New York Yankees outfielder and American League All-Star for the sixth year in a row.
Jack Kerouac publishes his first novel in seven years, On the Road.
Sputnik becomes the first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, marking the start of the space race.
Chou En-Lai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, survives an assassination attempt on the charter airliner Kashmir Princess.
Bridge on the River Kwai is released as a film adaptation of the 1954 novel and receives seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Lebanon is engulfed in a political and religious crisis that eventually involves U.S. intervention.
Charles de Gaulle is elected first president of the French Fifth Republic following the Algerian Crisis.
California baseball begins as the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants move to California and become the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants. They are the first major league teams west of Kansas City.
Charles Starkweather Homicide captures the attention of Americans, in which he kills eleven people between January 25 and 29 before being caught in a massive manhunt in Douglas, Wyoming.
Children of Thalidomide: Mothers taking the drug Thalidomide had children born with congenital birth defects caused by the sleeping aid and antiemetic, which was also used at times to treat morning sickness.
Buddy Holly dies in a plane crash on February 3 with Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper, in a day that had a devastating impact on the country and youth culture. Joel prefaces the lyric with a Holly signature vocal hiccup: “Uh-huh, uh-huh.”
Ben-Hur, a film based around the New Testament starring Charlton Heston, wins eleven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Space Monkey: Able and Miss Baker return to Earth from space aboard the flight Jupiter AM-18.
The Mafia are the center of attention for the FBI and public attention builds to this organized crime society with a historically Sicilian-American origin.
Hula hoops reach 100 million in sales as the latest toy fad.
Fidel Castro comes to power after a revolution in Cuba and visits the United States later that year on an unofficial twelve-day tour.
Edsel is a no-go: Production of this car marque ends after only three years due to poor sales.
U-2: An American U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union, causing the U-2 Crisis of 1960.
Syngman Rhee was rescued by the CIA after being forced to resign as leader of South Korea for allegedly fixing an election and embezzling more than US $20 million.
Payola, illegal payments for radio broadcasting of songs, was publicized due to Dick Clark’s testimony before Congress and Alan Freed’s public disgrace.
John F. Kennedy beats Richard Nixon in the November 8 general election.
Chubby Checker popularizes the dance The Twist with his cover of the song of the same name.
Psycho: An Alfred Hitchcock thriller, based on a pulp novel by Robert Bloch and adapted by Joseph Stefano, which becomes a landmark in graphic violence and cinema sensationalism. The screeching violins heard briefly in the background of the song are a trademark of the film’s soundtrack.
Belgians in the Congo: The Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) was declared independent of Belgium on June 30, with Joseph Kasavubu as President and Patrice Lumumba as Prime Minister.
Ernest Hemingway commits suicide on July 2 after a long battle with depression.
Adolf Eichmann, a “most wanted” Nazi war criminal, is traced to Argentina and captured by Mossad agents. He is covertly taken to Israel where he is put on trial for crimes against humanityin Germany during World War II, convicted, and hanged.
Stranger in a Strange Land, written by Robert A. Heinlein, is a breakthrough best-seller with themes of sexual freedom and liberation.
Bob Dylan is signed to Columbia Records after a New York Times review by critic Robert Shelton.
Berlin is separated into West Berlin and East Berlin, and from the rest of East Germany, when the Berlin Wall is erected on August 13 to prevent citizens escaping to the West.
The Bay of Pigs Invasion fails, an attempt by United States-trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro.
Lawrence of Arabia: The Academy Award-winning film based on the life of T. E. Lawrence starring Peter O’Toole premieres in America on December 16.
British Beatlemania: The Beatles, a British rock group, gain Ringo Starr as drummer and Brian Epstein as manager, and join the EMI’s Parlophone label. They soon become the world’s most famous rock band, with the word “Beatlemania” adopted by the press for their fans’ unprecedented enthusiasm. It also began the British Invasion in the United States.
Ole’ Miss: James Meredith integrates the University of Mississippi
John Glenn: Flew the first American manned orbital mission termed “Friendship 7” on February 20.
Liston beats Patterson: Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson fight for the world heavyweight championship on September 25, ending in a first-round knockout. This match marked the first time Patterson had ever been knocked out and one of only eight losses in his 20-year professional career.
Pope Paul VI: Cardinal Giovanni Montini is elected to the papacy and takes the papal name of Paul VI.
Malcolm X makes his infamous statement “The chickens have come home to roost” about the Kennedy assassination, thus causing the Nation of Islam to censor him.
British politician sex: The British Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, has a relationship with a showgirl, and then lies when questioned about it before the House of Commons. When the truth came out, it led to his own resignation and undermined the credibility of the Prime Minister.
JFK blown away: President John F. Kennedy is assassinated on November 22 while riding in an open convertible through Dallas.
Birth control: In the early 1960s, oral contraceptives, popularly known as “the pill”, first go on the market and are extremely popular. Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 challenged a Connecticut law prohibiting contraceptives. In 1968, Pope Paul VI released a papal encyclical entitled Humanae Vitae which declared artificial birth control a sin.
Ho Chi Minh: A Vietnamese communist, who served as President of Vietnam from 1954–1969. March 2 Operation Rolling Thunder begins bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail supply line from North Vietnam to the Vietcong rebels in the south. On March 8, the first U.S. combat troops, 3,500 marines, land in South Vietnam.
Richard Nixon back again: Former Vice President Nixon is elected President in 1968.
Moonshot: Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing, successfully lands on the moon.
Woodstock: Famous rock and roll festival of 1969 that came to be the epitome of the counterculture movement.
Watergate: Political scandal that began when the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, DC was broken into. After the break-in, word began to spread that President Richard Nixon (a Republican) may have known about the break-in, and tried to cover it up. The scandal would ultimately result in the resignation of President Nixon, and to date, this remains the only time that anyone has ever resigned the United States Presidency.
Punk rock: The Ramones form, with the Sex Pistols following in 1975, bringing in the punk era.
(An item from 1977 comes before three items from 1976 to make the song scan.)
Menachem Begin becomes Prime Minister of Israel in 1977 and negotiates the Camp David Accords with Egypt’s president in 1978.
Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States in 1980, but he first attempted to run for the position in 1976.
Palestine: a United Nations resolution that calls for an independent Palestinian state and to end the Israeli occupation.
Terror on the airline: Numerous aircraft hijackings take place, specifically, the Palestinian hijack of Air France Flight 139 and the subsequent Operation Entebbe in Uganda.
Ayatollah’s in Iran: During the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the West-backed and secular Shah is overthrown as the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini gains power after years in exile and forces Islamic law.
Russians in Afghanistan: Following their move into Afghanistan, Soviet forces fight a ten-year war, from 1979 to 1989.
Wheel of Fortune: A hit television game show which has been TV’s highest-rated syndicated program since 1983.
Sally Ride: In 1983 she becomes the first American woman in space. Ride’s quip from space “Better than an E-ticket”, harkens back to the opening of Disneyland mentioned earlier, with the E-ticket purchase needed for the best rides.
Heavy metal suicide: In the 1980s Ozzy Osbourne and the bands Judas Priest and Metallica were brought to court by parents who accused the musicians of hiding subliminal pro-suicide messages in their music.
Foreign debts: Persistent U.S. trade deficits
Homeless vets: Veterans of the Vietnam War, including many disabled ex-military, are reported to be left homeless and impoverished.
AIDS: A collection of symptoms and infections in humans resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is first detected and recognized in the 1980s, and was on its way to becoming a pandemic.
Crack cocaine use surged in the mid-to-late 1980s.
Bernie Goetz: On December 22, Goetz shot four young men who he said were threatening him on a New York City subway. Goetz was charged with attempted murder but was acquitted of the charges, though convicted of carrying an unlicensed gun.
Hypodermics on the shore: Medical waste was found washed up on beaches in New Jersey after being illegally dumped at sea. Before this event, waste dumped in the oceans was an “out of sight, out of mind” affair. This has been cited as one of the crucial turning points in popular opinion on environmentalism.
China’s under martial law: On May 20, China declares martial law, enabling them to use force of arms against protesting students to end the Tiananmen Square protests.
Rock-and-roller cola wars: Soft drink giants Coke and Pepsi each run marketing campaigns using rock & roll and popular music stars to reach the teenage and young adult demographic.
Short summaries of all 119 references mentioned in the song, you’re welcome.
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pasc4lfuzz · 20 days
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Last day of August and i wanna share the best fics i've read in this month 🧡 So welcome to my 2024 August Fic Rec!
As some of you may know im more of a series person, because i like the desenvolvement of the romance and all the things that led the characters to fall in love + the plot, so you'll may find more series than one shots in here.
