#baseball clothing
noisycowboyglitter · 3 months
Baseball Batting Tips to Boost Your Average
Baseball, often called America's pastime, is a beloved sport that has captivated audiences for over a century. Played between two teams of nine players each, the game combines strategy, skill, and athleticism on a diamond-shaped field.
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The objective is simple: score more runs than the opposing team. The offensive team tries to hit a small, white ball thrown by the pitcher, then run counter-clockwise around four bases to score. Meanwhile, the defensive team aims to prevent runs by catching hit balls and tagging runners out.
Key positions include the pitcher, who throws the ball to the batter; the catcher, who receives pitches; infielders, who cover the bases and shortstop; and outfielders, who catch long hits. Each team alternates between offense and defense, with an inning completed when both teams have batted.
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Baseball has a rich history and culture, from legendary players like Babe Ruth and Jackie Robinson to iconic stadiums like Fenway Park and Wrigley Field. The sport has its own unique language, with terms like "home run," "strikeout," and "grand slam" entering everyday vocabulary.
From Little League to Major League Baseball, the sport continues to inspire and unite people of all ages, fostering a sense of community and tradition that extends far beyond the baseball diamond.
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Autism Awareness promotes understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It educates the public about the diverse experiences, strengths, and challenges of autistic individuals. The movement emphasizes early diagnosis, appropriate support, and societal inclusion. It advocates for accommodations in education, employment, and community settings while dispelling myths and reducing stigma. Autism Awareness encourages recognition of neurodiversity and supports research into causes and interventions. The goal is to create a more inclusive world where autistic individuals can thrive and reach their full potential.
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Gift ideas for autistic teens should cater to their unique interests and needs. Sensory-friendly items like weighted blankets, noise-cancelling headphones, or fidget toys can provide comfort and stress relief. Tech gadgets such as tablets or smartwatches may assist with organization and communication. Consider special interest-related gifts like books, art supplies, or collectibles aligned with their passions. Practical items promoting independence, such as personal care kits or life skills tools, can be valuable. Comfortable clothing or accessories made from soft materials are often appreciated. Always prioritize the individual teen's preferences, sensory sensitivities, and support needs when selecting a gift to ensure it's both enjoyable and beneficial.
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hairmetal666 · 4 months
They're sitting in Eddie's bedroom, Steve propped up in the bed, flipping through some sports magazine, Eddie curled on the floor using his knee as a table as he scrawls notes for Hellfire's next campaign. Metallica spins on the record player, volume low. They're doing this more and more, being together and doing their own thing, music a soft backdrop to it all.
Eddie's deep into his planning, enough so that he manages to forget that Steve Harrington is in his bed. He keeps hearing something, though. It just manages to catch at the edge of his awareness, but when he fully tunes in the only sounds are Steve flipping a page, Ride the Lightning, the shift of blankets as Harrington taps his fingers. It happens a few more times, but when he tries to catch it, it's gone. Steve hasn't reacted at all, to the point Eddie wonders if it's all in his own head.
The next time, he's interrupted before he even gets back into it, that noise again, but this time, now, he's aware enough to see that it's Steve. And he's not, like, reading the magazine out loud to himself. No. He's singing along.
To Metallica.
And he wasn't idly tapping his fingers before. He was tapping along to the beat.
"You're singing along?" He asks before he can stop himself.
Steve looks up, a faint smile on his handsome face. "It's not too bad."
"Not too--Not too bad." Eddie's nearly screeching. Can't wrap his mind around Steve--"You've been listening to Metallica on your own? You've been--you--" He jumps to his feet, notebook spilling onto the floor. Steve's just looking up at him with big eyes and a gentle grin.
"Sure, Munson. You like it, yeah?"
He nods, mutely, unsure how he so thoroughly lost the plot that Steve's been listening to Metallica just because Eddie likes it.
"Got a taste for any other metal bands I should know about, Harrington?" He flops down on the bed, making Steve bounce a little.
"Well, Dio's pretty okay."
This time Eddie does really, actually shriek.
