#barred parakeet
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sleepy-sluggo · 9 days ago
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Loading linnie
Stickers available on my redbubble !
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birdhism · 8 months ago
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Chubby Lineolated Parakeets aka Barred Parakeets Mutations
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na-bird-of-the-day · 2 years ago
BOTD: Barred Parakeet
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Photo: Kathinetzwerk
"Small, fast-flying parakeet of humid evergreen forest in foothills and highlands, especially in areas with seeding bamboo. Usually seen in pairs or small groups flying high overhead; rarely seen perched. Note pointed tail, fast and slightly bounding flight, and habitat (no other small parakeets occur in highlands of Mexico and northern Central America). Blackish barring on upperparts only apparent with a good view."
- eBird
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pomsdoodlefort · 2 years ago
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Captain Calico and “First Mate” Peep Squeak
Captain of the Feral Dolphin, Diana Calico, formerly Diana-Emia von Angora.
A mercurial authority, she rules her ship with an iron fist and a hardy laugh. She keeps her parrot Peep Squeek close, despite having lost an eye to the wee beast. He’s not Uplifted, but she talks as though he were.
Stuck guardian a Sealing Stone on the Dolphin. She wanted to flee Naia and take the stone to the ends of the world, but the Darklands perpetual storm waylaid her.
Spending her days fighting the waters the Captain spends her nights at The Lucky Catch with her crew.
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thesillyguyy · 1 year ago
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Dill is the one with more black feathers. He is a boy
Pickle is the one with lighter feathers. She is a girl
They're a bonded and possibly mating pair
Happy Valentines Day!
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 11 months ago
Joel is part linnie (aka barred parakeet). He can fly with his wings similarly to Grian, and he also has little wing-things by his ears.
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juustozzi · 6 months ago
Your winged people AU is so cool, and the concept of anyone having certain bird's wings sounds kinda cute; and tbh I just love whenever Tenma is associated with birds or wings in general, it fits him a lot n.n
I saw you made Kirino and Shindou as winged people too, and was wondering what birds you think would fit the other members of Raimon, out of curiosity
hello, thank you so much!! shoutout to the person who dropped the first ask about Tenma with wings that caused this to snowball, haha!
this au has separated into two in my head; the one where the plot-ish drawings are set in, where only people with bird association have wings, and then there's the side where picking and designing wings is fun and anyone could have a pair! but the line is blurry because this is all just for the funsies c:
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here's my personal favourite picks - oriental stork and malabar parakeet! some characters were harder to find a match for, and please share if you have opinions about these or your own ideas! full team list under cut 👇 (also let me know if you want me to draw someone else from the list!)
Sangoku: oriental stork
Kurumada: greater roadrunner
Amagi: shoebill
Shinsuke: tree swallow
Hamano: black-headed gull
Hayami: manx shearwater
Kurama: jackdaw
Aoyama: eurasian coot
Ichino: piping plover
Nishiki: great blue heron
Kariya: malabar parakeet
Hikaru: little blue penguin
Tsurugi: taiwan blue magpie
and the ones I've done before:
Tenma: bar-tailed godwit
Shindou: peacock
Kirino: anna's hummingbird
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flock-talk · 9 months ago
dear flock talk
today my mom stepped into her car (having left the windows open on accident) and found a bright yellow parakeet on the dashboard. we have no facilities for birds but we got the birdie into the house and gave him some mashed banana and some bird seed my boyfriend gave to me, as well as made sure that our cat wouldn't cause any danger. the poor thing seems really scared and freezes whenever i walk into the room to check on him. he hasn't made any sounds since we've brought him inside. we put up an ad for a lost pet but in the meantime, is there anything you might recommend doing to make him feel a bit more relaxed while he's here?
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the fellow in question ^
The banana distribution system is functioning well I see!
Be sure to check for local Facebook groups, often times there isn’t a rescue facility but there will be Facebook groups to post lost/ found animals or online only shelters that don’t have physical locations but will share found pet listings on their site! Veterinary facilities will also be a good place to check, and a good opportunity to have someone check the bird over to ensure they aren’t immediately ill or dehydrated. You can use the site aav.org to locate facilities with avian vets nearest you- this may help you narrow down what clinics this bird may already be a patient in which could help you narrow your search/ leave found bird posters at.
Definitely be sure to keep the cat and bird completely separate (no matter how much you trust your cat!) as just their saliva left over on their fur can kill a bird let alone potential prey drive risks!