I just noticed as i was making the rec list that this month the writers i read the most was @punkshort and @mysterious-moonstruck-musings💕
+18 MDNI Some of them might be ongoing so check the authors blog. dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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Defying Algorithms - joel miller x f!reader by @yxtkiwiyxt
'swept away' and 'roommates' - Joel Miller x f!reader by @punkshort
Dark Shades of Innocence Lost - club owner/pleasure dom! Joel x fem! reader by @mermaidgirl30
Hot Neighbor Joel Miller - Joel Miller x f!reader by @notjustjavierpena
Batter Up - Baseball Player Joel Miller x Female Reader AU by @whocaresstillthelouvre
Fear of God - Joel Miller x OFC by @netherfeildren
Halcyon - Joel Miller x f!reader by @justagalwhowrites
Destiny & Deliverance - Dieter Bravo X OFC (Natalia) - and Closed Position - Dieter Bravo x OFC by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Scathed - Javier Peña X OFC by @dancingtotuyo
Happy Ending - Francisco Morales x F!Reader by @noxturnalpascal
Adrift With You - Frankie Morales x OFC by @morallyinept
the melting point - Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! Reader) by @penvisions
Notes On Tutoring - Dave York x f!reader by @honestly-shite
Sassenach and the Spaniard - Pero Tovar x female reader by @wardenparker
Beskar Doll - Din Djarin x Female Reader by @justagalwhowrites
'in another life' - Marcus Acacius x f!reader (time travel au) by @punkshort
Rotten - cowboy!joel x f!reader by @alltheirdamn
Man’s Love - no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader by @sanarsi
Wedding Crashers - dilf!joel miller x f!reader by @yxtkiwiyxt
dancing with a ghost - joel miller x f!reader by @huntingingoodwill
Something Unexpected - Joel Miller x f!reader by @punkshort
every breath you take - (no outbreak) Joel Miller x f!Reader by @freelancearsonist
dried blood and swear words - joel miller x reader by @iamasaddie
Joel's Eyes - Joel Miller x f!reader by @auteurdelabre
rack 'em - bbf!frankie morales x f!reader by @macfrog
Date with a Rockstar - rockstar!Frankie Morales x f!Reader by @sanarsi
Hole in One - Frankie Morales x f! beverage cart girl reader by @pilotispunk
Rough Waters - Frankie Morales x OFC (Elena) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Dispose Of Me - Javier Peña x Female Reader by @whocaresstillthelouvre
a litany of lethe - javier peña x f!reader by @kiwisbell
Online Love - Javier Peña x F!Reader by @absurdthirst
mark of the beast - din djarin x reader by @studioghibelli
In Another Lifetime - General Marcus Acacius x OFC! Cecilia by @inept-the-magnificent
Dulces Sueños - Pero Tovar x f!reader by @oonajaeadira
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See you all with the next fic rec in october!
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trulybetty · 11 months
oct' 27 x witches
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Prompt: witches Pairing: sequins!joel miller x f!reader (no outbreak au) Word Count: 2,091 Warnings: 18+, fingering, P in V, this is an established relationship so assume conversations about protection are well spoken about between the two, wrap it up folks. remember, unbeta'd here and barely read through - mistakes are my own. Summary: this one took a life of it's own! thank you @rhoorl for inspiring joel's costume! joel is a menace at tommy's annual halloween party
A/N: Sequins!Joel Reader has a nickname, which may or may not get explained at some point in the future!
x. masterlist
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The warmth and clamour of Tommy and Maria’s Halloween party enveloped you as soon as you had stepped through the front door almost an hour ago. The house was adorned with meticulously crafted spider webs, glowing jack-o-lanterns and various other decorations that rivalled some of the Pinterest boards you’d curated. The couple had really gone all out for their first Halloween party hosted at their new home.
You sighed, reaching for your phone, fingers scrolling swiftly through one of the group chats you were in, trying to catch up on the flurry of messages you'd missed in the past hour of your friend's all updating each other on the Halloween festivities they were taking a part in. You weren’t at a loss for people to catch up with, but it was mostly Tommy and Maria’s crowd. However the party there was in full swing as you took in the room around you. Across the way in the kitchen was a werewolf chatting up a vampire by the punch bowl, and a cheerleader was dancing with Cleopatra to the rhythm of the playlist Tommy had specially curated for the night in the middle of the living room.
However what was missing was one Joel Miller.
Just as you were about to send him a text, you felt a presence in front of you. When you looked up, there he stood in all his glory: not more than two steps away, dressed as a baseball player. His shirt's buttons carelessly undone, revealing a deep tan that spoke of a summer spent working under the sun. The glint of the thin chain he wore peeked out from beneath his shirt. His baseball cap sat backward on his head, a strand of hair falling over his forehead. But what caught your attention most was that sly, cocky grin that's unmistakably Joel’s, a look that promised mischief.
It made you want to both roll your eyes and pull him closer.
“Well, look at you, slugger,” you quipped, putting your phone away and offering him a sultry smirk. The corners of his lips twitched, a hint of the laugh he was trying to suppress.
“I’ll take it that you like it then, Cat.” The way he always says your nickname, with that sly smile playing on his lips, always sends a flurry of butterflies straight to your stomach.
“So what inspired this look then cowboy?”
He chuckled, leaning in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Thought I'd finally indulge you for one night only, since you won't stop going on about it,” he said, referencing his time on his high school's baseball team as a teenager alongside Tommy and their cousins.
“I've been trying to get my hands on those pictures for ages,” you said with a playful pout. “Even tried to bribe your cousin.”
He smirked, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Some things are better left to the imagination sweetheart. Though, now that you've seen me in my full baseball glory, maybe I can show you a picture or two.”
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Is that a promise?”
“It might just be,” he replied with that familiar twinkle in his eyes.
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The evening had progressed and you’d headed to the kitchen looking for a drink before you would go looking for Joel.
Though he managed to find you first.
His voice, husky from the evening's festivities, he murmured into your ear, “You need a broomstick to ride out on tonight?”
You nearly choked on your hard seltzer, “Excuse me?” you asked, blinking up at him.
Joel chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest as he tapped the witches hat that sat atop of your head, “It'd be rude not to offer a beautiful woman a means to get home. What kind of gentleman would I be?”
“You already wanting to head out?” you asked, taking another sip of your drink.
“Darlin',” he wrapped his arms around you from behind, leaning over to whisper in your ear, “I wanted to leave the moment I saw you in those fishnets.” 
You laughed, leaning back to allow him access to pepper your neck with kisses, “If you want we can say our goodbyes and get out of here.”
“I have a better idea,” he grabbed your hand, “come on.”
He led you across the living room, under the caution tape Maria had set up in front of the stairs to warn people off from making their way upstairs.
“Joel,” you hissed, long cotton on to his plan, “Tommy and Maria are going to kill us.”
Joel gave you a disbelieving look, “I know for a fact that Tommy and Maria have christened our house, only fair we return the favour here,” he finished with a smirk as he opened another door, happy to find it was not only empty but was indeed the spare bedroom.
Pulling you in and closing the door he had you pressed against the back of the door in no time. One hand cradling your neck while his other hand greedily ran up and down the expanse of your thigh marvelling the feel of the fishnet under his fingers.
You let out a small gasp as his hand moved higher, the sensation sending shivers down your spine. His lips found their way to yours, the kiss deepening as his tongue darted out to taste you. You moaned into his mouth, your hands grabbing at his shirt and pulling him closer. Joel’s hand moved to the hem of your dress, his fingers playing with the fabric before sliding under it and up your inner thigh. You arched your back, pressing your body against his in an attempt to hold yourself as close as possible to him as he continued to explore your mouth.
Your mind was a blur of thoughts and emotions. You felt like you were on fire, your body’s want for him overcoming any rational thought. When his fingers found their way to the apex of your thighs you felt two strong tugs, pulling you repeatedly against his chest, his mouth still on yours, before you heard the rip of your tights.
You felt the wide grin against your lips before his fingers made short work of tugging your panties to the side.
“That's better,” he remarked as his lips crashed back to yours as his fingers slid into you at the same time and you had to catch your breath at the sensation.
As his palm pressed against you, pushing his fingers to that one spot, the one that always made you bite your lip and throw your head back, the one he knew how to hit just so with his finger tips. You couldn't help but rock your hips encouraging him deeper to hit that spot just a little hard, make you catch your breath a little bit more.
You felt your toes tingling with the pleasure building up inside of you. The sounds of glass breaking and people yelling downstairs was but a distant thought as you felt yourself coming undone, your back arching further as you tilted your head to the ceiling.
As you reached your climax, you let out a soft moan that found an echo in his mouth; he was so desperate for your lips that he couldn't wait any longer.
Still in the haze of your release your fingers found the buttons of his shirt and made short work of unbuttoning them and exposing the bare expanse of his chest underneath. You marvelled at his broad shoulders as you pulled his now open shirt down his arms and threw it to the floor at your feet.
Your fingers fumbled as you tried to undo his belt, prompting a hearty chuckle from him that made your stomach flip. “Need some help there darlin'?”
He did not wait for a reply before undoing the clasp on his belt, never taking his eyes off of yours. It was almost impossible to believe that removing a belt could be so arousing, and you had to bite down hard on your lip when he finally got the belt off in one smooth motion.
“All yours darlin'.”
Your fingers reached out, the sound of the zipper permeating through the room as you methodically unzipped his pants. You could feel the warmth emanating from his body and the dusty scent of sawdust mixed with cardamom and peppermint that was quintessentially Joel. You couldn't help but let out a low whistle as your fingertips came in touch with the soft cluster of hairs at his length.
He arched one eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. He was obviously pleased with himself for the effect he had on you. Getting the reaction from you that he had hoped for when he had made his choice before coming to the party.
Grabbing your hands he walked you both to the bed. The backs of his legs hit the bed, and he sat at its edge, taking his time slipping your heels off of your feet. When done his hands ran up the expanse of your legs and slowly pulled down your ripped tights and panties. Then in one swift move he was on his back with you straddling his hips.
