#barty - his family
Tomarry AU where Tom HATES this book he read because his favourite character dies a miserable death. So what if his favorite character was a no-named side villain? Why does it matter that he only had like seven lines (seven is Tom's favourite number anyways)? He was still gorgeous, smart and strong and beautiful — and it doesn't matter that others think he isn't all that because they would never know him— understand him like TOM DOES.
An AU where Tom has a healthy obsession with a character named Harry Potter, a no named baron's son who was the first to go against the king (MC's father, and the mc who is incidentally known as Draco Malfoy, ahem anyways); he tries to “poison” him. But he gets caught or to be more precise he ends up sacrificing himself for the common girl Hermione Granger (the female lead, I'm sorry guys but imagine the fucking drama.) who gets blamed for his transgressions.
But that is not why Tom falls for this weak villain, no — it's because he respects how this no-named orphan became a baron on his own two feet without anyone being there for him especially in a world where old money and title is everything— and he hates how he had to give his life for the MC to notice the female lead? (Harry is better looking and smarter than her anyways — Tom, in an online forum perhaps.)
Anyways, now imagine Tom dying (he hated it so yes he ends up looking for immorality anyways.) and waking up in the world he hated. Now imagine, Tom Riddle, waking up in the body of a Duke who wasn't even given a name in the novel. (He would know because he has a photographic memory, ok? It's totally not because he read it more than 14 times) and then saying fuck it and owning it.
Just think, Tom taking over the world slowly with his worldly knowledge while trying to keep Harry alive because even though he was right about Harry being smart; the guy treats his life like Draco treats his money - you get the idea.
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deathnguts · 3 months
Peak Barty and the skittles characterization in au’s is having the rest of the skittles be cryptids or something adjacent and him being the disturbed teen average human that stumbled upon them and was quickly accepted as one of their own because if you really think about it that’s what happened at hogwarts too
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not-rab · 10 months
what if after you endure a large amount of cruciatus curses, your hair starts to lose its colour
that’s why even though pandora and evan are identical twins, pandora’s hair is dirty blonde, whereas evan’s is a platinum blond
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norry-yippee · 18 days
Dorcas was Regulus’ first black person btw
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foursaints · 9 months
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(no voldemort au)
when regulus became lord black Barty realized that a) he’s from a very prominent light family and b) he’s going to marry into the most renowned dark family AND ALSO BE LORD BLACK!! and ergo has double immunity. imagine how much shit he could go away with
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
barty is a mamas boy with major daddy issues *drops mic*
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katakosmos · 2 months
the crouch family
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barty, emily, barty, winky, the grandparents
there was nothing bartemius crouch sr loved more than his job, except maybe for emily crouch. their son, barty, was third on the scale of importance. he was part of the family, that's true, but there was a reason he came after emily and his job: emily was his wife and the mother of his son, and his job was what allowed him to support her and the child. barty would never have been born if it hadn't been for these two. therefore, barty was third.
sometimes emily said, jokingly, that barty was married to his job, and that she only got in the way of their love story. other times though, she said the same thing, but angry. or crying. barty wanted to reassure her, but he could never find the words to tell her you are the most important thing to me.
he knew she was right, his job took up a lot of his time. it made him come home late, it forced him to lock himself in his office. it was a big effort, but necessary. and then, once he had shown everyone his commitment and his value, after having defeated voldemort and become minister, he would have had a lot of time to dedicate to his family. first work, then pleasure.
was that what ruined everything in the end? without realizing it, he had put work first. what would have happened if he had come home on time more often?
what would have changed?
emily crouch loved her son with all her heart... but, sometimes, she felt like she was betraying her husband's trust. he had been there before barty was born, she had loved him before their son. so, emily crouch loved her sweet barty with all her heart, but she loved her husband more.
when they met, they were young and immature. he talked to her about his dreams and goals, and she was enchanted by him. he seemed like a serious young man, with a life plan. someone who would give her certainties. it would have been nice if she could marry a boy like that.
on their wedding day he promised her love and respect. and he always kept his promises. it was important for him, who grew up with a violent father and a submissive mother. the horrible and strict grandparents that barty met only once when he was five, and never again. he told her that he didn't want to be like his father, and he didn't want her to have the same fate as his mother. he was always a great husband.
they argued sometimes, they didn't always share the same ideas. but they always found a way to fix everything, they loved each other. he had given her a purpose, emily was not good at anything, neither in magic nor in life. she would have had no future if it weren't for him. she only had eyes for her husband.