In the meantime I’d set up a cage for the little fellow, a deep cleaned cat carrier could work in a pinch if you have one laying around- just ensure the bird can’t fit its head through the bars. Birds can get hurt very easily if left alone in a room (falling from heights, chewing electrical wires, getting caught in fabrics, eating drywall, the list goes on) so do try to find some way to contain them. This will also provide them with a safe space as they won’t feel as out in the open which may help the little banana bird settle in a bit.
In the cage provide their seed mix, clean water, and fruits + veggies near the top of the cage- stressed birds are less likely to travel to the floor to eat and feel safer staying up high. Watery foods like lettuce or apples can help to rehydrate them since they are probably a bit dehydrated after their grand adventure.
As for stress the big thing right now is just going to be leaving them alone, get their carrier set up somewhere quiet and up high against at least one wall, preferably two. Give them space and time to slow down, eat and drink, and de stress. For some birds talking to them very calmly and quietly without major eye contact can also help as well as soft white noise playing to help dull out sounds that could be sudden and startling. Overall just a dark quiet space will do the most good for now
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birdhism · 2 years ago
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theamityelf · 9 months ago
I really want Sonia, Akane, and Gundham to share an apartment, after they graduate Hope's Peak.
Sonia could just move them both into her palace, but they all prefer to live like normal people, so they get a regular place, and she does not accept an allowance from Novoselic. If she brings in money, she does it selling creepy handmade stuffed animals or starting a YouTube channel or almost-literally anything that doesn't directly rely on her royal status.
As far as apartment chores, Sonia cooks, Gundham cleans, and Akane shops. Akane brings in prize money and sponsor money from her gymnastics, Gundham brings in money from breeding and pet-sitting, and Sonia I imagine having a handful of side-hustles. (Also, Sonia would absolutely be someone to win TV trivia contests and the like, so she's often winning gift cards to restaurants they can all go to, on dates.)
It's a three-bedroom apartment, but they share one room; one is for guests; and one is a pet sanctuary. They shop for furniture and decor together. There's a lot of dark purple in the curtains and rugs and light colors in the upholstery of loveseats and chairs. Pull-up bars in every doorway; they all use them. Also, sometimes parakeets perch on them.
Sonia keeps ice packs ready in the freezer, for when Akane comes home sore or injured.
They have monogrammed towels in the bathroom that read "Supreme Overlord of Ice", "Lady of Darkness", and "Lady of the Bloodstained Fields".
The hamsters are always there, but there will also be temporary dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc. Both Sonia and Akane take this in stride; if Gundham forgets a snake on the couch, he'll shortly hear Akane call out, "Snake on the couch; cool if I move it?" or walk back into the room to see Sonia wearing it like a boa.
At any given time, two or three of Akane's younger siblings might be crashing there, if they've been missing Akane or their parents have disappeared on them. Sonia loves them. When they start calling her "Big Sis Sonia", she feels so honored. Gundham introduces them to whatever animals he has on hand that don't bite.
Akane and Gundham gradually learn Sonia's language. (Akane starts picking it up inadvertently, just from overhearing Sonia on the phone, and when Sonia realizes that Akane has picked up an impressive amount of phrases from her, she asks if either of them want to know more.)
They have "house rules", but those are pretty much just for when their classmates visit, because they've learned the hard way that Ibuki will scare the animals if they let her bring her guitar, Kazuichi will fix everything regardless of whether it's actually broken, and Nekomaru, left unchecked, will clog the toilets and leave them like that. He's a frequent visitor. Whenever Nagito is about to visit, they try to luck-proof the whole place, but it doesn't work. When Chiaki comes to visit, they know to have the guest room ready for when she inevitably falls asleep.
They grow pumpkins on the balcony.
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charmwasjess · 6 months ago
🔮and 🦖 for the ask game, please.
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
Carolina parakeet!!
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My state's (and the eastern US's) only indigenous parrot. The last one died in 1904. They were notoriously friendly, unafraid birds so they made easy targets for the pet trade and hat makers. They also ate cockleburs so whenever I'm walking through an overgrown field and come out with my pants and my hair full of burs, I'm extra sad missing them.
🔮 What’s your dream job?