The buzz of alcohol in your veins, the taste of him on your lips and with his eyes on yours you couldn't help but count yourself so lucky to have found a man like Joel. A man who had surprised you coming out of left field when you weren't even looking and who continued to surprise you on a daily basis.
A man who loved you and didn't care about building and maintaining a facade to win your affections. A man who loved you and could make you laugh, and who could make you smile when you thought that your world was falling apart. Someone who was always there for you without any expectations.
Lowering yourself onto him, you felt his hands on your hips as you braced yourself with your hands on his chest. His skin felt warm, and the heat from his body sent electricity through yours, sending shivers down your spine.
You could feel him beneath you, pulsing and throbbing as he gasped at the sensation of you enveloping him. He paused for a few seconds before beginning the slow rocking of his hips that made your head drop back as you picked up his pace, rolling your hips against his.
“Shit Joel…” you whispered as your breath became ragged.
“I know,” he muttered, the grin evident in his voice.
You felt him underneath you, his muscles tensing with each thrust as you both tried to find a rhythm that you both could enjoy.
“Fuck Cat…” he groaned as he tried to pick up the pace, but was growing frustrated at not being able to hit home just the way he wanted.
The bed creaked with your every thrust. You could hear your own laboured breathing. The sound of his breathing was coming out in short gasps.
Another groan of frustration and holding tight to your hips he rolled you both over so now that he stood between your legs and continuing his thrusts he found the pace he had been trying to chase enjoying the new depths he was able to achieve at his new angle.
“Oh God, Yes…” you panted, whimpering as your fingers clawed at his back, urging him on. “I'm coming... I'm coming…” you whispered to him, feeling the wave of pleasure wash over you as you tumbled over the edge.
His rhythm faltered for a second, distracted by the gorgeous sounds that came from you in your release, but picking up the pace he quickly followed you over the edge as he came with a deep groan that only made you smile while your aftershocks kept running through your body.
Allowing his head to fall to your shoulder, he took in deep breaths to calm his racing heart. “Damn Ca–”
Before he could finish there was a banging of a fist at the door followed by Tommy's voice, “Dammit Joel, I know you're in there and you better not be doing what I think you're doing!”
You buried your face into the crook of his neck, now only noticing the red streaks of lipstick that marked his neck, jaw and lips.
“Well this is all sorts of awkward…” you muttered.
“Nah, I've done worse to him,” he said, offering you a wink, “we've done worse.” He laughed as he helped you up off the bed.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Hi love!
I was thinking of this situation where like rockstar!Joel is jealous/insecure of reader’s love interest in a movie while the reader and the kids laugh about it because Joel doesn’t seem to get that the reader’s love interest is more interested in Joel more than the reader but is a masculine (like maybe Scott Eastwood type, so cowboy and just overall male bravado energy) but Joel gets surprised seeing the love interest shreek at the sight of him asking for a picture and then the reader pokes fun and is like “heavy competition you got right?” and Joel is just blushing like crazy
I took this in a little bit of a different direction, but it's in the same vein!!
Just a Boy
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: Joel struggles with your newest castmate [1.3k]
Warnings: Joel being jealous/insecure, the tiniest bit of spice, I think that's it
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When Joel finds out Barrett Trace got cast as your newest love interest in a Western period drama, he's only slightly jealous. Barrett is a 6'5 former University of Alabama baseball player with an insanely charming accent, curly hair, and that comforting Southern hospitality running through his blood. You and Joel have been married for six months when the casting news comes out, and the second he finds out about it, he walks into your office with a worried look on his face. 
"What's up, baby?" You ask, barely looking up from your computer.
"Did you know who else was gonna be cast in On the Western Front?"
"Oh, yeah. Bear came in for a chemistry read about a month ago," you say. "He did really great. I think it's gonna be a fun movie."
"Bear?" He asks, and you finally look up to see him standing there, fiddling with his wedding band, and you smile.
"Joel Miller, are you jealous?" You ask, smirking, and he rolls his eyes.
"No," he grumbles. "Just don't understand why you gotta call him Bear." He says under his breath, and you laugh. You close your laptop and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Who's name is tacked onto mine?" You ask, and he sighs and wraps his arms around your waist.
"Mine." He says, and you nod. You knew you wanted to hyphenate your name long before you met Joel but worried that whoever you married might not be cool with it. Joel, however, loved the idea and had no problem with your choice not to completely change your name.
"And who did I promise to love no matter what in front of our friends and family in August?" You ask. He doesn't say anything, and you raise your eyebrows at him. 
"And who do I sleep next to every single night despite their awful snoring?"
"Okay, okay, I get it. You don't have to be mean bout it." He says, and you make a face.
"I was talking about Daisy. Not everything is about you, Joel," you joke, but he doesn't laugh. You take a deep breath and play with the curls at the nape of his neck. "I chose you, okay? I'll always choose you. Whatever relationship Barrett and I portray is fictional. It's work. That's all it is. You," you kiss his jaw and down his neck and feel him sigh at the feeling. "You are my husband. My incredibly talented, caring, loving, sexy husband who I get to spend the rest of my life with. There's nothing and no one who could ever change how much I love you." Your teeth scrape against his pulse point, pulling a familiar sound from the back of his throat, and you tug at the hem of his shirt. 
"Are you tryna distract me from the fact that you're gonna pretend to be in love with someone else for the next few months?" He asks, putting a hand on your wrist to stop you.
"Why? Is it working?" You ask, and he whines your name. You lift your head to look at him and those big puppy dog eyes. You sigh and put your hands on his face to show him how serious you are. "I'm your wife. Yours. But I'm also an actor. This is a job, and Barrett is a coworker. When I leave set, I come home to you and our daughters. No one else. You have nothing to worry about, okay? Besides, once you meet Barrett, you'll see he's not a threat."
"Oh, I won't think the six-foot-five cowboy kissin' my wife is a threat?" 
"Nope," you say as you kiss him. He relaxes and pulls you flush against him, his big hands wandering. You reach for his belt buckle and smile when you hear his breath hitch. "D'you need a reminder of how much I want you? Need me to show you that 'm yours?" You ask, and he nods breathlessly as he walks you backward until you fall onto the couch. 
Needless to say, after having his way with you in your office, he feels a little more secure. Once filming starts, you do your best to avoid telling him about what you did that day at work, but people online can't stop talking about how excited they are to see the chemistry between you and Barrett. As soon as he heard it compared to Bridgerton, he cleared his schedule to come to set with you. It didn't matter how often you told him he didn't have to worry. He'd made up his mind, and there was no way to change it. 
"I hope you know how ridiculous this is." You say as he walks beside you on your way to set. 
"Can't I just support my wife while she works?"
"Oh, that's the only reason you're here? It has nothing to do with Barrett?"
"Who?" Joel asks, and you give him a look. You roll your eyes but decide to let him figure it out for himself. Barrett and the director, Maeve, are waiting for you in the middle of the fake town the crew built in the middle of the desert. The second Barrett sees you, he lights up and hugs you once you're close enough.
"Hey! What's goin' on?" He asks, squinting at you from under his cowboy hat, and you smile.
"D'you have a second? I've got someone I want you to meet." You say, and he nods. Together, you start walking over to where Joel is standing, but Barrett stops when he sees who it is.
"Are you shittin' me?" He asks, and you laugh. You grab his hand and half drag him over to where Joel is standing, giggling at the blush that's taken over his cheeks.
"Joel, this is Barrett. Barrett, this is my husband." You introduce them, and Barrett nervously shakes Joel's hand.
"This is so wild. I've been a fan of yours since you started." Barrett says, and Joel smiles half-heartedly.
"Thanks so much. I appreciate that."
"No, thank you. I met my husband at one of your concerts. We absolutely love your music," Barrett says as he flags down an intern who hands him his phone. "Could we actually take a picture? Ty's never gonna believe this." He asks, and Joel complies. You take a picture of them standing beside each other and silently bask in your victory. Barrett thanks you and quickly shoots the picture to his husband before looking at you.
"You ready for today?" 
"Give me just two seconds to talk to Joel, and I'll meet you." You say, and he nods. He shakes Joel's hand again before leaving the two of you to talk. You cross your arms over your chest and smile as Joel stares at you guiltily.
"I'm sorry," he says. "You were right."
"What was that?" You ask, putting a hand to your ear like you didn't hear him. He sighs and rocks on the balls of his feet.
"You were right. I should've listened to you," he says. You step into him, rest your hands on his chest, and peck his lips. "I mean, can you blame me for bein' a little jealous? He's like James fuckin' Dean."
"It doesn't matter what he looks or acts like. You're my husband. No one could ever compare to you, okay?" You say, and he takes a deep breath before nodding. "I love you."
"I love you, too." He leans down to kiss you again, but you pause, refusing to meet him halfway. 
"I need you to believe me when I tell you someone's not a threat because I'm not doing this every project. Got it?" 
"Yes, ma'am." 
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canarydarity · 5 months
time for more worm baseball au brainrot!! just needed to come over here and shower you with more compliments on chapter 2 <33
Just a quick question, who all is on the Yankees, and are there familiar faces on Grian’s team in Chicago or is it just him and them Scar?
Hiii cloudy 🤠🤠!! Woohooo im glad its being enjoyed !!!