was that her mistake, maybe? she should have given barty more love. was she the cause of it all, all that went wrong?
if she had told barty how much she loved him, would anything have changed?
winky was devoted to the crouch family like no one else had ever been. she had deep respect for her masters, she venerated them, she served them with happiness. they were so kind to her, and she was just a house elf.
she served mr. crouch since he was a child, he was very dear to her. mrs. crouch was a wonderful woman. and when little master crouch joined the family, she was so happy: he was the kindest and most polite child she knew.
sometimes she had heard him say terrible things, terrible indeed, that she would never have dared to repeat. that's why she didn't tell her masters. she made a mistake and ruined everything, there was no other explanation. she was unable to protect the family, and when barty escaped from azkaban she did nothing to alleviate his condition. she should have talked to mr. crouch more, persuaded him to be more lenient. he was a man destroyed by grief, but he was forgetting his son again.
had master crouch felt lonely? had he felt unloved? but then, had he listened to her devoted and sincere words, whispered under the invisibility cloak, or had he simply ignored her all these years?
barty crouch jr hated his family. and it wasn't something he tried to hide, even if they didn't seem to understand it. bearing the name crouch was embarrassing and shameful. bearing the exact same name as his father was an insult. what was "family" to others was nothing more than an oppressive group of people to him. they accused him of destroying their lineage, but why would barty feel bad for doing so? why would he pity an absent father and a mother who only loved him when he was weak and alone?
he had to get rid of them to be completely free. and how ironic, after all, hadn't they all sacrificed themselves so that he would be? but freedom wasn't the air outside azkaban, nor his father and winky's desperate attempt to fix everything. freedom was power, control. and his "family" couldn't give him that. they couldn't give him anything... well, except anger and pain.
but, sadly, he already had those.
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morsmortish · 3 months
the thing about my barty is that he is objectively such a fucking loser. like, in modern aus, he plays dungeons and dragons. he collects yugioh cards. he goes to comic-cons. he corrects your grammar mid-sentence. he’s practically the epitome of the “loser” kid stereotype.
and yet…he makes it work. he’s so unashamedly lame that it’s almost endearing. he’s on the outskirts of those big popular groups, but not because they don’t like him, but more because everyone’s sort of at a loss at how the hell to interact with him.
he will happily talk about him and his hobbies to anyone, and no matter how ‘weird’ or unconventional they objectively are, he speaks so unabashedly and so animatedly that you can’t help but nod along. and then he skips off and you sit down and wonder how this fucker managed to make magic: the gathering sound cool.
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quillkiller · 4 months
sorry to say but barty + the rosier twins are in love and i’ve thought about nothing else since yesterday
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#barty growing up in a family where love and affection is only for show and for the public image#a quiet and strict home where love only comes if someone important is watching#and then barty stumbling into this other family dynamic with the rosier twins#where they love each other in every concievable way#a sibling dynamic that knows no boundaries when it comes to love and intimacy#but its all behind closed doors#rather than the pretend love and intimacy his father holds above barty for the public eye#instead it’s behind closed doors and no boundaries and theirs and real#barty being so possessive over them because they’re his <3#no one is allowed to know them and see them like he gets to know and see them#they both end up dating barty and people talk and people think it’s weird#but they’ll never KNOW and that’s what important to them#people might talk but they’ll never actually know or understand the way they do#pan and ev don’t consider themselves dating or even in love#they already love each other because they’re twins. in every possible way#they’re already together too because they’re twins. calling it something so mundane as ’dating’ wouldn’t cover it#they’re just a unit and they love each other and want each other and barty love them and they love him <3#the polar opposite of bartys family and stumbling into ev and pans family dynamic#makes me insane#makes me EMOTIONAL#and barty being so protective of it#protective over pan and ev but also protective over all three of them#that’s his family :’) and his loves :’)#i dont even think they tell reg what their relationship turns into#everyone knows barty is dating both of them#and everyone talks#but no one will ever know#reg eventually does think he knows#and has a ’none of my business’ attitude about it#bartyrosiers
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andyxcds · 1 month
Evan being a complete asshole to everyone, just an intolerable guy altogether and Barty starts hanging out with Regulus and calling Evan out on his bullshit attitude towards Regulus and Pandora. Evan's being more of a nonchalant asshole and Barty needs him to be good for once and somehow he gets through.
I mean, Evan learns to sympathize with Barty, because what happy Minister's son gets into death eating without a little trauma? What can Barty do to change the perfect man's mind when the man treats everyone around him like a toy?