I actually had my dream job - teaching creative writing to college students - and I left it to switch to tech writing, which I can actually live on the salary. I'll spare you the rant on being a young academic with over $50K student debt in the US trying to make it without insurance on an adjunct professor salary, but I really do miss it. It was amazing to me how many beginning students didn't know they could write because nobody ever told them they were allowed to. Seeing them grow in confidence was the best feeling.
That's a sad answer though so I'll lean into the "dream" aspect here and say it would be to run a coffeeshop + bar + bookstore, but one that magically is successful. :D I'd want one of those old sweet-smelling antique wooden spaces in an old part of town and I'd run it on pure vibes.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 11 months ago
Another Day in Paradise, Chapter 2
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Pairing: Eventually Alastor x OFC, later- light Alastor x ofc x Lucifer Rated: E for eventual smut Content warnings: It's Hazbin Hotel- this feels redundant. Sex, eventual smut, referenced implied suicide to be discussed in more detail later, drugs, drinking, poor coping, toxic behavior, controlling behavior, cannibalism, idk, it's fucking Hazbin Hotel, if it's worth a content warning it's probably going to come up at some point? Religious trauma
AN: Why not post another chapter?
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
Amber had a good cry again, allowed herself a moment to fall apart before pulling herself back together again. Washing her face in the sink, she tried to push the fear away. It was easier, having had a chance to cry and get clean. 
Standing tall with her back straight, Amber pulled her shoulders back and tried to tell herself that she was going to be okay. 
Charlie was waiting outside the room door as Amber opened it. For a second, worry was on her face but it was quickly replaced with a bright smile. “You look so much better without the dirt! Not that you looked bad, just- you’re perked up. Oh your ears are so cute!” 
“Thank you?” Amber felt her ears twitch on her head, shifting to lean back as Charlie leaned into them, towering over. The woman was a giant. “And thank you for the clothes.” 
“Come on! Let me give you a tour now that you’re feeling better.” Charlie grabbed her hand and pulled her along. The careful strength of the Princess had been replaced by someone that very much reminded Amber of a golden retriever or perhaps a cinnamon roll, should one have someone become sentient. 
Amber wasn’t tall in life and that hadn’t been greatly corrected in death. Her eyesight? That got fixed. But her height? Nope, she was still short. There wasn’t a hope in hell that she could keep up with Charlie.
“Sweetie, you’re dragging her.” Charlie dropped Amber’s hand and pulled her in front of a woman who thankfully did not tower as well with long white hair and gray skin. 
“This is my girlfriend,” Amber smiled at the warmth and giddiness in Charlie’s voice. Was the relationship new or were they just still that in love? 
“Vaggie.” The woman gave her name, sparing a warm look to the tall woman behind Amber before refocusing her attention. “I’m glad the clothes fit you.”
“Thank you for them. I’ll return them to you as soon as-”
“No need.” Vaggie waved off Amber’s words as if they were annoying bugs. “Call it a welcome gift.” 
It was a simple hotel, all things considered. There were rooms on the upper floors with the main ground floor acting as a lobby and parlor. Behind a set of double doors was a modest commercial kitchen. An open room separated by large arches held the dining room. Tables looked to be shoved together haphazardly to make a larger family table in the center. 
The lobby was littered with a few couches, some armchairs and coffee tables. It was cozy in a way, if you ignored the stains on the carpet and the ripped wallpaper in places. In the lobby she met the smallest woman she had ever seen with one large eye that held a murderous glint. 
“We’re pretty sure Nifty is harmless.” Charlie assured as the woman ran off to stab bugs. 
“Are you sure ‘pretty sure’ is sure enough?” Amber didn’t mean to say it out loud for fear that questioning would upset her hosts and result in her being sent out again. Instead of being offended, Charlie laughed as if she was making a joke. 
These people were so weirdly normal.
The hotel bar looked like it had been ripped out of another building and dropped in the lobby. It didn’t fit in the slightest. 
Behind the bar was a tall cat man with dark fur and wings. Wings. This was hell and hell had cat men with wings. Amber remembered her childhood cat’s obsession with trying to catch her father’s parakeet. Did winged cat men chase birds or was that too close to cannibalism?
Hell was fucking weird. 
“This is Husk,” Charlie introduced the man behind the counter who simply raised an eyebrow at her. “He’s our bartender. Husk, this is Amber- she’s our newest guest!” 
“Pleasure to meet you,” Amber wasn’t sure what else to say. If she left her mouth open too long, she feared something else would come out unintentionally again. 