Okay so. I'm going to say way too much in response to this now <3
So this is...currently the Yankees line-up:
Jimmy, number 7, Right fielder
Joel, number 25, Catcher
Skizz, uhh didn't assign him a number, First base
Zedaph, 12, Second base
Bigb, 2, Third base
Scott, 5, Shortstop
Pixlriffs, 14, Left fielder
Fwhip, uhh didn't assign him a number, Pitcher
and in typing this out, I realize I just never assigned anyone center field. so thats absolutely hysterical, NO idea whos manning that position. Baseball teams usually have around 26 players, but only 9 play the field at a time so thats really all I was worried about!
and then, of course, we have Tango working as an analyst for the team, Impulse as the coach, and Bdubs and Etho as announcers!
The first thing I wrote for this fic is in the last chapter, back when this au was a single scene rather than a whole chaptered guy, and its something that needed quite a lot of people. And since it was just a SCENE at the time I sort of just. plucked random life series and empires cast members from my brain that I could SEE playing baseball. which is so funny to me. Cause now its this and the cast is genuinely sort of random, but also makes sense. To Me.
As for the CUBS!
So, that also did not start as a story, that just started as background for Jimmy's plot. Grian was Jimmy's brother and he's a pitcher for a rival team, and I just picked the Cubs completely randomly. I was originally going to have Scar be in This Fic, but then because I couldn't leave things well enough alone...I said....well what if desert duo offshoot...what if there's one story for each brother. And by THAT time...I had already filled out a LOT of the Yankees cast and was like "well, oops."
There are definitely other recognizable names on the desert duo side though! but I will say, that one is as of right now much much much less fleshed out. The Cubs lineup will likely include many other hermits, such as Iskall, Rendog, Keralis, Doc, joehills (I think he'd be a fascinatingly confusing announcer), Beef—etc! Like I said, it's currently not really planned :) but thats the idea for if it ever becomes A Thing.
What is planned is that Grian (number 16) is the pitcher , Scar is the catcher, and then because it was too absolutely ironic to NOT make happen. I did make cubfan135 the coach of the chicago cubs. A decision I both vehemently hate and absolutely adore. When talking about grians plot and going "cub has to be there" my brain went now hold on a second...cubfan....his name can't possibly refer to the baseba—oh look at that. it does. and ta-da I couldn't NOT do the funniest thing ever in this universe.
Mumbo will also absolutely be there because he can't not be. but my brain refuses to picture mumbo jumbo playing baseball so he just. he. i have no idea what he will be doing But He'll Be There. Trust Me.
Anyway Ive rambled quite enough :)) I hope that answers your question !!!
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 months
My media this week (5-11 May 2024)
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another absolutely unhinged episode from this crew. i love them all so much.
🙂 Lessons in Exposing a Deadly Alias (Cambridge Fellows Mysteries) (Charlie Cochrane) - this series is now the equivalent of watching criminal minds or some other long-running procedural: it's certainly not for the plot/mystery but for the characters who are family. I do love that as the series has gone on their friends & family have taken on a more active role in the investigations. that said, I think I might be done with this series; it took me forever to get thru this bc I wasn't remotely motivated to get back to it.
🥰 No One Likes Us But We Don't Care (Rainne) - 45K, modern Steve/prewar Bucky - an accidental interdimensional swap drops a 1940s Bucky into the present - he & Steve figure out what that means for them (3rd in a series)
😍 Spectred Isle (Green Men #1) (KJ Charles, author; Ruairi Carter, narrator) - [reread] very old world supernatural shenanigans in 1920s England - truly sad that there won't be any more in this universe because it's sooooo good and so rich but forever grateful we at least got this marvelous (and complete) story
🥰 it's good to see you back in a bar band, baby (LiarsandThieves22) - 139K, Steddie modern musician AU - absolutely adored this! enemies-to-friends-to lovers speedrun, understandable & character appropriate mutual pining, fantastic supporting characterizations - it had it all!
😍 You Should Be So Lucky (Cat Sebastian, author; Joel Leslie, narrator) - baseball player Eddie & newspaper writer Mark are both dealing with some devastating life events. They find each other and some solace and healing. This book, like We Could Be So Good, is absolutely incredible. It knocked my socks off and healed my heart. It almost made me like baseball! I'm just going to quote from a review written by kiki124 in the Romance Salon server because she is great with words and captured it exactly: "I was just blown away by the writing and the ways Sebastian drew these two utterly believable and interesting characters, plus all the side characters, plus the literary notes, plus the queer history plus the New York history. I think that what I love the best about these books is that the story doesn't end when the characters fall in love--there's a whole second half of the book to come as the relationship has room to breathe and grow and work out kinks. Literally everyone who has a heart and a brain should read these books."
💖💖 +115K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the Steve Rogers problem (relenafanel) - MCU: stucky AU, 36K - "Bucky doesn't consider his Steve Rogers problem as a problem so much as the solution he hadn't realized he was hoping for to help him through the transition from the Bucky Barnes he'd been before his accident to the new, shiny version of himself. No, the problem isn't with Captain America and The Howling Commandos fandom. The problem is the amount of porn Bucky managed to write and draw about Captain America before finding out that he's less than one degree of separation away from Steve Rogers. 'Less than' as in he's sitting across the table from him."
Is It Cake? - s2, e4-5
Girls5eva - s1, e1
QI - series U, e4-8
Beyond Paradise - s2, e4-6
Game Changer - s6, e8
Strange Way of Life (2023)
Um, Actually - s6, e6
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s10, e2
Smartypants - s1, e2
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Rock The Boat" (s21, e18)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Blimey" (s16, e18)
Doctor Who - series 14, e1-2
Re: Dracula - May 5: The Dead Travel Fast
Wiser Than Me - Julia Gets Wise with Patti Smith
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Sans-Souci Palace
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! BONUS - The animal that terrifies Peter, and other 'Wild Card' topics
Re: Dracula - May 7: Stranger in a Strange Land
Short Wave - 'Stealing The Past': A Spat Between Twins Leads To A Theory Of Disputed Memories
Re: Dracula - May 8: Foul Bauble of Man's Vanity
Vibe Check - Oh, How We Have Fallen From Taste
Re: Dracula - May 9: Castles in the Air
Today, Explained - Israel, Gaza, and Eurovision
Consider This from NPR - From utility man to one of California's foremost journalists
It's Been a Minute - A 'Wild Card' game with Rachel Martin
Wild Card with Rachel Martin - Issa Rae thinks a little delusion goes a long way
⭐ It's Been a Minute - Drake and Kendrick are beefing, but who pays? Plus, moms as our social safety net
Today, Explained - The real victims of Baby Reindeer
Re: Dracula - May 11: Pray for my Happiness
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - TikTok’s Boom-Bling
⭐ Lost Notes - Go with the Flow: Community, Virality, and the Politics of Dancing
Why Won't You Date Me? - Love in Theater (w/ Jesse Tyler Ferguson)
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Chappell Roan
⭐ Big Gay Fiction Podcast - Baseball, 1960 New York, and Bad Dogs with Cat Sebastian
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Beauly Priory Wych Elm
'60s Sunshine Pop
'60s Folk Rock
Dance Party Hits
Carly Rae Jepsen
Presenting Charli XCX
Presenting Dua Lipa
Energy Supermix
Women of Electronic
Essential Proto-Metal
Rock Radio • 1980s • Popular • High variety
Presenting The Beach Boys
Classical Workout
Instrumental Hard Rock
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hypnotisedfireflies · 10 months
Your latest fic was awesome! Can you share more times that Joel was just not entertained by Lachie but Tess & Tommy loved him anyway? I think it’s so funny that Joel is not charmed but everyone else has a soft spot for him.
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Hi anon! Sorry it took me awhile, but I've finally gotten to this in a little ficlet that I had so much fun writing - thank you for the fun prompt!
Summer, 2008, Indianapolis
Towards the end of Chapter 5 of Spite.
“You’re overthinking it, you’re all overthinking it.”
Joel frowned.  There was a lot of noise down on the concourse.  He ducked his head as he walked through a partially caved in section of the building.  He and Tommy had put some work into it, securing the walkway with beams to prevent it coming down on anyone as they passed through.  Well, assuming the whole fucking building didn’t decide to just pack it all in and collapse on itself.  There weren’t enough support beams in the world to save it.
“It’s easy.  You tuck it up here.  Run.  Lean.  Swing.  Thrust. Release.”
That was Lachie, running his fucking mouth off again.  Joel came upon the mezzanine and walked slowly to the edge.  He rested his forearms on the railing and looked down.
What the hell …
Lachie, Tommy, Hannah, Rachel and Tess were lined up below.  Lachie was a little ahead of the others, demonstrating – of all things – how to throw a ball.  The other four were copying his actions with varying degrees of success.
“Okay, now you all show me how it’s done.”
The four went back and geared themselves up.  On Lachie’s word they copied the motions again.  They all kept their balls in hand when he told them to release, except Rachel, whose tennis ball hit Lachie right in the chest.
“The fuck!  Rachel!”
“Oops!  Sorry!”
“You don’t let it go!”
“It slipped!”
“Well, go get it.”
Tommy muttered something to Hannah and she giggled while they waited for Rachel to fetch the ball out of the garden.  She returned to her place and they awaited further instructions.  Tess was tossing her ball up and down in the air.