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faggylittleleatherboy · 7 months
Being haunted by jegulus and moonwater 😔😔
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elisedonut · 2 months
you know maybe there's some fun irony you can pull with Cedric/Percy where Cedric still dies
because if we are going a Cedric going behind Cho's back situation (or like if he was just never actually with her or a beard situation or just an outright au where it just didnt happen)
then you have Percy's first girlfriend almost dying
and then his boyfriend legit dying
and then if you choose to put him with another person who dies/has something bad happen to them (Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Stan, Anyone you just want to have die that we don't know the fate of )
(Or if you want to be really spicy Colin, where Colin and Dennis end up staying with Percy while they are on the run because of that fun Percy hiding people in his own flat concept that I really like and like Colin develops feelings from the close contact even though nothing really happens leading to an even more fucked situation where Percy's been keeping him at arms length for a lot of reasons but a small part of him hoping it will help keep him safe and that failing anyway)
we can give him a complex
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thefloatingwriter · 1 year
James and Barty were each other’s first crushes, and only Peter knew.
James nor Barty even noticed the way they acted around each other. But Peter did.
He saw the way James unconsciously ran a hand through his unkept hair when Barty approached. He saw Barty arranging himself “cooler” (e.g. leaning against a wall, etc) when he noticed James.
Peter never got to tell either of them.
He found it funny at first. But after the two of them started at Hogwarts and started, slowly, unconsciously, growing apart. Peter didn’t know what would help. If anything would help.
He kept it under lock and key. He never said anything.
He talked to Barty even after James severed ties with him. Just because James was one of his best mates didn’t mean he had to do everything he did.
Sometimes, he wondered what would happen if he had told them. If that would make them grow together once again, or if he would just make the space between them worse.
Peter thought of both of them as he died, his silver hand tightening on his throat as James’ face floated across his mind.
He didn’t deserve to think of him, and he tried to push it away. But after a brief fight with his own mind, he gave himself the tiniest bit of mercy. He was dying. Might as well think of all of his life regrets with the last seconds of his being.
Thinking of Barty hurt less. Barty had made his choice. It was the wrong choice, yes, but it wasn’t Peter’s fault. That disgusted him to think about, but so did the majority of his thoughts these days.
Only one thought came to the forefront of his mind.
He never got to tell them.
They would never know.
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when you realize that miss Bellatrix Black Lestrange had the right to a trial while having the dark mark inked to her skin but Sirius Black didn't makes you realize how the ministry didn't care about justice after the first war at all.
Bellatrix was a known supporter of Voldemort, she wasn't quiet about her admiration for him, so they knew she was guilty and she still had the right to a trial.
Makes you think why, especially with Dumbledore present in the court room. Sirius was part of the order and still Dumbledore didn't seek answers as to why he had betrayed them. He was there to advocate for Snape, was present for known Death Eaters trials, but couldn't provide Sirius a fair trial, and all it would take was a little word to Fudge or Barty Crouch, after all it only took his word for Severus to be considered innocent.
It wasn't in his interest to seek the truth or even to help Sirius which is why he didn't, i don't believe he knew Sirius was innocent, but he didn't want justice, simply because it did not matter to him what the truth was, if Sirius was innocent it wouldn't help Dumbledore in his plans, if he was guilty it was indiferent to him, he simply didn't care because it wasn't important for his narrative.
Going back to Bellatrix and looking who she had the trial with, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Barty Crouch Jr, were all pure-bloods from influencial families, makes you think if even after everything that had some weight on them getting a trial.
Sirius was a Black yes, one of the sacred 28, but he was disinherited and that was common knowledge. Even if Fudge used the excuse of being a Black to portray him as a murderer in the media, all of his family (from what we know and assume) got a trial, Sirius was the only Black who didn't get a trial and I can't help but think his disinheritance had something to do with it.
(Joanne is not smart enough to write this correctly, but the sacred 28 had a lot of political power, as we see the Malfoys exibit in the books)
So this rants leads nowhere but i have been thinking about it so tell me your thoughts on this
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
Barty decided to get all of his O.W.L.'s because he thought that maybe that would be his out, his escape from his father. In the end, plan A was a fail, what everyone else didn't know, was that plan B was always going to be the Dark Lord.
And what people didn't know either, was that plan B failed too. After being trapped via Imperius for years upon years, Barty figured out that death was really the only way out. And maybe that was why he was suddenly being less careful with how he handled being a teacher at Hogwarts, even though he had always dreamed of teaching. Maybe he knew that this would be his way out.
In the end, Plan C was the only one that worked.
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