“Yeah, yeah- pleasure and all that shit.” Husk paid more attention to cleaning the glass in his hand than them. Never had she seen someone give off the vibe of ‘I don’t get paid enough for this shit’ as this man was.
“Hey foxy lady,” Spoke a tall thin pink thing leaning on the bar in what she thought was an attempt to be seductive. “What brings you here?”
The man leaned up, supporting his weight with a lower set of arms as he positioned an upper set of arms. Why did he have to sets of arms? Why was he pink? What was he? Was he a he? Amber felt like she had seen him before but for the life of her, she couldn’t place him. 
“This is our long time resident and friend, Angel Dust!” Charlie had what Amber was starting to believe was an unending well of manic energy. Was she on something? “This is our newest guest! Amber!” 
Amber was starting to feel like a prize with how Charlie would throw her arms out and introduce her. It reminded her a lot of a game show host showing a prize to be won. 
“Don’t be weird.” Vaggie warned the pink person. 
“He’s fine. You get used to him.” Charlie assured. 
He was a he, good to know. Amber watched as Angel directed his attention to flirting with the bartender who didn’t seem to want any of it for a moment before directing his attention back to her. “You look pretty normal, minus the foxy bits. Wonder why?”
“The more you sin in life, the more you’re distorted in death.” Charlie offered offhandedly, clearly not comfortable with the topic of life. She was the princess of hell, Amber couldn’t help but wonder if that ment she was truly born here and never had a life. 
Were there others born here? Shit, could they have kids here? Not that she had interest in having sex with hulking winged cat men, multi armed pink fluffs or the various beasts she had ran from in the city. 
Radio static filled her ears for a moment and then there was a hot sticky breath over her shoulder. “Well, well, what have we here?” 
“Jesus, Fuck!” Amber lept out of her skin, launching herself away from the voice that had spoken right into her ear and nearly scared her to death. 
“He’s not here~” Came a singsong answer from the man that had somehow ended up behind her. “And I don’t believe he was interested in such activities,” He added, standing straight. 
He was a looming figure, putting a new perspective on towering over someone. He had to be seven feet tall and could be described as simply red. His hair was cut in a bob and red tipped with black. Tufts stuck up on either side of what looked to be tiny antlers. 
Continuing the red were two tone red eyes that blazed out from corpse pale skin. His skin wasn’t white in tone, like Charlie’s or as light as Amber’s. What had his skin looked like flushed with life? 
He wore a monocle of red glass that seemed to just hover in place and a red suit paired with a red pinstripe tailcoat. Everything was miraculously put together, right to the bowtie around his neck and yet the tails of his coat were shredded in places. 
The only thing that wasn’t black or red about him was his yellow smile, full of jagged teeth and cutting across his face in a way that looked threatening and decidedly not human. Not that she looked human herself. Or the pink fluff and cat man looked human either. 
This man was dangerous. She knew it as well as she knew her name but if anyone were to ask her why or how she knew it, there wasn’t any way she could put words to it. The man simply radiated danger, packaged in a well fitted suit and a smile. 
“Terribly sorry for giving you a fright, my dear.” She had no doubt in the world that he wasn’t sorry in the slightest. Still, he tossed a microphone tipped cane from his right hand to his left and offered the newly freed hand to her in greeting.
“It’s alright,” She didn’t know what else to say as she accepted his hand in what she expected to be a handshake. 
“Alastor! A pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure indeed.” Rather than shake her hand, he ran his finger tips down the underside of her wrist and palm before grasping her fingers and pulling them up as he bowed down at the waist, placing a chaste kiss at her knuckles. 
“This is Amber.” Charlie offered as Amber struggled between the desire to run far away from this dangerous man and the self destructive urge to burn up in his presence. “She’s our newest guest. Alastor is-”
“Charlie’s hotelier. If you require anything at all my dear, do not hesitate to ask.” Alastor finished, finally letting go of her fingers as he stood again to his full height. 
“Heya, Toots.” Angel waved from the couch as Amber came down. It had been a week and she had a tentative friendship with these people who took her in like a stray dog. Well, most of them in some way at least. “What cha got going on today?” 
“I don’t know.” Amber shrugged, “Probably see where I can help out here.”
“Don’t you ever, you know, go anywhere?” He sat up, long legs flying through the air on their way to the ground with a fluidity that shouldn’t really be possible. 
“No.” Amber answered honestly. She hadn’t left the hotel once since she dragged herself up the hill in a desperate bid for safety. There wasn’t a need. 