Eddie swans into the kitchen to greet Steve, who's already lounging on the couch with a beer. There's another one on the coffee table, waiting for Eddie.
"Just helped yourself, Harrington?" He teases.
Steve shoots him a look. "Wayne grabbed them before he left. What the hell took you so long?"
He can't say it's because he wanted to look nice with Steve coming over, even if they are just getting high and watching movies. Of course taming his hair took so long that he didn't have time to find a shirt, and Steve's knock at the door had him grabbing the first thing he could and jamming it over his head.
"You want chips?" He asks.
"Wait--Eddie--" Steve stands, pointing at Eddie's chest.
"That's my--oh my god, I've been looking for that."
And, well, he had thought it was a little strange that the t-shirt he grabbed was gray. He pulls at the fabric, stares at the upside down Hawkins Tiger with a basketball in its mouth.
"It's my favorite sleep shirt. I thought Robin took it and you--"
Eddie's face heats. Steve's shirt. Of course. Steve stayed over one movie night, forgot the shirt, and Eddie. Well. He was going to give it back, but--
"Here, man, my bad." He goes to pull the hem over his head. "I didn't know it was your favorite."
"Nah," Steve says. He's sitting back on the couch. "You should keep it. You look really--" he pauses and takes a sip of beer. "It's nice on you, Munson."
He's sure his blush is a horrendous thing to witness, has to fight the urge to hide in his hands. "Right. Uh. Chips!" He whirls towards the cabinets, refusing to think about the matching pink stripes across Steve's cheeks.
"C'mon, Munson, you're hogging the covers." Steve's sleepy mumble cuts through the dawn quiet.
"Mmph," Eddie groans. Rubs the soles of his feet against Steve's shins.
"You're a dick," Steve grumbles. He shimmies closer, which is what finally does the job at fully waking Eddie.
"Wha--huh?" He blinks.
"You stole the blankets, man. If you're not going to share, the least you can do is cuddle."
"Uhh." Eddie is sure he's dreaming, but Steve's warm, strong arm slips around his waist, pulls them together.
Eddie doesn't know what to do. Where he should put his body. Does he relax into it? What do his arms do? They're not usually this rigid, right? But what do they do when he's sleeping? Somewhere in his gay panic, he has the presence of mind to grab the edge of the blanket and throw it over his friend.
"Better?" He asks. His voice is all wrong but maybe Steve will attribute it to tiredness.
"Mmm." Steve's grip tightens around his waist, his nose nuzzling against the nape of Eddie's neck. His breathing is already slow and deep.
Eddie can't imagine sleep finding him anytime soon. Not when Steve, his crush, his best friend, is holding him like this. Not when he now knows what the real thing would be like. Not when it's so impossibly out of his grasp.
Steve and Wayne are watching a Cub's game. Eddie's curled up on the couch between them, trying to work on a sketch, but his brain keeps skipping to a song he's writing. The lyrics have been easy, coming to him like nothing, but the melody...he wants it to be heavy, loud, wanting, but it won't fit.
He glances up at Steve, chatting with Wayne about some baseball thing called a ribee. His hair's not done, flopping softly around his forehead, and he's wearing his result-of-too-many-concussions glasses, the yellow sweater from that horrific boat ride, retrieved by one of the kids and painstakingly washed by Karen Wheeler.
Steve looks sweet, soft, relaxed. He laughs at something Wayne says, and Eddie's a lost cause. He's just fucking smiling at the pretty boy on his couch, hanging out with his uncle, too far gone to be able to fight it.
A melody forms in his head, and it's soft. Not sweet, no, but gentle. Almost tender. Nothing like he imagined.
It's early, early enough that Wayne's not home yet, but he got tired of trying to sleep. Didn't want to bother Steve, who still softly snored in Eddie's bedroom. So, he grabs his acoustic and his notebook, goes out to the couch to work on the song. It's coming along, really good, one of his best. He hasn't shared it with the guys yet. It's--he's not ready, lays him too bare.
There's a clatter from the kitchen, Steve's voice, deep and sleep rough, says, "Hey, Munson."