“Okay, everyone show me.  One by one.”  Lachie walked along the line.  “Okay, Hannah.  That’s pretty good.  Maybe a little more snap in your wrist.  Tommy, that’s … shithouse, but the basic – never mind.”
“Only doin’ what you fuckin’ said!”
“It’s not fucking baseball.  Stop pitching like it’s baseball!” Lachie snapped, and moved along to Tess.  “That’s not bad, but you’ve gotta follow through.  Rachel?”  Beat.  “Yeah, okay.  That’s as good as we’re gonna get.”  Lachie stood back and looked them over.  “Well, congratulations.  You won’t be taking the Ashes home any time soon, but you dickheads know how to bowl.”
Joel realised Tess was looking up at him.  She grinned and held up the ball, as if offering to toss it up.  He shook his head slightly.  He wanted no part of whatever that nonsense was down there. 
They arranged themselves for a game.  The other parts of it had been learned while he was on watch, evidently, because the players seemed to know what they were about.  Hannah was batting (“not batter, batsman,” Lachie stressed).  She held a crudely made, flat-faced bat and stood before painted lines on a raised garden bed.  There were three long vertical brushes with two shorter ones lying horizontally on top.
“These:  wickets.”  Lachie pointed at them.  “Hit these.  Servopoulos, you stand there.”
He positioned her a short distance away, facing Hannah.  She too had one of those flat-faced bats.  What the fuck were they going to do, beat each other to death with them?  Lachie ordered Rachel and Tommy out into what was meant to be the field and then tossed a ball into the air.
The first few balls he bowled at Hannah were anticlimactic.  She missed them all.  They bounced off the painted retaining wall and Rachel and Tommy scurried off after them, returning these to Lachie.  Tess grinned up at Joel.  Her hair was in a long ponytail and she was wearing that top that kept sliding off one shoulder.  He could think of much better ways to spend her time.  But her smile was kind of disarming and he just shook his head at her again, dismayed that she was bothering with this nonsense with that irritating little shit.
And then there was a great thwack and Lachie was screeching at Tess to run.  Joel straightened up and felt a cold sweat break out across his brow as he looked for the threat.  Tess and Hannah were running in opposite directions.  Rachel was off in another and Tommy was shouting, “get it, get it!”
Get what!?
And then Hannah and Tess ran back the way they had come and he realised – oh.  Right.  It was just this stupid fucking game.
And that was how it went on.  The ball would be thrown, someone would hit it, and then the two batters (batsmen) would run back and forth, swapping places until the ball was retrieved.  From what Joel could gather, it seemed the point was to defend the wickets.  Lachie was clearly pulling his punches at first and making it easy for Hannah – and Tess, when it was her turn – to hit the ball.  But then Hannah did something so unexpected that made Lachie start trying in earnest to get her out.
Hannah hit the ball so hard that it rose up through the atrium and smashed through one of the remaining windows.  She and Tess screamed and ran at each other, stopping long enough to hug and jump up and down.  Lachie threw up both arms in the air. 
“It’s a six!”
“Do we have to get that?  I don’t want to get that,” Rachel said, resting her hands on her knees.
“You don’t have to run, you got six!”  Lachie shouted at Hannah and Tess.  “Stop!  You got six runs!”
“We can get more!”  Hannah was really going for it.
“It’s the max, dickhead!  We’ll get another ball.”
Tommy got Tess and Hannah out by catching the ball during the next round.  Lachie almost bowled Tommy over in an enormous hug and frantically waved at Rachel to join them, which she did, and both Tommy and Rachel seemed kind of confused at Lachie’s gusto.  He was jumping up and down and squeezing them tight.
Tommy and Lachie were batting next and Rachel, whose aim was quietly awesome, took her turn to bowl.  She got Tommy out first go and Lachie had to try and explain to Tommy how he was supposed to stand to protect the wickets. 
Joel came downstairs when they finally took a break.  He passed Tess a bottle of water and she took a big drink, spilling some down her neck.  She was smirking at him.
“Just come down and play,” she said.  “Scowling up there’s not any fun.”
“The fuck are you even playin’?” 
“No, thank you.”
“Oh, come on.  You watched all that time.  Can’t have been that bad.”
“I was watchin’ you.”
She took another sip.  “You’d have fun.”
Joel rolled his eyes skyward and shook his head.  “Pass.”
“Hey, Joel, you see that?  I did that.”  Hannah proudly pointed out the hole in the glass.
“She’s got some fuckin’ power,” Tommy grinned proudly, tugging her braid.  “You should come play, big brother.  Then I won’t look so fuckin’ shit.”
Joel glanced toward Lachie, who was giving Rachel batting pointers.  He wasn’t going to give the little shit the pleasure.  He would never hear the end of it. 
“Pass,” he said again.  He leaned toward Tess and murmured, “you know where to find me when you’re bored.”
“Your missus is a fuckin’ gun!”  Lachie enthused. 
Joel stared at him for a moment.  Then he rolled his eyes and headed back upstairs.  What the hell had happened to everybody?  They needed to get out more.  This place was fucking with them in more ways than one. 
He glanced down once more as the game started up again.  There was another stinging thwack and shouts of joy and consternation.  Tess was holding a ball aloft and Lachie lifted her up, spinning her around while Rachel complained about something being “unfair” at the top of her lungs.  Tommy ran toward Tess and Lachie with his arms raised and collided with them in joy.
Hannah threw her bat down. 
Joel shook his head and left them to it. 
So it might be awhile, he figured, before she was bored.
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kedsandtubesocks · 3 months
Upcoming Game!
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The Texas Rangers take on the San Francisco Giants this Monday night & all time classic seasoned pitcher Joel ‘Cowboy’ Miller is starting, a ticket waits for you - will you swing by come game day?
MLB pitcher!Joel Miller coming soon ⚾️
MLB pitcher!Joel Miller now on the starting line up ⚾️
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bobbieisthebest · 1 year
Joel, holding a baseball bat: There’s no need to be afraid of me. I don’t bite.
Mort, standing a safe distance away: Yeah, but do you wack?
Joel: I don’t bite.
Charles: I don’t know about this, Jake.
Jake: The last time you said that Hoffer you ended up loving it.
Charles: The last time I said that you were holding a bag of durian flavored chips; now you’re holding a roman candle. They are two very different things.
Nate: You remind me of a Russian doll.
Alicia: Aw, thank yo—
Nate: Full of yourself.
Kato: If anyone has any questions, ask me.
Bobbie: If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?
Kato: ... If anyone has any RELEVANT questions, ask me.
Wendy (a warlock): Do we not have a plan?
Sam, playing barbarian: Who needs a plan? I’ve got an axe.
Sam: *starts running ahead*
Kato, the very tired DM: An axe is not a plan!!!
Flick: One time Jake and Juniper were having a heated argument in the car and Juniper took Jake's Queen tape out of the player and threw it out the window with rage and Jake looked her dead in the eyes and pulled out a second copy of that same tape and put it back in the player.
Buddy:...And Jake’s still alive?
Dad: Tell your mother everything is fine.
Joel: Hey, Mom! We haven't eaten for days, your plants are dead, and I'm dropping out of school. Love ya, bye!
Kato: What? Didn't I specifically tell you not to do specifically, exactly just that?
Alex: Actually, specifically, you said not to *humiliate* you by doing that. So, we won't!
Richard: 99% of the time, whenever random violent crap happens, it seems you're somehow involved!
Joel: Can't you have a little faith in that last 1%?
Buddy: *screams*
Joel: *screams louder to establish dominance*
Flick, concerned: Um, shouldn’t we do something?
Patty: No, I want to see who wins this time.
Jake: Fun fact of the day: pen ink tastes like almonds..... don't try to suck the ink out of your pens kids it's disgusting and makes your mouth feel funny.
Patty: Why would you even do that?
Jake *shrugs*: I was bored.
Bobbie at Alicia’s house: I love jacuzzis!
Bobbie: Sometimes I pretend that I'm getting captured by witches and they're using me to make soup!
Juniper: I know this is going to sound sarcastic, but this is a great plan and I’m really impressed with you guys.
Sam: Don’t listen to her, this is a great plan.
Wendy: Kato, are you sure you don't wanna use my graduation speech? It goes like this: Later, losers.
Alicia: Due to enormous personal flaws I refuse to work on, I will be arriving extremely late with an iced coffee. Please respect that.
Juniper: I am so hungover. I have never been this hungover. Are we dead?
Alex: I feel great, I ran 5k this morning.
Flick: Really?
Alex: No I threw up in the shower.
Joel: My life is a cautionary tale, but like a cool, flashy one that instead of inspiring people to do better it inspires them to be more chaotic
Juniper: can we go to a haunted house?
Mom: what’s wrong with the one we live in?
Joel: wh- wait what?!
Mom: goodnight Children.
Humphrey: Mr. Jake, what’s your favorite food?
Jake, deadpan: Children.
Flick: JACOB!
Nate: Are you crazy?
Joel: Legally no, there's not a word for my condition.
Charles: [casually taking four stairs at a time]
Wendy, falling behind: Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fu-
Kato: Dear people who won’t stop asking- Yes, I am actually feeling fine, and yes, I really have been getting a decent amount of sleep at night!