“Why not?” Angel asked as Amber picked up whatever she could find to tidy up the space. It wasn’t needed but she had to do something to busy herself. 
She hadn’t left because she was scared but she didn’t want to admit that. 
“How long have you been dead?” Angel asked, instead. 
“Like, almost two months?” Amber whispered.
“You’re like, fresh, fresh meat, huh.” Angel whistled a bit. “It’s rough, the first few months, first year even. Shit’s scary. If you don’t find your feet, you get hurt and make mistakes.” 
It felt like he was talking very much from personal experience. “How about you?” 
“A good bit. Not as fresh as you, that’s what matters. Couple decades.” Angel was uncharacteristically serious at the moment. “You got lucky to end up here. I won’t ask what happened on your way here but you’re lucky to get here so fast. But don’t let this place become your prison either. A pretty cage is still a cage and all that shit.”
“It’s ‘a gilded cage is still a cage’” Alastor’s voice came somewhat annoyed from where he sat in an armchair, newspaper in hand. Amber was sure he hadn’t been there before.
The man terrified her no less today than he did upon their first meeting. 
“Whatever, Smiles. My point is, if you don’t want to go out on your own, that’s fine. But go out with one of us sometimes. Hell, do you even have another change of clothes? You gotta start living, not just existing. Go out, buy some clothes. I’ll take you, if ya want.”
“I couldn’t- I can’t. I don’t really have any money and I really don’t need anything, anyway. Really.”
“Crack may be expensive but I’m living rent free babycakes.” Angel smiled, pulling her from her chair. “And if you asked, I bet Charlie would pay you for what you do too.”
Shopping was far from a fun adventure, Amber discovered. She was smaller than so may in the realm. Off the rack clothes simply rarely fit her. And the pants that did, rarely had accommodations for a tail. It became clear that tailors and custom clothing was far more of a thing in hell than it had been in modern life. 
“Don’t worry Ears,” Angel walked with his lower arm draped around her shoulders. “We’ll get some snaps or buttons or something. A little snipping, sewing and you can button your pants around your tail. Then you won’t be walking around holding it out like you’ve got a dick up your ass.” 
“What a distasteful way to speak to a lady.” Alastor materialized out of shadows at Amber’s side, walking as if he had been with them the whole time. “But not an inaccurate description of how you’re holding your tail out, my dear.” Alastor’s clawed finger ran down the top of her tail as he leaned into her space only to dissolve into shadows and rise up a short distance away. “Did you manage to acquire anything for the lady that isn’t more appropriate for a lady of the night?”
“Styles change, old man.” Angel shot back. 
“I’ll take that as a ‘no’.” Alastor tsked as he approached them again, only to stop in front of them, blocking the sidewalk with his presence alone. They could walk around him, physically he was a thin man and the sidewalks were wide enough to accommodate beasts but somehow, that just didn’t feel possible. 
“You’re in the way.” Angel said as if it needed staying. 
“Am I?” Alastor’s grin widened. “I hadn’t noticed.” 
“What do you want?” Angel was clearly uncomfortable with the extended interaction. 
“Why, simply to ensure our lovely guest is properly provided for!” He laughed as if that was somehow a funny statement before holding out his hand toward Amber. “We’d not had a chance to get to know each other. How unfortunate! I’ve got to make a run to the tailor, you see. I simply need to pick up a few things. You’ll accompany me.” 
That last statement should have been a question but his tone didn’t hold any questioning. It was stated as a fact. It was clear that she had nothing but the illusion of choice. 
Amber’s hand trembled as she hesitated. Alastor started twitching his head from side to side, “Tick Tock, Dearie. Tick Tock.”
“Okay,” she slipped her hand into his timidly. Why did the creepiest man have to want to touch her?
“You don’t have to go with him Toots,” Angel said. She really didn’t think she had as much of an option as he seemed to think she had though. 
“She’ll be perfectly fine, don’t worry!” Alastor kissed her hand before raising from his folded bow and tucking her hand around his arm. 
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sweetkiller690 · 1 year ago
Fuck it, Juice Bar Regular Hcs
Herb (Bloom) Cookie
Herb is 25 years old (Oldest, minus Vampire)
He is autistic and has symptoms such as a lack of fear, unusual eating, trouble understanding others' emotions, hyperfixation, and sleeping habits.