He pushes the guitar and notebook aside. "Did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet, I'll--"
Steve shakes his head, pads into the living room. He's wearing the yellow sweater, a pair of Eddie's sweatpants, bedhead rampant. He curls up next to Eddie, pulling the couch afghan over his feet. "What're you working on?"
Eddie's ears get hot. "Nothing much. New song I've been noodling on."
"Cool." Steve's smile is little and fond. "Play it for me?"
"Ahh," Eddie says. His hand twitches around the neck of the guitar. "Not sure if it's quite ready for that."
"Oh, yeah." Steve nods. His face does something weird and squiggly that Eddie's never seen. "Just never heard you play before. Thought now might be...you know."
Eddie swallows, hard. "Well, maybe we'll get a show up at the Hideout soon."
"Of course. It's just--this is just you."
He blinks at Steve for a few long seconds, can't believe he's about to do this, but--It's not like Steve will know it's about him, anyway. "It's not a full song yet, alright? Just a verse and half of a chorus, so like. Don't judge it too hard."
"I would never." He can sense Steve's smile but can't look directly at it, knows it would kill him.
He situates the guitar, spins the notebook to read the lyrics like they aren't already burned into his brain, starts to play. His fingers are deft and sure, his voice a little rough, a little raspy with nerves.
The song ends and he's afraid to look at Steve, to see the thoughts written plane on his face. The silence extends, though, and he asks. "So, what did you think?"
"It's--that wasn't what I expected." Steve's voice is weird. Wobbly. Eddie chances half a glance at him, but can't make anything definitive out from his expression. "I didn't think--that's not the kind of music I thought you made."
He licks his lips, swallows. Puts his guitar down. "It's not usually."
"It was a love song." Steve says. His eyes burn into Eddie's.
He can't say anything for seconds that seem to span minutes. "Yeah, Steve," he says in a voice cut with gravel. "It's a love song."
"Eddie," Steve whispers. He reaches out then, thumb tracing along Eddie's jaw, the scars that linger there from the bats. "Is this okay?" He can only nod as Steve's hand twines through his curls.
He's shaking, just a little bit, not because he's inexperienced but because this is Steve, because it's happening, because their lips are meeting and a trembling noise falls from his mouth at the sweet way Steve kisses him.
It's gentle and quick, but they don't part when the kiss ends, stay sharing air as their foreheads rest together. Eddie can't stop smiling.
"Please tell me I'm not dreaming, Stevie" he whispers.
"You dream about me?" Steve asks, eyes blazing.
"I wrote a song about you, and you think dreams are a reach?"
Steve laughs, brushes a kiss against the tip of Eddie's nose. "I loved the song."
"Can't wait to hear the whole thing."
"Well, stick around for a while."
Steve leans in, kisses him again, longer this time. "Just try to get rid of me, Munson."
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thenewhogboy89 · 4 months
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Update from my last post. Holy shit! What a fucking day, I love to show off my gains but this took it to a new level. Now that I’m back from playing baseball with my buds from highschool I’m realizing how fucking ridiculous I look! I cannot fucking believe I had the never to wear this. A few of them noted my gain and gave my some playful teasing.the teams old catcher said ( damn chase been eating good!) and playfully patted my belly! So fucking hot but got a lil embarrassed. And another asked how much weight I gained. I lied and said ( like 25 pounds) do you think they believe me? And some guys definitely we’re talking about my gain behind my back and I caught some looking at my body.
Thing I learned.
* you never lose a skill even if you gain lots of weight (but you do get fucking out of breath)
* as a former pitcher. It’s way harder to pitch now with a belly
* everyone gains a little weight after school. Nobody is the same as they were.