Kato *bites into an onion*
Kato: Hey, this apple tastes like shi-
Richard: *puts a cup down over a spider*
Joel: *appears; smiles; puts 2 more cups down beside Jay’s*
Richard: Come on, Joel, please no, don’t… DON’T—
Joel: *starts shuffling the cups*
Jake: Hoffer, in your professional opinion, how would I die?
Charles: Murder. Gangland style execution. We never find your head.
Nate: That’s a shame.
Patty: *slightly raises finger in question*
Charles: You slip in a tub.
Buddy about Jake: I'd follow him to hell and back, but I wish he'd stop going there.
Bobbie: I love to dismiss my horrible decisions by saying "yeah that was a weird time in my life" as if the rest of my existence hasn't been absolute clown shoes.
Alicia: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
Juniper: When I was small-
Kato: *chuckles* Was?
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Five More Games
Batter Up Chapter 3
Pairing: Baseball player Joel Miller x Female Reader Rating: Explicit. 18+ (Minors DNI) Summary: You haven't seen your boyfriend in over two weeks, your longing for Joel interrupts a FaceTime session. Warnings: smut, baseball talk, FaceTime mutual masturbation, pining, softness, Joel cum's all over his stomach Words: 3,000 A/N: These two have previously appeared together in 18 Seasons and Golden Corral. I wanted to write something super self indulgent to celebrate the month anniversary of posting my first fic Golden Walkway on here. I also want to shout out two people who helped me in this whole writing process. @ohheypedrito for being my steadfast fellow obsessor and idea bouncer offer and @justagalwhowrites for her very sweet response when I asked for words of advice that ultimately made me take the big step to hitting post.
Masterlist Playlist
Joel has internally struggled this season:  unhappy with his new team, unhappy with his new city, unhappy with the game he loved. Unfamiliar fans, unfamiliar apartment, unfamiliar restaurants, unfamiliar grocery store. The only familiar thing for Joel is you, taking the train down to the city whenever you can, staying in his aforementioned unfamiliar apartment making it seem more like home. You of course knew you couldn’t go to any of his games and openly root for him, but you were happy to watch the game on his couch in his new home, welcoming him back with a hug, smelling the sweat of the game still on him… Joel always far too impatient to shower at the stadium, too excited to get back to you. 
The two of you stuck together living a secret nobody knew about, the two of you never admitting the love you had for each other was growing into something loud enough that soon everybody would hear. What would your dad think? What would Joel’s old teammates think? What would his agent think? What would your coworkers think? What would Sarah think? 
For eight months you and Joel have done this alone, the only people privy to your relationship is whomever might look over at him placing his hand on your thigh at a restaurant, a couple of close friends of yours, and maybe the doorman of Joel’s apartment building delivering packages addressed to you. No, you didn’t want to live in this lie, but to stay with Joel and know him like you do, all of the struggles were worth it.
When he got off the call letting him know that the Philadelphia Liberties signed him to a one year deal, Joel didn’t call his daughter, he didn’t call his brother… he called you. Playing in Philly meant he would only be an hour and a half train ride away. How many more times could you make empty excuses as to why you needed to fly back home to Texas? He knew the toll it was taking on you personally and professionally, he couldn’t give you up, but he also couldn’t live with himself always seeing how tired you were as you stepped out of the airport and into his car. 
The worst part of all of this… Joel was having one of the best seasons of his career. Articles and reporters all repeating over and over how at his age he was having a banner year. Joel loved a challenge and he loved to take his frustrations to the field, playing harder and more focused than ever. 
He wanted to share his accomplishments with you, publicly. He wanted to see you as a part of the wives and girlfriends group, knowing how much you’d stick out against all of the preened and fancy clothed wives, never understanding why they dressed up the way they did to watch a ball game in the Summer heat. He wanted to see you cheering louder than anyone else as he rounded the bases after hitting a home run. He wanted his teammates to tease him for having a picture of you taped up in his locker. He wanted to see you waiting for him in the tunnel after the game wearing his jersey. He wanted to be able to call you his to anyone who’d listen. 
He hadn’t had a serious girlfriend in almost twenty years. Once Sarah’s mom left, he gave up dating and significant others to focus on the game and being a dad. Maybe there was just never anybody worth it, but you? You were worth it, and he hated that he couldn’t show everyone how much he loved you. 
“Next week’s the All Star Game, you still able to head home?” Joel asks as he watches you change into one of his old Capitals shirts you took as a sleep shirt. 
He loves FaceTime. For years he rolled his eyes at the idea of having to look at who’s he’s talking to… until he learned he can watch you go through your nightly routine in your bedroom. Now he gets to watch you apply your face lotion, feeling a bit like a voyeur looking in on your world from your MacBook screen. He especially likes FaceTime when you angle the laptop on the bed to show him your body as you make yourself cum while chanting his name and how much you miss him. 
“Yeah, so far so good. Can’t believe we’re doing this, especially seeing as you’re in the actual game and we’re letting everybody know the night before. What happens if it’s not good and it affects your g—” 
“I’ll be fine no matter what. It has to be done, I don’t know how many times I can tell Sarah my agent is texting. I think she knows something’s up, she’s too smart, she knows I don’t have friends,” he sighs. “How do you think your parents are gonna take it?”
“I think my mom will be cool with it, she always liked you, especially because of Sarah. My dad? I don’t know, I think he’ll be fine but I also think he’ll have a lot of reservations about us and how it’ll look once everyone finds out. He’s going to drop some business words and worry how it might end up as tabloid fodder amongst baseball people, and I fully understand his issues.” You get into your bed, moving the computer to lay next to you, Joel’s face and broad shoulders taking up most of the screen, it’s such a pitiful replacement to having his warm body next to you. “I don’t know, I wish we could just not do this but be able to do everything like normal people.” 
“There’s nothing normal about this, I’m in a hotel room in Seattle and I just got done eating $45 grilled chicken and brown rice from room service. You just closed your blinds with a remote in your apartment with a view of Central Park. We’re not a normal couple sweetheart,” Joel gives you his reassuring smile, his dimple pressing into his skin, you wish you could touch it. God, you miss him.
“I know, I just wish things could be more simple.” 
“I know baby, me too,” his smile faltering as he hears the longing in your voice. 
“I think I just really miss you… it’s been almost two weeks.”
“It has, we’ll be together soon. Just have to wait six more days.”
“Five more games,” you whisper. 
The two of you always finding it easier to break it down in games. Only 45 innings.  Only five trips for Joel to step on the team bus and head to the ballpark. Only five games worth of you checking your phone for updates.
“Five more games,” Joel’s voice dropping. “You able to watch tomorrow?”
“Don’t think so,” you try not to let the disappointment in your voice show as much as it does. “I have that dinner with the group in from Toronto. I’m hoping I’ll be home around 9, and the game starts at 4 there… I guess I might be able to see maybe the last couple of innings.”
“Mm, pretty sure I’m just DHing tomorrow, so should be in for the whole game.”
“Save your home run for the last inning please.” 
“‘Course,” he smirks. “I’ll swing for the fences.” 
“Joel—“ you whisper out.
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“I wish you were here right now.”
“Me too, your bed’s always so comfortable. Sick of these hotel beds.”
You bring the neck of Joel’s shirt up to your nose and inhale. “Your shirt no longer smells like you, I need a new one.” 
“I’ll have one for you next time baby. I won’t take this one off.” 
“You can take it off now.”
“Yeah? Why do you want me to take it off?” Joel’s eyes get darker. 
“I want to look at you while I touch myself, so take it off.”
“Love how bossy you get.”
“Preaching to the choir.”
“Very funny,” he leans forward, pushing his laptop farther down the desk to give you a better view and removes his shirt. 
The two of you are well versed in the proper set up to have this type of experience over FaceTime. No bright lamp behind you because your body will be blown out by the light. Make sure you angle the screen the right way at the right distance so you can still see each other’s faces and bodies. Joel usually chooses to stay on the couch or in an office chair when he’s in a hotel room, allowing him to sit up and jerk himself off while he can still watch you. You always place your laptop on his side of your bed, laying diagonally across it so he can watch you touch your pussy while staring at the screen. 
You love seeing him shirtless, the way his body fills out in all of the most broad and right places. His shoulders are so wide and muscular, connecting to his toned and strong arms, his muscles never being overbearing and huge, just the perfect size and super capable of hitting a ball over 250 feet. The smattering of hair across his chest trailing down his stomach to the waistband of his shorts. His stomach, you’re obsessed with his stomach, it’s so soft, your favorite feeling on earth is laying your head against it. The perfect amount of softness filling out his athletic midsection. Joel’s body perfectly encompasses him, soft and rugged, broad and safe. 
“You’re staring again sweetheart,” Joel’s voice blinks you out of your daze as you ogle the square of him on your screen. 
“Sorry, I just really like looking at you.”
“I know, and I like looking at you.” Joel leans back, placing one of his arms behind the couch, his other hand resting against his thigh. “Now, let me really see you. Take m’shirt off.” 
You nod and move your laptop to its customary location so Joel can see all of you. You take his shirt off leaving you bare for his eyes to roam across your body from over two thousand miles away.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, wish I could rub my hands all over your soft skin. Wish I could smell your hair, wish I could taste your skin. Miss you so fucking much.”
“What would you do to me if you were here?” Your voice barely above a whisper, your body aching for his touch.