He is Wasisn (a mix between Asian and White)
Originally from a forest near the Hollyberry kingdom
5'6 (Shortest one in the group)
Bisexual, uses neoprouns (plant/plantself), and is Poly
Major weed smoker
His mother is Matcha Cookie (he doesn't know)
She left him a forest full of carnivore plants and expected them to eat him.
Instead, they raised him as his own and you can guess how that fucked him up lol
He was adopted (found and kidnapped) by Sea Fairy and Moonlight at the age of 6.
Took quite a bit for him to get over his eating habits, but currently, he is fine.
He is the owner of a flower shop with his only current employee being Tumeric Cookie (oc)
The only reason why he has one employee is because of Cookiesnap.
Stronger than he comes off as. He can easily carry Mint and Sparkling at the same time
He usually has dirt on him because of all the time he spends in his garden.
Has a scar on the right side of his face, he doesn't really remember how it got there.
Mint choco: "I like him, he's very sweet but a little dumb. His music helps my plants grow. I love listening to his music,,
Vampire: ''He stinks of red wine but at least he is decent. Wayyyy too clingy but has good intentions. I saw him on the floor passed out once.,,
Sparkling: "He's a pussy, he faints at the smallest drop of jam. He works himself half to death. At least he makes good drinks. ,,
Sparkling (Champagne) Cookie
Sparks is 24 years old
He is Hispanic
Originally from the Hollyberry Kingdom
The only one whose father didn't leave for milk
Gay, Cis and Polyamory
His mother is Strawberry Fizz Cookie
His father's name is Yellow Wine Cookie
A major disappointment to his parents
He was going to be a professorial healer but dropped out
He faints at the sight of jam.
He owns a bar (duh) and he is the only one working it.
He has a pet yellow parakeet named Cocktail
His hair fizzes a lot. He got used to it and tuned it out.
Has a mole on his the right part of his face
Mint choco: ''He's a sweetheart, a kind cookie who never puts himself first.,,
Vampire: 'He needs to go home to his sister. He is OK?? Just done having to drag him home every night...,,
Herb: ''He is an asshole. Not everyone is fine with jam on their floor! At least he makes good blunts.,,
Mint choco cookie
He is 23 years old (The youngest)
He is Blasiain (Black and Asian)
He was originally from the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
Mint is a resulted of an entanglement with Chocolate Bon Bon and Dark Cacao.
Meaning in a technical sense Mint choco is royalty
Bon Bom left the kingdom shortly after he was born.
He doesn't know that Dark Cacao is his father.
Chocolate Bon Bon would promote toxic masculinity.
Took a while to break away from that way of thinking. And when he finally did he started to let his hair grow.
Pan, Polygender, and Polyamory
Workaholic (Not as bad as Sparkling tho)
Wayyyyy too nice to others
Keen on giving people chances, especially when they do not deserve them
Loves tall vodka
Semi-famous violinist who works off of gigs.
Has a bit of freckles because why not
Vampire: ''He may be drunk all the time but he is still a good guy.,,
Herb: ''Oddish but I still love him no less. His garden is beautiful, with such wonderful plants!,,
Sparkling: ''He worries me, I doubt that he gets enough sleep. Go to bed!,,
Vampire (Wine) Cookie
Vamp is over 2,000 years old but is mentally and physically 25
He is white
They used to live near the Hollyberry kingdom
Vampire's father is Mulled Juice Cookie.
His mother was a cookie and has long passed away.
Mulled Juice abandoned him and Alchemist
His abandoned started his drinking habits
Bisexual, Demiboy (they/him), and Polyamory.
Way to lazy
He is just an acholic
Since he isn't a full Vampire he doesn't need jam to survive but without it, he is sluggish and low on energy.
Uses wine as a replacement for jam
Doesn't have a job but still lives in a lavish mansion
Literally uses red wine to survive
They have been trying to grow facial hair (hasn't been working)
He can see in the dark and hear extremely well but not as good a regular Vampire
Mint choco: ''I enjoy listening to his music when I'm getting over a hangover. ,,
Herb: ''He is a good pillow... ,,
Sparkling: ''His great... I love all the wine,,
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The sillies
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bil-daddy · 1 year ago
Have a Reese's mini
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I bought a big bag and wanted to share 😎
Thanks for sharing, kid (goose that looks like a parakeet)
Have a chocolate bar (platonic)
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anonsally · 6 months ago
Day 5 in Chile: Cerro San Cristobal and errands
Not every day on vacation can be great.