* while your running bases your shirt will rid up over your belly
But yeah. That’s been my crazy bold day. It was so freeing I think. It seemed just like out of a gainer fantasy ps enjoy how fat my ass is
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choccy-milky · 4 months
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ok settle down anon cw: my face🗿
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😍😍😍JUMPSCARE😍😍😍 this pic of me cracks me up so much because i look like that creature from aoi oni LMFAOO ok but heres a non crackhead pic of me i took today upon waking up at 5pm and before washing my face like the nocturnal disaster that i am
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u can tell that i cut my own hair bc look at that stray piece hanging down and how uneven it is LMAOOO i aint payin someone like 70 bucks for a haircut THEYRE A SCAM!! I CAN DO IT MYSELF🤺🤺🤺
also since we're on the topic i posted these on twitter but if u dont have twitter and didnt see them I WANNA SHOW THEM OFF AGAIN BC THIS DRESS IS SO CUTE
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its from miss patina if anyone is curious😩 i have so many of their dresses which i highly recommend and UGH....the feminine urge to draw clora in every single one of them is SO STRONG....im also a hermit and barely ever go outside so fully expect one day that im just gonna post ALL my dresses just so that i can show them off to someone LMAOO🥰🥰
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olliesaur-official · 19 days
time for another random poll!
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389 · 2 years
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Bruce Springsteen
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beeneedssleep · 3 months
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More of the dark rise kids in modern highschool!
As much as I love angsty aus, they've endured enough in canon.
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thecloudstan · 5 months
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excuse me, sir, who gave you that tea? and who gave you that cigarette, sir???
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fi-sneakerboy · 4 months
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dulafer · 4 months
A new one about a troublesome twin brother who ends up with his brother's life. Yes, it's long and detailed with lots of pics.
PDF Link:
Feedback appreciated - the good, the bad and the ugly!
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afurreak · 3 months
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[C] HomeruUURP!
HOMERUN!! ...and a reeeeally loud one, too! For MephistonOwlAD on Twitter! And Happy July 4th, everybody~ <3
New Tiers! New Discord! Join my Patreon NOW!
May y'all have a blessed and shOrktastic day! Thanks for supporting <3
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tippenfunkaport · 1 month
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One of the SPOP servers I'm in is doing a redraw event of this screenshot of Bow and Sea Hawk and people were swapping their outfits and outfit swaps always call to mind High School Musical 2 and the most heterosexual baseball themed dance number ever filmed so I had to do a quick edit of the boys as Chad and Ryan
Original below
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And of course
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zonerz · 3 months
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smth smth
Never Fear! Amy Rose is Here! 💖✨
ran into one of those "draw what ur wearing" memes of yore scroll by the other day and felt like my fit would fit Amy so!!! :] <3 Darling Daughter!!!
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limelemonleaf · 5 months
Seen a few Narrators in baseball uniforms and I wanted to try it too
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Safe to say it turned out amazing and it was extremely fun to draw him like this
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eroosensei · 5 months
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spacedlexi · 7 months
whats ur headcanon on the caravan after the final episode? obv its not big enough to be a community or anything so do you think its just maybe 2-5 random survivors? perhaps someone familiar is there?
i really liked ur post so i was thinking about writing on it! just need some ideas.
well i plan on writing my own idea as a short comic eventually so 👀 one of my many ideas on my many back burners. my idea with the caravan is very self indulgent and mostly serves as a way to set up ericson for success. because like.. what i Actually believe the intended purpose of the caravan was just supposed to be a way for ericson to begin to cautiously open up to the idea of fostering a wider community. making connections establishing trade that kinda stuff but still being protective of their community. so like, as i see it trade would happen in a indistinct location to still keep ericson relatively safe ("we'll come to you") but theyre getting comfortable with the idea of creating wider connections with other good people in need
so all of that ties into my (self indulgent) idea that jesus is a part of this caravan, and the caravan itself is on a journey to re-establish trade routes after the war severed communications between communities. when word makes it back to ericson about the names of the people in the group, clem goes out there personally to greet someone she thought she would never see again. jesus is pleasantly surprised to see her, and she recognizes him before he recognizes her. jesus meets aj. and then jesus tells clem hes already been in communication with the garcias, that richmond made it, and that he'll send word back to them and help to establish a trade route between the two. help ericson to stand on its feet. some solar panels, a generator or two, canned food and seeds for the greenhouse. javi personally makes the journey to deliver the supplies to them, and they all get to have a nice reunion :)
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