“I’d rub my tongue up and down your neck,” you move your fingers to your neck and begin to trail them across it copying Joel’s words. You close your eyes and pretend instead of hearing Joel’s voice coming from a tinny set of computer speakers you’re hearing him from across the bed before he touches you. 
“I’d move my mouth down to take one of your nipples into my mouth.” Your hand grazes down your body to one of your breasts, grabbing your nipple and pulling at it. 
“Fuck baby, yes, grab your other tit, play with ‘em,” you open your eyes at the gruffness of Joel’s voice. His hand is still behind the couch, the other has moved from his thigh to cup his half hard cock through his shorts. 
You begin to push and pull your tits apart and together, rubbing your nipples as you stare back at Joel holding eye contact through the computer.
“Looks like your pussy is drooling all over your sheets, lemme see how wet you are.”  
Your hand goes down in between your legs, you pet yourself making sure to bite your lip, something you know Joel likes as you touch yourself. A groan spills out of Joel’s mouth as he watches you bring your soaked hand up, spreading your fingers to show him how your wetness stretches across your digits. He angles himself up to pull his shorts down, his cock standing hard and solid, you can’t take your eyes off of it as his hand wraps around his length. He begins to stroke himself, as you put your hand back to play with yourself. 
“Wish you could smear yourself all over me and watch me jerk off, wish you would spit in my hand—,” Joel spits in his hand, “so I could fuck my hand until I cum all over your pretty face.” 
Your back arches as you watch Joel lick a bit of spit up from his bottom lip, his eyebrows wrinkled in concentration as he smears the spit all over his shaft and begins pumping. 
“You’re so pretty, god I miss you. I miss feeling your body pressed against me, I miss sucking your tits, I miss fucking you.” You can’t stop staring at the screen, your fingers paused and resting on your clit. He’s beautiful, the way his muscles in his arms tense as he strokes himself, the way he snarls as he twists his fist around the head, the way he can’t stop staring at you through his laptop screen. “You miss me babygirl?”
He knows what his words do to you, he knows that if he can’t touch you he can at least talk you through it. He’s so thoughtful, not stopping at anything to make you happy, to think about you, to care for you. You hate that you aren’t even close enough to be in the same time zone.
“Yes,” you whisper, if you were any louder you might just start to cry. “So much.”
“I know, I know, fuck,” Joel stops jerking himself off, “I know,” blinking the lust out of his eyes, his big brown concerned eyes planted on his screen. “You okay?”
You didn’t want to do this, you wanted to get off with your boyfriend, shut your laptop lid, and go to sleep. Now? Now you miss him so much you’re naked with your hand still in between your legs and sniffling away tears alone in your bed.
“I am, yeah, I will be. I’m sorry, it just really hit me how long it’s been and I guess I’m just nervous about everything we have to do. I don’t want to lose you…” and at those words and the fear that gets planted inside your heart, you pull your fingers away from your cunt.
“We’re going to figure it out sweetheart. M’not losing you.” Joel follows you and unwraps his hand from around himself. “It has been long, but we’ll have almost a week together next week.”
“Five games?”
“Five games.” The softness of his voice and the reassuring smile he gives makes your stomach twist.
“I’m sorry.” An apology, you’re almost embarrassed by your juvenility, missing your boyfriend so much you almost started to cry.
“Baby, you don’t have to apologize, believe me, I understand.”
“Did you still want to…”
“I’m only happy doing what you want to, sweetheart.”
“I want to show you how much I miss you.” Your hand snakes up your body to start petting the area between your breasts, the place where Joel always like to nuzzle his face in and smell your skin.
“Fuck, okay sweetheart.”
“Five more games until I can feel you inside me.”
“Jesus, getting right back to the point, aren’t we?” He smirks, his eyes follow as you snake your hand down to back in between your legs.
“I’m efficient,” you bend your knee to give Joel a better look as you begin to rub circles along your clit.
“Fuck sweetheart, you look so fucking good,” he groans, wrapping his hand back around his cock. “Fuck yourself with your fingers baby, pretend it’s me.” 
You moan as you stick two fingers in, slowly pushing them in and out, ignoring how poor of a substitute they are for Joel’s cock. 
“Good girl, look at you. My pretty baby, I love you so much.”
His eyes soften as he watches you get lost in fucking yourself. You love how you can tell just how much he loves you by his big, brown eyes, even on your small laptop screen they shine bright. 
“I love you,” you whimper as you reach your other hand down to begin rubbing your clit. Your fingers working overtime inside you and on your clit causing your orgasm to build. 
“Love you baby, so much. Love watching you do this for me,” he grunts as he fucks his fist faster.
“Baaaby,” you breathe out, your heart beginning to rapidly beat, the swirls around your clit quickening. You’re a quivering mess on your bed, staring into your computer screen as you feel your orgasm show. 
“Oh, you’re close, can see it pretty girl, you gonna cum for me? M’gonna cum for you,” he grits out as you watch the hand against his thigh tighten its grip against his skin. He’s close, his jaw going slack, his tongue resting in between his lips, his brows furrowing deeper. It’s a sight you’ve seen so many times now, most of your FaceTime sessions ending like this.
“Cum for me,” you whisper as you orgasm, your pussy squeezes your fingers, your clit pulses against your finger, you fight the urge to shut your eyes because you need to watch Joel as he begins to spurt thick ropes of cum all over his stomach. You love how he looks, biting out swears totally blissed out, his cum pooling against the plush skin of his stomach. 
He swears as he grabs his shirt and cleans himself up, you smile as you watch him, feeling like you’re spying on your own boyfriend. You love FaceTime.
“You’re smilin’ quite big,” he chuckles as he tosses his shirt next to him, and pulls his shorts back up. 
“I like to watch you, that’s all, you’re so handsome.”
“Handsome, hm?”
“Yep, always thought it, and now I get to look at you whenever I want to.”
“Lucky you, huh?”
“Lucky me. Only five more games until I see my handsome boyfriend.”
“Five more games.”
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sp-epari-digitalmedia · 9 months
The Boy's Journal: Intertextuality as a Marketing Tactic
I've always had an inclination towards discovering Easter eggs in the games I play, often devoting extra time to find those little treasures. Most games introduce them gradually, but God of War Ragnarök did something completely different, and I was really impressed.
Kvasir's Poems, a collectible item that serves as a direct invitation to the gameplay's Easter egg universe. In contrast to other games, God of War Ragnarök reveals all of its secrets to you up front. I was captivated by this novel approach and couldn't help but gather and delve into the intriguing backstories of Kvasir's poetry.
About Kvasir's Poems (From God of War Ragnarök)
The mythological character Kvasir, who was created when the gods Vanir and Aesir united through divine spit, represents harmony between these heavenly groups. Born of Norse mythology, this figure became a poet beloved in all worlds and, in the end, became known as the God of Knowledge.
Kvasir is not a character that you meet directly in God of War Ragnarök, but he is mentioned frequently and is described as a highly intelligent person whose knowledge transcends the known worlds. In the player's journal, his poems are arranged neatly like priceless collectibles.
The creative way that each poem is incorporated as an Easter egg gives this story a brilliant touch. Not only do these verses improve the in-game experience, but they also subtly hint at the catalog of Sony PlayStation games. The strategic promotion at work is even more clever. Given that God of War was named Game of the Year in 2018 and enjoyed great success, the sequel serves as a dynamic platform for the promotion of other games. It's a mutually beneficial partnership: God of War Ragnarök's artistic merits gently promote Sony PlayStation's stellar lineup while providing players with an immersive experience.
Academic Framework
The term intertextuality is defined by Julia Kristeva as the transposition of one (or several) sign system(s) into another. Kristeva urges a departure from the 'banal sense of "the study of sources."' (Kristeva and Moi, 1986)
For instance:
Easter Eggs
Easter Eggs & Reference
Kvasir's First Poem
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Title: The Sunrise of Nothingness
Reference: Horizon, Zero Dawn
Justification: The verse has the mention of creatures of metal and also the warrior's hair being red as blood. The verse also mentions the warrior's questionable origin and is clearly referring to the character of Aloy.
Kvasir's Second Poem
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Title: Large Society Ground Orb: The Performance
Reference: Major League Baseball: The Show Series
Justification: The verse exaggerates the game of baseball as a war. The branch in the hand is synonymous to bat. It also mentions running and then stopping which is basically the rule of baseball. Additionally, it also talks about 9 nights and 9 Days which is synonymous to the innings in the game. Moreover, the picture beside the text resonates a baseball.
Kvasir's Third Poem
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Title: We Who Remain: Part the Second
Reference: Last of Us II
Justification: The verse subtly embraces the emotional side while focusing on the key themes of cyclical revenge, destruction, and loss. Joel is referred as the bearded, cruel father and Ellie is referred as the surrogate daughter. There is also a reflection of Cordyceps virus and the moth on the cover holds a deep depiction.
Kvasir's Forth Poem
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Title: Tool and Bang
Reference: Rachet and Clank
Justification: This verse brings out the friendships that are formed because of the need of the hour. Here, steel and fur are referred to as the eponymous heroes from Ratchet and Clank. There is clever correlation of how Ratchet carried his robotic buddy with him throughout the series with the lines of the poem.
Kvasir's Fifth Poem
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Title: Afterlife Abandonment
Reference: Death Stranding
Justification: Hideo Kojima’s divisive titles are often considered to be complex and bizarre, but this poem brings along a humorous nod to its introduction. A map of America is on the cover, highlighting the connections between colonies that these task players need to build up.