Neither of us slept well, and breakfast was partly good (homemade yogurt and plum jam!) but partly very disappointing for Wife (the water for her tea wasn't hot enough to really steep the tea as strong as she wanted, and she doesn't function well without tea in the morning). We compensated by going to get her an ice cream as soon as we left the ho(s)tel.
Unfortunately, that meant that by the time we made it to the funicular, the clear sky was starting to get a bit cloudy. I worried about whether we would be able to see the Andes well. Then we struggled to figure out how to buy the right tickets and had to wait in a long line.
Still, it wasn't a total loss at all: we eventually got to ride a really long funicular to (nearly) the top of the hill. (I love funiculars, as you may have noticed!) Once up, we admired spectacular views in every direction, including the city and most of the surrounding mountains, though some of the Andes were clouded in. We went up to the shrine at the top to look at the views, and I also identified some eared doves (quite similar to our mourning doves). [oh! From the ho(s)tel room, I had managed to get a good look at and identify the monk parakeets I'd been hearing and glimpsing occasionally since our arrival in Chile.]
When we'd had enough, we took the teleférico (cable car/gondola) down a different side of the hill, and enjoyed more great views. At the bottom, we weren't sure how to get anywhere, but luckily a taxi happened to pull up right then so we hailed it.
That was where our luck ran out. We wanted to go to a fancier shopping area to find Wife a good backpack, and the taxi did take us there, but it turned out he only accepted cash. We had just enough cash to pay him... only then he wouldn't take the 10,000 CLP bill because it was slightly torn! So in the end we gave him $10 (USD) for that part of the fare. We couldn't get any of the bank machines in the mall to work so we still don't have any Chilean cash.
Lunch at the mall took ages and was a bit of a fiasco but did eventually revive us, and we managed to buy the backpack wife needed. But by then we'd basically spent all afternoon at a suburban mall, which is not how I would have preferred to spend my vacation. Anyway, we did manage (albeit very incompetently) to get a fare card for the metro (they did accept the torn bill -- phew!); we then took the metro back to our neighborhood.
We were demoralised about how much of the day had been lost, but we went to GAM (the Centro Gabriela Mistral) and found a free art exhibition of abstract paintings by Eduardo Martínez Bonati. That was nice and cheered us up. We came back to the ho(s)tel and rested a little, then had a pisco sour in the ho(s)tel bar before walking to a different neighborhood for dinner.
Tomorrow we have to be up early for a wine tour. I'll be glad to get out of the city for the day.
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extinctionstories · 2 years ago
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There are many different factors that go into the destruction of a species. One of the most frustrating is the business of collection: the killing and taking of animals from the wild.
Before the advent of photography and film, the collection of specimens was an indispensable tool in the natural history arsenal, enabling in-depth study of elusive species. Preservation through taxidermy further enabled animals to be put on display in museums and educational exhibitions—or a place of pride in the homes of zoological hobbyists.
As in other forms of collecting, from baseball cards to Beanie Babies, the most sought-after treasures were those that had the greatest scarcity. When species like the Great Auk grew rarer in the wild, higher and higher prices were offered for skins or eggshells by frenzied collectors, as well as those wishing to “preserve the species for posterity”—an ironic, self-fulfilling prophecy that ultimately contributed to their disappearance.
Of course, not all collection could claim such plausible deniability. At the turn of the 20th century, the fashion industry’s demand for feathers, and even entire taxidermied birds, acted as a devastating pressure on countless species of American bird, the Carolina Parakeet included. Many of these birds were killed for no more noble a purpose than to decorate a hat.
In July, 1918, stirred by the recent lost of species such as the passenger pigeon, the United States and Canada put into law the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, barring the pursuit, capture, killing, collection, or sale of the majority of native birds—living or dead, in part or in whole, including eggs, nests, and feathers. Other countries would soon follow. The MBTA remains one of the most significant pieces of legislation in the history of conservation, helping to bring species like the snowy egret back from the brink, but it came too late for the Carolina Parakeet. Incas, the last parakeet, had died in captivity five months before.
Scientific collection continues to play an important role in the study of animals—thankfully with much greater consideration given to the preservation of living species.
This painting is the second in my Carolina Parakeet series. It is gouache on paper, and measures 18x24 inches. The title is ‘We Trim Our Caps with Stolen Feathers’.
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