Kvasir's Sixth Poem
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Title: Visions After Rest
Reference: Dreams
Justification: The title ‘Vision after Rest’ quite literally means Dreams which refers to a lesser-known game, Dreams. There is a controllable imp as the cover highlight. There is a lot of creative liberty that the players are given to design and remix worlds and characters as the poem lines also mean that the limit is our own imagination.
Kvasir's Seventh Poem
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Title: Spirits Within Walls
Reference: Concrete Genie
Justification: By mentioning ‘a gentle boy and his brush’, the poem makes direct comparison to the game of Concrete Genie which is based on the imaginative graffiti-based game. It pays importance to the overarching gameplay and that takes the story forward and pushes Ash to save his hometown by bringing the art to life.
Kvasir's Eighth Poem
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Title: Celestial Construct
Reference: Astrobot
Justification: The cover of this poem directly depicts the Astro bot, making it one of the easiest poem puzzles. It is instantly recognized by PS5 players because Astro Playroom comes as ready to play. However, the words have been specifically inspired from the Astro Bot Rescue Mission.
Kvasir's Ninth Poem
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Title: Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked on Maps
Reference: Uncharted
Justification: This poem is a direct reference from the Uncharted, highlighting the franchise’s key hunting premise and adds humor to Nathan Drake’s tendency to destroy things. The lines ‘strengthen your fingers’ refer to the climbing sections. There is an inclusion of the phrase ‘from small beginnings’ which is also a part of the Latin inscription of Nathan Drake’s famous ring, thus leaving the fans amused.
Kvasir's Tenth Poem
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Title: Trip
Reference: Uncharted
Justification: With strong reference to the Indie Gem Journey, this poem’s cover also showcases a musical chime which signifies the only mode of communication for the players. There is a strange sense of solidary and companionship that the game manages to bring out.
Kvasir's Eleventh Poem
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Title: Eastern Specter
Reference: Ghost of Tsushima
Justification: The verse is a Haiku which is written by the protagonist through the game of Ghost of Tsushima. There are elements like standoff and wind which are the primary nuance of the game. The image tagged along is a half-mask which is the iconic symbol of the game.
Kvasir's Twelfth Poem
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Title: An organization: In the Future
Reference: The Order 1886
Justification: The verse clearly points towards the clash between Halfbreeds and the knights which is the entire theme of the game, 'The Order 1886'.
Kvasir's Thirteenth Poem
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Title: Sanguinity
Reference: Bloodborne
Justification: The mention of city being a prison is a direct reference to the city of Yharnam. The first line Kill, and die is referring to the tough gameplay of the game too,
Kvasir's Fourteenth Poem
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Title: The Dead Do Not Ride
Reference: Days Gone
Justification: Horses of steel is a clear indication of the bikes. The mention of Brothers is also indicating towards this game as it is a major nuance of the game. Moreover, the cover image is the symbol of the protagonist's motorcycle club too.
The study of God of War Ragnarök's worlds via the prism of Julia Kristeva's intertextuality has revealed a complex narrative terrain. The skillful integration of diverse sign systems in the game, which avoids a traditional source analysis, indicates a deliberate involvement with narrative. With its thoughtful intertextual strategy and captivating verses from Kvasir's Poem, God of War Ragnarök invites players to explore deeper levels of meaning, turning gameplay into an educational adventure. This narrative skill highlights the significant influence of academic frameworks in the dynamic realm of gaming while also enhancing gameplay and subtly hinting at broader cultural elements. As we come to an end, it's clear that the game's deft use of intertextuality is evidence of the potential for intellectual depth and artistic expression within the gaming realm.
Kristeva, J. and Moi, T. (1986) The Kristeva reader. https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00525868.
IGN (2023) God of War: Ragnarok - 12 important easter eggs and references. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfN-CXjvbz8.
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just-tired-girl · 11 months
-DAC OC Info-
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Character Info
Name: Flossy Floodstrike
V/A: ???
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: 3 July
Height: 162 cm
Eye color: Serene
Hair color: Lime green
Race: Merfolk?
Family: Unnamed relatives (mostly alive)
Twisted from: Foo Fighters (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Occupation: Student (@deaths-academy-of-combat )
Dorm: Outlandical
School year: First year
Class: 1-D
Club: Gardening Club, Forensics Club(previously, kicked out)
Sports team: Magic shift, Baseball and Swimming
Homeland: Coral Sea
Fun facts
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Best subject: Tact and Strategy and Healing Magic
Preferred Combat style: Ranged attacks, using specific terrain properties for advantage
Favorite food: Any kind of drink, grapes, burgers
Least favorite food: Anything too dry or spicy,
Likes: Swimming, rainy days, baseball, listening to music, playing games with her dorm mates and their kids, learning more about "dry land"
Dislikes: Being dehydrated, her dorm mates bickering with each other, rude people, drinking her drink without permission, whales
Hobby: Playing team sports, spending time in/near water, collecting music discs
Talents: Swimming, cocktail making, high leveled healing magic
Nicknames: F.F (by friends)
Bizzare merfolk (by other students)
Seaweed (as an insult)
Unique Magic: Micro Fighters
Can manipulate water from surroundings with her will to attack with or use it for healing. Only works if there are microorganisms like plankton in it.
A young merfolk girl that is first time on surface, or so-called "dry land". Curious about new suroundings she still has a lot to learn about living customs in here (such as not drinking from puddles). She is positive and friendly, but her naive nature makes her easy to take advantage of. While appearing to be childish at first, Flossy can be serious and is capable of strategical thinking during combat.
She wishes for all her dorm mates to get along as one team, but that is far from happening.
-Her birthday date is the same as release date of manga issue with first appearance of her based character.
-Flossy is terrified of being dehydrated. She always carries some drink with her like her life is depending on it. She is also scared of whales.
-Durning her first weeks on land Flossy had some problems with movement coordination. Currently, her movements are more controlled, although sometimes she still has trouble keeping balance.
-Flossy and Elvira know each other from times before DAC, but she currently befriended and spends more time with Joel. She tries to make them get along with each other, but always ends up with no success.
-She was once in Forensics Club but got kicked out for drinking evidence. In Gardering Club she takes care of water plants in pond.
-Owns baseball bat with many signatures from famous players, and still collects more.
-Nobody from school, not even teachers saw her merfolk form (not that she isn't it or anything). Still, even in human form she is a very good swimmer.
Lord Astral, I present to you my creation *shows Flossy drinking straight from a puddle*
Mentioned Elvira Parena and Joel Cummings are made by @fumikomiyasaki .
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
I’m writing (I swear) but in the meantime here are
June’s One for the Money, Two for the Show family headcanons:
Joel definitely releases an album with your and the kids names as song titles
Lucia definitely pronounces Samuel as Sam-well and he loves it
When Ellie turned eighteen, Joel gave her the option to seek out her biological father/family via DNA testing if she wanted. He told her it wouldn’t hurt either of your feelings and that she had a right to know considering they knew so little about Anna. After a few days of consideration, she agrees to do some health screenings to learn about what she may be pre-disposed to, genetic information, etc., but says she doesn’t want to seek Anna’s family out. “I already have a family.” She said. And yes, Joel cried
Violet has asthma (my poor wheezy baby)
Sarah and Ellie got matching tattoos before Sarah moved to Sacramento: two honey bees because Joel always called them ‘bug’ or ‘honey’ when they were kids
The Miller kids love tiktok like it’s bad. They’re constantly making TikTok’s with each other or with you or Joel and making the internet explode when Joel goes viral for doing the Baby Mama dance. You both had to release a formal statement saying you weren’t pregnant, Joel was just trying to make his kids laugh
You continue to do projects but as the kids get older, you settle into teaching acting at UCLA every other year to give yourself a break. That’s how you come up with the idea to launch your own production company to give young actors a chance to get their foot in the door
The girls, being identical twins, definitely tried to do the thing where they switch places and pretend to be the other but you always know which is which because you’ve literally had their features memorized since you could see them on a sonogram. Joel, however, is sometimes stumped by their identicalness
Sophia definitely dated one of Sam’s teammates and Sam definitely hated every second of it
All of the Miller kids can play instruments but never together because they all think they get to be the one to keep tempo and they all get annoyed with each other. Sarah and Sophia are partial to the keyboard/piano, Ellie to the drums, Sam to the guitar, and Violet to the bass.
Sam, like his dad, is a big softie and will cry at the drop of a hat HOWEVER there was a time after Vi came out that she was getting bullied and that’s the story of how her 6’4 collegiate baseball player brother almost got arrested for threatening to fight a homophobic sixteen year old
One night, after a particularly hard day on set, you came home to Sam, Sophia, Violet, and Joel standing on the kitchen counter singing along to “Benny and the Jets” way past an acceptable time for a sixteen year old and two twelve year olds to be awake but goddammit if you didn’t climb right up on that counter and join them
Sophia and Violet have matching crocs
Sam, despite being his uncle, is only about seven years older than Isaac, making for a super weird conversation when they’re older
None of the kids sound like they’re from Texas until they’re in Texas and when Joel gets going too, it’s over
Sam pierced his ears because Violet said he wouldn’t do it
The kid’s group chat is called “Miller Time”
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